Backup Documents 03/09/2010 Item #16E 2
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5. Ian Mitchell, BCC Office Board of County Commissioners J0-- '/'2.',( to
6. Minutes and Records Clerk of Court's Office
(Th~ primary contact is the holder of the original document pending Bee approval. Normally the primary contact is the person who created/prepared the executive
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;: Forms/ County Forms/ Bee Forms! Original Documents Routing Slip WWS OrigInal 9.03.04, Revised 1.2605, Rcvist:d 2.2405, Revised 9,18,09
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The document was approved by the BCC on___(enter date) and all changes
made during the meeting have been incorporated in the attached document. The
Count Attorne 's Office has reviewed the chan cs, if a licable.
March 24, 20 I 0
Michael Dowling, Property Mgmt. Specialist
Facilities Management
Ann Jennejohn, Deputy Clerk
Minutes & Records Department
First Amendment to a Lease Agreement with
Hometown Landmark Estates, LLC, for continued
use of vacant county land for vehicle parking
Attached, for your records, please find a copy of the document referenced
above (Agenda Item #16E2), approved by the Board of County
Commissioners on Tuesday, March 9, 2010.
If you should have any questions, please contact me at 252-8406.
Thank you.
Attachment (I)
16E 2
16E 2
Lease # 72 9
THIS FIRST AMENDMENT TO LEASE AGREEMENT ("Amendment") entered into this q--rd:-
day of MAtUI~ I 01.0,0) (effective as of August 14, 2009), by and between Hometown Landmark,
L.L.c., a Delaware limited liability company, whose mailing address is c/o Hometown America, 150
North Wacker Drive, Suite 2800, Chicago, Illinois 60606-1610, hereinafter referred to as "LESSEE",
and Collier County, a political subdivision of the State of Florida, whose mailing address is 3301 East
Tamiami Trail, Naples, Florida 34112, hereinafter referred to as "LESSOR."
WHEREAS, Lessor and Lessee's predecessor in interest, Alagold Corporation, entered into a
Lease Agreement dated August 2, 1989, a copy of which is attached; and
WHEREAS, Lessee assumed all rights, interests and obligations of this Lease Agreement by an
Assignment of Lease dated January 11,2000, a copy of which is also attached; and
WHEREAS, the term of the Lease Agreement expired August 14, 2009; and
WHEREAS, the parties wish to extend the term of the Lease Agreement on the terms and
conditions set forth below.
NOW. THEREFORE, in consideration of Ten Dollars ($10.00) and other good and valuable
consideration exchanged amongst the parties, and in consideration of the covenants contained herein, the
Lease Agreement is hereby amended as follows:
I. Lease Extension Term. Article 2 of the Lease Agreement is hereby amended to provide
that the Lease will expire August 14,2019. There is no option to renew the Lease Agreement by either
~ Option to Terminate. Either party shall have the right to terminate the Lease at any time,
with or without cause, by providing the other party with at least ninety days' prior written notice of
such termination at the address set forth above. This notice period shall commence upon placement of
the written notice in an official depository of the United States Post Office, Registered or Certificd
Mail, postage prcpaid, or by personal delivery or ovcrnight delivery servicc.
3. Rent. The annual rent for the period of August 15,2009 to August 14,2010 shall be Two
Thousand Five Dollars ($2,500.00), which shall be paid in full within ten days from acceptance of this
Amendment by Lcssor and delivery of a fully executed counterpart to Lessee. Thc rent for each year
following the first year of the renewal term shall be increased by fivc percent (5%), compounded
annually, and shall be due on or before August 15 of each subsequent year throughout the extended
term of the Leasc and to any further extensions thercto. Lessee shall be entitled to a pro-rata refund of
this prepaid annual rent should either party excrcise its option to terminate, such amount shall bc due
and payable within 30 days after such tcrmination.
Page t of2
16E 2
4. Except as expressly provided herein, the Lease Agreement remains in full force and
effect according to the terms and conditions contained therein. If there is a cont1ict between the terms
of this Amendment and the Lease Agreement dated August 2, 1989, the terms of this Amendment shall
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the LESSEE and LESSOR have hereto executed this First
Amendment to Lease Agreemcnt the day and year first above written.
DATED: ~4 /0'1
Cr4al\j1(l!l. ~(1 J-r
Witness (signatJre) {
LA () y celo. G ode, l(
(print name)
~;;\ ~.\
DATED: milrc4 1; .,,).-c.J/ '-'
ATTEST: .J.' Cic\>
.:/"...., . "', C'.
",). .... \....'." ,,>'-
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and legal sufficiency.:
_ ~ -tnJ kJ 0;
Jennife . White, Assistant County Attomey
Item# l<.oE'a-
Agenda 84 -/D
Date 3- 'd:?-< D
Rec'd :/ I
Deputy Clerk
Page 2 ofl
* ,2_ 'i
1--:)..o-i;SE ;'.GEfd~!'!EN'I
'\ \
~~C~_LEl'SE AG:::\EE:1ENT Jl',2CC: ~t_ !':<:::plcs, F'lorid2 this----:-..i\C1 day
of,l t 1989, by and bet.'w'cen the EO_:c..RD OF COm{TY CmI:v!ISSrO,')Ei\S OF
~~t~f~~\ ~~;~~~~~ ~~C~~:~~I T~~,~~~~Cl;~~~l r~~~~~e~a~~e~~ ;t~~~~~"]]~'~~S~nc
Alagold Co.cporatioi., P.n AJi:lDaEca Co:r-por.:::,.ti.on, d/:O/a L."'.i';D!IARK .:2':STA'l'ES,
hereinafter referred to as "LESSEE", ~hosc muiling address is 137CO
Tamiami Trail North, Naples, Florida 33963.
~'r:_ti----.t~_S F----.':f-L
ART:CLE 1. De.:l'.i~q_(L Prem i S(,~;
In co~sideratjon of the payment of rents and pc~fcr~ance of tte
covenants herein2fter set fort~, LESSOR ~12reby leases ~o LESSE~ and
LESSEE r:crcby rec,ts f':::-O;:l LF:SS()F~, a ~)2rcc:2. (of lar:d ly~,>; Deer the
i~~c~sectiQn of U.S. 41 and C.R. 887, Collie~ County, Pl~r~da{
hc~ei~afte~ called the r'De~ised P~e~ises", and which is more
particular:y described and depicted as Pa~c21 ~ on t~e attached Ex~ib~t
"A", which is made 2 part o~ this Lease; fer tti? sole purpose of
~~~~~~*~~ ~/;~,:~~~~;r;~ r~~1~;~~"/:)C2 ~~ ~~~ i ~~~~~~a;~~n~;,. V:h~~~~~~d ~~~t t~~
exceed eightee~ (la) illo~ths fro~ t~e effec~lve lease date, t~e LESSEE
is permit-:::ed to store and use an enclosed utili'ty t:;:'ailer hO~isinCJ
buildin'J l!'iaterials ar.c:i supplies fo~ CCllst:r-uctiGr: l,..;i::hin Lar.dTn2r:<.
Estates. ,"I s:ndll qc.:ar'.tj_ty of bric:'~1 t:-l_c<:( 2nd build_~ng su~)p:iies fer
llse solely '....ithin L_i.r;s,n'lrk ~S~2.t(~~; r:,ay J:;e sto:-cd a:3.-',ac:cnt tc the
construction trailer.
ARTICLE 2. :I:~I'm_':.J..L_I~eas8
'1'0 t:.ave Clnd -;::0 hold for d tor:i~ of ton (10) years, co"..::;encir:s on
August 15, 198Y and. ending August 14, 1999.
LESSE:::: is gran".::ed t~he opt.ior., providec: it is Lot in. ciefa'cllt of any
of the terns c~ this Lease, to renew sa~e ~or Gne (1) additional ter~
of tOG (:0) years, \jl;der the torIS and conditions as prov~dod hereiL,
by giving ',.,'ritte" n;)ticc of I.,=~SS2E'S i.nte:-,-tic;;, :-_0 rer:OH ~y Cc:ctified or
Rcgistc:ced Mai] to LE;SC~ not le~s than sixty (GO) days prier to the
cxpir-atioTI of the lCi:l.s'?ho1d estate he:~cby createc.. LESSCF G"d :CESS2E
reserve t:lC :r-iqht to te;:-,ninat" this, or w'ithou"t_ CdUSi2, linen
sixty (GO) d2Y~ p~iGr writter: no~ice to tte oth2r party, 2t the 2dd~ess
set fort~ in this i,~dse. SaiA ~otjce pe~iod sl1al:i
pldccnel';.t~ (;,~ n()t~icc .L the U.:: 1'-f" CC("7:~_fie(; c;:-
Postage prepilici.
LESSEE t:c:--e~:! cC'".eni'.r:,~~.i ,,::ld 2..C)l"CCS ::'Ci <:''.5 2:'cc,.-t for'
Premises t~e followi~g:
(a) 1. 5UI~\ of f :_\/0 Thous ,d DolL,rs a;~d OC/1CO Cents
payable upan execution of thi5 Lease.
If LESSEE elects to ;:-enew this Lense as Drovided fer
thc~ LESSEE hereby ~ovenan~s 2nd acrees to pay as rent for
'-:.:-:'2 De:~isec.
!)['cr:1ise~:; t:1'2 fol lC:h' Lr;;-:
(b) J:... :o;un o~ ;"-,-\lCe 'Tllous;-,r:d Dolli,;:'S i.-',.'A OO/1C'C Ce,ts ($:::,000.00)
payable c.:pO:l ;::ene'd2_l ,-" this l,ca ,~..
"\oy p-~::~:-_ clue ri'.n~a_~ i::ls-;:,,: -,i"e;cts -~C:.usccl bv t::1C ':-:'(~"':_:C-G2.cLiv~ty cf
this LeHse s~all be due a~d p~yab1c ~pG~ the cxecuLio~ 0_ s~id Leasc.
LESSOR agrees to reimburse ~ESSEE to~ a prorated portio~ of the
rC:1T if thi::::; Lease, (..Jr i.ts rE',ne','I~,l thereof, is -ceriT,inate:d by operation
of Article 2 or Art~c]e 17, ~id rent proration will be made o~ -the
l:J(l~';is ot a 36') ea'! ve:r and 2,', the rate of ~?:,3'/ p,C'~ QL'Y.
in P.rticle 2,
:.:~hc 0crr.isc,i
AHTICLE ". LQss_c'_f2' ,-; __.Iil f:avr\l~jt
In the event. Lf-:S::;FE fi.'lil~" U) p~~y -;-;1"', re;lta::'s, ;.'ces. cr charges uS
rec:jircc! to b.? r~;id \dld<o.;r the [J.L"cNisi.o:1s of this Lf2~-,~;,,~, an or before
tt:e due dat(~, such ;'uilure to pay shull co~stjt~L-;:'C a dcfault and I,ESSO?
:clay at lts option, t",r;-r,ina.te thi,; LCd~:;e ar-Ler tl:'ll (10) da}Cs ,rcittl'n
~.p "J'-'
'--': 'i-
16 E 2
notice to LESSEE, cnless the default he cured within the ten (10) day
notice period. I~ any event, interest at the annual ra~e of ten (10%)
provislons ccnt~ined herein_
A.RTIC::"'.c: 5_ tLQ:Li,.f)cat_io.r:,~_of Lio',:1i1.S....f;.c;, ?rsni:?es
Prior to Eaking 2ny changes, alterations, aaql~lCnS, O~
il,1p::::.ov(,I;1f,n;~S to the Oemised P2:'Cr:d,S2S, LESS22 will provide to LESSOE all
proposals and plans for alterations, irnprovesents, c~anges. or
additions to the DCDised Premises for LSSSCR'S written approval,
specifying the nature and extent o~ the. desired alteration,
irnprove~ent: cl1a~se, or additio:" al~~S! ~'ith '7o:ltel7lp~.ated star-t~~g and
~~~~l ~~~~~y ;:~~'~) t~~y:':~,7t~~~l ~~Ieh ~'~l:':;~r~~:~~ov':~: ~~o~ ~ ~~~~,~~~:~:~ l~~~~)'~~id
:::equcst for eh~'-[lc;es, j_-"l~"Ccve:~er:.ts, '" ~"'" --'-L_ ..w ~ _....._-'-~__.::>. If tl-:ere
is no res~onse. suc~ request shall be deemed to be de~icd. ~L upo~
~~~~~~~~gc~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~c~~~~S~l~:;;~i~~s~i~~e~d~~~~::;s to said
Demised Premises or f~ils to eccplete i~s wor~ once beg~n with~n the
eo~pletian time as ~p~)raved by I.ESSOR ttlC L2SS0~ may at its sleetior:.,
cODDlete said cr,'[J::'~ov''''1T.ei':::~~J 2.tCl~~'~~C;-.s, 0::-;,s. 1.= any
costs <'ire
lY I~ESSOi-<. 25 the :::;.".5ul t of L::':~~SE;~' S fi--,iL.:re to
begin, s~a~t, or co:n:let2 the pra~eet a~d by LESSOR'S
cODple:.:ion of ':..he p;:'oiJosed oct, t_he" upo::. cC::1and a:---.0 ~'i.::.t.hin th.:;.:::ty
(30) d~vs o~ LtiC de:~d:1df LESS._ sha]l pay to ~ESSO!~ the ailiount. of cost
ir'Cll-::-ed bv LE.c;SC?. ;\:;v SilC:1 ca:::t ~~lc:c.L";:'ec. by ~:::::SSO? she.2.l co,
additio!lal rent W~iC;l sh2.1l be paid within ten (iO) days of receipt of
nO'LlCC of said costs incurr-e.d by LESSOF:. 1"0 electien to r;crfcr-:n by
LESSOR shall consti~ute waive, o~ any Covena::.~ or o~lisat~on of LESSE:::::
or any future defau),t.
LE,;SEF covenant,; anc: aq-cces ir~ cOJ:r'.<=:,ctio::1 '.\'ith cr.y 12e:i:-:tenar:ce,
repair work, e-cection, constr~ct~on, l~proV2ment, addition, u~
c2.tcration of ;--;.ny c.llt.,":orizc::l DOdLficatio;-;s, addi-::'io:-:s, 0:::: irrc;:::rov€!T.e"ts
to the Den.::.sed Prenlses to ob~erve and cooply with all present and
fllture laws, ordinallc2s, rules, cegulat]c~s, and requ.::.rcments of the
United Sta-:~.cs uf A:neric:'O, S"tate of Flor.idi:l, County or Co2.Jie.r.", aile. any
and all governme~tal agencies, 0~reuus, boards Dr officials.
All alter-ation:~, ixproveDe~ts, and additions to De~ised
Premises s~dll be made i" accordance ~it~ all npplicablc la~s 2.nd shall
nt once, \v'[lCil rr,e:de ur i!1st.allcd, be dee".c-::i c.:::; att.2.chcc t.o t;-12 freehoLd
and to have becoD2 IJrOpecty of LESSOR and shall renain to~ the benefit
of LESSOR at ~],e end of t;-.e term:,; or other expiratio;: or tcr::,.ination of
this Lease in as goc.'c order ar.::: conditio,. i-~S -::':0-1<::-'1' \-iere '..,'['.e:1 installed,
reasonable wear and tea~ excepted; provlcec, however, if prior to the
te~minntion of this Lease, or within ten (10) days thereatter LESSOR S~
directs, LESSE~ shall promptly rc~ove t~e additions, improve~ents,
alterations, ~.::.xturcs, a"d insta:~atio~s which were placed l~, on, or
upon the DC0L;eG Pr-cn~~::;c::::; b:l LGS~;:S2 an:::; 1:it:icl; c.rc c.esi9~c;-:::ed ir. said
notice, and ri~oair occasioned to the Demised Pretises by
such rCli',o'./al <::.:--:c. iT"; fault thereo::, SI:SSO~< :1".i'\y affect sa :c:'erilC','21s
a"d rep~irs at L~SSEE:S expense.
In ~he event at making 5~ch ~lterat1Gn5, improveffients, ana
additior:s as herein provided, LESSES furcher agrees to Inde~nify and
save harmless t~e L~:SSJR f::::orn ~l] cZ9c~ses, l.::.ens, cl~~cs, or da~ages
to either per!iOnS or proper~y arising out of, or resulting from, the
undertaking cr ~aking of said alterations additions, and i~prGvernents
LESSOR agrees not to withhold its consenr unrc2.sonably ~cr alter2.tions
improvements, anc ad(}itiD~s.
tlpon ca~i~Cn~eGe~~ of tt2 tCI'~\ of t~lS ~case, I,~SSEE s: ~ll oroceed
,<' dLL' dl. tJ-,. cr" ,. d' 'q., Ct to ope:: ~:()r busi:,c!;,,; G" the rjer.-:.:..sed
P~;;is;2 ~~~'~~a~l&~~c;~~~t~~ ~oriti~uoUSlY ~ctivcly an~ diligently
opcr2t() tjle busi:~es5 ~~ describe~ on tile ~hole of the Demised Pre~iscs
in ~ high gr2de and rl~~utable na~:ler, l]n~eS~ prevented fren doing so GY
fin.', strik(~s C]- oth,-=,.c co"tin'T~ncie::.; beye:;:; :r:.t:SSEI':':-'; centro:
-[2,ge / c
LESSEE covenan~s and agrees nut to use, occupy, suffer O~ perreit
said Demised P~cmis2s O~ any pa=t the~cof to be used O~ occuniec for
any purposE co~trary to la~ or the rules 0, regulations of a~y public
ARTICLE 6. ;'I_cc(C':;~'oto Dpr:lised Prc::1ise,fS
LESSO?, its duly "allthorizec age:lts~ 'represe:ltativcs 2.n~ emp2-oyees,
~~~~lt~~~~o~~~tr~{7~r~~s~~~~~ci~~~r~n;o~P~~et~~r~~~~S~~ ~~~~~~~~go~~~ny
saTIe or nakirg such repairs tl1crein, and for the purposes of inspection
for conpliance with the provisions of this Lease.
ARTICLE 7. /ii2Si'_ln~ejX 2,[10 S~blet,
LESSEE covenants a~d agrees not to assign this Lease or to sublet
the 1dhclc or any pet':: ot the De:r.'-Scd Pre':r.ises, or to peroit any other-
persons to occupy s,].:-:-,e ", the '<lr-itten consc,-.t of LESSOR. However,
the LESSEE is pe:::mitted to c;-la:::-;e"ts 0:: LG.rdh~e;:::k :::':states a fes
fo:::- the stcr-age of 'lchiclcs within the Demised Premiscs. A~y s~ch
assignme~t or subletting shall not relieve LESSEE from liability for
~~~;e~;do~0r~~~n~rc~~~~~ ~~~~S~C~~;~i~~~~~d~~do~o~~~~~~~eo~b;;'I:tt~~s~~
~h:c:~~~p~(~:n~~".o ;:' r~.~: ~~~8i.~:i~;n~ t~'~:::- t~~:;~;~~a:~:O~; ~~~ b~e 2 d~~~~~n~O t~'C
the assignrren~ af tj~s I.ease or subletting of the Demised Premises.
An assignnent for the ter.efit of creditors 0:::' by ope~.atioil of law
shall not be effect~vc to transfer any rights to ass~snee without the
'tlritten ccr~sent of l:he LESSQR :::irst having been obtained.
In the even~ the LESSEE is a cor~or~tion, any sals, transfer, gift
or other method of ~isposal of over ten percent (10%) of its stock ~o
the sane recipient, either in a single transaction or in cumulative
transactions, shall be deemed an assisnrncnt of the Lease. In the event
the LESSEE is a p~rtnershipl any transfer of any partner's ~nterest
shell.1 be dccl..ccd an of this Le,j.:C;c.
ARTICLE 3. 1.nc8nnific<;:..atio:}
LESSEE in ccn:~id9ration of Ten O:)ll2.:;:'-s ($10. CO) f the rece~pt and
'cSUovf:ni~~:~Cj,:." Cu'1.f ,,-.'gW~~,~__ Ce:~ ;,'~hs.~:c~';t)\t.;~~_, t.a~~;~..~..ha" the signir.<] of this Lease,'
~. ~.,-~ ~" - ~~ ~ .. ~- -~ ._~~ ~~~jj pr:)tect and save and keea the
LESSOR ilr;d its agents ",,,J E'np::"'oYtc8S foreve::-- han,,12Ss and inden,,,
~;j~~~~ :~~o;~~~s~n~c~;~i~~~~t~~i~~ ~~;~~~~i~~~~s~~n~;~Y;n~a~~;~~ticn 0-:
a:1Y 1 a',.,' or oI:'dinan:>', 'di~et!-'.e:;::, occ:~-.siO:Jr~d by t~e r.e<Jlcct of LESS:";:E or
those holding ~nder LESSEE, 2I1d ~hat LESSEE will at all ti~es defend,
protect, fy, 2;,d s.;~ve Cj:;j ksc:? h2r:n.!.e:::;s tr>2 r.,:;;::SSOR ag~,inst ar,c:i.
from all claims, su ts and actions, 105s, injury, costs, attorneys'
fees, d2,lnf:ge, or ex:)cr:se arisir.Cj out or or ::ro::< any act or fui:Cure to
act, or accide~t or oLhcr occ~r~ence on or about the Demised Pre~ises
causi:lg i"jury to 2r:y persc':l (J:::' pC:C50112.:i prcpe::l:"C:Y .(.'h()::,.::;c~vc:::- aed
whatsoever, d~ring t.he term of this _~~s or its renuwa: thereof.
LESSEE her',,-'by ack::;::;",,,lcdges t.hat the n__inimu;,l Rent Called for in i".rticle
3(0.) of this La:::; been .::::sducec. by 'I'e:-J Doll2.:r:~; ($10.00) 2.nd is
herr2by con~;icit.:;::-ed by LESSEE c.:; paym'2nt of this obligc1tic;; by LESSOr-<.
A!\.TICL2 9.
lnsu [','1 'lee
The; LESSEE shaJl ta~:e out ~'.;-.d;tain du.rins tI:e co'"rsl2 of this
~'~~ s;r~~;~~~':~!l;~~~;~;: I :~rJ~ ~ a ;n.,;;i:~; j;; t ;c~o~:~~~~~ h:~:c ~ ~e~n~u ;~~~~~~y T;~~~~;d
Dollars and OO~100 Ce:Jts ($50G,OOO.?O) ~o~bined sins~e ~imi~s, or s~ctl
othe:::- a::-:our:t oJ. lr:SLrcince or cO;~1prenc''',"lvC ge"eral. llablllty cove:::'-'-se
for CDllier Cot.:n-t:y ~o be previced by LESSEE 2.S approved 2nd :r:equi:::-cd by
LESSOR'S Risk E2..:lagr,:r.cnt. Ocp0.:Ltr;u~nt inthc; e\/e'lt tr,at t.he ;lerein st2ted
~~~~~~~c~~~~~~i~~,~~b~\)~'~~a;)~l ~~yn~~2 ~~;~~~~~~~~l~o~~~;~;~~;~. 1 i~g~' lit '} I
prernlses ani operati(;,~, broad form 2.113 i~dependent contractors
C8VC'1~2..lJC' .
In 2ny l'.'./'?::\:, tile a:;Uc;':-lC. of p::..o;__cCt__LOT' affo::c,,,-,d County
.LESSEE should COIlL.ln~l ~.lly reflect" c3t21I:Ga:j of CCYv'eTcgc d:~
~~: ~; ~:~ i ~~; S~G~;~ ~ ': cJ~;~'~~:~~ ~~:;:~ I~~~~ t a ~~u ;;' ;~n~ci~?~ i ~~~TS~' n ~ ~ r~~~ j s
';<c~ ic:
- ~-'c.Cj(' ., c: S'-
16E 2
All insurance policies required above issued. and wri~ten
with a CO~Danv or comoanies authorized ta engage 1n the bU5lneS5 of
~~~~~t!~~~~:~~e:~ ig~~r~~~:~fc~~~:~~~~~e~::"~~~r~~: :t~~ar~~~~~~~; ::
cOQpanies c~nsidered acceptable by the ~ESSOR'S Risk Manageme~t
The LZS::;':::E she,ll deliver tc t:--.C' r..t:SSOJ:<. custor;-;2ry insu:,:2..ncc
certificates ( or .:LnSllCQnce) Drier to the occupancy of the
Demised Premises, which certificates sll0.11 clearly indicate and
evidc:Jc;e such pi:dd u.p insur..c~ncc that. t:,e L:::SSEE has obtair!l:::d insurance
witl) dn authori?ecl a:l;l c:occeptaole COi'T:pz..:lY or cor-.panies, a:~ dc.::incd
above, in a typo, C:,;lount, 2nd classj.ficatio:1 c;.s rc:::;:uired for strict
~~~~l ~~~~e ~_;~. ;Lt~:' i~~~; ~(l ~~~ S~~rt'~;~~ ~-~a f;::~c ~_~~~~ i ~~~;r~e~~;n~r,~ a t~~s~~: ~ 1
Risk Eanac;cr..cnt Departr:lcn'L., d.L"C received by t:-,e LESSOR.
illsur~~~eL~~~~~u~g~~~:t~o(;~~ed~~Sc~~:~~Sw~~t~:~c~~~~~~o~~ ~;et~~sSOR.
I,ESSEE sha1_1 also e~:;ur2 t~at the insurance cov~rage provided in
ClCCo!:"cance wi_tel 'L.!-'.c ;,<-''-':38 s;jai.J require t:.;;i:,t tLe compi:-:.:--,y or cc,,,,pa:-:ies
writi~g Sll(;h insu:a:-:ce policy shall provide to LESSOR written notice o~
cancellation thirty (J(ll d~ys prior to the proposed cancella~ion. ~.le
~~~~~~~e~:~~~V~; ~~~:"~;~~;;t o~:n~~7~~Tl~~1~~.~~~~~ ~~e ~~~~~~',m~;ere,c:~on
recelpt ot SUCh not_Lee LES~)r.E s:li~ll have U-n"-~ty (~O) Gays lT1. wr':1ch to
obtain such additic:l~l insura~ce.
If LESSEE falJ~ u~der ttle State of ?lorida Workers' CG~pensation
La':!, co\rer2'J'jC s!,,'~11 br-, provided far all E"',lployees. The coverage s::a11
be for statutory liini~:s in ca~pliaGce with t~e applicable state and
federal 1 ac~.'s. The puliey incJ.ude E;-:-'IJloyerJ s Liabil i ty ',.-lit;"". 2-
Jimit of $100,000 e,~(h accidcn~.
AHTlCLE 10, S'~__l:i:EiL~::-;:jC)U;2- :.L:-lt..!2~i.2l~-.i2D_J=~'.e De:J,;ised Pre:;"ise..:?
Ex'-:::ept. for Ule fuel and t:l:..:ids normally carried within the
intern2-! tanks 0:;' r~ceptac1cs c-f ~:he DGats d:1d rec;;:-eat.iOT'.a;. vehicles
stored -J.P01, the De;;J~sed Prci~lises; L~~SSF..~=, its c:r:Dloyees, age::-:ts,
independent contrac1~ors, guescs, invitees, licensees, or patrons s~al]
not kcep 01:" brjnq '.1pC i1 t:--:e Der;,ised ?:-(':Eis0s 2.ny explosives, g3soli:le,
ke~osen0, oil, acid~ol caustics, 0:- any ot~er inflam8able, explosive, or
hazardous natc=i~l ()r Subst2~ce_
AETICLE ~ 1. .t!~nni:E'l>l;-:~e
LESSEE s~aJ_l, ~t its sole cost and expense, keep the Demised
P~emises clc~~ at a],l times. If said Demised Premises are not kept
clean in thE; OLLll ' (,J LESSO;::, :::"'ESS':::E' S '-;a.m:ser \>!i 11 be so advised in
writing. Jt c~r~~~~::>~: action i~,; no::' t2.kcn \,,'ithin ten (Ie) c:ays of the
receipt of suc~ rlot.C(~, LESSO~ wi Ll cause the S2~e to be cleaned and/or
correctec a,,:1 T,E~;Si:T ,_;hc~::'l ~:c:>,;Lrw '11 13V 2 J :lE"t.:'C;:'"3.ry L- '0"lnr. -osts
2.i,d SL:C~1 co:::;tc; s;-:al COT :',;ti-:;u(_c (,d~~i~i~~,;,1- ;~:J~ ~~hi~;l sh~'i~ b2 '~2icl-bY
L2SSEE wit~iirl ten (JO) days of receipt of
inC8rrect by LESSOR.
~~le LESSEE sha;l rCPQir all
by LSSS:;::E, it::; c__i~;plcYL'e.";, 2gCLL:-~
invltccs licensees, or flQtrons.
writ~en notice a!"
(:a:::(:0'2 ~_o e:he De",isC'_d PrC;;lses c2used
indcper dent contractors, guests,
The LESSEE shaJl at its cost re~ove ~rcm the Demised Pre~ises In
co:rr,plL:n:ce ',-:i th i111 atlpl icable n_:le:~, lCl'..:s and regulatia;;."~ I all soli:::,
;,~~~;~~~v~~;r.,~,;~ :i;.~:]i j~~ i~~~' ~~~~~~~ a ~~2 ~~d a ~~ j ~-T~S ~~o~:-'~hZt~ ~~~~u ~Io~:Y 0 ~a t'~re
LF.SSE2' S bu~-;inc:~~.": .':,uch t:Lash, wa.";~-.c dIlCl refuse ~,hall bc: .";'::0:;:-120. i1'.
closed cont~ir;ers a~proved by the L~SSCR_
'The LESSF:E ".!la] 1 c1i"cha:-g-e Cl_!_l 'ocni
an~v. All indus~rial waste~
hO'dcve r..
was~es iilto a sanitary
11 21so ~e di:icharged
cr the following steps
(2) Prctrcatmc~t to insure '~2c0r~tio~ and re~oval of a:l solids
~rld insolujlc oily ty~c rnuterials to limits rcq~ired ny
-"-'200' ~, uf 0-
County ord~nances, O~ applicable rules, regulations, and
stC1tutes. Pretreat7Llcr,t. to inSl;.re separation and rell.oval 0::
solids and insoluble hydroca~bcn or oily materials,
11cutralization and trQat~ent as required by Collier Cou~ty,
in a manner satisfactocy to Collier County and in compliance
~ith present or future requirements of applicab:e ordinances
of these agencies hav~ng jurisdi=tion over, or responsibility
~~~e~~~~~~r~a~~~~~ ;~~:~~~~te~~.:r~~~~~~~~t~~gP~~~~~~~~ of
(1:::) Wat:er which is utilized solely for the purpose of cooling,
indus~rial or air-conditioned equip~ent, etc., a~~ which
conta':;lS nc waste Lj'-pro.:J.uc'::s ~,nd meets thernal Qlscharge
require::1cnts shall be disposed oE th;,:"oug:, the stor:Li
system ard ~ot discharged into sanitary sewers"
No excavation of any of "':he la."d of the Demised Pre;r.,:s8S sh2..1l b8
made. No sailor earth shall be removed fron the De~ised Premises a~d
no well of a~y nature shall be dug, co~strJcted or drilled en the
Denisec. Premises v.'itho'...:t obtaining all necessary permits, 2.pp:::ovals and
written au~hority f;,:"o~ LESSOR.
The LESSEE shall operate and maintain at its sole cost a~d expense
all the cornpGr1cnts of water, int~strial. and sanitary sewage including
sanitary alld industrial sewage cutfall lines and sto:::rn water d:::~lnage
facilities wit~in the boundaries of the Demised Prem~ses.
f)ef:C}ul_t~~, bv Lcs~:;c~>~
f'ailure of LESSEE to conply with anv provj.sion or covenant o~ this
Lease shall constitute a default, and exce~t as provided fer in ^rticlc
4, LESSOR n~ay, at ics option. t.E:;:-:nir.ate this Lease a::ter thirty (30)
days w,:::ittE-:n notice to I,E:SSZF:, u:--:less tr,e detu'-.<lt b,,:: cL:red 'di.thin t:1e
not.ic'2 pc::i.,?d. Hm;ev~-=-, 'the occur~-=:1ce ~f a~.y ~:' th'2 .follm,'ing eve:.lts
Shilll constlt'lte a dc:t:ault by LE.c.iS"::.t., anc. thlS Lease Sl1al}
automatically terni~ate ipso facto. no~withstanding the provisions of
this ArticJe:
(a) AbandonD2nt of Demised Premises or discontinuation of
LESSEE'S operatio=-:.
(b) ~alsifica~icr:: by LE.',;SEE or an agent 02 LESSEE of any :c:-eport
required to be [~rnish2d to LESSOR pu:::suant to the terms of
this Lca:,<::"
(e; l'lling of i~sclvency, rcarga~JZa~lcn. plat of ar:::angenent or
bankrL:ptcj petitions.
(d) Adj~dicatiGn as bank:::~pt,
(e) Making of 2 general ass~gn~ent for the ~e~efit of creditors"
(f'1 If l:..E::;SEE ~;:.;f;.'ers t:':.1_5 ::"ease to l::;c tdke~1 t:nder a;--;y I-n:it af
CXect:t~on "
In tle event o. the occurrence of any of the fo:::egoing defaults in
this A::::-tic12. LESSGI.: bE~:3idcs o::!';er ;::-,ig:,ts ar;d rcn~edies it T:1ay have,
shall hdvethe rig:--,t: to ca=-:ccl tbio-~ Lease and re~enter and
renove all pC:.~sons ,-,Le; property .:rcm the De;nised Pre:TLises.
property !Tlay be remcved and st.orc.,d in a p\lblic '..;acehouse or els8H:;.ere
at the cost oE and jar the accourlt of LESSEE. all without service of
notice Dr r2sort to legal process and without being dect\ed guilty of
trespass, O~ being 1 ~ablc fClY any loss o~ damage which ~ay be
occasioned th[!reby.
'oe LE",S( P I"<--:~Y Gl!=- its opt.-:or.. tec:1inate this Lease efter.' receip::
by L:::~'~F.'F~ ~; -:~hi;~/ (:J.J; d2j"S "ot:ice in ,,:ri::ing if c~ lien is filed
against the lcaseho~d interest of the LESS~~, and r.c~ rCQovcd Wl~nln
t:-lirt.y (3D) day::; I lJ,;r~::,--,3.i1t tc 1:.,e F1D:r~c!c, Hcc\;2.n:ic~_; L1C:-:;l La"r!.
l\HTICLE },J" l~-: y T.,c;;;::::,or
LESSOR sl~all 11 0 event be C~d defau~:: 1n the
~er~or'rnance of nny (:t it~ o~ligaticns unless and ulltil LESSOR
shal.1 L.!.\'c: [ailee: to S~\C;- clll.:.g-ati8"s "i.-LtJ-:in six::\! (60) cay~~
(or c;::ch i.;dditjo"i.)~ t L-c~i~~ona;--:;l-/ req:"lired t:::l co::__rcct such
default) aftel- notice to LESSO~ by LESS~E properly sccclfy~ng wherein
LE~;SO!~ :"1J..s f',:,iiea t.o pcrfo:CT:1 ",-lj <:;u(~ oLJligc:t.icms.
() 1 <~~
AR'l'iCLE 14. Not_~cec;
Any notice 'i4hich L~SSOR or LESSEE may be required to give to the
other party shall be in writing and shall be mailed to the other par~y
at the address specified on Page 1 hcccof I or to the Derr,ised Prcmlses
if such notice is to the LESSEE, or ~o such other cddress as either
party shall ha,ve de:::;isnateci to the ot;-,er arid the tine of tr.fO' rendition
of such shall be when same is deposited in an official enited States
Post Office or postal service depository, pestage prepaid_
Notwi th~,tand=-ng ao1'::hin9 h<2rei:, to the con.trary, all payments of rent,
percente,ge re:lt naintenancc or o1::her SUlli provic1ed for he rei" to be paid
by the r.ESSEE shall b2 paid to:
Board of CO',l;-;ty COT;U71_issione;c-s,
Depart:1ll".r.t, 33(:1 TaniaE1i Tr,~il
Real P:::-operty
Eo~;t, ~'aples,
Florida ]3962-4977,
i\F~TICLE 15.'\,.ion c~t~i,::e
If the whole property of tile De~isec Premiscs shall be taken or
con:iClr,ned b\T dDV co:,;:;etent author.i tv :;=oy." 2".'1 ou::,lic 0:: cuasi-oublie Use
or put'pose, ~ t:le;1 in th~t eVE~nt. this- 2;,d" the tern ~f ~hi~ Lease
hereof shall cease a~d termin~tc as to the date upon which the title
s:laJ.1 cease and terninate a::: to the date ut:Jon '-'/[-;ich the title shall
vest therebi in such ~~~t~~r ~~; d a~;t~r'~n r~~,j~ ,~ge~~~~.:;~~ S S:DcoU'-'s ~1 ~n~:s
appor-t:ic:le.d u:ld pai=l L ,__ _.... _ ~ is
materially impaired, whichever is ea::lier.
If only part of the Ce:nised Pre~iscs shall be so taken or
co:r.der'1;:1ed, t:t;.~s Lease and t:ce term 0: this Lease hereof shall not cease
or terminate, but tL2 re:lt p2yab~e hereund.-:.r after the date G:l v,fhieh
LESSEE shall be req"L:ired to ~-;;llrr~nc::'(,,:.~ pGssessic~ of t:'1e part of the
Demisto.d Prer:d.~ies so ta.kc:l or condemned shd.ll be reduced proportionately
as of the dat~ of such eondemnatio~ or date in which LESSEE'S business
~~ ~~~e~;~,l~~d i;~:;~~~;; ~~i~~~V~~;f~~c~:~~i~~; t~~ ~~:r~~7~;n~~g th~rtiol~
LESSEE'S business, LESSEE may cc..nccl this Lease by not:~fyin0 LESSOR
within sixty (GO) d~ys of the taking of all or a portion of the Oenised
In tIle event of a; y such taking or condennation in whole or in
pa::-t the er.tire a',.,'ard 5!--.2.11 :::elong to LESSOR ,,'ithout eny deductio;:
therefrom in t_he value of the unl"xpire:G term of this Leasc, 0.::- for any
other estatc or lhterest in the De~ised now or hereinafter
vested in LESSE2.
Furti,err.lore LESSEE hereby assigns to the LESSOR 2..11 its rights,
~~ t ~~ 1 U~~g~)~~:,r:~~d;:, a~; ~~y a~::r~l;h:~~~~f ~"'G~~t~~,,~''l~~~:i~i ~~~~;i~~~
shall be construed to Dcrmit LESSOR to make aPD_Licution or clain,s o:c to
receive Wi.t~l :~e::;:::ec-:'~ t~ i.Hv"ard for 20ving expe~;'e,:; un allcr,.nr:c::e ',lith
-=--e~:;pect -;::0 U:c::ck fiJ...:t:,--<::es and cc,,-,ip::-,e:nt be~onging .to LESSEE.
/\ny ~-e-cori:3txuction requi,eCi i:i,-: a result ()~ Slicr, t,-,:::':.:nq c::s
~~n~~~~~~~~~~~:~~~~;~h~:~~~~e;~~~~~;~~:~O~:~;~~:~~=~~~~~~~~~~~~: ::::OR
the Laws of tllC Stnts of Florida.
i\RTICLE 16. Fgn-Dis.cr_,~j nd-t::iqr,
Tile LESSEE in exercising eny of tIle right~ or privileges herein
granted, shall not on th~ gro::nds of race, color or 11ationel origin
discriminate or permit discricination against any person or group of
Dorsons in i ny :ilar;;,c::: prohil:Jitec. by Pa::-t 21 of tJ--r..c rules 2:ld
regulations of the Secretary of Transpo~tQtion. 7he LESSOR is hereby
granted the~igllt to taken.?Uch_action, any~hing to th~ contra~y herein
nOC','il th~;tand"-ng, as the Un.lLecl orates nay cl:i.rect to en:.:orce th.l.s
non-discri~ination c~ven2nt.
The LESSEE assu~es that it will under~ake an af[ir~utive action
~~~Z~~'''s~~ 1 ~e;~ i~~~ ~~(J~l~d~}'~f p;~~c ~~5 ~;~e~~~P~~~o~, t~a ~~~~~: ~~:11~ i ~o or
sex be excluded from participati!:g in ~ny employcent activities covered
in 14 Cf'R Part 1.52, ~l! Jpart E. Tje I.2SSEE assures that no person shall
I'2.qe 6 0:' g.
be exc=-uded on the,~e grounds from partici;>ating i:, or- recelving the
services O~ benefits of any progra~ or activity covered by this
?hc LEss~E ass~res tha~ it will reauire its covered
suborgarlization to p~ovide assurances t~ the LESSEE that: they si~i12rly
will undertake affirmative action progra~s and that they ~1~_ requlre
assurances frore ~heir suborganizations, as requlred by 14 CFR Part 152,
Subpart .c:, to ':::he s,mc e::fcct. The ;",t:SSCR is hereby grar.ted the right
to take such action r ;"nythir:s to the contrary herein not,tii f
as the }'edcral Government may direct to Ell force this non-discri~ination
ARTICLS 17. E:'2ad-..R92.J ian:r!"0)t or _Es;:-outi---!J..Q.
LESSEE covenants aDd agr~es to deliver and surrender to LESSOR
possessicn of the DCDi~;ed Premises and any i;r.prove:ner.ts to the Demised
Premises upon the request of the LESSOR i~ the Demised Preffiiscs are
needed fo~ the pllrpose of realigning or re-routing u.S. 41 or C.R. 337.
notic~E~~O~ t~2'~~~e~~:~:;;d~o L~~~~;i:~ t~h~S s ;~~rci~ 0 ~t d~~e p~~~~c~~ i ~~~n
forth in the ~easc. Said notice shall CODDenc~ upo~ placencnt of
notice in t:"'.8 u.s. r-:ail, Ccrt:iEi('d or Rcg:i.~;tered ,':ai1, Postage Prepaid.
~; u r .:c'.9Tt;: E,;~ cL12 L~.Tn i S to' ~:;
L:::SSEE covenant,s and c:grees to deli",rcr up 2)."d s-crrer:d2Y to LESSOR
possession of the Ocnised Premises and any improvements to the Demised
provided, in ~,s (Jooe; cO;ldi~~Oi: c..c-~ t_llC sc.::Ee shall be at t::-le COTI\rr.encemer::.
of tile t:errr of this Lease or nay have been pu~ by LESSO~ or LESSEE
ciuring -the conti;lllG;:C(~ t::-lcreot.', Grdinary '.,}e2r a".j tcu::- a:lc dam2ge by
fire or tr.e eLerrLcr-:t::. beyond LESS::S/~~ cor;t~-o excepted.
ARTICLE 19. l2;:nQTClJ_ETS!Y.;t._!j)o:--.s
or se~~~~~~ ~~a~~y:l~IL~Cw~:f~~~~~rt~u;~~~i~~c L~:r~E~~E~h~~YL~:~:~i~~~~
apP:::-oPl~iate c::cmp2ny}or all utili ~i{~s dnd" ser-v ic::es supplied. ~o. ~he
Dcr\lsec: Pre__rr\l,;es. \',.cn ~-;UC;-i \.2tll:.tles 2"Q SE;;:~V.lCe,; arc a'v'al.~2D-,-e
LESSOr< way require I.LSSF.E tel hoo;..:: up to publi,:,:: -.;.,.'a",=cr ar:d se;,)(-:,:r -,-lr:es at:
LESSEE'S expe?lse. LE~,;SO? sh2.12. net ~JC :::-er!Uir2d to ".ake dny
~;~~=~~l;~:~~:'o ~;~~~~~~;1 ~;s dU~:~~ a~;:~e~~~; ~;i~~~~~, L~~~: ~ic",~
LESSEE fully u:ld~:stands that the police ar~d law E?lfo~ce~ent
~~~~~~~~~~r~;~~~~~n r'~~~~ t~~cl j ~'Y 1 j:~.: ~:~' f ~~C~~L:~t p~%~~~~~S t_~ O~ ~~h~t~~~VC
~~~ i~~~~~ i~~ ~~~~~~:l t_~: i ~::~~~~~e;"c~~:;~~e~""~~~:,~~~ ~~; :~~~~'~.~~~iCS tha L
fJrotcction .)f ~hc OL~iscd 2remises shall be tt:2 sole responsibility an~
cost oL LESS;=:I': and ~;t-:21} involvc r:s Co::,t 0;-:-- exr:2nsc to L=SSOr<. LESSEE
further agree~; t~ ~t.
(d) Li-:S~"EE C)Tn::ssly 2C:::-22:::, for itsel~, i.ts SL:cceSSGy.s and
2~sjgns, to preve~t any L:SC of ttc Demised Premises which
wOlild interfere with or dcver e y affect the o~eration or
rn,:intc~aIlce of u.s. ~l and C.R. 38), or otherwise const~tute
a road hazar-d.
(b) No repairs 0; r.;dir.~erlc.r-.ce sl~dll DC' perfo:cmed cn any beat,
v~hiclf or 2ny otter device ~hlle it is SitU2t~d on the
Q<'Gissd Prc~~scs.
(e) K~gi;C5 ilct s~ecifical.~' g~~ntcd the LESSEE by this Lease are
llE'rrby 7rservcd to thp LESSa~.
-]C'2.qe 7 01.' ']-
(d) LESSEE ag;:ees to pay all sales tc..X imposed on the rental of
t.he uemised Premise~:; ,'lhere applicable under len.J.
;,ESS~E aaCP0S to pay all intanolble ocrsonal orocerty taxes
that~ may ~b;~ - impcS'2d" d'-lC to the ~ c;~eation, by this. Lease, of a
leasehold interest in ~he Demised Prc~ises or LESSEE's
possession of said leasehold interest in the OC:Giscd
ARTICSE 20. Rf~imb2~~~_~t
;'.11 terms, Cov(C'y,ants, , conclitior.s hereir: cOlita.icee;. to be
pcrtorrnc~c by LESSEE shall be perfo:Ln:ed at: its S(Jle expense ar::d
LESSOR :~hall pay an~"' sum 0= Eloney or do any act which requires the
payment of money, by reason of the failure, neglect or refusal of
L!:;SSEE to perform such tern, COVe:l3nt, 0;: condition, tf'.C sum of money
so paid by LESSO~ S11211 be p2.Y~lb~e by LESSEE to LESSOR \4ith the next
succeeding i:<st_211lw:nt of' rent.
ARr;'IC~~~s~iE i~X~:;fXl~'J E~~:;"'~~~~s:~:,~J p~:~l-~:-~s subj eet to all existing
ease~e:<ts. LESSEE ogrees that it shall not do do anything that may
interfere with any easements that encumber the Demised Premises. In
addition to other edsc~ents th2t may be depicted on EX~libit "A", LESSOR
rese~ves an e~clusive road right-of-way eas~~ent across the easterly
seventy-five fee~ (75') of the Dcrn~sed Premises.
~c,nc.?cani no
LESSE2 covenants and agrees to prevent the Dcmised Premises fren
bcco~ing an eyesore. LESSEE also agrees to ccnply with LESSOR's
requests to provide acdi~io;~~l landscaping a~d/or install fe~cing so
that L~SSEE's cse ot the Deniscd Premises is ~ot cvertly ~oticeable
frOG ~d.jacent propc~tics and tho~o~ghf2.res.
AI{'::'ICLE 7J. ~;...Q I:t'Q)j~d I\DprOVi3.~_ of. =J~SS_J;;_~:' s U~
Thc cxec~ltion e5f this Lease by LESSOR shall not be constr~ed by
L.:=.:SSEE ~,s a subst:t_, te f;::lr, or exeJ.\;:=:ti.on from, those licenses or
permits tha~ Gay be needed by the LESSEE fer its contenplated use of
the f)'27,_-Lscd Prei.lisc~:, Eor exc7!lpt t:-.0 LIS~::;EE :.';:0", the reql..:~rc~ents of
state o~ loea laws. LESSEF ack~awled0es that LESSeR's execution of
this Leel::::;'::; doc;s r:o",= c ;nstitut..2 a:l c~)P~-0v.~LL or d~sap~)roval of LESSE:'::'s
cor:templated use of ~t:c Demised P~e~ises. LESSEE further aq=ecs and
acknowledges that it .0 solely rescar:sible for obtailling all licenses
and pcr]l~i.t~s ti,at r;.2~' bl2 required for its co;-"terr.pletted cs,,~ cf t::F:'
Dorrised Pre~ises.
I,RT'TCLE 2.',. l:;..ffec(:i~'.cydt:Q
This I:ealje shall become effective upon execution of sa~e bv all
p;.irtil?s hereto.
I?~ \'iIT:NFSS :'i];EZEO:', tJ-;e LESSOR c:.nd LESSEE l-:.ave c2used this Lea:::;,::c
Agrce:Jent to be signee upon the day and year first written above.
,~;ecrc-;- :'irv
. \ ~.
Ali::((jOl(1rCQl~)()t'. tlO;;.
a., ~Y'43~~~"r o-a>lo-
."., '\' '~~I;-- "L' .-4.....'-)~ ~ '-- j"
U/D/{, I J.ANm1;SHI\ ,,"STATES
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DATED,4~ACo;7'~-l"" 1'1?/
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Approved as to forD and
legal s~fficicncy:
----, i/,-'~' // /-;7_
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David c. Weigel,(.t C',r /1"
Assistant County Attorney 0'
I~ ,pt,/" ~/
BY:_LJz~~f ;<--c/( _~
,:BUHT L. SAUNDERS, Chalrman
-Page 9 of 9~
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[',\,;,CEL E .J .Jt the ',,'cst .~ cor~1~, 0i :;cctlU:l IS, TO'..Jllsh!p {dj Sout:l, ILJ.nsc 25
Collier County, Florid", ::hcllce clong the. ',';cst line. of Section 15
53" \-i 7GJ,f.6 feet, thC:1CC t; 89Q 01' 07" E 6.88 feet to <J. point
the E!lstcJ:ly
ri gi\:: '-<J f ~''''ilY
1ill(, of
Lee t~ 5(J~ 07' 51" r: 77.:.5 ~C'et to Ll:e pO~llt of cu,ViltU::.'"C of a ll.on-
t(lnf..~llti.,~ C\ CJe to t~:(' rlgh~. ti,<Cl1c<.; ;dO:lf~ the ;I"i:C of "<lid 17:;;.10 [ec:~
,"lnd hoving <l raJiu5 c,f 575!..U() [e",t :\I:d bcirq; ',\lbLl't~dQJ liy a chord of
179;09 fcet ij:~d " chor:-I~ L>e;:dllg uf N 130 1,2' {,U" i'; to the POUlT Of 2EC:S-.
of ::.1:c \I.)rCt'~ ,~~ lilnd !;C;'C':il,l;:ter liQSc~:';)eC1, t:\('.ll.ce c:Jr.tinuing
said cur';~ t.o "~r1511t. i),1 '-'.c_ lJi0ti1nc::': of 373.22 feec, a r;:;.oiu<;
of 5754.06 feet., <,_nd 0121:12; S'cliJt:C'.\;!e(~ Ly E. cbor:l cE J73.16 feet 2nc: a
enure bCilC-illg of N 16Q 13' 55" E '=0 ,1 l'o!.nt Gn tl:e Southerly right-:J':-',..;ay
line of CK SS7. 5"id ;;ui,;t LCii-'[; l:]:c D01.i"t of cur' of .:l r'.On-
tang[',,'tiill cu~-vc tc tLc left. ;:1;e.1ce i!;Ci1[', the ,n'(; of "ni.d curve 209.68
feet. and hil'Jin[; il r.-;,:i\;Oi of 350. CD feet. mod beiug suGtcn~(!J by c c~:on!
of 206.5& f'~ct <llld :i clwrd beer i.:,?, uf N J']c i:'iJ
1]" E ~o t~H', poi:lt of
tnnsency,;c1:' along 0<::.10:1 Svut:lerly ,right-;:;f-.,."ay line of CR387, ;, 22"
.10' J2" E 171;.55 feet to iJ point all tl.e Easterly right-of-'\.}[lY line of Olll
SR' I!S (S'~ctiOil 030lC-:'SO), ,,<lid poln::: \][1.,,); t::02 :'O'cl--.t of ClJ!:"vntu::-e of e.
line ./lnd
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5G79.06 fCQt, !l:lC belr.; ~,~lbt(,ncc.d bJ" 2. d~ord of ];5.05 feet O;jG n ci-,ord
19 of S L3" 15' JJ" '"', tll':'~'J' ~ Eli" 07' GG" rl ]3.19 feet to th~
OP. IlEGr:HllNG.
CotltaininE 32,4J[ &quure feet ~tlJ beinE subj~ct to n utility
JocOlteJ on the Enstcr1y LO fect, <1nd l,cinS ~ubject to ;:;;1
CO;;C;W:'.t to <- )1.:1c:: CGlJi1ty Gtil,itic5 D!.'lioJ10n ':ocuteJ 0:; Lhc
15 f::>-et of tl'<2 F;;.ster:-ly 35 feet of tlie nbQve dc-scribe': parcel'.
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Lp,ase tlT2';)
This Assignment of Lease is dated this ~~ of ~ . ~ca)by and
between Alagold Corporation, an Alabama Corporation, d/b/a L dr1lark Esta es, heremafter referred to as
"Assignor", and Hometown Landmark LLC, hereinafter referred to as "Assignee". In consideration of the
sum of Ten Dollars ($10.00) and other good and valu.-:;Ne consideration paid on this day, Assignor hereby
assigns ail its rights, interest and obligations in that c...-rtain Lease Agreement dated August 2, 1989, by
and between Assignor as Lessee and the Board of Cot:n':"y' CJIT'mi.ssio!'.ers ;:)f Collier County, Florida, as
Lessor, to Assignee.
Assignee, being Hometown Landmark L=-'C, G.u",:s hereby agree to assume all rights, interest and
obligations of Lessee under said Lease.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Assignment the date first written above.
/2 <
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(print or type name)
@~qat~re) -- A
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~;I\Mlr-e~ ~>1~
~IMBeg LV YANo<,.<:.,\<..
(print or type name)
l:~~~T':0 /1 F"--~--
51,C>VLI Y. 6L'eJ1iO
(print ~r tyPe name)
By: N
its managing
ec.. <:.
TITLE: 'Z..:c r
Consented to this ---'i;t:::L _ day of 9<1"'-&iC-'*'-7
JAN 1 1 2000
~: ~.~~ ~.J _
edlG- 'tJr rPiIlA) , Deputy Clerk
Attest 1$ to ChUl'Ilft \ ,
Slgfllture onll.
A~.roved as t. ronn and legal. sufficiency:
--1~__ (~ ____---r
fidi F. AS~tant County' Attorney-
, ,z""",.