Backup Documents 03/09/2010 Item #10D
March 25, 2010
Dianna Perryman, Contract Specialist
Purchasing Department
Ann Jennejohn, Deputy Clerk
Minutes & Records Department
Contr.act #10-5423: "NCRWTP Degasifier and
Odor Control Expansion" Project 71002
Contractor: Mitchell & Stark Construction
Attached please find an original contract document, referenced above,
(Agenda Item #10D) approved by the Board of County Commissioners
March 9, 2010.
An original contract is also being kept in the Minutes and Records
Department for the Board's Official Record.
If you should have any questions, please contact me at 252-8406.
Thank you.
Attachment (l)
10- \:>QC -01 sL./q
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7r:J Mi\R 23 /U"i ';: 2~
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Date: March 19,2010
To: Office of the County Attorney
Attention: Jeff Klatzkow
From: Dianna Perryman., Contract Specialist
Purchasing Department, Extension 4270
Re: Contract: #10-5423 "NCRWTP Degasifier and Odor Control
Contractor: Mitchell & Stark Construction
This Contract was approved by the BCC on FeJ4 23,2010, Agenda
Item 10.C ~'\ il41',Y \
' ',I ..hi,
This item has not been submitted.
Contract review and approval.
Jeff, please forward to the Chairman of the Board of County
Commissioners for signature after approval. If there are any questions
concerning the document, please contact me. Purchasing would appreciate
notification when the documents exit your office. Thank you.
C: Tom Chmelik, PPMD
RLS # ._Jpj?e..C...J'\1 ~..Uo,
Entity Name: mi"~LL:!:.~1.._0~~U(\ Co:..J.+=rC.
/> No laD
~_Yes No
Insurance /'
Im~nce~rtificate~~d? V~/~
Insured registered in Florida? Yes
Contract # &lor Project referenced on Certificate? '7~s
Certificate Holder name correct (BCC)'! .p,E_ Y es
Commercial General Liability
General Aggregate Required $__ Provided $::2.mi.\.'L Exp. Date ..3.\1.\ll-
Products/CompVOp Required $___ Provided $ ll. ~' Exp. Date --' . I I
Personal & Advert Required $ Provided $'\ M ~ \._ Exp. Date .~...lL..
Each Occurrence Required $'"2 Y'I""\~~ Provided $~_.L- Exp. Date ,. 'L
Fire/Prop Damage Required $ Provided $ 300\'- Exp. Date ---4---'--'
Automobile Liability .-:1 \. I \ \
Bodily Inj & Prop Required $.~ "- Provided $_\mi\L ExpDate_~
Workers Compensation
Each accident Required $~ Provided $ \'tY\~\\ Exp Date ~
Disease Aggregate Required $ - Provided $ ~__ ,I Exp Date , . .' J
Disease Each Empl Required $ 1 _._ Provided $ '.. ,. Exp Date _~_~ I
Umbrella Liability .--::l. l \ \ \
Each Occurrence Provided $j,offii\\ Exp Date 3~.
Aggregate Provided $ ..I.J__ '-'- ...;;: Date __~~'
Does Umbrella sufficiently cover any underinsured portion? Yes No
Professional Liability
Each Occurrence Required $ ~_ Provided $____ Exp. Date _._._
Per Aggregate Required $ __~. Provided $ Exp. Date
Other Insurance .
Each Occur Type:ewmCJclS Required $.\{i1\.\l
\ i 0Ibi~ \\..0\
County required to be named as addit~l insured?
County named as additional insured?
Entity name correct on contract'!
Entity registered with FL Sec. of State?
Does indemnification meet County standards?
Is Connty indenmifying other party?
Performance Bond
Bond requirement referenced in contract?
If attached, expiration date of bond t\IrIA-~.___
Does dollar amonnt match contract? '2. ~O '-I, S" .3 .
Agent registered in Florida?
Signature Blocks
Correct executor name in signature block?
Correct title of executor?
Executor authorized to sign for entity?
Proper number of witnesses/notary?
Authorization for executor to sign, if necessary: ____~___~
Chairman's signature block?
Clerk's attestation signature block?
County Attorney's signature block?
Provided ~ .
:;::: Y es
.1/'7 es
/ i/Ses
Are all required attachments included?
Exp Date_
No . )
--- y1' IV o'.JY
-- _2: ~:t~~I~~~~
I6:,"~;:~; ""~
Ray Carter
Risk Management Department
Dianna Perryman, Contract Specialist . r;Jt"'.-"
Purchasing Department ))<
March 19, 2010
Review of Insurance for Contract: 10-5423 "NCRWTP Degasifier
and Odor Control Expansion"
Mitchell & Stark Construction
1 aD ~
This Contract was approved by the BCC on February 23, 2010, Agenda Item
Please review the Insurance Certificates and Payment and Performance
Bonds for the above-referenced contract. If everything is acceptable, please
forward to the County Attorney for further review and approval. Also, please
advise me when it has been forwarded. Thank you. If you have any
questions, please contact me at extension 4270.
~r"l ~fdliJ
C: Tom Chmelik, PPMD
mausen 9
Tuesday, March 23, 2010 8:53 AM
GramatgesPhil; perryman_d; mausen_g; HerreraSandra; TeachScott
RE: Contract for Mitchell and Stark Contract 10-5423 "NCRWTP Degasifier and Odor Control
All, I have reviewed the Payment and Performance 80nds in addition to the Certificate of Insurance provided by Mitchell
& Stark Construction for contract 10.5423. The bonds and insurance meet the contractual obligations within the
contract that said the contract will now be forwarded this morning to the county attorney's office for their review.
Thank you,
From: ChmelikTom
Sent: Tuesday, March 23, 2010 8:28 AM
To: RaymondCarter
Cc: GramatgesPhil; perryman_d
Subject: RE: Contract for Mitchell and Stark
Thanks much. We would like to issue an NTP on Wednesday if possible.
'~I '73/1l11e/;;;'
Principal Project Manager
Collier County Public Utilities Division
Mailing address:
3301 E. Tamiami Trail, Bldg. H, 3rd Floor
Naples, Florida 34112
mobile: 239,438.0824
fax: 239.252.6452
From: RaymondCarter
Sent: Tuesday, March 23, 2010 8:27 AM
To: ChmelikTom
Subject: RE: Contract for Mitchell and Stark
I will be reviewing this morning and will contact you directly with any concerns.
Tha n ks,
From: ChmelikTom
Sent: Monday, March 22, 2010 4:54 PM
To: RaymondCarter
Subject: Cootract for Mitchell and Stark
Just curious if you have seen a contract for review from Mitchell and Stark for Bid 10.5423. Please let me know if there
are any questions.
,]7;;;( ?Bit meli;r
Principal Project Manager
Collier County Public Utilities Division
Mailing address:
3301 E. Tamiami Trail, Bldg. H. 3rd Floor
Naples, Florida 34112
mobile: 239.438.0824
fax: 239.252.6452
Under Florida Law, e-mail addresses are public records. If you do not want your e-mail address released in response to a public records request. do not send
electronic mail to this entity. Instead, contact this office by telephone or in writing.
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eolrer County
Adrrinislralive Services DMsion
NCRWTP Degasifier and Odor Control Expansion
Design Professional:
HDR Engineering, Inc.
Pu!d1asing~' 3301 Tamiami Trail East. Naples, Rorida 34112. \4"MHoUiergov.neL'purchasing
laD .,
EXHIBIT A: Performance and Payment Bond Forms
EXHIBIT B: Insurance Requirement Form
EXHIBIT C: Release and Affidavit Form
EXHIBIT D: Contractor Application for Payment Form
EXHIBIT E: Change Order Form
EXHIBIT F: Certificate of Substantial Completion Form
EXHIBIT G: Final Payment Checklist
EXHIBIT H: General Terms and Conditions
EXHIBIT I: Supplemental Terms and Conditions
EXHIBIT J: Technical Specifications
EXHIBIT K: Permits
EXHIBIT L: Standard Details (if applicable)
EXHIBIT M: Plans and Specifications prepared by HDR Engineering
and identified as follows: NCRWTP Degasifier and Odor Control
as shown on Plan Sheets 1 through 61.
EXHIBIT N: Contractor's List of Key Personnel
100 ~~
Co~ CouK1:y
~-"'=- --
Admnislralive Services Division
NCRWTP Degasifier and Odor Control Expansion
COUNTY BID NO. 10-5423
Separate sealed bids for the construction of NCRWTP Degasifier and Odor Control
Expansion, addressed to Mr. Steve Carnell, Purchasing Director, will be received at the
Collier County Government Complex, 3301 Tamiami Trail East, Purchasing Building,
Purchasing Department, Naples, Florida 34112, until 2:30 P.M. LOCAL TIME, on the
29th day of January, 2010, at which time all bids will be publicly opened and read
aloud. Any bids received after the time and date specified will not be accepted and
shall be returned unopened to the Bidder.
A non-mandatory pre-bid conference shall be held at the Purchasing Department,
Conference Room A, Purchasing Building "G" at 1 :00 p.m. LOCAL TIME on the 7th
day of January, 2010, at which time all prospective Bidders may have questions
answered regarding the Bidding Documents for this Project. All Bidders shall submit all
questions via the online bidding system. No questions will be accepted after noted
deadline. The Engineer's Estimate for this project is Five Million eight hundred thousand
Dollars ($5,800,000.00).
Sealed envelopes containing bids shall be marked or endorsed "Bid for Collier County
Government, Collier County, NCRWTP Degasifier and Odor Control Expansion
Bid No. 10-5423 and Bid Date of January 29,2010". No bid shall be considered unless
it is made on an unaltered Bid form which is included in the Bidding Documents. The
Bid Schedule (GC-P-1 through GC-P-16) shall be removed from the Bidding Documents
prior to submittal.
One contract will be awarded for all Work. Bidding Documents may be examined on the
Collier County Purchasing Department E-Procurement website:
Copies of the Bidding Documents may be obtained only from the denoted website.
Bidding Documents obtained from sources other than the Collier County Purchasing
Department website may not be accurate or current.
Each bid shall be accompanied by a certified or cashiers check or a Bid Bond in an
amount not less than five percent (5%) of the total Bid to be retained as liquidated
damages in the event the Successful Bidder fails to execute the Agreement and file the
required bonds and insurance within fifteen (15) calendar days after the receipt of the
Notice of Award. The Successful Bidder acknowledges and agrees that it shall execute
the Agreement in the form attached hereto and incorporated herein.
The Successful Bidder shall be required to furnish the necessary Payment and
Performance Bonds, as prescribed in the General Conditions of the Contract
Documents. All Bid Bonds, Payment and Performance Bonds, Insurance Contracts and
Certificates of Insurance shall be either be executed by or countersigned by a licensed
resident agent of the surety or insurance company having its place of business in the
State of Florida. Further, the said surety or insurance company shall be duly licensed
and qualified to do business in the State of Florida. Attorneys-in-fact that sign Bid
Bonds or Payment and Performance Bonds must file with each bond a certified and
effective dated copy of their Power of Attorney.
In order to perform public work, the Successful Bidder shall, as applicable, hold or
obtain such contractor's and business licenses, certifications and registrations as
required by State statutes and County ordinances.
Before a contract will be awarded for the Work contemplated herein, the Owner shall
conduct such investigations as it deems necessary to determine the performance record
and ability of the apparent low Bidder to perform the size and type of work specified in
the Bidding Documents. Upon request, the Bidder shall submit such information as
deemed necessary by the Owner to evaluate the Bidder's qualifications.
The Successful Bidder shall be required to finally complete all Work within two hundred
ninety-six (296) calendar days from and after the Commencement Date specified in the
Notice to Proceed.
The Owner reserves the right to reject all Bids or any Bid not conforming to the intent
and purpose of the Bidding Documents, and to postpone the award of the contract for a
period of time which, however, shall not extend beyond one hundred twenty (120) days
from the bid opening date without the consent of the Successful Bidder.
Dated this 22nd day of December 2009.
BY: /s/ Stephen Y. Carnell
Purchasing/General Services Director
Section 1. Definitions
1.1 The term "Owner" used herein refers to the Board of County Commissioners, or
its duly authorized representative.
1.2 The term "Project Manager" used herein refers to the Owner's duly authorized
representative and shall mean the Division Administrator or Department Director, as
applicable, acting directly or through duly authorized representatives.
1.3 The term "Design Professional" refers to the licensed professional engineer or
architect who is in privity with the Owner for the purpose of designing and/or monitoring
the construction of the project. At the Owner's discretion, any or all duties of the Design
Professional referenced in the Contract Documents may be assumed at any time by the
Project Manager on behalf of the Owner. Conversely, at the Owner's discretion the
Project Manager may formally assign any of his/her duties specified in the Contract
Documents to the Design Professional.
1.4 The term "Bidder" used herein means one who submits a bid directly to the
Owner in response to this solicitation.
1.5 The term "Successful Bidder" means the lowest qualified, responsible and
responsive Bidder who is awarded the contract by the Board of County Commissioners,
on the basis of the Owner's evaluation.
1.6 The term "Bidding Documents" includes the Legal Advertisement, these
Instructions to Bidders, the Bid Schedule and the Contract Documents as defined in the
1.7 The term "Bid" shall mean a completed Bid Schedule, bound in the Bidding
Documents, properly signed, providing the Owner a proposed cost for providing the
services required in the Bidding Documents.
Section 2. Preparation of Bids
2.1 The Bids must be submitted on the standard form herein furnished by the Owner
(pages GC-P-1 to GC-P-16 as bound in these Bidding Documents). By submitting a Bid,
Bidder acknowledges and agrees that it shall execute the Agreement in the form
attached hereto and incorporated herein. The Bidder shall complete the Bid in ink or by
typewriter and shall sign the Bid correctly. Bid Schedules submitted on disk/CD shall be
accompanied by a hard copy of the completed Bid Schedule which shall be signed and
dated by the Bidder. The Bid may be rejected if it contains any omission, alteration of
form, conditional bid or irregularities of any kind. Bids must be submitted in sealed
envelopes, marked with the Bid Number, Project Name and Bid opening Date and Time,
and shall be addressed to the Collier County Purchasing Department, Purchasing
Building, Collier County Government Complex, 3301 Tamiami Trail, East, Naples,
Florida 34112. If forwarded by mail, the sealed envelope containing the Bid must be
enclosed in another sealed envelope addressed as above. Bids received at the
location specified herein after the time specified for bid opening will be returned to the
bidder unopened and shall not be considered.
Section 3. Bid Deposit Reauirements
3.1 No Bid shall be considered or accepted unless at the time of Bid filing the same
shall be accompanied by a cashiers check, a cash bond posted with the County Clerk, a
certified check payable to Owner on some bank or trust company located in the State
of Florida insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, or Bid Bond, in an
amount not less than 5% of the bidder's maximum possible award (base bid plus all
add alternates) (collectively referred to herein as the "Bid Deposit"). The Bid Deposit
shall be retained by Owner as liquidated damages if the Successful Bidder fails to
execute and deliver to Owner the unaltered Agreement, or fails to deliver the required
Performance and Payment Bonds or Certificates of Insurance, all within ten (10)
calendar days after receipt of the Notice of Award. Bid Bonds shall be executed by a
corporate surety licensed under the laws of the State of Florida to execute such bonds,
with conditions that the surety will, upon demand, forthwith make payment to Owner
upon said bond. Bid Deposits of the three (3) lowest Bidders shall be held until the
Agreement has been executed by the Successful Bidder and same has been delivered
to Owner together with the required bonds and insurance, after which all three (3) Bid
Deposits shall be returned to the respective Bidders. All other Bid Deposits shall be
released within ten (10) working days of the Bid Opening. No Bid including alternates,
shall be withdrawn within one hundred and twenty (120) days after the public opening
thereof. If a Bid is not accepted within said time period it shall be deemed rejected and
the Bid Deposit shall be returned to Bidder. In the event that the Owner awards the
contract prior to the expiration of the one hundred and twenty (120) day period without
selecting any or all alternates, the Owner shall retain the right to subsequently award to
the Successful Bidder said alternates at a later time but no later than one hundred and
twenty (120) days from opening, unless otherwise agreed by the Purchasing Director
and the Successful Bidder.
3.2 The Successful Bidder shall execute five (5) copies of the Agreement in the form
attached and deliver same to Owner within the time period noted above. The Owner
shall execute all copies and return one fully executed copy of the Agreement to
Successful Bidder within thirty (30) working days after receipt of the executed
Agreement from Successful Bidder unless any governmental agency having funding
control over the Project requires additional time, in which event the Owner shall have
such additional time to execute the Agreement as may be reasonably necessary.
Section 4. Riaht to Reiect Bids
4.1 The Owner reserves the right to reject any and all Bids or to waive informalities
and negotiate with the apparent lowest, qualified Bidder to such extent as may be
necessary for budgetary reasons.
Section 5. Signing of Bids
5.1 Bids submitted by a corporation must be executed in the corporate name by the
president, a vice president, or duly authorized representative. The corporate address
and state of incorporation must be shown below the signature.
5.2 Bids by a partnership must be executed in the partnership name and signed by a
general partner whose title must appear under the signature and the official address of
the partnership must be shown below said signature.
5.3 If Bidder is an individual, his or her signature shall be inscribed.
5.4 If signature is by an agent or other than an officer of corporation or general
partner of partnership, a properly notarized power of attorney must be submitted with
the Bid.
5.5 All Bids shall have names typed or printed below all signatures.
5.6 All Bids shall state the Bidder's contractor license number.
5.7 Failure to follow the provisions of this section shall be grounds for rejecting the
Bid as irregular or unauthorized.
Section 6. Withdrawal of Bids
Any Bid may be withdrawn at any time prior to the hour fixed in the Legal Advertisement
for the opening of Bids, provided that the withdrawal is requested in writing, properly
executed by the Bidder and received by Owner prior to Bid Opening. The withdrawal of
a Bid will not prejudice the right of a Bidder to file a new Bid prior to the time specified
for Bid opening.
Section 7. Late Bids
No Bid shall be accepted that fails to be submitted prior to the time specified in the
Legal Advertisement.
Section 8. Interpretation of Contract Documents
8.1 No interpretation of the meaning of the plans, specifications or other Bidding
Documents shall be made to a Bidder orally. Any such oral or other interpretations or
clarifications shall be without legal effect. All requests for interpretations or clarifications
shall be in writing, addressed to the Purchasing Department, to be given consideration.
All such requests for interpretations or clarification must be received at least ten (10)
calendar days prior to the Bid opening date. Any and all such interpretations and
supplemental instructions shall be in the form of written addendum which, if issued,
shall be sent by mail or fax to all known Bidders at their respective addresses furnished
for such purposes no later than three (3) working days prior to the date fixed for the
opening of Bids. Such written addenda shall be binding on Bidder and shall become a
part of the Bidding Documents.
8.2 It shall be the responsibility of each Bidder to ascertain, prior to submitting its Bid,
that it has received all addenda issued and it shall acknowledge same in its Bid.
8.3 As noted in the Legal Advertisement, attendance by all bidders at the Pre-Bid
Conference is non-mandatory.
Section 9. Examination of Site and Contract Documents
9.1 By executing and submitting its Bid, each Bidder certifies that it has:
a. Examined all Bidding Documents thoroughly;
b. Visited the site to become familiar with local conditions that may in any manner
affect performance of the Work;
c. Become familiar with all federal, state and local laws, ordinances, rules, and
regulations affecting performance of the Work; and
d. Correlated all of its observations with the requirements of Bidding documents.
No plea of ignorance of conditions or difficulties that may exist or conditions or
difficulties that may be encountered in the execution of the Work pursuant to these
Bidding Documents as a result of failure to make the necessary examinations and
investigations shall be accepted as an excuse for any failure or omission on the part of
the Successful Bidder, nor shall they be accepted as a basis for any claims whatsoever
for extra compensation or for an extension of time.
9.2 The Owner will make copies of surveys and reports performed in conjunction with
this Project available to any Bidder requesting them at cost; provided, however, the
Owner does not warrant or represent to any Bidder either the completeness or accuracy
of any such surveys and reports. Before submitting its Bid, each Bidder shall, at its own
expense, make such additional surveys and investigations as may be necessary to
determine its Bid price for the performance of the Work within the terms of the Bidding
Documents. This provision shall be subject to Section 2.3 of the General Conditions to
the Agreement.
Section 10. Material Reauirements
It is the intention of these Bidding Documents to identify standard materials. When
space is provided on the Bid Schedule, Bidders shall specify the materials which they
propose to use in the Project. The Owner may declare any Bid non-responsive or
irregular if such materials are not specifically named by Bidder.
laD '.
Section 11. Bid Quantities
11.1 Quantities given in the Bid Schedule, while estimated from the best information
available, are approximate only. Payment for unit price items shall be based on the
actual number of units installed for the Work. Bids shall be compared on the basis of
number of units stated in the Bid Schedule as set forth in the Bidding Documents. Said
unit prices shall be multiplied by the bid quantities for the total Bid price. Any Bid not
conforming to this requirement may be rejected. Special attention to all Bidders is
called to this provision, because if conditions make it necessary or prudent to revise the
unit quantities, the unit prices will be fixed for such increased or decreased quantities.
Compensation for such additive or subtractive changes in the quantities shall be limited
to the unit prices in the Bid. Subsequent to the issuance of a notice to proceed, the
Project Manager and the Successful Bidder shall have the discretion to re-negotiate any
unit price(s) where the actual quantity varies by more than 25% from the estimate at the
time of bid.
11.2 Alternate Bid Pricina: In the event that alternate pricing is requested, it is an
expressed requirement of the bid invitation to provide pricing for all alternates as listed.
The omission of a response or a no-bid or lack of a submitted price may be the basis for
the rejection of the submitted bid response. All bids responses received without pricing
for all alternates as listed will be considered technically non-responsive and will not be
considered for award.
Section 12. Award of Contract
12.1 Any prospective bidder who desires to protest any aspect(s) or provision(s) of the
bid invitation (including the form of the bid documents or bid procedures) shall file their
protest with the Purchasing Director prior to the time of the bid opening strictly in
accordance with Owner's then current Purchasing Policy.
12.2 Statement of Award: The Award of Contract shall be issued to the lowest,
responsive and qualified Bidder determined by the base bid, and any, or all, selected
alternates, and the Owner's investigations of the Bidder. In determining the lowest,
responsive and qualified bidder, the Owner shall consider the capability of the Bidder to
perform the contract in a timely and responsible manner. When the contract is awarded
by Owner, such award shall be evidenced by a written Notice of Award, signed by a
Purchasing Agent of the Owner's Purchasing Department or his or her designee and
delivered to the intended awardee or mailed to awardee at the business address shown
in the Bid.
Local Vendor Preference: The Collier County Board of County Commissioners has
adopted a Local Preference "Right to Match" policy to enhance the opportunities of local
businesses to receive awards of Collier County contracts.
A "local business" is defined as a business that has a valid occupational license issued
by either Collier or Lee County for a minimum of one (1) year prior to a Collier County
bid or proposal submission that authorizes the business to provide the commodities or
1 aD"
services to be purchased, and a physical business address located within the limits of
Collier or Lee Counties from which the vendor operates or performs business. Post
Office Boxes are not verifiable and shall not be used for the purpose of establishing said
physical address. In addition to the foregoing, a vendor shall not be considered a "local
business" unless it contributes to the economic development and well-being of either
Collier or Lee County in a verifiable and measurable way. This may include, but not be
limited to, the retention and expansion of employment opportunities, the support and
increase to either Collier or Lee County's tax base, and residency of employees and
principals of the business within Collier or Lee County. Vendors shall affirm in writing
their compliance with the foregoing at the time of submitting their bid or proposal to be
eligible for consideration as a "local business" under this section.
When a qualified and responsive, non-local business submits the lowest price bid, and
the bid submitted by one or more qualified and responsive local businesses is within ten
percent (10%) of the price submitted by the non-local business, then the local business
with the apparent lowest bid offer (i.e. the lowest local bidder) shall have the opportunity
to submit, an offer to match the price(s) offered by the overall lowest, qualified and
responsive bidder. In such instances, staff shall first verify if the lowest non-local bidder
and the lowest local bidder are in fact qualified and responsive bidders. Next, the
Purchasing Department shall determine if the lowest local bidder meets the
requirements of Section 287.087 F.S.
If the lowest local bidder meets the requirements of 287.087, F.S., the Purchasing
Department shall invite the lowest local bidder to submit a matching offer to the
Purchasing Department which shall be submitted within five (5) business days
thereafter. If the lowest local bidder submits an offer that fully matches the lowest bid
from the lowest non-local bidder tendered previously, then award shall be made to the
local bidder. If the lowest local bidder declines or is unable to match the lowest non
local bid price(s), then award will be made to the lowest overall qualified and responsive
bidder. If the lowest local bidder does not meet the requirement of Section 287.087 F.S.
and the lowest non-local bidder does, award will be made to the bidder that meets the
requirements of the reference state law.
Bidder must complete and submit with their bid response the Affidavit for Claiming
Status as a Local Business which is included as part of this solicitation.
Failure on the part of a Bidder to submit this Affidavit with their bid response will
preclude said Bidder from being considered for local preference on this
A Bidder who misrepresents the Local Preference status of its firm in a bid submitted to
the County will lose the privilege to claim Local Preference status for a period of up to
one year.
The County may, as it deems necessary, conduct discussions with responsible bidders
determined to be in contention for being selected for award for the purpose of
clarification to assure full understanding of, and responsiveness to solicitation
12.3 For Bidders who may wish to receive copies of Bids after the Bid opening, The
Owner reserves the right to recover all costs associated with the printing and distribution
of such copies.
12.4 Certificate of Authoritv to Conduct Business in the State of Florida
(Florida Statute 607.1501)
In order to be considered for award, firms submitting a response to this solicitation shall
be required to provide a certificate of authority from the Florida Department of State
Divisions of Corporations in accordance with the requirements of Florida Statute
607.1501 (www.sunbiz.orq/search.html). A copy of the document shall be submitted
with the solicitation response and the document number shall be identified. Firms who
do not provide the certificate of authority at the time of response shall be required to
provide same within five (5) days upon notification of selection for award. If the firm
cannot provide the document within the referenced timeframe, the County reserves the ..
right to award to another firm.
Section 13. Sales Tax
13.1 The Successful Bidder acknowledges and agrees that Owner may utilize a sales
tax savings program and the Successful Bidder agrees to fully comply, at no additional
cost to Owner, with such sales tax savings program implemented by the Owner as set
forth in the Agreement and in accordance with Owner's policies and procedures.
Section 14. Exclusion of County Permits in Bid Prices
14.1 To ensure compliance with Section 218.80, F.S., otherwise known as "The Public
Bid Disclosure Act", Collier County will pay for all Collier County permits and fees
applicable to the Project, including license fees, permit fees, impact fees or inspection
fees applicable to this Work through an internal budget transfer(s). Hence, bidders shall
not include these permiUfee amounts in their bid offer. However, the Successful Bidder
shall retain the responsibility to initiate and complete all necessary and appropriate
actions to obtain the required permits other than payment for the items identified in this
14.2 The Successful Bidder shall be responsible for procuring and paying for all
necessary permits not issued by Collier County pursuant to the prosecution of the work.
Section 15. Use of Subcontractors
15.1 To ensure the Work contemplated by the Contract Documents is performed in a
professional and timely manner, all Subcontractors performing any portion of the work
on this Project shall be "qualified" as defined in Collier County Ordinance 87-25,
meaning a person or entity that has the capability in all respects to perform fully the
Agreement requirements and has the integrity and reliability to assure good faith
performance. A Subcontractor's disqualification from bidding by the Owner, or other
public contracting entity within the past twelve months shall be considered by the Owner
when determining whether the Subcontractors are "qualified."
- -
15.2 The Owner may consider the past performance and capability of a Subcontractor
when evaluating the ability, capacity and skill of the Bidder and its ability to perform the
Agreement within the time required. Owner reserves the right to disqualify a Bidder who
includes Subcontractors in its bid offer which are not "qualified" or who do not meet the
legal requirements applicable to and necessitated by this Agreement.
15.3 The Owner may reject all bids proposing the use of any subcontractors who have
been disqualified from submitting bids to the Owner, disqualified or de-certified for
bidding purposes by any public contracting entity, or who has exhibited an inability to
perform through any other means.
15.4 Notwithstanding anything in the Contract Documents to the contrary, the Bidders
shall identify the subcontractor(s) it intends to use for the categories of work as set forth
in the List of Subcontracts attached hereto, said list to be submitted with its bid. Bidders
acknowledge and agree that the subcontractors identified on the list is not a complete
list of the subcontractors to be used on the Project, but rather only the major "
subcontractors for each category of Work as established by Owner. Bidders further
acknowledge that once there is an Award of Contract, the Successful Bidder shall
identify, subject to Owner's review and approval, all the subcontractors it intends to use
on the Project. Once approved by Owner, no subcontractor shall be removed or
replaced without Owner's prior written approval.
Section 16. Prohibition of Gifts
No organization or individual shall offer or give, either directly or indirectly, any favor,
gift, loan, fee, service or other item of value to any County employee, as set forth in
Chapter 112, Part III, Florida Statutes, Collier County Ethics Ordinance No. 2004-05,
and County Administrative Procedure 5311. Violation of this provision may result in one
or more of the following consequences: a. Prohibition by the individual, firm, and/or any
employee of the firm from contact with County staff for a specified period of time; b.
Prohibition by the individual and/or firm from doing business with the County for a
specified period of time, including but not limited to: submitting bids, RFP, and/or
quotes; and, c. immediate termination of any contract held by the individual and/or firm
for cause.
Section 17. Public Entity Crimes
By its submitting a Bid, Bidder acknowledges and agrees to and represents it is
in compliance with the terms of Section 287.133(2)(a) of the Florida Statutes which read
as follows:
"A person or affiliate who has been placed on the convicted
vendor list following a conviction for a public entity crime
may not submit a bid, proposal, or reply on a contract to
provide any goods or services to a public entity; may not
submit a bid, proposal, or reply on a contract with a public
entity for the construction or repair of a public building or
public work; may not submit bids, proposals, or replies on
leases of real property to a public entity'; may not be
awarded or perform work as a contractor, supplier,
subcontractor, or consultant under a contract with any public
entity; and may not transact business with any public entity
in excess of the threshold amount provided in s. 287.017 for
CATEGORY TWO for a period of 36 months from the date of
being placed on the convicted vendor list."
Co~ County
Telephone: (239) 252-8995
FAX: (239) 252-6588
Admnislrative Setvioes Division
February 3, 2010
Scott D. Johnson,
Purchasing Agent
Interested Bidders
Addendum # 3 -ITB #10-5423
"NCRWTP Degasifier and Odor Control Expansion"
The following clarifications are issued as Addendum #2 identifying the following change
(s) for the referenced bid:
1. See revised bid schedule
2. Supplemental Conditions
If you require additional information please post a question on the eBid site or contact me
(contact information above).
c: Tom Chmelik
Revised: 3/25/09
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1. All work under this Agreement shall generally be limited to Monday through Friday. Work
outside of the general and normal schedule may be required from time to time in order to
avoid disruption of the operations at the North County Regional Water Treatment Plant and
to comply with requirements of the Contract Documents. Any work outside of normal
working hours must be approved by the project manger prior to commencement of work.
2. The Contractor shall submit daily reports to the Project Manager on a daily basis.
3. The requirements for as-built or record drawings and the location of buried and concealed
items are described in the latest edition of the Collier County Utilities Standards Manual and
in the Technical Specifications.
4 When computing equipment cost for a Contract Change, the cost for construction equipment
shall be based on the actual rental cost or, if owned or leased by the Contractor or an
affiliate, the AED Manual rate, latest Edition, for the same equipment. The cost for each
piece of equipment will be based on the time that equipment is actually on the site If the
equipment is on site for one month, a minimum time period of one month shall be used in
calculating the unit cost. Likewise, if the equipment is on site for less than two weeks, a
minimum time period of one week shall be used in calculating the unit cost. If the equipment
is idle as a result of the Contract Change, the unit cost shall be no more than one-half of the
normal unit cost.
5. The Contractor's resident superintendent shall be fluent in English and must be able to
clearly communicate orally and written.
6. Regarding security badges, the Contractor shall pay the Collier County Facilities Department
the specified fee for the background check and security badge, which is required for each
worker and technician on the site. The current fee is $43.75. The badge shall be issued for
a one year period and renewal will be required. This security check and badge is also
required for manufacturer's representatives, factory technicians as well as all site personnel.
Each site employee and technician associated with this Contract shall wear the approved
security badge while within the North County Water Reclamation Facility. The Contractor
shall be required to maintain records on each employee and make them available to the
County for at least four (4) years.
7. The Contractor may request reproductions of the Contract Drawings, Specifications and
documents. The Contractor shall pay the full cost of such reproduction at the time of
document delivery.
8. The Contract Drawings identify the required survey reference points. The Contractor shall
provide all other survey and survey certification required to complete the Contract Work.
Page 1 of 1
Coet' County
Admnislrative Servioes Division
Telephone: (239) 252-8995
FAX: (239) 252-6588
January 28, 2010
Scott D. Johnson, Purchasing Agent
I nterested Bidders
Addendum #2 - ITB #10-5423
"NCRWTP Degasifier and Odor Control Expansion"
The following clarifications are issued as Addendum #2 identifying the following change
(s) for the referenced bid:
1. New Due date for bid is February 5, 2010 @ 2:30pm
2. Sheet 0-04, regarding the 10 foot wide new concrete pad that is in between the relocated
chlorine gas scrubber and chemical scrubber train no. 3: and, northeast of degasifier no. 4,
this slab shall be constructed similar to the concrete slabs shown on drawing S-05. ADD
sheet note 5: "5. The new concrete pad, proposed in between the relocated chlorine gas
scrubber and chemical scrubber train no. 3, shall be a reinforced 8-inch thick slab with #5
rebars at 12-inches on center each way. The edge of the slab shall be constructed in
accordance with section E on drawing S-09. The slab will have one construction joint at the
north to south midpoint. The dimension of the slab shall be the limits shown on this drawing
and shall be field verified during construction."
3. Sheet S-01, General Note G3.C describes the wind load requirements for this project.
"The wind load requirements as stated on Sheet S-01 shall supersede the wind load
requirements as stated in the Specification."
4. Sheet S-01, ADD General Note G11, "The shallow foundations depicted in the Contract
Documents were designed using a presumptive, net allowable bearing pressure of 1500
pounds per square foot (pst). Subgrade inspection and compaction testing during
construction shall be performed in accordance with specification Section 02200 to verify the
presumptive, net allowable bearing pressure assumed. In addition. hand-auger samples to
a depth of 10FT shall be taken as indicated and evaluated by the project Soils Engineer in
Revised: 3125/09
laD ~1
accordance with Specification Section 02200 for the presence of deleterious materials:
Blower Enclosure - 2 Samples, Chemical Scrubber - 1 Sample, Chlorine Scrubber - 1
5. Sheet S-01, ADD General Note G12, "The Contractor shall be responsible for obtaining
additional, in-situ soils data as required by foundations indicated for design by the
Contractor. The Engineer shall review information obtained by the Contractor and
Contractor-performed foundation designs for compliance with the Contract Documents. All
items designed by the Contractor shall comply with the Building Code and designs shall be
certified by a professional Engineer licensed in Florida, retained by the Contractor."
6. Specification Section 13121, Metal Enclosure Systems, paragraph 2.3 Accessories, C., 1.
ADD the following paragraph sections: "d. Equal to SteelCraft, H Series (H16 or H14); e.
Comply with Miami-Dade Notice of Acceptance (NOA), 07-0829.04 for single door and 07-
0829.03 for double door; f. Have Florida Approval No. FL 12400; g. Meet missile impact an
ASTM E-330; h. Fabrication meet ANSI A250.6 and A250.8; and i. Minimum design
pressure of 55PSF."
7. Specification Section 13121, Metal Enclosure Systems, paragraph 2.3 Accessories, C.,
3.b., REMOVE sentence in its entirety.
8. Specification Section 13121, Metal Enclosure Systems, paragraph 2.3 Accessories, C.,
ADD paragraph 4 with the following section: paragraph a. Single Door shall have:
No. Item Description Finish Mnfr
1 ea CONTINUOUS HINGE 700 83" 630 IVE
1 ea KICK PLATE 8400 10" X 2" LOW 630 IVE
1 ea SEALS 162S-HEAD & JAMBS 628 NGP
1 ea DRIP CAP 16A-HEAD PLUS 4" 628 NGP
1 ea THRESHOLD 513HD SIA-36" (3/8" AL NGP
9. Specification Section 13121, Metal Enclosure Systems, paragraph 2.3 Accessories, C.,
ADD to paragraph 4, the following sections: paragraph b. Double Door shall have:
No. Item Description Finish Mnfr
2 ea CONTINUOUS HINGE 700 83" 630 IVE
1 ea KICK PLATE 8400 10" X 2" LDW 630 IVE
1 ea SEALS 162S-HEAD & JAMBS 628 NGP
1 ea DRIP CAP 16A-HEAD PLUS 4" 628 NGP
1 ea THRESHOLD 513HD SIA-36" (3/8" AL NGP
10. Specification Section 13505, Degasifier Units, Paragraph 1.5 Submittals, REMOVE the last
sentence in this paragraph in its entirety and REPLACE with "Design for all loading
conditions shall be based on the wind load requirements described in General Note G3.C
on Drawing S-01."
11. Specification Section 15210, FRD Duct Work and Accessories, Paragraph 2.1.D Design
Conditions, REMOVE the this sentence in its entirety and REPLACE with "Design for all
loading conditions shall be based on the wind load requirements described in General Note
G3.C on Drawing S-01."
If you require additional information please post a question on the eBid site or contact me
(contact information above).
c: Tom Chmelik
1 00 ..~
NCRWTP Degasifier and Odor Control Expansion
Collier County Bid No. 10-5423
Collier County, Florida
Sheet D-04, regarding the 10 foot wide new concrete pad that is in between the relocated
chlorine gas scrubber and chemical scrubber train no. 3; and, northeast of
degasifier no. 4, this slab shall be constructed similar to the concrete slabs shown
on drawing S-05. ADD sheet note 5: "5. The new concrete pad, proposed in
between the relocated chlorine gas scrubber and chemical scrubber train no. 3,
shall be a reinforced 8.inch thick slab with #5 rebars at 12-inches on center each
way. The edge of the slab shall be constructed in accordance with section E on
drawing S-09. The slab will have one construction joint at the north to south
midpoint. The dimension of the slab shall be the limits shown on this drawing and
shall be field verified during construction."
Sheet S-Ol, General Note G3.C describes the wind load requirements for this
project. "The wind load requirements as stated on Sheet S-Ol shall supersede the
wind load requirements as stated in the Spccification."
Sheet S-Ol, ADD General Note GII, "The shallow foundations depicted in the Contract
Documents were designed using a presumptive, net allowable bearing pressure of
1500 pounds per square foot (psi). Subgrade inspection and compaction testing
during construction shall be performed in accordance with specification Section
02200 to verify the presumptive, net allowable bearing pressure assumed. In
addition, hand-auger samples to a depth of 10FT shall be taken as indicated and
evaluated by the project Soils Engineer in accordance with Specification Section
02200 for the presence of deleterious materials: Blower Enclosure . 2 Samples,
Chemical Scrubber - I Sample, Chlorine Scrubber - 1 Sample."
Sheet S-Ol, ADD General Note GI2, "The Contractor shall be responsible for obtaining
additional, in-situ soils data as required by foundations indicated for design by the
Contractor. The Engineer shall review information obtained by the Contractor
and Contractor-performed foundation designs for compliance with the Contract
Documents. All items designed by thc Contractor shall comply with the Building
Code and designs shall be certified by a professional Engineer licensed in Florida,
retained by the Contractor."
Specification Section 13121, Metal Enclosure Systems, paragraph 2.3 Accessories, C., l.
ADD the following paragraph sections: "d. Equal to SteelCraft, H Series (H16 or
HI4); e. Comply with Miami-Dade Notice of Acceptance (NOA), 07.0829.04 for
single door and 07-0829.03 for double door; 1'. Have Florida Approval No.
FL12400; g. Meet missile impact an ASTM E-330; h. Fabrication meet ANSI
A250.6 and A250.8; and i. Minimum design pressure of 55PSF."
NCRWTP Degasifier and Odor Control Expansion, Collier County Bid No. 10-5423 - ADDENDUM NO.2
Page II
Specification Section 13121, Metal Enclosure Systems, paragraph 2.3 Accessories, C.,
3.b., REMOVE sentence in its entirety.
Specification Section 13121, Metal Enclosure Systems, paragraph 2.3 Accessories, C.,
ADD paragraph 4 with the following section: paragraph a. Single Door shall
No. Item Description Finish Mnfr
lea CONTINUOUS HINGE 700 83" 630 IVE
lea KICK PLATE 840010" X 2" LOW 630 IVE
1 ea DRIP CAP 16A-HEAD PLUS 4" 628 NGP
1 ea THRESHOLD 513HD SIA-36" (3/8" AL NGP
Specification Section 13121, Metal Enclosure Systems, paragraph 2.3 Accessories, c.,
ADD to paragraph 4, the following sections: paragraph b. Double Door shall
No. Item Description Finish Mnfr
2 ea CONTINUOUS HINGE 700 83" 630 IVE
lea CONST. CORE 23-030-1CX (LOCKING 626 SCH
lea KICK PLATE 840010" X 2" LOW 630 IVE
lea THRESHOLD 513HD SIA-36" (3/8" AL NGP
NCRWTP Degasitier and Odor Control Expansion, Collier County Bid No. 10.5423. ADDENDUM NO.2
Page I 2
laD 1
Specification Section 13505, Degasitier Units, Paragraph 1.5 Submittals, REMOVE the
last sentence in this paragraph in its entirety and REPLACE with "Design for all
loading conditions shall be based on the wind load requirements described in
General Note G3.C on Drawing S.OI."
Specification Section 15210, FRO Duct Work and Accessories, Paragraph 2.1.0 Design
Conditions, REMOVE the this sentence in its entirety and REPLACE with
"Design for all loading conditions shall be based on the wind load requirements
described in General Note G3.C on Drawing S-Ol."
NCR WTP Degasifier and Odor Control Expansion, Collier County Bid No. 10-5423 . ADDENDUM NO.2
Page I 3
Co~ County
--.......- -
Adrr4nislrative Servioes Division
Telephone: (239) 252-8995
FAX: (239) 252-6588
January 21, 2010
Scott D, Johnson
Purchasing Agent
Interested Bidders
Addendum #1 -ITB #10-5423
"NCRWTP Degasifier and Odor Control Expansion
The following clarifications are issued as Addendum #1 identifying the following change
(s) for the referenced bid:
Add Questions for Qualification;
Sheet G-05, delete the Bid Issued Sheet and replace with Sheet G-05, revision 2.
Sheet E-03, ADD circuit label "SWBDF-1 02B, 1 02C, SWBDG-1 02B, 1 02C" from 13-CB-01 & 13-CB-
02 motor starters to Cable Tray A.
Sheet E-03, ADD circuit label ", 104B" after "MCC-104A".
Sheet E-05, circuit label "PPM-20, 22, 24, 26
SWBDG-102B, 102C, 104A, 104B
LPM-1, 5"
DELETE "PPM-26, SWBDG-104A, 104B" and ADD "PPM-32. RI011-69, MCCB-104A,
104B, LPM-12, 14",
Revised: 3/25/09
Sheet E-05, REROUTE circuits "PPM-20, 22, 24, 32, RI011-64, 69, LPM-1, 5, 12, 14". These
circuits shall not be routed onto Cable Tray C. They shall be routed along the North wall
until they penetrate the wall to go outdoors.
Sheet E-05, in odor control room, REPLACE circuit label "LP-4" with "LPM-4".
Sheet E-05, in odor control room, REPLACE circuit label "LP-4, 21" with "LPM-4, 21".
Sheet E-05, in odor control room, REPLACE circuit label "LCP8-5,6,7,8" with "LCP3-5,6,7,8".
Sheet E-06, delete the Bid Issued Sheet and replace with Sheet E-06, revision 2.
Sheet E-07, delete the Bid Issued Sheet and replace with Sheet E-07, revision 2.
Sheet E-09, circuits SWBDF-102A, SWBDG-102A, REPLACE "3#2/0" with "3/C #2/0".
Sheet E-09, circuits MCCA-102A, MCCB-102A, REPLACE "3#2/0..." with "3/C #2/0..
Sheet E-12, delete the Bid Issued Sheet and replace with Sheet E-12, revision 2.
Sheet E-13, delete the Bid Issued Sheet and replace with Sheet E-13, revision 2.
Sheet E-14, Existing LCP-3 Instrumentation One-Line Diagram, Sodium Hydroxide Metering
Pumps, 09-P-10 and 09P-11, REPLACE circuit "LPM-2" with "LPM-21".
Sheet E-14, Existing LCP-3 Instrumentation One-Line Diagram, Sodium Hypochlorite Metering
Pump, 14-P-05, REPLACE circuit "LPM-6" with "LPM-4".
Sheet E-14, circuit RI011-67, REPLACE "4#18TSP, '%"" with "4#18TSP, 1" ".
Sheet E-14, circuit RI011-64, REPLACE "25/C #14 (9 SPARE), 1"" with "25/C #14 (9 SPARE), 1-
1/2" ".
Specification Section 01026,3.1, C., 4., REPLACE "Deductive" with "Additive".
Specification Section 01026,3.1, C., 5., ADD the following sentence at the end of this paragraph:
"A lump sum value of $201,668 is included in the bid form for this quote".
Specification Section 02075, 1.1, B., ADD Paragraph 6: "Section 09906 - Rehabilitation and
Protective Lining for the Clearwell."
Specification Section 02075, 1.2, B., ADD Paragraph 3: "The Contractor shall include the time
required for Service Painting of Florida to perform work in each clearwell basin. This work
will be included in the detailed schedule and sequence of demolition of existing degasifier
Specification Section 09906, 1.1, A, ADD Paragraph 6: "Service Painting of Florida will require
three (3) weeks to perform work in the south clearwell basin and another three (3) weeks to
perform work in the north c1earwell basin."
Specification Section 13441,3.1, B., 3., a., line 4 REPLACE "OPR meter (140AIT-04C)" with "ORP
meter (14-AIT-04C)"
laD t1.
Specification Section 16132, 12, A, 1., REMOVE "a. A 123... Products." and "c.
Specification Section 16132, 1.4, A, 1., REPLACE "Galvanized" with "Aluminum".
Specification Section 16132, 1.4, A, 1., ADD "(Bid Alternate)" after "... Non-metallic"
Specification Section 16132, 2.2, A 1., REPLACE "a. Steel: 1) Side Channels...A123." with: "a.
1) Side channels: Heat treatable alloy Type 6063-T6.
2) Transverse elements: Heat treated alloy Type 6063-T6 (solid channel) or
Type 6063-NHT (tubular)."
Specification Section 16132, 3.1, E., 1., a., REPLACE "Galvanized system...conduit clamps." with
"Aluminum system consisting of: Aluminum channels and fittings with stainless steel nuts
and hardware and conduit clamps."
Specification Section 16132, 3.1, E., 2., a., REPLACE "Galvanized steel... coated trays." with
"Aluminum system may be used with aluminum trays."
Specification Section 16132, 3.2.B, DELETE "Where galvanized steel cable tray... and a finish coat
of zinc-rich paint."
If you require additional information please post a question on the eBid site or contact me
(contact information above).
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Collier County Public Utilities Division
ATTN: Tom Chmelik
Rehabilitation and Coating Quote
Mr. Chmelik:
Service Painting is pleased to quote you on the above referenced project. Our scope
and pricing is as follows:
Furnish and install Epoxetec system per specification recommendation
Specific Inclusions:
1 Surface Prep using 24.000 to 40,000 PSI hydro blast
2 Resurface Concrete up to 1/4 inch with epoxy mortar
3 Repair all spalled areas up to 2".
4 Poly caulk all joints
5 Blast, prime, and resurface all exposed rebar.
6 Blast, prime, and apply Uroflex to pump piping
7 Apply Epoxytec coating system per spec recommendation
8 10- Year warranty with annual inspection 'Included
$ 201,668.00
Manufacturer's Inspections and NACE Coating Inspector pricing are included.
Should you have any questions or require additional information, please contact me.
~g~R. &~-:t
Industrial Division MHnagcl'
12140 Metro Parkway, Suite K
Fort Myers, I'L 33966
239.93'>.7622 PH
2.)9-822-67.~6 CELL
n9-939-1543 FAX
E-mail: R[
If'! eJ?i'JJe[)!icepillntl nq. neJ
. FAX 239.939.1543
Fort Myers . 12140 Metro Parkway, Ste I< . Fort Myers, FL 33966 . 239.939.7622
Sarasota. 1885 Porter Lakes Drive, Unit C .. Sarasota, Fl 34240 . 941.371.8182
. FAX 941-311-0563
NCRWTP Degasifier and Odor Control Expansion
BID NO. 10-5423
FUll Name of BldderMlt"h",1I 8. Stark COIlli!:l\!.l;!ion Co., Inc.
Main Business Address6flfl1 Shirley Street, Flor.ifl.!.34109_
Place of BusinessMfl1 Shirl..)' Street Naples. Florida 34.109
Telephone No. 2~97.21.65_.
_Fax No 239-566-7865
State Contractor's license #.c.uCM6ll2D.__...
State of Florida Certjficate of Authoflly Document NumberAC385494
(hereinafter called the Owner)
The undersigned. as Bidder deelates that the only person or parties intetested in this
Bid as principals are those named herein, that this BId is submitted without collusion
with any other person, firm or corporation: that it has carefully examined the location of
the proposed Work, the proposed form of Agreement and all other Contract Documents
and Bonds, and the Contract Drawings and Specifications, Including Addenda issued
thereto and acknowledges receipt below
Addendum Number
Date Issued
Contractor's fn:tlais
t \ J'v
~) '2 l ?:. ,'.>
Bidder ptoposes, and agrees if this Bid is accepted, Bidder will execute the Agreement
included in the Bidding Documents. to plOvide all necessary machinery, tools,
apparatus and other means of construction. including utility and transportation s.ervlces
necessary to do all the Work, and furnish alllhe materials and equipment specified or
referred to in the Contract Documents in the manner and time herein prescribed and
according to the requirements of the Owner as therein set forth, furnish the Contractor's
Bonds and Insurance specified in the Generat Conditions of the Contract. and 10 do all
otller tllIngs required of the Contractor by the Contract Documents. and that it wlil take
full payment the sums set forth in the foHowlng Bid ScI1edule.
NOTE If you choose to bid. please submit an ORIGINAL and ONE COpy of your bid
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All Bidders shall confirm by signature that they will provide the manufacturers and
matenals outlined in this Bid specifications. Exceptions (when equals are acceptable)
may be requested by completing the MateMI Manufacturer Exception List below If an
exception for a manufacturer and/or matena! is proposed and listed below and IS not
approved by Engineer/Project Manager, Bidder shall furmsh the manufacturer named in
the specification. Acceptance of this form does not constitute acceptance of material
proposed on thiS list
Complete and sign section A OR B
Section A (Acceptance of all manufactures and materials lfl Bid specifications)
On behalf of my firm. I confirm that we will use all manufacturers and materials
as specifically outlined in the Bid speCifications
Company 1'I1itchell & ~.~nstruction Co.. Inc.
Sognalu'e .: ./:;,.c_' =::::=_.~~..
Date 1/2!)jl () ..
Section 8 (Exception requested to Bid speCifications manufacturers and matenals)
Please insert additional pages as necessary
Company. Mitchell & Sta,k Consluclion Co., Inc.
Date 1/~n.!L
The undersigned states that the following is a list of the proposed subcontractors tor the
major categories outlined in the requirements of the Bid specificatJons.
The undersigned acknowledges its responsibility for ensuring that the SIJbcontractors
for the malor categories listed herein are "qualified" (as deflOed in Ordrnance 87-25 and
Section 15 of InstructIons to Bidders) and meet all legal requirements applicable to and
necessrtated by the Contract Documents. including, but not limited to proper licenses.
certiftcations. registrations and insurance coverage, The Owner reserves the nght to
dlsq ualify any Bidder who includes non-compliant or non-quaMled Subcontractors In Its
bid offer. Further, the Owner may dllect the Successful Bidder to remove/replace any
Subcontractor, at no addilional cost to Owner. which is found to be non-compliant with
this requirement either before Of after the issuance of the Award of Contract by Owner
(Attach additional sheets as needed) Further. the undersigned acknowledges and
agrees that promptly after the Award of Contract, and in accordance With the
reqUirements of the Contract Documents, the Successful Bidder shall Identify all
Subcontractors It intends to use on Ihe Project The undersigned further agrees that all
Subcontractors SUbsequently identified for any portion of work on this Project must be
qualified as noted abolfe.
Major Category of Work
Subcontractor amI Address
Compa"y Mitchell &~(;~~~~r1'.IClion Co.. Inc.
Signature / /" "'--~
Oat" 112911 ~
Tne Bidder IS required to state 00101'1 what work of similar magnitude compleled wlthm
the last five years is a judge of its experience. skill and business standing and of its
abill~y to conduct the work as completely and as rapidly as required under the terms of
the Agreement
Ptoiect and Locatio[J
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10 DJ
Bidder acknowledges that included in the various items of the hid and in the Total Bid
Price are costs for complying with the Florida Trench Safety Act (90.96, Laws of Florida)
effective October 1, 1990. The Bidder further identifies the cost to be summarized
Failure to complete the above may result in Ihe Bid being declared non.responsive
Dated 1/29/10
Mitchell & Stark Const. Co" Inc.
/~ ~.<~----
6 ---
Co~r County
.... ~.-....
ITB #:10-5423 (Check Appropriate Boxes Below)
A "local busmess" IS defined as a business that has a valid occupational license issued
by either Collier or Lee County for a minimum of one (1) yeat prior to a Collier County
bid or proposal submission that authorizes the business to provide the commoditIes or
services to be purchased, and a phySical business address located withll1the limits of
Coaier or Lee Counties from which the vendor operates or performs business Post
Office Boxes are not verifiable and shall not be used for the purpose of establishll1g said
phYSical address, In addition to the foregOing, a vendor shall not be consIdered a "local
bUSiness" unless it contributes to the economic development and well-being of either
Collier or Lee County in a verifiable and measurable way, This may include. but not be
limited to, the retention and expansion of employment opportunities, the support and
increase to either Collier or Lee County's tax base. and residency of employees and
plll1clpals of the business Within Collier or Lee County, Vendors shall affirm In Writing
their compliance with the fo(egomg at the lime of submitting their bid or proposal 10 be
ehglble for conslderatlon as a "local busmess" under this section,
Please ptovide the following Informal,on for the Proposer/Bidder/Quoler:
Year Business Established in (R]CoHier County or Lee County: .t9.!lt.._..."
Nomber of Employees (Including Owner(s) or Corporate Officers):19L_..
Number of Employees L,vrng In lJ(J Collier County or Lee (Including O...."'er($) or
Corporale Officers)"tlO "_...___
Ii reques:ed by the County, proposer/bldder/quoter will be requlfed to provrcle
docl;mentation substantiating the information given in this affidavit Failure to do so will
re\iu\t in proposetlbidder/quoter's sUbmission being deemed nol applicable
Mitche!L!Uitark Canst Co"lnc.
ProposerlBidder/Quoter Name
Brian Penner
Sworn 10 a!ld Subscribed Before Me. a Notary Public, for the above Stale and County.
on thiS ?9.... H_~_ Day of Januarv H'___H"" 20jJ~
, fj
Belinq'lE}.u.rg,l?as:!l!r iF') ~/~i'
; i
Notary P . ie
My Commission Exprres: 11221'1
100 .,
laD .~
,\dr';"1t11SO'J3we ,:)i}f\M.:m (::>Nl$Klf'
Immigration Affidavit
BidlRFP 1# 113-5423
Tille 2~.!!sifier and Odor Control Expansion
J hiS Affdavlt is ,eqclfed and should be signed. notariZed oy an authonzed prmcjole of the fi'm and
scbmtled with formsllnvllat.ons to Bid (ITB'sl alld Request tor Proposals (RFP'I >ubmittuls Failure to
i~clllce this Afftdavt~ with pfcposa! villi delay in the coasideration and rev:ew~rg of vender's plODosats and
could msul: ;n the vendor's propt)saJ wing de6'-'oed non-responSive
Collier COljr.ty wd! not m1enhonally 3',1/01'0 County CO'ltracts to any vendor whC knO>N">:li,' empioys
tli14I,.thon~ud alien workers, constituting a \liolalton 01 the employmert provision contZlnod in i3 U,S.C
Seeton 1324 ale) Sectior: 274A(e) of the Imrrligralion and NallO'1aliljl Act ('INA")
Collier CO!"onty may conSider the employment by an.,. vend<:r of un.authorized alle!'ls a Ylola:lOn of Sec;tJQ~
21~A;eJ of tile 11\/\ Such V:olat'on by ti'>2 reCipient of tne Employment PrO'iISjor~s contained m SeCtfo'\
274A ~e'f of the INA shail be gfOlitld$ for lJniiateraJ termlnatior of tre contract by Colliel Coun1y
Verldor attests .hat they are ('.dy compliant with all applK:::able Imrrllgrahon laws lSpeClfH::-liJ'Iy to the 1986
mrUJrattoH Act Bnd subsequem Arnendment(s)f and agrees to abide by Collier Cal;n~y Ernploymer,t
i:J;glb::lly Veritic-afi:)1I System rCQJlri::ments regardmg this sc,licltatiol1
Pnr'l: Name
Mitchell & Stark Construction Co., Inc.
Brian Penner
... ~,//~ ~<..,~-_.-...
-"~"";">",,,, .....~..
-,!lC CEO / VP
DUle 1/29/1.0.._... _ .
STATE OF Flori5l3
fhe foregoing Instrument was sijJ0ed and acknowle.dgedoefore rne this 29__aay of
~ll.!:1.u!lry 2C.!Q., by Brian Penner._.__._._ who nas I)roduced
(pr:nt or Type Nama}
Kno"",o P~rsonallv .. . _._ as tdel1lifcat""
pe ot/~}'\(l.~c~~ti.PrLand Nurrben
3') lie Slg
Beli a Bur bacher
Printed Name of flWtaty PI.;.'bhc
2R~.~0455 / 1/22/11
No~ary Crnnmissior Number/Expiration
The signee of tl'hS Affi(Savlt guarantees, dS €YldvnCeJ by t~e 5'J"Otn affidavit reqUIred hCfi,:di, tr,e truth and
accvra:::y uf ths affidaVIt to interrogatories hereinaHer made Cohtu CQlJnty reserve:;) the ! '9h1. at any'
IHne, J.;) request s~llJrJ()n:ng dvcumertaUon as evide,t(;e of tne vender's corrptlancc with th;;a sworn
Upon notificallon that its Bid has been awarded, the Suocessful Bidder will execute the
Agreement form attached to the Bidding Documenls within ten (10) calendar days and
de'lver the Surety Bond or Bonds and Insurance Certificates as required by the Contract
Documents The bid security attached is to become the property of the Owner In the
event the Agreement, Insurance Certificates and Bonds are not executed and cIelivered
to Owner within the time above set forth, as liquidated damages. for the delay and
additional expense to the Owner, it being recognized that. since time is of the essence.
Owner will suffer tinancial loss If the Successful Biddet tails to execute and deliver to
Owner the reqUired Agreement, InS\lranCe Certificates and Bonds within the required
time penod In the event of such failure. the total amounl of Owner's damages, will be
difficult, if oot impossible. 10 definitely ascertain and quantify, It is hereby agreed that it
IS appropriate and lair that Owner receive liquidated damages from the Successful
Bidder in the event It fails to execute and deliver the Agreement. Insurance Certificates,
and Bonds as required hereunder The Successful Bidder hereby expressly w;:\lVes and
relinquishes any right which it may have to seek to characterize the aoove noted
liquidated damages as a penalty. which the parties agree represents a tair and
reasonable estimate of Owner's actual damages at the time of bidding If the Successful
Bidder fails to execute and deliver the Agreement. Insurance Certificates, and Bonds In
a limely manner.
Upon receipt of the Notice of Award, the undersigned proposes to commence work at
the site within 5 calendar days from the commencement date stipulated in the written
Netice to Proceed unless the Project Manager, in wrillng, subsequently notifies the
Contractor of a modilted (later) commencement date. The undersigned further agrees 10
substantially complete all work covered by this Bid within two hundred thirty-six (236)
consecutive calendar days, computed by excluding the commencemenl date and
including the last day of such period, and to be fully completed to the pam! of final
acceptance by the Owner within sixty (60) consecutive calendar days after Substantial
Completion. computed by exclLldrng commencement date and including the las: day of
such pen ad
RespectfUlly S.ubmitted
State of Florida
COllntyof CQ!Ji~r..
Brian Penner,. mm_ , being first duly swam on
oath deposes and says that the Bidder on the above Bid IS organized as indicated and
lhat all statements herein made are made on behall of such Bidder and that this
deponent is authOrized to make them.
Elrian Penner .. _, . .' also deposes and says
that It has examined and carefUlly prepared its Bid from the Bidding Documents,
mciudlng the Contract Drawings and SpeCifications and has checked the same in detail
before submitting this Bid; that the statements contained herein are true and correct
laD ..,
(al Corporation
The Bidder IS a corporation organized and
IndiaJJ31~ ~ " which operates
MJtc;,I1el!.!.~tark Constructio'!l::<:>"lnc.
officers are as follows:
under the laws of the State of
the legal name of
.' and the full names of its
President Fred H.<IlTi?c:>n.~_"
SecrotarY13r,!an Penner
Treasurerf!~d .I-larrison
Manager Bria!!J'e.nner
the Brian_..._,,~,,~. _~_.__ . is authorized to sign constfllcl:on bids
and contracts for the company by action of its Board of Directors taken
12/28/2006 _ . a certified copy of which is hereto attached (strike
out this last sentence if not appllcablel~
T ne Bidder IS a co-partnership conSisting of individual partners whose full names are as
The co-partnership does busmess under the legal name of:
(c) Indlvldl,J..<iJ
The Bidder is an individLlal whose full name is
and if operating under a trade name. said trade name is
legal enlity
laD '1
/' t: l';
nk>td t<<1.-Ay <""-.J
BY: Mitchell & Stark Con!!.Lc;:,~.!nf.,
Name of Bidder (Typed,l.
. /~#'^'-'Z".~~_~~_
Brian Penll!L.'/
STATE OF E1ori9.3
The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this 2~.n day of '!;:II1!JarY~()HI
:2009. by Brian Penner
of r.11t.c::.l1ell & Stark Const...~o.u Inc.
behalf of the corpotation. He/she is
I:<I]Qv!'F'![:';;o!l1!!.!Y._ . ..
and did (did not) take an oath
. . as Q.~OLYJ!
,,__." aII]QjilD-i'.........._ corporation. on
personally known to me or has ploduced
us identification
, /
/ '/ ,1"';";'
rl)c~'/ ,/ X/"':c, "
btsi.~u~e of Notary)
Belinda E!.!!Xabilc::l1er
(legibly Printed)
My Commission Expues
Notary Public. Stale of f~__
Commission No.. OQ"20455
Mitchell & Stark Construction Co.. lnc._
(Fi'm's Complete legal Name)
Main Business
~Q01 Shirj~y Street
Contacl Narne Brian Penner
TltleCEgI~P~' _.
Naples, Flqrida 34109
(City. Stale, ZIP)
Phone No, 239-597-2165 ._.~__
FAX No, ?~9.566..7865 .. .
Emait address: np..nn..r@mil"hpn,,".rk com
Send Payments To
(REQUIRED ONLY if different from above} Mitchell & Stark Construction c;;,g.. Inc.
(Company Name used all Payee)
6001 Shirley.Street
Naplelh,florida 341.09
(City, Slale, ZIP)
Phone No 239-597-2165
FAX No 239-566.7865,
Emarl address ....._
Contact Name Brian Penner
TllleCEO/YP_ m_
Office Sen/icing Collicr County Account
IPlace Orders/Request Supplies
(REaUIRED ONL Y if difforent from above)
(City. State ZIP)
Contact Name.
Ptlone No
Emall Address
laD ~1
I'RI':Ol!ALU'ICATION om:STIONS FOR nn: COU,TY 8m ~(). 10-5423
These 'luestillns must be fully and aceurately tilled out and will be u,crl to evaluate nnd award
this bid. Failure to fully till nul each line will be considered non-r",pOflSive and could ,,'suit in
bid rejection and will be considered non-rc$ponsi\c
I. lias your liml evt.'!" installed degasiliers in the state of Florida? If "'. what project, where
and f()f \1I,ihOln'! P iV z~ L..;. ':> ..1,~ LJ;...,"':> ''';"' P L e;, ,~c L~
P ," \.A..l\ ,f (, ,';J : }A;. <: ,0 " "..." ,;
J ~ ",,,,-
r "-"
f<,'t.s:"'--' {>
<\ /" ,M,,J t f~ ,-" ~!.
., Has your linn ever worked in a water tl"Catment plantofl " project in execs' "f'!> I ,(lOO,OOO
In the state of Florida? tf so, what project where ami for whom"
e. il:. 1\ t.\ C r.1,
fA, ,.~u t;: t;" ';
iv,-J'! "A.'
,"'IA. "",;,.( u
:r: /(4.cy_!
3. lias your firm eVt'r w,Jrked in Collier County f(,r the Public Utilities Division': If so,
what projcet, "ht.'!'e and 1(1f wh,'m') ~ e e A 1-\ ,< C_~\
4. I (as your linn eVe'!' been in litigation. mediation, or arbitration with re$p''<;( to installing
waler treatment Ctluipment in the past ten years? If '0, describe.
5. I hLS your firm ever been assesse.d 1i'luidafc,d damage, f{,r bcing late "n a water treatmt.'T1t
equipment insllllluti()f1 proj,,'Ct in the past ten yetlfS'./ I I' $0, dcsenbc.
;e:;r-- ~-
Signed ()tfi:e~-;;rlhe Cnmpany
. /' ,\ \
1 "u.'tJJ.,<""" .L,,---
,-,,^," ,
Vanderbilt Water Main
Magnolia Pond Watermain
South Reg WTP
Collier County Wells
N County Chemical Feed
Wells 39. 40 41.42
South Reg WTP
Cotlier County Wells
Santa Barbara Force Main
N. County Sound Enclosure
Pelican Bay Georgetown
South County Storage
North County Wellfield
NCWRF Equalization
$429 90000
5232 805 00
Collier County Bd of Comm,ssJoners
Collier County Bd of CommIsSioners
Collier County Water Sewer Dlstnct
Collier County Water Sewer District
Coiller County Bd of CommlSsloners
Colloer County
Collier County Water Sewe' District
Collier County Water Sewer Dlstrrct
Collier Co. Sord of Comm
Coller County Board of Commlssroners
Coller County Board of ComrrflsslOnetS
Coiler County Board of Commissioners
Coller County Board of Commissioners
Colher County Board of Commissioners
Collier County Government
Kl\OW ALL MEN BY '1 HESE PRESI'N I'S, that we Mitcbell and Stark Constru"..ion
Co.. Inc. (herein after called the Principal) and Fidelit\' and Deposit Company of Man'land
therein eillled the Surety), a corporation charter"...l and existing under the laws of the state of
t\'llilld "ith its principal olliees in the city of U\l!Jim"fc and uuthorized to do business in the
Statc or E!.grida arc ilel,J and firmly bound unto the 8<lard of Count\' Commi$,'livners vf Collier
CUUDIy Horida hereinaner eallcd thc Owner. in the full lmd just sum of Fi",~ !,.,,",,cnt of
Maximum Rid Amount dollars /$ ~% ) goml ~U1dlawful money or the I Iniled States of
America, to he paid upon demand of the O'lner, to which paymcnt "ell and truly to ile made, the
Principal and the Surely bind themselves. their hcirs. und executors, administrators, and assigns,
.!ointly and 5C"erally and firmly by tbes.. p",sc'nts
Whcreas, thc Principal is about to submit. or has submitted to thc Ownl,r, a prop(lsallbr
furnishing all l.lhor, m.tterials. t.:quipmcIlt andincid<:ntab fK':Ccssary 10 furnish and ln$1:111:
NOW, TllEREfORE, The c\mditions of this obligation arc such that if the Proposal be
,,,'cepted. tile I'rincipal shall. within fifteen days aller the datc of a wrilten Notic(' or Awarcl,
execute a Cnntract in accordance witb the Propos:d and upon thc terms, conditions and pri"c(s)
set lillth therein, oflh" tillrll and manncr rL'tJuired by thc Owncr, and execute a suffidelll and
satisfactory Contract I'erfonnance Bond and Payment Bond payable to the Owner. in an amount
of 100 Percent of the total Contract price each in a Ibrm and with sL'Curily satislactory to the said
Owncr, thcn this obligation 10 be void: otherwise to bc and remain in full force and virtue in the
law; and the Surety shall, upon failure of the Principal to comply with :Ull' or all of the li'regoing
requirement~ within the time specified abovc, immediately pay to the atilft,said Owner. upon
.kmand, thc amount hcrL'ofitl goud and lawltllmoney of tile I Jnited States of America, nol as a
penalty but itS liqllidatt~d Jumagcs.
IN TFSTlMONY Tilereof, the Principal and Surely have causL'd thesc presents to he duly
signed aod sealed this .1.~it:h.. day ofJJ!']j.!;1!I . 29J9
( Seal)
_ _"_._^..".._,._....~~"."."............... ....".v.............__...,..... '.V...
Rvbert E Williams, Jr. . Altomcy-in.fact
Couutc~igned ______. ,
I.o"al Rcsidcnt Producing Agent for U.()ridfl
Power of Attorney
lorporatlon t)fthe Stak ul"\1aryhmd. hy W1LUA:vl J. MILLS, Vice Itfl~idt'nL ilnd L1<IC D. BARNES, /\~-'>Istant Sccret~)ry,
in iffirsnaoce of authority gramed by Al1idt:: \/1. Scl.:tiou 2, of the H,y.Laws of said CompunY'F'\\'!~(an: :\cl forth {HI th~
tt\it~tf;e SIde hereof ~md are hcrch}' (:\';rtificd hl ht: in tu11 fot1:c and effcc.1 (nI the datI.: h~c~t).,.~~y nominate, l:onstitutc
;lnd appoint Rubert E. Wll.LIAMS~ .JR.. oJBrownstown. Indi;tna-,:;l:ilrt~~~~g'~!:lt'~c.,()f'n(':y~m"Fact~ to
m~"k(:" tXlTU[t", ;md dl,.lli,,'cf, !tlf. anJon J[.:, b\~h;)Jt <IS sun: tv ~tlNtt1,(~\NWa U't.;t;:tli"\d.C:'4i..a )lJ.rtJbrids and
~~":l:"'TI U J ., ~ "~' <d="~.~~ iUid tlll: C\!.'CUIIOll ()f~t.lch bonds or !I~itt: ~i't'f:.y., "ttf':';lriIU",,".' of1 '!\Z ~ft11tS:' :>niJJllx as hmdmg, fjr\nn s;m!
~ , ,r- ,>!):)' ;':>>"1' ,...r.-"'1 ' , \;".) ", , ~ "
t - mnp;my _ as fully ._l~ld .unp~y. h'),,,ll ~H?~~~q flllX'flk,t,: _ ~ f}~viNf~n:m:'dulrcxc"'lJh.'d and ackrl()w,h:~iged hy Ih~
fl.;:?u!:u17' l,kdcd ol{H;:cr~ oj .tl!~,~~~~\I:~Y~'t;!~;:r,,~t'l,ijit.I\ft~, Mft. In thclr OV,,'II pf\'pt"r P<-T'i-('(l'-, r hl\ powcr 01 aU{lmc~
/c.vokc' II/al b,ued flll,.btlln{ir,~ R~I:..l\totl"IiI. \" )l~rj.;I"'ch. ". 1')<)8.
, " ~''RU}t. - '-'1 <"\\"'S f,--'\_"J',
t1lC. .A1i:'listatlt ~. ~.df<... ~)\_ein ~ ihat lhe C\tnKt sct ((loh on the reverS(' ::"idc herC(lf I:, a true copy of Artjdc VI.
S;:r,:lin:):. (\f~he By,l~'1~i);~(C,~n:... :}n{~ l\ ;l!\\\ ;11 f(})c,-'
1\1 \vn Nt':SS WI'~p::Kr{,i, t1w ;;,aid VIl:L'.Pr.;siJ..;'nt and A~~lsl<trn Secretary havt of'rennin 'd.;h"(Tlbnllht~1l' natnt::-:; W\i{
aflixcd lht (\lfIX)r:;It(' S\~ill ofth;: ~~ai{j FlDEUT'{ AND DlYO~IT COMPANY OF MAH.Yl ,ANU, lIl\\. j,Wl (Jay of July, /\,n.
Eric IJ fhJftll.i)
AX5L\liJlIf Sn.fclmy
Wi/Iii/In.! ,\hlls
Vr;:';, ftresldou
Stmc.' or MaryliH1tl .}:-.:-.:
(:t1~' llfBllltH1ltltt'
()nlhi" 14th da" of July~ AJ). 2009, bdorc tht' subscri~r. a Nohlfl' f'ubht 01 thi..-- Slah:~ of Marv;afHl dulv
commi,,:-;Jom;d ;md q~aldh:d, i.:~me WJLLlAM i.MILLS. Vke Pre~",idt.'t1t, and HRlt: P. HARNES, A\StStilfll Scc;l.~mr\' of II~
FIDELITY AND OEPOSIT COMI'ANY OF 'v1,.\.RYI.AN[), to me pLlsonully kn()wn 10 h\.' the md:viduah ;md :~mi.:(,,'fS
d;:~(ribc-d in and who t\:t"cufed thi;~ precedmg im-rrumcnl, ,md tbl'y l~;lr.:h acknnwktJg,(~d tilt' (:xct:ui1on of the :Hlrne.and bdng
by m< duly 5WDnl, severally and each for Illm..clf dcpo.'itlh aud "dith. that lh<.:y iRe the jaid oflkcrs \;fthl.: Cmnpilll)' afon:Si.titl.
and Ih,l' tht. "-,;Cal afftxt'd In dll' prt<"t:ding if1'..muHt:nl is the Curpora\(.' SctJ! of :iJiJ (\.l-ltlt-><.my, and rlkl! l1H~ salt! C t)rpNatc Sta.l
;md thtir ,;,ignmmes a;--; ~uch ofTiccr~ were duly aflixcd and ~ubsuib('d to th\." $~IlJ InstrumeJlt bv the illHh<:lfltv ~md dinx:tion ill
tht; :\i1id (\11Thlnllioll. . ~
J.'\,' f rSTl;\H P\IY WHI',IH()I', l h:tVC hC(t.'UflIO "1...1 Hh-' llilnd ,mJ allhvd Ill) (l1hi;i;ll S\;";d lh_;, d;l/ nnd yt;;lf hiS! anit-"'-':::
Con~liU1C.:, ,t f)urm
\'1y CnrnrniS'-'ltHi LXPUT'-
V"uary Pubfl~
,Ii:!\- 1-1" :?Oll
POt;.r 044<J937
laD "
"'Arlid.;- VL Section:::. Ih(~ Ch~ljnnafl ol"llh; t{nard, Of Ill..: Pr..o:\idenl, ttr .my EXeOlltvC Vict:-lfrt"~Hh:nt, ()j ,Uly of the Si:!1lor
VH:e-Pn.'Si\h~IIIS or VKl'-PrC'~jdctib specl.illy aUlt!l,lri/cd :;v to dn hy the lJo'lnl of f>ireCfor:i or hv ih,;- EX..TUltV(: C'ommiul'c,
"hall h.\\'c flOWl'" by ;lod witt1 lIlt' (>()I)C!1'H.'n,~ of lhe St"cn:l1lry OJ' an~ Olk LJf thl,:'\~'qS!:!(I{ Sn:;~>I;tt!CS f<) <ippnim Rc:adt':'lll
ViL(>Presid\.'Jlfs, J"s~Jstallt Vii,,;,",~r~re$id('nts and AlIorncY'HIlFi1l;1 as rhe bUStlll'SS Ilf rhe may n:4tlHv. Hf to
aH(h~)rilt" ,111)' persull or perSUll:'i In excctlfe on hdwlf ot the- Cflmp;ul)' any lli.)nds, ufldcrl~1kuib' n::(':\!~~IlJ;mces, :>lipaJallmN
p()llci(~s. (on1racCs, ;lgri:t'!l'u:nb. dt'"\.'(ls, and rdl';j;;CS and ,is''12Jilllcnts nf j\1dgem(~tlb, d~,~r(:,,<!\, In(lllgaL'<>; and ilhfnUn-cnL\i. Hi
111l' rMlurc of m(Jrtgag(~:"i . ;md lU aJfix Ihe ot the Cnml':tn)' th~r('to.'.
I. Ihe undcrsig.ncd. A,,,,umt Secretary "fthe I'IDELlTY AND DEPOSIT COMI'ANY OF MARYLAND. du herehy tertIt)
Ibal the foregoing PUWt'f' {if AHome~<' is still in Ihll t'Orte and eft(:ct dn the clare i)fthis ccrtHicatc: aad f do further n:rtify that
(11<.' Vic~-Prt~s<<lcnt who ~\ccult:d Ihc 5,;).id p')\\1(;'( vi' Aaoflit'y wa~ Ofll: of the. additinnai Vlce~Pre~Kk'nb sp.:;dafly ;hllh~ill/\.'d
hy tll<.' Btl~Jfd uf' Dlrt'\:((lrs 10 ~ipp()ifJt ;my Allvrn":ywiil-I;,lft as provi,kd if! Al1ldt' VI St"t'!Wil '1' tiH.: By-Ln~'; of HII.'
Flllt LilY ANIl IllI'OSII COMP,\NY OF MARY! A 'ill
rhi, PO\\tr or i\tlDfflC): ;Jot( (erriJlcate m~IY be ,";gnt'o hy t;ll,:siflJilc und,,'r and by iiuthomy of tilt'
Unard ~)f r)Ir(:Clnr~ M the FfDH.IT\{ AND DEP(JSfl' ('(jMPAKY OF 'A,ARYI.A'.!D at a m~~~~lIThg dulj
tfl(' 10th d;J) of\1ay, i9(j(1
RE~OL\iLD: "TlliH lht' f~lCsimjJe N nK:(hank':JlIy l(,pfOdll(;t~d st.'al of the cumfMhy aad liH.:;imik pr miXIMlw.:all)
r~'rr'Jduc:t'd <;;jture (}f any VICe~Pf't.skknt, S\:crd;u}i. 01 A'i'\Ji'1l:dot ~ec:n:l~n)' Df the Company, \vh:lhl:r madt~ tll:rctot(_'fl,~ 0r
h::t(;Jl!tl'~_ wherevl.'[ ar'pl,;aring upon d c~rtHjcd t:npy 01 any po\\'w of i!ltumey by Ihe tiHhpan}< "hall he valid and
bindmg upon the CompallY wilh Ill\:' same !(lfCt' ~lf1d i.:fleer ;:t~ though manually afth-cd, H
l0l TESTlMO' Y Wlll~RLOF, ] hilYt: ht,'rcluHO :sub~-nbnl my name ,and ;tlI,:\!.:J Ih~~ {'(~rpomtt :k<.J.l oi ttl\~ :><li-d ('omt>any.
l;;ullcd and held \)11
day 01 ,Jdnuary
:~N~i,II\" Se,;h't}f,
laD ,
FLORIDA, ("Owner") hereby contracts with Mitchell & Stark Construction Co., Inc.
("Contractor") of 6001 Shirley Street, Naples, Florida 34109, a Florida Corporation,
authorized to do business in the State of Florida, to perform all work ("Work") in
connection with NCRWTP Degasifier and Odor Control Expansion, Bid No. 10-5423
("Project"), as said Work is set forth in the Plans and Specifications prepared by HDR
Engineering, Inc., the Engineer and/or Architect of Record ("Design Professional") and
other Contract Documents hereafter specified.
Owner and Contractor, for the consideration herein set forth, agree as follows:
Section 1. Contract Documents.
A. The Contract Documents consist of this Agreement, the Exhibits described in
Section 6 hereof, the Legal Advertisement, the Bidding Documents and any duly
executed and issued addenda, Change Orders, Work Directive Changes, Field Orders
and amendments relating thereto. All of the foregoing Contract Documents are
incorporated by reference and made a part of this Agreement (all of said documents
including the Agreement sometimes being referred to herein as the "Contract
Documents" and sometimes as the "Agreement" and sometimes as the "Contract"). A
copy of the Contract Documents shall be maintained by Contractor at the Project site at
all times during the performance of the Work.
B. Owner shall furnish to the Contractor one reproducible set of the Contract
Documents and the appropriate number of sets of the Construction Documents, signed
and sealed by the Design Professional, as are reasonably necessary for permitting.
Section 2. Scope of Work.
Contractor agrees to furnish and pay for all management, supervision, financing, labor,
materials, tools, fuel, supplies, utilities, equipment and services of every kind and type
necessary to diligently, timely, and fully perform and complete in a good and
workmanlike manner the Work required by the Contract Documents.
Section 3. Contract Amount.
In consideration of the faithful performance by Contractor of the covenants in this
Agreement to the full satisfaction and acceptance of Owner, Owner agrees to pay, or
cause to be paid, to Contractor the following amount (herein "Contract Amount"), in
accordance with the terms of this Agreement: Two Million Nine Hundred Four Thousand
Five Hundred Sixty Three Dollars ($2,904,563.00)
Section 4. Bonds.
A. Contractor shall provide Performance and Payment Bonds, in the form
prescribed in Exhibit A, in the amount of 100% of the Contract Amount, the costs of
which are to be paid by Contractor. The Performance and Payment Bonds shall be
underwritten by a surety authorized to do business in the State of Florida and otherwise
acceptable to Owner; provided, however, the surety shall meet the requirements of the
Department of the Treasury Fiscal Service, "Companies Holding Certificates of Authority
as Acceptable Sureties on Federal Bonds and as Acceptable Reinsurance Companies"
circular. This circular may be accessed via the web at Should the Contract Amount be less than
$500,000, the requirements of Section 287.0935, F.S. shall govern the rating and
classification of the surety.
B. If the surety for any bond furnished by Contractor is declared bankrupt, becomes
insolvent, its right to do business is terminated in the State of Florida, or it ceases to
meet the requirements imposed by the Contract Documents, the Contractor shall, within
five (5) calendar days thereafter, substitute at its cost and expense another bond and
surety, both of which shall be subject to the Owner's approval.
Section 5. Contract Time and Liauidated DamaQes.
A. Time of Performance.
Time is of the essence in the performance of the Work under this Agreement. The
"Commencement Date" shall be established in the written Notice to Proceed to be
issued by the Project Manager, as hereinafter defined. Contractor shall commence the
Work within five (5) calendar days from the Commencement Date. No Work shall be
performed at the Project site prior to the Commencement Date. Any Work performed by
Contractor prior to the Commencement Date shall be at the sole risk of Contractor.
Contractor shall achieve Substantial Completion within 236 (two hundred thirty six)
calendar days from the Commencement Date (herein "Contract Time"). The date of
Substantial Completion of the Work (or designated portions thereof) is the date certified
by the Design Professional when construction is sufficiently complete, in accordance
with the Contract Documents, so Owner can occupy or utilize the Work (or designated
portions thereof) for the use for which it is intended. Contractor shall achieve Final
Completion within 60 (sixty) calendar days after the date of Substantial Completion.
Final Completion shall occur when the Agreement is completed in its entirety, is
accepted by the Owner as complete and is so stated by the Owner as completed. As
used herein and throughout the Contract Documents, the phrase "Project Manager"
refers to the Owner's duly authorized representative and shall mean the Division
Administrator or Department Director, as applicable, acting directly or through duly
authorized representatives.
B. Liquidated Damages in General.
Owner and Contractor recognize that, since time is of the essence for this Agreement,
Owner will suffer financial loss if Contractor fails to achieve Substantial Completion
within the time specified above, as said time may be adjusted as provided for herein. In
such event, the total amount of Owner's damages, will be difficult, if not impossible, to
definitely ascertain and quantify. Should Contractor fail to achieve Substantial
Completion within the number of calendar days established herein, Owner shall be
entitled to assess, as liquidated damages, but not as a penalty, One thousand one
hundred forty-five dollars and ten cents ($1145.10) for each calendar day thereafter
until Substantial Completion is achieved. Further, in the event Substantial Completion
is reached, but the Contractor fails to reach Final Completion within the required time
period, Owner shall also be entitled to assess and Contractor shall be liable for all
actual damages incurred by Owner as a result of Contractor failing to timely achieve
Final Completion. The Project shall be deemed to be substantially completed on the
date the Project Manager (or at his/her direction, the Design Professional) issues a
Certificate of Substantial Completion pursuant to the terms hereof. Contractor hereby
expressly waives and relinquishes any right which it may have to seek to characterize
the above noted liquidated damages as a penalty, which the parties agree represents a
fair and reasonable estimate of the Owner's actual damages at the time of contracting if
Contractor fails to Substantially or Finally Complete the Work within the required time
C. Computation of Time Periods.
When any period of time is referenced by days herein, it shall be computed to exclude
the first day and include the last day of such period. If the last day of any such period
falls on a Saturday or Sunday or on a day made a legal holiday by the law of the
applicable jurisdiction, such day shall be omitted from the computation, and the last day
shall become the next succeeding day which is not a Saturday, Sunday or legal holiday.
D. Determination of Number of Days of Default.
For all contracts, regardless of whether the Contract Time is stipulated in calendar days
or working days, the Owner will count default days in calendar days.
E. Right of Collection.
The Owner has the right to apply any amounts due Contractor under this Agreement or
any other agreement between Owner and Contractor, as payment on such liquidated
damages due under this Agreement in Owner's sole discretion. Notwithstanding
anything herein to the contrary, Owner retains its right to liquidated damages due under
this Agreement even if Contractor, at Owner's election and in its sole discretion, is
allowed to continue and to finish the Work, or any part of it, after the expiration of the
Contract Time including granted time extensions.
F. Completion of Work by Owner.
In the event Contractor defaults on any of its obligations under the Agreement and
Owner elects to complete the Work, in whole or in part, through another contractor or its
own forces, the Contractor and its surety shall continue to be liable for the liquidated
damages under the Agreement until Owner achieves Substantial and Final Completion
of the Work. Owner will not charge liquidated damages for any delay in achieving
Substantial or Final Completion as a result of any unreasonable action or delay on the
part of the Owner.
G. Final Acceptance by Owner.
The Owner shall consider the Agreement complete when the Contractor has completed
in its entirety all of the Work and the Owner has accepted all of the Work and notified
the Contractor in writing that the Work is complete. Once the Owner has approved and
accepted the Work, Contractor shall be entitled to final payment in accordance with the
terms of the Contract Documents.
H. Recovery of Damages Suffered by Third Parties.
Contractor shall be liable to Owner to the extent Owner incurs damages from a third
party as a result of Contractor's failure to fulfill all of its obligations under the Contract
Documents. Owner's recovery of any delay related damages under this Agreement
through the liquidated damages does not preclude Owner from recovering from
Contractor any other non-delay related damages that may be owed to it arising out of or
relating to this Agreement.
Section 6. Exhibits Incorporated.
The following documents are expressly agreed to be incorporated by reference and
made a part of this Agreement.
Exhibit A:
Exhibit B:
Exhibit C:
Exhibit D:
Exhibit E:
Exhibit F:
Exhibit G:
Exhibit H:
Exhibit I:
Exhibit J:
Exhibit K:
Exhibit L:
Exhibit M:
Exhibit N:
Performance and Payment Bond Forms
Insurance Requirements
Release and Affidavit Form
Contractor Application for Payment Form
Change Order Form
Certificate of Substantial Completion Form
Final Payment Checklist
General Terms and Conditions
Supplemental Terms and Conditions
Technical Specifications
Standard Details (if applicable)
Plans and Specifications prepared by HDR Engineering
and identified as follows: NCRWTP Degasifier and Odor Control
as shown on Plan Sheets 1 through 61.
Contractor's List of Key Personnel
Section 7. Notices
A. All notices required or made pursuant to this Agreement by the Contractor to the
Owner shall be shall be deemed duly served if delivered by U.S. Mail, E-mail or
Facsimile, addressed to the following:
Tom Chmelik, Project Manager
Collier County Public Utilities Division
3301 Tamiamj Trail East
BLDG H; 3'd Floor
Naples, FL 34112
Tel: 239/252-6213
B. All notices required or made pursuant to this Agreement by Owner to Contractor
shall be made in writing and shall be deemed duly served if delivered by U.S. Mail, E-
mail or Facsimile, addressed to the following:
Mr. Brian Penner, CEO
Mitchell & Stark Construction Co., Inc.
6001 Shirley Street, Naples Florida 34109
239-597 -2165
C. Either party may change its above noted address by giving written notice to the
other party in accordance with the requirements of this Section.
8.1 By its execution of this Contract, Construction Contractor acknowledges that it
has been informed by Owner of the terms of Section 287.133(2)(a) of the Florida
Statutes which read as follows:
"A person or affiliate who has been placed on the convicted
vendor list following a conviction for a public entity crime may not
submit a bid on a contract to provide any goods or services to a
public entity for the construction or repair of a public building or
public work, may not submit bids on leases of real property to a
public entity, may not be awarded or perform work as a contractor,
supplier, subcontractor, or consultant under a contract with any
public entity in excess of the threshold amount provided in s.
287.017 for CATEGORY TWO for a period of 36 months from the
date of being placed on the convicted vendor list."
Section 9. Modification.
No modification or change to the Agreement shall be valid or binding upon the parties
unless in writing and executed by the party or parties intended to be bound by it.
Section 10. Successors and AssiQns.
Subject to other provisions hereof, the Agreement shall be binding upon and shall inure
to the benefit of the successors and assigns of the parties to the Agreement.
Section 11. GoverninQ Law.
The Agreement shall be interpreted under and its performance governed by the laws of
the State of Florida.
Section 12. No Waiver.
The failure of the Owner to enforce at any time or for any period of time anyone or
more of the provisions of the Agreement shall not be construed to be and shall not be a
waiver of any such provision or provisions or of its right thereafter to enforce each and
every such provision.
Section 13. Entire AQreement.
Each of the parties hereto agrees and represents that the Agreement comprises the full
and entire agreement between the parties affecting the Work contemplated, and no
other agreement or understanding of any nature concerning the same has been entered
into or will be recognized, and that all negotiations, acts, work performed, or payments
made prior to the execution hereof shall be deemed merged in, integrated and
superseded by the Agreement.
Section 14. Severabilitv.
Should any provision of the Agreement be determined by a court to be unenforceable,
such a determination shall not affect the validity or enforceability of any other section or
part thereof.
Section 15. ChanQe Order Authorization.
The Project Manager shall have the authority on behalf of the Owner to execute all
Change Orders and Work Directive Changes to the Agreement to the extent provided
for under the Owner's Purchasing Policy and accompanying administrative procedures.
Section 16. Construction.
Any doubtful or ambiguous language contained in this Agreement shall not be
construed against the party who physically prepared this Agreement. The rule
sometimes referred to as "fortius contra proferentum" (pursuant to which ambiguities in
a contractual term which appears on its face to have been inserted for the benefit of one
of the parties shall be construed against the benefited party) shall not be applied to the
construction of this Agreement.
Section 17. Order of Precedence
In the event of any conflict between or among the terms of any of the Contract
Documents, the terms of the Construction Agreement and the General Terms and
Conditions shall take precedence over the terms of all other Contract Documents,
except the terms of any Supplemental Conditions shall take precedence over the
laD ~1
Construction Agreement and the General Terms and Conditions. To the extent any
conflict in the terms of the Contract Documents cannot be resolved by application of the
Supplemental Conditions, if any, or the Construction Agreement and the General Terms
and Conditions, the conflict shall be resolved by imposing the more strict or costly
obligation under the Contract Documents upon the Contractor at Owner's discretion.
100 III
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement on the
daters) indicated below.
M /1/./<- ' &~~A~~
Type/Pr nt N e
L-ttl> NI/Z-~N,lt:-e(.r--
Type/Print Name
Mitchell & Stark Cons!. Co. Inc.
L---. .L
(3/,/<--,,-0 fev.-..J<2..J' LED
Type/Print Name and Title
Date rYtl.r7Jrl a6, d1:::iO
DWi~?"; (;I,,,,
BY:. .......: .,;' ...... L
fltl/"l....~ .
an egal Sufficien y:
....-1. ^.W.~
BY: ~
Fred W. Coyle, Chairm
j)'l'i"lit:tl~County Attorney
. Item# I nT>
i~ ~
, ;':;~nda 3-Cf-oDI
Date 3 -as iJ,
100 \~1
NCRWTP Degasifier and Odor Control Expansion
Bond No. 08979013
Contract No. .10.5423
COMPANY. [Nt:. , as Principal, and ..__..... ._~_~__
f"DII.lTY & DEPIlSIT COMPANY Ill' MARYLAND ._..' as Surety, located at
(Business Address) are held and firmly bound to
(~.904.563.00 ) for the payment whereof we bond ourselves, our heirs, executors,
personal representatives, successors and assigns, jointly and severally.
WHEREAS, Principal has entered into a contract dated as of the ~)lh _...._ day of
\1ARCH 2010 with Obligee for
in accordance With drawings and specifications, which contract is incorporated by
reference and made a part hereof. and is referred to herein as the Contract
THE CONDITION OF THIS BOND is that if Principal:
1. Performs the Contract at the times and in the manner prescribed in the Contract:
2. Pays Obligee any and all losses, damages, costs and attorneys' fees that
Obligee sustains because of any default by Principal under the Contract, including, but
not limited to, all delay damages, whether liquidated or actual, incurred by Obligee; and
3. Performs the guarantee of all work and materials furnished under the Contract for
the time specified in the Contract, then thiS bond is void; otherwise it remains in full
force. Any changes in or under the Contract and compliance or noncompliance with
any formalities connected with the Contract or the changes do not affect Sureties
obligation under this Bond
The Surety, for value received, hereby stipulates and agrees that no changes,
extensions of time, alterations or additions to the terms of the Contract or other work to
be performed hereunder, or the specifications referred to therein shall in anywise affect
its obligations under this bond, and it does hereby waive notice of any such changes,
extensions of time, alterations or additions to the terms of the Contract or to work or to
the specifications.
This instrument shall be construed in all respects as a common law bond. It is
expressly understood that the time provisions and statute of limitations under Section
255.05, Florida Statutes, shall not apply to this bond.
laD ~
In no event will the Surety be liable in the aggregate to Obligee for more than the penal
sum of this Performance Bond regardless of the number of suits that may be filed by
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the above parties have executed this instrument this ..1P_.
day of M ~rd" , 2008'; the name of each party being affixed and these
presents duly signed by its undersigned representative, pursuant to authority of its
governing body.
Signed, sealed and delivered
in the presence of:
-Vv~s; as to P~inciP
BY ~.
---/~ --~------,-,--~~~-
The foregoing instrument
~_c..r,-h__._., 2010, by
personallv known to
was acknowledged before me this I", of
corporation, on behalf of the corporation. He/she is
me OR has produced_.._._
as Identification and did (did n ) take an oath.
My Commission Expires:
Name ,. "'~ (.&/iq.d~
(Legibly Printed) . ~
Notary Public, State of: FLOR[j)~
Commission No.. D!J6204SS
....""...... Bc::inda Burghachcr
~ .~~1. .~ CUJ1iilissiiJn if DD6204:-;:)
;."fr~'l/ ',"'"1"'C" .1AN.27 "lOll
" "W,.,J. "., -,
l\u~ii;"i:v THHU "AT1A'fI'IC n;)NnI..:~GCO,.lI\C.
1 OD ."'"
(Printed Name)
0229 DELEGATES RUW sura: 30n
(AuHlO;ized Signature)-~
Witnesses as to Surety
(Printed Name)
As Attorney in Fact
(Attach Power of Attorney)
(Printed Name)
(Business Address)
(Telephone Number)
The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this _ day of
,2010, by __________.____, as ______.
of __.' a d_ Surety, on
behalf of Surety. He/She is personally known to me OR has produced
__________._______....._____ as identification and who did (did not) take an oath.
My Commission Expires:
Name: '___'_"_"_'~_'__'_
(Legibly Printed)
Notary Public, State of: ___
Commission No:
laD ~
Power of Attorney
corporation of the State of Maryland, by WILLIAM J. MILLS, Vice President, and ERlC D. BARNES, Assistant Secretary,
in pursuance of authority granted by Article VI, Section 2, of the By-Laws of said Company, . are set forth on the
reverse side hereof and are hereby certified to be in full force and effect on the date hey nominate, constitute
and appoint Robert E. WILLIAMS, JR., of Browostown, Indiana, it ent, to
make, execute, seal and deliver, for, and on its behalf as suret Dds and
undertakings, and the execution of such bonds or u 0 i ~ua s, shall be as binding upon said
Company, as fully and amply, tO~ll inten l'Ilt\ p\ftd , xecuted and acknowledged by the
regularly elected officers of the t~M~ ~ ,., In their own proper persons. This power of attorney
reVOkesthatissued~~' .. arch 4,1998.
The said Assistant c 0 hat the extract set forth on the reverse side hereof is a true copy of Article VI,
Section 2, of the By- Q any, and is now in force.
IN WITNESS W R OF, the said Vice-President and Assistant Secretary have hereunto subscribed their names and
affixed the Corporate Seal of the said FIDELITY AND DEPOSIT COMPANY OF MARYLAND, this 14th day of July, A.D.
"" ;/
.i;, I;
Eric D. Barnes
Assistant Secretary
William J Mills
Vice Pre:;ideni
State of Maryland }ss.
City of Baltimore .
On this 14th day of July, A.D. 2009, before the subscriber, a Notary Public of the State of Maryland, duly
commissioned and qualified, came WILLIAM J. MILLS, Vice President, and ERIC D. BARNES, Assistant Secretary of the
FIDELITY AND DEPOSIT COMPANY OF MARYLAND, to me personally known to be the individuals and officers
described in and who executed the preceding instrument, and they each acknowledged the execution of the same, and being
by me duly sworn, severally and each for himself deposeth and saith, that they are the said officers ofthe Company aforesaid,
and that the seal affixed to the preceding instrument is the Corporate Seal of said Company, and that the said Corporate Seal
and their signatures as such officers were duly affixed and subscribed to the said instrument by the authority and direction of
the said Corporation.
IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my Official Seal the day and year first above
Grr~ 0 OJJ/'^,^,-
Constance A" Dunn Notary Public
My Commission Expires: July 14,2011
POA.F 044.3937
100 '4
"Article VI, Section 2. The Chairman of the Board, or the President, or any Executive Vice-President, or any of the Senior
Vice-Presidents or Vice-Presidents specially authorized so to do by the Board of Directors or by the Executive Committee,
shall have power, by and with the concurrence of the Secretary or anyone of the Assistant Secretaries, to appoint Resident
Vice-Presidents, Assistant Vice-Presidents and Attorneys-in-Fact as the business of the Company may require, or to
authorize any person or persons to execute on behalf of the Company any bonds, undertaking, recognizances, stipulations,
policies, contracts, agreements, deeds, and releases and assignments of judgements, decrees, mortgages and instruments in
the nature ofmortgages,...and to affix the seal of the Company thereto."
I, the undersigned, Assistant Secretary of the FIDELITY AND DEPOSIT COMPANY OF MARYLAND, do hereby certify
that the foregoing Power of Attorney is still in full force and effect on the date of this certificate; and I do further certify that
the Vice-President who executed the said Power of Attorney was one of the additional Vice-Presidents specially authorized
by the Board of Directors to appoint any as provided in Article VI, Section 2, of the By. Laws of the
This Power of Attorney and Certificate may be signed by facsimile under and by authority of the following resolution of the
Board of Directors of the FIDELITY AND DEPOSIT COMPANY OF MARYLAND at a meeting duly called and held on
the 10th day of May, 1990.
RESOLVED: "That the facsimile or mechanically reproduced seal of the company and facsimile or mechanically
reproduced signature of any Vice-President, Secretary, or Assistant Secretary of the Company, whether made heretofore or
hereafter, wherever appearing upon a certified copy of any power of attorney issued by the Company, shall be valid and
binding upon the Company with the same force and effect as though manually affixed."
IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto subscribed my name and affixed the corporate seal of the said Company,
10th ..
day of March
, 201 Q__
~)-{. !1111'V'2')
Assistant Secretary
NCRWTP Degasifier and Odor Control Expansion
Bond No. 08979013
Contract No. 10-5423
-.- "~,
Surety, located at 9229 DEL EGA TESBQW SUITE 300. INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46240
(Business Address) are held and firmly bound to COLI.IER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS
($ 2,904,563~) for the payment whereof we bind ourselves, our heirs, executors,
personal representatives, successors and assigns, jointly and severally.
WHEREAS, Principal has entered into a contract dated as of the 10TH day of
In .. accordance with drawings and specifications, which
contract is incorporated by reference and made a part hereof, and is referred to herein
as the Contract.
THE CONDITION OF THIS BOND is that if Principal:
Promptly makes payment to all claimants as defined in Section 25505(1), Florida
Statutes, supplying Principal with labor, materials or supplies, used directly or indirectly
by Principal in the prosecution of the work provided for in the Contract, then this bond is
void; otherwise it remains in full force.
Any changes in or under the Contract and compliance or noncompliance with any
formalities connected with the Contract or the changes do not affect Sureties obligation
under this Bond.
The provisions of this bond are subject to the time limitations of Section 255.05(2). In
no event will the Surety be liable in the aggregate to claimants for more than the penal
sum of this Payment Bond, regardless of the number of suits that may be filed by
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the above parties have executed this instrument this , 0
day of ,.,... ,,^('L-h._~ 2010, the name of each party being affixed and these presents
duly signed by its under-signed representative, pursuant to authority of its governing
laD ..
Signed, sealed and delivered
in the presence of:
qa Co lJy05
ITS: CFO/Vl'--'
The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this ; D day of 1-'.0-,,<:.-.....
~011L, by BRIAN PENNER . as ..::!~vp " of
!::flTCI:I.~LL & STARK CONSTRUCTION CO., INe. . _' a INDIANA corporation, on behalf of the
corporation, /;ie/she is personally known to me OR has produced._.~_.__ as
identification and did (did not) take an oath. pJ ,'",
My Commission Expires: '., Ll--p{ <...---
~ig~Ure of Notary)
:<;(:'tAlI:Y l'VnTJ('-STATF:: OF' n.or'~IDA
"'''''''''' P'<;jllh Eurplvldv'"
l ~}~,fi ~ ~~~"~1- ",,;. " If ~<~< ,'~_l_
','"o-,,;;}/; :U.d(,ml:;',llU,." !,vu/J4'-,)
"~O.f . . . . - J
-'.,..,,~.../' E::,irc:i: aAN. 22,2011
I;O~i;;U) "lIme i\TLA"iTrC IlONDL\G co" I:"C
(legibly Printed)
Notary Public, State of FLORIDA
Commission No: DD620400
(Printed Name)
Witnesses to Surety
(Printed Name)
laD 11
As Attorney in Fact
(Attach Power of Attorney)
(Printed Name)
(Business Address)
(Telephone Number)
The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this __~ day of
, 2010, by _._. , as
Surety, on behalf of Surety. He/She is personally known to me OR has produced
__ as identification and who did (did not)
take an oath.
My Commission Expires:
(Legibly Printed)
Notary Public, State of: ________
Commission No.:
Power of Attorney
corporation of the State of Maryland, by WILLIAM J. MILLS, Vice President, and ERIC D. BARNES, Assistant Secretary,
in pursuance of authority granted by Article VI, Section 2, of the By-Laws of said Company, . are set forth on the
reverse side hereof and are hereby certified to be in full force and effect on the date h e by nominate, constitute
and appoint Robert E. WILLIAMS, JR., of Brownstown, Indiana, it nt orney-in-Fact, to
make, execute, seal and deliver, for, and on its behalf as sure e Dds and
undertakings, and the execution of such bonds or u 0 ~ua s, shall be as binding upon said
Company, as fully and amply, tO~1l inte flU!! ~ , xecuted and acknowledged by the
regularly elected officers of the l~trl~ . ,., In their own proper persons. This power of attorney
reVOkesthatissue~~. .. 0 arch 4,1998.
The said Assistant at the extract set forth on the reverse side hereof is a ttue copy of Article VI,
Section 2, of the By- 0 any, and is now in force.
IN WITNESS R OF, the said Vice-President and Assistant Secretary have hereunto subscribed their names and
affixed the Corporate Seal of the said FIDELITY AND DEPOSIT COMPANY OF MARYLAND, this 14th day of July, A.D.
~~ ))~~
Assistant Secretary
! ; '" ;,1
',/ //;, /'.,
I, J, (J,t 1"1
[',Jv / /IJ(
William J Mills Vice Presidelll
Eric D. Barnes
State of Maryland } ss;
City of Baltimore
On this 14th day of July, A.D. 2009, before the subscriber, a Notary Public of the State of Maryland, duly
commissioned and qualified, came WILLIAM J. MILLS, Vice President, and ERIC D. BARNES, Assistant Secretary of the
FIDELITY AND DEPOSIT COMPANY OF MARYLAND, to me personally known to be the individuals and officers
described in and who executed the preceding instrument, and they each acknowledged the execution of the same, and being
by me duly sworn, severally and each for himself deposeth and saith, that they are the said officers of the Company aforesaid,
and that the seal affixed to the preceding instrument is the Corporate Seal of said Company, and that the said Corporate Seal
and their signatures as such officers were duly affixed and subscribed to the said instrument by the authority and direction of
the said Corporation.
IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my Official Seal the day and year first above
,\_ \ \ :.~ ~.ll.~r :;;1 t/,
~.~ a O-LVY'-~
Constance A. Dunn Notary Public
My Commission Expires; July 14,2011
POA.F 044.3937
OP 10 C2
MITCH-1 03/12
Tobias Insurance Group, loc HQ
9247 N. Meridian St. Ste. 300
Indianapolis IN 46260
Phone:317-844-7759 Fax:317-844-9910
! INSUR~~-~
Zurich American Ins. Company
Mitchell << Stark Construction
Company, Inc.
6001 Sh1rley Street
Naples FL 3"109
Everest National Insurance Co.
x I X
X $5,000 Pr<>pe"g
i POLICY' X jr8,: lOC
GL0464148405 (10)
PREMISESJE;_~_l?~(;u~e~ce) $ 3 0 Q_~_.Q-.9~
MED EXP (AI1y one person) $ 101 000
PRODUCTS -C~MP/OP AGG , $ 2 I 0001 ,OO__~
(Per person}
, (Per accident)
$ 1Q".QOO, 000
(Mandatory In NH)
If yes, describe under
The ACORD name and logo are regls
I rights reserved.
ACORD 25 (2009/01)
Tobias Insurance Group, Inc. has, upon your request, issued the attached
Certificate of Insurance.
If you did not already, we highly recommend that you provide our Agency
with a copy of the insurance and indemnification provisions of the
contract pertaining to the certificate request so that we may properly
ascertain whether your insurance program addresses the, types and
amounts of insurance coverage referenced by the contract.
While most certificates can be issued at no cost to you, the ?ontract may
identify insurance requirements that require the purchase of 1osuranoe
coverage at an additional premium. In some instances, the coverage
identified in the contract may be outside the underwriting guidelines of
the insurance carrier and cannot be obtained. In other instances, you may
not wish to purchase the additional coverage and may attempt to negotiate
changes in the insurance requirements.
In performing the review of your contracts, neither Tobias Insurance
Group, Inc. nor its employees are providing legal advice or a legal
opinion concerning any portion of the contract. Our Agency is not
undertaking to identify all potential liability that might arise under
this contract. This review is provided for your information and should
not be relied upon by third parties.
Any description of insurance coverage is subject to the terms, conditions,
exclusions and other provisions of the policies and any applicable
regulations, rating rules or plans.
laD ~
The Vendor shall at its own expense, carry and maintain insurance coverage from responsible
companies duly authorized to do business in the State of Florida as set forth in EXHIBIT B of this
solicitation. The Vendor shall procure and maintain property insurance upon the entire project, if
required, to the full insurable value of the scope of work.
The County and the Vendor waive against each other and the County's separate Vendors,
Contractors, Design Consultant, Subcontractors, agents and employees of each and all of them, all
damages covered by property insurance provided herein, except such rights as they may have to the
proceeds of such insurance. The Vendor and County shall, where appropriate, require similar
waivers of subrogation from the County's separate Vendors, Design Consultants and Subcontractors
and shall require each of them to include similar waivers in their contracts.
Collier County shall be responsible for purchasing and maintaining its own liability insurance.
Certificates issued as a result of the award of this solicitation must identify "For any and all work
performed on behalf of Collier County."
The General Liability Policy provided by Vendor to meet the requirements of this solicitation shall
name Collier County, Florida, as an additional insured as to the operations of Vendor under this
solicitation and shall contain a severability of interests provisions.
Collier County Board of County Commissioners shall be named as the Certificate Holder. The
"Certificate Holder" should read as follows:
Collier County
Board of County Commissioners
Naples, Florida
The amounts and types of insurance coverage shall conform to the minimum requirements set forth in
EXHIBIT B with the use of Insurance Services Office (ISO) forms and endorsements or their
equivalents. If Vendor has any self-insured retentions or deductibles under any of the below listed
minimum required coverage, Vendor must identify on the Certificate of Insurance the nature and
amount of such self- insured retentions or deductibles and provide satisfactory evidence of financial
responsibility for such obligations. All self-insured retentions or deductibles will be Vendor's sole
Coverage@} shall be maintained without interruption from the date of commencement of the Work
until the date of completion and acceptance of the scope of work by the County or as specified in this
solicitation" whichever is longer.
The Vendor and/or its insurance carrier shall provide thirty (30) days written notice to the County of
policy cancellation or non-renewal on the part of the insurance carrier or the Vendor. The Vendor
shall also notify the County, in a like manner, within twenty-four (24) hours after receipt, of any
laD ~
notices of expiration, cancellation, non-renewal or material change in coverage or limits received by
Vendor from its insurer and nothing contained herein shall relieve Vendor of this requirement to
provide notice. In the event of a reduction in the aggregate limit of any policy to be provided by
Vendor hereunder, Vendor shall immediately take steps to have the aggregate limit reinstated to the
full extent permitted under such policy.
Should at any time the Vendor not maintain the insurance coverage~ required herein, the County
may terminate the Agreement or at its sole discretion shall be authorized to purchase such
coverage~ and charge the Vendor for such coverage~ purchased. If Vendor fails to reimburse the
County for such costs within thirty (30) days after demand, the County has the right to offset these
costs from any amount due Vendor under this Agreement or any other agreement between the
County and Vendor. The County shall be under no obligation to purchase such insurance, nor shall it
be responsible for the coverage~ purchased or the insurance company or companies used. The
decision of the County to purchase such insurance coverage~ shall in no way be construed to be a
waiver of any of its rights under the Contract Documents.
If the initial or any subsequently issued Certificate of Insurance expires prior to the completion of the
scope of work, the Vendor shall furnish to the County renewal or replacement Certificate(s) of
Insurance not later than ten (10) calendar days after the expiration date on the certificate. Failure of
the Vendor to provide the County with such renewal certificate(s) shall be considered justification for
the County to terminate any and all contracts.
Insurance I Bond Type
1. ~ Worker's
100 ~
Collier County Florida
Insurance and Bonding Requirements
Required Limits
Statutory Limits of Florida Statutes, Chapter 440 and all Federal
Government Statutory Limits and Requirements
2. ~ Employer's Liability $1,000.000.00 single limit per occurrence
3. ~ Commercial
General Liability
(Occurrence Form)
patterned after the
current ISO form
4. ~ Indemnification
Bodily Injury and Property Damage
$ single limit per occurrence
To the maximum extent permitted by Florida law, the
ContractorNendor/Consultant shall indemnify and hold harmless
Collier County, its officers and employees from any and all
liabilities, damages, losses and costs, including, but not limited
to, reasonable attorneys' fees and paralegals' fees, to the extent
caused by the negligence, recklessness, or intentionally wrongful
conduct of the ContractorNendor/Consultant or anyone
employed or utilized by the ContractorNendor/Consultant in the
performance of this Agreement. This indemnification obligation
shall not be construed to negate, abridge or reduce any other
rights or remedies which otherwise may be available to an
indemnified party or person described in this paragraph. This
section does not pertain to any incident arising from the sole
negligence of Collier County.
4. ~ Automobile Liability $ 500,000.00 Each Occurrence; Bodily Injury & Property Damage,
Owned/Non-owned/Hired; Automobile Included
5. 0 Other insurance as 0 Watercraft
noted: Per Occurrence
o United States Longshoreman's and Harborworker's Act
coverage shall be maintained where applicable to the completion
of the work.
Per Occurrence
o Maritime Coverage (Jones Act) shall be maintained where
applicable to the completion of the work.
Per Occurrence
6. ~ Bid bond
7. ~ Performance and
Payment Bonds
laD 1
D Aircraft Liability coverage shall be carried in limits of not less
than $5,000,000 each occurrence if applicable to the completion
of the Services under this Agreement.
Per Occurrence
D Pollution
Per Occurrence
D Professional Liability $
Per Occurrence
. $ 500,000 each claim and in the aggregate
. $1,000,000 each claim and in the aggregate
. $2,000,000 each claim and in the aggregate
D Project Professional Liability
Per Occurrence
D Valuable Papers Insurance
Per Occurrence
Shall be submitted with proposal response in the form of certified
funds, cashiers' check or an irrevocable letter of credit, a cash
bond posted with the County Clerk, or proposal bond in a sum
equal to 5% of the cost proposal. All checks shall be made
payable to the Collier County Board of County Commissioners on
a bank or trust company located in the State of Florida and
insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation.
For projects in excess of $200,000, bonds shall be submitted
with the executed contract by Proposers receiving award, and
written for 100% of the Contract award amount, the cost borne by
the Proposer receiving an award. The Performance and Payment
Bonds shall be underwritten by a surety authorized to do
business in the State of Florida and otherwise acceptable to
Owner; provided, however, the surety shall be rated as "A-" or
better as to general policy holders rating and Class V or higher
rating as to financial size category and the amount required shall
not exceed 5% of the reported policy holders' surplus, all as
reported in the most current Best Key Rating Guide, published by
A.M. Best Company, Inc. of 75 Fulton Street, New York, New
York 10038.
laD ~
8. [gJ Vendor shall ensure that all subcontractors comply with the same insurance requirements that
he is required to meet. The same Vendor shall provide County with certificates of insurance
meeting the required insurance provisions.
9. [gJ Collier County must be named as "ADDITIONAL INSURED" on the Insurance Certificate for
Commercial General Liability where required.
10. [gJ Collier County Board of County Commissioners shall be named as the Certificate Holder and
the certificate must read "For any and all work performed on behalf of Collier County.
NOTE: The "Certificate" should read as follows:
. For any and all work performed on behalf of Collier County.
. Collier County Board of County Commissioners, Naples, Florida
No County Division, Department or individual name should appear on the Certificate.
11. [gJ Thirty (30) Days Cancellation Notice required.
Vendor's Insurance Statement
We understand the insurance requirements of these specifications and that the evidence of insurability
may be required within five (5) days of the award of this solicitation.
Name of
Telephone Number
100 "'
Before me, the undersigned authority, personally appeared
who after being duly sworn, deposes and says:
(1) In accordance with the Contract Documents and in consideration of $ paid,
("Contractor") releases and waives for itself and it's subcontractors,, successors and assigns. all claims demands, damages, costs and expenses, whether in contract or in tort,
against the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida. relating in any way to the performance of the
Agreement between Contractor and Owner dated , 2009 for the period from
to , excluding all retainage withheld and any pending claims or
disputes as expressly specified as follows:
(2) Contractor certifies for itself and its subcontractors, material-men, successors and assigns, that all charges for
labor. materials. supplies, lands. licenses and other expenses for which Owner might be sued or for which a lien or a
demand against any payment bond might be filed. have been fully satisfied and paid.
(3) To the maximum extent permitted by law, Contractor agrees to indemnify. defend and save harmless Owner from
all demands or suits. actions. claims of liens or other charges filed or asserted against the Owner arising out of the
performance by Contractor of the Work covered by this Release and Affidavit.
(4) This Release and Affidavit is given in connection with Contractor's [monthly/final] Application for Payment No.
The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this _ day of .2010, by
,as of ,a
corporation, on behalf of the corporation. He/she is personally known to me or has produced
as identification and did (did not) take an oath.
My Commission Expires:
(Signature of Notary)
(Legibly Printed)
Notary Public. State of
Commissioner No.:
laD .I\f
(County Project Manager)
(County Department)
Collier County Board of County Commissioners (the OWNER) or
Collier County Water.Sewer District (the OWNER)
Bid No.
Project No.
Application Date
(Contractor's Representative) Payment Application No.
(Contractor's Name) for Work accomplished through the Date:
(Contractor's Address)
(Project Name)
Original Contract Time:
Revised Contract Time:
Original Contract Price: $
Total Change Orders to Date $
Revised Contract Amount $
Total value of Work Completed
and stored to Date $
Less Retainage $
Total Earned Less Retainage $
Less previous payment (s) $
Retainage @ 10% thru[insert date] $
Retainage @ _% after [insert date] $
Percent Work completed to Date:
Percent Contract Time completed to Date
Liquidated Damages to be Accrued $
CONTRACTOR'S CERTIFICATION The undersigned CONTRACTOR certifies that: (1) all previous progress payments
received from OWNER on account of Work done under the Contract referred to above have been applied to discharge in
full all obligations of CONTRACTOR incurred in connection with Work covered by prior Applications for Payment
numbered 1 through _ inclusive: (2) title to all materials and equipment incorporated in said Work or otherwise listed
in or covered by this Application for Payment will pass to OWNER at time of payment free and clear of all liens. claims.
security interests and encumbrances (except such as covered by Bond acceptable to OWNER); (3) all amounts have
been paid for work which previous payments were issued and received from the OWNER and that current payment is now
due; and (4) CONTRACTOR has only included amounts in this Application for Payment properly due and owing and
CONTRACTOR has not included within the above referenced amount any claims for unauthorized or changed Work that
has not been properly approved by Owner in writing and in advance of such Work.
By CONTRACTOR: (Contractor's Name)
(Signature) DATE:
(Type Name & Title)
(shall be signed by a duly authorized representative of CONTRACTOR)
Payment to the CONTRACTOR for the above AMOUNT DUE THIS APPLICATION is recommended:
By Design Professional:
(DP's Name)
(Signature) DATE:
(Type Name & Title)
Payment to the CONTRACTOR for the above AMOUNT DUE THIS APPLICATION is approved:
By OWNER'S Project Manager:
(Signature) DATE:
(Type Name and Title)
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Project Name:
Bid No.:
Change Order No.:
FROM: Collier County Government
Construction Agreement Dated:
Change Order Description
Original Agreement Amount ...........................................................$
Sum of previous Change Orders Amount .......................................$
This Change Order Amount ...........................................................$
Revised Agreement Amount........................................................... $
Original Contract Time in calendar days
Adjusted number of calendar days due to previous Change Orders
This Change Order adjusted time is
Revised Contract Time in calendar days
Original Notice to Proceed Date
Completion date based on original Contract Time
Revised completion date
Contractor's acceptance of this Change Order shall constitute a modification to the Agreement
and will be performed subject to all the same terms and conditions as contained in the
Agreement, as if the same were repeated in this acceptance. The adjustments, if any, to the
Agreement shall constitute a full and final settlement of any and all claims of the Contractor
arising out of, or related to, the change set forth herein, including claims for impact and delay
Prepared by:
Project Manager
Recommended by:
Design Professional
Accepted by:
Approved by:
Department Director
Authorized by:
Division Administrator
(For use by Owner: Fund
Number: )
Cost Center:
Object Code:
OWNER'S Project No.
Design Professional's Project No.
Contract For
Contract Date
This Certificate of Substantial Completion applies to all Work under the Contract Documents or to the
following specified parts thereof:
Substantial Completion is the state in the progress of the Work when the Work (or designated
portion) is sufficiently complete in accordance with the Contract Documents so that the Owner
can occupy or utilize the Work for its intended use. The Work to which this Certificate applies has
been inspected by authorized representatives of OWNER. CONTRACTOR AND DESIGN
PROFESSIONAL, and that Work is hereby declared to be substantially complete in accordance with the
requirements of the Contract Documents on:
A tentative list of items to be completed or corrected is attached hereto. This list may not be all-inclusive,
and the failure to include an item in it does not alter the responsibility of CONTRACTOR to complete all
the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents. The items in the tentative list shall be completed
or corrected by CONTRACTOR within days of the above date of Substantial Completion.
The responsibilities between OWNER and CONTRACTOR for security. operation, safety. maintenance,
heat, utilities, insurance and warranties shall be as follows: laD
The following documents are attached to and made a part of this Certificate:
This certificate does not constitute an acceptance of Work not in accordance with the Contract
Documents nor is it a release of CONTRACTOR'S obligation to complete the Work in accordance with the
Contract Documents.
Executed by Design Professional on
Design Professional
Type Name and Title
CONTRACTOR accepts this Certificate of Substantial Completion on
Type Name and Title
OWNER accepts this Certificate of Substantial Completion on
Type Name and Title
100 "
Bid No:
Project No.:
The following items have been secured by the
for the Project known as
and have been reviewed and found to comply with the requirements of the Contract Documents.
Originai Contract Amount:
Final Contract Amount:
Commencement Date:
Substantial Completion Time as set forth in the Agreement:
Actual Date of Substantial Completion:
Calendar Days.
Final Completion Time as set forth in the Agreement:
Actual Final Completion Date:
Calendar Days.
1. All Punch List items completed on
2. Warranties and Guarantees assigned to Owner (attach to this form).
3. Effective date of General one year warranty from Contractor is:
4. 2 copies of Operation and Maintenance manuals for equipment and
system submitted (list manuals in attachment to this form).
5. As-Built drawings obtained and dated:
6. Owner personnel trained on system and equipment operation.
7. Certificate of Occupancy No.:
issued on (attach to this form).
8. Certificate of Substantial Completion issued on
9. Final Payment Application and Affidavits received from Contractor on:
10. Consent of Surety received on
11. Operating Department personnel notified Project is in operating phase.
12. All Spare Parts or Special Tools provided to Owner:
13. Finished Floor Elevation Certificate provided to Owner:
14. Vendor Evaluation
15. Other:
If any of the above is not applicable, indicate by N/A If NO is checked for any of the above, attach
By Contractor:
(Company Name)
(Typed Name & Tille)
By Design
By Owner:
laD ~1
(Firm Name)
(Typed Name & Title)
(Department Name)
(Name & Title)
laD '1
1.1 It is the intent of the Contract Documents to describe a functionally complete
Project (or portion thereof) to be constructed in accordance with the Contract
Documents. Any work, materials or equipment that may reasonably be inferred from
the Contract Documents as being required to produce the intended result shall be
supplied whether or not specifically called for. When words which have a well known
technical or trade meaning are used to describe work, materials or equipment, such
words shall be interpreted in accordance with that meaning. Reference to standard
specifications, manuals or codes of any technical society, organization or association or
to the laws or regulations of any governmental authority having jurisdiction over the
Project, whether such reference be specific or by implication, shall mean the latest
standard specification, manual, code, law or regulation in effect at the time the Work is
performed, except as may be otherwise specifically stated herein.
1.2 If before or during the performance of the Work Contractor discovers a conflict,
error or discrepancy in the Contract Documents, Contractor immediately shall report
same to the Project Manager in writing and before proceeding with the Work affected
thereby shall obtain a written interpretation or clarification from the Project Manager;
said interpretation or clarification from the Project Manager may require Contractor to
consult directly with Design Professional or some other third party, as directed by
Project Manager. Contractor shall take field measurements and verify field conditions
and shall carefully compare such field measurements and conditions and other
information known to Contractor with the Contract Documents before commencing any
portion of the Work.
1.3 Drawings are intended to show general arrangements, design and extent of Work
and are not intended to serve as shop drawings. Specifications are separated into
divisions for convenience of reference only and shall not be interpreted as establishing
divisions for the Work, trades, subcontracts, or extent of any part of the Work. In the
event of a discrepancy between or among the drawings, specifications or other Contract
Document provisions, Contractor shall be required to comply with the provision which is
the more restrictive or stringent requirement upon the Contractor, as determined by the
Project Manager. Unless otherwise specifically mentioned, all anchors, bolts, screws,
fittings, fillers, hardware, accessories, trim and other parts required in connection with
any portion of the Work to make a complete, serviceable, finished and first quality
installation shall be furnished and installed as part of the Work, whether or not called for
by the Contract Documents.
2.1 Subject to Section 2.3 below, Contractor shall have the sole responsibility of
satisfying itself concerning the nature and location of the Work and the general and
local conditions, and particularly, but without limitation, with respect to the following:
laD ~"1
those affecting transportation, access, disposal, handling and storage of materials;
availability and quality of labor; water and electric power; availability and condition of
roads; work area; living facilities; climatic conditions and seasons; physical conditions at
the work-site and the project area as a whole; topography and ground surface
conditions; nature and quantity of the surface materials to be encountered; subsurface
conditions; equipment and facilities needed preliminary to and during performance of
the Work; and all other costs associated with such performance. The failure of
Contractor to acquaint itself with any applicable conditions shall not relieve Contractor
from any of its responsibilities to perform under the Contract Documents, nor shall it be
considered the basis for any claim for additional time or compensation.
2.2 Contractor shall locate all existing roadways, railways, drainage facilities and
utility services above, upon, or under the Project site, said roadways, railways, drainage
facilities and utilities being referred to in this Sub-Section 2.2 as the "Utilities".
Contractor shall contact the owners of all Utilities to determine the necessity for
relocating or temporarily interrupting any Utilities during the construction of the Project.
Contractor shall schedule and coordinate its Work around any such relocation or
temporary service interruption. Contractor shall be responsible for properly shoring,
supporting and protecting all Utilities at all times during the course of the Work. The
Contractor is responsible for coordinating all other utility work so as to not interfere with
the prosecution of the Work (except those utilities to be coordinated by the Owner as
may be expressly described elsewhere in the Contract Documents).
2.3 Notwithstanding anything in the Contract Documents to the contrary, if conditions
are encountered at the Project site which are (i) subsurface or otherwise concealed
physical conditions which differ materially from those indicated in the Contract
Documents or (ii) unknown physical conditions of an unusual nature, which differ
materially from those ordinarily found to exist and generally recognized as inherent in
construction activities of the character provided for in the Contract Documents, and
which reasonably should not have been discovered by Contractor as part of its scope of
site investigative services required pursuant to the terms of the Contract Documents,
then Contractor shall provide Owner with prompt written notice thereof before conditions
are disturbed and in no event later than three (3) calendar days after first observance of
such conditions. Owner and Design Professional shall promptly investigate such
conditions and, if they differ materially and cause an increase or decrease in
Contractor's cost of, or time required for, performance of any part of the Work, Owner
will acknowledge and agree to an equitable adjustment to Contractor's compensation or
time for performance, or both, for such Work. If Owner determines that the conditions at
the site are not materially different from those indicated in the Contract Documents or
not of an unusual nature or should have been discovered by Contractor as part of its
investigative services, and that no change in the terms of the Agreement is justified,
Owner shall so notify Contractor in writing, stating its reasons. Claims by Contractor in
opposition to such determination by Owner must be made within seven (7) calendar
days after Contractor's receipt of Owner's written determination notice. If Owner and
Contractor cannot agree on an adjustment to Contractor's cost or time of performance,
the dispute resolution procedure set forth in the Contract Documents shall be complied
with by the parties.
100 ~
3.1 The Contractor, within ten (10) calendar days after receipt of the Notice of Award,
shall prepare and submit to Project Manager, for their review and approval, a progress
schedule for the Project (herein "Progress Schedule"). The Progress Schedule shall
relate to all Work required by the Contract Documents, and shall utilize the Critical Path
method of scheduling and shall provide for expeditious and practicable execution of the
Work within the Contract Time. The Progress Schedule shall indicate the dates for
starting and completing the various stages of the Work.
3.2 The Progress Schedule shall be updated monthly by the Contractor. All monthly
updates to the Progress Schedule shall be subject to the Project Manager's review and
approval. Contractor shall submit the updates to the Progress Schedule with its
monthly Applications for Payment noted below. The Project Manager's review and
approval of the submitted Progress Schedule updates shall be a condition precedent to
the Owner's obligation to pay Contractor.
3.3 All work under this Agreement shall be performed in accordance with the
requirements of all Collier County Noise Ordinances then in effect. Unless otherwise
specified, work will generally be limited to the hours of 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m., Monday
through Saturday. No work shall be performed outside the specified hours without the
prior approval of the Project Manager.
4.1 Prior to submitting its first monthly Application for Payment, Contractor shall
submit to Project Manager, for their review and approval, a schedule of values based
upon the Contract Price, listing the major elements of the Work and the dollar value for
each element. After its approval by the Project Manager, this schedule of values shall
be used as the basis for the Contractor's monthly Applications for Payment. This
schedule shall be updated and submitted each month along with a completed copy of
the Application for Payment form signed by the Contractor's authorized representative
and attached to the Agreement as Exhibit D.
4.2 Prior to submitting its first monthly Application for Payment, Contractor shall
provide to the Project Manager the list of its Subcontractors and materialmen submitted
with its Bid showing the work and materials involved and the dollar amount of each
subcontract and purchase order. Contractor acknowledges and agrees that any
modifications to the list of Subcontractors submitted with Contractor's Bid and any
subsequently identified Subcontractors are subject to Owner's prior written approval.
The first Application for Payment shall be submitted no earlier than thirty (30) days after
the Commencement Date. Notwithstanding anything herein to the contrary, if approved
by Owner in its sole discretion, Contractor may submit its invoice for any required
Payment and Performance Bonds prior to the first Application of Payment provided that
Contractor has furnished Owner certified copies of the receipts evidencing the premium
paid by Contractor for the bonds.
100 11
4.3 Unless expressly approved by Owner in advance and in writing, said approval at
Owner's sole discretion, Owner is not required to make any payment for materials or
equipment that have not been incorporated into the Project. If payment is requested on
the basis of materials and equipment not incorporated into the Project, but delivered
and suitably stored at the site or at another location, and such payment and storage
have been agreed to by Owner in writing, the Application for Payment also shall be
accompanied by a bill of sale, invoice or other documentation warranting that the Owner
has received the materials and equipment free and clear of all liens, charges, security
interests and encumbrances, together with evidence that the materials and equipment
are covered by appropriate property insurance and other arrangements to protect
Owner's interest therein, all of which shall be subject to the Owner's satisfaction.
Thereafter, with each Application for Payment, Contractor also shall complete and
submit to Owner as part of its Application for Payment, the Stored Materials Record
attached hereto and made a part hereof as Exhibit D-3.
4.4 Contractor shall submit four (4) copies of its monthly Application for Payment to
the Project Manager or his or her designee, as directed by Owner (which designee may
include the Design Professional). After the date of each Application for Payment is
stamped as received and within the timeframes set forth in Section 218.735 F.S., the
Project Manager, or Design Professional, shall either: (1) Indicate its approval of the
requested payment; (2) indicate its approval of only a portion of the requested payment,
stating in writing its reasons therefore; or (3) return the Application for Payment to the
Contractor indicating, in writing, the reason for refusing to approve payment. Payments
of proper invoices in the amounts approved shall be processed and paid in accordance
with Section 218.735, F.S. and the administrative procedures established by the
County's Purchasing Department and the Clerk of Court's Finance Department
In the event of a total denial by Owner and return of the Application for Payment by the
Project Manager, the Contractor may make the necessary corrections and re-submit the
Application for Payment. The Owner shall, within ten (10) business days after the
Application for Payment is stamped and received and after Project Manager approval of
an Application for Payment, pay the Contractor the amounts so approved.
4.5 Owner shall retain ten percent (10%) of the gross amount of each monthly
payment request or ten percent (10%) of the portion thereof approved by the Project
Manager for payment, whichever is less. Such sum shall be accumulated and not
released to Contractor until final payment is due unless otherwise agreed to by the
Owner in accordance with Florida Statute 255.078. The Project Manager shall have the
discretion to establish, in writing, a schedule to periodically reduce the percentage of
cumulative retainage held through out the course of the Project schedule. Owner shall
reduce the amount of the retainage withheld on each payment request subsequent to
fifty percent (50%) completion subject to the guidelines set forth in Florida Statute
255.078 and as set forth in the Owner's Purchasing Policy.
4.6 Monthly payments to Contractor shall in no way imply approval or acceptance of
Contractor's Work.
4.7 Each Application for Payment, subsequent to the first pay application, shall be
accompanied by a Release and Affidavit, in the form attached as Exhibit C,
acknowledging Contractor's receipt of payment in full for all materials, labor, equipment
and other bills that are then due and payable by Owner with respect to the current
Application for Payment. Further, to the extent directed by Owner and in Owner's sole
discretion, Contractor shall also submit a Release and Affidavit from each
Subcontractor, sub-subcontractor, or supplier in the form attached as Exhibit C
acknowledging that each Subcontractor, sub-subcontractor or supplier has been paid in
full through the previous month's Application for Payment. The Owner shall not be
required to make payment until and unless these affidavits are furnished by Contractor.
4.8 Contractor agrees and understands that funding limitations exist and that the
expenditure of funds must be spread over the duration of the Project at regular intervals
based on the Contract Amount and Progress Schedule. Accordingly, prior to submitting
its first monthly Application for Payment, Contractor shall prepare and submit for Project
Manager's review and approval, a detailed Project Funding Schedule, which shall be
updated as necessary and approved by Owner to reflect approved adjustments to the
Contract Amount and Contract Time. No voluntary acceleration or early completion of
the Work shall modify the time of payments to Contractor as set forth in the approved
Project Funding Schedule.
4.9 Notwithstanding anything in the Contract Documents to the contrary, Contractor
acknowledges and agrees that in the event of a dispute concerning payments for Work
performed under this Agreement, Contractor shall continue to perform the Work
required of it under this Agreement pending resolution of the dispute provided that
Owner continues to pay Contractor all amounts that Owner does not dispute are due
and payable.
5.1 The Project Manager may decline to approve any Application for Payment, or
portions thereof, because of subsequently discovered evidence or subsequent
inspections that reveal non-compliance with the Contract Documents. The Project
Manager may nullify the whole or any part of any approval for payment previously
issued and Owner may withhold any payments otherwise due Contractor under this
Agreement or any other agreement between Owner and Contractor, to such extent as
may be necessary in the Owner's opinion to protect it from loss because of:
(a) defective Work not remedied; (b) third party claims filed or reasonable evidence
indicating probable filing of such claims; (c) failure of Contractor to make payment
properly to subcontractors or for labor, materials or equipment; (d) reasonable doubt
that the Work can be completed for the unpaid balance of the Contract Amount; (e)
reasonable indication that the Work will not be completed within the Contract Time; (f)
unsatisfactory prosecution of the Work by the Contractor; or (g) any other material
breach of the Contract Documents by Contractor.
100 r4
5.2 If any conditions described in 5.1. are not remedied or removed, Owner may,
after three (3) days written notice, rectify the same at Contractor's expense. Provided,
however, in the event of an emergency, Owner shall not be required to provide
Contractor any written notice prior to rectifying the situation at Contractor's expense.
Owner also may offset against any sums due Contractor the amount of any liquidated or
non-liquidated obligations of Contractor to Owner, whether relating to or arising out of
this Agreement or any other agreement between Contractor and Owner.
6.1 Owner shall make final payment to Contractor in accordance with Section
218.735, F.S. and the administrative procedures established by the County's
Purchasing Department and the Clerk of Court's Finance Department after the Work is
finally inspected and accepted by Project Manager as set forth with Section 20.1 herein,
provided that Contractor first, and as an explicit condition precedent to the accrual of
Contractor's right to final payment, shall have furnished Owner with a properly executed
and notarized copy of the Release and Affidavit attached as Exhibit C, as well as, a duly
executed copy of the Surety's consent to final payment and such other documentation
that may be required by the Contract Documents and the Owner. Prior to release of
final payment and final retainage, the Contractor's Representative and the Project
Manager shall jointly complete the Final Payment Checklist, a representative copy of
which is attached to this Agreement as Exhibit G.
6.2 Contractor's acceptance of final payment shall constitute a full waiver of any and
all claims by Contractor against Owner arising out of this Agreement or otherwise
relating to the Project, except those previously made in writing in accordance with the
requirements of the Contract Documents and identified by Contractor as unsettled in its
final Application for Payment. Neither the acceptance of the Work nor payment by
Owner shall be deemed to be a waiver of Owner's right to enforce any obligations of
Contractor hereunder or to the recovery of damages for defective Work not discovered
by the Design Professional or Project Manager at the time of final inspection.
7.1 Contractor shall carefully examine the Contract Documents for all requirements
for approval of materials to be submitted such as shop drawings, data, test results,
schedules and samples. Contractor shall submit all such materials at its own expense
and in such form as required by the Contract Documents in sufficient time to prevent
any delay in the delivery of such materials and the installation thereof.
7.2 Whenever materials or equipment are specified or described in the Contract
Documents by using the name of a proprietary item or the name of a particular supplier,
the naming of the item is intended to establish the type, function and quality required.
Unless the name is followed by words indicating that no substitution is permitted,
materials or equipment of other suppliers may be accepted by Owner if sufficient
information is submitted by Contractor to allow the Owner to determine that the material
or equipment proposed is equivalent or equal to that named. Requests for review of
100 !4
substitute items of material and equipment will not be accepted by Owner from anyone
other than Contractor and all such requests must be submitted by Contractor to Project
Manager within thirty (30) calendar days after Notice of Award is received by
Contractor, unless otherwise mutually agreed in writing by Owner and Contractor.
7.3 If Contractor wishes to furnish or use a substitute item of material or equipment,
Contractor shall make application to the Project Manager for acceptance thereof,
certifying that the proposed substitute shall adequately perform the functions and
achieve the results called for by the general design, be similar and of equal substance
to that specified and be suited to the same use as that specified. The application shall
state that the evaluation and acceptance of the proposed substitute will not prejudice
Contractor's achievement of substantial completion on time, whether or not acceptance
of the substitute for use in the Work will require a change in any of the Contract
Documents (or in the provisions of any other direct contract with Owner for the Project)
to adapt the design to the proposed substitute and whether or not incorporation or use
by the substitute in connection with the Work is subject to payment of any license fee or
royalty. All variations of the proposed substitute from that specified will be identified in
the application and available maintenance, repair and replacement service shall be
indicated. The application also shall contain an itemized estimate of all costs that will
result directly or indirectly from acceptance of such substitute, including costs for
redesign and claims of other contractors affected by the resulting change, all of which
shall be considered by the Project Manager in evaluating the proposed substitute. The
Project Manager may require Contractor to furnish at Contractor's expense additional
data about the proposed substitute.
7.4 If a specific means, method, technique, sequence or procedure of construction is
indicated in or required by the Contract Documents, Contractor may furnish or utilize a
substitute means, method, sequence, technique or procedure of construction
acceptable to the Project Manager, if Contractor submits sufficient information to allow
the Project Manager to determine that the substitute proposed is equivalent to that
indicated or required by the Contract Documents. The procedures for submission to
and review by the Project Manager shall be the same as those provided herein for
substitute materials and equipment.
7.5 The Project Manager shall be allowed a reasonable time within which to evaluate
each proposed substitute and, if need be, to consult with the Design Professional. No
substitute will be ordered, installed or utilized without the Project Manager's prior written
acceptance which shall be evidenced by a Change Order, a Work Directive Change, a
Field Order or an approved Shop Drawing. The Owner may require Contractor to
furnish at Contractor's expense a special performance guarantee or other surety with
respect to any substitute. The Project Manager will record time required by the Project
Manager and the Project Manager's consultants in evaluating substitutions proposed by
Contractor and making changes in the Contract Documents occasioned thereby.
Whether or not the Owner accepts a proposed substitute, Contractor shall reimburse
Owner for the charges of the Design Professional and the Design Professional's
consultants for evaluating each proposed substitute.
100 II
8.1 Unless waived in writing by Owner, Contractor shall complete and submit to
Project Manager on a weekly basis a daily log of the Contractor's work for the preceding
week in a format approved by the Project Manager. The daily log shall document all
activities of Contractor at the Project site including, but not limited to, the following:
8.1.1 Weather conditions showing the high and low temperatures during
work hours, the amount of precipitation received on the Project site, and any other
weather conditions which adversely affect the Work;
Soil conditions which adversely affect the Work;
The hours of operation by Contractor's and Sub-Contractor's
8.1.4 The number of Contractor's and Sub-Contractor's personnel present
and working at the Project site, by subcontract and trade;
8.1.5 All equipment present at the Project site, description of equipment use
and designation of time equipment was used (specifically indicating any down time);
8.1.6 Description of Work being performed at the Project site;
8.1.7 Any unusual or special occurrences at the Project site;
8.1.8 Materials received at the Project site;
8.1.9 A list of all visitors to the Project
8.1.10 Any problems that might impact either the cost or quality of the Work or
the time of performance.
The daily log shall not constitute nor take the place of any notice required to be given by
Contractor to Owner pursuant to the Contract Documents.
8.2 Contractor shall maintain in a safe place at the Project site one record copy of
the Contract Documents, including, but not limited to, all drawings, specifications,
addenda, amendments, Change Orders, Work Directive Changes and Field Orders, as
well as all written interpretations and clarifications issued by the Design Professional, in
good order and annotated to show all changes made during construction. The
annotated drawings shall be continuously updated by the Contractor throughout the
prosecution of the Work to accurately reflect all field changes that are made to adapt the
Work to field conditions, changes resulting from Change Orders, Work Directive
Changes and Field Orders, and all concealed and buried installations of piping, conduit
and utility services. All buried and concealed items, both inside and outside the Project
site, shall be accurately located on the annotated drawings as to depth and in
relationship to not less than two (2) permanent features (e.g. interior or exterior wall
100 "4
faces). The annotated drawings shall be clean and all changes, corrections and
dimensions shall be given in a neat and legible manner in a contrasting color. The
"As-Built" record documents, together with all approved samples and a counterpart of all
approved shop drawings shall be available to the Project Manager or Design
Professional for reference. Upon completion of the Work and as a condition precedent
to Contractor's entitlement to final payment, these "As-Built" record documents, samples
and shop drawings shall be delivered to Project Manager by Contractor for Owner.
8.3 Contractor shall keep all records and supporting documentation which concern or
relate to the Work hereunder for a minimum of five (5) years from the date of
termination of this Agreement or the date the Project is completed or such longer period
as may be required by law, whichever is later. Owner, or any duly authorized agents or
representatives of Owner, shall have the right to audit, inspect and copy all such
records and documentation as often as they deem necessary during the period of this
Agreement and during the document retention period noted above; provided, however,
such activity shall be conducted only during normal business hours.
9.1 Contractor shall diligently pursue the completion of the Work and coordinate the
Work being done on the Project by its subcontractors and material-men, as well as
coordinating its Work with all work of others at the Project Site, so that its Work or the
work of others shall not be delayed or impaired by any act or omission by Contractor.
Contractor shall be solely responsible for all construction means, methods, techniques,
sequences, and procedures, as well as coordination of all portions of the Work under
the Contract Documents, and the coordination of Owner's suppliers and contractors as
set forth in Paragraph 12.2. herein.
9.2 Should Contractor be obstructed or delayed in the prosecution of or completion
of the Work as a result of unforeseeable causes beyond the control of Contractor, and
not due to its fault or neglect, including but not restricted to acts of Nature or of the
public enemy, acts of government, fires, floods, epidemics, quarantine regulation,
strikes or lockouts, Contractor shall notify the Owner in writing within forty-eight (48)
hours after the commencement of such delay, stating the cause or causes thereof, or be
deemed to have waived any right which Contractor may have had to request a time
9.3 No interruption, interference, inefficiency, suspension or delay in the
commencement or progress of the Work from any cause whatever, including those for
which Owner may be responsible, in whole or in part, shall relieve Contractor of its duty
to perform or give rise to any right to damages or additional compensation from Owner.
Contractor expressly acknowledges and agrees that it shall receive no damages for
delay. Contractor's sole remedy, if any, against Owner will be the right to seek an
extension to the Contract Time; provided, however, the granting of any such time
extension shall not be a condition precedent to the aforementioned "No Damage For
Delay" provision. This paragraph shall expressly apply to claims for early completion,
as well as to claims based on late completion.
100 ~
9.4 In no event shall any approval by Owner authorizing Contractor to continue
performing Work under this Agreement or any payment issued by Owner to Contractor
be deemed a waiver of any right or claim Owner may have against Contractor for delay
damages hereunder.
10.1 Owner shall have the right at any time during the progress of the Work to
increase or decrease the Work. Promptly after being notified of a change, Contractor
shall submit an itemized estimate of any cost or time increases or savings it foresees as
a result of the change. Except in an emergency endangering life or property, or as
expressly set forth herein, no addition or changes to the Work shall be made except
upon written order of Owner, and Owner shall not be liable to the Contractor for any
increased compensation without such written order. No officer, employee or agent of
Owner is authorized to direct any extra or changed work orally. Any alleged changes
must be approved by Owner in writing prior to starting such items. Owner will not be
responsible for the costs of any changes commenced without Owner's express prior
written approval. Failure to obtain such prior written approval for any changes will be
deemed: (i) a waiver of any claim by Contractor for such items and (ii) an admission by
Contractor that such items are in fact not a change but rather are part of the Work
required of Contractor hereunder.
10.2 A Change Order, in the form attached as Exhibit E to this Agreement, shall be
issued and executed promptly after an agreement is reached between Contractor and
Owner concerning the requested changes, Contractor shall promptly perform changes
authorized by duly executed Change Orders. The Contract Amount and Contract Time
shall be adjusted in the Change Order in the manner as Owner and Contractor shall
mutually agree.
10.3 If Owner and Contractor are unable to agree on a Change Order for the
requested change, Contractor shall, nevertheless, promptly perform the change as
directed by Owner in a written Work Directive Change. In that event, the Contract
Amount and Contract Time shall be adjusted as directed by Owner. If Contractor
disagrees with the Owner's adjustment determination, Contractor must make a claim
pursuant to Section 11 of these General Conditions or else be deemed to have waived
any claim on this matter it might otherwise have had.
10.4 In the event a requested change results in an increase to the Contract Amount,
the amount of the increase shall be limited to the Contractor's reasonable direct labor
and material costs and reasonable actual equipment costs as a result of the change
(including allowance for labor burden costs) plus a maximum ten percent (10%) markup
for all overhead and profit. In the event such change Work is performed by a
Subcontractor, a maximum ten percent (10%) markup for all overhead and profit for all
Subcontractors' and sub-subcontractors' direct labor and material costs and actual
equipment costs shall be permitted, with a maximum five percent (5%) markup thereon
by the Contractor for all of its overhead and profit, for a total maximum markup of fifteen
percent (15%). All compensation due Contractor and any Subcontractor or
sub-subcontractor for field and home office overhead is included in the markups noted
above. Contractor's and Sub-Contractor's bond costs associated with any change order
shall be included in the overhead and profit expenses and shall not be paid as a
separate line item.
10.5 Owner shall have the right to conduct an audit of Contractor's books and records
to verify the accuracy of the Contractor's claim with respect to Contractor's costs
associated with any Change Order or Work Directive Change.
10.6 The Project Manager shall have authority to order minor changes in the Work not
involving an adjustment to the Contract Amount or an extension to the Contract Time
and not inconsistent with the intent of the Contract Documents. Such changes may be
effected by Field Order or by other written order. Such changes shall be binding on the
10.7 Any modifications to this Contract shall be in compliance with the County
Purchasing Policy and Administrative Procedures in effect at the time such
modifications are authorized.
11.1 Claim is a demand or assertion by one of the parties seeking an adjustment or
interpretation of the terms of the Contract Documents, payment of money, extension of
time or other relief with respect to the terms of the Contract Documents, The term
"Claim" also includes other disputes and matters in question between Owner and
Contractor arising out of or relating to the Contract Documents. The responsibility to
substantiate a Claim shall rest with the party making the Claim.
11,2 Claims by the Contractor shall be made in writing to the Project Manager within
forty-eight (48) hours from when the Contractor knew or should have known of the event
giving rise to such Claim or else the Contractor shall be deemed to have waived the
Claim. Written supporting data shall be submitted to the Project Manager within fifteen
(15) calendar days after the occurrence of the event, unless the Owner grants additional
time in writing, or else the Contractor shall be deemed to have waived the Claim. All
Claims shall be priced in accordance with the provisions of Subsection 10.4.
11.3 The Contractor shall proceed diligently with its performance as directed by the
Owner, regardless of any pending Claim, action, suit or administrative proceeding,
unless otherwise agreed to by the Owner in writing. Owner shall continue to make
payments in accordance with the Contract Documents during the pendency of any
12,1 Owner may perform other work related to the Project at the site by Owner's own
forces, have other work performed by utility owners or let other direct contracts. If the
fact that such other work is to be performed is not noted in the Contract Documents,
written notice thereof will be given to Contractor prior to starting any such other work. If
100 ,
Contractor believes that such performance will involve additional expense to Contractor
or require additional time, Contractor shall send written notice of that fact to Owner and
Design Professional within forty-eight (48) hours of being notified of the other work. If
the Contractor fails to send the above required forty-eight (48) hour notice, the
Contractor will be deemed to have waived any rights it otherwise may have had to seek
an extension to the Contract Time or adjustment to the Contract Amount.
12.2 Contractor shall afford each utility owner and other contractor who is a party to
such a direct contract (or Owner, if Owner is performing the additional work with
Owner's employees) proper and safe access to the site and a reasonable opportunity
for the introduction and storage of materials and equipment and the execution of such
work and shall properly connect and coordinate its Work with theirs. Contractor shall do
all cutting, fitting and patching of the Work that may be required to make its several
parts come together properly and integrate with such other work. Contractor shall not
endanger any work of others by cutting, excavating or otherwise altering their work and
will only cut or alter their work with the written consent of the Project Manager and the
others whose work will be affected. The duties and responsibilities of Contractor under
this paragraph are for the benefit of such utility owners and other Contractors to the
extent that there are comparable provisions for the benefit of Contractor in said direct
contracts between Owner and such utility owners and other contractors.
12.3 If any part of Contractor's Work depends for proper execution or results upon the
work of any other contractor or utility owner (or Owner), Contractor shall inspect and
promptly report to Project Manager in writing any delays, defects or deficiencies in such
work that render it unavailable or unsuitable for such proper execution and results.
Contractor's failure to report will constitute an acceptance of the other work as fit and
proper for integration with Contractor's Work.
13.1 To the maximum extent permitted by Florida law, Contractor shall indemnify and
hold harmless Owner and its officers and employees from any and all liabilities, claims,
damages, penalties, demands, judgments, actions, proceedings, losses or costs,
including, but not limited to, reasonable attorneys' fees and paralegals' fees, whether
resulting from any claimed breach of this Agreement by Contractor or from personal
injury, property damage, direct or consequential damages, or economic loss, to the
extent caused by the negligence, recklessness, or intentional wrongful misconduct of
Contractor or anyone employed or utilized by the Contractor in the performance of this
13.2 The duty to defend under this Article 13 is independent and separate from the
duty to indemnify, and the duty to defend exists regardless of any ultimate liability of the
Contractor, Owner and any indemnified party. The duty to defend arises immediately
upon presentation of a claim by any party and written notice of such claim being
provided to Contractor. Contractor's obligation to indemnify and defend under this
Article 13 will survive the expiration or earlier termination of this Agreement until it is
determined by final judgment that an action against the Owner or an indemnified party
100 1
for the matter indemnified hereunder is fully and finally barred by the applicable statute
of limitations.
13.3 Contractor shall obtain and carry, at all times during its performance under the
Contract Documents, insurance of the types and in the amounts set forth in Exhibit B to
the Agreement. Further, the Contractor shall at all times comply with all of the terms,
conditions, requirements and obligations set forth under Exhibit B.
14.1 Contractor agrees to comply, at its own expense, with all federal, state and local
laws, codes, statutes, ordinances, rules, regulations and requirements applicable to the
Project, including but not limited to those dealing with taxation, worker's compensation,
equal employment and safety (including, but not limited to, the Trench Safety Act,
Chapter 553, Florida Statutes), If Contractor observes that the Contract Documents are
at variance therewith, it shall promptly notify Project Manager in writing. To the extent
any law, rule, regulation, code, statute, or ordinance requires the inclusion of certain
terms in this Agreement in order for this Agreement to be enforceable, such terms shall
be deemed included in this Agreement. Notwithstanding anything in the Contract
Documents to the contrary, it is understood and agreed that in the event of a change in
any applicable laws, ordinances, rules or regulations subsequent to the date this
Agreement was executed that increases the Contractor's time or cost of performance of
the Work, Contractor is entitled to a Change Order for such increases, except to the
extent Contractor knew or should have known of such changes prior to the date of this
14.2 By executing and entering into this agreement, the Contractor is formally
acknowledging without exception or stipulation that it is fully responsible for complying
with the provisions of the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 as located at 8
U.S.C. 1324, et seq. and regulations relating thereto, as either may be amended.
Failure by the Contractor to comply with the laws referenced herein shall constitute a
breach of this agreement and the County shall have the discretion to unilaterally
terminate this agreement immediately.
15.1 Contractor agrees to keep the Project site clean at all times of debris, rubbish
and waste materials arising out of the Work. At the completion of the Work, Contractor
shall remove all debris, rubbish and waste materials from and about the Project site, as
well as all tools, appliances, construction equipment and machinery and surplus
materials, and shall leave the Project site clean and ready for occupancy by Owner.
15.2 Any existing surface or subsurface improvements, including, but not limited to,
pavements, curbs, sidewalks, pipes, utilities, footings, structures, trees and shrubbery,
not indicated in the Contract Documents to be removed or altered, shall be protected by
Contractor from damage during the prosecution of the Work. Subject to the Section 2.3
100 _
above, any such improvements so damaged shall be restored by Contractor to the
condition equal to that existing at the time of Contractor's commencement of the Work.
16.1 Contractor shall not assign this Agreement or any part thereof, without the prior
consent in writing of Owner. Any attempt to assign or otherwise transfer this Agreement,
or any part herein, without the Owner's consent, shall be void. If Contractor does, with
approval, assign this Agreement or any part thereof, it shall require that its assignee be
bound to it and to assume toward Contractor all of the obligations and responsibilities
that Contractor has assumed toward Owner.
17.1 Pursuant to Section 218.80, F.S., Owner will pay for all Collier County permits
and fees, including license fees, permit fees, impact fees or inspection fees applicable
to the Work through an internal budget transfer(s). Contractor is not responsible for
paying for permits issued by Collier County, but Contractor is responsible for acquiring
all permits. Owner may require the Contractor to deliver internal budget transfer
documents to applicable Collier County agencies when the Contractor is acquiring
17.2 All permits, fees and licenses necessary for the prosecution of the Work which
are not issued by Collier County shall be acquired and paid for by the Contractor.
17.3 Contractor shall pay all sales, consumer, use and other similar taxes associated
with the Work or portions thereof, which are applicable during the performance of the
18.1 Contractor shall be considered in material default of the Agreement and such
default shall be considered cause for Owner to terminate the Agreement, in whole or in
part, as further set forth in this Section, if Contractor: (1) fails to begin the Work under
the Contract Documents within the time specified herein; or (2) fails to properly and
timely perform the Work as directed by the Project Manager or as provided for in the
approved Progress Schedule; or (3) performs the Work unsuitably or neglects or
refuses to remove materials or to correct or replace such Work as may be rejected as
unacceptable or unsuitable; or (4) discontinues the prosecution of the Work; or (5) fails
to resume Work which has been suspended within a reasonable time after being
notified to do so; or (6) becomes insolvent or is declared bankrupt, or commits any act
of bankruptcy; or (7) allows any final judgment to stand against it unsatisfied for more
than ten (10) days; or (8) makes an assignment for the benefit of creditors; or (9) fails to
obey any applicable codes, laws, ordinances, rules or regulations with respect to the
Work; or (10) materially breaches any other provision of the Contract Documents.
18.2 Owner shall notify Contractor in writing of Contractor's default(s). If Owner
determines that Contractor has not remedied and cured the default(s) within seven (7)
100 ~
calendar days following receipt by Contractor of said written notice or such longer
period of time as may be consented to by Owner in writing and in its sole discretion,
then Owner, at its option, without releasing or waiving its rights and remedies against
the Contractor's sureties and without prejudice to any other right or remedy it may be
entitled to hereunder or by law, may terminate Contractor's right to proceed under the
Agreement, in whole or in part, and take possession of all or any portion of the Work
and any materials, tools, equipment, and appliances of Contractor, take assignments of
any of Contractor's subcontracts and purchase orders, and complete all or any portion
of Contractor's Work by whatever means, method or agency which Owner, in its sole
discretion, may choose.
18.3 If Owner deems any of the foregoing remedies necessary, Contractor agrees that
it shall not be entitled to receive any further payments hereunder until after the Project is
completed. All moneys expended and all of the costs, losses, damages and extra
expenses, including all management, administrative and other overhead and other
direct and indirect expenses (including Design Professional and attorneys' fees) or
damages incurred by Owner incident to such completion, shall be deducted from the
Contract Amount, and if such expenditures exceed the unpaid balance of the Contract
Amount, Contractor agrees to pay promptly to Owner on demand the full amount of
such excess, including costs of collection, attorneys' fees (including appeals) and
interest thereon at the maximum legal rate of interest until paid. If the unpaid balance of
the Contract Amount exceeds all such costs, expenditures and damages incurred by the
Owner to complete the Work, such excess shall be paid to the Contractor. The amount
to be paid to the Contractor or Owner, as the case may be, shall be approved by the
Project Manager, upon application, and this obligation for payment shall survive
termination of the Agreement.
18.4 The liability of Contractor hereunder shall extend to and include the full amount of
any and all sums paid, expenses and losses incurred, damages sustained, and
obligations assumed by Owner in good faith under the belief that such payments or
assumptions were necessary or required, in completing the Work and providing labor,
materials, equipment, supplies, and other items therefor or re-letting the Work, and in
settlement, discharge or compromise of any claims, demands, suits, and judgments
pertaining to or arising out of the Work hereunder.
18.5 If, after notice of termination of Contractor's right to proceed pursuant to this
Section, it is determined for any reason that Contractor was not in default, or that its
default was excusable, or that Owner is not entitled to the remedies against Contractor
provided herein, then the termination will be deemed a termination for convenience and
Contractor's remedies against Owner shall be the same as and limited to those afforded
Contractor under Section 19 below.
18.6 In the event (i) Owner fails to make any undisputed payment to Contractor within
thirty (30) days after such payment is due or Owner otherwise persistently fails to fulfill
some material obligation owed by Owner to Contractor under this Agreement, and
(ii) Owner has failed to cure such default within fourteen (14) days of receiving written
notice of same from Contractor, then Contractor may stop its performance under this
100 It
Agreement until such default is cured, after giving Owner a second fourteen (14) days
written notice of Contractor's intention to stop performance under the Agreement. If the
Work is so stopped for a period of one hundred and twenty (120) consecutive days
through no act or fault of the Contractor or its Subcontractors or their agents or
employees or any other persons performing portions of the Work under contract with the
Contractor or any Subcontractor, the Contractor may terminate this Agreement by giving
written notice to Owner of Contractor's intent to terminate this Agreement. If Owner
does not cure its default within fourteen (14) days after receipt of Contractor's written
notice, Contractor may, upon fourteen (14) additional days' written notice to the Owner,
terminate the Agreement and recover from the Owner payment for Work performed
through the termination date, but in no event shall Contractor be entitled to payment for
Work not performed or any other damages from Owner.
19.1 Owner shall have the right to terminate this Agreement without cause upon
seven (7) calendar days written notice to Contractor. In the event of such termination
for convenience, Contractor's recovery against Owner shall be limited to that portion of
the Contract Amount earned through the date of termination, together with any
retainage withheld and reasonable termination expenses incurred, but Contractor shall
not be entitled to any other or further recovery against Owner, including, but not limited
to, damages or any anticipated profit on portions of the Work not performed.
19.2 Owner shall have the right to suspend all or any portions of the Work upon giving
Contractor not less than two (2) calendar days' prior written notice of such suspension.
If all or any portion of the Work is so suspended, Contractor's sole and exclusive
remedy shall be to seek an extension of time to its schedule in accordance with the
procedures set forth in the Contract Documents. In no event shall the Contractor be
entitled to any additional compensation or damages. Provided, however, if the ordered
suspension exceeds six (6) months, the Contractor shall have the right to terminate the
Agreement with respect to that portion of the Work which is subject to the ordered
20.1 When the entire Work (or any portion thereof designated in writing by Owner) is
ready for its intended use, Contractor shall notify Project Manager in writing that the
entire Work (or such designated portion) is substantially complete, Within a reasonable
time thereafter, Owner, Contractor and Design Professional shall make an inspection of
the Work (or designated portion thereof) to determine the status of completion. If
Owner, after conferring with the Design Professional, does not consider the Work (or
designated portion) substantially complete, Project Manager shall notify Contractor in
writing giving the reasons therefor. If Owner, after conferring with the Design
Professional, considers the Work (or designated portion) substantially complete, Project
Manager shall prepare and deliver to Contractor a Certificate of Substantial Completion
which shall fix the date of Substantial Completion for the entire Work (or designated
portion thereof) and include a tentative punch-list of items to be completed or corrected
1'1 00
by Contractor before final payment. Owner shall have the right to exclude Contractor
from the Work and Project site (or designated portion thereof) after the date of
Substantial Completion, but Owner shall allow Contractor reasonable access to
complete or correct items on the tentative punch-list.
20.2 Upon receipt of written certification by Contractor that the Work is completed in
accordance with the Contract Documents and is ready for final inspection and
acceptance, Project Manager and Design Professional will make such inspection and, if
they find the Work acceptable and fully performed under the Contract Documents shall
promptly issue a final Certificate for Payment, recommending that, on the basis of their
observations and inspections, and the Contractor's certification that the Work has been
completed in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Contract Documents, that
the entire balance found to be due Contractor is due and payable. Neither the final
payment nor the retainage shall become due and payable until Contractor submits:
(1) Receipt of Contractor's Final Application for Payment.
(2) The Release and Affidavit in the form attached as Exhibit C.
(3) Consent of surety to final payment.
(4) Receipt of the final payment check list.
(5) If required by Owner, other data establishing payment or satisfaction of all
obligations, such as receipts, releases and waivers of liens, arising out of
the Contract Documents, to the extent and in such form as may be
designated by Owner.
Owner reserves the right to inspect the Work and make an independent determination
as to the Work's acceptability, even though the Design Professional may have issued its
recommendations. Unless and until the Owner is completely satisfied, neither the final
payment nor the retainage shall become due and payable.
21.1 Contractor shall obtain and assign to Owner all express warranties given to
Contractor or any subcontractors by any subcontractor or materialmen supplying
materials, equipment or fixtures to be incorporated into the Project. Contractor warrants
to Owner that any materials and equipment furnished under the Contract Documents
shall be new unless otherwise specified, and that all Work shall be of good quality, free
from all defects and in conformance with the Contract Documents. Contractor further
warrants to Owner that all materials and equipment furnished under the Contract
Documents shall be applied, installed, connected, erected, used, cleaned and
conditioned in accordance with the instructions of the applicable manufacturers,
fabricators, suppliers or processors except as otherwise provided for in the Contract
Documents. If, within one (1) year after Substantial Completion, any Work is found to
be defective or not in conformance with the Contract Documents, Contractor shall
correct it promptly after receipt of written notice from Owner. Contractor shall also be
responsible for and pay for replacement or repair of adjacent materials or Work which
may be damaged as a result of such replacement or repair. Further, in the event of an
emergency, Owner may commence to correct any defective Work, without prior notice
100 _
to Contractor, at Contractor's expense. These warranties are in addition to those
implied warranties to which Owner is entitled as a matter of law.
21.2 No later than 30 days prior to expiration of the warranty, the Project Manager, or
another representative of the Owner, shall conduct an inspection of the warranted work
to verify compliance with the requirements of the Agreement. The Contractor's
Representative shall be present at the time of inspection and shall take remedial actions
to correct any deficiencies noted in the inspection. Failure of the Contractor to correct
the cited deficiencies shall be grounds for the Owner to disqualify the Contractor from
future bid opportunities with the Owner, in addition to any other rights and remedies
available to Owner.
22.1 Owner, Design Professional, their respective representatives, agents and
employees, and governmental agencies with jurisdiction over the Project shall have
access at all times to the Work, whether the Work is being performed on or off of the
Project site, for their observation, inspection and testing. Contractor shall provide
proper, safe conditions for such access. Contractor shall provide Project Manager with
timely notice of readiness of the Work for all required inspections, tests or approvals.
22.2 If the Contract Documents or any codes, laws, ordinances, rules or regulations of
any public authority having jurisdiction over the Project requires any portion of the Work
to be specifically inspected, tested or approved, Contractor shall assume full
responsibility therefore, pay all costs in connection therewith and furnish Project
Manager the required certificates of inspection, testing or approval. All inspections,
tests or approvals shall be performed in a manner and by organizations acceptable to
the Project Manager.
22,3 Contractor is responsible, without reimbursement from Owner, for re-inspection
fees and costs; to the extent such re-inspections are due to the fault or neglect of
22.4 If any Work that is to be inspected, tested or approved is covered without written
concurrence from the Project Manager, such work must, if requested by Project
Manager, be uncovered for observation, Such uncovering shall be at Contractor's
expense unless Contractor has given Project Manager timely notice of Contractor's
intention to cover the same and Project Manager has not acted with reasonable
promptness to respond to such notice. If any Work is covered contrary to written
directions from Project Manager, such Work must, if requested by Project Manager, be
uncovered for Project Manager's observation and be replaced at Contractor's sole
22.5 The Owner shall charge to Contractor and may deduct from any payments due
Contractor all engineering and inspection expenses incurred by Owner in connection
with any overtime work. Such overtime work consisting of any work during the
100 It
construction period beyond the regular eight (8) hour day and for any work performed
on Saturday, Sunday or holidays.
22.6 Neither observations nor other actions by the Project Manager or Design
Professional nor inspections, tests or approvals by others shall relieve Contractor from
Contractor's obligations to perform the Work in accordance with the Contract
23.1 Work not conforming to the requirements of the Contract Documents or any
warranties made or assigned by Contractor to Owner shall be deemed defective Work.
If required by Project Manager, Contractor shall as directed, either correct all defective
Work, whether or not fabricated, installed or completed, or if the defective Work has
been rejected by Project Manager, remove it from the site and replace it with non-
defective Work, Contractor shall bear all direct, indirect and consequential costs of
such correction or removal (including, but not limited to fees and charges of engineers,
architects, attorneys and other professionals) made necessary thereby, and shall hold
Owner harmless for same.
23,2 If the Project Manager considers it necessary or advisable that covered Work be
observed by Design Professional or inspected or tested by others and such Work is not
otherwise required to be inspected or tested, Contractor, at Project Manager's request,
shall uncover, expose or otherwise make available for observation, inspection or tests
as Project Manager may require, that portion of the Work in question, furnishing all
necessary labor, material and equipment. If it is found that such Work is defective,
Contractor shall bear all direct, indirect and consequential costs of such uncovering,
exposure, observation, inspection and testing and of satisfactory reconstruction
(including, but not limited to, fees and charges of engineers, architects, attorneys and
other professionals), and Owner shall be entitled to an appropriate decrease in the
Contract Amount. If, however, such Work is not found to be defective, Contractor shall
be allowed an increase in the Contract Amount and/or an extension to the Contract
Time, directly attributable to such uncovering, exposure, observation, inspection, testing
and reconstruction.
23.3 If any portion of the Work is defective, or if Contractor fails to supply sufficient
skilled workers, suitable materials or equipment or fails to finish or perform the Work in
such a way that the completed Work will conform to the Contract Documents, Project
Manager may order Contractor to stop the Work, or any portion thereof, until the cause
for such order has been eliminated. The right of Project Manager to stop the Work
shall be exercised, if at all, solely for Owner's benefit and nothing herein shall be
construed as obligating the Project Manager to exercise this right for the benefit of
Design Engineer, Contractor, or any other person.
23.4 Should the Owner determine, at its sole opinion, it is in the Owner's best interest
to accept defective Work, the Owner may do so. Contractor shall bear all direct, indirect
and consequential costs attributable to the Owner's evaluation of and determination to
accept defective Work. If such determination is rendered prior to final payment, a
Change Order shall be executed evidencing such acceptance of such defective Work,
incorporating the necessary revisions in the Contract Documents and reflecting an
appropriate decrease in the Contract Amount. If the Owner accepts such defective
Work after final payment, Contractor shall promptly pay Owner an appropriate amount
to adequately compensate Owner for its acceptance of the defective Work.
23.5 If Contractor fails, within a reasonable time after the written notice from Project
Manager, to correct defective Work or to remove and replace rejected defective Work
as required by Project Manager or Owner, or if Contractor fails to perform the Work in
accordance with the Contract Documents, or if Contractor fails to comply with any of the
provisions of the Contract Documents, Owner may, after seven (7) days written notice
to Contractor, correct and remedy any such deficiency. Provided, however, Owner shall
not be required to give notice to Contractor in the event of an emergency. To the extent
necessary to complete corrective and remedial action, Owner may exclude Contractor
from any or all of the Project site, take possession of all or any part of the Work, and
suspend Contractor's services related thereto, take possession of Contractor's tools,
appliances, construction equipment and machinery at the Project site and incorporate in
the Work all materials and equipment stored at the Project site or for which Owner has
paid Contractor but which are stored elsewhere. Contractor shall allow Owner, Design
Professional and their respective representatives, agents, and employees such access
to the Project site as may be necessary to enable Owner to exercise the rights and
remedies under this paragraph. All direct, indirect and consequential costs of Owner in
exercising such rights and remedies shall be charged against Contractor, and a Change
Order shall be issued, incorporating the necessary revisions to the Contract Documents,
including an appropriate decrease to the Contract Amount. Such direct, indirect and
consequential costs shall include, but not be limited to, fees and charges of engineers,
architects, attorneys and other professionals, all court costs and all costs of repair and
replacement of work of others destroyed or damaged by correction, removal or
replacement of Contractor's defective Work. Contractor shall not be allowed an
extension of the Contract Time because of any delay in performance of the Work
attributable to the exercise by Owner of Owner's rights and remedies hereunder.
241 Contractor shall plan, organize, supervise, schedule, monitor, direct and control
the Work competently and efficiently, devoting such attention thereto and applying such
skills and expertise as may be necessary to perform the Work in accordance with the
Contract Documents. Contractor shall be responsible to see that the finished Work
complies accurately with the Contract Documents. Contractor shall keep on the Work at
all times during its progress a competent resident superintendent, who shall be subject
to Owner's approval and not be replaced without prior written notice to Project Manager
except under extraordinary circumstances. The superintendent shall be employed by
the Contractor and be the Contractor's representative at the Project site and shall have
authority to act on behalf of Contractor. All communications given to the superintendent
shall be as binding as if given to the Contractor. Owner shall have the right to direct
100 "
Contractor to remove and replace its Project superintendent, with or without cause.
Attached to the Agreement as Exhibit N is a list identifying Contractor's Project
Superintendent and all of Contractor's key personnel who are assigned to the Project;
such identified personnel shall not be removed without Owner's prior written approval,
and if so removed must be immediately replaced with a person acceptable to Owner.
24.2 Contractor shall have a competent superintendent on the project at all times
whenever contractor's work crews, or work crews of other parties authorized by the
Project Manager are engaged in any activity whatsoever associated with the Project.
Should the Contractor fail to comply with the above condition, the Project Manager
shall, at his discretion, deduct from the Contractor's monthly pay estimate, sufficient
moneys to account for the Owner's loss of adequate project supervision, not as a
penalty, but as liquidated damages, separate from the liquidated damages described in
Section 5.B, for services not rendered.
25.1 Contractor shall fully protect the Work from loss or damage and shall bear the
cost of any such loss or damage until final payment has been made. If Contractor or
anyone for whom Contractor is legally liable for is responsible for any loss or damage
to the Work, or other work or materials of Owner or Owner's separate contractors,
Contractor shall be charged with the same, and any moneys necessary to replace such
loss or damage shall be deducted from any amounts due Contractor.
25.2 Contractor shall not load nor permit any part of any structure to be loaded in any
manner that will endanger the structure, nor shall Contractor subject any part of the
Work or adjacent property to stresses or pressures that will endanger it.
25.3 Contractor shall not disturb any benchmark established by the Owner or Design
Professional with respect to the Project. If Contractor, or its subcontractors, agents or
anyone for whom Contractor is legally liable, disturbs the Owner or Design
Professional's benchmarks, Contractor shall immediately notify Project Manager and
Design Professional. The Owner or Design Professional shall re-establish the
benchmarks and Contractor shall be liable for all costs incurred by Owner associated
26.1 In the event of an emergency affecting the safety or protection of persons or the
Work or property at the Project site or adjacent thereto, Contractor, without special
instruction or authorization from Owner or Design Professional is obligated to act to
prevent threatened damage, injury or loss. Contractor shall give Project Manager
written notice within forty-eight (48) hours after Contractor knew or should have known
of the occurrence of the emergency, if Contractor believes that any significant changes
in the Work or variations from the Contract Documents have been caused thereby. If
the Project Manager determines that a change in the Contract Documents is required
because of the action taken in response to an emergency, a Change Order shall be
< ';j
issued to document the consequences of the changes or variations. If Contractor fails
to provide the forty-eight (48) hour written notice noted above, the Contractor shall be
deemed to have waived any right it otherwise may have had to seek an adjustment to
the Contract Amount or an extension to the Contract Time.
27.1 Contractor shall maintain all construction equipment, the storage of materials and
equipment and the operations of workers to the Project site and land and areas
identified in and permitted by the Contract Documents and other lands and areas
permitted by law, rights of way, permits and easements, and shall not unreasonably
encumber the Project site with construction equipment or other material or equipment.
Contractor shall assume full responsibility for any damage to any such land or area, or
to the owner or occupant thereof, or any land or areas contiguous thereto, resulting from
the performance of the Work,
28.1 Contractor shall be responsible for initiating, maintaining and supervising all
safety precautions and programs in connection with the Work. Contractor shall take all
necessary precautions for the safety of, and shall provide the necessary protection to
prevent damage, injury or loss to:
28.1.1 All employees on or about the project site and other persons and/or
organizations who may be affected thereby;
28.1.2 All the Work and materials and equipment to be incorporated therein,
whether in storage on or off the Project site; and
28.1.3 Other property on Project site or adjacent thereto, including trees,
shrubs, walks, pavements, roadways, structures, utilities and any underground
structures or improvements not designated for removal, relocation or replacement in the
Contract Documents.
28.2 Contractor shall comply with all applicable codes, laws, ordinances, rules and
regulations of any public body having jurisdiction for the safety of persons or property or
to protect them from damage, injury or loss. Contractor shall erect and maintain all
necessary safeguards for such safety and protection. Contractor shall notify owners of
adjacent property and of underground structures and improvements and utility owners
when prosecution of the Work may affect them, and shall cooperate with them in the
protection, removal, relocation or replacement of their property. Contractor's duties and
responsibilities for the safety and protection of the Work shall continue until such time
as the Work is completed and final acceptance of same by Owner has occurred.
28.3. Contractor shall designate a responsible representative located on a full time
basis at the Project site whose duty shall be the prevention of accidents. This person
shall be Contractor's superintendent unless otherwise designated in writing by
Contractor to Owner.
1\.. ~~
28.4 Alcohol, drugs and all illegal substances are strictly prohibited on any Owner
property. All employees of Contractor, as well as those of all subcontractors and those
of any other person or entity for whom Contractor is legally liable (collectively referred to
herein as "Employees"), shall not possess or be under the influence of any such
substances while on any Owner property. Further, Employees shall not bring on to any
Owner property any gun, rifle or other firearm, or explosives of any kind.
28.5 Contractor acknowledges that the Work may be progressing on a Project site
which is located upon or adjacent to an existing Owner facility. In such event,
Contractor shall comply with the following:
All Owner facilities are smoke free. Smoking is strictly prohibited;
28.5.2 All Employees shall be provided an identification badge by
Contractor. Such identification badge must be prominently displayed on the outside of
the Employees' clothing at all times. All Employees working at the Project site must log
in and out with the Contractor each day;
28.5.3 Contractor shall strictly limit its operations to the designated work
areas and shall not permit any Employees to enter any other portions of Owner's
property without Owner's expressed prior written consent;
28.5.4 All Employees are prohibited from distributing any papers or other
materials upon Owner's property, and are strictly prohibited from using any of Owner's
telephones or other office equipment;
28.5.5 All Employees shall at all times comply with the OSHA regulations
with respect to dress and conduct at the Project site. Further, all Employees shall
comply with the dress, conduct and facility regulations issued by Owner's officials
onsite, as said regulations may be changed from time to time;
28.5.6 All Employees shall enter and leave Owner's facilities only through
the ingress and egress points identified in the site utilization plan approved by Owner or
as otherwise designated, from time to time, by Owner in writing;
28.5.7 When requested, Contractor shall cooperate with any ongoing
Owner investigation involving personal injury, economic loss or damage to Owner's
facilities or personal property therein;
28.5.8 The Employees may not solicit, distribute or sell products while on
Owner's property. Friends, family members or other visitors of the Employees are not
permitted on Owner's property; and
28.5.9 At all times, Contractor shall adhere to Owner's safety and security
regulations, and shall comply with all security requirements at Owner's facilities, as said
regulations and requirements may be modified or changed by Owner from time to time.
~ '!!
Prior to the commencement of Work, the Contractor shall attend a pre-construction
conference with the Project Manager, Design Professional and others as appropriate to
discuss the Progress Schedule, procedures for handling shop drawings and other
submittals, and for processing Applications for Payment, and to establish a working
understanding among the parties as to the Work. During the prosecution of the Work,
the Contractor shall attend any and all meetings convened by the Project Manager with
respect to the Project, when directed to do so by Project Manager or Design
Professional. The Contractor shall have its subcontractors and suppliers attend all such
meetings (including the pre-construction conference) as may be directed by the Project
Owner has implemented a Vendor Performance Evaluation System for all contracts
awarded in excess of $25,000. To this end, vendors will be evaluated on their
performance upon completion/termination of this Agreement.
For all projects that are conducted within a Collier County Right-of-Way, the Contractor
shall provide and erect Traffic Control Devices as prescribed in the current edition of the
Manual On Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD), where applicable on local
roadways and as prescribed in the Florida Department of Transportations Design
Standards (DS), where applicable on state roadways. These projects shall also comply
with Collier County's Maintenance of Traffic Policy, #5807, incorporated herein by
reference. Copies are available through Risk Management and/or Purchasing
Departments, and is available on-line at colliergov.netlpurchasing.
The Contractor will be responsible for obtaining copies of all required manuals, MUTCD,
FDOT Roadway & Traffic Design Standards Indexes, or other related documents, so to
become familiar with their requirements. Strict adherence to the requirements of the
Maintenance of Traffic ("MOT") policy will be enforced under this Contract.
All costs associated with the Maintenance of Traffic shall be included on the line item on
the bid page.
If MOT is required, MOT is to be provided within ten (10) days of receipt of Notice of
32.1 Contractor shall pay all sales, consumer, use and other similar taxes associated
with the Work or portions thereof, which are applicable during the performance of the
Work. No markup shall be applied to sales tax. Additionally, as directed by Owner and
at no additional cost to Owner, Contractor shall comply with and fully implement the
sales tax savings program with respect to the Work, as set forth in section 32.2 below:
32.2 Notwithstanding anything herein to the contrary, because Owner is exempt from
sales tax and may wish to generate sales tax savings for the Project, Owner reserves
the right to make direct purchases of various construction materials and equipment
included in the Work ("Direct Purchase"). Contractor shall prepare purchase orders to
vendors selected by Contractor, for execution by Owner, on forms provided by Owner.
Contractor shall allow two weeks for execution of all such purchase orders by Owner.
Contractor represents and warrants that it will use its best efforts to cooperate with
Owner in implementing this sales tax savings program in order to maximize cost
savings for the Project. Adjustments to the Contract Amount will be made by
appropriate Change Orders for the amounts of each Owner Direct Purchase, plus the
saved sales taxes. A Change Order shall be processed promptly after each Direct
Purchase, or group of similar or related Direct Purchases, unless otherwise mutually
agreed upon between Owner and Contractor. With respect to all Direct Purchases by
Owner, Contractor shall remain responsible for coordinating, ordering, inspecting,
accepting delivery, storing, handling, installing, warranting and quality control for all
Direct Purchases. Notwithstanding anything herein to the contrary, Contractor
expressly acknowledges and agrees that all Direct Purchases shall be included within
and covered by Contractor's warranty to Owner to the same extent as all other
warranties provided by Contractor pursuant to the terms of the Contract Documents. In
the event Owner makes a demand against Contractor with respect to any Direct
Purchase and Contractor wishes to make claim against the manufacturer or supplier of
such Direct Purchase, upon request from Contractor Owner shall assign to Contractor
any and all warranties and Contract rights Owner may have from any manufacturer or
supplier of any such Direct Purchase by Owner.
32.3 Bidder represents and warrants that it is aware of its statutory responsibilities for
sale tax under Chapter 212, Florida Statutes, and for its responsibilities for Federal
excise taxes.
33.1 Contractor shall review the design and shall determine how it desires to divide
the sequence of construction activities. Contractor will determine the breakdown and
composition of bid packages for award of subcontracts, based on the current Project
Milestone Schedule, and shall supply a copy of that breakdown and composition to
Owner and Design Professional for their review and approval prior to submitting its first
Application for Payment. Contractor shall take into consideration such factors as
natural and practical lines of severability, sequencing effectiveness, access and
availability constraints, total time for completion, construction market conditions,
availability of labor and materials, community relations and any other factors pertinent to
saving time and costs.
33.2 A Subcontractor is any person or entity who is performing, furnishing, supplying
or providing any portion of the Work pursuant to a contract with Contractor. Contractor
laD ~
shall be solely responsible for and have control over the Subcontractors. Contractor
shall negotiate all Change Orders, Work Directive Changes, Field Orders and Requests
for Proposal, with all affected Subcontractors and shall review the costs of those
proposals and advise Owner and Design Professional of their validity and
reasonableness, acting in Owner's best interest, prior to requesting approval of any
Change Order from Owner. All Subcontractors performing any portion of the Work on
this Project must be "qualified" as defined in Collier County Ordinance 87-25, meaning a
person or entity that has the capability in all respects to perform fully the Agreement
requirements with respect to its portion of the Work and has the integrity and reliability
to assure good faith performance.
33.3 In addition to those Subcontractors identified in Contractor's bid that were
approved by Owner, Contractor also shall identify any other Subcontractors, including
their addresses, licensing information and phone numbers, it intends to utilize for the
Project prior to entering into any subcontract or purchase order and prior to the
Subcontractor commencing any work on the Project. The list identifying each
Subcontractor cannot be modified, changed, or amended without prior written approval
from Owner. Any and all Subcontractor work to be self-performed by Contractor must
be approved in writing by Owner in its sole discretion prior to commencement of such
work, Contractor shall continuously update that Subcontractor list, so that it remains
current and accurate throughout the entire performance of the Work.
33.4 Contractor shall not enter into a subcontract or purchase order with any
Subcontractor, if Owner reasonably objects to that Subcontractor. Contractor shall not
be required to contract with anyone it reasonably objects to. Contractor shall keep on
file a copy of the license for every Subcontractor and sub-subcontractor performing any
portion of the Work, as well as maintain a log of all such licenses. All subcontracts and
purchase orders between Contractor and its Subcontractors shall be in writing and are
subject to Owner's approval. Further, unless expressly waived in writing by Owner, all
subcontracts and purchase orders shall (1) require each Subcontractor to be bound to
Contractor to the same extent Contractor is bound to Owner by the terms of the
Contract Documents, as those terms may apply to the portion of the Work to be
performed by the Subcontractor, (2) provide for the assignment of the subcontract or
purchase order from Contractor to Owner at the election of Owner upon termination of
Contractor, (3) provide that Owner will be an additional indemnified party of the
subcontract or purchase order, (4) provide that Owner, Collier County Government, will
be an additional insured on all liability insurance policies required to be provided by the
Subcontractor except workman's compensation and business automobile policies, (5)
assign all warranties directly to Owner, and (6) identify Owner as an intended third-party
beneficiary of the subcontract or purchase order. Contractor shall make available to
each proposed Subcontractor, prior to the execution of the subcontract, copies of the
Contract Documents to which the Subcontractor will be bound. Each Subcontractor
shall similarly make copies of such documents available to its sub-subcontractors.
33.5 Each Subcontractor performing work at the Project Site must agree to provide
field (on-site) supervision through a named superintendent for each trade (e.g., general
concrete forming and placement, rnasonry, mechanical, plumbing, electrical and
100 t'1
roofing) included in its subcontract or purchase order. In addition, the Subcontractor
shall assign and name a qualified employee for scheduling direction for its portion of the
Work. The supervisory employees of the Subcontractor (including field superintendent,
foreman and schedulers at all levels) must have been employed in a supervisory
(leadership) capacity of substantially equivalent level on a similar project for at least two
years within the last five years. The Subcontractor shall include a resume of experience
for each employee identified by it to supervise and schedule its work.
33.6 Unless otherwise expressly waived by Owner in writing, all subcontracts and
purchase orders shall provide:
33.6,1 That the Subcontractor's exclusive remedy for delays in the
performance of the subcontract or purchase order caused by events beyond its control,
including delays claimed to be caused by Owner or Design Professional or attributable
to Owner or Design Professional and including claims based on breach of contract or
negligence, shall be an extension of its contract time.
33.6.2 In the event of a change in the work, the Subcontractor's claim for
adjustments in the contract sum are limited exclusively to its actual costs for such
changes plus no more than 10% for overhead and profit.
33.6.3 The subcontract or purchase order, as applicable, shall require the
Subcontractor to expressly agree that the foregoing constitute its sole and exclusive
remedies for delays and changes in the Work and thus eliminate any other remedies for
claim for increase in the contract price, damages, losses or additional compensation.
Further, Contractor shall require all Subcontractors to similarly incorporate the terms of
this Section 33.6 into their sub-subcontracts and purchase orders.
33.6.4 Each subcontract and purchase order shall require that any claims by
Subcontractor for delay or additional cost must be submitted to Contractor within the
time and in the manner in which Contractor must submit such claims to Owner, and that
failure to comply with such conditions for giving notice and submitting claims shall result
in the waiver of such claims.
34.1 Contractor shall maintain at the Project site, originals or copies of,
on a current basis, all Project files and records, including, but not limited to, the following
administrative records:
Subcontracts and Purchase Orders
Subcontractor Licenses
Shop Drawing Submittal/Approval Logs
Equipment Purchase/Delivery Logs
Contract Drawings and Specifications with Addenda
Warranties and Guarantees
100 n~
Cost Accounting Records
Labor Costs
Material Costs
Equipment Costs
Cost Proposal Request
Payment Request Records
Meeting Minutes
Bulletin Quotations
Lab Test Reports
Insurance Certificates and Bonds
Contract Changes
Material Purchase Delivery Logs
Technical Standards
Design Handbooks
"As-Built" Marked Prints
Operating & Maintenance Instruction
Daily Progress Reports
Monthly Progress Reports
Correspondence Files
Transmittal Records
Inspection Reports
Punch Lists
PMIS Schedule and Updates
Suspense (Tickler) Files of Outstanding
The Project files and records shall be available at all times to Owner and Design
Professional or their designees for reference, review or copying.
34.2 Contractor Presentations
At the discretion of the County, the Contractor may be required to provide a brief update
on the Project to the Collier County Board of County Commissioners, "Board", up to two
(2) times per contract term. Presentations shall be made in a properly advertised Public
Meeting on a schedule to be determined by the County Manager or his designee. Prior
to the scheduled presentation date, the Contractor shall meet with appropriate County
staff to discuss the presentation requirements and format. Presentations may include,
but not be limited to, the following information: Original contract amount, project
schedule, project completion date and any changes to the aforementioned since Notice
to Proceed was issued.
If required, Contractor shall be responsible for the costs of providing background checks
and drug testing for all employees that shall provide services to the County under this
100 :_
Agreement. This may include, but not be limited to, checking federal, state and local
law enforcement records, including a state and FBI fingerprint check, credit reports,
education, residence and employment verifications and other related records.
Consultant shall be required to maintain records on each employee and make them
available to the County for at least four (4) years.
Any suit or action brought by either party to this Agreement against the other party
relating to or arising out of this Agreement must be brought in the appropriate federal or
state courts in Collier County, Florida, which courts have sole and exclusive jurisdiction
on all such matters.
All projects with an estimated cost of $10 million or more shall be reviewed for
consideration of a Value Engineering (VE) study conducted during project development.
A "project" shall be defined as the collective contracts, which may include but not be
limited to: design, construction, and construction, engineering and inspection (CEI)
services. Additionally, any project with an estimated construction value of $2 million or
more may be reviewed for VE at the discretion of the County.
An underground 62-761, Florida Administrative Code (FAC.) or aboveground 62-762,
FAC. regulated tank requires notification to the 'County' prior to installation or closure
of the tank. The Pollution Control Department (239-252-2502), via contract GC-690
with the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP), is the County (local
program) for the purposes of these rules.
Regulated tanks require notification to the 'county' local program thirty (30) days prior to
installation and again forty-eight (48) hours prior to commencement of the installation.
Closure activities require a ten (10) day notification and then a forty-eight (48) hour
notification prior to commencement. The notification is to allow for scheduling of the
inspections pertaining to the installation/closure activities. A series of inspections will
be scheduled based upon system design after discussing the project with the
contractor/project manager. Specifics on applicability, exemptions, and requirements
for regulated pollutant storage tank systems can be found in 62-761, FAC, and 62-762,
F.A.C. or you may contact the Pollution Control Department with your questions.
Please note that equipment must be listed on the FDEP approved equipment list and
will be verified at inspection along with installation and testing procedures. The
approved equipment list is constantly updated and can be found at the FDEP Storage
Tank Regulation website along with rules, forms and other applicable information.
10D tt
The Contractor shall employ people to work on Owner's projects who are neat,
clean, well-groomed and courteous. Subject to the Americans with Disabilities Act,
Contractor shall supply competent employees who are physically capable of
performing their employment duties. The Owner may require the Contractor to
remove an employee it deems careless, incompetent, insubordinate or otherwise
objectionable and whose continued employment on Owner's projects is not in the
best interest of the County.
100 ~
1. The Notice to Proceed will be issued only after the following documentation has
been submitted to Owner:
a. Complete contractual documents, including payment and performance
bonds and insurance certificate;
b. Progress schedule, which shall utilize the Critical Path method of
scheduling and Microsoft Project;
c. Submittal schedule;
d, Draw (funding) Schedule, which shall consist of a monthly projection of
the value of the work to be completed and materials stored for the entire
duration of the project;
e, Safety Program/Risk Management Program;
f, Quality Assurance/Quality Control Program; and
g. Security Plan
2. The CPM Schedule and Draw Schedule shall be updated monthly and
submitted with each Contractor Application for Payment. If both items are not
submitted with Application for Payment, that payment will be withheld until
both items are received and accepted by the Owner and Engineer.
3. All engineering site plans and drawings referencing a specific geographic area
must be submitted in an AutoCad 14 or later format drawn in the Florida State
Plane East (US Feet) Coordinate System. The drawings should either
reference specific established Survey monumentation, such as Certified
Section Corners (Half or Quarter Sections are also acceptable), or be derived
from the RTK(Real-Time Kinematic) GPS Network as provided by the Collier County
Transportation Division.
4. The County may, at its discretion, use VISNMASTER card credit network as a
payment vehicle for goods and/or services purchased as a part of this contract.
100 'I
See Separate Downloadable file
Co~ <;;Ounty
Project Specifications for
Degasifier & Odor Control
December 2009
HDR, Inc.
100 1\1
Table of Contents
Degasifier & Odor Control Expansion
Collier County North County Regional Water Treatment Plant (NCRWTP)
Technical Specifications
0]026 MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT (from Collier County Standard)
0]045 CONNECTIONS TO EXISTING SYSTEMS (from Collier County Standard)
0105] LINES AND GRADES (from Collier County Standard)
(from Collier County Standard)
01750 PROJECT RECORD DOCUMENTS (from Collier County Standard)
02222 EXCA VA TlON - EARTH (from Collier County Standard)
02223 BACKFILLING (from Collier County Standard)
DEW A TERING (from Collier County Standard)
02530 GROUNDWATER CONTROL FOR OPEN CUT (from Collier County Standard)
02575 PA VEMENT REPAIR AND RESTORATION (from Collier County Standard)
02650 LA YING AND JOINTING BURIED PIPELINES (from Collier County Standard)
02675 DlSINFECT]ON (from Collier County Standard)
02676 LEAKAGE TESTS (from Collier County Standard)
02999 MISCELLANEOUS WORK AND CLEANUP (from Collier County Standard)
Collier County, Florida
NCRWTP Degasifier & Odor Control Expansion
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Collier Count). Florida
NCRW IT Degasifier & Odor Control Expansion
100 ~
Collier County, Florida
NCRWTP Degasifier & Odor Control Expansion
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A. Location of Work
B. Scope of Work
C. Description of Work General
D. Contractor's Use of Site
E. Work Sequence
F. Owner Occupancy
G. Protection of Existing Utilities
H. Shutdowns
A. The Work of this Contract is located at the North Collier Water Treatment Plant (NCRWTP),
located off of Vanderbilt Beach Road Extension, in Collier County, Florida.
A. Furnish all labor, materials, equipment, and incidentals required to complete the NCRWTP
Degasifier and Odor Control Expansion in its entirety as illustrated on the Contract Drawings
and as specified herein.
B. The Work of this Contract consists of two (2) major parts as follows: I) Degasifier Systems;
and, 2) Chemical Scrubber Systems. The parts are delineated by the extents required to provide,
install, and bring into service each part as defined and specified herein.
C. The Work of each part includes as appropriate, but is not limited to. clearing and grubbing; site
restoration including paving of NCR WTP access drive. if disturbed during construction; daily
housekeeping; proper disposal of all \vastes generated; delivery and proper storage of items to
be places into service; erosion control; safety; security requirements; confined space entry
requirements; coordination and time for site specific training by Owner of Contractor's and
subcontractor's personnel; mobilization and demobilization: demolition: temporary facilities;
preparation of submittals; connections to existing systems; training by equipment suppliers of
Owner; provision of operations and maintenance manuals: electrical: instrumentation; piping
and appurtenances; coordination \vith Ovvner including scheduling ofNCRWTP shut-downs as
required; disinfection including required testing: startup: testing: record drawings: and, any
Work associated \\'ith each part not spccilically listed herein but required for bringing each
respective part into service, as specified herein and illustrated on the Contract Drawings.
D. Select chemicals and components associated with the Work of this Contract shall meet the
requirements ofNSF/ANSI Standard 60: Drinking Water Treatmcnt Chemicals -- Health
Effects; and, NSF/ ANSI Standard 61: Drinking Water System Components -- Health Effects, as
applicable and identified in herein.
]. Chemicals that will be used to treat water that will enter the drinking water system shall be
in accordance with NSF/ANSI Standard 60: Drinking Water Treatment Chemicals -- Health
2. Materials of components that will be in contact \vith water that will enter the drinking water
system shall be in accordance with NSF/ANSI Standard 61: Drinking Water System
Components -- Health Effects.
Collier County. Florida
NCR W'I P Degasificr & Odor Control Expansion
01010 - 1
" 1
E. The Work of the Degasifier Systems includes, but is not limited to, modifications to existing
product water lines including relocation of existing hydrant; installation of new reinforced
concrete equipment pads; relocation of existing gaseous chlorine scrubber including demolition
of existing concrete base and installation of new concrete base, and demolition of existing and
construction of new duct including support structures; demolition and proper disposal offour (4)
existing degasifiers including associated ducts from degasifiers to three (3) existing chemical
scrubber trains, and associated support structures; demolition and proper disposal of four (4)
centrifugal blowers including air filter structure including concrete base, ducts from blowers to
four (4) degasifiers and from air filter structure, and associated support structures; temporary
relocation, including method for containment, and subsequent reinstallation, of chemical feed
piping from chemical feed trench in area proposed for new blower sound enclosure; demolition
of select segment of chemical feed trench; relocation of existing chlorine solution panel and
associated piping; modification to existing instrumentation as required for installation of new
degasifier support structure, platform, and railing; provision and installation of piping from
existing permeate lines to each offaUT (4) degasifiers interconnecting from existing to new
systems/piping; wetwell concrete coring to install piping from four (4) degasifiers; sealing
existing cores following removal of existing piping from degasifiers to wet well; coordination
with Owner including, but not limited to, shutdowns including partial and full NCRWTP
shutdowns, if required, for modifications to existing chemical feed (chlorine) systems; and,
procurement and installation of major components, as follows:
I. Degasifier beam support structure, platform grating, and railing;
2. Four (4) degasifiers;
3. Blower sound enclosure including sound attenuating louvers~
4. Four (4) blowers; and,
5. Ducts as required to/from four (4) degasifiers, four (4) blowers, and four (4) chemical
scrubber trains, including support structures and concrete bases where required.
F. The Limits of Work for the Degasifier Systems are defined as those required to properly install
the Degasifier Systems as specified herein within the area of and adjacent to the existing
degasifier systems using industry best practices, and specified Contractor lay down and storage
areas as approved by the Owner.The Work of Chemical Scrubber Systems includes, but is not
limited to, modifications to existing product water lines including relocation of existing
backtlow preventor and new installations; modifications to existing sanitary lines including new
installation; modifications to existing storm sewer lines including new installation oflines and
catch basins; installation of new concrete equipment base; interconnections to existing and new
systems/piping; relocation of two (2) existing sodium hydroxide chemical feed pumps and one
(I) sodium hypochlorite chemical feed pump including modifications to existing piping and
pump stands; relocation of existing plant light pole; relocation of existing bollards; provision
and installation of new chemical feed line trench and connection to existing trench; coordination
with Owner including, but not limited to, shutdown, if required, for modifications to chemical
feed systems~ and, procurement and installation of major components, as follows:
I. One (I) two (2) stage chemical scrubber train (to be train 4 at the NCR WTP).
The Limits of Work for the Chemical Scrubber Systems are defined as those required to properly
install the Chemical Scrubber Systems as specified herein within the area adjacent to and north
of the existing chemical scrubber train 2, and within the odor control chemical feed room (where
sodium hydroxide and sodium hypochlorite pumps are located) and chemical feed trench
locations, using industry best practices, and specified Contractor lay down and storage areas as
approved by the Owner.
The area of work includes installation of chern ical feed lines within the gaseous chlorine storage
area. This area is locked at all times and entry requires coordination with Owner. In addition,
site specific training is required for personnel performing the Work ofthis Contract within the
gaseous chlorine storage area room.
Collier County, Florida
NCRWTP Degasifier & Odor Control Expansion
- - _."...._""~.~._~---- ".'---...--'
1 OD !~
A. General: The Work to be done under this Contract is illustrated on the Contract Drawings and
specified in Contract Documents.
B. The Work includes, but is not limited to, the following:
I. Furnishing of all labor, material. superintendence, power, light, heat, fuel, water, tools,
appliances, equipment, supplies, ser\i'ices and other means of construction necessary or
proper for performing and completing the Work in its entirety as illustrated on the Contract
Drawings and as specified herein.
2. Sole responsibility for adequacy of equipment.
3. Maintaining the Work area and site in a clean and acceptable manner.
4. Maintaining existing facilities in service at all times. except as required for Owner approved
and coordinated shut-downs.
5. Protection of finished and unfinished materials and Work.
6. Repair and restoration of Work or existing facilities damaged during construction.
7. Furnishing as neceSS3l)' proper equipment and machine!)', ofa sufficient capacity, to
facilitate the Work and to handle all emergencies normally encountered in Work of this
8. Furnishing. installing. and protecting all necessary guides. track rails, bearing plates, anchor
and attachment bolts, and all other appurtenances needed for the installation ofthe devices
included in the equipment specified. Make anchor bolts of appropriate size, strength and
material for the purpose intended. Furnish substantial templates and shop drawings for
C. Implied and Normally Required Work: It is the intent of these Specifications to provide the
Owner with complete operable systems, subsystems and other items of Work. Any part or item
of Work, which is reasonably implied or normally required to make each installation
satisfactorily and completely operable, is deemed to be included in the Work and the Contract
Amount. All miscellaneous appurtenances and other items of Work incidental to meeting the
intent of these Specifications are included in the Work and the Contract Amount even though
these appurtenances may not be specifically called for in these Specifications.
D. Quality of Work: Regard the apparent silence of the Contract Documents as to any detail, or the
apparent omission from them ofa detailed description concerning any Work to be done and
materials to be furnished as meaning that only the best general practice and/or industry standard
is to prevail and that only materials and workmanship of the best quality are to be used.
Interpretation of these specifications \'>"'ill be made upon this basis.
A. In addition to the requirements of the Supplemental Terms and Conditions, limit use of site and
premises for Work and storage to allo\\' for the following:
1. Coordination of the Work under this Contract with the work of the other Contractors where
Work under this Contract encroaches on the Work of other Contractors.
2. Owner occupancy and access to operate existing facilities.
3. Coordination of site use with Engineer.
4. Responsibility for protection and safekeeping of products under this Contract.
5. Providing additional off site storage at no additional cost to the Owner as needed.
B. See Section 01601 for site security' requirements.
A. Construct Work in stages to accommodate the Owner's use of premises during construction
period and in accordance with the limitations on the sequence of construction specified.
Coordinate construction schedules and operations with Engineer.
B. Coordinate Work of all subcontractors.
Collier County, Florida
NCR W ]T Dcgasifier &. Odor Control Expansion
010]0 - 3
. .
C. Sequence for demolition and construction of Degasifier Systems and Chemical Scrubber
Systems as specified herein Section 02075.
D. The Work of this Contract will require partial and full shutdowns of the NCRWTP. Contractor
shall coordinate with Owner and receive Owner approval for all shutdowns. Contractor shall
allow for sufficient time, as specified herein, to receive Owner approvals.
A. The Owner will occupy premises during entire period of construction in order to maintain
normal operations. Cooperate with the Owner or Owner's designee all construction operations
to minimize conflict, and to facilitate Owner usage.
S. Conduct operations with the least inconvenience to the general public.
A. In case of damage to existing utilities caused by construction activities, contact the owner of the
utility or appropriate Owner department immediately. Repair any damage to existing utilities
caused by construction activities in coordination with or as directed by the owner of the utility.
A. See Section 01045 for NCRWTP shutdown requirements and scheduling.
Not Used
A. Execute Work with such progress as may be required to prevent delay to other Contractors or to
the general completion of the project. Execute Work at such items and in or on such parts of the
project, and with such forces, material and equipment, as to complete the Work in the time
established by the Contract. At all times, schedule and direct the Work so that it provides an
orderly progression to completion within the specified time for completion.
Collier County, Florida
NCRWTP Degasifier & Odor Control Expan~ion
.--- .....--." -~..- .~-- ,.
---""'-~-'-""". .. ,". '~-"-',_._.._..'---"'''----''
A. Explanation and Definitions
B. Measurement
C. Payment
D. Schedule of Values
A. The following explanation of the Measurement and Payment for the Bid Schedule items is made
for information and guidance. The omission of reference to any item in this description shall
not, however, alter the intent of the Bid Schedule or relieve the Contractor of the necessity of
furnishing such as a part of the Contract. Measurement and payment for all Contract Items shall
made be in accordance with this section or as modified by the Supplemental Terms and
A. The quantities set forth in the Bid Schedule are approximate and are given to establish a
uniform basis for the comparison of bids. The Owner reserves the right to increase or decrease
the quantity of any class or portion of the work during the progress of construction in accord
with the terms of the Contract.
A. Payment is made for the items listed on the Bid Schedule on the basis of the work actually
performed and completed. Each item listed on the Bid Schedule respectively includes such
work including, but not limited to, the furnishing of all necessary labor, materials, equipment,
transportation, clearing and grubbing: site restoration including paving~ daily housekeeping;
proper disposal of all wastes generated: delivery and proper storage of items to be places into
service; maintenance of traffic; erosion control; safety; security requirements; confined space
entry requirements: coordination and time for site specific training by Owner of Contractor's
and subcontractor's personnel: mobilization and demobilization: project set-up; insurance;
walTanties~ demolition; temporary facilities: preparation of submittals: connections to existing
systems; training by equipment supplier of Owner: provision of operations and maintenance
manuals; electrical: instrumentation; piping and appurtenances: coordination with Owner
including scheduling of NCR WTP shut-downs as required; disinfection including required
testing; startup; testing: and, any other appurtenances and Work associated with each Item not
specifically listed herein but required to complete the construction and installation of each
respective Item, to the configuration and extent as specified herein and illustrated on the
Contract Drawings. Payment for each item includes compensation for cleanup, restorations,
record drawings, and completion of final checklist items.
B. Unit prices are used as a means of computing the final figures for bid and Contract purposes,
for periodic payments for work performed. for determining value of additions or deletions and
wherever else reasonable.
Collier COUIlI}. Florida
NCR V.iTI' Degasificr & Odor Control Expansion
01026 - I
A. Approval of Schedule: Submit for approval a preliminary schedule of values, in duplicate, for
all of the Work. Prepare preliminary and final schedules of values in accordance with the
Supplemental Terms and Conditions. Submit preliminary schedule of values within 10
calendar days after the Effective Date of the Agreement.
B. Formal: IdentifY each line item with number and title of the major specification items. IdentifY
site mobilization, bonds and insurance. Include within each line item, a direct proportional
amount of Contractor's overhead profit.
C. Revisions: With each Application for Payment, revise schedule to list approved Change
D. Where a Contract is awarded on a lump sum basis, the Contractor shall file with the Engineer a
balanced price segregation of his lump sum bid into items similar to the various subdivisions of
the general and detailed specifications, the sum of which shall equal the lump sum bid.
I. The cost of various materials shall be furnished upon request of the Engineer, and such
data will then be used as a basis for making progress estimates.
2. Breakdown cost itemized Specification Section ad trade, and distribute cost to individual
applicable units and structures.
3. Where structures, units, equipment or other components are identified by a specific series
or, identification number, utilize said designation throughout cost breakdown.
4. Provide detailed breakdown for individual yard piping or conduit runs and identifY
approximate quantities involved to satisfaction of the Engineer.
5. Provide separate breakdown for change order items requested.
6. Provide an additional breakdown sheet, equivalent to AlA docWTIent G703, showing the
tabulation format for stored materials.
7. Submit this sheet each month with Contractor's pay request breakdown.
8. The detail and format of cost breakdown and stored materials tabulation sheet shall be
fully approved by Engineer.
E. A reasonable allocation of the Contract Price to the component parts of the Work will be
approved if component parts of the Work have values assigned to them that are well-balanced
with respect to relative values for similar work established by published estimating guides.
1. Unless otherwise agreed to at the Preconstruction Conference, Means Estimator Guide or
other similar nationally recognized estimating guide shall be used for resolving
differences between Engineer's and Contractor's opinions of allocation of values.
2. Consent of Surety: If Contractor and Engineer cannot mutually agree on a Schedule of
Values, Engineer will approve a Schedule of Values approved by the Surety providing
the Performance Bond.
F. Contractor's costs shall not govern the allocation of values when application of Contractor's
costs to a component part of the Work results in any other component part or combination of
component parts being under-valued in relation to conventional estimating guides.
G. Schedule of Values shall be agreed upon prior to first Application for Payment.
Not Used
;~,-:c ('\l_C'
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Collier County, Florida
NCRWTP Degasifier & Odor Control Expansion
_ __ .,_~_..~~_ '__'-'~~"' __", -'. h_"'-,"_ .......,
A. Measurement for payment for work to be paid on a unit basis will be for work performed
together with equipment employed and materials incorporated into the work at the actual
quantities required to complete the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents of each
respective unit basis item in the Bid. Actual quantities may be more or less than the estimated
quantities as shown on the Bid Sheet, \vhich are for bid comparison purposes only.
B. Measurement for payment for work to be paid on a lump sum basis will be for work performed
together with equipment employed and materials incorporated into the work to complete the
work in accordance with the Contract Documents of each respective lump sum item in the Bid.
e. Payment is made for the items listed on the Bid Schedule on the basis of the work actually
performed and completed. Cost of cleanup and final checklist items will be considered as the
percentage retained in accordance with the Contract Documents, and complete payment will not
be made until cleanup and tinal checklist items are completed.
I. BASE BID Item No. I: Furnish and Install Degasifier and Chemical Scrubber Systems:
Payment for furnishing and installing Degasifier and Chemical Scrubber Systems will be
made at the Contract lump sum price. This item includes completion of the Work of
Degasitier Systems using NSF approved pye liner and fiberglass reinforced plastic
materials, as defined in Section 0 I 0 I 0 and 13505 of the Contract Documents: and,
completion of the Work of Chemical Scrubber Systems using PVC liner and fiberglass
reinforced plastic materials. as defined in Section 0 I 0 I 0 and 13052 of the Contract
Documents. This Item No. I does not include the \Vork covered under Item No. ') and Item
2. DEDUCTIVE ALTERNA TE Item No. I A: Furnish and Install Degasifier Systems: This
item includes an alternative to Item No. I to provide a "Fiberglass Material only" system for
furnishing and installing the degasitier vessels ofNSF approved fiberglass reinforced
plastic. This item includes providing and installing fiberglass degasifier vessels as specified
in the Contract Documents. The additive or deductive cost for this work included in the
contractors lump sum shaH be identified in this bid item.
3. DEDUCTIVE ALTERNA TE: Item No. I B: Furnish and Install Chemical Scrubber
Systems: This item includes an alternative to Item No. I to provide a .'Fiberglass Material
only" system for fulllishing and installing the chemical scrubber vessels of fiberglass
reinforced plastic. This item includes providing and installing fiberglass chemical scrubber
vessels as specified in the Contract Documents. The additive or deductive cost for this work
included in the contractors lump sum shall be identified in this bid item.
4. DEDUCTIVE AL TERNA TE: Item No. I C: Furnish and Install Cable Trav of Fiberglass
Reinforced Material: This item includes an alternative to Item No.1 to furnish and install a
fiberglass cable tray. Payment for furnishing and installing cable tray of fiberglass
reinforced material will be made at the Contract lump sum price. This item includes
providing and installing cablc tray of fiberglass reinforced material as specified in the
Contract Documents. The additive or deductive cost for this work included in the
contractors lump sum shall be identified in this bid item.
5. BID ALTERNATE: Item No.2: furnish and Install Rehabilitation and Protective Lining
Application ofthe ClearwelL The County has negotiated a scope for these services with
Service Painting of Florida. A copy of this scope is attached to these Contract Documents
and the value of this work is included in the Bid Form. The General Contractor will
incorporate this \\.'ork into their lump sum contract with the COllnty.
6. ALLOWANCE: Item No.3: A lump sum value of $1 00,000 is included in the bid form for
the Owner's use as directed.
Collier (.oLlnt~. Florida
NCK. \\/TI' Degasil1er & Odor Control Expansion
01026 - 3
Ion ~
A. General Requirements
B. Submittals
C. Scheduling of Shutdown
A. Section 0 I 0 10 - Summary of Work
B. Section 01500 - Construction Facilities and Temporary Controls
C. Section 02575 - Pavement Repair and Restoration
A. Be responsible for all connection to existing systems, tapping, coring, cutting, fitting and
patching, including attendant excavation and backfill, required to complete the Work, or to:
] . Make its several parts fit together properly.
2. Uncover portions of the work to provide for installation of improperly timed work.
3. Remove and replace defective work.
4. Remove and replace work not conforming to requirements of Contract Documents.
B. Coordination: Before connection is performed, as applicab]e, complete the following:
I. VerifY and provide for any pipe restraint that may be required for the new connection.
2. VerifY with Owner which, ifany, existing processes or portions of the NCRWTP require
shutdown or by-pass. Coordinate with Owner as required following procedures specified in
this Section 0 I 045.
3. VerifY with Owner which, ifany, tanks or piping require draining. Coordinate with Owner
as required.
Perform all coring, tapping, cutting, fitting or patching of the Work that may be required to make
the several parts thereof join in accordance with the Contract Documents. Perform restoration
with competent workmen skilled in the trade.
C. Improperly Timed Work: Perform all cutting and patching required to install improperly timed
work, to remove samples of installed materials for testing, and to provide for alteration of
existing facilities or for the installation of new Work in the existing construction.
D. Limitations: Except when the cutting or removal of existing construction is specified or
indicated, do not undertake any cutting or demolition, which may affect the structural stability of
the Work or existing facilities without the Engineer's concurrence.
E. Collier County Damage Prevention Policv: This policy has been put in place to avoid damage to
Collier County underground utilities. Any and all variations from this order must be approved
by the Water or Wastewater Department. Before commencement of any excavation, the
existing underground utilities in the area affected by the work must be marked by
Sunshine One Call after proper notification to them by either caIling 800/4324770 or email Before commencing excavation for the work, potholing of all
potential conflicts and for confirmation of existing utilities, as specified, must be
performed. All lines in conflict, and/or requiring confirmation as specified for the Work herein,
must be physically located by the Contractor and verified by Collier County Locate Department
personnel before performing work. Utilities under concrete or pavement may require soft dig
~ .~^' e,"'" I
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Collier County, Florida
NCR \I\.'TP Degasifier & Odor Control Expansion
01045 - I
"'P_"'-'~--'''~,'--~'_.~--'-' ..,
vacuum locates which also is the Contractor's responsibility to perform. All utilities will be field
marked per Sunshine State One Calrs statutes and guidelines. For line verification or any other
information concerning locates, please call the Locate Department at 239/591-0882 during
normal business hours. For line verification or emergency locates after hours, call emergency
numeric pager at 239/890-0809. In the event the pothoIing and/or vacuum soft dig does not
locate the marked utility, work must be stopped and the affected utility owner contacted.
Failure to comply with this policy and obtain required signature(s) may result in delay or denial
of permit.
A. Submit a written request to the Engineer well in advance of executing any coring, tapping,
cutting, or alteration/modification to existing facilities which affects:
I. NCRWTP operations (e.g. requires shutdown).
2. Work of the Owner or any separate Contractor.
3. Structural value or integrity of any element of the project or work.
4. Integrity or effectiveness of weather-exposed or moisture-resistant elements or systems.
5. Efficiency, operational life, maintenance or safety of operational elements.
6. Visual qualities of sight-exposed elements.
B. Include in request:
1. Identification of the work.
2. Description of affected work.
3. The necessity for coring, tapping, cutting, alteration/modification or excavation.
4. Effect on work of the Owner or any separate contract, or on structural or weatherproof
integrity of work.
5. Information as required specified herein for NCR WTP shutdown, including at a miminum,
duration, indication of partial or full shutdown, and coordination meeting(s) with or
notification(s) to Owner.
6. Description of proposed work:
a. Scope of coring, tapping, cutting, patching, alteration, or excavation.
b. Trades who will execute the work.
c. Products proposed to be used.
d. Extent of refinishing to be done.
7. Alternatives to cutting and patching.
8. Written permission of any separate Contractor whose work will be affected.
C. Submit written notice to the Engineer designating the date and the time the work will be
A. The following existing facilities require connection or modification.
I. Transfer pump station clearwell.
2. Chemical scrubber trains 1,2, and 3.
3. Sodium hypochlorite chemical feed systems.
4. Sodium hydroxide chemical feed systems.
5. NCRWTP product vvater lines (minimum three connections).
6. NCRWTP process sanitary lines.
7. Storm water sewer system.
A. For Work requiring shutdown or by-pass of existing facilities, Owner will determine valves
B. Connections to Existing Facilities: If any connections, replacement, or other work requiring the
shutdown of an existing facility is necessary, schedule such work at times when the impact on
the Ownerts normal operation is minimal. Ifshutdown involves the water distribution or
Collier County. Florida
NCR '0i'1 P Degasificr & Odor Con!m] '-:xpansion
0104.'\ - 2
~ '1
. '
transmission system, provide notice to the Collier County Water Department at least three (3)
weeks prior to the proposed shutdown, including date, time and anticipated length of interruption
of service. Overtime, night and weekend work without additional compensation ITom the Owner,
may be required to make these connections. The connection of new or existing pipelines is
prohibited from starting until Contractor assures that the system can receive the new flow.
C. Interruptions of Service: Perfonn cut-ins into lines at a time approved in writing by the Owner
or designee. Thoroughly clean and swab all pipe and titlings for cut-ins with a concentrated
solution of calcium hypochlorite.
D. Request for Water System Shutdowns: When Contractor plans to shut down existing utilities or
where damage to such facilities is likely in order to complete construction of items under this
contract, furnish the Owner or designee with a written request for connection. The Collier
County Water Distribution Section will identity the locations of all water valves needed to
isolate the point of connection in the event that the existing facilities are damaged while making
the connection. Identity in the request means which the Contractor proposes to use in order to
provide effective shutdown of the system. Include in a connection and shutdown schedule
details of shutdown time and duration. No connections to existing utilities - or construction
where shutdown of, or damage to, existing utilities may occur - shall commence prior to Owner
or designee approval of the connection and shutdown plan and schedule.
E. Demolition of existing and installation of new degasifiers will require full and partial shutdowns
ofNCRWTP. See sequence of Work in Section 02075 for determination of required shutdowns.
F. Requirements for shutdown apply to all shutdowns including those requiring only partial
NCRWTP shutdown.
G. Contractor shall anticipate that shutdowns will require overtime, night, and/or weekend work
without additional compensation from the Owner. Additional staff and Work hours required to
minimize the length ofNCR WTP shutdown shall be included in the Contractor's Bid. Owner
approval is required for scheduling overtime, night, and weekend work. If the Owner allows,
work during night hours (7 PM to 7 AM) will include minimum noise and light requirements.
H. For any construction activity, including demolition, requiring the shutdown ofthe NCRWTP,
Contractor shall schedule such work at times when the impact on the Owner's normal operation
is minimal. Provide notice and plans for shutdown to Owner at least three (3) weeks prior to the
proposed shutdown, including date, time, anticipated length of interruption of service, and work
to be performed. At a minimum, reconfirm schedule with Owner at intervals of one (1) week, 48
hours, and 24 hours prior to the proposed shutdown. No construction where shutdown of
NCR WTP is required shall commence prior to Owner or designee approval of the shutdown plan
and schedule.
I. Owner shall have a minimum offourteen (14) calendar days to review and approve plans for
shutdown. Following approval, Owner shall have a minimum of seven (7) calendar days to
prepare facilities for shutdown.
1. Coordination with Owner for shutdowns of NCR WTP will require meetings with the Owner
and/or Owner's representatives. Contractor is responsible for coordinating meetings and
scheduling atlendance of appropriate personnel at no additional cost to the Owner.
K. To the extent feasible, Contractor operations shall be such that proposed shutdowns maintain the
ability of the NCRWTP to produce a minimum flow of 10 MGD (half treatment capacity, partial
shutdown), except where Owner approval for full or other partial (e.g. 1/4, ]/2, or 3/4 shutdown)
NCRWTP shutdown, as required to perform the Work, has been received and approved. The
Work of this Contract requires full and partial NCRWTP shutdowns.
~---,- '\ ,
Collier County, Florida
NCR WTP Degasifier & Odor Control Expansion
01045 - 3
100 'P4
L. Contractor operations shall be such that proposed full shutdowns of the NCR WTP to zero flow
shall be a maximum of 16 total hours within a period of 168 consecutive hours (i.e. 7 calendar
days). Time required for draining tanks and clearing airspace for Work is included within the 16
hours. Contractor may seek variance from this requirement. Any variance requires written
approval by Owner. Owner non-acceptance of variance shall not impact cost to Owner.
Contractor may propose cost savings to Owner for acceptance of variance.
M. Contractor operations shall be such that proposed partial 3/4 (i.e. three quarters) shutdowns of
the NCRWTP to a minimum of5 MGD flow shall be a maximum of72 consecutive hours (i.e. 3
calendar days) within a period of ]68 consecutive hours (i.e. 7 calendar days). Time required for
draining tanks and clearing airspace for Work is included within the 72 hours. Contractor may
seek variance from this requirement. Any variance requires written approval by Owner. Owner
non-acceptance of variance shall not impact cost to Owner. Contractor may propose cost
savings to Owner for acceptance of variance.
N. Contractor operations shall be such that proposed partial 112 (i.e. one half) shutdowns of the
NCRWTP to a minimum of 10 MGD flow shall be a maximum of96 consecutive hours (i.e. four
calendar days) within a period of 168 consecutive hours (i.e. 7 calendar days). Time required for
draining tanks and clearing airspace for Work is included within the 96 hours. Contractor may
seek variance from this requirement. Any variance requires written approval by Owner. Non-
acceptance by Owner of variance shall no! impact cost to Owner. Contractor may propose cost
savings to O\\"ner for acceptance of variance. Contractor shall be allowed an exception only one
(I) time as follows: proposed partial 1/2 shutdown to a minimum of 10 MGD flow shall be a
maximum often consecutive calendar days within a period of 14 calendar days.
O. Contractor operations shall be such that proposed partial 1/4 (i.e. one quarter) shutdowns of the
NCRWTP to a minimum of 15 MGD flow shall be a maximum of 120 consecutive hours (i.e. 5
calendar days) within a period of 168 consecutive hours (i.e. 7 calendar days). Time required for
draining tanks and clearing airspace for Work is included within the 120 hours. Contractor may
seek variance from this requirement. Any variance requires written approval by Owner. Owner
non-acceptance of variance shall not impact cost to Owner. Contractor may propose cost
savings to Owner for acceptance of variance.
P. Contractor operations shall be such that full and partial shutdowns of the NCRWTP are
minimized to the extent practicable.
Q. Access to the degasifler clearwell, including access to one half of the cIearwell, requires full
shutdown ofNCRWTP for Owner to isolate sides of the clearwelI. Therefore. partial shutdown
of de gasifier clearwell also requires a full shutdown of the NCRWTP. For partial shutdowns
requiring full shutdown, allowable time for full and partial shutdowns shall not be added
consecutively. The time required for full shutdown to isolate portions of the NCRWTP to
perform a partial shutdown shall be counted towards the total maximum time allowed for the
partial shutdown.
A. Comply with specifications and standards for each specific product involved.
B. Materials used to construct connections to drinking water system components shall be in
accordance with NSFIANSI Standard 61: Drinking Water System Components -- Health Effects.
A. Inspect existing conditions, including elements subject to damage or to movement during coring,
tapping, cutting and patching.
.. ,.,
Collier County. Florida
NCR \,\'TP Dl:gasificr & Odor Control Expansion
0]045 - 4
B. After uncovering work, inspect conditions affecting installation of products, or performance of
the work.
C. Report unsatisfactory or questionable conditions to the Engineer in writing; do not proceed with
work until the Engineer has provided further instructions.
A. Provide adequate temporary support as necessary to assure structural value or integrity of
affected portion of work and/or existing facilities.
B. Provide devices and methods to protect other portions of project and adjacent facilities from
C. Provide protection from elements for that portion of the project and adjacent facilities that may
be exposed by cutting and patching work, and maintain excavations tyee ITom water.
D. Material Removal: Core, tap, or cut and remove all materials to the extent shown or as required
to complete the work. Remove materials in a careful manner with no damage to adjacent
facilities. Remove from the site and properly dispose of materials that are not salvageab]e.
E. Perform test pits to confirm existing conditions, and confirm existing conditions with Engineer
prior to performing connections to existing systems.
F. See Section 0160 I for requirements for entry to gaseous chlorine storage room, chemical feed
rooms, and confined space entry.
A. Execute coring, tapping, cutting, alteration/modification and demolition by methods that will
prevent damage to other work and adjacent facilities, and will provide proper surfaces to receive
installation of repairs.
B. Execute excavating and backfilling by methods which will prevent settlement or damage to other
C. Execute fitting and adjustment of products to provide a finished installation to comply with
specified products, functions. tolerances, and finishes.
D. Restore work, which has been cored. cut or removed; install new products to provide completed
work in accord with requirements of contract documents.
E. Fit work airtight to pipes, sleeves, ducts, conduit and other penetrations through surfaces.
F. Refinish entire surfaces as necessary to provide an even finish to match adjacent finishes in
accordance with the following.
1. For continuous surfaces~ refinish to nearest intersection.
2. For an assembly~ refinish entire unit.
A. Restore, replace or rebuild existing plant access drive paving, including underdrains, if any are
encountered, where damaged, using the same type of construction as was in the original. Be
responsible for restoring all such work, including subgrade, base courses, curb and gutter or
other appurtenances where present.
S. This section does not describe the construction of new road surfaces or the complete resurfacing
of existing pavements.
C. In all cases, the Contractor will be required to maintain, without additional compensation, all
permanent replacement of plant access drive, done by him under this Contract for a period of]2
months after the acceptance of the Contract, including the removal and replacement of such
work wherever surface depressions or underlying cavities result from settlement of trench
',~' "",,)..(l\L1-
Collier County, Florida
NCR WTP Degasifier & Odor Control Expansion
0]045 - 5
laD '1
D. Perfonn all the final resurfacing or repaving of plant access drives, over the excavations made
and be responsible for relaying paving surfaces that have failed or been damaged at any time
before the termination of the maintenance period on account of work done by Contractor.
Resurface or repave over any boring or test pitting excavation that settles or breaks the surface,
repave to the satisfaction of the Ovvner or designee and at the Contractor's expense. Confonn
backfilling of trenches and the preparation of subgrades to the requirements of excavation and
backfilling of pipeline trenches.
Collier County. Florida
NCR'V-.'TP Ocgasifier & Odor Control Expansion
100 1
A. General
B. Surveys
C. Datum Plane
D. Protection of Survey Data
A. Construct all work in accordance with the lines and grades shown on the Drawings. Assume
full responsibility for keeping all alignment and grade.
A. Reference Points: The Owner will provide reference points for the work as described in the
General Conditions. Base horizontal and vertical control points will be designated by the
Engineer and used as datum for the Work. Perform all additional survey, layout, and
measurement work.
I. Keep Engineer informed, sufficiently in advance, of the times and places at which work is to
be performed so that base horizontal and vertical control points may be established and any
checking deemed necessary by Engineer may be done, with minimum inconvenience to the
Engineer and at no delay to Contractor. It is the intention not to impede the Work for the
establishment of control points and the checking oflines and grades set by the Contractor.
When necessary, however, suspend working operations for such reasonable time as the
Engineer may require for this purpose. Costs associated with such suspension are deemed
to be included in the Contract Price, and no time extension or additional costs will be
2. Provide an experienced survey crew including an instrument operator, competent assistants,
and any instruments, tools, stakes, and other materials required to complete the survey,
layout, and measurement of work performed by the Contractor.
A. All elevations indicated or specified refer to the North American Vertical Datum 1988 (NA VD
88), of the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey and are expressed in feet and decimal parts
thereof, or in feet and inches.
A. General: Safeguard all points, stakes, grade marks, known property comers, monuments, and
benchmarks made or established for the Work. Reestablish them if disturbed, and bear the entire
expense of checking reestablished marks and rectifYing work improperly installed.
B. Records: Keep neat and legible notes of measurements and calculations made in connection
with the layout of the Work. Furnish copies of such data to the Engineer for use in checking the
Contractor's layout. Data considered of value to the Owner or designee will be transmitted to
the Owner or designee by the Engineer with other records on completion of the Work.
Not Used
" .....,
Collier Coumy, Florida
NCR WTP Degasil1er & Odor Control Expansion
01051- 1
'" '-",--' .-.-.....--.--.'---"'-----'
Not Used
Colller County, Florida
NCR \VTP Degasifier & Odor Control Expansion
01051- 2
.' .'
A. Section Includes:
I. Administrative and procedural requirements for:
a. Preconstruction Conference.
b. Project signs.
c. Contractor's Superintendent's Field Office.
d. Engineer's Field Office,
e. Drawings and Contract Documents for Contractor use.
f. Project photographs.
g. Testing.
h. Order of Construction and Construction Schedule.
J. Project meetings.
J. Project audio-video recording.
k. Special considerations related to adjacent properties and facilities.
I. Historical and archaeological finds.
B. Related Sections include but are not necessarily limited to:
I. Division 0 - Bidding Requirements, Contract Forms, and Conditions of the Contract.
2. Division] - General Requirements.
A. A preconstruction conference shall be held at the North County Regional Water Treatment Plant
(NCR WTP) after award of Contract.
]. Engineer will notity the Contractor as to the date and time of the conference two (2) weeks
in advance of the proposed date,
2. Contractor's Project Manager and Project Superintendent and Contractor's Subcontractor
Representatives shall attend,
A. Furnish and install one (I) of each of the following signs:
I. Contractor's standard sign approved by Owner.
B. Install in location approved by Owner.
C. Signs not listed in this Specification permitted only upon approval of Owner.
A. Establish at site of Project in Owner-approved location.
B. Equipment: Telephone, telecopy, mailing address, and sanitary facilities.
C. Assure attendance at this office during the normal working day.
D. At this office, maintain complete field file of Shop Drawings, posted Contract Drawings and
Specifications, and other files offield operations including provisions for maintaining "As
Recorded Drawings."
E. Remove field office from site upon acceptance of the entire work by the Owner.
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NCRWTP Degasifier & Odor Control Expansion
01060 - 1
100 1
A. Minimum of partitioned-off space of at least 200 square feet of floor space in Contractor's field
B. Furnishings:
I. One (I) desk 36 x 77 IN long with locking lap drawer.
2. One (I) plan table 39 x 72 x 36 IN wide, with one (I) locking equipment drawer.
3. One (I) 48 x 60 IN liquid marking board with minimum four-color set of compatible
4. One (I) 48 x 60 cork bulletin board.
5. One (I) four-drawer legal size tiling cabinets.
6. Two (2) cushioned swivel ann chairs.
7. One (I) nominal 3 FT plan rack that holds a 30 IN minimum of six (6),100 sheet sets of
30 x 47 IN Drawings.
8. One (I) standard size waste paper haskets.
9. One (I) Emerson Model OR300A, 2.7 CF refrigerator or equal.
C. field Office Equipment:
I. One (I) copying machine: Canon NP400f or equal.
2. One (I) telecopier: Xerox 400 or equal.
3. One (I) scanner: Epson GT 30000 or equal.
4. One (I) three-hole punch, Master Products Series 25 or equal.
5. One (I) stapler, Swingline I 13 or equal.
6. One (I) Acco 20 staplers.
7. One (I) scotch tape dispensers.
8. Two (2) wire in and out baskets.
9. One (I) two-hole punch, Wilson-Jones Model 202B or equal.
10. One (I) Eagle Zepher 84 date stamp.
I I. Electric pencil sharpencr, Panasonic Model KP-77 or equal.
D. Maintenance:
I. Contractor shall provide all maintenance and upkeep of trailer and equipment.
a. Equipment breakdowns shall be repaired promptly by Contractor.
2. Janitorial service.
a. Weekly:
]) Floor sweeping using dust suppressing compound.
2) Wet mopping with floor detergent.
b. Inclement weather: Conduct weekly requirements on daily basis.
c. Monthly: Wash windows and clean window blinds.
3. Provide telephone service including one (]) line and one (I) set.
3. Engineer to pay for long-distance service.
4. Pay all utilities costs.
5. Maintain at least until acceptance of the entire work by the Owner or until otherwise
suspended by the Engineer.
E. Remove field office from site upon acceptance of the entire work by the Owner.
A. Refer to General Conditions.
B. Contractor shall pick up all "no-charge" documents within 10 days from date of Notice to
C. Additional documents after "no-charge" documents will be furnished to Contractor at cost.
Collier County. Florida
NCR WTP Dcgasiflcr & Odor Control Expansion
0]060 - 2
A, At least once each month during construction of the Work, provide a professional photographer
to take progress pictures as directed by Engineer.
L Furnish two (2) glossy prints (approximately 8 x lOIN) and each negative, with all rights of
reproduction., to Owner.
2, Electronic format on two (2) sets of discs,
3, Provide number of photographs as follows:
4, Ten (10) ground level color photos per month,
5, Two (2) color aerial photos taken at each of the following:
a, At 0 percent complete,
b, At 100 percent complete,
6, Contractor shall schedule and coordinate photographer with Engineer's field
7, Photographically impose a site plan key map on each photograph in the upper right hand
comer and show by arrow the subject and the direction from which the photograph was
a, Date all photographs,
A, Payment for Soil, Concrete and Other Testing:
1. Soils and concrete testing:
a. The Owner will pay for "Passing" soils and "Passing" concrete tests on the Project.
b. Costs of corrective action, costs of "Failing" soils and concrete tests, and cost aftesting
associated with establishment of mix design are the sole responsibility ofthe
2, Other testing: Required testing, testing procedures, reports, certificates, and costs associated
with all phases of securing required satisfactory test information which may be required by
individual sections of Specifications or Drawings are the full responsibility of the
a, Test pits and soft digs: Contractor shall conduct test pits and soft digs to confirm
existing conditions prior to perfonning connections to existing systems and as
otherwise specified herein and on the Contract Drawings,
]) Results oftest pitting shall be confirmed with Engineer and Owner.
2) See Section 0 1045 for Collier County Damage Prevention Policy,
A, Construction operations will be scheduled to allow the Owner uninterrupted operation of
existing adjacent facilities,
1. Coordinate connections with existing work to ensure timely completion of interfaced items.
2. Exception for required shutdowns as approved by Owner to perform Work of this Contract
B, At no time shall Contractor or his employees modify operation of the existing facilities or start
construction modifications without approval of the Owner except in emergency to prevent or
minimize damage.
C Within 10 days after award of Contract, submit for approval a critical path type baseline
I, Account for schedule of Subcontracts,
2. Include proper sequence of construction, various crafts, purchasing time, Shop Drawing
approval, material delivery, equipment fabrication, start-up, demonstration, and similar time
consuming factors.
3, Include anticipated shutdowns identified as degree ofpartiaJ or full and indicate anticipated
Collier County, Florida
NCR WTP Degasifier & Odor Control Expansion
.. -"
4. Show on schedule as a minimum, earliest starting, earliest completion, latest starting, latest
finish, and free and total float for each task or item.
5. Critical Path Method Network Analysis:
a. Application software: Microsoft Project.
b. Do not utilize or incorporate date or time constraints or other constraints that corrupt
the CPM mathematical model.
I) The following CPM schedule outputs will be rejected without further review:
a) Schedules indicating the start of the critical path at a date point beyond the
"Start Date."
b) Schedules with multiple critical paths.
c) Schedules indicating a completion date beyond the contractual completion
c. Show the order and interdependence of activities.
I) The start of an activity shall be dependent on the completion of a preceding
activity(ies), with Notice to Proceed being the initial activity.
2) Limit activities to a maximum o[JO days.
3) Network analysis diagram shall flow left to right.
d. Critical (path) activities are defined to have zero (0) total float.
e. Do not use leads and lags in lieu of an activity description such as "concrete cure time. II
1) When lags are necessal)", they shall not have a negative value.
6. Provide the electronic native tile on compact disc along v./ith three (3) paper copies printed
in color.
7. Provide an electronic version of the file in Adobe Acrobat's Portable Document Format
(pdt) current version on same compact disc.
D. Unless work is on hold while waiting for long lead equipment, evaluate schedule no less than
I. Update, correct, and rerun schedule and submit to Engineer in triplicate with pay application
to show rescheduling necessary to reflect true job conditions.
2. When shortening of various time intervals is necessary to correct for behind schedule
conditions, indicate actions to implement to accomplish work in shorter duration.
3. Information shall be submitted to Engineer in writing with revised schedule.
4. Default progress data disallowed:
a. Actual start and finish dates shall not be automatically updated by default mechanisms
that may be included in the CPM scheduling software system.
I) Actual start and actual finish dates on the CPM schedule shall be reported.
b. Work activities will be updated by actual work progression rather than being cash flow
I) The updating of the percent complete and the remaining duration of any activity
shall be independent functions:
a) Program features that calculate one of these parameters from the other shall be
b) Out-of-scqucnce progress (if applicable) shall be handled through retained
logic, not the default option of progress override.
5. Submit electronic native files on compact disc along with three (3) paper copies printed in
6. Provide an electronic version of the tile in Adobe Reader fonnat on same compact disc.
If Contractor does not take necessary action to accomplish \vork according to schedule,
Contractor may be ordered by Owner in \\Titing to take necessary and timely action to improve
work progress.
1. Owner may require increased work forces, extra equipment extra shifts or other action as
necessary .
2. Should Contractor refuse or neglect to take such action authorized, under provisions of this
contract, Owner may take necessary actions including, but not necessarily limited to,
withholding of payment and termination of Contract.
Collier County. Florida
NCRWTP Degasifier & ()dor Control Expansion
01060 - 4
F. Upon receipt of approved "Work Schedule," within ]0 days, submit to Engineer a cost-loaded
schedule on compact disc and an estimated payment schedule by each month of project duration.
l. Include a composite curve to show estimated value of work complete and stored materials
less specified retainage.
2. Establish key months when work will be 50, 80, 90, and 100 percent complete.
3. During the course of work, update with new composite curves at key months or whenever
variation is expected to be more than plus or minus] 0 percent.
4. Retain original or previous composite curves as dashed curves on all updates.
5. Include a heavy plotted curve to show ACTUAL payment curve on all updates.
G. Unless work is on hold while waiting for long lead equipment, provide monthly look-ahead
schedules at a minimum. Provide two-week look-ahead schedules during Work requiring
NCRWTP shutdowns.
A. Construction Meetings:
] . The Engineer will conduct construction meetings involving:
a. Contractor's project manager.
b. Contractor's project superintendent.
c. Owner's designated representative(s).
d. Engineer's designated representative(s).
e. Contractor's subcontractors as appropriate to the Work in progress.
f. Owner's Construction Quality Control Consultant.
2. Unless work is on hold while waiting for long lead equipment, meetings will be conducted
monthly at a minimum. Contractor shall allow for meetings every two (2) weeks at no extra
cost to the Owner.
3. The Engineer will take meeting minutes and submit copies of meeting minutes to
participants and designated recipients identified at the Preconstruction Conference.
a. Corrections, additions or deletions to the minutes shall be noted and addressed at the
following meeting.
4. The Engineer will schedule meetings for most convenient time frame.
5. The Engineer will have availab]e at each meeting full chrono]ogical files of all previous
meeting minutes.
6. The Contractor shall have available at each monthly meeting up-to-date record drawings.
B. Pre-Installation Conferences:
I. Coordinate and schedule with Resident Project Representative and Engineer for each
material, product or system specified.
a. Conferences to be held prior to initiating installation, but not more than two (2) weeks
before scheduled initiation of installation.
b. Conferences may be combined if installation schedule of multiple components occurs
within the same two (2) week interval.
c. Review manufacturers recommendations and Contract Documents Specifications.
2. Contractor's Superintendent and individual who will actually act as foreman of the
installation crew (installer), if other than the Superintendent, shall attend.
C. Pre-Shutdown Conferences:
I. Coordinate and schedule with Resident Project Representative, Engineer, and Owner for
each NCRWTP shutdown requested.
a. Conferences to be held prior to one (I) week before planned shutdown.
b. Conferences may be combined ifschedule of multiple shutdowns occurs within the
same two (2) week interval.
2. Contractor's Superintendent and individual who will act as foreman of the crew(s) during
shutdown, if other than the Superintendent, and at least one (I) representative for each
subcontractor perform ing work during shutdown, shall attend.
Collier County, Florida
NCRWTP Degasifier & Odor Control Expansion
01060 - 5
100' ,
A. Contractor shall provide color videos showing pre-construction site conditions of all property
within the scope of construction. The videos shall be Digital Video Disc (DVD) indicating on
the beginning and front of each disc, the date, job title and location where the video was taken.
The videos shall be clear and shall thoroughly document all existing structures and landscaping.
B. Two copies ofthe DVDs (including the original) shall be delivered to the Owner for review.
C. Construction shall not commence until the Owner has reviewed and approved the audio-video
A. Contractor shall be responsible for negotiations of any \vaivers or alternate arrangements
required to enable transportation of materials to the site.
B. Maintain conditions of access road to site such that access is not hindered as the result of
construction related deterioration.
1. During construction activities impacting access roads adjacent to the project site, provide
sweeping of hard-surface roadways to remove soils tracked onto road\\!ay as required andlor
as requested by the Owner at no additional cost to the Owner.
2. During construction activities impacting NCR WTP access drive. provide daily sweeping of
hard-surface drive to remove soils tracked onto drive.
A. If during the course of construction. evidence of deposits of historical or archeological interest is
found, the Contractor shall cease operations affecting the find and shall notify Owner.
I. No further disturbance of the deposits shall ensue until the Contractor has been notified by
Owner that Contractor may proceed.
2. Owner will issue a notice to proceed after appropriate authorities have surveyed the tind and
made a determination to Owner.
3. Compensation to the Contractor. if any. for lost time or changes in construction resulting
from the find, shall be detern1ined in accordance with changed or extra work provisions of
the Contract Documents.
4. The site has been previously investigated and has no known histol)' of historical or
archaeological finds.
Collier County, Florida
NCR WTP Degasifier & Odor Control Expansion
01060 - 6
.~ ' .~
A. Section Includes:
]. A listing of the equipment for the Project, which is considered to be major equipment.
2. A listing of the approved suppliers of said major equipment.
3. Certain instructions concerning the bidding of major equipment.
B. Related Sections include but are not necessarily limited to:
I. Division 0 - Bidding Requirements, Contract Forms, and Conditions of the Contract.
2. Division 1 - General Requirements.
A. Manufacturers or suppliers, as used in the context of "approved manufacturers or suppliers of
major equipment," shall mean the manufacturers or suppliers listed in Article lA of this Section.
A. Furnish, for base bid, equipment by any of the suppliers listed in Article I A ACCEPTABLE
MANUFACTURERS OF MAJOR EQUIPMENT, or as added to Article] A by addendum.
B. Name only one of said suppliers in the schedule of major equipment suppliers found in the
C. Proposal shall be considered irregular and subject to rejection if the Bidder:
]. Fails to list an approved supplier for each item.
2. Lists more than one approved supplier for each item.
D. If the Bidder fails to list an approved supplier, the Owner has the sole right to select one ofthe
suppliers from the list of acceptable Manufacturers of Major Equipment in Article IA.
E. Ifthe Bidder lists more than one approved supplier, the Owner has the sole right to select one of
the suppliers so listed.
F. Requests for prequalification of equipment to be listed in Article IA must comply specifically
with applicable provisions of the Contract Documents. Refer to Section 00] 00.
A. Major Equipment and Acceptable Manufacturers:
I. Degasifier and chemical scrubber systems shall be as manufactured by Duall, a division of
Met-Pro Corporation; or, Indusco Environmental Services, Inc.
2. Fiberglass reinforced plastic (FRP) centritugal fans shall be manufactured by Duall, a
division of Met-Pro Corporation; New York Blower; Verantis/Ceilcote 9H or, approved
Collier County, Florida
NCRWTP Degasifier & Odor Control Expansion
01062 - 1
~~ ,- ~_.._",-_._- ~
. ~
A. Section Includes:
l. Mechanics and administration of the submittal process for:
a. Shop Drawings.
b. Samples.
c. Miscellaneous submittals.
d. Operation and Maintenance Manuals.
2. General content requirements for Shop Drawings.
3. Content requirements for Operation and Maintenance Manuals.
B. Related Sections include but are not necessarily limited to:
I. Division 0 - Bidding Requirements, Contract Forms, and Conditions of the Contract.
2. Division I - General Requirements.
3. Sections in Divisions 2 through 16 identifying required submittals.
A. Shop Drawings:
]. See General Conditions.
2. Product data and samples are Shop Drawing information.
B. Operation and Maintenance (O&M) Manuals:
1. Contain the information required for proper installation and maintenance of building
materials and finishes.
2. Contain the technical information required for proper installation, operation and
maintenance of process, electrical and mechanical equipment and systems.
C. Miscellaneous Submittals:
I. Submittals other than Shop Drawings and O&M Manuals.
') Representative types of miscellaneous submittal items include but are not limited to:
a. Construction schedule.
b. Concrete, soil compaction. and pressure test reports.
c. Installed equipment and systems perfomlance test reports.
d. Manufacturer's installation certification letters.
e. Instrumentation and control commissioning reports.
f. Warranties.
g. Service agreements.
h. Construction photographs.
i. Survey data.
j. Cost breakdown (Schedule of Values).
A. Schedule of Shop Drawings:
I. Submit for approval within 20 days of receipt of Notice to Proceed.
2. Account for multiple transmittals under any specification section where partial submittals
will be transmitted.
B. Shop Drawings: Contractor shall work diligently to obtain approval of all shop drawings prior
to 50 percent completion. except where otherwise noted.
Collier County. Florida
NC'RV,iTP Degasificr & Odor Control Expansion
OL\40 - I
C. Operation and Maintenance Manuals and Completed Equipment Record Sheets: Initial
submittal within 60 days after date Shop Drawings are approved.
A. General:
I. All submittals and all pages of all copies of a submittal shall be completely legible.
2. Submittals which, in the Engineer's sole opinion, are illegible will be returned without
^" ~..,,,,, ;';"'1
....;.... --,;,_.
B. Shop Drawings:
]. Scope of any submittal and letter of transmittal:
a. Limited to one (I) Specification Section.
b. Do not submit under any Specification Section entitled (in part) "Basic Requirements"
unless the product or material submitted is specified, in total, in a "Basic
Requirements" Section.
2. Numbering letter of transmittal:
a. ]nclude as prefix the Specification Section number followed by a series number, "-xx",
beginning with "0]" and increasing sequentially with each additional transmittal.
b. If more than one (I) submittal under any Specitication Section, assign consecutive
series numbers to subsequent transmittal letters.
3. Describing transmittal contents:
a. Provide listing of each component or item in submittal capable of receiving an
independent review action.
b. IdentifY for each item:
I) Manufacturer and Manufacturer's Drawing or data number.
2) Contract Document tag number(s).
3) Unique page numbers for each page of each separate item.
c. When submitting "or-equal" items that are not the products of named manufacturers,
include the words "or-equal" in the item description.
4. Contractor stamping:
3. General:
I) Contractor's review and approval stamp shall be applied either to the letter of
transmittal or a separate sheet preceding each independent item in the submittal.
a) Contractor's signature and date shall be wet ink signature.
b) Shop Drawing submittal stamp shall read "(Contractor's Name) has satisfied
Contractor's obligations under the Contract Documents with respect to
Contractor's review and approval as stipulated under General Conditions
Paragraph 6.17D."
c) Letters of transmittal may be stamped only when the scope of the submittal is
one (I) item.
2) Submittals containing multiple independent items shall be prepared with an index
sheet for each item listing the discrete page numbers for each page of that item,
which shall be stamped with the Contractor's review and approval stamp.
a) Individual pages or sheets of independent items shall be numbered in a manner
that permits Contractor's review and approval stamp to be associated with the
entire contents of a particu lar item.
b. Electronic stamps:
I) Contractor may electronically embed Contractor's review and approval stamp to
either the letter of transmittal or a separate index sheet preceding each independent
item in the submittal.
2) Contractor's signature and date on electronically applied stamps shall be wet ink
5. Resubmittals:
a. Number with original root number and a suffix letter starting with "A" on a (new)
duplicate transmittal form.
b. Do not increase the scope of any prior transmittal.
c. Account for all components ofprioT transmittal.
Collier County, Florida
NCR ~!TP Degasificr & Odor Control Expansion
01340 - 2
I ..~
1) If items in prior transmittal received "A" or "B" Action code, list them and indicate
"A" or "8" as appropriate.
a) Do not include submittal information for items liste~ pr&"A" or "B"
Action in resubmittal. '
2) Indicate "Outstanding-To Be Resubmitted At a Later Date" for any prior "en or
"0" Action item not included in resubmittal.
a) Obtain Engineer's approval to exclude items.
6. For 8-1/2 x I] IN, 8- I /2 x 14 IN, and 11 x 17 IN size sheets, provide three (3) copies of
each page for Engineer plus the number required by the Contractor.
a. The number of copies required by' the Contractor will be defined at the Preconstruction
Conference, but shall not exceed three (3).
b. All other size sheets:
I) Submit one (I) reproducible transparency or high resolution print and one (I)
additional print of each Dru\ving until approval is obtained.
2) Utilize mailing tube: do not laid.
3) The Engineer will mark and return the reproducible to the Contractor for his
reproduction and distribution.
7. Provide clear space (3 IN SQ) for Engineer stamping of each component defined in
PREPARA TION OF SUBMITTALS -- Contractor Stamping.
8. Contractor shall not use red color for marks on transmittals.
a. Duplicate all marks on all copies transmitted, and ensure marks are photocopy
b. Outline Contractor marks on reproducible transparencies with a rectangular box.
9. Transmittal contents:
a. Coordinate and identit), Shop Drawing contents so that all items can be easily verified
by the Engineer.
b. Identif)' equipment or material use, tag number. Drawing detail reference, \\>'eight. and
other Project specific information.
c. Provide sufficient infonnation together with technical cuts and technical data to allow
an evaluation to be made to determine that the item submitted is in compliance with the
Contract Documents.
d. Submit items such as equipment brochures, cuts of fixtures, product data sheets or
catalog sheets on 8-1/2 x I I IN pages.
I) Indicate exact item or model and all options proposed.
e. When a Shop Drawing submittal is called for in any Specification Section, include as
appropriate, scaled details. sizes. dimensions. performance characteristics, capacities,
test data, anchoring details, installation instructions, storage and handling instructions,
color charts, lay'out Drawings, rough-in diagrams, wiring diagrams, controls. weights
and other pertinent data in addition to infol111ation specifically stipulated in the
Specification Section.
1) Arrange data and perfonnance information in fonnat similar to that provided in
Contract Documents.
2) Provide, at minimum, the detail specified in the Contract Documents.
f. If proposed equipment or materials deviate from the Contract Drawings or
Specifications in any way, clearly note the deviation and justify the said deviation in
detail in a separate letter immediately follO\ving transmittal sheet.
10. Samples:
a. Identification:
I) Identify sample as to transmittal number, manufacturer, item, use, type, project
designation. tag number. standard Specification Section or Drawing detail
reference, color. range, texture, finish and other pertinent data.
I) If identifying infOlmation cannot be marked directly on sample without defacing or
adversely altering samples, provide a durable tag with identifYing infonnation
securely attached to the sample.
b. Include application specific brochures, and installation instructions.
'-,,, '-' Cllllier C01l11l)'. Flmida
NCRWTP Dcgasilkr & Odor Control Expansion
()13.+0 - 3
c. Provide Contractor's stamp of approval on samples or transmittal form as indication of
Contractor'sah~g and verification of dimensions and coordination with interrelated
work. ...f'
d. Resubmit samples of rejected items.
C. Miscellaneous Submittals:
]. Prepare in the format and detail specified in Specification requiring the miscellaneous
subm ittal.
D. Operation and Maintenance Manuals:
]. Owner's use of manufacturer's Operation and Maintenance materials:
a. Materials are provided for Owner's use, reproduction and distribution as training and
reference materials within Owner's organization.
I) Applicable to hard copy or electronic media.
2) Applicable to materials containing copyright notice as well as those with no
copyright notice.
b. Notify manufacturer of this intended use of materials provided under the Contract.
2. Number each Operation and Maintenance Manual transmittal with the original root number
of the associated Shop Drawing.
a. Identify resubmittals with the original number plus a suffix letter starting with "A."
3. Submittal format:
a. Interim submittals: Submit two (2) paper copies until manual is approved.
b. Final submittals:
]) Within 30 days of receipt of approval, submit one (I) additional paper copy and
two (2) electronic copies on Compact Disc (CD-ROM) in Portable Document
Format (PDF).
a) Compact discs to be secured injewel cases.
2) Electronic copies will be reviewed for conformance with the approved paper copy
and the electronic copy (PDF) requirements of this Specification.
3) Non-conforming CDs will be retunled with comments.
a) Provide final CDs within 30 days of receipt of comments.
4. Paper copy submittals:
a. Submit Operation and Maintenance Manuals printed on 8-1/2 x 11 IN size heavy first
quality paper with standard three-hole punching and bound in appropriately sized three-
ring (or post) vinyl view binders with clear overlays front, spine and back.
1) Provide binders with titles inserted under clear overlay on front and on spine of
each binder.
a) As space allows, binder titles shall include, but not necessarily be limited to,
Project Name, related Specification Number, Equipment Name(s) and Project
Equipment Tag Numbers.
2) Provide a Cover Page for each manual with the following information:
a) Manufacturer(s).
b) Date.
c) Project Owner and Project Name.
d) Specification Section.
e) Project Equipment Tag Numbers.
t) Model Numbers.
g) Engineer.
h) Contractor.
3) Provide a Table of Contents or Index for each manual.
4) Use plastic-coated dividers to tab each section of each manual per the manual's
Table of Contentsllndex for easy reference.
5) Provide plastic sheet lifters prior to first page and following last page.
b. Reduce Drawings or diagrams bound in manuals to an 8-1/2 x I I ]N or ] I x ] 7 IN size.
]) Where reduction is not practical to ensure readability, fold larger Drawings
separately and place in vinyl envelopes which are bound into the binder.
2) Identify vinyl envelopes with Drawing numbers.
~""""" 'V,j
.. -'.d-o,-I.,,-
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NCRWTP Degasifier & Odor Control Expansion
01340 -4
100 1
c. Mark each sheet to clearly identify specific products and component parts and data
applicable to the installation for the Project.
I) Delete or cross out information that does not specifically apply to the Project.
5. Electronic copy submittals:
a. Electronic copies of the approved paper copy Operation and Maintenance Manuals are
to be produced in Adobe Acrobat's Portable Document FOImat (PDF) current version.
b. Do not password protect and/or lock the PDF document.
c. Create one (I) PDF document (PDF file) for each equipment O&M Manual.
I) Drawings or other graphics must be converted to PDF format and made part of the
one (1) PDF document.
2) Scanning to be used only where actual file conversion is not possible.
d. Rotate pages that must be viewed in landscape to the appropriate position for easy
e. Images only shall be scanned at a resolution of 300 dpi or greater.
]) Perform Optical Character Recognition (OCR) capture on all images.
2) Achieve OCR with the "original image with hidden text" option.
3) Word searches of the PDF document must operate successfully to demonstrate
OCR compliance.
f. Create bookmarks in the navigation frame, for each entry in the Table of
]) Normally three (3) levels deep (i.e" "Chapter," "Section," "Sub-section").
g. Thumbnails must be generated for each PDF file.
h. Set the opening view for PDF files as follows:
I) Initial view: Bookmarks and Page.
2) Magnification: Fit in Window.
3) Page layout: Single page.
4) Set the tile to open to the cover page of the manual with bookmarks to the left, and
the first bookmark linked to the cover page.
i. All PDF documents shall be set with the option "Fast Web View" to open the first
pages of the document for the viewer while the rest of the document continues to load.
j. File naming conventions:
I) File names shall use a "ten dot three" convention (XXXXX-YY-Z.PDF) where
XXXXX is the Specitication Section number, YY is the Shop Drawing Root
number and Z is an ID number used to designate the associated volume.
a) Example I:
(I) Two (7) pumps submitted as separate Shop Drawings under the same
Sped ficatian Section:
(a) Pump I ~ 11061-01-I.pdf.
(b) Pump) co 11061-02-I.pdf.
b) Example 2:
(I) Control system submitted as aile (I) Shop Drawing but separated into two
(2) O&M volumes:
(a) Volume I - I 3440-01-I.pdf.
(b) Volume) ~ 13440-01-2.pdf.
k. Labeling:
I) As a minimum, include the following labeling on all CD-ROM discs and jewel
a) Project Name.
b) Equipment Name and Project Tag Number.
c) Project Specification Section.
d) Manufacturer Name.
e) Vendor Name.
I. Binding:
I) Include labeled CD(s) in labeled jewel case(s).
a) Bind jewel cases in standard three-ring binder Jewel Case Page(s), inserted at
the front of the Final paper copy submittal.
Cullu:r County. FlOrida
NCR V,"II' J)egasifil;:r & Odor Controll::xpansion
01340 - S
b) Jewel Case Page(s) to have means for securing Jewel Case(s) to prevent loss
(e.g., flap and strap).
6. Operation and Maintenance Manuals for Materials and Finishes:
a. Building Products, Applied Materials and Finishes:
I) Include product data, with catalog number, size, composition and color and texture
2) Provide information for re-ordering custom manufactured products.
b. Instructions for Care and Maintenance:
]) Include manufacturer's recommendations for cleaning agents and methods,
precautions against detrimental agents and methods and recommended schedule for
cleaning and maintenance.
c. Moisture Protection and Weather Exposed Products:
1) Include product data listing, applicable reference standards, chemical composition,
and details of installation.
2) Provide recommendations for inspections, maintenance and repair.
d. Additional requirements as specified in individual product specifications.
7. Operation and Maintenance Manuals for Equipment and Systems:
a. Submission of Operation and Maintenance Manuals for equipment and systems is
applicable but not necessarily limited to:
1) Major equipment.
2) Equipment powered by electrical, pneumatic or hydraulic systems.
3) Specialized equipment and systems including instrumentation and control systems
and system components for HV AC process system control.
4) Valves and water control gates.
b. Equipment and Systems Operation and Maintenance Manuals shall include, but not
necessarily be limited to, the following completed forms and detailed information, as
I) Fully completed type-written copies ofthe associated Equipment Record(s),
Exhibits C I, C2 and C3, shall be included under the first tab following the Table of
Contents of each Operation and Maintenance Manual.
a) Each section of the Equipment Record must be completed in detail.
(I) Simply referencing the related manual for nameplate, maintenance, spare
parts or lubricant information is not acceptable.
b) For equipment items involving components or subunits, a fully completed
Equipment Record POnTI is required for each operating component or subunit.
c) Submittals that do not include the associated Equipment Record(s) will be
rejected without further content review.
d) Electronic copies of the Exhibits may be obtained by contacting the Project
2) Equipment function, normal operating characteristics, limiting operations.
3) Assembly, disassembly, installation, alignment, adjustment, and checking
4) Operating instructions for start-up, normal operation, control, shutdown, and
emergency conditions.
5) Lubrication and maintenance instructions.
6) Troubleshooting guide.
7) Parts lists:
a) Comprehensive parts and parts price lists.
b) A list of recommended spare parts.
e) List of spare parts provided as specified in the associated Specification
8) Outline, cross-section, and assembly Drawings; engineering data; and electrical
diagrams, including elementary diagrams, wiring diagrams, connection diagrams,
word description of wiring diagrams and interconnection diagrams.
9) Test data and performance curves.
10) As-constructed fabrication or layout Drawings and wiring diagrams.
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100 1
II) Instrumentation or tag numbers assigned to the equipment by the Contract
Documents are to be used to identify equipment and system components.
] 2) Additional information as specified in the associated equipment or system
Specification Section.
A. Shop Drawings, Samples and Operation and Maintenance Manuals:
I. Transmit all suhmittals to:
5426 Bay Center Drive, Suite 400
Tampa, FL 33609-3444
Attn: Project Manager - Collier County NCR WTP Expansion
2. Utilize two (2) copies of attached Exhibit "A" to transmit all Shop Drawings and samples.
3. Utilize two (?) copies of attached Exhibit "B" to transmit all Operation and Maintenance
4. All submittals must he rrom Contractor.
a. Submittals will not be received from or returned to subcontractors.
5. Provide submittal information defining specific equipment or materials utilized on the
a. Generalized product information, not clearly defining specific equipment or materials
to be provided, will he rejected.
B. Miscellaneous Suhmittals:
1. Transmit under Contractor's standard letter of transmittal or letterhead.
2. Submit in triplicate or as specified in individual Specification Section.
3. Transmit to:
5426 Bay Center Drive, Suite 400
Tampa, FL 33609-3444
Attn: Project Manager - Collier County NCRWTP Expansion
4. Provide copy of letter of transmittal without attachments to Owner's Resident Project
a. Exception for concrete. soils compaction and pressure test reports.
I) Transmit one (I) copy of test reports to Resident Project Engineer.
2) Transmit one (I) copy of test reports to location and individual indicated above for
other miscellaneous submittals.
C. Expedited Return Delivery:
I. Include prepaid express envelope or airbill in submittal transmittal package for any
submittals Contractor expects or requires express return mail.
2. Inclusion of prepaid express envelope or airbill does not obligate Engineer to conduct
expedited revie\v of submittal.
D. Fax or Electronic Transmittals:
I. Permitted on a case-by-case basis to expedite review when approved by Engineer.
2. Requires hard copy transmittal to immediately follow.
a. Engineer will proceed with review of fax or electronic transmittal.
b. Engineer's approval or rejection comments will be recorded and returned on hard copy
3. Provisions apply to both:
a. Initial transmittal contents.
b. Supplemental information required to make initial transmittal contents complete.
Collier County. ]-"]orida
!\leR \.l./rJ' Degasifier & Odor Control Expansion
01340 - 7
A. Engineer shall have up to 14 calendar days to return to Contractor a review action on submittals.
B. Shop Drawings and Samples:
I. Items within transmittals will be reviewed for overall design intent and will receive one of
the following actions:
d. 0 - REJECTED.
2. Submittals received will be initially reviewed to ascertain inclusion of Contractor's approval
a. Submittals not stamped by the Contractor or stamped with a stamp containing language
other than that specified herein will not be reviewed for technical content and will be
returned without any action.
3. In relying on the representation on the Contractor's review and approval stamp, Owner and
Engineer reserve the right to review and process poorly organized and poorly described
submittals as follows:
a. Submittals transmitted with a description identifYing a single item and found to contain
multiple independent items:
I) Review and approval will be limited to the single item described on the transmittal
2) Other items identified in the submittal will:
a) Not be logged as received by the Engineer.
b) Be removed from the submittal package and returned without review and
comment to the Contractor for coordination, description and stamping.
c) Be submitted by the Contractor as a new series number, not as are-submittal
b. Engineer, at Engineer's discretion, may revise the transmittal letter item list and
descriptions, and conduct review.
I) Unless Contractor notifies Engineer in writing that the Engineer's revision of the
transmittal letter item list and descriptions was in error, Contractor's review and
approval stamp will be deemed to have applied to the entire contents of the
submittal package.
4. Submittals returned with Action "A" or "B" are considered ready for fabrication and
a. Iffor any reason a submittal that has an "A" or "8" Action is resubmitted, it must be
accompanied by a letter defining the changes that have been made and the reason for
the resubmittal.
b. Destroy or conspicuously mark "SUPERSEDED" all documents having previously
received "A" or "B" Action that are superseded by a resubmittal.
5. Submittals with Action "A" or "B" combined with Action "C" (Revise and Resubmit) or
"0" (Rejected) will be individually analyzed giving consideration as follows:
a. The portion of the submittal given "C" or "0" will not be distributed (unless previously
agreed to otherwise at the Preconstruction Conference).
I) One (I) copy or the one (I) transparency of the "C" or "D" Drawings will be
marked up and returned to the Contractor.
a) Correct and resubmit items so marked.
b. Items marked "An or "B" will be fully distributed.
c. If a portion of the items or system proposed are acceptable, however, the major part of
the individual Drawings or documents are incomplete or require revision, the entire
submittal may be given "C" or "0" Action.
I) This is at the sole discretion ofthe Engineer.
2) In this case, some Drawings may contain relatively few or no comments or the
statement, "Resubmit to maintain a complete package."
Collier County, Florida
NCRWTP Degasifier & Odor Control Expansion
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laD 1
3) Distribution to the Owner and field will not be made (unless previously agreed to
6. Failure to include any specific information specified under the submittal paragraphs of the
Specifications will result in the submittal being returned to the Contractor with "e" or "0"
7. Calculations required in individual Specification Sections will be received for information
purposes only, as evidence calculations have been performed by individuals meeting
specified qualifications, and will be returned stamped "E. Engineer's Review Not Required"
to acknowledge recei pt.
8. Transmittals of submittals which the Engineer considers as "Not Required" submittal
information, which is supplemental to but not essential to prior submitted information, or
items of information in a transmittal which have been reviewed and received "A" or "B"
Action in a prior submittal, will be returned with Action "E. Engineer's Review Not
Required. "
9. Samples may be retained for comparison purposes.
a. Remove samples \A/hen directed.
b. Include in bid all costs of furnishing and removing samples.
10. Approved samples submitted or constructed, constitute criteria for judging completed work.
a. Finished viOrk or items not equal to samples will be rejected.
C. Operation and Maintenance Manuals:
1. Engineer will revie\v and indicate one of the following review actions:
b. B - ' , Not Used.
d. D-~.NotlJsed.
2. Acceptable paper copy submittals will be retained with the transmittal form returned with a
request for one (I) additional paper copy and two (2) electronic copies on CD-ROM.
3. Deficient submittals (paper copy and/or electronic copy) will be returned along with the
transmittal form \vhich will be marked to indicate deficient areas.
('oilier County, Florida
NCRV,TP Dcgasificr & ()dor Control Expansion
O!J-.lO - ()
Shop Drawing Transmittal
(Spec Section) (Series)
Project Name: Date Received:
Project Owner: Checked By:
Contractor: HDR Engineering, Inc Log Page:
Address: Address: HDR No.:
Spec Section:
DrawinglDetail No.:
Attn: Attn: 1sl. Sub ReSub.
Date Transmitted: Previous Transmittal Dale:
Item No. Description Manufacturer MfrNendor Dwg or Data No. Action Taken-
No. Copies
* The Action de~ated above is in accordance with the foltowi!la.!eaend:
A - Furnish as Submitted
D - Rejected
B - Furnish as Noted
E - Engineer's review not required
1. Submittal not required.
2. Supplemental Information. Submittal retained for
informational purposes only.
3. Information reviewed and approved on prior
4. See comments.
C - Revise and Submit
1. Not enough information for review.
2. No reproducibles submitted.
3. Copies illegible.
4. Not enough copies submitted.
5. Wrong sequence number.
6. Wrong resubmittal number.
7. Wrong spec. section.
8. Wrong form used.
9. See comments.
Distribution: Contractor U File U
(Jun 1990; Revised Jun 1997; Revised Oct 2001, Revised Nov 2007)
Copyright 1991 HDR Engineering, Inc.
Field U
Owner U
~---.- ., 1
. ........,
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NCRWTP Degasifier & Odor Control Expansion
01340 - 10
100 1
O&M Manual Transmittal
Project Name:
(Spec Section) (Series)
Dale Received:
Project OW!'1er:
Checked By'
Log Page:
HDR No.:
1st. Sub.
Date Transmitted:
Previous Transmittal Date:
Description of Item
DW9. or Data No.
Action Taken'
HDR Engineering, Inc.
" The Action designated above is in accordance with the following legend:
A - Acceptable, provide one (1) additional paper copy and two (2)
electronic copies on CD.ROM for final review.
B - FblrFligh ::IS t-Jeted ~ Not Used
1 1
Lubrication & maintenance instructions.
Troubleshooting guide.
Parts list and ordering instructions.
Organization (binder, binder titles, index & tabbing).
Wiring diagrams & schematics specific to installation.
Outline, cross section & assembly diagrams.
Test data & performance curves.
Tag or equipment identification numbers.
Inclusion of all components & subcomponents.
Other - see comments.
C - Revise and Resubmit
This Operation and Maintenance Manual Submittal is deficient in
the following area:
1. Equipment Records.
2. Functional description.
3. Assembly, disassembly, installation, alignment,
adjustment & checkout instructions.
Operating instructions.
D . Rejected - Not Used
File U
Distribution: Contractor U
(Jun 1990; Revised Oct 2001, Revised Nov 2007)
Copyright 1991 HDR Engineering, Inc.
Field U
Owner U
Other U
"." .
('oilier Coullty. Florida
NCR WTP Degasificr & Odor Control Expansion
O!J40. 1 I
Equipment Record
ment Data and S are Parts Summa
Project Name
Equipment Name
Project Equipment Tag No(s).
Equipment Manufacturer
Local VendorfService Center
Equip. Serial No.
Make Model No.
ID No. Frame No. HP RPM Cap_
Size TOH Imp_ 51.. CFM PSI
Equip. Serial No
Make Model No.
ID No. Frame No. HP V. Amp_ HZ PH RPM SF
Duty Code Ins. CI. Type NEMA CAmb Temp. Rise Rating
Part No.
Part Name
Part No.
Part Name
(Jun 1990; Revised Oct 2001, Revised Nov 2007)
Copyrighl1991 HDR Engineering, Inc.
7","';;,,-! '1
Collier County, f10rida
NCR WTP Degasifier & Odor Control Expansion
, '~~'..-'. .-.--
Equipment Record
Equipment Description
Recommended Maintenance Summary
Project Equip. Tag No(s)
. D = Daily W = Weekly M = Monthly
(Jun 1990; Revised Oct 2001, Revised Nav 2007)
Copyright 1991 HDR Engineering, Inc.
Q = Quarterly
S = Semiannual
A = Annual
Hours = Run Time Interval
Collier County, Florida
NCR \\TP Dcgasifier & Odor Control Lxpansion
01340 - ]3
Equipment Record
Equipment Description
Lubrication Summary
Project Equip. Tag No(s).
Lubricant Point
- Manufacturer Product AGMA# SAE# ISO
:!l 1
~ '2
0 -
~ 3
, 4
lubricant Point
Manufacturer Product AGMA # SAE# ISO
:!l 1
.... 2
~ 3
, 4
Lubricant Point
Manufacturer Product AGMA # SAE# ISO
~ 1
~ 2
~ 3
, 4
Lubricant Point
Manufacturer Product AGMA # SAE# ISO
:!l 1
~ 2
~ 3
'0 f-
, 4
~ I-
lubricant Point
Manufacturer Product AGMA # SAE# ISO
:!l 1
~ -
.... 2
C -
~ 3
, 4
lubricant Point
Manufacturer Product AGMA # SAE# ISO
:!l 1
.... 2
~ 3
, 4
(Feb 1991; ReVised Oct 2001, ReVised Nav 2007)
Copyright 1991 HDR Engineering, tnc.
Collier County, Florida
NCR WTP Degasifier & Odor Control Expansion
01340 - 14
A. Inspection Services
B. Inspection of Materials
C. Quality Control
D. Costs of Inspection
E. Acceptance Tests
F. Failure to Comply with Contract
A. Owner's Access: At all times during the progress of the Work, and until the date of final
completion, afford the Owner or designee and Engineer every reasonable, safe, and proper
facility for inspecting the Work at the site. The observation and inspection of any work will not
relieve the Contractor of any obligations to perform proper and satisfactory work as specified.
Replace work rejected due to faulty design, inferior. or defective materials, poor workmanship,
improper installation, excessive wear, or nonconformity with the requirements of the Contract
Documents, with satisfactol)' work at no additional cost to the Owner. Replace as directed,
finished or unfinished vvark found not to be in strict accordance with the Contract, even though
such work may have been previously approved and payment made therefore.
B. Rejection: The Owner's or designee has the right to reject materials and workmanship which are
defective or require correction. Promptly remove rejected work and materials rrom the site.
C. Inferior Work Discoveries: Failure or neglect on the part of the Owner or designee to condemn
or reject bad or inferior work or materials does not imply an acceptance of such work or
materials. Neither is it to be construed as barring the Owner or designee at any subsequent time
from recovering damages or a sum of money needed to bui Id anew all portions of the Work in
which inferior work or improper materials were used.
D. Removal for Examination: Should it be considered necessary or advisable by the Owner or
designee, at any time before final acceptance of the Work, to make examinations of portions of
the Work already completed, by removing or tearing out such portions, promptly furnish all
necessaI)! facilities, labor, and materiaL to make sllch an examination. Ifsuch Work is found to
be defective in any respect, defray all expenses of such examination and of satisfactory
reconstruction. If, however, such work is found to meet the requirements of the Contract the
cost of examination and restoration of the Work will be considered a change in the Work to be
paid for in accordance \vith applicable provisions of the Contract.
E. Operation Responsibility: Assume full responsibility fix the proper operation of equipment
during tests and instruction periods. Make no claim, other than provided in the Contract
Documents, for damage that may occur to equipment prior to the time when the Owner or
designee accepts the Work.
Collier Coullty, Florida
NCR WTP Degasifier & Odor Control Expansion
()]..tOO- I
. ,
, ~
F. Rejection Prior to Warranty Expiration: If at anytime prior to the expiration of any applicable
warranties or guarantees, defective equipment is rejected by the Owner or designee, repay to the
Owner all sums of money received for the rejected equipment on progress certificates Of
otherwise on account of the Contract lump sum prices, and upon the receipt of the sum of
money, Owner or designee will execute and deliver a bill of sale of all its rights, title, and
interest in and to the rejected equipment. Do not remove the equipment from the premises ofthe
Owner until the Owner or designee obtains from other sources, equipment to take the place of
that rejected. The Owner or designee hereby agrees to obtain other equipment within a
reasonable time and the Contractor agrees that the Owner may use the equipment furnished by
the Contractor without rental or other charge until the other new equipment is obtained.
A. Premanufacture Notification: Give notice in writing to the Engineer sufficiently in advance of
the commencement of manufacture or preparation of materials especially manufactured or
prepared for use in or as part of the permanent construction. When required, notice to include a
request for inspection, the date of commencement, and the expected date of completion of the
manufacture or preparation of materials. Upon receipt of such notice, Engineer will arrange to
have a representative present at such times during the manufacture or testing as may be
necessary to inspect the materials, or will notiry Contractor that the inspection will be made at a
point other than the point of manufacture or testing, or that the inspection will be waived.
Comply with these provisions before shipping any materials. Such inspection will not
constitute a release rrom the responsibility for furnishing materials meeting the requirements of
the Contract Documents.
B. Testing Standards: Conduct tests of electrical and mechanical equipment and appliances in
accordance with recognized, applicable test codes.
A. Testing
I. Field and Laboratory
a. Provide personnel to assist the Engineer in performing the following periodic
observation and associated services.
I) Soils: Observe and test excavations, placement and compaction of soils. Determine
suitability of excavated material. Observe subgrade soils and foundations.
2) Concrete: Observe forms and reinforcement~ observe concrete placement; witness
air entrainment tests, facilitate concrete cylinder preparation and assist with other
tests performed by Engineer.
3) Masonry: Sample and test mortar, bricks, blocks and grout; inspect brick and block
samples and sample panels; inspect placement ofreinforcement and grouting.
4) Structural Steel: Veriry that all welders are certified; visually inspect all structural
steel welds; mechanically test high-tensile bolted connections.
b. When specified in Divisions 2 through 16 of the Contract Documents, provide an
independent laboratory testing facility to perform required testing. Qualiry the
laboratory as having performed previous satisfactory work. Prior to use, submit to the
Engineer for approval.
c. Cooperate with the Engineer and laboratory testing representatives. Provide at least 24
hours notice prior to when specified testing is required. Provide labor and materials,
and necessary facilities at the site as required by the Engineer and the testing
d. When an independent electrical testing agency is specified in the Contract Documents,
provide a member of the National Electrical Testing Association to perform inspections
and tests.
2. Equipment: Coordinate and demonstrate test procedures as specified in the Contract
Documents and as required during the formal tests.
3. Instrumentation: Coordinate and demonstrate test procedures as specified in the Contract
Documents and as required during the formal tests.
,~..,,,,, ij'l '
,. "_.--"'--'
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... .--."--"'--'
"..__"._m.'_' _._
100 ~
4. Pipeline and Other Testing: Conform to test procedures and requirements specified in the
appropriate Specification Section.
B. Reports
1. Certified Test Reports: Where transcripts or certified test reports are required by the
Contract Documents, meet the following requirements:
a. Before delivery of materials or equipment submit and obtain approval of the Engineer
for all required transcripts, certified test reports, certified copies of the reports of all
tests required in referenced specifications or specified in the Contract Documents.
Perform all testing in an approved independent laboratory or the manufacturer's
laboratory. Submit for approval reports of shop equipment tests within thirty days of
testing. Transcripts or test reports are to be accompanied by a notarized certificate in
the fonn of a letter from the manufacturer or supplier certif)!ing that tested material or
equipment meets the specified requirements and the same type. quality, manufacture
and make as specified. The certificate shall be signed by an otlicer of the
manufacturer or the manufacturer's plant manager.
2. Certificate of Compliance: At the option of the Engineer, submit for approval a notarized
Certificate of Compliance. The Certificates may be in the form ofa letter stating the
3. Manufacturer has perfonned all required tests
b. Materials to be supplied meet all test requirements
c. Tests were performed not more than one year prior to submittal of the certificate
d. Materials and equipment subjected to the tests are of the same quality, manufacture and
make as those specified
e. Identification of the materials
A. See Section 0 I 060.
A. Preliminary Field Tests: As soon as conditions permit, furnish all labor and materials and
services to perform preliminary field tests of all equipment provided under this Contract If the
preliminary field tests disclose that any equipment furnished and installed under this Contract
does not meet the requirements ofthe Contract Documents, make all changes, adjustments and
replacements required prior to the acceptance tests.
B. Final Field Tests: Upon completion of the Work and prior to final payment, subject all
equipment. piping and appliances installed under this Contract to specified acceptance tests to
demonstrate compliance with the Contract Documents.
I. Furnish all labor, fuel, and other materials, equipment. instruments and services necessary
for all acceptance tests.
2. Owner shall provide all energy and water for all acceptance tests at metered cost to
Contractor at no additional cost to the Owner.
3. Conduct tield tests in the presence of the Engineer. Perform the field tests to demonstrate
that under al1 conditions of operation each equipment item:
a. Has not been damaged by transportation or installation
b. Has been properly installed
c. Has been properly lubricated
d. Has no electrical or mechanical defects
e. Is in proper alignment
f. Has been properly connected
g. Is free of overheating of any parts
h. Is free of all objectionable vibration
i. Is free of overloading of any parts
J. Operates as intended
, ,~~ ColllI:r County. Florida
NCR \}.,'TP Degasifier & Odor Control Expansion
01400- 3
4. Operate work or portions of work for a minimum of96 continuous hours. For those items
of equipment that would normally operate on non-potable water, other plant flow streams
may be used if available when authorized by Engineer and approved by Owner. If flow
streams, other than nonnal operation flow streams, cannot properly exercise equipment,
conduct 96-hour test after plant startup.
C. Failure of Tests: If the acceptance tests reveal defects in material or equipment, or if the
material or equipment in any way fails to comply with the requirements ofthe Contract
Documents, then promptly correct such deficiencies. Failure or refusal to correct the
deficiencies, or if the improved materials or equipment, when tested again, fail to meet the
guarantees or specified requirements, the Owner or designee, notwithstanding its partial payment
for work and materials or equipment, may reject said materials or equipment and may order the
Contractor to remove the defective work from the site at no addition to the Contract Price, and
replace it with material or equipment which meets the Contract Documents.
A. Unacceptable Materials: If it is ascertained by testing or inspection that the material or
equipment does not comply with the Contract, do not deliver said material or equipment, or if
delivered remove it promptly from the site or from the Work and replace it with acceptable
material without additional cost to the Owner. Fulfill all obligations under the terms and
conditions of the Contract even though the Owner or designee fail to ascertain noncompliance or
notify the Contractor of noncompliance.
Not Used
Not Used
Collier County, Florida
NCR WTP Degasifier & Odor Control Expansion
A. General Requirements
B. Temporary Utilities
C. Temporary Construction
D. Barricades and Enclosures
E. Fences
F. Property Protection
G. Temporary Controls
H. Contractor Traffic
A. Plant and Facilities: Furnish. install, maintain and remove all false work, scaffolding, ladders,
hoistways, braces, pumping plants, shields, trestles, roadways. sheeting, centering fOnTIs,
harricades, drains, numes, and the like. any of which may be needed in the demolition and
construction of any' part of tile Work and which arc not herein described or specified in detail.
Accept responsibility for the safety and efficiency or such works and for any damage that may
result ITom their failure or from their improper construction. maintenance or operation.
B. First Aid: Maintain a readily accessible, completely equipped first aid kit at each location where
work is in progress.
C. Safety Responsibility: Accept sole responsibility tor safety and security at the site. IndemnifY
and hold harmless the Owner and the Owner's designee, including the Engineer and
subconsultants. for any safety violation. or noncompliance with governing bodies and their
regulations, and for accidents, deaths, injuries, or damage at the site during occupancy or partial
occupancy of the site by Contractor's forces \tvhile performing any part of the Work.
D. Hazard Communication: Furnish two copies of the Contractor's Hazard Communication
Program required under OSHA regulations before beginning on site activities. Furnish two
copies of amendments to Hazard Communications Program as they are prepared.
A. Water: Provide all necessary and required water without additional cost, unless otherwise
specified. If necessary, provide and lay water lines to the place of use; secure all necessary
permits; pay for all taps to water mains and hydrants and for all water used at the established
rates. Coordinate with Owner.
B. Light and Power: Provide without additional cost to the Owner temporal)! lighting and power
facilities required for the proper construction and inspection ofthe Work. If, in the Engineer's
opinion, these facilities are inadequate, do NOT proceed with any portion of the Work affected
thereby. Maintain temporary lighting until the Work is accepted (e.g. Work requiring entry to
transfer pump station clearwell for inspection and acceptance). Provide generator and/or
coordinate connection oftemporal)! power facilities \vith Owner and power utility provider.
c. Sanitary Facilities: Provide sufficient sanitary facilities for construction personnel. Prohibit and
prevent nuisances on the site of the Work or on adjoining property. Discharge any employee
who violates this rule. Abide by all environmental regulations or laws applicable to the Work.
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A. Bridges: Design and place suitable temporary bridges where necessary for the maintenance of
vehicular and pedestrian traffic. Assume responsibility for the sufficiency and safety of all such
temporary work or bridges and for any damage that may result from their failure or their
improper construction. maintenance, or operation. Indemnify and save hannless the Owner and
the Owner's representatives from all claims, suits or actions, and damages or costs of eve!)'
description arising by reason of failure to comply with the above provisions.
A. Protection of Workmen and Public: Effect and maintain at all times during the prosecution of
the Work, barriers, lights and enclosures necessary for the protection of workmen and the public.
Perform all work within the Collier County right-of way in strict accordance with the Collier
County Maintenance of Traffic Policy and other applicable statutory requirements.
B. Provide suitable barricades, lights, signs and watchmen at excavation sites and all other places
where the Work causes obstructions to normal traffic or constitutes in any way a hazard to the
A. Existing Fences: Obtain written permission from Owner prior to relocating or dismantling
fences that interfere with construction operations. Reach agreements with Owner as to the
period the fence may be left relocated or dismantled. Install adequate gates where fencing must
be maintained. Keep gates closed and locked at all times when not in use.
B. Restoration: Restore all fences to their original or better condition and to their original location
on completion of the Work.
A. Preservation of Property:
]. Preserve from damage, all property along the line of the Work, in the vicinity of or in any
way affected by the Work, the removal or destruction of which is not called for by the
Drawings. Preserve from damage, public utilities, trees, lawn areas, building monuments,
fences, pipe and underground structures, and public streets. Note: Normal wear and tear of
streets resulting from legitimate use by the Contractor are not considered as damage.
Whenever damages occur to such property, immediately restore to its original condition.
Costs for such repairs are incidental to the Contract.
2. In case of failure on the part of the Contractor to restore property or make good on damage
or injury, the Owner or designee may, upon 24 hours written notice, proceed to repair,
rebuild, or otherwise restore such property as may be deemed necessary, and the cost
thereof will be deducted from any moneys due or which may become due the Contractor
under this Contract. If removal, repair or replacement of public or private property is made
necessary by alteration of grade or alignment authorized by the Owner or designee and not
contemplated by the Contract Documents, the Contractor will be compensated, in
accordance with the General Conditions, provided that such property has not been damaged
through fault of the Contractor or the Contractor's employees.
B. Public Utility Installations and Structures:
I. Public utility installations and structures include all poles, tracks, pipes, wires, conduits,
vaults, valves. hydrants, manholes, and other appurtenances and facilities, whether owned or
controlled by public bodies or privately owned individuals, firms or corporations, used to
serve the public with transportation, gas, electricity, telephone, stonn and sanitary sewers,
water, or other public or private utility services. Facilities appurtenant to public or private
property that may be affected by the Work are deemed included hereunder.
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100 ."
2. The Contract Documents contain data relative to existing public utility installations and
structures above and below the ground surface. Existing public utility installations and
structures are indicated on the Drawings only to the extent such information was made
available to, or found by, the Engineer in preparing the Drawings. These data are not
guaranteed for completeness or accuracy, and the Contractor is responsible for making
necessary investigations to become fully informed as to the character, condition, and extent
of all public utility installations and structures that may be encountered and that may affect
the construction operations.
3. Before starting construction, identifY and mark all existing valves and maintain access to the
valves at all times during construction.
4. Contact utility locating service sufficiently in advance of the start of construction to avoid
damage to the utilities and delays to the completion date.
5. Ifexisting utilities are damaged during the Work, immediately notifY the owner of the
affected utility. In coordination with or as directed by the owner, remove, replace, relocate,
repair, rebuild, and secure an)' public utility installations and structures damaged as a direct
or indirect result ofthe Work under this Contract. Costs for such work are incidental to the
Contract. Be responsible and liable for any consequential damages done to or suffered by
any public utility installations or structures. Assume and accept responsibility for any
injury, damage, or loss that may result from or be consequent to interference with, or
interruption or discontinuance of. any public utility service.
6. At all times in the performance of Work, employ proven methods and exercise reasonable
care and skill to avoid unnecessaf)' delay, injuf)', damage, or destruction to public utility
installations and structures. A void unnecessary interference with, or interruption of, public
utility services. Cooperate fully' v./ith the ovvners thereof to that end.
7. Provide notice to the Owner or designee of any proposed connections to existing utilities,
interruptions of service or shutdO\vns in accordance with Section 01045. Give written notice
to the owners of all public utility installations and structures affected by proposed
construction operations sufficiently in advance of breaking ground in any area or on any
unit of the Work, to obtain their permission before disrupting the lines and to allow them to
take measures necessaf)' to protect their interests. Advise the Transportation Operations
Department, Fire and Rescue Services of any excavation in public streets or the temporary
shut-off of any \\'ater main. Provide at least 48 hours notice to all affected property owners
whenever service connections are taken out of service.
C. Work on Private Property: Work on this project does not require work on private property.
D. Miscellaneous Structures: Assume and accept responsibility for all injuries or damage to
culverts, building foundations and walls, retaining walls, or other structures of any kind met with
during the prosecution of the Work. Assume and accept liabilit~y for damages to public or
private property resulting there from. Adequately protect against freezing all pipes carrying
E. Protection of Trees and Lawn Areas:
I. Protect with boxes, trees and shrubs, except those ordered to be removed. Do not place
excavated material so as to cause injury to such trees or shrubs. Replace trees or shrubs
destroyed by accident or negligence of the Contractor or Contractor's employees with new
stock ofsimi]ar size and age, at the proper season, at no additional cost to the OWNER. If
required by Contract Documents, provide preconstruct ion audio-video recording of project
in accordance with the Technical Specifications.
2. Leave lawn areas in as good condition as before the start of the Work. Restore areas where
sod has been removed by seeding or sodding.
A. During Construction:
I. Keep the site of the Work and adjacent premises free rrom construction materials, debris,
and rubbish. Remove this material from any portion of the site ifsuch material, debris, or
rubbish constitutes a nuisance or is objectionable.
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100 ....~
2. Remove from the site all surplus materials and temporary structures when they are no longer
3. Neatly stack construction materials such as concrete forms and scaffolding when not in use.
Store pipe to be incorporated into the Work in accordance with A WW A standards.
Promptly remove splattered concrete, asphalt, oil, paint, corrosive liquids, and cleaning
solutions from surfaces to prevent marring or other damage.
4. Properly store volatile wastes in covered metal containers and remove from the site daily.
5. Do not bury or bum on the site or dispose of into storm drains, sanitary sewers, streams, or
waterways, any waste material. Remove all wastes from the site and dispose of in a manner
complying with applicable ordinances and laws.
B. Smoke Prevention:
I. Strictly observe all air pollution control regulations.
2. Open fires will be allowed only ifpermitted under current ordinances.
C. Noises:
I. In accordance with the Collier County's Noise Ordinance, maintain acceptable noise levels
in the vicinity of the Work. Limit noise production to acceptable levels by using special
mufflers, barriers, enclosures, equipment positioning, and other approved methods.
2. Supply written notification to the Owner or designee sufficiently in advance of the start of
any work that violates this provision. Proceed only when all applicable authorizations and
variances have been obtained in writing.
D. Hours of Operation:
I. Operation of construction equipment is only permitted Monday through Saturday, 7:00 AM
to 7:00 PM. Obtain written consent from the Owner or designee for operation of
construction equipment during any other period.
2. Do not carry out non-emergency work, including equipment moves, on Sundays without
prior written authorization by the Owner or designee.
E. Dust Control:
1. Take measures to prevent unnecessary dust. Keep earth surfaces exposed to dusting moist
with water or a chemical dust suppressant. Cover materials in piles or while in transit to
prevent blowing or spreading dust.
2. Adequately protect buildings or operating facilities that may be affected adversely by dust.
Protect machinery, motors, instrument panels, or similar equipment by suitable dust screens.
Include proper ventilation with dust screens.
F. Temporary Drainage Provisions:
I. Provide for the drainage of stormwater and any water applied or discharged on the site in
performance ofthe Work. Provide adequate drainage facilities to prevent damage to the
Work, the site, and adjacent property.
2. Supplement existing drainage channels and conduits as necessary to carry all increased
runoff from construction operations. Construct dikes as necessary to divert increased runoff
from entering adjacent property (except in natural channels), to protect the Owner's facilities
and the Work, and to direct water to drainage channels or conduits. Provide ponding as
necessary to prevent downstream flooding.
3. Maintain excavations free of water. Provide, operate, and maintain pumping equipment.
Dewater trenches in accordance with Sections 02350 and 02650.
G. Pollution: Prevent the pollution of drains and watercourses by sanitary wastes, sediment, debris,
and other substances resulting from construction activities. Do not permit sanitary wastes to
enter any drain or watercourse other than sanitary sewers. Do not permit sediment, debris, or
other substances to enter sanitary sewers. Take reasonable measures to prevent such materials
from entering any drain or watercourse.
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A. Parking: Provide and maintain suitable parking areas for the use of all construction workers and
others perfomling work or furnishing services in connection with the Contract to avoid any need
for parking personal vehicles where they may interfere with public traffic or construction
B. Access: Conduct Work to interfere as little as possible with public travel, whether vehicular or
pedestrian. Whenever it is necessary to cross, obstruct or close roads, driveways, access drives,
and walks, whether public or private, give reasonable notice to owners before interfering with
them. Such maintenance of traffic will not be required when the Contractor has obtained
permission tram the owner, or from the authority having jurisdiction over the public property
involved. to obstruct traffic at the designated point.
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100 ~~
A. Section Addresses:
I. Minimizing the pollution of air, water, or land; control of noise, the disposal of solid waste
materials, and protection of deposits of historical or archaeological interest.
B. Related Sections include but are not necessarily limited to:
I. Division 0 - Bidding Requirements, Contract Forms, and Conditions of the Contract.
2. Division I - General Requirements.
A. Shop Drawings:
I. See Section 01340 for requirements for the mechanics and administration of the submittal
2. Prior to the start of any construction activities submit:
a. A detailed proposal of all methods of control and preventive measures to be utilized for
environmental protection.
b. A drawing of the work area, haul routes, storage areas, access routes and current land
conditions including trees and vegetation.
c. A copy ofthe NPDES permit for storm water discharges /Tom construction activities.
d. A copy of the approved pollution prevention plan.
A. Employ and utilize environmental protection methods, obtain all necessary permits, and fully
observe all local, state, and federal regulations including, but not limited to, all Florida
Department of Environmental Protection and Collier County Site Development approvals.
B. Land Protection:
1. Except for any work or storage area and access routes specifically assigned for the use of
the Contractor, the land areas outside the limits of construction shall be preserved in their
present condition. Contractor shall confine his construction activities to areas defined for
work within the Contract Documents.
2. Manage and control all borrow areas, work or storage areas, access routes and embankments
to prevent sediment /Tom entering nearby water or land adjacent to the work site.
3. Restore all disturbed areas including borrow and haul areas and establish permanent type of
locally adaptable vegetative cover.
4. Unless earthwork is immediately paved or surfaced, protect all side slopes and backslopes
immediately upon completion of final grading.
5. Plan and execute earthwork in a manner to minimize duration of exposure of unprotected
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6. Except for areas designated by the Contract Documents to be cleared and grubbed, the
Contractor shall not deface, injure or destroy trees and vegetation, nor remove, cut, or
disturb them without approval of the Engineer. Any damage caused by the Contractor's
equipment or operations shall be restored as nearly as possible to its original condition at the
Contractor's expense.
C. Surface Water Protection:
I. Utilize, as necessary, erosion control methods to protect side and backslopes, minimize and
the discharge of sediment to the surface water leaving the construction site as soon as rough
grading is complete. These controls shall be maintained until the site is ready for final
grading and landscaping or until they' are no longer warranted and concurrence is received
from the Engineer. Physically retard the rate and volume of run-on and runoffby:
3. Implementing structural practices such as diversion swales, terraces, straw bales, silt
fences, benns, storm drain inlet protection, rocked outlet protection, sediment traps and
temporary basins.
b. Implementing vegetative practices such as temporary seeding, permanent seeding,
mulching, sod stabilization, vegetative butTers, hydroseeding, anchored erosion control
blankets, sodding, vegetated swales or a combination of these methods.
c. Providing Construction sites with graveled or rocked access entrance and exit drives
and parking areas to reduce the tracking of sediment onto public or private roads.
2. Discharges from the construction site shall not contain pollutants at concentrations that
produce objectionable films, colors, turbidit),. deposits or noxious odors in the receiving
stream or \\'aterway.
D. Sanital)' Sewer Protection:
I. Contractor may request Owner approval for disposal of liquid wastes resulting rrom the
Work of this Contract to the on site sanitary sewer.
2. Disposal to sanitary sewer will require water quality testing. At a minimum liquid wastes
shall be pH tested. Field equipment for water quality testing shall be calibrated in
accordance with equipment manufacturer's recommendations.
3. Contractor shall NOT dispose of ANY regulated substances to the sanitary sewer above
allowable limits. Contractor shall perfonn water quality testing as required for any such
4. All water quality testing required for disposal or liquid wastes to sanitary sewer shall be at
the Contractor's expense.
5. Water quality testing requiring laboratory analysis shall be conducted by laboratory
approved by the Engineer or Owner.
6. Contractor shall obtain lrom Owner the approved rate of disposal of liquid wastes to the
sanitary sewer. Contractor may collect liquid wastes in Contractor provided FRAC tanks to
regulate now to the sanitary sewer as required.
7. Contractor shall NOT dispose of ANY hazardous 'vvaste to sanitary sewer.
8. Contractor shall NOT dispose of ANY solid wastes to sanitary sewer.
9. For liquid \....astes resulting from the Work of this Contract that are not acceptable for
disposal to the sanitary sewer, Contractor shall collect in FRAC tanks and properly dispose
off site in accordance with local, state, and federal regulations.
E. Solid Waste Disposal:
1. Collect solid waste on a daily basis.
2. Provide disposal of degradable solid waste to an approved solid waste disposal site.
3. Provide disposal of nondegradable solid waste to an approved solid waste disposal site or in
an alternate manner approved by' Engineer and regulatory agencies.
4. No huilding materials wastes or unused building materials shall be buried, dumped, or
disposed of on the site.
5. All wastes shall be properly disposed in accordance with local, state, and federal
F. Fuel and Chemical Handling:
I. Store and dispose of chemical wastes in a manner approved by regulatory agencies.
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0]:'60 - 2
laD .-;
2. Take special measures to prevent chemicals, fuels, oils, greases, herbicides, and insecticides
from entering drainage ways.
3. Do not allow water used in onsite material processing, concrete curing, cleanup, and other
waste waters to enter a drainage way(s) or stream.
4. The Contractor shall provide containment around fueling and chemical storage areas to
ensure that spills in these areas do not reach waters of the state.
G. Control of Dust:
I. The control of dust shall mean that no construction activity shall take place without
applying all such reasonable measures as may be required to prevent particulate matter from
becoming airborne so that it remains visible beyond the limits of construction. Reasonable
measures may include paving, frequent road cleaning, planting vegetative groundcover,
application of water or application of chemical dust suppressants. The use of chemical
agents such as calcium chloride must be approved by the State of Florida DOT.
2. Utilize methods and practices of construction to eliminate dust in full observance of agency
3. The Engineer will determine the effectiveness of the dust control program and may request
the Contractor to provide additional measures, at no additional cost to Owner.
H. Burning:
I. Do not bum material on the site. If the Contractor elects to dispose of waste materials by
burning, make arrangements for an off-site burning area and conform to all agency
I. Control of Noise:
I. Control noise by fitting equipment with appropriate mufflers.
1. Completion of Work:
1. Upon completion of work. leave area in a clean, natural looking condition.
2. Ensure all signs of temporary construction and activities incidental to construction of
required permanent work are removed.
K. Historical Protection:
I. See Section 0 I 060.
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A. Section Includes:
I. Scheduling of product delivery.
2. Packaging of products for delivery.
3. Protection of products against damage from:
a. lIandl ing.
b. Exposure to elements or harsh environments.
B. Related Specification Sections include but are not necessarily limited to:
I. Division 0 - Bidding Requirements, Contract Forms, and Conditions of the Contract.
2. Division 1 - General Requirements.
C. Payment:
1. No payment will be made to Contractor for equipment or materials not properly stored and
insured or without approved Shop Drawings.
a. Previous payments for items will be deducted from subsequent progress estimate(s) if
proper storage procedures are not observed.
A. Scheduling: Schedule delivery of products or equipment as required to allow timely installation
and to avoid prolonged storage.
B. Packaging: Deliver products or equipment in manufacturer's original unbroken cartons or other
containers designed and constructed to protect the contents from physical or environmental
C. Identification: Clearly and fully mark and identifY as to manufacturer, item, and installation
D. Protection and Handling: Provide manufacturer's instructions for storage and handling.
A. Manufacturer's Instruction:
1. Protect all products or equipment in accordance with manufacturer's written directions.
a. Store products or equipment in location to avoid physical damage to items while in
b. Handle products or equipment in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations and
2. Protect equipment from exposure to elements and keep thoroughly dry.
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01600 - 1
laD ~
A. Temporary Storage Structure:
I. Provide a weatherproof temporary storage structure specifically for the purpose of providing
for protection of products and equipment.
a. Size structure to accommodate anticipated storage items.
b. Contractor must consider project site constraints.
2. Equip structure with lockable doors and lighting, and provide electrical service for
equipment temperature and humidity control and ventilation as necessary to provide storage
environments acceptable to specified manufacturers.
3. Provide methods of storage of products and equipment otfthe ground.
4. Provide this structure within time-period appropriate to receipt of equipment.
a. Locate structure in a location approved by Owner.
b. Remove structure from site prior to startup and demonstration period.
5. If sufficient space for temporary storage structure as specified does not exist at the
NCR WTP, the Contractor shall provide storage off site that meets the requirements as
specified herein. Off site storage shall be at no additional cost to the Owner. Contractor
shall allow for inspection by Owner or Engineer of off site storage facilities.
A. Inspect Deliveries:
I. Inspect all products or equipment delivered to the site prior to unloading.
a. Reject all products or equipment that are damaged. used, or in any other way
unsatisfactory for use on Project.
B. Monitor Storage Area: Monitor storage area to ensure suitable temperature and moisture
conditions are maintained as required by manufacturer or as appropriate for particular items.
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" ___~~,M"
A. Section Includes:
I. Job conditions.
B. Related Sections include but are not necessarily limited to:
I. Division 0 - Bidding Requirements, Contract Forms, and Conditions of the Contract.
2. Division 1 - General Requirements.
A. Prior to installation of materiaL equipment and other \vork, verify with subcontractors. material
or equipment manufacturers, and installers that the substrate or surface to which those materials
attach is acceptable for installation of those materials or equipment. (Substrate is defined as
building surfaces to which materials or equipment is attached to i.e., floors. walls, ceilings, etc.).
B. Correct unacceptable substrate until acceptable for installation of equipment or materials.
C. The project site is constrained. Prior to selection and provision of field offices and storage
facilities, Contractor shall receive Owner approval of proposed field offices, storage facilities,
and locations.
D. Contractor shall be in compliance with project site security requirements. These include, but are
not limited to, the following.
1. Prior to obtaining access to project site, Contractor shall provide Owner with list of
employees and any subcontractor employees that will be working at the project site,
including contact infoJ1l1ation.
2. Prior to obtaining access to project site, Contractor and subcontractor employees shall
obtain Collier Count)' Contractor Badges, including fingerprinting requirements. Contractor
shall maintain valid badges and renew or replace as required at no additional cost to the
3. All Contractor and subcontractor employees shall wear Collier County Contractor Badges at
the project site at all times.
4. All Contractor and subcontractor employees shall meet all Owner requirements for sign-
in/sign-out at the project site.
E. Contractor shall be in compliance with project site health and safety requirements. These
include, but are not limited to, the following.
1. Prior to conducting work at the project site, Contractor and subcontractor shall meet all
Owner requirements for Collier County and site specific health and safety training.
F. Confined Space Entry
I. To perform Work within the pipe gallery, confined space entry is required.
2. Contractor shall meet safety and confined space entry requirements in accordance with
applicable site specific, state, and federal regulations.
3. Contractor shall notify Owner a minimum of one (1) week prior to planned confined space
entry and coordinate confined space entry with Owner.
G. Chemical Room Entry
1. Contractor's personnel shall meet site and chemical specific safety training and
requirements for entr)"' to the gaseous chlorine storage room.
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NCRWTP Dcgasificr & Odor Control Expansion
01601 - I
laD 'I
2. Contractor's personnel shall meet site specific safety training and requirements for entry to
the chemical feed rooms including odor control chemical feed room and scale inhibitor
chemical feed room.
3. Contractor's personnel required to sign site specific documentation following receipt of
training, as required.
4. Access to chlorine storage room and chemical feed rooms requires oversight by NCRWTP
staff at all times. Contractor shall notifY Owner a minimum of24 hours prior to planned
entry to gaseous chlorine storage and chemical feed rooms to schedule Owner oversight.
5. Gaseous chlorine storage room is locked at all times.
6. Contractor personnel may be required, at Owner's discretion, to affix Owner provided
sticker on Owner provided access badge to indicate completion of training.
H. At Owner's discretion, any personnel not in compliance with the requirements of this Section
0160 I will not be allowed on the NCR WTP site.
I. Costs for compliance with the requirements ofthis Section 0160 I shall be incurred by the
Contractor at no additional cost to the Owner.
Col1icr County, Florida
NCR WTP Degasifier & Odor Control Expansion
0160t- 2
"'-'-'- ~-,._.".~.'-._._'" .~_.,-,.
A. Section Includes:
I. The procedure for requesting the approval of substitution of a product that is not equivalent
to a product which is specified by descriptive or performance criteria or defined by
reference to one or more of the following:
a. Name of manufacturer.
b. Name of vendor.
c. Trade name.
d. Catalog number.
2. Substitutions are not "or-equals".
3. This Section does not address substitutions for major equipment.
a. See "Instructions to Bidders."
B. Related Specification Sections include but are not necessarily limited to:
1. Division 0 - Bidding Requirements, Contract Forms. and Conditions of the Contract.
2. Division 1 - General Requirements.
C. Request for Substitution - General:
I. Base all bids on materials, equipment and procedures specified.
2. Certain types of equipment and kinds of material are described in specifications by means of
references to names of manufacturers and vendors, trade names, or catalog numbers.
a. When this method of specifying is used, it is not intended to exclude from consideration
other products bearing other manufacturer's or vendor's names, trade names, or catalog
numbers, provided said products are "or-equals," as determined by Engineer.
3. Other types of equipment and kinds of material may' be acceptable substitutions under the
following conditions:
a. Or-equals are unavailable due to strike, discontinued production of products meeting
specified requirements, or other factors beyond control of Contractor; or,
b. Contractor proposes a cost and/or time reduction incentive to the Owner.
A. In making request for substitution or in using an approved product. Contractor represents
1. Has investigated proposed product. and has determined that it is adequate or superior in all
respects to that specified, and that it will perform function for which it is intended.
2. Will provide same guarantee for substitute item as for product specified.
3. Will coordinate installation of accepted substitution into Work, to include building
modifications if necessary, making such changes as may be required for Work to be
complete in all respects.
4. Waives all claims for additional costs related to substitution which subsequently arise.
A. Product: Manufactured material or equipment.
A. Substitution shall be considered only:
I. After award ofContrac1.
2. Under the conditions stated herein.
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OI6~O - 1
~ -.,,<1
B. Written request through Contractor only.
C. Transmittal Mechanics:
I. Follow the transmittal mechanics prescribed for Shop Drawings in Specification
Section 01340.
3. Product substitution will be treated in a manner similar to "deviations," as described in
Specification Section 01340.
b. List the letter describing the deviation and justifications on the transmittal form in the
space provided under the column with the heading DESCRIPTION.
I) Include in the transmittal letter, either directly or as a clearly marked attachment,
the items listed in Paragraph D below.
D. Transmittal Contents:
I. Product identification:
3. Manufacturer's name.
b. Telephone number and representative contact name.
c. Specification Section or Drawing reference of originally specified product, including
discrete name or tag number assigned to original product in the Contract Documents.
2. Manufacturer's literature clearly marked to show compliance of proposed product with
Contract Documents.
3. Itemized comparison of original and proposed product addressing product characteristics
including but not necessarily limited to:
a. Size.
b. Composition or materials of construction.
c. Weight.
d. Electrical or mechanical requirements.
4. Product experience:
a. Location of past projects utilizing product.
b. Name and telephone number of persons associated with referenced projects
knowledgeable concerning proposed product.
c. Available field data and reports associated with proposed product.
5. Data relating to changes in construction schedule.
6. Data relating to changes in cost.
7. Samples:
a. At request of Engineer.
b. Full size if requested by Engineer.
c. Held until substantial completion.
d. Engineer not responsible for loss or damage to samples.
A. Written approval or rejection of substitution given by the Engineer.
B. Engineer reserves the right to require proposed product to comply with color and pattern of
specified product ifnecessaI)' to secure design intent.
C. In the event the substitution is approved, the resulting cost and/or time reduction will be
documented by Change Order in accordance with the General Conditions.
D. Substitution will be rejected if:
I. Submittal is not through the Contractor with his stamp of approval.
2. Request is not made in accordance with this Specification Section.
3. In the Engineer's opinion, acceptance will require substantial revision of the original design.
4. In the Engineer's opinion, substitution will not perform adequately the function consistent
with the design intent.
E. Contractor shall reimburse Owner for the cost of Engineer's evaluation if substitution is rejected.
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0]640 - 3
A. Section Includes:
1. Procedures and actions, required of the Contractor, which are necessary to achieve and
demonstrate Substantial Completion.
2. Requirements for Substantial Completion Submittals.
B. Related Sections include but are not necessarily limited to:
I. Division 0 - Bidding Requirements, Contract Forms, and Conditions of the Contract.
2. Division I - General Requirements.
3. Section 11005 - Equipment: Basic Requirements.
4. Section 13440 - Instrumentation for Process Control: Basic Requirements.
A. Project Classified System (PCS): A defined part of the Project, consisting of an arrangement of
items, such as equipment, structures, components, piping, wiring, materials, or incidentals, so
related or connected to form an identifiable, unified, functional, operational, safe, and
independent system.
B. There are two (2) PCSs as part of this Project as follows:
I. Degasification Systems; and,
2. Chemical Scrubber Systems.
C. Degasifier Systems PCS: All work to procure and install equipment, instrumentation, electrical,
and appurtenances associated with Degasifier Systems. All work of Project shall be within PCSs
identified herein. Payment for the work conducted for completion of Degasifier Systems PCS is
included under Item No. I as specified in Section 01026.
D. Chemical Scrubber Systems PCS: All work to procure and install equipment, instrumentation,
electrical, and appurtenances associated with Chemical Scrubber Systems. All work of Project
shall be within PCSs identified herein. Payment for the work conducted for completion of
Chemical Scrubber Systems PCS is included under Item No.2 as specified in Section 0 I 026.
E. Pre-Demonstration Period: The period of time, ofunspecitied duration after initial construction
and installation activities, during which Contractor, with assistance from manufacturer's
representatives, performs in the following sequence:
I. Finish construction work to ensure select PCS has reached a state of Substantial
2. Equipment start-up.
3. Personnel training.
If desired, more than one PCS may be demonstrated concurrently.
F. Demonstration Period: A period oftime, of specified duration, following the Pre-Demonstration
Period, during which the Contractor initiates process flow through select Project Classified
System and starts up and operates the Project Classified System, without exceeding specified
downtime limitations, to prove the functional integrity of the mechanical and electrical
equipment and components and the control interfaces of the respective equipment and
components comprising the select Project Classified System as evidence of Substantial
Completion for the select Project Classified System. If desired, more than one PCS may be
demonstrated concurrently.
G. Substantial Completion: See Division 0, General Conditions.
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A. See Section 01340 for requirements for the mechanics and administration of the submittal
B. Submit in the chronological order listed below prior to the completion of the Pre-Demonstration
Period for each select Project Classified System.
I. Master operation and maintenance training schedule:
a. Submit 30 days (minimum) prior to first training session for Owner's personnel.
b. Schedule to include:
1) Target date and time for Owner witnessing of each system initial start-up.
2) Target date and time for Operation and Maintenance training for each system, both
field and classroom.
3) Target date for initiation of Demonstration Period.
c. Submit for review and approval by Owner.
d. Include holidays observcd by Owner.
e. Attend a schedule planning and coordination meeting 90 calendar days prior to first
anticipated training session.
I) Provide a status report and schedule-ta-complete for requirements prerequisite to
manufacturer's training.
2) Identif)' initial target dates for individual manufacturer's training sessions.
f. Owner reserves the right to insist on a minimum 7 days' notice of rescheduled training
session not conducted on master schedule target date for any reason.
g. Schedule to be resubmitted until approved.
2. Substantial Completion Submittal:
a. File Contractor's Notice of Substantial Completion and Request for Inspection.
b. Approved Operation and Maintenance manuals received by Engineer minimum 1 week
prior to scheduled training.
c. Written request for Owner to witness each system pre-demonstration start-up. Request
to be received by Ovvner minimum] week before scheduled training of Owner's
personnel on that system.
d. Equipment installation, including manufacturer/supplier certificates of installation, and
pre-demonstration start-up certifications.
e. Letter verifying completion of all pre-demonstration start-up activities including receipt
of all specified items from manufacturers or suppliers as final item prior to initiation of
Demonstration Period.
A. Phased Construction:
1. Phases of construction will be based on procurement of long lead equipment.
2. Execution of Degasifier Systems PCS includes sequencing demolition of existing
degasifiers and installation of nevv degasifiers to minimize NCR WTP shutdown.
3. See Section 02075 for sequence of demolition and construction associated with Degasifier
Systems PCS and Chemical Scrubber Systems PC'S.
B. Schedule of Events:
I. Installation schedules shall be as approved by Owner. To the extent practicable, portions of
Work requiring NCRWTP shutdowns shall occur during low potable water demand periods
oflate spring, summer, and early fall, or as otherwise approved by the Owner.
2. Shutdowns shall be as specified in Section 0 I 045.
A. Contractor to pay all costs, including those costs that may be metered (e.g. water and/or power),
associated with each respective Project Classified System start-up. Where power or water is
required and supplied by Owner, but not metered, the Owner is responsible. Chemicals supplied
by Owner as required to perfonn start-up will be the responsibility of the Owner.
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I) Prepare a log showing each equipment item subject to this paragraph and listing
what is to be accomplished during Equipment Start-up. Provide a place for the
Contractor to record date and person accomplishing required work. Submit
completed document before requesting inspection for Substantial Completion
7. Obtain certifications, without restrictions or qualifications, and deliver to Engineer:
a. Manufacturer's equipment installation check letters.
b. Instrumentation Supplier's Instrumentation Installation Certificate.
C. Personnel Training:
I. See individual equipment specification sections. At a minimum, the following equipment
requires training.
a. Degasifiers and associated centrifugal fans (blowers): One 8 hour day.
b. Chemical scrubber train: One 8 hour day.
c. Degasifier clean-in-place and flush pump systems: 2 hours.
d. Chemical feed pumps: I hour.
2. For major equipment suppliers, training of Owner shall be conducted by applicable
manufacturer/suppl ier.
3. Contractor shall coordinate training of Owner to be conducted by applicable
manufacturer/supplier. Contractor shall be responsible for all costs associated with training
of Owner provided by manufacturers/suppliers.
4. Conduct all personnel training after completion of Equipment Start-up for the equipment for
which training is being conducted.
a. Personnel training on individual equipment or systems will not be considered
completed unless:
I) All pretraining deliverables arc received and approved before commencement of
training on the individual equipment or system.
2) No system malfunctions occur during training.
3) All provisions offield and classroom training specifications are met.
b. Training not in compliance with the above will be performed again in its entirety by the
manufacturer at no additional cost to Owner.
5. Field and classroom training requirements:
a. Hold classroom training on-site in the NCR WTP training/conference room.
b. Notify each manufacturer specified for on-site training that the Owner reserves the right
to video record any or all training sessions. Organize each training session in a fannat
compatible with video recording.
c. Training instructor: Factory trained and familiar with giving both classroom and
"hands-on" instructions.
d. Training instructors: Be at classes on time. Session beginning and ending times to be
coordinated with the Owner and indicated on the master schedule. Normal time lengths
for class periods can vary, but brief rest breaks should be scheduled and taken.
e. Organize training sessions into maintenance verses operation topics and identifY on
r. Plan for minimum class attendance often (10) people at each session and provide
sufficient classroom materials, samples, and handouts for those in attendance.
g. Instructors to have a typed agenda and well prepared instructional material. The use of
visual aids, e.g., films, pictures, and slides is recommended for use during the
classroom training programs. Deliver agendas to the Engineer a minimum of7 days
prior to the classroom training. Provide equipment required for presentation of films,
slides, and other visual aids.
h. In the on-site training sessions, cover the information required in the Operation and
Maintenance manuals submitted according to Section 01340 and the following areas as
applicable to PCS's.
I) Operation of equipment.
2) Lubrication of equipment.
3) Maintenance and repair of equipment.
4) Troubleshooting of equipment.
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A. Project Classified System (PCS) Start-up Divided into Two Periods:
I. Pre-Demonstration Period including:
a. Completion of construction work to bring PCS to a state of Substantial Completion.
b. Start-up of Equipment.
c. Training of Personnel.
d. Completion of the filing of all required submittals.
e. Filing of Contractor's Notice of Substantial Completion and Request for Inspection.
2. Demonstration Period including:
a. Demonstration of functional integrity of pes.
A. Completion of Construction Work:
I. Complete the work to bring the select PCS to a state of substantial completion.
B. Equipment Start-up:
1. Requirements for individual items of equipment are included in Divisions 2 through 16 of
these Specifications.
2. Prepare the equipment so it will operate properly and safely and be ready to demonstrate
functional integrity during the Demonstration Period.
3. Perform Equipment Start-up to extent possible without introducing product \low and
minimizing waste streams.
4. For major equipment suppliers, Contractor shall be responsible for coordinating and
providing services of applicable manufacturer/supplier as required for equipment start-up at
no additional cost to the Owner.
5. Contractor shall be responsible for handling waste streams produced during equipment start-
up at no additional cost to Owner.
6. Procedures include but are not necessarily limited to the following:
3. Test or check and correct deficiencies of:
]) Power, controL and monitoring circuits for continuity prior to connection to power
2) Voltage orall circuits.
3) Phase sequence.
4) Cleanliness of connecting piping systems.
5) Alignment of connected machinery.
6) Vacuum and pressure of all closed systems.
7) Luhrication.
8) Valve orientation and position status for manual operating mode.
9) Tankage for integrity using product flow.
10) Pumping equipment using product flow.
II) Instrumentation and control signal generation, transmission, reception, and
response. See Section 13440.
1 'J) Tagging and identification systems.
13) All equipment: Proper connections, alignment, calibration and adjustment.
b. Calibrate all safety equipment.
c. Manually rotate or move moving parts to assure freedom of movement.
d. "Bump" start electric motors to verify proper rotation.
e. Perform other tests. checks. and activities required to make the equipment ready for
Demonstration Period.
f. Documentation:
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5) Preventive maintenance procedures.
6) Adjustments to equipment.
7) Inventory of spare parts.
8) Optimizing equipment performance.
9) Capabilities.
10) Operational safety.
II) Emergency situation response.
12) Takedown procedures (disassembly and assembly).
i. Address above Paragraphs I), 2), 8), 9), 10), and 11) in the operation sessions. Address
above Paragraphs 3), 4),5),6),7), and 12) in the maintenance sessions.
j. Maintain a log of classroom training provided including: Instructors, topics, dates,
time, and attendance.
D. Complete the filing of all required submittals:
I. Shop Drawings.
2. Operation and Maintenance Manuals.
3. Training material.
E. Filing of Contractor's Notice of Substantial Completion and Request for Inspection of Project or
I. File the notice when the following have been completed:
a. Construction work (brought to state of Substantial Completion).
b. Equipment Start-up.
c. Personnel Training.
d. Submittal of required documents.
2. Engineer will review required submittals for completeness within seven (7) calendar days of
Contractor's notice. If complete. Engineer will complete inspection of the Work, within 14
calendar days of Contractor's notice.
3. Engineer will inform Contractor in writing of the status of the Work reviewed, within 14
calendar days of Contractor's notice.
a. Work determined not meeting state of Substantial Completion:
I) Contractor: Correct deficiencies noted or submit plan of action for correction
within seven (7) calendar days of Engineer's determination.
2) Engineer: Reinspect work within seven (7) calendar days of Contractor's notice of
correction of deficiencies.
3) Reinspection costs incurred by Engineer will be billed to Owner who will deduct
them from final payment due Contractor.
b. Work determined to be in state of tentative Substantial Completion: Engineer to
prepare tentative "Engineer's Certificate of Substantial Completion."
c. Engineer's Certificate of Substantial Completion:
1) Certificate tentatively issued subject to successful Demonstration of functional
2) Issued for Project as a whole or for one or more PCS.
3) Issued subject to completion or correction of items cited in the certificate (punch
4) Issued with responsibilities of Owner and Contractor cited.
5) Executed by Engineer.
6) Accepted by Owner.
7) Accepted by Contractor.
d. Upon successful completion of Demonstration Period, Engineer will endorse certificate
attesting to the successful demonstration, and citing the hour and date of ending the
successful Demonstration Period of functional integrity as the effective date of
Substantial Completion.
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laD II
A. General:
I. Demonstrate the functional integrity of the mechanical, electrical, and control interfaces of
the respective equipment and components comprising each select pes as evidence of
Substantial Completion.
2. Duration of Demonstration Period: Minimum of96 consecutive hours.
3. If, during the Demonstration Period, the aggregate amount oftime used for repair,
alteration, or unscheduled adjustments to any equipment or systems that renders the affected
equipment or system inoperative exceed 10 percent afthe Demonstration Period, the
demonstration of functional integrity will be deemed to have failed. In the event oftailure, a
new Demonstration Period will recommence after correction of the cause of failure. The
new Demonstration Period shall have the same requirements and duration as the
Demonstration Period previously conducted.
4. Conduct the demonstration offunctional integrity under full operational conditions.
5. Owner will provide operational personnel to provide process decisions affecting plant
perfonnance. Owner's assistance will be available only for process decisions. Contractor
will perform all other functions including but not limited to equipment operation and
maintenance until successful completion of the Demonstration Period.
6. Owner reserves the right to simulate operational variables, equipment failures, routine
maintenance scenarios, etc., to verifY the functional integrity of automatic and manual
backup systems and alternate operating modes.
7. Time of beginning and ending any Demonstration Period shall be agreed upon by
Contractor, Owner, and Engineer in advance of initiating Demonstration Period.
8. Throughout the Demonstration Period, provide know'ledgeable personnel to answer Owner's
questions, provide final field instruction on select systems and to respond to any system
problems or failures \\...hich may occur.
a. Provide final field instruction on the follo\\'ing systems:
I) Odor Control Chemical Scrubbers; and.
2) Degasification Systems.
b. For the above systems. a minimum of half the hours specified in this Section 01650
Paragraph 3.2.C, for each respective system shall be in the field.
9. Provide all labor, supervision, utilities, chemicals, maintenance, equipment, vehicles or any
other item necessary to operate and demonstrate all systems being demonstrated.
10. For major equipment suppliers, Contractor shall be responsible for coordinating and
providing services of applicable manufacturer/supplier as required for demonstration period
at no additional cost to the Owner.
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10D .
A. Section Includes:
I. Intermediate and final cleaning of Work not including special cleaning of closed systems
specified elsewhere.
B. Related Sections include but are not necessarily limited to:
I. Division 0 - Bidding Requirements, Contract Forms, and Conditions of the Contract.
2. Division I - General Requirements.
A. Store cleaning products and cleaning wastes in containers specifically designed for those
A. Schedule cleaning operations so that dust and other contaminants disturbed by cleaning process
will not fall on newly painted surfaces.
A. Cleaning Agents:
I. Compatible with surface being cleaned.
2. New and uncontaminated.
3. For Manufactured Surfaces: Material recommended by manufacturer.
A. Prevent accumulation of wastes that create hazardous conditions.
B. Conduct cleaning and disposal operations to comply with laws and safety orders of governing
C. Do not dispose of volatile wastes such as mineral spirits, oil, or paint thinner in stann or sanitary
drains or sewers.
D. Dispose of degradable debris at an approved solid waste disposal site.
E. Dispose of nondegradable debris at an approved solid waste disposal site or in an alternate
manner approved by Engineer and regulatory agencies.
F. Handle materials in a controlled manner with as few handlings as possible.
G. Do not drop or throw materials from heights greater than 4 foot or less than 4 foot if conditions
warrant greater care.
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H. Execute daily cleaning to keep the Work, the site, and adjacent properties free from
accumulations of waste materials. rubbish. and windblown debris. resulting from construction
I. On completion of work. leave area in a clean. natural looking condition.
I. Remove all signs of temporary construction and activities incidental to construction of
required permanent Work.
1. Do not burn on-site.
A. Cleaning During Construction:
1. Keep work areas clean so as not to hinder health. safety or convenience of personnel in
existing facility operations.
2. At maximum weekly intervals, dispose of waste materials, debris, and rubbish.
3. Vacuum clean interior areas when ready to receive finish painting.
a. Continue vacuum cleaning on an as-needed basis, until substantial completion.
B. Final Cleaning:
I. Complete immediately prior to Demonstration Period.
2. Remove grease, mastic, adhesives, dust. dirt. stains. fingerprints, labels, and other foreign
materials from sight-exposed surfaces.
3. Wipe all lighting fixture reflectors. lenses, lamps and trims clean.
4. Wash and shine glazing and mirrors.
5. Polish glossy surfaces to a clear shine.
6. Clean interior of all panel cabinets. and other equipment enclosures.
7. Ventilating systems:
a. Clean permanent filters and replace disposable filters if units were operated during
b. Clean ducts, blowers and coils if units were operated without filters during
8. Broom clean process area floors.
A. Cleaning During Construction:
l. Construction debris:
a. Confine in strategically located container(s):
1) Cover to prevent blowing by \V'ind.
2) Haul from site minimum once a week.
b. Remove from work area to container daily.
2. Vegetation: Keep weeds and other vegetation trimmed to 3 IN maximum height.
3. Soils, sand, and gravel deposited on paved areas and walks:
a. Remove as required to prevent muddy or dusty conditions.
b. Do not flush into stoml sewer system.
B. Final Cleaning:
1. Remove trash and debris containers from site.
a. Re-seed areas disturbed by location of trash and debris containers.
2. Clean paved roadways.
A. Immediately prior to Demonstration Period, conduct an inspection with Engineer to verify
condition of all work areas.
B. Direct all subcontractors to similarly perform, at the same time, an equivalent thorough cleaning
of all work and equipment provided under their contracts.
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III, ,~,f,
A. Requirements for preparation, maintenance and submittal of project record documents. The
Contractor's attention is specifically directed to Part 3.2.B. of this Section, which requires use of
a Florida licensed surveyor to sign and seal all record drawings.
A. Section 0 I 051 - Lines and Grades
B. Section 01400 - Quality Control
A. General: Provide all submittals as specified.
B. At Contract close out, three (3) hardcopy sets of Record Drawings shall be submitted to the
Owner. Each hardcopy shall be signed, dated, and sealed as specified herein Part 3.2.B.
C. Provide electronic submittal as specified in Part 3.02.B of this Section.
D. Contractor shall provide signed original of Engineer's Electronic File Release Agreement.
A. During construction, Contractor shall maintain at the site for the Owner one record copy of:
I. Drawings
2. Specifications
3. Addenda
4. Change orders and other modifications to the Contract
5. Design Engineer's field orders or written instructions
6. Approved shop drawings, working drawings and samples
7. Field test records
A. Project record documents shall be stored in Contractor's field office ur other location approved
by the Owner apart from documents used for construction
B. Maintain documents in a clean, dry, legible condition and in good order. Do not use record
documents for construction purposes.
C. Make documents and samples available at all times for inspection by the Owner.
A. General
I. Record Drawings shall accurately depict the constructed configuration of all potable water,
non-potable irrigation water and/or wastewater systems or portion(s) thereof All revisions
to Owner staff approved construction drawings shall be precisely identified and illustrated
on the Record Drawings.
2. Label each document "'PROJECT RECORD" or similar text in neat, large printed letters.
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3. Survey information can be obtained as needed by the use of2-inch PVC labeled pipes
installed over underground improvements by the contractor during construction. This
method is an adequate process for obtaining record information.
4. Record information in red ink.
B. Record Drawings
1. The Record Drawings require signed and sealed as-built information, including above and
below ground improvements including underground piping, valves and ductbanks, by a
Florida Licensed Land Survevor.
2. The Record Drawings shall identifY the entity that provided the record data.
3. Drawings shall be referenced to and tie-in with the state plane coordinate system, with a
Florida East Projection, and a North American Datum 1983/1990 (NAD 83/90 datum), and
with United States Survey Feet (lJSFEET) units, and North American Vertical Datum 1988
(NA VD 88), as established by a registered Florida surveyor and mapper.
4. Record drawings shall be submitted to the Owner staff within 60 days of the final
construction completion date. Final payment to Contractor will not be made until Owner
receipt and approval of Record Drav,'ings.
5. The following items shall be accurately depicted in vertical and horizontal directions on the
Record Drawings:
a. Sanitary and storm sewer systems inverts, pipe slopes, catch basin rims, and run
b. Tie-ins to existing piping.
c. Process, chemical feed, water, and air piping. including odorous air ducts. systems
d. Top and invert, as appropriate. elevations of treatment plant structures, including, but
not limited to. pipe trenches. equipment foundations, reinforced concrete pads. blower
enclosure. and tanks.
e. Pipe changes in direction or slope.
f. Buried valves. tees, and fittings.
g. Pipe invert. or centerline. elevations at crossing with other pipe.
h. Invert, or centerline. elevations and coordinates of existing exposed pipe at crossing
with underground pipe installed under this project.
i. Other horizontal and vertical record data pertinent to completed Work.
6. Each pipe elevation shall be clearly identified as to whether it is top of pipe, centerline of
pipe. or invert of pipe.
7. Record Drawings shall indicate all deviations from Contract Drawings including:
a. Field changes.
b. Changes made by Change Order.
c. Details. utilities. piping or structures not on original Contract Drawings. d) Equipment
and piping relocations.
C. Specifications and Addenda
I. Legibly mark each Section to record:
a. Manufacturer, trade name, catalog number and supplier of each product and item of
equipment actually installed.
b. Changes made by Field Order or Change Order.
D. Shop Drawings
1. Keep one copy of the final. approved shop drawing with the Record Documents.
2. Record documents should include all shop drawing information submitted. Additional
information submitted during the review process should be filed with the appropriate
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A. Section Includes:
I. Methods of installing and sealing openings and penetrations in construction.
B. Related Specification Sections include but are not necessarily limited to:
I. Division 0 - Bidding Requirements, Contract Forms, and Conditions of the Contract.
2. Division 1 - General Requirements.
3. Section 05505 - Metal Fabrications.
4. Section 07900 - Joint Sealants.
5. Section 09905 - Painting and Protective Coatings.
. .
A. Referenced Standards:
I. American Concrete Institute (ACI):
a. 318, Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete.
2. ASTM International (ASTM):
a. A36, Standard Specification for Carbon Structural Steel.
b. A53, Standard Specification for Pipe, Steel, Black and Hot-Dipped, Zinc-Coated,
Welded and Seamless.
3. National Fire Protection Association (NFPA):
a. 70, National Electrical Code (NEe).
b. 90A, Standard for Installation of Air Conditioning and Ventilating Systems.
4. Sheet Metal and Air Conditioning Contractors' National Association (SMACNA).
B. Obtain prior approval /Tom Engineer for the following circumstances.
I. When any opening larger than 100 SQ IN must be made in existing or newly completed
2. For openings in existing wall adjacent to chlorine room.
3. For openings in existing process building exterior walls.
C. Contractor shall field verifY with Owner and Engineer the proposed locations of openings in
existing process building walls.
A. Hazardous Areas: Areas shown in the Contract Documents as having Class I or Class II area
B. Washdown Areas: Areas having floor drains or hose bibs.
A. Shop Drawings:
1. See Specification Section 01340 for requirements for the mechanics and administration of
the submittal process.
2. For each structure provide dimensioned or scaled (minimum 1/8 inch ~ I foot) plan view
drawings containing the following infonnation:
a. Vertical and horizontal location of all required openings and penetrations.
b. Size of all openings and penetrations.
c. Opening type.
d. Seal type.
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3. Manufacturer's installation instructions for standard manufactured products.
A. Contractor shall field verilY site conditions as required for the Work of this Contract. Contractor
shall receive Owner approval prior to conducting any invasive or destructive testing deemed
required to veri1)! project site conditions. Any testing perfonned by Contractor to verify project
site conditions shall be at Contractor's expense. Not performing tests to detennine water table
elevation at project site does not relieve Contractor of costs for any dewatering required to
complete the Work of this Contract.
A. Pipe Sleeves: Steel. ASTM A53, Schedule 40, black.
B. Pipe Sleeves Penetrating into Corrosive Areas: Stainless steel, 1/4 inch minimum thickness.
C. Backing Rod and Sealant: See Specification Section 07900.
D. Modular Mechanical Seals:
1. Acceptable manufacturers:
a. Link-Seal.
2. 316 stainless steel bolts, nuts and washers.
E. Sheet Metal Sleeves: Steel. ASTM A36, I 0 GA
A. Perform electrical penetrations in accordance with NFPA 70, Article SOL
B. Install sleeves in accordance with ACI 318, Chapter #6.
C Hot dip galvanize in accordance with Specification Section 05505 (or paint in accordance with
Specification Section 09905) all steel sleeves installed.
D. When mechanical or electrical work cannot be installed as structure is being erected. provide and
arrange for building-in of boxes. sleeves. insets, fixtures or devices necessary to pennit
installation later.
1. Layout chases, holes or other openings which must be provided in masonry, concrete or
other work.
E. Where pipes, conduits or ducts pass through floors in washdown areas, install sleeves with top
3 IN above finish floors.
1. In non-wash down areas, install sleeves with ends flush with finished surfaces.
F. Size sleeves, blockouts and cutouts which will receive sealant seal such that free area to receive
sealant is minimized and seal integrity may' he obtained.
G. For insulated piping and ducts, size sleeves, blockouts and cutouts large enough to accommodate
full thickness of insulation.
H. Do not cut into or core drill any beams, joists, or columns.
I. Do not install sleeves in beams, joists. or columns.
1. Do not install recesses in beams, joists. columns. or slabs.
K. Field Cutting and Coring:
]. Saw or core drill with non-impact type equipment.
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2. Mark opening and drill small 3/4 inch or less holes through structure following opening
3. Sawcut opening outline on both surfaces.
a. Knock out within sawcuts using impact type equipment.
b. Do not chip or spall face of surface to remain intact.
c. Do not allow any overcut with saw kerf
L. Precast-Prestressed Concrete Construction:
I. Do not cut openings nor core drill vertically or horizontally through stems of members.
2. Do not locate or install sleeves or recess sleeves vertically or horizontally through or in
stems of members.
3. Cast openings and sleeves into flanges of units.
4. Cast openings larger than 6 inches in diameter or 6 inches maximum dimension in units at
time of manufacture.
5. Cast openings smaller than 6 inches in diameter or 6 inches maximum dimensions in flanges
of units at time of manufacture or field cut.
M. Where alterations are necessary or where new and old work join, restore adjacent surfaces to
their condition existing prior to start of work.
N. Provide waterstop plate/anchor flange for piping, ducts, and sleeves cast-in-place in concrete.
I. For fabricated units, weld plate to sleeve, pipe, or ductwork.
2. Plate is to be same thickness as sleeve, pipe, or ductwork.
3. For fabricated units, diameter of plate or flange to be 4 inches larger than outside diameter
of sleeve, pipe or ductwork.
4. Provide continuous around entire circumference of sleeve, pipe, or ductwork.
O. Where area is blocked out to receive sheet metal sleeve at later date:
I. Ifblockout size is sufficient to allow placement, utilize dowels for interface of initially
placed concrete and sleeve encasement concrete which is placed later.
a. Size blackout based on sleeve size required plus 4 to 6 inches each side of sleeve for
concrete encasement.
b. Provide #4 dowels at 12 inch spacing along each side of block out with minimum of
two (2) dowels required per side.
2. Ifblockout size is not sufficient to allow placement of dowels, provide keyway along all
sides of block out.
a. Size blockout based on sleeve size required plus 2 to 4 inches each side of sleeve for
concrete encasement.
P. For interior wall applications where backer rod and sealant are specified, provide backer rod and
sealant at each side of wall.
Q. Use full depth expanding foam sealant for seal applications into hazardous areas and
applications where multiple pipes, conduits, etc. pass through single sleeve.
I. Use full depth compressible sealant for applications involving single components passing
through sleeves and for penetrations into non hazardous area.
R. Do not make duct or conduit penetrations below high water levels when entering or leaving
tankage, wet wells, or other water holding structures.
S. Modular Mechanical Seals:
I. Utilize one (I) seal for concrete thickness less than 8 inches and two (2) seals for concrete 8
inches thick or greater.
2. Utilize two (2) seals for piping 16 inches diameter and larger if concrete thickness permits.
3. Install seals such that bolt heads are located on the most accessible side of the penetration.
T. Backer Rod and Sealant:
L Install in accordance with Specification Section 07900.
2. Provide backer rod and sealant for modular mechanical seal applications.
a. Apply on top side of slab penetrations and on interior, dry side wall penetrations.
Collier County, Florida
NCR WTP Degasifier & Odor Control Expansion
01800 - ]
" , --..---.
- - -----'"--_.._-------~----~~---._---._--- - "'~'-'---'~
100 '_
A. General Schedule of Penetrations through Floors, Roofs, Foundation Base Slabs, Foundation
Walls, Foundation Footings, Partitions and Walls for Ductwork, Piping, and Conduit:
I. Provide the following opening and penetration types:
a. Type A - Block out2 inches larger than outside dimensions of duct, pipe, or conduits.
b. Type B - Saw cut or line-drill opening. Place new concrete with integrally cast sheet
metal or pipe sleeve.
c. Type C - Fabricated sheet metal sleeve or pipe sleeve cast-in-place. Provide pipe
sleeve with water ring for wet and/or washdown areas.
d. Type D - Commercial type casting or fabrication.
e. Type E - Saw cut or line-drill opening. Place new concrete with integrally cast pipe,
duct or conduit spools.
f. Type F - Integrally cast pipe, duct or conduit.
g. Type G - Saw cut or line-drill and remove area I inch larger than outside dimensions of
duct, pipe or conduit.
h. Type H ' Core drill.
i. Type I - Block out area. At later date, place new concrete with integrally cast sheet
metal or pipe sleeve.
2. Provide seals of material and method described as follows.
a. Category I - Modular Mechanical Seal.
b. Category 2 - Roof curb and flashing according to SMACNA specifications unless
otherwise noted on Drawings. Refer to Specification Section 07600 and roofing
Specification Sections for additional requirements.
c. Category 3 - 17 GA sheet metal drip sleeve set in bed of silicon sealant with backing
rod and sealant used in sleeve annuli us.
d. Category 4 - Backer rod and sealant.
e. Category 5 - Full depth compressible sealant with escutcheons on both sides of
f. Category 6 - Full depth compressible sealant and flanges on both sides of opening.
Flanges constructed of same material as duct. fastened to duct and minimum 1/2 inch
larger than opening.
g. Category 7 - Full depth compressible sealant and finish sealant or full depth expanding
foam sealant depending on application.
3. Furnish openings and sealing materials through new floors, roofs. partitions and walls in
accordance with Schedule A. Openings and Penetrations for New Construction.
4. Furnish openings and sealing materials through existing floors. roofs. partitions and walls in
accordance with Schedule B. Openings and Penetrations for Existing Construction.
Collier COllnty. Florida
NCRWTI' Dcgasificr & Odor Control Expansion
Through floors with C 7 D Not Req C 7
bottom side a F Not Req F Not Req F Not Req
hazardous location I 7 1(1) 7
Through floors on C 4 C 7 C 4
grade above water F Not Req F Not Req F Not Req
table I 4 1(1) 7 1") 7
Through slab on F Not Req F Not Req F Not Req
grade below water
Through floors in C 4 C 4 F Not Req
washdown areas I 4 H(2l 3 H(2l 3
1(1) 4 1(1) 7
Through walls where C 7 D Not Req C 7
one side is a F Not Req F Not Req F Not Req
hazardous area I 7 1") 7
Through exterior wall C 7 C I F Not Req
below grade above F Not Req D Not Req 1(1) 7
water table I 7 F Not Req
I ,I) I
Through wall from C 7 C I C 7
tankage or wet well F Not Req D Not Req F Not Req
(above high water I 7 F Not Req H(2) 7
level) to dry well or H (2) I l(J) 7
dry area
Through wall from F Not Req F Not Req F Not Req
tankage or wet well
(below high water
level) to dry well or
dry area
Through exterior wall A 6 A 5 C 5
above grade B 6 B 5 H(2) 4
C 6 D Not Req
H(2) 5
Roof penetrations A 2 A 2 A 2
Through interior A 4 A 4 A 4
walls and slabs not C 4 C 4 C 4
covered by the above F Not Req
Collier County, Florida
NCR\VTP Degasifier & Odor Control Expansion
01800 - 5
-'-"- --"-~------'~--"'-' ,
100 ~
Through floors with B 7 B'" 7 Bill 7
bottom side a E Not Req Em Not Req EI" Not Req
hazardous location H(l) 7 Hill 7
Through floors on B 7 B 7 B 7
grade above water
Through slab on E Not Req E Not Req E Not Req
grade below water
Through floors in G 3 G 3 G 3
wash down areas Hen 3 Hm 3
Through walls where B 7 B(I) 7 S(!)ll} 7
one side is a E Not Req B Dj I E Not Req
hazardous area E Not Req H,l} 7
Hll) 7
Through exterior wall B 7 B(I) 7 8 (1}(3j 7
below grade above B 1-'1 I H(l) 7
water table Hll) 7
Through wall from B 7 B I B (1)0) 7
tankage or wet well E Not Req E Not Req E Not Req
(above high water H (~( I H(l) 7
level) to dry well or
dry area
Through wall from E Not Req E Not Req E Not Req
tankage or wet well
(below high water
level) to dry well or
dry area
Through exterior wall G 6 G(I)(3) 5 G")(" 5
above grade HI" 5 Hl2l 7
Roof penetrations G 2 G11l(.1) 2 G 7
Through interior G 4 Gll)O) 4 G(I)(3) 4
walls and slabs not H(2) 4 Hm 4
covered by the above
(I) Multiple piping 3 inches and smaller or multiple conduits.
(2) Single pipe 3 inches and smaller or single conduit.
(3) Single pipe or conduit larger than 3 inches.
Coli ier County. Florida
NCR \A'TP Dcgasificr & Odor Control Expansion
01800 - 6
100 1
A. Section Includes:
I. All Work necessary for demolition, relocation, replacement, cutting and patching of existing
construction where shown on Drawings, or as required to accommodate new work shown or
specified, except for Work covered under Section 02075.
B. Related Sections include but are not necessarily limited to:
I. Division 0 - Bidding Requirements, Contract Forms, and Conditions of the Contract.
2. Division I - General Requirements and Connections to Existing Systems
3. Section 02075 - Demolition & Construction of Odor Control & Degasifier Systems
4. Section 03348 - Concrete Finishing and Repair of Surface Defects.
5. Section 09905 - Painting and Protective Coatings.
A. Shop Drawings:
I. See Section 01340 for requirements for the mechanics and administration of the submittal
2. Indicating manufacturer and type of:
a. Proposed nonshrink grout.
b. Epoxy bonding adhesive.
c. Proposed materials and methods to be used for matching and repairing existing
A. General:
I. Owner has first right of refusal for any item scheduled for demolition.
2. Salvage items selected by Owner as a functional unit.
a. Clean, list and tag for storage.
b. Protect from damage and deliver to location designated.
c. Salvage each item with auxiliary or associated equipment required for operation.
A. Perform preliminary investigations as required to ascertain extent of work.
A. Coordinate and reschedule work as required to preclude interference with other operations.
A. Subject to compliance with the Contract Documents, the following products and manufacturers
are acceptable:
1. Nonshrink grout:
a. Supreme Grout by Gifford Hill.
b. Masterflow 713 Plus by BASF Building Systems.
c. Sika Grout 212 by Sika.
7 ~""''';~ (1P-:f
Collier County, Florida
NCRWTP Degasifier & Odor Control Expansion
02072 - 1
_ vd___ __~~_._ ~
2. Epoxy bonding adhesive:
a. Euco No.452 MV by Euclid Chemical Co.
b. Sikadur 32, Hi-Mod by Sika Corporation.
B. Submit request for substitution in accordance with Specification Section 01640.
A. Nonshrink Grout:
1. Nonmetallic, noncorrosive and nonstaining.
2. Premixed with only water to be added in accordance with manufacturer's instructions at
3. Grout to produce a positive but controlled expansion. Mass expansion not to be created by
gas liberation or by other means.
4. Minimum compressive strength at "8 days to be 6500 psi.
5. Coat exposed edges of grout with a cure/seal compound recommended by grout
B. Epoxy Bonding Adhesive:
1. Two component, moisture insensitive adhesive manufactured for the purpose of bonding
fresh concrete to hardened concrete.
C. The use of explosives will not be permitted.
A. Provide covered passageways where necessary to ensure safe passage of persons in or near areas
of work.
B. Provide substantial barricades and safety lights as required.
C. Provide temporary dustproofpartitions where indicated or necessary.
I. Prevent infiltration of dust into occupied areas.
D. Provide temporary weather protection as necessary.
E. Site Inspection: Visit the site and inspect all existing structures. Observe and record any defects
that may exist in buildings or structures adjacent to but not directly affected by the demolition
work. Project Owner or designee with a copy of this inspection record and obtain the Engineer"s
and Owner's approval prior to commencing with the demolition.
F. Undertake no demolition work until all mechanical and electrical services affected by the work
have been properly disconnected. Cap. reroute. or reconnect interconnecting piping or electrical
services that are to remain in service either permanently or temporarily in a manner that will not
interfere with the operation of the remaining facilities.
G. Hazards: Perform testing and air purging where the presence of hazardous chemicals, gases,
flammable materials or other dangerous substances are apparent or suspected, and eliminate the
hazard before demolition is started.
H. Provide safe access to and t:gn:ss from all working areas at all times with adequate protection
from falling material.
1. Close areas below demolition work to anyone \vhile removal is in progress.
J. Protection: Provide adequate scaffolding. shoring, bracing railings, toe boards, and protective
covering during demolition to protect personnel and equipment against injury or damage.
A. Carry out demolition so that adjacent structures, which are to remain. are not endangered.
Collier COllllty. FlOrida
NCR v...TP Dcgasificr & Odor Control E.\:pansion
02072 -:2
r .
B. Cutting and Removal:
1. Remove existing work indicated to be removed, or as necessary for installation of new
2. Neatly cut and remove materials, and prepare all openings to receive new work.
3. Remove masonry or concrete in small sections.
C. Modification of Existing Concrete:
1. Where indicated, remove existing concrete and finish remaining surfaces as specified in
Section 03348.
a. Protect remaining concrete from damage.
b. Make openings by sawing through the existing concrete.
c. Concrete may be broken out after initial saw cuts in the event concrete thickness
prevents cutting through.
d. Where sawing is not possible, make openings by drilling holes around perimeter of
opening and then chipping out the concrete.
I) Holes shall be sufficient in number to prevent damage to remaining concrete.
2. Oversize required openings in existing concrete 1 IN on all sides and huild back to required
opening size by means of non shrink grout epoxy bonded to the existing concrete.
3. Where oversized openings cannot be made, remove the concrete to the required opening
size and cut back exposed reinforcing I IN from face of concrete and fill resulting holes
with nonshrink grout.
D. Removal of Existing Anchor Bolts or Other Protruding Elements:
1. Removal within a distance of 8 FT above finished floor or operating level elevation.
2. Removed to a depth of 1/2 IN from finished surface.
3. Fill void with non-shrink grout
E. Matching and Patching:
I. Walls, ceilings, floors or partitions:
a. Repair abutting walls, ceilings, floors or partitions disturbed by removal.
b. Match and patch existing construction disturbed during installation of new work.
2. Methods and materials:
a. Similar in appearance, and equal in quality to adjacent areas for areas or surfaces being
b. Subject to review by Engineer.
F. Salvaged Items:
I. Thoroughly dry and clean all metal surfaces.
2. Prime all bare metal in accordance with Section 09905.
3. Clean and lubricate motors and other moving parts.
4. Brace motors attached to flexible mountings until reinstallation.
5. Dispose of items or materials not designated for Owner's salvage or reuse. Promptly remove
from site.
6. Do not store or sell Contractor salvaged items or materials on site.
G. Clean Up:
I. Do not allow debris to accumulate in piles. Remove all debris from the structures during
2. Take title to all demolished materials, not marked for salvage, and legally transport and
dispose of debris off site.
7"-':;'. 14
Collier County, Florida
NCR WTP Degasifier & Odor Control Expansion
02072 - J
100 '~
A. Section Includes:
I. All Work necessaI)' for demolition. relocation, replacement, cutting and patching of existing
construction where illustrated on Drawings, or as required to accommodate new work
illustrated or specified, with respect to Work associated with demolition and construction of
degasifier and chemical scrubber systems.
B. Related Sections include but are not necessarily limited to:
1. Division 0 - Bidding Requirements, Contract Forms. and Conditions of the Contract.
2. Division 1 - General Requirements and Connections to Existing Systems
3. Section 02072 - Demolition, Cutting And Patching
4. Section 03348 - Concrete Finishing and Repair of Surface Defects.
5. Section 09905 - Painting and Protective Coatings.
A. Shop Drawings:
I. See Section 01340 for requirements for the mechanics and administration of the submittal
B. Schedules:
1. Detailed schedule and sequence for demolition of existing degasifier system in conjunction
with installation or new degasifier system including installation of new chemical scrubber,
blower sound enclosure and blowers, and associated relocation of existing gaseous chlorine
2. All NCRWTP shutdowns to be requested to perform the Work shall be clearly identified in
the submitted schedule and sequence of demolition and construction.
C. Proposed method for protecting during demolition and construction the chemical feed pipelines
and trenches that are throughout the area of Work.
D. Proposed method for temporarily' relocating chemical feed pipelines and trench in area of new
blower sound enclosure, as illustrated on the Drawings, including method for temporary
chemical spill/leak containment.
A. General:
1. Owner has first right of refusal for any item scheduled for demolition.
2. Salvage items selected by Owner as a functional unit.
a. Clean. list and tag for storage.
b. Protect from damage and deliver to location designated.
c. Salvage each item with auxiliary or associated equipment required for operation.
A. Perform preliminary investigations as required to ascertain extent of work.
A. Coordinate and reschedule work as required to preclude interference with other operations.
CollIer COllll1Y. Florida
NCRWTP Degasificr & Odor Control Expansion
02075 - I
B. Sequence for demolition and construction of odor control chemical scrubbers and degasifier
systems as shall be as specified herein and on the Drawings. To reduce length ofNCR WTP
shutdowns, select portions ofthe sequence may be performed concurrently.
C. See Drawings for additional detail.
D. Suggested sequence the work of demolition and construction of odor control chemical scrubbers
and degasifier systems as follows.
Temporary remove items identified on Drawings as required to construct new chemical
scrubber Train 4 (I 3-0C-04A/B), including, but not limited to, plant light, bolIards,
existing chemical scrubber tie downs.
Relocate product water and sanitary sewer lines as required to construct new chemical
scrubber Train 4.
Construct concrete equipment base and chemical feed trench for new chemical scrubber
Train 4.
Construct new concrete equipment base, duct, electrical and instrumentation for relocation
of existing gaseous chlorine scrubber to extents allowing minimal time for relocation.
Relocate gaseous chlorine scrubber, connect to new duct. electrical and instrumentation,
test, and return to service.
Demolish the chlorine scrubber duct, duct supports, and concrete slabs to be removed from
Temporarily relocate, with temporary leak protection (i.e. containment), existing chemical
feed lines as required to construct new blower sound enclosure.
Relocate electrical equipment, chlorine room vents, exterior light, chlorine room alann and
appurtenances, and other items identified on the Drawings on exterior of north wall as
required to construct new blower sound enclosure.
Temporarily relocate existing chlorine solution panel and feed lines (maintain service to
northern portion of transfer station wet well during relocation).
Temporarily relocate existing instrumentation and electrical equipment from railing on
south side of degasifiers.
Relocate ladder from degasifier deck to transfer station roof.
Demolish existing air filter structure, duct work and duct supports, to each existing blower.
m. Construct new blower sound enclosure, including installation of louvers, new blowers (13-
B-OI, -02, -03, -04), duct work, electrical, instrumentation, and appurtenances as required
for operation.
Construct new 36 inch diameter duct from new blower 13-CB-04 to location along west
wall of transfer pump station that will allow construction of temporary duct from new 36
inch duct to each of the existing north degasifiers 13-DG-03 and 13-DG-04.
Install temporary 24 inch diameter duct from new blower 13-CB-03 to new 36 inch
diameter duct from new blower 13-CB-04. Construct temporary duct from blower 13-CB-
03 to 13-CB-04 to allow for construction of 36 inch diameter duct from new blower 13-CB-
01, which is between new blowers 13-CB-03 to I3-CB-04.
Install temporary 10 inch diameter duct from existing 10 inch diameter duct from
concentrate pump station wet well to the existing 36 inch duct between existing NW
degasifier I3-DG-03 and chemical scruhber train 2 (14-0C-07A) such that flows from the
10 inch duct may travel through the existing duct manifold to the existing chemical
scrubber train 3 (14-0C-03) when train 2 (14-0C -02) is taken out of service. Construct
temporary 10 inch diameter duct to allow for construction of new 54 inch diameter north-
south duct
NCRWTP full shutdown to isolate southern portion of transfer station wet well.
For NCR WTP partial startup, bring only existing southern degasifiers (13-DG-0 I and 13-
DG-02) and associated blowers back online.
Demolish existing blowers to existing north degasifiers 13-DG-03 and 13-DG-04 and
associated reinforced concrete equipment bases.
Collier County, Florida
NCR WTP Degasifier & Odor Control Expansion
02075 - 2
. .
t. Construct temporary duct from new 36 inch diameter duct from new blower 13-CB-04 as
required to bring existing north degasifiers 13-00-03 and 13-00-04 back into service
using new blower 13-CB-04 and temporarily redirected new blower 13-CB-03. Confirm
operation of existing northern degasifiers and new blower setup prior to continued
preparation for demolition of southern degasitiers.
u. NCRWTP full shutdown to isolate northern portion of transfer station wet well.
v. Take existing chemical scrubber Train I (13-0C-0 I A/B) out of service. Cut and temporary
seal existing duct to 13-0C-01A.
w. Cut and seal existing 48 inch diameter duct between degasifier 13-00-00 (SW) and 13-
00-03 (NW).
x. Cut and seal existing 24 inch diameter duct between chemical scrubber 14-0C-01 (S) and
10 inch diameter duct connection from concentrate pump station wet well.
y. For NCRWTP partial startup, bring north side of transfer station wet well (existing
degasifiers 13-00-03 and 13-DO-04, and new blowers 13-C8-03 and I3-CB-04) into
z. Oemolish existing degasifiers 13-00-01 and 13-00-02 (SE and SW degasiflers),
respective blowers (SE and SW blowers). and associated reinforced concrete equipment
bases. Demolish associated piping. duct, and permeate lines to the extents required. Fill
existing cores to be abandoned.
aa. Construct fi-aming and install nc\\' degasifiers 13-DG-O I and 13-DG-(P. including coring
and piping as required.
bb. Complete construction of new 36 inch diameter ducts from hlowers 13-CB-01 and 13-CB-
02 to new degasifiers 13-00-0 I and 13-00-02. Construct new permeate piping from
existing permeate lines to ne\\' degasitiers 13-DG-O I and 13-DG-O').
cc. Interim temporary relocate existing chlorine solution panel and feed lines ifrequired.
dd. Install temporary and final. to the extents practicable, chlorine solution feed lines to new
degasifiers 13-00-0 I and 13-00-02 down pipes.
ee. Complete electrical and instrumentation equipment installation as required to bring new
degasifiers 13-00-0 I and 13-DO-02 into service.
ff. NCR WTP full shutdown.
gg. Cut and seal the existing 36 inch duct between existing NW degasitier 13-0G-03 and
chemical scrubber train ') (14-0C-02A) such that flows from the temporary 10 inch duct
concentrate pump station \vet well may travel through the existing duct manifold to the
existing chemical scruhber train 3 (14-0C-03) when train 2 (14-0C-02) is taken out of
hh. Bring only existing NW degasifier 13-DO-03 and chemical scrubber train 3 (14-0C-03)
back online.
ii. Take existing chemical scrubber Train 2 (IJ-OC -02A/B) out of service and temporal)' seal
piping to 13-0C-07 A as required to demolish existing 24 inch diameter north-south duct.
jj. Demolish existing 74 inch diameter north-south duct and construct new 54 inch diameter
north-south duct from southem terminus to proposed location ofncw' blast gate 13-BO-01,
but not including blast gate. Temporarily blind flange/seal 54 inch diameter duct to the
north of the proposed connection with chemical scrubber train 2 (14-0C-02). Construct
temporary support for ne\\' 54 inch duct nt~ar chemical scrubber train 2, ifrequired.
kk. Construct new connections from the 54 inch diameter duct to existing chemical scrubber
trains I and 2.
II. Construct new 36 inch diameter ducts from degasifiers 13-00-0 I and 13-00-02 to new 54
inch diameter duct.
mm. Disinfect, test. and bring into service new degasifiers 13-DG-0 I and 13-DG-02 and new
blowers 13-CB-0 I and 13-CB-02.
nn. Construct new connection between existing] 0 inch diameter duct from the concentrate
pump station wet well and the new 54 inch diameter duct.
00. Depending on system demands at this point in the schedule, Owner may require NCRWTP
full shutdown to remove isolation and operate NCR WTP at 3/4 capacity.
Collier County. Flonda
NCRWTP Degasifier & Odor Control Expansion
()~()75. 3
1 on~_
pp. If Owner requires ';' capacity NCRWTP operation at this time in the sequence, construct
new chemical scrubber Train 4, piping, electrical, instrumentation, and appurtenances as
required for operation, except for chemical feed systems. Oepending on Contractor's
schedule, construction of new chemical scrubber train 4 may be completed at another time
(e.g. earlier) in the sequence.
qq. NCRWTP full shutdown to isolate northern portion of transfer station wet well.
IT. For NCRWTP partial startup, bring south side of transfer station wet well (new degasifiers
13-00-01 and 13-00-02 and new blowers 13-CB-01 and 13-CB-02) into service, including
new 10 inch diameter duct connection from concentrate pump station wet well.
ss. Take chemical scrubber Train 3 (14-0C-03A/B) out of service. Cut and temporary seal
piping to 13-0C-03A as required.
tt. Oemolish northern degasifiers 13-00-03 and 13-00-04 and ducts to chemical scrubber
Train 3 (14-0C-03A).
uu. Oemolish select portions of degasifier north wall to the extent necessary to install new
degasifier platform.
vv. Construct framing and install new degasifiers 13-00-03 and 13-00-04.
ww. Permanently install existing chlorine solution panel and feed lines to all four new
xx. Construct new 36 inch diameter ducts from blowers 13-B-03 and 13-B-04 to new
degasifiers 13-00-03 and 13-00-04.
yy. Construct new pipe connection from existing penneate lines to new de~.3ifiers.
zz. Complete construction of new 54 inch diameter duct, including support structure, up to, but
not including connection to previously constructed section. Seal northern section of 54 inch
diameter duct to allow testing prior to connection to southern section. This construction
may require temporary relocation and containment of existing chemical feed lines to
chemical scrubber train 3.
aaa. Construct new 36 inch diameter duct from new degasifiers 13-00-03 and 13-00-04 to new
54 inch diameter duct.
bbb.Construct new 36 inch duct from existing chemical scrubber Train 3 to new 54 inch
diameter duct.
ccc. Construct connection between new 54 inch diameter duct and new chemical scrubber train
4 (13-0C-04).
ddd.Complete electrical and instrumentation equipment installation as required to bring new
degasifiers 13-00-03 and 13-00-04 into service.
eee. Install new chemical feed pumps and chemical feed pipelines.
ftf. Test and bring into service new chemical scrubber train 4.
ggg.Oisinfect, test, and bring into service new degasifiers 13-00-03 and 13-00-04 and new
blowers 13-CB-03 and 13-CB-04.
hhh.Although odor control system will be split, depending on system demands, Owner may
require operation offull NCRWTP with this setup.
iii. NCRWTP full shutdown.
jjj. Install new blast gate 13-BO-0 I and complete construction of new 54 inch diameter duct to
connect the two previously constructed sections, including construction of final secondary
connection from existing 10 inch diameter duct from concentrate pump station wet well to
the new 54 inch diameter duct on the north side of the new blast gate 13-BO-01.
kkk.Relocate chemical feed lines into new trench in new blower sound enclosure, test, and bring
into service; and, remove and properly dispose of temporary leak protection measures.
III. Bring NCR WTP into full service.
E. Prior to bringing new odor control chemical scrubbers on line, the specified existing sodium
hydroxide and sodium hypochlorite chemical feed pumps shall be relocated and the new sodium
hydroxide and sodium hypochlorite chemical feed pumps and associated piping and
appurtenances shall be installed and operational to deliver chemical to specified locations.
7_~-:'5Z.()(14 Collier County, Florida
NCR WTP Degasifier & Odor Control Expansion
02075 - 4
-- ..---~~-~"_.-.~.--
F. Contractor shall not assume that all steps required to perform the work of demolition and
construction of chemical scrubbers and degasifier systems is included in the sequence listed
above. Additional steps, including shutdowns, not listed, may be required. The above sequence
is provided as guidance.
G. Contractor may propose modification to sequence of Work and shall clearly identifY any
proposed modification.
H. Proposed sequence of demolition and construction of chemical scrubbers and degasifier systems
shall minimize number and lengths of shutdowns to the extent feasible.
L The Work of demolition and construction of degasifier and chemical scrubbers systems will
require the temporary use of blind flanges, piping, ducting, and other appurtenances that will not
become part of the final Work. Contractor shall be responsible for providing and installing
temporary blind flanges, piping, dueting, and other appurtenances as required to perform the
Work of this Contract at no additional cost to the Owner. Items not part of final Work are
marked for salvage by Contractor.
A. See Section 02070.
B. Submit request for substitution in accordance with Specification Section 01640.
A. See Section 02072.
B. The use of explosives will not be permitted.
C. To complete the demolition and construction specified herein, temporary blind flanges, piping,
and other appurtenances may be required. Contractor shall supply temporary blind flanges,
piping, and other appurtenances as required to perform the Work of this Contract at no
additional cost to the Owner. Temporary blind flanges, piping, and appurtenances that will not
become part of the final Work may remain the property of the Contractor.
A. See Section 02072.
B. See Section 01045 for scheduling shutdowns.
A. See Section 02072.
B. Carry out per Engineer approved sequence.
C. Owner shall have ability to access all parts of the water treatment plant in order to maintain
water production as defined in these contract documents.
D. Carry out demolition so that adjacent structures, which are to remain, are not endangered.
I. Including, but not limited to. protection of existing blowers until they are taken out of
service. Contractor shall protect air inlet structures and screens. Contractor shall keep
blower screens free of debris. Contractor shall not inhibit airflow to existing blowers while
they remain in use.
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Collier County, Florida
NCR WTP Dcgasirier & Odor Control Expansion
02075 - 5
E. Carry out demolition and construction of odor control chemical scrubbers and degasifier systems
as illustrated on the Drawings.
F. Relocation of Existing Sodium Hydroxide and Sodium Hypochlorite Chemical Feed Systems
I. Modification to existing chemical feed systems, which includes relocation of existing
pumps, requires coordination with Owner for shut-down of associated existing odor control
chemical scrubbers.
G. Relocation of Existing Gaseous Chlorine Scrubber
I. Existing gaseous chlorine scrubber shall not be off-line for more than 96 consecutive hours
or four (4) consecutive days.
2. Gaseous chlorine scrubber shall not be off-line during weekend days (e.g. Saturdays or
Sundays) or holidays.
3. Relocation requires relocation of associated electrical equipment. Relocation of electrical
equipment requires addition to existing systems to new location.
4. Shut-down of existing gaseous chlorine scrubber requires coordination with Owner at no
additional cost to the Owner.
S. Coordination with Owner may require meeting(s) with Owner. Contractor is responsible for
coordinating meeting(s) and scheduling attendance of appropriate personnel.
6. Provide notice to Owner at least two (2) weeks prior to the proposed shutdown of existing
gaseous chlorine scrubber, including date, time, and anticipated length of interruption of
service. Reconfirm schedule with Owner at intervals of one (I) week, 48 hours, and 24
hours prior to the proposed shutdown.
7. No shutdown of existing gaseous chlorine scrubber shall commence prior to Owner or
designee approval of the shutdown plan and schedule.
H. Temporary relocation of chemical feed lines and trench
1. Chemical feed lines and trench in the area of new blower sound enclosure, as illustrated in
the Drawings, shall be relocated temporarily to allow for construction of new blower sound
a. Chemical feed lines to be relocated are defined on the Drawings.
b. Any chemical feed lines to be cut and capped will be identified by Owner in field.
2. Following construction of new blower sound enclosure, chemical feed lines shall be
relocated to new trench within floor of new blower enclosure.
3. Engineer/Owner approved method for chemical spill/leak containment must be in place at
all times during temporary relocation of chemical feed lines.
4. Contractor shall be responsible for all costs associated with any cleanup ofleaklspill
required as a result ofContractor"s negligence.
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NCR WTP Degasifier & Odor Control Expansion
_ '-.""---"- ,-
laD '"
A. Section Includes:
1. Site clearing, tree protection, stripping topsoil and demolition.
B. Related Sections include but are not necessarily limited to:
1. Division 0 - Bidding Requirements, Contract Forms, and Conditions of the Contract.
2. Division 1 - General Requirements.
3. Section 02200 - Earthwork.
4. Section 02276 - Temporary erosion and sedimentation control for construction activities less
than one acre. including construction requiring dewatering
A. Vegetation adjacent to proposed Contractor storage or field office facilities shall he protected
during the Work of this Contract.
B. Protect existing trees and other vegetation against damage.
1. Do not smother trees by stockpiling construction materials or excavated materials within
drip line.
2. Avoid foot or vehicular traffic or parking of vehicles within drip line.
3. Provide temporary protection as required.
C. Repair or replace trees and vegetation damaged by construction operations.
I. Repair to be performed by a qualified tree surgeon.
2. Remove trees which cannot be repaired and restored to full-growth status.
3. Replace with nevv trees of minimum 4 IN caliper.
D. Prior to site clearing, locate and mark all existing utilities in coordination with the Owner.
Protect all existing utilities and markings from damage.
E. The Work ofthis Contract is within non-vegetated areas. No vegetation or topsoil is anticipated
for removal for the Work of this Contract.
A. Gravel Removal:
I. Strip gravel to depths encountered.
a. Separate from underlying subsoi I or objectionable material.
2. Stockpile gravel where directed by Engineer.
3. Borrow gravel: Reasonably free of subsoil, weeds, and roots.
B. Protect Utilities:
1. In case of damage to existing utilities caused by construction activities, contact the owner of
the utility or appropriate Owner department (Water or Wastewater) immediately. Repair any
damage to existing utilities or markings caused by construction activities in coordination
with or as directed by the owner of the utility.
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('oilier Count\'. Florida
NCR\\'TP Degasifier & Odor Control Expansion
02110 - I
laD 1''1
C. Disposal of Waste Materials:
1. Do not burn combustible materials on site.
2. Remove all waste materials from site.
3. Do not bury organic matter on site.
4. The cost of disposal (including hauling) of excess materials originating from site clearing
shall be considered a subsidiary obligation of the Contractor; include the cost in the bid for
the various classes of work.
A. Protect vegetation from damage caused by emissions from engine-powered equipment.
B. During working operations, protect the trunk, foliage and root system of all trees and shrubs that
may be impacted by the Work of this Contract with boards, as appropriate, or other guards
placed as shown and as required to prevent damage, injury and defacement.
I. Do not pile excavated materials within the drip line or adjacent to the trunk oftrees.
2. Do not allow runoff to accumulate around trunk of trees.
3. Do not fasten or attach ropes, cables, or guy wires to trees without permission. When such
permission is granted, protect the tree before making fastening or attachments by providing
burlap wrapping and softwood cleats.
C. Have any tree and shrub repair performed by a tree surgeon properly licensed by the State of
Florida and within 24 hours after damage occurred.
A. Upon completion of the site clearing, obtain Engineer's acceptance of the extent of clearing,
depth of stripping and rough grade.
Collier County, Florida
NCRWTP Dega~ifier & Odor Control Expansion
A. Section Includes:
1. Earthwork associated with construction and installation of new concrete bases/pads for new
and relocated existing equipment including, but not limited to, relocated gaseous chlorine
scrubber; new chemical scrubber; new clean-in-place pump for degasifiers; new degasifier
flush pump; and, new blower sound enclosure.
B. Related Sections include but are not necessarily limited to:
l. Division 0 - Bidding Requirements, Contract Forms, and Conditions of the Contract.
2. Division I - General Requirements.
3. Division 3 Structural Requirements.
A. Referenced Standards:
I. ASTM International (ASTM):
a. C33, Standard Specification for Concrete Aggregates.
b. D698, Standard Test Method for Laboratory Compaction Characteristics ofSoij Using
Standard Etfort (12.400 ft-Ibf/ft'l.
c. D 1557, Standard Test Method for Laboratory Compaction Characteristics of Soil Using
Modified Effort (56,000 ft-lbf/ft'(7,700 kN-m/m)).
d. D3786. Standard Test Method for Hydraulic Bursting Strength of Knitted Goods and
Nonwoven Fabrics: Diaphragm.
e. D4253, Standard Test Methods for Maximum Index Density and Unit Weight of Soils
Using a Vibratory Table.
f. D4254, Standard Test Methods for Minimum Index Density and Unit Weight of Soils
and Calculation of Relative Density.
g. D4632, Standard Test Method for Grab Breaking Load and Elongation ofGeotextiles.
A. Shop Drawings:
1. See Section 01340 for requirements for the mechanics and administration of the submittal
2. Product technical data including:
a. Acknowledgement that products submitted meet requirements of standards referenced.
b. Manufacturer's installation instructions.
3. Certifications.
4. Test reports:
a. Soils inspection and testing results.
B. Samples:
I. Submit samples and source offill and backtill materials proposed for use.
2. Submit samples and source of borrow materials proposed for use.
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Collier County, r10rida
NCRWTP [)l.:gasllll.:r & Odor Control Expansion
onoo - I
A. Select Fill and Backfill: Selected material approved by Soils Engineer from site excavation or
rrom off site borrow. Select fill shall meet the following:
1-1/2 INCH
B. Vapor Retarder:
I. ASTM E 1745, Class A, minimum 15 mil thickness.
2. Water vapor permeance: 0.03 maximum per ASTM E96.
3. Puncture resistance: ASTM 01709, Method B, 7200 grams.
4. Minimum tensile strength: 45 LBS/IN, ASTM 0882.
C. Vapor Retarder Tape: As recommended by vapor retarder manufacturer.
I. LAP 3 IN minimum.
A. Subject to compliance with the Contract Documents, the following manufacturers are
I. Vapor retarder:
a. Fortifiber Corporation.
b. Raven.
c. WR Meadows, Inc.
B. Submit request for substitution in accordance with Specification Section 01640.
A. Protect existing surface and subsurface features on-site and adjacent to site as follows:
I. Provide barricades, coverings, or other types of protection necessary to prevent damage to
existing items indicated to remain in place.
2. Protect and maintain bench marks, monuments or other established reference points and
property comers.
a. If disturbed or destroyed, replace at own expense to full satisfaction of Owner and
controlling agency.
3. Verity location of utilities.
a. Omission or inclusion of utility items does not constitute non-existence or definite
b. Secure and examine local utility records for location data.
c. Take necessary precautions to protect existing utilities from damage due to any
construction activity.
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Collier County, Florida
NCR WTP Degasifier & Odor Control Expansion
02200 - 2
, .t
d. Repair damages to utility items at own expense.
e. In case of damage, notify Engineer at once so required protective measures may be
4. Maintain free of damage. existing sidewalks. structures, and pavement, not indicated to be
a. Any item known or unknown or not properly located that is inadvertently damaged
shall be repaired to original condition.
b. All repairs to be made and paid for by Contractor.
5. Maintain stockpiles and excavations in such a manner to prevent inconvenience or damage
to structures on-site or on adjoining property.
6. A void surcharge or excavation procedures which can result in heaving, caving, or slides.
B. Salvageable Items: Carefully remove items to be salvaged. and store on Owner's premises
unless otherwise directed.
C. Dispose of waste materials, legally. off site.
1. Burning, as a means of waste disposal, is not permitted.
A. The work includes all operations in connection with excavation, borrow, construction of fills and
embankments, rough grading, and disposal of excess materials in connection with the preparation
of the site(s) for construction of the proposed facilities.
B. Excavation and Grading: Perform as required by the Contract Drawings.
I. Contract Drawings may indicate both existing grade and finished grade required for
construction of Project.
a. Stake all units, structures, piping, roads and establish their elevations.
b. Perfonn other layout work required.
2. Preparation of ground surface for embankments or fills:
a. Before till is started, scarify to a minimum depth of 6 IN in all proposed embankment
and fill areas.
3. Protection of finish grade:
a. During construction, shape and drain embankment and excavations.
b. Maintain ditches and drains to provide drainage at all times.
c. Protect graded areas against action of elements prior to acceptance of work.
d. Reestablish grade where settlement or erosion occurs.
C. Borrow:
I. Provide necessary amount of approved fill compacted to density equal to that indicated in
this Specification.
2. Include cost of all borrow material in original proposal.
3. Fill material to be approved by Soils Engineer prior to placement.
D. Construct fills as required by the Contract Drawings:
I. Construct fills at locations and to lines of grade indicated.
a. Completed till shall correspond to shape of typical cross section or contour indicated
regardless of method used to show shape, size, and extent of line and grade of
completed work.
2. Provide approved fill material which is free from roots, organic matter, trash, and stones
having maximum dimension greater than 6 IN.
a. Ensure that stones larger than 4 IN are not placed in upper 6 IN offill or embankment.
b. Do not place material in layers greater than 8 IN loose thickness.
c. Place layers horizontally and compact each layer prior to placing additional fill.
3. Compact by sheepsfoot, pneumatic rollers, vibrators, or by other equipment as required to
obtain specified density.
a. Control moisture for each layer necessary to meet requirements of compaction.
~^" '"
('\lllicr County. Florida
NCR ~TP Degasifier & Odor Control r:xpansion
02200 - 3
10D t1
A. Blasting with any type of explosive is prohibited.
A. Include in bid price the cost of inspection services indicated herein as being performed by the
Soils Engineer.
B. Moisture density relations, to be established by the Soils Engineer required for all materials to be
C. Extent of compaction testing will be as necessary to assure compliance with Specifications.
D. Give minimum of24 hour advance notice to Soils Engineer when ready for compaction or
subgrade testing and inspection.
E. Should any compaction density test or subgrade inspection fail to meet Specification
requirements, perform corrective work as necessary.
F. Pay for all costs associated with corrective work and retesting resulting from failing compaction
density tests.
A. Obtain approval /Tom Soils Engineer with regard to suitability of soils and acceptable subgrade
prior to subsequent operations.
B. Provide dewatering system necessary to successfully complete compaction and construction
C. Remove loose, wet, or soft material and replace with approved material as directed by Soils
D. Stabilize subgrade with well graded granular materials as directed by Soils Engineer.
E. Assure by results of testing that compaction densities comply with the following requirements:
I. Sitework:
Under Paved Areas. Sidewalks and Piping:
Cohesive soils
Cohesion less soils
100 percent per ASTM 0698
75 percent relative density per ASTM 04253
and ASTM 04254
Unpaved Areas:
Cohesive soils
Cohesion less soils
85 percent of ASTM 0698
60 percent relative density per ASTM 04253
and ASTM 04254
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Collier County, Florida
NCR WTP Degasifier & Odor Control Expansion
02200 - 4
100 "
2. Structures:
Inside of structures under foundations, under
equipment support pads. under slabs-on-
grade and scarified existing subgrade under
fill material
95 percent per ASTM 01557
Outside structures next to walls. piers.
columns and any other structure exterior
90 percent per ASTM 01557
3. Specific areas:
Outside structures under equipment support
95 percent per ASTM 01557
A. General:
1. In generaL work includes, but is 110t necessarily' limited to, excavation for structures,
removal of underground obstructions and undesirable material, backfilling, filling, and fill,
backfill, and subgrade compaction.
2. Obtain fill and backfill material necessary to produce grades required.
a. Materials and source to be approved by Soils Engineer.
b. Excavated material approved by Soils Engineer may also be used for fill and backfill.
3. In this Section of the Specifications, the word "foundations" includes footings, base slabs,
foundation walls, equipment support bases or pads, mat foundations. grade beams, piers and
any other support placed directly on soil.
4. In the paragraphs of this Section of the Specitications, the word "soil" also includes any
type afrack subgrade that may be present at or below existing subgrade levels.
B. Excavation Requirements for Structures:
L General:
a. Do not commence excavation for foundations for structures until Soils Engineer
1) The removal of topsoil and other unsuitable and undesirable material from existing
2) Density and moisture content of site area compacted fill material meets
requirements of specifications.
3) Site surcharge or mass till material can be removed from entire construction site or
portion thereof
4) Surcharge or mass till material has been removed ITom construction area or
portions thereof.
b. Engineer grants approval to begin excavations.
2. Dimensions:
a. Excavate to elevations and dimensions indicated on the Drawings or specified.
b. Allow additional space as required for construction operations and inspection of
3. Removal of obstructions and undesirable materials in excavation includes, but is not
necessarily limited to, removal of old foundations, existing construction, unsuitable
subgrade soils, expansive type soils, and any other materials which may be concealed
beneath present grade, as required to execute work indicated on Contract Drawings.
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NCR WTP Degasifier & Odor Control Expansion
02200 - 5
100 ,~
a. If undesirable material and obstructions are encountered during excavation, remove
material and replace as directed by Soils Engineer.
4. Level off bottoms of excavations to receive foundations, floor slabs, equipment support
pads, or compacted fill.
a. Remove loose materials and bring excavations into approved condition to receive
concrete or fill material.
b. Where compacted fill material must be placed to bring subgrade elevation up to
underside of construction, scarity existing subgrade upon which fill material is to be
placed to a depth of6 IN and then compact to density stated in this Specification
Section before fill material can be placed thereon.
c. Do not carry excavations lower than shown for foundations except as directed by Soils
Engineer or Engineer.
d. Ifany part of excavations is carried below required depth without authorization,
maintain excavation and start foundation from excavated level with concrete of same
strength as required for superimposed foundation, and no extra compensation will be
made to Contractor therefore.
5. Make excavations large enough for working space, forms, darnpproofing, waterproofing,
and inspection.
6. Notify Soils Engineer and Engineer as soon as excavation is completed in order that
sub grades may be inspected.
a. Do not commence further construction until subgrade under compacted fill material,
under foundations, under floor slabs-on-grade, under equipment support pads, and
under retaining wall footings has been inspected and approved by the Soils Engineer as
being free of undesirable material, being of compaction density required by this
specification, and being capable of supporting the allowable foundation design bearing
pressures and superimposed foundation, fill, and building loads to be placed thereon.
b. Soils Engineer shall be given the opportunity to inspect subgrade below fill material
both prior to and after subgrade compaction.
c. Place fill material, foundations, retaining wall footings, floor slabs-on-grade, and
equipment support pads as soon as weather conditions pel1l1it after excavation is
completed, inspected, and approved and after fOl1l1s and reinforcing are inspected and
d. Before concrete or fill material is placed, protect approved subgrade from becoming
loose, wet, or soft due to weather, construction operations, or other reasons.
7. Dewatering:
a. Where groundwater is or is expected to be encountered during excavation, install a
dewatering system to prevent softening and disturbance of subgrade below foundations
and fill material, to allow foundations and fill material to be placed in the dry, and to
maintain a stable excavation side slope.
b. Groundwater shall he maintained at least 3 FT below the bottom of any excavation.
c. Perform soils investigation before beginning excavation and determine where
groundwater is likely to be encountered during excavation.
d. Employ dewatering specialist for selecting and operating dewatering system.
e. Keep dewatering system in operation until dead load of structure exceeds possible
buoyant uplift force on structure.
f. Dispose of groundwater to an area which will not interfere with construction operations
or damage existing construction.
I) Install groundwater monitoring wells as necessary.
g. Shut off dewatering system at such a rate to prevent a quick upsurge of water that might
weaken the sub!,'fade.
8. Subgrade stabilization:
a. If subgrade under foundations, fill material, floor slabs-an-grade, or equipment support
pads is in a loose, wet, or soft condition before construction is placed thereon, remove
loose, wet, or soft material and replace with approved compacted material as directed
by Soils Engineer.
7;'7~~.()(}-.). Collier County, Florida
NCR WTP Degasifier & Odor Control Expansion
02200 - 6
laD '1~
b. Provide compaction density of replacement material as stated in this specification
c. Loose, wet. or soft materials, when approved by Soils Engineer, may be stabilized by a
compacted working mat ofv..,'ell graded crushed stone.
d. Compact stone mat thoroughly into subgrade to avoid future migration of fines into the
stone voids.
e. Method of stabilization shall be performed as directed by Soils Engineer.
f. Do not place further construction on the repaired subgrades, until the subgrades have
been approved by the Soi Is Engineer.
9. Do not place floor slabs-on-grade including equipment support pads until subgrade below
has been approved. piping has been tested and approved, reinforcement placement has been
approved, and Contractor receives approval to commence slab construction.
a. Do not place building floor slabs-on-grade including equipment support pads when
temperature of air surrounding the slab and pads is or is expected to be below 40 DegF
before structure is completed and heated to a temperature of at least 50 DegF.
10. Protection of structures:
a. Prevent new and existing structures from becoming damaged due to construction
operations or other reasons.
b. Prevent subgrade under new and existing foundations from becoming wet and
undermined during construction due to presence of surface or subsurface water or due
to construction operations.
II. Shoring:
a. Shore, slope. or brace excavations as required to prevent them from collapsing.
b. Remove shoring as backfilling progresses but only when banks are stable and safe from
caving or collapse.
12. Drainage:
a. Control grading around structures so that ground is pitched to prevent water from
running into excavated areas or damaging structures.
b. Maintain excavations where foundations, floor slabs, equipment support pads or fill
material are to be placed free of water.
c. Provide pumping required to keep excavated spaces clear of water during construction.
d. Should any \vater be encountered in the excavation, notif)' Engineer and Soils Engineer.
e. Provide free discharge of water by trenches, pumps, wells, well points, or other means
as necessary' and drain to point of disposal that vvill not damage existing or new
construction or interfere \vith construction operations.
13. Frost protection:
a. When freezing temperatures may be expected. do not excavate to full depth indicated,
unless foundations. floor slabs, equipment support pads, or fill material can be placed
immediately after excavation has been completed and approved.
b. Protect excavation from frost if placing of concrete or fill is delayed.
C. Select Fill and Backtilllnside of Structure and Below foundations, Base Slabs, Floor Slabs,
Equipment Support Pads and Piping:
I. General:
a. Subgrade to receive till or hacktill shall be tTee of undesirable material as determined
by Soils Engineer and scari fied to a depth of 6 IN and compacted to density specified
b. Surface may be stepped by at not more than I' IN per step or may be sloped at not
more than ') percent.
c. Do not place any fill or hackfilllllaterial until subgrade under fill or backfill has been
inspected and approved by Soils Engineer as being free of undesirable material and
compacted to specified density.
2. Obtain approval offill and backfill material and source from Soils Engineer prior to placing
the material.
3. Vapor barrier: Install a continuous vapor retarder under floor slabs-an-grade as shown on
Contract Drawings.
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CollicrCounl\. Florida
NCRWTP Degasiller & Odor Control Expansion
02200 - 7
100 ,j
4. Fill and backfill placement:
a. Prior to placing fill and backfill material, optimum moisture and maximum density
properties for proposed material shall be obtained from Soils Engineer.
b. Place fill and backfill material in thin lifts as necessary to obtain required compaction
c. Compact material by means of equipment of sufficient size and proper type to obtain
specified density.
d. Use hand operated equipment for filling and backfilling next to walls.
e. Do not place fill and backfill when the temperature is less than 40 DegF and when
subgrade to receive fill and backfill material is wet, loose, or soft.
f. Use vibratory equipment to compact granular material; do not use water.
5. Where fill material is required below foundations, place fill material, conforming to the
required density and moisture content, outside the exterior limits of foundations located
around perimeter of structure the following horizontal distance whichever is greater, unless
otherwise limited by existing structures:
a. As required to provide fill material to indicated finished grade.
b. 5 FT.
c. Distance equal to depth of compacted fill below bottom of foundations.
d. As directed by Soils Engineer.
D. Filling and Backfilling Outside of Structures.
I. This paragraph of this Specification applies to fill and backfill placed outside of structures
above bottom level of both foundations and piping but not under paving.
2. Provide material as approved by Soils Engineer for filling and backfilling outside of
3. Fill and backfill placement:
a. Prior to placing fill and backfill material, obtain optimum moisture and maximum
density properties for proposed material from Soils Engineer.
b. Place fill and backfill material in thin lifts as necessary to obtain required compaction
c. Compact material with equipment of proper type and size to obtain density specified.
d. Use only hand operated equipment for filling and backfilling next to walls and retaining
e. Do not place fill or backfill material when temperature is less than 40 DegF and when
subgrade to receive material is wet. loose, or soft.
f. Use vibratory equipment for compacting granular material; do not use water.
4. Backfilling against walls:
a. Do not backfill around any part of structures until each part has reached specified 28-
day compressive strength and backfill material has been approved.
b. Do not start backfilling until concrete forms have been removed, trash removed from
excavations, pointing of masonry work, concrete finishing, dampproofing and
waterproofing have been completed.
c. Do not place fills against walls until floor slabs at top, bottom, and at intermediate
levels of walls are in place and have reached 28-day required compressive strength to
prevent wall movement.
d. Bring backfill and fill up uniformly around the structures and individual walls, piers, or
E. Backfilling Outside of Structures Under Piping or Paving:
I. When backfilling outside of structures requires placing backfill material under piping or
paving, the material shall be placed from bottom of excavation to underside of piping or
paving at the density required for fill under piping or paving as indicated in this Section.
2. This compacted material shall extend transversely to the centerline of piping or paving a
horizontal distance each side of the exterior edges of piping or paving equal to the depth of
backfill measured from bottom of excavation to underside of piping or paving.
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Collier County. Florida
NCR WTP Degasifier & Odor Control Expansion
02200 - 8
3. Provide special compacted bedding or compacted subgrade material under piping or paving
as required by other sections of these Specifications.
A. Erosion Control:
1. Conduct work to minimize erosion of site.
). Construct stilling areas to settle and detain eroded material.
3. Remove eroded material washed off site.
4. Clean NCR WTP access drives daily of any spillage of dirt, rocks or debris /Tom equipment
entering or leaving site.
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Collier COUlHY. Florida
NCRWTP Degasifier & Odor Control Expansion
02200 - 9
laD "
A. Section Includes: Requirements for performing open cut excavations to the widths and depths
necessary for constructing pipelines and appurtenances.
B. Earthwork required for structures and equipment is specified in Section 02200. Requirements
for excavations not covered in Section 02200, but included in this Section 0222), shall apply
when required.
C. Related Work Specified In Other Sections Includes:
I. Section 021 10- Site Clearing
2. Section 02200 -- Earthwork
3. Section 02223 - Backfilling
4. Division 03 - Concrete
D. The Work of this Contract is within previously disturbed areas. Excavation of rock is not
anticipated for the Work of this Contract
E. Codes and standards referred to in this Section include the Collier County - Utilities Standards
and Procedures manual. The more stringent requirement of this Section 0)222 or the Collier
County Utilities Standards and Procedures manual shall apply, unless otherwise approved by
A. Earth: "Earth" includes all materials which, in the opinion of the Engineer, do not require
blasting, barring, wedging or special impact tools for their removal from their original beds, and
removal ofwhich can be completed using standard excavating equipment Specifically excluded
are all ledge and bedrock and boulders or pieces of masonry larger than one cubic yard in
A. General: Provide all submittals, including the following, as specified in Division I.
A. Geotechnical Investigation: A geotechnical investigation may have been prepared by the Owner
in preparing the Contract Documents.
I. The geotechnical investigation report may be examined for what ever value it may be
considered to be worth. However. this information is not guaranteed as to its accuracy or
2. The geotechnical investigation report is not part of the Contract Documents.
B. Actual Conditions: Make any geotechnical investigations deemed necessary to determine actual
site conditions.
C. See Section 01045 for Collier County Damage Prevention Policy for underground utilities.
I. The contractor must comply with all provisions of Florida Statute 556, the Underground
Facility Damage Prevention and Safety Act.
D. Quality and Quantity: Make any other investigations and determinations necessary to determine
the quality and quantities of earth and the methods to be used to excavate these materials.
Collier County, r10rida
NCRWTP Degasifier & Odor Control Expansion
laD '~
Not Used
A. Clearing: Clear open cut excavation sites of obstructions preparatol)' to excavation. Clearing in
accordance with Section 02110, may include removal and disposal of roots.
B. Banks: Shore or slope banks to the angle of repose to prevent slides or cave-ins in accordance
with Section 02151 .
C. Safety: Whenever an excavation site or trench is left unattended by the Contractor or when an
area is not within 100 feet of observation by the Contractor, the excavation site or trench shall be
filled and/or, at the Owner's discretion. protected by' other means to prevent accidental or
unauthorized entry. Include barricades and other protection devices requested by the Engineer
or Owner, including temporary' fencing, or temporary "structure" tape. Such safety items shall
not relieve the CONTRACTOR of any site safety requirements or liabilities established by
Federal, State and local laws and agencies, including OSHA, but is intended as additional safety
measures to protect the general public.
D. Hazardous Materials: If encountered, take care of hazardous materials not specifically shown or
noted in accordance with Section 01500.
E. During excavation and any site work, take stonn watcr pollution prevention measures to ensure
that water quality criteria are not violated in the receiving \vater body and all state and local
regulatol)' requirements are met.
A. Preparation: Properly brace and protect poles and other structures adjacent to excavations.
Areas for excavation have been previously disturbed. No trees or shrubs are anticipated adjacent
to excavations.
B. Adequate Space: Keep the width of trenches to a minimum, however provide adequate space for
workers to perfoml the Work of this Contract properly.
C. Depth:
I. Excavate trenches to a minimum depth of 8 inches, but not more than I ') inches, below the
bottom of the pipe so that bedding material can he placed in the bottom of the trench and
shaped to provide a continuous. FInn bearing for pipe fittings and appurtenances.
2. Standard trench grade shall be defined as the bottom surface of the utility to be constructed
or placed within the trench. Trench grade for utilities in non-cushioning material shall be
defined as additional undercuts backfilled with crushed stone compacted in 6-inch lifts,
below the standard 8 inches minimum trench undercut. Backfill excavation below trench
grade not ordered in writing hy the Engineer with acceptable Class I, II or III embedment
material to trench grade and compact to density equal to native soil.
D. Unstable or Unsuitable Materials: If unstable or unsuitable material is exposed at the level of the
bottom of the trench excavation, excavate the material in accordance with the subsection headed
"Authorized Additional Excavation".
I. Remove material for the full width of the trench and to the depth required to reach suitable
foundation material.
2. When in the judgment ofthe Engineer the unstable or unsuitable material extends to an
excessive depth. the Engineer may advise. in \\'riting, the need for stabilization of the trench
bottom with additional select fill material. crushed slone. washed shell, gravel mat or the
need to provide linn support for the pipe or electrical duct by other suitable methods.
3. Crushed stone. washed shell and gravel shall be as specified in Section 02773.
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4. Refill material in accordance with the subsection headed "Authorized Additional
Excavation. "
5. Payment for such trench stabilization will be made under the appropriate Contract Items or
where no such items exist, as a change in the Wark.
E. Length of Excavation: Keep the open excavated trench preceding the pipe laying operation and
the unfilled trench, with pipe in place, to a minimum length which causes the least disturbance.
F. Excavated Material: Neatly deposit excavated material to be used for backfill at the sides ofthe
trenches where space is available. Where stockpiling of excavated material is required, obtain
the sites to be used and maintain operations to provide for natural drainage and not present an
unsightly appearance.
G. Water: Allow no water to rise in the trench excavation until sufficient backfill has been placed to
prevent pipe flotation. Provide trench dewatering in accordance with Section 02530.
A. Finish: Provide a reasonably smooth finished surface for all excavations, which is uniformly
compacted and rree rrom irregular surface changes.
B. Finish Methods: Provide a degree of finish that is ordinarily obtainable from blade-grade
operations and in accordance with Section 0':2723.
A. Traffic and Erosion: Protect new Iy graded areas rrom traffic and rrom erosion.
B. Repair: Repair any settlement or washing away that may occur from any cause, prior to
acceptance. Re-establish grades to the required elevations and slopes.
C. It shall be the Contractor's responsibility to acquaint himself with all existing conditions and to
locate all structures and utilities along the proposed utility alignment in order to avoid conflicts.
Where actual conflicts are unavoidable, coordinate work with the facility owner and perform
work so as to cause as little interference as possible with the service rendered by the facility
disturbed in accordance with Section 01045. Repair and/or replace facilities or structures
damaged in the prosecution of the work immediately, in confonnance with current standard
practices of the industry, or according to the direction of the owner of such facility, at the
Contractor's expense.
D. Other Requirements: Conduct all Work in accordance with the environmental protection
requirements specified in Division I.
A. Additional Excavation: Carry the excavation to such additional depth and width a5 authorized in
writing, for the following reasons:
1. In case the materials encountered at the elevations shown are not suitable.
2. In case it is found desirable or necessary to go to an additional depth, or to an additional
depth and width.
B. Refill Materials: Refill such excavated space with either authorized 2500 psi concrete or
compacted select fill material, in compliance with the applicable provisions of Section 02223.
C. Compaction: Compact fill materials to avoid future settlement. As a minimum, backfill layers
shall not exceed 6-inches in thickness for the full trench width and compaction shall equal 95%
of maximum density. or 98% ifunder paved area of roadway, as appropriate for material used
and as determined by using ASTM D 1557. Perform compaction density tests at all such
backfill areas on each 6-inch compacted layer.
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D. Payment: Additional earth excavations so authorized and concrete or select fill materials
authorized for filling such additional excavation and compaction of select fill materials will be
paid for under the appropriate Contract Items or where no such items exist, as a change in the
A. Stability: Refill any excavation carried beyond or below the lines and grades shown. except as
specified in the subsection headed "Authorized Additional Excavation", with such material and
in such manner as may be approved in order to provide for the stability of the various structures.
B. Refill Materials: Refill spaces beneath all manholes, structures. pipelines, or conduits excavated
without authority with 2500 psi concrete or compacted select fill material, as approved.
c. Payment: Refill for unauthorized excavation will not be measured and no payment will be made
A. Stockpiling Suitable Materials: Stockpile topsoil suitable for final grading and landscaping and
excavated material suitable for hackfilling separately on the site in approved locations.
B. Stockpile Locations: Store excavated and other material a sufficient distance away from the
edge of any excavation to prevent its falling or sliding back into the excavation and to prevent
collapse of the wall of the excavation. Provide not less than :2 feet clear space between the top of
any stockpile and other material and the edge of any excavation.
C. Excess Materia]s: Be responsible for transport and disposal of surplus excavated material and
excavated material unsuitable for backfilling or embankments at an off site disposal location
secured by the Contractor.
A. Water Removal: At al] times during the excavation period and until completion and acceptance
of the WORK at final inspection, provide ample means and equipment with which to remove
promptly and dispose of properly all water entering any excavation or other parts of the Work.
B. Dry Excavations: Keep the excavation dry, in accordance with Section 02530.
C. Water Contact: Allow no water to rise over or come in contact with masonry and concrete until
the concrete and mortar have attained a set and, in any event, not sooner than 12 hours after
placing the masonry or concrete.
D. Discharge of Water: Dispose of water pumped or drained from the Work in a safe and suitable
manner without damage to adjacent property or streets or to other work under construction.
E. Protection: Provide adequate protection for \\'ater discharged onto streets. Protect the street
surface at the point of discharge.
F. Sanitary Sewers: Discharge no water into sanitary se\vers.
G. Storm Sewers: Discharge no water containing settleable solids into storm sewers.
H. Repair: Promptly repair any and all damage caused by dewatering the Work.
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A. Section Includes: Requirements for performing backfill following construction of pipelines and
B. Earthwork required for structures and equipment is specified in Section 02200. Requirements
for backfilling not covered in Section 02200, but included in this Section 02223, shall apply
when required.
C. General Requirements: Backfill excavations to the original surface of the ground or to such
other grades as may be shown or required. Obtain approval for the time elapsing before
backfilling against masonry structures. Remove from all backfill, any compressible, putrescible,
or destructible rubbish and refuse and all lumber and braces from the excavated space before
backfilling is started. Leave bracing in place or remove as the work progresses.
D. Equipment Limitations: Do not permit construction equipment used to backfill to travel against
and over cast-in-place concrete structures until the specified concrete strength has been obtained,
as verified by concrete test cylinders. In special cases where conditions warrant, the above
restriction may be modified providing the concrete has gained sufficient strength, as determined
from test cylinders, to satisty design requirements for the removal offorms and the application
E. Related Work Specified In Other Sections Includes:
I. Section 02110 - Site Clearing
2. Section 02200 - Earthwork
3. Section 02222 - Excavation.- Earth
A. Codes and standards referred to in this Section are:
I. ASTM D698, Standard Test Methods for Laboratory Compaction Characteristics of Soil
Using Standard Effort (12,400 ft-lbf/ft3 (600 kN-m/m3)).
2. A TM D 1557, Standard Test Methods for Laboratory Compaction Characteristics of Soil
Using Modified Effort (56,000 ft-lbf/ft3 (?,700 kN-m/m3)).
B. Collier County - Utilities Standards and Procedures manual. The more stringent requirement of
this Section 02223 or the Collier County Utilities Standards and Procedures manual shall apply,
unless otherwise approved by Owner.
A. General: Refer to Collier County Utilities Standards and Procedures Ordinance Section 9.1.2 for
laying and backfilling requirements. Backfill with sound materials, free from waste, organic
matter, rubbish, boggy or other unsuitable materials. Acceptable backfill shall not contain rocks
or stones larger than 2 inches in size.
B. General Materials Requirements: Conform materials used for backfilling to the requirements
specified. Follow common fill requirements whenever drainage or select fill is not specified.
Determine and obtain the approval of the appropriate test method where more than one
compaction test method is specified.
Collier County, Florida
NCRWTP Degasifier & Odor Control Expansion
C. Classification of Approved Embedment Materials: Embedment materials listed here include a
number of processed materials plus the soil types defined according to the Unified Soil
Classification System (USCS) in ASTM D2487. These materials are grouped into 5 hroad
categories according to their suitability for this application.
I. Class I: Angular, 0.25 inch to 1.5 inch (6to 40 mm) graded stone, including a number offill
materials that have regional significance such as coral, slag, cinders, crushed shells and
crushed stonc. (Note: The size range and resulting high void ratio of Class I material
makes it suitable for use to dewater trenches during pipe installation. This penneabJe
characteristic dictates that its Lise be limited to locations where pipe support will not be lost
by migration of fine grained natural material from the trench walls and bottom or migration
of other embedment materials into the Class I material. When such migration is possible. the
material's minimum size range should be reduced to finer than 0.25 inch (6 mOl) and the
gradation properly designed to limit the size of the voids. An alternative to modifYing the
gradation is to use a geotextile fabric as a barrier to migration to fines.)
2. Class II: Coarse sands and gravels with maximum particle size or 1.5 inches (40 mm),
including variously graded sands and gravels containing small percentages of fines,
generally granular and non-cohesive, either wet or dry. Soil Types OW, OP, SW and SP are
included in this class. (Note: Sands and gravels. which are clean or borderline between
clean and with fines, should be included. Coarse-grained soils with less than 12 percent, hut
more than 5 percent fines are neglected in ASTM D2487 and the USCS, but should be
included. The gradation of Class II material influences its density and pipe support strength
when loosely placed. The gradation orClass II material may be critical to the pipe support
and stability of the foundation and embedment. if the material is imported and is not native
to the trench excavation. A gradation other than well graded. such as uniformly graded or
gap graded, may permit loss of SLIp port by migration into void spaces ofa finer grained
natural material from the trench \\'all and bottom. An alternative to modifying the gradation
is to use a geotextilc fabric as a batTier to migration of fines.)
3. Class III: Fine sand and clayey (clay filled) gravels, including fine sands, sand-clay mixtures
and b'Tavel-c1ay mixtures. Soil Types GM, GC, SM and SC are included in this class.
4. Class IV: Silt, silty clays and clays, including inorganic clays and silts of medium to high
plasticity and liquid limits. Soil Types MH, ML. CII and CL are included in this class.
(Note: Use caution in the design and selection oflhe degree and method of compaction for
Class IV soils because orthe difficulty in properly controlling the moisture content under
field conditions. Some Class IV soils with medium to high plasticity and with liquid limits
greater than 50 percent (CH, MH, CH-MII) exhibit reduced strength when wet and should
only be used ror bedding, haunching and initial backfill in arid locations where the pipe
embedment will not be saturated by groundwater. rainfall or exfiltration from the pipe.
Class IV soils with low to medium plasticity and with liquid limits 100ver than 50 percent
(CL, ML, CL-ML) also require careful consideration in design and installation to control
moisture content but need not be restricted in use to arid locations.)
5. Class V: This class includes the organic soils 01... OH and PT as well as soils containing
frozen earth, debris, rocks larger than 1.5 inches (40 mm) in diameter and other foreign
materials. Do not use these materials for bedding, haullching or backfill.
A. Materials for Select Fill: Use clean gravel, crushed stone. washed shell, or other granular or
similar material as approved which can be readily and thoroughly compacted to 95 percent of the
maximum dry density obtainable by appropriate ASTM Standard Specification.
I. Allowed Materials: Orade select fill between the following limits:
U.S. Standard Percent Passing
2 inch
1-1/2 inch
I inch
By Weight
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1/2 inch
2. Unallowed Materials: Very fine sand, unifonnly graded sands and gravels, sand and silt,
soft earth, or other materials that have a tendency to flow under pressure when wet are
unacceptable as select fill.
A. Materials for Common Fill: Material from on-site excavation may be used as common fill
provided that it can be readily compacted to 90 percent ofthe maximum dry density obtainable
by appropriate ASTM Standard Specification, and does not contain unsuitable material. Select
fill may be used as common fill at no change in the Contract Price.
B. Granular Materials On-Site: Granular on-site material, which is fairly well graded between the
following limits may be used as granular common fill:
U.S. Standard Percent Passing
2 inch
Bv Weight
C. Cohesive Materials On-Site: Cohesive site material may be used as common fill.
I. The gradation requirements do not apply to cohesive common fill.
2. Use material having a liquid limit less than or equal to 40 and a plasticity index less than or
equal to 20.
D. Material Approval: All material used as common fill is subject to approval. If there is
insufficient on-site material, import whatever additional off-site material is required which
conforms to the specifications and at no additional cost.
A. Gradation for Small Piping: For pipe 18 inches or less in diameter, use pipe bedding of material
90 percent of which will be retained on a No.8 sieve and 100 percent ofwhich will pass a 1/2-
inch sieve and be well graded between those limits.
B. Provide a minimum of six (6) inches bedding material under all gravity sewer piping. In areas
where poor soil conditions or rock exist, provide a minimum of six (6) inches of pipe bedding
material under water pressure pipe.
A. Placement: Place backfill for initial pipe backfill from top of bedding to I foot over top nfpipes
in uniform layers not greater than 8 inches in loose thickness. Tamp under pipe haunches and
thoroughly compact in place the backfill with suitable mechanical or pneumatic tools to not less
than 98 percent of the maximum dry density as determined by appropriate ASTM Standard
B. Stone Placement: Do not place large stone fragments in the pipe bedding or backfill within 2
feet over or around pipelines, or nearer than 1 feet at any point from any casing pipe, conduit or
concrete wall.
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C. Machine Compaction: Machine Compaction of initial backfill is prohibited unless adequate
cover as deemed by the Owner or Engineer is provided. In no case shall adequate cover be less
than 12 inches.
D. Unallowed Materials: Pipe bedding containing very fine sand, uniformly graded sands and
gravels, sand and silt, soft earth, or other materials that have a tendency to flow under pressure
when wet is unacceptable.
A. General: Backfill trenches fTom I foot over the top of the pipe, from the top of electrical duct
bedding or as shown to the bottom of pavement base course, to the top of the existing ground
surface or to such other grades as may be shown or required.
B. Materials: All backfill material shall be acceptable dry materials, and shall be fTee fTom cinders,
ashes, refuse, vegetable or organic material. boulders. rocks, or stones. or other deleterious
material which in the opinion of the Owner or Engineer is unsuitable.
C. Depth of Placement -Place trench backfill in uniform layers not greater than 12 inches in loose
thickness and that can be thoroughly compacted in place using suitable mechanical or pneumatic
equipment to not less than 98 percent of the maximum dry density as determined by appropriate
ASTM Standard Specification.
D. Compaction: Compact backfill as a percentage of the maxImum density at optimum moisture
content as determined by the appropriate ASTM Standard Specification.
E. Density Tests: Density tests will be made at the request of the Owner or Engineer. Deficiencies
will be corrected at the expense of the Contractor.
F. Dropping of Material on Work: Do trench backfilling work in such a way as to prevent
dropping material directly on top of an.y conduit or pipe through any great vertical distance.
G. Distribution of Large Materials: Break lumps up and distribute any stones, pieces of crushed
rock or lumps which cannot be readily broken up, throughout the mass so that all interstices are
solidly filled with fine material.
A. Equipment and Methods: Carry out all compaction with suitable approved equipment and
1. For the Work of this Contract. use small vibratory equipment for compaction of
cohesion less fill material.
2. Do not use heavy compaction equipment over pipelines or other structures, unless the depth
offill is sufficient to adequately distribute the load.
A. Final Contours: Perform finish grading in accordance with the completed contour elevations and
grades shown and blend into confonnation with remaining natural ground surfaces.
I. Leave all finished grading surfaces smooth and firm to drain.
2. Bring finish grades to elevations within plus or minus 0.10 foot of elevations or contours
B. Surface Drainage: Perfonn grading outside of building or structure lines in a manner to prevent
accumulation of water within the area. Where necessary or where shown, extend finish grading
to ensure that water will be carried to drainage ditches, and the site area left smooth and free
from depressions holding water.
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A. Aftersettlement Responsibility: Take responsibility for correcting any depression which may
develop in backfilled areas from settlement within one year after the work is fully completed,
Providel as needed, backfill material, pavement base replacement, permanent pavement,
equipment foundation repair or replacement and perform the necessary reconditioning and
restoration work to bring such depressed areas to proper grade as approved.
A. Sampling and Testing: Provide sampling, testing, and laboratory methods in accordance with
the appropriate ASTM Standard Specification. Subject all backfill to these tests.
B. Correction of Work: Correct any areas of unsatisfactory compaction by removal and
replacement, or by scarifYing, aerating or sprinkling as needed and recompaction in place prior
to placement of a new lift.
C. Testing Schedule:
I. Compaction Schedule
2. Optimum Moisture Content (Proctor Test)
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100 lilt
A. The work specified in this Section consists of designing, providing, maintaining and removing
temporary erosion and sedimentation controls as necessary.
8. Temporary erosion controls include, but are not limited to rip rap channels, road stabilization,
grassing, mulching, setting, watering, and reseeding onsite surfaces and spoil and borrow area
surfaces and providing interceptor ditches at ends ofbenns and at those locations which will
ensure that erosion during construction will be either eliminated or maintained within acceptable
limits as established by the Owner.
C. Temporary sedimentation controls include, but are not limited to: silt dams, traps, barriers,
public and private on. and off-site storm sewer inlets protectors. and appurtenances at the foot of
sloped surfaces which will ensure that sedimentation pollution will be either eliminated or
maintained within acceptable limits as established by the Ovmer.
D. Ifrequired by regulation or Owner. Contractor is responsible for providing an approved Erosion
Control Plan for effective temporary erosion and sediment control measures during construction
or until final controls become effective.
A. South Florida Building Code and Standard Building Code.
S. Collier County - Utilities Standards and Procedures manual. The more stringent requirement of
this Section 02776 or the Collier County Utilities Standards and Procedures manual shall apply,
unless otherwise approved by Owner.
C. See Drawings for additional specitications related to this Section 02276.
A. General: Provide all submittals, including the following, as specified in Division I.
A. Seeding is specified in Section 02400.
B. Rip Rap Channel not anticipated for the Work ofthis Contract Ifrequired, see Collier County _
Utilities Standards and Procedures manual.
C. Parking Area Stabilization, if required.
A. Sediment Barriers.
B. Bales - clean, seed tree pine needle or cereal hay type.
C. Filter Stone - crushed stone conforming to Florida Department of Transportation specifications.
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A. Minimum procedures for grassing are:
I. ScarifY slopes to a depth of not less than six inches and remove large clods, rock, stumps,
roots larger than 1/2 inch in diameter and debris.
2. Sow seed within twenty-four (24) hours after the ground is scarified with either mechanical
seed drills or rotary hand seeders.
3. Apply mulch loosely and to a thickness of between 3/4 inch and 1-1/2 inches.
4. Apply netting over mulched areas on sloped surfaces.
5. Roll and water seeded areas in a manner which will encourage sprouting of seeds and
growing of grass. Reseed areas that exhibit unsatisfactory growth (less than 90 percent
coverage). Backfill and seed eroded areas, removing eroded material from effected
drainage facil ities.
B. Minimum Procedures for parking area stabilization are:
I. Receive Owner approval for temporary parking area.
2. Clear parking areas of all vegetation, roots and other objectionable material.
3. Provide surface drainage.
4. Spread 6 inch course of lime rock evenly over the full width of parking area and smooth to
avoid depressions.
5. After grading, seed or re-sod all disturbed areas adjoining roads and parking areas
conforming to existing conditions prior to construction.
6. Return parking area to original condition prior to final completion of the Work of this
A. Install and maintain sediment barriers and appurtenances as required. Replace deteriorated hay
bales, silt fence, and/or dislodged filter stone.
B. Minimum requirements for sediment fence:
I. Construct sediment fence on low side of topsoil stockpile to prevent sediment from being
washed into the drainage system. Fence to extend around approximately 70 percent of the
perimeter of the stockpile. Fence must be unobstructed so as to maintain a minimum of75
percent of its design flow rate.
2. Locate posts down slope of fabric to help support fencing.
3. Bury toe of fence approximately 12 inches deep to prevent undercutting.
4. When joints are necessary, securely fasten the fabric at a support post with overlap to the
next post.
5. See Drawings for material specifications.
C. Minimum requirements for storm water facilities protection:
1. Public and private stormsewer facilities, both on and offsite, shall be protected at all inlets
affected by construction. Stonnsewer facilities include streets, inlets~ pipes, ditches, swales,
canals~ culverts, control structures, and detention/retention areas.
2. Orated drop inlets shall be rapped with tilter fabric in a manner that allows removal of
accumulated sediment from the fabric before removing the grate.
3. Curb inlets shall be protected from sediment, turbid water from stormwater or dewatering
activities; also construction debris~ concrete mix and rinsate, and any other pollution.
4. Stonnwater runoff entering such stonnscwer inlets and storm water detention/retention
facilities with a turbidity greater than 50 NTU shall he considered to be in non-compliance
with these regulations.
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A. Should any of the temporary erosion and sediment control measures employed fail to produce
results which comply with the requirements of the State of Florida, immediately take steps
necessary to correct the deficiency at no expense to the Owner. Sedimentation or turbid water
violations to storm water facilities on or otfsite shall require the contractor to remove al]
sediment rrom the affected facilities.
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NCR\\TP Dcgasifier & Odor Camrol Expansion
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A. The work in this section consists of furnishing all labor, material and equipment to restore all
areas disturbed during construction to match preconstruction conditions. Establish a stand of
grass within the areas disturbed by seeding and mulching.
A. Use materials conform ing to the requirements of Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT)
Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction as follows:
I. Section 570 - Grassing (by Seeding)
2. Section 981 - Grassing and Sodding Materials
3. Section 982 - Commercial Fertilizer
4. Section 983 - Water for Grassing
A. Submit certifications and identification labels for seed mixture in accordance with Section
B. Submit a seed bag tag from each type or mixture of seed used.
C. Netting.
A. Supply chemical fertilizer in suitable bags with the net weight certification of the shipment.
Fertilizer shall be 12-8-8 and comply with Section 982 ofthe FDOT Standard Specification for
Road and Bridge Construction.
B. The numerical designations for fertilizer indicate the minimum percentages (respectively) of (I)
total nitrogen, (2) available phosphoric acid and (3) water soluble potash, contained in the
C. The chemical designation of the fertilizer shall be 12-8-8, with at least 50 percent of the nitrogen
from a nonwater-soluble organic source. The nitrogen source may be a urea formaldehyde
source provided it is not derived from a waste product of the plastic industry.
A. Spread fertilizer uniformly at the specified rate.
A. Netting is fabricated of material similar to Geoscope Landscape Fabric or approved equal.
A. Seed all unpaved areas disturbed during construction. Complete all seeding in conformance with
FDOT Specifications Sections 570 and 981. Mulch and fertilize the grassed areas shall be
mulched and fertilized in accordance with FOOT Specifications.
B. Provide mulch material free of weeds. Mulch shall be oat straw or rye, Pangola, peanut, Coastal
Bermuda, or Bahia grass hay.
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C. All seeds must have been tested within 6 months of planting.
A. Topsoil stockpiled during site preparation and construction may he used. Ifadditional topsoil is
required to replace topsoil removed during construction, it shall be obtained off site at no
additional cost to the Owner. Topsoil shall be fertile, natural surface soil, capable of producing
all grassing specified herein.
A. Furnish small grain straw mulch. Apply mulch at a rate of 1.5 tons per acre, corresponding to a
depth not less than I-inch or more than 3-inches according to texture and moisture content of
mulch material. Apply asphalt emulsion at a rate of 150 gallons per ton of straw to anchor the
straw applied.
A. It is the Contractor's responsibility to supply all water to the site, as required during seeding
operations and through the maintenance period and until the work is accepted. Make whatever
arrangements may be necessal)' to ensure an adequate supply of water to meet the needs for the
work. Furnish all necessary hose, equipment attachments. and accessories for the adequate
irrigation planted areas as may be required. Water shall be suitable for irrigation and free from
ingredients harmful to plant life. Contractor may coordinate with the Owner the use of metered
water at the site.
A. Apply lime at the rate of I to 1.5 tons per acre. Apply 10-10- I 0 commercial fertilizer at the rate
of800 pounds per acre and work well into topsoil.
A. VerifY that soil preparation and related preceding work has been completed.
B. Do not start work until conditions are satisfactory.
A. The seed shall produce a well-established growth. Repair and re-seed all eroded or bare spots
until project acceptance. Repair to seeding shall be accomplished as in the original work.
S. Perform sufficient watering to maintain adequate moisture for optimum development of the
seeded areas, and no less than].5 inches of water per week for at least 2 weeks. Thereafter,
apply water for a minimum of 60 days as needed until growth established or until final
acceptance, whichever is latest.
A. Guarantee a live and vigorous stand of permanent grass one (I) year after placement consisting
of90 percent minimum coverage for seeded grass areas with no bare spots greater than 5 square
A. Remove debris and excess materials from the project site.
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NCRWTP Dcgasificr & Odor Control Expansion
A. Section Includes:
1. Storm sewer systems.
2. Storm sewer pipe.
3. Inlets.
B. Related Sections include but are not necessarily limited to:
1. Division I - General Requirements.
2. Division 2 - Earthwork, trenching, site clearing, etc.
3. Division 3 ~ Concrete
A. Referenced Standards:
I. American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO):
a. M36, Corrugated Steel Culverts and Underdrains.
b. MI90, Standard Specification for Bituminous Coated Corrugated Metal Culvert Pipe
and Pipe Arches.
2. ASTM International (ASTM):
a. C14, Concrete Culvert, Storm Drain, and Sewer Pipe.
b. C76, Standard Specification for Reinforced Concrete Culvert, Storm Drain, and Sewer
c. C361, Standard Specification for Reinforced Concrete Low-Head Pressure Pipe.
d. C506, Standard Specification for Reinforced Concrete Arch Culvert, Storm Drain and
Sewer Pipe.
e. C507, Standard Specification for Reinforced Concrete Elliptical Culvert Storm Drain
and Sewer Pipe.
3. Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction for the State of Florida:
a. Standard Details.
A. Shop Drawings:
I. See Section 01340 for submittal requirements.
2. Layout drawings. Minimum scale: 1 IN ~ 20 FT.
3. Product technical data including:
a. Acknowledgement that products submitted meet requirements of standards referenced.
4. Certifications.
5 . Test reports.
B. Submit schedules and details for structures and joints.
A. Warrant that the infiltration will not exceed the amount specified in paragraph 3.3 C during the
I-year good repair period.
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A. Subject to compliance with the Contract Documents, the following manufacturers are
I. Cold applied asphalt joint:
a. Kalktite 340 Compound.
b. Tuffiex.
c. Plastico.
d. Or equal.
2. Preformed flexible pipe joint sealing compound:
b. BIDCO C-56.
c. Or equal.
B. Submit request for substitution in accordance with Specification Section 01640.
A. Reinforced Concrete Pipe (RCP):
I. Reinforced concrete culvert, storm drain and sewer pipe: ASTM C76, Classes III, IV, and
B. Concrete Pipe (CP):
I. Concrete culvert, storm drain, and sewer pipe: ASTM C14, Class 2.
C. RCP and CP Joint Sealer:
I. Rubber gasket: ASTM C361.
D. Match existing system impacted as part of the Work of this Contract.
A. Comply with Section 02222.
A. Install products in accordance with manufacturer's instructions.
B. Comply with Section 02227 and 07223.
A. VerifY and coordinate installation.
B. Exfiltration Test:
I. Perform an extiltration test on each reach of pipe modified.
a. Test the modified system prior to backfill.
h. Provide all necessary piping between the reach to be tested and the water supply, and
other necessary materials and equipment.
c. Air testing may be allowed.
I) Submit complete information to Engineer for review describing the proposed test
method, scheduling, and duration, including the method aftesting manholes before
beginning testing.
2. Procedure:
a. Fill the line.
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NCR WTP Dcgasifier & Odor Control Expansion
I) Average depth: 10 FT above invert.
2) Depth at lower end: 25 FT maximum above crown.
3) Depth at upper end: 5 FT minimum above crown.
b. Add and measure water as required to maintain a constant level.
I) Exfiltration: 100 GAL maximum per inch of nominal diameter per mile per day.
c. Maintain test for at least 2 hours, or as long as necessary in Engineer's opinion, to
locate all leaks.
3. Repair and retest any reach that exceeds the allowable ex filtration.
C. Infiltration Test:
I. I f at any time prior to expiration of the correction or warranty period infiltration exceeds
200 GAL/IN of nominal DlNmile/day, locate the leaks and make repairs.
D. Lamp Test:
I. Modified storm sewer system will be lamped by Engineer.
2. Furnish suitable assistants to help Engineer.
3. A minimum of95 percent ofa true circle will be required in the lamp test to indicate a
properly constructed pipeline.
4. Repair any sections not passing the lamp test.
E. In case of conflict, do not relocate piping without prior approval from the Engineer.
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A. This section provides for furnishing all pClmits, labor, materials, equipment, power and
incidentals for performing all operations necessary to dewater, depressurize, drain and maintain
excavations as described herein and as necessary for installation of pipeline, structures,
foundations, equipment bases, and appurtenances as required to complete the Work of this
Contract. Included are installing, maintaining, operating and removing dewatering systems and
other approved devices for the control of surface and groundwater during the construction of
pipelines and appurtenances. open cut excavations, directional drilling. Included also are
protecting work against rising waters and repair of any resulting damage.
A. It is the sole responsibility of the Contractor to identity groundwater conditions and to provide
any and all labor, material, equipment. techniques and methods to lower, control and handle the
groundwater as necessary for his construction methods and to monitor the effectiveness ofthis
installed system and its effect on adjacent facilities.
B. Operate, maintain and modity the system(s) as required to conform to these Specifications.
Upon completion of the Construction. remove the system(s). The development, drilling and
abandonment of all wells llsed in the dewatering system shall comply with regulations of the
Florida Department of Environmental Protection and the governing Water Management District.
C. Assume sole responsibility for dev.,'atering systems and for all loss or damage resulting from
partial or complete failure of protective measures and any settlement or resultant damage caused
by the dewatering operation.
A. Prior to commencement of work, submit complete drawings, details and layouts showing the
proposed dewatering plans in sufficient detail (i.e., general arrangements, procedures to be used,
etc.) so as to allow the Engineer to evaluate the proposed dewatering systems. Include the
following, as required by' the Contractor's proposed operation:
I. Names of equipment suppliers.
2. Names of installation subcontractors.
3. Plan for control of surface drainage.
4. Plan for dewatering for cut-and-cover excavations, or otherwise controlling groundwater.
5. Plan for disposal of water from dewatering operations.
6. Plan for disposal of water.
7. Eductor system layout and details.
8. Well point system layout and details.
9. Installation reports for eductors and well points.
10. Water level readings from piezometers or observation wells, and method of maintenance.
I L As part of request for approval ofa dewatering system, demonstrate the adequacy ofthe
proposed system and well point liller sand by means ofa test installation.
A. Select equipment including but not limited to:
1. Pumps, eductors, well points and piping and other material desired.
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A. ..obtain all permits necessary for dewatering operations and file a copy of all such permits with
~he Owner and Engineer.
B. Furnish, install, operate and maintain all necessary equipment for dewatering the various parts of
the Work and for maintaining free of water the excavations and such other parts of the Work as
required for Construction operations. Dewatering system should provide for continuous
operation including nights. weekends, holidays, etc. Provide appropriate backup if electrical
power is primary energy source for dewatering system.
C. Continue dewatering in all required areas, until the involved work is completed, including the
placing and compaction of backfill materials.
D. Provide a uniform diameter for each pipe drain run constructed for dewatering. Remove the pipe
drain when it has served its purpose. I f removal of the pipe is impractical, provide grout
connections at 50-foot intervals, and fill the pipe with clay grout or cement and sand grout when
the pipe has served its purpose.
A. Dewatering Excavation Plan: Develop an excavation dewatering plan that considers site ground
and groundwater conditions, the type and arrangement of the equipment to be used and the
proper method of groundwater disposal. Prepare the dewatering plan before beginning
excavations below groundwater. Maintain one copy of the dewatering plan at the project site to
be available for inspection while all dewatering operations are underway.
B. Do not lay any pipeline in a trench in the presence of water. Remove all water from the trench
sufficiently ahead of the pipeline placing operation. The Engineer shall have full and final
authority to require dewatering of the trench to ensure a dry, firm bed on which to place the
pipeline. As a minimum, maintain water levels at least 6 inches below the bottom of the trench.
Continue to dewater trench until trench backfilling operations have been completed.
I. I f a dry trench bottom has not been obtained with usual methods of trench dewatering, then
the order to excavate below grade and place sufficient select fill material, crushed stone, or
2500 psi concrete over the trench bottom may be given.
2. Ifall efforts fail to obtain a stable dry trcnch bottom, and it is determined that the trench
bottom is unsuitable for pipe foundation, present an alternate system for stabilization to the
Engineer of Record for approval by the Owner or designee on a case-by-case basis.
C. Removal of water may be accomplished by pumping in connection with well point installation
as the particular situation may warrant.
D. If the soils encountered at the trench grade are suitable for the passage of water, without
destroying the sides or utility foundation of the trench, sumps may be provided at intervals at the
side of the main trench excavation. Use pumps to lower the water level by taking their suction
rrom said sumps.
A. Eductor or well points, where used, must be furnished, installed and operated by a reputable
Contractor regularly engaged in this business, and approved.
A. In areas where concrete is to be placed. carry out the foundation drainage so that the required
lowering of the water table will be effected prior to placing reinforcing steel. Keep foundation
beds free from water to the same levels for 3 days after placing concrete.
A. Provide adequate protection for all structures to avoid damage to concrete.
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B. Operate construction equipment over completed concrete slabs or structures only with approvaL
Rubber tire equipment heavier than 5 tons and crawlers heavier than 7 tons will require adequate
load spreading by sand fill or other means.
A. Do not discharge pumped drainage water into the sanitaI)' sewer system or inhibit pedestrian or
vehicular traffic with the groundwater control system.
B. Discharge pumped drainage water into the storm sewer system or drainage ditch by direct means
(i.e., discharge hose to inlet, burying header, etc.). Monitor the discharged water to determine
that soil particles are not being removed.
C. Conform all discharge to current South Florida Water Management District and Collier County
Department ofStonnwater Management rules, regulations. procedures and regulatory permits
and if discharged into receiving \vaters, shall not exceed /9 N.T.U:s above background.
A. Assume full responsibility for all loss and damage due to flooding, rising water or seepage
resulting from dewatering operations in any part of the work. Repair any damage to partially
completed work from these or other causes, including the removal of slides, repair of foundation
beds and performance of any other work necessitated by lack of adequate dewatering or drainage
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NCRWTP Dcgasifier & Odor Control Expansion
A. Furnish all labor, materials, equipment, and incidentals required to repair pavements impacted
by the Work of this Contract.
A. Repair all damage, as a result of work under this project, done to existing pavement, plant roads,
paved areas, curbs and gutters, sidewalks, stairways, shrubbery, grass, trees, utility poles, utility
pipe lines. conduits, drains, catch basins, or stabilized areas and including all obstructions not
specifically named herein, in a manner satisfactory to the Engineer. Include in the bid price, the
furnishing of all labor, materials, equipment and incidentals necessary for the cutting, repair,
and restoration of the damaged areas unless pay items for specific types of repair are included in
the Bid Form.
B. Keep the surface of the backfilled area of excavation in a safe condition and level with the
remaining pavement until the pavement is restored in the manner specified herein. All surface
irregularities that are dangerous or obstructive to traffic are to be removed. Conform the repair
to applicable Collier County requirements for pavement repair and as described herein.
C. The Owner reserves the right to require soil bearing or loading tests or materials tests, should the
adequacy of the foundation or the quality of materials used be questionable. Costs of these tests
shall be the responsibility of the Owner, iffound acceptable: the costs of all failed tests shall be
the responsibility of the Contractor.
D. Make all pavement repair in accordance with the applicable requirements of these
E. Replace on site pavement or roadway surfaces cut or damaged in equal or better condition than
the original, including stabilization, base course, surface course, curb and gutter or other
Not Used.
A. Restore, replace or rebuild existing NCRWTP plant drives/roads, etc., using the same type of
construction as was in the original to equal or better condition than the original. Be responsible
for restoring all such work, including sub-grade and base courses where present. Meet any
requirements other than those herein set forth which may affect the type, quality and manner of
carrying on the restoration of surfaces by reason of jurisdiction of such governmental bodies.
B. In all cases, maintain, without additional compensation, all repair of paving, done by him under
this Contract until accepted by the Owner or Engineer, including the removal and replacement of
such work wherever surface depressions or underlying cavities result from settlement of backfill.
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NCR WTP Degasifier & Odor Control Expansion
A. Restore. replace. or rebuild sidewalks, stairs, concrete curb or curb gutter to match existing in
equal or better condition than the original. Restore grassed areas to match the existing sections
with grass seed of a type matching the existing grass.
A. After all repair and restoration or paving has been completed, remove all excess asphalt, dirt, and
other debris from the roadways. Check and clean all existing storm sewers and inlets of any
construction debris.
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NCR \ATP Dcgasificr & Odor Control Expansion
A. Section Includes: Installation of all underground pipelines. Provide pipeline materials, coatings
and linings as specified and pipe of the types, sizes and classes shown or specified.
I. Use proper and suitable tools and appliances for the safe and convenient cutting, handling,
and laying of the pipe and fittings.
2. Use suitable fittings where shown and at connections or where grade or alignment changes
require offsets greater than those recommended and approved.
3. Lay all underground pipelines not supported on piles or concrete cradle in select till bedding
4. Close off all lines with bulkheads when pipe laying is not in progress.
B. Related Work Specified in Other Sections Includes:
I. Section 02222 - Excavation - Earth
2. Section 02223 - Backfilling
3. Section 02530 - Groundwater Control for Open Excavation
4. Section 02676 - Leakage Tests
5. Section 02675 - Disinfection
6. Section 15062 - Pipe: Ductile
7. Section 15064 - Pipe: Plastic
A. Codes and standards referred to in this Section are:
I. ASTM D 2774 -Practice for Underground Installation of Thermoplastic Pressure Piping
2. A WW A C600 -Installation of Ductile-Iron Water Mains and Their Appurtenances
3. ASTM A 307 -Specification for Carbon Steel Bolts and Studs, 60000 psi Tensile
4. ASME B 16.1 -Cast Iron Pipe Flanges and Flanged Fittings, C25, 125,250, 800
5. AS ME B 16.21 - Nonmetallic Flat Gaskets for Pipe Flanges
6. A WWA CIII/A21.11 -Rubber-Gasket Joints for Ductile-Iron Pressure Pipe and Fittings
7. AWWA C115/A21.15 -Flanged Ductile-Iron Pipe With Threaded Flanges
8. Un i-Bell - Handbook of PVC Pipe
9. Collier County - Utilities Standards and Procedures manual. The more stringent
requirement of this Section 02650 or the Collier County Utilities Standards and Procedures
manual shall apply, unless otherwise approved by Owner.
B. General: Deliver, store and handle all products and materials as specified in Division I and as
I. Transportation and Delivery: Take every precaution to prevent injury to the pipe during
transportation and del ivery to the site.
C. Loading and Unloading: Take extreme care in loading and unloading the pipe and fittings.
I. Work slowly with skids or suitable power equipment, and keep pipe under perfect control at
all times.
2. Under no condition is the pipe to be dropped, bumped, dragged, pushed, or moved in any
way that will cause damage to the pipe or coating.
D. Sling: When handling the pipe with a crane, use a suitable sling around the pipe.
I. Under no condition pass the sling through the pipe. Interior of pipe is to be kept rree of dirt
and foreign matter at all times.
2. Use a nylon canvas type sling or other material designed to prevent damage to the pipe and
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NCR WTP Degasifier & Odor Control Expansion
3. When handling reinforced concrete pipe or uncoated steel or ductile iron pipe, steel cables,
chain or like slings are acceptable.
E. Damaged Piping: Ifin the process of transportation, handling, or laying, any pipe or fitting is
damaged, replace or repair such pipe or pipes.
F. Blocking and Stakes: Provide suitable blocking and stakes installed to prevent pipe from rolling.
I. Obtain approval for the type of blocking and stakes, and the method of installation.
G. Storage for Gaskets: Store gaskets for pipe joints in a cool place and protect gaskets from light,
sunlight, heat, oil, or grease until installed. Store gaskets in a sealed container (such as a vented
drum). When long-term storage with exposure to direct sunlight is unavoidable, PVC pipe
should be covered with an opaque material while permitting adequate air circulation above and
around the pipe as required to prevent excessive heat accumulation (Un i-Bell PVC Handbook).
1. Do not use any gaskets showing signs of cracking, weathering or other deterioration.
2. Do not use gasket material stored in excess of six months without approval.
A. Materials are as specified in the Drawings.
A. Dry Trench Bottoms: Lay pipe only in dry trenches having a stable bottom.
I. Where groundwater is encountered, make every effort to obtain a dry trench bottom in
accordance with Section 02530.
2. Perfonn trench excavation and backfill in accordance ,",,'ith Sections 02222 and 02223.
A. General: Install all piping in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations and approved
shop drawings and as specified in Division]. Where pipe deflections are used, do not exceed 80
percent of the maximum deflection limits shown in A WW A C600. Gravity systems will contain
no deflection.
]. Arrange miscellaneous pipelines, which are sho\'t11 in diagram fonn on the Plans, clear of
other pipelines and equipment.
B. Code Requirements: Provide pipeline installations complying with A WW A C600 for iron pipe,
A WW A Manual M II for steel pipe, ASTM D 2774 for thermoplastic pressure piping, and as
modified or supplemented hy the Specifications.
C. Pipe Laying - General:
I. Thoroughly inspect all pipe for damage and cleanliness. Iffound to be defecfive, tag,
remove and replace pipe with satisfactory pipe or fittings at no additional charge to Owner.
2. Generally, lay all pipe with bells pointing ahead.
3. Carefully place all pipe, pipe fittings, valves and hydrants into trench by means of a derrick,
ropes or other suitable tools or equipment in such a manner as to prevent damage and check
for alignment and grade.
4. Make adjustments to bring pipe to line and grade by scraping away or filling in select till
material under the body of the pipe.
5. Wedging or blocking up the pipe barrel is not permitted.
6. Bring the faces of the spigot ends and the hells of pipes into fair contact and firmly and
completely shove the pipe home.
7. As the work progresses, clean the interior ofpipelines of all dirt and superfluous materials
of every description.
8. Keep all lines absolutely clean during construction.
9. Lay pipelines accurately to line and grade.
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10. During suspension of work for any reason at any time, a suitable stopper shall be placed in
the end of the pipe last laid to prevent mud or other material from entering the pipe.
D. Pipe Laying - Trenches:
I. Carefully lay all pipelines in trench excavations piece by piece using suitable tools or
equipment on select fill bedding (refer to Utilities Standards and Procedures Ordinance,
Section 9.1.2), concrete cradle or other foundations as shown, specified or ordered in
writing. Prevent damage to materials, protective coatings and linings.
2. Do not dump or drop pipe or pipe materials into trench.
3. Properly secure the pipe against movement and make the pipe joints in the excavation as
4. Carefully grade and compact pipe bedding.
5. Bell Holes:
a. Cut out bell holes for each joint as required to permit the joint to be properly made and
allow the barrel of the pipe to have full bearing throughout its length.
b. Thoroughly tamp bell holes full of select fill material following the making of each
joint to provide adequate support to the pipe throughout its entire length.
E. Other Foundations: Install pipelines laid on other types of foundations as specified for such
other foundations or as ordered in writing.
F. Field Cuts of Pipelines: For shorter than standard pipe lengths, make field cuts in a manner
producing a cut square and perpendicular to the pipe axis. Remove any sharp, rough edges
which otherwise might injure the gasket.
G. Procedure for sealing cut ends and repairing field damaged areas of polyethylene lined pipe and
fittings is as follows:
I. Remove burrs caused by field cutting of ends or handling damage and smooth out edge of
polyethylene lining ifmade rough by field cutting or handling damage.
2. Remove oil or lubricant used during field cutting operations.
3. Areas of loose lining associated with field cutting operation must be removed and exposed
metal cleaned by sanding or scraping. For larger areas, remove loose lining and dirt, then
roughen bare pipe surface by scratching or gouging with a small chisel to provide an anchor
pattern for the epoxy. It is recommended that the polyethylene lining be stripped back by
chiseling, cutting, or scraping about I inch to 2 inches into well adhered lined area before
patching. This ensures that all areas of undercutting have been removed. Be sure to
roughen an overlap of I inch to 2 inches of polyethylene lining in area to be epoxy coated.
This roughening should be done with a rough grade emery paper (40 grit), rasp, or small
chisel. A void honing, buffing, or wire brushing since these tend to make surface to be
repaired too smooth for good adhesion.
4. With area to be sealed or repaired clean and suitably roughened, apply a thick coat of a two-
part coal tar epoxy, Madewell 1104 or approved equal. The heavy coat of epoxy must be
worked into the scratched surface by brushing. Mixing and application procedure for the
epoxy must follow the epoxy manufacturer's instructions.
5. It is important that the entire freshly cut, exposed metal surface of the cut pipe be coated.
To ensure proper sealing, overlap at least I inch of the roughened polyethylene lining with
this two-part epoxy system.
H. Ductile Iron Pipe Mechanical Joints:
I. Assembly: In making up mechanical joints, center the spigot in the bell.
a. With a wire brush just prior to assembly of the joint thoroughly brush 8 inches outside
of spigot and inside of bell with which the rubber gasket comes in contact. Remove all
oil, grit, tar (other than standard coating) and other foreign matter from joint.
b. Brush lubricant over the gasket just prior to installation. (Note: There is only one rubber
gasket size for each diameter of pipe.)
c. Press the gasket into place within the bell and move the gland into position, bolts
inserted, and the nuts tightened finger tight.
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d. Tighten the nuts with a torque wrench so that the gland is brought up toward the pipe
evenly. Torque wrenches shall be set as specified in A WW A C II I. Spanner type
wrenches not longer than specified in A WW A C II ] may be used with the permission
of Owner or Engineer.
e. Prime all bolts by dipping with a bituminous coating, except the threads. Coat threads
immediately prior to installation of nuts.
f. Tighten all nuts 180 degrees apart alternately in order to produce equal pressure on all
parts of the gland.
2. Torques: Apply the following range of bolt torques:
Size (Inches)
Range of Torque -
ft Ihs
90- J7 0
3. Remaking of Joints: If effective sealing is not obtained at the maximum torque listed above,
disassemble and reassemble the joint after thorough cleaning.
L Ductile Iron Pipe Rubber Gasket Joints:
I. Assembly: In making up the rubber gasket joint, brush the gasket seat in the socket
thoroughly with a wire brush and wipe the gasket with a cloth.
a. Place the gasket in the socket with the large round end entering first so that the groove
fits over the bead in the seat.
b. Apply a thin film or lubricant (A WW A C600) to the inside surface of the gasket that
\-vill come in contact \\-'ith the entering pipe.
c. Brush the plain end of the pipe to be entered thoroughly with a wire brush and place it
in alignment with the bell of the pipe to which it is to bejoined.
d. Exert sufficient force on the entering pipe so that its plain end is moved past the gasket
until it makes contact \vith the base of the socket to make the joint.
2. Positioning: Before proceeding with backfilling, feel completely around the joint using a
feeler gauge to confirm that the gasket is in its proper position.
a. If the gasket can be felt out of position, withdraw the pipe and examine the gasket for
cuts or breaks.
b. If the gasket has been damaged. replace it with a new one before reinstalling the pipe.
3. Optional Mechanical Joints: Use mechanical joint fittings that meet the requirements of
Section 02630 with the rubber gasket joint pipe when specified or when rubber gasket
fittings are not available.
1. Temporary Bulkheads: Provide temporary bulkheads at the ends of sections where adjoining
pipelines have not been completed, and in connections built into pipelines where adjoining
pipelines or structures have not been completed and are not ready to be connected.
I. Remove bulkheads encountered in connecting sewers or structures included in this Contract,
or in pipelines or structures previously built, when they are no longer needed or when
K. Sleeve Type Couplings: For sleeve type couplings. equally tighten diametrically opposite bolts
on the connection so that the gaskets will be brought up evenly all around the pipe.
I. Torque Wrenches: Do the final tightening with torque wrenches set for the torque
recommended by the coupling manufacturer.
L. Concrete Encasement: Concrete encasement shall be constructed in accordance with Collier
County Standard Details when:
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NCRWTP Degasifier & Odor Control Expansion
I. A potable water main crosses at a depth that provides less than 18 inches clear distance from
sewer lines in which case a Deviation Form request should be completed. Encase the sewer
main unless specifically approved by Collier County Utilities. Encasement shall extend a
minimum 10 feet on each side of the point of crossing. Pressure test both pipelines to 150
psi after the concrete has properly cured.
2. A water main running parallel to a sewer line provides less than 10 feet separation from
sewer lines, in which case a Deviation Form Request needs to be completed. Encase the
sewer main unless specifically approved by Collier County Utilities.
3. The Engineer has ordered the line encased. NO POTABLE WATER MAIN SHALL BE
a. The points of beginning and ending of pipe encasement shall be not more than 6 inches
from a pipe joint to protect the pipe from cracking due to uneven settlement of its
foundation or the effects of superimposed live loads.
4. Prior to requesting approval by Collier County Utilities for modification to Collier County
Utility Standards, Contractor shall receive approval of request from the Owner.
M. Valve Box Setting: Install valve boxes vertical and concentric with the valve stem.
I. Adjust valve-box to final grade at the time designated by the Owner or Engineer.
2. Build a reinforced collar, as shown in the standard details, 18 inches by 18 inches by 6
inches with 2, #4 reinforcing bars around the valve box head in pavement, flush to grade of
top of box. Similar collar shall be poured flush with grade and top of unpaved areas.
3. Satisfactorily reset any valve box that is moved from its original position, preventing the
operation of the valve.
4. Replace any valve box that has been damaged.
N. Identification:
I. Metallized Warning Tape: For DIP and PVC pipe (other than gravity sewer pipe and
laterals) to be installed, 3-inch detectable marking tape, of appropriate color and appropriate
warning statement, shall be placed along the entire pipe length. In all cases, marking tape
shall be installed two feet (2') below grade or one-halfthe pipe's bury, whichever is less,
during backfill operations (refer to Utilities Standards Manual Section I - 1.1). All PVC
pipe, PVC fittings, and identification tape shall be color-coded per Collier County
Standards. Metallized tape shall be Terra Tape D as manufactured by Reef Industries, Inc.,
Houston Texas or approved equal. HDPE pipe installed by horizontal directional drilling
will not be required to be marked with metalized warning tape.
2. Electronic Markers: Install electronic markers 6 inches above pipe at all bends or changes
in alignment and every 250 feet along the pipe between bends. Markers shall be the
appropriate Omni Marker Model 161 or 16" as manufactured by 3M Telecom Systems
Group or approved equal.
O. Separation From Other Pipe Systems:
1. Parallel Water and Sewer or Non-Potable Lines: Sanitary sewer lines, storm sewers or force
mains shall be separated from water mains by a minimum clear vertical distance of 18
inches and a horizontal distance of 1 0 feet. Non-potable, reclaimed or reuse water mains
shall be separated from water mains, gravity sewers or force mains by a minimum clear
vertical distance of 18 inches and a horizontal distance of 5 feet center to center or 3 feet
outside to outside. When this standard cannot be maintained, the sewer line shall be
concrete encased for a distance of 10 feet each way from the waterline and any other
conduit, with a minimum vertical clearance of 12 inches being provided at all times. See
Section I - Design Criteria, Subsection 1.2.3, of Collier County Utility Standards.
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2. Crossing Water and Sewer or Non-Potable Lines: Water mains crossing over a sewer or
non-potable water line shall be (bottom of water main to top of sewer) separated by at least
18 inches unless local conditions or barriers prevent an 18 inch vertical separation. All
crossings with vertical clearance less than 18 inches shall be made using sewer pipe
thickness Class "00 A WW A C900 PVC pipe, and water pipe of Class 51 Ductile iron pipe,
for a distance of 10 feet on each side of the crossing. The gravity sewer pipe in these
Incations shall be backfilled with USCS Class I bedding stone to a height of 6 inches above
the crown of the pipe. When water mains cross under a sewer, both mains shall be
constructed of C900 Class 200 PVC pipe with joints equivalent to water main standards for
a distance of 10 feet on each side of the point of crossing with no intermediate joints.
Additionally, a section of water main pipe shall be centered at the point of crossing. See
Section I -- Design Criteria, Subsection 1.3.
P. Aerial Crossings:
I. Pipes spanning elevated pier crossings shall be tlanged ductile iron Pressure Class 350 pipe
conforming to A WW A C 115, C 150 & C 151. Pipe spanning on piers spaced further apart
than normal pipe length of 18 or ?O ft. shall be multiple length pipe with interior flanged
joints with a rubber gasket pipe such as Clow "Long-span Pipe", Flanged US Pipe, Flanged
American Pipe or approved equal. The pipe wall thickness and flanged joints shall be
designed to safely span the elevated piers under working pressure without exceeding the
allowable stresses and conform to A WW A C 150. Limit pipe deflection at center of span
with pipe full of water to 1/720 of span length. Provide expansion joints for between above
ground and belm\' ground wastewater lines.
2. Flanges shall conform to A WW A C 150 and ellS. All bolts and nuts used in aerial
crossings shall be stainless steel. Gaskets shall be full faced or recessed "O-Ring" type to
prevent leaks in pipe under stress in the aerial crossing.
3. Outside surface of all pipe, tlanges or spool pieces shall be shop coated with zinc primer,
High Build Epoxy protective coat and a finish coat of polyurethane high gloss. Color shall
be Federal Safety Blue for potable water mains and Pantone Purple 522 C for non-potable
irrigation water mains.
4. Install operating valves or other flow regulating devices on each shoreline or at a safe
distance from each shoreline to prevent discharge in the event the line is damaged.
5. Install supports for all joints in pipes utilized for aerial crossings and to prevent overturning
and settlement. Expansion jointing is specified bet\veen above ground and below ground
sewers and force mains.
A. Testing: Test pipelines in accordance with Section 02676, or, for select pipe types (i.e. HDPE,
fusible PVC, stainless steel), in accordance with specification for select pipe type included in
Division 15.
I. Test valves in place, as far as practicable, and correct any defects in valves or connections.
2. Gravity Sewer Lines: Test in accordance with Section 0?676
B. Inspection: Clean, inspect and examine each piece of pipe and each fitting and special for
defects before it is installed.
I. Cut away any lumps or projections on the face of the spigot end or the shoulder.
2. Do not use any cracked, broken, or defective pieces in the work.
3. If any defective piece should be discovered after having been installed, remove and replace
this piece with a sound piece in a satisfactory manner at no increase in Contract Amount.
A. General: Thoroughly clean all pipe before it is laid and keep it clean until it is accepted in the
completed work.
S. Removal of Materials: Exercise special care to avoid leaving bits of wood, dirt, and other
foreign particles in the pipe. If any particles are discovered before the final acceptance of the
work, remove and clean the pipe.
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NCR WTP Dcgasificr & Odor Control Expansion
A. General: Disinfect all pipelines that are to carry potable water in accordance with Section
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A. Section Includes: Disinfection of all pipelines, tanks, structures. conduits and equipment that are
to store, handle or carry permeate and/or potable water. Furnish all labor, water, chemicals and
equipment, including taps, corporation stops, temporary pumps and other items necessary to
perform the Work, except as otherwise specified.
A. Codes and standards referred to in this Section are:
L AWWA C651 - Disinfecting Water Mains
2. AWWA C65) - Disinfection of Water-Storage Facilities
3. A WW A C653 - Disinfection of Water Treatment Plants
4. Collier County - Utilities Standards and Procedures
A. Disinfection Standards: Disinfect in accordance with A WW A C651 for water mains, A WW A
C652 for water storage facilities and equipment and C653 for water treatment plants facilities
and equipment.
B. Chlorinated Water Disposal: Dispose of old highly chlorinated water in accordance with
applicable regulations.
A. In accordance with Section 01340, submit proposed methods for disinfection of facilities prior to
commencement of the disinfection process.
A. After coordination with the Owner, perform all flushes or swabbing, disinfection and post
flushes in the presence of Collier County Water Department personnel. Fill all water lines with
potable water or s\vab and perform a line flushing. Under no circumstances is a swab considered
A. Following acceptable pressure testing. disinfect all sections of new pipelines and receive
approval thereof from the appropriate agencies, prior to placing in service. Provide advance
notice of 48 hours to the Owner or Engineer before disinfecting procedures start. The
disinfection shall be accomplished in accordance with the applicable provisions of A WW A
Standard C651, "Disinfecting Water Mains" and al] appropriate approval agencies.
B. The disinfecting agent shall be free chlorine in aqueous solution with sustained concentration for
48 hours of not less than 50 parts per million. After 48 hours. if chlorine solution contains at
least 25 parts per million of chlorine, the line may then be flushed and samples taken at various
points. Chlorine may be derived from Chlorine gas. or 70% (high test) calcium hypochlorite
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NCR V\"[ l' Degasifier & Odor Control Expansion
(HTH or Perchloron, or equal). Administration may be by any of the several methods described
in A WW A Standard C65 I as proposed by the Contractor and approved by the Engineer.
C. Following contact with chlorine solution, the system shall be thoroughly flushed out. Schedule
water sampling in coordination with the Owner. The Collier County Water Department will
obtain all water samples for analysis.
D. Ifsamples do not demonstrate satisfactory results, the line shall be flushed and a resample taken.
I f the samples fail on the second attempt, re-disinfection per A WW A standards must be repeated
until two satisfactory samples are obtained. The period between samples must be a minimum of
24 hours.
E. After approval of the samples, and before placing the system in service, perform another
flushing of the water lines to remove any stagnant water.
A. As applicable, disinfect tanks and equipment in accordance with A WW A C652, Method 2 or 3,
using sodium hypochlorite.
I. In Method 2, spray method, spray the entire interior surface of the tank with chlorinated
water containing 200 mgll of available chlorine. After spraying, allow the lank to stand at
least two hours before filling with fresh water.
B. After disinfection, allow the tanks and equipment to overflow until the chlorine residual is
approximately 2 mg/l.
A. As applicable, disinfect completed water treatment plant equipment and facilities not covered
under water main or tank disinfection procedures using the criteria found in A WW A C653.
A. Discharge requires coordination with Owner. Owner shall be notified a minimum of seven (7)
calendar days prior to planned disinfection procedures. Owner shall approve Contractor's
proposed schedule for disinfection.
B. Discharge to the sewer system in accordance with Owner approved schedule. Discharge to
sewer system may require pH adjustment or other pretreattnent at no additional cost to the
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A. Section Includes: Testing for any signs of leakage in all pipelines and structures required to be
I. Test gravity sewers and drain lines by infiltration/exfiltration testing.
2. Test all other pipelines with water under the specified pressures.
B. Operation of Existing Facilities: Conduct all tests in a manner to minimize as much as possible
any interference with the day-to-day operations of existing facilities or other contractors working
on the site.
A. Written Notification of Testing: Provide written notice when the work is ready for testing, and
make the tests as soon thereafter as possible.
1. Personnel for reading meters. gauges, or other measuring devices, will be furnished.
2. Furnish all other laboL equipment air. water and materials. including meters. gauges,
smoke producers, blower. pumps, compressors, fuel, water, bulkheads and accessory
A. Codes and standards referred to in this Section are:
I. A WW A C 600 -Installation of Ductilc-lron Water Mains and Their Appurtenances
2. Collier County - Utilities Standards and Procedures
A. General: Provide all submittals, including the following. as specified in Division I.
B. Testing Report: Prior to placing pipelines and structures into service submit for review and
approval a detailed report summarizing the leakage test data, describing the test procedure and
showing the calculations on which the leakage test data is based.
I. Report shall include, but not be limited to, the following:
a. Description of pipeline or structure tested.
b. A complete description of the test procedure, including:
I) Stabilization time period and pressure
c. The name of the inspector/tester and the daters) and time(s) of all testing performed,
including any retesting.
d. A description of any repairs made.
A. All new sewer and water pipelines installed shall be tested for leakage. The test used will be
Hydrostatic Testing for pressure lines and Infiltration/Exfiltration Testing for gravity lines.
Tests to be performed will be indicated by the Engineer and witnessed by the Engineer and the
Owner or Engineer.
I. Flushing
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NCR ",.'rp Degasificr & Odor Control F\pansion
a. Flush all mains to remove all sand and other foreign matter. The velocity of the
flushing water shall be at least 4 tps. Flushing shall be terminated at the direction of the
Engineer. Dispose of the flushing water without causing nuisance or property damage.
b. Install temporary flush out connections on dead end pipelines as appropriate and in
accordance with the Collier County Standard Details.
2. Hydrostatic Testing for DIP and PVC Pipelines:
a. Perform hydrostatic testing ofthe system as set forth in the following, and conduct said
tests in the presence of the Owner or Engineer and other authorized agencies, with 48
hours advance notice provided.
b. Piping and appurtenances to be tested shall be within sections between valves unless
alternate methods have received prior approval rrom the Owner or Engineer. Testing
shall not proceed until concrete thrust blocks are in place and cured, or other restraining
devices installed. Thoroughly clean and flush all piping prior to testing to clear the lines
of all foreign matter. While the piping is being filled with water care shall be exercised
to pennit the escape of air from extremities of the test section, with additional release
cocks provided if required.
c. Perform hydrostatic testing with a sustained minimum pressure of 150 psi for a period
of not less than two (2) hours. I f sustained pressure goes 5 psi above or below 150 psi
during the first two (2) hours, the test fails (A WWA regulation). After two (2) hours,
use the A WW A formula ifless than 5 psi to determine whether test fails. Testing shall
be in accordance with the applicable provisions as set forth in the most recent edition of
A WW A Standards C600 for Ductile Iron Pipe and C605 for PVC Pipe. The allowable
rate ofleakage shall he less than the number of gallons per hour determined by the
following formula:
L = SD (P)
L = Allowable leakage in gallons per hour;
S = Length of pipe tested in feet;
D = Nominal diameter of pipe in inches;
P = Average test pressure maintained during the leakage
test in pounds per square inch
For 150 psi, L = (9.195 x 10 ) SO
d. The testing procedure shall include the continued application of the specified pressure
to the test system, for the one-hour period, by way of a pump taking supply rrom a
container suitable for measuring water loss. The amount of loss shall be determined by
measuring the volume displaced for the said container.
e. Should the test fail, repair the fault and repeat the test until results are within the
established limits. Furnish the necessary labor, water, pumps, and gauges at specified
location(s) and all other items required to conduct the required testing and perform
necessary repairs.
f. General -All sanitary sewers and associated service lines shall be constructed watertight
to prevent infiltration and/or exfiltration.
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3. The allowable limits of infiltration or exfiltration for the entire system. or any portion
thereof, shall not exceed a rate of 50 gallons per inch of inside pipe diameter per mile of
pipe per 24 hours. Any part of or all of the system shall be tested for infiltration or
exfiltration. as directed by the Engineer or as required by the Owner. Air testing of gravity
sewer may be required. All testing shall be run continuously for 24 hours, unless the
Owner's Inspector can visually verity that this test duration is not required due to the
observed infiltration/exfiltration rate. The amounts of infiltration or exfiltration shall be
determined by pumping water into or out of calibrated drums, or by other methods approved
by the Owner. such as in-line V-notch weirs. Where infiltration or exfiltration exceeds the
allowable limits specified herein, locate and repair the defective pipe, joints or other faulty
construction at no additional cost to the Owner. If the defective portions cannot be located,
remove and reconstruct as much of the work as is necessary in order to conform to the
specified allowable limits. All visible leaks shall be repaired regardless of the amount of
leakage. Provide all labor, equipment and materials required and conduct all testing
required under the direction of the Engineer.
a. Infiltration: Prior to testing for infiltration. the system shall be pumped out so that
nannal infiltration conditions exist at the time aftesting.
b. Exfiltration: The extiltration test. when required due to groundwater levels, will be
conducted by tilling the portion of the system being tested with water to a level 2 feet
above the uppelmost catch basin invet1 in the section being tested.
4. Low Pressure Air Testing
a. Contractor shall conduct air testing in accordance with ASTM specifications:
I) ASTM C-924 for concrete pipes.
2) ASTM F-1417 . for plastic pipes.
5. When lovv pressure air testing of pipelines is specitically required, all testing shall be run
continuously- for 24 hours, unless the Owner's Inspector can visually verit)! that this test
duration is not required due to the observed infiltration/exfiltration rate.
6. When air testing is specifically required. after completing backfill of a section of pipeline.
conduct a Line Acceptance Test using 1m\' pressure air. The test shall be performed using
the below stated equipment, according to state procedures and under the supervision of the
Engineer and in the presence of the Owner or Engineer, with 48 hours advanced notice.
a. Equipment:
I) Pneumatic plugs shall have a sealing length equal to or greater than the diameter of
the pipc to he inspected.
")) Pneumatic plugs shall resist internal bracing or blocking.
3) All air used shall pass through a single control panel.
4) Three individual hoses shall be used for the following connections:
a) From control panel to pneumatic plugs for inflation.
b) from control panel to sealed line for introducing the low-pressure air.
c) From sealed line to control panel for continually monitoring the air pressure
rise in the scaled line.
b. Procedure:
I) All pneumatic plugs shall be seal tested before being used in the actual test
installation. One length of pipe shall be laid on the ground and sealed at both ends
with the pneumatic plugs to be checked. Air shall be introduced into the plugs to
25 psi. The sealed pipe shall be pressurized to 5 psi. The plugs shall hold against
this pressure without bracing and without movement ofthe plugs out oftne pipe.
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2) After a reach of pipe has been backfilled and cleaned and the pneumatic plugs are
checked by the above procedure, the plugs shall be placed in the line at each
manhole and inflated to 25 psi. Low-pressure air shall be introduced into this
sealed line until the internal air pressure reaches !.psi greater than the average back
pressure of any ground water that mav be over the p~. At least two (2) minutes
shall be allowed for the air pressure to stabilize. After the stabilization period (3.5
psi minimum pressure in the pipe), the air hose rrom the control panel to the air
supply shall be disconnected. The portion of the line being tested shall be termed
"Acceptable", if the time required in minutes for the pressure to decrease rrom 3.5
to 2.5 psi (greater than the average back pressure of any ground water that may be
over the pipe) is greater than the time shown for the given diameters in the
following table:
Pipe Diameter
In Inches
Time in Minutes ~ 0.472 D
D ~ Diameter of pipe in inches
3) In areas where ground water is known to exist, install capped pipe adjacent to the
top ofthe sewer lines. This shall be done at the time of the sewer line is installed.
Immediately prior to the performance of the Line Acceptance Test, the ground
water shall be determined by removing the pipe cap, and a measurement of the
height in feet of water over the invert of the pipe shall be taken. The height in feet
shall be divided bv 2.3 to establish the pounds of pressure that will be added to all
readings. (For example, if the height of water is 11-1/2 feet, then the added
pressure will be 5 psi. This increases the 3.5 psi to 8.5 psi, and the 2.5 psi to 7.5
psi. The allowable drop of one pound and the timing remain the same).
4) If the installation fails to meet this requirement, determine the source ofthe
leakage and repair or replace all defective materials and/or workmanship, all at no
additional cost to the Owner.
B. DEP approval is required to use reclaimed (lQ) water for tlushing and pressure testing of
irrigation mains and potable water mains. The requirements for submitting a request to DEP are
available rrom the Collier County Public Utilities Engineering Departtnent.
A. Structure Leakage Testing: Perform leakage tests of catch basins, tanks, and similar purpose
structures before backfilling, by filling the structure with water to the overflow water level and
observing the water surface level for the following 24 hours.
I. Make an inspection for leakage ofthe exterior surface of the structure, especially in areas
around construction joints.
2. If visible leaks appear, repair the structure by removing and replacing the leaking portions
ofthe structure, waterproofing the inside, or by other methods approved.
3. Metered water for testing will be provided to the Contractor by the Owner at no additional
cost to the Owner.
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10D "I '
A. This Section includes operations that cannot be specified in detail as separate items but can be
sufficiently described as to the kind and extent of work involved. Furnish all labor, materials,
equipment and incidentals to complete the work under this Section.
B. The work of this Section includes, but is not limited to, the following:
1. Crossing utilities.
2. Relocation of existing water lines, se\ver/wastewater lines, low pressure, electric lines, and
storm drains as necessary to complete the Work of this Contract.
3. Cleaning up.
4. Incidental work.
A. Complete all work in a \\.'orkmanlike manner by competent workmen in full compliance with all
applicable sections of these Specifications.
A. Materials required for this Section shall be of at least the same type and quality as materials that
are to be restored. Where possible, reuse existing materials that are removed and then replaced,
with the exception of paving.
A. This item shall include any extra ",,'ork required in crossing utilities, including all bracing, extra
excavation and backfill. or any other work required for the crossing, whether or not shown on
the drawings.
A. NotifY the proper authority of the utility involved when relocation or replacement of these lines
is required. Coordinate all work by the utility so that the progress of construction will not be
B. Reference all side drains, side ditches, swales, and storm sewers as to grade and location prior to
construction, maintain them during construction, and repair them as necessary after construction.
Where drainage structures are disturbed and must be replaced, the minimum size replacement
shall be twelve inches (12"). All drainage culverts installed shall have mitered ends in
conformance with the Collier County Utilities Standard Details. Place the culvert to the
specified elevations and re-grade or reshape the swale and road shoulders that have been
disturbed or damaged during construction.
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A. Protection and Restoration of Property: During the course of construction, take special care and
provide adequate protection in order to minimize damage to vegetation, surfaced areas, and
structures within the construction right-of-way, easement. or site, and take full responsibility for
the replacement or repair thereof. Immediately repair any damage to private property created by
encroachment thereon. Should the removal or trimming of valuable trees, shrubs, or grass be
required to facilitate the installation within the designated construction area. this work shall be
done in cooperation with the Owner and/or property owner which the work takes place. Said
valuable vegetation. removed or damaged, shall be replanted. ifpossible. or replaced by items of
equal quality. and maintained until growth is re-established. Topsoil damaged in the course of
work shall be replaced in kind with suitable material. graded to match existing grade. Following
construction completion, the work area along the route ofthe installation shall be finish grade to
elevations compatible with the adjacent surface, with grassing or hand raking required within
developed areas.
B. Existing lawn surfaces damaged by construction shall be re-graded and re-seeded. These areas
shall be maintained until all work under this Contract has been completed and accepted.
A. Remove all construction material, excess excavation, buildings, equipment and other debris
remaining on the job as a result of construction operations and shall render the site of the work in
a neat and orderly condition.
B. Work site clean-up shall follow construction operations without delay and in accordance witb
Section 01710.
A. Do all incidental work not otherwise specified, but obviously necessary for the proper
completion ofthe Contract as specified and as shown on the drawings.
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A. Section Includes:
I. Fonnwork requirements for concrete construction.
B. Related Sections include but are not necessarily limited to:
1. Division 0 - Bidding Requirements. Contract Forms, and Conditions of the Contract.
2. Division I ~ General Requirements.
3. Division 3 -- Concrete.
A. Referenced Standards:
I. American Concrete Institute (ACI):
a. 116R, Cement and Concrete Tenninology.
b. 347R. Guide to Fonnwork for Concrete.
2. Building code:
a. Florida Building Code. 0004 Edition with 2006 amendments. referred to herein as
Building Code.
B. Qualifications:
]. Formwork, shoring and reshoring to be designed by the contractor in accordance with the
Building Code.
C. Miscellaneous:
1. Design and engineering of formwork, shoring and reshoring as well as its construction is the
responsibility of the Contractor.
2. Design requirements:
a. Design formwork for loads, lateral pressures and allowable stresses outlined in
ACI 347R and for design considerations, wind loads. allO\\'able stresses and other
applicable requirements of the controlling local Building Code.
I) Where conflicts occur between the above two (~) standards, the more stringent
requirements shall govern.
b. Design fonnwork to limit maximum deflection of fonn facing materials reflected in
concrete surfaces exposcd to vie",' to 1/240 of span between structural members.
3. For slabs and beams not cast on the ground, develop a procedure and schedule for removal
of shores and for calculating the loads transferred to the structure during this process.
a. Perform structural calculations as required to prove that all portions of tile structure in
combination with rcmaining forming and shoring system has sufficient strength to
safely support its own weight plus the loads placed thereon.
b. When developing procedure, schedule and structural calculations. consider the
following at each stage of construction:
1) The structural s)istem that exists.
2) Effects of all loads during construction.
3) Strength of concretc.
4) The influence ofdefofmations orthc structure and shoring system on the
distribution of dead loads and construction loads.
5) Thc strength and spacing of shores or shoring systems used, as well as the method
of shoring, bracing. shore removal. and reshoring including the minimum time
intervals between the various operations.
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6) Any other loading or condition that affects the safety or serviceability of the
structure during construction.
, ,
A. Words and terms used in these Specifications are defined in ACI I 16R.
A. Shop Drawings:
I. See Section 01340 for the requirements for the mechanics and administration of the
submittal process.
2. Product technical data including:
a. Acknowledgement that products submitted meet requirements of standards referenced.
b. Manufacturer's installation instructions.
c. Manufacturer and type of proposed form materials.
d. Manufacturer and type of proposed form ties.
e. Manufacturer and type of proposed form coating material.
A. Subject to compliance with the Contract Documents, the following manufacturers are
I. Stay-in-place forms:
a. Alabama Metal Industries Corporation.
B. Submit request for substitution in accordance with Specification Section 01640.
A. Forms for Surfaces Exposed to View:
I. Wood forms:
a. New 5/8 or 3/4 IN 5-ply structural plywood of concrete form grade.
b. Built-in-place or prefabricated type panel.
c. 4 x 8 FT sheets for built-in-place type except where smaller pieces will cover entire
d. When approved, plywood may be reused.
2. Metal forms:
a. Metal forms excluding aluminum may be used.
b. Forms to be tight to prevent leakage, free of rust and straight without dents to provide
members of uniform thickness.
B. Forms for Surfaces Not Exposed to View:
I. Wood or metal sufficiently tight to prevent leakage.
2. Do not use aluminum forms.
A. Form Ties:
I. Commercially fabricated for use in form construction.
a. Do not use wire ties.
2. Constructed so that ends or end fasteners can be removed without causing spalling at
surfaces of the concrete.
3. 3/4 IN minimum to I IN maximum diameter cones on both ends.
4. Embedded portion ofties to be not less than 1-112 IN from face of concrete after ends have
been removed.
B. Stay-In-Place Forms:
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, on '1~
I. Ribbed expanded metalleave-in-place concrete forms commercially fabricated to provide
an intentionally rougher surface.
2. Hot-dipped galvanized.
3. Similar to "Stay-Form" by Alabama Metal Industries Corporation.
A. Form Surface Treatment:
1. Before placing of either reinforcing steel or concrete, cover surfaces of forms with an
approved coating material that will effectively prevent absorption of moisture and prevent
bond with concrete, will not stain concrete or prevent bonding of future finishes.
a. A field applied form release agent or sealer of approved type or a factory applied
non absorptive liner may be used.
2. Do not allow excess form coating material to stand in puddles in forms nor in contact with
hardened concrete against which fresh concrete is to be placed.
B. Provide temporary openings at base of column and \\'311 forms and at other points where
necessary' to facilitate cleaning and observation immediately before concrete is placed, and to
limit height of free fall of concrete to prevent aggregate segregation.
I. Temporary openings to limit height oftl'ee fall of concrete shall be spaced no more than 8
FT apart.
C. Clean surfaces of fonns. reinforcing steel and other embedded materials of any accumulated
mortar or grout from previous concreting and of all other foreign material before concrete is
A. Install products in accordance with manufacturer's instructions.
B. Tolerances:
I. Variation from plumb:
a. In lines and surfaces of columns, piers, walls, and in risers.
1) Maximum in any 10 FT of height: 1/4 IN.
2) Maximum for entire height: 1/2 IN.
b. For exposed corner columns. control-joint grooves, and other exposed to view lines:
I) Maximum in any 20FT length: 1/4 IN.
7) Maximum for entire length: 1/2 IN.
2. Variation from level or from grades specified:
a. In slab soffits. ceilings. beam soffits and in arises, measured before removal of
supporting shores.
I) Maximum in any 10 1'1 oflength: 1/4 IN.
2) Maximum in any bay or in any 20FT length: 3/8 IN.
3) Maximum for entire length: 3/4 IN.
b. In exposed lintels. sills, parapets, horizontal grooves, and other exposed to view lines:
I) Maximum in any bay or in 20 FT length: 1/4 IN.
7) Maximum for entire length: 1/2 IN.
3. Variation of linear structure lines from established position in plan and related position of
columns, walls, and partitions:
a. Maximum in any bay: I /7 IN.
b. Maximum in any 20 FT of length: 1/2 IN.
c. Maximum for entire length: I IN.
4. Variation in sizes and location of sleeves, floor openings, and wall openings: Maximum of
+1/2 IN.
5. Variation in horizontal plan location of beam. column and wall centerlines from required
location: Maximum of 11/2 IN.
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. ,.~
6. Variation in cross sectional dimensions of columns and beams and in thickness of slabs and
walls: Maximumof-1/4IN.+1/2IN.
7. Footings and foundations:
a. Variations in concrete dimensions in plan: -1/2 IN, +2 IN.
b. Misplacement or eccentricity:
]) 2 percent offooting width in direction of misplacement but not more than 21N.
c. Thickness:
I) Decrease in specified thickness: 5 percent.
2) Increase in specified thickness: No limit except that which may interfere with
other construction.
8. Variation in steps:
a. In a flight of stairs:
I) Rise: +1/8 IN.
2) Tread: + 114 IN.
b. In consecutive steps:
]) Rise: +I!l6IN.
2) Tread: + 1/8 IN.
9. Establish and maintain in an undisturbed condition and until final completion and
acceptance of Project, sufficient control points and bench marks to be used for reference
purposes to check tolerances.
]0. Regardless of tolerances listed allow no portion of structure to extend beyond legal
boundary of Project.
11. To maintain specified tolerances, camber forrnwork to compensate for anticipated
deflections in form work prior to hardening of concrete.
C. Make forms sufficiently tight to prevent loss of mortar rrom concrete.
D. Place 3/4 IN chamfer strips in exposed to view corners of fonlls to produce 3/4 IN wide beveled
E. At construction joints, overlap contact surface of form sheathing for flush surfaces exposed to
view over hardened concrete in previous placement by at least I IN.
t. Hold forms against hardened concrete to prevent offsets or loss of mortar at construction
joint and to maintain a true surface.
2. Where possible, locate juncture of built- in-place wood or metal forms at architectural lines,
control joints or at construction joints.
F. Construct wood forms for wall openings to facilitate loosening, if necessary, to counteract
G. Anchor forrnwork to shores or other supporting surfaces or members so that movement of any
part of formwork system is prevented during concrete placement.
H. Provide runways for moving equipment with struts or legs, supported directly on formwork or
structural member without resting on reinforcing steel.
Provide positive means of adjustment (wedges or jacks) of shores and struts and take up all
settlement during concrete placing operation.
I. Securely brace forms against lateral deflection.
2. Fasten wedges used for tinal adjustment of forms prior to concrete placement in position
after final check.
Stay-In-Place Forms:
l. Support stay-in-place forms as required to maintain the formwork in proper position.
2. Hold the edge of stay- in-place forms back a minimum of2]N rrom all smooth formed
concrete surfaces.
3. Stay-In-place forms may be used at the Contractor's option at:
a. Surfaces that will be backtilled with soil.
1) Maintain a minimum of3 IN of concrete cover over all reinforcing.
b. Roughened construction joints.
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c. Other locations approved by Engineer.
A. No construction loads shall be supported on. nor any shoring removed from. any part ofthe
structure under construction except when that portion of the structure in combination with
remaining forming and shoring system has sufficient strength to safely support its weight and
loads places thereon.
B. When required for concrete curing in hot weather., required for repair of surface defects or when
finishing is required at an early age, remove forms as soon as concrete has hardened sufficiently
to resist damage from removal operations or lack of support.
C. Remove top forms on sloping surfaces of concrete as soon as concrete has attained sufficient
stiffness to prevent sagging.
1. Perform any needed repairs or treatment required on such sloping surfaces at once, followed
by curing specified in Section 03311.
D. Loosen wood forms for wall openings as soon as this can be accomplished without damage to
E. Formwork for columns, walls, sides of beams, and other parts not supporting weight of concrete
may be removed as soon as concrete has hardened sufficientl)' to resist damage from removal.
F. Where no reshoring is planned, leave forms and shoring used to support weight of concrete in
place until concrete has attained its specified 28 day compressive strength.
1. Where a reshoring procedure is planned, supporting fonnwork may be removed when
concrete has reached the concrete strength required by the fOlmwork designer's structural
G. When shores and other vertical supports are so arranged that non-load-carrying form facing
material may be removed without loosening or disturbing shores and supports. facing material
may be removed when concrete has sufficiently hardened to resist damage rrom removal.
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OJ 108 -.5
A. Section Includes:
I. Reinforcing bar requirements for concrete construction.
B. Related Sections include but are not necessarily limited to:
I. Division 0 - Bidding Requirements. Contract Forms. and Conditions of the Contract.
2. Division I - General Requirements.
A. Referenced Standards:
I. American Concrete Institute (ACI):
a. SP-66. ACI Detailing Manual.
b. 318, Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete.
2. ASTM International (ASTM):
a. A185, Standard Specification for Steel Welded Wire Reinforcement, Plain, for
b. A497, Standard Specification for Steel Welded Wire Reinforcement, Deformed, for
c. A6l5. Standard Specification for Deformed and Plain Billet-Steel Bars for Concrete
d. A 706, Standard Specification for Low-Alloy Steel Deformed and Plain Bars for
Concrete Reinforcement.
e. A 767. Standard Specification for Zinc-Coated (Galvanized) Steel Bars for Concrete
f. A 775, Standard Specification for Epoxy-Coated Steel Reinforcing Bars.
3. American Welding Society (A WS):
a. D1.4, Structural Welding Code - Reinforcing Steel.
4. Concrete Reinforcing Steel Institute (CRSI):
a. Manual of Standard Practice.
S. Qualifications:
1. Welding operators, processes and procedures to be qualified in accordance with A WS DIA.
2. Welding operators to have been qualified during the previous 12 months prior to
commencement of welding.
3. Miscellaneous:
A. Shop Drawings:
I. See Section 01340 for requirements for the mechanics and administration of the submittal
2. Product technical data including:
a. Acknowledgement that products submitted meet requirements of standards referenced.
b. Manufacturer's installation instructions.
c. Mill certificates for all reinforcing.
d. ICBO reports for each manufactured mechanical splice and adhesive anchor.
e. Manufacture and type of proprietary rebar mechanical splices.
f. Manufacturer and type ofrebar adhesive anchor including installation instructions.
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03208 - ]
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3. Qualifications of\velding operators, welding processes and procedures.
4. Rebar number, sizes, spacing, dimensions, configurations, locations. mark numbers, lap
splice lengths and locations, concrete cover and rebar supports.
5. Sufficient rcbar details to permit installation of reinforcing.
6. Rebar details in accordance with ACl SP-66.
7. Locations where proprietary rchar mechanical splices are required or proposed for use.
8. Shop Drawings shall be in sufficient detail to permit installation of reinforcing without
reference to Contract Drawings.
a. Shop Drawings shall not be prepared by reproducing the plans and details indicated on
the Contract Drawings but shall consist of completely redrawn plans and details as
necessary to indicate complete fabrication and installation of all reinforcing steel.
A. Support and store all reinforcing above ground.
B. Ship to jobsite with attached plastic or metal tags with permanent mark numbers which match
the Shop Drawing mark numbers.
A. Subject to compliance with Contract Documents, the following Manufacturers are acceptable:
I. Rebar adhesive anchors: See Specification Section 05505.
2. Rebar mechanical splices:
a. Lenton Rebar Splicing by Erica. Inc.
b. Richmond dowel bar splicer system by Richmond Screw and Anchor Co., Inc.
c. Bar-Grip Systems by Barsplice Products. Inc.
B. Submit request for substitution in accordance with Specification Section 0 I 640.
A. Reinforcing Bars: ASTM A615, grade 60, deformed.
Reinforcing Bars to be Welded: ASTM A706.
B. Welded Wire Fabric: ASTM A 185 or ASTM A497.
C. Smooth Dowel Bars: ASTM A6l5. grade 60 with metal end cap to allow longitudinal
movement equal to joint width plus I IN.
1. Proprietary Rebar Mechanical Splices: To develop in tension and compression a minimum
of 125 percent of the yield strength of the rebars being spliced.
D. Welding Electrodes:
I. E90 meeting requirements of A WS D lA.
E. Rebar Adhesive Anchors:
I. Manufactured for the specific purpose of embedding and developing 125 percent of the
yield strength ofrcbars in hardened concrete.
A. Metal Chairs, Runners. Bolsters. Spacers, Hangers, and Other Rebar Supports:
1. Plastic-coated tips in contact with forms.
2. Plastic coating meeting requirements of CRSI Manual of Standard Practice.
B. Protective plastic caps at mechanical splices.
A. Tolerances:
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03208 -::
1. Sheared lengths: + I IN.
2. Overall dimensions of stirrups, ties and spirals: + I 12 IN.
3. All other bends: +0 IN, -1/2 IN.
B. Minimum diameter of bends measured on the inside of the rebar to be as indicated in ACI 3 I 8
Paragraph 7.2.
. \"~
C. Ship rebars to jobsite with attached plastic or metal tags.
I. Place on each tag the mark number of the rebar corresponding to the mark number indicated
on the Shop Drawing.
2. Mark numbers on tags to be so placed that the numbers cannot be removed.
A. Tolerances:
I. Rebar placement:
a. Clear distance to formed surfaces: + 1/4 IN.
b. Minimum spacing between bars: -1/4 IN.
c. Top bars in slabs and beams:
I) Members 8 IN deep or less: + 1/4 IN.
2) Members between 81N and 2 FT deep: -1/4 IN, +1/2 IN.
3) Members more than 2 FT deep: -1/4 IN, + I IN.
d. Crosswise of members: Spaced evenly within +1 IN.
e. Lengthwise of members: +2 IN.
2. Minimum clear distances between rcbars:
a. Beams, walls and slabs: Distance equal to rebar diameter or I IN. whichever is greater.
Columns: Distance equal to 1-1/2 times the rebar diameter or 1-1/2 IN, whichever is
b. Beam and slab rebars shall be threaded through the column vertical rebars without
displacing the column vertical rcbars and still maintaining the clear distances required
for the beam and slab rebars.
B. Minimum concrete protective covering for reinforcement: As shown on Drawings.
C. Unless indicated otherwise on Drawings. provide splice lengths for reinforcing as follows:
1. For rebars: Class B splice meeting the requirements of Paragraph P.15 of ACI 3 I 8.
2. For welded wire fabric: Splice lap length measured between outermost cross wires of each
fabric sheet shall not be less than I spacing of cross wires plus 2 IN, nor less than 1.5 x
development length nor less than 6 IN. Development length shall be as required for the yield
strength ofthe welded wire fabric in accordance with Paragraph 12.8 of ACI 318.
3. Provide splices of reinforcing not specifically indicated or specified subject to approval of
Engineer. Mechanical proprietary splice connectors may only be used when approved or
indicated on the Contract Drawings.
D. Welding: Welding of reinforcing shall not be permitted.
Obtain approval by the Engineer prior to welding reinforcing.
Perform welding ofrebars in accordance with requirements of A WS D1.4.
Have each welder place an approved identifying mark near each completed weld.
E. Placing Rebars:
1. Assure that reinforcement at time concrete is placed is free of mud, oil or other materials
that may affect or reduce bond.
2. Reinforcement with rust, mill scale or a combination of both will be accepted as being
satisfactory without cleaning or brushing provided dimensions and weights including
heights of deformations on a cleaned sample is not less than required by applicable ASTM
specification that governs for the rebar supplied.
3. Rebar support:
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a. Uncoated rebar:
I) Support rebars and fasten together to prevent displacement by construction loads or
placing of concrete.
2) On ground. provide supporting concrete blocks or metal bar supports with bottom
a) Do not use concrete blocks to support slab-on-grade reinforcing.
3) Over fOnTIwork, provide plastic-coated metal chairs, runners, bolsters, spacers,
hangers and other rebar support. Only tips in contact with the forms need to be plastic
4. Where parallel horizontal reinforcement in beams is indicated to be placed in two or more
layers. rebars in the upper layers shall be placed directly above rebars in the bottom layer
with clear distance between layers to be I IN. Place spacer rebars at 3 FT maximum centers
to maintain the required 1 IN clear distance bet\veen layers.
5. Extend reinforcement to within 2 IN of concrete perimeter edges. If perimeter edge IS
formed by earth or stay-in-place forms, extend reinforcement to within 3 IN of the edge.
6. To assure proper placement furnish templates for all column vertical bars and dowels.
7. Do not bend reinforcement after embedding in hardened concrete unless approved by
Engineer. Do not bend reinforcing by means of heat.
8. Do not tack weld reinforcing.
9. Embed rebars into hardened concrete utilizing adhesive anchor system specifically
manufactured for such installation:
a. Drill hole in concrete with diameter and depth as required to develop 175 percent of the
yield strength of the bar according to manufacturer's requirements.
b. Place adhesive in drilled hole.
c. Insert rebar into hole and adhesive in accordance with manufacturer's instructions.
A. Reinforcement Congestion and Interferences:
1. Notify Engineer whenever the specified clearances between rebars cannot be met.
') Do not place any concrete until the Engineer submits a solution to rebar congestion
3. Rebars may be moved as necessary to avoid interference with other reinforcing steel,
conduits, or embedded items.
4. If rebars are moved more than one bar diameter. obtain Engineer's approval of resulting
arrangement of rebars.
5. No cutting of rebars shall be done without written approval of Engineer.
6. Employ a testing laboratory to perform and report following:
a. Revievv and approve Contractor proposed welding procedures and processes for
confornlance with A WS D I A.
b. QualifY welders in accord with A WS DI A.
c. Test three samples of each bar size and each type of weld in accord with A WS O1A.
The tensile strength of each test shall be not less than 125 percent of the required yield
strength of the rebar tested.
d. Conduct nondestructive field tests (radiographic or magnetic particle) on not less than
onc random sample for cach 10 welds. In addition if any welds are found defective, test
five previous welds perfonned by same welder.
e. Visually inspect each weld for presence of cracks, undercuts, inadequate size and other
visible defects.
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NCR Vv,"!"P Degasirier & Odor Control Expansion
0320X - 4
A Section Includes:
I. Concrete materials, strengths and proportioning for concrete work.
2. Grouting:
a. Base plates for columns and equipment.
b. Patching cavities in concrete.
c. As specified and indicated in the Contract Documents.
B. Related Sections include but are not necessarily limited to:
I. Division 0 - Bidding Requirements, Contract Fonns. and Conditions of the Contract.
2. Division 1 - General Requirements.
3. Section 03350 - Testing.
A. Referenced Standards:
I. American Concrete Institute (ACI):
a. I l6R, Cement and Concrete Tenninology.
b. 211. I. Standard Practice for Selecting Proportions for Nonnal, Heavyweight, and Mass
c. 212.3R, Chemical Admixtures for Concrete.
d. 318, Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete.
2. ASTM International (ASTM):
a. C33. Standard Specification for Concrete Aggregates.
b. C39, Standard Test Method for Compressive Strength of Cylindrical Concrete
c. C94, Standard Specification for Ready-Mixed Concrete.
d. C150. Standard Specification for Portland Cement.
e. C157, Standard Test Method for Length Change of Hardened Hydraulic-Cement,
Mortar, and Concrete.
f. C 192, Standard Practice for Making and Curing Concrete Test Specimens in the
g. C260. Standard Specification for Air-Entraining Admixtures for Concrete.
h. C494. Standard Specification for Chemical Admixtures for Concrete.
i. C6 18, Standard Specification for Coal Fly Ash and Raw or Calcined Natural
Pozzolan for Use as a Mineral Admixture in Concrete.
3. Corps of Engineers(COE):
a. CRD-C621, Standard Specification for Packaged, Dry, Hydraulic-Cement Grout
A. Words and tenns used in these Specifications are defined in ACII16R.
A. Shop Drawings:
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1. See Section 01340 for requirements for the mechanics and administration of the submittal
2. Product technical data including:
a. Acknowledgement that products submitted meet requirements of standards referenced.
b. Manufacturer's instructions.
c. Concrete mix designs as required by Section 03350.
d. Manufacture and type of proposed admixtures.
e. Manufacturer and type of proposed non-shrink grout and grout cure/seal compound.
3. Certifications:
a. Certification of standard deviation value in psi for ready mix plant supplying the
b. Certification that the fly ash meets the quality requirements stated in this Section, and
fly ash supplier's certified test reports for each shipment of fly ash delivered to concrete
c. Certification that the class of coarse aggregate meets the requirements of ASTM C33
for type and location of concrete construction.
d. Certi fication of aggregate gradation.
4. Test reports: Cement mill reports for all cement to be supplied.
A. Storage of Materials:
1. Store cement and pozzolan in weathertight buildings, bins, or silos which will exclude
moisture and contaminants.
2. Arrange aggregate stockpiles and use in a manner to avoid excessive segregation and to
prevent contamination with other materials or with other sizes oflike aggregates.
3. Allow natural sand to drain until it has reached a relatively uniform moisture content before
4. Store admixtures in such a manner as to avoid contamination, evaporation, or damage.
a. For those used in form of suspensions or non-stable solutions, provide agitating
equipment to assure thorough distribution of ingredients.
b. Protect liquid admixtures tTom tTeezing and temperature changes which would
adversely affect their characteristics and performance.
A. Subject to compliance with the Contract Documents, the following manufacturers are
I. Non-shrink grout:
a. BASF Admixtures. Inc.
b. Euclid Chemical Company.
c. U. S. Grout.
d. Upco.
e. Set Products, Inc.
r. L & M Construction Chemicals. Inc.
g. Sika Corporation
B. Submit request for substitution in accordance with Specification Section 01640.
A. Cement:
I. ASTM C150, Type II or 1/11.
2. Cement type used shall correspond to that upon which selection of concrete proportions was
based in the mix design.
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NCRWTP Degasifier & Odor Control Fxpansion
B. Fly Ash:
I. ASTM C618. Class F.
2. Non-staining.
3. Suited to provide hardened concrete of uniform light gray color.
4. Maximum loss on ignition: 4 percent.
5. Compatible with other concrete ingredients and having no deleterious effects on the
hardened concrete.
6. Produced by source approved by the State Highway Department in the state where the
project is located for use in concrete for bridges.
7. Cement and fly ash type used shall correspond to that upon which selection of concrete
proportions was based in the mix desil:,1J1.
C. Admixtures:
I. Air entraining: ASTM C260.
2. Water reducing, retarding, and accelerating: Conform to ASTM C494, Types A through E,
and provisions of ACI212.3R.
3. High range water reducers (superplasticizers): Conform to ASTM C494, Types F or G.
4. Admixtures to be chloride free.
a. Do not use calcium chloride.
5. Provide admixtures of same type. manufacturer and quantity as used in establishing required
concrete proportions in the mix design.
D. Water:
I. Potable.
2. Clean and free from deleterious substances.
3. Free of oils, acids and organic matter.
E. Aggregates for Normal Weight Concrete:
I. ASTM C33.
2. Fine and coarse aggregates to be regarded as separate ingredients.
3. Fine aggregates to be natural, not manutilCtured.
4. Coarse aggregate sieve analysis:
a. For lean concrete and concrete fill: ASTM C33. size number 7 (maximum 1/2 IN).
b. For all other concrete: ASTM C33, size number 57 (maximum I IN) or number 67
(maximum 3/4 IN).
5. Provide aggregates approved for bridge construction by the State Highway Department in
the State where the Project is located.
6. Pozzolan or other additives shall not be used to compensate for alkali reactivity of
F. Maximum total chloride ion content for concrete mix including all ingredients measured as a
weight percent of cement:
I. 0.10 for all concrete.
G. Sand Cement Grout:
I. Approximately three (3) parts sand. one (I) part portland cement, 4 + I percent entrained air
and water to produce a slump which allows grout to completely fill required areas and
surround adjacent reinforcing.
a. Provide sand in accordance with requirements for fine aggregate for concrete.
2. Minimum 28 day compressive strength: 3000 psi. or the strength of the parent concrete, if
used for construction joint bonding.
H. Non-shrink Grout:
1. Non-shrink, non-metallic, non-corrosive, and non-staining.
2. Premixed with only water to be added in accordance with manufacturerts instructions at
3. Grout to produce a positive but controlled expansion.
a. Mass expansion shall not be created by gas liberation or by other means.
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4. Minimum 28 day compressive strength: 6500 psi.
5. BASF Admixtures. Inc. "Masterflow. 713 Plus"; Euclid Chemical "NS Grout"; Sauereisen
Cements "F-I 00 Level Fill Grout"; U. S. Grout "Five Star Grout"; Set Products, Inc. "Set
Non-Shrink Grout"; The Upco Corp "Upcon"; L & M "C'Ystex"; Sika Corporation "Sika
Grout 212"; or equal.
6. In accordance with CaE CRD-C621.
2.3 MIXES:
A. General:
I. Provide concrete capable of being placed without aggregate segregation and, when cured, of
developing all properties specified.
2. Ready-mixed concrete shall conform to ASTM C94.
3. All concrete to be normal weight concrete, weighing approximately 145 to ISO LBS per
cubic foot at 78 days after placement.
B. Minimum 28 Day Compressive Strengths:
Normal weight concrete fill
Normal weight lean concrete
Normal weight all other concrete
3000 psi
3000 psi
4000 psi
C. Air Entrainment:
I. Provide air entrainment with 3 percent total air content by volume in all concrete.
D. Slump:
I. 4 IN maXImum, 1 IN mmmlUm measured at point of discharge into the concrete
construction member.
2. Concrete of lower than minimum slump may be used provided it can be properly placed and
3. Provide additional water or water reducing admixture at ready mix plant for concrete that is
to be pumped to allow for slump loss due to pumping.
3. Provide only enough additional water so that slump of concrete at discharge end of
pump hose does not exceed maximum slump specified and the maximum specified
water-cement ration is not exceeded.
E. Proportioning:
I. General:
3. Proportion ingredients to produce a mixture which will work readily into comers and
angles of forms and around reinforcement by methods of placement and consolidation
employed without pennitting materials to segregate or excessive free water to collect on
b. Proportion ingredients to produce proper placability. durability. strength and
other required properties.
2. Normal weight concrete minimum cement contents and maximum water cement ratios:
* If fly ash is proposed for use, the weight or lly ash plus weight of portland cement shall equal
these values.
3. Fly ash:
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oJJ08 - 4
a. For cast-in-place concrete only, a maximum of25 percent by weight of portland cement
content per cubic yard may be replaced with fly ash at a rate of I LB fly ash for I LB
b. If fly ash is used. the water to fly ash plus cement ratio not to exceed the
maximum water cement ratio specified in this Section.
4. Water reducing, retarding, and accelerating admixtures:
a. Use in accordance with manufacturer's instructions.
b. Do not use unless required by these specifications or approved for use by Engineer.
5. High range water reducers (superplasticizers):
a. Use in accordance with manufacturer's instructions.
b. Maximum concrete slump before addition of admixture to be 3 IN.
c. Maximum slump after addition to be 8 IN.
d. Maximum water-cement ratio of the concrete mix containing a high range water
reducer to be 0.42.
6. Concrete mix proportioning methods for normal weight concrete:
a. Method I:
I) Used when combination of materials proposed is to be evaluated and proportions
selected to be on a basis of trial mixes.
2) Produce mixes having suitable proportions and consistencies based on ACI 211. I,
using at least three (3) different water cement ratios or cement contents which will
produce a range of compressive strengths encompassing the required average
3) Design trial mixes to produce a slump within 0.75 IN of maximum specified, and
for air entrained concrete, air content within 0.5 percent specified.
4) For each water cement ratio or cement content, make at least three (3) compression
test cylinders for specified test age, and cure in accordance with ASTM C 192.
a) Test for strength at 28 days in accordance with ASTM C39.
5) From results ofthese tests. plot a curve showing relationship between water cement
ratio or cement content and compressive strength.
6) From this curve select water cement ratio or cement content to be used to produce
required average strength.
7) Use cement content and mixture proportions such that maximum water cement
ratio is not exceeded when slump is maximum specified.
8) Base field control on maintenance of proper cement content, slump, air content and
water cement ratio.
9) See paragraph hereafter for definition of required average strength.
b. Method 2:
I) In lieu of trial mixes, field test records for concrete made with similar ingredients
may be used.
2) Use of proposed concrete mix proportions based on field test records subject to
approval by Engineer based on information contained in field test records and
demonstrated ability to provide the required average strength.
3) Field test records to represent materials, proportions and conditions similar to those
a) Changes in the materials. proportions and conditions within the test records
shall have not been more restricted than those for the proposed concrete mix.
b) Field test records shall meet the requirements of ACI 318 Paragraph 5.3.1.
4) Required concrete proportions may be established by interpolation between the
strengths and proportions of two (2) or more test records each of which meets the
requirements of this Section.
7. Required average strength to exceed the specified 28 day compressive strength by the
amount determined or calculated in accordance with Paragraph 5.3 of ACI 318 using the
standard deviation of the proposed concrete production facility as described in Paragraphs
5.3.1 and20fAC1318.
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F. Flowable Fill:
I. Flowable fill shall be a mixture of cement. fly ash, fine sand, water and air having a
consistency which will flow under a very low head.
2. Approximate quantities of each component per cubic yard of mixed material:
a. Cement (Type I or II): 50 LBS.
b. Fly ash: 200 LBS.
c. Fine sand: 2,700 LBS.
d. Water (approximate): 470 LBS.
e. Air content (approximate): 10 percent.
3. Actual quantities shall be adjusted to provide a yield of I CY with the materials used.
4. Approximate compressive strength should be 85 to 175 psi.
5. Fine sand shall be an evenly graded material having not less than 95 percent passing the No.
4 sieve and not more than 5 percent passing the No. 200 sieve.
A. To assure stockpiles are not contaminated or materials are segregated. perform any test for
determining conformance to requirements for cleanness and grading on samples secured from
aggregates at point of bat ching.
B. Do not use frozen or partially frozen aggregates.
A. Perform concrete tests per Section 03350.
B. Perfonn strength test on any concrete to which water has been added at the jobsite.
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A. Section Includes:
I. Mixing, placing, jointing, and curing of concrete construction.
B. Related Sections include but are not necessarily limited to:
1. Division 0 - Bidding Requirements, Contract Forms, and Conditions of the Contract.
2. Division 1 - General Requirements.
3. Section 03108 - Formwork.
4. Section 03708 - Reinforcement.
5. Section 03308 - Concrete. Materials and Proportioning.
6. Section 03348 - Concrete Finishing and Repair of Surface Defects.
7. Section 03350 - Testing.
8. Section 07900 - Joint Sealants.
A. Referenced Standards:
I. American Concrete Institute (ACI):
a. ] ] 6R, Cement and Concrete Temlinology.
b. 304R, Guide for Measuring. Mixing, Transporting and Placing Concrete.
c. 304.2R, Placing Concrete hy Pumping Methods.
d. 305R, Hot Weather Concreting.
e. 306R, Cold Weather Concrcting.
f. 308. Standard Practice for Curing Concrete.
g. 309R, Guide for Consolidation of Concrete.
2. ASTM International (ASTM):
a. C94, Standard Specification for Ready-Mixed Concrete.
b. C 171. Standard Specification for Sheet Materials for Curing Concrete.
c. e881, Standard Specification for Epoxy-Resin-Base Bonding Systems for Concrete.
d. D994. Standard Specification for Preformed Expansion Joint Filler for Concrete
(Bituminous Type).
e. DI056. Standard Specification for Flexihle Cellular Materials-Sponge or Expanded
f. D 175 I. Standard Specification I'>r Preformed Expansion Joint Filler for Concrete
Paving and Structural Construction (Nonextruding and Resilient Bituminous Types).
3. Corps of Engineers (COE):
a. CRD-C572. Specifications for Polyvinylchloride Waterstops.
4. National Ready Mixed Concrete Association (NRMCA):
a. Checklist for Certification of Ready Mixed Concrete Production Facilities.
B. Qualifications:
I. Ready Mixed Concrete Batch Plant: Certified by NRMCA.
A. Words and terms used in this Specification are defined in ACI 116R.
A. Shop Drawings:
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03311 - I
I. See Section 01340 for requirements for the mechanics and administration of the submittal
2. Product technical data including:
a. Acknowledgement that products submitted meet requirements of standards referenced.
b. Manufacturer's installation instructions.
I) Procedure for adding high-range water reducer.
c. Scaled (minimum 118 IN per foot) drawings showing proposed locations of
construction joints and joint keyway dimensions.
d. Manufacturers and types:
I) Joint fillers.
2) Curing methods.
3) Construction joint bonding adhesive.
4) Waterstops.
3. Certifications:
a. Ready mix concrete plant certification.
b. Waterstops: Products shipped meet or exceed the physical properties specified.
B. Miscellaneous:
I. See Section 01340 for requirements for the mechanics and administration of the submittal
2. Copies of concrete delivery tickets.
A. Delivery:
I. Concrete:
a. Prepare a delivery ticket for each load of ready mixed concrete.
b. Truck operator shall hand ticket to Contractor at the time of delivery.
c. Ticket to show:
I) Mix identification.
2) Quantity delivered.
3) Amount of material in each batch.
4) Outdoor temperature in the shade.
5) Time at which cement was added
6) Time of delivery.
7) Time of discharge.
8) Amount of water added.
a) Amount of water (if any) that may be added at the jobsite to achieve maximum
W IC ratio.
B. Neoprene Expansion Joint Fillers:
I. Manufacturers:
a. Pennaglaze.
b. Rubatex.
c. Williams Products.
2. Materials:
a. Closed cell neoprene.
b. ASTM D I 056, Class SC, 2 to 5 psi compression deflection, Grade SCE-41.
C. Waterstops, Bulb Type:
1. Manufacturers:
a. Greenstreak Plastics Products.
b. W R Meadows.
2. Materials:
a. Virgin polyvinyl chloride compound not containing any scrap or reclaimed materials or
b. Standard: COE CRD-C572.
3. In all joints requiring PVC waterstops:
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a. 6 IN wide x 3/8 IN thick bulb type.
b. Similar to Greenstreak Plastics Products Style #705.
4. Provide hog rings or grommets at maximum 12 IN OC along the length of the waterstop.
5. Provide factor)/-made waterstop fabrications at all changes in direction, intersections and
transitions, leaving only straight butt splices for the field.
D. Waterstops, Preformed - Strip Type:
1. Manufacturers:
a. Hydrotite CJ by Greenstreak Plastics, Inc.
b. Non-bentonite composition.
c. Or approved equal.
2. Materials:
a. Hydrophilic type waterstop manufactured solely for the purpose of preventing water
from traveling through construction joints.
b. Non-bentonite composition. ..
c. Hydrotite type C.I-0725-3K or approved equal.
E. Bonding Agent:
1. Manufacturers:
a. Sika Corp.
b. Euclid Chemical Co.
2. Materials:
a. Epoxy: 3 Part epoxy with extended working life.
3. Products:
a. Corr-Bond (Euclid).
b. Armatec 110 (Sika).
c. Or approved equal.
F. Sand cement grout and non-shrink grout: See Section 03308.
G. Submit request for substitution in accordance \\'ith Specification Section 01640.
A. The central concrete plant shall conform to the Checklist for Certification of Ready Mixed
Concrete Production Facilities of the NRMCA.
B. Precast concrete may be produced by precaster ifhis batching, mixing, and transporting facilities
meet requirements of Paragraph A immediately above.
A. General:
I. Complete fonnwork.
a. See Section 03 I 08.
2. Remove earth, snow, ice, water, and other foreign materials from areas that will receive
3. Secure reinforcement in place.
a. See Section 03008.
4. Position expansion joint material, anchors and other embedded items.
5. Obtain approval of reinforcement erection and placement prior to placing concrete.
6. Do not place concrete during rain, sleet, or snow, unless adequate protection is provided and
approval is obtained.
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NCRWTP LJegasificr & Odor Control Expansion
a. Plan size of crews with due regard for effects of concrete temperature and atmospheric
conditions on rate of hardening of concrete as required to obtain good surfaces and avoid
unplanned cold joints.
b. Do not allow rainwater to increase mixing water nor to damage surface finish.
7. Coat all construction joints with an approved bonding material, before new concrete IS
a. Apply proprietary bonding adhesive in accordance with manufacturer's instructions.
8. Remove hardened concrete and foreign materials from inner surfaces of conveying
equipment and formwork.
9. Provide slabs and beams of minimum indicated, minimum required depth when sloping
structural foundation base slabs and elevated slabs to drains.
B. Preparation of Subgrade for Slabs On Ground:
I. Subgrade drained and of adequate and uniform load-bearing nature.
2. Obtain approval of subgrade compaction density prior to placing slabs on ground.
3. Maintain subgrade at a temperature above 32 DegF before concrete placing begins for a
sufficient amount of time to remove rrost.
4. Moisten subgrade to eliminate absorption.
a. Keep subgrade moist at time of concreting.
b. Allow no free-standing water on subgrade or soft or muddy spots when concrete is
C. Edge Forms and Screeds:
1. Set accurately to produce designated elevations and contours of finished surface.
2. Sufficiently strong to support vibrating screeds or roller pipe screeds, if required.
3. Use strike off templates. or approved vibrating type screeds, to align concrete surfaces to
contours of screed strips.
A. General:
I. Provide all concrete from a central plant conforming to Checklist for Certification of Ready
Mixed Concrete Production Facilities of the NRMCA.
2. Batch, mix, and transport in accordance with ASTM C94.
B. Control of Admixtures:
1. Charge admixtures into mixer as solutions.
a. Measure by means of an approved mechanical dispensing device.
b. Liquid considered a part of mixing water.
c. Admixtures that cannot be added in solution may be weighed or measured by volume if
so recommended by manufacturer.
2. Add separatelYl when two or more admixtures are used in concrete, to avoid possible
interaction that might interfere with efficiency of either admixture, or adversely affect
3. Complete addition of retarding admixtures within one minute after addition of water to
cement has been completed. or prior to beginning of last three quarters of required mixing,
whichever occurs first.
C. Tempering and Control of Mixing Water:
1. Mix concrete only in quantities for immediate use.
2. Discard concrete which has set.
3. Discharge concrete ITom ready mix trucks within time limit and drum revolutions stated in
4. Addition of water at thejobsite:
a. See Section 03308 for specified water cement ratio and slump.
b. Do not exceed maximum specified water cement ratio or slump.
c. Incorporate water by additional mixing equal to at least half of total mixing required.
d. Perform strength test on any concrete to which water has been added at the jobsite.
I) See Section 03350.
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03J]] ,4
A. General:
I. Comply with ACI 304R and ACI 304."R.
2. Deposit concrete:
3. Continuously to avoid cold joints.
b. In layers ofl2 to 181N.
3. Locate construction joints at locations approved by Engineer.
3. Plan size of crews with due regard for effects of concrete temperature and atmosphere
conditions to avoid unplanned cold joints.
4. Place concrete at such a rate that concrete, which is being integrated with fresh concrete, is
still workable.
5. Do not deposit concrete which has partially hardened or has been contaminated by foreign
6. Spreaders:
3. Temporary: Remove as soon as concrete placing renders their function unnecessary.
b. Embedded:
I) Obtain approval of Engineer.
7) Materials: Concrete or metal.
3) Ends of metal spreaders coated with plastic coating 2 IN from each end.
7. Do not begin placing of concrete in supported elements until concrete previously placed in
supporting members is no longer plastic and has been in place at least a minimum of2 HRS.
8. Deposit concrete as nearly as practicable in its final position to avoid segregation.
a. Maximum free fall: 4 FT.
b. Free fall exceeding 4 FT:
I) Place concrete by means of hopper. elephant trunk or tremie pipe extending down
to within 4 FT of surface placed upon.
9. Perform the following operations before bleeding water has an opportunity to collect on
a. Spread.
b. Consolidate.
c. Straightedge.
d. Darby or bull float.
B. High-Range Water Reducers (Superplasticizers):
I. Perform concrete slump test at thejobsite both prior to and after addition of the admixture to
the concrete.
C. Cold Weather Concrete Placement:
I. Comply with ACI 306R.
'). Do not place concrete on substrates that are below 32 DegF or contain rrozen material.
3. Maintain all materials, forms, reinforcement, subgrade and any other items which concrete
will come in contact with free of rrost, ice or snow at time of concrete placement.
4. Temperature of concrete when discharged at site:
30 to 45
o to 30
below 0
5. Heat subgrade, forms, and reinforcement so the temperature of the subgrade, forms, and
reinforcement will be between 45 and 70 DegF, when temperature of surrounding air is 40
DegF or below at time concrete is plac~d.
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03.\]] - 5
a. Remove all frost from subgrade, forms and reinforcement before concrete is placed.
6. Combine water with aggregate in mixer before cement is added, if water or aggregate is
heated above 90 DegF.
7. Do not mix cement with water or with mixtures of water and aggregate having a
temperature greater than 90 DegF.
8. Do not place slabs on ground if temperature is below 40 DegF or if temperature surrounding
the slab will be below 40 DegF before structure is enclosed and heated.
D. Hot Weather Concrete Placement:
I. Comply with ACI 305R.
2. Cool ingredients before mixing, or add flake ice or well crushed ice of a size that will rnelt
completely during mixing for all or part of mixing water if high temperature, low slump,
flash set, cold joints, or shrinkage cracks are encountered.
3. Temperature of concrete when placed:
a. Not to exceed 90 DegF.
b. Not so high as to cause:
I) Shrinkage cracks.
2) Difficulty in placement due to loss of slump.
3) Flash set.
4. Temperature of fanns and reinforcing when placing concrete:
a. Not to exceed 90 DegF.
b. May be reduced by spraying with water to cool below 90 DegF.
I) Leave no standing water to contact concrete being placed.
E. Consolidating:
I. Consolidate in accordance with ACI 309R except as modified herein.
2. Consolidate by vibration so that concrete is thoroughly worked around reinforcement,
embedded items and into comers of forms.
a. Eliminate:
I) Air or stone pockets.
2) Honeycombing or pitting.
3) Planes of weakness.
3. Internal vibrators:
a. Minimum frequency of 8000 vibrations per minute.
b. Insert and withdraw at points approximately 18 IN apart.
1) Allow sufficient duration at each insertion to consolidate concrete but not sufficient
to cause segregation.
c. Use in:
I) Walls.
d. Size of vibrators shall be in accordance with Table 5.1.5 of ACI 309R.
4. Obtain consolidation of slabs and foundation mats with internal vibrators, vibrating screeds.
roller pipe screeds, or other approved means.
5. Do not use vibrators to transport concrete within forms.
6. Provide spare vibrators on jobsite during all concrete placing operations.
7. Bring a full surface of mortar against form by vibration supplemented if necessary by
spading to work coarse aggregate back from formed surface, where concrete is to have an
as-cast finish.
8. Use suitable form vibrators located just below top surface of concrete, where internal
vibrators cannot be used in areas of congested reinforcing.
9. Prevent construction equipment, construction operations, and personnel from introducing
vibrations into freshly placed concrete after the concrete has been placed and consolidated.
F. Handle concrete from mixer to place of final deposit by methods which will prevent segregation
or loss of ingredients and in a manner which will assure that required quality of concrete is
I. Use truck mixers, agitators, and non-agitating units in accordance with ASTM C94.
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2. Horizontal belt conveyors:
a. Mount at a slope which will not cause segregation or loss of ingredients.
b. Protect concrete against undue drying or rise in temperature.
c. Use an arrangement at discharge end to prevent segregation.
d. Do not allow mortar to adhere to return length of belt.
e. Discharge conveyor runs into equipment specially designed for spreading concrete.
3. Metal or metal lined chutes:
a. Slope not exceeding 1 vertical to .2 horizontal and not less than 1 vertical to 3
b. Chutes more than 20 FT long and chutes not meeting slope requirements may be used
provided they discharge into a hopper before distribution.
c. Provide end of each chute \vith a device to prevent segregation.
4. Pumping or pneumatic conveying equipment:
a. Designed for concrete application and having adequate pumping capacity.
b. Control pneumatic placement so segregation is avoided in discharged concrete.
c. Loss of slump in pumping or pneumatic conveying equipment shall not exceed 1-1/2
d. Do not convey concrete through pipe made of aluminum or aluminum alloy.
e. Provide pumping equipment \vithout Y sections.
A. General - Construction Joints:
1. Locate joints as indicated on Contract Drawings or as shown on approved Shop Drawings.
a. Where construction joint spacing shown on Drawings exceeds the joint spacing
indicated in Paragraph B below, submit proposed construction joint location in
confonnance with the Specification.
2. Unplanned construction joints will not be allowed.
a. If concrete cannot be completely placed between planned construction joints, then it
shall be removed.
3. In general. locate joints near middle of spans of slabs. and foundations unless a beam
intersects a girder at this point. in vihich case, offset joint in girder a distance equal to twice
the width of the beam.
4. Locate joints in walls and columns at underside of Ooors and slabs, and at tops of
foundations, unless shown otherwise.
a. Beam pockets shall be formed into concrete walls.
b. Size pockets to allow beam reinforcing to be placed as detailed on Drawings.
5. Make joints perpendicular to main reinforcement with all reinforcement continuous across
6. Provide roughened construction joints at all construction joints unless indicated otherwise
on Drawings.
a. Clean the previously hardened concrete interface and remove all laitance.
b. Intentionally roughen the interface to a full amplitude of 1/4 IN.
c. Provide recessed Oat surface as required to install strip type waterstops (if used).
7. Provide continuous keyways only where indicated on Drawings.
a. Construction joint keyways shall have the following dimensions, unless shown
otherwise on Drawings or directed othervvise by Engineer.
b. Construction joint keyways in walls:
I) Keyway width, not less than 1/3 and not more than 1/2 the wall thickness measured
perpendicular to wall faces.
2) Keyway depth to be not less than 1-1/2 IN.
3) Place keyway in wall center unless shown otherwise on Drawings.
c. Construction joint key\\,'a}'s in footings, foundations, base slabs, and structural or
elevated slabs:
]) Keyway height not less than 1/3 and not more than 117 the footing or slab
2) Keyway depth not less than 1-1/2 IN.
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1\<('1{ v.,'-I P Dcgasirier & Odor Control Expansion
03_111 - 7
3) Keyway in footing or slab center unless shown otherwise on Drawings.
8. Allow a minimum of 48 HRS before placement of adjoining concrete construction.
B. Construction Joints - Spacing:
1. General - Structures not intended to contain liquid:
a. Wall vertical construction joints:
I) 60 FT maximum centcrs.
2) At wall intersections. 30 FT maximum from corner.
b. Wall horizontal construction joints: 20-?5 FT centers (maximum).
c. Base slab, floor, and roof slab construction joints:
I) Placements to be approximately square and not to exceed 5000 SF.
2) Maximum side dimension of a slab pour to be 80 FT.
C. Bonding at Construction Joints:
I. Obtain bond between concrete pours at construction joints by thoroughly cleaning and
removing alllaitance from construction joints.
a. Before new concrete is placed, all construction joints shall be coated with an approved
bonding material or cement grout.
b. General:
1) Use cement grout for all construction joints, or at Contractor's option use an
approved. epoxy-based system.
2. At all roughened joint locations:
a. Roughen the surface of the concrete to expose the aggregate uniformly to 1/4 IN
b. Remove laitance, loosened particles of aggregate or damaged concrete at the surface, or
at the Contractor's option. use an approved chemical retarder which delays but does not
prevent setting of the surface of the mortar in accordance with the manufacturer's
I) Retarded mortar shall be removed within 24 HRS after placing to produce a clean
exposed aggregate bonding surface.
c. Dampen the hardened concrete (but do not saturate) immediately prior to placing of
grout bonding layer.
D. Locate control joints in slabs on grade as indicated on Drawings.
1. Time cutting properly with set of concrete, if saw cut joints are required or permitted.
a. Start cutting as soon as concrete has hardened sufficiently to prevent aggregates being
dislodged by saw.
b. Complete before shrinkage stresses become sufficient to produce cracking.
E. Expansion Joints:
I. Do not permit reinforcement or other embedded metal items bonded to concrete (except
smooth dowels bonded on only one side of joint) to extend continuously through an
expansion joint.
2. Use neoprene expansion joint fillers, unless noted otherwise on Drawings.
3. Seal expansion joints as shown on Drawings.
a. See Section 07900 for requirements.
F. Waterstops:
I. Preformed strip type:
a. Install on smooth surface of hardened concrete by use of nails, adhesive or other means
as recommended by manufacturer to prevent movement of waterstop during placement
of concrete.
b. Waterstop to be continuous with splices in accordance with manufacturer's instructions.
c. Use injoints against existing concrete and where indicated on Drawings.
2. PVC type:
a. Position waterstop accurately in forms.
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b. Secure waterstops in correct position using hog rings or grommets spaced along the
length of waters top and tie wire to adjacent reinforcing.
c. Hold horizontal waterstops in place with continuous supports.
d. Install according to manufacturer's instructions.
1) Do not displace reinforcement ITom required location.
e. Waterstops to be continuous.
f. Splice ends \\lith perpendicular butt splice using electrical splicing iron in accordance
with manufacturer's instructions.
g. Unless otherwise noted, use for all construction joints in new construction for all
structures indicated on Drawings.
G. Other Embedded Items:
I. Place sleeves, inserts. anchors, and embedded items required for adjoining work or for its
support, prior to initiating concreting.
2. Do not place electrical conduit, drains, or pipes in or thru concrete slabs, walls, columns,
foundations, beams or other structural members unless approved by Engineer.
H. Placing Embedded Items:
I. Position expansion joint material. w3terstops. and other embedded items accurately.
2. Support against displacement.
3. Fill voids in sleeves. inserts and anchor slots temporarily with readily removable material to
prevent entry of concretc into voids.
4. Provide adequate means ror anchoring waterstop in concrete.
a. Provide means to prevent waterstops in the forms from being folded over by the
concrete as it is placed.
b. Work concrete under the waterstops by hand, so as to avoid the formation of air and
rock pockets, when placing roof and floor slab concrete around waterstops.
A. See Section 03348.
B. Coordinate mixing and placing with finishing.
A. Grout Schedule of Use:
1. Sand cement grout:
a. Construction joint bonding.
b. General use.
2. Non-shrinking non-metallic grout:
a. Filling form tie holes.
b. Under column and beam base plates.
c. Other uses indicated on the Drawings.
B. Grout Installation:
1. Sand cement grout:
a. Cure grout by one of methods specified.
2. Non-shrink non-metallic grout:
a. Clean concrete surface to receive grout.
b. Saturate concrete with water for 24 HRS prior to grouting.
c. Mix in a mechanical mixer.
d. Use no more water than necessal)i to produce flowable grout.
e. Place in accordance \\iith manufacturer's instructions.
f. Provide under beam, and equipment base plates, and in other locations indicated on the
g. Completely fill all spaces and cavities below the top of base plates.
h. Provide forms \vhere base plates and bed plates do not confine grout.
1. Where exposed to view, finish grout edges smooth.
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033!l - 9
~ \1
j. Except where a slope is indicated on the Drawings, finish edges flush at the base plate.
bed plate. member or piece of equipment.
k. Coat exposed edges of grout with cure or seal compound recommended by the grout
A. Protect concrete from premature drying, excessively hot or cold temperatures, and mechanical
injury immediately after placement, and maintain with minimal moisture loss at relatively
constant temperature for period necessary for hydration of cement, hardening, and compressive
strength gain.
I. Follow recommendations of ACI 308 except as modified herein.
B. Apply one of the following curing procedures immediately after completion of placement and
finishing, for concrete surfaces not in contact with forms.
I. Ponding or continuous sprinkling.
2. Application of absorptive mats or fabric kept continuously wet.
3. Application of sand kept continuously wet.
4. Continuous application of steam (not exceeding 150 DegF) or mist spray.
5. Application of waterproof sheet materials, conforming to ASTM C 171.
6. Application of other moisture retaining covering as approved.
7. Curing compounds shall not be used.
C. Curing Concrete In Contact with Forms:
1. Minimize moisture loss from and temperature gain of concrete placed in forms exposed to
heating by sun by keeping forms wet and cool until they can be safely removed.
2. After form removal, cure concrete until end oftime prescribed.
a. Use one of methods listed above.
3. Forms left in place shall not be used as a method of curing in hot weather.
4. The term "hot weather," where used in these specifications, is defined in ACI 305R.
5. In hot weather, remove forms from vertical surfaces as soon as concrete has gained
sufficient strength so that the formwork is no longer required to support the concrete.
D. Continue curing for at least 7 days for all concrete.
I. If one of curing procedures indicated above is used initially. it may be replaced by one of
other procedures indicated any time after concrete is I day old. provided concrete is not
permitted to become surface dI)' during transition.
E. Cold Weather:
1. Follow recommendations of ACI 306R.
2. Maintain temperature of concrete between 50 and 70 DegF for required curing period. when
outdoor temperature is 40 DegF, or less.
3. Use heating, covering, insulating, or housing of the concrete work to maintain required
temperature without injuI)' due to concentration of heat.
4. Do not use combustion heaters unless precautions are taken to prevent exposure of concrete
to exhaust gases which contain carbon dioxide.
5. Interior slabs in areas intended to be heated shall be adequately protected so that frost does
not develop in the supporting subgrade.
F. Hot Weather:
I. Follow recommendations of ACI 305R.
2. Make provision for cooling forms, reinforcement and concrete, windbreaks, shading, fog
spraying, sprinkling, ponding, or wet covering with a light colored material.
3. Provide protective measures as quickly as concrete hardening and finishing operations will
G. Rate of Temperature Change:
I. Keep changes in temperature of air immediately adjacent to concrete as unifonn as possible,
during and immediately following curing period.
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2. Do not exceed a temperature change of 5 DegF In any I HR or 50 DegF in any 24 HR
H. Protection from Mechanical Injury:
1. Protect concrete from damaging mechanical disturbances. such as load stresses, heavy
shock, and excessive vibration.
2. Protect finished concrete surfaces from damage by construction equipment, materials, or
methods, and by rain or running water.
3. Do not load self supporting structures in such a way as to overstress concrete.
A. Tests in accordance with Section 03350.
1. Perform a strength test on all concrete to which water or superplasticizer, in addition to the
amount stated in the concrete mix design, has been added at the jobsite.
3. Perfonn strength test after water or superplasticizer has been added and additional
mixing has been performed.
B. Field samples of fabricated waterstop fittings (crosses, tees. etc.) will be selected at random by
the Engineer for testing by a laboratory at the Owner's expense.
I. I. When tested. they shall have a tens; Ie strength across the joints equal to at least 600 psi.
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NCR WTP Dcgasificr & Odor Control Expansion
lOD ~
A. Section Includes:
I. Concrete finishing and repair of surface defects.
B. Related Sections include but are not necessarily limited to:
1. Division 0 - Bidding Requirements, Contract Forms. and Conditions of the Contract.
2. Division 1 - General Requirements.
3. Section 03108 - Formwork.
4. Section 03311 - Concrete Mixing, Placing, Jointing and Curing.
5. Section 09905 - Painting and Protective Coatings.
A. Referenced Standards:
I. American Concrete Institute (ACI):
a. I l6R, Cement and Concrete Terminology.
2. ASTM International (ASTM):
a. C 150. Standard Specification for Portland Cement.
b. C 1315, Standard Specification for Liquid Membrane-Forming Compounds Having
Special Properties for Curing and Sealing Concrete.
A. Vertical Surface Defects:
1. Any void in the face of the concrete deeper than 1/8 IN, such as:
a. Tie holes.
b. Air pockets (bug holes).
c. Honeycombs.
d. Rock holes.
2. Scabbing:
a. Scabbing is defect in which parts of the form face, including release agent, adhere to
3. Foreign material embedded in face of concrete.
4. Fins 1/16 IN or more in height.
B. Installer or Applicator:
1. Installer or applicator is the person actually installing or applying the product in the field at
the Project site.
2. Installer and applicator are synonymous.
C. Other words and terms used in these Specifications are defined in ACI 116R.
A. Shop Drawings:
1. See Section 01340 for requirements for the mechanics and administration of the submittal
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03348 - 1
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2. Product technical data including:
a. Acknowledgement that products submitted meet requirements of standards referenced.
b. Manufacturer's installation instructions.
3. Certifications:
a. Certification of aggregate gradation.
b. Certification that products being used will not interfere with bonding of future floor or
wall finishes.
c. Manufacturer's written approval ofapplicator.
d. References substantiating specialty' experience.
B. Miscellaneous Submittals:
I. See Section 01340 for requirements for the mechanics and administration of the submittal
A. Comply with manufacturer's recommendations and requirements for materials used.
A. Provide warranty equal to specified manufacturer's standard warranty for all products used.
A. Subject to compliance 'vvith the Contract Documents, the following manufacturers are
I. Chemical sealer:
a. L & M Construction Chemicals. Inc.
b. Eucl id Chern ical Co.
c. Dayton Superior.
2. Bonding agents:
a. Euclid Chemical Co.
b. BASF Admixtures. Inc.
c. L & M Construction Chemicals. Inc.
B. Submit request for substitution in accordance with Specification Section 01640.
A. Chemical Floor Sealer:
I. Colorless low VOC water-based solution containing acrylic copolymers.
a. ASTM C 1315, Class B. minimum 30 percent solids.
2. Similar to L & M Construction Chemicals. Inc.. Dress and Seal WB 30.
B. Bonding Agent (non-structural surface repairs only)
1. For use only on concrete surfaces not receiving liquid water repellent coating:
a. High solids acrylic latex base liquid for interior or exterior application as a bonding
agent to improve adhesion and mechanical properties of concrete patching mortars.
b. Euclid Chemical Co. "Flex-Con."
c. BASF Admixturcs, Inc. "Acryl-Set."
d. L & M Construction Chemicals. Inc. "Everbond."
e. Thoro System Products" Aery I 60."
C. Cement:
" ,'\,:<.,'
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NCR \VTP Dcgasifier & Odor Control Expansion
I. ASTM C 150, Type II portland.
D. Aggregate:
I. Sand: Maximum size #30 mesh sieve.
2. For exposed aggregate finish surfaces: Same as surrounding wall.
E. Water: Potable.
F. Non-Shrink Grout: See Section 03311.
2.3 MIXES:
A. Bonding Grout:
I. One (I) part cement to one (I) part aggregate.
2. Mix cement and aggregate.
3. Mix bonding agent and water together in separate container in accordance with
manufacturer's instructions.
4. Add bonding agent/water mixture to cement/aggregate mixture.
5. Mix to consistency of thick cream.
6. Bonding agent itself may be used as bonding grout if approved by manufacturer and
B. Patching Mortar:
I . One (]) part cement to two and one-half (2- I /2) parts aggregate by damp loose volume.
a. Substitute white portland cement for a part of gray portland cement to produce color
matching surrounding concrete.
2. Mix cement and aggregate.
3. Mix bonding agent and water together in separate container in accordance with
manufacturer's instructions.
4. Add only enough bonding agent/water mixture to cement/aggregate mixture to allow
handling and placing.
5. Let stand with fTequent manipulation with a trowel. until mix has reached stiffest
consistency to allow placement.
A. For methods of curing. see Section 03311.
B. Repair surface defects.
]. Chip, wire brush or abrasive blast to completely open defects down to sound concrete.
a. If chipping is necessary. make edges perpendicular to surface or slightly undercut.
b. No featheredges will be permitted.
C. Repairing Surface Defects:
I. Fill and repair using patching mortar mix specified in Article 2.3 or use non-shrink grout as
outlined in this Specification Section.
2. Clean surfaces to remove dust, dirt, laitance, form oil, grease, or other contaminants.
a. Acid-etching will not be permitted.
3. Dampen area to be patched and an area at least 6 IN wide surrounding it prior to application
of bonding grout.
4. Brush bonding grout into the surface after the surface water has evaporated.
5. Allow bonding grout to set for period of time required by bonding agent manufacturer
before applying premixed patching mortar.
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6. Fill tie holes and areas where honeycombed or defective concrete has been removed.
a. fill tie holes and defects deeper than 3/4 IN or larger than 3/4 IN with non-shrink non-
metallic grout.
b. Fill all other defects with patching mortar.
c. Consolidate grout or mortar into place and strike off so as to leave patch slightly higher
than surrounding surface.
7. Leave undisturbed for at least 60 minutes before finishing level with surrounding surface.
a. Do not use metal tools in finishing a patch in a formed wall which will be exposed or
coated with other materials.
8. Keep areas damp for 7 days or in accordance with bonding agent manufacturer's directions.
A. Do not repair surface defects or apply wall or floor finishes when temperature is or is expected
to be below 50 DegF.
I. I f necessary, enclose and heat area to between 50 and 70 DegF during repair of surface
defects and curing of patching material.
B. Chemical Floor Sealer Application:
1. Apply to new, interior floor areas in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations.
2. Apply at rate recommended by manufacturer.
3. After final coat of material is applied, remove surplus in accordance with manufacturer's
C. Concrete Finishes for Vertical Wall Surfaces:
General: Give concrete surfaces finish as specified below after removal of formwork and
repair of surface defects.
Finish # I - As cast rough form finish:
a. Selected fanning materials are not required.
b. Prepare surface in accordance with Article 3.1 and repair the following surface defects:
I) Tie holes.
2) Honeycombs deeper than 1/4 IN.
3) Air pockets deeper than 114 IN.
4) Rock holes deeper than 1/4 IN.
c. Chip or rub off fins exceeding 1/4 IN in height.
d. Use at unexposed surfaces such as foundations and backfilled surfaces of walls not to
be waterproofed.
Finish #') - As cast form tinish:
a. FOI1ll facing material shall produce a smooth, hard, uniform texture.
I) Use forms specified for surfaces exposed to view in accordance with
Section 03108.
b. Prepare surface in accordance with Article 3.1 and repair the following surface defects:
]) Tie holes.
2) Honeycombs deeper than 1/8 IN or larger than 1/8 IN DlA.
3) Air pockets deeper than 1/8 IN or larger than 1/8 IN DlA.
4) Rock holes deeperthan 1/8 IN or larger than 1/8 IN DlA.
5) Scabhing.
c. Chip or rub ofltins exceeding 1/8 IN in height.
d. Provide finish for:
I) Inside walls of pipe trenches.
2) Walls being waterproofed.
3) Exposed surfaces not specified to receive another finish.
finish #3 - NOT USED.
Finish #4 - NOT USED.
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6. finish #5 - Smooth form finish:
3. Form facing material shall produce a smooth, hard, uniform texture.
I) Use forms specified for surfaces exposed to view in accordance with
Section 03108.
b. Prepare surface in accordance with Article 3.1 and repair the following surface defects:
I) Tie holes.
2) Honeycombs, air pockets, rock holes and other holes deeper than 1/16 IN or larger
than 1/16 IN D1A.
3) Scabbing.
c. Chip or rub off fins exceeding 1/16 IN in height.
d. Provide this finish on all surfaces which are to be painted, or are to remain exposed to
D. Related Unformed Surfaces (Except Slabs):
I. Strike smooth tops of walls or buttresses. horizontal offsets, and similar unformed surfaces
occurring adjacent to formed surfaces after concrete is placed.
2. Float surface to a texture consistent with that of formed surfaces.
a. If more than one (I) finish occurs immediately adjacent to unformed surface. provide
surface with most stringent formed surface requirement.
3. Continue treatment uniformly across unformed surfaces.
E. Concrete Finishes for Horizontal Slab Surfaces:
I. General:
a. Tamp concrete to force coarse aggregate down from surface.
b. Screed with straightedge, eliminate high and low places, bring surface to required finish
elevations; slope uniformly to drains.
c. Dusting of surface with dry cement or sand during finishing processes not permitted.
2. Unspecified slab finish: When type of finish is not indicated, use following finishes as
a. Surfaces intended to receive bonded applied cementitious applications: Scratched
b. Interior Floors: Trowelcd finish.
c. Exterior slabs, sidewalks, platforms, steps and landings. and ramps, not covered by
other finish materials: Broom or belt finish.
d. All slabs to receive a floated finish before final finishing.
3. Scratched slab finish: After concrete has been placed, consolidated, struck off. and leveled
to a Class B tolerance, roughen surface with stiff brushes or rakes before final set.
4. Floated finish:
a. After concrete has been placed, consolidated, struck off, and leveled, do no further
work until ready for floating.
b. Begin floating when water sheen has disappeared and surface has stiffened sufficiently
to permit operations.
I) Use wood or cork float.
c. During or after first floating. check planeness of entire surface with a 10FT
straightedge applied at not less than two (2) different angles.
d. Cut down all high spots and fill all low spots to produce a surface with Class B
tolerance throughout.
e. Refloat slab immediately to a uniform texture.
5. Troweled finish:
a. Float finish surface to true, even plane.
b. Power trowel, and finally hand trowel.
c. First troweling after power troweling shall produce a smooth surface which is relatively
free of defects, but which may still show some trowel marks.
d. Perform additional trowelings by hand after surface has hardened sufficiently.
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e. Final trowel when a ringing sound is produced as trowel is moved over surface.
r. Thoroughly consolidate surface by hand troweling.
g. Leave finished surface essentially free of trowel marks, uniform in texture and
appearance and plane to a Class A tolerance.
h. On surfaces intended to support floor coverings, remove any defects that would show
through floor covering by grinding.
i. Entrained air content shall not exceed 3% for power troweled surfaces.
6. Broom or belt finish: Immediately after concrete has received a float finish as specified,
give it a transverse scored texture by drawing a broom or burlap belt across surface.
7. Underside of concrete slab finish:
a. Exposed: Finish 1/5.
b. Non-Exposed: Finish #2.
A. Horizontal slab finishes will be accepted provided:
1. Applicable specification requirements arc satisfied.
2. Water does not pond in areas sloped to drain.
3. Gap between a 10FT straightedge placed anywhere and the finished surface does not
a. Class A tolerance: 1/8 IN.
b. Class B tolerance: 1/4 IN.
c. Class C tolerance: 1/2 IN.
4. Accumulated deviation from intended true plane of finished surface does not exceed 1/2 IN.
5. Accuracy of floor finish does not adversely affect installation and operation of movable
equipment. floor supported items, or items fined to floor (doors. tracks. etc.).
B. Unacceptable finishes shall be replaced or. if approved in writing by Engineer, may be corrected
provided strength and appearance are not adversely affected.
I. High spots to be rcmoved by grinding and/or low spots filled with a patching compound or
other remedial measures to match adjacent surfaces.
A. All horizontal slab surfaces receiving applied toppings or seale, compound shall be kept free of
traffic and loads for minimum of I 0 days following installation of topping or compound.
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03J4S - 6
A. Section Includes:
1. Materials and concrete testing as required to establish concrete mix design.
2. Testing of concrete during construction for compliance with Contract Documents.
3. In-place testing of concrete, if required.
B. Related Sections include but are not necessarily limited to:
]. Division 0 - Bidding Requirements, Contract Forms, and Conditions of the Contract.
2. Division 1 - General Requirements.
3. Section 03208 - Reinforcement.
4. Section 03308 - Concrete, Materials and Proportioning.
5. Section 033] ] - Concrete Mixing, Placing, Jointing, and Curing.
A. Owner and Contractor each provide and pay for certain testing services:
I. Owner shall retain the services of a qualified Testing Agency to perform testing services for
the following:
a. Testing of concrete, mortar, grout for masonry, concrete masonry units and other
cement-containing products produced for incorporation into the work during the
construction of the Project for compliance with the Contract Documents.
2. Contractor shall retain the services of a qualified Testing Agency to perform testing services
for the following:
a. Testing of materials and mixes proposed by the Contractor for compliance with the
Contract Documents and retesting in the event of changes.
b. Additional testing or retesting of materials or mortar, grout for masonry, concrete
masonry units, concrete or other cement-containing products occasioned by their failure,
by test or inspection, to meet requirements of the Contract Documents.
c. Strength testing on any concrete to which water has been added at the jobsite.
d. In-place testing of concrete as may be required by Engineer when strength of structure
is considered potentially delicient.
e. Other testing services needed or required by Contractor such as:
1) Field curing of test specimens and testing of specimens for detennining when
forms, fonn shoring, or reshoring may be removed.
A. Referenced Standards:
I. American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO):
a. T260. Standard Method of Sampling and Testing for Total Chloride Ion in Concrete
and Concrete Raw Materials.
2. American Concrete Institute (ACI):
a. 318, Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete.
3. ASTM International (ASTM):
a. C31, Standard Practice for Making and Curing Concrete Test Specimens in the Field.
b. C42. Standard Test Method for Obtaining and Testing Drilled Cores and Sawed Beams
of Concrete.
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c. E329. Standard Specifications for Agencies Engaged in the Testing and/or Inspection of
Materials Used in Construction.
B. Qualifications:
I. Testing Agency:
a. Meeting requirements of ASTM E379.
b. Provide evidence of recent inspection by Cement and Concrete Reference Laboratory
of National Bureau of Standards, and con"ection of deficiencies noted.
A. Testing Agency: An independent professional testing firm or service hired by Contractor or by
Owner to perform testing and analysis services on materials, mixes, structures, and other items as
directed, and as provided in the Contract Documents.
A. Shop Drawings:
I. See Section 01340 for requirements for the mechanics and administration of the submittal
2. Product technical data including:
a. Concrete materials and concrete mix designs proposed for use. Include results of all
testing pcrfol1l1cd to qualify materials and to establish mix designs. Place no concrete
until approval of mix designs has been received in writing. Submittal for each concrete
mix design to include:
]) Sieve analysis and source of tine and coarse aggregates.
") Test for aggregate organic impurities.
3) Proportioning of all materials.
4) Type of cement with mill ccrtificate for the cemcnt.
5) Brand, quantity and class of fly ash proposed for use along with other submittal
data as required for fly ash by Section 03308.
6) Slump.
7) Brand, type and quantity of air entrainment and any other proposed admixtures.
8) Total chloride ion content per cubic yard of concrete determined in accordance
with AASHTO T760.
9) 28-day compression test results and any other data required by Section 03308 to
establish concrete mix design.
3. Certifications:
a. Testing Agency qualifications.
4. Test results:
a. Strength test results on concrete placed during construction including slump, air
content. and concrete temperature.
b. Strength test results on concrete core samples of in-place construction if required.
c. Results of load testing in-place concrete construction when load testing is required.
A. The following concrete testing will be performed by the Owner's Service Provider:
I. Concrete strength testing:
a. Secure concrete samples in accordance with ASTM C 172.
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I) Obtain each sample from a different batch of concrete on a random basis, avoiding
selection of test batch other than by a number selected at random before
commencement of concrete placement.
b. For each strength test mold and cure five (5) cylinders trom each sample in accordance
with ASTM C3 I.
I) Record any deviations trom requirements on test report.
2) Cylinder size: Per ASTM C31.
c. Field cure one cylinder for the seven (7) day test.
I) Laboratory cure the remaining.
d. Test cylinders in accordance with ASTM C39.
I) Test two (2) cylinders at 28 days for strength test result and one (I) at seven (7)
days for information.
2) Hold remaining cylinders in reserve.
e. Strength test result:
I) Average of strengths of two (2) cylinders trom the same sample tested at 28 days.
2) If one (I) cylinder in a test manifests evidence of improper sampling, molding,
handling, curing, or testing, discard and test reserve cylinder; average strength of
remaining cylinders shall be considered strength test result.
3) Should all cylinders in a test show any of above defects, discard entire test.
f. Frequency of tests:
I) Concrete sand cement grout: One (I) strength test for each 4 HR period of grout
placement or fraction thereof.
2) Concrete till and lean concrete: One (1) strength test for each 10 CY of each type
of concrete or traction thereof placed.
3) All other concrete:
a) One (I) strength test consisting to be taken not less than once a day, nor less
than once for each 60 CY or traction thereof placed in anyone (I) day.
b) I ftotal volume of concrete on Project is such that frequency of testing required
in above paragraph will provide less than five (5) strength tests for each concrete
mix, tests shall then be made from at least five (5) randomly selected batches or
from each batch if fewer than five (5) batches are provided.
2. Slump testing:
a. Determine slump of concrete sample for each strength test.
I) Determine slump in accordance with ASTM C143.
b. If consistency of concrete appears to vary, the Engineer shall be authorized to require a
slump test for each concrete truck.
I) This practice shall continue until the Engineer deems it no longer necessary.
3. Air content testing: Detennine air content of concrete sample for each strength test In
accordance with either ASTM C231, ASTM C173. or ASTM C138.
4. Temperature testing: Determine temperature of concrete sample for each strength test.
A. Review and test Contractor's proposed materials for compliance with the Contract Documents.
B. Review and test Contractor's proposed concrete mix design(s).
A. Following services to be performed by Contractor's Testing Agency when necessary at no
additional cost to Owner:
1. Additional testing and inspection required because of changes in materials or proportions
requested by Contractor.
2. Additional testing of materials or concrete occasioned by their failure, by test or inspection,
to meet Specification requirements.
3. Perform strength test on any concrete to which water has been added at the jobsite.
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4. Other testing services needed or required by Contractor. such as; field cured test specimens
for detennining when forms. form shoring or reshoring may be removed.
a. An extra strength test is required for concrete subject to either live load or shore
removal prior to 28 days after placing concrete.
B. The above services to be performed by the Contactor's Testing Agency may be performed by the
Owner's Testing Agency provided these services are performed at no additional cost to the Owner.
A. Testing Agency to inspect, sample and test materials and production of concrete as required by
these Contract Documents and by Engineer. When it appears that any material furnished or work
performed by Contractor fails to fulfill requirements of the Contract Documents, Testing Agency
to report such deficiency to Engineer and Contractor.
B. Testing Agency to report all test and inspection results to Engineer and Contractor immediately
after they are performed. All test reports to include exact location in the work at which batch
represented by a test was deposited. Reports of strength tests to include detailed infonnation on
storage and curing of specimens prior to testing.
C. Limited Authority of Testing Agency: Any Testing Agency or agencies and their representatives
retained by Contractor or Owncr for any rcason are not authorized to revoke, alter, relax, enlarge,
or release any requirement of Contract Documcnts, nor to reject approve or accept any portion of
the Work.
A. Provide necessary testing services for qualification of proposed materials and establishment of
concrete mix design(s).
B. Use of Testing Agency and approval by Engineer of proposed concrete mix design shall in no
way relieve Contractor of responsibility to furnish materials and construction in full compliance
with Contract Documents.
C. To facilitate testing and inspection, perform the following:
I. Furnish any necessary labor to assist Testing Agency in obtaining and handling samples at
2. Provide and maintain for sole usc of Testing Agency adequate facilities for safe storage and
proper curing of test specimens on site for first 24 HRS as required by ASTM C31.
D. Notify Engineer and Owner's Testing Agency sufficiently in advance of operations (minimum of
24 HRS) to allow completion of quality tests for assignment of personnel and for scheduled
completion of quality tests.
A. Test results for standard molded and cured test cylinders to be evaluated separately for each mix
design. Such evaluation shall be valid only if tests have been conducted in accordance with
specified quality standards. For evaluation of potential strength and uniformity, each mix design
shall be represented by at least three strength tests. A strength test shall be the average of two
cylinders from the same sample tested at 08 days.
B. Acceptance:
I. Strength level of each specified compressive strength shall be considered satisfactoI)' ifboth
of the following requirements are met:
a. Average of all sets of three consecutive strength tests equal or exceed the required
specified 28-day compressive strength.
b. No individual strength test falls below the required specified 28-day compressIve
strength by more than SOO psi.
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A. In-place testing of concrete may be required by Engineer when strength of structure is
considered potentially deficient as specified in Paragraph 3.7D.
B. Testing by impact hammer, sonoscope, or other nondestructive device may be permitted by
Engineer to detenn ine relative strengths at various locations in the structure or for selecting areas
to be cored. Such tests shall not be used as a basis for acCeptance or rejection.
C. Core Tests:
I. Where required, obtain and test cores in accordance with ASTM C42. If concrete in
structure will be dry under service conditions, air dry cores (temperature 60 to 80 DegF,
relative humidity less than 60 percent) for 7 days before test then test dry. If concrete in
structure will be wet or subjected to high moisture atmosphere under service conditions, test
cores after immersion in water for at least 40 HRS and test wet. Testing wet or dry to be
determined by Engineer.
2. Take three representative cores from each member or area of concrete in place that is
considered potentially deficient. Location of cores shall be determined by Engineer so as
least to impair strength of structure. I f, before testing, one or more of cores shows evidence
of having been damaged subsequent to or during removal from structure, damaged core
shall be rep laced.
3. Concrete in area represented by a core test will be considered adequate if average strength
of three cores is equal to at least 85 percent of specified strength and no single core is less
than 75 percent of specified strength.
4. Fill core holes with nonshrink grout and finish to match surrounding surface when exposed
in a finished area.
A. Completed concrete work which meets applicable requirements will be accepted without
I. Completed concrete work which fails to meet one or more requirements but which has been
repaired to bring it into compliance will be accepted without qualification.
2. Completed concrete work which fails to meet one or more requirements and which cannot
be brought into compliance may be accepted or rejected as provided in these Contract
Documents. In this event, modifications may be required to assure that concrete work
complies with requirements. Modifications, as directed by Engineer. to be made at no
additional cost to Owner.
B. Dimensional Tolerances:
I. Formed surfaces resulting in concrete outlines smaller than permitted by tolerances shall be
considered potentially deficient in strength and subject to modifications required by
2. Formed surfaces resulting in concrete outlines larger than permitted by tolerances may be
rejected and excess material subject to removal. If removal of excess material is permitted,
accomplish in such a manner as to maintain strength of section and to meet all other
applicable requirements of function and appearance.
3. Concrete members cast in wrong location may be r~jected if strength, appearance or
function of structure is adversely affected or misplaced items interfere with other
4. Inaccurately fonned concrete surfaces exceeding limits of tolerances and which are exposed
to view, may be rejected. Repair or remove and replace if required.
5. Finished slabs exceeding tolerances may be required to be repaired provided that strength or
appearance is not adversely affected. High spots may be removed with a grinder, low spots
filled with a patching compound. or other remedial measures perfonned as pennitted or
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C. Appearance:
1. Concrete surfaces exposed to view with defects which, in opinion of Engineer, adversely
affect appearance as required by specified finish shall be repaired by approved methods.
2. Concrete not exposed to view is not subject to rejection for defective appearance unless, in
the opinion ofthe Engineer, the defects impair the strength or function of the member.
D. Strength of Structure:
I. Strength of structure in place will be considered potentially deficient if it fails to comply
with any requirements which control strength of structure, including but not necessarily
limited to following:
a. Low concrete strength as specified in Article 3.5.
b. Reinforcing steel size, configuration, quantity, strength, posItIon, or arrangement at
variance with requirements in Section 03208 or requirements of the Contract Drawings
or approved Shop Drawings.
c. Concrete which differs tram required dimensions or location in such a manner as to
reduce strength.
d. Curing time and procedure not meeting requirements of these Specifications.
e. Inadequate protection of concrete from extremes of temperature during early stages of
hardening and strength development.
f. Mechanical injury, construction fires. accidents or premature removal of fonnwork
likely to result in deficient strength.
g. Concrete defects such as voids, honeycomb, cold joints. spalling, cracking, etc., likely
to result in deficient strength.
2. Structural analysis and/or additional testing may' be required when strength of structure is
considered potentially deficient.
3. Core tests may be required when strength of concrete in place is considered potentially
4. If core tests are inconclusive or impractical to obtain or if structural analysis does not
confirm safety of structure, load tests may be required and their results evaluated in
accordance with Chapter 20 of ACI 318.
5. Correct or replace concrete work judged inadequate by structural analysis or by results of
core tests or load tests with additional construction, as directed by Engineer, at Contractor's
6. Contractor to pay all costs incurred in providing additional testing and/or structural analysis
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A. Section Includes:
I. Custom fabricated metal items and certain manufactured units not otherwise indicated to be
supplied under work of other Sections.
2. Design of all temporary bracing not indicated on Drawings.
B. Related Sections include but are not necessarily limited to:
1. Division 0 - Bidding Requirements. Contract Forms, and Conditions of the Contract.
2. Division I - General Requirements.
3. Division 3 - Concrete.
4. Section 09905 - Painting and Protective Coatings.
A. Referenced Standards:
I. Aluminum Association (AA).
2. American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO):
a. Standard Specification for Highway Bridges.
3. American Institute of Steel Construction (AISC):
a. Manual of Steel Construction - Allowable Stress Design (ASD).
b. Specifications for Structural Steel Buildings (referred to herein as AISC specification).
4. ASTM International (ASTM):
a. A6, Standard Specification for General Requirements for Rolled Structural Steel Bars,
Plates, Shapes. and Sheet Piling.
b. A36, Standard Specification for Carbon Structural Steel.
c. A47, Standard Specification for Ferritic Malleable Iron Castings.
d. A4S, Standard Specification for Gray Iron Castings.
e. A53, Standard Specification for Pipe, Steel, Black and Hot-Dipped, Zinc-Coated,
Welded and Seamless.
f. A lOS, Standard Specification for Steel Bars, Carbon and Alloy, Cold Finished.
g. A I 23. Standard Specification for Zinc (Hot-Dip Galvanized) Coatings on Iron and Steel
h. A153, Standard Specification for Zinc Coating (Hot-Dip) on Iron and Steel Hardware.
i. A197, Standard Specification for Cupola Malleable Iron.
j. A269, Standard Specification for Seamless and Welded Austenitic Stainless Steel
Tubing for General Service.
k. A276, Standard Specification for Stainless Steel Bars and Shapes.
I. A307, Standard Specification for Carbon Steel Bolts and Studs. 60,000 PSI Tensile
m. A312, Standard Specification for Seamless, Welded, and Heavily Cold Worked
Austenitic Stainless Steel Pipes.
n. A325, Standard Specification for Structural Bolts, Steel, Heat Treated, 1201105 ksi
Minimum Tensile Strength.
o. A490, Standard Specification for Structural Bolts. Alloy Steel, Heat Treated, 150 ksi
Minimum Tensile Strength.
p. A496. Standard Specification for Steel Wire, Deformed, for Concrete Reinforcement.
q. A500, Standard Specification for Cold-Formed Welded and Seamless Carbon Steel
Structural Tubing in Rounds and Shapes.
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r. A501, Standard Specification for Hot-Formed Welded and Seamless Carbon Steel
Structural Tubing.
s. A536, Standard Specification for Ductile Iron Castings.
t. A554. Standard Specification for Welded Stainless Steel Mechanical Tubing.
u. A572. Standard Specification for High-Strength Low-Alloy Columbium-Vanadium
Structural Steel.
v. A666. Standard Specification for Annealed or Cold-Worked Austenitic Stainless Steel
Sheet, Strip, Plate. and Flat Bar.
w. A668, Standard Specification for Steel Forgings, Carbon and Alloy, for General
Industrial Use.
x. A 780, Standard Practice for Repair of Damaged and Uncoated Areas of Hot-Dip
Galvanized Coatings.
y. A992. Standard Specilication for Steel for Structural Shapes.
z. B76. Standard Specification for Aluminum-Alloy Sand Castings.
aa. B209. Standard Specification for Aluminum and Aluminum-Alloy Sheet and Plate.
bb. B22 I. Standard Specification for Aluminum and Aluminum-Alloy Extruded Bars,
Rods. Wire, Profiles. and Tubes.
cc. B308. Standard Specification for Aluminum-Alloy 606 I - T6 Standard Structural
dd. B429. Standard Specification lor Aluminum-Alloy Extruded Structural Pipe and Tube.
ee. B632. Standard Specification for Aluminum-Alloy Rolled Tread Plate.
ff. F467, Specification for Nonferrous Nuts for General Use.
gg. F468. Specification for Nonferrous Bolts, Hex Cap Screws. and Studs for General Use.
hh. F593. Specification for Stainless Steel Bolts. Hex Cap Screws, and Studs.
5. American Welding Society (A WS):
a. A5.1. Standard Specification for Carbon Steel Electrodes lor Shielded Metal Arc
b. DI.l, Structural Welding Code Steel.
c. DI.2. Structural Welding Code Aluminum.
6. National Association of Architectural Metal Manufacturers (NAAMM):
a. MBO 531, Metal Bar Grating Manual.
7. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA):
a. 29 CFR 1910. Occupational Safety and Health Standards, referred to herein as OSHA
8. Research Council on Structural Connections:
a. Specification for Structural Joints Using ASTM A325 or ASTM A490 Bolts, referred to
herein as Specification for Structural Joints.
9. Building code: Florida Building Code. 2004 Edition with 7006 amendments, herein
referred to as the Building Code.
B. Qualifications:
I. Qualify welding procedures and welding operators in accordance with A WS.
') Fabricator shall have minimum of 10 years experience in fabrication of metal items
3. Engineer for contractor-designed systems and components: Professional structural engineer
licensed in the State of Florida.
A. Installer or Applicator:
1. Installer or applicator is the person actually installing or applying the product in the field at
the Project site.
2. Installer and applicator are synonymous.
B. Hardware: As defined in ASTM A 153.
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. '1
C. Galvanizing: Hot-dip galvanizing per ASTM AI23 or ASTM Al53 with minimum coating of
2.002 of zinc per square foot of metal <average of specimens) unless noted otherwise or dictated
by standard.
A. Shop Drawings:
I. See Section 01340 for requirements for the mechanics and administration of the submittal
2. Fabrication and/or layout drawings and details:
a. Submit drawings for all fabrications and assemblies.
I) Include erection drawings, plans. sections, details and connection details.
b. Identify materials of construction, shop coatings and third party accessories.
3. Product technical data including:
a. Acknowledgement that products submitted meet requirements of standards referenced.
b. Manufacturer's installation instructions.
c. Provide manufacturer's standard allowable load tables for the following:
1) Grating and Checkered plate.
2) Expansion anchor bolts.
3) Adhesive anchor bolts.
4. Contractor designed systems and components, including but not limited to, grating, stairs
and connections not fully detailed in the Drawings: Certification that manufactured units
meet all design loads specified.
a. Shop Drawings:
I) Indicate design live loads.
2) Sealed by a professional structural engineer.
3) Engineer will review for general compliance with Contract Documents.
B. Miscellaneous Submittals:
1. Certification of welders and welding processes.
a. Indicate compliance with A WS.
A. Deliver and handle fabrications to avoid damage.
B. Store above ground on skids or other supports to keep items free of dirt and other foreign debris
and to protect against corrosion.
A. Subject to compliance with the Contract Documents, the following manufacturers are
I. Expansion and adhesive anchors:
a. Anchors that secure items of a structural natural shall be approved for use in cracked
concrete, shall be approved for design using an LRFD methodology such as Appendix D
in ACI 3 I 8. or ICC-ES report AC308, and shall be permitted for such use by the
Building Code. Structural applications shall include all pipe, duct, and equiprnent
supports where adhesive anchors are used. Acceptable adhesive anchors are used.
Acceptable adhesive products shall include:
I) "SET-XP" by Simpson Strong-Tie.
2) "RE 500-SD" by Hilti.
3) Or approved equal.
2. Self-tapping concrete anchors:
a. ITW Buildex.
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10D ,
b. Hilti Inc.
c. Stainless Steel.
3. Galvanizing repair paint:
a. ZRC Products.
4. Aluminum Plank
a. IKG Industries Inc.
B. Submit request for substitution in accordance with Specification Section 01640.
A. Steel:
I. Structural:
a. W-shapes and WT-shapes: ASTM A992. Grade 50.
b. All other plates and rolled sections: ASTM A36.
2. Pipe: ASTM A53, Types E or S, Grade B or ASTM A50 I.
3. Structural tubing:
a. ASTM A500, Grade B (46 ksi minimum yield).
4. Bolts, nuts and washers, high strength:
a. ASTM A375.
b. Galvanized, ASTM A 153. where noted on Drawings. unless noted otherwise on
c. Provide two (2) washers with all bolts.
5. Bolts and nuts:
a. ASTM A307. Grade A.
b. Galvanized, ASTM A 153, where noted on Drawings, unless noted otherwise on
6. Welding electrodes: AWS DI.I. E70 Series.
7. Steel forgings: ASTM A668.
B. Iron:
I. Ductile iron: ASTM A536.
2. Gray cast iron: ASTM A48 (minimum 30,000 psi tensile strength).
3. Malleable iron: ASTM A47, ASTM A197.
C. Stainless Steel:
I. Minimum yield strength of 30,000 psi and minimum tensile strength of75.000 psi.
a. Bars. shapes: ASTM An6. Type 304.
b. Tubing and pipe: ASTM A269, ASTM A3l2 or ASTM A554. Type 304 or 316.
c. Strip, plate and flat bars: ASTM A666. Typc 304 or 316, Grade A.
d. Bolts and nuts: ASTM F593, Type 303, 304 or 316.
2. Minimum yield strength of25,000 psi and minimum tensile strength of70.000 psi.
a. Strip. plate and flat bar for welded connections. ASTM A666, Type 304L or 316L.
3. Welding electrodes: In accordance with A WS for metal alloy being welded.
D. Aluminum:
I. Alloy 6061- T6, 32,000 psi tensile yield strength minimum.
a. ASTM B22l and ASTM B308 for shapes including beams. channels. angles, tees and
2. Alloy 6063- T5 or T6. 15,000 psi tensile yield strength minimum.
a. ASTM B22l and ASTM B429 for bars. rods. wires. pipes and tubes.
3. ASTM B26 for castings.
4. ASTM F468. alloy 2024 T4 for holts.
5. ASTM F467. alloy 2024 T4 for nuts.
6. Electrodes for welding aluminum: A WS D 1.2. filler alloy 4043 or 5356.
E. Washers: Same material and alloy as found in accompanying bolts and nuts.
F. Embedded Anchor Bolts:
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I. Type 304 or 3 16 stainless steel with matching nut and washer.
G. Expansion Anchor Bolts and Adhesive Anchor Bolts:
I. Stainless steel, Type 304, 314 or 3 I 6.
2. Provide minimum edge distance cover and spacing as recommended by manufacturer, or as
indicated on Drawings whichever is larger.
a. Minimum embedment as recommended by manufacturer or eight (8) diameters of bolt,
whichever is larger.
b. Notiry Engineer if required depth of embedment cannot be achieved at a particular
anchor bolt location.
c. Follow manufacturer's recommendations for installation and torque.
3. Submit manufacturer's load test data to veriry at least the anchor bolt capacities at the
following embedment depths:
a. Anchors shall conform to item 2.I.A.I.
H. Deformed Bar Anchors: ASTM A496 with a minimum yield strength of 70,000 psi and a
minimum tensile strength of 80,000 psi.
I. Iron and Steel Hardware: Galvanized in accordance with ASTM A 153 when required to be
J. Galvanizing Repair Paint: .'
I. High zinc dust content paint for regalvan)zing welds and abrasions.
2. Dried film shall contain not less than 93. percent zinc dust by weight.
3. Similar to ZRC by ZRC Products.
4. VOC: 0 LBS per GAL.
K. Dissimilar Materials Protection: See Section 09905.
A. Aluminum Checkered Plate:
I. Conform to ASTM B632.
a. Diamond pattern: Use one (I) pattern throughout Project.
b. Material: Type 6061-T6.
2. Design live load: Not less than 100 psf plus a concentrated load of300 LBS with maximum
deflection of 1/300 of span under superimposed live load of 50 psf. Reinforce as necessary
aluminum angles. Plate sections:
a. Maximum 3 FT wide.
b. Minimum 'j, IN thick.
c. Maximum 100 LBS per section ifrequired to be removable.
3. Provide joints at center of all openings unless shown otherwise.
a. Reinforce joints and openings with additional angles to provide required load carrying
4. Unless shown otherwise, frame for openings with aluminum checkered plate cover:
a. Aluminum support angles:
I) 2x2c 1/4 IN minimum size.
2) 1, IN D1A x6 long anchor bolts spaced at maximum of24 IN OC along each side
with not less than tow (2) anchor bolts per side.
b. Aluminum Plank:
I) Type HD-30 or equal.
2) Un punched.
B. Metal Stairs:
I. Fabricated as indicated.
2. Treads: Grating plate as specified.
3. Provide integral corrugated non-slip nosing.
3. Risers:
a. Grating treads: Solid plate attached to trailing edge of tread.
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4. Landings:
a. Grating plate as specified.
b. Provide integral corrugated non-slip nosing at edge acting as stair tread/nosing.
5. Fabricatc and design stair. platforms and landings. and all connections to support a 100 psf
uniform live load or a concentrated load of] 000 LBS, whichever requires the stronger
6. Design, fabricate. and install in compliance with NAAMM AMP 510 and applicable codes.
7. Handrails and guardrails: Refer to Section 05522.
8. Material:
a. Steel: ASTM A36, galvanized atler fabrication.
C. Aluminum Grating:
2. Bearing bars: rectangular. 2 " x 3/1 6 IN at 1-3/1 96 IN OC spacing.
3. Cross bars:
a. Welded. swaged or pressure locked to bearing bars.
b. Maximum 4 IN OC spacing.
4. Top edges of bars: Serrated.
5. Removable grating sections: Not wider than 3 FT and not more than 100 LBS.
6. Standard mill finish.
7. Ends and perimeter edges: Banded.
8. Openings through grating: Reinforced to provide required load carrying capacity and
banded with 4 IN high toe plate.
9. Provide openings at joints between individual grating sections.
10. Clips and bolts: Stainless steel.
I I. Seat angles: Aluminum.
A. Verii)-' field conditions and dimensions prior to fabrication.
B. Form materials to shapes indicated with straight lines, true angles, and smooth curves.
I. Grind smooth all rough welds and sharp edges.
a. Round all comers to approximately 1/32 - l/161N nominal radius.
C. Provide drilled or punched holes with smooth edges.
I. Punch or drill for field connections and for attachment of work by other trades.
D. Weld Permanent Shop Connections:
I. Welds to be continuous fillet type unless indicated otherwise.
2. Full penetration butt weld at bends in stair stringers and ladder side rails.
3. Weld structural steel in accordance with A WS D 1.1 using Series E70 electrodes conforming
to AWS A5.1.
4. Weld aluminum in accordance with A WS 01.2.
5. All headed studs to be welded using automatically timed stud welding equipment.
6. Grind smooth welds that will be exposed.
E. Conceal fastenings where practicable.
F. Fabricate work in shop in as large assemblies as is practicable.
G. Tolerances:
I. Rolling:
a. ASTM A6.
b. When material received rrom the mill does not satisfY ASTM A6 tolerances for camber,
profile, flatness, or sweep, the Contractor is permitted to perform corrective work by the
use of controlled heating and mechanical straightening, subject to the limitations of the
AISC specifications.
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2. Fabrication tolerance:
a. Member length:
I) Both ends finished for contact bearing: 1/32 IN.
?) Framed members:
a) 30 FT or less: 1/16 IN.
b) Over 30 FT: 1/8 IN.
b. Member straightness:
I) Compression members: 111000 of axial length between points laterally supported.
2) Non-compression members: ASTM A6 tolerance for wide flange shapes.
c. Specified member camber (except compression members):
I) 50 FT or less: Minus O/plus 1/2 IN.
2) Over 50 FT: Minus O/plus 112 IN (plus 1/8 IN per 10FT over 50 FT).
3) Members received rrom mill with 75 percent of specified camber require no further
4) Beams/trusses without specified camber shall be fabricated so after erection,
camber is upward.
5) Camber shall be measured in fabrication shop in unstressed condition.
d. At bolted splices, depth deviation shall be taken up by filler plates.
I) At welded joints, adjust weld profile to conform to variation in depth.
2) Slope weld surface per A WS requirements.
e. Finished members shall be rree rrom twists, bends and open joints.
I) Sharp kinks. bends and deviation rrom above tolerances are cause for rejection of
H. Fabricate grating and accessories using aluminum unless shown otherwise on Drawings.
1. Finish:
a. Aluminum: Mill finished unless scheduled or otherwise specified or, if approved by
Engineer, finished in manufacturer's standard.
b. Coat surfaces in contact with dissimilar materials.
1) See Section 09905.
2. See Section 09905 for preparation and painting of ferrous metals and other surfaces.
l. Maximum tolerance for difference in depth between checkered plate or grating depth and seat or
support angle depth: 1/8 IN.
J. Maximum distance between edge of grating or checkered plate and face of embedded seat angle
or face of wall or other structural member: 1/4 IN.
A. Surface Preparation:
I. Refer to Section 09905 for surface preparation requirements.
B. Shop Applied Paint Coaling Application:
I. Refer to Section 09905 for painting requirements.
C. Owner pays for inspection and testing.
D. Responsibilities of Testing Agency:
I. Inspect shop and field welding in accordance with Section 6 of A WS Code including the
following non-destructive testing:
a. Visually inspect all welds.
b. In addition to visual inspection. test 50 percent of full penetration welds and 20 percent
ofliquid dye penetrant.
c. Test 20 percent of liquid dye penetrant tested full penetration welds with ultrasonic or
radiographic testing.
2. Inspect high-strength bolting in accordance with the RCSC Specification for Structural
Joins, Section 9.
a. Verify proper pretension for slip-critical bolted connection.
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b. Verify direct tension indicator gaps.
3. Inspect structural steel which has been erected.
4. Inspect stud welding in accordance with A WS Code Section 7.8.
5. Prepare and submit inspection and test reports to Engineer.
a. Assist Engineer to detennine corrective measures necessary for defective work.
A. Provide items to be built into other construction in time to allow their installation.
1. If such items are not provided in time for installation, cut in and install.
B. Prior to installation, inspect and verit)i condition of substrate.
1. [nstallation of product constitutes installer's acceptance of substrate condition for product
C. Correct surface defects or conditions which may interfere with or prevent a satisfactory
t. Field welding aluminum is not permitted unless approved in writing by Engineer.
A. Set metal work level, true to line, plumb.
l. Shim and grout as necessary.
B. Bolt Field Connections: Where practicable, conceal fastenings.
C. Grind welds smooth where field welding is required.
D. Field cutting grating or checkered plate to correct fabrication errors is not acceptable.
l. Replace entire section.
E. Remove all burrs and radius all sharp edges and corners of miscellaneous plates, angles, framing
system elements, etc.
F. Unless noted or specified otherwise:
I. Connect steel members to steel members with 3/4 IN D1A ASTM A325 high strength bolts.
2. Connect aluminum to aluminum with 3/4 IN D1A aluminum bolts.
3. Connect aluminum to structural steel using 3/4 IN DIA stainless steel bolts.
a. Provide dissimilar metals protection.
4. Connect aluminum and steel members to concrete and masonry using stainless steel
expansion anchor bolts or adhesive anchor bolts unless shown othenvise.
a. Provide dissimilar materials protection.
5. Provide washers for all bolted connections.
6. Where exposed. bolts shall extend a maximum of 3/4 IN and a minimum of 1/2 IN above
the top nut.
a. If bolts are cut oiTto required maximum height, threads must be dressed to allow nuts
to be removed \\'ithout damage to the bolt or the nuts.
G. Install and tighten ASTM A325 high-strength bolts in accordance with the AlSC Manual of
Steel Construction - Allowable Stress Design (ASD).
I. Provide hardened washers for all ASTM A325 bolts.
a. Provide the hardened washer under the element (nut or bolt head) turned in tightening.
H. After bolts are tightened. upset threads of ASTM A307 unfinished bolts or anchor bolts to
prevent nuts rrom backing off
I. Do not field splice fabricated items unless said items exceed standard shipping length or change
of direction requires splicing.
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1. Provide full penetration welded splices where continuity is required.
J. Provide each fabricated item complete with attachment devices as indicated or required to
K. Anchor such that work will not be distorted nor fasteners overstressed from expansion and
L. Set equipment base plates accurately on nonshrink grout as indicated on Drawings.
I. See Division 3 for non-shrink grout.
2. Set and anchor each base plate to proper I ine and elevation.
a. Use approved means for leveling and plumbing base plates.
I) Wedges, shims and setting nuts to be of same metal as base plate they support.
2) Tighten nuts on anchor bolts.
b. Fill space between bearing surface and bottom of base plate with nonshrink grout.
I) Fill space until voids are completely filled and base plates are fully bedded on
wedges, shims, and grout.
c. Do not remove wedges or shims.
1) Where they protrude, cut off flush with edge of base plate.
d. Fill sleeves around anchor bolts solid with non-shrink grout.
M. Tie anchor bolts in position to embedded reinforcing steel using wire.
I. Tack welding prohibited.
a. Coat bolt threads and nuts with heavy coat of clean grease.
2. Anchor bolt location tolerance:
a. 1/16 IN.
b. Provide steel templates lor all column anchor bolts.
N. Accurately locate and place frames for openings before casting into floor slab so top of plate is
flush with surface of finished floor.
l. Keep screw holes clean and ready to receive screws.
O. Coat aluminum surfaces in contact with dissimilar materials in accordance with Section 09905.
P. Repair damaged galvanized surfaces in accordance with ASTM A 780.
I. Prepare damaged surfaces by abrasive blasting or power sanding.
2. Apply galvanizing repair paint to minimum 6 mils DFT in accordance with manufacturer's
A. After erection, installation or application, clean all miscellaneous metal fabrication surfaces of
all dirt, weld slag and other foreign matter.
B. Provide surface acceptable to receive field applied paint coatings specified in Section 09905.
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A. Section Includes:
I. Aluminum handrail, stair rail and guardrail.
B. Related Specification Sections include but are not necessarily limited to:
1. Division 0 - Bidding Requirements, Contract Forms. and Conditions of the Contract.
2. Division 1 - General Requirements.
3. Section 05505 - Metal Fabrications.
4. Section 09905 - Painting and Protective Coatings.
A. Referenced Standards:
1. American Society of Mechanical Engineer (ASME):
a. Section IX, Qualitication Standard for Welding and Brazing Procedures. Welders,
Brazers. and Welding and Brazing Operators.
2. ASTM International (ASTM):
a. B I 08. Standard Specification for Aluminum-Alloy Permanent Mold Castings.
b. B209. Standard Specification for Aluminum and Aluminum-Alloy Sheet and Plate.
c. B"21, Standard Specification for Aluminum and Aluminum-Alloy Extruded Bars,
Rods, Wire, Shapes and Tubes.
d. B247, Standard Specification for Aluminum and Aluminum-Alloy Die Forgings. Hand
Forgings, and Rolled Ring Forgings.
e. 8308. Standard Specilication for Aluminum-Alloy 6061- T6 Standard Structural
f. B429, Standard Specitication for Aluminum-Alloy Extruded Structural Pipe and Tube.
3. American Welding Society (AWS):
3. C5.5. Recommended Practices for Gas Tungsten Arc Welding.
b. 01.2. Structural Welding Code Aluminum.
4. National Association of Architectural Metal Manufacturers (NAAMM):
3. AMP 521, Pipe Railing Systems Manual.
5. U. S. Department of Justice. Architectural and Transportation Barriers Compliance Board
(Access Board):
a. Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA):
I) Accessibility Guidelines for Buildings and Facilities (ADAAG).
6. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA):
a. "9 CFR 19 I 0, Occupational Safety and Health Standards, reterred to herein as OSHA
7. Building code:
a. Florida Building Code, 2004 Edition with 0006 amendments:
I) Referred to herein as Building Code.
B. Qualifications:
I. Qualiry welding procedures and welding operators in accordance with A WS and ASME
Section IX.
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A. Guardrail: A system of building components located near the open sides of elevated walking
surfaces for the purpose of minimizing the possibility of an accidental fall from the walking
surface to the lower level.
B. Handrail: A railing provided for grasping with the hand for support.
C. Railing: A generic term referring to guardrail. handrail and/or stair rails.
D. Stair Rail: A guardrail, installed at the open side of stairways with either a handrail mounted to
the inside face of the guardrail, or where allowed by applicable codes, with the top rail mounted
at handrail height and serving the function of a handrail.
A. Shop Drawings:
I. See Specification Section 01340 for requirements for the mechanics and administration of
the submittal process.
2. Fabrication and/or layout drawings:
a. Drawings showing profile, location, sections and fabrication details including all
welding information of each railing.
b. Type and details of anchorage.
c. Location and type of expansion joints.
d. Materials of construction, shop coatings and all third-party accessories.
3. Product technical data including:
a. Acknowledgement that products submitted meet requirements of standards referenced.
b. Manufacturer's installation details.
4. Certification that railings have been designed and fabricated to meet the loading
requirements specified.
5. Calculations for all proposed deviations from the Specification.
a. Calculations shall be performed, sealed, signed and dated by a registered professional
structural engineer I icensed in the State of Florida.
b. Calculations shall be specific to this Project and shall include all assumptions,
references and design interpretations used to achieve the results obtained by the
c. Reduction in load criteria is not acceptable as reason for deviation from sizes indicated
in the Specification.
B. Miscellaneous Submittals:
I. See Specification Section 01340 for requirements for the mechanics and administration of
the submittal process.
2. Certification of welders and welding procedures indicating compliance with A WS
A. Deliver and handle railings to preclude damage.
B. Store railings on skids, keep free of dirt and other foreign matter which will damage railings or
finish and protect against corrosion.
A. Provide PVDF coating manufacturer's standard 10 year warranty against finish, fading, chipping,
cracking and peeling.
I. Repair of finish shall be done using same material. application method and color to match
surrounding railings.
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A. Subject to compliance with the Contract Documents. the following manufacturers are
I. Welded railing systems:
3. Any manufacturer meeting this Specification Section.
B. Submit request for substitution in accordance with Specification Section 01640.
A. Alloy 606 I - T6. 32.000 psi tensile yield strength minimum.
I. ASTM B209 for sheets and plates.
2. ASTM B221 and ASTM B308 for shapes - beams. channels. angles. tees. and zees.
3. ASTM B247 for forgings.
B. Alloy 6063- T5 or T6, 15,000 psi tensile yield strength minimum.
I. ASTM B221 and ASTM B429 for bars. rods. wires. pipes and tubes.
C. Cast Fittings: Aluminum, ASTM 8108.
D. Shims: Aluminum of same alloy as component being shimmed.
E. Fasteners: See Specification Section 05505.
F. Expansion and Adhesive Anchors: See Specification Section 05505.
G. Electrodes for Welding:
I. Aluminum: AWS D1.2.
2. Filler alloy 5356 or 4043.
A. General:
1. Verify field conditions and dimensions prior to fabrication.
2. For fabrication of items ",,'hich will be exposed to view, use only materials which are smooth
and tree of surface blemishes including pitting. seam marks. roller marks, rolled trade
names and roughness.
3. Remove blemishes by grinding and buffing or by vvelding and grinding. prior to
cleaning, treating and application of surface finishes.
3. Form exposed work "vith smooth. short radius bends, accurate angles and straight edges.
3. Ease exposed edges to a radius of approximately 1/32 IN.
b. Form bent-metal corners to smallest radius possible without causing grain separation or
othenvise impairing vvork.
c. Drill or punch holes with smooth edges.
4. Form exposed connections \vith flush. smooth, hairline joints. using stainless steel or
aluminum splice locks to splice sections together or by welding.
a. Ease the edges of top rail splices and expansion joints and remove all burrs left trom
5. Provide for anchorage oft)/pe indicated on Drav..'ings or as required by field conditions.
a. Drill or punch holes \vith smooth edges.
6. Design railings and anchorage system in accordance \vith NAAMM AMP 521 to resist
loading as required by Building Code.
7. Custom fabricate railings to dimensions and profiles indicated.
a. Fabricate handrail mounted to wall or to guardrail vertical posts using minimum
1-1/4 IN nominal diameter Schedule 40 pipe.
b. Fabricate all guardrail top rails using minimum 2 IN nominal diameter Schedule 40
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05522 -:I
c. Fabricate all guardrail vertical posts using minimum 2 IN nominal diameter Schedule
40 pipe.
I) Guardrail vertical posts that are to be side-bracket mounted to a vertical concrete
surface or metal structure shall use Alloy 6063- T6.
d. All intermediate rails shall be fabricated using minimum 1-]/2 IN nominal diameter
Schedule 40 pipe.
I) Where details are not indicated, set horizontal rails and vertical pickets to
requirements of the Building Code, ADAAG or OSHA Standards, whichever
requires the more restrictive desib'll.
e. Space vertical posts as required by loading requirements but not more than 4 FT on
f. Space handrail brackets as required by loading requirements but not more than 4 FT on
g. Base plate for vertical guardrail posts mounted to top of concrete surface:
I) 3/8 x 6 x 6 IN square plate.
2) Predrilled to accept four (4) anchors.
3) Provide a 2 IN DIA x 8 ]N long solid aluminum rod welded to the base plate.
4) Fit the vertical post over the solid rod and weld the post to the base plate.
h. Base plate for vertical guardrail post mounted to flange of metal structure:
I) 3/8 x 3 x 8 IN plate.
2) Predrilled to accept two (2) fasteners.
3) Provide a 2 IN D1A x 8 IN long solid aluminum rod welded to the base plate.
4) Fit the vertical post over the solid rod and weld the post to the base plate.
i. Mounting bracket for vertical guardrail post mounted to vertical concrete surface or
web of metal structural member:
]) Pair of 3/8 IN angles or bent plates.
2) Predrilled to accept two (2) fasteners each.
3) Weld angles or bent platcs to vertical posts.
j. Provide 3/8 IN x 4 IN flat bar toeboards or 1/4 IN minimum thickness x 4 IN high
extruded toeboard with stiffener ribs on back side at all elevated walkways, platforms
and stair landings, and where indicated on the Drawings or required by OSHA
8. Fit exposed ends of guardrails and handrails with solid terminations.
a. Return ends of handrail to wall, but do not attach to wall.
b. Where guardrail terminates at a wall, provide a vertical post located 4 IN off the wall to
center of post.
9. Preassemble items in shop to greatest extent possible to minimize field splicing and
assembly of units at project site.
B. Finish: Mill.
C. Railing Fabrication:
]. All railings are to be welded systems.
? Use wire welding for all joints.
3. All welding to be continuous in accordance with A WS C5.5 and A WS D 1.2.
a. All welded railing joints shall have full penetration welds unless noted otherwise.
4. All exposed welds to be ground smooth and flush to match and blend with adjoining
a. NAAMM AMP 52], Type 2.
5. No ragged edges, surface defects, or undercutting of adjoining surfaces will be accepted.
6. Finishingjoints with filler is not acceptable.
7. Provide flush weld fittings using locking weld connectors or coped drive-on connectors.
D. Install weeps to drain water from hollow sections of railing at exterior and high humidity
I. Drill 1/4 IN weep hole in railings closed at bottom:
a. 1 IN above walkway surface at bottom of posts set in concrete.
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b. I IN above solid aluminum rod at posts having base plate.
c. At low point of intermediate rails.
d. Do not drill weep holes:
I) In bottom of base plate.
E. Expansion Joints:
1. Joints to be designed to allow expansion and contraction of railing and still meet design
loads required.
a. Top rail splices and expansion joints shall be located within 8 IN of post or other
b. Where railings span building or tank expansion joints; provide a railing expansion joint
in the span crossing the building or tank expansion joint.
2. Provide expansion joints in any continuous run exceeding 20 FT in length.
a. Space expansion joints at not more than 40 FT on center.
3. Provide minimum 0.10 IN of expansion joint for each 20 FT length of top rail for each
25 DegF differential betV\'cen installation temperature and maximum design temperature.
a. Maximum expansion joint width at time of installation shall not exceed 3/8 IN.
1) Provide additional expansion joints as required to limit expansion joint width.
4. Provide slip-joint with internal sleeve.
a. Extend slip joint min 2 IN beyond joint at maximum design width.
b. Fasten internal sleeve securelv to one side
I) Provide allen-head set screw located in hottom of rail.
2) Rivets or exposed scre\\i heads are not acceptable.
A. Prior to installation, inspect and verifY condition of substrate.
1. Installation of product constitutes installer's acceptance of substrate condition for product
B. Correct surface defects or conditions which may interfere with or prevent a satisfactory
1. Field welding aluminum is not permitted unless approved in writing by' Engineer.
A. Install handrails and guardrails to meet loading requirements of the Building Code.
B. Install products in accordance with manufacturer's instructions.
C. Set work accurately in location, alignment and elevation; plumb, level and true.
I. Measure from established lines and items which are to be built into concrete, masonry or
similar construction.
D. Align railings prior to securing in place to assure proper matching at butting and expansion
joints and correct alignment throughout their length.
1. Provide shims as required.
E. Install proper sized expansion joints based on temperature at time of installation and differential
coefficient of expansion of materials in all railings as recommended by manufacturer.
1. Lubricate expansion joint splice bar for smooth movement of railing sections.
F. Provide removable railing sections where indicated on Drawings.
G. Attach handrails to walls or guardrail \vith brackets designed for condition:
1. Provide brackets which provide a minimum 1- \,/7 IN clearance between handrail and
nearest obstruction.
a. Handrails shall not project more than 4-1/2 IN into required stairway width.
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10D 1
2. Anchor handrail brackets to concrete or masonry walls with 1/2 IN stainless steel adhesive
anchors with stainless steel hex head bolts.
H. Anchor railings to concrete with minimum 1/2 IN stainless steel adhesive anchors with stainless
steel bolts, nuts and washers unless noted otherwise in the Contract Documents.
I. Where exposed, bolts shall extend minimum 1/2 IN and maximum 3/4 IN above the top nut.
a. Ifbolts are cut off to required height, threads must be dressed to allow nuts to be
removed without damage to the bolt or the nut.
b. Bevel the top of the bolt after cutting to provide a smooth surface.
I. Anchor railings to metal structure with minimum 3/4 IN stainless steel bolts, nuts and washers.
J. Install toeboards to fit tight to the walking surface.
I. Notch toeboards at base plates or other obstructions.
2. Bottom of toe board shall not exceed 1/4 IN above walking surface.
K. Coat aluminum in contact with dissimilar metal or concrete in accordance with Specification
Section 09905.
L. Provide railings as required for stair construction identified in Specification Section 05505.
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05522 - 6
A. Section Includes:
I. Sealant work.
B. Related Sections include but are not necessarily limited to:
I. Division 0 - Bidding Requirements. Contract Forms. and Conditions of the Contract.
2. Division I - General Requirements.
3. Division 3 - Concrete
C. Work included consists of but is not necessarily limited to:
1. Sealing all joints Vt'hich will permit penetration of dust, air or moisture, unless sealing work
is specifically required under other sections.
a. Work may include the follov.ring:
]) Flashing reglets and retainers.
2) Exterior wall joints.
3) Masonry control joints, exterior and interior and between masonry and other
4) Flooring joints.
5) Isolation joints.
6) Joints between paving or sidewalks and building.
7) Concrete construction. control and expansion joints, exterior and interior.
8) Sawed joints in interior concrete slabs.
9) Joints between precast roof units, between precast roof units and walls, and all
exterior and interior joints between precast wall panels.
10) Joints at penetrations of walls, floors and decks by piping and other services and
II) Exterior and interior perimeters of exterior and interior door and window frames,
louvers, grilles, etc.
12) Thresholds at exterior doors.
13) Sealing of plumbing fixtures to floor or wall.
14) Sealing around piping, duct or conduit penetrations through root: floors, interior
and exterior \\'alls.
a) See Section 07840 for firestopping these penetrations.
15) Sealing perimeter and penetrations of sound insulated walls.
16) Other joints where calking. sealant. expanding foam sealant or compressible
sealant is indicated.
A. Referenced Standards:
I. American Concrete Institute (ACI):
a. 302.1 R. Guide for Concrete Floor and Slab Construction.
2. ASTM International (ASTM):
a. C834. Standard Specification !(Jr Latex Sealants.
b. C920, Standard Specification for Elastomeric Joint Sealants.
c. C 152 I. Standard Practice for Evaluating Adhesion of Installed Weatherproofing
Sealant Joints.
3. National Sanitation Foundation Intemational (NSF).
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4. Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. (UL).
B. Qualifications: Sealant applicator shall have minimum five (5) years experience using products
specified on projects with similar scope.
C. Mock-Ups:
1. Before calking work is started. a mock-up of each type of joint shall be calked where
directed by the Engineer.
a. The approved mock-ups shall show the workmanship, bond, and color of calking
materials as specified or selected for the work and shall be the minimum standard of
quality on the entire project.
b. Each sample shall cure for a minimum of seven (7) days at which time the sealant
manufacturer's authorized factory representative shall perfonn adhesion tests on each
sample joint.
1) Perform adhesion tests per ASTM C 1521.
2) Ifmock-up is not acceptable or if adhesion test fails, provide additional mock-up
and adhesion testing as required until acceptable to Engineer.
A. "Caulk(ing)," "calk(ing)," and "sealant": Joint sealant work.
B. "Interior wet areas": Toilets, showers, laboratories, wet wells and similar areas.
C. Installer or Applicator:
1. Installer or applicator is the person actually installing or applying the product in the field at
the Project site.
2. Installer and applicator are synonymous.
D. Finish sealant: Sealant material per this specification applied over face of compressible sealant
or expanding foam sealant specified, to provide a finished, colored sealant joint.
E. Defect(ive): Failure of watertightness or airtightness.
A. Shop Drawings:
1. See Section 01340 for requirements for the mechanics and administration of the submittal
2. Product technical data including:
a. Acknowledgement that products submitted meet requirements of standards referenced.
b. Manufacturer's installation instructions.
c. Manufacturer's recommendations for joint cleaner, primer, backer rod, tooling and bond
3. Warranty.
4. Certification from sealant manufacturer stating product being used is recommended for and
is best suited for joint in which it is being applied.
5. Certification of applicator qualification.
B. Samples:
I. Cured sample of each color for Engineer's color selection.
2. Color chart not acceptable.
C. Miscellaneous Submittals: See Section 01340 for requirements for the mechanics and
administration of the submittal process.
D. Test Results:
I. Provide adhesion test results for each sealant sample providing adhesion results compared to
adhesion requirements.
2. Manufacturer's authorized factory representative recommended remedial measure for all
failing tests.
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A. Deliver material in manufacturer's original unopened containers with labels intact: Labels shall
indicate contents and expiration date on material.
A. Material and Labor Warranty:
I. Sealant work free of defects for a period of three (3) years from date of final acceptance.
2. Remove any defective work or materials and replace with new work and materials.
3. Warranty signed jointly by Applicator and sealant manufacturer.
A. Subject to compliance with the Contract Documents. the following manufacturers are
1. Polyurethane sealants:
a. Pecora.
b. Sika Chemical Corp.
c. Sonneborn - Rexnord.
d. T remcc.
2. Silicone sealants:
a. General Electric.
b. Dow Corning Corp.
c. Trernco.
3. Compressible sealant:
a. Polytite Manufacturing Corporation.
b. Emseal.
c. Norton.
d. Sandell.
4. Fire-resistant sealant: See Section 07840.
5. Acoustical sealant:
a. Pecora.
b. Sonneborn.
c. Tremco.
6. Polysulfide rubber sealant:
a. Pecora.
b. Sonneborn.
c. Morton Polymer Systems.
7. Expanding foam sealant:
a. Macklanburg Duncan.
b. Convenience Products.
c. FAllnternational. Inc.
d. Power Fasteners.
8. Polyureajoint filler:
a. Dayton Superior Specialty Chemical Corporation.
b. Euclid Chemical Co.
c. L & M Construction Chern ieals, Inc.
d. Sonneborn.
9. Backer rod, compressible filler, primer, joint cleaners. bond breaker: As recommended by
sealant manufacturer.
B. Submit request for substitution in accordance with Specification Section 01640.
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A. Sealants - General:
1. Provide colors matching materials being sealed.
2. Where compound is not exposed to view in finished work, provide manufacturer's color
which has best performance.
3. Nonsagging sealant for vertical and overhead horizontal joints.
4. Sealants for horizontal joints: Self-leveling pedestrian/traffic grade.
B. Polyurethane Sealant:
I. One (I) or two (2) components.
2. Paintable.
3. Meet ASTM C920 Type S or Type M, Grade NS or p. Class 25, Use NT, T, M, A and O.
a. Pecora Dynatrol-IXL, Dynatrolll, Urexpan NR-200, NR-20].
b. Sika Chemical Corporation Sikatlex-] a, Sikatlex-2C NS/SL.
c. Sonneborn Sonolastic NP-I, NP-II. SL-I SL-2.
d. Tremco Dymonic or Dymeric, Vulkem ] ]6,227,45.745.
C. Silicone Sealant:
I. One (]) component.
2. Meet ASTM C920. Type S, Grade NS, Class 25, Use NT, G, A, O.
a. General Electric: Silpruf. Silglaze II.
b. General Electric: Sanitary 1700 sealant for sealing around plumbing fixtures.
c. Dow Corning: 786 for sealing around plumbing fixtures.
d. Dow Corning: 790.795.
e. Tremco: Spectrem I. Spectrem 3, Tremsil 600.
3. Mildew resistant for sealing around plumbing fixtures.
D. Compressible Sealant:
I. Size so that width of material is twice joint width.
2. Foamed polyurethane strip saturated with polymerized polybutylene waterproofing coated
on front face with nonreactive release agent that will act as bond breaker for applied sealant.
a. Polytite Manufacturing Corp. "Po]ytite-B."
3. Fire rated where required.
E. Joint Cleaner, Primer. Bond Breaker: As recommended by sealant manufacturer.
F. Sealant Backer Rod and/or Compressible Filler:
I. Closed cell polyethylene. polyethylene jacketed polyurethane foam, or other tlexible,
nonabsorbent, nonbituminous material recommended by sealant manufacturer to:
a. Control joint depth.
b. Break bond of sealant at bottom of joint.
c. Provide proper shape of sealant bead.
d. Serve as expansion joint filler.
G. Adhesive, Compressible Sealant: As recommended by sealant manufacturer.
H. Fire-Resistant Sealant: See Section 07840.
I. Expanding Foam Sealant:
I. One (I) or two (2) component fire rated moisture cured expanding urethane.
2. Shall not contain formaldehyde.
3. Density: Minimum].5 pcf.
4. Minimum 70 percent closed cell content.
5. R-value minimum 5.0/IN.
6. Flame spread: Less than 25.
7. Smoke developed: Less than 25.
J. Acoustical Sealant:
]. One (I) component siliconized acrylic latex sealant.
2. Non-staining, non-bleeding.
3. Compatible with paints specified for adjoining materials.
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1 0 D1~
a. See Section 09905.
4. Meet ASTM C834.
a. Pecora - AC20+.
b. Sonneborn - Sonolac.
c. Tremeo - Tremflex 834.
K. Polysulfide Rubber Sealant:
I. One (I) or two (7) component.
2. Meet ASTM C920.
a. Pecora Svnthacalk GC2+.
b. Sonneborn - Sonolastic - two-part polysulfide sealant.
c. Morton Polymer Systems - Thiokol Sealants.
L. Polyurea Joint Filler:
1. Two (2) component, semi-rigid material for filling controL sawcut and construction joints in
interior concrete floors.
a. Dayton Superior Specialty Chemical Corp. "Joint Fill. Joint Seal, Joint Saver II" as
required for condition and recommended by manufacturer.
b. Euclid Chemical Co. "EUCO QWIK" joint.
c. L & M Construction Chemicals, Inc. "Joint Tite 750".
d. Sonneborn "TF-IOO" control joint filler.
2. Comply with ACI 302.1 R performance recommendations regarding control and
construction joints.
3. Color: Gray.
A. Before use of any sealant, investigate its compatibility with joint surfaces, tillers and other
materials in joint system.
B. Use only compatible materials.
C. Where required by manufacturer. prime joint surfaces.
I. Limit application to surfaces to receive calking.
2. Mask off adjacent surfaces.
D. Provide joint depth for joints receiving polyurea joint filler in accordance with manufacturer's
A. Install products in accordance with manufacturer's instructions and UL requirements.
B. Clean all joints.
C. Make all joints water and airtight.
D. Make depth of sealing compounds. except expanding foam and polyurea sealant, not more than
one-half width of joint. but in no case less than 1/4 IN nor more than 1/2 IN unless
recommended otherv.'ise by the manufacturer.
E. Provide correctly sized backer rod. compressible filler or compressible sealant in all joints to
depth recommended by manufacturer:
l. Take care to not puncture backer rod and compressible filler.
2. Provide joint backer rod as recommended by the manufacturer for polyurea joint filler.
F. Apply bond breaker where required.
G. Tool sealants using sufficient pressure to till all voids.
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H. Upon completion. leave calking with smooth, even, neat finish.
I. Where piping, conduit, ductwork, etc., penetrate wall, seal each side of wall opening.
l Install compressible sealant to position at indicated depth.
I. Take care to avoid contamination of sides of joint.
2. Protect side walls of joint (to depth of finish sealant).
3. Install with adhesive faces in contact with joint sides.
4. Install finish sealant where indicated.
K. Install expanding foam sealant to minimum 4 IN depth or thickness of wall being penetrated if
less than 4 IN or as indicated on Drawings.
1. Provide adequate fire rated backing material as required.
2. Hold material back rrom exposed face of wall as required to provide backer rod and finish
a. Allow expanding foam sealant to completely cure prior to installing backer rod and
finish sealant.
3. Material shall be minimum of70 DegF prior to and during installation.
4. Trim off excess material flush with surface of the wall if not providing finished sealant.
A. Adhesion Testing:
I. Perform adhesion tests in accordance with ASTM CI 52 I per the following criteria:
a. Water bearing structures: One (I) test per every 1000 LF of joint sealed.
b. Exterior precast concrete wall panels: One (I) test per every 2000 LF of joint sealed.
c. Chemical containment areas: One ( I) test per every 1000 LF of joint sealed.
d. Building expansion joints: One (I) test per every 500 LF of joint sealed.
e. All other type of joints except butt glazing joints: One (I) test per every 3000 LF of
joint sealed.
f. Manufacturerts authorized factory representative shall recommend, in writing, remedial
measures for all failing tests.
A. Furnish sealant as indicated for the following areas:
1. Exterior areas: Polyurethane
2. Interior wet areas: Polyurethane.
3. Interior wet, corrosive areas: Polyurethane.
4. Interior noowet, corrosive areas: Silicone.
5. Interior nonwet, noncorrosive areas: Silicone.
6. Fire-rated construction: See Section 07840.
7. Compressible sealant: Where indicated.
8. Sealant which will be subject to prolonged contact with or submersion in water (except
wastewater and sewage):
a. Polysulfide or polyurethane: NSF approved for use in potable water tanks.
9. Penetrations exterior wall above grade:
a. For non-corrosive areas, provide expanding urethane foam, with polyurethane finish
b. For corrosive areas, provide expanding urethane foam, bond breaker and polysulfide
finish sealant on corrosive side with polyurethane finish sealant on non-corrosive side.
10. Sealant exposed to or having the potential of being exposed to concentrated chlorine gas or
chlorine liquid: Polysulfide.
I I. Sealant which will be immersed in wastewater or sewage: Polysulfide.
12. [nterior concrete floor control joints or sawed joints: Polyureajoint filler.
13. Sealing around plumbing fixtures: Silicone.
14. Plastic laminate casework, plastic laminate countertops and solid surface materials:
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A. Section Includes:
I. Metal acoustical wall panels.
B. Related Specification Sections include but are not necessarily limited to:
I. Division 0 - Bidding Requirements, Contract Forms, and Conditions of the Contract.
2. Division I - General Requirements.
3. Section 13121- Metal Enclosure Systems.
A. Referenced Standards:
I. ASTM International (ASTM):
a. A 153, Standard Specification for Zinc Coating (Hot-Dip) on Iron and Steel Hardware.
b. A653, Standard Specification for Sheet Steel, Zinc-Coated (Galvanized) or Zinc-Iron
Alloy-Coated (Galvannealed) by the Hot-Dip Process.
c. B209, Standard Specification for Aluminum and Aluminum-Alloy Sheet and Plate.
d. C423, Standard Test Method for Sound Absorption and Sound Absorption Coefficients
by the Reverberation Room Method.
e. C553, Standard Specification for Mineral Fiber Blanket Thermal Insulation for
Commercial and Industrial Applications.
f. E84, Standard Test Method for Surface Burning Characteristics of Building Materials.
g. F593, Standard Specification for Stainless Steel Bolts, Hex Cap Screws, and Studs.
A. Shop Drawings:
1. See Specification Section 01340 for requirements for the mechanics and administration of
the submittal process.
2. Layout drawings:
a. Scaled drawing showing location of each unit, mounting and anchorage details.
b. Minimum plan scale: 1/8 IN ~ 1 FT.
c. Minimum detail scale: 1-1/2 IN ~ I FT.
3. Product technical data including:
a. Acknowledgement that products submitted meet requirements of standards referenced.
b. Manufacturer's installation instructions.
A. Products specified are manufactured by Eckel Industries.
B. Subject to compliance with the Contract Documents, the following manufacturers are
I. Acoustical wall and ceiling panels:
a. ALPRO Acoustics.
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10 D ."
b. Eckel Industries Inc.
C. Submit request for substitution in accordance with Specification Section 01640.
A. Facing: Aluminum. ASTM B209.
B. Brackets: Aluminum. ASTM B209.
C. Acoustical Insulation: Fiberglass. ASTM C553.
D. Acoustical Insulation Protective Wrap: Polyethylene or vinyl.
E. Fasteners: Stainless steel. ASTM F593, Type 304.
A. Panel Facing:
I. 0.032 IN aluminum.
2. Perforated with 3/32 IN holes 011 5/32 IN staggered centers.
3. Provide minimum oftwo (2) framing members on each side of panel for panels 96 IN long
or less.
a. Panels over 961N long shall have minimum three (3) framing members on each side of
4. Finish:
a. Manufacturer's standard white polyurethane enamel finish.
5. Size: 30 IN wide x length noted on Drawings.
6. Units similar to Eckel "EFP" panels.
B. Framing Members, Suspension and Stand-off Brackets:
I. Minimum 0.050 IN.
2. To match facing material.
3. Adjustable height, stand-off and suspension brackets to accommodate field conditions
C. Acoustical Insulation:
2 IN thick. meeting ASTM C553.
1.5 LBS/CF densitv minimum.
a. Poly wrapped.
Fire ratcd in accordance with ASTM E84.
a. Flamc spread: 10.
b. Smoke density: 5.
A. Provide all attachment brackets, bolts, screws, washers, inserts. and other miscellaneous items
required for complete installation.
A. Panels shall be laboratory tested to verify sound absorption in accordance with ASTM C423.
A. Provide Owner with following maintenance material:
I. Minimum of2 OZ of touch-up paint in color selected for each 1000 SF or fraction thereof of
panel surface.
2. Minimum of 10 LF of acoustical insulation of type specified for Project.
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nQ520 - 2
A. VerifY all above panel work has been completed for ceiling suspended panels prior to
S. VerifY all behind panel work has been completed for wall mounted panels prior to installation.
A. Install products in accordance with manufacturer's instructions.
S. Refer to Drawings for location and length of panels.
C. Provide necess31)' clips and or suspension framing to mount units at height or offset indicated.
A. Repair tears in acoustical wrap with tape recommended by manufacturer.
1. Tape color to match acoustical wrap color.
B. Touch-up paint all damaged panels.
A. Install Metal Acoustical Panels inside the Slower Sound enclosure on 50% of the surface area of
concrete surfaces. This is the area adjacent to the existing building.
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09520 - 3
,". ....-. ,.--- -- .._'~...'_" ..---- ..-.~.,.,'
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A. Section Includes:
1. High performance industrial coatings (HPIC).
2. Architectural paints (AP).
3. Special coatings (SC).
4. Any other coating. thinner. accelerator. inhibitor, etc.. specified or required as part of a
complete System specified in this Section.
5. Minimum surface preparation requirements.
B. Related Sections include but are not necessarily limited to:
I. Division 0 - Bidding Requirements. Contract Forms. and Conditions of the Contract.
2. Division I - General Requirements.
3. Section 03348 - Concrete Finishing and Repair of Surface Defects.
4. Section 05505 - Metal Fabrications.
5. Section 11005 - Equipment: Basic Requirements.
A. Referenced Standards:
I. ASTM International (ASTM):
a. D4258. Standard Practice for Surface Cleaning Concrete for Coating.
b. D4259, Standard Practice for Abrading Concrete.
c. D426 I, Standard Practice for Surface Cleaning Concrete Unit Masonry for Coating.
d. D4262, Standard Test Method for pH of Chemically Cleaned or Etched Concrete
e. D4263. Standard Test Method for Indicating Moisture in Concrete by the Plastic Sheet
f. E84, Standard Test Method for Surface Burning Characteristics of Building Materials.
2. American Water Works Association (A WW A).
3. NACE International (NACE).
4. National Bureau of Standards (NBS):
a. Certified Coating Thickness Calibration Standards.
5. National Fire Protection Association (NFP A):
a. 101, Life Safetv Code.
6. National Sanitation foundation International (NSF).
7. Steel Door Institute/American National Standards Institute (SDI/ANSI):
a. A250.] 0, Test Procedure and Acceptance Criteria For Prime Painted Steel Surfaces for
Steel Doors.
8. The Society for Protective Coatings (SSPC):
a. PA 2, Measurement of Dry Paint Thickness with Magnetic Gages.
b. SP 1, Solvent Cleaning.
c. SP 2. l'land Tool Cleaning.
d. SP 3, Power Tool Cleaning.
9. The Society for Protective Coatings/NACE International (SSPC/NACE):
a. SP 5/NACE No. I. White Metal Blast Cleaning.
b. SP 6/NACE No.3. Commercial Blast Cleaning.
c. SP 7/NACE No.4, Brush-off Blast Cleaning.
d. SP I O/NACE No.2. Near- White Blast Cleaning.
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e. SP 12/NACE No.5, Surface Preparation and Cleaning of Steel and Other Hard
Materials by High and Ultrahigh Pressure Water Jetting Prior to Recoating.
f. SP 13/NACE No.6. Surface Preparation of Concrete.
B. Qualifications:
I. Coating manufacturer's authorized representative shall provide written statement attesting
that applicator has been instructed on proper preparation, mixing and application procedures
for coatings specified.
2. Applicators shall have minimum of 10 years experience in application of similar products
on similar project.
a. Provide references for minimum of three (3) different projects completed in last five (5)
years with similar scope of work.
b. Include name and address of project, size ofproject in value (painting) and contact
C. Miscellaneous:
]. Furnish paint through one (I) manufacturer unless noted otherwise.
2. Coating used in all corridors and stairways shall meet requirements ofNFPA ]0] and
D. Deviation rrom specified mil thickness or product type is not allowed without written
authorization of Engineer.
E. Material shall not be thinned unless approved. in writing, by paint manufacturer's authorized
A. Installer or Applicator:
I. Installer or applicator is the person actually installing or applying the product in the field at
the Project site.
2. Installer and applicator are synonymous.
B. Approved Factory Finish: Finish on a product in compliance with the finish specified in the
section where the product is specified or in Section I 1005.
C. Corrosive Environment: Immersion in, or not more than 6 IN above, or subject to frequent
condensation, spillage or splash of a corrosive material such as water, wastewater, or chemical
solution; or chronic exposure to corrosive, caustic or acidic agent, chemicals, chemical fumes,
chemical mixture, or solutions with pH range of5 to 9.
D. Highly Corrosive Environment: Immersion in, or not more than 6 IN above, or subject to
frequent condensation, spillage or splash of a corrosive material such as water, wastewater, or
chemical solution; or chronic exposure to corrosive, caustic or acidic agent, chemicals, chemical
fumes, chemical mixture, or solutions with pH range below 5 or above 9.
E. Exposed Exterior Surface:
1. Surface which is exposed to weather but not necessarily exposed to view as well as surface
exposed to view.
2. Exterior surfaces are considered corrosive environment.
F. Finished Area: One that has finish called for on Room Finish Schedule or is indicated, on
Drawings, to be painted.
G. Paint includes the following:
I. High performance industrial coatings (HPIC) include: Epoxies. urethanes, vinyl ester,
waterborne vinyl acrylic emulsions, acrylates, silicones, alkyds, acrylic emulsions and any
other coating listed as a HPIC.
H. Surface Hidden from View: Surfaces such as those within pipe chases, and between top side of
ceilings (including drop-in tile ceilings) and underside of floor or roof structure above.
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09905 - 2
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10 D 'pt
I. AP: Architectural paints.
1. HPIC: High performance industrial coatings.
K. SC: Special coatings.
L. VOC: Volatile organic compounds.
M. Water level for purposes of painting: See Drawings.
A. Shop Drawings:
I. See Section 01340 for requirements for the mechanics and administration of the submittal
2. Product technical data including:
3. Acknowledgement that products submitted meet requirements of standards referenced.
b. Manufacturer's appl ication instructions.
c. Manufacturer's surface preparation instructions.
d. If products being used are manufactured by Company other than listed in Article 2.2,
provide complete individual data sheet comparison of proposed products with specified
products including application procedure. coverage rates and verification that product is
designed for intended use.
e. Contractor's written plan of action for containing airborne particles created by' blasting
operation and location of disposal of spent contaminated blasting media.
f. Coating manufacturer's recommendation on abrasive blasting.
g. Manufacturer's recommendation for universal barrier coat.
3. Manufacturer's statement regarding applicator instruction on product use.
4. Applicator experience qualifications.
a. No submittal information will be reviewed until Engineer has received and approved
applicator qualifications.
5. Certification that coating systems proposed for use have been reviewed and approved by
Senior Corrosion Specification Specialist employed by the coating manufacturer.
B. Samples:
1. Manufacturer's full line of colors for Engineer's color selection.
'). After initial color selection by' Engineer provide two 3 x 5 IN samples of each color
C. Miscellaneous Submittals:
1. See Section 01340 for requirements for the mechanics and administration of the submittal
2. Approval of application equipment.
3. Applicator's daily record:
a. Submit daily record at end of each week in which painting work is perfonned.
A. Deliver in original containers, labeled as follows:
I. Name or type number of material.
2. Manufacturer's name and item stock number.
3. Contents, by volume, of major constituents.
4. Warning labels.
5. VOC content.
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A. Subject to compliance with the Contract Documents, only the following manufacturers are
I. High performance industrial coatings:
a. Tnemec.
b. Ameron Protective Coatings Div.
c. ICI Devoe.
d. Carboline Protective Coatings.
e. Sherwin Williams.
f. Dampney Company, Inc.
B. Submit request for substitution in accordance with Specification Section 01640.
A. All materials used must contain not more than 2.08 LBS/GAL VOC unless noted otherwise.
B. For unspecified materials such as thinner, provide manufacturer's recommended products.
C. Paint Systems - General:
I. P ~ prime coat.
2. FI, 1'2... Fn ~ first finish coat. second finish coat.... nth finish coat, color as selected by
3. If two (2) finish coats of same material are required, Contractor may, at his option and by
written approval from paint manufacturer. apply one (I) coat equal to mil thickness of two
(2) coats specified.
D. HPIC products specified are manufactured by Tnemec.
E. Paint Systems (Systems not shown are not used):
1. HPIC SYSTEM #1 - Polyamidoamine Epoxy Primer with Polyamidoamine Epoxy or
Waterborne Acrylic Polyurethane Finish Coat(s).
a. Prime coat:
I) PI ~ I coat, 3 mils, Series L69 Epoxoline (Polyamidoamine Epoxy), VOC ~ 0.80.
b. Finish coat(s):
I) Interior:
a) 1'1 ~ 1 coat, 3 mils, Series L69 Epoxoline (Polyamidoamine Epoxy).
b) 1'2 ~ I coat, 3 mils, Series L69 Epoxoline (Polyamidoamine Epoxy).
2) Exterior:
a) FI ~ I coat, 3 mils, Series L69 Epoxoline (Polyamidoamine Epoxy).
b) F2 ~ 1 coat, 2.5 mils, Series 1080 Endura-Shield. W.B.(Waterborne Acrylic
Polyurethane), VOC ~ 0.80.
2. HPIC SYSTEM #2 - Polyamidoamine Epoxy Primer with Polyamidoamine Epoxy or
Waterborne Acrylic Polyurethane Finish Coat(s).
a. Prime coat:
I) PI ~ I coat, 5 mils, Series L69 Epoxoline (Polyamidoamine Epoxy), VOC ~ 0.80.
b. Finish coat(s):
I) Interior:
a) FI ~ I coat, 5 mils. Series L69 Epoxoline (Polyamidoamine Epoxy), VOC ~
2) Exterior:
a) 1'1 ~ I coat, 5 mils, Series L69 Epoxoline (Polyamidoamine Epoxy).
b) F2 ~ I coat, 2.5 mils, Series 1080 Endura-Shield W.B.(Waterborne Acrylic
Polyurethane), VOC ~ 0.80.
3. HPIC SYSTEM #3 - Polyamidoamine Epoxy Primer with Polyamidoamine Epoxy or
Waterborne Acrylic Polyurethane Top Coat(s).
a. Prime coat:
I) PI ~ I coat, 5 mils. Series L69 Epoxoline (Polyamidoamine Epoxy), VOC ~ 0.80.
b. Finish coat(s):
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I) Interior:
a) FI ~ I coat. 5 mils. Series 1.69 Epoxoline (Polyamidoamine Epoxy).
7) Exterior:
a) FI ~ I coat. 7.5 mils. Series 1080 Endura-Shield W.B. (Waterborne Acrylic
Polyurethane). VOC ~ 0.80.
4. HPIC SYSTEM #4 - Zinc-rich Urethane Primer with Polyamidoarnine Epoxy or
Waterborne Acrylic Polyurethane Top Coat(s).
a. Prime coat:
I) PI ~ I coat, 7.5 mils, Series 90-97 Tneme-Zinc (Zinc-Rich Urethane). VOC ~
b. Finish coat(s):
I) Interior:
a) FI ~ I coat. 3 mils. Series L69 Epoxoline (Polyamidoamine Epoxy), VOC ~
2) Exterior:
a) Fl ~ I coat, 2.5 mils. Series 1080 Endura-Shield W.B. (Waterborne Acrylic
Polyurethane). VOC ~ 0.80.
5. HPIC SYSTEM #5 - Modified Polyamidoaminc Epoxy Primer with Polyamidoamine Epoxy
or Waterborne Acrylic Polyurethane Top Coat(s).
3. Prime coat:
I) PI = I coat. 2.0 mils. Series 135 Chembuild (Modified Polyamidoamine Epoxy).
VOC ~ 1.16.
b. Finish coat(s):
I) Interior:
a) FI ~ I coat. 2.5 mils, Series L69 Epoxoline (Polyamidoamine Epoxy). VOC ~
2) Exterior:
a) FI ~ I coat, 2.0 mils. Series 1080 Endura-Shield W.B. (Waterborne Acrylic
Polyurethane). VOC - 0.80.
6. HPIC SYSTEM #6 - Modified Polyamidoamine Epoxy Primer with Polyamidoamine Epoxy
or Waterborne Acrylic Polyurethane Top Coat(s).
3. Prime coat:
1) PI ~ I coat, 3 mils. Series 135 Chembuild (Modified Polyamidoamine Epoxy).
b. Finish coat(s):
I) Interior:
a) PI ~ I coat, 4 mils. Series L69 Epoxoline (Polyamidoamine Epoxy). VOC ~
2) Exterior:
a) FI ~ I coat, 3 mils, Series 1080 Endura-Shield W.B. (Waterborne Acrylic
Polyurethane), VOC =. 0.80.
7. HPIC SYSTEM #7 - Zinc-Rich Urethane Primer with Polyamidoarnine Epoxy or
Waterborne Acrylic Polyurethane Top Coat(s).
3. Prime coat:
I) PI = I coat. 2.5 mils. Series 90-97 Tneme-Zinc (Zinc-Rich Urethane), VOC =
b. Finish coat(s):
I) Interior:
a) PI ~ I coat,S mils. Series L69 Epoxoline (Polyamidoamine Epoxy), VOC =
2) Exterior:
a) PI . I coat. 3.0 mils. Series 1080 Endura-Shield W.B. (Waterborne Acrylic
Polyurethane), VOC ~ 0.80.
8. HPIC SYSTEM #8 - Air Dry Silicone Copolymer Primer with Silicone Copolymer Top
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a. Prime coat:
I) PI ~ 1 coat, 2.0 mils, Dampney Thurmalox 260C Series (Air Dry Silicone
Copolymer), VOC ~ 3.20.
b. Finish coat:
I) Interior or exterior:
a) FI ~ I coat, 2.0 mils, Dampney Thurmalox 260C Series (Air Dry Silicone
Copolymer), VOC ~ 3.20.
9. HPIC SYSTEM #9 - Modified Polyamidoamine Epoxy.
a. Prime coat:
I) PI ~ I coat, 3 mils. Series 135 Chembuild (Modified Polyamidoamine Epoxy),
VOC ~ 1.16.
10. HPIC SYSTEM #1 I - Zinc-Rich Aromatic Urethane Primer.
a. Prime coat:
I) PI ~ I coat. 3.0 mils, 90-97 Tneme-Zinc (Zinc-Rich Urethane), VOC ~ 2.67.
11. HPIC SYSTEM #12 - Acrylic Emulsion Primer and Top Coal.
a. Prime coat:
I) PI ~ I coat, 2.5 mils, Series 29 Tufcryl (Acrylic Emulsion), VOC ~ 1.53.
b. Finish coat:
I) Interior:
a) F I ~ I coat, 2.5 mils, Series 29 Tufcryl (Acrylic Emulsion), VOC ~ 1.53.
12. HPIC SYSTEM #13 - Modified-Acrylate Elastomer Primer and Top Coal.
a. Prime coat:
I) PI ~ I coat, 8 mils, Series 156 Enviro-Crete (Modified-Acrylate Elastomer), VOC
~ 1.19.
b. Finish coat:
I) Exterior:
a) FI ~ I coat, 8 mils, Series 156 Enviro-Crete (Modified-Acrylate Elastomer).
13. HPIC SYSTEM #14 - Waterborne Modified Polyamine Epoxy Primer with Specialized
Acrylate Waterborne Top Coats.
a. Prime coat:
I) PI = I coat. 1.5 mils, Series 151 Elasto-Grip FC (Waterborne Modified Polyamine
Epoxy), VOC ~ 2.03.
b. Finish coat(s):
I) Interior:
a) FI = 1 coat, 6.5 to 7.5 mils, Series 158 Bio-Lastic (Specialized Waterborne
Acrylate), VOC - 0.77.
b) F2 ~ 1 coat, 6.5 to 7.5 mils, Series 158 Bio-Lastic (Specialized Waterborne
Acrylate), VOC - 0.77.
14. HPIC SYSTEM #15 - Polyamidoamine Epoxy Primer with Polyamidoamine Epoxy Top
a. Prime coat:
I) PI ~ 1 coat, 4 mils, Series L69 Epoxoline (Polyamidoamine Epoxy), VOC ~ 0.80.
b. Finish coat:
I) Interior:
a) FI = I coat, 4 mils, Series L69 Epoxoline (Polyamidoamine Epoxy).
15. HPIC SYSTEM #16 - Polyamidoamine Epoxy Prime and Top Coat(s).
a. Prime coat:
I) PI = I coat, 80 to 110 SF/GAL/coat, Series L69 Epoxoline (Polyamidoamine
Epoxy), VOC ~ 0.80.
b. Finish coat(s):
I) Interior:
a) F I ~ 1 coat. 175-200 SF/GAL/coat. Series L69 Epoxoline (Polyamidoamine
16. HPIC SYSTEM # 17 - Acrylic Emulsion Primer with Acrylic Emulsion Top Coat(s).
a. Prime coat:
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I) PI ~ I coat. 7 mils, Series 180 W.B. Tneme-Crete (Acrylic Emulsion), VOC ~
b. Finish coat(s):
I) Exterior:
a) FI ~ I coat. 7 mils, Series 180 W.B. Tneme-Crete (Acrylic Emulsion).
17. HPIC SYSTEM # 18 - Alkyd Primer with Acrylic Emulsion Top Coat(s).
a. Prime coat:
I) PI ~ I coat, 2.5 mils, 36-603 Undercoat (Alkyd). VOC ~ 2.80.
b. Finish coat(s):
I) Interior or exterior:
a) FI ~ I coal, 7.5 mils, Series 29 Tufcryl (Acrylic Emulsion), VOC ~ 1.53.
b) F2 ~ I coat. 2.5 mils. Series 79 Tufcryl (Acrylic Emulsion).
18. HPIC SYSTEM #19 - Polyamidoamine Epoxy Coating.
a. Prime coat:
I) PI ~ I coat. 5 mils, Series L69 Epoxoline (Polyamidoamine Epoxy), VOC ~ 0.80.
19. HPIC SYSTEM #21 - Modified Polyamidoamine Epoxy.
a. Prime coat:
I) PI ~ I coat,5 mils, 135-1243 Chembuild (Modified Polyamidoamine Epoxy).
VOCe 1.44.
20. HPIC SYSTEM #22 - Modified Polyamine Epoxy Primer with Modified Polyurethane Top
a. Prime coat:
I) PI ~ I coat 16 mils, Series 22 Pota-Pox 100 (Modified Polyamine Epoxy), VOC ~
b. Finish coat(s):
I) Interior:
a) FI ~ I coat. 25 mils, Series 264 Elasto-Shield (Modified Polyurethane), VOC
c_ 0.77.
b) F2 ~ I coat. 25 mils, Series 264 Elasto-Shield (Modified Polyurethane), VOC
~ 0.77.
21. HPIC SYSTEM #73 - Zinc-Rich Urethane Potable Water Approved Primer with Polyamine
Epoxy Potable Water Approved Top Coats.
a. Prime coat:
I) PI ~ I coat, 3 mils. Series 91 H,O Hydro-Zinc (Zinc-Rich Urethane). VOC ~ 7.67.
b. Finish coat(s):
1) Interior:
a) FI ~ I coat, 25 mils. Series 22 Pota-Pox 100 (Modified Polyamine Epoxy).
VOC ~ 0.42.
22. HPIC SYSTEM #27 - Waterborne Acrylic Emulsion Prime and Top Coats.
a. Prime coat:
I) PI ~ I coat. 6 mils, Series 180, W.B. Tneme-Crete (Acrylic Emulsion), VOC ~
b. Finish coat:
I) Exterior:
a) FI ~ I coat. 6 mils. Series 180. W.B. Tneme-Crete (Acrylic Emulsion), VOC
- 0.98.
23. HPIC SYSTEM #29 - Waterborne Epoxy-Amine Adduct Primer and Top Coat
a. Prime coat:
I) PI ~ I coat. 4 mils. Series 287 Enviro-Tread (Waterborne Epoxy-Amine Adduct),
VOC ~ 1.78.
b. Finish coat:
I) Interior:
a) FI ~ 1 coat, 4 mils, Series 287 Enviro- Tread (Waterborne Epoxy-Amine
Adduct). VOC ~ 1.78.
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24. HPIC SYSTEM #3 I - Polyamidoamine Epoxy Primer and Intermediate Coat with
Waterborne Polyester Polyurethane Top Coat with Glass Beads mixed in for slip resistance.
a. Prime coat:
I) PI ~ 4 mils, Series L69 Epoxoline (Polyamidoamine Epoxy), VOC 0.80.
b. Finish coats:
I) Exterior and interior:
a) FI ~ 4 mils, Series L69 Epoxoline (Polyamidoamine Epoxy).
b) F2 ~ 3 mils minimum (thickness as required to cover glass beads), Series 291
CRU (Waterborne Polyester Polyurethane). VOC 1.51.
c. Slip resistance:
I) Blend coarse glass beads into first finish coat (Fl) at rate required to provide a
medium slip resistant texture.
a) Refer to accepted mock-up panel.
2) Apply second finish coat (F2) at minimum 3 mil DFT.
a) Apply additional coats of F1 product as required to achieve the non-slip
texture per the accepted mock-up panel.
d. Glass beads shall be equal to TNEMEC product #211-212 Coarse Glass Beads.
25. HPIC SYSTEM #32 - Waterborne Cementitious Arcylic Patching Compound/Filler with
Polyamidoamine Epoxy Top Coat.
a. Patching/filling coat:
I) P/FI ~ I coat, 60 to 80 SF/GAL/coat, Series 130 Envirofill (Waterborne
Cementitious Acrylic). VOC ~ 0.64.
b. Finish coat:
I) Interior:
a) FI ~ I coat, 175 to 200 SF/GAL/coat, Series L69 Epoxoline (Polyamidoamine
Epoxy). VOC ~ 0.80.
b) F2 ~ I coat, 175 to 200 SF/GAL/coat, Series L69 Epoxoline (Polyamidoamine
26. HPIC SYSTEM #33 - Waterborne Vinyl Acrylic Primer with Water-base Acrylic-Emulsion
Top Coat.
a. Prime coat(s):
I) PI ~ I coat, 2.0 mils, Series 51-792 PYA Sealer. VOC ~ 1.31.
b. Finish coat(s):
1) Interior and exterior:
a) FI ~ I coat, 2.5 mils, Series 6 Tneme-Cryl, VOC ~ 1.41.
27. HPIC SYSTEM #34 - Polyamidoamine Epoxy Primer with Polyamidoamine Epoxy Top
Coat (with silica sand broadcast for slip resistance).
a. Prime coat:
I) PI ~ I coat, 5 mils. Series L69 Epoxoline II, VOC ~ 0.80.
b. Slip resistance:
I) Blend dry, washed 30 to 50 mesh silica sand into first finish coat (FI) at rate
required to provide a medium slip resistant finish.
c. Finish coat:
I) F I ~ I coat. 4 mils, Series L69 Epoxoline II.
2) F2 ~ I coat, 3 mils, Series L69 Epoxoline II.
a) F2 coat mil thickness is to be as required to achieve non-slip texture specified.
28. HPIC SYSTEM #35 - Polyamine Novolac Epoxy Primer with Polyamine Novolac Epoxy
Top Coat.
a. Prime coat:
I) PI ~ I coat, 8 to 10 mils, Series 282 Tneme-Glaze, VOC = 0.35.
b. Finish coat:
I) FI ~ I coat, 8 to 10 mils, Series 282 Tneme-Glaze.
29. HPIC SYSTEM #36 - Epoxy Modified Surfacer/Filler with Polyamine Novolac Epoxy Top
a. Filler coat:
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1 0 D "~J
I) Filler ~ I coat. 0.0625 IN thick. Series 2 I 8 Mortar Clad, YOC ~ 0.0.
b. Prime coat:
I) PI ~ I coat. 6 to 8 mils. Series 782 Tneme-Glaze, YOC ~ 0.35.
c. Finish coat:
I) FI ~ I coat.6 to 8 mils, Series 282 Tneme-Glaze. YOC ~ 0.35.
30. AP SYSTEM #39 - Architectural Paints (AP).
a. Cross Linked Acrylic, PPG Manor Hall "Timeless" Series.
b. Prime coat:
I) PI ~ I coat. 3 mils, Interior PYA Drywall Primer.
c. Finish coat:
I) Interior:
a) FI c I coat. 1.5 to 2.5 mils. PPG Manor Hall "Timeless" Series, Pearl finish.
b) F2 c. I coat. 1.5 to 2.5 mils. PPG Manor Hall "Timeless" Series, Pearl finish as
needed for complete coverage.
31. SC SYSTEM #40 - Special Coatings (SC).
a. Water-based coating having pigmented resin particles suspended in an aqueous
b. Prime coat:
I) For nc,",v gypsum board surfaces:
a) PI ~ Zo-Cryl Sealer 92.
2) For new concrete and concrete masonry surfaces:
a) ror unfilled concrete and concrete masonry surfaces:
(I) Zo-Cryl Sealer 92.
(a) PI . I coat, 60-80 SF/GAL. Series 54-562 Fine Masonry Filler
(Modified Epoxy).
b) For filled concrete and concrete masonl)' surfaces.
(I) Zo-Prime Block Filler 96.
(a) pJ__ Z95 Primer.
C. Finish coat:
I) For new gypsum board surfaces:
a) Fl = Zolatone \vater-based coating.
( I) Color to be selected by Engineer.
2) For new unfilled concrete and concrete masonry surfaces:
a) F 1 -=- Zolatone water-based coating.
(I) Color to be selected by Engineer.
3) For new tilled concrete and concrete masonry surfaces:
a) F1 = Zolatonc water-based coating.
(1) Color to he selected by Engineer.
37. SYSTEM #4 I - Touch-up uf galvanized surfaces not requiring a top coat.
a. Refer to Specification Section 05505.
33. SYSTEM #42 - Alkyd wood stain with water-based polyurethane varnish top coats.
a. Apply washcoat uniformly to wood at manufacturer's recommended application rate.
b. Wood stain: Color to he selected.
c. First coat ofvvater-hased polyurethane varnish: Gloss.
d. Second coat of\vater-hased polyurethane varnish: Satin.
e. Third coat of water-based polyurethane varnish: Satin.
A. Exposed Exterior Surfaces including:
1. Smooth face. concrete block. concrete walls, beams. equipment supports, equipment pads,
pipe supports. and concrete slabs.
') New concrete pipe trenches at and adjacent to the blower sound enclosure.
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3. Piping, valves, fittings, and hydrants and supports.
4. Ductwork and supports.
5. Conduit. device boxes, junction boxes and covers. pull boxes and covers, and supports when
attached to a surface required to be painted or to a prefinished surface.
6. Miscellaneous ferrous metal surfaces.
7. FRP panel aluminum doors and aluminum frame.
8. Steel pipe bollards.
9. Exposed wood.
10. Structural steel and steel joists.
II. Hot dip galvanized structural steel supports for the new degasifier equipement.
S. Interior Finished Areas:
I. Refer to Finish Schedule on Drawings.
2. If schedule requires wall surfaces to be painted in a particular space, the space is considered
to be a finished area. therefore, paint all appurtenant surfaces within the space unless
specifically noted not to be painted in the Contract Documents.
a. Appurtenant surfaces include:
I) Equipment pads. pipe supports, and equipment supports.
a) If walls do not require paint, the above listed surfaces do not require paint
unless specifically noted otherwise.
2) Piping. valves. fittings and hydrants and supports.
a) All bituminous coated ductile iron pipe to have coating completely removed
prior to painting.
C. Surfaces in Areas Not Considered Finished:
1. Paint following surfaces in areas not considered as finished area:
a. Piping, valves, fittings. and hydrants and supports.
b. Structural steel.
c. Miscellaneous ferrous metal surfaces.
d. FRP panel aluminum doors and aluminum frame.
A. General: Do not paint items listed in Article 3.2 unless specifically noted in the Contract
Documents to be painted.
B. Items with Approved Factory Finish.
C. Electrical Equipment:
]. Do not field paint electrical equipment except where painting is specifically stated
elsewhere in these Contract Documents, or where the equipment is subject to a corrosive
D. Surfaces Hidden from View except when in a corrosive or highly corrosive area, including:
I. When not in a corrosive or highly corrosive area:
a. Concrete.
b. Conduit.
c. Ducts.
d. Insulation.
e. Galvanized metal surfaces.
f. Note: Manufacturer's standard coatings, if any, may remain.
E. Other Items:
1. Stainless steel surfaces except:
a. Piping where specifically noted to be painted.
b. Sanding as required to identifY piping.
2. Aluminum surfaces except:
a. Where specifically shown in the Contract Documents.
b. Where in contact with concrete.
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C. Where in contact with dissimilar metals.
3. Fiberglass surfaces except:
a. Fiberglass piping where specifically noted to be painted.
b. Piping supports where specifically noted to be painted.
4. Interior of pipe, duct\\'ork. and conduits.
5. Moving parts of mechanical and electrical units \-vhere painting would interfere with the
operation of the unit.
6. Code labels and equipment identification and rating plates.
7. Exterior surfaces of pre colored or prefaced masonry.
8. Structural steel or steel deck required to be fireproofed.
9. Prefinished metal.
10. Steel deck. unless specifically noted to be painted in these Contract Documents.
11. Standing seam metal rooe fascia and/or trim.
12. Contact surfaces of friction-type connections.
13. Metal soffit.
14. Bituminous coated ductile iron pipe.
a. See Paragraph 3.1 B.
15. Galvanized steel items. unless specifically noted to be painted.
A. Concrete:
I. Interior cast-in-place and interior precast surfaces (other than prefinished panels):
a. Includes equipment bases, pads. walls, beams. slabs, columns. ceilings, pedestals,
pilasters. etc.
2. Exterior cast-in-place and exterior precast surfaces (other than prefinished panels) and in
areas indicated on the Drawings to be painted: SYSTEM # 13.
B. Concrete Masonry Units:
I. Interior smooth faced standard (heavy) weight: SYSTEM #16.
2. Exterior smooth faced standard (heavy) weight: SYSTEM #27.
3. Exterior rough faced standard (heavy) wcight: SYSTEM # 17.
4. Interior face of exterior precolored standard (heavy) weight: SYSTEM #16.
5. Interior smooth face of exterior prefaced masonry units: SYSTEM #32.
C. Wood Interior: SYSTEM # 18.
D. Structural Steel:
1. Non-immersion surfaces subject to corrosive or highly corrosive environment: SYSTEM
2. All other (non-corrosive dry environment): SYSTEM #7.
3. Immersion surfaces subject to corrosive or highly corrosive environment:
4. Immersion surfaces subject to corrosive or highly corrosive environment requiring NSF
approval: SYSTEM #23.
E. Steel joists (exposed): SYSTEM #6.
F. Steel joists above lay-in acoustical or suspended GWB ceiling: SYSTEM #9.
G. Interior of steel water storage tanks and all ferrous metal items subject to contact with potable
water requiring NSF approval: SYSTEM #"3.
I. Includes all ferrous metal surfaces subject to splash. spillage, vapor, condensation or other
chronic potable water exposure.
2. Also includes ferrous metal surfaces within concrete tankage painted with SYSTEM wn.
H. Miscellaneous ferrous metals (non-corrosive dr)i environment): SYSTEM #1.
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I. Not for coating structural steel, steel joist. galvanized steel, steel (hollow metal) doors, steel
(hollow metal) door and window frames, and products with approved factory finishes.
I. Ferrous metals subject to Corrosive Environment: SYSTEM #2.
1. Includes ferrous metal components of equipment located in Corrosive Environments such as
bar screens, grit washers, interior of tanks, wetted parts of digester covers, clarifier
mechanisms, sluice gates, slide gates. trickling filter mechanisms, bare steel handrails,
guardrails. piping, stairs, exterior oftankage, tank or equipment bridges, pumps, and similar
2. Does not include items subject to contact with potable water.
1. Ferrous metals subject to Highly Corrosive Environment: SYSTEM #2 .
I. Includes ferrous metal components of equipment located in Highly Corrosive Environments
such as bar screens, grit washers, interior of tanks, wetted parts of digester covers, clarifier
mechanisms, sluice gates, slide gates, trickling filter mechanisms.
2. Does not include items subject to contact with potable water.
K. Galvanized Metals:
I. Field touch-up where top coat is required: SYSTEM #3, prime and first finish coat only.
a. Prime paint only the damaged area.
2. Assembled galvanized steel items: SYSTEM #3.
3. Field touch-up of galvanized surfaces not requiring a finish top coat: SYSTEM #41.
a. Paint only damaged areas.
L. Steel (hollow metal) doors and frames and window frames primed in the factory: SYSTEM #5.
I. Shall be in conformance with SOl/ANSI A?50.10
M. Steel equipment with existing paint coating or factory-applied prime or finish coating not
complying with this Specification: SYSTEM #5.
I. Includes equipment specifically indicated in the Contract Documents to be painted.
2. Factory-applied coats to remain.
N. Non-ferrous metals (except galvanized): SYSTEM #3.
I. Includes copper, brass, aluminum and aluminum flashing specifically indicated on the
Drawings to be painted.
O. Plastic Surfaces:
I. PVC, FRP, and CPVC surfaces: SYSTEM #3.
a. fneludes tankage.
P. Electrical Conduit:
I. Galvanized: SYSTEM #3.
2. PVC coated: SYSTEM #3.
Q. Pipe, Valves, and Fittings:
I. Bare steel pipe bollards: SYSTEM #2.
2. Steel, cast-iron, and uncoated ductile iron: SYSTEM # I.
3. Stainless: SYSTEM # I.
4. Brass and bronze: SYSTEM #3.
5. PVC, FRP, and CPVC: SYSTEM #3.
6. Steel aeration piping and blower equipment: SYSTEM #8.
R. Pipe and duct insulation: SYSTEM #12.
S. Aluminum buried in concrete between dissimilar metals and dissimilar materials: SYSTEM
T. Aluminum colored pipe thread touch-up. and aluminum colored finish where top coat is not
required: SYSTEM #21.
1. Not for coating aluminum material.
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U. Steel pipe, ducts, and equipment subject to maximum high temperatures of 400 DegF:
A. General:
1. Prepare surfaces to be painted in accordance with coating manufacturer's instructions and
this Section unless noted othenvise in the Specification.
2. Remove all dust. grease. oil, compounds. dirt and other foreign matter which would prevent
bonding of coating to surface.
B. Protection:
1. Protect surrounding surfaces not to be coated.
2. Remove and protect hardware, accessories, plates, fixtures, finished work, and similar
items; or provide ample in-place protection.
C. Prepare and Paint Before Assembly: Where component is subject to corrosive or highly
corrosive environment, prepare and paint before assembly, all surfaces which may be subject to
environment which are inaccessible after assembly.
D. Wood:
I. Sandpaper smooth. then dust.
2. Seal all knots, pitch and resinous sapwood after priming coat has dried.
3. Putty nail holes and minor defects to match wood color.
E. Ferrous Metal:
1. Prepare ductile iron pipe in accordance with pipe manufacturer's recommendations and
2. Complete fabrication, welding or burning before beginning surface preparation.
a. Chip or grind off !lux. spatter. slag or other laminations left from welding.
b. Removc mill scale.
c. Grind smooth rough welds and other sharp projections.
3. Solvent or water jet and detergent clean in accordance with SSPC SP I or
SSPC SP 12/NACE No.5 all surfaces scheduled to receive additional SSPC surface
4. Surfaces subject to corrosive or highly corrosive environment and all surfaces subject to
. . .
ImmersIon servIce:
a. Near-white blast clean in accordance with SSPC SP I O/NACE No.2.
5. All interior and exterior surfaces:
a. Minimum commercial blast clean in accordancc with SSPC SP 6/NACE NO.3.
6. Surfaces subject to high temperatures.
a. Heat in excess of600 DegF: SSPC SP IO/NACE NO.2.
b. Heat in excess 01'200 DegF but less than 600 DegF: SSPC SP 6/NACE No.3.
7. Surfaces of steel joists and steel trusses:
a. Commercial blast clean the major portion of the truss in accordance with
b. Power tool or hand tool clean tight connection areas and other difficult to access areas
in accordance with SSPC SP 2 or SSPC SP 3.
8. Steel surfaces scheduled to receive SYSTEM #24 or #35:
a. White metal blast in accordance with SSPC SP 5/NACE No. I.
b. Provide 2-1/2 to 3 mil anchor profile for SYSTEMS #24 and #35.
9. Restore surface offield welds and adjacent areas to original surface preparation.
F. Hollow Metal:
I. Clean in accordance with SSPC SP I or SSPC SP I J/NACE No.5 and in accordance with
hollow metal manufacturer.
G. Galvanized Metal:
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1. Solvent clean in accordance with SSPC SP 1 followed by abrasive brush blast to uniform
profiled surface removing zinc oxide and other foreign contaminants.
a. Provide I mil profile.
H. Abrasive blast clean the following equipment or surfaces regardless of previous finish, ifany.
1. Concrete:
1. Cure for minimum of 28 days.
2. Verify that concrete surfaces have been cleaned and that voids have been patched in
accordance with Section 03348.
a. Concrete surfaces shall be cleaned in accordance with ASTM 04258.
3. Mechanically abrade concrete surfaces in accordance ASTM 04259 as recommended by
coating manufacturer.
4. Abrasive blast concrete surfaces in accordance with SSPC SP I 3fNACE No.6 to provide
profile recommended by coatings manufacturer.
5. Test pH of surface to be painted in accordance with ASTM 04262.
a. If surface pH is not within coating manufacturer's required acceptable range, use
methods acceptable to coating manufacturer as required to bring pH within acceptable
b. Retest pH until acceptable results are obtained.
6. VerifY that moisture content of surface to be painted is within coating manufacturer's
recommended acceptable limits.
a. Test moisture content of surface to be coated in accordance with ASTM 04263.
b. A fief remedial measures have been taken to lower or raise moisture content, retest
surface until acceptable results are obtained.
1. Concrete Unit Masonry:
1. Cure for minimum of28 days.
2. Remove all mortar spatters and protrusions.
3. Verify that concrete unit masonry surfaces have been cleaned in accordance with Section
04220 and ASTM 04261.
4. Test pH of surface to be painted in accordance with ASTM 04262.
a. If surface pH is not within coating manufacturer's required acceptable range, use
methods acceptable to coating manufacturer as required to bring pH within acceptable
b. Retest pH until acceptable results are obtained.
5. Verify that moisture content of surface to be painted is within coating manufacturer's
recommended acceptable limits.
a. Test moisture content of surface to be coated in accordance with ASTM 04263.
b. After remedial measures have been taken to lower or raise moisture content, retest
surface until acceptable range is obtained.
6. Provide all special preparation required for SC application.
K. Preparation by Abrasive Blasting:
I. All abrasive-blasted ferrous metal surfaces shall be inspected and approved in writing by
NACE certified coatings inspector immediately prior to application of paint coatings.
a. Inspection shall be performed to determine cleanliness and profile depth of blasted
surfaces and to certi ty that surface has been prepared in accordance with these
2. Schedule the abrasive blasting operation so blasted surfaces will not be wet after blasting
and before painting.
3. Perform additional blasting and cleaning as required to achieve surface preparation required.
a. Prior to painting, reblast surfaces allowed to set overnight and surfaces that show rust
b. Surfaces allowed to set overnight or surfaces which show rust bloom prior to painting
shall be reinspected and approved by NACE certified coatings inspector prior to paint
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4. Profile depth of blasted surface: Not less than 1 mil or greater than 2 mils unless required
otherwise by coating manufacturer.
5. Provide compressed air for blasting that is rree of water and oil.
a. Provide accessible separators and traps.
6. Confine blast abrasives to area being blasted.
a. Provide shields ofpolyethylcnc sheeting or other such barriers to confine blast material.
b. Plug pipes. holes, or openings before blasting and keep plugged until blast operation is
complete and residue is removed.
7. Protect nameplates. valve stems. rotating equipment, motors and other items that may be
damaged ITom blasting.
8. Rcblast surfaces not meeting requirements of these Specifications.
9. Abrasive blasting media may be recovered. cleaned and reused providing Contractor
submits, for Engineer's review, a comprehensive recavel) plan outlining all procedures and
equipment proposed in reclamation process.
10. Properly dispose of blasting material contaminated with debris from blasting operation not
scheduled to be reused.
L. All Plastic Surfaces and Non-Ferrous Surfaces Except Galvanized Steel:
1. Sand using 80-100 grit sandpaper to scarify' surfaces.
A. General:
l. Thin, mix and apply coatings by brush. roller. or spray in accordance with manufacturer's
installation instructions.
a. Application equipment must be inspected and approved in writing by coating
2. Temperature and weather conditions:
a. Do not paint surfaces when surface temperature is below 50 DegF unless product has
been formulated specifically for low temperature application and application is
approved in writing by Engineer and paint manufacturer's authorized representative.
b. A void painting surfaces exposed to hot sun.
c. Do not paint on damp surfaces.
3. Immediately after surface has been inspected and accepted by NACE certified coatings
inspector. apply structural steel and miscellaneous steel prime coat in the factory.
a. Finish coats shall be applied in the field.
b. Prime coat referred to here is prime coat as indicated in this Specification.
I) Structural steel and miscellaneous steel prime coating applied in factory (shop) as
part of Fabricator's standard rust inhibiting and protection coating is not acceptable
as replacement for specified prime coating.
4. Provide complete coverage to mil thickness specified.
a. Thickness specified is dry mil thickness.
b. All paint systems are "to cover." In situations of discrepancy between manufacturer's
square footage coverage rates and mil thickness. mil thickness requirements govern.
c. When color or undercoats show through. apply additional coats until paint film is of
uniform finish and color.
5. Ifso directed by Engineer. do not apply consecutive coats until Engineer has had an
opportunity to observe and approve previous coats.
6. Apply materials under adequate illumination.
7. Evenly spread to provide lull, smooth coverage.
8. Work each application of material into comers. crevices. joints. and other difficult to work
9. Avoid degradation and contamination of blasted surfaces and avoid intercoat contamination.
a. Clean contaminated surfaces before applying next coat.
10. Smooth out runs or sags immediately. or remove and recnat entire surface.
11. Allow preceding coats to dry before recoating.
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a. Recoat within time limits specified by coating manufacturer.
b. Ifrecoat time limits have expired reprepare surface in accordance with coating
manufacturer's printed recommendations.
12. Allow coated surfaces to cure prior to allowing traffic or other work to proceed.
13. Coat all aluminum in contact with dissimilar materials.
14. When coating rough surfaces which cannot be backrolled sufficiently, hand brush coating to
work into all recesses.
15. Backroll concrete surfaces with a roller if paint coatings are spray applied.
B. Prime Coat Application:
1. Prime all surfaces indicated to be painted.
3. Apply prime coat in accordance with coating manufacturer's written instructions and as
written in this Section.
2. Ensure field-applied coatings are compatible with factory-applied coatings.
a. Ensure new coatings applied over existing coatings are compatible.
b. Employ services of coating manufacturer's qualified technical representative.
I) CertifY through material data sheets.
2) Perform test patch.
c. If field-applied coating is found to be not compatible, require the coating
manufacturer's technical representative to recommend, in writing, product to be used as
barrier coat, thickness to be applied, surface preparation and method of application.
d. At Contractor's option, coatings may be removed, surface reprepared, and new coating
applied using appropriate paint system listed in Paragraph 2.2E.
1) All damage to surface as result of coating removal shall be repaired to original
condition or better by Contractor at no additional cost to Owner.
3. Prime ferrous metals embedded in concrete to minimum of I IN below exposed surfaces.
4. Back prime all wood scheduled to be painted. prior to installation.
5. After application of primer to gypsum board surfaces, inspect surface and repair in
accordance with Article 3.4.
a. Re-prime repaired surfaces to uniform finish before application of finish coat(s).
6. Apply zinc-rich primers while under continuous agitation.
7. Ensure abrasive blasting operation does not result in embedment of abrasive particles in
paint film.
8. Brush or spray bolts, welds, edges and difficult access areas with primer prior to primer
application over entire surface.
9. Touch up damaged primer coats prior to applying finish coats.
a. Restore primed surface equal to surface before damage.
10. All surfaces of steel lintels and steel components of concrete lintels used in wall
construction shall be completely painted with both prime and finish coats prior to placing in
e. Finish Coat Application:
]. Apply finish coats in accordance with coating manufacturerts written instructions and in
accordance with this Section; manufacturer instructions take precedent over these
2. Varnish:
a. Apply first coat of varnish: Gloss.
I) Allow to dry a minimum of 48 HRS.
b. Apply second and third coats of varnish: Satin.
I) Allow a minimum of 48 HRS between each coat.
c. Lightly sand between coats as required then dust clean.
3. Touch up damaged finish coats using same application method and same material specified
for finish coat.
a. Prepare damaged area in accordance with Article 3.4.
4. SC application:
a. For new gypsum board surfaces:
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I) Apply at rate recommended by manufacturer and approved by mock-up panel.
b. For new concrete and masonry surfaces:
I) Apply SC at rate recommended by manufacturer and approved by mock-up panel.
A. Color and band piping in accordance with Article 3.9 of this Section.
I. Band piping using maximum of three different colors at 10 FT maximum centers.
2. Place bands:
a. Along continuous lines.
b. At changes in direction.
c. At changes of elevation.
d. On both sides of an obstruction (e.g.. wall. ceiling) that painted item passes through.
3. Band width for individual colors (pipe diameter measured to outside of insulation. if
a. Piping up to 8 IN DIA: 2 IN minimum.
b. Piping greater than 8 IN up to 24 IN DIA: 4 IN minimum.
c. Piping greater than 74 IN up to 48 IN DlA: 6 IN minimum.
d. Piping greater than 48 IN DIA: 8 IN minimum.
A. Maintain Daily Record:
I. Provide the following information for each coat of paint applied:
a. Date. starting time, end time, and all breaks taken by painters.
b. For exterior painting:
I) Sky coodition.
2) Wind speed and direction.
c. Air temperature.
d. Relative humidity.
e. Moisture content of substrate prior to each coat.
[. Provisions utilized to maintain work area within manufacturer's recommended
application parameters.
g. Surface temperature of substrate to which paint is being applied.
2. Formal for daily record to be computer generated.
B. Measure wet coating with wet film thickness gages.
C. Measure coating dry film thickness in accordance with SSPC P A 2 using Mikrotest gage
calibrated against NBS "Certified Coating Thickness Calibration Standards."
1. Engineer may measure coating thickness at any time during project to assure conformance
with Specifications.
D. Measure surface temperature of items to be painted \vith surface temperature gage specifically
designed for such.
E. Measure substrate humidity \vith humidity gage specifically designed for such.
F. Provide wet paint signs.
A. Clean paint spattered surfaces.
1. Use care not to damage finished surfaces.
8. Upon completion of painting. replace hardware, accessories, plates. fixtures, and similar items.
C. Remove surplus materials, scaffolding, and debris.
I. Leave areas broom clean.
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A. Piping and Pipe Banding Color Schedule (Colors based on Tnemec):
1. Water Treatment Plant Piping Color Schedule:
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A. Section Includes:
I. Collier County has received a scope of supply from Service Painting of Florida to make
repairs to the existing concrete surfaces in the Clearwell structure. This scope of work and
supply is included in the Contract Documents. The Cost of this work is written in as a line
item in the Bid Form and will be part of the Contract awarded by the County.
2. This specification covers work. materials and equipment required for protecting and/or
rehabilitating underground and/or immersed concrete and masonry water structures by a
monolithic application of high-build. solvent-free hybrid epoxy coating to eliminate
infiltration/ex filtration. repair voids, and provide corrosion protection as a total system.
Procedures for surface preparation. cleaning, application and testing are described herein.
3. Requirements for surface preparation, repairs and solvent-free structural epoxy application
to specified surfaces.
4. Materials of equipment components that will be in contact with water that will enter the
drinking water system shall be in accordance with NSF/ANSl Standard 61: Orinking Water
System Components -- Health Effects.
5. The undersigned parties do hereby vvarranty and/or guarant)' all work on the ClearwelI, to be
free from defects of materials and workmanship for the Epoxy tee UROFLEX liner for a
period ofTen (10) Years beginning from the date of IN-SERVICE OA TE.
S. Related Sections include but are not necessarily limited to:
1. Division 0 - Bidding Requirements, Contract Fonns, and Conditions of the Contract.
2. Division I - General Requirements.
A. Referenced Standards:
I. ASTM International (ASTM):
a. ASTM 0638 - Tensile Properties of Plastics.
b. ASTM 0790 - rIexural Properties of Unrein forced and Reinforced Plastics.
c. ASTM 0695 - Compressive Properties of Rigid Plastics.
d. ASTM 04541 - Pull-off Strength of Coatings Using a Portable Adhesion Tester.
e. ASTM 03960 - Solvent (VOC).
t ASTM 02240 - Ourometer Hardness_ Type O.
g. ASTM 02370 - Tensile Elongation. %
h. ASTM - The published standards of the American Society for Testing and Materials,
West Conshosocken, PA.
2. American Water Works Association (A WW A).
3. NACE International (NACE).
4. National Bureau of Standards (NBS):
a. Certified Coating Thickness Calibration Standards.
5. National Sanitation Foundation International (NSF).
6. The Society for Protective Coatings (SSPC):
a. PA 2, Measurement of Dry Paint Thickness with Magnetic Gages.
b. SP I. Solvent Cleaning.
c. SP 2. Hand Tool Cleaning.
d. SP 3, Power Tool Cleaning.
7. The Society for Protective Coatings/NACE International (SSPCINACE):
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a. SP 5/NACE No. I, White Metal Blast Cleaning.
b. SP 6/NACE No.3, Commercial Blast Cleaning.
c. SP 7/NACE No.4, Brush-off Blast Cleaning.
d. SP 1 O/NACE No.2. Near- White Blast Cleaning.
e. SP 12/NACE No.5, Surface Preparation and Cleaning of Steel and Other Hard
Materials by High and Ultrahigh Pressure Water Jetting Prior to Recoating.
f. SP 13/NACE No.6, Surface Preparation of Concrete.
B. Applicator Qualifications:
I. Applicator shall be certified by the Manufacturer. Applicator must be certified and trained
in the handling, mixing and application of the products to be used.
2. Applicator shall initiate and enforce quality control procedures consistent with applicable
ASTM, NACE and SSPC standards and the structural epoxy coating manufacturer's
3. Applicator shall be completely trained and specialized in grouting/sealing active leak repair,
surface preparation and Water & Wastewater corrosion materials application.
C. The manufacturer and/or applicator of the total coating system shall be a company that
specializes in the design, manufacture or installation of corrosion protection systems for Water
concrete and masonry surfaces.
D. Storage and Handling:
I. Products are to be kept dry, protected from weather and stored under cover.
2. Products are to be stored and handled according to their material safety data sheets.
E. Site Conditions:
I. Applicator shall conform to all local, state and federal regulations including those set forth
by OSHA, RCRA and the EPA and any other applicable authorities.
2. Confined space entry. flow diversion and/or bypass plans shall be presented by Contractor
to Owner as necessary to perform the specified work.
A. Shop Drawings:
1. See Section 01340 for requirements for the mechanics and administration of the submittal
2. Product technical data including:
a. Acknowledgement that products submitted meet requirements of standards referenced.
b. Manufacturer's application instructions.
c. Manufacturer's surface preparation instructions.
d. If products being used are manufactured by Company other than listed in Article 2.2,
provide complete individual data sheet comparison of proposed products with specified
products including application procedure, coverage rates and verification that product
is designed for intended use.
e. Contractor's written plan of action for containing airborne particles created by blasting
operation and location of disposal of spent contaminated blasting media.
f. Coating manufacturer's recommendation on abrasive blasting.
g. Manufacturer's recommendation for universal barrier coat.
3. Manufacturer's statement regarding applicator instruction on product use.
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A. Repair materials shall be used to fill voids. structurally reinforce. stop leaks. patch rebar, and/or
rebuild surfaces. Repair materials must be compatible with the specified structural epoxy coating
and shall be approved by the structural epoxy coating manufacturer. Compatible repair materials
include the following below or prior approved equal.
B. Spall Patching Material, Epoxy Grout:
1. Epoxy grout material shall also be used to restore deteriorated concrete exposing reinforcing
bars (rebars). Epoxy grout material ""'ill be used to fill in spalls occurring from rebar
expansion, and areas to rebuild on top of retreated and primed rebar. These areas are
typically in excessive of2-inches where rebar is exposed.
2. Epoxy grout material must be epoxy based. Rebar primer must be a rebar specific rust
prevention material.
3. Epoxy grout material must be able to be a stand-alone system in the event that limitations of
certain environments prevent the ability to topcoat. Therefore, tiller and patching material
must be able to withstand Water environments with similar chemical resistance expected of
an epoxy structural topcoat.
4. Epoxy grout material must be compatible to other specified repair coating material and the
final topcoat structural epoxy coating.
5. Specified material(s) arc listed belo\\', or prior approved equal:
a. Epoxy grout; Belzona 414 L by Belzona. Inc. (305) 594-4994.
b. Rebar primer; Sika EpoCem; by Sika Corp. I 800933 SIKA.
C. Joint Sealing:
I. Joint sealants must be 100% urethane to resist the chemical corrosives and in order to ensure
proper elongation of control joint movement
2. Specified material(s) are listed below, or prior approved equal:
a. Epoxytec Uroseal45 (#J45); hy Epoxytec International. Inc.; 877.GO.EPOXY
954.961.2395 (fax).
D. General Resurfacing:
1. Resurfacing materials shall be used to till large voids, resurface lost mortar in masonry
structures over 0.06 inches (> 1/16" inch). However. material(s) must not be used for
resurfacing critical areas such as deteriorated concrete exposing reinforcing bars (rebars)
and/or areas deemed a structural concern, areas of high humidity and moisture (moisture in
concrete above 90~/o) and areas \\'here concrete cannot be dried, or stay dI)', long enough for
2. Material may be accepted and approved only if approved by the manufacturer(s) for
suitability and compatibility in topcoating with the specified structural epoxy coating
3. Material must be blended, fast setting. high density strength (compressive strength. of at
least 8,000 psi). non-shrink repair mortar that can be trowelled or pneumatically spray
4. Specified material(s) are listed below, or prior approved equal:
a. Tnemec 218 MortarClad bv Tnemec 800-TNEMEC-1.
b. For resurfacing greater than ",.. Tnemec 217 MortarCrete by Tnemec 800-TNEMEC-I.
A. Walls. Ceilings and Floors:
L Coating system will be used on all interior concrete surface of the clearwell structure in
order to protect against corrosion.
2. Coating system must meet the requirements of the Florida Drinking Water Rules in order to
conform to ANSIINSF-61 for contact with potable water.
3. Hybrid epoxy coating system must be a hybrid epoxy exhibiting the following properties:
a. Hybrid epoxy coating system must be 100% solid. no YOCs.
b. Hybrid epoxy coating system must be self-priming, requiring no primer.
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c. Hybrid epoxy coating system must adhere to concrete with adhesion testing results in
PSI that outperformed the cohesion of concrete (ASTM D454 I).
d. Hybrid epoxy coating system must be moisture tolerant to moisture levels of concrete up
to 90%.
e. Hybrid epoxy coating system must be able to react/perform in the presence of water.
f. Hybrid epoxy coating system must withstand freeze-thaw and wet-dry cycles without
causing adverse changes to the cure and performance properties.
g. Hybrid epoxy coating system must be able to be applied by brush, roller, and spray.
h. Hybrid epoxy coating system must have high impact resistance.
Hybrid epoxy coating system must be high gloss and self-leveling with vertical and
overhead thickness capability of60 mils in one pass without sag.
Hybrid epoxy coating system must be able to tie back into itself, overcoat or repair itself
indefinitely with proper preparation.
k. Hybrid epoxy coating system must have a recoat window up to 24 hours without
Hybrid epoxy shall be capable of curing properly within the specified environment(s)
within 24 hours
m. Hybrid epoxy shall be resistant to all forms of chemical or bacteriological attack found
in municipal water systems. including severe hydrogen sulfide and diluted chlorine.
n. The coating system must be a hybrid epoxy (epoxide) coating system must be semi-
structural (flexible) exhibiting elongation (ASTM 02370) of 10% (minimum) to 40%
(maximum) to ensure properties which withstand movement, vibration, and access
induced mechanical impact.
o. Specified material(s) are listed below. or prior approved equal:
I) Epoxytec lJroflex (#lJME38) by Epoxy tee International, Inc 877.GO.EPOXY
954.96J.?395 (fax).
B. Floors:
I. Coating system will be used on all interior concrete surface of the clearwell structure in
order to protect against corrosion.
2. Structural epoxy floor coating system: must be a structural epoxy exhibiting the following
a. Structural epoxy floor coating system must be 100% solids, no YOCs.
b. Structural epoxy floor coating system must be self-priming, requiring no primer.
c. Structural epoxy floor coating system must adhere to concrete with adhesion testing
results in PSI that outperformed the cohesion of concrete (ASTM D454 I).
d. Structural epoxy floor coating system must be moisture tolerant.
e. Structural epoxy floor coating system must have a pot life/working time of up to 3
hours under ambient conditions (temperatures of 77F).
f. Structural epoxy floor coating system must withstand freeze-thaw and wet-dry cycles
without causing adverse changes to the cure and performance properties.
g. Structural epoxy floor coating system must be able to be applied by trowel (hand-
h. Structural epoxy floor coating system must have high impact resistance in order to meet
the requirement set forth in the warranty (Section 1.8).
i. Structural epoxy floor coating system must be able to tie back into itself, overcoat or
repair itself indefinitely with proper preparation.
j. Structural epoxy floor coating system must have an indefinite recoat window without
k. Structural epoxy shall be resistant to all forms of chemical or bacteriological attack
found in municipal water systems, including severe hydrogen sulfide and diluted
I. The floor coating system must be a structural epoxy (epoxide) coating system
(17,000psi or greater) to withstand excess induced mechanical impact.
m. Specified material(s) are listed below. or prior approved equal:
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I) Epoxytec I7G (# RCI7G) by Epoxytec International.lnc 877.GO.EPOXY
954.961.2395 (fax)
A. Manufacturer approved trowels and/or spray equipment or other manufacturer approved method.
A. All structures to be coated shall be readily accessible to the Applicator.
B. Appropriate actions shall be taken to comply with local. state and federal regulatory and other
applicable agencies with regard to environment, health and safety.
C. Any active flows shall be dammed. plugged or bypassed as required to ensure that the liquid flow
is maintained below the surfaces to be coated and that concrete to be coated has not reached
moisture levels surpassing 90%. Flows should be totally plugged and/or diverted when coating
any invert. All extraneous flows into the structures at or above the area coated shall be plugged
and/or diverted until the structural epoxy coating has set hard to the touch.
D. Temperature of the surface to be coated should be maintained between 40F and Il0F during
application. Prior to and during application, care should be taken to avoid exposure of direct
sunlight or other intense heat source to the structure being coated. Specified surfaces should be
shielded to avoid exposure of direct sunlight or other intense heat source. Where varying surface
temperatures do exist coating installation should be scheduled when the temperature is falling
versus nsmg.
E. New Portland cement concrete structures shall have endured a minimum of)8 days since
installation, prior to commencing epoxy structural coating installation.
F. Prior to commencing surface preparation. Contractor shall inspect all surfaces specified to
receive the coating and noW)! Owner. in writing, of any noticeable disparity in the site. structure
or surfaces which may interfere with the work. use of materials or procedures as specified herein.
A. Applicator shall inspect all specitied surfaces prior to surface preparation. Applicator shall notifY
Owner of any noticeable disparity in the surfaces that may interfere with the proper preparation
or application of the repair material and/or structural epoxy coating.
B. Applicator shall perform all surface preparation and obtain wTitten confimlation to proceed by
structural epoxy coating manufacturer's representative prior to the structural epoxy
coating installation. All surfaces must be inspected by the coating manufacturer's on-site
representative during and after preparation before the repair material is applied, and/or before the
structural epoxy coating is applied.
C. All contaminants including: foreign material. laitance. oils. grease, incompatible existing
coatings. waxes, form release. curing compounds, efflorescence. sealers, salts, and/or other
contaminants shall be removed as mentioned in accordance to SSPC-SP I3/NACE No.6 "Surfacc
Preparation of Concrete." All concrete or mortar that is not sound or has been damaged by
chemical exposure shall be removed to a sound concrete surface or replaced as mentioned in
accordance to SSPC-SP 13/NACE No.6 "Surface Preparation of Concrete."
D. Surfaces to receive repair materials and/or structural epoxy coating shall be cleaned and abraded
to produce a sound surface with adequate profile and porosity in accordance to SSPC-SP
13/NACE No.6 "Surface Preparation of Concrete," to provide a strong bond between the repair
materials andlor epoxy coating and the substrate.
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E. Concrete surfaces must be prepared initially by cleaning with pressurized water cleaning at 3,000
psi. After which, abrasive blast or high pressure water blasting (20,000psi or above) or other
manufacturer approved method remove all foreign material, laitance, oils, grease, incompatible
existing coatings, waxes, fonn release, curing compounds, efflorescence, sealers, salts, and/or
other contaminants to achieve sound and alkaline concrete with an adequate surface profile in
accordance to SSPC-SP 13/NACE No.6 "Surface Preparation of Concrete." Final surface must
be rinsed to remove dust and other blasting contaminants from the surface.
F. Infiltration shall be stopped and dried by using a material that is compatible with the repair
materials and is suitable for topcoating with the structural epoxy coating (if applicable).
A. Repair materials shall meet the specifications herein. The materials shall be trowel or spray
applied utilizing proper equipment on to specified surfaces. The material thickness is determined
based on resurfacing in order to fill profile of deteriorated concrete eliminating all peaks and
valleys of deteriorated concrete and repair areas of spalls, cracks. bugholes in order to achieve a
smooth finished profile for structural epoxy coating system to be applied.
B. Spall Patching Material, Epoxy Grout & Joint Sealant:
I. All exposed rebar must be abraded by use of abrasive blasting or mechanical abrasion to
remove all rust, scale and achieve a commercial white steel finish with 2-mil (min) profile.
Immediately after which, prime with specified material.
2. Epoxy grout material shall be trowelled to provide a smooth surface with an average profile
equivalent to coarse sandpaper to optimally receive the structural epoxy coating, if
applicable. No bugholes or honeycomb surfaces should remain.
3. The area must be rebuilt to a suitable profile similar to the original in thickness to properly
transition a liner (typically two-inches of rebuild from the rebar).
4. All repair materials. including joint sealants shall be permitted to cure according to
manufacturer recommendations. And applied in accordance to Manufacturer's technical
C. General Resurfacing:
1. After completing all repairs to the concrete. Any remaining areas of the concrete surface
which are deteriorated beyond I II 6" inch will require a mortar rebuild/resurface with the
specified material product.
2. The material shall be shotcrete or trowelled to provide a smooth surface with an average
profile equivalent to coarse sandpaper to optimally receive the structural epoxy coating, if
applicable. No bugholes or honeycomb surfaces should remain.
3. The repair materials shall be permitted to cure according to manufacturer recommendations.
D. After all resurfacing and repairs are performed, all surfaces shall be inspected for remaining
laitance prior to structural epoxy coating application. Any evidence of remaining contamination
or laitance shall be removed by additional abrasive blasting, shotblasting, water blasting or other
approved method.
E. All surfaces should be inspected during and after preparation and before the structural epoxy
coating is applied.
A. Application procedures shall conform to the recommendations of the structural epoxy coating
manufacturer, including material handling, mixing, safety, and application equipment.
B. If spraying, the spray equipment shall be specifically designed to accurately ratio and apply the
specified structural epoxy coating materials and shall be regularly maintained and in proper
working order.
C. Application shall cover all specified surfaces to a minimum dry film thickness of 50 mils.
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NCR WTP Degasifier & Odor Control Expansion
09906 - 6
D. Topcoating or additional coats of the epoxy coating should occur as soon as the prior coat
becomes tack free, but no later than the recoat window for the specified material(s). Additional
surface preparation procedures will be required if this recaat window is exceeded,
A. Testing for soundness of substrate: upon completion of initial surface preparation, Applicator
shall make a visual examination of the surfaces that were prepared to identifY areas requiring
additional preparation. A screwdriver shall be used to scratch the surface. Should the screwdriver
easily remove or dig into any portion of the surface, further preparation shall be required. Retest
until a screwdriver cannot easily scratch the surface.
B. Testing for contaminants: a water drop test shall be used to test the surface for the presence of
hydrophobic contaminants. Applicator shall place a drop or water 011 the surface in at least one
location per every five-hundred (500) square feet and its wetting behavior shall be observed. If
the water droplet flattens out and "wets out" the surface, it is likely the surface is not
contaminated. Ifthe water droplet beads up and does not '.wet out" the surface, it is likely the
surface is contaminated. To remove hydrophobic contaminants the Applicator shall either add the
coating manufacturer's approved degreaser to the waler blasling process and rewash, or utilize
another process such as stearn cleaning, sodium bicarbonate injection, or abrasive blasting for
removal of the contaminants" If contaminants are found and removed, retest the contaminated
areas using the water drop test until the contaminants are gone
C. Ambient conditions: Applicator shall record air temperature inside the clearwell and prevailing
weather conditions at the time of coating application"
D. During application, Applicator shall regularly perform and record epoxy coating thickness
readings with a wet film thickness gage. such as those meeting ASTM D4414 - Standard Practice
for Measurement of Wet Film Thickness of Organic Coatings by Notched Gages, to ensure
uniform thickness during application.
E. A final visual inspection shall be made by the coating manufacturer's representative and
Applicator. Any deficiencies in the finished coating shall be marked and repaired by Applicator
according to the procedures set forth herein.
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09906 - 7
1.1 SCOPE:
A. Provide FRP surfacing. laminated to interior surface of metal roof and wall panels that are
specified in Section 13121-Metal Enclosure Systems.
A. ASTM Standards:
I. ASTM-E84.
2. ASTM-D570.
A. Product data:
1. Fire test information.
B. Samples:
I. Material samples of full range of standard range of for selection of colors.
2. After color selection furnish two 4 IN square samples of selected color(s).
C. Contract closeout infonnation:
I. Maintenance data.
A. Schedule delivery of anchorage components as required for installation.
A. Acceptable manufacturers:
I. Materials listed:
3. Base:
I) Kemlite.
b. Optional:
I) Glassteel.
2) Nudo Panels.
3) Fiber-lite.
4) Sequintia.
5) Citadel.
6) Marlite.
2. Other manufacturers desiring approval comply with Section 00440
A. Class A Fiberglass Reinforced Plastic (FRP) Wall Panels:
I. Panel thickness:
a. 2.3 mm 0.09 IN.
2. Barcol hardness not greater than 40.
3. Interior Finish rating: Class A (I) when tested in accord with ASTM-E84:
a. Flame spread: Less than 25.
b. Smoke developed: Less than 450.
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09986 - I
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4. Water absorption no greater than 0.08 percent at 04 hours at 77 degF in accord with ASTM-
5. Identify boards by manufacturer's standard marking on reverse side of panel.
6. Finish: Pebble grain.
7. Color: As selected from manufacturer's standard range.
8. Base Product: Fire-X Glasboard bv Kemlite.
B. Moldings:
1. Manufacturer's standard extruded vinvl trim.
A. Verify suitability of substrate to accept installation.
I. Install FRP surfacing to interior facc of all roof and wall panels of Section 13 P 1- Metal
Enclosure Systems.
B. Correct unsatisfactory conditions.
C. Start of installation indicates acceptance of responsibility for performance.
A. Install in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations and approved shop drawings.
B. Install moldings to panels prior to erection.
I. Apply moldings to all panel edges.
2. Apply silicone sealant to manufacturer's recommendations.
C. Apply adhesive full coverage at panel back.
1. Brace installation until adhesive completely cured.
D. Provide stainless steel screws/anchors at locations as required to prevent delaminations. such as
edges of openings or other locations as recommended by FRP manufacturer. Exposed fastener
head color shall match FRP color.
A. Remove excessive sealant and adhesive with cleaner recommended by panel manufacturer.
B. Clean entire surface prior to closeout.
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NCRWTP Degasifier & Odor Control Expansion
(}99K6 - 2
A. Section Includes:
I. Louvers and vents.
B. Related Sections include but are not necessarily limited to:
I. Division 0 - Bidding Requirements, Contract Forms, and Conditions of the Contract.
2. Division I - General Requirements.
3. Section 07900 - Joint Sealants.
A. Referenced Standards:
I. Aluminum Association (AA):
a. 45. Designation System for Aluminum Finishes.
2. Air Movement and Control Association (AMCA).
3. ASTM International (ASTM):
a. B121, Standard Specification for Aluminum and Aluminum-Alloy Extruded Bars,
Rods, Wire, Shapes, and Tubes.
4. AMCA 500 - Test Methods for Louvers, Dampers, and Shutters.
5. Miami- Dade County Building Code Compliance Office (BCCO)- Check List For Approval
of Wall Louvers.
A. Shop Drawings:
I. See Section 01340 for requirements for the mechanics and administration of the submittal
2. Drawing showing location of each louver.
3. Product technical data including:
a. Acknowledgement that products submitted meet requirements of standards referenced.
b. Manufacturer's installation instructions.
c. Color chart showing manufacturer's full line of colors including exotic and special
colors for color selection by Engineer.
d. Louvers licensed to bear AMCA Certified Ratings Seal. Ratings based on tests and
procedures performed in accordance with AMCA 511 and comply with AMCA
Certified Ratings Program. AMCA Certified Ratings Seal applies to air performance
and water penetration ratings.
e. Louvers approved bu the Miami-Dade County BCCO for use in open structures that
have the ability to drain water that may penetrate. Approval based on tests and
proedures performed in accordance with BCCO test protocol PA 202-94.
A. Subject to compliance with the Contract Documents, the following manufacturers are
I. Louvers:
a. Greenheck.
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NCR \\'TP Degasifier & Odor Control Expansion
10200 - I
b. Construction Specialties, Inc.
c. Ruskin Manufacturing.
d. Industrial Louvers. Inc.
e. American Warming.
B. Submit request for substitution in accordance with Specification Section 01640.
A. Louvers:
I. Drainable with blades at 37-1/2 degrees.
'). Continuous blade appearance.
3. ASTM 8221 extruded aluminum, alloy 6063'1'5, minimum 0.081 IN thick.
4. Minimum free area: as scheduled.
5. Maximum pressure drop: 0.10 IN of water at 700 fpm.
6. Water penetration: 0.01 OZ/SF at 900 fpm.
7. AMCA certified.
8. Exterior Louver similar to Ruskin "EME 520MD".
9. Interior Acoustical Louver similar to Ruskin "ACL 445",
10. losect screen:
a. 18- I 6 mesh aluminum.
b. Install in standard aluminum /Tame.
B. Anchors, Fasteners, Reinforcing: Aluminum or stainless steel.
C. Finish:
I. Architectural Class I coating per AA 45.
a. AA-M I 2C22A4l clear anodized.
D. Size: Refer to Structural Drawings for louver size and shapes.
A. Install products in accordance \-vith manufacturer's instructions.
B. Install anchoring and bracing accessories as required.
C. Install units plumb. level. in plane of wall. and in alignment with adjacent work.
D. Seal around perimeter on exterior and interior.
I. See Section 07900.
E. Install 0.040 IN aluminum flashing at top and bottom to match louver.
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NCR WTP Dcgllsillcr & Odor Control Expansion
!O200 - 2
1 0 Dj ,.,
A. Section Includes:
I. Tag, tape and stenciling systems for equipment. piping, valves, pumps, ductwork and
similar items, and hazard and safety signs.
B. Related Sections include but are not necessarily limited to:
1. Division 0 - Bidding Requirements. Contract Forms. and Conditions of the Contract.
2. Division I - General Requirements.
A. Referenced Standards:
1. American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME):
a. A 13.1. Scheme for the Identification of Piping Systems.
2. Instrumentation, Systems, and Automation Society (ISA).
3. National Electrical Manufacturers Association/American National Standards Institute
a. Z535.1, Safety Color Code.
b. Z535.2. Environmental and Facility Safety Signs.
c. Z535.3, Criteria for Safety Symbols.
d. Z535.4. Product Safety Signs and Labels.
4. National Fire Protection Association (NFPA):
a. 70, National Electrical Code (NEe).
5. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA):
a. 29 CFR 1910.145, Specification for Accident Prevention Signs and Tags.
A. Shop Drawings:
I. See Section 01340 for requirements for the mechanics and administration of the submittal
2. Product technical data including:
a. Catalog information for all identification systems.
b. Acknowledgement that products submitted meet requirements of standards referenced.
3. Identification register, listing all items in Part 3 to be identified. type of identification
system to be used, lettering, location and color.
A. Subject to compliance with the Contract Documents, the following manufacturers are
1. W.H. Brady Co.
2. Panduit.
3. Seton.
4. National Band and Tag Co.
5. Carlton Industries. Inc.
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B. Submit request for substitution in accordance with Specification Section 0 I 640.
A. Type A I - Round Metal Tags:
I. Materials:
3. Aluminum or stainless steel.
b. Stainless steel shall be used in corrosive environments.
2. Size:
3. Diameter: I-I f7 IN minimum.
b. Thickness: 0.035 IN (20 GAl minimum.
3. Fabrication:
3. 3/161N minimum mounting hole.
b. Legend: Stamped and filled with black coloring.
4. Color: Natural.
B. Type A2 - Rectangle Metal Tags:
I. Materials: Stainless steel.
2. Size:
a. 3-1/2 IN x 1-1/21N minimum.
b. Thickness: 0.036 IN (20 GAl minimum.
3. Fabrication:
3. 3/16 IN minimum mounting hole.
b. Legend: Stamped and filled with black coloring.
4. Color: Natural.
C. Type A3 - Metal Tape Tags:
1. Materials: Aluminum or stainless steel.
2. Size:
a. Width 1/2 IN minimum.
b. Length as required by text.
3. Fabrication:
a. 3/161N minimum mounting hole.
b. Legend: Embossed.
4. Color: Natural.
D. Type B 1- Square Non-Metallic Tags:
I. Materials: Fiberglass reinforced plastic.
2. Size:
3. Surface: 2 x 2 IN minimum.
b. Thickness: 100 mils.
3. Fabrication:
a. 3/16 IN mounting hole with metal eyelet.
b. Legend: Preprinted and permanently embedded and fade resistant.
4. Color:
3. Background: Manufacturer standard or as speci tied.
b. Lettering: Black.
E. Type B2 - Non-Metallic Signs:
I. Materials: Fiberglass reinforced or durable plastic.
2. Size:
3. Surface: As required by text.
b. Thickness: 60 mils minimum.
3. Fabrication:
3. Rounded comers.
b. Drilled holes in comers with grommets.
c. Legend: Preprinted. permanently embedded and fade resistant for a 10 year minimum
outdoor durability.
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NCRV/TP Dcgaslfier & Odor Conlrol E'\pansion
10400 - 2
4. Color:
a. Background: Manufacturer standard or as specified.
b. Lettering: Black.
5. Standards for OSHA signs: NEMNANSI Z535.1, NEMA/ANSI Z535.2, NEMA/ANSI
Z535.3, NEMA/ANSI Z535.4, OSHA 29 CFR 1910.145.
F. Type C - Phenolic Name Plates:
1. Materials: Phenolic.
2. Size:
a. Surface: As required by text.
b. Thickness: 1/16 IN.
3. Fabrication:
a. Two (2) layers laminated.
b. Legend: Engraved through top lamination into bottom lamination.
c. Two (2) drilled side holes, for screw mounting.
4. Color: Black top surface. white core, unless otherwise indicated.
G. Type D - Self-Adhesive Tape Tags and Signs:
I. Materials: Vinyl tape or vinyl cloth.
2. Size:
a. Surface: As required by text.
b. Thickness: 5 mils minimum.
3. Fabrication:
a. Indoor/Outdoor grade.
b. Weather and UV resistant inks.
c. Permanent adhesive.
d. Legend: Preprinted.
e. Wire markers to be self-laminating.
4. Color: White with black lettering or as specified.
5. Standards for OSHA signs: NEMA/ANSI Z535.1. NEMA/ANSI Z535.2, NEMA/ANSI
Z535.3, NEMA/ANSI Z535.4, OSHA 29 CFR 1910.145.
H. Type E - Heat Shrinkable Tape Tags:
I. Materials: Polyolefin.
2. Size: As required by text.
3. Fabrication:
a. Legend: Preprinted.
4. Color: White background, black printing.
l. Type F - Underground Warning Tape:
I. Materials: Polyethylene.
2. Size:
a. 6 IN wide (minimum).
b. Thickness: 3.5 mils.
3. Fabrication:
a. Legend: Preprinted and permanently imbedded.
b. Message continuous printed.
c. Tensile strength: 1750 psi.
4. Color: As specified.
J. Type G - Stenciling System:
1. Materials:
a. Exterior type stenciling enamel.
b. Either brushing grade or pressurized spray can form and grade.
2. Size: As required.
3. Fabrication:
a. Legend: As required.
4. Color: Black or white for best contrast.
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100 "
K. Underground Tracer Wire:
I. Materials:
a. Wire:
2) Solid.
b. Wire nuts: Waterprooftype.
c. Split bolts: Brass.
A. Fasteners:
1. Bead chain: #6 brass. aluminum or stainless steel.
2. Plastic strap: Nylon, urethane or polypropylene.
3. Screws: Self-tapping, stainless steel.
4. Adhesive, solvent activated.
A. Where stenciled markers are provided, clean and retain stencils after completion and include in
extra stock, along with required stock of paints and applicators.
A. Install identification devices at specified locations.
B. All identification devices to be printed by mechanical process. hand printing is not acceptable.
C. Attach tags to equipment \vith sufficient surface or body area with solvent activated adhesive
applied to back of each tag.
D. Attach tags with 1/8 IN round or flat head screws to equipment without sufficient surface Of
body area, or porous surfaces.
I. Where attachment with screws should not or cannot penetrate substrate, attach with plastic
E. Single items of equipment enclosed in a housing or compartment to be tagged on outside of
I. Several items of equipment mounted in housing to be individually tagged inside the
F. Tracer Wire:
I. Attach to pipe at a maximum of 10FT intervals with tape or tie-wraps.
A. Process Systems:
I. General:
a. Provide arrows and markers on piping.
1) At 20 FT maximum centers along continuous lines.
2) At changes in direction (route) or obstructions.
3) At valves, risers. "T" joints, machinery or equipment.
4) Where pipes pass through floors. walls, ceilings. cladding assemblies and like
obstructions provide markers on both sides.
b. Position markers on both sides of pipe with arrow markers pointing in flo\\! direction.
I) Ifflow is in both directions use double headed arrow markers.
c. Apply tapes and stenciling in uniform manner parallel to piping.
2. Trenches with piping:
a. Tag type: Type F - Underground Warning Tape
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NCR\VTP Degasifier & Odor Control Expansion
]0400 - 4
b. Location: HalfWay between top of piping and finished grade.
c. Letterheight: 1-1/4 IN minimum.
d. Potable water:
I) Color: Blue with black letters.
2) Legend:
e. Storm and sanitary sewer lines:
I) Color: Green with black letters.
2) Legend:
f. (Nonpotable) water piping. except 3 IN and smaller irrigation pipe:
I) Color: Green with black letters.
2) Legend:
g. Chemical feed piping (e.g., chlorine solution, caustic solution, etc.):
I) Color: Yellow with black letters.
2) Legend:
3. Yard valves, buried, with valve box and concrete pad:
a. Tag type: Type A2 - Rectangle Metal Tags.
b. Fastener: 3/16 IN x 7/8 IN plastic screw anchor with I IN #6 stainless steel pan head
c. Legend:
I) Letter height: 1/4 IN minimum.
2) Valve designation as indicated on the Drawings (e.g., "ROIN-GA-OI").
4. Valves, Dampers, Blast Gates:
a. Tag type:
I) Outdoor locations: Type BI - Square Non-Metallic Tags.
2) Indoor non-corrosive:
a) Type A I - Round Metal Tags.
b) Type B I - Square Non-Metallic Tags.
3) Indoor corrosive:
a) Stainless steel Type A I - Round Metal Tags.
b) Type BI - Square Non-Metallic Tags.
b. Fastener:
I) Type AI: Chain of the same material.
2) Type B I: Stainless steel chain.
c. Color: Per ASME A13.1 corresponding to the piping system.
d. Legend:
I) Letter height: 1/4 IN minimum.
2) Valve designation as indicated on the Drawings (e.g., "13-BU-OIA").
5. Chemical feed pumps and associated adjacent equipment (e.g. maintain same as existing tag
a. Tag type: Type C - Phenolic Name Plates.
b. Fastener: Adhesive.
c. Legend:
I) Letter height: 1/4 IN minimum.
2) Component tag number as indicated on the Drawings (e.g., "9-P-I 0").
6. Process equipment (e.g., pumps, pump motors, blowers, etc.):
a. Tag type:
I) Type B2 - Non-Metallic Signs.
2) Type D - Self-Adhesive Tape Tags and Signs.
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NCRWTP Degasifier & Odor Control Expansion
'-U...'..__.'- .-_^ '.-_"" .-~>,~~_<~_'___ __ _
3) Type G - Stenciling System.
b. Fastener:
I) Self
2) Screws.
3) Adhesive.
c. Legend:
I) Letter height: 1/2 IN minimum.
2) Equipment designation as indicated on the Drawings (e.g., "13-CB-OI").
7. Piping systems:
a. Tag type:
I) Outdoor locations: Type G - Stenciling System.
2) Indoor locations:
a) Type D - Selt:Adhesive Tape Tags and Signs.
b) Type G - Stenciling System.
b. Fastener: Self.
c. Color: Per ASME A 13.1.
d. Legend:
I) Letter height: Manufacturers standard for the pipe diameter.
2) Mark piping in accordance with ASME A 13.1.
3) Use piping designation as indicated on the Drawings.
4) Arrow: Single arrow.
8. Process tanks. (e.g.. chemical scrubbers. degasifiers. etc):
a. Tag type:
I) Type B2 - Non-Metallic Signs.
2) Type G - Stenciling System.
b. Fastener:
I) Screw.
2) Self
c. Location as directed by Owner.
d. Legend:
I) Letter height: 4 IN minimum.
1) Equipment designation as indicated on the Drawings (e.g.. "13-DG-0 I ").
9. Equipment that starts automatically:
a. Tag type:
I) Type B2 - Non-Metallic Signs.
2) Type D - Self-Adhesive Tape Tags and Signs.
b. Fastener:
I) Type B7 - Screw or adhesive.
2) Type D - Self.
c. Size: 5 IN x 7 IN
d. Location: Equipment name.
e. Legend:
I) OSHA Warning Sign.
B. Instrumentation Systems:
1. Instrumentation Equipment (e.g.. pressure indicator. flow switch. etc.):
a. Tag type:
I) Outdoor locations: Type BI - Square Non-Metallic Tags.
2) Indoor non-corrosive:
a) Type A I - Round Metal Tags.
b) Type B I - Square Non-Metallic Tags.
3) Indoor corrosive:
a) Stainless steel Type A I - Round Metal Tags.
b) Type B I - Square Non-Metallic Tags.
b. Fastener:
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NCRV,'''II' Degasificr & Odor Control Expansion
]0400 - 6
I) Type A I: Chain of the same material.
2) Type B I: Stainless steel chain.
c. Legend:
I) Letter height: 1/4 IN minimum.
2) Equipment designation as indicated on the Drawings (e.g., "13-FS-OI").
2. Enclosure for instrumentation and control equipment, (e.g., PLC control panels, etc.):
a. Tag type: Type C - Phenolic Name Plates.
b. Fastener: Screws.
c. Legend:
I) Letterheight: 1/2 IN minimum.
0) Equipment name (e.g., "14-CP-04").
3. Components inside equipment enclosure, (e.g., PLC's, control relays, contactors, and
a. Tag type: Type D - Self-Adhesive Tape Tags.
b. Fastener: Self.
c. Legend:
I) Letter height: 3/16 IN minimum.
2) Description or function of component (e.g., "PLC-xxx" or "CR-xxx").
4. Through enclosure door mounted components (e.g., selector switches, controller digital
displays, etc.):
a. Tag type: Type C - Phenolic Name Plates.
b. Fastener: Screws.
c. Legend:
I) Letter height: 1/4 IN minimum.
2) Component ISA tag number as indicated on the Drawings (e.g., "HS-xxx").
C. HV AC Systems:
I. General:
a. Provide arrows and markers on ducts.
I) At 20 FT maximum centers along continuous lines.
2) At changes in direction (route) or obstructions.
3) At dampers, risers, branches, machinery or equipment.
4) Where ducts pass through floors, walls, ceilings, cladding assemblies and like
obstructions provide markers on both sides.
b. Position markers on both sides of duct with arrow markers pointing in flow direction. If
flow is in both directions use double headed arrow markers.
c. Apply tapes and stenciling in uniform manner parallel to ducts.
2. HV AC Equipment (e.g., unit heaters, exhaust fans, air handlers, etc.):
a. Tag type:
I) Type B2 - Non-Metallic Signs.
2) Type C - Phenolic Name Plates.
b. Fastener: Screws.
c. Legend:
I) Letter height: I IN minimum.
2) Equipment designation as indicated on the Drawings (e.g., "EF-xxx").
3. Ductwork:
a. Tag type:
I) Type D - Self-Adhesive Tape Tags and Signs.
2) Type G - Stenciling System.
b. Fastener: Self.
c. Legend:
I) Letter height: I IN minimum.
2) Description of ductwork, (e.g., "AIR SUPPLY").
3) Arrows: Single arrow.
4. Enclosure for instrumentation and control equipment, (e.g., fan control panels, etc.):
a. Tag type: Type C - Phenolic Name Plates.
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100 .",
b. Fastener: Screws.
c. Legend:
I) Letter height: 1/2 IN minimum.
2) Equipment designation as indicated on the Drawings (e.g., "FCP-xxx").
5. Wall mounted thermostats:
a. Tag type: Type D - Self-Adhesive Tape Tags and Signs.
b. Fastener: Self.
c. Legend:
I) Letter height: 3/16 IN minimum.
2) Description of equipment controlled (e.g., "UH-xxx" or AHU-xxx").
6. Components inside equipment enclosure. (e.g., controller's, control relays. contactors. and
a. Tag type: Type D - Selt:Adhesive Tape Tags and Signs.
b. Fastener: Self.
c. Legend:
I) Letter height: 3116 IN minimum.
2) Description or function of component (e.g., "CR-xxxn).
7. Through enclosure door mounted equipment (e.g., selector switches. controller digital
displays, etc.):
a. Tag type: Type C - Phenolic Name Plates.
b. Fastener: Screws.
c. Legend:
I) Letter height: 1/4 IN minimum.
2) Component tag number as indicated on the Drawings or as defined by contractor
(e.g., "HS-xxx").
D. Electrical Systems:
I. Trenches \\'ith ductbanks. direct-buried conduit or direct~buried wire and cable.
a. Tag type: Type F - Underground Warning Tape.
b. Letter height: 1-1/4IN minimum.
c. Location:
I) Where trench is 12 IN or more below finished grade: In trench 6 IN below
finished grade.
2) Where trench is less than 12 IN helow finished grade: In trench 3 IN below
linished grade.
d. Electrical power (e.g., low and medium voltage):
I) Color: Red with hlack letters.
2) Legend:
e. Communications (e.g.. telephone. instrumentation. LAN. SCADA):
I) Color: Orange with black letters.
2) Legend:
2. Switchgear, switchboards and motor control centers:
a. Tag type: Type C - Phenolic Name Plates.
b. Fastener: Screws.
c. Main equipment legend:
I) Letter height:
a) First line: I IN minimum.
b) Subsequent lines: 3/8 IN minimum.
2) First line: Equipment name (e.g., "MAIN SWITCHBOARD MSBxxx").
3) Second line:
a) Source of power (e.g., "FED FROM MCCxxx LOCATED IN ROOM xxx").
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b) The source of power room number is only required when there are multiple 1 0 D
electrical rooms, if the source is in another building, the building name or
number shall be used.
4) Third line: System voltage and phase (e.g., "480/277 V, 3 PH").
d. Main and feeder device legend:
I) Letter height: 3/8 IN minimum.
2) Description ofload (e.g., "MAIN DISCONNECT"," P-xxx" or "PANELBOARD
3. Panelboards and transformers:
a. Tag type: Type C - Phenolic Name Plates.
b. Fastener: Screws.
c. Legend:
I) Letter height:
a) First line: 3/8 IN minimum.
b) Subsequent lines: 3/16 IN minimum.
2) First line: Equipment name (e.g., "PANELBOARD LPxxx" or "TRANSFORMER
3) Second line (panelboards only): System voltage and phase (e.g., "208/120V,
4. Transfer switches:
a. Tag type: Type C - Phenolic Name Plates.
b. Fastener: Screws.
c. Legend:
I) Letter height:
a) First line: 3/8 IN minimum.
b) Subsequent lines: 3/16 IN minimum.
2) First line: Equipment name (e.g., "AUTOMATIC TRANSFER SWITCH
A TSxxx").
S. Safety switches, separately mounted circuit breakers and motor starters, VFD's, etc.:
a. Tag type: Type C - Phenolic Name Plates.
b. Fastener: Screws.
c. Legend:
I) Letter height: 1/4 IN minimum.
2) First line: Description ofload equipment is connected to (e.g., "PUMP Pxxx").
6. Enclosure for instrumentation and control equipment, (e.g., lighting control panels, etc.):
a. Tag type: Type C - Phenolic Name Plates.
b. Fastener: Screws.
c. Legend:
I) Letter height: 1/2 IN minimum.
2) Equipment name (e.g., "LIGHTING CONTROL PANEL LCPxxx").
7. Components inside equipment enclosures (e.g., circuit breakers, fuses, control power
transfonners, control relays, contactors, timers, etc.):
a. Tag type: Type D - Self-Adhesive Tape Tags and Signs.
b. Fastener: Self.
c. Legend:
I) Letter height: 3/16 IN minimum.
2) Description or function of component (e.g., "M-xxx", "CR-xxx" or "TR-xxx").
8. Through enclosure door mounted equipment (e.g., selector switches, controller digital
displays, etc.):
a. Tag type: Type C - Phenolic Name Plates.
b. Fastener; Screws.
c. Legend:
I) Letterheight: 1/4 IN minimum.
2) Component tag number as indicated on the Drawings or as defined by contractor
(e.g., "HS-xxx").
9. Conductors in control panels and in pull or junction boxes where multiple circuits exist.
Collier County, r10rida
NCR WTP Degasifier & Odor Control Expansion
t0400 - 9
. '1
a, Tag type: Type D - Self-Adhesive Tape Tags.
b. Fastener: Self.
c. Tag conductor at both ends.
d. Legend:
I) Letter height: 118 IN minimum.
2) Circuit number or wire number as scheduled on the Drawings or as furnished with
the equipment.
10. Conductors in halldholes and manholes.
a. Tag type: Type A3 - Metal Tape Tags.
b. Fastener: Nylon strap.
c. Tag conductor at both ends.
d. Legend:
I) Letter height: 118 IN minimum.
2) Circuit number or wire number as scheduled on the Drawings.
11. Grounding conductors associated with grounding electrode system in accordance with the
a. Tag type: Type D - Self-Adhesive Tape Tags.
b. Fastener: Self.
c. Legend:
I) Letter height: 1/8 IN minimum.
2) Function of conductor (e.g.. "MAIN BONDING JUMPER", "TO GROUND
I '). Flash protection for switchboards, panel boards. industrial control panels and motor control
a. Tag type: Type D - Selt:Adhesive Tape Signs.
b. Fastener: Self.
c. Legend: Per NFPA 70.
13. Entrances to electrical rooms:
a. Tag type: Type B7 - Non-Metallic Signs.
b. Fastener: Screw or adhesive.
c. Size: 5 IN x 7 IN.
d. Location: Each door to room.
e. Legend:
I) OSHA Danger Sign.
14. Equipment \vherc more than one (I) voltage source is present:
a. Tag type:
I) Type 82 - Non-Metallic Signs.
2) Type D - Self-Adhesive Tape Signs,
b. Fastener:
I) Scrc\v or adhesive.
2) Self.
c. Size: 1-314 IN x 2-1/2 IN.
d. Location: Exterior face of enclosure or cubical.
e. Legend:
I) OSHA Danger Sign.
2) Description of Danger: "MUL TIPLE VOLTAGE SOURCES".
A. Provide number of Hazard and Safety' Signs to provide best management practices for safety:
I. Type 82 or D, as appropriate for respective area.
2. Inscription as directed by O"mer.
('piller ('Olllll), I'hHida
NCR \VTP Degasificr & ()dor Control Expansion
A. Section Includes:
1. Fire extinguishers.
B. Related Sections include but are not necessarily limited to:
I. Division 0 - Bidding Requirements, Contract Forms, and Conditions of the Contract.
2. Division I - General Requirements.
3. Section 13 121 - Metal Enclosure Systems.
A. Referenced Standards:
I. Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA):
a. Accessibility Guidelines for Buildings and Facilities (ADAAG).
2. National Fire Protection Association (NFPA):
a. 10, Standard for Portable Fire Extinguishers.
3. Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. (UL):
a. Building Materials Directory.
4. Warnock Hersey.
B. AI cabinets must meet projection limitations per ADA.
A. Shop Drawings:
I. See Section 01340 for requirements for the mechanics and administration of the submittal
2. Product technical data including:
a. Acknowledgement that products submitted meet requirements of standards referenced.
b. Manufacturer's installation instructions.
B. Operation and Maintenance Manuals:
1. See Section 01340 for requirements for:
a. The mechanics and administration of the submittal process.
b. The content of Operation and Maintenance Manuals.
A. Deliver and install filled and charged extinguishers just prior to building occupancy.
A. Subject to compliance with the Contract Documents, the following manufacturers are
1. Fire extinguishers and cabinets:
a. Amerex Corporation.
b. Ansul Fire Protection.
c. Walter Kidde.
d. Potter - Roemer Inc.
7:' "',~_~-i1():j.
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NCR WTP Dcgasifier & Odor Control Expansion
10520 - ]
100 '.,
2. Fire extinguisher signs:
a. Seton.
B. Submit request for substitution in accordance with Specification Section 01640.
A. Wall Brackets:
I. Bracket type to tit specified extinguisher, with correct mounting accessories to fit substrate.
2. Furnish bracket for each extinguisher not in cabinet.
3. Bracket to be finished in red or black enamel.
B. Fire Extinguisher (FEXT):
I. Steel bodied, all metal top (head) and valves.
2. Multi-purpose dry chemical, UL rated ?OA-120BC.
3. Provide hose and horn on each.
4. Furnish one extinguisher for each fire extinguisher (FEXT) location.
5. Finish: Red with epoxy finish coat.
6. Provide "FIRE EXTINGUISHER" sign for each extinguisher location.
a. Similar to SETON #21999 l'lf single face and #2200 I for double-faced signs.
7. Meeting NFPA 10.
A. Install products in accordance with manufacturer's instructions.
B. Install units with extinguisher top not over 48 IN above floor.
C. Fire extinguisher shall be located in the Degasifier Blower Enclosure and shall be coordinated
with the Metal Enclosure Systems supplier. Verif).' all extinguisher mounting locations with
local Fire Marshal.
D. Mount "FIRE EXTINGUISHER" sign above or adiaccnlto each extinguisher as directed by the
NCR \VTP Degas1l1l:f & Odor Control Expansion
]OS20 - 2
A. Section Includes:
I. Requirements of this Specification Section apply to all equipment provided on the Project
including that found in Divisions II, 13, 15, and 16, even if not specifically referenced in
individual "Equipment" articles of those Specification Sections.
B. Related Sections include but are not necessarily limited to:
I. Division 0 - Bidding Requirements, Contract Forms, and Conditions of the Contract.
2. Division 1 - General Requirements.
3. Section 03308 - Concrete, Materials and Proportioning.
4. Section 05505 - Metal Fabrications.
5. Section 07900 - Joint Sealants.
6. Section 09905 - Painting and Protective Coatings.
7. Section 10400 - Identification Devices.
8. Division II - Equipment.
9. Section 13442 - Primary Elements and Transmitters.
10. Section 15060 - Pipe and Pipe Fittings: Basic Requirements.
11. Division 16 - Electrical.
A. Referenced Standards:
1. American Bearing Manufacturers Association (ABMA).
2. American Gear Manufacturers Association (AGMA).
3. ASTM International (ASTM):
a. E 1934, Standard Guide for Examining Electrical and Mechanical Equipment with
Infrared Thermography.
b. F593, Standard Specification for Stainless Steel Bolts, Hex Cap Screws, and Studs.
4, Hydraulic Institute (HI):
a. 9.6.4, Centrifugal and Vertical Pumps for Vibration Measurements and Allowable
5. International Electrotechnical Commission (lEe).
6. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc. (IEEE).
7. International Organization for Standardization (ISO):
a. 1940, Mechanical Vibration - Balance Quality Requirements for Rotors in a Constant
(Rigid) State - Part I: Specification and Verification of Balance Tolerances.
8. National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA):
a. 250, Enclosures for Electrical Equipment (1000 Volts Maximum).
b. ICS 6, Enclosures for Industrial Control and System.
c. MG I, Motors and Generators.
9. InterNational Electrical Testing Association (NETA):
a. A TS, Acceptance Testing Specification for Electrical Power Distribution Equipment
and Systems.
10. National Fire Protection Association (NFP A):
a. 70, National Electrical Code (NEe):
I) Article 430, Motors.
II. National Institute for Certification in Engineering Technologies (NICET).
12. National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST).
Collier County. Florida
NCR WTP Degasifier & Odor Control Expansion
t to05 - ]
13. NSFI ANSI Standard 61: Drinking Water System Components -- Health Effects.
14. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA):
a. 29 CFR 1910, Occupational Safety and Health Standards, referred to herein as OSHA
15. Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. (UL).
a. 508, Standard for Safety Industrial Control Equipment.
b. 508A. Standard for Safety Industrial Control Panels.
16. Vibration Institute.
B. Vibration Testing Program:
I. Testing firm:
a. An independent firm performing, as the sole or principal part of its business for a
minimum of 10 years, the inspection, testing, calibration, and adjusting of systems.
b. Must have an established monitoring and testing equipment calibration program with
accuracy traceable in an unbroken chain, according to NIST.
2. Field personnel:
a. Minimum of one (I) year tleld experience covering all phases of field vibration testing
and data gathering.
b. Qualified Vibration Category I certification from the Vibration Institute.
3. Analysis personnel:
a. Minimum three (3) years combined field testing and data analysis experience.
b. Qualified Vibration Category II certification tTom the Vibration Institute.
C. Infrared Thermography Testing Program:
I. Testing firm:
a. An independent firm performing. as the sole or principal part of its business for a
minimum of 10 years, the inspection. testing, calibration. and adjusting of systems.
b. Must have an established monitoring and testing equipment calibration program with
accuracy traceable in an unbroken chain, according 10 N 1ST.
2. Field personnel:
a. Minimum of one (I) year field experience covering all phases offield thermography
testing and data gathering.
b. Supervisor certified hy NET A or NICET.
3. Analysis personnel:
a. Minimum three (3) years combined field testing and data analysis experience.
b. Supervisor certified by NET A or NICET.
D. Electrical Equipment and Connections Testing Program:
1. Testing firm:
a. An independent finn performing, as the sole or principal part of its business for a
minimum of ] 0 years, the inspection, testing, calibration, and adjusting of systems.
b. Must have an established monitoring and testing equipment calibration program with
accuracy traceable in an unbroken chain. according to NIST.
2. Field personnel:
a. Minimum of one (I) year field experience covering all phases of electrical equipment
inspection, testing, and calibration.
b. Relay test technician having previous experience \\'ith testing and calibration of relays
of the same manufacturer and type used on project and proficient in setting and testing
the types of protection clements used.
c. Supervisor certified by NET A or NICET.
3. Analysis personnel:
a. Minimum three (3) years combined field testing and data analysis experience.
b. Supervisor certified by NETA or NICET.
E. Miscellaneous:
I. A single manufacturer of a "product" to be selected and utilized uniformly throughout
Project even though:
Colljer Counlv. Florida
NCK \\'TP Dcgasificr & Odor COlltrol Expansion
IIO()) - 2
a. More than one (I) manufacturer is listed for a given "product" in Specifications.
b. No manufacturer is listed.
2. Equipment, electrical assemblies, related electrical wiring, instrumentation, controls, and
system components shall fully comply with specific NEC requirements related to area
classification and to NEMA 250 and NEMA ICS 6 designations shown on Electrical Power
Drawings and defined in Division 16.
3. Variable speed equipment applications: The driven equipment manufacturer shall have
single source responsibility for coordination of the equipment and VFO system and sure
their compatibility.
A. Product: Manufactured materials and equipment.
B. Major Equipment Supports - Supports for Equipment:
I. Located on or suspended from elevated slabs with supported equipment weighing 2000 LBS
or greater, or;
2. Located on or suspended from roofs with supported equipment weighing 500 LBS or
greater, or;
3. Located on slab-on-grade or earth with supported equipment weighing 5000 LBS or more.
C. Equipment:
I. One (1) or more assemblies capable of performing a complete function.
2. Mechanical, electrical, instrumentation or other devices requiring an electrical, pneumatic,
electronic or hydraulic connection.
3. Not limited to items specifically referenced in "Equipment" articles within individual
D. Installer or Applicator:
I. Installer or applicator is the person actually installing or applying the product in the field at
the Project site.
2. Installer and applicator are synonymous.
A. Shop Drawings:
, -- ",,\.,~
General for all equipment:
a. See Section 01340 for requirements for the mechanics and administration of the
submittal process.
b. Data sheets that include manufacturer's name and complete product model number.
I) Clearly identity all optional accessories that are included.
c. Acknowledgement that products suhmitted comply with the requirements of the
standards referenced.
d. Manufacturer's delivery, storage, handling, and installation instructions.
e. Equipment identification utilizing numbering system and name utilized in Drawings.
f. Equipment installation details:
I) Location of anchorage.
2) Type, size. and materials of construction of anchorage.
3) Anchorage setting templates.
4) Manufacturer's installation instructions.
g. Equipment area classi fication rating.
h. Shipping and operating weight.
i. Equipment physical characteristics:
I) Dimensions (both horizontal and vertical).
2) Materials of construction and construction details.
J. Equipment factory primer and paint data.
k. Manufacturer's recommended spare parts list.
I. Equipment I ining and coatings.
Collier County, Florida
NCRWTP Degasifier & Odor Control Expansion
tlO05 - 3
m. Equipment utility requirements include air. natural gas, electricity, and water.
n. Ladders and platforms provided with equipment:
I) Certification that all components comply fully with OSHA requirements.
2) Full details of construction/fabrication.
3) Scaled plan and sections showing relationship to equipment.
Mechanical and process equipment:
a. Operating characteristics:
I) Technical information including applicable performance curves showing specified
equipment capacity, rangeability. and efficiencies.
')) Brake horsepower requirements.
3) Copies of equipment data plates.
b. Piping and duct connection size, type and location.
Equipment bearing life certification.
Equipment foundation data:
I) Equipment center of gravity.
2) Criteria for designing vibration. special or unbalanced forces resulting from
equipment operation.
Electric motor:
a. Motor manufacturer and model number.
b. Complete motor nameplate data.
c. Weight.
d. NEMA design type.
e. Enclosure type.
f. Frame size.
g. Winding insulation class and temperature rise.
h. Starts per hour.
i. Performance data:
I) Motor speed-torque curve superimposed over driven machine speed-torque curve
during start-up acceleration and at rated terminal voltage a minimum permissible Of
specified tem1inal voltage for all motors over 20 HP.
2) Time-current plots with acceleration versus current and thermal damage curves at
the operating and ambient temperatures and at rated terminal voltage and minimum
permissible or specified terminal voltage for all motors over 70 HP.
3) Guaranteed minimum efficiencies at 100 percent, 75 percent. and 50 percent of full
4) Guaranteed minimum power factor at 100 percent, 75 percent and 50 percent of
full load.
5) Locked rotor and full load current at rated terminal voltage and minimum
permissible or specified tenninal voltage.
6) Starting, full load. and breakdown torque at rated terminal voltage and minimum
pennissible or specified terminal voltage.
Bearing data and lubrication system.
Thermal protection system including recommended alarm and trip settings for winding
and bearing RTD's.
I. Maximum permissible capacitor (kV AC) that con be connected to the motor.
m. Recommended size of power factor correction capacitors to improve power factor to
0.95 lagging when operated at full load.
n. Fabrication and/or layout drawings:
I) Dimensioned outlined drawing.
2) Connection diagrams including accessories (strip heaters, thermal protection, etc.).
o. Certifications:
I) When utilized with a reduced voltage starter, certify that motor and driven
equipment are compatible.
7) When utilized with a variable frequency controller. certity motor is inverter duty
and the controller and motor are compatible.
Collier COUllty, Florida
NC R WTP Degasificr &.: Odor Control Expansion
11005 - 4
lOD tq
a) Include minimum speed at which the motor may be operated for the driven
machinery .
p. Electrical gear:
I) Unless specified in a narrow-scope Specification Section, provide the following:
a) Equipment ratings: Voltage, continuous current, kVa, watts, short circuit with
stand, etc., as applicable.
2) Control panels:
a) Panel construction.
b) Point-to-point ladder diagrams.
c) Scaled panel face and subpanellayout.
d) Technical product data on panel components.
e) Panel and subpanel dimensions and weights.
f) Panel access openings.
g) Nameplate schedule.
h) Panel anchorage.
4. Systems schematics and data:
a. Provide system schematics where required in system specifications.
I) Acknowledge all system components being supplied as part of the system.
2) Utilize equipment, instrument and valving tag numbers defined in the Contract
Documents for all components.
3) Provide technical data for each system component showing compliance with the
Contract Document requirements.
4) For piping components, identity all utility connections, vents and drains which will
be included as part of the system.
5. For factory painted equipment, provide paint submittals in accordance with Section 09905.
6. Qualifications for:
a. Vibration testing firm and personnel.
b. Infrared thermography testing firm and personnel.
c. Electrical equipment and connections testing firm and personnel.
7. Testing plans, in accordance with PART 3 of this Specification Section:
a. Vibration testing.
b. Thermography testing.
c. Electrical equipment and connection testing.
B. Operation and Maintenance Manuals:
I. See Specification Section 01340 for:
a. The mechanics and administration of the submittal process.
b. The content of Operation and Maintenance Manuals.
C. Miscellaneous Submittals:
I. Sample form letter for equipment field certification.
2. Certification that equipment has been installed properly, has been initially started up, has
been calibrated andlor adjusted as required, and is ready for operation.
3. Certification for major equipment supports that equipment foundation design loads shown
on the Drawings or specified have been compared to actual loads exhibited by equipment
provided for this Project and that said design loadings are equal to or greater than the loads
produced by the equipment provided.
4. Field noise testing reports if such testing is specified in narrow-scope Specification
5. Notification, at least one (I) week in advance, that motor testing will be conducted at
factory .
6. Certification from equipment manufacturer that all manufacturer-supplied control panels
that interface in any way with other controls or panels have been submitted to and
coordinated with the supplier/installer of those interfacing systems.
7. Motor test reports.
8. Certification prior to Project closeout that electrical panel drawings for manufacturer-
supplied control panels truly represent panel wiring including any field-made modifications.
'::'i><;:-Uli-'I, Collier County, Florida
NCRWTP Degasifier & Odor Control Expansion
I J005 - 5
10 D '"
9. Provide three (3) bound final written reports documenting vibration monitoring and testing
for specified equipment.
a. Include the acceptance criteria of all equipment tested.
b. Provide individual tabbed sections for information associated with each piece oftested
10. Preliminary field quality control testing format to be used as a basis for final field quality
control reporting.
II. Testing and monitoring reports in accordance with PART 3 of this Specification Section.
12. Certification that driven equipment and VFD are compatible.
A. Materials of equipment components that will be in contact with water that will enter the drinking
water system shall be in accordance with NSFI ANSI Standard 61: Drinking Water System
Components -- Health Effects.
A. Subject to compliance with the Contract Documents, the following manufacturers are
I. Motors:
a. Baldor.
b. General Electric.
c. Marathon Electric.
d. Reliance Electric.
e. Siemens.
f. Teco-Westinghouse.
g. U.S. Motors.
2. Mechanical variable speed drives:
a. Reeves.
b. U.S. Motors (VariDrive).
B. Submit request for substitution in accordance with Specification Section 01640.
A. General:
I. Furnished equipment manufacturer's field quality control services and testing as specified in
the individual equipment Specifications.
2. Execute pre-demonstration requirements in accordance with Specification Section 01650.
3. Perform and report on all tests required by the equipment manufacturer's Operation and
Maintenance Manual.
4. Provide testing of electrical equipment and connections in accordance with Division 16.
5. Equip testing and analysis personnel with all appropriate project related reference material
required to perform tests, analyze results. and provide documentation including, but not
limited to:
a. Contract Drawings and Specifications.
b. Related construction change documentation.
c. Approved Shop Drawings.
d. Approved Operation and Maintenance Manuals.
e. Other pertinent information as required.
8. Equipment Monitoring and Testing Plans:
1. Approved in accordance w'ith Shop Drawing submittal schedule.
2. Included as a minimum:
Collier County. J-lorida
NCRWTP Dcgasifier & Odor Control Expansion
IIO():, - 6
laD ~:\1
a. Qualifications of firm, field personnel, and analysis personnel doing the Work.
b. List and description of testing and analysis equipment to be utilized.
c. List of all equipment to be testing, including:
I) Name and tag numbers identified in the Contract Documents.
2) Manufacturer's serial numbers.
3) Other pertinent manufacturer identification,
C. Instruments Used in Equipment and Connections Quality Control Testing:
I. Minimum calibration ITequency:
a. Field analog instruments: Not more than 6 months.
b. Field digital instruments: Not more than 12 months.
c. Laboratory instruments: Not more than 12 months.
d. If instrument manufacturer's calibration requirements are more stringent, those
requirements shall govern.
2. Carry current calibration status and labels on all testing instruments.
3. See individual testing programs for additional instrumentation compliance requirements.
D. Testing and Monitoring Program Documentation:
I. Provide reports with tabbed sections for each piece of equipment tested.
2. Include all testing results associated with each piece of equipment under that equipment's
tabbed section.
a. Include legible copies of all forms used to record field test information.
3. Prior to start of testing, submit one (I) copy of preliminary report format for Engineer
review and comment
a. Include data gathering and sample test report forms that will be utilized.
4. In the final report, include as a minimum, the following information for all equipment
a. Equipment identification, including:
1) Name and tag numbers identified in the Contract Documents.
2) Manufacturer's serial numbers.
3) Other pertinent manufacturer identification,
b. Date and time of each test.
c. Ambient conditions including temperature, humidity, and precipitation.
d. Visual inspection report.
e. Description of test and referenced standards, ifany, followed while conducting tests.
f. Results of initial and all retesting.
g. Acceptance criteria.
h. "As found" and "as left" conditions.
1. Corrective action, if required, taken to meet acceptance.
J. Verification of corrective action signed by the Contractor, equipment supplier, and
Owner's representative.
k. Instrument calibration dates of all instruments used in testing.
5. Provide three (3) bound final reports prior to Project final completion.
E. Vibration Monitoring and Testing Program:
I. Perform vibration monitoring and testing for equipment specified in Divisions 11,12,13,
14, and 15 during the Equipment Demonstration Period.
2. Provide vibration testing on all rotating and reciprocating equipment having driver 25 HP
and greater.
3. Additional requirements for vibration monitoring and testing equipment:
a. Frequency response: 0.18 Hz to 25 kHz.
b. Resolution: 6400 lines.
c. Amplitude range: 18 bit for 96 dB dynamic range.
d. Supports measurements of acceleration, velocity, displacement, envelope demodulation
for bearing defect detection.
e. Capable of two-place computer balancing.
f. Requirements for vibration sensor:
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Collier County, Florida
NCRWTP Degasificr & Odor Control Expansion
I) Sensitivity: +1- 5 percent at 25 DegC~ 100 mV/g.
2) Acceleration range: 80 g peak.
3) Amplitude nonlinearity: I percent.
4) Frequency response:
a) ..-1- 5 percent ~ 3-5000 Hz.
h) +/- 10 percent ~ 1-9000 Hz.
5) Permanently attach vibration test and monitoring mounting pads to mechanical
equipment at location recommended by the equipment manufacturer or as
recommended by the testing finn.
6) Acceptability of equipment conditions. except pumps, based on ISO 1940-1
Balance Quality Grade G2.5 criteria.
7) Acceptability of pumping equipment to be based on HI 9.6.4 criteria.
8) Repair or replace equipment shown to be out of range of the acceptable tolerance
until the equipment meets or exceeds acceptability standards.
F. Infrared Thermography Testing Program:
1. Perform infrared thermography testing for equipment specified in Divisions II, 13, 15, and
16 during the Equipment Demonstration Period.
a. Perform on all rotating and reciprocating equipment having drivers 25 HP or greater.
b. Perform on electrical equipment and connections: See Specification Section 16080.
2. Additional requirements for infrared thermography monitoring and testing equipment:
a. Temperature range: -10 to 350 DegC.
b. Accuracy: t /- ') percent or:2 DegC, whichever is greater.
c. Repeatability: ,-/-1 percent or I DegC, whichever is greater.
d. Temperature indication resolution: 0.1 DegC.
c. Minimum focus distance: 0.3 meters.
f. Output in color palettes: JPEG, BMP, or other digital format compatible with
3. Perform inspection per ASTM E 1934.
a. Operate VFD driven equipment at 100 percent speed during thermographic inspection.
4. Acceptability of electrical connections and components based on temperature comparison
between components and ambient air temperatures not greater than 10 DegC per
ASTM E1934.
5. Acceptability of motors and equipment bearings based on temperature rise not greater than 5
DegC above the equipment and/or bearing manufacturers published criteria.
6. Repair or replace equipment shO\vn to be out arrange of the acceptable tolerance until the
equipment meets or exceeds acceptability standards.
G. Electrical Equipment and Connections Testing Program:
1. Perform testing on Division 16 equipment and connections in accordance with Division 16
2. Testing of motors:
a. After installation and prior to energizing the motor. perfonn inspections and tests per
NETA ATS 7.15 for all motors 10 liP or above.
b. Bump motor to check for correct rotation.
3. Repair or replace equipment shown to be out of range of the acceptable tolerance until the
equipment meets or exceeds acceptability standards.
H. Other Testing:
I. Perform tests and inspections not specifically listed but required to assure equipment is safe
to energize and operate.
2. Subbase that supports the equipment base and that is made in the fonn of a cast iron or steel
structure that has supporting beams, legs, and cross members that are cast, welded, or bolted
shall be tested for a natural frequency of vibration after equipment is mounted.
a. The ratio of the natural frequency of the structure to the frequency of the disturbing
force shall not be between 0.5 and 1.5.
C{lllicr Counly, Florida
NC'Rv-./']'\' Degasifier & Odor Control Expansion
I!OOS - 8
L Electric Motors:
1. Where used in conjunction with adjustable speed AC or DC drives, provide motors that are
fully compatible with the speed controllers.
2. Design for rrequent starting duty equivalent to duty service required by driven equipment.
3. Design for full voltage starting.
4. Design bearing life based upon actual operating load conditions imposed by driven
5. Size for altitude of Project.
6. Furnish with stainless steel nameplates which include all data required by NEC Article 430.
7. Use of manufacturer's standard motor will be permitted on integrally constructed motor
driven equipment specified by model number in which a redesign of the complete unit
would be required in order to provide a motor with features specified.
8. AC electric motors less than 1/3 HP:
a. Single phase, 60 Hz, designed for the supply voltage shown on the Drawings.
b. Permanently lubricated sealed bearings conforming to ABMA standards.
c. Built-in manual reset thermal protector or integrally mounted manual motor starter with
thermal overload element with stainless steel enclosure.
9, AC electric motors 1/3 to I HP:
a. Single or 3 PH, 60 Hz, designed for the supply voltage shown on the Drawings.
b. Permanently lubricated sealed bearings conforming to ABMA standards.
I) For single phase motors, provide built-in manual reset thermal protector or
integrally mounted manual motor starter with thermal overload element.
10. AC electric motors 1-1/2 to 10 HP:
a. Single or 3 PH, 60 Hz, designed for the supply voltage shown on the Drawings.
b. Permanently lubricated sealed bearings conforming to ABMA standards.
c. For vertical motors provide 15 year. average-life thrust bearings conforming to ABMA
II. AC electric motors greater than 10 HP:
a. Single or 3 PH. 60 Hz, designed for the supply voltage shown on the Drawings.
b. Oil or grease lubricated antirriction bearings conforming to ABMA standards.
I) Design bearing life for 90 percent survival rating at 50,000 HRS of operation for
motors up to and including 100 HP.
2) For motors greater than 100 HP, design bearing life for 90 percent survival rating
at 100,000 HRS of operation.
c. For vertical motors provide 15 year. average-life thrust bearings conforming to ABMA
d. Thermal protection:
I) For motors 50 HP and above controlled rrom a variable rrequency drive and for all
other motors 100 HP and above, provide integral thermal detectors with normally
closed contacts that will open on overtemperature or resistance type temperature
detector (RTD) complete with monitor and alarm panel having a normally closed
contact that will open on overtemperature.
a) Two (2) thermal sensing devices per phase in each phase hot-spot location,
b) Monitor and alarm panel:
(I) For constant speed motors, install panel in and energize from the motor
starter equipment.
(2) For variable speed motors, install panel in and energize rrom the variable
speed drive equipment.
12. Severe duty motor to have the following minimum features:
a. All cast iron construction.
b. Gasketed conduit box.
c. Epoxy finish for corrosion protection.
d. Hydroscopic varnish on windings for corrosion protection.
e. Drain plug and brealher.
J. NEMA Design Squirrel Cage Induction Motors:
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NCRWTP Degasifier & Odor Control Expansion
] t005. 9
I. Provide motors designed and applied in compliance with NEMA and IEEE for the specific
duty imposed by the driven equipment.
2. Motors to meet NEMA MG I (NEMA Premium) and local jurisdiction-efficiencies,
whichever is more stringent. ~
3. Do not provide motors having a locked rotor kV A per HP exceeding the NEMA standard
for the assigned NEMA code letter.
4. For use on variable frequency t)/pe adjustable speed drives, provide induction motors that
are in eompliance with NEMA MG I. Part 31.
5. Design motor insulation in accordance vvith NEMA standards for Class F insulation with
Class B temperature rise above a 40 DegC ambient.
6. Design motors for continuous duty.
7. Size motors having a ].0 service factor so that nameplate HP is a minimum of 15 percent
greater than the maximum HP requirements of the driven equipment over its entire
operating range.
a. As an alternative, furnish motors with a 1.15 service factor and size so that nameplate
HP is at least equal to the maximum HP requirements of the driven equipment over its
entire operating range.
8. Motor enclosure and winding insulation application:
a. The following shall apply unless modified by specific specification sections:
Unclassified Indoor Areas
TEFC. Standard Insulation
Wet indoor Areas
Wet outdoor Areas
Corrosive Areas
TEFC. Standard Insulation
TEFC. Extra Dip and Bake for Moisture
TEFe, Severe/ Chemical Dutv
Class I, Division I Areas
Class II, Division I Areas
Class I or Class II, Division 2 Areas
Explosion Proof: Approved for Class I Division I Locations
Explosion Proof. Approved for Class II Division I Locations
Explosion Proo( Approved for Division I Locations or TEFC with
maximum external frame temperature compatible with the gas or
dust in the area. Extra Dip and Bake for moisture
NOTE: Provide TENV motors in the smaller horsepower ratings where lEFC is not available.
9. Provide oversize conduit box complete with clamp type grounding terminals inside the
conduit box.
K. Submersible Motors: Refer to individual narrow-scope Specification Sections for submersible
motor requirements.
L. V-Belt Drive:
1. Provide each V-belt drive \vith sliding base or other suitable tension adjustment.
2. Provide V-belt drives with a service factor of at least 1.6 at maximum speed.
3. Provide staticproofbelts.
M, Mechanical Variable Speed Drives:
I. Oil-lubricated shaft-mounted reduction gear drive capable of 300 percent shock load and
providing a 1.5 service factor in accordam;e with AGMA.
2. Assure infinite speed adjustment over a 4: 1 range.
3. Secure drive to equipment base.
4. Flexible coupling between drive shaft and equipment shaft.
A. Gear Drives and Drive Components:
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NCRW I P Degasificr & Odor Control ExpanSIOn
I JOos - 10
l. Size drive equipment capable of supporting full load including losses in speed reducers and
power transmission.
2. Providlrnominal input horsepower rating of each gear or speed reducer at least equal to
nameplate horsepower of drive motor.
3. Design drive units for 24 HR continuous service, constructed so oil leakage around shafts is
4. Utilize gears, gear lubrication systems, gear drives, speed reducers, speed increasers and
flexible couplings meeting applicable standards of AGMA.
5. Gear reducers:
a. Provide gear reducer totally enclosed and oil lubricated.
b. Utilize anti friction bearings throughout.
c. Provide worm gear reducers having a service factor of at least 1.20.
d. Furnish other helical, spiral bevel, and combination bevel-helical gear reducers with a
service factor of at least 1.50.
A. Guards:
l. Provide each piece of equipment having exposed moving parts with full length, easily
removable guards, meeting OSHA requirements.
2. Interior applications:
a. Construct from expanded galvanized steel rolled to conform to shaft or coupling
b. Utilize non-flattened type 16 GA galvanized steel with nominal 1/2 IN spacing.
c. Connect to equipment frame with hot-dip galvanized bolts and wing nuts.
3. Exterior applications:
a. Construct from 16 GA stainless steel or aluminum.
b. Construct to preclude entrance of rain, snow, or moisture.
c. Roll to conform to shaft or coupling surface.
d. Connect to equipment frame with stainless steel bolts and wing nuts.
B. Anchorage:
l. Cast-in-place anchorage:
a. Provide ASTM F593, Type 316 stainless steel anchorage for all equipment.
b. Configuration and number of anchor bolts shall be per manufacturer's
c. Provide two (2) nuts for each bolt.
2. Drilled anchorage:
a. Adhesive anchors per Specification Section 05505.
b. Epoxy grout per Specification Section 03308.
c. Threaded rods same as cast-in-place.
C. Data Plate:
I. Attach a stainless steel data plate to each piece of rotary or reciprocating equipment.
2. Permanently stamp information on data plate including manufacturer's name, equipment
operating parameters, serial number and speed.
D. Gages:
l. Provide gages in accordance with Specification Section 13442.
2. Provide at the following locations:
a. Inlet and outlet of all reciprocating, centrifugal and positive displacement mechanical
and process equipment.
b. At locations identified on Drawings.
3. Utilize tapping sleeves for mounting per Specification Section 15060.
Lifting Eye Bolts or Lugs:
I. Provide on all equipment 50 LBS or greater.
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11005 - II
2. Provide on other equipment or products as specified in the narrow-scope Specification
F. Platforms and Ladders:
I. Design and fabricate in accordance with OSHA Standards.
2. Fabricate components from aluminum.
3. Provide platform surface: Non-skid grating, unless specified in narrow-scope Specification
A. Design, fabricate. and assemble equipment in accordance with modem engineering and shop
B. Manufacture individual parts to standard sizes and gages so that repair parts, furnished at any
time, can be installed in field.
C. Furnish like parts of duplicate units to be interchangeable.
D. Ensure that equipment has not been in service at any time prior to delivery, except as required by
E. Furnish equipment which requires periodic internal inspection or adjustment with access panels
which will not require disassembly of guards, dismantling of piping or equipment or similar
major efforts.
1. Quick opening but sound. securable access ports or windows shall be provided for
inspection of chains, belts. or similar items.
F. Provide common, lipped base plate mounting for equipment and equipment motor where said
mounting is a manufacturer's standard option.
I. Provide drain connection for 3/4 IN PVC tubing.
G. Machine the mounting feet of rotating equipment.
H. Fabricate equipment which will be subject to Corrosive Environment in such a way as to avoid
back to back placement of surfaces that can not be properly prepared and painted.
I. When such back to back fabrication can not be avoided, provide continuous welds to seal
such surfaces from contact with corrosive environment.
2. Where continuous \velds are not practical. after painting seal the back to back surfaces from
the environment in accordance with Specification Section 07900.
I. Critical Speed:
I. All rotating parts accurately machined and in as near perfect rotational balance as
2. Excessive vibration is sufficient cause for equipment rejection.
3. Ratio of all rotative speeds to critical speed of a unit or components: Greater than 1.2.
l Control Panels Engineered and Provided with the Equipment by the Manufacturer:
I. Manufacturer's standard design for components and controJlogic unless specific
requirements arc specified in the specific equipment Specification Section.
2. NEMA or lEe rated components arc acceptable, whichever is used in the manufacturer's
standard engineered design, unless specific requirements are required in the specific
equipment Specification Section.
3. Affix entire assembly with a UL 508A label "Listed Enclosed Industrial Control Panel prior
to delivery.
a. Control panels without an affixed UL 508A label shall be rejected.
A. Electrical Equipment:
I. Provide factory-applied paint coating system(s) for all electrical equipment components
except those specified in Specification Section 09905 to receive field painting.
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NCR WTP Degasificr &: Odor Control Expansion
11005 - 12
a. Field painted equipment: See Specification Section 09905 for factory applied
primer/field paint compatibility requirements.
B. Field paint other equipment in accordance with Specification Section 09905.
I. See Specification Section 09905 for factory applied primerlfield paint compatibility
A. Motor Tests:
I. Test motors in accordance with NEMA and IEEE standards.
2. Provide routine test for all motors.
3. The Owner reserves the right to select and have tested, either routine or complete, any motor
included in the project.
a. The Owner will pay all costs, including shipping and handling, for all motors
successfully passing the tests.
b. The Contractor shall pay all costs, including shipping and handling, for all motors
failing the tests.
c. If two (2) successive motors of the same manufacturer fail testing, the Owner has the
right to reject all motors rrom that manufacturer.
A. Install equipment as shown on Drawings and in accordance with manufacturer's directions.
B. Utilize templates for anchorage placement for slab-mounted equipment.
C. For equipment having drainage requirements such as seal water, provide 3/4 IN PVC or clear
plastic tubing from equipment base to nearest floor or equipment drain.
I. Route clear of major traffic areas and as approved by Engineer.
D. DO NOT construct foundations until major equipment supports are approved.
E. Extend all non-accessible grease fittings using stainless steel tubing to a location which allows
easy access of fittings rrom closest operating floor level.
F. Equipment Base:
I. Construct level in both directions.
2. Take particular care at anchor bolt locations so these areas are flat and level.
G. Machine Base:
I. Mount machine base of rotating equipment on equipment base.
a. Level in both directions, using a machinist level, according to machined surfaces on
2. Level machine base on equipment base and align couplings between driver and driven unit
using steel blocks and shims.
a. Size blocks and shims to provide solid support at each mounting bolt location.
I) Provide area size of blocks and shims approximately 1-112 times area support
surface at each mounting bolt point.
b. Provide blocks and shims at each mounting bolt.
I) Furnish blocks and shims that are square shape with "U" cut out to allow blocks
and shims to be centered on mounting bolts.
c. After all leveling and alignment has been completed and before grouting, tighten
mounting bolts to proper torque value.
H. Couplings:
l. Align in the annular and parallel positions.
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NCR WTP Degasifier & Odor Control Expansion
11005 - 13
- ,-,.._-,._,,-..,~-_..~, ". -"",-,
a. For equipment rotating at 1700 rpm or less, align both annular and parallel within 0.00 I
IN tolerance for couplings 4 IN size and smaller.
I) Couplings larger than 4 IN size: Increase tolerance 0.0005 IN per inches of
coupling diameter, i.e., allow 6 IN coupling 0.002 IN tolerance, and allow a 10 IN
coupling 0.004 IN tolerance.
b. For equipment rotating at speeds greater than 1200 rpm allow both annular and parallel
positions within a tolerance rate of 0.00025 IN per inch coupling diameter.
2. If equipment is delivered as a mounted unit from factory, verify factory alignment on site
after installation and realigned ifnecessal)'.
3. Check surfaces for runout before attempting to trim Of align units.
I. Grouting:
I. After machine base has been shimmed, leveled onto equipment base, couplings aligned and
mounting bolts tightened to correct torque value, place a dam or formwork around base to
contain grouting between equipment base and equipment support pad.
a. Extend dam or formwork to cover leveling shims and blocks.
b. Do not use nuts belmv the machine base to level the unit.
2. Saturate top of roughened concrete subbase with water before grouting.
a. Add grout until entire space under machine base is filled to the top of the base
b. Puddle grout by working a stifTwirc through the grout and vent holes to work grout in
place and release any entrained air in the grout or base cavity.
3. When the grout has sufficiently hardened, remove dam or fonnwork and finish the exposed
grout surface to fine, smooth surface.
3. Cover exposed grout surfaces v.lith wet burlap and keep covering sufficiently wet to
prevent too rapid evaporation of water from the grout.
b. When the grout has fully hardened (after a minimum of seven (7) days) tighten all
anchor bolts to engage equipment base to grout shims, and equipment support pad.
c. Recheck driver-driven unit for proper alignment.
A. For all equipment specifically required in detailed specifications, secure services of experienced,
competent, and authorized rcpresentative(s) of equipment manufacturer to visit site of work and
inspect, check, adjust and approve equipment installation.
1. In each case, represcntative(s) shall be present during placement and start-up of equipment
and as often as necessary to resolve any operational issues which may arise.
B. Secure from equipment manufacturer's rcpresent3tive(s) a written report certifYing that
I. Has been properly installed and luhricated.
2. Is in accurate alignment.
3. Is free from any undue stress imposed by connecting piping or anchor bolts.
4. Has been operated under full load conditions and that it operated satisfactorily.
a. Secure and deliver a field written report to Owner immediately prior to leavingjobsite.
C. No separate payment shall be made for installation checks.
I. All or any time expended during installation check does not quality as Operation and
Maintenance training or instruction time when specified.
A. Identify equipment and install hazard waming signs in accordance with Specification Section
A. For required field painting and protective coatings, comply with Specification Section 09905.
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NCR WTP Dcgasifil.:r & Odor Control LXpullsion
r JO05 - 14
A. Clean wires before installing lugs and connectors.
B. Coat connection with oxidation eliminating compound for aluminum wire.
C. Terminate motor circuit conductors with copper lugs bolted to motor leads.
D. Tape stripped ends of conductors and associated connectors with electrical tape.
I. Wrapping thickness shall be 150 percent of the conductor insulation thickness.
E. Connections to carry full ampacity of conductors without temperature rise.
F. Terminate spare conductors with electrical tape.
A. Furnish equipment manufacturer services as specified in the individual equipment
B. Inspect wire and connections for physical damage and proper connection.
C. After installation and prior to energizing the motor, provide insulation resistance test of all
motors 10 HP and above.
1. Conduct test with 500 or 1000 V de megger.
2. Test each phase separately.
3. Disconnect all extraneous leads to the motor.
4. Comply with NEMA MG I safety requirements and test procedures.
D. Bump motor to check for correct rotation:
I. Ensure motor has been lubricated.
2. Check prior to connection to driven equipment.
E. Subbase that supports the equipment base and that is made in the form of a cast iron or steel
structure that has supporting beams, legs and cross member that are cast welded or bolted, shall
be tested for a natural frequency of vibration after equipment is mounted.
I. Keep the ratio of the natural frequency of the structure to the frequency of the disturbing
force out of the range from 0.5 to 1.5.
F. Equipment Vibration Monitoring and Testing:
1. Utilize an Engineer approved testing agency to perform vibration monitoring and testing on
equipment defined in the schedule at the end ofthis Section.
2. Permanently attach vibration test and monitoring mounting pads to the equipment at
locations recommended by the equipment manufacturer or as recommended by the vibration
testing agency.
3. Utilize mounting pads suitable for pennanent installation and for incorporation into a
predictable maintenance program.
4. For variable speed equipment provide vibration testing at I Hz increments throughout entire
operating range.
5. Diagnosis to include, but is not limited to the following:
a. Unbalance.
b. Misalignment.
c. Bent shaft.
d. Joumal bearing related problems.
e. Rolling contract bearing problems.
f. Mechanical looseness.
g. Resonance.
h. Foundation flexibility.
i. Electrically induced problems.
j. Pump problems.
k. Fan problems.
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NCRWTP Degasifier & Odor Control Expansion
11005 - 15
I. Coupling problems.
m. Drive belt problems.
n. Gear problems.
o. Centrifugal compressor problems.
p. Electric motor induced vibration from VFO or YFD carrier frequency.
6. Provide machinery condition diagnosis based on an acceptable machinery vibration severity
guide or machinery fault guide analysis providcd by the tcsting agency. ISO 1940 Balance
Quality Grade 6.3 as a minimum.
7. Tolerances for pumping equipmcnt shall be per HI published standards.
8. Repair or replace equipment shown to be out of range ofthe specified tolerance until the
equipment meets the specified normal operation range required in the machinery' fault guide
9. Document testing with written report.
a. Report to include initial testing results, acceptance criteria, corrective action taken to
meet acceptance, verification of corrective action and acceptance report and baseline.
A. Demonstrate equipment in accordance with Section 01650.
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] 1005 -]6
A. Section Includes:
I. Pumping equipment.
B. Related Sections include but are not necessarily limited to:
I. Division 0 - Bidding Requirements, Contract Forms, and Conditions of the Contract.
2. Division I - General Requirements.
3. Section 09905 - Painting and Protective Coatings.
4. Section 11005 - Equipment: Basic Requirements.
A. Referenced Standards:
I. Hydraulic Institute (HI):
a. Standards for Centrifugal, Rotary and Reciprocating Pumps.
B. Fully coordinate all mechanical seal systems specified to ensure pump and seal compatibility.
C. Pumplmotor and VFD coordination: See Section 11005.
A. The abbreviations are defined as follows:
I. IPS: Iron Pipe Size.
2. NPSHR: Net Positive Suction Head Required.
3. TDH: Total Differential Head,
4. TEFe: Totally Enclosed Fan Cooled.
5. VFD: Variable Frequency Drive.
B. Pump Service Category: Pump or pumps having identical names (not tag numbers) used for
specific pumping service.
A. Shop Drawings:
I. See Specification Section 01340 for requirements for the mechanics and administration of
the submittal process.
2. See Specification Section 11005.
3. Product technical data including:
a. Performance data and curves with flow (gpm), head (FT), horsepower, efficiency,
NPSH requirements, submergence requirement.
b. Pomp accessory data.
c. Bearing supports, shafting details and lubrication provisions.
d. Solids passage information.
4. Certifications:
a. Certified pump performance curves as described in Article 2.5.
5. Test reports:
a. Factory hydrostatic test.
B. Operation and Maintenance Manuals;
l. See Specification Section 01340 for requirements for:
a. The mechanics and administration ofthe submittal process.
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NCRWTP Dcgasifier & Odor Control Expansion
laD ~
b. The content of Operation and Maintenance Manuals.
C. Miscellaneous:
I. Certifications:
a. Provide a written statement that manufacturer's equipment has been installed properly,
started up and is ready for operation by Owner's personnel.
A. Subject to compliance with the Contract Documents. the following manufacturers are
1. Pumps:
a. See individual pump Specification Sections.
2. Mechanical seals:
a. Chesterton.
b. Garlock.
3. Seal water station:
a. Chesterton.
b. John Crane.
B. Submit request for substitution in accordance with Specification Section 01640.
A. Provide units with increasing head characteristics from the end run out portion of the curve to
shutoff condition.
A. See Specification Section 11005.
B. Each Unit:
I. Lifting eye bolts or lugs.
2. Plugged gage cock connection at suction and discharge nozzles.
3. Tapped and plugged openings for casing and bearing housing vents and drains.
4. Fittings for properly adding flushing lubricant.
5. Pressure relief fittings for grease lubrication.
C. Packing Seal:
I. Provide packing unless mechanical seal is specified in narrow-scope pump sections.
2. Minimum offive (5) rings graphite impregnated synthetic packing.
3. Provide minimum 114 IN D1A supply tap and 112 IN D1A minimum drain tap,
4. Provide split Teflon or bronze \\'ater seal ring.
5. Adjustable split follower cast iron or bronze gland.
D. Mechanical Seals:
I. Provide as specified in the narrow-scope pump sections.
2. For shaft speed greater than 4,000 rpm. provide stationary balanced O-ring type. For all
others, provide rotating.
3. Provide water {oil} lubrication - cooling {with oil reservoir}.
4. Materials:
a. Metal parts except springs: 316 stainless steel.
b. Springs: Hastelloy C.
c. Seal faces: Unfilled carbon graphite versus silica-free Grade 99.5 ceramic.
d. Elastomers: Viton.
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NCRWTP Degasificr & Odor Control Expansion
] 1060 - 2
A. Pump Support:
I. Design base to support weight of drive, shafting and pump.
2. Comply with HI vibration limitations.
3. Mount horizontal pumps, motor and coupling on single piece drip lip type baseplate.
4. Mount vertical pumps on single piece pedestal baseplate.
5. Fabricate to withstand all operating loads transmitted from the pump and drive.
A. If specifically required in the individual pump specification sections, provide factory tests:
I. All units:
a. Hydrostatic test at 150 percent of shutoff head for a minimum 01'5 minutes.
2. Adjustable speed units:
a. Head (FT) verses flow (gpm) pump curves:
I) Maximum, minimum and two (2) equally spaced intermittent speeds.
2) Efficiencies along each curve.
3) Brake horsepower along each curve.
3. Constant speed units:
a. Head (FT) versus flow (gpm) pump curves:
I) Efficiencies along curve.
2) Brake horsepower along each curve.
4. Results certified by a registered professional engineer.
B. Statically and dynamically balance each pump per HI standards.
A. See Section 11005.
B, Floor or Pad-Mounted Units (Non-Submersible):
I. Align vertically and horizontally level, wedge and plumb units to match piping interfaces.
2. Assure no unnecessary stresses are transmitted to equipment flanges.
3. Tighten flange bolts at uniform rate and manufacturer's recommended torque for uniform
gasket compression.
4. Support and match flange faces to uniform contact over entire face area prior to bolting pipe
flange and equipment.
5. Permit piping connecting to equipment to freely move in directions parallel to longitudinal
centerline when and while bolts in connection flange are tightened.
6. Grout equipment into place prior to final bolting of piping but not before initial fitting and
7. Assemble connecting piping with gaskets in place and minimum offour (4) bolts per joint
installed and tightened.
a. Test alignment by loosening flange bolts to see if there is any change in relationship of
piping flange with equipment connecting flange.
b. Realign as necessary, install flange bolts and make equipment connection.
8. Field paint units as defined in Section 09905.
9. Provide pressure gage on discharge of all pumps and on suction and discharge of all non-
submersible units.
A. Provide services of equipment manufacturer's field service representative(s) to:
I. Inspect equipment covered by these Specifications.
2. Supervise pre-start adjustments and installation checks.
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NCRWTP Degasifier & Odor Control Expansion
tl060 - 3
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3. Conduct initial startup of equipment and perfonll operational checks.
4. Instruct Owner's personnel for the specified minimum number of hours atjobsite per
Specification Section 01650. Instruction to include operation and maintenance of each of
following equipment:
a. Centrifugal blO\vers;
b. Degasifier nush and clean-in-place pumps;
c. Odor Control System pumps; and.
d. Chemical Feed System pumps.
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'NCR\\-TP Degaslfier & Odor Control Expansion
100 ~
A. The Contractor shall furnish and install all tools, supplies, materials, equipment, and labor necessary for
the installation, testing, and placing into operation of all fiberglass reinforced plastic (FRP) centrifugal
fans (i.e. blowers) and appurtenances, complete and operable, all in accordance with the requirements for
the Contract Documents.
B. This section includes materials and installation of FRP or PVCIFRP centrifugal fans.
C. The equipment specified in this Section shall be furnished by the degasifier supplier to ensure unit
responsibility for the operability of the degasifier system.
D. Four (4) fans (i.e. blowers) are required.
A. Section 01340 - Submittals
B. Section 11005 - Equipment: Basic Requirements
C. Section 13505 - Degasifier Units
D. Division 16 - Electrical
A. Submit shop drawings in accordance with the Section 01340 entitled "Submittals" and the following.
S. Submit manufacturer's catalog data and descriptive literature. Submit dimensional drawings. Reference
materials of construction by ASTM reference and grade.
c. Submit performance curves showing pressure, capacity, horsepower, and efficiency from shutoff to 120%
of rated capacity.
D. Submit a certificate listing the type of resin to be used in the manufacture of the fan. Include the
manufacturer's brand name or designation, composition and characteristics.
E. Submit FRP construction details. Show laminate thickness, interior corrosion barrier design, and glass
and resin content.
F. Submit manufacturer's calculations substantiating the service life and load ratings of the bearings.
G. Submit written confirmation from the manufacturer that fanslblowers 13-P-0 I, 13-P-02, 13-P-03, and 13-
P-04 are adequately sized to process design air flows through the degasifiers specified in the Section
13505, Degasifiers, as well as odor control equipment specified in the Section 13252, Odor Control
System, with a head requirement of 12-inch water column (W.C.).
H. Submit electricallcontrol diagrams detailing the requirements and features of the system, including
interlocks, terminals, wiring control disconnects and panel layouts.
I. Submit a certified test report on the noise level for each fan at the specified service conditions.
A. The supplier(s) of the degasifiers shall be responsible for coordinating the selection of the centrifugal
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NCRWTP Degasifier & Odor Control Expansion
B. Provide equipment manufacturer's services at the jobsite, at no additional cost to the Owner, as required
I. Supervise equipment installation, start-up, and testing and adjustments of the equipment.
2. Applicable equipment start-up and demonstration periods as specified in Section 01650.
3. Training of Owner's personnel in proper operation and maintenance of the equipment as specified in
Section 01650.
A. Fans shall be manufactured by Duall, New York Blower, Verantis/Ceilcote 9H or approved equal.
A. Fans including housing and wheels shall be FRP or PVC. centrifugal type, SISW, with backwardly curved
radial trip impeller, nonoverloading. Fan housings shall be grounded to the support bases. Provide
integral inlet damper control.
B. Fan housings shall be of a curved scroll design with a 3/4-inch threaded drain outlet at the lowest point of
the scroll, Fan inlet and outlet nozzles shall be flanged.
C. Provide gasketed access door bolted to the wheel housing.
D. Provide Viton shaft seal with backup plate bolted to the housing. Provide Hastelloy "C" shaft sleeve.
E. Provide two laminated layers in the FRP/PVC construction: one for the inner surface, plus a
glass-reinforced layer for structural strength. Surfacing mat shall be resin rich, shall consist of Type C
glass monofilament surfacing or Nexus organic tiber, and shall be a minimum of20 mils thick. Glass
content in the inner surface layer shall not exceed 73% by weight. The stfucturallayer shall be composed
of chopped-strand mat having a minimum glass content of 30~/i) by ",,'eight. The overall glass content of
the finished laminate shall be at least 30% by weight.
F. Determine glass content per ASTM D 2584.
G. Laminate thickness shall be at least 114 inch.
H. Resin shall be corrosion resistant as defined by ASTM C 581. Medium shall be air containing 0 to 50
ppmv ofhydrogcn sulfide gas and saturated \vith \\'ater vapor. Resin layers in contact with the airstream
shall contain carbon to allow for control of static electricity.
I. Provide 20 mesh screen made of Type 316 stainless steel for the inlet of the fan.
A. Fiberglass construction shall comply with ASTM D 2563, Level II, except as modified herein. Wall
hardness shall be at least 90% of the resin manufacturer's recommended Barcol hardness, with a minimum
Barcol hardness of 30. with the resin fully cured. Maximum strain in the laminate shall be 0.00 I
inch/inch. Maximum air bubble size in the laminate shall be 1 /] 6 inch. Maximum frequency of air
bubbles in the liner portion of the laminate shall be 10 per square inch of laminate.
B. Construction shall comply with NBS Voluntary Product Standard PS 15-69.
C. Fan shall be rated and tested per AMCA 210.
A. Fan shafts shall be Type 416 stainless steel. Fan shall have self-aligning grease packed bearings with
neoprene shaft seals. Provide OSHA approved weatherproof FRP or PVC cover for the motor and drive.
CnllierCounty, Florida
NCRV,,'TP Dcgasifier & Odor Control r::\pallsion
laD .,
A. Provide two anti friction bearing assemblies. Locate bearings outside the fan housing. One assembly shall
be free to float to carry radial thrust only. The other assembly shall carry both radial and axial thrust.
Bearings shall be either spherical or tapered-roller type. Bearings subject to radial thrust only shall be
single row or double row. Bearings subject to both radial and axial thrust shall be double row.
B. Minimum bearing life per the AFBMA B-1 0 rating shall be 50,000 hours. Bearings shall be oil or grease
lubricated. Provide constant level oilers for oil lubrication. Provide external Type 316 stainless-steel
ZERK fittings for grease lubrication.
A. The vibration in any plane measured on the bearing housings shall not exceed 2 mils peak to peak.
A. Provide V-belt drive with a rating at least 60% greater than the rated motor horsepower. Provide belt
guard for exterior appl ication conforming to OSHA requirements. Drives shall comply with Section
11005, Equipment: Basic Requirements.
A. The motor shall conform to requirements set forth in the section entitled Section 11005 Equipment: Basic
Requirements. Install the motor on an adjustable base. Motor shall operate on 460 volts, 3 phases and 60
hertz. Motors shall be equipped with 120 Volt space heaters and winding thermostat. Motors shall have
TEFC enclosures and shall be rated for belt drive.
A. Provide and install Fan (blower) Nos. 13-P-OI, 13-P-02, I3-P-03, and 13-P-04, for DegasifierNos. DG-
01, DG -02, DG -03, and DG -04, respectively. Fan performance and operating conditions shall be as
shown below. Ratings shall conform with AMCA 210.
Equipment Tag Number:
Maximum rated capacity:
Differential pressure:
18,750 cfin
as required by degasifier
Minimum efficiency at rated capacity:
Motor horsepower (minimum)
Maximum fan speed:
Maximum noise level (5' from fan):
Water Column, in. w.e.
85 dbA
A. Provide the following spare parts for each fan:
2 sets
I set
I set
I set
Radial bearings
Thrust bearings
Seals, gaskets
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NCR WT!' Degasifier & Odor Control Expansion
t 1395-)
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B. Pack spare parts in a wooden box~ label with the manufacturer's name and local representative's name,
address, and telephone number; and attach list of materials contained therein.
A. Each fan and motor shall be mounted on a common rigid base constructed of fabricated hot dipped
galvanized steel. The baseplate shall be grouted and anchor bolted to the foundation. Anchor bolts,
washer, and nuts shall be 316 stainless steel.
A. CONTRACTOR shall install fans according to manufacturer's recommendations and as shown on the
B. General installation requirements shall be as specified in sections entitled Section 11005 Equipment:
Basic Requirements".
A. Shipping and handling requirements shall be as specified in section entitled Section 11005 Equipment:
Basic Requirements.
A. Conduct a Type B field test per AMCA 203 10 verify flow rate and static pressure for each fan.
S. Measure the currcnt drawn by the motor. No motor overload above nameplate rating will be allowed
between 0% and 120% of the fan rated capacity.
C. Test enclosure integrity by temporarily blocking the air intake with the fan running.
A. All surface preparation. shop painting, field painting. and field repairs shall conform to Section 09905,
Painting and Protective Coatings.
B. Coat motor and exposed ferrous metal (other than stainless steel) per requirements set forth in the sections
entitled Section 09905, Painting and Protective Coatings. Apply prime coat at factory. Coloroffinish
coat shall be OSHA SafelY Blue.
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NCR WTP Dcgasilkr & Odor Control f:\pansion
A. Section Includes:
I. Chemical metering systems including:
a. Chemical Metering Pumps and Pump Controls
I) Sodium hydroxide.
2) Sodium hypochlorite.
2. System accessories.
B. Related Sections include but are not necessarily limited to:
I. Division 0 - Bidding Requirements, Contract Forms, and Conditions of the Contract.
2. Division I - General Requirements.
3. Section 02072 - Demolition, Cutting and Patching.
4. Section 02075 - Demolition & Construction of De gasifier & Chemical Scrubber Systems.
5. Division 16 - Electrical Requirements.
6. Section 11005 - Equipment: Basic Requirements.
7. Section 11060 - Pumping Equipment: Basic Requirements
8. Section 13441 - Control Loop Descriptions.
9. Section 15060 - Pipe and Pipe Fittings: Basic Requirements.
10. Section 15100 - Valves: Basic Requirements.
A. Reference Standards:
1. ASTM International (ASTM):
a. C581-03, Standard Practice for Determining Chemical Resistance of Thermosetting
Resins Used in G1ass-Fiber- Reinforced Structures Intended for Liquid Service.
b. C582-02, Standard Specification for Contact-Molded Reinforced Thermosetting Plastic
(RTP) Laminated for Corrosion Resistant Equipment.
c. D2584-08, Standard Test Method for Ignition Loss of Cured Reinforced Resin.
2. Uniform Building Code (UBC).
B. Secure and coordinate entire system including but not necessarily limited to metering pumps,
electric equipment, controls, hardware, valving, and piping through the metering pump
A. Chemical Metering Systems
I. The system manufacturer shall provide standard parts and labor warranty for the metering
pumps, controllers, and other system components. This warranty shall be in addition to and
not in lieu of any warranties provided by the manufacturer of the equipment itself.
2. The system manufacturer shall pass through any warranties from the equipment suppliers for
the pumps, controllers, and other system components manufactured by others.
A. System shall be supplied through a single source and include all components specified herein.
A. Shop Drawings:
I. See Section 11005.
2. Drawings and product data:
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NCRWTP Degasifier & Odor Control Expansion
t t926-1
a. See Section 11060.
b. Pump:
I) Chemical resistance data for materials used.
2) Complete performance information:
a) Capacity, operating range.
b) Pressure rating.
c) NPSH required.
d) Stroke speed. length.
e) Horsepower required.
f) Plunger diameter.
c. Control modes description.
d. Valves and piping see Division 15.
B. Operation and Maintenance Manuals.
I. See Section 01340.
A. Pumped Liquid:
Sodium Hvdroxide - 50% 1.12 68-85
Sodium Hypochlorite- 1.84 68-85
A. Subject to compliance with the Contract Documents the following manufacturers are acceptable:
1. Metering pumps and accessories:
a. Prominent.
b. Alldos.
c. Engineer approved equal.
B. Submit requests for substitution in accordance with Specification Section 01640.
A. The chemical metering systems shall be designed to safely feed metered amounts of all
chemicals as listed in paragraph].6 Job Conditions. of this Section. Each chemical metering
system shall include chemical metering pumps. accessories. controls and options as indicated in
the Design Summary portion of this Section. All equipment shall be of materials selected
specifically for use with all chemicals as listed in paragraph 1.6 Job Conditions. of this Section.
Collier County, Florida
NCR WTP Degasifier & Odor Control Expansion
A. Pump Performance and Design Requirements:
Sodium Hypochlorite Chemical Feed Pump
#Pu~ I
~in TaQ 14-P-05
Chemical Sodium ~ochlorite 12.5%
~Pu~ Mechanical Actuated Dia hra m
Separate Yes
Stroke Manual
Len th
Stroke Rate Manual or Automatic (Anal~ 4-20mA)
Pum\2 54.9
Pum\2 131
PiQing SCH-80 PVC
Qptions Analog Control; Pulse Control, Analog Output,
HOA Switch
Sodium Hydroxide Chemical Feed Pumps
System Odor Contro I l;t Odor Control 2'"
Stage Stage
#Pu~ I I
~iD TM. 9-P-1O 9-P-ll
Chemical Sodium Hydroxide 50%
~Pu~ Mechanical Actuated Dia hra m
fueparate Yes
Stroke Manual
Len th
Stroke Rate Manual or Automatic (Anal'll 4-20mA
Puml1 54.9 17
~GPH) 102
Puml1 131
Piping Sch 80- PVC
Qptions Analog Control; Pulse Control, Analog Output,
HOA Switch
B. Pump Fabrication:
I. Pump:
-'--, "." ., "1
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NCRWTP Degasifier & Odor Control Expansion
] t926.3
--- --_.. >.._"_.,,-,,,,,"'-'-'~~-"-", ------- --
a. Ball-check inlet and outlet valves.
h. Moving parts totally enclosed and self-lubricating.
c. Complete external control with 10: I minimum manual stroke adjustment, adjustable
while operating.
d. Capable of operating dry without damage to any component.
e. Repeatable accuracy: I percent of maximum output or better.
f. Nameplate with chemical. capacity (gph) and pressure (psi) ratings.
2. Drive:
a. Motors:
2) See Specification Section 11005.
b. Speed reducers permanently lubricated.
c. Hydraulic drives to automatically vent gases and relieve excess pressures.
3. Support:
a. Mount pump and drive on common support plates.
b. Fabricate to withstand all operating loads.
c. Provide anchorage of support.
4. Controls:
a. Motor drive:
I) See Divisions 13 and 16.
C. Spare Parts
I. Provide the following spare parts to the Owner for each chemical metering system. Spare
parts shall include all parts required for maintenance of all components of the chemical
metering system.
a. One (I) maintenance kit for each chemical metering pump. Maintenance kits shall
include but not be limited to diaphragm, check valve seats. gaskets and o-rings.
b. One (I) parts list for all serviceable components.
A. See Section 11005 and Division 15.
('oilier County. Florida
NCRWTP Degasificr & Odor Control Expansion
A. Section Includes:
I. Material, design and installation requirements for:
a. Lightning protection system.
B. Related Sections include but are not necessarily limited to:
1. Division 0 - Bidding Requirements, Contract Forms, and Conditions of the Contract.
2. Division 1 - General Requirements.
3. Section 16060 - Grounding.
4. Section 16130 - Raceways and Boxes.
A. Referenced Standards:
I. Lighting Protection Institute (LPI):
a. J 75, Standard of Practice.
b. 176, Lightning Protection System Material and Component Standard
c. 177, Inspection Guide for LPI Certified Systems
2. National Fire Protection Association (NFPA):
a. 780, Standard for the Installation of Lightning Protection Systems.
3. Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. (UL):
a. 96, Standard for Safety Lightning Protection Components
b. 96A, Standard for Safety Installation Requirements for Lightning Protection Systems.
A. Classification of Buildings per NFPA 780:
I. Class I: Any commercial, industrial, or residential building less than 75 FT in height.
2. Class 11: Any commercial, industrial, or residential building 75 FT or taller.
3. Heavy-duty stacks: Any smoke or vent stack with a flue cross-section area greater than 500
SQ IN and a stack height greater than 75 FT.
A. Contractor to provide the services of a Lightning Protection Institute (LPI) certified designer or
recognized lightning protection manufacturer for analysis and design of lightning protection
systems for areas of the plant as described in Part 3.1.
A. Shop Drawings:
I, See Section 01340 for requirements for the mechanics and administration of the submittal
2. Product technical data:
a. Provide submittal data for all products specified in PART 2 of this Specification.
b. Provide manufacturer's technical information on products to be used, including product
descriptive bulletin.
c. Include data sheets that include manufacturer's name and product model number.
Clearly identity all optional accessories.
d. Acknowledgement that products submitted are in compliance with LPI or UL.
e. Manufacturer's delivery, storage, handling and installation instructions.
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NCRWTP Dcgasifier & Odor Control Expansion
13101 - I
--- "".....----.--....,.-'.--,.
100 111
f. Equipment installation details.
3. Fabrication and/or layout drawings:
Layout drawings of the system design illustrating locations of components, air
terminals, fittings, connectors, grounding rods, and routing of conductors.
Copy of the designer's LPI certification.
Roof penetration detai Is.
Verification that the installation shall comply with the requirements of, and shall
qualify for the UL Master Label Certificate.
Copy of installed system test reports.
Manufacturer's and installer's standard v..,'arrantv.
8. Operation and Maintenance Manuals:
I. See Section 01340 for requirements for:
a. The mechanics and administration of submittal process.
b. The content of Operation and Maintenance Manuals.
2. Product data and layout drawings.
3. Requirements for, and frequency of. periodic inspections.
4. Manufacturer"s and installer's standard warranty.
c. Miscellaneous:
I. UL Master Label Certitlcate.
A. Subject to compliance with the Contract Documents, the following manufacturers are
I. A-C Lightning Security. Inc.
2. Harger Lightning Protection.
3. Heary Brothers.
4. National Lightning Protection (NLP).
5. Robbins Lightning Protection Company.
6. Thompson Lightning Protection. Inc.
B. Submit request for substitution in accordance with Specification Section 01640.
A. Standards: NFPA 780. lIL 96A.
B. Conductors:
I. Bare medium hard-drawn stranded copper or aluminum as required for the application.
2. All main down and connecting conductors shall bear the UL 96 Label A.
3. Grounding conductors to be bare copper.
C. Air Terminals:
I. Size of air terminals, main conductors and bonding conductors: In accordance with Tables
3-1.1 (a) and 3-I.I(b) ofNFPA 780. Sufficient length to extend a minimum 10 inches above
object being protected.
2. Material to be solid copper rods with tapered or blunt points as required for application.
3. UL 96 Label B applied to cach terminal.
D. Ground rods: In accordance with Section 16060.
E. Material for conductor fasteners, connector fittings, bonding fittings, conductor splicers and
thru-wall or thru-roof assemblies:
1. Cast bronze, brass or copper with bolt pressure connectors.
2. Cable fastener and accessories to be capable of withstanding a minimum pull of 100 pounds.
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NCR WTP Deg.asificr & Odor Control Fxpansion
l310l - 2
3. Fittings shall be heavy duty.
F. Material for bolts, nuts, and screws: Stainless steel.
G. Grounding Connections
I. All grounding connections, cable connections, and splices are to be exothermic weld
2. All fasteners shall be bolted clamp type with corrosion-resistant copper alloy.
3. All grounding connecting hardware to be silicone bronze.
4. All through-roof connectors are to be straight or right angle with bronze and lead seal
flashing washer.
H. Raceways: In accordance with Section 16130.
I. Tools, Supplies and Spare Parts
I. The lightning protection system shall be furnished with all special tools necessary to
disassemble, service, repair and adjust the lightning protection system and all spare parts as
recommended by the equipment manufacturer. The Contractor shall furnish the following
minimum spare parts for each lightning protection system:
No. Required Descriptions
2 Air Terminals
6 Point Tip Protectors
2, The spare parts shall be packed in containers suitable for long term storage, bearing labels
clearly designating the contents and the pieces of equipment for which they are intended.
3. Spare parts shall be delivered at the same time as the equipment to which they pertain. The
Contractor shall properly store and safeguard such spare parts until completion of the Work,
at which time they shall be delivered to the Owner.
4. Spare parts lists, included with the shop drawing submittal shall indicate specific sizes,
quantities, and part numbers of the items to be furnished. Terms such as "I lot of packing
material" are not acceptable.
5. Parts shall be completely identified with a numerical system to facilitate parts inventory
control and stocking. Each part shall be properly identified by a separate number. Those
parts which are identical for more than one size, shall have the same parts number.
laD MIl
A. General:
I. Design and installation standards: LPI175 and 176, NFPA 780, UL 96 and 96A.
2. Installation of bare copper materials on aluminum surfaces will not be permitted.
3. Roofpenetrations shall be limited but if required are to be provided with pitchpockets and
are to be waterproofed. All roof penetrations are to be provided with flashing.
4. All system components and material are to be installed in an inconspicuous manner so that
components blend with building aesthetics.
5. Verify conditions prior to installation to identify adjustments required in air terminals and
ground rod locations.
6. Install air terminals using braces or brackets. If parapet brackets are used, lag or expansion
bolts are to be utilized.
7. Secure all air terminal bases to roof surfice with adhesive or pitch compatible with roofing
8. Perimeter air terminals shall be spaced a maximum 20 feet apart with a maximum 2 feet
outside distance from the outside edge of the building.
9. Roofridge air terminals shall be spaced a maximum 01'20 feet and mid-roof terminals shall
be spaced a maximum spacing of 50 feet.
10. Provide blunt point air terminals for applications exposed to personnel.
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1310t .3
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II. Conductors shall be concealed where practical in exposed areas. Conductors shall be
installed in a I-inch PYC conduit in building walls or columns for main downleads and roof
] 2. Exposed conductors are to be supported eve!)' 3 feet in vertical installations and 4 feet in
horizontal installations.
13. Maximum bend of conductors to be 900 with a minimum 8-inch radius.
14. All air terminal conductors shall be installed on the structural roof surface before roofing
composition is applied.
15. Bond main conductor system to all roof mounted fans. air handlers, masts, handrails, and
other sizeable metal objects.
16. Bond each main down conductor to the grounding.
B. Structures and/or Buildings:
I. Provide a complete lightning protection system on the following:
a. Degasifier Blower Sound Enclosure.
b. Degasifier and supporting equipment and access points.
c. Degasifier fiberglass ducting
d. New train Odor Scruhber
e. The three existing Odor Scrubber Trains.
2. The protection system shall utilize Class I or Class II materials as defined by NFPA 780.
3. The system shall include:
3. Roof mounted air terminals.
b. Interconnecting conductors.
I) Steel roof beams and trusses may be utilized as the main and secondary
c. Downleads:
I) Conductors surface mounted inside conduits on exterior wall of the FRP
Oegasifiers and Chemical Scrubbers and structure/building.
2) Conductors encased in rigid non-metallic conduit concealed within the exterior
3) Metal structural steel members.
d. Ground terminations.
e. Bonding of other grounded structurelbuilding systems.
4. Connection to ground grid shall be made in accordance with Section 16060.
C. Stacks:
I. Provide a complete lightning protection system on the following:
a. Odor Scrubber exhaust stacks (new and existing).
7 The protection system shall utilize materials for heavy-duty stacks as defined by NFPA 780.
3. The system shall include:
a. Roof mounted air terminals.
b. Interconnecting conductors.
c. Downleads: Conductors surface mounted on exterior surface of the stack and protected
by rigid non-metallic conduit for a minimum of2 FT above and belo\\! grade.
d. Ground term inations.
e. Bonding of other grounded systems.
4. Connection to ground grid shall be made in accordance with Section] 6060.
5. Lightning protection components to have a corrosion protection coating of lead.
A. Installation shall be performed in accordance with UL and NFPA.
B. The completed installation shall qualifY for and receive the UL Master Certificate.
c. Provide a nameplate, attached to the structure, that includes the name and address of the
Contractor responsible for the installation of the lightning protection system.
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13101 - 4
D, Provide field testing as required. Isolate lightning protection system from other ground
conditions while performing tests.
E. Test report to include:
I. Description of equipment tested.
2. Description of test.
3. Test results
4. Conclusions and recommendations.
5, Test forms.
6. Identification oftest equipment used,
7. Signature of responsible test organization authority.
.., ~..,.;" ;1" 'I
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NCR WTP Degasifier & Odor Control Expansion
1310t - 5
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1 0 Dq~
A. Section Includes:
Metal building system:
a. Building system design.
b. Materials.
c. Fabrication.
d. Shipment.
e. Erection of building system.
Miscellaneous roof svstems as indicated.
a. Providing structural and miscellaneous traming for new penetrations being cut into
existing roofand wall systems.
b. Providing structural and miscellaneous framing to support new equipment being
installed on existing roofand \vall systems,
B. Related Sections include but are not necessarily' limited to:
I. Division 0 - Bidding Requirements. Contract Fomls, and Conditions of the Contract.
2. Division I - General Requirements.
3. Section 03308 - Concrete Materials and Proportioning.
4. Section 07900 - Joint Sealants.
5. Section 09520.- Metal Acoustical Wall and Ceiling Panels
6. Section 09905 - Painting and Protective Coatings.
7. Section 10200 - Louvers and Vents.
A. Referenced Standards:
I. Aluminum Association (AA):
a. 45, Designation System for Aluminum Finishes.
2. American Architectural Manufacturers Association (AAMA):
a. 621, VoluntaI)! Specifications for High Performance Organic Coatings on Coil Coated
Architectural Hot Dipped Galvanized (HDG) and Zinc-Aluminum Coated Steel
b. 2605. Voluntary Specification. Performance Requirements and Test Procedures for
Superior Performing Organic Coatings on Aluminum Extrusions and Panels.
3. American Institute of Steel Construction (AISC):
a. 303, Code of Standard Practice for Steel Buildings and Bridges (referred to herein as
AISC Code of Standard Practice).
4. ASTM International (ASTM):
a. A36, Standard Specification for Carbon Structural Steel.
A 173, Standard Specification for Zinc (Hot-Dip Galvanized) Coatings on Iron and Steel
b. A307, Standard Specification for Carbon Steel Bolts and Studs. 60,000 PSI Tensile
c. A325. Standard Specification for Structural Bolts. Steel, Heat Treated, 120/105 ksi
Minimum Tensile Strength.
75755-004 Collier County. Florida
NCR W I']l Degasifier & Odor Control rxpansion
d. A490, Standard Specification for Heat-Treated Steel Structural Bolts, 150 ksi Minimum
Tensile Strength.
A653, Standard Specification for Steel Sheet, Zinc-Coated (Galvanized) or Zinc-Iron
Alloy-Coated Galvannealed) by the Hot-Dip Process, Structural (Physical) Quality.
e. A 792, Standard Specification for General Requirements, Steel Sheet, Aluminum-Zinc
Alloy-Coated by the Hot-Dip Process.
B221, Standard Specification for Aluminum and Aluminum-Alloy Extruded Bars,
Rods, Wire, Shapes and Tubes.
C578, Standard Specification for Rigid, Cellular Polystyrene Thermal Insulation.
f. C991, Standard Specification for Flexible Glass Fiber Insulation for Metal Buildings.
g. E84, Standard Test Method for Surface Burning Characteristics of Building Materials.
5. American Welding Society (A WS).
6. FM Global (FM).
7. Metal Building Manufacturer's Association (MBMA):
a. Low Rise Building Systems Manual.
8. Research Council on Structural Connections (RCSC):
a. Specification for Structural Joints Using ASTM A325 or ASTM A490 Bolts, referred to
herein as Specification for Structural Joints.
9. Steel Door Institute (SOl):
a. 112, Zinc-Coated (GalvanizedlGalvannealed) Standard Steel Doors and Frames.
b. Steel Door InstitutelAmerican National Standards Institute (SDIIANSI):
c. A250.6, Hardware on Standard Steel Doors (Reinforcement - Application).
d. A250.8, Recommended Specifications for Standard Steel Doors and Frames.
10, Steel Structures Painting Council/NACE International (SSPC/NACE).
a. SP 6/NACE No.3, Commercial Blast Cleaning.
II. Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. (UL):
a. Building Materials Directory.
12. Building code:
a. Florida Building Code, 2004 with 2006 amendments, herein referred to as the Building
B. Qualifications:
1. Manufacturer's qualifications:
a. Manufacturer must be member in good standing of the MBMA.
b. Manufacturer must be an AISC Quality Certified Fabricator in the category of Metal
Building Systems (MB).
2. Erector qualification:
a. Erector (installer) must be approved in writing by metal building manufacturer.
b. Erector must have minimum of 10 years current experience in erection of similar
3. Manufacturer's Structural Engineer: Registered in the state where project is located.
4. Mock-Ups:
5. Miscellaneous:
A. Code:
I. The word "code" refers to Florida Building Code, 2004 with 2006 amendments.
B. Erector (installer):
I. Individual(s) actually performing work on site.
2. Erector and installer are synonymous.
3. Nomenclature as listed in Bibliography of the MBMA Low Rise Building Systems Manual.
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t3t2t - 2
-...---.--.-,,".--,-. ,,,.,
A. Building shall be insulated, rigid frame single slope type with vertical walls and single slope
type roof.
I. Provide full height insulated "sandwich" type wall panels and fulllenth insulaled
"sandwich" type ceiling panels.
2. Portal frames shall be provided in the side walls perpendicular to the rigid frame.
A. Shop Drawings:
1. See Section 01340 for requirements for the mechanics and administration of the submittal
2. Product technical data including:
a. Acknowledgement that products submitted meet requirements of standards referenced.
b. Manufacturer's technical reference manual containing all of the manufacturer's standard
construction details and specifications.
I) Manufacturer's erection manual containing all details and methods for installation
of building frame, roof system. wall system, and accessories.
2) Edit to mark out items not used for this installation.
c. Structural calculations stamped and signed by a professional Structural Engineer
licensed in the State of Florida.
1) Include list of design loads and loads transmitted to foundation through columns or
walls and location where loads occur.
2) Calculations shall be submitted for information only.
3. Fabrication drawings:
a. Erection drawings minimum scale: 1/8 IN -::;- 1 FT -0 IN.
b. Details and sections minimum scale: I-I n IN ~ I FT-O IN.
c. List of all design loads and combination ofloads.
d. Size and location of each component of the building.
I) Include clearance under structural framing members.
2) Include cross-section of components.
e. Fasteners and details offastcners connecting each component of the building.
f. Size, location and details of anchor bolts. hase plates. and all other components fastened
to the foundation.
g. Details of wall panels, roof panels, finishes. tlashings, closures, closure strips, trim,
gutters, downspouts, sealant. and all other miscellaneous components.
h. Letter stating product name or formulation and OFT of manufacturer's standard shop
applied primer paint coating.
B. Samples:
1. Metal color and finish samples of roof and wall panels. roof trim, wall trim, and interior
panel colors for Engineer's selection.
2. Color chart is not acceptable.
C. Miscellaneous Submittals:
1. Manufacturer's and Erector's Qualifications.
2. Manufacturer's approval of erector.
D. Operation and Maintenance Manuals:
1. See Section 0] 340 for requirements for:
a. The mechanics and administration of the submittal process.
b. The content of Operation and Maintenance Manuals.
A. Manufacturer's standard warranty.
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NCRWTP Degasifief & Odor Control Expansion
B. Manufacturer's 20 year warranty of factory applied premium paint finish against blistering,
chipping, cracking, peeling, or fading of exterior surface of wall and roof panels.
C. Manufacturer's]O year weathertightness warranty of roof assembly.
I. Warranty shall be calculated at $1.00 per SF of roof panel area over the life of the warranty.
D. Provide notice of any exceptions taken to warranties.
A. Subject to compliance with the Contract Documents, the following manufacturers are
I. Metal building systems:
a. Butler Building Systems.
b. Ceco Buildings Systems.
c. Steelox Building Systems.
d. American Buildings Co.
e. Chief Industries, Inc.
f. Star Building Systems.
2. Insulation:
a. Rigid extruded polystyrene board equal to:
]) Dow Chemical Company.
2) VC Industries.
3) Amoco Foam Products.
b. Rigid polyisocyanurate board equal to:
I) Celotex.
3. No like, equivalent or "or-equa'" item is permitted except as noted above.
B. Submit request for substitution in accordance with Specification Section 0]640.
A. Structural Members: Steel.
B. Anchor Bolts: ASTM A307 or ASTM A36 steel.
C. Fasteners:
I. Building frame, girts, and purlins: ASTM A325 or ASTM A307 bolts.
2. Roof and wall panels: Stainless steel.
3. Miscellaneous fasteners: Stainless steel.
D. Roof and Wall Panels: Galvanized Steel.
E. Insulation:
I. Wall: Rigid R-13 minimum.
2. Roof: Rigid R-]9 minimum.
F. Gutters and Downspouts: Same material as wall panels.
G. Grout: See Section 03308.
H. Closures: Neoprene.
I. Sealants: See Section 07900.
1. Trim: Same material as wall or roof panel.
A. Wall Interior and exterior surface Panel:
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I. Profile: Flat panel. Flushlflat concealed fastener panels.
2. Minimum 26 GA steel.
3. Galvalume or galvanized steel:
4. Finish: Manufacturer's standard 20 year finish.
B. Roof Panel:
1. Profile: Flat panel interior, standing seam concealed fastener exterior panels.
2. Minimum 74 GA steel.
3. Galvalume or galvanized steel:
4. Finish: Manufacturer's standard 20 year finish.
C. Metal Pedestrian Doors and Frames:
I. Fabrication: SOl/ANSI A250.S:
a. Exterior: Level 3 and physical performance level A, Model 2.
b. Insulated: Minimum RIO.
c. Galvannealed per ASTM A653, A60 and in accordance with SOl 112.
'). Sizes as indicated on the Drawings.
3. Glazed openings as indicated on the Drawings.
a. Prepare doors and frames for hardware in accordance with SDI/ANS] A250.6.
b. Refer to Section 08700 for hardware requirements.
c. Provide trim to cover all exposed areas of door frames to match with the wall panels.
D. Rigid Polystyrene Board Insulation:
I. Foamed, extruded:
a. ASTM C578, Type IV.
b. Compressive strength: 20 psi minimum.
c. Density: 1.6 pcfminimum.
d. Vapor transmission: 0.75 penn-IN maximum.
e. Water absorption: 0.3 percent maximum.
f. Thermal conductivity (k-value at 75 DegF): 0.20.
g. Integral high-density skin.
h. Provide insulation designed for intended use.
2. Rigid Polyisocyanurate Board Insulation:
a. Compressive strength: ')5 psi minimum.
b. Density: 2 pcfnominal.
c. Vapor transmission: 0.03 penn-IN maximum.
d. Water absorption: 0.3 percent maximum.
e. Thennal conductivity (k-Value at 75 DegF): 0.14.
f. Provide insulation designed for intended use.
3. Walls:
a. Provide all necessary' subframing to support wall openings for doors. louvers, pipe or
duct penetrations, etc.
]) Material gage to be determined by metal building manufacturer for size of opening.
b. Size and location of opening as shown on the Drawings.
c. Jamb, lintel and girts:
1) Steel:
a) Galvanized, ASTM A 123, Grade 85.
2) Metal building manufacturer responsible for providing correct size opening for
penetration scheduled. shown or specified.
d. Provide trim to cover all exposed areas of opening frames to match with the wall
4. Roofs:
a. Provide all necessary roof subframing to support roof mounted equipment and to frame
roof penetrations.
I) Material gage to be determined by metal building manufacturer for size of
equipment or opening.
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10n ,
b. Location of roof mounted equipment and/or roof or wall opening as shown on the
c. Purlins, angles, clips:
I) Steel:
a) Galvanized, ASTM A 123, Grade 85.
2) Metal building manufacturer responsible for providing correct size of opening for
penetration scheduled, shown or specified.
5. Gutters and Downspouts:
a. Size:
b. Provide minimum 4 x 4 IN gutter and minimum 3 x 5 IN downspout in manufacturer's
standard profile best suited for project or larger as required by code for ]ocal conditions.
c. Minimum 24 GA steel.
d. Corrosion protection treatment and final finish same as roof panels.
e. Expansion joints: 50 FT maximum spacing.
f. Locate/arrange downspouts to avoid drainage on sidewalks, landings, stoops,
driveways, etc, unless otherwise indicated.
g. Where Downspouts extend into underground stonn drainage piping system riser pipe,
extend minimum 4 IN.
E. Roof Penetration Flashing:
I. Flashing material: EPDM rubber boots and sheets with an aluminum sealing ring base.
2. Minimum projection above the weather surface of the roof: 8 IN.
3. Configuration of the flanges to match the roof panel.
A. Critical Dimensions:
1. Roof slope shall be as shown on the drawings.
2. Provide minimum clear inside dimensions as noted on the Drawings.
B. Enclosure Foundation:
1. All footings, foundations, anchor bolts and piers have been designed based on assumed
loadings and reactions.
a. Member sizes and geometry may vary depending on the building being supplied.
b. Do not construct these members until Engineer has verified design with approved Shop
Drawings of metal building being supplied.
C. Modifications.
I. Contractor is responsible for incorporating any necessary changes to foundations,
mechanical, or electrical systems or to any other building component.
a. Design changes must be approved by Engineer prior to constructing changed item or
2. Modifications shall be itemized in a separate attachment to the bid form and the bid price
shall include all modifications.
3. Completed building to be free of excessive noise from wind induced vibrations under
ordinary weather conditions to be encountered at location of erection, and meet all specified
design requirements listed below.
D. Roof Live Loads:
1. Roof panels:
a. 50 psfuniformly distributed live load.
b. 200 LB concentrated (point) live load (over a I x ] FT area) located at center of
maximum roofing (panel) span.
c. The most severe condition governs.
2. Roof framing members:
a. Per Building Code.
b. Roof framing members do not need to be designed for 50 psfuniform or 200 LB
concentrated live loads.
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3. The above loads are in addition to other applicable loads and shall be applied to the
horizontal projection of the roof.
E. Snow Loads:
l. Design structure for snow loading as set forth in the Building Code.
2. Project site conditions are as follows:
a. Basic ground snow: 0 psf.
F. Wind Loads:
1. Design structure for wind loading as set forth in the Building Code.
a. Project site conditions are as indicated on the Drawings.
b. Basic wind speed: 128 mph.
c. Site exposure: Class C.
d. Importance factor: 1.15.
c. Building frame and components shall be designed for the worst case of enclosed
buildings, partially enclosed building or open building to allow Owner the option of
adding or deleting openings in the future.
G. Seismic (Earthquake) Loads:
1. Design structure for seismic forces as set fCH1h in the Building Code.
a. Project site conditions are as indicated on the drawings.
H. Auxiliary Loads:
I. Other superimposed loads shall be considered as part of the design requirements and
combined with the normal design (dead, live, seismic and wind) loads as prescribed
a. Collateral sialic loads:
I) 10 psf.
') Magnitude and location of auxiliary loads as shown on Drawings and as specified.
a. Contractor to coordinate and verifY magnitude and location of auxiliary loads before
I. Combination of Loads:
I. The combining of dead, live, wind, seismic and auxiliary loads for design purposes shall be
set forth in the Building Code, unless otherwise specified.
2. Horizontal sway deflection of building due to combination of required design loads: lh"
3. Deflection ofpurlins and secondary members not to exceed L/180 of its span when
supporting applicable vertical live, dead, and auxiliary loads.
A. General:
1. Fabricate building structure, roof and wall panels. accessories and trim in accordance with
requirements of AISC and MBMA.
2. Provide all necessary clips, llashing angles, caps, channels, closures, bases and any other
miscellaneous trim required for complete water and airtight installation.
a. Provide a closure at of all corrugated components in addition to all other closure strips
I) Closure strips shall be formed to tit the corrugation and shall be securely supported
in place.
2) Closure strips shall tit between corrugated elements as required to completely
weatherproof the building from the exterior.
b. Provide llashing at all intersections of wall panels and roof panels, and above all
openings in wall and roof panels, in addition to all other flashing required.
I) Flashing shall be formed to completely contain water on the outside of the
building, and shall be watertight and securely fastened in place.
c. Provide sealant at all edges where metal panel trim or flashing is adjacent to the
foundation ofthe building in addition to all other calking required.
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I) Sealant material shall be securely adhered to the foundation and the metal paneJ1 0 D
trim or flashing. ~
3. At door openings, provide additional framing and fasteners as required to structurally
replace the wall panel and/or framing displaced.
4. Fabricate and prepare material for shipment knocked down.
5. Frame shall be factory punched to receive all fasteners.
6. Finishes:
a. Clean ferrous surfaces of oil, grease, loose rust, loose mill scale, and other foreign
I) All primary and secondary structural steel members, not noted as being galvanized,
shall be cleaned in accordance with SSPC SP 6/NACE No.3.
b. All structural components shall have primer paint coats applied in the shop and finish
coats applied in the shop.
I) Shop paint, prime and finish coats, all surfaces which will be inaccessible after
2) Paint in accordance with Section 09905.
3) Paint surfaces of all components not exposed to view.
4) Manufacturer's standard shop applied primer is not acceptable as substitute for
primer specified.
c. Wall and roof panels:
I) Exterior surface:
a) Thermosetting fluoropolymer resin enamel.
(I) Minimum 70 percent "KYNAR" resin.
b) Meet requirements of AAMA 621.
c) FM Class I rated.
d) Exposed screw heads shall match color of panel.
2) Interior surface:
a) Manufacturer's standard shop applied polyester coating.
B. Roof Panels:
]. 24 GA minimum, galvalume or galvanized.
2. Standing seam interlocking rib configuration.
3. Factory applied color coating.
4. Meet requirements of AAMA 62].
5. Length: Sufficient to cover entire length of any unbroken roof slope up to 40 FT.
6. Panel width: 3'-0".
7. Profile: Standing seam-panel or similar.
8. Panel depth: as required for "R" value and loads.
9. Concealed fasteners.
10. Color: To be selected from MFG. Standard colors.
C. Wall Panels:
1. 26 GA minimum, galvalume or galvanized.
2. Factory applied color coating.
3. Meet requirements of AAMA 671.
4. Length sufficient to cover entire height of any unbroken wall up to 40 FT.
5. Panel width: nominal 24" (minimum width) to 40".
6. Profile: Flush panel ("stiple" textured surface is acceptable)
7. Panel depth: As required for "R" value and loads.
8. Exposed fasteners.
9. Color: To be selected from MFG. Standard colors.
A. Testing:
]. Employ and pay for the services of a qualified independent testing agency to inspect and test
all structural steel work for compliance with Contract Documents.
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2. Independent testing agency shall have a minimum of five (5) years performing similar work
and shall be subject to Owner's approval.
B. Responsibilities of Testing Agency: ..
I. Inspect field welding in accordance with A WS Code, Section 6 including the following non-
destructive testing:
a. Visually inspect all welds.
b. Test 50 percent offull penetration welds and 10 percent oftillet welds with liquid dye
c. Test ;0 percent of full penetration welds with ultrasonic or radiographic testing.
2. Inspect high-strength bolting in accordance with the RCSC Specification for Structural
Joints, Section 9.
3. Inspect while work is in progress.
3. Inspect structural steel which has heen erected.
4. Prepare and submit test reports to Engineer.
3. Assist Engineer to determine corrective measures necessary for defective work.
A. Provide 4 OZ of touch up paint for each color provided on the building.
A. Install products in accordance with manufacturer's instructions.
I. Installed tolerances shall be in accordance with AISC Code of Standard Practice.
2. Install products straight without bowing, sagging, or warping.
3. Install all fasteners.
4. Install base plates on grout bed.
a. Grout bed to be I IN (hick unless noted otherwise on the Drawings.
B. Fasten roof panels to purlins or secondary support members in accordance with manufacturer's
C. Install wall and roof panels in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations.
I. Completely seal air tight around all building structural members and bracing members.
? Provide all closures. angles and gasketing required for complete weather tight installation.
D. Install wall panels to supporting structure with concealed fasteners.
E. Install door frames trim and other miscellaneous items in accordance with manufacturer's
instructions and details.
A. Touch up paint any scratched factory finished surfaces or remove and replace as directed by
B. Remove and replace any damaged wall or roof panels. frames. etc., as directed by Engineer.
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, .' :...~
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A. The work specified herein shall include design, furnishing and installing all equipment and materials necessary
to provide the Owner with one (I) completely operational Odor Control (chemical, or wet, scrubber) Systems.
The systems shall be a completely package one-stage absorption system. The Contractor shall be responsible
for providing complete Odor Control Chemical Scrubber Systems which shall include, but not limited to with
PVC/FRP vessels, demister, nozzles, internal media, chemical feed pumping system and control system,
recirculation pump, chemical pumps, cleaning pump, pipes, valves, ducting, dampers (manual/electrical
operators), hydrogen sulfide analyzers/recorders (inlet/outlet), NaOCI analyzers, pH and ORP probes and all
necessary accessories.
B. Two (I) one-stage odor control systems are required.
A. PS 15-69: National Bureau of standards Voluntary Product Standard "Custom contact molded Reinforced
Polyester Chemical Resistant Process Equipment".
B. ASTM D-883: "Definition of Terms Relating to Plastics"
C. ASTM D-2583: "Test for Indentation Hardness of Rigid Plastics by Means of Barco I 1m pressor."
D. ASTM D-2563: "Recommended Practice for Classifying Visual Defects in Glass Reinforced Plastic Laminate
Parts. "
E. ASTM D-4097-82: "Standard Specifications for Contact Molded Glass Fiber Reinforced Thermoset Resin
Chemical Resistant Tanks."
A. Section 0]340 - Submittal
B. Section 01650 - Testing and Start-up
C. Section] 1005 - Equipment: Basic Requirements
D. Section 11926 - Chemical Pumps for the Odor Control and Degasifier Units
E. Section I] 395 - FRP Centrifugal Fans
F. Division 13 -Instrumentation
G. Section 13505 - Degasifier Units
H. Section 152] 0 - FRP Ducts
I. Division] 6 - Electrical
A. The Contractor shall submit complete Shop Drawings for the Odor Control Chemical Scrubber Systems,
including all piping, ductwork, valves, and control as specified in Section 01340, Submittals.
B. Shop Drawings: The Contractor shall submit the following information for approval before equipment is
I. Drawings of system showing assemblies, arrangements, piping, electrical, mounting details, equipment
outline dimensions, fitting size and location, motor data, operating weights of all equipment and sufficient
information to allow the Engineer to check clearances, connections, and conformance with the
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2. Materials of construction of all equipment.
3. Manufacturer's catalog data, operating literature. Specifications, performance data, and calibration curves
for chemical recycle pumps, exhaust fan, and auxiliary components.
4. Complete instrumentation, control, logic and power wiring diagrams in sufficient detail to allow
installation of the instrumentation, controls, and electrical components.
5. Manuals: Furnish manufacturer's installation, operation and maintenance manuals, bulletins, and spare
parts lists.
C. Operation and Maintenance Manuals shall be submitted as specified in Section 01340, Submittals.
D. Field test results.
E. Manufacturers Certificate of Proper Installation and Operation.
F. Submit calculations for all pipe supports and concrete pier foundations associated with the equipment and FRP
ducting, see Section 2.11 Pipe Supports.
A. Manufacturer: The products furnished under this section shall be by a manufacturer who has been regularly
engaged in the design and manufacture of the equipment and who has a minimum of5 years experience in
design, fabrication and testing of odor control systems of the size, materials (PVC/FRP) and scope specified
herein, and shall show evidence of at least ten identical design installations in satisfactory operation in water or
wastewater treatment plant facilities for at least twelve months. Demonstrate to the satisfaction of the Engineer
that the quality is equal to equipment made by those manufacturers specifically named herein. Any
manufacturer whose main business is FRP manufacturing shall not be accepted as a supplier of the complete
B. Inspection and Testing Requirements: The Engineer reserves the right to reject delivery of any or all pieces of
equipment found, upon inspection. to have any or all of the following: blisters, chips, crazing, exposed glass,
cracks burned areas, dry spots, foreign matter, surface porosity. sharp discontinuity or entrapped air at the
surface of the laminate. Any item which does not satisfy the tolerances as below shall be rejected:
Defect Inside Surface Outside Surface
Blister None Max. dimensions: 1/4" diameter by 1/8" high; Max
density: I per sq. ft.; Min. separation: ')" apart
Chips None Max. dimension of break: 1/4" and thickness no greater
than 10% of wall thickness; Max. density: I per sq. fl.
Crazing None Max. length: 1/2"; Max. density: 5 per sq. fl.; Min.
separation: 2"
Cracks None None
Exposed Glass None None
Scratches None Max. length: I": Max. depth: 0.0]0"
Burned Areas None None
Surface Porosity None None
Foreign Matter None None
Sharp Discontinuity None None
Pits Max. 1/8 inches, dia. by 1/32 Max. 1/8" dia. by 1/16" deep; Max: 10 per sq. fl.
inches deep; Max: 10 per ft2
Dry Spot None J' ft
~ sq. m. per sq. .
Entrapped Air None at the surface 1/16 inches 1/8" and 4 per sq. in. or 1116" and] 0 per sq. in. within
and 10 per square in. max laminate
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C. The Engineer reserves the right to be present at the fabricators facility for visual inspection of equipment to be
D. Upon completion of the installation, cach piece of equipment and each system shall be tested for satisfacl~ D
operation without excessive noise, vibration, overheating, etc. Compliance shall be based on the equipment
manufacturer's specifications and all applicable costs and standards. All equipment must be adjusted and
checked for misalignment, clearances, supports, and adherence to safety standards.
E. The Contractor shall be responsible for the successful startup and testing of each odor control facility. The
Contractor shall provide all necessary facilities, manpower, chemicals, tools, instrumentation, and laboratory
testing services required during this phase of the work.
A. The odor control systems shall be as manufactured by Duall, a division of Met-Pro Corporation, or ]ndusco
Environmental Services, Inc.
A. All Odor Control Chemical Scrubber equipment shall be supplied by one manufacturer in order to achieve
standardization for appearance, testing of a complete system performance, operation, maintenance, spare parts
and service. It is the intent of this specification to obtain an installation complete in every necessary detail
whether or not covered by the specifications, and any omission of required equipment from the specifications
shall not relieve the manufacturer of its responsibility for the satisfactory installation and operation of all the
required equipment specified in these sections.
B. The Contractor shall provide one-stage odor control chemical scrubber systems specified which shall treat
hydrogen sulfide and carbon dioxide air generated from the degasifier units. Each system shall he designed for
continuous and automatic operation with automatic chemical injection and also be capable of manual
operation. The wet scrubber blowdown stream shall be discharged into a chemical drain. Access manways
shall be provided to allow access to the intemals of the scrubber. The scrubber system shall be designed to
withstand a temperature up to 1500F.
C. The Contractor shall have unit responsibility for coordination of all structures, metals, controls and piping with
all interrelated equipment as may be specified elsewhere in these documents to provide a complete and
operable system.
A. The odor control chemical scrubber systems shall be designed to remove carbon dioxide and hydrogen sulfide
from the air discharge stream from the degasifier units of a reverse osmosis (RO) process. The units shall
conform to the criteria presented in Table 13252-1
Table 13252-1
Odor Control (Wet Scrubber) System Design Criteria
RO Process
Number of units
Number of stages per unit
Tag Nos.
Tank Bottom Elevation, NVGD88
Ambient air temperature, degrees Fahrenheit
Relative humidity, %
Unit min. air flow rate, scfin
Unit max. air flow rate, scfm
14-0C-04A and -04B
Wet Scrubber Pack Column
Up to 100
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1.0 D ~
Table 13252-1
Odor Control (Wet Scrubber) System Design Criteria
RO Process
Air velocity (Vessel), fps
I" Stage, Chemical Addition
2"d Stage, Chemical Addition
Number of recirculation pumps per stage
Recirculation Pumping/TDH, gpm!l\
Pumping motor horsepower, hp
Hydrogen sulfide Loading, Ib/hr
Total Minimum HzS removal efficiency @ 900F water
temperature and @ 900F air temperatures, %
I st Stage, NaOH react with HzS, %
2"d Stage, NaOH and NaOCI react with H,S, %
Pressure drop range through vessel, inches W.e.
Minimum packing depth, ft.
Packing Diameter, inches
Demister Packing Diameter, inches
Minimum Demister Packing Depth, inches
Water sump height, inches
Sprayer diameter, inches
Minimum number spray headers
Spray headers diameter, inches
Number of spray nozzles
Maximum vessel pressure drop, inches w.c.
Spray Header Diameter, inches
Header Discharge Orifices Diameter, inches
Vessel Diameter, ft.
Air/Water Ratio, scfm/cfm
PVC overlaid with FRP
Exhaust Stack -
I've overlaid with FRP
Exterior Coating
Packing -
Liquid Distribution
Spray system
Recirculation pump suction
and discharge piping
Chemical recycle piping,
make-up water and drain
White Parafinated \\.'/ UV screener
Polyethylene, random, Jaeger Tri-I'ak.
Schedule SO PVC
Schedule SO PVC
Schedule SO I've
Schedule SO PVC
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] 32.'i2-4
, l/'J
-, '-
, ,
piping, and blow down
Demister -
Polyethylene, random Jaeger tri-pack
Polypropylene Gratings, PVC Support Rings, PVC I Beams,
PVC Pipe Stands
Stainless steel, Type 316 hardware over PVC/FRP
Gaskets -
Packing Supports
Flange & Anchor Bolts -
External Hardware
Internal Hardware
316 Stainless Steel
A. Vessels shall be fabricated from a composite material consisting of a polyvinyl chloride (PVC) vessel overlaid
with fiber-reinforced plastic (FRP). The PVC inner vessel thickness shall be no less than 1/4-inch to avoid
inducing structural stresses. Minimum thickness of the overlay shall be that created by application of3 layers
of 1- ]/2 ounce chopped strand glass mat; with greater thickness as required to satisty structural requirements of
the application. Chopper gun application of]aminate is permitted.
B. Vessels shall be fully constructed from rigid PVC sheet. PVC material shall conform to ASTM D 1784-69. It
shall be hot gas welded at all seals and joints. Welds in areas subject to hydrostatic pressure shall be tested by
non-destructive spark test, and weld integrity shall be demonstrated before application of the FRP overlay.
C. Prior to application of the FRP overlay, the PVC surface shall be prepared as follows:
I. Fill all joints, seams, and connections with polyester paste in order to produce a smoother surface profile.
2. Remove oils or parting agents from the surface of the PVC, and then mechanically roughen the exterior
3. Apply conductive tape to joints in sump area (2" above overflow) to enable spark testing prior to and/or
after overlay.
D. Fiberglass shall be applied by hand lay-up or chopped spray techniques in accordance with Voluntary Product
Standard PS 15-69. The resin shall be isophthalic resin such as Aropol 7242, or equal. ]f fire retardancy is
required the resin shall be Hetron 99P with 3% antimony trioxide or equal. A pigmented exterior topcoat
containing UV inhibitors and sufficient paraffin wax to give an air inhibited cure is required. This exterior
topcoat must not soften or become tacky when subjected to an acetone sensitivity test as described in
ASME/ANSI RTP-] -1989. Surface hardness shall be determined in accordance with ASTM D 2583. Random
Barcol hardness test will be taken and 80% of the readings shall exceed 90% of the manufacturer's published
minimum cured hardness value. Failure to meet these tests shall be considered a non-conformance and
corrections must be made by the fabricator.
A. FRP, vertical, round vessels shall be suitable for installation in an outdoor environment with climate conditions
encountered in South Florida. Each vessel shall have a diameter and height (straight shell) and minimum
capacities as specified herein with a flat bottom and dished or conical top (head).
B. The laminate shall have % of the required thickness applied as straight resin with no fillers with the final
balance of laminate 1/4 to incorporate an opaque pigmented gel filler to totally block all sunlight penetration.
e. FRP vessels shall be manufactured in accordance with ASTM Designation D3299, "Fi]ament-Wound Glass
Fiber Reinforced Polyester Chemical Resistant Vessels" and in accordance with the supplementary
requirements given below.
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;" '-~ 'IV
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I. Resin:
a. Resin to be used shall be Hetron 922 or Hetron FR, or approved equal. Only one resin shall be
used throughout the entire vessel. Dual resins will not be acceptable.
b. Resin shall not contain any pigments. dyes or colorants which may interfere with visual inspection
oflaminate quality.
c. A 100 to ]20 mil internal corrosion barrier shall be provided, and shall be composed ofa nexus veil
liner, or similar type of materiaL uniformly wetted with resin to a resin rich thickness of20 mils and an
inner laminate that consists of randomly chopped glass wetter with resin to a resin rich thickness of80
to 100 mils.
2. Exterior Surfacing Materials:
a. Unless otherwise specified, the surfacing materials shall be white gel coat with type "c" glass
surfacing veil.
b. Ultraviolet stabilizers shall be added to pigmented resin for all vessel.
c. Color of exterior surface is to be white.
d. Vessel shall not be transported until resin is completely cured.
3. Properties - Filament Wound Laminates:
a. The vessel Manufacturer shall furnish, upon request, copies of test reports showing the Tensile
Modulus of Elasticity for each laminate thickness and laminate construction used in fabrication of the
filament wound portion ofthe vessel. The Tensile Modulus of Elasticity shall not exceed 5,250,000
4. Wall Thickness:
a. The minimum total laminate thickness of the filament wound shell shall be as specified in ASTM
b. Minimum wall thickness of vertical cylindrical vessel shall or vessel heads for contact molded
construction shall be as specified in Table 7 of PS 15-69.
5. Surface Cure:
a. All surfaces shall be finished so as to obtain complete cure of the resin without air inhibition. For
surfaces which are not mold surfaces this can be achieved by coating the exposed surface after cure
with a paraffin containing resin or by covering the wet surface with a film prior to cure. Acetone
sensitivity on any surface will be considered evidence of unsatisfactory cure. Surface cure shall be
determined by means of the Barcol Hardness Test for the resin used.
6. Heads:
a. The top heads of vertical tanks shall be convex or conical unless otherwise specified. Bottom heads
of tanks may be built integral with tank shells or may be molded with skirts and subsequently joined to
the shells. The knuckle radius at the junction of heads to shell shall be a minimum of].O inch.
b. For integral heads, individual layers of the tank bottom reinforcement shall be extended up the
sidewall of the tank. This extension shall be covered by a con'esponding layer of shell reinforcement.
The wall thickness in the bottom corner area shall equal at least the total of the bottom thickness of the
shell thickness unless othef\\,'ise justified by stress analysis.
7. Top and Bottom Heads - Knuckle Radius:
a. The knuckle radius shall be a minimum of one (1.0) inch.
A. The loading conditions for the design of the air stripper and attachment to the concrete slab shall include, but
not be limited to, a roof load of20 pounds per square foot, materials dead loads, forces imposed by the liquid
splashing downward, forces imposed by the air moving upward, an external horizontal load imposed by a 128
mph wind (per FBC requirements), and design odor control vessels to supports connecting ductwork.
B. The odor control (air stripping) vessels shall be round in cross section with a top air outlet and dome cover.
C. All vessel internal components, except the media, shall be factory installed.
D. The vessel base shall be flat and shall contain the necessary lugs for anchoring to the concrete base. The base
shall include odor control vessel recirculation pump feed outlet drain outlet as shown on the drawings.
E. The minimum wall thickness shall be 1/4 inch. Maximum y.,,'all deflection under any combination of loading
conditions shall not exceed 1/360.
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F. The odor control (air stripping) vessel shall be fitted with the following minimum number and types of nozzles
as listed Table ]3505-2:
Table 13505-2
Nozzle Schedule
Sump Access Hatch
Packing Removal Door
30" Clear PVC w/
Opaque Cover
20" x 34" Clear PVC w/
Opaque Cover
2 @ 20" x 34" Opaque
24" Opaque PVC
24" Clear PVC w/
Opaque Cover
Flat Flange
Flat Flange
Packing Fill Access Door
Flat Flange
Spray Header Manway Diameter
Mist Eliminator Access Door
Flat Flange
Flat Flange
Sump Drain Diameter
Cleaning System Spray Header
Spray Header, Diameter
Pump Suction Connection, Diameter
Pressure Taps, Diameter
2@ 1/2"
Pressure Differential Gauge
Mounting Plate
pH Probe, Diameter both I" and 2"
ORP, Diameter]"' stage only
Water, Diameter
Gusseted 150# Flange
Gusseted 150# Flange
Gusseted 150# Flange
Gusseted 150# Flange
NPT HalfCoup]ing w/
]nternal down
Mounting Plate
Gusseted] 50# Flange
NaOH both stages, Diameter
Gusseted 150# Flange
NPT Half Coupling w/
Internal down
NPT Half Coupling w/
Internal down
NPT Half Coupling w/
Internal down
NPT Half Coupling
NaOCI 2" stage, Diameter
H2S Probes, Diameter on inlet and
Level switch
Slanted nozzle for dry chemical
Spare on sump 3" Gusseted 150# Flange
G. Flange nozzle shall have gusset supports and shall be designed for a minimum torque of2,000 foot-pounds and
a minimum bending moment of 1,500 foot-pounds. Nozz]e construction shall be Schedule SO PVC pipe with
FRP reinforcement and flanges. Flange shall be 2-inch minimum size. Flange dimensions shall conform to
ANSI BI6.5, Class 150. Voluntary product standard ofPS 15-69 shall be used for 50 psi for piping
connections and duct dimensions for manways and dueting.
Gusseted] 50# Flange
Gusseted] 50# Flange
H. Cleaning (Wash) System: A liquid distributor with nozzles shall be provided to spray cleaning solution over
mist eliminator packing and scrubbing packing to wash and clean packing. Piping and valving shall be
provided to use the recirculation pumps to cleaning solution from the sump to above mist eliminator packing to
wash and clean packing systems.
I. A high efficiency, mist eliminator shall be provided at the discharge of the system. The mist eliminator shall
remove 99% of all mist particles 40 microns and larger and 90% of all mist particles 10 microns and larger.
1. Neoprene Pad: A 1/4" thick, 60 durometer neoprene rubber sheet must be placed underneath the odor control
scrubber vessels.
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NCRWTP Oegasiticr & Odor Control Expansion
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K. Piping: All chemical recycle piping, make-up water and drain piping, and blowdown piping shall be SCH SO
A. Each stage shall have two recirculation pumps with alternating service. chemical recycle piping and valving,
make-up water and drain piping, and blowdown. Chemical feed pumps will be supplied as specified in
Section 11926 entitled Chemical Feed: Liquid Systems.
B. Pump shall be end-suction, vertical, center-line, and self-venting designed in accordance with ANSI/ASME
B73.1 M standards for chemical process pumps. Pump construction shall permit external adjustment ofthe
impeller to maintain operating clearances without disassembly of pump or piping. Pump shall be of back
pullout design to permit ease of maintenance. All pump components in contact with the fluid shall be ofa
corrosion resistant, non-metallic thennoset construction for optimal strength and corrosion resistance. Pump to
be Fybroc Series 1500 or approved cqual. Maximum pump RPM shall be 1,200 capable of producing 450
GPM @ 60 ft TDH.
C. Casing shall be of one-piece construction \-vith integral nat face flanges dimensioned according to
ASME/ ANSI B 16.5 Class 150. Stainless steel threaded inserts may be utilized on 6-inch and largcr flanges,
but permanently imbedded studs are not permitted. Casings on high radial load pumps shall be dual volute in
order to reduce radial thrust loads to meet ANSI shaft deflection limits. Casings shall be constructed of
fiberglass-reinforced Derakane vinyl ester resin. utilizing continuous-strand tiberglass reinforcement for
maximum strength and minimal fillers for optimum corrosion resistance.
D. Impeller shall be semi-open type with both pump-out vanes and balance holes to minimize axial unbalance and
lower stuffing box pressure. Impeller shall be molded with a low-stress threaded Alloy 20 insert, threaded
against rotation, lor drive by a stainless steel shaft with full metal-to-metal contact. The shaft sleeve shall be
integral with the impeller to eliminate the potential of damaging leakage past shaft sleeve O-rings and prevent
process fluid from coming in contact with shaft. Impeller with sleeve shall be constructed of fiberglass-
reinforced Derakane vinyl ester resin. utilizing continuous-strand fiberglass reinforcement for maximum
strength and minimal fillers for optimum corrosion resistance.
E. Cover shall be constructed of the same materials as the casing and impeller with threaded stainless steel inserts
for gland bolting; permanently imbedded studs are no1 pcrnlitted. Cover shall be suitable for use with most
single outside or double inside mechanical seals \\'ithout modifications. Casing and cover shall be held
together utilizing stainless steel through-bolts and sealed with an axially-clamped Vi ton O-ring. When
internally flushed single seals arc utilized, the cover shall be drilled to provide flush liquid to the mechanical
seal. Hazardous external tubing is not pennitted.
F. Mechanical seal shall be John Crane type 6S0, constructed with silicon carbide faces, alloy 20 metal parts and
Viton secondary seals. Seals shall be provided with internal cover flush.
G. Gland shall be constructed of fiberglass-reinforced vinyl ester resin. tapped for external flush provision.
Glands for double mechanical seals shall be furnished with two taps for in and out connections plus a third tap
aligned with drive collar set screws to facilita1e assembly. Glands shall be sealed with Viton gaskets or 0-
H. Pump shaft shall be constructed of303 stainless steel for corrosion resistance and sized for minimum shaft
deflection in accordance with ANSI/ASME B73.IM standards.
I. Bearings shall be greased for life and designed for a minimum L-IO life of two years. All bearing frame
hardware to be 303 stainless steel. External cast iron bearing frame components shall be protected from
corrosion by a two-part cross-linked epoxy coating system with appropriate epoxy primer - Ameron 370/400
or equal. Bearing isolators shall be labyrinth Inpro/Seal VBX-S type or cqual.
J. Base plates shall be ANSI dimensioned with a sloped center collection drain under the pump with tapped drain
hole, and suitable for grouting, with a grout hole in the center of the base. Baseplates shall be constructed in
fiberglass-reinforced Derakane vinyl ester resin utilizing continuous-strand reinforcement for maximum
strength and stiffness. Baseplate wall thickness shall be sufticient to permit drilling and tapping the fiberglass
for pump and motor mounting bolts; corrosion-vulnerable metal inserts or stiffening plates are not permitted.
K. Couplings shall he flexible spacer type to permit disassembly and inspection without disturbing the pump
piping. driver or alignment. Coupling guards shall he designed to meet OSHA requirements.
('oilier ('ounl\. Honda
NCR Vo,'TP Dcgasifier & Odor Conlrol Fxpansion
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L. All of the above pump motors are to be TEFC, premium efficient, 460 volt, 3 phase, 60 Hz, and 1.15 service
;- .'.:~
A. General: See Division 13 for general instrumentation and control requirements. All instrumentation, control,
and electrical components provided under this section, including panel fabrication and color coding oflights
and switches, shall comply with the requirements of Division 13.
B. Panels: Provide the following pane]:
I. Tag Number:
a. 14-CP-04
2. Quantity:] .
3. Enclosure Rating: NEMA 4X.
4. Control panel shall be affixed with a UL50SA label.
5. Enclosure Material: per 1344S.
6. Power Requirements: 4S0 Vac, 3-phase, 60 Hz.
7. Operator Controls and Indications:
a. System ON status light
b. Low level light, Stage I sump and Stage 2 sump
c. Stage I pH controller
d. On/Off switch, Stage I and 2 Recirculation Pumps (four total)
e. Stage] and 2 ph instrument and controller
f. Stage 2 ORP instrument and controller
g. Stage I pH out of range indicating light
h. Stage 2 pH out of range indicating light
i. Stage 2 ORP out of range indicating light
j. High H,S Gas level light
k. Push Buttons to Stop/Start Chemical Feed pumps
I. Stage I make up water valve open indicating light
m. Stage 2 make up water valve open indicating light
n. Open/Close/Auto Selectiors for Stage] and 2 make up water valves
o. Alarm Silence push button
p. Alarm Reset pushbutton
q. External Interfaces: Provide the following external interfaces with the Plant SCADA System:
r. Discrete Outputs:
I) Abnormal Level Alarm
2) Abnormal pH Alarm
3) Stage I Recirculation Pump No. I Running
4) Stage I Recirculation Pump No.2 Running
5) Stage 2 Recirculation Pump No. I Running
6) Stage 2 Recirculation Pump NO.2 Running
s. Analog Inputs:
I) None
t. Analog Outputs:
I) Stage 1 pH
2) Stage 2 pH
3) Stage 2 ORP
4) Stage 2 H,S
u. Functional Requirements:
I) Provide system master Hand/Auto switch
e. Measure and control pH in Stage I sump. Provide independent pH feedback controller for sump. The
controlled elements shall be the NaOH Feed Pumps.
D. Measure and control ORP in the Stage 2 sump. Provide an ORP controller with the controlled element being
the Hypochlorite Feed Pump.
E. On falling low level in each chemical storage tank, stop the associated chemical metering pump.
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NCR WTP Degasifier & Odor Control Expansion
F. Low water level in Stage I sump. Activate solenoid valve on water line. (What about stage 2 sump level?)
G. On falling low level in each chemical sump, stop the associated recirculation pump.
H. Special Requirements:
I. For each odor control system:
a. Within the control panel. provide a surge suppressor on the incoming power supply.
b. Provide three feedback analyzer/controllers with sensors.
c. Provide adjustable speed drives for each of the three chemical metering pumps.
A. Make-up Water systems shall he provided for each stage of the odor control system.
I. Continues feed System: The direct reading rotameter shall be a variable area type with a Teflon float, EPR
"0" rings, and PVC fittings. Size and flow rate shall be design by the odor control manufacturer. The
rotameter shall be oCthe same size as the pipe in which it is installed. The rotameter shall have a direct
reading scale UV resistant.
2. Level Activated System: Float level shall ac1ivate a solenoid valve when the liquid level in the sump reach
a manufacturer determine level. The solenoid valve shall he manufactured by Hayward, CPVC, 100%
duty cycle, and Nema IV.
B. Scrubber Recirculation Sump Blowdown and Level Controls: The scrubber shall be operated with a manual
blowdown. The rate of blow down shall be controlled by overflow to the scrubber tower drain line proportional
to the makeup wa1er added.
C. Differential Pressure Gauges: Two magnehelic type pressure gauges shall be provided to monitor pressure
drop across the scrubber and the mist eliminator. Transparent overlays will be included.
D. Pressure Gauges: A pressure gauge complete with all plastic activator/isolator shall be provided for
installation in the pump discharge piping. The gauge shall have a minimum dial size of3~2 inches, indicate the
units of measurement on the dial face, and be complete with isolation valve. The gauge range shall be such
that the nonnal operating reading shal1 be near the midpoint of the range.
A. Provide local control panel with 4S0V to II OV voltage transformer and motor starter for pumps. Provide fuse
protection for all motor circuits. Provide two spare fuses of each size and type. A single 4S0V, 3 phase power
shall be provided to the local control panel.
B. Incoming power circuit shall be protected by a thennal magnetic circuit breaker. Limit load to maximum of 80
percent of circuit breaker rating.
A. All chemical piping, recirculation piping, make-up water piping and drain piping, and blowdown piping shall
be SCH SO PVC with carbon black. All recirculation piping shall be flanged.
8. All chemical valving, recirculation valving, make-up water valving, drain valving and blowdown valving shall
be PVC with carbon black and all seats and seals shall he Vi10n seats.
e. All Ball Valves shall be PVC with carbon black (vented ball for NaOCl units only) and true union. All
gaskets, seals, o-rings, & seats shall be viton.
D. All cleaner and glue shall be industrial grade, pressure rated, silica free and approved for use with NaOCI and
A. The air stripper and odor control Supplier shall furnish and install pipe supports for the all piping to degasifier
(air stripping) units as shown on the drawings. The support designs shall be suitable for the loads imposed.
The Supplier shall be responsible for submitting calculations, signed and sealed by a Professional Engineer
registered in the State of Florida, verifYing the suitability of the proposed supports and compliance with all
applicable regulatory requirements.
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NCR WTP Degasifier & Odor Control Expansion
B. Structural supports and their foundations shown in the Contract Documents for FRP ducting, equipment, and
appurtenances <referred to as assemblies) are conceptual in nature and shall be reviewed by the Contractor and
supplier of the FRP assemblies relative to location and support details. The Contractor shall retain a
Professional Engineer registered in the State of Florida to certifY the design of all supports for FRP assemblies,
including foundations, connections, coordination of supports/foundations with existing construction, and
design for both gravity and latera] loadings as would be appropriate
A. The scrubber system shall be provided with two Lamote NaOCI analysis kits, one for 0 to I % and one for] to
] 5%, to analyze scrubber sump and NaOCI storage.
A. Provide the following spare parts for each unit:
1 sets Each type and size Ball valve
I set Solenoid valves
] set Spray nozzles
] set Seals, gaskets
I set Pressure gauges
I set Clear rnanway covers
I set Fuses
B. Pack spare parts in a wooden box; label with the manufacturer's name and local representative's name, address,
and telephone number; and attach list of materials contained therein.
A. All piping shall have colored code labels, flow arrows and descriptive naming.
B. All vessel shall have descriptive naming
A. Start-up: The services of a factory representative shall be provided as specified to ensure proper installation
and start-up of each scrubber system.
B. Air Flow Flows:
]. The Contractor shall be responsible for measuring the air flow to each scrubber prior to testing scrubber
systems. Contractor shall provide all testing equipment and connections.
a. Air volume and velocity data shall be performed per SMACNA, recorded and submitted to the
Engineer. Air volumes and velocities shall be determined and tabulated at each air pickup. Contractor
shall provide all air flow measurement equipment, ports and appurtenances needed for balancing each
odor control system.
b. I f air volume and velocity data does not meet specification requirements. Perfonnance testing shall
not proceed until fans are adjusted by Contractor air volume and velocity meet specifications.
2. Performance Test Procedures: - The performance test on each system shall be conducted at such time as
all anticipated odorous air streams are present in the scrubber inlet. The time of the tests and detailed test
procedure shall be submitted for approval prior to the testing period. In the event hydrogen sulfide levels
are below anticipated levels, Contractor shall augment hydrogen sulfide levels in the influent air stream so
hydrogen sulfide is within + 2 ppmv of design level. Contract shall provide all connections and tie-ins for
supplementing influent air stream. The connections shall capped/plugged with removal cap or plug after
the testing.
Collier County, Florida
NCRWTP Dcgasifier & Odor Control Expansion
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a. During testing, chemical feed. scrubber overflow, recirculation and scrubber air flow rates shall by
held constant. Changes in scrubber system operating conditions shall not be permitted. All fine-tuning
of operating conditions shall be performed prior to testing.
b. Design operating conditions shall be maintained for a minimum of 96 hours. During this time, all
pertinent operating parameters shall be monitored and recorded, sufficient sampling and analysis shall
be conducted to demonstrate that flow rates. temperatures and solution concentrations are at design
c. Hydrogen sulfide concentration shall be measured in each scrubber inlet and outlet. As a minimum,
the test shall be conducted for I hour at the average H,S level, I hour at the peak H,S level, and the
balance of hours on actual plant odor conditions. Inlet and outlet levels shall be measured once every
30 minutes using a portable H:>S analyzer such as Interscan, Jerome or equal.
d. Results: A description of the performance tests shall be submitted. The hydrogen sulfide compound
removal efficiency shall be as specified in the design and performance requirements. Should scrubber
system performance not meet any of the above requirements, that system shall have failed the
performance tests. The Contractor shall make any additions or modifications to that scrubber system
as may be necessary, at no additional cost to the Owner, and the performance tests for that system shall
be repeated in its entirety.
A. All start-up and testing chemicals and supplemental gases shall be provided by the Owner.
B. Chemical storage tanks for the odor control system shall be tilled with proper chemicals.
A. General: as specitied in Section 01650 System Start-Up.
B. Provide manufacturers representative for seven days of service including four (4) days for installation
inspection, startup and testing of each system and ") days for operation/maintenance training.
C. Provide manufacturer's Certificate of Proper Installation and Operation of each odor control system.
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NCR \VTI' Degasifier & Odor Control rxpansion
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A. Section Includes:
1. Basic requirements for complete instrumentation system for process control.
B. Related Specification Sections include but are not necessarily limited to:
I. Division 0 - Bidding Requirements, Contract Forms, and Conditions of the Contract.
2. Division] - General Requirements.
3. Section ]0400 - Identification Devices.
4. Section 13448 - Control Panels and Enclosures.
5. Division 16 - Electrical.
A. Referenced Standards:
I. Canadian Standards Association (CSA).
2. FM Global (FM).
3. The ]nternational Society of Automation (ISA):
a. 7.0.0 I, Quality Standard for Instrument Air.
b. S5.1, Instrumentation Symbols and Identification.
c. S5.3, Graphic Symbols for Distributed Control/Shared Display Instrumentation, Logic
and Computer Systems.
d. S5.4, Standard Instrument Loop Diagrams.
e. S20, Standard Specification Forms for Process Measurement and Control Instruments,
Primary Elements and Control Valves.
4. National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA):
a. 250, Enclosures for Electrical Equipment (1000 Volts Maximum).
5. National Fire Protection Association (NFPA):
a. 70, National Electrical Code (NEC).
6. National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST).
B. Qualifications:
1. Instrumentation subcontractor:
a. Experience:
1) Have satisfactorily provided a control system for a minimum of five (5) projects of
similar magnitude and function.
e. Miscellaneous:
]. Comply with electrical classifications and NEMA enclosure types shown on Drawings.
A. Architecturally finished area: Offices, laboratories, conference rooms, restrooms, corridors and
other similar occupied spaces.
B. Non-architecturally Finished Area: Pump, chemical, mechanical, electrical rooms and other
similar process type rooms.
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NCR WTP Degasifier & Odor Control Expansion
13440 - 1
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C. Highly Corrosive and Corrosive Areas: Rooms or areas identified on the Drawings where there
is a varying degree of spillage or splashing of corrosive materials such as water, wastewater or
chemical solutions; or chronic exposure to corrosive, caustic or acidic agents, chemicals,
chemical fumes or chemical mixtures.
D. Outdoor Area: Exterior locations where the equipment is nonnally exposed to the weather and
including below grade structures, such as vaults, manholes, handholes and in-ground pump
E. Instrument Air Header: The segment of air supply piping and tubing which transports air from
the compressed instrument air source through the branch isolation valve of any takeoff (branch)
F. Branch Line: The segment of air supply piping and tubing which transports air from the outlet
of the air header branch isolation valve through an air user's isolation valve.
G. Calibrate: To standardize a device so that it provides a specified response to known inputs.
A. Control System Requirements:
1. This Specification Section provides the general requirements for the instrument and control
2. The instrument and control system consists of all primary elements, transmitters, switches,
controllers, computers. recorders, indicators, panels, signal converters, signal boosters,
amplifiers, special power supplies, special or shielded cable, special grounding or isolation.
auxiliaries, software, wiring, and other devices required to provide complete control ofthe
plant as specified in the Contract Documents.
B. All signals shall be directly linearly proportional to measured variable unless specifically noted
C. Single Instrumentation Subcontractor:
1. Furnish and coordinate instrumentation system through a single instrumentation
a. The instrumentation subcontractor shall be responsible for functional operations of all
systems, performance of control system engineering, supervision of installation, final
connections, calibrations. preparatioll of Drawings and Operation and Maintenance
Manuals, start-up, training, demonstration of substantial completion and all other
aspects of the control system.
2. Ensure coordination of instrumentation \vith other \\iork to ensure that necessary wiring,
conduits, contacts. relays. converters, and illcidentals are provided in order to transmit,
receive, and control necessary signals to other control elements. to control panels. and to
receiving stations.
A. Shop Drawings:
1. See Specification Section 01340 for requirements for the mechanics and administration of
the submittal process.
2. Submittals shall be original printed material or clear unblemished photocopies of original
printed material.
a. Facsimile information is not acceptable.
3. Limit the scope of each submittal to one (I) Specification Section.
a. Each submittal must be submitted under the Specification Section containing
requirements of submittal contents.
b. Do not provide any submittals for Specification Section 13440.
4. Product technical data including:
a. Equipment catalog cut sheets.
b. Instrument data sheets:
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NeRVI/ I'P Degasilier & Odor Control Expansion
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I) ISA S20 or approved equal.
2) Separate data sheet for each instrument.
c. Materials of construction.
d. Minimum and maximum flow ranges.
e. Pressure loss curves.
f. Physical Jimits of components including temperature and pressure limits.
g. Size and weight.
h. Electrical power requirements and wiring diagrams.
i. NEMA rating ofhousings.
j. Submittals shall be marked with arrows to show exact features to be provided.
5. Loop diagrams per ISA S5.4 as specified in Specification Section 13448.
6. Comprehensive set of wiring diagrams as specified in Specification Section 13448.
7. Panel fabrication drawings as specified in Specification Section 13448.
8. SCADA equipment drawings.
9. HM] graphics.
10. Nameplate layout drawings.
11. Drawings, systems, and other elements are represented schematically in accordance with
ISA S5.1 and ISA S5.3.
a. The nomenclature, tag numbers, equipment numbers, panel numbers, and related series
identification contained in the Contract Documents shall be employed exclusively
throughout submittals.
] 2. All Shop Drawings shall be modified with as-built information/corrections.
]3. All panel and wiring drawings shall be provided in both hardcopy and softcopy.
a. FW11ish electronic files on CD-ROM or DVD-ROM media.
b. Drawings in AUTO CAD format.
] 4. Provide a parameter setting summary sheet for each field configurable device.
] 5. Certifications:
a. Documentation verifYing that calibration equipment is certified with NIST traceability.
b. Approvals from independent testing laboratories or approval agencies, such as UL, FM
or CSA.
I) Certification documentation is required for all equipment for which the
specifications require independent agency approval.
16. Testing reports: Source quality control reports.
B. Operation and Maintenance Manuals:
]. See Specification Section 0 1340 for requirements for:
a. The mechanics and administration of the submittal process.
b. The content of Operation and Maintenance Manuals.
2. Warranties: Provide copies of warranties and list of factory authorized service agents.
A. Do not remove shipping blocks, plugs, caps, and desiccant dryers installed to protect the
instrumentation during shipment until the instruments are installed and pennanent connections
are made.
A. Unless designated otherwise on the Drawings, area designations are as follows:
I. Outdoor area:
a. Wet.
b. Below grade vaults and manholes:
I) Subject to temporary submergence when specifically designated on the Drawings
or Specifications.
2. Architecturally finished area:
a. Dry.
b. Noncorrosive unless designated otherwise on the Drawings or in the Specifications.
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NCR WTP Degasiticr & Odor Control Expansion
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c. Nonhazardous unless designated othenvise on the Drawings or in the Specifications.
3. Non-architecturally finished area: As designated elsewhere on the Drawings or in the
A. Provide enclosureslhousing for control system components in accordance with the following:
I. Areas designated as wet: NEMA Type 4.
2. Areas designated as wet and/or corrosive: NEMA Type 4X.
3. Either architecturally or non-architecturally finished areas designated as dry, noncorrosive,
and nonhazardous: NEMA Type 12.
4. Areas designated to be subject to temporary submersion: NEMA 6P.
A. System Operating Criteria:
I. Stability: After controls have taken corrective action, as result of a change in the controlled
variable or a change in setpoint. oscillation of final control element shall not exceed two (2)
cycles per minute or a magnitude of movement of 0.5 percent full travel.
2. Response: Any change in setpoint or change in controlled variable shall produce a
corresponding corrective change in position of final control element and become stabilized
within 30 seconds.
3. Agreement: Setpoint indication of controlled variable and measured indication of controlled
variable shall agree within 3 percent of full scale over a 6:] operating range.
4. Repeatability: For any repeated magnitude of control signal, from either an increasing or
decreasing direction, the final control element shall take a repeated position within 0.5
percent of ful] travel regardless of force required to position final element.
5. Sensitivity: Controls shall respond to setpoint deviations and measured variable deviations
within 1.0 percent of full scale.
6. Performance: All instruments and control devices shall perform in accordance with
manufacturer's specifications.
A. Provide identification devices for instrumentation system components in accordance with
Specification Section 10400.
B. Provide corrosion resistant spacers to maintain 1/4 IN separation between equipment and
mounting surface in wet areas, on below grade walls and 011 walls ofliquid containment or
processing areas such as Clarifiers, Digesters, Reservoirs, etc.
A. Wherever feasible, use bottom entry for all conduit entry to instruments and junction boxes.
B. Install electrical components per Division 16.
C. Panel-Mounted Instruments:
I. Mount and wire so removal or replacement may be accomplished without interruption of
service to adjacent devices.
2. Locate all devices mounted inside cnclosurcs so tcrminals and adjustment devices are
readily accessible without use of special tools and with terminal markings c]early visible.
D. See Specification Section 16170.
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10 D'-'
A. See Specification Section 01650.
B. Maintain accurate daily log of all startup activities, calibration functions, and final setpoint
1. Documentation requirements include the utilization of the forms located at the end of this
Specification Section.
a. I 3440A - Loop Check-out Sheet.
b. I 3440B - Instrument Certification Sheet.
c. ] 3440C - Final Control E]ement Certification Sheet.
C. In the event that instrument air is not available during calibration and testing, supply either
filtered, dry, instrument quality air from a portable compressor or bottled, dry, instrument quality
I. Do not, under any circumstances, apply hydrostatic test to any part of the air supply system
or pneumatic control system.
D. Pneumatic Signal Tubing Testing:
I. Before the leak test is begun, blow clean with dry air.
2. Test signal tubing per ISA 7.0.0 I, except for tubing runs ofless than 10FT where simple
soap bubble testing will suffice.
3. If a leak is detected, repair the leak and repeat the leak test.
4. After completion of the leak test, check each signal line for obstructions.
a. If any are indicated, remove and retest.
E. Instrumentation Calibration:
]. Verity that all instruments and control devices are calibrated to provide the performance
required by the Contract Documents.
2. Calibrate all field-mounted instruments, other than local pressure and temperature gages,
after the device is mounted in place to assure proper installed operation.
3. Calibrate in accordance with the manufacturer's specifications.
4. Bench calibrate pressure and temperature gages.
a. Field mount gage within seven (7) days of calibration.
5. Check the calibration of each transmitter and gage across its specified range at 0, 25, 50, 75,
and ] 00 percent.
a. Check for both increasing and decreasing input signals to detect hysteresis.
6. Replace any instrument which cannot be properly adjusted.
7. Stroke control valves with clean dry air to verify control action, positioner settings, and
solenoid functions.
8. Calibration equipment shall be certified by an independent agency with traceability to NIST.
a. Certification shall be up-to-date.
b. Use of equipment with expired certifications shall not be permitted.
9. Calibration equipment shall be at least three (3) times more accurate as the device being
F. Loop check-out requirements are as follows:
I. Check control signal generation, transmission, reception and response for all control loops
under simulated operating conditions by imposing a signal on the loop at the instrument
a. Use actual sil,'nals where available.
b. Closely observe controllers, indicators, transmitters, HMI displays, recorders, alarm and
trip units, remote setpoints, ratio systems, and other control components.
]) Verity that readings at all loop components are in agreement.
2) Make corrections as required.
a) Following any corrections, retest the loop as before.
2. Stroke all control valves, cylinders, drives and connecting linkages from the loca] control
station and from the control foam operator interface.
""5'755-(j(J<1- Collier County, Florida
NCRWTP Degasifier & Odor Control Expansion
t3440 - j
3. Check all interlocks to the maximum extent possible.
4. In addition to any other as-recorded documents. record all setpoint and calibration changes
on all affected Contract Documents and turn over to the Owner.
G. Provide verification of system assembly, power. ground, and I/O tests.
H. Verify existence and measure adequacy' of all grounds required for instrumentation and controls.
"7" - ~ '^'<' ' :
Collier Count\'. Florida
NCRWTP Ikgasifit.:r & Odor Control Expansion
Loop Check-out Sheet
~ '~';1
Project Name: Owner's Project No. (if applicable): Page of
Project Owner: Regulatory Agency Project No. (,f applicable):
HDR Project No.: Date:
Device T a9 Process Signal Device T a9 Termination Device T a9 Termination
No. Conn, Tube No. Ident. No. Ident.
1. Leak check for pneumatic signal tubing to be per tSA-PR7.1.
2. Termination/continuity check includes check at terminated equipment for: (a) correct polarity, (b) appropriate signal generation, transmission
and reception, and (c) correct shield & ground terminations.
Gain Reset, rpm Deriv. (rate), min PV Set Point
Describe all interlocks checked, equipment started/stopped, valves/operators stroked. Describe modes of operation checked, and location of
operator interface (local/remote),
I certify that the control loop referenced on this page has been completely checked and functions in accordance with applicable drawings and
Certified by:
(Work Performed By)
(Version 1.0 ^pr 99)
Copyright 1991 HDR Engineering, Inc.
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Instrument Certification Sheet
Project Name: Owner's Project No. (if applicable):
Project Owner: Regulatory Agency Project No. (if applicable):
HDR Project No. Date:
Control Loop No.:
Instrument Tag No. Transmitter/gauge span:
Manufacturer: Switch set-point:
Model No. Switch dead band:
Serial No. Switch range:
1% ofsoan\ %ofs an
Other (if applicable)
Other (if applicable)
---.J!o of ran e) (% of ran e)
High (Increasing input)
Low (Decreasing input)
Maximum allowable error (per Contract Documents):
Certified by:
Date Certified:
(Version].O Apr 99)
Copyrighl1991 HDR Engineering, Inc.
Final con~J;)Jlem~~t
Certification Sheet
Project Name:
Project Owner:
HDR Project No.
Control Loop No.:
Owner's Project No. (if applicable):
Regulatory Agency Project No. (if applicable):
Actuator: Pneumatic: Electric:
Tag No. Positioner: Direct: Reverse:
Description: Positioner: Input: Output:
Manufacturer: lIP Converter: Input: Output:
Model No. Valve to on air failure
Serial No. Valve to on power failure
l% afs anl ('Yo olsDanl
Specified lIP converter accuracy:
% of span.
(% of full travel) of full travell'
Certified by:
Date Certified:
(Version 1.0 Apr99)
Copyright 1991 HDR Engineering, Inc.
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A. Section Includes:
1. Instrumentation control loops.
B. Related Sections include but are not necessarily limited to:
I. Division 0 - Bidding Requirements, Contract Forms, and Conditions of the Contract.
2. Division I - General Requirements.
3. Division 13
a. Section 13440 - Instrumentation for Process Control: Basic Requirements.
A. See Section 13440.
A. The control loop descriptions provide the functional requirements of the control loops
represented in the Contract Documents.
I. Descriptions are provided as follows:
a. Control system overview and general description.
b. Major equipment to be controlled.
c. Major field mounted instruments (does not include local gages).
d. Manual control functions.
e. Automatic control functions/interlocks.
f. Major indications provided at local control panels and motor starters/VFD's.
g. Remote indications and alarms.
B. The control loop descriptions are not intended to be an inclusive listing of all elements and
appurtenances required to execute loop functions, but are rather intended to supplement and
complement the Drawings and other Specification Sections.
I. The control loop descriptions shall not be considered equal to a bill of materials.
c. Provide instrumentation hardware and software as necessary to perform control functions
specified herein and shown on Drawings.
A. See Section 01340 for requirements for the mechanics and administration ofthe submittal
B. See Section 13440.
C. Operation and Maintenance Manuals:
I. See Section 01340 for requirements for:
a. The mechanics and administration of the submittal process.
b. The content of Operation and Maintenance Manuals.
"'" I
' ,-..,
" ,---.".
Collier Count\. Florida
NCRWTP Degasi1ier & Odor Control Expansion
13441 - 1
A. Sodium Hydroxide
I. Reference
a. Process Area
1) Sodium Hydroxide 09
b. Drawings
I) Drawing 1-04
2. Components
a. Final Control Elements
I) Sodium Hydroxide Pump 09-P-l 0
2) Sodium Hydroxide Pump 09-P-II
b. Instruments
I) None
3. General Description
a. The sodium hydroxide pumps shall be pH paced per the pH meters (]4-A]T-04A and
]4-AIT-04B) on each recirculation line on each odor control tower. Each pump shall be
placed in the automatic mode of operation. Once flow is detected at 13-FIT-05 the
pumps shall start and shall adjust their stroke speed based on the pH at each odor
control tower (14-AIT-04A and ]4-AIT-04B). Once flow is no longer detected at 13-
FIT-05 the pump shall stop. These pumps shall also stop on a storage tank low level 9-
4. Control Modes
a. Pump- Loca]
I) While in the local mode of operation at the pump, the operator may start, stop and
adjust the stroke speed of the pump at the pump.
b. Pump-Remote
1) While in the remote mode of operation at the pump, the pump shall be controlled
via the plant SCADA system.
c. HM]-Manual
]) While in the remote mode of operation at the pump and in the manual mode of
operation at the HMI, the operator may start, stop and adjust the stroke speed of the
pump via the HM] graphic screen.
d. HMI-Automatic
I) While in the remote mode of operation at the pump and in the automatic mode of
operation at the HMI, the pump shall be controlled via plant SCADA system
according to the general description outlined above.
5. HMI Graphics
a. The following shall be indicated on the HMI graphic screen for each pump
1) Pump Started
2) Pump Stopped
6. HMI Alarms
a. None
B. Bleach Sodium Hypochlorite
I. Reference
a. Process Area
I) Sodium Hypochlorite] 4
b. Drawings
I) Drawing 1-05
2. Components
Collier County, Florida
NCR WTP Degasifier & Odor Control Expansion
13441 -2
. '. .'"
100 ".,
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a. Final Control Elements
I) Sodium Hypochlorite Pump NO.5 14-P-05
b. Instruments
I) None
3. General Description
a. The bleach sodium hypochlorite pump shall be ORP paced with ORP meter (14-AIT-
04C). on Odor Control Train NO.4 Stage No.2. The pump shall be placed in the
automatic mode of operation. Once flow is detected at 13-FIT-05 the pump shall start
and shall adjust their stroke speed based on the ORP at OPR meter (140AIT-04C) on
Odor Control Train NO.4 Stage No. J. Once tlow is no longer detected at 13-FIT-05
the pump shall stop. This pump shall also stop on a day tank low-low leveI14-L1T-03.
4. Control Modes
a. Pump-Local
I) While in the local mode of operation at the pump, the operator may start, stop and
adjust the stroke speed of the pump at the pump.
b. Pump-Remote
I) While in the remote mode of operation at the pump, the pump shall be controlled
via the plant SCADA system.
c. HMI-Manual
I) While in the remote mode of operation at the pump and in the manual mode of
operation at the HMI, the operator may start, stop and adjust the stroke speed of the
pump via the HMl graphic screen.
d. HM]-Automatic
I) While in the remote mode of operation at the pump and in the automatic mode of
operation at the HMI, the pump shall be controlled via plant SCADA system
according to the general description outlined above.
5. HMI Graphics
a. The following shall be indicated on the HMI graphic screen
I) Pump Started
2) Pump Stopped
6. HMI Alarms
a. None
e. Chlorine Scrubber
] . Reference
a. Process Area
I) Chlorine Scrubber 10
b. Drawings
I) 1-06
2. Components
a. Final Control Elements
I) Chlorine Scrubber Recirculation Pump I O-P-O I (Existing)
2) Chlorine Scrubber Exhaust Fan 10-F-OI (Existing)
b. Instruments
I) Chlorine Scrubber High LeveIIO-LSH (Existing)
2) Chlorine Scrubber Low Flow 10-FSL-OS (Existing)
3) Chlorine Scrubber l.ow Pressure I 0-PSI.-09 (Existing)
4) Chlorine Scrubber l.evel I O-l.E-06 (Existing)
3. General Description
a. The chlorine scrubber is existing equipment and is being relocated for this project. The
existing PAC logic and HMI configuration shall be re-mapped and relocated to LCP-I
to accommodate this relocation.
4. Control Modes
a. Use existing control modes as defined in existing PAC logic and HMl configuration
5. HMI Graphics
a. Use existing HMI graphics
'.~. ,; -,
Collier County. Florida
NCR \\/'1'1' Degasilier & Odor Control Expansion
13-44] - J
. ,.~,.
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6. HM] Alarms
a. Use existing HMI alarms
D. Degasification
1. Reference
a. Process Area
I) Degasification 13
b. Drawings
I) Drawing 1-07
2. Components
a. Final Control Elements
I) Degasifier Blower No. ] ]3-CB-01
2) Degasifier Blower No.2 13-CB-02
3) Degasifier Blower NO.3 13-CB-03
4) Degasifier Blower No.4 13-CB-04
5) Degasifier Damper No. I 13-DA-0 I
6) Degasifier Damper No.2 13-DA-02
7) Degasiifer Damper NO.3] 3-DA-03
8) Degasifier Damper No.4 13-DA-04
b. Instruments
I) ]3-FS-0]
2) 13-FS-02
3) 13-FS-03
4) 13-FS-04
3. General Description
a. The degasifier bower PAC logic and HMI graphics are existing and are to be relocated
for this project. The existing blower PAC logic and HM] configuration shall be re-
mapped to the LCP-] to accommodate this relocation. Each blower is being provided
with a new air flow switch. This air flow switch shall be used in conjunction with the
blower starter to determine a "No Air Flow" alarm. The degasifier dampers are new
and shall be interlocked with the appropriate blower. When the blower is running the
damper shall open. When the blower is not running the damper shall close. If the
damper is not in the remote-automatic mode and its particular blower is started or
running, an alarm shall be indicated on the HM] graphic screen to indicate such.
4. Control Modes
a. Damper-Local
I) While in the local mode of operation at the damper, the operator shall be able to
open or close the damper using the open and close pushbuttons on the damper
remote control station.
b. Damper-Remote
I) While in the remote mode of operation at the damper, the damper shall be
controlled via the plant SCADA system.
c. HMI-Manual
I) While in the remote mode of operation at the damper and in the manual mode of
operation at the HMI, the operator may open or close the damper via the HMI
graphic screen.
d. HMI-Automatic
I) While in the remote mode of operation at the damper and in the automatic mode of
operation at the HMI, the damper shall operate based on the general description
outlined above.
e. The control modes for the degasifier blowers are existing and shall be re-used for this
5. HM] Graphics
a. The following shall be indicated on the HMI graphic screen
]) Degasifier Damper No. I Open
2) Degasifier Damper No. ] Close
Collier County, Florida
NCRWTP Degasifier & Odor Control Expansion
13441 -4
", '''---.
- ',,_____".."n
3) Degasifier Damper No. I Fault
4) Degasifier Damper No. I Fail to Open
5) Degasifier Damper NO.1 Fail to Close
6) Degasifier Damper No. I In Remote
7) Degasifier Damper No. I Not In Remote
8) Degasifier Damper No.2 Open
9) Degasifier Damper No. 7 Close
10) Degasifier Damper No.2 Fault
II) Degasifier Damper NO.2 Fail to Open
12) Degasifier Damper No.2 Fail to Close
13) Degasifier Damper No.2 In Remote
14) Degasifier Damper No.2 Not In Remote
15) Degasifier Damper No.3 Open
16) Degasiifer Damper No.3 Close
17) Degasifier Damper NO.3 Fault
18) Degasitier Damper NO.3 Fail to Open
19) Degasifier Damper No.3 Fail to Close
20) Degasifier Damper NO.3 In Remote
21) Degasifier Damper NO.3 Not In Remote
22) Degasifier Damper No.4 Open
23) Degasifier Damper No.4 Close
74) Degasifier Damper No.4 Fault
75) Degasifier Damper No.4 Fail to Open
26) Degasifier Damper NO.4 Fail to Close
27) Degasifier Damper No.4 In Remote
28) Degasifier Damper No.4 Not In Remote
29) The degasifier blower HMI graphics are existing and shall be re-used for this
project. However, the following new blower status graphics shall be added:
a) Degasifier Blower No. I In Remote
b) Degasifier Blower No. I Not In Remote
c) Degasifier Blower No.2 In Remote
d) Degasifier Blower No. c Not In Remote
e) Degasifier Blower No.3 In Remote
t) Degasifier Blower No.3 Not In Remo1e
g) Degasitier Rlower No.4 In Remote
h) Degasificr Blower No.4 Not In Remote
i) Degasificr Blower No. I Air Flow
j) Degasificr Blower No. I No Air Flow
k) Degasitier Blower ~o. 2 Air Flow
I) Degasitier Blower No.2 No Air Flow
m) Degasifier Blower No.3 Air Flow
n) Degasifier Blower No.3 No Air Flow
0) Degasifier Blower No.4 Air Flow
p) Degasifier Blower No.4 No Air Flow
6. HMI Alarms
a. The following shall be indicated in the alarm summary of the HMI.
I) Degasifier Damper No. I Fault
7) Degasifier Damper No. I Fail to Open
3) Degasitier Damper No. I Fail 10 Close
4) Degasifier Damper No.2 Fault
5) Degasifier Damper NO.2 Fail 10 Open
6) Degasitier Damper NO.2 Fail to Close
7) Degasitier Damper NO.3 Fault
8) Degasifier Damper No.3 Fail to Open
9) Degasificr Damper No.3 Fail to Close
-z-z.::_,; 'i Collier County. Florida
NCR\VTP Dcgasificr & Odor Control Expansion
13..\41 - 5
10) Degasifier Damper No.4 Fault
II) Degasifier Damper No.4 Fail to Open
12) Degasifier Damper No.4 Fai] to Close
13) The degasifier blower alarms are existing and shall be re-used for this project. The
following alarms are to be added:
a) Degasifier Blower No. I No Air Flow
b) Degasifier Blower No.2 No Air Flow
c) Degasifier B]ower No.3 No Air Flow
d) Degasifier Blower NO.4 No Air Flow
E. Odor Control
]. Reference
a. Process Area
I) Odor Control System Train 4
b. Drawings
I) Drawing 1-08
2. Components
a. Final Control Elements
I) Scurbber Train No.4 Stage] Recirculation Pump No. ] 14-P-20
2) Scrubber Train NO.4 Stage] Recirculation Pump No.2 14-P-21
3) Scrubber Train NO.4 Stage 2 Recirculation Pump No. I 14-P-22
4) Scrubber Train No.4 Stage 2 Recirculation Pump NO.2] 4-P-23
b. Instruments
1) Scrubber Train No.4 Stage] pH
2) Scrubber Train NO.4 Stage 2 pH
3) Scrubber Train NO.4 Stage 2 ORP
4) Scrubber Train No.4 Stage 2 H2S
3. General Description
a. The odor control equipment including control paneI14-CP-04 shall be provided by the
equipment manufacture per specification 13252. The programming of the PLC located
within this control panel shall also be the responsibility of the equipment manufacture.
The Instrumentation Subcontractor shall only be responsible for the configuration of the
plant HMI package including graphic screens, alarms, reports, etc as required to
interface the odor control equipment with the plant SCADA system. The odor control
scrubber shall operate per specification] 3252.
4. Control Modes
a. As per specification 13752
5. HMI Graphics
a. The following shall be indicated on the H M] graphic screen
I) Scrubber Train No.4 Stage I Recir Pump No. I Running
2) Scrubber Train NO.4 Stage I Recir Pump No. I Not Running
3) Scrubber Train No.4 Stage I Recir Pump No.2 Running
4) Scrubber Train No.4 Stage I Recir Pump No.2 Not Running
5) Scrubber Train No.4 Stage 2 Recir Pump No. I Running
6) Scrubber Train No.4 Stage 2 Recir Pump No. I Not Running
7) Scrubber Train No.4 Stage 2 Recir Pump No.2 Running
8) Scrubber Train No.4 Stage 2 Recir Pump No.2 Not Running
9) Scrubber Train No.4 Stage] pH
] 0) Scrubber Train No.4 Stage 2 pH
] ]) Scrubber Train No.4 Stage 2 ORP
12) Scrubber Train No.4 Stage 2 H2S
6. HMI Alarms
a. As per specification 13252
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13441 - 6
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1 0 D'"
A. Section Includes:
I. Flow components.
2. Pressure components
3. Level Components
4. Temperature components
5. Analytical components
6. Pipe, tubing and fittings
7. Instrument valves
B. Related Specification Sections include but are not necessarily limited to:
I. Division 0 - Bidding Requirements, Contract Forms, and Conditions of the Contract.
2. Division I - General Requirements.
3. Division 13
a. Section 13440 - Instrumentation for Process Control: Basic Requirements.
b. Section 13441 - Control Loop Descriptions.
C. Valves to be specified with diaphragm seals on all valves. lower housing duplex stainless steel,
diaphragm duplex stainless steel.
A. Referenced Standards:
]. American Gas Association (AGA):
a. Gas Measurement Committee Report #3.
2. American Iron and Steel Institute (AISI).
3. American National Standards Institute (ANSI).
4. American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME):
a. B 16.5, Pipe Flanges and Flanged Fittings.
b. B31. J, Power Piping.
c. PTC 19.3, Instruments and Apparatus, Part 3 Temperature Measurement.
d. PTC 19.5, Applica1ion of Fluid Meters, Part 2.
e. Section II, Part A SA-182, Forged or Rolled Alloy Steel Pipe Flanges, Forged Fittings,
and Valves and Parts for High-Temperature Service.
f. Section II, Part A SA-479, Stainless Steel Bars and Shapes for Use in Boilers and Other
Pressure Vessels.
5. ASTM International (ASTM):
a. AI 06, Standard Specification for Seamless Carbon Steel Pipe for High-Temperature
b. A 126, Standard Specification for Gray Iron Castings for Valves, Flanges, and Pipe
c. A 181, Standard Specification for Forged or Rolled Alloy and Stainless Steel Pipe
Flanges, Forged Fittings, and Valves and Parts for High-Temperature Service.
d. {A234, Standard Specification for Piping Fittings of Wrought Carbon Steel and Alloy
Steel for Moderate and High Temperature Service.}
e. {A 740, Standard Specification for Chromium and Chromium-Nickel Stainless Steel
Plate, Sheet, and Strip for Pressure Vessels and for General Applications.}
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1:\442 - I
10D t!~
f. A269, Standard Specification for Seamless and Welded Austenitic Stainless Steel
Tubing for General Service.
A276, Standard Specification for Stainless Steel Bars and Shapes.
A479, Standard Specification for Stainless Steel Bars and Shapes for Use in Boilers and
Other Pressure Vessels.
i. B] 6, Standard Specification for Free-Cutting Brass Rod, Bar and Shapes for Use in
Screw Machines.
B75, Standard Specification for Seamless Copper Tube.
B 124, Standard Specification for Copper and Copper Alloy Forging Rod, Bar, and
I. B283, Standard Specification for Copper and Copper-Alloy Die Forgings (Hot-
m. B453, Standard Specification for Copper-Zinc-Lead Alloy (Leaded-Brass) Rod, Bar,
and Shapes.
n. B626, Standard Specification for Welded Nickel and Nicke]-Cobalt Alloy Tube.
Federal Communications Commission (FCC)
a. 47 CFR 15, Radio Frequency Devices.
International Society of Automation (ISA):
a. MC96.1, Temperature Measurement Thermocouples.
National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA):
a. 250, Enclosures for Electrical Equipment (1000 Volts Maximum).
US Department of Interior Bureau of Reclamation (USOIBR):
a. Water Measurement Manual.
A. The instruments specified in this Specification Section are the primary element components for
the control loops shown on the "I" series Drawings and specified in Specification Section ]3441.
1. These instruments are integrated with other control system components specified under
Specification Section 13440 series to produce the functional control defined in the Contract
2. Refer to Sheet G-05 for instrument supplier responsibility and additional instrumentation
A. Shop Drawings:
I. See Specification Section 01340 for requirements for the mechanics and administration of
the submittal process.
2. See Specification Section 13440.
B. Operation and Maintenance Manuals:
I. See Specification Section 0] 340 for requirements for:
a. The mechanics and administration ofthe submittal process.
b. The content of Operation and Maintenance Manuals.
A. Subject to compliance with the Contract Documents, the manufacturers listed in the Articles
describing the elements are acceptable.
B. Submit request for substitutions in accordance with Specification Section 01640.
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NCR WTP Degasifier & Odor Control Expansion
13442 - 2
A. Disk/Vane-Operated Flow Switch:
I. Acceptable manufacturers:
a. Magnetrol.
2. Materials:
a. Body: 316 stainless steel.
b. Trim: 316 stainless steel.
3. Design and fabrication:
a. Mercury switch.
b. Two (2) SPDT switch contacts rated:
1) I amp inductive at 125 Vdc.
2) 5 amp inductive at PO Vac.
e. Repeatability: I percent of full scale.
f. End connection:
I) Flanges per ASME B 16.5 rated for piping system operating and test conditions.
A. Pressure Gage:
I. Acceptable manufacturers:
a. Ashcroft.
b. Ametek.
2. Materials:
a. Bourdon tube, socket, connecting tube: 316 stainless steel.
b. Case: Phenolic.
c. Pressure snubber:
I) Filter disc: 316 stainless steel.
2) Housing: 316 stainless steel.
3. Accessories:
a. Provide valve at point of connection to equipment and at panel ifpanel mounted.
b. Utilize pressure snubbers with porous metal discs to provide pulsation dampening on
gage applications as shown on schedule.
c. Provide 1/2 IN stainless steel antisiphon pigtail inlet connection for hot water and steam
4. Desif,'I1 and fabrication:
a. All components suitable for service at
I) 250 DegF.
2) The maximum process temperature to \vhich the gage is to be exposed.
b. Provide viewer protection from element rupture.
c. Calibrate gages at jobsite for pressure and temperature in accordance with
manufacturer's instructions.
d. Unless otherwise required by codes, provide stem mounted or flush mounted, as
required, with dial diameter as follows:
] -1/2 IN or less
Larger than 1-1/2 IN
2-1/2 IN
4-1/2 IN
1/4 IN
e. Equip with white taces, black numerals and black pointers.
f. Gage tapping position to be clear of equipment functions and movements, and protected
from maintenance and operation of equipment.
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NCR \\lTP Dcgasifier & Odor Control Expansion
13442 - 3
1) Gage to be readable from an accessible standing position.
g. Gage accuracy: 1 percent of full range.
h. Select gage range so that:
I) The normal operating value is in the middle third of the dial.
2) Maximum operating pressure does not exceed 75 percent ofthe full scale range.
B. Diaphragm Seal:
1. Acceptable manufacturers:
a. Ashcroft.
b. Ametek.
c. Or equal.
2. Materials:
a. Lower housing: 3] 6 stainless steel.
b. Diaphragm material: Hastelloy C.
3. Design and fabrication:
a. Isolates instrument from process fluids which are corrosive or contain solids.
b. Upper housing with bleed screw.
c. Lower housing with flushing connection.
d. Fill fluid:
I) Utilize halocarbon fill for process applications involving strong oxidizing agents.
a) Agents include but are not limited to: C12, KMN04, FeCI, NaOH, and
2) Utilize manufacturer's standard fill for other applications.
a) Ensure fill is suitable for application temperatures.
e. Process connections:
I) Instrument: 1/2 IN NPT
2) Process: 1/2 IN female NPT.
3) PVC pipe applications: Use a socket weld connection.
4. Installed where specified or shown on Drawings.
A. Not Used
A. Not Used
A. pH Sensor and Transmitter:
]. Acceptable manufacturers:
a. Rosemount Analytical 1056.
b. Great Lakes Instruments.
c. Leeds and Northrup.
2. Materials:
a. Body, cover: Polyethersulfone (PES), KYNAR, (polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF)),
liquid crystal polymer, epoxy (less than ]40F), or equal.
b. O-rings: VITON.
3. Design and fabrication:
a. Integral pre-amplifier to convert high impedance pH into stable, noise-free signal (if not
furnished with integral transmitter).
b. Automatic temperature compensation.
c. Shielded cable.
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NCR WTP Degasifier & Odor Control Expansion
d. Moisture-proof cover.
e. Sensitivity: 0.0 I pH.
I'. Range: 0-14 pH.
g. Transmitter:
I) Local digital display.
a) LCD or LED.
b) Minimum 3-1/2 digit.
2) Current output: Isolated 4-20 mA De.
3) Power supply: 120 Vac, T I 0 percent. 60 Hz with 120 Vac power cord
4) Ambient temperature: -4 to 127 DegF.
5) Ambient humidity: 0-95 percent.
6) Accuracy: -0.01 pH.
7) Repeatability: +0.1 pH.
8) Temperature compensated: 32 to 217 DegF.
9) Temperature coefficient:
a) Input: +0.0017 pH/DegF.
b) Output: +0.0033 pH/DegF.
B. ORP Sensor and Transmitter:
1. Acceptable manufacturers:
a. Rosemount Analytical.
b. Great Lakes Instruments.
c. Leeds and Northrup.
2. Materials:
a. Body, cover: Polyethersulfone (PES), KYNAR, (polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF)),
liquid crystal polymer, epoxy (less than 140F). or equal.
b. O-rings: VITON.
3. Design and fabrication:
a. integral pre-amplifier to convert high impedance mV into stable, noise-free signal (if
not furnished "vith integral transmitter).
b. Automatic temperature compensation.
c. Shielded cable.
d. Moisture-proof cover.
e. Sensitivity: I mV.
f. Range: -1400 to 1400 m V
g. Transmitter:
i) Local digital display.
a) LCD or LED.
b) Minimum 3-1/2 digit.
2) Current output: Isolated 4-20 mA De.
3) Power supply: 170 Vac, i 10 percent, 60 Hz with 120 Vac power cord.
4) Ambient temperature: -4 to 177 DegF.
5) Ambient humidity: 0-95 percent.
6) Accuracy: +/- I mV.
7) Repeatability: +/- I mV.
8) Temperature compensated: 37 to 212 DegF.
C. H2S Sensor and Transmitter
I. Acceptable manufacturers:
a. Otis Instruments
2. Design and fabrication:
a. Electrochemical Sensor
b. Moore Explosion Proof Enclosure
c. Class 1, Division I Groups A, B. C and D Environments
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13442 -:)
d. CSA Certified
3. Simple Zero and Span Adjustment
4. Range: 0-100 ppm
5. Accuracy: +/- 5% Full Scale
6. Sensor Life: 2 Years
7. Operating Range: -4 to 122 F (-20 to 50 C)
8. Loop Type: 2 wire
9. Input Voltage: 12 to 24 Vdc
10. Signal Output 4- 70 mA
11. Gas Sensor Accessories
a. Calibration Kit
b. Duct Mount Fitting
A. Not Used.
A. Acceptable Manufacturers:
I. Tube fittings:
a. Parker CPI.
b. Swagelok.
B. Instrument Tubing and Fittings:
I. Material:
a. Tubing: ASTM A269, Grade TP 316 stainless steel.
b. Straight fittings: 316 stainless steel per ASME SA-479 or ASTM A276.
c. Shaped bodies: ASME SA-182 F316 stainless steel.
2. Design and fabrication:
a. Tubing:
I) Seamless.
2) Fully annealed.
3) Maximum hardness: 80 Rb.
4) Free from surface scratches and imperfections.
5) Diameter: 1/2 IN OD unless specified otherwise.
6) Wall thickness:
a) Meet requirements of ASME B31.1, Paragraph 122.3.
b) Minimum 0.049 IN for 1/2]N OD tubing.
b. Fittings:
I) Flareless.
2) Compression type.
e. Instrument Piping:
I. For applications where the instrument is supported solely by the sensing line, ( e.g., pressure
gauge directly mounted to process line) utilize piping as specified below.
a. Diameter: 1/2 IN unless specified otherwise.
b. 316 stainless steel
D. Pneumatic Signal Tubing:
I. Material: Copper per ASTM B75.
2. Design and fabrication:
a. Soft annealed.
b. Free from surface scratches and imperfections.
c. Wall thickness:
I) 0.030 IN for 1/4 IN OD.
2) 0.035 IN for 3/8 IN OD.
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]3442 - 6
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E. Pneumatic Tube Fittings:
I. Material:
a. Straight finings: Brass per ASTM B 16 and ASTM B453.
b. Shaped bodies: Brass per ASTM B 124 Alloy 377 or ASTM B783.
2. Design and fabrication:
a. Flareless.
b. Compression type.
A. Process instrument multi-valve manifolds, isolation, vent and blow-down valves:
I. Acceptable manufacturers:
a. Whitey Co.
b. Anderson-Greenwood USA, Inc.
2. Materials:
a. Packing:
I) 450 DegF and above: Graphite.
2) Below 450 DegF: Graphite or Teflon.
b. Body: 316 stainless steel per ASTM A479.
c. Stem: 316 stainless steel per ASTM A276.
d. Ball: 316 stainless steel per ASTM A776.
e. Support rings: 316 stainless steel per ASTM A276.
f. Seats:
I) Metal:
a) 3] 6 stainless steel per ASTM A 776.
2) Soft:
a) Teflon, Delrin, or equivalent.
b) Only utilized on applications where manufacturer's temperature and pressure
ratings exceed process design conditions.
3. Design and fabrication:
a. Either of the following:
I) Ball valve with 1/4 turn activation.
2) Free-swiveling ball stem.
b. Provide body wall thickness sufficient for process design conditions per AS ME B31.1.
c. Temperature: Manufacturer's temperature rating for all components shall exceed
process design conditions.
B. Isolation Valves in Copper Instrument Air Tubing:
I. Acceptable manufacturers:
a. Whitey Co.
b. Or equal.
2. Materials:
a. Packing: Graphite or Teflon.
b. Body: Brass per ASTM B 16.
c. Stem: 316 stainless steel per ASTM A276.
d. Ball: 316 stainless steel per ASTM A276.
e. Support rings: 3] 6 stainless steel per ASTM A 776.
f. Seats:
I) Metal: 316 stainless steel per ASTM A276.
2) Soft:
a) Teflon, Delrin, or equivalent.
b) Only utilized on applications where manufacturer's temperature and pressure
ratings exceed process design conditions.
3. Design and fabrication:
a. Ball valve with 1/4 turn activation.
b. Provide body wall thickness sufficient for process design conditions per ASME B31.].
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I_H42 -7
A. Furnish all mounting brackets, hardware and appurtenances required for mounting primary
elements and transmitters.
I. Materials, unless otherwise specified, shall be as follows:
a. Bolts, nuts, washers, expansion anchors: 316 stainless steel.
b. Mounting brackets:
I) Standard: 316 stainless steel.
2) Highly corrosive areas: Aluminum.
c. Mounting plates, angles:
I) Standard: Carbon steel.
2) Corrosive areas: 3] 6 stainless steel.
d. Instrument pipe stands:
]) Standard: Hot-dip galvanized 2 IN schedule 40, ASTM A 106, Grade B carbon
2) Corrosive areas: 316 stainless steel.
B. Tubing Support Angles and Brackets:
I. Any of the following materials are acceptable:
a. Aluminum support with dielectric material between support and tubing.
b. Type 316 stainless steel.
c. Fiberglass.
C. Tubing Tray or Channel:
]. Aluminum.
2. Provide dielectric material between tray or channel and tubing.
D. Provide handheld communicator compatible with all intelligent transmitters furnished.
1. Hand held communicator shall provide capability to check calibration, change transmitter
range, and provide diagnostics.
2. If these features are provided with the intelligent transmitter, the hand held communicator is
not required.
E. Cable lengths between sensors and transmitters shall be continuous (without splices) and as
required to accommodate locations as shown on Drawings.
A. Install products in accordance with manufacturer's instructions.
B. Install instrument mounting pipe stands level and plumb.
e. Instrument Valves:
] . Orient stems for proper operation.
2. ]nstall arrays orderly and neat in appearance with true horizontal and vertical lines.
3. Provide a minimum of2 IN clearance between valve handle turning radii where there are
multip]e valve handles appearing in a straight line.
4. Valves shall have bonnets and any soft seals removed during welding or soldering into the
a. When cool, reassemble the valves.
5. Support each valve individually.
a. The tubing system does not qualifY as support for the valve.
D. Locate instrument piping and tubing so as to be free of vibration and interference with other
piping, conduit, or equipment.
E. Keep foreign matter out of the system.
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F. Remove all oil on piping and tubing with solvent before piping and tubing installation.
G. Plug all open ends and connections to keep out contaminants.
H. Tubing Installation:
I. General:
a. Install such that tube shows no sign of crumpling, bends of to 0 short a radius, or
flatten ing, etc.
b. Make tube runs straight and parallel or perpendicular to the floor, equipment and piping
c. For liquid and stearn applications, slope continuously from the process to the
instrument with a minimum slope 01'0.50 IN per foot.
d. For gas and air applications, slope continuously from the instrument to the process with
a minimum slope of 0.50 IN per foot.
e. If the sensing line cannot be continuousl)' sloped, install high point vents and low point
f. Keep instrument tubing clean during all phases of work.
g. Blowout with clean, dry, oil-free air immediately before final assembly.
h. Cut by sawing only and debur.
2. Bending:
a. Make each bend with tube bender of the correct size for the tube.
b. Make all bends smooth and continuous.
c. Rebending is not permitted.
d. Make bends tme to angle and radius.
e. Maintain a true circular cross section of tubing without buckling or undue stretch of
tube wall.
f. Allowable tolerance for flattening out of tubing bends: Maximum of8 percent of the
OD for stainless steel tubing.
g. Minimum bending radius for stainless steel tubing:
h. Minimum bending radius for type L, hard (drawn) copper:
3. Tubing support:
a. Intermittently support by clamping to support angle.
b. Install supports to be self-draining, supported by hangers, or cantilevered from walls or
structural beams.
c. Support at 5 FT -0 IN maximum spans for horizontal or vertical runs.
d. Use tubing trays in areas where spans between supports are greater than 5 FT and for all
signal tubing support.
e. Support each tubing tray at 10FT maximum spans.
f. Align tubing in orderly rows and retain in the tray by bolted clips.
I) The use of spring or speed clips is not acceptable.
g. Maintain order of the tubing throughout the length of the tray.
h. Locate angle, channel and tray installation to protect tubing from spills and mechanical
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IJ442 - 9
i. Locate support members to clear all piping, conduit, equipment, hatchways, monorails,
and personnel access ways and allow access for equipment operation and maintenance.
j. Support trays to prevent torsion, sway or sag.
k. Permanently attach supports to building steel or other permanent structural members.
I. Arrange supports and trays so that they do not become a trough or trap.
4. Routing and orientation:
a. Route to maintain a minimum headroom clearance of8 FT.
b. Locate and orient valves and specialties so that they are accessible for operation and
maintenance from the operating floor.
I) Do not route through or over equipment removal areas, below monorails or cranes
nor above or below hatches.
5. Expansion and vibration provisions:
a. Provide horizontal expansion loops at the process connections.
b. Route tubing parallel to relative motion through sleeved supports that allow linear tube
c. Cold springing of tubing to compensate for thermal expansion is prohibited.
d. Utilize flexible hoses to connect pneumatic tubing to air users which may move or
I. Air Supply:
I. Connect all instruments requiring air to air supply piping and tubing.
2. Provide connections as follows:
a. Terminate branch supply line not more than 36 IN from the device with a 1/2 IN
isolation valve.
b. For remaining line, use 1/4 or 3/8 IN tubing ofa length to allow for normal equipment
movement and vibration.
c. Use flexible hoses to connect pneumatic tubing to air users which may experience
significant movement or vibration.
d. Make branch connections to individual instruments from the top of the supply header.
e. Purge instrument air piping of extraneous material by blowing clean, dry, oil-free air
through the system prior to final connection.
1. Threaded Connection Seals:
I. Use Tite-Seal or acceptable alternate.
2. Use of lead base pipe dope or Teflon tape is not acceptable.
3. Do not apply Tite-Seal to tubing threads of compression fittings.
K. Capillary Tubing:
I. Route capillary tubing in tubing tray.
2. Install capillary tubing with a 2 IN minimum bend radius which does not kink or pinch the
3. Do not cut or disconnect at any point.
4. Coil excess capillary tubing and secure at the instrument.
L. Temperature Elements:
I. Assemble in the following sequence:
a. Remove temperature sensor sheaths and terminal blocks Irom the head and nipple
b. Connect nipple and head to thermowell installed in the pipe.
c. Insert sheath and terminal block until it seats in the thermowell.
d. Connect to the head.
M. Instrument Mounting:
I. Mount all instruments where they will be accessible from fixed ladders, platforms, or grade.
2. Mount all local indicating instruments with face forward toward the normal operating area,
within reading distance, and in the line of sight.
3. Mount instruments level, plumb, and support rigidly.
4. Mount to provide:
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13442 - 10
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1 0 011\1
a. Protection from heat, shock, and vibrations.
b. Accessibility for maintenance.
c. Freedom from interference with piping, conduit and equipment.
A. Provide on-site training in accordance with Specification Section 01650.
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13442 - ] I
A. Section Includes:
I. Signal modules:
a. Not Used
2. Annunciators.
a. Not Used
3. Pilot devices:
a. Selector switches.
b. Pushbuttons.
c. Indicating lights.
4. Relays/timers:
a. Control relay.
b. Time delay relays.
5. Termination equipment:
a. Terminal blocks.
b. Fuse holders.
6. Power supplies:
a. DC power supplies.
b. Isolation transformers.
7. Voltage surge protection devices.
a. Not Used
8. Running time indicator.
9. Instrument Air Compressors
a. Not Used
10. Clocks.
a. Not Used
II. Ethernet Switches
12. Fiber Optic Equipment
a. Patch Panels
b. Patch Cables
c. Connectors
B. Related Specification Sections include but are not necessarily limited to:
1. Division 0 - Bidding Requirements, Contract Forms, and Conditions of the Contract.
2. Division I - General Requirements.
3. Divison 13
a. Section 13440 - Instrumentation for Process Control: Basic Requirements.
b. Section 16491 - Low Voltage Surge Protective Devices (SPD).
A. Referenced Standards:
I. The International Society of Automation (ISA):
a. S] 8.], Annunciator Sequences and Specifications.
2. National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA):
a. 250, Enclosures for Electrical Equipment (1000 Volts Maximum).
b. ICS 2, Industrial Control and Systems: Controllers, Contactors, and Overload Relays
Rated 600 Volts.
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11446 - 1
1 O.fJ
. .
3. Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. (UL).
B. Miscellaneous:
1. Assure units comply with electrical area classifications and NEMA enclosure type shown on
A. Shop Drawings:
1. See Specification Section 01340 for requirements for the mechanics and administration of
the submittal process.
2. See Specification Section 13440.
B. Operation and Maintenance Manuals:
1. See Specification Section 01340 for requirements for:
a. The mechanics and administration of the submittal process.
b. The content of Operation and Maintenance Manuals.
A. Subject to compliance with the Contract Documents, the manufacturers as listed in the articles
describing the devices are acceptable.
B. Provide similar components from the same manufacturer for uniformity of appearance.
operations, and maintenance.
C. Submit request for substitution in accordance with Specification Section 01640.
A. Not Used
A. Not Used
A. Selector Switches:
1. Acceptable manufacturers:
a. Cutler Hammer.
b. Allen-Bradley.
2. Design and fabrication:
a. Heavy-duty type.
b. NEMA 4X.
c. Rotary carn units conforming to NEMA ICS .2-216.27.
d. Mounting hole: 30.5 mm.
e. Supply switches having number of positions required with contact blocks to fulfill
functions shown and specified.
f. UL listed.
Maintained contact type.
Knob type operators.
1. Black colored operators.
Desi..'l1ed with cam and contact block with approximate area of2 IN SQ.
Legend plate marked per Contract Documents.
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:"JCR\"/ fP Degasifier & Odor Control Expansion
]3446 - 2
100 .~
I. Contact block requirements:
I) Dry and indoor locations: Standard contact blocks rated for lOA continuous
2) Wet or outside locations: Hermetically sealed contact blocks.
B. Pushbuttons:
]. Acceptable manufacturers:
a. Cutler Hammer.
b. Allen-Bradley.
2. Materials:
a. Backing diaphragm: Buna-N.
3. Design and fabrication:
a. Heavy-duty type.
b. NEMA 4X.
c. Conforming to NEMA ICS 2-216.22.
d. Mounting hole: 30.5 mm.
e. Diaphragm backed.
f. UL listed.
g. Emergency stop push buttons to have mushroom head operator and maintained contact.
h. Non-illuminated type:
I) Momentary contact with necessary contact blocks.
2) Molded, solid color melamine buttons.
3) Standard flush operators with no shroud.
4) Green colored buttons for START or ON and redcolor for STOP or OFF.
5) Appropriate contact blocks to fulfill functions shown or specified.
i. Contact block requirements:
]) Dry and indoor locations: Standard contact blocks rated for lOA continuous
2) Wet or outside locations: Hermetically sealed contact blocks.
3) Legend plate marked per Contract Documents.
J. Illuminating type:
I) Momentary contact with necessary contact blocks.
2) Serves as both pushbutton control and indicating light.
3) Green colored lenses for start or on and red for STOP or OFF.
4) Resistor-type full voltage light unit with lens and panel gasket.
5) Legend plate marked per Contract Documents.
6) Appropriate contact blocks to fulfill functions shown or specified.
e. Indicating Lights:
]. Acceptable manufacturers:
a. Cutler Hammer.
b. Allen-Bradley.
2. Design and fabrication:
a. Heavy duty.
b. NEMA4X.
c. Type allowing replacement of bulb without removal from control panel.
d. LED.
e. UL listed.
f. 24 V lamp.
g. Legends marked per Contract Documents.
h. Nominal2]N SQ face.
i. Mounting hole: 30.5 mm.
j. Push-to-test indicating lights.
k. Glass lens.
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13446 - 3
1 00 '~
I. Color code lights as follows:
I) Green: ON or running; valve open.
2) Amber: Standby; auto mode; ready.
3) Red: OFF or stopped; valve closed.
m. Legend plate engraved for each light.
A. Control Relays:
I. Acceptable manufacturers:
a. Idee.
b. Potter & Brumsfield.
c. Allen-Bradley.
2. Design and fabrication:
a. Plug-in general purpose relay.
b. Blade connector type.
c. Switching capacity: lOA.
d. Contact material: Silver cadmium oxide.
e. Provide relays with a minimum of3 SPOT contacts.
f. Coil voltage: 120 Vac or 24 Vdc.
g. Relay sockets are DIN rail mounted.
h. Internal neon or LED indicator is lit when coil is energized.
i. Clear polycarbonate dust cover with clip fastener.
j. Check button.
k. Temperature rise:
I) Coil: 85 DegF max.
2) Contact: 65 DegF max.
I. Insulation resistance: 100 Meg min.
m. Frequency response: 1800operationslhour.
n. Operating temperature: -20 to + 150 DegF.
o. Life expectancy:
I) Electrical: 500,000 operations or more.
2) Mechanical: 50,000,000 operations or more.
p. UL listed or recognized.
B. Time Delay Relays:
I. Acceptable manufacturers:
a. Eagle Signal Controls.
b. Idee.
c. Or equal.
2. Design and fabrication:
a. Melt design test and performance requirements ofNEMA lCS 2- J 18.
b. Heavy-duty.
c. Solid-state construction.
d. Exlemal adjusting dial.
e. Auxiliaf)' relays as required to perform functions specified or shown on Drawings.
f. Operates on 117 Vac (I I 0 percent) power source.
g. Contact rating: AI50perNEMA ICS2-125.
h. Furnish with "on" and "timing out" indicators.
A. Terminal Blocks:
1. Acceptable manufacturers:
a. Phoenix Contact.
b. Allen-Bradley.
c. Or equal.
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]3446 - 4
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2. Design and fabrication:
a. Modular type with screw compression clamp.
b. Screws: Stainless steel.
c. Current bar: Nickel-plated copper allow.
d. Thermoplastic insulation rated for -40 to +90 Dege.
e. Wire insertion area: Funnel-shaped to guide all conductor strands into terminal.
f. ]nstall end sections and end stops at each end of terminal strip.
g. ]nstall machine-printed terminal markers on both sides of block.
h. Spacing: 6 mm.
i. Wire size: 77-12 A WG.
j. Rated voltage: 600 V.
k. Din rail mounting.
I. UL listed.
3. Standard-type block:
a. Rated current: 30 A.
b. Color: Gray body.
4. Bladed-type block:
a. Terminal block with knife blade disconnect which connects or isolated the two (2) sides
of the block.
b. Rated current: lOA.
c. Color:
I) Panel control voltage leaves enclosure - normal: Gray body, orange switch.
2) Foreign voltage entering enclosure: Orange body, orange switch.
5. Grounded-type block:
a. Electrically grounded to mounting rail.
b. Use to terminal ground wires and analog cable shields.
c. Color: Green and yellow body.
B. Fuse Holders:
I. Acceptable manufacturers:
a. Phoenix Contact.
b. Allen-Bradley.
c. Or equal.
2. Design and fabrication:
a. Modular-type with screw compression clamp.
b. Screws: Stainless steel.
c. Current bar: Nickel-plated copper alloy.
d. Thermoplastic insulation rated for -40 to + 105 DegC.
e. Wire insertion area: Funnel-shaped to guide all conductor strands into terminal.
f. Blocks can be ganged for multi-pole operation.
g. Install end sections and end stops at each end of terminal strip.
h. Install machine-printed terminal markers on both sides of block.
i. Spacing: 9.] mm.
j. Wire size: 30-12 AWG.
k. Rated voltage: 300 V.
I. Rated current: ] 2 A.
m. Fuse size: 1/4 x 1-1/4.
n. Blown fuse indication.
o. DIN rail mounting.
p. UL listed.
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NCRWTP Dcgasifier & Odor Control Expansion
13446 - 5
^'-<_.....~~~.' ,-'-'
A. DC Power Supplies:
1. Acceptable manufacturers:
a. Sola Hevi-Duty.
b. Phoenix Contact.
c. Rockwell Automation.
2. Design and fabrication:
a. Converts 170 Vac input to DC power at required voltage.
b. DIN rail mount with enclosure (i.e.. not open frame).
c. Switching type.
d. AC input: 120 Vac +/-15 percent, nominal 60 Hz.
e. Efficiency: Minimum 86 percent.
f. Rated mean time between failure (MTBF): 500,000 HRS.
g. Voltage regulation:
1) Static: Less than 1.0 percent V Olll'
2) Dynamic: +/.2 percent V OUI overall.
h. Output ripple/noise: Less than 100 m V peak to peak (20 MHz).
i. Overload, short circuit and open circuit protection.
J. Temperature rating: 0 to 60 DegC full rated, dera1ed linearly to 50 percent at 70 Dege.
k. Humidity rating: Up to 90 percent. non-condensing.
I. LED status indication for DC power.
B. Isolation Transformers:
1. Acceptable manufacturers:
a. Topaz Noise Suppressor Noise Isolator.
b. MGE UPS Systems, Topaz TI.
c. Or equal;
2. Design and fabrication:
a. Protects sensitive electronic equipment from electrical noise.
b. Common-mode noise attenuation: 146 dB at 0.0005 pF coupling capacitance.
c. Normal-mode attenuation: 60 dB.
d. Input voltage range: IlO percent of rated.
e. Regulation: 3.5 percent or less from full-load to no-load.
f. Dielectric strength: 2,500 Vae minimum.
g. Harmonic distortion: I percent maximum.
h. Electromagnetic interference: 0.1 gauss maximum at 18 IN.
i. UL listed.
A. See Specification Section 16491.
A. Acceptable Manufacturers:
I. Eagle Signal Controls.
B. Design and Fabrication:
1. Six-digit wheels including a 1/1 0 digit.
2. Non-reset type.
3. Time range in hours.
4. Automatic recycle at zero.
5. Accuracy: I percent.
6. Sealed against dirt and moisture.
7. Tamperproof.
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NCRWTP Degasiticr & Odor Control Expansion
]3446 - 6
.. -.,
A. Not Used
A. Not Used
A. Acceptable Manufactures:
I. Sixnet
2. Or Approved Equal
B. Design and Fabrication:
] . Managed Ethernet switches
2. Minimum of 5 RJ45 ports and 2 fiber optic ports
3. All IEEE S02.3 Ethernet protocols supported
4. RJ45 port speed 10 or 100 Mbps auto-negotiation
5. Fiber optic port speed 100 Mbps
6. Fiber optic multimode or singlemode with ST connectors
7. Supply voltage 10-30VDC
S. Operational Range -40 to + 75 C
9. Vibration IEC6S-2-6
A. Patch Panels
1. Acceptable Manufactures:
a. Coming Cable Systems
b. Rittal
c. Or Approved Equal
2. Design and Fabrication:
a. Suitable for wall mounting, comprised of internal mounting plate, cable holder, slack
cable take up/organizer blocks. patch block with connectors and !,,'found lugs
b. NEMA-4X 3]6 stainless steel construction or outdoors
c. NEMA-12, 316 stainless steel or fiberglass for indoor use
d. Suitable for multimode system operations at SOO and 1300 nanometers
e. Suitable for ST connectors
f. Sized to handle the number of fibers of cable specified
g. All fibers shall be terminated in the patch panel
B. Patch Cables
I. Design and Fabrication:
a. 2 fiber zipcord 62.5/] 25 core/clad micron multimode riser rated cable
2. Installation:
a. Observe minimum fiber bend radius and strain relief
C. Connectors
]. Acceptable Manufactures:
a. Coming Cable Systems
b. AMP
c. Or Approved Equal
2. Design and Fabrication:
a. ST style connectors designed for use with 62.51125 micron cable
b. Operating temperature range -40 to 75 F
c. Maximum signal attenuation of 1.6 dB
d. Insertion loss of 0.5 dB
e. Durability (mating cycles) of 1000 minimum
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f. Repeatability of less of 0.7 dB
A. Install products in accordance with manufacturer's instructions.
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13446 - 8
A. Section Includes:
]. Requirements for control panels and enclosures utilized as follows:
a. Unless noted otherwise, all control panels and enclosures housing control components
that are specified in Section ]3442, Section 13446, Section 13447, Section 13449 or
Section 13500.
B. This Section is only applicable to panels furnished with Division] ] equipment packages when
so stated in the applicable Division I] Specification Section.
e. This Section is only applicable to panels housing Division 16 specified equipment (e.g., motor
starters, lighting controls, etc.) when so stated in the applicable Division 16 Specification
D. Related Sections include but are not necessarily limited to:
I. Division 0 - Bidding Requirements, Contract Forms. and Conditions of the Contract.
2. Division I - General Requirements.
a. Section 10400 - Identification Devices.
3. Division] I - Equipment.
4. Division 13
a. Section 13440 - Instrumentation for Process Control: Basic Requirements.
b. Section 13442 - Primary Elements and Transmitters.
c. Section] 3446 - Control Auxiliaries.
d. Section 13449 - Surge Protection Devices (SPD) for Instrumentation and Control
e. Section 13500 - Programmable Automation Controller (PAC) Control System.
5. Division 16 - Electrical.
A. Referenced Standards:
I. American National Standards Institute (ANSI).
2. ASTM ]nternational (ASTM):
a. B75, Standard Specification for Seamless Copper Tube.
3. National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA):
a. 250, Enclosures for Electrical Equipment (1000 Volts Maximum).
b. ]CS 4, Industrial Control and Systems: Terminal Blocks.
4. National Fire Protection Association (NFPA):
a. 70, National Electrical Code (NEC).
5. Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. (UL):
a. 50SA, Standard for Safety ]ndustrial Control Panels.
B. Miscellaneous:
I. Approved supplier of Industrial Control Panels under provisions of UL 50SA.
a. Entire assembly shall be affixed with a UL 50SA label "Listed Enclosed ]ndustrial
Control Panel" prior to shipment to the jobsite.
b. Control panel(s) without an affixed UL 50SA label shall be rejected and sent back to
the Contractor's factory.
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13448 - I
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A. The term "panel" refers to control panels or enclosures listed in the schedule included in this
Specification Section.
B. Foreign Voltages: Voltages that may be present in circuits when the panel main power is
e. Intrinsically Safe:
1. A device, instrument or component that will not produce sparks or thennal effects under
nonnal or abnonnal conditions that will ignite a specified gas mixture.
2. Designed such that electrical and thermal energy limits inherently are at levels incapable of
causing ignition.
D. Cable: Multi-conductor, insulated. with outer sheath containing either building wire or
instrumentation wire.
E. Instrumentation Cable:
I. Multiple conductor, insulated, twisted or untwisted, with outer sheath.
2. Instrumentation cable is typically either TSP (twisted-shielded pair) or TST (twisted-
shielded triad), and is used for the transmission aflow current or low voltage signals.
F. Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter (GFCI): A 1ype of device (e.g., circuit breaker or receptacle)
which detects an abnormal current flow to ground and opens the circuit preventing a hazardous
G. Programmable Automation Controller (PAC): A specialized industrial computer using
programmed, custom instructions to provide automated monitoring and control functions by
interfacing software control strategies to input/output devices.
H. Programmable Logic Controller (PLC): A specialized industrial computer using programmed,
custom instructions to provide automated monitoring and control functions by interfacing
software control strategies to input/output devices.
I. Remote Terminal Unit (RTU): An industrial data collection device designed for location at a
remote site, that communicates data to a host system by using telemetry such as radio, dial-up
telephone, or leased lines.
1. Input/Output (I/O): Hardware for the moving of control signals into and/or out ofa PAC or
K. Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA): Used in process control applications,
where programmable automation controllers (PACs) perform control functions but are
monitored and supervised by computer workstations.
L. Highway Addressable Remote Transducer (HART): An open, master-slave protocol for bus
addressable field instruments.
M. Digital Signal Cable: Used for the transmission of digital communication signals between
computers, PACs, RTUs, e1c.
N. Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS): A backup power unit that provides continuous power
when the normal power supply is interrupted.
O. Loop Calibrator: Portable testing and measurement too] capable of accurately generating and
measuring 4-20ma DC analog signals.
A. Shop Drawings:
1. See Section 01340 for requirements for the mechanics and administration of the submittal
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NCR'A/TP Degasifier & Odor Control Expansion
13448 - 2
7<~'::':; i,'I'1
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1 0 D 1"
2. See Section 13440.
3. Prepared with computer aided design (CAD) software.
4. Printed on 1] by 17 IN sheets.
5. Drawings shall include a title block containing the following:
a. Plant or facility name where panel(s) are to be installed.
b. Drawing title.
c. Drawing number.
d. Revision list with revision number and date
e. Drawing date.
f. Drawing scale.
g. Manufacturer name, address, and telephone number.
6. Cover sheet for each drawing set shall indicate the following:
a. Plant or facility name.
b. Project name.
c. Submittal description.
d. Revision number.
e. Issue date.
7. Table of contents sheet(s) shall indicate the following for each drawing in the set:
a. Drawing number.
b. Drawing title.
c. Sheet number.
8. Legend and abbreviation sheet shall indicate the following:
a. Description of symbols and abbreviations used.
b. Panel construction notes including enclosure NEMA rating, finish type and color, wire
type, wire color strategy, conductor sizes, and wire labeling strategy.
c. Confirmation that the panel(s) are to be affixed with a UL 508A label prior to shipment
from the factory.
9. Bill of Material for each panel shall include the following component information:
a. Instrument tag number.
b. Quantity.
c. Functional name or description.
d. Manufacturer.
e. Complete model number.
f. Size or rating.
10. Panel exterior layout drawings to scale and shall indicate the following:
a. Panel materials of construction, dimensions, and total assembled weight.
b. Panel access openings.
c. Conduit access locations.
d. Front panel device layout.
e. Nameplate schedule:
I) Nameplate location.
2) Legend which indicates text, letter height and color, and background color.
f. Alarm annunciator window engraving schedule.
g. Layouts of graphic panels or mosaic displays.
] ]. Panel interior layout drawings shall be drawn to scale and shall indicate the following:
3. Sub-panel or mounting pan dimensions.
b. Interior device layouts.
c. PAC/RTU general arrangement layouts.
d. Wire-way locations, purpose, and dimensions.
e. Terminal strip designations.
f. Location of external wiring and/or piping connections.
g. Location of lighting fixtures, switches and receptacles.
]2. Wiring diagrams shall consist of the following:
a. Panel power distribution diagrams.
b. Control and instrumentation wiring diagrams.
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NCR WTP Degasifier & Odor Control Expansion
13448 - 3
'. ...
c. PAC/RTU I/O information:
I) Model number of I/O module.
2) Description ofl/O module type and function.
3) Rack and slot number.
4) Terminal number on module.
5) Point or channel number.
6) Programmed point addresses.
7) Signal function and type.
d. Wiring diagrams shall identify each wire as it is to be labeled.
B. Manufacturer catalog cut sheets for enclosure, finish. panel devices, control auxiliaries, and
e. Electrical load calculations for each panel:
I. Total connected load.
2. Peak electrical demand for each panel.
D. Climate control calculations for each panel.
1. Verify that sufficient dissipation and/or generation of heat is provided to maintain interior
panel temperatures within the rated operating temperatures of panel components.
E. Miscellaneous:
I. Record Drawings:
a. Updated panel drawings delivered with the panel(s) from the Contractor's factory.
b. Drawings shall be enclosed in transparent plastic and firmly secured within each panel.
F. Operation and Maintenance Manuals:
I. See Section 01340 for requirements for:
3. The mechanics and administration of the submittal process.
b. The content of Operation and Maintenance Manuals.
2. See Section 13440.
A. Subject to compliance with the Contract Documents, the following manufacturers are
1. Enclosures:
a. Hoftman Engineering Co.
b. Rittal.
c. Hammond Manufacturing.
d. Millbank Mfg. Co.
2. Panel heaters:
a. HotTman Enclosures, Inc.
b. Rittal.
c. Hammond Manufacturing.
3. Heat exchangers and air conditioners:
a. Hoffman Enclosures, Inc.
b. Rittal.
c. Hammond Manufacturing.
4. Cooling fans and exhaust packages:
a. Hoftman Enclosures, Inc.
b. Rittal.
'0 "".' ,- Collier County, Florida
NCR \VTP Degasifier & Odor Control Expansion
5. Internal corrosion inhibitors:
a. Hoffman Enclosures, Inc.; Model A-HCI.
b. Northern Technologies International Corporation (NTlC); Model Zerust Ve.
c. Cortec Corporation; Model VpCI Emitting Systems.
B. Submit request for substitution in accordance with Specification Section 0]640.
A. Panel Nameplates and Identification:
I. See Section 10400.
A. General:
1. Fabricate panels with instrument arrangements and dimensions identified in the Contract
2. Provide panel(s) with the required enclosure rating per NEMA 250 to meet classifications
identified in the Contract Documents.
3. Devices installed in panel openings shall have a NEMA enclosure rating at least equal to the
panel enclosure rating.
a. Devices that cannot be obtained with an adequate NEMA rating shall be installed
behind a transparent viewing window.
b. The window shall maintain the required NEMA rating of the enclosure.
4. Panel(s) shall be complctely assembled at the Contractor's factory.
a. No fabrication other than correction of minor defects or minor transit damage shall be
performed on panels at the jobsite.
5. Painting:
a. Panels fabricated from steel shall have their internal and external surfaces prepared,
cleaned, primed, and painted.
]) Mechanically abrade all surfaces to remove rust, scale, and surface imperfections.
2) Provide final surface treatment with 120 grit abrasives or finer, followed by spot
putty to nil all voids.
3) Utilize solvent or chemical methods to clean panel surfaces.
4) Apply surface conversion of zinc phosphate prior to painting to improve paint
adhesion and to increase corrosion resistance.
5) Electrostatically apply polyester urethane powder coating to all inside and outside
6) Bake powder coating at high temperatures to bond coating to enclosure surface.
a) Panel interior shall be white with semi-gloss finish.
b) Panel exterior shall be ANSI #6] gray with flat finish.
7) Application of alkyd liquid enamel coating shall be allowed in lieu of polyester
urethane powder for wall mounted NEMA ] or NEMA 12 rated panels.
b. Panels fabricated from stainless steel, aluminum, or fiberglass shall not be painted.
6. Finish opening edges of panel cutouts to smooth and true surface conditions.
a. Panels fabricated from steel shall have the opening edges finished with the panel
exterior paint.
7. Panel shall mcet all requirements of UL 50SA.
a. I f more than one (1) disconnect switch is required to disconnect all power within a
panel or enclosure, provide a cautionary marking with the word "CAUTION" and the
following or equivalent, "Risk of Electric Shock-More than one (I) disconnect switch
required to de-energize the equipment before servicing."
S. Provide control panel in accordance with NEC Article 409 - Industrial Control Panels.
a. In the event of any conflict between NEC Article 409 and UL 50SA, the more stringent
requirement shall apply.
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B. Free-Standing Panels:
I. Welded construction.
2. Completely enclosed, self-supporting, and gasketed dusttight.
3. Rolled lip around all sides of enclosure door opening.
4. Seams and comers welded and ground smooth to touch and smooth in visual appearance.
5. Full height, fully gasketed flush pan doors.
6. Full length piano hinges rated for 1.5 times door plus instrument weight.
7. Doors with keyed alike locking handles and three-point catch.
8. Appropriate conduit, wiring, and instrument openings shall be provided.
9. Lifting eyebolts to allow simple, safe rigging and lifting of panel during installation.
e. Wall Mounted Panels:
1. Seams continuously welded and ground smooth.
2. Rolled lip around all sides of enclosure door opening.
3. Gasketed dust tight.
4. Door clamps and hasp/staple for padlocking.
5. Three-point latching mechanism operated by oil tight key-locking handle.
6. Key doors alike.
7. Continuous heavy GA hinge pin on doors.
a. Hinges rated for 1.5 times door plus instrument weight.
8. Front full opening door.
9. Brackets for wall mounting.
D. Internal Panel Wiring:
J. Panel wire duct shall be installed between each row of components, and adjacent to each
terminal strip.
a. Route wiring within the panel in wire-duct neatly tied and bundled with tie wraps.
b. Follow wire-duct manufacturer's recommended fill limits.
c. Wire-duct shall have removable snap-on covers and perforated walls for easy wire
d. Wire-duct shall be constructed of nonmetallic materials with rating in excess of the
maximum voltage carried therein.
2. Wiring shall be installed such that if wires are removed from one (I) device, source of
power will not be disrupted to other devices.
3. Splicing and tapping of wires permitted only at terminal blocks.
4. Wire bunches to doors shall he secured at each end so that bending or twisting will be
around longitudinal axis of wire.
a. Protect bend area with sleeve.
5. Arrange wiring neatly. cut to proper length, with surplus wire removed.
a. Arrange wiring with sufficient clearance.
b. Provide abrasion protection for \vire bundles that pass through openings or across edges
of sheet metal.
6. AC circuits shall be routed separate from analog signal cables and digital signal cables.
a. Separate by at least 6 IN. except at unavoidable crossover points and at device
7. Provide at least 6 IN of separation between intrinsically safe devices and circuits and non-
intrinsically safe devices and circuits.
8. Wiring to pilot devices or ro1ary switches shall be individually bundled and installed with a
"flexible loop" of sufficient length to permit the component to be removed from panel for
maintenance without removing terminations.
9. Conductors for AC and DC circuits shall be type MTW stranded copper listed for operation
with 600 V at 90 Dege.
a. Conductor size shall be as required for load and 16 A WG minimum.
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NCR WTP Degasifier & Odor Control Expansion
13448 - 6
b. Internal pane] wiring color code:
I) AC circuits:
a) Power wiring: Black.
b) Control interconnections: Yellow.
c) Neutral: White.
d) Ground: Green.
2) Low voltage DC circuits:
a) Power wiring: Blue.
b) Control interconnections: Violet.
3) Foreign voltage circuits: Pink.
4) Annunciator circuits: Red.
5) Intrinsically safe circuits: Orange.
] O. Analog signal cables shall be of 600 V insulation, stranded copper, twisted-shielded pairs.
a. Conductor size: ] 8 A WG minimum.
b. Terminate shield drain conductors to ground only at one (I) end ofthe cable.
I]. High precision 250 ohm resistors with 0.25 percent accuracy shall be used where 4-20 mA
DC analog signals are converted to ]-5 Vdc signals.
a. Resistors located at terminal strips.
b. Resistors terminated using individual terminal blocks and with no other conductors.
c. Resistor leads shall be un-insulated and of sufficient length to allow test or calibration
equipment (e.g., HART communicator, loop calibrator) to be properly attached to the
circuit with clamped test leads.
12. Analog signals for devices in separate enclosures shall not be wired in series.
a. Loop isolators shall be used where analog signals are transmitted between control
13. Wire and cable identification:
a. Wire and cables numbered and tagged at each termination.
b. Wire tags:
]) Slip-on, PVC wire sleeves with legible, machine-printed markings.
2) Adhesive, snap-on, or adhesive type labels are not acceptable.
c. Markings as identified in the Shop Drawings.
E. Grounding Requirements:
I. Equipment grounding conductors shall be separated from incoming power conductors at the
point of entry.
2. Minimize grounding conductor length within the enclosure by locating the ground reference
point as close as practical to the incoming power point of entry.
3. Bond electrical racks, chassis and machine elements to a central ground bus.
a. Nonconductive materials, such as paint, shall be removed from the area where the
equipment contacts the enclosure.
4. Bond the enclosure to the ground bus.
a. It is imperative that good electrical connections are made at the point of contact
between the ground bus and enclosure.
5. Panel-mounted devices shall be bonded to the panel enclosure or the panel grounding
system by means oflocknuts or pressure mounting methods.
6. Sub-panels and doors shall be bonded to ground.
F. Termination Requirements:
I. Wiring to circuits external to the panel connected to interposing terminal blocks.
2. Terminal blocks rigidly mounted on DIN rail mounting channels.
3. TenninaJ strips located to provide adequate space for entrance and termination of the field
4. One (I) side of each strip of terminal blocks reserved exclusively for the termination offield
5. Terminal block markings:
a. Marking shall be the same as associated wire marking.
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13448 - 7
b. Legible, machine-printed markings.
c. Markings as identified in the shop drawings.
6. Terminal block mechanical characteristics. and electrical characteristics shall be in
accordance with NEMA lCS 4.
7. Terminal blocks with continuous marking strips.
a. Each terminal block shall be identified with machine printed labels.
8. Terminals shall facilitate wire sizes as follows:
a. 120 Vac applications: Conductor size 12 A WG minimum.
b. Other: Conductor size 14 A WG minimum..
9. Analog signal cable shield drain conductors shall be individually terminated.
10. Install minimum of20 percent spare terminals.
11. Bladed, knife switch. isolating type terminal blocks where control voltages enter or leave
the panel.
12. Fused terminal blocks shall be used in the following circuits:
a. Control voltage is used to energize a solenoid valve.
b. DC power is connected to 2-wire, loop-powered instruments.
13. Fused terminal blocks shall be provided with blown fuse indicators.
14. When control circuits require more than one (I) field conductor connected to a single wiring
point, a sufficient number of terminal points shall be connected internally to allow
termination of only one (I) field conductor per terminal block.
15. DIN rail mounting channels shall be installed along full length of the terminal strip areas to
facilitate future expansion.
16. Connections to devices \vith screw type tenninals shall be made using spade-tongue,
insulated, compression terminators.
G. Component Mounting and Placement:
I. Components shall be installed per manufacturer instructions.
2. Control relays and other control auxiliaries shall be mounted on DIN rail mounting channels
where practical.
3. Front panel devices shall be mounted within a range 01'40 to 70 IN above the finished floor,
unless otherwise shown in the Contract Documents.
4. PAC/RTU and I/O rack installation:
a. Located such that the LED indicators and switches are readily visible with the panel
door open.
b. Located such that repair and/or replacement of component can be accomplished without
the need to remove wire tenninations or other installed components.
5. Locate power supplies with sufficient spacing for circulation of air.
6. Where components such as magnetic starters. contactors, relays, and other electromagnetic
devices are installed within the same enclosure as the PAC/RTU system components,
provide a barrier of at least 6 IN of separation hetween the "power area containing the
electromagnetic devices" and the "control area"'.
7. Components mounted in the panel interior shall be fastened to an interior sub-panel using
machine screws.
a. Fastening devices shall not project through the outer surface of the panel enclosure.
8. Excess mounting space of at least 20 percent for component types listed below to facilitate
future expansion:
a. Fuse holders.
b. Circuit breakers.
c. Control relays.
d. Time delay relays.
e. Intrinsically safe barriers and relays.
9. Components installed on sub-panels shall be provides vvith a minimum spacing between
component and wire duct of] IN.
a. Minimum of? IN separation between terminal strips and wire ducts.
10. Pneumatic tubes and appurtenances:
a. Connect panel air piping and tubing penetrations with bulkhead fittings.
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~CR,^" rp Degasifier & Odor Control Expansion
13HX - 8
b. Pneumatic control tubing shall be 1/4 IN OD.
I) Tubing material: Either soft annealed ASTM B75 copper or flame-resistant
polyethy lene.
c. Main headers within panels shall be minimum I IN.
d. Compression-type pressure fittings.
e. Equip panel instrument leads with ball type isolation valve.
f. Route tubing neatly and mount securely.
g. Do not route tubing in front of or in wire dueting.
h. Code terminal plates.
i. Pneumatic devices shall be served by a dual function filter regulator.
H. Power Distribution:
1. Main incoming power circuits shall be protected with a thermal magnetic circuit breaker.
a. Limit load to maximum of SO percent of circuit breaker rating.
2. Component types listed below shall be individually fused so that they may be individually
de-energized for maintenance:
a. PAC/RTU power supply modules.
b. Single-loop controllers.
c. Recorders.
d. Alarm annunciators.
3. Each control panel with PAC/RTU components shall be furnished with power protection in
the form of a double conversion UPS.
4. Equip each panel with necessary power supplies with ratings required for installed
equipment and with minimum 25 percent spare capacity.
5. Constant voltage transfonners, balancing potentiometers, and rectifiers as necessary for
specific instrument requirements.
I. Interna] Panel Lighting and Service Receptacles:
1. Panels less than or equal to 4 FT wide:
a. One (]) electrical GFCI duplex receptacle.
b. One (]) compact fluorescent light fixture with manual switch(es).
2. Panels or panel faces greater than 4 FT wide:
a. One (I) duplex electrical GFCI receptacle per 6 FT of length.
b. Continuous fluorescent lighting strip with manual switches.
J. Environmental Controls:
I. Indoor panels located in a designated electrical room or control room:
a. Thermostat controlled cooling fans with exhaust louvers ifrequired to maintain
temperature inside panel(s) below the maximum operating temperature rating of the
internal components.
b. Internal corrosion inhibitors.
2. Indoor panels not located within a designated electrical room or control room:
a. Thermostat controlled heaters to maintain temperature approximately 10 DegF above
ambient for condensation prevention inside the panels.
b. Automatically controlled, closed-loop heat exchangers or closed-loop air conditioners
where required to maintain temperature inside each enclosure below the maximum
operating temperature rating of the components inside the panel(s).
c. Internal corrosion inhibitors.
3. Outdoor panels:
a. Outdoor temperature range of 0 DegF through 120 DegF.
b. Thermostat controlled heaters to maintain temperature approximately] 0 DegF above
ambient for condensation prevention inside the panels.
c. Outdoor temperature range of 0 DegF through 120 DegF.
d. Thermostat controlled closed-loop heat exchangers or closed-loop air conditioners if
required to maintain temperature inside each enclosure below the maximum operating
temperature rating of the components inside the panel.
e. Internal corrosion inhibitors.
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13448 - 9
4. Environmental control components:
a. Panel heaters:
I) Thermostat controlled.
2) Fan driven.
3) Components mounted in an anodized aluminum housing.
4) Designed for sub-panel mounting.
5) Powercd from 120 Vac and protected with a dcdicated circuit breaker.
b. Cooling fans and exhaust packages:
I) Cooling fan with louver nr grill and replaceable filter.
2) Designed to be mounted within a panel cutout to provide positive airflow through
the panel.
3) Cooling fan and exhaust louvers shall be designed and listed to maintain a
N EMA P enclosure rating.
4) Fitted with replaceable, high-density foam or synthetic fiber.
5) Cooling fan controlled with a separately mounted thermostat with bi-metal sensor
and adjustable dial Jor temperature selling.
6) Powered from 120 Vae and protected with a dedicated circuit breaker.
c. Heat exchangers and air conditioners:
1) Dual-loop design to isolate panel interior air from exterior air.
2) Thermostat controlled.
3) Operate from 170 Vac and protected with a dedicated circuit breaker.
d. Internal corrosion inhibitors:
I) Contains chemical which vaporizes and condenses on surfaces in the enclosure.
2) Inhibitor shall be applied in accordance with manufacturer instructions for the
enclosure volume.
3) Inhibi10r shall be applied in the pancl(s) prior to shipment from the Contractor's
factorY .
A. Extra Materials:
I. Quantity of 25 percent replacement lamps for each type installed (minimum of] 2 of each
') Minimum 12 replacement filters for each type installed.
3. One (I) quart of exterior finish touch-up paint.
4. One (I) complete set of replacement corrosion inhibitors in sealed packages for each panel.
A. Scope: Inspect and test entire panel assembly to veriry readiness for shipment.
B. Location: Contractor's factOlY.
e. Factory Tests:
I. Tests shall be fully documented and signed by the Contractor's factory supervisor.
2. The panel shop shall fully test the control panel for correct wiring.
a. Each I/O point shall be checked by measuring or connecting circuits at the field
terminal blocks.
3. Bum-in test: Panel(s) shall be fully energized for a minimum period of 48 HRS.
4. A PAC Central Processing Unit (CPU) shall be obtained and connected to the panel(s) if
necessary for testing purposes.
5. Testing equipment (such as digital multi-meters, analog loop calibrators, and laptop
computers with PAC programming software) shall be used as required for testing.
6. The foIlO\,ving functions shall be tested as a minimum:
" ~,', :'
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13448 - 10
a. Demonstrate functions of the panel(s) required by the Contract Documents.
b. Correctness of wiring from all panel field terminals to all I/O points and to all panel
c. Simulate and test each discrete signal at the field terminal strips.
d. Simulate and test each analog signal using loop calibrators.
e. Correct operation of communications between PAC system Central Processing Units
(CPUs) and Remote I/O bases.
f. Correct operation of sing]e-Ioop controllers (including digital communication to
microprocessor based devices).
g. Correct operation of all digital communication devices.
h. Demonstrate online and offline diagnostic tests and procedures.
i. The Contractor shall notifY the Engineer in writing a minimum of 15 calendar days
prior to the Factory Tests.
I) Engineer has the option to witness all required tests.
7. Make following documentation available to the Engineer at test site during the tests:
a. Contract Documents.
b. Factory Demonstration Testing procedures.
c. List of equipment to be testing including make, model, and serial number.
d. Shop Drawing submittal data for equipment being tested.
8. Deficiencies shall be corrected prior to shipment from the Contractor's factory.
A. Install free-standing panels on 4 IN high concrete housekeeping pads.
B. Anchor panels in a manner to prevent the enclosure from racking, which may cause the access
doors to become misaligned.
C. Obtain approved panel layouts prior to installation of conduits.
D. Install products in accordance with manufacturer's instructions.
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A. Section Includes:
I. Type IC I SPD - Dedicated 120 Vac circuit. series connection, control panel mounted.
2. Type IC2 SPD - Individual equipment plug-in device (point of use protection).
3. Type IC3 SPD - Discrete 120 Vac control signal. control panel mounted.
4. Type ]C4 SPD - Analog instrumentation signal. field mounted.
5. Type ICS SPD - Analog instrumentation signal. control panel mounted.
6. Type IC6 SPD - Combination 120 Vac circuit and analog signal, field mounted.
7. Type Ie? SPD - Discrete low voltage control signal, control panel mounted.
8. Type IC8 SPD - Not Used.
B. Related Sections include but are not necessarily limited to:
1. Division 0 - Bidding Requirements, Contract Forms, and Conditions of the Contract.
2. Division] - General Requirements.
3. Division]]
a. Section 13440 - Instrumentation for Process Control: Basic Requirements.
A. Referenced Standards:
I. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc. (IEEE):
a. C62.41, Recommended Practice for Surge Voltages in Low-Voltage AC Power
2. National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA):
a. 250, Enclosures for Electrical Equipment (1000 Volts Maximum).
b. LS L Low Voltage Surge Protection Devices.
" "
3. Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. (UL):
a. 4978, Standard for Safety Protectors for Data Communications and Fire-Alarm
b. 1283, Standard for Safety Electromagnetic Interference Filters.
c. 1363, Standard for Safety Relocatable Power Taps.
d. 1449, Standard for Safety Transient Voltage Surge Suppressors.
B. Qualifications:
I. Provide devices for a manufacturer who has been regularly engaged in the development,
design, testing, listing and manufacturing ofSPDs of the types and ratings required for a
period of 10 years or more and whose products have been in satisfactory use in similar
2. Upon request, suppliers or manufacturers shall provide a list of not less than three (3)
customer references showing satisfactoT)' operation.
A. Clamping Voltage: The voltage measured at the end of the 6 IN output leads of the SPD and
from the zero voltage reference to the peak of the surge when the applied surge is induced at the
90 degree phase angle of the applied system frequency voltage.
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NCRWTP Degasilier & Odor Control Expansion
13-1-19 - 1
B. Let-Through Voltage: The voltage measured at the end of the 61N output leads of the SPD and
from the system peak voltage to the peak of the surge when the applied surge is induced at the
90 degree phase angle of the applied system frequency voltage.
C. Maximum Continuous Operating Voltage (MCOV): The maximum steady state voltage at
which the SPD device can operate and meet it specification within its rated temperature.
D. Maximum Surge Current:
]. The maximum 8 x 70 microsecond surge current pulse the SPD device is capable of
surviving on a single-impulse basis without suffering either performance degradation or
more than 10 percent deviation of clamping voltage at a specified surge current.
2. Listed by mode, since number and type of components in any SPD may vary by mode.
E. Protection Modes: This parameter identifies the modes for which the SPD has directly
connected protection elements, i.e., line-to-neutral (L-N), line-to-line (L-L), line-to-ground (L-
G), neutral-to-ground (N-G).
F. Surge Current per Phase:
1. The per phase rating is the total surge current capacity connected to a given phase
2. For example, a wye system surge current per phase would equal L-N plus L-G; a delta
system surge current per phase would equal L-L plus L-G.
a. The N-G mode is not included in the per phase calculation.
G. System Peak Voltage: The electrical equipment supply voltage sine wave peak (i.e., for a 120 V
system the L-N peak voltage is 170 V).
A. Shop Drawings:
I. See Section 01340 for requirements for the mechanics and administration of the submittal
2. For named products, submit only a catalog cut sheet.
a. For all other products, submit the data required below.
3. See Section] 3440.
4. Product technical data for non-specified models:
a. Manufacturer's experience.
b. Standard catalog cut sheet.
c. Electrical and mechanical drawing showing unit dimensions, weights, mounting
provisions, connection details and layout diagram of the unit.
d. Create a Product Data Sheet for each different model number of SPD provided.
]) Data in the Product Data Sheet heading:
a) SPD Type per PART 2 of the Specification.
b) Manufacturer's Name.
c) Product model number.
2) Data in the Product Data Sheet body:
a) Column one: Specified value/feature of every paragraph of PART 2 of the
b) Column two: Manufacturer's certified value confirming the product meets the
specified value/feature.
3) Data in the Product Data Sheet closing:
a) Signature of the manufacturer's official (printed and signed).
b) Title ofthe official.
c) Date of signature.
B. Operation and Maintenance Manual:
1. See Section 01340 for requirements for:
a. The mechanics and administration of the submittal process.
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NCR WTP Dcgasifier & Odor Control Expansion
13449 - 2
b. The content of Operation and Maintenance Manuals.
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~ '''''Y
A. The manufacturer shall provide a minimum of a five (5) year Limited Warranty from date of
shipment against failure when installed in compliance with applicable national/local electrical
codes and the manufacturer's installation. operation and maintenance instructions.
A. Subject to compliance with the Contract Documents, the manufacturers model numbers listed in
the individual product paragraphs below are acceptable.
A. Approved Products:
I. Cutler Hammer AGSHW CH-120N-15-XS.
3. MTL MA15/D/1/SI.
4. Phoenix Contact SFP l-20!l20AC (2856702).
B. Standards: UL 1449.
C. D
1. General:
a. Mounted internally to control panels for point-of.use loads.
b. MOY based or multi-stage hybrid solid slate high performance suppression system.
c. Designed for series connection. I
d. Enclosure: Metallic or plastic, tlange or DIN rail mounting.
e. Field connection: Provide unit with external terminal screws for each phase, neutral
and ground that will accept # 14 through # J 2 conductors.
f. Device monitoring: Long-life, solid state. externally visible indicators that monitors the
on-line status of the units suppression filter system or power loss in any of the phases.
2. Operating voltage: 120 Vac.
3. Operating current: 15 A minimum.
4. Operating frequency: 45 to 65 Hz.
5. Modes of protection: All modes, L-N, l.-G and N-G.
6. Maximum continuous operating voltage: Less than 130 percent of system peak voltage.
7. Maximum surge current: 20.000A per phase. 10.000A per mode minimum.
8. Minimum repetitive surge current capacity: 1000 impulses with no degradation of more
than 10 percent deviation of the clamping voltage.
9. Fusing: Optional integral unit level and/or component level short circuit and/or thennal
overload protection.
3. External protection as recommended by manufacturer.
10. Maximum clamping voltages, dynamic test \vith voltages measured from the zero voltage
reference and 90 degree phase angle:
System Voltage
Test Mode
IEEE C62.41
B Comb. Wave A Ring Wave
400 V 300 V
500 V 400 V
500 V 400 V
UL 1449
330 V
400 V
400 V
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N('RWTP Dcgasilicr & Odor Control Expansion
13449 - 3
"",,,,. 'A~pproved Product:
]. MTL Zone Guardian ZG-43006.
2. Tripp Lite Isobar 6 Ultra.
B. Standards: UL 1283, UL 1363 and UL 1449.
C. Design:
1. General:
a. Multi-stage hybrid solid state high performance suppression system.
b. Point of use protection, designed for plug-in devices.
c. Enclosure: Metallic or impact resistant plastic.
d. Field connection:
I) The minimum line cord shall be #]4 three (3) conductors, 6 FT in length, with a
single piece strain reliefNEMA 5-15P plug.
2) The minimum plug-in strip shall have six (6) single NEMA 5-15R receptacles.
e. ON/OFF toggle switch.
f. Device monitoring:
I) Long-life, solid state, externally visible indicators that monitor the on-line status of
the units suppression filter system or power loss in any of the phases.
2) A fuse or circuit breaker status only monitor system is not acceptable.
2. Operating voltage: 120 Vac.
3. Modes of protection: All modes, L-N, L-G and N-G.
4. Maximum continuous operating voltage: Less than 130 percent of system peak voltage.
5. Operating frequency: 45 to 65 Hz.
6. Maximum surge current: 20,000 A per phase, ] O,OOOA per mode minimum.
7. Minimum repetitive surge current capacity: ]000 impulses with no degradation of more
than 10 percent deviation of the clamping voltage.
8. Overcurrent protection: The SPD may contain internal fuses or circuit breaker, but an IEEE
83 combination wave shall not cause the fuse or circuit breaker to open and render the SPD
9. Maximum clamping voltages, dynamic test with voltages measured from the zero voltage
reference and 90 degree phase angle:
System Voltage
L-N = 120 V
Test Mode
IEEE C62.41
B Comb. Wave A Ring Wave
400 V 300 V
500 V 400 V
500 V 400 V
UL 1449
330 V
400 V
400 V
10. EMI-RFI noise rejection: Attenuation greater than 30 dB for frequencies between 100 kHz
and] 00 MHz.
A. Approved Products:
2. MTL MA-15/DII/SI.
3. MTL SD-150X.
4. Phoenix Contact PT 2xl V A-120AC-ST (2839185) with PT BE/FM (2839282) basefor non-
isolated wiring.
5. Phoenix Contact PT-2 PE/S-120 AC-ST (2839334 with PT-BE/FM (2839282) base for
isolated wiring.
B. Standards: UL 497B or UL 1449.
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100 I
C. Design:
I . General:
a. Mounted internally to control panels for point-of-use loads.
b. Multi-stage hybrid solid state high performance suppression system.
c. Designed for series connection.
d. Enclosure: Metallic or plastic, flange or DIN rail mounting.
e. Field connection: Provide unit vvith external tenninal screws for each phase, neutral
and ground that will accept # 14 through # 12 conductors.
f Device monitoring: Long-life. solid state. externally visible indicators that monitors the
on-line status of the units suppression filter system or power loss in any ofthe phases.
2. Operating voltage: 120 Vac.
3. Operating current: 3 A minimum.
4. Operating frequency: 45 to 65 Hz.
5. Modes of protection: L-N: when ground conductor is present L-G and N-G.
6. Maximum continuous operating voltage: Less than 130 percent of system peak voltage.
7. Maximum surge current: 6000 A per phase, 3000A per mode minimum.
8. Minimum repetitive surge current capacity:
a. The SPD shall meet one (I) of the following:
I) 1000 occurrences of a 200A, lOx I 000 microsecond waveform.
2) 400 occurrences of a 500A, lOx I 000 microsecond waveform.
3) 100 occurrences of a 400A, I Ox700 microsecond waveform.
4) 100 occurrences of a lOnOA. 8x20 microsecond \..'aveform.
9. Maximum clamping voltages, measured from the zero voltage reference:
a. The SPD shall meet one (I) of the following:
I) 400A, IOx700 microsecond waveform: 200 percent of system voltage.
2) IEEE B3 combination \-vave: 250 percent of system voltage.
3) IEEE B3 ring wave: 000 percent of system peak voltage.
4) IEEE A3 ring wave: 000 percent of system peak voltage.
5) Mode N-G clamping voltage may be 175 percent higher than the L-G levels.
A. Approved Products:
I. Cutler Hammer DPIPE S0362.
2. EDCO SS64-036-I, SS64-036-2, SS65-036-1 or SS65-036-2.
4. Phoenix Contact S-PTI-2PE-24DC (2SISI22).
B. Standards: None.
C. Design:
',~.'.;- ,."
a. For protection of field mounted equipment connected to 4- JOmA analog signal loops.
b. Mounted directly to an unused conduit entry on a process transmitter housing.
c. Multi-stage hybrid solid state high performance suppression system.
d. Designed for series connection.
e. Enclosure: 1/7 IN to 3/4 IN stainless steel condui1 pipe nipple.
Operating voltage: 24 Vdc or as indicated on the Drawings.
Modes of protection: All modes, L-L and L-G.
Maximum continuous operating voltage: Less than 130 percent of system peak voltage.
Maximum surge current: 10,000 A.
Minimum repetitive surge current capacity:
a. The SPD shall meet one (I) of the following:
I) 1000 occurrences ofa 700A, 10xl000 microsecond waveform.
2) 400 occurrences of a SOOA. J Ox I 000 microsecond waveform.
3) 100 occurrences ofa 400A. JOx700 microsecond waveform.
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NCR \\'''1'1' Degasificr & Odor Control Expansion
13449 - 5
4) ]00 occurrences ofa 2000A, 8x20 microsecond waveform.
5) ] 0 occurrences of a IO,OOOA, 8x20 microsecond waveform.
7. Maximum clamping voltages, L-L:
a. The SPD shall meet one (I) of the following:
]) 400A, IOx700 microsecond waveform: 400 percent of system voltage.
2) 10,000A, 8x20 microsecond waveform: 400 percent of system voltage.
3) IEEE B3 combination wave: 250 percent of system voltage.
8. Maximum clamping voltages, L-G:
a. The SPD shall meet one (I) ofthe following:
]) 400A, IOx700 microsecond waveform: 200 percent of system voltage.
2) ] O,OOOA, 8x20 microsecond waveform: 200 percent of system voltage.
3) IEEE B3 combination wave: 300 percent of system voltage.
A. Approved Products:
1. Cutler Hammer DHW2P036.
2. EDCO DRS-036 or PC642C-036 with PCB I B base.
3. MTL SD32 or SD32X.
4. Phoenix Contact PT 2x2-24DC-ST (2838228) with PT 2x2-BE (2838208) or PT 2x2+F-BE
(2839224) base.
B. Standards: UL 497B.
C. Design:
I. General:
a. Mounted internally to control panels for protection of equipment connected to analog
signal loops.
b. Multi-stage hybrid solid state high performance suppression system.
c. Designed for series connection.
d. Enclosure: Metallic or plastic, flange or DIN rail mounting.
e. Field connection: The unit shall have external terminal screws for line and ground
2. Operating voltage: 24 Vdc or as indicated on the Drawings.
3. Modes of protection: All modes, L-L and L-G.
4. Maximum continuous operating voltage: Less than 130 percent of system peak voltage.
5. Maximum surge current: 10,000 A.
6. Minimum repetitive surge current capacity:
a. The SPD shall meet one (I) ofthe following:
I) 1000 occurrences of a 200A, I () x 1000 microsecond waveform.
2) 400 occurrences of a 500A, lOx 1000 microsecond waveform.
3) 100 occurrences ofa 400A, 10 x 700 microsecond waveform.
4) 100 occurrences ofa 2000A, 8 x 20 microsecond waveform.
5) 10 occurrences of a 10,000A, 8 x 20 microsecond waveform.
7. Maximum clamping voltages, L-L:
a. The SPD shall meet one (I) of the following:
]) 400A,] Ox700 microsecond waveform: 400 percent of system voltage.
2) 10,000A, 8x20 microsecond waveform: 400 percent of system voltage.
3) IEEE B3 combination wave: 225 percent of system voltage.
8. Maximum clamping voltages, L-G:
a. The SPD shall meet one (1) of the following:
1) 400A, 10x700 microsecond waveform: 200 percent of system voltage.
2) ] O,OOOA, 8x20 microsecond waveform: 200 percent of system voltage.
3) IEEE B3 combination wave: 300 percent of system voltage.
Col1ier County, Florida
NCRWTP Dcgasifier & Odor Control Expansion
A. Approved Products:
I. EDCO SLAC- J?036.
3. Phoenix Contact BXT-N4X 4-Wire.
B. Product:
I. Field mounted for protection of field mounted equipment connected to 120V power and 4-
20m A analog signal loops.
7 Type ICI and Type IC5 SPDs mounted in a common enclosure.
3. Enclosure: Metallic or non-metallic NEMA 4X.
A. Approved Products:
I. Cutler Hammer DDIN Series.
2. EDCO DRS Series.
3. MTL SD Series.
4. Phoenix Contact: PT Series.
B. Standards: UL 497B.
C. Design:
I. General:
a. Mounted internally to control panels for protection of equipment connected to a discrete
b. Multi-stage hybrid solid state high performance suppression system.
c. Designed for series connection.
d. Enclosure: Metallic or plastic, flange or DIN rail mounting.
e. Field connection: Provide unit with external tenninal screws for line and ground
J. Operating voltage: ')4 Vdc or '4 Vae or 110 Vae or as indicated on the Drawings.
3. Modes of protection: All modes:
a. AC applications: L-N. L-G, N-G
b. DC applications: Pos-Neg, Pos-Gnd, Neg-Gnd.
4. Maximum continuous operating voltage: Less than 130 percent of system peak voltage.
5. Maximum surge current: 10,000 A.
6. Minimum repetitive surge current capacity:
a. The SPD shall meet one (I) of the following:
I) 1000 occurrences of a 200A, lOx 1000 microsecond waveform.
2) 400 occurrences of a 500A, lOx 1000 microsecond waveform.
3) 100 occurrences of a 400A, lOx 700 microsecond waveform.
4) 100 occurrences o1'a lOOOA, 8 x 20 microsecond waveform.
5) 10 occurrences ofa 10,000A, 8 x 20 microsecond waveform.
7. Maximum clamping voltages, L-1. (Pos-Neg):
a. The SPD shall meet one (I) of the following:
I) 400A, IOx700 microsecond waveform: 400 percent of system voltage.
2) 10,000A, 8x70 microsecond waveform: 400 percent of system voltage.
3) IEEE B3 combination wave: 250 percent of system voltage.
8. Maximum clamping voltages, L-G:
a. The SPD shall meet one (I) of the following:
I) 400A, IOx700 microsecond waveform: 200 percent of system voltage.
7) 10,000A, 8x20 microsecond waveform: 200 percent of system voltage.
3) IEEE B3 combination wave: 300 perccn1 of system voltage.
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NCR\VTP Dcgasificr & Odor Control Expansion
13449 - 7
A. Not Used
A. Performance tests to be performed or independently verified by a certified testing laboratory.
B. The SPD are to be tested as a complete SPD system including: Integral unit level and/or
component level fusing.
A. Install products in accordance with manufacturer's instructions.
B. Type ICI SPD:
I. Provide on the following applications:
a. Incoming 120 V power to all control panels.
b. Line side of 120 V power terminals to equipment (e.g., PACs, transmitters).
2. Connected in series with the panel's or equipment's branch circuit.
3. Provide fuse protection as recommended by manufacturer.
4. Flange mount or DIN rail mount in control panel.
5. Connect all SPDs in the panel to the same grounding point.
C. Type ]C2 SPD:
]. Provide on the following applications:
a. All desk top or rack mounted equipment that is cord and plug connected (e.g.,
computers, printers) except where power is sourced from a UPS.
2. Locate near equipment to be protected.
D. Type IC3 SPD:
I. Provide on the following applications:
a. 120 V discrete PAC signals into a control panel from float switches, position switches,
etc., where the device is mounted outdoors or in a remote building or structure rrom the
control panel and where the control conductors are routed above grade or underground.
b. 120 V discrete PAC signals into a control panel from float switches, position switches,
etc., where both the device and control panel are mounted outdoors and the control
conductors are routed above grade or underground.
2. Connected in series with the equipment.
3. Provide fuse protection as recommended by manufacturer.
4, Flange mount or DIN rail mount in control panel.
5. Connect all SPDs in the panel to the same grounding point.
E. Type IC4 SPD:
]. Provide on the following applications:
a. Loop powered transmitter (flow, level, etc.) where the transmitter is mounted outdoors
or in a remote building or structure from the control panel and the signal conductors are
routed above grade or underground.
b. Loop powered transmitter (flow, level, etc.) where both the transmitter and control
panel are mounted outdoors and the signal conductors are roullted above grade or
2. Connect in series with the equipment.
3. Attach to spare conduit entry of transmitter or inline of conduit at the transmitter.
4. Bond transmitter to a grounded structure or provide a ground rod.
5. Ground shield at control pane] end.
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6. Verify SPDs series resistance and capacitance does not interfere with the transmitters signal.
F. Type IC5 SPD:
I. Provide on the following applications:
a. Incoming 4-20mA signals into a control panel from transmitters (flow, level, etc.)
where the transmitter is mounted outdoors or in a remote building or structure from the
control panel and the signal conductors are routed above grade or underground.
b. Incoming 4-70mA signals into a control panel from transmitters (flow, level, etc.)
where both the transmitter and control panel are mounted outdoors and the signal
conductors are routed above grade or underground.
2. Connect in series with the equipment.
3. Flange mount or DIN rail mount in control panel.
4. Connect all SPDs in the control panel to the same grounding point.
5. Verify SPDs series resistance and capacitance does not interfere with the transmitters signal.
G. Type IC6 SPD:
I. Provide on the following applications:
a. Outdoor field mounted transmitter (flow, level, etc.) that requires 120 V power and
provides a 4- 70mA signal to a control panel where the conductors are routed above
grace or underground.
2. Connect in series with the equipment.
3. Mounted adjacent to equipment.
4. Bond transmitter to a grounded structure or provide a ground rod.
5. Ground shield at control panel end.
6. Verit), SPDs series resistance and capacitance does not interfere with the transmitters signal.
H. Type IC7 SPD:
I. Provide on the following applications:
a. Low voltage (e.g., 24 Vac, 24 Vdc) discrete PAC signals into a control panel from float
switches, position switches, etc., where the device is mounted outdoors or in a remote
building or structure from the control panel and where the control conductors are routed
above grade or underground.
b. Low voltage (e.g., ')4 Vac, 24 Vdc) discrete PAC signals into a control panel from float
switches, position switches, etc., where both the device and control panel are mounted
outdoors and the control conductors are routed above grade or underground.
2. Connect in series with the equipment.
3. Flange mount or DIN rail mount in control panel.
4. Connect all SPDs in the control panel to the same grounding point.
I. Type lC8 SPD:
I. Provide on the following applications:
a. On both ends of data lines that interconnect devices that are locked outdoors or in
remote buildings or structures where the conductors are routed above grade or
I) PAC network (e.g., RS-485).
7) Telephone modem.
2. Connect in series with the equipment.
3. Flange mount or DIN rail mount in control panel.
4. Connect all SPDs in the control panel to the same grounding point.
5. Verif)' SPDs series resistance and capacitance does not interfere with the data line signal.
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A. Section Includes:
1. Programmable automation controller (PAC) control system(s), including software,
programming, and training.
B. Related Sections include but are not necessarily limited to:
I. Division 0 - Bidding Requirements, Contract Forms, and Conditions of the Contract.
2. Division 1 - General Requirements.
3. Division 10
a. Section 10400 Identification Devices.
4. Division] I
a. Section] 1005 - Equipment: Basic Requirements.
5. Division 13
a. Section 13440 - Instrumentation for Process Control: Basic Requirements.
b. Section 1344] - Control Loop Descriptions.
c. Section ]3448 - Control Panels and Enclosures.
6. Division 16
a. Section 16120 - Wire and Cable - 600 Volt and Below.
A. Referenced Standards:
I. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc. (IEEE):
a. C37.90.2, Trial-Use Standard Withstand Capability of Relay Systems to Radiated
Electromagnetic Interference from Transceivers.
b. C62.41, Recommended Practice on Surge Voltages in Low-Voltage AC Power Circuits.
2. National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA):
a. ICS I, General Standards for Industrial Control and Systems.
B. Qualifications:
]. Installation supervisor shall have had experience in overseeing installation and startup of at
least three (3) similar installations.
2. Programmer(s) shall have had experience in programming PACs for at least two (2) projects
of similar size and complexity.
A. Shop Drawings:
]. See Section 0] 340 for requirements for the mechanics and administration of the submittal
2. See Section 13440.
3. Product technical data including:
a. Annotated hard copies of PAC software programs.
I) Submit program for logic in ladder diagram format as used for the specific PAC
2) Annotate program listing to include the following:
a) Written description of each rung's function.
b) Reference to control loop number for each rung where applicable.
c) Reference to instrumentation tag number of 110 devices for each rung where
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3) Provide written descriptions completely defining all function blocks used in
4) Provide list of all addresses referenced in logic diagram with description of data
associated with each address.
b. Results of factory testing and review procedures.
c. Drawings containing the following information to be submitted as part of
Section 13448 submittals:
I) Arrangement drawings for PAC system components.
2) Panel and enclosure plans, sections and details.
3) Access opening locations and required clearances for each panel and enclosure.
4) Enclosure internal wiring and tcnninal blocks.
d. Catalog cut sheets containing information on PAC components to be submitted as part
of this Specification Section submittals.
4. Certifications:
a. Qualifications of installation supervisor.
b. Qualifications of programrner(s).
B. Operation and Maintenance Manuals:
I. See Section 01340 for requirements for:
3. The mechanics and administration ofthe submittal process.
b. The content of Operation and Maintenance Manuals.
') Submit maintenance procedures available to Owner.
a. Include the location and phone numbers of service centers (including 24 HR "hot
b. Provide specific information including operation and maintenance requirements,
programming assistance, troubleshooting guide, parts ordering. field service personnel
requests. and service contracts.
A. Subject to compliance with the Contract Documents, the following manufacturers are
I. Rockwell Automation, Allen-Bradley ControlLogix and CompactLogix.
2. See Section 01067.
A. See Section 13440.
B. The PAC system shall accomplish the control requirements of the loop descriptions, Drawings,
and Specifications.
C. PAC programming shall be documented and factory tested.
D. The PAC system shall operate in ambient conditions 01'32 to 140 DegF temperature and 5 to 95
percent relative humidity without the need for purging or air conditioning.
Environmental Controls:
1. Furnish circulation fans in solid state control system enclosures.
2. Over-temperature switches shall be utilized to provide special cooling if required to maintain
operating temperatures within the manufacturer's specified range.
3. Air conditioning applications shall include means of preventing moisture condensation.
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F. Where the PAC is utilized to control multiple trains of equipment and where the equipment in
each train operates as a unit relatively independent of other equipment trains (e.g., facility with
multiple boiler units or filter trains), the PAC components (I/O modules, power supplies, etc.)
shall be assigned so that the failure of any one (I) component does not affect equipment on all
1. I/O modules shall be segregated on a train basis unless required otherwise for safety reasons.
2. Where several equipment units operate in parallel, but are not considered assigned to a
particular equipment train (e.g., multiple raw water pumps or chemical feed pumps all
discharging into a common system), the PAC I/O modules associated with each equipment
unit shall be assigned so that the failure of any one (]) I/O module does not affect all of the
parallel operating equipment units.
G. All PAC control system components shall be capable of meeting or exceeding electromagnetic
interference tests per IEEE C37.90.2.
H. Incorporate the following minimum safety measures:
I. Watchdog function to monitor:
a. Internal processor clock failure.
b. Processor memory failure.
c. Loss of communication between processor and I/O modules.
d. Processor ceases to execute logic program.
2. Safety function wiring: Emergency shutdown switches shall not be wired into the controller.
3. Safe wiring:
a. Unless otherwise specified, activation of alarms and stopping of equipment shall result
from the de-energization of control circuits, rather than the energization of control
b. Low voltage control signal wires:
]) Place in conduit segregated for that purpose only.
2) Twisted shielded wire pair.
3) Not located in the same conduit or bundle with power wiring.
4. Initial safety conditions:
a. Utilize program module to dictate output states in a known and safe manner prior to
running of control program.
b. Utilize program each time PAC is re-initiated and the control program activated.
5. Monitoring of internal faults and display:
a. Internal PAC system status and faults shall be monitored and displayed.
I) Monitored items shall include:
a) Memory ok/loss of memory.
b) Processor ok/processor fault.
c) Scan time overrun.
6. Control of programs: Protect access to PAC program loading with password protection or
with locked, key operated selector switches.
7. Design PAC system with high noise immunity to prevent occurrence of false logic signals
resulting from switching transients, relay and circuit breaker noise or conducted and radiated
radio frequency interference.
8. Operator intervention:
a. Logic system failure shall not preclude proper operator intervention.
b. Safety shutdown of equipment or a system shall require manual operator intervention
before the equipment or system operation may be reestablished.
A. PAC System Central Processor Unit (CPU):
I. Not Used.
B. Input/output (I/O) Modules:
I. Provide plug-in modular-type I/O racks with cables to connect to all other required PAC
system components.
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2. Provide I/O system with:
a. I/O solid state boards with status lights indicating I/O status.
b. Electric isolation between logic and field device.
c. Capability of withstanding low energy common mode transient to ]000 V without
d. Incorporate noise suppression design.
e. Capable of meeting or exceeding electrical noise tests, NEMA ICS 1-109.60-109.66.
f. Capable of being removed and inserted into the I/O rack under power, without affecting
any other I/O modules in the rack.
g. Install 20 percent spare I/O modules.
3. Input/output connection requirements:
a. Make connections to I/O subsystem by terminating all field wiring on terminal blocks
within the I/O enclosure.
b. Prewire I/O modules to terminal blocks.
c. Provide terminal blocks with continuous marking strip.
d. Size terminals to accommodate all active data base points and spares.
e. Provide terminals for individual tennination of each signal shield.
f. Field wiring shall not be disturbed when removing or replacing an I/O module.
4. Discrete I/O modules:
a. Interface to ON/OFF devices.
b. I/O status indicator on module front.
c. Voltage rating to match circuit voltage.
d. Output module current rating:
I) Match maximum circuit current draw.
?) Minimum 1.0 continuous A/point for 120 Vae applications.
e. Isolated modules for applications where one (1) module interfaces with devices
utilizing different sources of power.
5. Discrete outputs shall be fused:
a. Provide one (I) fuse per common or per isolated output.
b. Provide blown fuse indication.
c. External fusing shall be provided if output module does not possess internal fusing.
d. Fuses provided external to output model shall:
I) Be in accordance \vith module manufacturer's specifications.
7) Be ills1alled a1 terminal block.
6. Analog I/O modules:
a. Input modules to accept signals indicated on Drawings or Specifications.
b. Minimum 12 bit resolution.
c. 110 chassis supplied power for po\\rering connected field devices.
d. Differential inputs and outputs.
e. User configurable for desired fault-response state.
r. Provide output signals as indicated on Drawings and Specifications.
g. Individual D/ A converter for each output module.
h. Individual AiD converter for each input module.
C. Power Supply Units:
I. Provide regulated power units:
a. Designed to operate with PAC system and shall provide power to:
I) All components of PAC system.
2) All two-wire field instruments.
3) Other devices as indicated on Drawings or Specifications.
b. Capable ofsupplyillg PAC system when all of the specified spare capacity is utilized.
c. Each power supply shall be sized such that it will carry no more than 75 percent of
capacity under normal loads.
2. Electrical service to PAC system is 105 to 175 V, 60 Hz, + I percent, I PH power.
3. Separate AC circuit breakers shall be provided for each power supply.
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4. If the PAC system is field expandable beyond the specified spare capacity, and if such
expansion requires power supply modification, note such requirements in the submittals and
allow room for power supply modification in the PAC system enclosure.
5. Capable of meeting or exceeding e]ectrical noise tests, NEMA ICS 1-109.60-109.66.
6. Power distribution:
a. Immune to transients and surges resultant from noisy environment.
b. Shall provide constant voltage level DC distribution to all devices.
7. Provide uninterruptib]e power supply (UPS) to sustain full power to UPS powered loads
listed below for a minimum of30 minutes following loss of primary power and to ensure that
the transient power surges and dips do not affect the operation of the PAC system.
a. UPS powered loads:
I) All rack mounted PAC components.
2) Local operator consoles.
3) All power supplies furnished with the PAC and associated loads.
b. Input:
I) 120Vac+l0percent.
2) 60 Hz.
3) Line fuse protection.
c. Output:
1) 120 Vac (5 percent.
2) 60 Hz.
3) Short circuit protected.
4) Instantaneous transfer time.
d. IEEE C62.41 Class A voltage surges of 6000 V attenuated to less than 50 V on the
e. Battery: Maintenance free lead acid.
D. EtherNet/IP Communications
]. Provide EtherNet/IP communication modules as shown on the drawings to control I/O over
an EtherNet/IP network and to act as an adapter for distributed I/O on a remote Ethernet/IP
E. PAC System Enclosure:
I. In accordance with Section 13448.
2. Component placement:
a. Mount all controller components vertically within the enclosure to allow maximum
convection cooling.
b. Either install power supplies above all other equipment with at least lOIN of clearance
between the power supply and the enclosure top, or adjacent to other components, but
with sufficient spacing for circulation of cooling air.
c. Do not place I/O racks directly above the CPU or power supply.
d. Locate incoming line devices (isolation or constant voltage transformers, local power
disconnects, surge suppressors, etc.) so as to keep power wire runs within an enclosure
as short as possible.
e. If items such as magnetic starters. contactors, relays, and other electromagnetic devices
must be located within the same enclosure as the PAC system components, place a
barrier with at least 6 IN of separation between the magnetic area and the control area.
f. Place circulating fans close to major heat generating devices.
g. Segregate input/output modules into groups of identical type.
3. Wiring and grounding to be in accordance with Section 13448.
4. Termination requirements:
a. In accordance with Section ]3448.
b. Make connections to I/O subsystem by terminating all field wiring on terminal blocks
within the enclosure.
c. Prewire I/O modules to terminal blocks.
d. Size terminals to accommodate all active database points and spares.
e. Provide terminals for individual termination of each signal shield.
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f. Field wiring shall not be disturbed when removing or replacing an ]/0 module.
F. PAC System Software and Programming:
I. Provide all hardware and programming required to provide communication between the PAC
and the man-machine interface.
2. PAC programming software shall be RSLogix5000 version compatible with the Owners
current version.
3. Provide programming to accomplish all control and monitoring requirements of the
Drawings and Specifications.
4. Provide two (2) copies of control logic program on CD.
5. Full documentation capability.
a. Provide description for each rung.
A. Provide all accessories required to furnish a complete PAC control system to accomplish the
requirements of tile Drawings and Specifications.
A. Provide a performance test after factory completion and prior to shipment.
I. Conduct a test where the system is operated continuously and checked for correct operation
including loop controls. displays, alarm responses, and on/off sequencing control.
2. Conduct testing with dummy 1/05 to verify each control loop operation.
3. Allow for Owner and Engineer representatives to witness testing program.
a. Provide minimum of 15 days notice prior to testing.
4. Do not ship prior to successful completion of this testing program.
A. Furnish Owner with the following extra materials:
I. One (I) spare I/O card of each card type for every 10 cards or fraction thereof installed.
A. Install PAC control system in accordance with manufacturer's written instructions.
A. Employ and pay for services of equipment manufacturer's field service representative(s) to:
1. Inspect equipment covered by these Specifications.
2. Supervise adjustments and installation checks.
3. Maintain and submit an accurate daily or weekly log orall commissioning functions.
a. All commissioning functions may be witnessed by the Engineer.
b. All reports shall be cosib'l1ed by the Contractor and the Engineer if witnessed.
4. Conduct startup of equipment and perform operational checks.
5. Provide Owner with a written statement that manufacturer's equipment has been installed
properly, started up, and is ready for operation by Owner's personnel.
A. Demonstrate system in accordance with Section 01650.
B. On-Site Training:
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1. Provide employee of the manufacturer or certified representative to provide one (I) week of
operating and maintenance training at the Project site after the system has successfully
undergone all field testing and acceptance procedures.
a. As a minimum, training shall cover:
]) Hardware overview.
2) Software overview.
3) Maintenance.
4) Trouble shooting.
5) Operation, e.g., changing set points, passwords, etc.
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r ~~
A. Section Includes:
I. Configuration requirements for HMI and reports which includes but is not necessarily
limited to.
Specific software functional descriptions.
Graphics requirements.
HMI functionality requirements.
Plant overview screens.
Process overview screens.
Detail displays.
Trend displays.
PAC hardware/HMI status screen.
Alarm monitoring.
Report generation.
Configuration standards and conventions.
Screen configuration review meetings.
m. Report configuration reviev./ meetings.
B. The HMl, historical, and reporting systems are existing systems. This project must adhere to the
established standards and conventions as defined by these existing systems.
C. Related Sections include but are not necessarily limited to:
I. Division 0 - Bidding Requirements, Contract Forms, and Conditions of the Contract.
2. Division I - General Requirements.
3. Divison 13
a. Section 13440 - Instrumentation for Process Control: Basic Requirements.
A. Qualifications:
I. Programmer(s) shall have had experience in software configuration and installation for at
least two (2) projects of similar size and complexity.
A. HMI: Human Machine Interface
B. I/O: InputJOutput
e. OLE: Object Linking and Embedding, a document standard developed by Microsoft that
enables the creation of an object with one application and the linking or embedding of the object
in a second application
D. OPC: "OLE for Process Control"; a software standard utilizing a clientJserver model that makes
interoperability possible between automation/control applications and field systems/devices
E. PC: Personal Computer
F. PAC: Programmable Automation Controller
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A. Shop Drawings:
I. See Section 01340 for requirements for the mechanics and administration of the submittal
2. See Section ]3440.
3. Software Configuration Standards and Conventions document as based on Owners existing
4. Graphic screen displays; provide in actual colors utilized.
5. Sample reports.
6. Certifications:
a. Qualifications ofprogrammer(s).
B. Operation and Maintenance Manuals:
I. See Section 01340 for requirements for:
a. The mechanics and administration of the submittal process
b. The content of Operation and Maintenance Manuals
2. Software Configuration Standards and Conventions - final version
C. Miscellaneous Submittals:
I. Results of factory testing procedures.
A. Software Functional Requirements:
1. General functional requirements for system configuration are indicated on the Drawings and
described in the Specifications.
2. The information presented herein and indicated on the Drawings illustrates the general
functional intent of the system and may not be sufficient to fully configure the system.
3. The Contractor is responsible for determining what additional information may be required
to complete the configuration tasks, and for obtaining this information from the Owner.
4. All general functional requirements shall adhere to existing system conventions.
B. Available Process Values:
I. All process alarm, equipment status, and process variable values shall be available at any
2. If communications to a particular 110 point has failed for any reason, then wherever that
data is displayed, the software shall post a visual indication that the point is not valid.
C. Provide comprehensive on-line help for all development functions.
D. Manual Entry of Data:
I. All PC-based HMls must allow manual entry of surrogate data and other variables, which
must then be available for display and use in reports.
a. Operator-entered commands from any of the operator workstations must be logged by
the computer servers.
E. System Failure:
I. Failure of any PAC, remote 110 hardware, or network communication link must be
individually alarmed at HMls.
2. Unless otherwise specified, each alarm must be specific to a single point of failure.
F. All process related functions, calculations, timers, and numeric manipulations, shall be
accomplished in the PAC hardware and not in the HMI.
]. The HMI shall function as a monitoring system, not as a process controller.
2. The HM] shall transfer data to the PAC system and the PAC system shall perform all
control algorithms.
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A. Use existing system criteria.
A. Specific functional requirements for various software control blocks within the computer system
are as follows.
B. Adhere to existing system conventions
e. Descriptions are general and are not intended to tully indicate the complete functionality of the
1. Monitoring of process values:
3. Process values derived trom analog process variable signals must be historically
I) Store all historical data with time and date of occurrence.
2) Make values available for use in reports.
3) Assign high and low alarms to process values as defined below and otherwise
deemed appropriate.
b. Provide capability for computer server(s) to retrieve real-time values from the PAC
system at adjustable time periods.
c. Alarm limits:
I) Set per direction from the Owner.
')) An operator having proper security authorization must be able to enable, disable,
and adjust the setpoint of any individual alarm.
D. Utilize graphic screen displays at the HMI(s) to provide monitoring and control functionality.
I. Hierarchy ofHMI screens is in descending order as follows:
3. Plant overview screen(s).
b. Process overview screens.
c. Process screens.
d. Pop-up/control screens.
E. HMI operator interface functionality shall include:
1. Indication of process variables.
2. Configuration of control loop parameters (e.g., setpoints, gains, etc.).
3. Adjustment of controller output.
4. Display of real time and historical process trends.
5. Selector switch and pushbutton station controls.
6. System and process status indicators.
7. Graphic representation of plant operations with interactive status and measurement symbols.
8. Annunciation.
F. Graphics:
1. Utilize dynamic variables with unique tags per graphic.
? Dragging the mouse over designated process areas of screen shall allow the operator to
select predetermined processes or equipment and drill down to site-specific detail screens.
3. Critical '"'overview" information such as tank levels, flows and pressures shall be indicated
through data fields or animation effects such as level fills or color change.
4. All monitored and or controlled process equipment shall be animated or color-highlighted to
indicate status changes.
3. For example. a pump --running" condition shall be signified by the pump color
changing to bright green.
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5. Tank and vesselleve]s shall be indicated with a tabular data field and by graphic "fill"
simulating a rising or falling level within the tank or vessel.
6. Provide the ability to "drill down" to detail screens or graphics.
a. Clicking on a device or process area shall generate a detail graphic or pop-up window
to access specific data or control functions.
b. All operator adjustments (e.g., set point adjustment, mode selection) shall be
accomplished via a pop-up display, and shall not be allowed on the process screen.
7. Standard symbol library:
a. User defined.
b. Must not require software programming.
8. Single keystroke access from graphic to group display or other custom graphic displays.
9. Capable of being edited by moving, copying, or grouping user defined areas of screen.
] O. Utilize a navigation bar.
a. Navigation bar utilized on every screen.
b. Navigation bar to include navigation functions, active alarm notification, security
functions, current date/time display, "PRINT SCREEN" pushbutton, and other
functions as required and as agreed upon at the Screen Configuration Review Meetings.
G. Plant Overview Screens:
1. As a minimum, provide Plant Overview screens as listed below.
a. This list is meant to serve as an initial guide; final detennination of overview screen
requirements will be made during the Configuration Conferences.
I) Degasifier & Odor Control
H. Process Overview Screens:
1. As a minimum, provide screens as listed below.
a. This list is meant to serve as an initial guide; final determination of process and
equipment screen requirements will be made during the Configuration Conferences.
I) Sodium Hydroxide
2) Sodium Hypoch]orite
3) Chlorine Scrubber (Existing)
4) Degasifiers
5) Odor Control System Train No.4
2. At a process overview screen, the operator shall be able to select a specific process screen
for monitoring/control purposes.
a. Monitoring and control functions available at the selected process screen include but
are not limited to the following:
]) Select individual equipment items for monitoring and control.
2) Select a control loop or point for control action.
3) Change control mode ofloop selected (manual, automatic, cascade).
4) Change setpoint.
5) Issue commands to start/stop and open/close two-state equipment.
6) For manual loading output stations, the operator shall be able to manipulate analog
output values.
7) Select a loop and initiate further display, such as the detail display, trend, or hourly
8) Display and change ratio and bias values.
9) Control field equipment such as motor-operated valves and switches.
/. Detail Display:
]. Provide separate display for each point.
a. Representations of each analog and digital point shall be single user configured
b. Display shall include alphanumeric representations of all variables and parameters for
single loops including but not limited to:
1) Alann points.
2) Limits.
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3) Constants.
4) Interconnections to other loops.
5) Calculating functions.
1. Trend Displays:
I. Real time historical trend displays.
2. Real time on-line trend displays.
3. Capable of displaying multiple points per display.
4. Operator shall be able to select any desired sample time interval.
5. Provide flexibility and easy access to real time and historical trend infonnation for any
variable TAG defined within the SCADA application.
a. As a minimum, provide the following:
I) Provide capability for 1hc user to define trend scenarios.
7) Provide a button to open a dialog window to select multiple variable TAGS and
save them as a trend scenario for future Lise.
3) Provide a pull-down menu to allow the user to open saved trend scenarios.
4) Provide a button to allo\\' the user to sdect real-time or historical trends.
5) Provide a button to save displayed trend info to a file for export to external
software applications (such as Microsoft Excel).
6) Provide a Print Trend button to allow user to print current trend.
6. Utilize Historical Data Server(s) to collect and manage data.
K. PAC Hardware/HMl Status Screen:
I. Provide a status screen to depict status conditions and diagnostic information for all major
networked equipment.
2. Depict communication status for all networked communicating devices, such as PAC
processors, Ethernet switches. pes. and radios.
L. Alarm Monitoring:
I. Provide standard alarnl screen functionality to ensure flexibility and quick access to live
alarms, alarm history and alarm grouping parameters.
a. As a minimum, include the following features and functionality:
I) An Alarm Screen header bar to head all alarm pages and reside below the
Navigation Bar.
2) Buttons to dynamically switch between Alarm Summary and Alarm History.
3) A menu to allmv userto select and open historical alarm archives.
a) Utilize a time-date stamp file structure.
4) Pull-down menu bar to select operator configured alarm groups.
5) Capability to sort alarms hy priority and to define priority for all system alarms.
6) Capability to filter or group alarms.
2. Analog alarms:
a. The SCADA software shall monitor analog and discrete variables and calculated
conditions, and determine if the variable is in an alarm condition.
b. For each Analog Tag, an alarm for each of the following conditions shall be assignable:
I) Low-low.
2) Low.
3) High.
4) High-high.
5) Deviation low.
6) Deviation high.
7) Rate of change.
c. Provide adjustable dead bands and delay timers for all analog alarms.
3. Alarms shall be presented in order of:
a. Priority.
b. Time of occurrence.
c. Non-acknowledged presented ahead of acknowledged.
4. Utilize single keystroke or pushbutton to:
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a. Acknowledge alarms.
5. Alarm list presented to operator shall include:
a. Time of occurrence.
b. Time of acknowledgement.
c. Description.
d. Acknowledgement status.
6. Alarm list printed by either of the following:
a. On command.
b. Periodically.
7. Audible alarming capability for user selected alarms.
M. Report Generation:
I. Base bid on the generation of the following reports utilizing the existing report generation
software and existing report style and format:
a. Minimum of 2 formatted reports.
]) Report form and content shall be determined at the Report Configuration Review
A. Include performance test of HMI software in factory with the overall PAC System test.
]. Conduct a test where the system is operated continuously and checked for correct operation
including loop controls, displays, alarm responses, and on/off sequencing control.
2. Allow for Owner and Engineer representatives to witness testing program.
a. Provide minimum of 15 days notice prior to testing.
A. Provide all programming and configuration required for all HM]s furnished under this Contract:
A. Prepare and submit a "Software Configuration Standards and Conventions".
1. Submit for review and approval prior to commencing with software configuration.
2. Describe and define such items as:
a. Proposed graphic display process colors/representations.
b. Color standards for "ON", "OFF", and "ALARM" conditions.
c. Font type and size.
d. Alarm handling conventions.
e. Methods for navigation between displays.
f. Address usage/naming conventions.
g. Security setup.
3. Prior to submitting the initial draft document, the Contractor must meet with the Owner to
review any of the Owner's existing standards and conventions.
4. ]n addition to submitting the initial document for review, submit an updated version of the
document as part of the O&M Manuals.
a. Revise this document to include any additional standards that are established
throughout the configuration process.
B. It is the intent ofthese specifications to provide the end user with state-of-the-art functionality.
1. Minimum standards are as follows:
a. Depict the actual process equipment configuration as accurately as possible.
2. All overview and site-specific screens shall incorporate a "navigational header bar" similar
in function and appearance to Microsoft Internet Explorer.
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NCRWTP Degasifier & Odor Control Expansion
. -~--~._----
a. The intention of this Specification is to provide a familiar, user-friendly navigation
throughout the graphical displays.
A. Conduct a minimum of one configuration conferences with the Owner to review and discuss
system configuration programming and related topics.
I. The purpose of the conference will be to discuss, in detail, how each 1/0 point will be
handled and the types, quantities, hierarchies, and functioning of display screens.
2. Review of the Owner's existing systems, standards, conventions, file and tag naming
requirements, font lype and size requirements, and reporting requirements must be part of
each conference.
3. Review the navigation bar to be utilized.
4. Conferences will be held at a site designated by the Owner.
5. Each screen will be reviewed at each conference.
a. Ifrequired, to review all screens, each conference will occur on multiple days.
6. Submit 10 color copies of printed screens via shop drav.'ing submittal process 10 calendar
days before each conference.
7. Bring equipment to project screens on wall or provide multiple monitors for viewing by
B. Proposed graphic screens and report fonnats must be reviewed with the Owner throughout the
configuration process.
A. Conduct a configuration conference \\ith the Ovmer to review and discuss the reports and report
I. Review of the Owner's existing systems, standards, conventions. and reporting requirements
must be part of each conference.
2. The conference will be held at a site designated by the Owner.
3. Each report will be reviewed at each conference.
a. Ifrequired, to reviewal] reports, each conference will occur on multiple days.
4. Provide 10 copies of printed sample reports via shop drawing submittal process 10 calendar
days before each conference.
B. Proposed report fonnats must be reviewed with the Owner throughout the configuration process.
A. Coordinate as required with other contractors and v'endors to seamlessly integrate all HMI
monitoring and control functions.
1. To the greatest extent possible, integrate graphics presentation for all systems into screens
utilizing one common HMI software.
B. Examples of systems that utilize separate application software packages and thus require
coordination include, but are not necessarily limited to:
I. Sand Separator System
2. Pre-purchased control systems:
A. Employ and pay for services of equipment manufacturer's field service representative(s) to:
I. Inspect equipment covered by these Specifications.
'J. Supervise adjustments and installation checks.
3. Maintain and submit an accurate daily' or weekly log of all commissioning functions.
a. All commissioning functions may be witnessed by the Engineer.
b. All reports shall be cosigned by the Contractor and the Engineer if witnessed.
4. Conduct startup of equipment and perform operational checks.
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Collier Count\'. Florida
NCR \\iTP Degasifier & Odor Control Expansion
1'504 -7
5. Provide Owner with a written statement that manufacturer's equipment has been installed
properly, started up, and is ready for operation by Owner's personnel.
A. Demonstrate system in accordance with Section 01650.
B. On-Site Training:
I. Provide employee of the manufacturer or certified representative to provide] day of
training at the Project site after the system has successfully undergone all field testing and
acceptance procedures.
Collier County, Florida
NCR WTP Degasifier & Odor Control Expansion
13504 - 8
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A. The Contractor shall provide the design, fabrication, materials, construction, installation, and testing of
degasifier (air stripping) units for removing hydrogen sulfide and carbon dioxide gases from the product
stream of the reverse osmosis process and from the r3\\' \vater stream to the lime softening process.
B. The Contractor shall furnish and, install four (4) complete degasifier units including the structural
housing, packing, packing support grids, access panels, connections for piping and dueting. liquid
distribution system, air inlet, dcmister, air outlet, liquid outlet. and structural anchorage.
C. The degasifier (air stripping) unit supplier (forced air units only) shall also furnish the centrifugal fan
equipment to ensure unit responsibility for proper system installation and operation.
D. The Contract shall provide the design, fabrication, materials, construction, installation, and testing of
modifications to existing degasitier units as shown on the drawings including new discharge nozzles,
discharge piping and va]ving, cleansing systems \\lith piping and valving, air dampeners with actuators
(electric and chain operated).
A. PS 15-69: National Bureau of standards Voluntary Product Standard "Custom contact molded
Reinforced Polyester Chemical Resistant Process Equipment".
B. ASTM D-883: "Definition of Ten TIS Relating to Plastics"
C. ASTM D-2583: "Test for Indentation Hardness of Rigid Plastics by Means of Barco I 1m pressor."
D. ASTM D-2563: "Recommended Practice for Classifying Visual Defects in Glass Reinforced Plastic
Laminate Parts."
E. ASTM D-4097-82: "Standard Specifications for Contact Molded Glass Fiber Reinforced Thermoset
Resin Chemical Resistant Tanks."
A. Section 01340 - Submittals
B. Section 01650- System Start-up
C. Section 11005 - Equipment Basic Requirements
D. Section 11395 - FRP Centrifugal Fans
E. Division 13 - Instrumentation and Odor Control System
F. Section 15710 -.. FRP Ducts
G. Division 16 - Electrical
A. Submit shop drawings in accordance with the requirements set forth in the Section 01340, Submittals.
B. Submit manufacturer's catalog information on the packing proposed to be used.
C. Submit calculations to verif).' packing volume required.
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NCR \VTP Degasifier & Odor Control Expansion
D. Submit a certificate from NSF proving the materials of construction meet drinking water standards.
Show glass, resin content and thickness of the component sections.
E. Submit design calculations for structural design of walls and design of tie-down lugs (number and size)
signed and sealed by a Professional Engineer registered in the State of Florida. Also submit erection
calculations prepared, signed and sealed by a Professional Engineer registered in the State of Florida for
lifting hardware, erection stresses, strong-backs, and other hardware required during erection of the unit,
except as modified by the requirements of these specifications and/or the details of the drawings, work
shall conform to the Florida Building Code. Design for all loading conditions at a wind speed of 145
mph per Florida Building Code requirements.
F. Submit written confirmation that the differential pressure capacity of the centrifugal fans is sufficient for
all design air flows through the degasifiers and future odor control system including all interconnecting
duct and appurtenances.
G. Submit calculations for all pipe supports and concrete pier foundations associated with the equipment and
FRP ducting, see Section 2.] ] Pipe Supports.
A. Provide equipment manufacturer's services at the job-site for the minimum man-days listed below, travel
time excluded:
]. Eight (8) man-days to check the installation, supervise startup, and supervise testing and adjustments
of equipment.
2. Two (2) man-days to instruct the Owner's operation and maintenance personnel.
A. Manufacturer: The products furnished under this section shall be by a manufacturer who has been
regularly engaged in the design and manufacture of the equipment and who has a minimum of5 years
experience in design, fabrication and testing of degasifier units of the size, materials (PVC/FRP) and
scope specified herein, and shall show evidence of at least ten identical design installations in satisfactory
operation in water treatment plant facilities for at least twelve months. Demonstrate to the satisfaction of
the Engineer that the quality is equal 10 equipment made by those manufacturers specifically named
herein. Any manufacturer whose main business is FRP manufacturing or is a vessel and equipment
brokering firm, or outsourcing vessels shall not be accepted as a supplier of the complete system. The
named manufacturers shall also fabricate the vessels themselves.
B. ~pection and Testing Requirements; The Engineer reserves the right to reject delivery of any or all
pieces of equipment found, upon inspection, to have any or all of the following: blisters, chips, crazing,
exposed glass, cracks burned areas, dry spots, foreign matter, surface porosity, sharp discontinuity or
entrapped air at the surface of the laminate. Any item which does not satisfy the tolerances as below shall
be rejected:
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NCR WTP Degasifier & Odor Control Expansion
Defect Inside Surface Outside Surface
Blister None Max. dimensions: ] /4" diameter by
118" high; Max density: I per sq. ft.;
Min. se aration: 2" apart
Chips None Max. dimension of break: 114" and
thickness no greater than 10% of wall
thickness; Max. density: I er sq. ft.
Crazing None Max. length: 1/2": Max. density: 5
er Sq. ft.: Min. senaration: 2"
Cracks None None
Exnosed Glass None None
Scratches None Max. lenQth: I"; Max. deoth: 0.010"
Burned Areas None None
Surface Porosity None None
ForeiQn Matter None None
Sha Discontin~ None None
Pits Max. ]/8 inches, dia. by 1/32 inches Max. 1/8" dia. by 1116" deep; Max:
deep; Max: 10 pcr ft' 10 nerso. ft.
Q'L Spot None 2 sa. ino.E"r so. ft.
Entrapped Air None at the surface 1/16 inches and 1/8" and 4 per sq. in. or 1116" and 10
10 per square in. max j;cr s . in. within laminate
C. The Engineer reserves the right to be present at the fabricators facility for visual inspection of equipment
to be supplied.
D. Upon completion of the installation. each piece of equipment and each system shall be tested for
satisfactory operation without excessive noise, vibration, overheating, etc. Compliance shall be based on
the equipment manufacturer's specifications and all applicable costs and standards. All equipment must be
adjusted and checked for misalignment, clearances, supports, and adherence to safety standards.
E. The Contractor shall be responsible for the successful startup and testing of each degasifier unit. The
Contractor shall provide all necessal)' facilities, manpower, chemicals, tools, instrumentation, and
laboratory testing services required during this phase of the work.
F. The system supplier shall be the vessel manufacturer and be registered with NSF as a certified supplier of
degasifier units. The product shall be listed and bear the NSF seal.
A. The degasifiers shall be as manufactured by Duall, a division of Met-Pro Corporation, or Indusco
Environmental Services, Inc.
A. All degasifier (air stripping) equipment (including the FRP centrifugal fan and odor control systems) shall
be supplied by one manufacturer in order to achieve standardization for appearance, operation,
maintenance, spare parts and service. It is the intent of this specification to obtain an installation complete
in every necessary detail whether or not covered by the specifications, and any omission of required
equipment from the specifications shall not relieve the manufacturer of its responsibility for the satisfactory
installation and operation of all the required equipment specified in this section.
Collier County Florida
NCRV/TP Degasifier & Odor Control b.:pansion
B. The Contractor shall have unit responsibility for coordination of all structures, metals, controls and piping
with all interrelated equipment as may be specified elsewhere in these documents to provide a complete
and operable system.
C. All materials that come in contact with the process water flow unit must comply with NSF 6]
A. The degasifier (air stripping) units shall be designed to remove carbon dioxide and hydrogen sulfide from
the product stream of a reverse osmosis (RG) process. The units shall conform to the criteria presented in
Table 13505-1 for the RO process.
Table 13505-1
Degasifier Unit Design Criteria
RO Process
Number of units
Tag Nos.
Tank Bottom Elevation, NVGD
Ambient air temperature, degrees Fahrenheit
Relative humidity, %
Unit min. flow rate, MG D
Unit max. flow rate, MGD
Water pH, SU
Hydraulic loading, gpm/ft'
Water min. temperature, OF
Maximum air flow rate per unit at ultimate flow, sefm
Inlet CO, cone., mg/L
Minimum CO, removal efficiency @ 60 OF water tcmperature
and @ 70 OF air temperatures, %
Inlet total sulfide concentration at initial and ultimate design
flow rate, (dissolved, mg/L)
Available H,S concentration in inlet, mg/L
MinimWTI H,S removal efficiency @ 60 OF water temperature
and @ 70 OF air temperatures, %
Maximum fan discharge pressure, inches W.e.
Fan motor horsepower, hp
Minimum SF on calculated packing height
Minimum packing depth, ft.
Packing Diameter, inches
Maximum vessel pressure drop, inches w.c.
Demister Packing Diameter, inches
Minimum Demister Packing Depth, inches
]3-DG-OI through 13-DG-04
PT A/Forced Air
Up to ]00
3 1/2
-,\ '" ~~_i!';j
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NCRWTP Degasifier & Odor Control Expansion
Table 13505-1
Degasifier Unit Design Criteria
RO Process
C leaning Header Diameter, inches
Cleaning Header Discharge Orifices Diameter, inches
Vessel Diameter, ft.
Air/Water Ratio, scfm/cfm
37 '
Exhaust Stack -
Exterior Coating
Packing -
Liquid Distribution -
Cleaning Header
Dem ister -
Gaskets -
Packing Supports
Flange & Anchor Bolts -
External Hardware
Internal Hardware
PYC overlayed with FRP NSF-61 certified
PYC overlayed with FRP
White Parafinated wi UV screener
Polyethylene, random, Jaeger Tri-Pak.
PVC Weir Trough w/ Notches and Distribution Holes
Schedule 80 PYC
Polyethylene, random Jaeger tri-pack
Sica-flex NSF 61 certified
Polypropylene Gratings, PYC Support Rings, PYC I Beams,
Stainless steel, Type 316 hardware over PVC/FRP
316 Stainless Steel
A. Vessels shall be fabricated from a composite material consisting ofa polyvinyl chloride (PVC) vessel
overlaid with fiber-reinforced plastic (FRP). The PYC vessel thickness shall be no less than 1/4-inch to
avoid inducing structural stresses. Minimum thickness of the overlay shall be that created by application of
3 layers of 1-1/2 ounce chopped strand glass mat; with greater thickness as required to satisf)' structural
requirements of the application. Chopper gun application oflaminate is permitted.
B. Vessels shall be fully constructed from rigid PYC sheet. PVC material shall conform to ASTM D 1784-
69. It shall be hot gas welded at all seals and joints. Welds in areas subject to hydrostatic pressure shall be
tested by non-destructive spark test, and weld integrity shall be demonstrated before application of the FRP
C. Prior to application of the FRP overlay, the pve surface shall be prepared as follows:
I. Fill all joints, seams, and connections with polyester paste in order to produce a smoother surface
2. Remove oils or parting agents from the surface of the pye, and then mechanically roughen the
exterior surface.
3. Apply conductive tape to joints in sump area (2" above overtlow) to enable spark testing prior to
and/or after overlay.
D. Fiberglass shall be applied by hand lay-up or chopped spray techniques in accordance with Voluntary
Product Standard PSI5-69. The resin shall be isophthalic resin such as Aropo17742, or equal. Iffire
retardancy is required the resin shall be Hetron 99P with 3% antimony trioxide or equal. A pigmented
exterior topcoat containing UY inhibitors and sufficient paraffin wax to give an air inhibited cure is
required. This exterior topcoat must not soften or become tacky when subjected to an acetone sensitivity
test as described in ASME/ ANSI R TP-I-1989. Surface hardness shall be determined in accordance with
Collier County. Florida
NCR V./TP Dcgasifier & Odor Control Expansion
ASTM D 2583. Random Barcol hardness test will be taken and 80% of the readings shall exceed 90% of
the manufacturer's published minimum cured hardness value. Failure to meet these tests shall be
considered a non-conformance and corrections must be made by the fabricator.
A. The vessels to be designed and manufactured for the conditions listed using NSF6] approved Reichold
Inc. Dion VER 9]02 vinyl ester resin with a interior corrosion barrier using Nexus veil followed by
minimum three layers ofhand applied 1.5 oz. fiberglass mat, followed by filament winding of the
structural reinforcement to the proper design thickness. The laminate to have 'I. of the required thickness
applied as straight resin with no fillers, final balance of laminate 1/4 to incorporate an opaque pigmented
gel filler to totally block all sunlight penetration. The exterior of the vessels to have a final resin rich
pigment gel coat finish with UV-9 inhibitors and color to be white.
S. FRP vessels shall be manufactured in accordance with ASTM Designation D3299, "Fi]ament-Wound
Glass Fiber Reinforced Polyester Chemical Resistant Vessels" and in accordance with the supplementary
requirements given below.
I. Resin:
a. Resin to be used shall be Hetron 922 or Hetron FR, or approved equal. Only one resin shall be
used throughout the entire vessel. Dual resins will not be acceptable.
b. Resin shall not contain any pigments, dyes Of colorants which may interfere with visual
inspection oflaminate quality.
c. A 100 to 120 mil internal corrosion barrier shall be provided, and shall be composed of a nexus
veil liner, or similar type of material, uniformly wetted with resin to a resin rich thickness of20
mils and an inner laminate that consists of randomly chopped glass wetter with resin to a resin
rich thickness of 80 to 100 mils.
2. Exterior Surfacing Materials:
a. Unless otherwise specified, the surfacing materials shall be white gel coat with type "c" glass
surfacing veil.
b. Ultraviolet stabilizers shall be added to pigmented resin for all vessel.
c. Color of exterior surface is to be white.
d. Vessel shall not be transported until resin is completely cured.
3. Properties - Filament Wound Laminates:
a. The vessel Manufacturer shall furnish, upon request, copies aftest reports showing the Tensile
Modulus of Elasticity for each laminate thickness and laminate construction used in fabrication
of the filament wound portion of the vessel. The Tensile Modulus of Elasticity shall not exceed
5,250,000 psi.
4. Wall Thickness:
a. The minimum total laminate thickness of the filament wound shell shall be as specified in
ASTM 03299.
b. Minimum wall thickness of vertical cylindrical vessel shall or vessel heads for contact molded
construction shall be as specified in Table 7 of PS 15-69.
5. Surface Cure:
a. All surfaces shall be finished so as to obtain complete cure of the resin without air inhibition.
For surfaces which are not mold surfaces this can be achieved by coating the exposed surface
after cure with a paraffin containing resin or by covering the wet surface with a film prior to
cure. Acetone sensitivity on any surface will be considered evidence of unsatisfactory cure.
Surface cure shall be determined by means of the Barcol Hardness Test for the resin used.
6. Heads:
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NCRWTP Degasifier & Odor Control Expansion
_ _T.__ "~~_'~'_.~_"__~~4~_'_' _
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a. The top heads ofvenical tanks shall be convex or conical unless otherwise specified. Bottom
heads of tanks may be built integral with tank shells or may be molded with skirts and
subsequently joined to the shells. The knuckle radius at the junction of heads to shell shall be a
minimum of 1.0 inch.
b. For integral heads, individual layers of the tank bottom reinforcement shall be extended up the
sidewall of the tank. This extension shall be covered by a corresponding layer of shell
reinforcement. The wall thickness in the bottom comer area shall equal at least the total of the
bottom thickness of the shell thickness unless otherwise justified by stress analysis.
7. Top and Bottum Heads - Knuckle Radius:
a. The knuckle radius shall be a minimum of one (1.0) inch.
A. The loading conditions for the design of the air stripper and attachment to the concrete slab shall include,
but not be I im ited to, a roof load of 20 pounds per square foot, materials dead loads, forces imposed by the
liquid splashing downward, forces imposed by the air moving upward, an external horizontal1oad imposed
by a 128 mph wind (per FBC requirements). and design degasitier vessels to supports connecting
B. The degasifier (air stripping) vessels shall be round in cross section.
e. Vessel Tops:
I. The degasifier vessels shall have top air outlets and conical covers.
D. All vessel internal components, except the media, shall be factory installed.
E. Vessel Bases
1. The degasifier vessel base shall be flat and shall contain the necessary lugs for anchoring to the
concrete base. The base shall include a degasified side wall water outlet and drain as shown on the
F. The minimum wall thickness shall be 1/4 inch. Maximum \-vall deflection under any combination of
loading conditions shall not exceed 1/360.
G. The degasifier (air stripping) vessel shall be fitted with the following minimum number and types of
nozzles as listed Table 13505-3:
Table 13505-3 - Nozzle Schedule
20" x 50" Vessel
Air Inlet
Air Outlet Diameter
Water Inlet Diameter
Water Out Let Diameter
Extended Total Drain/Cleaning Line
Suction Diameter
Cleaning Heading Diameter
Pressure Taps
Flat Flange
Flat Flange
Vanstone Flange
Vanstone Flange
Gusseted 150# Flange
Gusseted 150# Flange
Flange with bushing
NPT Full Coupling
Flat Flange
2 (m 1/2"
Sump Access Hatch Diameter
24" Clear PVC w/Opaque
74" Clear PVC w/Opaque
2 @ 20" x 34" Opaque PVC
24" Opaque PVC cover
Min 6"
Flat Flange
Flat Flange
Mounting Plate
NPT Full Coupling
NPT Full Coupling
Packing Removal Door Diameter
Flat Flange
Packing Fill/Weir Access Door
Mist Eliminator Access Door
Pressure Differential Gauge
Inlet Pressure on air inlet pipe
Discharge Pressure on air discharge pipe
(\lllil;r County. Florida
NCR\\.'TP Dcgasificr & Odor Control Fxpansion
f, ~
Cleaning (NaOCI) Solution 2"/4"
double containment pipe
Sight Gauge
Slanted nozzle for liquid chemical
Slanted nozzle for dry chemical addition
Flange with bushing w/2"
Internal down pipe
Gusseted] 50# Flange
Gusseted 150# Flange
2-2" per proposed unit
Flat Flange
H. The inlet distribution; system shall be a header/lateral channel system of weirs and troughs to assure
uniform liquid distribution over the packing media at minimal head loss. Spray nozzles shall not be
acceptable. Design shall provide for field ]eveling. Design inlet distribution system so that it can be
disassembled and removed through the access man way .
I. Flange nozzle shall have gusset supports and shall be designed for a minimum torque of2,000 foot-
pounds and a minimum bending; moment of 1,500 foot-pounds. Nozzle construction shall be Schedule 80
PVC pipe with FRP reinforcement and llanges. Flange shall be 2-inch minimum size. Flange dimensions
shall conform to ANSI BI6.5, Class ]50. Voluntary product standard ofPS 15-69 shall be used for 50 psi
for piping connections and duct dimensions for manways and dueting.
J. Neoprene Pad: A y,," thick, 60 durometer neoprene rubber sheet must be placed underneath the degasifier
K. Cleaning (Wash) System: A liquid distributor trough with weirs shall be provided to distribute cleaning
solution over mist eliminator packing and stripping packing to wash and clean packing. Piping and valving
shall be provided to use the cleaning pump to cleaning solution from the sump to above mist eliminator
packing to wash and clean packing systems.
A. The degasifier units shall be provided with cleaning system pumps and shall be installed as shown on the
Contract Drawings. Manufacturer: Fybroc Pump or approved equal.
I. Model: Model 1500 Fiberglass Reinforced Vinyl ester centrifugal pump: 4 x 6 x 8.125
2. Flow/TDHlhp: 660 gpm/60 feet/20
3. Number of pumps: I
4. Pumping lluid Chemicals: Diluted solution of H2S04, HS04NH" HC I, NaOC]
5. Baseplate Material: Fiberglass
6. Wetted Parts Materia]: Glass reinforced polymer
7. Shaft, casing nuts and bolts: stainless steel with T.B. Woods Type SC spacer coupling and guard.
8. Seal: John Crane #8B2 Single Outside Mechanical seal made of ceramic, carbon, viton & hastelloy C
with Internalllush lubrication to the mechanical seal (no llush water required).
9. Suction & Discharge Connections: For the suction connection provide SS 4 x 6 reducer and 4" quick
disconnect and for the discharge connection provide S5 4" quick disconnect. Provide reinforced
EPDM hoses with quick disconnect ends.
10. Hoses: Provide reinforced PVC hoses or approval equal with quick disconnect ends.
a. Number/Length: 2110' and 2115'
b. Material: Resistant to diluted solutions ofH,S04, HS04NH2, HCI, NaOC1
B. Motors shall be as specified in Section 11005 Equipment: Basic Requirements including space heaters
and TEFC classification.
] . Controls: Hand On/Off with timer.
A. Design, furnish and install a transition air duct from each fan to the inlet llange of each RO degasifier (air
stripping) unit. Duct shall have llanged inlet and outlet connections.
Col]ierCounty, Florida
NCR WTP Dcgasifier & Odor Control Expansion
A. Attach Vessel (FRP/PVC) element to concrete structure with Type 316 stainless-steel bolts anchors and
nuts. Bolts shall conform to ASTM A 193. Grade B8M. Nuts shall conform to ASTM A 194, Grade 8m.
Provide washer under each nut and bolthead. Design bolts and washers to prevent bolt pull out due to
uniform and non-uniform vertical. horizontal, torsional, fatigue and cyclical loading of the FRP and bolts.
A. The degasifier (air stripper) unit supplier shall furnish and install ditTerential pressure gauges on vessel
with traps.
B. Manufacturer shall be Dwyer. Type: Magnchlic. Model Number 2006 wi Vent valve Model A-310A.
C. The degasifier unit supplier shall fumish and install sight gauge on the vessel sump with isolation ball
1. Manufacturer shall be Gems Sensors. Engineered Plastic Versions-Standard Size
2. Number of units: 3 with I for each proposed unit
a. 2" diameter schedule 80 pipe
b. Chemical compatible to diluted solutions ofNaOCI, NaOH. HSO,NH2, HCI. and H2S04
c. Orange plastic flags
d. Indicating scale in gallons with major marks at 100 gallon increments and minor marks at 20
gallon increments (12 foot diameter vessel) with range from 400 to 2500 gallons
e. Level sensors
A. The air stripper Supplier shall furnish and install pipe supports for the all piping to degasifier (air
stripping) units as shown on the drawings. The support designs shall be suitable for the loads imposed.
The Supplier shall be responsible for submitting calculations, signed and sealed by a Professional Engineer
registered in the State of Florida. verilYing the suitability of the proposed supports and compliance with all
applicable regulatory requirements.
B. Structural supports and their foundations shown in the Contract Documents for FRP ducting. equipment,
and appurtenances (referred to as assemblies) are conceptual in nalure and shall be reviewed by the
Contractor and supplier of the FRP assemblies relative to location and support details. The Contractor
shall retain a Professional Engineer registered in the State of Florida to certilY the design of all supports
for FRP assemblies, including foundations, connections, coordination of supports/foundations with
existing construction, and design for both gravity and lateral loadings as would be appropriate.
A. Provide a tag for each unit bearing the equipment tag number in accordance with Section 11005
Equipment: Basic Requirements.
B. All piping shall have colored code labels. flow arrows and descriptive naming.
C. All vessels shall have descriptive naming.
A. The manufacturer shall oversee the Contractor installation of all FRP fans for the RO degasitier
un its to ensure proper connection.
A. The manufacturer shall oversee the Contractor installation of all FRP ducts, dampers and supports for all
the degasifier units to ensure proper connection.
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Collier County. Florida
NCR v...TP Dcgasifier & Odor Control E:xr<lllSion
B, The manufacturer shall provide an electric actuated damper motor to isolate each degasifier from the odor
control intake manifold. The manufacturer will coordinate the actuator with the FRD damper. There will be
four dampers as shown on the drawings. The actuator shall be an AUMA electric actuator or approved
A. The manufacturer shall oversee the Contractor installation of water inlet piping, discharge piping and
supports for all the degasifier units to ensure proper connection.
A. The manufacturer shall oversee the Contractor installation of all chemical cleaning system for all
the degasifier units to ensure proper connection.
A. Provide the following spare parts for each unit:
1 set Seals, gaskets
1 set Pressure gauges
1 set Clear manway covers
B. Pack spare parts in a wooden box; label with the manufacturer's name and local representative's narne,
address, and telephone number: and attach list of materials contained therein.
A. Each degasifier (air stripping) unit shall be set in place as shown on the drawings, level and anchor to the
B. Connect fluid inlet and outlet piping.
C. Connect air inlet (RO units only) and outlet ducts.
D. Load random packing.
E. Disinfect tank in accordance with A WW A C652. The existing Concrete wetwell below the Degasifiers
shall also be disinfected in accordance with A WW A C652.
F. Obtain satisfactory bacteriological reports from water samples ITam tank in conformance with
requirements of the State of Florida.
G. Verify and demonstrate that access manholes are installed correctly to ensure access.
A. After delivery to the site, the Owner will check FRP elements for cracks, holes, and other characteristics
listed in ASTM D 2563. Table I. Remove any FRP item not complying with ASTM D 2563, Table I,
Level II, from the project site.
A. Start-up: The services of a factory representative shall be provided as specified to ensure proper
installation and start-up of each scrubber system.
B. Air Flow Balancing:
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NCR WTP Degasifier & Odor Control Expansion
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I. The Contractor shall be responsible for tinal balancing of the degasifier units fans as follows:
2. Balancing of a system shall not be performed until the system has been completed and is in full
working order.
a. Air volume and velocity data shall be recorded and submitted to the Engineer. Air volumes and
velocities shall be determined and tahulated at each air pickup. Dampers, valves control devices
and fan drives shall be adjusted (including the exchange and installation of fan drive sheaves, as
required) to obtain the desired air quantities. All dampers shall be clearly and permanently
marked at final setting for reported air balance. Reported CFM shall be permanently marked at
each fan, damper valve and splitter. Work shall be performed in accordance with procedures and
standards described in SMACNA Balancing and Adjusting Manual. Reports shall be made on
SMACNA forms or facsimiles thereof.
b. Contractor shall provide all air flow measurement equipment, ports and appurtenances needed
for balancing each odor control system.
C. Testing
I. Manufacturer shall provide all sampling. testing and recording equipment including pH meter.
temperature meter, sample taps. rpm meter, flow meter/recorder (2" insertion-type impeller type
sensor) with stainless steel mounting hardware and valves.
2. After startup and after a minimum 2 week of continuous operations, the manufacturer shall provide
all sampling and testing for four (4) consecutive days with 4 samples per day. Samples shall be taken
at four hour intervals. Sample shall be taken at the following measured. recorded and analyzed:
a. Inlet water flow rate to degasitier shall be recorded during the sampling.
b. Fan rpm shall be recorded prior to sampling and after sampling.
c. Inlet water and discharge water for each degasifier units and analyzed for:
1) pH, hydrogen sulfide and carbon dioxide. \vater temperatures
J) pH of the inlet and discharge \-vaters shall be taken prior to sampling for hydrogen sulfide
and carbon dioxide with analyzer that been calibrated in accordance with manufacturer
d. Air inlet and discharge for each degasitier units shall be measured for temperatures prior to
3. Sampling shall conform to requirements ofthe latest edition of the Standard Methods; include
preservation of samples, sampling techniques, and chain of custody.
4. Analysis shall be conduct by laboratory cel1ified to perform the analysis for hydrogen sulfide and
carbon dioxide.
5. Report of the laboratory analyses shall be generated showing the results and it shall be certified by
the laboratory. Overall report shall be generated showing all field analyses. sampling and overall
efficiency of removal and shall be certilled by tester for completeness and accuracy.
6. Testing shall be considered complete when unit meets or exceed the removal efficiencies.
A. Provide a written certification from the equipment manufacturer that the degasifier have been properly
installed in compliance with the contract documents and that associated equipment including fans, ducting
and cleaning systems have connected properly to the degasifier units, and manufacturer certifies the
degasifier units are operating nomlally and the manufacturers recommendations degasifier units be placed
into service.
B. The Contractor will make all necessary corrections and adjustments to associated equipment. piping,
ducts and fans including but not limited to labor. parts or freight at no additional cost to the Owner.
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NCRWTP Degasificr & Odor Control Expansion
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A. Section Includes:
1. Process piping systems.
2. Utility piping systems.
B. Related Sections include but are not necessarily limited to:
1. Division 0 - Bidding Requirements, Contract Forms, and Conditions of the Contract.
2. Division] - General Requirements.
3. Division 2 - Site Work
4. Section 09905 - Painting and Protective Coatings.
5. Section 10400 - Identification Devices.
6. Section 11005 - Equipment: Basic Requirements.
7. Section 13440 - Instrumentation for Process Control: Basic Requirements.
8. Section 13442 - Primary Elements and Transmitters.
9. Section 15090 - Pipe Support Systems,
10. Section ]5100 - Valves: Basic Requirements.
A. Referenced Standards:
1. American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO):
a. M252, Standard Specification for Corrugated Polyethylene Drainage Tubing.
b. M294, Interim Specification for Corrugated Polyethy]ene Pipe 12 to 24 Inch Diameter.
2. American Iron and Steel Institute (AISI).
3. American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME):
a. B]6.5, Pipe Flanges and Flanged Fittings.
b. B36.] 9, Stainless Steel Pipe.
c. B40. 1 00, Pressure Gauges and Gauge Attachments.
4. ASTM International (ASTM):
a. A269, Standard Specification for Seamless and Welded Austenitic Stainless Steel
Tubing for General Service.
b. A 774, Standard Specification for As- Welded Wrought Austenitic Stainless Steel
Fittings for General Corrosive Service at Low and Moderate Temperatures.
c. A778, Standard Specification for Welded, Unannealed Austenitic Stainless Steel
Tubular Products.
d. C 14, Standard Specification for Concrete Sewer, Storm Drain. and Culvert Pipe.
e. C76, Standard Specification for Reinforced Concrete Culvert, Storm Drain, and Sewer
f. C36], Standard Specification for Reinforced Concrete Low-Head Pressure Pipe.
g. C443, Standard Specification for Joints for Concrete Pipe and Manholes. Using Rubber
h. D1785, Standard Specification for Poly(Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) Plastic Pipe, Schedules
40,80, and 120.
I. D2466, Standard Specification for Poly(Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) Plastic Pipe Fittings,
Schedule 40.
J. 02467, Standard Specification for Poly(Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) Plastic Pipe Fittings,
Schedule 80.
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NCR WTP Degasit1er & Odor Control Expansion
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k. ASTM D2855. Standard Practice for Making Solvent-Cemented Joints with PVC Pipe
and Fittings.
I. D4101. Standard Specification for Polypropylene Plastic Injection and Extrusion
m. F439. Standard Specification for Chlorinated Poly(Vinyl Chloride) (CPVC) Plastic Pipe
Fittings, Schedule 80.
n. F441. Standard Specification for Chlorinated Poly(Vinyl Chloride) (CPVC) Plastic
Pipe, Schedules 40 and 80.
5. American Water Works Association (A WW A):
a. B300. Standard for Hypochlorites.
b. C200. Standard for Steel Water Pipe - 6 IN and Larger.
c. C606. Standard for Grooved and Shouldered Joints.
d. C651, Standard for Disinfecting Water Mains.
e. C800. Standard for Underground Service Line Valves and Fittings.
6. American Water Works Association/American National Standards Institute
a. C 110/A21.10. Standard for Ductile-Iron and Gray-Iron Fittings for Water.
b. C 1111 A21.11. Standard for Rubber-Gasket Joints for Ductile-Iron Pressure Pipe and
c. C 1151 A21.15. Standard for Flanged Ductile-Iron Pipe with Ductile-Iron or Gray-Iron
Threaded Flanges.
d. C151/A21.51. Standard for Ductile-Iron Pipe. Centrifugally Cast, for Water.
e. CI53/A 71.53. Standard for Ductile-Iron Compact Fittings for Water Service.
7. Chlorine Institute. Inc. (CI):
a. Pamphlet 6, Piping Systems for Dry Chlorine.
8. International Plumbing Code (IPC).
9. National Fire Protection Association (NFPA):
a. 54. National Fuel Gas Code.
b. 69. Standard on Explosion Prevention Systems.
10. Underwriters Laboratories. Inc. (UL).
B. Coordinate flange dimensions and drillings between piping, valves, and equipment.
A. Hazardous Gas Systems: Gaseous chlorine.
A. Piping Systems Organization and Definition:
I. Piping services are grouped into designated systems according to the chemical and physical
properties of the fluid conveyed. system pressure, piping size and system materials of
A. Shop Drawings:
1. See Section 01340 forrequirements for the mechanics and administration of the submittal
2. Fabrication and/or layout drawings:
a. Exterior yard piping drawings (minimum scale I IN equals lOfT) with information
I) Dimensions of piping lengths.
2) Invert or centerline elevations of piping crossings.
3) Acknowledgement of bury depth requirements.
4) Details of fittings. tapping locations, thrust blocks. restrained joint segments,
harnessed joint segments. hydrants. and related appurtenances.
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NCRIJv'IV Dcgasifil.:r & Odor Control !-:xpansion
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5) Acknowledge desib'11ated valve or gate tag numbers, manhole numbers, instrument
tag numbers, pipe and line numbers.
6) Line slopes and vents.
b. Interior piping drawings (minimum scale 1/8 IN equals I FT) with information
I) Dimensions of piping rrom column lines or wall surfaces.
2) Centerline dimensions of piping.
3) Centerline elevation and size of intersecting ductwork, conduit/conduit racks, or
other potential interferences requiring coordination.
4) Location and type of pipe supports and anchors.
5) Locations of valves and valve actuator type.
6) Details of fittings, tapping locations, equipment connections, flexible expansion
joints, connections to equipment, and related appurtenances.
7) Acknowledgement of valve, equipment and instrument tag numbers.
8) Provisions for expansion and contraction.
9) Line slopes and air release vents.
10) Rough-in data for plumbing fixtures.
c. Schedule of interconnections to existing piping and method of connection.
3. Product technical data including:
a. Acknowledgement that products submitted meet requirements of standards referenced.
b. Copies of manufacturer's written directions regarding material handling, delivery,
storage and installation.
c. Separate schedule sheet for each piping system scheduled in this Section showing
compliance of all system components.
1) Attach technical product data on gaskets, pipe, fittings, and other components.
B. Miscellaneous Submittals:
I. Qualifications of lab performing disinfection analysis on water systems.
2. Test reports:
a. Copies of pressure test results on all piping systems.
b. Reports defining results of dielectric testing and corrective action taken.
c. Disinfection test report.
d. Notification of time and date of piping pressure tests.
C. Operation and Maintenance Manuals:
I. See Section 01340 for requirements for:
3. The mechanics and administration of the submittal process.
b. The content of Operation and Maintenance Manuals.
A. Protect pipe coating during handling using methods recommended by manufacturer.
I. Use of bare cables, chains, hooks, metal bars or narrow skids in contact with coated pipe is
not permitted.
B. Prevent damage to pipe during transit.
1. Repair abrasions, scars, and blemishes.
2. Ifrepair of satisfactory quality cannot be achieved, replace damaged material immediately.
A. Subject to compliance with the Contract Documents, the following manufacturers are
1. Insulating unions:
a. "Dielectric" by Epeo.
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NCRWTP Degasifier & Odor Control Expansion
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2. Dirt strainers (Y type):
a. Mueller (#351).
b. Sarco.
c. Armstrong.
3. Chemical strainers (Y type):
a. Chemtrol.
b. Asahi.
4. Dry disconnect couplings:
a. Kam lock.
5. Dielectric flange kit:
a. PSI.
b. Maloney.
c. Central Plastics.
6. Pipe saddles (for gage installation):
a. Dresser Style 91 (steel and ductile iron systems).
b. Dresscr Style 194 (non-metallic systems).
B. Submit request for substitution in accordance with Specification Section 01640.
A. Piping system materials, fittings and appurtenances are subject to requirements of specific piping
specification schedules located at the end of PART 3 of this Section.
A. Insulating Components:
1. Dielectric flange kits:
a. Flat faced.
b. 118 IN thick dielectric gasket. phenolic, non-asbestos.
c. Suitable for 175 psi, 210 DegF.
d. 1/32 IN wall thickness bolt sleeves.
e. 118 IN thick phenolic insulating washers.
2. Dielectric unions:
a. Screwed end connections.
b. Rated at 175 psi. 210 DegF.
c. Provide dielectric gaskets suitable for continuous operation at union rated temperature
and pressure.
B. Dirt Straincrs:
1. V-type.
J. Composition bronze.
3. Rated for test pressure and temperature of system in which they are installed.
4. 20 mesh Monel screen.
5. Threaded bronze plug in the hlowotT outlet.
6. Thrcaded NPT end connections.
C. Strainers for Chemical Applications:
1. V-type.
2. Strainers of same material, test pressure, and temperature rating as system in which strainer
is placed.
D. Reducers:
I. Furnish appropriate size reducers and reducing fittings to mate pipe to equipment
2. Connection size requirements may change from those shown on Drawings depending on
equipment furnished.
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NCR WTP Degasifier & Odor Control Expansion
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E. Protective Coating and Lining:
1. Include pipe, fittings, and appurtenances where coatings, linings, paint, tests and other items
are specified.
2. Field paint pipe in accordance with Section 09905.
F. Underground Warning Tape:
I. See Section 10400.
G. Pressure Gages:
1. See Section 11005 and Section 13442.
H. Dry Disconnect Couplings:
I. Adapters:
a. Male adapters: Size shown on Drawings.
b. Adapters:
I) Female NPT end connection for sludge and flush applications.
2) Male NPT end connection for chemical applications.
c. Construct adapters for sludge applications from cast iron or steel.
d. Construct adapters for chemical and PVC system applications 3 IN and below from
polypropy lene.
I) Above 3 IN size. provide stainless steel units.
2. Couplers:
a. Built-in valve and spring loaded poppet which close automatically when disconnected.
b. Designed to remain with only one (I )arm locked in closed position.
c. Construct couplers for sludge applications fabricated from material utilized for
d, Construct couplers for chemical and PVC system applications 3 IN and less from
polypropylene with stainless steel arms and pins.
I) Above 3 IN, provide stainless steel units.
e. Gasket: Compatible with conveyed liquid.
3. Dust caps: For all adapters.
l. Valves:
1. See schematics and details for definition of manual valves used in each system under 4 IN
. .
In size.
a. See Section 15100 schedule for valve types 4 IN and above and for automatic valves
used in each system.
2. See Section 15100.
A. Unless otherwise shown on the Drawings, provide a minimum of 3 FT earth cover over exterior
buried piping systems and appurtenances conveying water, fluids, or solutions.
B. Enter and exit through structure walls, floors, and ceilings by using penetrations and seals
specified in Section 01800 and as shown on Drawings.
C. When entering or leaving structures with buried mechanical joint piping, install joint within 2 FT
of point where pipe enters or leaves structure.
I. Install second joint not more than 6 FT nor less than 4 FT from first joint.
D. Install expansion devices as necessary to allow expansion and contraction movement.
E. Laying Pipe In Trench:
1. See Division 2.
2. Clean each pipe length thoroughly and inspect for compliance to Specifications.
Collier County, Florida
NCRWTP Degasifier & Odor Control Expansion
3. Grade trench bottom and excavate for pipe bell and lay pipe on trench bottom.
4. Install gasket or joint material according to manufacturer's directions after joints have been
thoroughly cleaned and examined.
5. Except for tirst two (2) joints. before making final connections of joints, install two (2) full
sections of pipe with earth tamped along side of pipe or final with bedding material placed.
6. Lay pipe in only suitable weather with good trench conditions.
a. Never lay pipe in water except where approved by Engineer.
7. Seal open end of line with watertight plug ifpipe laying stopped.
8. Remove water in trench before removal of plug.
F. Lining Up Push-On Joint Piping:
I. Lay piping on route lines shown on Drawings.
2. Deflect from straight alignments or grades by vertical or horizontal curves or offsets.
3. Observe maximum deflection values stated in manufacturer's written literature.
4. Provide special bends when specified or where required alignment exceeds allowable
deflections stipulated.
5. Install shorter lengths of pipe in such length and number that angular deflection of any joint,
as represented by specified maximum deflection, is not exceeded.
G. Anchorage and Blocking:
I. Provide reaction blocking. anchors. joint harnesses, or other acceptable means for
preventing movement of piping caused by forces in or on buried piping tees. wye branches,
plugs. or bends.
2. Place concrete blocking so that it extends from titting into solid undisturbed earth wall.
a. Concrete blocks shall not cover pipe joints.
3. Provide bearing area of concrete in accordance with drawing detail.
H. Install underground hazard warning tape per Section 10400.
I. Install insulating components where dissimilar metals are joined together.
A. Install piping in vertical and horizontal alignment as shown on Drawings.
B. Alignment of piping smaller than 4 IN may not be shown; however. install according to Drawing
intent and with clearance and allowance for:
I. Expansion and contraction.
2. Operation and access to equipment, doors, \vindO\vs, hoists, moving equipment.
3. Headroom and walking space for working areas and aisles.
4. System drainage and air removal.
C. Enter and exit through structure walls, noor and ceilings using penetrations and seals specified
in Section 01800 and as shown on the Drawings.
D. Install vertical piping runs plumb and horizontal piping runs parallel with structure walls.
E. Pipe Support:
1. Use methods of piping support as shown on Drawings and as required in Section 15090.
2. Where pipes run parallel and at same elevation or grade, they may be grouped and
supported from common trapeze-type hanger, provided hanger rods are increased in size as
specified for total supported weight.
a. The pipe in the group requiring the least maximum distance between supports shall set
the distance between trapeze hangers.
3. Size pipe supports with consideration to specific gravity of liquid being piped.
F. Locate and size sleeves and castings required for piping system.
I. Arrange for chases, recesses, inserts or anchors at proper elevation and location.
G. Use reducing fittings throughout piping systems.
1. Bushings will not be allowed unless specifically approved.
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NCR \\iTP Dcgasificr & Odor Control E:xpansion
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H. Equipment Drainage and Miscellaneous Piping:
1. Provide drip pans and piping at equipment where condensation may occur.
2. Hard pipe stuffing box leakage to nearest floor drain.
3 . Avoid piping over electrical components such as motor control centers, panelboards. etc.
a. lfpiping must be so routed. utilize 16 GA, 316 stainless steel drip pan under piping and
over full length of electrical equipment.
b. Hard pipe drainage to nearest floor drain.
4. Collect system condensate at drip pockets, traps and blowoffvalves.
5. Provide drainage for process piping at locations shown on Drawings in accordance with
Drawing details.
6. For applications defined above and for other miscellaneous piping which is not addressed by
a specific piping service category in PART I, provide 304 stainless steel piping and fittings.
a. Size to handle application with 3/4 IN being minimum size provided.
I. Unions:
I. Install in position which will permit valve or equipment to be removed without dismantling
adjacent piping.
2. Mechanical type couplings may serve as unions.
3. Additional flange unions are not required at flanged connections.
1. Install expansion devices as necessary to allow expansion/contraction movement.
K. Provide full face gaskets on all systems.
L. Anchorage and Blocking:
1. Block, anchor, or harness exposed piping subjected to forces in which joints are installed to
prevent separation of joints and transmission of stress into equipment or structural
components not designed to resist those stresses.
M. Equipment Pipe Connections:
I. Equipment - General:
a. Exercise care in bolting flanged joints so that there is no restraint on the opposite end of
pipe or fitting which would prevent unifonn gasket pressure at connection or would
cause unnecessal)' stresses to be transmitted to equipment flanges.
b. Where push-on joints are used in conjunction with flanged joints, final positioning of
push-on joints shall not be made until flange joints have been tightened without strain.
c. Tighten flange bolts at uniform rate which will result in uniform gasket compression
over entire area of joint.
I) Provide tightening torque in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations.
d. Support and match flange faces to unifonn contact over their entire face area prior to
installation of any bolt between the piping flange and equipment connecting flange.
e. Permit piping connected to equipment to freely move in directions parallel to
longitudinal centerline when and while bolts in connection flange are tightened.
f. Align, level. and wedge equipment into place during fitting and alignment of
connecting piping.
g, Grout equipment into place prior to final bolting of piping but not before initial fitting
and alignment.
h. To provide maximum flexibility and ease of alignment, assemble connecting piping
with gaskets in place and minimum offour (4) bolts per joint installed and tightened.
I) Test alignment by loosening flange bolts to see if there is any change in
relationship of piping flange with equipment connecting flange.
2) Realign as necessary, install flange bolts and make equipment connection.
i. Provide utility connections to equipment shown on Drawings, scheduled or specified.
N. Provide insulating components where dissimilar metals are joined together.
O. Instrument Connections:
I. See drawing details.
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A. Where connection between new work and existing work is made, use suitable and proper fittings
to suit conditions encountered.
B. Perform connections with existing piping at time and under conditions which will least interfere
with service to customers affected by such operation.
C. Undertake connections in fashion which will disturb system as little as possible.
D. Provide suitable equipment and facilities to dc\vater, drain, and dispose of liquid removed
without damage to adjacent property.
E. Where connections to existing systems necessitate employment of past installation methods not
currently part of trade practice, utilize necessary special piping components.
F. Where connection involves potable water systems, provide disinfection methods as prescribed in
these Specifications.
G. Once tie-in to each existing sj'stcm is initiated, continue work continuously until tie-in is made
and tested.
A. Isolate, dielectrically, all piping from all other metals including reinforcing bars in concrete
slabs, other pipe lines, and miscellaneous metal.
B. Make all connections from wire or cable by Thermit Cadwelding accomplished by operators
experienced in this process.
C. Install all cables with a loop and overhead knot around each pipe and slack equal to at least 50
percent of the straight line length.
D. After cadwelding. coat all exposed metallic surfaces with hot applied tape.
A. Provide at locations shown on the Drawings and specified.
B. See Section 11005.
A. Pipe Testing - General:
1. Test piping systems as follows:
a. Test exposed, non-insulated piping systems upon completion of system.
b. Test exposed. insulated piping systems upon completion of system but prior to
application of insulation.
c. Test concealed interior piping systems prior to concealment and, if system is insulated,
prior to application of insulation.
d. Test buried piping (insulated and non-insulated) prior to backfilling and. if insulated.
prior to application of insulation.
2. Utilize pressures, media and pressure test durations as specified on Piping Schedules in the
Contract Documents, Specifications and Drawings.
3. Isolate equipment which may be damaged hy the specified pressure test conditions.
4. Perform pressure test using calibrated pressure gages and calibrated volumetric measuring
equipment to determ ine leakage rates.
a. Select each gage so that the specified test pressure falls within the upper half of the
gage s range.
b. Notify the Enginccr 24 HRS prior to each test.
5. Completely assemble and test ne\-\' piping systems prior to connection to existing pipe
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6. Acknowledge satisfactory performance of tests and inspections in writing to Engineer prior
to final acceptance.
7. Bear the cost of all testing and inspecting, locating and remedying of leaks and any
necessary retesting and re-examination.
B. Pressure Testing:
I. Testing medium: Unless otherwise specified in the Piping Specification Schedules, utilize
the following test media.
a. Process and plant air systems:
2 IN and smaller
2 IN and smaller
Greater than 2 IN
Greater than 2 IN
75 psi or less
Greater than 75 psi
5 psi or less
Greater than 5 l'si
Air or water
Air or water
b. Liquid systems:
Up to and including 48 IN
All sizes
25 psig or less
250 psig or less
A ir or water
2. Allowable leakage rates:
a. Hazardous gas systems, all exposed piping systems, all pressure piping systems and all
buried, insulated piping systems which are hydrostatically pressure tested shall have
zero leakage at the specified test pressure throughout the duration of the test.
b. Hydrostatic exfiItration and infiltration for sanitary and stormwater sewers
(groundwater level is below the top of pipe):
I) Leakage rate: 200 GAL per inch diameter per mile of pipe per day at average head
on test section of 3 FT.
2) Average head is detined from groundwater elevation to average pipe crown.
3) Acceptable test head leakage rate for heads greater than 3 FT: Acceptable leakage
rate (gallons per inch diameter per mile per day) ~ 115 x (actual test head to the 1/2
c. Hydrostatic infiltration test for sanitary and stonnwater sewers (groundwater level is
above the top of pipe):
I) Allowable leakage rate: 200 GAL per inch diameter per mile of pipe per day when
depth of groundwater over top of pipe is 2 to 6 FT,
2) Leakage rate at heads greater than 6 FT: Allowable leakage rate (gallons per inch
diameter per mile of pipe per day) ~ 82 x (actual head to the 1/2 power).
d. Non-hazardous gas and air systems which are tested with air shall have a maximum
pressure drop of 5 percent of the speci tied test pressure throughout the duration of the
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NCRWTP Degasifier & Odor Control Expansion
e. For low pressure (less than 25 psig) air testing, the acceptable time for loss of I psig of
air pressure shall be:
3. Hydrostatic pressure testing methodology:
a. General:
I) All joints. including welds. are to be left exposed for examination during the test.
2) Provide additional temporary supports for piping systems designed for vapor or gas
to support the weight of the test water.
3) Provide temporary restraints for expansion joints for additional pressure load under
4) Isolate equipment in piping system with rated pressure lower than pipe test
S) Do not paint or insulate exposed piping until successful performance of pressure
b. Soil, ""'astc. drain and vent systems:
I) Test at completion of installation of each stack or section of piping by filling
system with water and checking joints and fittings for leaks.
2) Eliminate leaks before proceeding with work or concealing piping.
3) Minimum test heights shall be 1 0 FT above highest stack inlet.
4. Air testing methodology:
a. General:
1) Assure air is ambient temperature.
b. Low pressure air testing:
I) Place plugs in line and inflate to 25 psig.
2) Check pneumatic plugs for proper sealing.
3) Introduce low pressure air into sealed line segment until air pressure reaches 4 psig
greater than ground water that may' be over the pipe.
a) Use test gage conforming to ASME B40.1 00 with 0 to 15 psi scale and
accuracy of] percent of full range.
4) Allow 2 minutes for air pressure to stabilize.
5) After stabilization period (3.5 psig minimum pressure in pipe) discontinue air
supply to line segment.
6) Record pressure at beginning and end of test.
e. Dielectric Testing Methods and Criteria:
1. Provide electrical check between metallic non-ferrous pipe or appurtenances and ferrous
elements of construction to assure discontinuity has been maintained.
2. Wherever electrical contact is demonstrated by such test, locate the point or points of
continuity and correct the condition.
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A. Cleaning:
I. Clean interior of piping systems thoroughly before installing.
2. Maintain pipe in clean condition during installation.
3. Before jointing piping, thoroughly clean and wipe joint contact surfaces and then properly
dress and make joint.
4. Immediately prior to pressure testing, clean and remove grease, metal cuttings, dirt, or other
foreign materials which may have entered the system.
5. At completion of work and prior to Final Acceptance, thoroughly clean work installed under
these Specifications.
a. Clean equipment, fixtures, pipe, valves, and fittings of grease, metal cuttings, and
sludge which may have accumulated by operation of system, from testing, or from
other causes.
b. Repair any stoppage or discoloration or other damage to parts of building, its finish, or
furnishings, due to failure to properly clean piping system, without cost to Owner.
6. Clean chlorine piping in accordance with CI Pamphlet 6.
B. Disinfection of Potable Water Systems:
I. See Section 02675.
A. Furnish exact location and description of buried utilities and appurtenances encountered.
B. Reference items to definitive reference point locations such as found property corners, entrances
to buildings, existing structure lines, fire hydrants and related fixed structures.
C. Include such information as location, elevation, coverage, supports and additional pertinent
D. Incorporate information on "As-Recorded" Drawings.
A. For additional information and requirements. see Contract Drawings Sheet G-04 for pipe
schedule and flow stream identification.
I. General:
a. Piping symbol and service:
I) CLS - Chlorine Solution.
b. Test requirements pressure lines:
I) Test medium: Water.
2) Pressure: 125 psig.
3) Duration: 6 HRS.
c. Gaskets and a-rings:
I) Viton for CLS
2) CI standard for CLGV.
2. System components:
a. Pipe size 12 IN and smaller:
I) Exposed and buried services:
a) Material: PVC. Type I, Grade I, Schedule 80.
b) Reference: ASTM D1785.
c) Lining: None.
d) Coating: Paint.
e) Fittings: Solvent welded socket type complying with ASTM D2467.
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NCRWTP Degasifier & Odor Control F-xpansion
15060 - II
t) Joints:
(I) Solvent welded with unions at valves. penetrations through structures and
equipment connections for pipe 2 IN and less and flanges at those
locations for pipe above 0 IN.
(2) Strictly adhere to the material manufacturer's joining procedures and
ASTM 02855.
I. General:
a. Piping symbol and service:
]) CA - Sodium Hydroxide.
2) SH - Sodium Hypochlorite.
3) DFS - Degasitier Flush Supply.
4) CSS - Degasifier Clean-in-place Solution Supply.
5) DFR.. Degasifier Flush Return.
6) The DFS, CSS. and DFR systcms usc sodium hypochlorite and sodium hydroxide.
b. Test requirements:
I) Test medium: Water.
2) Pressure:
a) For CA and SH: 150 psig.
b) For DFS and CSS: 125 psig.
c) For DFR: 100 psig.
3) Duration: 6 HRS.
c. Gaskets and a-rings: Polypropylene.
2. System components:
a. Pipe size 12 IN and smaller:
I) Exposed service:
a) Material: PVC. Type I. Grade J. Schedule 80.
b) Reference: ASTM 01785.
c) Lining: None.
d) Coating: Paint.
e) Fittings: Solvent welded socket type complying with ASTM D0467.
t) Joints:
(I) Strictly adhere to the material manufacturer's joining procedures and
ASTM D"855.
(7) Solvent welded with unions at valves, penetrations through structures and
equipment connections for pipe 2 IN and less and flanges at those
locations for pipe above 2 IN.
(3) For sodium hydroxide and hypochlorite. provide pipe joint primer IPS-70
or equal and pipe joint solvent cement IPS-724 or equal.
I. General:
a. Piping (FPD duct) symbol and service:
I) AHp. Air High Pressure.
2) OA - Odorous Air.
b. Test requirements:
I) Test medium: air.
2) Pressure: 5 psig.
3) Duration: 6 HRS.
2. System Components
a. See Section] 521 O.
I. General:
a. Piping symbol and service:
I) PM - Permeate Water.
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NCRV,Ffr Dcgasificr & Odor Control Expansion
15060 - 12
2) DD - Degasifier Drain.
b. Test requirements:
I) Test medium: water.
2) Pressure: 60 psig.
3) Duration: 6 HRS.
2. System components:
1) See Section 15066.
1. General:
a. Piping symbol and service:
I) PR - Product Water.
b. Test requirements:
I) See Section 02676.
2. System components:
a. See Section 15064.
I. General:
a. Piping symbol and service:
1) SAN - Sanitary Sewer.
b. Test requirements:
I) See Section 02676.
2, System components:
a. See Section 15064.
1. General:
a. Piping symbol and service:
1) VT--Vent.
2) Vent system for the Work of this Contract is associated with existing gaseous
chlorine storage room.
b. Test requirements pressure lines:
I) Test medium: Water.
2) Pressure: 50 psig.
3) Duration: 6 HRS.
2. System components:
a. Pipe size 12 IN and smaller:
I) Exposed service:
a) Material: PVC. Type I, Grade I, Schedule 80.
b) Reference: ASTM D1785.
c) Lining: None.
d) Coating: Paint.
e) Fittings: Solvent welded socket type complying with ASTM D2467.
f) Joints:
(1) Solvent welded with unions at valves, penetrations through structures and
equipment connections for pipe 2 IN and less and flanges at those
locations for pipe above 2 IN,
(2) Strictly adhere to the material manufacturer's joining procedures and
ASTM D2855.
1. General:
a. Piping symbol and service:
J) STS - Storm Sewer.
b. Test requirements:
I) See Section 02676.
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15060 - 13
2. System components:
I) See Section 15069.
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15060 - 14
A. Section Includes:
I. Plastic pipe.
B. Related Sections include but are not necessarily limited to:
I, Division 0 - Bidding Requirements, Contract Forms, and Conditions of the Contract.
2. Division I - General Requirements.
3. Section 15060 - Pipe and Pipe Fittings: Basic Requirements.
A. See Section 15060.
B. Referenced Standards:
I. ASTM International (ASTM):
a. PVC (polyvinyl chloride) materials:
I) DI784, Standard Specification for Rigid Poly(Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) Compounds
and Chlorinated Poly(Vinyl Chloride) (CPVC) Compounds.
2) D1785, Standard Specification for Poly(Vinyl Chloride) PVC Plastic Pipe,
Schedules 40, 80 and 120.
3) D2467, Standard Specification for Poly(Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) Plastic Pipe
Fittings, Schedule 80.
4) D3034. Standard Specification for Type PSM Poly(Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) Sewer
Pipe and Fittings.
'"'\., 5) DE13139, Standsardl Specification for Joints for Plastic Pressure Pipes Using Flexible
, astome"c ea s.
6) D3212, Standard Specification for Joints for Drain and Sewer Plastic Pipes Using
Flexible Elastomeric Seals.
7) F593, Standard Specification for Stainless Steel Bolts, Hex Cap Screws, and Studs.
b. Installation:
1) D2321. Standard Practice for Underground Installation of Thermosplastic Pipe for
Sewers and Other Gravity-Flow Applications.
2. American Water Works Association (A WW A):
a. PVC (polyvinyl chloride) materials:
I) C900, Standard for Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Pressure Pipe and Fabricated
Fittings, 4 IN Through 12 IN, for Water Distribution.
2) C905, Standard for Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Pressure Pipe and Fabricated
Fittings, 14 IN through 48 IN. for Water Transmission and Distribution.
b. Polyethylene (PE) materials:
I) C901, Standard for Polyethylene (PE) Pressure Pipe and Tubing, 112 IN through
3 IN. for Water Service.
3. National Sanitation Foundation International (NSF).
A. See Section 01340 for requirements for the mechanics and administration of the submittal
B. See Section 15060.
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NCRWTP Degasifier & Odor Control Expansion
15064- I
"'~"'-'- .-.".'
A. General:
1. Provide Schedule 80 pipe with Schedule 80 fittings and appurtenances to locations shown
on Drawings.
2. Furnish materials in full compliance to following material specifications:
a. Manufacture pipe. fittings and appurtenances from polyvinyl chloride (PVC) compound
which meets the requirements of Type 1. Grade I (P454-B) Polyvinyl Chloride as
outlined in ASTM D 1784.
b. Manufacture pipe, fittings and valves from materials that have been tested and
approved for conveying potable water by the NSF.
B. Pipe:
I. Furnish pipe meeting requirements of ASTM D 1785.
2. Pipe 2 IN and less to be solvent weldcd.
3. Pipe larger than 0 IN may be either tlanged or solvent welded unless shown otherwise on
C. Fittings: Provide ASTM D2467 PVC socket type Ilttings having the same pressure and
temperature rating as the pipe.
D. Flanges/Unions:
1. Furnish flanges and unions at locations shown on Drawings.
2. Provide either flanges or unions at valves, penetrations through structures and equipment
3. For pipe larger than 21N, provide 150 LB socket type PVC flange.
4. For pipe) IN and less. provide socket type PVC union with Buna a-rings.
5. Use flat, full faced natural rubber gaskets at Ilanged connections.
a, Furnish heavy hex head bolts. each with one (I) heavy hex nut, ASTM F593 Type 3 I 6
stainless steel.
6. Use spacers supplied by pipe manufacturer when mating raised-faced flanges to other
A. Materials: Furnish materials in full compliance with following requirements:
I. 1/2-3 IN: A WW A C901 PE with Pressure Class 01'000 psi per Table A3, A WWA C901.
2. 4-12 IN: A WW A C900 PVC with Pressure Class of200 psi per Table 2. A WW A C900.
3. 14-36 IN: A WW A C905 PVC DR-25.
4. Joints for polyethylene pipe shall be fusion type in accordance with A WWA C901.
5. Joints for PVC pipe shall be the elastomeric-gasket type with a pressure rating not less than
pipe pressure rating meeting performance requirements of ASTM D3139.
A. Materials:
I. Furnish materials in full compliance to the following material specification.
2. PYC pipe shall be rigid. unplasticized polyvinyl chloride (PVC) made of PVC plastic
having a cell classification of 12454-B or 12454-C as described in specification ASTM
3. The requirements of this Specification are intended to provide for pipe and fittings suitable
for non-pressure drainage of wastewater and surface water.
4. Joining systems shall consist of an elastomeric gasket joint meeting requirements of
ASTM 03212.
5. Supply to the Engineer all information and sample of joining method for his evaluation.
a. Only jointing methods acceptable to the Engineer will be permitted.
6. Provide pipe and fittings meeting or exceeding the following requirements:
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NCRWTP Dcgasilicr & Odor Control Expansion
a. 4-27 IN D1A: ASTM 03034 and ASTM F679, SDR 35,
b. 8-30 IN D1A: ASTM F794.
c. 4-18 IN D1A: ASTM F949.
7. Ensure impact strengths and pipe stitfuesses in full compliance to these Specifications.
A. IdentifY each length of pipe clearly at intervals of 5 FT or less.
I. Include manufacturer's name and trademark.
2. Nominal size of pipe, appurtenant information regarding polymer cell classification and
critical identifications regarding performance specifications and NSF approvals when
A. Installation:
I, Field threading PVC will not be permitted.
a. Perform required threaded connections or attachments by the use of factory molded
socket by threaded adapters.
b. Female adapters are not acceptable.
2. Employ installation and pipe support practices and solvent welding all in compliance to the
manufacturer's printed recommendation.
a. For vertical piping, band the pipe at intervals to rigidly support load of twice vertical
b. Support riser clamps on spring hangers.
c, Do not clamp PVC tightly or restrict movement for expansion and contraction.
A. Installation:
I. Field threading of PVC pipe will not be permitted.
2. Perform installation procedures. handling. connections, and other appurtenant operations in
full compliance to the manufacturer's printed recommendations and in full observance to
plan details when more stringent.
A. Installation: Install pipe and fittings in accordance with ASTM D2321 and as recommended by
the manufacturer.
I, Provide for a maximum deflection of not more than 3 percent.
B. Testing:
I. See Section 02676.
C. Deflection:
I. After backfilling, each section of pipe shall be checked for deflection by pulling a mandrel
through the pipe.
2. Pipe with deflection exceeding 5 percent of the inside diameter shall have backfill removed
and replaced to provide a deflection ofless than 5 percent.
3. Any repaired pipe shall be retested.
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NCR WTP Dcgasifier & Odor Control Expansion
15064- 3
--~~" ~_. ,.~..-
laD l~
A. This section includes materials and installation of stainless steel pipe and fittings.
B. Submittals
I. Submit shop drawings in accordance with the General Conditions.
2. Show material of construction. with ASTM reference and grade. Submit manufacturer's
certificates of compliance with referenced pipe standards. Show wall thickness of steel
3. Submit piping layout drawings showing location and dimensions of pipe and fittings.
Include layout lengths of valves. meters, in-line pumps. and other equipment determining
piping dimensions. Label or number each fitting or piece of pipe.
4. Submit manufacturer's catalog data for the flange gaskets.
A. Pipe and fittings shall conform to the following standards:
I. Material shall be Type 316L Stainless Steel.
2. B36.19M (2004) Stainless Steel Pipe.
3. AI93-07, Standard Specification for Alloy-Steel and Stainless Steel Bolting Materials for
High-Temperature Service.
4. A276-08a, Standard Specification for Stainless Steel Bars and Shapes
5, A999/A999M-04a. Standard Specification for General Requirements for Alloy and
Stainless Steel Pipe.
6. A320/A320M-07a. Standard Specitication for Alloy-Steel and Stainless Steel Bolting
Materials for Low-Temperature Service.
B. Fittings tor pipe shall be butt-welded. same material and wall thickness as the pipe. Elbows shall
be long radius.
A. Joints in run of pipe shall be butt-welded.
B. Joints behvcen spools shall be grooved end or flanged \vhen connecting to valves or meters.
Grooved-end joints shall be of the roll-grooved type. for pipe up to 8" in diameter. 10" and
larger shall utilize a cut groove in a Schedule 40 end piece.
A. Bolts in exposed service shall be stainless steel conforming to ASTM A 193, Grade B8M, Class
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. '"
A. Flanges shall be Type 3 16L stainless steel.
B. Provide weld-neck flanges (conforming to ASME BI6.5) for piping 3 inches and smaller to
connect to flanged valves, fittings, or equipment. Provide weld-neck or slip-on flanges for
piping larger than 3 inches. Flanges shall be Class 150 or Class 300 per AS ME B 16.5. Material
for weld-neck and slip-on flanges shall be same grade as connecting piping.
A. Bolts and nuts for flanges shall be Type 316L stainless steel conforming to ASTM A 193, Grade
8SM, for bolts and silicon-bronze, for nuts.
B. Provide washer for each nut. Washers shall be of the same material as the bolts.
C. Lubricant shall be TRX-Synlube by Ramco, Anti-Seize by Ramco, Husk-It Husky Lube O'Seal,
or eq ua!.
A. 300# Flanges: Flexitalic "Style CG", spiral wound AISI Type 316 stainless steel, non-asbestos
filler. 3/16" nominal thickness with compression ring liS" thick to match flange dimensions.
B. 150# Flanges: Full face, liS" thick. fabricated rrom neoprene, with hardness #SO.
A. Outlets of size 3 inches and smaller in piping 4 inches and larger shall be pulled tees or reducing
B. For outlets I inch and larger in piping 3 inches and smaller, use a fabricated tee.
C. For outlets larger than 3 inches, use a tee with a flanged or grooved end.
D. Use thread-a-lets for connection I" and smaller for instruments.
A. Use alloy weld rings as the tiller metal for orbital welding in the field. For other welds, use weld
rings or wire. The filler alloy must have higher molybdenum content than the pipe material to
compensate for alloy dilution on cooling. A 9% molybdenum alloy should be used and if not
available, a 15% molybdenum alloy should be used.
B. Use inert gas for both the welding and shielding gas. Either helium or argon may be used. It is
acceptable to add 3-5% nitrogen to both the torch and shielding gas as this added nitrogen
compensates for nitrogen lost rrom the alloy during welding.
C. Minimize the heat tint on the tubing and weld. no darker than a light straw color. A silver weld
and heat-affected zone are required. Darker weld heat tints must be removed before placing in
service and dark blue and black tints are most susceptible to corrosion. Dark tints shall be
removed using aluminum oxide grit followed by acid cleaning/passivation.
D. Do not preheat the weld unless the material is below 50 deg F. If temperature of the metal is
below the dew point, allow it to warm above the condensation temperature to prevent moisture
condensate on the metal surface since moisture causes hear tint.
E. Beveled ends for butt-welding shall conform to ASME B 16.25. Remove slag by chipping or
grinding. Surfaces shall be clean of paint, oil, rust, scale, slag, and other material detrimental to
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NCRWTP Dcgasifier & Odor Control Expansion
F. Fabrication shall comply with ASME B31.3, Chapter V.
G. The minimum number of passes for welded joints shall be as follows:
Steel Cylinder Thickness (inch)
Minimum Number
of Passes for Welds
Less than 0.1875
0.1875 through 0.25
Greater than 0.25
H. Welds shall be full circumferential.
I. Use the shielded metal arc welding (SMA W) or the tungsten inert gas (TIG) process for
welding. Use the SMA W process for any pipe. Use the T1G process only on pipe having a
maximum thickness of Schedule IOS.
J. Welding preparation shall comply with ASME B31.3. paragraph 328.4. Limitations on
imperfections in welds shall conform to the requirements in ASME B31.3, Tables 341.3.2A and
341.3.2B. and paragraph 341.4 for visual examination.
K. Identity welds in accordance with ASME B31.3. paragraph 328.5.
L. Clean each layer of depositcd weld metal prior to depositing the next layer of weld metal.
including the final pass, by a power-driven wire brush.
M. Welding electrodes shall comply with A WS A5.4. Barc wire shall comply with A WS A5.9.
A. See Section 15060.
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NCRV./TP Dcgasificr & Odor Control Expansion
A. Section Includes:
1. Reinforced concrete pipe (RCP).
B. Related Sections include but are not necessarily limited to:
1. Division 0 - Bidding Requirements, Contract Forms, and Conditions ofthe Contract.
2. Division I - General Requirements.
3. Section 15060 - Pipe and Pipe Fittings: Basic Requirements.
A. Referenced Standards:
I. Reinforced concrete pipe (RCP):
a. ASTM International (ASTM):
I) C76, Standard Specification for Reinforced Concrete Culvert, Storm Drain, and
Sewer Pipe.
2) C497, Standard Test Methods for Concrete Pipe, Manhole Sections, or Tile.
3) C655, Standard Specification for Reinforced Concrete D-Load Culvert, Storm
Drain, and Sewer Pipe.
2. Installation and testing:
a. American Water Works Association (A WW A):
I) M9, Installation of Concrete Pipe.
B. Conduct testing methods to evaluate physical properties of pipe in full compliance with
ASTM C497.
I. Report full results test showing compliance with referenced standard.
C. Determine acceptability ofRCP in all diameters and classes by appropriate ASTM plant tests,
including such test to indicate specified design strengths have been met prior to shipment.
I. Conduct three-edged bearing test as specified to determine the loading to produce a 0.0 I IN
crack extending P IN or more.
a. Complete bearing test prior to shipment date oflot tested.
2. Conduct crushing test, as specified on cured concrete cylinders.
a. Achieve specified 28 day design compressive strength prior to shipment date of lot
A. Provide each pipe, fitting, special appurtenance with a plainly and permanently waterproofed,
marked identification.
I. Include but not necessarily limit markings to the following:
a. Size and class of pipe, pressure rating in compliance with referenced standards.
b. Date of manufacture.
c. Manufacturer's trademark.
d. Manufacturer's name.
e. Full details on fittings and pipe schedule regarding angles of change, reduction.
f. Special notations and tagging of special items in regard to line location.
A, Shop Drawings:
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NCR WTP Degasitler & Odor Control Expansion
15069- I
1. See Section 01340 for requirements for the mechanics and administration of the submittal
2. Product technical data including:
a. Acknowledgement that products submitted meet requirements of standards referenced.
b. Manufacturer's installation instructions.
c. Concrete materials:
I) Chemical and physical properties.
2) Mix design.
d. Reinforcement cage and steel cylinders for special designs not utilizing table values
contained in references standards.
I) Chemical and physical properties.
2) Area of steel.
3) Cage configuration.
e. Joint detai Is.
f. C oOllection dctai Is.
g. Tabulated laying schedule.
I) Reference to project stationary' and invert elevations.
J) Identify pressure zones. each of design pressure or transient loading zones
applicable. and point of change from one (I) zone to another.
3) Pipe diamcter.
4) Pipe wall thickness.
h. Test reports: Include six (6) copies of D (0.0 I) - Load and Failure Test Reports,
cylinder compression test results. and joint tests (ifrequired).
A. Provide non-pressure service or gravity drainage piping meeting or exceeding ASTM C76, Class
3 with varying lengths.
1. Each lot shall consist of a single diameter and strength designation manufactured by
essentially the same process.
2. Provide RCP for non-pressure service or gravity drainage with sealed joints using
continuous rubber gaskets conforming to the rcquirements of ASTM C443 or ASTM C361.
3. Type of joint shall be spigot groove type joint with a-ring gasket (R/C) equivalent to United
States Bureau of Reclamation Type R/4.
a. Ensure that the rubber gasket will perform as the sole element to make the joint
A. See Section 15060.
B. Observe all recommendations in accordance with A WW A M9 for installation. delivery. and
storage of pipe material.
A. Fittings:
1. In addition to straight pipe or radius pipe, furnish bends, tees, adapters, closure pieces, and
other fittings or specials shown on Drawings or required to complete the work.
a. Design fittings to provide same strength as the adjacent piping.
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NCR V.iTP Dcgasitlcr & Odor Control Expansion
]5069 + 2
2. Fittings to be smooth or mitered providing mitered angles do not exceed 22-1/2 Degrees and
fitting has an Rid greater or equal to I, where R ~ radius of bend, IN; d ~ diameter of pipe,
A. See Section 15060.
A. General: Subject pipe to the required in-place tests.
B. Exfiltration Test:
I. Before backfilling around RCP, plug lower end of both extremities of pipe section subjected
to test.
a. Fill piping with water to minimum head of 4 FT above the highest point in the section,
and let water stand until pipe has reached its maximum absorption and until trapped air
has opportunity to escape.
1) Allow 4 HRS.
b. After pipe has achieved maximum absorption. refill piping with water to the minimum
head leveL
c. After 15 minute intervals, record the difference in elevation of water surface and
convert to gallons.
d. Achieve maximum ex filtration less than 200 GAL per inch of diameter per mile of pipe
per 24 HRS.
C. Infiltration Test:
I. Perform and observe following testing criteria and procedures for non-pressure service or
gravity drainage piping for compliance to infiltration allowances.
a. Ensure infiltration is less than 200 GAL per inch diameter per mile per 24 HRS.
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NCRWTP Degasifier & Odor Control Expansion
15069 - 3
A. Section Includes:
I. Pipe support and anchor systems.
B. Related Sections include but are not necessarily limited to:
I. Division 0 - Bidding Requirements. Contract Forms. and Conditions of the Contract.
2. Division I - General Requirements.
3. Section 09905 - Painting and Protective Coatings.
A. Referenced Standards:
I. American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME):
a. B31.1. Power Piping.
b. B31.3. Process Piping.
2. ASTM International (ASTM):
a. A36. Standard Specitication for Carbon Structural Steel.
b. A575, Standard Specification for Steel Bars. Carbon. Merchant Quality, M-Grades.
c. A576. Standard Specification for Steel Bars. Carbon. Hot-Wrought. Special Quality.
3. American Welding Society (A WS):
a. DI.I. Structural Welding Code - Steel.
4. Manufacturers Standardization Society of the Valve and Fittings Industry Inc. (MSS):
a. SP-58, Pipe Hangers and Supports - Materials. Design and Manufacture.
b. SP-69. Pipe Hangers and Supports - Selection and Application.
A. Shop Drawings:
I. See Section 01340 for requirements for the mechanics and administration of the submittal
2. Product technical data including:
a. Acknowledgement that products submitted meet requirements of standards referenced.
b. Manufacturer's installation instructions.
c. Itemized list ofwa[1 sleeves, anchors, support devices and all other items related to pipe
support system.
d. Scale drawings showing guides, hangers, supports, anchors, structural members and
appurtenances to describe the pipe support system.
3. Contractor designed and components, including but not limited to, stairs, landings, ladders
and pipe supports:
a. Certification that manufactured units meet all design loads specified.
b. Shop Drawings and engineering design calculations:
I. Indicate design live loads.
2. Sealed by a professional structural engineer.
3. Engineer will review for general compliance with Contract Documents.
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1:;090 - 1
A. Hanger Rods:
I. Material:
a. ASTM A36.
b. ASTM A575, Grade MI020.
c. ASTM A576, Grade 1020.
d. Minimum allowable tensile stress of 12,000 psi at 650 DegF per MSS SP-5S.
2. Continuously threaded.
3. Electro-galvanized or cadmium plated after threads are cut.
4. Load limit:
3/S IN DlA (min)
1/2 IN DlA
5/S IN DlA
3/4 IN D1A
7/S IN DlA
B. Hangers:
I. Hangers for use directly on copper pipe: Copper or cadmium plated.
2. Hangers for use other than directly on copper pipe: Cadmium plated or galvanized.
3. Hanger type schedule:
All except noted
All except noted
4 IN and less
Over 4 IN
ANVIL Figure 109 with Figure 114
ANVIL Figure 590
C. Concrete Inserts for Hanger Rods:
I. Continuous slots: Unistrut #PIOOO.
2. Individual inserts: ANVIL Figure 2SI.
3. Self-drilling expansion anchors: Phillips flush-end or snap-offend type.
D. Beam Clamps for Hanger Rods:
I. Standard duty.
? ANVIL Figure 133.
E. Trapeze Hangers for Suspended Piping:
I. Material: Steel.
2. Galvanized.
3, Angles, channels, or other structural shapes.
4. Curved roller surfaces at support point corresponding with type of hanger required.
F. Expanding Pipe Supports:
I. Spring hanger type.
2. MSS SP-5S.
G. Pipe Support Saddle:
I. For pipe located 3 FT or less from floor elevation, except as otherwise indicated on
2. ANVIL Figure 264.
H. Pipe Support Risers:
I. Schedule 40 pipe.
2. Galvanized.
3. As recommended by saddle manufacturer.
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15090 - 2
I. Pipe Support Base Plate:
I. 4 IN larger than support.
? Collar 3/16 IN thickness. circular in shape. and sleeve type connection to pipe.
3. Collar fined over outside of support pipe and extended 2 IN horn floor plate.
4. Collar welded to floor plate.
5. Edges ground smooth.
6. Assembly hot dipped galvanized after fabrication.
J. Pipe Covering Protection Saddle:
I. For insulated pipe at point of support.
2. ANVIL Figure 167. Type B.
K. Wall Brackets:
I. For pipe located near walls and 8 FT or more above floor elevation or as otherwise indicated
on the Drawings.
2. ANVIL Figure 199.
L. Pipe Anchors:
1. For locations shown on the Drawings.
2. 1/4 IN steel plate construction.
3. Hot dipped galvanized after fabrication.
4. Designed to prevent movement of pipe at point of attachment.
M. Pipe Guides:
I. For locations on both sides on each expansion joint or loop.
2. To ensure proper alignment of expanding or contracting pipe.
3. ANVIL Figure ?56.
N. Substitutions:
1. Submit request for substitution in accordance with Specification Section 01640.
A. Supports capable of supporting the pipe for all service and testing conditions.
1. Provide 5 to I safety factor.
B. AlloVt, free expansion and contraction of the piping to prevent excessive stress resulting from
service and testing conditions or from weight transferred from the piping or attached equipment.
C. Design supports and hangers to allow for proper pitch of pipes.
D. For chemical and waste piping, design, materials of construction and installation of pipe
hangers, supports, guides, restraints_ and anchors:
I. ASME 831.3.
2. MSS SP-58 and MSS SP-69.
3. Except where modified by this Specification.
E. For hot and cold \-vater piping, design, materials of construction and installation of pipe hangers,
supports, guides, restraints, and anchors:
1. ASMEB31.1.
2. MSS SP-58 and MSS SP-69.
F. Check all physical clearances between piping. support system and structure.
I. Provide for vertical adjustment after erection.
G. Support vertical pipe runs in pipe chases at base of riser.
I. Support pipes for lateral movement with clamps or brackets.
H. Place hangers on outside of pipe insulation.
I. Use a pipe covering protection saddle for insulated pipe at support point.
2. Insulated piping 1- 1/2 IN and less: Provide a 9 IN length of 9 LB density fiberglass
insulation at saddle.
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NCRWTP l)egasifier & Odor Control r-:xpansion
1'i()90 - 1
. .
~ ill..
3. Insulated piping over 1-1/2 IN: Provide a 12 IN length of 9 LB density fiberglass insulation
on saddle.
I. Provide 20 GA galvanized steel pipe saddle for fiberglass and plastic support points to ensure
minimum contact width of 4 IN.
1. Pipe Support Spacing:
1. General:
a. Factor loads by specific weight of liquid conveyed if specific weight is greater than
b. Locate pipe supports at maximum spacing scheduled unless indicated otherwise on the
c. Provide at least one (I) support for each length of pipe at each change of direction and
at each valve.
2. Steel, stainless steel, cast-iron pipe support schedule:
1-112 and less
2 thru 4
5 thru 8
I 0 and greater
3. PVC pipe support schedule:
1-114 and less 3
]-1/2 thru 3 4
4 and greater 5
* Maximum fluid temperature of 120 DegF.
4. Support each length and every fitting:
a. Bell and spigot piping:
I) At least one (I) hanger.
2) Applied at bell.
b. Mechanical coupling joints:
]) Place hanger within 2 FT of each side of fittings to keep pipes in alignment.
5. Space supports for soil and waste pipe and other piping systems not included above every
5 FT.
6. Provide continuous support for nylon tubing.
A. Provide piping systems exhibiting pulsation, vibration, swaying, or impact with suitable
constraints to correct the condition.
I. Included in this requirement are movements from:
a. Trap discharge.
b, Water hammer.
c. Similar internal forces.
B. Weld Supports:
2. Weld anchors to pipe in accordance with ASME B3 I .3.
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NCRWTP Degasifier & Odor Control Expansion
15090 - 4
C. Locate piping and pipe supports as to not interfere with open accesses, walkways. platforms. and
with maintenance or disassembly of equipment.
D. Inspect hangers for:
I. Design offset.
2. Adequacy of clearance for piping and supports in the hot and cold positions.
3. Guides to permit movement without binding.
4. Adequacy of anchors.
E. Inspect hangers after erection of piping systems and prior to pipe testing and flushing.
F. Install individual or continuous slot concrete inserts for use with hangers for piping and
1. Install concrete inserts as concrete forms are installed.
G. Welding:
I. Welding rods: ASTM and A WS standards.
2. Integral attachments:
a. Include welded-on ears. shoes, plates and angle clips.
b. Ensure material for integral attachments is of good weldable quality.
3. Preheating, welding and postheat treating: ASME B31.3. Chapter V.
H. field Painting:
I. Comply with Section 09905.
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NCRW"I P Dcgasifier & Odor Control Expansion
1."090 - 5
A. Section Includes:
I. Valving, actuators, and valving appurtenances.
2. Valves for buried service.
B. Related Sections include but are not necessarily limited to:
I. Division 0 - Bidding Requirements, Contract Forms, and Conditions of the Contract.
2. Division I - General Requirements.
3. Section 09905 - Painting and Protective Coatings.
4. Section 11005 - Equipment: Basic Requirements.
5. Section 15060 - Pipe and Pipe Fittings: Basic Requirements,
6. Section 15101 - Gate Valves.
7. Section 15103 - Butterfly Valves.
8. Section 15104 - Ball Valves.
A. Referenced Standards:
I. American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME):
a. B 1.20. I, Pipe Threads, General Purpose.
b. B 16.34, Valves-Flanged, Threaded and Welding End.
2. ASTM International (ASTM):
a. D256, Standard Test Methods for Determining the Izod Pendulum Impact Resistance of
b. D638, Standard Test Method for Tensile Properties of Plastics.
c. D648, Standard Test Method for Deflection Temperature of Plastics Under Flexural
Load in the Edgewise Position.
d. D695, Standard Test Method for Compressive Properties of Rigid Plastics.
e. D2240, Standard Test Method for Rubber Property-Durometer Hardness.
3. American Water Works Association (A WW A):
a. C207, Standard for Steel Pipe Flanges for Waterworks Service - Sizes 4 IN through
144 IN.
b. C500, Standard for Metal-Seated Gate Valves for Water and Supply Service.
c. C504, Standard for Rubber-Seated Butterfly Valves.
d. C509, Standard for Resilient-Seated Gate Valves for Water Supply Service.
e. C540, Standard for Power-Actuating Devices for Valves and Slide Gates.
f. C550, Standard for Protective Interior Coatings for Valves and Hydrants.
g. C606, Standard for Grooved and Shouldered Joints,
4. American Water Works Association/American National Standards Institute
a. C III1 A2 I. I I. Rubber-Gasket Joints for Ductile-Iron Pressure Pipe and Fittings.
5. National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA):
a. 250. Enclosures for Electrical Equipment (1000 Volts Maximum).
b. MG I, Motors and Generators.
6. NSFIANSI Standard 61: Drinking Water System Components -- Health Effects.
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NCR WTP Degasifier & Odor Control Expansion
15100 - 1
"._,_..,-,,,--<-~-_..~_., -
A. The following are definitions of abbreviations used in this section or one (I) of the individual
valve sections:
I. CWP: Cold water working pressure.
2. SWP: Steam working pressure.
3. WaG: Water. oil. gas working pressure.
4. WWP: Water working pressure.
A. Shop Drawings:
I. See Section 01340 for requirements for the mechanics and administration of the submittal
2. Product technical data including:
a. Acknowledgement that products submitted meet requirements of standards referenced.
b. Manufacturer's installation instructions.
c. Valve pressure and temperature rating.
d. Valve material of construction.
e. Special linings.
f. Valve dimensions and weight.
g. Valve flow coefficient.
h. Wiring and control diagrams for electric or cylinder actuators.
3. Test reports.
B. Operation and Maintenance Manuals:
I. See Section 01340 for requirements for:
a. The mechanics and administration of the submittal process.
b. The content afOperation and Maintenance Manuals.
A. Refer to individual valve Specification Sections.
A. Refer to individual valve Specification Sections.
B. Materials of valves that will be in contact with water that will enter the drinking water system
shall be in accordance with NSFI ANSI Standard 61: Drinking Water System Components __
Health Effects.
A. Valve Actuators - General:
1. Provide actuators as shown on Drawings or specified.
2. Counter clockwise opening as viewed from the top.
3. Direction of opening and the word OPEN to be cast in handwheel or valve bonnet.
4. Size actuator to produce required torque with a maximum pull of 80 LB at the maximum
pressure rating of the valve provided and withstand without damage a pull of200 LB on
handwheel or chain\\'heel or 300 foot-pounds torque on the operating nut.
5. Unless otherwise specified, actuators for valves to be buried, submerged or installed in
vaults or manholes shall be sealed to withstand at least 20 FT of submergence.
6. Extension Stem:
a. Install where shown or specified.
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NCR WTP Degasificr & Odor Control Fxpansion
]:1100 - 2
b. Solid steel with actuator key and nut, diameter not less than stem of valve actuator
c. Pin all stern connections.
d. Center in valve box or grating opening band with guide bushing.
B. Buried Valve Actuators:
1. Provide screw or slide type adjustable cast iron valve box, 5 IN minimum diameter, 3/161N
minimum thickness, and identifYing cast iron cover.
2. Box base to enclose buried valve gear box or bonnet.
3. Provide 2 IN standard actuator nuts complying with Section 3.16 of A WW A C500.
4. Provide at least two (2) teehandle keys for actuator nuts, with 5 FT extension between key
and handle.
5. Extension Stem:
a. Provide for buried valves greater than 4 FT below finish grade.
b. Extend to within 6 IN of finish grade.
6. Provide concrete pad encasement of valve box as shown for all buried valves unless shown
C. Plastic Valve Vault:
1. Provide in non traffic areas.
2. Rectangular shape with snap lock lid.
3, Minimum inside dimension: 9-1/8 IN.
4. Injection molded polyolefin compound with fibrous inorganic component reinforcing with
following minimum strength characteristics:
Tensile: 3,400 psi
Compressive: 3,350 psi
Impact Strength, Izod: 0.6 FT LB/IN
Durometer Hardness, Type D: 60
Deflection temp @ 66 psi: 230 DegF
ASTM 0256
ASTM D2240
5. UV degradation stabilized.
6. Ametek Plymouth Products, or equal.
D. Exposed Valve Manual Actuators:
I. Provide for all exposed valves not having electric or cylinder actuators.
2. Provide handwheels for gate and globe valves.
a. Size handwheels for valves in accordance with A WW A C500.
3. Provide lever actuators for plug valves, butterfly valves and ball valves 3 IN D1A and
a. Lever actuators for butterfly valves shall have a minimum of 5 intermediate lock
positions between full open and full close.
b. Provide at least two (2) levers for each type and size of valve furnished.
4. Gear actuators required for plug valves, butterfly valves, and ball valves 4 IN D1A and
5. Provide gearing for gate valves 20 IN and larger in accordance with A WW A C500.
6. Gear actuators to be totally enclosed, permanently lubricated and with sealed bearings.
7. Provide chain actuators for valves 6 FT or higher from finish floor to valve centerline.
a. Cadmium-plated chain looped to within 3 FT of finish floor.
b. Equip chain wheels with chain guides to permit rapid operation with reasonable side
pull without "gagging" the wheel.
8. Provide cast iron floor stands.
a. Stands to be furnished by valve manufacturer with actuator.
b. Stands or actuator to include thrust bearings for valve operation and weight of
-:"755-11[14 Collier County, Florida
NCRWTP Degasifier & Odor Control Expansion
15100 - 3
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E. Electric Actuators (480 V. 3 phase):
1. Provide electric valve actuators with integral control devices and a remote pushbutton
Furnish electric actuator integral with valve consisting of:
a. Motor.
b. Gearing.
c. Handwheel.
d. Limit and torque switches.
e. Lubricants.
f. Heating elements.
g. Wiring.
h. Terminals for motor power and controls.
i. Drive nut.
a. Provide cast iron gear housing and cast iron load bearing enclosure.
b. Nonload bearing enclosure and housing: aluminum or cast iron.
c. Rated for area classification shown on Drawings.
d. Provide O-ring seals for covers and entries.
e. Terminal and limit switch compartment covers are to be fastened to gear housing by
stainless steel fasteners with capture device to prevent loss.
a. Provide motors that are totally enclosed, high torque design made expressly for valve
actuator service and capable of operating the valve under full differential pressure for
complete open-close and reverse cycle of travel at least twice in immediate succession
without overheating.
b. Design motors in accordance \....ith NEMA MG I standards, \vith Class B insulation, and
to operate successfully at any voltage within 10 percent above or below rated voltage.
c. Provide positive method to ensure motor bearings are permanently lubricated.
d. Provide three (3) thermal switches imbedded in windings:
I) 120 degrees apart.
J) Provide molar shutdown at high temperature.
e. Motor housing:
I) Aluminum or cast iron.
2) Totally enclosed nonventilated with cooling fins.
f. Provide motor capable of operating in any position.
g. Provide motor sealed from gearcase to allow an)' mounting position.
h. Provide motors suitable for 480 V. 3 phase. 60 Hz.
a. Provide pO\ver gearing consisting of heat treated sleel helical gears, carburized and
hardened alloy steel WOnTI, and alloy bronze worm gear, all grease or oil bath
lubricated, designed for 100 percent overload, and effectively sealed against entrance of
foreign matter.
b. Provide gearing mechanism constructed to permit field changes of reduction gear ratio.
c. Design actuators so that motor comes up to speed before stem load is encountered in
either opening or closing operation.
d. Limit switch gearings and feedback device reduction gearing:
I) Steel or bronze.
e. Support rotating shafts with anti-friction bearings.
f. Provide separate drive nut/thrust bearing assembly:
1) Mounted to base of actuator.
2) lIigh tensile bronze.
3) Quarter turn actuator: Provide 90 degree mounting intervals.
4) Provide grease fitting on drive assembly.
a. Permanently attached for manual operation.
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'.JCR \\' 1"1' Degasl/ler &: Odor Control Expansion
IS 100 - 4
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b. Positive declutch mechanism to engage and disengage handwheel.
c. Handwheel shall not rotate during motor operation.
d. Inoperable motor shall not prevent manual operation.
8. Limit torque and thrust loads in both closing and opening directions by torque limit
3. Provide torque switches with micrometer adjustment and reference setting indicator.
I) Assure adjustment variation of approximately 40 percent in torque setting.
b. Provide switches having rating of not less than 6 A at 120 Vac and 2.2 A at 115 Vdc.
c. Limit and torque switches shall have totally sealed contacts.
9. Furnish electric actuator with two (2) geared limit switch assemblies with each switch
assembly having four (4) separate limit switches:
3. Assure each limit switch assembly is geared to driving mechanism and is independently
adjustable to trip at any point at and between the fully open and fully closed valve
b. Provide minimum of two (2) normally open contacts and two (2) normally closed
contacts at each end of valve travel.
c. Provide switches with inductive contact rating of not less than 6 A at 120 Vac, 3 A at
240 Vac, 1.5 A at 480 Vac, 2.2 A at 115 Vdc and 1.1 A at 230 Vdc.
d. Limit switches shall be fully adjustable when power is applied to actuator.
10. Provide space heating elements sized to prevent condensation in both motor and geared
limit switch compartment(s).
3. Furnish heating elements rated at PO Vae with heaters continuously energized.
II. Open-close actuator controls:
a. Provide control assembly with necessary holding relays, reversing starter, control
transformers of sufficient capacity to provide control power, space heating element
power and valve position transmitter.
b. Provide control assembly in an enclosure rated for the defined area classification.
c. Controls for open/close actuator:
I) Provide prewired NEMA 4 stainless steel remote pushbutton station enclosure
a) Open pushbutton.
b) Close pushbutton.
c) Stop pushbutton.
d) Remote/local switch.
e) Full open light.
t) Full close light.
g) Open and close relays as required.
2) Provide control enclosure to accept:
a) Remote open/close switches.
3) Provide contacts in control enclosure:
a) Remotellocal contact.
b) Full opcn contact.
c) Full close contact.
4) Wire all components to an internal terminal strip and include mounted wiring
diagram inside enclosure.
12. Additional requirements for modulating valve actuators:
a. Proportional position servo-amplifier mounted integral with the actuator control
b. Positioning of valve shall be proportional to a 4-20 mA signal input to the position
servo-amplifier when remote control has been selected.
c. Servo-amplifier adjustments shall include zero, span, gain, and dead-band.
d. Provide 4-20 mA signal position control as shown on the drawings that interfaces with
the position control/position feedback instrumentation wiring to and from PLC.
Electric Actuators (120V, I phase):
I. General:
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NCR WTP Degasifier & Odor Control Expansion¯15100 - 5
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a. Self contained including motor. gearing. torque switch. limit switches and cast housing.
b. Electrical enclosure: NEMA 4 or NEMA 7 to comply with area rating classification
shown on Drawings.
c. Factory' assembled requiring only field connection of power and control wires.
d. Comply with Section 11005.
2. Motors:
a. Produce 1.5 times the required torque.
b. Sized for two (7) complete open-close cycles without overheating.
c. One (I) fully closed to fully open cycle to occur within 60 SEe.
d. Class F insulation.
e. Operate at plus or minus 10 percent voltage.
f. 120 Volt. single phase. 60 IIz.
g. Provide thermal cutout switch and internal heater for actuator enclosure.
h. Control wiring as shown on Drawing control diagrams.
3. Remote Pushbutton Station:
a. Enclosure: NEMA 4 stainless steel.
b. Control relays shall include:
I) Open relay.
2) Closed relay.
3) PLC interface relay.
c. Push-ta-test indicating lights shall include:
I) Open.
7) Closed.
3) Remote.
d. Selector switches shall include:
I) Local-Remote.
2) Open-Close.
e. Space heater for enclosure.
f. Control wiring as shown on control diagrams.
g. Wire all components to an internal tenninal strip and include mounted wiring diagram
inside enclosure.
A. Valves for buried service shall meet all the requirements as specified herein for interior except
that buried valves shall have mechanical joint ends.
B. All buried valves shall have cast-iron two piece valve boxes. Valve boxes shall be provided with
suitable heavy bonnets to extend to sllch elevation at the finished grade surface as directed by
the Engineer. The barrel shall be two-piece. screw type. The upper section shall have a flange at
the bottom having sufficient bearing area to prevent settling, shall be designed so as to prevent
the transmission of surtace loads directly to the valve or piping. and shall be complete with cast
iron covers. Covers shall have "W A TER" cast into the top. The covers shall be so constructed as
to prevent tipping or rattling. All valve boxes located in paved roadways or sidewalks shall have
locking covers. Valve boxes shall be Model 461 manufactured by TylerlUnion or approved
e. Where valves are located out of pavement. the boxes shall be adjusted to finished grade with a
concrete collar as shown in the Details.
D. Valve boxes shall be of the heavy duty. tramc bearing cast iron. adjustable screw type with a
drop cover. The valve box assembly shall consist of a bottom section, top section and cover
which is cast from gray iron, formulated to ASTM specification A-48 latest revision, minimum
tensile of 21,000 psi and shall be /Tee /Tom blowholes. shrinkage or other imperfections not true
to pattern. The shaft size shall be 5 1/4" and the adjustable length shall be from IS" to 36". The
wall thickness shall be 1/4". The weight of the assembly shall be 61 pounds + 2 pounds, with
the cover weight being a minimum of 13 pounds.
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NCJ{ WT!' Degasificr 8:.. Odor Control Expansion
15100 - 6
. Iff
E. The name of the manufacturer and foundry of origin shall be cast into each of the components of
the assembly in legible form. The assembly shall be suitable for highway traffic wheel loads of
16,000 pounds and shall withstand a proofload test of25,OOO pounds without failure or
permanent deflection.
A. End Connections:
]. Provide the type of end connections for valves as required in the Piping Schedules presented
in Section 15060 or as shown on the Drawings.
2. Comply with the following standards:
a. Threaded: AS ME B 1.20.1.
b. Flanged: ASME B 16.1 Class 125 unless otherwise noted or A WW A C207.
c. Bell and spigot or mechanical (gland) type: A WW AlANSI CII ]/A21.11.
d. Soldered: ASME B]6.18.
e. Grooved: Rigid joints per Table 5 of A WW A C606.
B. Refer to individual valve sections for specifications of each type of valve on Project.
C. Nuts, Bolts, and Washers:
]. Wetted or internal to be bronze or stainless steel.
a, Exposed to be zinc or cadmium plated.
D. On Insulated Piping: Provide valves with extended stems to permit proper insulation application
without interference from handle.
E. Epoxy Interior Coating:
I. Provide epoxy interior coating for all ferrous surfaces in accordance with A WW A C550.
A. Install products in accordance with manufacturer's instructions.
B. Painting Requirements:
]. Comply with Section 09905 for painting and protective coatings.
C. Setting Buried Valves:
]. Locate valves installed in pipe trenches where buried pipe indicated on Drawings,
2. Set valves and valve boxes plumb.
3. Place valve boxes directly over valves with top of box being brought to surface of finished
4. Install in closed position.
5. Place valve on firm footing in trench to prevent settling and excessive strain on connection
to pipe.
6. After installation, backfill up to top of box for a minimum distance of 4 FT on each side of
D. Support exposed valves and piping adjacent to valves independently to eliminate pipe loads
being transferred to valve and valve loads being transferred to the piping.
E. For grooved coupling valves, install rigid type couplings or provide separate support to prevent
rotation of valve from installed position.
F. ]nstall electric or cylinder actuators above or horizontally adjacent to valve and gear box to
optimize access to controls and external handwheel.
G. For threaded valves, provide union on one side within 2 FT of valve to allow valve removal.
H. Install valves accessible for operation, inspection, and maintenance.
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NCRWTP Degasifier & Odor Control Expansion
15100 -7
"---'-'~-~-- . -----..-.----
A. Adjust valves. actuators and appurtenant equipment to comply with Section 01650.
I. Operate valve. open and close at system pressures.
PR (buried)
PR (above ground)
Degasifier & Odor Control
(exterior and above ground)
Chemical solutions
-~----- .--.-
31Nto 121N
3 IN to P IN
Gate valves. See Section 15101
Butterfly valves. See Section
Butterfly valve. See Section
Ball valves. See Section 15104.
-"; <'.;
14 IN and larger
4 IN and smaller
('oilier C0UlHY. Florida
NCR \A'']''' Degasifier & Odor Control Expansion
1...,100 - 8
A. Section Includes:
1. Gate valves.
B. Related Specification Sections include but are not necessarily limited to:
1. Division 0 - Bidding Requirements, Contract Forms. and Conditions of the Contract.
2. Division 1 - General Requirements.
3. Section 15100 - Valves: Basic Requirements.
A. Referenced Standards:
1. ASTM International (ASTM):
a. A 126, Standard Specification for Gray Iron Castings for Valves, Flanges, and Pipe
b. ASTM A995 I A995M - 9S(2007) Standard Specification for Castings, Austenitic-
Ferritic (Duplex) Stainless Steel, for Pressure-Containing Parts
2. American Water Works Association (A WW A):
a. C500, Standard for Metal-Seated Gate Valves for Water Supply Service.
b. C504, Standard for Rubber-Seated Butterfly Valves.
c. C509, Standard for Resilient-Seated Gate Valves for Water Supply Service.
d. C515, Standards for Reduced-Wall, Resilient-Seated Gate Valves for Water Supply
e. C550, Standard for Protective Epoxy Interior Coatings for Valves and Hydrants.
3. Manufacturers Standardization Society of the Valve and Fittings Industry Inc. (MSS):
a. SP-9, Spot Facing for Bronze, Iron and Steel Flanges.
b. SP-70, Cast Iron Gate Valves, flanged and Threaded Ends.
c. SP-SO, Bronze Gate, Globe. Angle and Check Valves.
A. OS& Y: Outside Screw and Yoke.
B. NRS: Non-rising Stem.
C. RS: Rising Stem.
A. Shop Drawings:
I. See Specification Section 01340 for requirements for the mechanics and administration of
the submittal process.
2. See Specification Section 15100.
B. Operation and Maintenance Manuals:
1. See Specification Section 01340 for requirements for:
a. The mechanics and administration of the submittal process.
b. The content of Operation and Maintenance Manuals.
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NCR WTP Degasifier & Odor Control Expansion
15101 - 1
A. Subject to compliance with the Contract Documents. the manufacturers listed under the specific
valve types are acceptable.
A. Resilient-Seated Gate Valves. 14 to 48 IN:
I. Comply with A WW A C509.
2. Acceptable manufacturers:
a. U.S. Pipe.
b. Clow.
c. Mueller.
d. American Darling.
e. Kennedy
f. Ford.
g. Or equal.
3. Materials:
a. Seating surfaces. stem, stem nut: Bronze.
b. Body. discs: Cast iron.
4. Design requirements:
a. 150 psi working pressure.
b. NRS a-ring stem seal.
c. Provide gear actuator. 20 IN and larger valves.
d. Provide roller tracks and scrapers for horizontal valves size] 6 IN and larger.
e. Provide bypass valve sized per A WW A C500.
5. Valves for pipe less than two (0) inches in diameter shall conform to the requirements of
A WW A C509 or C515 (latest revisions) and shall be cast iron, single wedge, non-rising
stem, screwed bonnet. 125 pounds S.P.. 700 pounds W.O.G with stuffing box repackable
under pressure and all parts renewable. Ends shall be as shown or indicated on the drawings.
Air release line valves. bacterial sampling station line valves and curb stops shall be Mueller
Mark II Oriseal or Owner approved equal. Corporation stops shall be Mueller HI 0045 or
Owner approved equal and ball valves shall be Ford Brass Ball Valves or Owner approved
6. Resilient, wedge or gate valves two C') inches in diameter and larger shall be cast or ductile
iron body, non-rising stem, bronze mounted gate valves. mechanical joint conforming to
requirements of the A WW A Standard C509 or C515 and shall be provided with a two (2)
inch square operating nut with the \vord "open" and an arrow cast in the metal to indicate
direction. Valves shall be resilient. wedge. or gate type and shall turn to thc left (counter
clockwise) to open. The wedge or gate shall be cast iron or ductile iron per ASTM A536,
minimum 65.000-psi stren6'lh and. completely encapsulated with urethane rubber,
permanently bonded to the wedge or gate to meet ASTM test for rubber metal bond, ASTM
0429. The valve stems for non-rising stem assemblies shall be cast bronze with integral
collars in full compliance with A WW A. OS & Y stems shall be on bronze bar stock. The
NRS stem stut1ing box shall be the a-ring seal type with two rings located above thrust
collar; the two rings shall be replaceable with valve fully open and subjected to full rated
working pressure. The minimum safe working pressure shall be 200 psi.
7. There shall be t\\/O lovv torque thrust bearings located above and below the stem collar. The
stem nut shall be independent of wedge and shall be made of solid bronze. Thcre shall be a
smooth unobstructed waterway free of all pockets, cavities and depressions in the seat area.
The body and bonnet shall be coated with tusion-bonded epoxy both interior and exterior.
Each valve shall have the manufacturers name, pressure rating and year manufactured cast
on body. The valve shall be designed and tested to be opened and closed under a differential
pressure of at least twice the \\/orking pressure.
Collier COlllll). Florida
NCR WTP Degasifier & Odor Control Expansion
I:=; IOJ - 2
1 0 OJ''
A. Refer to Drawings and valve schedule for type of actuators.
I. Furnish actuator integral with valve.
B, Refer to Specification Section 15100 for actuator requirements.
A. General:
1. Provide valves with clear waterways the full diameter of the valve.
B, Spot valves in accordance with MSS SP-9.
A. See Specification Section 15100.
B. Where larger buried valves utilize smaller bypass valves. provide a second valve box installed
over the bypass valve operating nut.
C. Do not install gate valves inverted or with the stems sloped more than 45 degrees rrom the
upright unless the valve was ordered and manufactured specifically for this orientation.
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NCRWTP Degasifier & Odor Control Expansion
15101 - 3
,_,. __ _ ___~_~____~_..'_._m"._...._.__...____
A. Section Includes:
1. Butterfly valves.
B. Related Sections include but are not necessarily limited to:
I. Division 0 - Bidding Requirements. Contract Fonns. and Conditions of the Contract.
2. Division 1 - General Requirements.
3. Section 15060 - Pipe and Pipe Fittings: Basic Requirements.
4. Section 15100 - Valves: Basic Requirements.
A. Shop Drawings:
I. See Section 0] 340 for requirements for the mechanics and administration of the submittal
2. See Section 15100.
3. For valves 8 IN and larger, fumish "Affidavit of Compliance" with Owner in accordance
with A WW A C504.
B. Operation and Maintenance Manuals:
I. See Section 01340 forrequirements for:
a. The mechanics and administration of the submittal process.
b. The content of Operation and Maintenance Manuals.
A. Subject to compliance with the Contract Documents, the following manufacturers are
I. Keystone.
2. Or equal.
B. Submit request for substitution in accordance with Specification Section 01640.
A. Materials:
1. All valves installed on 3161. stainless steel pipelines shall be 316 stainless steel.
A. Refer to Drawings and/or valve schedule for type of actuators.
l. Furnish actuator integral with valve.
B. Refer to Section 15100 for actuator requirements.
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NCR \VTP Dcgasificr & Odor Control Expansion
15103 - I
A. See Section 15100.
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NCR WTP Degasitier & Odor Control Expansion
15103 ~ 2
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____00' "._'_~"''"~
A. Section Includes:
I. Ball valves.
B. Related Sections include but are not necessarily limited to:
I. Division 0 - Bidding Requirements. Contract Forms. and Conditions of the Contract.
2. Division I - General Requirements.
3. Section 15100 - Valves: Basic Requirements.
A. Referenced Standards:
1. ASTM International (ASTM):
a. D1784. Standard Specitication for Rigid Poly(Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) Compounds and
Chlorinated Poly(Vinyl Chloride) (CPVC) Compounds.
2. American Water Works Association (A WW A):
a. C507. Standard for Ball Valves. 6 IN through 48 IN.
A. Shop Drawings:
1. See Section 01340 forrequirements for the mechanics and administration of the submittal
2. See Section 15100.
3. Test results for AWWA valves.
B. Operation and Maintenance Manuals:
I. See Section 01340 for requirements for:
a. The mechanics and administration of the submittal process.
b. The content of Operation and Maintenance Manuals.
A. Subject to compliance with the Contract Documents. the manufacturers listed in the applicable
articles below are acceptable.
B. Submit request for substitution in accordance with Specification Section 01640.
A. All valves installed on 3161. stainless steel pipelines shall be 316 stainless steel.
B. Acceptable Manufacturers:
I. Apollo.
2. Or equal.
A. Acceptable Manufacturers:
_.__ n
- ", - -'~
Collier County. Florida
NCR WTP [kgasifier & Odor Control Expansion
15104 - I
1 0 D.~"
1. Chemtrol.
2. Spears.
3. ASAHIIAmerica.
4. Or approved equal.
B. Materials:
1. Body, stem, ball, handle, end connectors:
a. PVC ASTM DI784-12454B.
2. Ball Seat: Teflon.
3. a-rings: Viton.
C. Design Requirements:
I. Rated at 150 psi at 75 DegF.
2. Double or "true union" design.
3. Blocks both directions, upstream and downstream.
4. Union nut capable of compensating for seat wear.
5. Body with mounting pad for actuators where required.
6. Capable of being disconnected at downstream end under full line pressure.
7. Sodium hypochlorite service:
a. Provide "vented" ball valves for all service with greater than 5 percent concentrated
sodium hypochlorite.
A. Refer to Drawings and valve schedule for type of actuators.
] . Furnish actuator integral with valve.
B. Refer to Section 15100 for actuator requirements.
A. Shop test A WW A C507 ball valves in accordance with A WW A C507.
B. Furnish record oftest.
A. See Section 15100.
Collier County. Florida
NCR WTP Degasifier & Odor Control Expansion
A. Section Includes:
I . Check valves.
B. Related Sections include but are not necessarily limited to:
I. Division 0 - Bidding Requirements, Contract Forms. and Conditions of the Contract.
2. Division I - General Requirements.
3. Section 15100 - Valves: Basic Requirements.
A. Shop Drawings:
I. See Section 01340 for requirements for the mechanics and administration of the submittal
7 See Section 15100.
B. Operation and Maintenance Manuals:
I. See Section 01340 for requirements for:
a. The mechanics and administration of the submittal process.
b. The content of Operation and Maintenance Manuals.
A. Subject to compliance with the Contract Documents, manufacturers listed under the valve with
types are acceptable.
B. Submit request for substitution in accordance with Specification Section 01640.
A. 150 psi at 73 DegF.
B. Acceptable Manufacturers:
I. R&G Sloane.
2. Corr Tech.
3. Or approved equal.
C. Materials:
I. Body: PVC.
2. Ball: Glass filled or polypropylene.
3. Seals: Viton or EPDM.
D. Design Requirements:
1. Connectors: Double union.
Collier Counly.I"]nrida
NCR WTP Dcgasillcr & ()dor Control Expansion
15106 - I
A. See Section 15100.
B. Install in accordance with manufacturer's instructions.
~ >'"''\." .\,', <
'~,', -"",>'j
Collier County, Florida
NCR WTP Degasifier & Odor Control Expansion
15106 - 2
'...... ......-_.r.,""
A. Section Includes:
1. Solenoid valves.
B. Related Sections include but are not necessarily limited to:
1. Division 0 - Bidding Requirements, Contract Forms, and Conditions of the Contract.
2. Division 1 - General Requirements.
3. Section 11005 - Equipment: Basic Requirements.
4. Section 15100 - Valves: Basic Requirements.
A. Shop Drawings:
I. See Section 0] 340 for requirements for the mechanics and administration of the submittal
2. See Section 15100.
B. Operation and Maintenance Manuals:
1. See Section 01340 forrequiremenls for:
a. The mechanics and administration of the submittal process.
b. The content of Operation and Maintenance Manuals.
A. Subject to compliance with the Contract Documents. the manufacturers listed under the specific
valve types are acceptable.
B. Submit request for substitution in accordance with Specification Section 01640.
A. General Service (Air - Water):
I. Acceptable manufacturers:
a. ASCO.
b. Or approved equal.
2. Materials:
a. Body: Brass.
b. Seat: Buna-N.
c. Insulation: Class F.
3. Design requirements:
a. 110 Vac.
b. Two-way. normally closed.
c. Enclosure: Compatible with area classifications indicated on Drawings.
d. Working pressure, air and water: 125 psig.
4. Accessories: Provide strainer on supply.
- -,'
Collier County. Flonda
NCRWTP High TDS RO Expansion
15114 - [
. ,,~
A. Furnish any accessories required to provide a completely operable valve.
A. Completely shop assemble unit including any interconnecting piping, speed control valves,
control isolation valves and electrical components.
A. Shop hydrostatically test to piping system test pressure.
A. Provide one (1) set of any special tools or wrenches required for operation or maintenance for
each type valve.
A. General: See Section 11005 and Section 15100.
A. Clean, inspect, and operate valve to ensure all parts are operable and valve seats properly.
B. Check and adjust valves and accessories in accordance with manufacturer's instructions and
place into operation.
_.,,.--^ _v_,
Collier County, Florida
NCRWTP High TDS RO Expansion
]5114 - 2
A. Furnish, fabricate and install all fiberglass reinforced plastic (FRP) ductwork including fittings,
accessories, dampers, hangers and any incidental work or components required and proved
complete air supply, return and exhaust ductwork systems as shown on the drawings and as
specified herein.
B. Design, furnish and install seismic and wind restraints and braces for all ductwork and
C. In general, ductwork shall consist of any passageway made of FRP substantially air-tight, used
for the conveying of air, gas or materials. Included are fittings, transitions. bracing, fasteners,
sealers. supports and accessories such as access panels, access doors, turning vanes and manual
air balancing dampers. All ductwork shall be of size and material as specified herein and as
shown on the drawings. All duct sizes indicated on the drawings are clear, inside dimensions.
D. Any change in duct sizes, offsets, transitions and fittings required to accommodate job
conditions shall be submitted to engineer for approval.
E. Fiberglass dampers (manual or motorized) by this division.
A. Section 01340.. Submittal
B. Section 01650.- Testing and Start-up
C. Section 11005 - Equipment: Basic Requirements
D. Section 11395 FRP Ccntrifugal Fans
E. Division 13 - Instrumentation, Odor Control System and Degasifier Units
F. Division 16 -- Electrical
A. Submit to the engineer the following drawings and data. Ductwork shop drawings shall include
typical details of discharge nozzles, transitions, elbows, fittings, accessory items such as access
panels or access doors, turning vanes, volume control and splitter dampers, volume extractors,
hangers, saddles, anchors, hold straps and cradles, joining and anchorage methods, bracing and
material gauges. Dra\vings of general layouts of individual systems shall be submitted, scale
shall be II4-in ~ I-ft-O-in minimum.
B. The following additional data shall be submitted.
1. Manufacturer's qualification and experience data, specifications and installation
instructions, factory and field quality control procedures catalog data, brochures, descriptive
matter, illustrations, diagrams and color charts of ductwork to be selected.
') Specific handling and storage requirements for ductwork, joint kits and resin systems.
3. Resin system data, including chemical environment service test data, case history data of
similar installations (v'lith contact addresses), resin pot life and time versus temperature data
required for complete resin cure for laminate thicknesses actually proposed.
"-'. C'ollierCounty. norida
NCR V,'TP Degasifier & Odor Control Expansion
152]0 - 1
4. Submit design calculations and fabrication procedures for record purposes only. Also
submit a letter certifying that the laminates fabricated with the proposed resin system will
give satisfactory perfonnance under the specified service conditions and stating the service
conditions for which certification is provided and indicating compliance with specified
pressure and vacuum design criteria.
5. Submit construction for flexible connectors, expansion joints, elbows, transitions, junctions
and flanged fittings including dimensioned laminate cross sections and flange fabrication
and assembly details.
6. Detailed instructions for field joining of the ductwork to include quality control procedures.
A. American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM)
I. ASTM C581 - Standard Practice for Determining Chemical Resistance of Thermosetting
Resins Used in Glass-Fiber-Reinforced Structures Intended for Liquid Service.
B. National Fire Protection Association (NFPA)
I. NFPA 90A - Standard for the Installation of Air Conditioning and Ventilation Systems.
2. NFPA 91- Standard for Exhaust Systems for Air Conveying of Materials
3. NFPA 252 - Standard Methods of Fire Tests of Door Assemblies.
C. Underwriters Laboratories (UL) I. UL 55 - UI. Standard for Safety Fire Dampers
D. American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers (ASH RAE) 5.
American National Standards Institute (ANSI) I. ANSI RTP-I - Reinforced Thermo set Plastic
Corrosion Resistant Equipment. 6. Where reference is made to one of the above standards, the
revision in effect at the time of bid opening shall apply.
A. All FRP duct, design and integration shall be supplied by the Degasifier system supplier to
assure proper operation of the complete degasifier and odor control system.
B. All FRP duct and fittings shall be from a single manufacturer. Midwestern Fabricators, IPS or
approved equal.
C. All materials shall be supplied by a manufacturer experienced in the fabrication of materials
similar to those specified. Design and engineering shall be performed by personnel regularly
employed by the manufacturer who are experienced in the design of FRP systems similar to
those specified.
D. The manufacturer shall provide factory trained personnel for training of installers and for
supervision and inspection of the installation. The use of local sales representatives for this
service is not acceptable.
E. Corrosion resistance data shall be based on ASTM C581.
A. Equipment, material and spare parts are to be shipped complete except where partial disassembly
is required by transportation regulations or for protection of components. No ductwork or
components shall be shipped prior to complete resin cure.
B. Inspection of the duct and components will be made by the engineer or other representative of
the owner after delivery. Materials shall be subject to rejection at any time on account offailure
to meet any ofthe specified requirements. Material rejected after delivery shall be marked for
identification and shall be immediately removed from the jobsite.
A. All ductwork construction and installation details shown on the drawings and specified herein
are based on acceptable methods of construction and installation and are intended to define the
quality of construction and installation to be furnished. Alternate details may be submitted for
Collier County, Florida
NCR WTP Degasifier & Odor Control Expansion
15210 - 2
A. Each pick-up point will need to be tested and balanced to supply the airflow as indicated on the
drawings. Method for this testing shall be done by digital manometers.
B. Each pick-up point will be marked with permanent system at each damper.
C. Total airflow will be taken at ran and provided in report with: total system SP, tim amps, voltage.
A. Temperature: minus 10 to 105 degrees F
B. Pressure: 20-in H20 w.g. positive. 10-in H20 W.g. negative
C. Flow medium and velocity as designed by the consulting engineer.
D. 140 MPH wind load.
E. The following materials are expected to be in the air stream or surrounding area. The resins used
shall be suitable for all of the following:
I. H2S (hydrogen sulfide)
7. Carbon Dioxide
A. Resin shall be a premium grade fire retardant vinyl ester such as Hetron FR992, Riechold 9300
or approved equal. 3% antimony trioxide shall be added to achieve a class 1 flame spread rating
per ASTM E 84.
A. FRP ductwork shall be of contact molded or filament wound construction, or a combination of
these methods, to meet design criteria.
B. Laminates shall consist ofa ')0 mil (finished thickness) minimum chemical resistant interior
liner with an apertured synthetic surface veil embedded in a resin rich surface. The corrosion
harrier shall be a minimum of 100 mils thick and include not less than two layers of 1-1/2 oz mat
,'>'/ith /5 percent glass and 75 percent resin content. The structural layer shall be of sufficient
thickness to meet the minimum thickness requirements specified. The exterior surface layer shall
be resin rich "C' - glass or apertured nexus veil not less than 20 mils thick. Outside finish shall
be a pigmented, parrafinated gel coat with an ultra violet inhibitor. The inner surface shall be
free of cracks and crazing \vith a smooth finish and with an average of not over two pits per
square foot, providing the pits are less than li8-in in diameter and not over I /32-in deep and are
covered with sufficient resin to avoid exposure of inner surface fabric. Some waviness is
pennissible as long as the surface is smooth and free of pits.
C. Resins used in the laminate shall be premium corrosion resistant and tire retardant vinyl ester
resins and shall contain 3 percent NY ACOL as a fire retardant.
D. Fittings and Joints: All fittings such as elbows. laterals, tees and reducers shall be of the same
resin as and equal or superior in strength to the adjacent duct section and shall have the same
internal dimensions as the adjacent duct. Non-Oanged duct joints shall be butt wrapped or bell
and spigot joints. Bell and spigot joints shall be sealed with a standard butt joint overlay as per
PS 15-69. The interior opening between the bell and spigot shall be sealed with a resin paste so
that no glass fibers are exposed and all voids are filled. Field cut duct ends and expused glass
fibers shall be resin coated prior to joint assembly to maintain a continuous interior corrosion
barrier. Coat all exterior surfaces of joints with a paraffinated resin-rich gel coat Vt'ith UV
Cnllit:rCOUIlI). Florida
NCRWTP Dcgasitit:r & Odor Control Expansion
15210 - 3
E. Total width of overlay for butt-wrap joints shall be not less than 6-in for diameters from 6-in up
to and including 30-in, 36-in and larger shall be not less than 10-in.
F. Round Standard Elbows I. Standard elbow centerline radius shall be equal to one times the
diameter. 2. Standard elbows up to 24-in diameter shall be smooth radius molded elbows.
Standard elbows 30-in diameter and greater may be mitered sections as specified below. 3. 0 to
44 degree elbows shall contain one mitered joint and two sections. 45 to SO degree elbows shall
have a minimum of two mitered joints and three sections. Elbows greater than SO degrees shall
have a minimum of four mitered joints and five sections.
G. Rectangular Fittings
I. Fittings shall be facto!)' manufactured to meet the specified design criteria and in
accordance with approved submittals. Factory install reinforcing ribs as required to meet the
specified deflection requirements and to provide a system free from pulsing, warp age,
sagging and undue vibration.
2, Provide forming vanes in all mitered rectangular elbows. Rectangular elbow turning vanes
shall be of FRP construction. solid or double wall construction with an airfoil shaped
H. Reinforcing
I. Round duct reinforcing shall be facto!)' installed with spacing between reinforcing located
to avoid all hangers and support saddles.
2. Rectangular duct and fitting reinforcing shall be facto!)' located and installed to avoid duct
hangers, support saddles, bracing, branch take offs and entries, and plenum connections.
Routine field cutting and field relocation of facto!)' installed reinforcing is not acceptable.
I. Out-of-roundness of duct shall be limited to plus or minus liS-in or minus 1 percent of duct
inside diameter, whichever is greater for duct sizes 6-in diameter and greater.
2. Rectangular duct tolerances shall be 3116-in for duct diameter up to IS-in and plus or minus
I percent for dimensions of over IS-in.
3. All un-flanged duct shall be square on the ends in relation to the pipe axis and plus or minus
liS-in up to and including 24-in diameter and plus or minus 3116-in for all diameters greater
than 24-in.
4. Fittings
a. The tolerance on angles of all fittings shall be plus or minus I degree, up to and
including 24-in diameter and plus or minus 1;2 degree for 3D-in diameter and above.
5. Flanges
a. Flange faces shall be perpendicular to the axis of the duct within II, degree. 2. Flange
faces shall be flat to within plus or minus 1/32-in up to and including IS-in diameter
and flat within plus or minus 1I16-in for 20-in diameter and larger. 3. Provide custom
filler pieces as required to mate flanges squarely.
6. Long term deflection shall not exceed I percent of duct diameter or duct width for
rectangular ducts. Round and rectangular FRP ductwork shall be designed using a safely
factor of 10 to 1 for pressure and 5 to 1 for vacuum service. Round duct shall be designed
by manufacturer to resist specified loadings but in no case shall FRP duct be less than the
following thicknesses: Diameter (-in)' Thickness (-in) Less than 24"- 0.125", 24" to 36"-
O.IS7", and 47" to 60"- 0.250". Where rectangular duct is used the longest dimension shall
be considered equivalent to diameter. ** Rectangular duct may be reinforced with angles or
tees as required to meet the required pressure/vacuum service.
All connections to expansion joints, butterfly dampers, fire dampers, tanks, or other equipment
shall be flanged. Gaskets shall be EPDM. Flanges shall be hand laid up to thickness specified in
PS 15-69 except that minimum thickness shall be 11,". Flange drilling shall be as per PS 15-69.
All bolt holes shall be back spot faced for a washer seat. All flange bolts shall be torque to
values as recommended by manufacturer.
Collier County, Florida
NCRWTP Dega~ifier & Odor Control Expansion
K. Fasteners: Furnish all bolts. nuts. washers and other fasteners required. Material of metallic
fasteners shall by type 316 stainless steel.
L. Provide I-in minimum PVC pipe and PVC ball valve duct drains in the bottom of all main.
branch and riser ducts to allow removal of condensate.
A. Furnish flexible connectors at each inlet and outlet of fan and in the duct runs where required for
expansion, contraction and movement. Flexible connections shall be integral flange molded arch
type units constructed of EPDM rubber 1/4-in thick, reinforced with a strong synthetic asbestos-
fTee fabric suitable for corrosive service. The flexible connections shall be designed to minimize
the transition of vibration from the fans to the ductwork at the suction and discharge
connections. Expansion or contraction flexible connections shall be designed to allow I-in
movement. Working length or "live" length shall be as designed by the manufacturer to allow up
to I-in of movement. Ends shall be flanged. with flanges matching duct connection flanges.
Comers on rectangular expansion joints shall be molded and free of patches or splices. The
flexible connections shalt be suitable for outdoor service and temperature ranges from minus 10
up to 125 degrees F, and pressure to :' psig. Specially fabricated split type 316 stainless steel
retaining back-up bars shall be supplied to prevent damage to the EPDM rubber flanges when
type 316 stainless steel bolts are tightened.
B. Where the construction of the flexible connections or vibration isolator results in a cross
sectional area of the connection which is less than 90 percent of the adjacent ductwork, the size
of the connection shall be increased to provide a cross sectional area equal to or greater than 90
percent of the adjacent duct.
C. Provide flexible duct connections at both the intake and discharge connections for all fans except
as noted below.
1. Wall and roof tims that have integral motor/fan wheel isolation
D. Ductwork spacing and alignment for flexible connections shall be aligned to the tolerances of the
flexible connection manufacturer, or plus/minus 1/4-in whichever is less. Bolts shall be torque to
the manufacture's recommendations. Do not over tighten.
E. Where flexible connections are used as expansion joints, the manufacturer's compression
recommendations must be followed. When the temperature at installation ditTers from the
temperature in the compression recommendation, a correction shall be made.
F. Manufacturer: I. Holz Rubber Company' 2. Mercer Rubber Company 3. Proco Products,
Incorporated 4. Or equal
A. Furnish and install where indicated on the drawings manually operated butterfly or parallel blade
dampers, with handle for manual operation and positive locking quadrant for balancing
purposes. Dampers shall be flanged connection and fabricated from materials similar to those
specified in Paragraph 2.03 above. Motorized dampers shall he similar material with explosion-
proof motors.
B. Locking quadrants shall have a positive method of holding the damper in its selected position
such as a bolt through both the quadrant and the lever arm. Systems using springs or other
devices that can vibrate loose are not acceptable.
C. Rating Conditions
I. Velocity Through Damper: 4000 fpm.
2. Pressure Rating: 20-in water column.
".'~"",;" ; f ColllcrCou11IY. Florida
NCR WTP Dcgasificr & Odor Control Expansion
15210 - 5
3. Allowable Leakage: With a differential pressure of I ?-in wg. Size (in Dia,) Maxirnum
Allowable Leakage (ctin) 72"- 200, 66"- 186,60"- 172,54"- 158,42"- 130,36"- 50, 24"-
25, 18"- 20, 12"-15. One damper of each size shall be shop tested at 12-in wg differential
and shall meet the above leakage. Submit damper test report to the engineer. Damper shall
not be shipped until approved by the engineer
D. Materials
1. Bearings, Teflon
2. Blade: FRP, angle reinforced
3. Frame: FRP
4. Axles: FRP rods, full length of damper size as shown on the drawings
5. Finish: FRP
6. Handle: FRP
7. Pins: Type 316 stainless steel
8. Blade Stops: FRP angles with elastomer seals suitable for use at the design conditions.
9. Bushings: Teflon
10. Hardware: Type 316 stainless steel
11. Angles: FRP
E. Dimensions: As detailed on the drawings
F. Manufacturer: Provide products of one of the following:
1. MWF
2. Swartwout, Phillips Industries.
A. All ductwork shall be fabricated and erected where shown on the drawings or as specified
herein. Ductwork shall be rigidly supported and secured in an approved manner. Bracing and
vibration isolators shall be installed, where necessary, to eliminate vibration, rattle and noise.
Hangers shall be installed plumb and securely suspended fTom supplementary steel or inserts in
concrete slabs. Lower ends of hanger rods shall be sufficiently threaded to allow for adequate
vertical adjustment. Building siding and metal decking shall not be used to hang ductwork.
B. Wherever ducts are divided, the cross-sectional area shall be maintained. All such changes must
be approved and installed as directed by the engineer or as approved on shop or erection
A. Rectangular Ductwork and Round - Spacing and size of hangers shall be as required by the
ductwork manufacturer. Ductwork support systems shall include restraints as required by the
applicable building codes to withstand seismic loading. Design shall be provided by a
professional engineer hired by the contractor as specified in other sections of the specification.
B. All hanger materials shall be A36 epoxy painted steel.
C. Perforated band iron or wore for supporting ducts will not be permitted. Ducts shall not be
supported from furring, hung ceilings or from another duct or pipe.
D. C-c1amp type hangers shall be supplied with a retainer strap.
E. Ductwork shall not come in contact with any ofthe ceiling construction or any other equipment
in the ceiling cavity.
j:'7-,:.z_Cll4 Collier County, Florida
NCR WTP Degasifier & Odor Control Expansion
15210 - 6
. ."'__ '"O_..,._.,,~._ m.._~
F. Fiberglass ductwork shall be properly anchored and supported from building structure or yard
supports where indicated on the drawings. Support anchoring for horizontal ducts shall be 15-ft-
O-in on center, maximum spacing or as scaled on the drawings. The duct shall be designed to
withstand all loadings subjected to it. and shall be capable of spanning a minimum of 15-ft
vertically and horizontally. Each anchor shall consist of two semi-circular stainless steel bands
around the duct bolted together vertically and horizontally. The structural supports or wall
securement shall be stainless steel and furnished and installed under this section unless noted
G. All fittings expansion joints and similar items shall be supportcd within 18-in of the joint unless
otherwise noted
H. Hanger system shall use threaded rod tor adjustahility tor ductwork over 24-in in diameter or
I. Design of hangers shall include the effect of all loads applied to the duct as well as the load of
the duct. These loads include. but are not limited to wind. snow and internal dirt or liquid
A. Where vertical ducts pass through floor openings, supporting angles shall be rigidly attached to
the ducts and anchored with expansion bolts to the floor or curb. Angles shall be placed on the
two long sides of the duct extending 3-in over edge of opening.
B. Remaining open area in the tloor opening shall be sealed with a type 316 stainless steel plate
A. The ducts installed above roof shall he provided with angle iron supports unless otherwise
shown on the drawings. Sizes of angles shall be as required to withstand all loads subject to
B. All ductwork supports to structural rrames. guides shall be the complete responsibility of the
duct supplier. As a minimum, duct supports and guides shall consist of a clamp which will
clamp around the duct for mounting on the systems supplier's structural frame. An elastomer
shall be provided between the clamp and duct to prevent chaffing. Provide all pads, bolts,
clamps, and kits for installing field applied stainless steel collars and straps required for the
supports and guides. Supports shall he used to anchor the duct in place. preventing all
longitudinal and lateral motion of the duct. Guides shall allow longitudinal movement to provide
for thermal expansion. and restrict lateral motion. The duct supplier shall determine the location
of supports and guides to a 110\\' thermal expansion. Locations of supports, anchors joints shown
on drawing are to be Llsed as guide. All duct supports shall be provided with restraints to
withstand to seismic and wind loading.
C. Ducts shall be sloped to shed water.
A. All ductwork shall be free from pulsation. chatter, vibration or objectionable noise. After system
is in operation, should these defects appear they shall be corrected by removing. replacing or
reinforcing the work. Sound levels shall not exceed the minimum requirement as specified in
ASHRAE - Svstems Volume. No discreet tones will be allowed.
Collier COUllty, Florida
NCR WTP Degasifier & Odor COnlrol Expansion
1."210 - 7
10D .""
A. Section Includes:
I. Basic requirements for electrical systems.
B. Related Sections include but are not necessarily limited to:
1. Division 0 - Bidding Requirements, Contract Forms, and Conditions of the Contract.
2. Division 1 - General Requirements.
3. Section 05505 - Metal Fabrications.
4. Section 10400 - Identification Devices.
5. Section 11005 - Equipment: Basic Requirements.
6. Section 16120 - Wire and Cable - 600 Volt and Below.
7. Section 16130 - Raceways and Boxes.
A. Referenced Standards:
I. Aluminum Association (AA).
2. American Iron and Steel Institute (AISI).
3. ASTM International (ASTM):
a. A 123, Standard Specification for Zinc (Hot-Dip Galvanized) Coatings on Iron and Steel
b. A153. Standard Specification for Zinc Coating (Hot-Dip) on Iron and Steel Hardware.
4. ETL Testing Laboratories (ETL).
5. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.lAmerican National Standards Institute
a. C7, National Electrical Safety Code (NESC).
6. National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA):
a. 250, Enclosures for Electrical Equipment (1000 Volts Maximum).
7. National Fire Protection Association (NFP A):
a. 70, National Electrical Code (NEC).
8, Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. (UL).
B. Where Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. (UL) test procedures have been established for the
product type, use UL or ETL Testing Laboratories (ETL) approved electrical equipment and
provide with the UL or ETL label.
A. For the purposes of providing materials and installing electrical work the following definitions
shall be used.
I. Outdoor area: Exterior locations where the equipment is normally exposed to the weather
and including below grade structures. such as vaults, manholes, handholes and in-ground
pump stations.
2. Non-architecturally finished interior area: Pump, chemical, mechanical, electrical rooms
and other similar process type rooms.
Collier County, Florida
NCR WTP Degasifier & Odor Control Expansion
]6010 - I
3. Highly corrosive and corrosive area: Areas identified on the Drawings where there is a
varying degree of spillage or splashing of corrosive materials such as water, wastewater or
chemical solutions; or chronic exposure to corrosive, caustic or acidic agents, chemicals,
chemical fumes or chemical mixtures.
4. Shop fabricated: Manufactured or assembled equipment for which a UL test procedure has
not been established.
A. Shop Drawings:
I. See Section 01340 tor requirements for the mechanics and administration of submittal
2. See Section] 1005 and individual specification sections for submittal requirements for
products defined as equipment.
3. General requirements:
a. Provide manufacturer's technical information on products to be used. including product
descriptive bulletin.
b. Include data sheets that include manufacturer's name and product model number.
I) Clearly identity all optional accessories.
c. Acknowledgement that products are UL or ETL listed or are constructed utilizing UL
or ETL recognized components.
d. Manufacturer's delivery. storage, handling and installation instructions.
e. Product installation details.
f. See individual specification sections for any additional requirements.
B. Operation and Maintenance Manuals:
1. See Section 01340 for requirements for:
a. The mechanics and administration of the submittal process.
b. The content process of Operation and Maintenance Manuals.
c. When a Specification Section includes products specified in another Specification Section, each
Section shall have the required Shop Drawing transmittal foml per Section 01340 and all
Sections shall be submitted simultaneously.
A. See Section 01600.
B. Protect nameplates on electrical equipment to prevent defacing.
A. Designation of an area will determine the NEMA rating of the electrical equipment enclosures,
types of conduits and installation methods to be used in that area.
1. Outdoor areas:
a. Wet.
b. Also, corrosive when specifically designated on the Drawings or in the Specifications.
2. Indoor areas:
a. Dry.
b. Also, wet and/or corrosive when specifically designated on the Drawings or in the
A. Refer to specific Division 16 sections and specific material paragraphs below.
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NCRV.' 1'1' Dcgasificr & Odor COlltrol bpansinll
16010 - 2
, f"~
B, Provide all components of a similar type by one (I) manufacturer.
A. Electrical Equipment Support Pedestals and/or Racks:
I. Approved manufacturers:
a. Modular strut:
I) Unistrut Building Systems.
2) B-Line.
3) Globe Strut.
2. Material requirements:
a. Modular strut:
I) Galvanized steel: ASTM AI23 or ASTM A153.
2) Stainless steel: AISI Type 316.
3) PVC coated galvanized steel: ASTM AI23 or ASTM AI53 and 20 mil PVC
b. Mounting hardware:
I) Galvanized steel.
2) Stainless steel.
c. Anchorage per Section 05505.
B. Field touch-up of galvanized surfaces.
I. Zinc-rich primer.
a. One (I) coat, 3.0 mils, ZRC by ZRC Products.
A. Install and wire all equipment, including prepurchased equipment, and perform all tests
necessary to assure confonnance to the Drawings and Specifications and ensure that equipment
is ready and safe for energization.
B. Install equipment in accordance with the requirements of:
1. NFPA 70 (NEe).
3. The manufacturer's instructions.
C. In general, conduit routing is not shown on the Drawings.
I. The Contractor is responsible for routing all conduits including those shown on one-line and
control block diagrams and home runs shown on floor plans.
2. Conduit routings and stub-up locations that are shown are approximate; exact routing to be
as required for equipment furnished and field conditions.
D. When complete branch circuiting is not shovvn on the Drawings:
I. A homerun indicating panelboard name and circuit number will be shown and the circuit
number will be shown adjacent to the additional devices (e.g., light fixture and receptacles)
on the same circuit.
2. The Contractor is to furnish and install all conduit and conductors required for proper
operation of the circuit.
3. The indicated home run conduit and conductor size shall be used for the entire branch
4. See Section 16120 for combining multiple branch circuits in a common conduit.
E. Do not use equipment that exceed dimensions or reduce clearances indicated on the Drawings or
as required by the NFPA 70 (NEe).
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16010 - 3
F. Install equipment plumb. square and true with construction features and securely fastened.
G. Install electrical equipment. including pull and junction boxes, minimum of6 IN from process,
gas, air and water piping and equipment.
H. Install equipment so it is readily accessible for operation and maintenance, is not blocked or
concealed and does not interfere with normal operating and maintenance requirements of other
I. Device Mounting Schedule:
1. Unless indicated otherwise on the Drawings. mounting heights are as indicated below:
a. Receptacle on exterior wall of building (to center): 18 IN.
b. Receptacle in non-architecturally finished areas (to center): 48 IN.
c. Safely switch (to center of operating handle): 54 IN.
d. Separately mounted motor starter (to center of operating handle): 54 IN.
e. Pushbutton or selector switch control station (to center): 48 IN.
f. Panelboard (to top): 7J IN.
J. A void interference of electrical equipment operation and maintenance with structural members,
building features and equipment of other trades.
1. When it is necessary to adjust the intended location of electrical equipment, unless
specifically dimensioned or detailed. the Contractor may make adjustments in equipment
locations in accordance with the following without obtaining the Engineer's approval:
a. I FT at grade, floor and roof level in any direction in the horizontal plane.
b. I FT for equipment other than lighting at ceiling level in any direction in the horizontal
c. I FT on walls in a horizontal direction within the vertical plane.
d. Changes in equipment location exceeding those defined above require the Engineer's
K. Provide electrical equipment support system per the following area designations:
I. Dry areas:
a. Galvanized system consisting of galvanized steel channels and fittings, nuts and
b. Field touch-up cut ends and scratches of galvanized components with the specified
primer during the installation, before rust appears.
2. Wet areas:
a. Galvanized system consisting of galvanized steel channels and fittings, nuts and
b. Field touch-up cut ends and scratches of galvanized components with the specified
primer during the installation, before rust appears.
3. Corrosive areas:
a. Stainless steel system consisting of stainless steel channels and fittings, nuts and
b. PVC coated steel system consisting of PVC coated steel channels and fittings with
stainless steel nuts and hardware.
L. Provide all necessary anchoring devices and supports rated for the equipment load based on
dimensions and weights verified from approved submittals, or as recommended by the
I. See Section 05505.
2. Do not cut, or weld to, building structural members.
3. Do not mount safety switches or other equipment to equipment enclosures, unless enclosure
mounting surface is properly braced to accept mounting of external equipment.
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NCRWTP Degasi/"icr & Odor Control Expansion
M. Provide corrosion resistant spacers to maintain 1/4 IN separation between metallic equipment
and/or metallic equipment supports and mounting surface in wet areas, on below grade walls and
on walls ofliquid containment or processing areas such as Basins, Clarifiers, Digesters,
Reservoirs, etc.
N. Do not place equipment fabricated from aluminum in direct contact with earth or concrete.
O. Screen or seal all openings into equipment mounted outdoors to prevent the entrance of rodents
and insects.
P. Do not use materials that may cause the walls or roof of a building to discolor or rust.
Q. IdentifY electrical equipment and components in accordance with Section 10400.
A. VerifY exact rough-in location and dimensions for connection to electrified equipment, provided
by others.
I. See Section 0 IS00 for openings and penetrations in structures.
B. Replace equipment and systems found inoperative or defective and re-test.
C. Cleaning:
1. See Section 01710.
D. The protective coating integrity of support structures and equipment enclosures shall be
I. Repair galvanized components utilizing a zinc rich paint.
2. Repair painted components utilizing touch up paint provided by or approved by the
3. Repair PVC coated components utilizing a patching compound, of the same material as the
coating, provided by the manufacturer of the component.
4. Repair surfaces which will be inaccessible after installation prior to installation.
5. See Section 16130 for requirements for conduits and associated accessories.
E. Replace nameplates damaged during installation.
A. Demonstrate equipment in accordance with Section 01650.
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NCR WTP Degasifier & Odor Control Expansion
16010 - 5
A. Section Includes:
I. Material and installation requirements for grounding system(s).
B. Related Sections include but are not necessarily limited to:
I. Division 0 - Bidding Requirements. Contract Forms, and Conditions of the Contract.
2. Division I - General Requirements.
3. Section 10400 - Identification Devices.
4. Section 13101 - Lightning Protection System.
5. Section 16010 - Electrical: Basic Requirements.
6. Section 160S0 - Acceptance Testing.
7. Section 16 PO - W ire and Cable - 600 V 011 and Below.
S. Section 16130 - Raceways and Boxes.
A. Referenced Standards:
I. American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO):
a. Standard Specification for Highway Bridges.
2. ASTM International (ASTM):
a. BS. Standard Specification for Concentric-Lay-Stranded Copper Conductors, Hard,
Medium-Hard. or Soft.
3. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc. (IEEE):
3. 837, Qualifying Permanent Connections Used in Substation Grounding.
4. National Fire Protection Association (NFPA):
a. 70. National Electrical Code (NEC).
5. Underwriters Laboratories. Inc. (UL):
a. 467. Standard for Safely Electrical Grounding and Bonding Equipment.
B. Assure ground continuity is continuous throughout the entire Project.
A. Shop Drawings:
1. See Section 01340 for requirements for the mechanics and administration of the submittal
2. Product technical data.
a. Provide submittal data for all products specified in PART 2 of this Specification except:
I) Grounding clamps, terminals and connectors.
2) Exothermic welding system.
b. See Section 160 I 0 for additional requirements.
A. Subject to compliance with the Contract Documents, the following manufacturers are
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16060 - I
I. Ground rods and bars and grounding clamps, connectors and terminals:
a. Burndy.
b. Harger Lightning Protection.
c. Heary Brothers.
d. Joslyn.
e. Robbins Lightning Protection.
f. Thomas & Betts (Blackburn).
g. Thompson.
2. Exothennic weld connections:
a. Erico Products Inc., Cadweld.
b. Harger Lightning Protection.
c. Thermoweld.
B. Submit request for substitution in accordance with Specification Section 01640.
A. Wire and Cable:
I. Bare conductors: Soft drawn stranded copper meeting ASTM B8.
2. Insulated conductors: Color coded green, per Section 16120.
B. Conduit: As specified in Section 16130.
C. Ground Rods:
1. 3/4 IN x 10FT.
2. Copperclad:
a. Heavy uniform coating of electrolytic copper molecularly bonded to a rigid steel core.
b. Corrosion resistant bond between the copper and steel.
c. Hard drawn for a scar-resistant surface.
D. Grounding Clamps, Connectors and Terminals:
I. Mechanical type:
a, Standards: UL 467.
b. High copper alloy content.
2. Compression type for interior locations:
a. Standards: UL 467.
b. High copper alloy content.
c. Non-reversible.
d. Terminals for connection to bus bars shall have two bolt holes.
3. Compression type suitable for direct burial in earth or concrete:
a. Standards: UL 467, IEEE 837.
b. High copper alloy content.
c. Non-reversible.
E. Exothermic Weld Connections:
I. Copper oxide reduction by aluminum process.
2. Molds properly sized for each application.
A. General:
I. Install products in accordance with manufacturer's instructions.
2. Size grounding conductors and bonding jumpers in accordance with NFPA 70 Article 250,
except where larger sizes are indicated on the Drawings.
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NCRWTP Degasifier & Odor Control Expansion
3. Remove paint, rust, or other nonconducting material from contact surfaces before making
ground connections.
4. Where ground conductors pass through floor slabs or building walls provide non-metallic
sleeves and install per Section 01800.
5. Do not splice grounding conductors except at ground rods.
6. Install ground rods and grounding conductors in undisturbed, firm soil.
3. Provide excavation required for installation of ground rods and ground conductors.
b. Use driving studs or other suitable means to prevent damage to threaded ends of
sectional rods.
c. Unless otherwise specified, connect conductors to ground rods with compressor type
connectors or exothermic weld.
d. Provide sufficient slack in grounding conductor to prevent conductor breakage during
backfill or due to ground movement.
e. Backfill excavation completely, thoroughly tamping to provide good contact between
backfill materials and ground rods and conductors.
7. Do not use exothennic welding if it will damage the structure the grounding conductor is
being welded to.
B. Supplemental Grounding Electrode:
I. Provide the following grounding in addition to the equipment ground conductor supplied
with the feeder conductors whether or not shown on the Drawings.
2. Equipment support rack and pedestals mounted outdoors:
a. Connect metallic structure to a ground rod.
b. Grounding conductor: #6 A WG minimum.
3. Lightning protection system:
a. Connect to ground ring. See Section 13 101.
e. Low Voltage Transfonner Separately Derived Grounding System:
1. Ground separately mounted step-down transformers XO tenninal to one of the following:
3. Closest building steel using mechanical type tcnninal bolted to the steel, compression
type connection or exothermic weld.
b. Closest water pipe using a mechanical type connection.
2. Ground step-down transformer integrally mounted in motor control center to motor control
center ground bus.
D. Raceway Bonding/Grounding:
All metallic conduit shall be installed so that it is electricallv continuous.
All conduits to contain a grounding conductor with insulation identical to the phase
conductors, unless otherwise indicated on the Drawings.
NFPA 70 required grounding bushings shall be of the insulating type.
Provide double locknuts at all panels.
Bond all conduit. at entrance and exit of equipment. to the equipment ground bus or lug.
Provide bonding jumpers if conduits are installed in concentric knockouts.
Make all metallic raceway fittings and grounding clamps tight to ensure equipment
grounding system will operate continuously at ground potential to provide low impedance
current path for proper operation of overcurrent devices during possible ground fault
E. Equipment Grounding:
I. All utilization equipment shall be grounded with an equipment ground conductor.
F. Cable Tray Grounding:
]. Make metal cable tray electrically continuous by one of the following methods:
a. Tray sections and fittings suitable for grounding purposes.
b. Provide bonding jumpers at discontinuous joints.
c. Lay a grounding conductor within the tray for bonding of each individual tray section.
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16060 - 3
I) Provide a minimum of one ground lug per tray section.
2) Grounding conductor: Sized in accordance with the largest conductors run within
the tray.
3) Securely tie the grounding conductor to cable tray every 10FT. Bond the
grounding conductor to the cable tray run a minimum of every 50 FT with a UL
listed connector.
d. Bond the tray or tray grounding conductor to every electrical equipment ground bus or
telecomm backboard ground bus where conductors terminate.
e. Bond all conduits to the tray that extend the conductors to field equipment.
G. Manhole and Handhole Grounding:
I. Provide a ground rod in each manhole and handhole with exposed metal parts.
a. Expose a minimum of 4 IN of the rod above the floor for field connections to the rod.
2. Connect all exposed metal parts (e.g., conduits and cable racks) to the ground rod.
A. Leave grounding system uncovered until observed by Owner.
B. Acceptance testing:
I. See Section 160S0.
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.,.-.-.....--- -. -~-- ~,-- ~
. '''1If
A. Section Includes:
I. Basic requirements for acceptance testing.
B. Related Sections include but are not necessarily limited to:
1. Division 0 - Bidding Requirements. Contract Forms, and Conditions of the Contract..
2. Division] - General Requirements.
3. Section 11005 - Equipment: Basic Requirements.
A. Referenced Standards:
I. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. Inc. (IEEE):
a. 400. Guide for Field Testing and Evaluation of the Insulation of Shielded Power Cable
b. 400-3. Guide for Partial Discharge Testing of Power Cable Systems in a Field
2.. InterNational Electrical Testing Association (NETA):
a. A TS, Acceptance Testing Specifications for Electric Power Distribution Equipment and
3. Nationally Recognized Testing Laboratory (NRTL).
4. Telecommunications Industries Association/Electronic Industries Association! American
National Standards Institute (TIA/EIA/ANSI):
a. 455-78-B. Optical Fibres - PART 1-40: Measurement Methods and Test Procedures-
B. Qualitications:
I. Testing firm qualifications: See Specification Section 11005.
2. Field personnel:
a. See Specification Section 11005.
b. As an alternative, supervising technician may be certified by the equipment
3. Analysis personnel:
a. See Specification Section 11005
b. As an alternative, supervising technician may be certified by the equipment
A. Shop Drawings:
1. See Specification Section 01340 for requirements for the mechanics and administration of
the submittal process.
2. See Specification Section 11005 for electrical equipment and connection testing plan
submittal requirements.
B. Miscellaneous Submittals:
1. See Specification Section 01340 for requirements for the mechanics and administration of
the submittal process.
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NCRv,,'TP Dcgasifier & Odor Control Expansion
!6080 - 1
2. Prior to energizing equipment:
a. Photocopies of all continuity tests.
3. Within two (2) weeks after successful completion of Demonstration Period:
a. Single report containing information including:
I) Summary of Project.
2) Information rrom pre-energization testing.
3) See testing and monitoring reporting requirements in Section 11005.
A. Provide Division 16 equipment with all routing factory tests required by the applicable industry
standards or NRTL.
B. Factory testing will not be accepted in lieu offield acceptance testing requirements specified in
this Specification Section and Specification Section I 1005.
A. General:
I. See Specification Section I 1005.
2. Complete electrical testing in three (3) phases:
a. Pre-energization testing phase.
b. Equipment energized with no load.
c. Equipment energized under load.
3. Perform testing in accordance with this Specification Section and NETA ATS.
4. Provide field setting and programming of all adjustable protective devices and meters to
settings as determined by the approved coordination study.
B. Equipment Monitoring and Testing Plan: See Specification Section I 1005.
C. Instruments Used in Equipment and Connections Quality Control Testing: See Specification
Section 11005.
D. Testing and Monitoring Program Documentation: See Specification Section 11005.
E. Electrical Equipment and Connections Testing Program:
I. See Specification Section 11005.
2. See individual Division 16 Specification Sections for equipment specific testing
3. Test all electrical equipment.
a. Perform all required NET A testing.
b. Perform all required NET A testing plus the optional testing identified with each
specific type of equipment in Article 3.2.
4. See Schedule at the end of PART 3 for equipment to be tested and specific test
A. Transformers - Small Dry Type:
I. Perform inspections and tests per NET A A TS 7.2.1. I.
2. Perform the following additional tests:
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16080 - 2
a. Record phase-to-phase. phase-to-neutral. and neutral-to-ground voltages at no load after
energizing. and at operating load after startup.
3. Adjust tap connections as required to provide secondary voltage within 2-1/2 percent of
nominal under normal load after approval of Engineer.
4. Record as-left tap connections.
B. Cable - Low Voltage:
I. Perform inspections and tests per NETA A TS 7.3.".
C. Cable - Optical Fiber:
1. Perform inspections on tests per T1A/EIA/ANSI455-78-B. including:
3. Optional time domain reflectometer test.
b. Power attenuation test.
c. Gain margin test.
D. Busway and Busduct:
1. Perform inspections and tests per NETA ATS 7.4.
2. Components: Tcst all components per applicable paragraphs of this Specification Section
E. Low Voltage Molded Case Circuit Breakers:
I. Perform inspections and tests per NET A A TS
2. Components:
a. Test all components per applicable paragraphs of this Specification Section and NETA
b. Thermal magnetic breakers: Visual and mechanical inspection per NET A A TS only.
c. Solid state trip type: Visual and mechanical inspection and electrical tests per NET A
3. Record as-left settings.
F. Protective Relays:
1. Perform inspections and tests per NETA ATS 7.9.
a. Tests to be performed using secondary injection of 3 PH current and potential at final
b. Test at manufacturer's recommended test points and critical timing points identified on
relay setting sheet.
2. Perform all tests identified as optional per NET A A TS.
3. Perform the following additional tests:
a. Verification of direct trip of associated lockout relay or circuit breaker(s) by using relay
test function or shorting trip contact at relay case.
b. Microprocessor-based relays:
I) Complete commissioning procedure per manufacturer's instructions, followed by
tests of each relay element at final settings.
2) Verification orall internally-programmed logic.
c. Verification of all auxiliary input and output signals.
d. Verification of power supply/self-diagnostic alarm contact and remote annunciation.
4. Record as-left settings.
G. Grounding:
1. Perform inspections and tests per NETA A TS 7.13.
2. Components: Test all components per applicable paragraphs of this Specification Section
H. Ground Fault Protection:
I. Perform inspections and tests per NET A A TS 7.14.
2. Components: Test all components per applicable paragraphs of this Specification Section
and NET A A TS.
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16080 - 3
Perform the following optional tests per NETA ATS:
a. Control wiring insulation resistance.
Perform the following additional tests for four-wire systems:
a. Primary current injection into switchgear bus with test set configured to simulate
transformer source and high current jumper used to simulate unbalanced load and
ground fault conditions.
b. VeritY no tripping for unbalanced load on each feeder and each main breaker.
VeritY no tripping for unbalanced load across tie breaker for dual-source schemes.
VeritY tripping for ground fault on load side of feeder each feeder and on each main
e. VeritY tripping for ground fault on a single feeder and on each main bus through tie
breaker(s) for multiple-source schemes.
I. Motors:
I. Perform inspections and tests per NET A A TS 7.15,
2. See Specification Section] 1005.
1. Motor Controllers:
] , Perform inspections and tests per NET A A TS 7.] 6.
2. Components: Test all components per applicable paragraphs of this Specification Section
K. Control System Functional Test:
1. Perfonn test upon completion of equipment acceptance tests.
2. The test is to prove the correct interaction of all sensing, processing and action devices.
3. Develop a test plan and parameters for the purpose of evaluating the performance of the
4. Perform the following tests:
a. VeritY the correct operation of all interlock safely devices for fail-safe functions in
addition to design function.
b. VeritY the correct operation of all sensing devices, alarms and indicating devices.
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NCR WTP Degasifier & Odor Contra] Expansion
16080 - 4
A. Section Includes:
1. Material and installation requirements for:
a. Building wire.
b. Power cable.
c. Control cable.
d. Instrumentation cable.
e. Fiber optic cable.
f. Wire connectors.
g. Insulating tape.
h. Pulling lubricant.
B. Related Sections include but are not necessarily limited to:
1. Division 0 - Bidding Requirements, Contract Fonns, and Conditions of the Contract.
2. Division 1 - General Requirements.
3. Section 16010 - Electrical: Basic Requirements.
4. Section 16080 - Acceptance Testing.
A. Referenced Standards:
I. Canadian Standards Association (CSA):
a. Test Methods for Electrical Wires and Cables (FT-4 Vertical Cable Tray Test).
2. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. Ine.! American National Standards Institute
a. 1202. Standard for Flame Testing of Cables I,,, Use in Cable Tray in Industrial and
Commercial Occupancies.
3. National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA):
a. ICS 4. Industrial Control and Systems: Terminal Blocks.
4. National Electrical Manufacturers Associationllnsulated Cable Engineers Association
a. WC 57/S-73-532. Standard for Control Cables.
b. WC 70/S-95-658. Non-Shielded Power Cables Rated 2000 Volts or Less for the
Distribution of Electrical Energv.
5. National Fire Protection Association (NFPA):
a. 70, National Electrical Code (NEC).
6. Underwriters Laboratories. Inc. (UI.):
a. 44. Standard for Safety Thermoset-Insulated Wires and Cables.
b. 83, Standard for Safety Thermoplastic-Insulated Wires and Cables.
c. 467. Standard for Safety Grounding and Bonding Equipment.
d. 486A. Standard for Safety Wire Connectors and Soldering Lugs for use with Copper
e. 486C, Standard for Safety Splicing Wire Connections.
f. 510. Standard for Safety Polyvinyl Chloride. Polyethylene and Rubber Insulating Tape.
g. 1277. Standard for Safety Electrical Power and Control Tray Cables with Optional
Optical-Fiher Members.
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NCRWTP Dcgasifier & Odor Control Expansion
16120 - I
h. 1581, Standard for Safety Reference Standard for Electrical Wires, Cables, and Flexible
i. 1666, Test for Flame Propagation Height of Electrical and Optical-Fiber Cables
Installed Vertically in Shafts.
j. 2250, Standard for Safety Instrumentation Tray Cable.
A. Cable: Multi-conductor, insulated, with outer sheath containing either building wire or
instrumentation wire.
B. Instrumentation Cable:
1. Multiple conductor, insulated, twisted or untwisted, with outer sheath.
2. The following are specific types of instrumentation cables:
a. Analog signal cable:
I) Used for the transmission oflow current (e.g., 4-20mA DC) or low voltage (e.g., 0-
10 Vdc) signals, using No. 16 A WG and smaller conductors.
2) Commonly used types are defined in the following:
a) TSP: Twisted shielded pair.
b) TST: Twisted shielded triad.
b. Digital signal cable: Used for the transmission of digital signals between computers,
PLC's, R TU's. etc.
C. Power Cable: Multi-conductor, insulated, with outer sheath containing building wire, No.8
A WG and larger.
D. Control Cable: Multi-conductor, insulated, with outer sheath containing building wires, No. 14,
E. Building Wire: Single conductor, insulated, with or without outer jacket depending upon type.
A. Shop Drawings:
1. See Section 01340 for requirements for the mechanics and administration of the submittal
2. Product technical data:
a. Provide submittal data for all products specified in Part 2 of this specification except:
1) Wire connectors.
2) Insulating tape.
3) Cable lubricant.
b. See Section 160 I 0 for additional requirements.
3. Test reports:
a. Fiber optic cable test reports.
A. See Section 160 I O.
A. Subject to compliance with the Contract Documents, the following manufacturers are
1. Building wire. power and control cable:
a, American Insulated Wire Corporation.
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16120 - 2
- - ~~ -'''.->'--'-''''''''''.'''''' ...., ..--..." ,.
, ....
b. General Cable.
c. Manhattan/CDT.
d. Southwire Company.
2. Instrumentation cable:
a. Analog cable:
I) Alpha Wire Corporation.
2) American Insulated Wire Corporation.
3) Belden CDT Inc.
4) General Cable.
5) Manhattan/COT.
3. Wire connectors:
a. Bumdy Corporation.
b. Buchanan.
c. Ideal.
d. IIsco.
e. 3M Co.
f. Teledyne Penn Union.
g. Thomas and Betts.
h. Phoenix Contact.
4. Insulating and color coding tape:
a. 3M Co.
b. Plymouth Bishop Tapes.
c. Red Seal Electric Co.
B, Submit request for substitution in accordance with Specification Section 01640.
A. Building Wire:
I. Conductor shall be copper with 600 Y rated insulation.
2. Conductors shall be stranded. except for conductors used in lighting and receptacle circuits
which may be stranded or solid.
3. Surface mark with manufacturers name or trademark, conductor size, insulation ty'pe and
UL label.
4. Conform to NEMA/ICEA WC 70/S-95-658 and UL 83 for type THHN/THWN and
THHN/THWN-2 insulation.
5. Confoffil to NEMA/ICEA WC 70/5-95-658 and UL 44 for type XHHW-2 insulation.
6. Conductors 250 kcmil and larger used in a cable tray shall have a UL CT rating and
conform to IEEEI ANSI I ?O? or CSA FT-4.
B. Power Cable:
1. Surface mark with manufacturers name or trademark, conductor size, insulation type and
UL label.
2. Conform to NEMA/ICEA WC 70/S-95-658 and UL 83 and UL 1777 for type
THHN/THWN insulation with an overall PVC jacket.
3. Conform to NEMAlICEA WC 7015-95-658 and lJL 44 and UL 1277 for type XHHW-2
insulation with an overall PYC jacket.
4. Number of conductors as required. including a bare ground conductor.
5. Individual conductor color coding:
a. ICEA Method 4.
b. See Part 3 of this specification for additional requirements.
6. Conform to NFPA 70 Type TC [and IEEE/ANSI 120? or CSA FT-4}.
C. Control Cable:
] . Conductor shall be copper with 600 V rated insulation.
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16120 - 3
2. Surface mark with manufacturer's name or trademark, conductor size, insulation type and
UL label.
3. Conform to NEMA/ICEA WC 57/S-73-532 and lIL 83 and UL 1277 for type
THHN/THWN insulation with an overall PVC jacket.
4. Number of conductors as required, provided with or without bare ground conductor of the
same A WG size.
a. When a bare ground conductor is not provided, an additional insulated conductor shall
be provided and used as the ground conductor (e.g., 6/c No. 14 wig and 7/c No. 14 are
5. Individual conductor color coding:
a. NEMA/ICEA Method 1. Table E-2.
b. See Part 3 of this Specification for additional requirements.
6. Conform to NFPA 70 Type TC {and IEEE/ANSI1202, CSA FT-4 or NFPA 262}.
D. Electrical Equipment Control Wire:
I. Conductor shall be copper with 600 V rated insulation.
2. Conductors shall be stranded.
3. Surface mark with manufacturers name or trademark, conductor size, insulation type and
lIL label.
4. Conform to lIL 44 for Type SIS insulation.
5. Conform to lIL 83 for Type MTW insulation.
E. Instrumentation Cable:
1. Surface mark with manufacturers name or trademark, conductor size, insulation type and
lIL label.
2. Analog cable:
a. Tinned copper conductors.
b. 600 V PVC insulation with PVC jacket.
c. Twisted with 100 percent foil shield coverage with drain wire.
d. Six (6) twists per foot minimum.
e. Individual conductor color coding: ICEA Method I, Table K-2.
f. Conform to lIL 2250. lIL 1581 and NFPA 70 Type ITC.
3. Digital cable:
a. As recommended by equipment (e.g., PLC, RTlI) manufacturer.
b. Conform to NFPA 262 and NFPA 70 Type ITC.
F. Fiber Optic Cable:
I. Design and fabrication:
a. Type:
I) Indoor: Tight buffered or loose tube with a dry gel water blocking system.
2) Outdoor: Loose tube with a wet or dry gel water blocking system.
b. Multi-mode.
c. Number of fibers: As indicated on Drawings.
d. Fiber size: 62.5/125 micrometer (core diameterlcladding diameter).
e. Glass fiber core.
f. Step index.
g. Maximum attenuation:
I) At 850 nm: 3.75 dBlkm.
2) At 1300 nm: 1.5dBlkm.
h. Minimum bandwidth:
I) At 850 nm: 160 MHzlkm.
2) At 1300 nm: 500 MHzlkm.
i. Maximum tensile load:
I) Installation: 225 LBS.
2) Long term: 67 LBS.
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j. Cable jacket material:
I) In rigid steel conduit: PVC, or polyethylene.
2) In plenum or riser: Flame retardant material. PVC not allowed.
a) Plenum applications: Cable materials shall pass NFPA 262 requirements.
b) Riser applications: Cable materials shall pass UL 1666 requirements.
3) In cable tray: Polyethylene or equivalent: PVC not allowed.
a) Meet vertical flame tray test requirements ofNFPA 262.
k. Cables shall be listed and marked in accordance with the requirements ofNEc'
I. Optical fiber cable type utilized shall be in accordance with NEC,
2. Design and fabrication:
a. Utilize ST type connectors:
I) Tip material: Ceramic or ceramic/glass composite.
2) Utilize connectors which do not require adhesive, epoxy, or polish.
G. Wire Connectors:
1. Twist/sere",,' on f)'pc:
a. Insulated pressure or spring type solderless connector.
b. 600 V rated.
c. Ground conductors: Confonn to UL 486C and/or UL 467 when required by local
d. Phase and neutral conductors: Conform to lIL 486C.
2. Compression and mechanical screw type:
a. 600 V rated.
b. Ground conductors: Contorm to UL 467.
c. Phase and neutral conductors: Confonn to UL 486A.
3. Terminal block type:
a. High density, screw-post barrier-type with white center marker strip.
b. 600 V and ampere rating as required, for power circuits.
c. 600 V, 20 ampere rated for control circuits.
d. 600 V, ] 5 ampere rated for instrumentation circuits.
e. Conform to NEMA ICS 4 and UL 486A.
H. Insulating and Color Coding Tape:
I. Pressure sensitive vinyl.
2. Premium grade.
3. Heat, cold, moisture, and sunlight resistant.
4. Thickness, depending on use conditions: 7.8.5, or 10 mil.
5. For cold weather or outdoor location. tape must also be all-weather.
6. Color:
a. Insulating tape: Black.
b. Color coding tape: Fade-resistant color as specified herein.
7. Comply with UL 510.
I. Pulling Lubricant: Cable manufacturer's standard containing no petroleum or other products
which will deteriorate insulation.
A. Permitted Usage of Insulation Types:
1. Type XHHW-2:
a. Building wire and power and control cable in architectural and non-architectural
finished areas.
b. Building wire and power and control cable in conduit below grade.
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. "'"
2. Type THHN/THWN and THHN/THWN-2: 1 0 D
a. Bui]ding wire and power and control cable No.8 A WG and smaller in architectura n
non-architectural finished areas.
3. Type SIS and MTW:
a. For the wiring of control equipment within control panels and field wiring of control
equipment within switchgear, switchboards, motor control centers.
B. Conductor Size Limitations:
I. Feeder and branch power conductors shall not be smaller than No. I) A WG unless
otherwise indicated on the Drawings.
2. Control conductors shall not be smaller than No. 14 A WG unless otherwise indicated on the
3. Instrurnentation conductors shall not be smaller than No. 18 A WG unless otherwise
indicated on the Drawings.
C. Color Code All Wiring as Follows:
1. Building wire:
240 V, )08 V, 240/]20 V,
2081120 V
Phase I Black Brown
Phase 2 Red * Orange
Phase 3 Blue Yellow
Neutral White White or Gray
Ground Green Green
* Orange when it is a high leg of a 120/240 V Delta system.
480 V,
480/277 V
a. Conductors No.6 A WG and smaller: Insulated phase, neutral and ground conductors
shall be identified by a continuous colored outer finish along its entire length.
b. Conductors larger than NO.6 A WG:
I) Insulated phase and neutral conductors shall be identified by one (I) of the
following methods:
a) Continuous colored outer tin ish along its entire length.
b) 3 IN of colored tape applied at the termination.
2) Insulated grounding conductor shall be identified by one (1) of the following
a) Continuous green outer finish along its entire lenl,'lh.
b) Stripping the insulation from the entire exposed length.
c) Using green tape to cover the entire exposed length.
3) The color coding shall be applied at all accessible locations, including but not
limited to: Junction and pull boxes. wireways, manholes and handholes.
2. Power cables ICEA Method 4 with:
a. Phase and neutral conductors identified with 3 IN of colored tape, per the Table herein,
applied at the terminations.
b. Ground conductor: Bare.
3. Control cables NEMA/ICEA Method 1. Table E-2:
a. When a bare ground is not provided, one (1) of the colored insulated conductors shall
be re-identified by stripping the insulation from the entire exposed length or using green
tape to cover the entire exposed length.
b. When used in power applications the colored insulated conductors used as phase and
neutral conductors may have to be re-identified with 3 IN of colored tape, per the Table
herein, applied at the terminations.
D. Install all wiring in raceway unless otherwise indicated on the Drawings.
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n_._._________ V __._"___
. '.
E. Feeder, branch, control and instrumentation circuits shall not be combined in a raceway. cable
tray. junction or pull box. except as permitted in the following:
I. Where specifically indicated on the Drawings.
2. Where field conditions dictate and written permission is obtained from the Engineer.
3. AC control circuits shall be isolated trom all DC circuits.
4. Instrumentation circuits shall be isolated from feeder and branch power and control circuits
but combining of instrumentation circuits is pennitted.
a. The combinations shall comply with the following:
1) Analog signal circuits may be combined.
2) Digital signal circuits may be combined but isolated from analog signal circuits.
5. Multiple branch circuits for lighting. receptacle and other 120 Vac circuits are allowed to be
combined into a common raCc\\,'ay.
a. Contractor is responsible for making the required adjustments in conductor and
raceway size, in accordance \vith all requirements of the NEe, including but not limited
I) Up sizing conductor size for required ampacity de-ratings for the number of current
carrying conductors in the raceway.
2) Up sizing raceway size for the size and quantity of conductors.
F. Ground the drain wire of shielded instrumentation cables at one (I) end only.
I. The preferred grounding location is at the load (e.g.. control panel), not at the source (e.g.,
field mounted instrument).
G. Splices and terminations for the follovving circuit types shall be made in the indicated enclosure
type using the indicated method.
1. Feeder and branch pmver circuits:
a. Device outlet boxes:
] ) Twist/sere",,' on type connectors.
b. Junction and pull boxes and wireways:
I) Twist/screw on type connectors for use on No.8 and smaller wire.
J) Compression, mechanical screw or temlinal block or terminal strip type connectors
for use on NO.6 A WG and larger wire.
c. Motor terminal boxes:
I) Twist/screw on type connectors for use on No. lOA WG and smaller wire.
2) Mechanical sereV\' Iype connectors for use on NO.8 A WG and larger wire.
d. Manholes or handholcs:
I) Twist/screw on type connectors pre-tilled with epoxy for use on No.8 A WG and
smaller wire.
2) Watertight compression or mechanical screw type connectors for use on No.6
A WG and larger wire.
2. Control circuits:
a. Junction and pull boxes: Tcnninal block type connector.
b. Manholes or handholes: Twist/screw on type connectors pre-filled with epoxy.
c. Control panels and motor control centers: Terminal block or strips provided within the
equipment or field installed within the equipment by the Contractor.
3. Instrumentation circuits can be spliced "",here field conditions dictate and written permission
is obtained from the Engineer.
a. Maintain electrical continuity of the shield when splicing twisted shielded conductors.
b. Junction and pull boxes: Temlinal block type connector.
c. Control panels and motor control centers: Terminal block or strip provided within the
equipment or field installed within the equipment by the Contractor.
4. Non-insulated compression and mechanical screw type connectors shall be insulated with
tape or hot or cold shrink t~/pe insulation to the insulation level of the conductors.
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H. Insulating Tape Usage:
I. For insulating connections of No. 8 A WG wire and smaller: 7 mil vinyl tape.
2. For insulating splices and taps of No. 6 A WG wire or larger: 10 mil vinyl tape.
3. For insulating connections made in cold weather or in outdoor locations: 8.5 mil, all
weather vinyl tape.
I. Color Coding Tape Usage: For color coding of conductors.
1. Fiber Optic Cable:
I. Unless indicated otherwise, install all fiber optic cable in conduit.
a, In cable trays, the cable(s) shall be installed in an interdict that is placed in the tray for
protection of the cable.
2, Splicing:
a. Optical fibers shall not be spliced.
3, Utilize dust tight wall-mounted interconnect center to provide the following:
a. Interconnect fiber optic cable to jumper cable assemblies for connection to the opto-
electronic interface.
4. Where exposed to contact with electric light or power conductors, the noncurrent carrying
metallic members (if applicable) of optical fiber cables entering buildings shall be grounded
as close to the point of entrance as practicable in accordance with NEe.
5. Install cables in accordance with the requirements of NEe.
A. Acceptance Testing:
I. See Section 160S0.
B. Test installed t;ber optic cable system to verifY the following:
I. Continuity of all installed fibers and associated connectors.
2. Maximum attenuation requirements of specification are not exceeded.
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A. Section Includes:
1. Material and installation requirements for:
a. Conduits.
b. Conduit fittings.
c. Conduit supports.
d. Wireways.
e. Outlet boxes.
f. Pull and junction boxes.
B. Related Specification Sections include but are not necessarily limited to:
I. Division 0 - Bidding Requirements, Contract Forms. and Conditions of the Contract.
2. Division 1 - General Requirements.
3. Section 16010 - Electrical: Basic Requirements.
4. Section 16135 - Electrical: Exterior Undcrground.
5. Section 16140 - Wiring Devices.
A. Referenced Standards:
1. American Iron and Steel Institute (AISI).
7. ASTM International (ASTM):
a. A 123. Standard Specilication for Zinc (Hot-Dip Galvanized) Coatings on Iron and Stcel
b. A 153. Standard Specit;cation for Zinc Coating (Hot-Dip) on Iron and Steel Hardware.
c. D2564. Standard Specification for Solvent Cements for Poly (Vinyl Chloride) (PVC)
Plastic Piping Systems.
3. National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA):
a. 250. Enclosures for Electrical Equipment (1000 Volts Maximum).
b. OS I. Sheet-Steel Outlet Boxes. Device Boxes. Covers. and Box Supports.
c. RN I. Polyvinyl-Chloride (PVC) Externally Coated Galvanized Rigid Steel Conduit
and Intermediate Metal Conduit.
d. TC 2, Electrical Plastic Tuhing (EPT) and Conduit (EPC-40 and EPC-SO).
e. TC 3, PVC Fittings for Use with Rigid PVC Conduit and Tubing.
4. National Electrical Manufacturers Association/ American National Standards Institute
a. CSO.I. Rigid Steel Conduit - Zinc-Coated.
b. CSO.5. Aluminum Rigid Conduit - (RAC).
5. National Fire Protection Association (NFP A):
a. 70. National Electrical Code (NEe).
6. Underwriters Laboratories. Inc. (UL):
a. 1. Standard for Safety Flexible Metal Conduit.
b. 6, Standard for SalCty Rigid Metal Conduit.
c. 50. Standard for Safety Enclosures for Electrical Equipment.
d. 360. Standard for Safety Liquid-Tight Flexible Steel Conduit.
e. 467, Standard for Safety Grounding and Bonding Equipment.
f 514A. Standard for Safely Metallic Outlet Boxes.
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g. 514B, Standard for Safety Fittings for Cable and Conduit.
h. 651, Standard for Safety Schedule 40 and 80 Rigid PVC Conduit.
i. 797, Standard for Safety Electrical Metallic Tubing.
j. 870, Standard for Safety Wireways. Auxiliary Gutters, and Associated Fittings.
A. Shop Drawings:
I. See Specification Section 01340 for requirements for the mechanics and administration of
the submittal process.
2. Product technical data:
a. Provide submittal data for all products specified in PART 2 of this Specification
Section except:
I) Conduit titlings.
2) Support systems.
b. See Specification Section 16010 for additional requirements,
3. Fabrication andlor layout drawings:
a. IdentifY dimensional size of pull and junction boxes to be used.
A. See Specification Section 16010.
A, Subject to compliance with the Contract Documents, the following manufacturers are
I. Rigid metallic conduits:
a. Allied Tube and Conduit Corporation.
b. Triangle PWC Inc.
c. Western Tube and Conduit Corporation.
d. Wheatland Tube Company.
e. L TV Steel Company.
f. EASCO Aluminum.
g. lndalex.
h. VA W of American. Inc.
2. PVC coated rigid metallic conduits and repair kits:
a. Occidental Coating Company.
b. Perma-Cote.
c. Rob-Roy Ind.
d. Raychem "GeITek" tape.
3. Rigid non-metallic conduit:
a. Carlon.
b. Cantex.
c. Osburn Associates.
4. Flexible conduit:
a. AFC Cable Systems.
b. Anamet, Inc.
c. Electri-Flex.
d. Flexible Metal Hose Company.
e. International Metal Hose Company.
f. Triangle PWC Inc.
g. L TV Steel Company.
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]6]]0 - 2
5. Wireway:
a. Hoffman Engineering Company.
b. Wiegmann.
c. Square D.
6. Conduit fittings and accessories:
a. Appleton.
b. Carlon.
c. Cantex.
d. Crouse-Hinds.
e. Killark.
f. Osburn Associates.
g. OZ Gedney Company.
h. RACO.
. Steel City.
. Thomas and Bells.
7. Support systems:
a. Unistrut Building Systems.
b. B-Line Systems Inc.
c. Kindorf.
d. Minerallac Fastening Systems.
e. Caddy.
S. Outlet. pull and junction boxes:
a. Appleton Electric Co.
b. Crouse-Hinds.
c. Killark.
d. O-ZIGedney.
e. Steel City.
f. Raea.
g. Bell.
h. Hoffinan Engineering Co.
. Wiegmann.
. B-Line Circle A W.
k. Adalet.
I. Rillal.
B. Submit request for substitution in accordance with Specification Section 01640.
A. Rigid Galvanized Steel Conduit (RGS):
I. Mild steel with continuous welded seam.
2. Metallic zinc applied by hot-dip galvanizing or electro-galvanizing.
3. Threads galvanized after cutting.
4. Internal coating: Baked lacquer. varnish or enamel for a smooth surface.
5. Standards: NEMA/ANSI CSO.1. UL 6.
B. PVC-Coated Rigid Steel Conduit (PVC-RGS):
I. Nominal 40 mil Polyvinyl Chloride Exterior Coating:
a. Coating: Bonded to hot-dipped galvanized rigid steel conduit conforming to
b. The bond between the PVC coating and the conduit surface: Greater than the tensile
strength of the coating.
2. Nominal 2 mil, minimum. urethane interior coating.
3. Urethane coating on threads.
4. Conduit: Epoxy prime coated prior to application of pye and urethane coatings.
5. Female Ends:
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a. Have a plastic sleeve extending a minimum of 1 pipe diameter or 2 IN, whichever is
less beyond the opening.
b. The inside diameter of the sleeve shall be the same as the outside diameter of the
conduit to be used with it.
6. Standards: NEMAI ANSI CSO.I, UL 6, NEMA RN I.
C. Rigid Alwninum Conduit (RAe):
I. AA Type 6063 aluminum alloy. T-I temper.
2. Maximum copper content of 0.10 percent.
3. Extruded, seamless.
4. Standards: NEMA/ANSI CSO.5, UL 6.
A. Schedules 40 (PVC-40) and SO (PVC-SO):
I. Polyvinyl-chloride (PVC) plastic compound which includes inert modifiers to improve
weatherability and heat distribution.
2. Rated for direct sunlight exposure.
3. Fire retardant and low smoke emission.
4. Shall be suitable for use with 90 DegC wire and shall be marked "maximum 90 DegC".
5. Standards: NEMA TC ". UL 651.
A. PVC-Coated Flexible Galvanized Steel (liquid-tight) Conduit (FLEX-L T):
I. Core formed of continuous, spiral wound, hot-dip galvanized steel strip with successive
convolutions securely interlocked.
2. Extruded PVC outer jacket positively locked to the steel core.
3. Liquid and vaportight.
4. Standard: UL 360.
A. General:
I. Suitable for lay-in conductors.
2. Designed for continuous grounding.
3. Covers:
a. Hinged or removable in accessible areas.
b. Non-removable when passing through partitions.
4. Finish: Rust inhibiting primer and manufacturers standard paint inside and out except for
stainless steel type.
5. Standards: UL S70. NEMA 250.
B. Watertight (NEMA 4X rated) Wireway:
1. 14 GA Type 304 or 316 stainless steel bodies and covers without knockouts and 10 GA
stainless steel flanges.
2. Cover: Fully gasketed and held in place with captive clamp type latches.
3. Flanges: Fully gasketed and bolted.
C. Dusttight (NEMA 12 rated) Wireway:
I. ] 4 GA steel bodies and covers without knockouts and 10 GA steel flanges.
2. Cover: Fully gasketed and held in place with captive clamp type latches.
3. Flanges: Fully gasketed and bolted.
A. Fittings for Use with RGS and RAC:
I. Locknuts:
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. ..
a. Threaded steel or malleable iron.
b. Gasketed or non-gasketed.
c. Grounding or non-grounding type.
2. Bushings:
a. Threaded, insulated metallic.
b. Grounding or non-grounding type.
3. Hubs: Threaded, insulated and gasketed metallic for raintight connection,
4. Couplings:
a. Threaded straight type: Same material and finish as the conduit with which they are
used on.
b. Threadless type: Gland compression or self-threading type. concrete tight.
5. Unions: Threaded galvanized steel or zinc plated malleable iron.
6. Conduit bodies (ells and tees):
a. Body: Zinc plated cast iron or cast copper free aluminum with threaded hubs.
b. Standard and mogul size.
c. Cover:
I) Clip-on type with stainless steel screws.
2) Gaskcted or non-gasketed galvanized steel, zinc plated cast iron or cast copper free
7. Conduit bodies (round):
a. Body: Zinc plated cast iron or cast copper ITee aluminum with threaded hubs.
b. Cover: Threaded screw on type, gasketed. galvanized steel, zinc plated cast iron or cast
copper free aluminum.
8. Sealing fittings:
a. Body: Zinc plated cast iron or cast copper tree aluminum with threaded hubs.
b. Standard and mogul size.
c. With or withollt drain and breather.
d. Fiber and sealing compound: LJL listed for use with the sealing fitting.
9. Service entrance head:
a. Malleable iron. galvanized steel or copper free aluminum.
b. Insulated knockout <.:over for use \vith a variety of sizes and number of conductors.
10. Expansion couplings:
a. 2 IN nominal straight-line conduit movement in either direction.
b. Galvanized steel with insulated bushing.
c. Gasketed for wet locations.
d. Internally or externally grounded.
II. Expansion/detlection couplings:
a. 3/4 IN nominal straight-line conduit movement in either direction.
b. 30-degree nominal deflection from the normal in all directions.
c. Metallic hubs. neoprene outer jacket and stainless steel jacket clamps.
d. Internally or cxtcrnall:y grounded.
e. Watertight raintight and concrete tight.
12. Standards: UL 467.lIL 5148. UL 886.
B. Fittings for Use with PVC-RGS:
I. The same material and construction as those fittings listed under paragraph "Fittings for Use
with RGS and RAe" and coated as defined under paragraph "PVC Coated Rigid Steel
Conduit (PVC-RGS)."
C. Fittings for Use with FLEX-L T:
I. Connector:
a. Straight or angle type.
b. Metal construction. insulated and gasketed.
c. Composed of locknut grounding ferrule and gland compression nut.
d. Liquid tight.
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2. Standards: UL 467, UL 514B.
D. Fittings for Use with Rigid Non-Metallic PYC Conduit:
1. Coupling, adapters and conduit bodies:
a. Same material, thickness, and construction as the conduits with which they are used.
b. Homogeneous plastic free from visible cracks, holes or foreign inclusions.
c. Bore smooth and free of blisters, nicks or other imperfections which could damage the
2, Solvent cement for welding fittings shall be supplied by the same manufacturer as the
conduit and fittings.
3. Standards: ASTM D2564. NEMA TC 3, UL 651, UL 514B,
E. Weather and Corrosion Protection Tape:
1. PYC based tape, 10 mils thick.
2. Protection against moisture, acids, alkalis, salts and sewage and suitable for direct bury.
3. Used with appropriate pipe primer.
A. Mark Products:
I. IdentifY the nominal trade size on the product.
2. Stamp with the name or trademark of the manufacturer.
A. Cast Outlet Boxes:
I. Zinc plated cast iron or die-cast copper free aluminum with manufacturers standard finish.
2. Threaded hubs and grounding screw.
3. Styles:
a. "FS" or "PD",
b. "Bell",
c. Single or multiple gang and tandem.
4. Accessories: 40 mil pye exterior coating and 2 mil urethane interior coating.
5. Standards: UL 514A, UL 886.
B. See Section 16140 for wiring devices, wallplates and coverplates.
A. NEMA 4X Rated (metallic):
1. Body and cover: 14 GA Type 304 or 316 stainless steeL
2. Seams continuously welded and ground smooth.
3. No knockouts.
4. External mounting flanges.
5. Hinged door and stainless steel screws and clamps.
6. Door with oil-resistant gasket.
B. NEMA 4X Rated (non-metallic):
1. Body and cover: Ultraviolet light protected fiberglass-reinforced polyester boxes.
2. No knockouts.
3. External mounting flanges.
4. Hinged door with quick release latches and padlocking hasp.
5. Door with oil resistant gasket.
C. NEMA 12 Rated:
1. Body and cover:
a. 14 GA steel finished with rust inhibiting primer and manufacturers standard paint inside
and out.
b. Type 5052 H-32 aluminum. unpainted.
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Seams continuously welded and ground smooth.
No knockouts.
External mounting flanges.
Non-hinged cover held closed y..rith captivated cover screws threaded into sealed wells or
hinged cover held closed with stainless steel screws and clamps.
Flat door with oil resistant gasket.
D. Miscellaneous Accessories:
I. Rigid handles for covers larger than 9 SF or heavier than 25 LBS.
2. Split covers when heavier than 25 LBS.
3. Weld nuts for mounting optional panels and terminal kits.
4. Terminal blocks: Screw-post barrier-type. rated 600 volt and 20 ampere minimum.
E. Standards: NEMA 250. UL 50.
A. Multi-conduit Surface or Trapeze Type Support and Pull or Junction Box Supports:
I. Material requirements.
a. Galvanized steel: ASIM A 103 or ASTM A 153.
b. Stainless steel: AISI Type 316.
c. PVC coat galvanized steel: ASTM A 123 or ASTM A 153 and 20 mil PVC coating.
B. Single Conduit and Outlet Box Support Fasteners:
1. Material requirements:
a. Zinc plated steel:
b. Stainless steel:
c. Malleable iron.
d. PVC coat malleable iron or steel: 20 mil PVC coating.
e. Steel protected with zinc phosphate and oil finish.
A. Sleeves, smoke and fire stop fitting through \\ialls and tloors:
I. See Specification Section 01800.
A. Shall be in accordance with the requirements of:
I. NFPA 70.
J. Manufacturer instructions.
B. Size of Raceways:
I. Raceway sizes are shown on the Drawings. if not shown on the Drawings. then size in
accordance with NFPA 70.
2. Unless specifically indicated otherwise, the minimum race\\'ay size shall be:
a. Conduit: 3/4 IN.
b. Wireway: 2-1/2 IN x 2-1/2 IN.
C. Field Bending and Cutting of Conduits:
I. Utilize tools and equipment recommended by the manufacturer of the conduit. designed for
the purpose and the conduit material to make all field bends and cuts.
2. Do not reduce the internal diameter of the conduit when making conduit bends.
3. Prepare tools and equipment to prevent damage to the PVC coating.
4. Degrease threads after threading and apply a zinc rich paint.
5. Debur interior and exterior after cutting.
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D. Male threads of conduit systems shall be coated with an electrically conductive anti-seize
E. The protective coating integrity of conduits, fittings, outlet. pull and junction boxes and
accessories shall be maintained.
1. Repair galvanized components utilizing a zinc rich paint.
2. Repair painted cornponents utilizing touch up paint provided by or approved by the
3. Repair PVC coated components utilizing a patching compound, of the same material as the
coating, provided by the manufacturer of the conduit; or a self-adhesive, highly
conformable, cross-linked silicone composition strip, followed by a protective coating of
viny I tape.
a. Total nominal thickness: 40 mil.
4. Repair surfaces which will be inaccessible after installation prior to installation.
F. Remove moisture and debris from conduit before wire is pulled into place.
]. Pull mandrel with diameter nominally 1/4 IN smaller than the interior ofthe conduit, to
remove obstructions.
2. Swab conduit by pulling a clean, tight-fitting rag through the conduit.
3. Tightly plug ends of conduit with tapered wood plugs or plastic inserts until wire is pulled.
G. Only nylon or polyethylene rope shall be used to pull wire and cable in conduit systems.
H. Where portions of a raceway are subject to different temperatures and where condensation is
known to be a problem, as in cold storage areas of buildings or where passing from the interior to
the exterior of a building, the raceway shall be sealed to prevent circulation of warm air to colder
section of the raceway.
I. Fill openings in walls, floors. and ceilings and finish flush with surface.
1. See Specification Section 0] 800.
A. Raceways shall be routed in the field unless otherwise indicated.
I. Conduit and fittings shall be installed, as required, for a complete system that has a neat
appearance and is in compliance with all applicable codes.
2. Run in straight lines parallel to or at right angles to building lines.
3. Do not route conduits:
a. Through areas of high ambient temperature or radiant heat.
b. In suspended concrete slabs.
4. Conduit shall not interfere with, or prevent access to, piping, valves, ductwork, or other
equipment for operation, maintenance and repair.
5. Provide pull boxes or conduit bodies as needed so that there is a maximum of360 degrees
of bends in the conduit run or in long straight runs to limit pulling tensions.
B. All rigid conduits within a structure shall be installed exposed except as follows:
] . As indicated on the Drawings.
2. Concealed above gypsum wall board or acoustical tile suspended ceilings.
3. Concealed within stud frame. poured concrete, concrete block and brick walls of an
architecturally finished area.
C. Maintain minimum spacing between parallel conduit and piping runs in accordance with the
following when the runs are greater than 30 FT:
1. Between instrumentation and 125 V, 48 V and 24 Vdc, 2 IN,
2. Between instrumentation and 600 V and less AC power or control: 6 IN.
3. Between 125 V, 48 V and 24 Vdc and 600 V and less AC power or control: 2 ]N.
4. Between process, gas. air and water pipes: 6 IN.
D, Conduits shall be installed to eliminate moisture pockets.
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16130 - 8
__ _,.'__ n. ,,_ ',__~__'U_'
t 'I';
1. Where water cannot drain to openings, provide drain fittings in the low spots of the conduit
E. Conduit shall not be routed on the exterior of structures except as specifically indicated on the
F. Where sufficient room exists within the housing of roof-mounted equipment, the conduit shall
be stubbed up inside the housing.
G. Provide all required openings in walls, floors. and ceilings for conduit penetration.
I. See Specification Section OISOO.
A. Permitted Raceway Types Per Wire or Cable Types:
I. Power wire or cables: All raceway types.
2. Control wire or cables: All raceway types.
3. Instrumentation cables: Metallic raceway except non-metallic may be used underground.
4. Motor leads from a VFD: RGS, RAC or shielded VFD cables in all other raceways.
5. Telecommunication cables: All raceway types.
B. Permitted Raceway Types Per Area Designations:
I. Dry areas:
a. RGS.
b. RAe.
2. Wet areas:
a. RGS.
c. RAe.
3. Corrosive areas:
C. Permitted Raceway Types Per Routing Locations:
1 . Embedded in poured concrete walls and floors:
a. PVC-40.
b. RGS wrapped with factory applied weather and corrosion protection tape when
emerging from concrete into areas designated as dry, wet corrosive or highly corrosive.
c. PYC-RGS when emerging from concrete into areas designated as wet, corrosive or
highly corrosive.
2. Through floor penetrations, see Section OISOO:
a. RGS wrapped with factory applied weather and corrosion protection tape when
emerging ITom concrete into areas designated as dry, wet corrosive or highly corrosive.
b. PVC-RGS in areas designated as wet, corrosive or highly corrosive.
3. Direct huried conduits and ductbanks:
a. PVC-SO.
b. 90 degree elbows for transitions to above grade:
I) RGS wrapped with factory applied weather and corrosion protection tape.
c. Long sweeping bends greater than] 5 degrees:
I) RGS wrapped with factory applied weather and corrosion protection tape.
4. Concrete encased ductbanks:
a. PVC-40.
b. PVC-EB.
c. 90 degree elbows for transitions to above grade:
I) RGS wrapped with factory applied weather and corrosion protection tape,
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NCRV...TP Degasificr & Odor Control FxpanslOn
d, Long sweeping bends greater than 15 degrees:
I) RGS for sizes 2 IN and larger.
D. FLEX-L T conduits shall be install as the final conduit connection to light fixtures, dry type
transformers, motors, electrically operated valves, instrumentation primary elements, and other
electrical equipment that is liable to vibrate.
I. The maximum length shall not exceed:
a. 6 FT to light fixtures.
b. 3 FT to motors.
c. 2 FT to all other equipment.
E. NEMA 4X Rated Wireway:
1. Surface mounted in areas designated as wet and or corrosive.
F. NEMA 12 Rated Wireway:
I. Surface mounted in areas designated as dry in non-architecturally finished areas.
G. Underground Conduit: See Specification Section 16135.
A. Rigid non-metallic conduit and fittings shall be joined utilizing solvent cement.
I. Immediately after installation of conduit and fitting, the fitting or conduit shall be rotated
1/4 turn to provide uniform contact.
B. Install Expansion Fittings:
I. Where conduits are exposed to the sun and conduit run is greater than 200 FT.
2. Elsewhere as identified on the Drawings.
C. Install ExpansionlDeflection Fittings:
I. Where conduits enter a structure.
a. Except electrical manholes and handholes.
b. Except where the ductbank is tied to the structure with rebar.
2. Where conduits span structural expansions joints.
3. Elsewhere as identified on the Drawings.
D. Threaded connections shall be made wrench-tight.
E. Conduit joints shall be watertight:
I. Where subjected to possible submersion.
2. In areas classified as wet.
3. Underground.
F. Terminate Conduits:
I. In NEMA 12 rated enclosures:
a. Watertight, insulated and gasketed hub and locknut.
b. Use grounding type locknut or bushing when required by NFPA 70,
2. In NEMA 4X rated enclosures:
a. Watertight, insulated and gasketed hub and locknut.
3. When stubbed up through the floor into floor mount equipment:
a. With an insulated grounding bushing on metallic conduits.
b. With end bells on non-metallic conduits,
G. Threadless couplings shall only be used to join new conduit to existing conduit when the
existing conduit end is not threaded and it is not practical or possible to cut threads on the existing
conduit with a pipe threader.
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16130 - 10
-~"'-"-""-"-'-'~'''' '" -~"" _.-~,_'_-
A. Pennitted multi-conduit surface or trapeze type support system per area designations and conduit
1. Dry or wet areas:
a. Galvanized system consisting of: Galvanized steel channels and fittings, nuts and
hardware and conduit clamps.
2. Corrosive areas:
a. Stainless steel system consisting of: Stainless steel channels and fittings, nuts and
hardware and conduit clamps.
b. PVC coated steel system consisting of: PVC coated galvanized steel channels and
fittings and conduit clamps vvith stainless steel nuts and hardware.
3. Conduit type shall be compatible with the support system material.
a. Galvanized steel system may be used with RGS.
b. Stainless steel system may be used with and PYC-RGSand RAe.
c. PVC coated galvanized steel system may be used with PVC-R4-'l.
B. Permitted single conduit support fasteners per area designations and conduit t~:
I. Architecturally finished areas:
a. Material: Zinc plated steel. or steel protected with zinc phosphate and oil finish.
b. Types offasteners: Spring type hangers and clips. straps. hangers with bolts. clamps
with bolts and bolt on beam clamps.
c. Provide anti-rattle conduit supports when conduits are routed through metal studs.
2. Dry or wet:
a. Material: Zinc plated steel. stainless steel and malleable iron.
b. Types of fasteners: Straps. hangers with bolts. clamps with bolts and bolt on beam
3. Corrosive areas:
a. Material: Stainless steel and PVC coat malleable iron or steel.
b. Types of fasteners: Straps, hangers with bolts. clamps with bolts and bolt on beam
4. Conduit type shall be compatible with the support tastener material.
a. Zinc plated steel. steel protected with zinc phosphate and oil finish and malleable iron
fasteners may be used with RGS.
b. Stainless steel system may be used with and RAe.
c. PVC coated fasteners may be used with PVC -RGS.
C. Conduit Support General Requirements:
I. Maximum spacing between conduit supports per NFPA 70.
2. Support conduit from the building structure.
3. Do not support conduit from process. gas, air or water piping; or from other conduits.
4. Provide hangers and brackets to limit the maximum uniform load on a single support to
25 LBS or to the maximum uniform load recommended by the manufacturer if the support
is rated less than 75 LBS.
a. Do not exceed maximum concentrated load recommended by the manufacturer on any
b. Conduit hangers:
I) Continuous threaded rods combined with struts or conduit clamps: Do not use
perforated strap hangers and iron bailing wire.
c. Do not use suspended ceiling support systems to support raceways.
d. Hangers in metal roof decks:
1) Utilize fender \vashers.
2) Not extend above top of ribs.
3) Not interfere with vapor barrier, insulation. or roofing.
5. Conduit support system rasteners:
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NCRW rp Degasifkr & Odl)r Control ExpanSIOn
16130 - II
a. Use sleeve-type expansion anchors as fasteners in masonry wall construction.
b. Do not use concrete nails and powder-driven fasteners.
A. General:
1. Install products in accordance with manufacturer's instructions.
2. See Specification Section 160 I 0 and the Drawings for area classifications.
3. Fill unused punched-out, tapped, or threaded hub openings with insert plugs.
4. Size boxes to accommodate quantity of conductors enclosed and quantity of conduits
connected to the box.
B. Outlet Boxes:
1. Permitted uses of cast outlet boxes:
a. Housing of wiring devices surface mounted in non-architecturally finished dry, wet,
and corrosive areas.
b. Pull and~n box surface mounted in non-architecturally finished dry, wet, and
corrosife areas.
2. Mount device outlet boxes where indicated on the Drawings and at heights as scheduled in
Specification Section 160 I O.
3. Set device outlet boxes plumb and vertical to the floor.
4. Outlet boxes recessed in walls:
a. Install with appropriate stud wall support brackets or adjustable bar hangers so that they
are !lush with the face of the wall.
b. Locate in ungrouted cell of concrete block with bottom edge of box flush with bottom
edge of block and flush with the face of the block.
5. Place barriers between switches in boxes with 277 V switches on opposite phases.
6. Back-to-back are not permitted.
7. When an outlet box is connected to a PVC coated conduit, the box shall also be PVC coated.
C. Pull and Junction Boxes:
I. Install pull or junction boxes in conduit runs where indicated or required to facilitate pulling
of wires Of making connections.
a. Make covers of boxes accessible.
2. Permitted uses ofNEMA 4X metallic enclosure:
a. Pull or junction box surface mounted in areas designated as wet and/or corrosive.
3. Permitted uses ofNEMA 12 enclosure:
a. Pull or junction box surface mounted in areas designated as dry.
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]6]30 - ]2
. '.' ".-~'~^"_,~-~,_,
A. Section Includes:
I. Cable tray and associated fittings and supports.
B. Related Sections include but are not necessarily limited to:
1. Division 0 - Bidding Requirements, Contract Forms, and Conditions of the Contract.
2. Division I - General Requirements.
3. Section 10400 - Identification Devices.
4. Section 16010- Electrical: Basic Requirements.
5. Section 16060 - Grounding.
6. Section] 6130 - Raceways and Boxes.
A. Referenced Standards:
I. ASTM International (ASTM):
a. A I 73. Standard Specification for Zinc (Hot-Dip Galvanized) Coatings on Iron and Steel
b. A5] 0, Standard Specification for General Requirements for Wire Rods and Coarse
Round Wire. Carhon Steel.
c. A] 011. Standard Specification for Steel. Sheet and Strip. Hot-Rolled, Carbon,
Structural, High-Strength Low-Alloy and High-Strength Low-Alloy with Improved
d. B633. Standard Specitication for Electrodeposited Coatings of Zinc on Iron and Steel.
2. National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA):
a. FG-I, Fiberglass Cable Tray Systems.
b. VE-I, Metal Cable Tray Systems.
c. VE-2. Metal Cable Tray Installation Guidelines.
3. Underwriters Laboratories. Inc. (UL):
4. National Fire Protection Association (NFPA):
a. 70. National Electrical Code (NEC).
5. Building code:
a. International Code Council (ICC):
I) International Building Code and associated standards, 2006 Edition including all
amendments, referred to herein as Building Code.
I. Solid-bottom: A prefabricated metal or non-metallic structure consisting oftwo (2)
longitudinal side rails and a bottom with no openings within the cable-bearing surface.
A. The following is a brief description of the types of the trays to be used.
I. ProcesslLow Pressure RO Area; Galvanized or Non-metallic. Solid Bottom Type,
Ventilated Cover.
B. Miscellaneous:
1 . Cable tray systems are sized on the Dravvings.
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NCR\VTP Dcgasifier& Odor Control FxpanslOn
16132 - I
2. When cable tray system size is not shown on the Drawings or scheduled, the cable tray shall
be sized in accordance with the NFPA 70 and the requirements of this Specification.
3. Cable tray runs, where shown, are diagrammatic and intended to be used as a guide, unless
otherwise indicated on the Drawings.
a. Site conditions may affect actual routing.
b. Contractor shall coordinate routing and measurement with other trades and with
equipment suppliers to avoid interference with equipment, piping, ductwork, etc.
A. Shop Drawings:
1. See Section 01340 for requirements for the mechanics and administration of the submittal
2, Product technical data.
a. Provide submittal data for all products specified in PART 2 of this Specification.
b. See Section 160 10 for additional requirements.
3, Fabrication andlor layout drawings:
a. Routing, size and fittings.
b. Seismic location installation details.
B. Miscellaneous:
1. Cable tray fill calculations.
2. Cable schedule of cables in cable trays.
A. See Section 16010.
A. Subject to compliance with the Contract Documents, the following manufacturers are
I. Metallic and non-metallic cable tray systems:
a. B-Line.
b. T.J. Cope.
c. Husky/Burndy.
d. Thomas & Betts.
e. P-W Ind.
2. Cable tray conduit and ground clamps and brackets:
a, B-Line.
b. P-W Ind.
c. O.Z. Gedney.
d. Thomas & Betts.
B. Submit request for substitution in accordance with Specification Section 01640.
A. Solid-Bottom Tray:
I. Material:
a. Steel:
I) Side channels and transverse elements: Hot rolled ASTM A 10 II carbon steel
galvanized per ASTM A P3.
b. Non-metallic:
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16132 - 2
I) Side rails. rungs. and splice plates: Glass fiber reinforced polyester or vinyl ester
2) Both resin systems are name retardant. conforming to ASTM E84, Class I flame
rating and self-extinguishing per the requirements of ASTM E84 or UL 94.
3) Hardware: Non-metallic.
2. Fabrication:
a. Standard:
I) Metallic: NEMA VE-I.
a) The working (allowable) load capacity: 50 LBS/FT.
2) Non-metallic: NEMA FG-I.
a) The working (allowable) load capacity: 50 LBS/FT.
b. Side rails:
I) I-beam or channel.
2) Flange in or out (full width top opening).
3) Useable clear nominal loading depth: As indicated on the Drawings. 4 IN.
c. Transverse elements: One-piece, corrugated, solid bottom.
d. Useable clear loading nominal width: As indicated on the Drawings.
e. Metallic trays shall be UL classified per NFPA 70 as an equipment grounding
B. Fittings:
I. Radius of bends: As required for cable layout in tray.
2. Degrees of arc for elbows: As required for cable tra)' layout.
C. Accessories:
I. Accessories including but not limited to, splice plates. barrier strips, drop outs, box
connector, end plate and conduit clamps to be the same material as the tray or other
compatible material.
'). Covers and associated accessories:
a. Material: Same base material as tray.
b. Types: ventilated tlanged (flat).
3. Cable tray ground clamps:
a. Malleable iron or tin-plated extruded aluminum with zinc-plated steel screws.
b. Serrated edges to bite into and bond to the cable tray system.
4. Support system:
a. Material: See Section 160] 0 for material specifications.
b. See PART 3 for material type.
A. Install products in accordance with NEMA VE-2 and as recommended by the manufacturer's
instructions unless otherwise indicated on the Drawings.
B. Install cable tray, fittings and accessories, as required, for a complete system that has a neat
appearance and is in compliance with all applicable codes.
C. Install cable tray systems as close as practical to the locations and elevations shown on the
I. Minor changes (12 IN or less) in location or elevation may be made to avoid interference
with piping, ductwork and equipment.
2. Obtain Engineer's approval prior to making major changes (greater than 12 IN) in location
or elevation.
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]6132 --'
3. When cable tray is located adjacent to, beneath or near large piping or major equipment, or
terminates at equipment; do not install cable tray until the installation of such piping and
equipment is complete.
D. Cable Tray Supports:
1. Provide supports at required locations to provide the loading capacity as indicated on the
Drawings, maximum distance between supports is every 10 feet..
2. Cantilever bracket type when cable tray is installed adjacent to a wall.
3. Trapeze type hangers for all other applications.
E. Permitted prefabricated bracket or trapeze type support system per area designations and tray
I. Wet areas:
a. Galvanized system consisting of: Galvanized steel channels and fittings, nuts and
hardware and conduit clamps.
b. Fiberglass system consisting of: Fiberglass channels and fittings, nuts and hardware
and conduit clamps.
2. Tray material shall be compatible with the support system material.
a. Galvanized steel system may be used with zinc coated trays.
b. Fiberglass system may be used with non-metallic trays.
F. Whenever cable tray system spans a structural expansion joint provide one (1) of the following:
1. Expansion connector allowing a minimum of I IN straight-line movement of sections.
2. A 2 IN discontinuity (gap) in the cable tray to allow horizontal and vertical movement.
G. Maintain electrical continuity of the cable tray system.
I. Bolt connectors to each section or fitting.
2. Span expansion connectors by a bonding jumper.
3. Use one (1) of the following to bond conduits to the tray:
a. Conduits connected to the cable tray system by a one-piece conduit clamp shall be
considered bonded to the cable tray system.
b. Terminate conduits connected to the cable tray system by a bracket and clamp assembly
in an insulated grounding bushing and bond to the cable tray system.
4. Tighten all bolted connections to manufacturer's recommendations to ensure electrical
continuity .
H, Cable Tray System Grounding:
I. See Section 16060.
I. Cable tray systems shall be covered in alllocationsVentilated flanged (flat).
J. Install barrier strips in cable tray systems containing both power and control wiring to physically
separate the control cables rrom the power cables.
K. Cable Installation:
I. All conductors shall be in a multi-conductor cable and conform to NFPA 70 Type TC.
A. Tray Fill Calculations:
I. Cable tray fill shall not exceed NFPA 70 requirements.
a. The Contractor shall coordinate the installation of all cables and maintain cable till
calculations and schedule of cables in the trays.
B. Where galvanized steel cable tray is cut, drilled, or where the protective coating has otherwise
been damaged during installation, immediately coat the exposed steel surface with a rust-inhibitor
and a finish coat of zinc-rich paint.
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16132 - 4
C. Remove trash and accumulated dirt from the entire cable tray system at the completion ofthe
project and install covers where applicable.
D. Tagging and warning signs:
I. See Section 10400.
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NCR WTP Dt:gasificr & Odor Control Expansion
16132 - 5
A. Section Includes:
I. Material and installation requirements for:
a. Handhole,
b. Underground conduits and ductbanks,
B. Related Sections include but are not necessarily limited to:
I. Division 0 - Bidding Requirements, Contract Forms, and Conditions of the Contract.
2. Division I - General Requirements.
3, Section 02222 - Excavation - Earth and Rock.
4. Section 02223 - Backfilling.
5. Section 02575 -. Pavement Repair and Restoration.
6. Section 03002 - Concrete.
7. Section ]0400 - Identification Devices.
8. Section] 6060 - Grounding.
9. Section 16130 - Raceways and Boxes.
A. Referenced Standards:
]. American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO):
a. Standard Specifications for Highway Bridges.
2. ASTM International (ASTM):
a, A536. Standard Specification for Ductile Iron Castings.
3. National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA):
a. 250, Enclosures for Electrical Equipment (1000 Volts Maximum).
4. National Fire Protection Association (NFPA):
a, 70, National Electrical Code (NEC).
5. Society of Cable Telecommunications Engineers (SCTE):
a. 77, Specification for Underground Enclosure Integrity.
A. Direct-buried conduit(s):
I. Individual (single) underground conduit.
2. Multiple underground conduits, arranged in one or more planes, in a common trench.
B. Concrete encased ductbank: An individual (single) or multiple conduit(s), arranged in one or
more planes, encased in a common concrete envelope.
A. Shop Drawings:
]. See Section 01340 for requirements for the mechanics and administration of the submittal
2. Product technical data:
a. Provide submittal data for all products specified in PART 2 of this Specification.
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16135 ~ 1
A. Subject to compliance with the Contract Documents. the following manufacturers are
I. Sidewalk type handhole:
a. Crouse-Hinds.
b. OZ-Gedney.
c. Appleton Electric Company.
d. Killark.
2. Prefabricated compositc handholes:
a. Quazite Composolite.
b. Armorcast Products Company.
c. Synertech.
3. Precast handholes:
a. Utility Vault Co.
b. Oldcastle Precast. Inc.
c. Lister Industries.
4. Handholc and ductbank accessories:
a. Neenah.
b. Unistrut.
c. Con dux International, Inc.
d. Underground Devices, Inc.
B. Submit request for substitution in accordance with Specification Section 01640.
A. Sidewalk Type Handholes:
1. Cast-iron box and coveL hOl-dip galvanized.
2. Flange for flush mounting.
3. Checkered cover with neoprene gasket, pry bar slots and stainless steel screws.
4. Drilled and tapped holes.
5. Watertight NEMA 4 classification.
B. Prefabricated Composite Materialliandholes:
I. Handhole body and cover: Fiberglass reinforced polymer concrete conforming to all test
provisions of SCTE 77.
2. Minimum load ratings: SCTE 77 Tier 15.
3. Open bottom.
4. Stackable design as required for specified depth.
5. Cover:
a. Engraved legend of "ELECTRIC" or "COMMUNICATIONS".
b. Non-gasketed bolt down with stainless steel penta head bolts.
c. Lay-in non-bolt down, when cover is over 100 LBS.
d. One or multiple sections so the maximum weight of a section is 125 LBS.
6. Cover lifting hook: 24 IN minimum in length.
C. Precast Handholes:
I. Fiberglass reinforced polymer concrete or steel reinforced cement concrete structures:
2. Shall have an AASHTO live load rating ofH-20 for full deliberate vehicle traffic.
3. Mating edges shall be tongue and groove type.
4. Gasketed removable top slab with lifting eyes and cast in frame for cover.
5. Cable pulling eyes opposite all conduit entrances.
a. Coordinate exact location with installation contractor.
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16135 - 2
. ,
A. Cover and Frame:
I. Cast ductile iron: ASTM A536.
2. AASHTO live load rating: H-20.
3. Diameter: 30 IN.
4. Cast the legend "ELECTRICAL" or "COMMUNICA TlONS" into handhole covers.
B. Cable Racks and Hooks:
I. Material: Heavy-duty non-metallic (glass reinforced nylon).
2, Hook loading capacity: 400 LBS minimum.
3. Rack loading capacity: 4 hooks maximum.
4. Hook deflection: 0.25 IN maximum.
5. Hooks: Length. as required. with positive locking device to prevent upward movement.
6. Mounding hardware: Stainless steel.
C. Cable Pulling Irons:
I. 7/S IN D1A hot-dipped galvanized steel.
2. 6000 LB minimum pulling load,
D. Ground Rods and Grounding Equipment: See Section 16060.
A. Concrete: Comply with Section 03002.
B. Conduit: See Section 16130.
C. Duct Spacers/Supports:
I. High density polyethylene or high impact polystyrene.
2. Interlocking.
3. Provide 3 IN minimum spacing between conduits.
4. Accessories, as required:
a. Hold down bars.
b. Ductbank strapping.
A. Drawings indicate the intended location of handholes and routing of ductbanks and direct buried
I. Field conditions may affect actual routing.
B. Handhole Locations:
I. Approximately where shown on the Drawings.
2. As required for pulling distances.
3. As required to keep pulling tensions under allowable cable tensions.
4. As required for number of bends in ductbank routing.
5. Shall not be installed in a swale or ditch.
6. Determine the exact locations after careful consideration has been given to the location of
other utilities, grading, and paving.
7. Locations are to be approved by the Engineer prior to excavation and placement or
construction of handholes.
C. Install products in accordance with manufacturer's instructions.
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D. Install handholes in conduit runs where indicated or as required to facilitate pulling of wires or
making connections.
E. Comply with Sections 02222. 0?223. and 02575 for trenching. backfilling and compacting.
A. Sidewalk Type Handholes:
I. For use in on grade sidewalks and bridge deck sidewalks where not subjected to vehicular
2. Install flush with concrete surface and embedded in the concrete with a minimum of I-I/?
IN of concrete.
3. Place handhole after reinforcement steel has been laid.
a. The reinforcing steel shall not he displaced without approval by the Engineer.
4. Size: As indicated on the Drawings. also in accordance with the NEe. for the number and
size of conduits entering.
B. Prefabricated Composite Material Handholes:
I. For use in areas subjected to occasional non-deliberate vehicular traffic.
2. Place handhole on a foundation of compacted 1/4 to 1/2 IN crushed rock or gravel a
minimum of S IN thick and 6 IN larger than handholes footprint on all sides.
3. Provide concrete encasement ring around handhole per manufacturers installation
instructions (minimum of 10 IN wide x 12 IN deep).
4. Install so that the surrounding grade is I IN lower than the top of the handhole.
5. Size: As indicated on the Dra\vings or as required for the number and size of conduits.
6. Provide cable rails and pulling eyes as needed.
C. Precast Handholes:
1. For use in vehicular and non-vehicular traffic areas.
2. Construction:
a. Grout or seal al] joints, per manufacturers instructions.
b. Support cables on walls by cable racks:
I) Provide a minimum of two (0) racks. install symmetrically on each wall of
a) Provide additional cable racks. as required. so that both ends of cable splices
will be supported horizontally.
2) Equip cable racks with adjustable hooks: Quantity of cable hooks as required by
the number of conductors to be supported.
c. In each handhole. drive 3/4 IN x 10FT long copper clad ground rod into the earth with
approximately 6 IN exposed above fin ished floor.
I) Drill opening in floor for ground rod.
?) Connect all metallic components to ground rod by means of#S A WG minimum
copper vvire and approved grounding clamps.
3. Place handhole on a foundation of compacted 1/4 to 1/2 IN crushed rock or gravel a
minimum ofS IN thick and 6 IN larger than handholes footprint on all sides.
4. Install so that the top of cover is I IN above finished grade.
a. Where existing grades are higher than finished grades, install sufficient number of
courses of curved segmented concrete block between top of hand hole frame to
temporarily elevate cover to existing grade level.
5. After installation is complete. backfill and compact soil around handholes.
6. Handhole size:
a. As indicated on the Drawings or as required for the number and size of conduits
entering or as indicated on the Drawings.
b. Minimum floor dimension 01'4 FT x 4 FT and minimum depth of4 FT.
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NCR \\TP Dcgasificr & Odor Control F"pansion
16135 - 4
A. General Installation Requirements:
1. Ductbank types per location:
a. Concrete encased ductbank:
I) Under roads or as indicated on the Drawings.
b. Direct-buried conduit(s):
1) All other locations.
2. Do not place concrete or soil until conduits have been observed by the Engineer.
3. Ductbanks shall be sloped a minimum of 4 IN per 100 FT or as detailed on the Drawings.
a. Low points shall be at handholes.
4. During construction and after conduit installation is complete. plug the ends of all conduits.
5. Provide conduit supports and spacers.
a. Place supports and spacers for rigid nonmetallic conduit on maximum centers as
indicated for the following trade sizes:
I) I IN and less: 3 FT.
2) 1-1/4t03IN: 5 FT.
3) 3-I/J to 6 IN: 7 FT.
b. Place supports and spacers for rigid steel conduit on maximum centers as indicated for
the following trade sizes:
I) I IN and less: 10 FT.
2) l-I/4toJ-I/2IN: 14 FT.
3) 3 IN and larger: 20 FT.
c. Securely anchor conduits to supports and spacers to prevent movement during
placement of concrete or soil.
6. Stagger conduit joints at intervals of 6 IN vertically.
7. Make conduit joints watertight and in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations.
8. Accomplish changes in direction of runs exceeding a total of 15 degrees by long sweep
bends having a minimum radius of25 FT.
a. Sweep bends may be made up of one or more curved or straight sections Of
combinations thereof.
9. Furnish manufactured bends at end of runs.
a. Minimum radius of 18 IN for conduits less than 3 IN trade size and 36 IN for conduits 3
IN trade size and larger.
10. Field cuts requiring tapers shall be made with the proper tools and shall match factory
II. After the conduit run has been completed. pull a standard flexible mandrel having a length
of not less than 12 IN and a diameter approximately 1/4 IN less than the inside diameter of
the conduit through each conduit.
a. Then pull a brush with stiff bristles through each conduit to remove any foreign
rnaterialleft in conduit.
12. Pneumatic rodding may be used to draw in lead wire.
a. Install a heavy nylon cord fTee of kinks and splices in all unused new ducts.
b. Extend cord 3 FT beyond ends of conduit.
13. Transition from rigid non-metallic conduit to rigid metallic conduit. per Section 16130.
prior to entering a structure or going above ground.
a. Except rigid non-metallic conduit may be extended directly to handholes. pad mounted
transformer boxes and other exterior pad mounted electrical equipment where the
conduit is concealed within the enclosure.
b. Terminate rigid pye conduits with end bells.
c. Terminate steel conduits with insulated bushings.
14. Place warning tape in trench directly over ductbanks. direct-buried conduit. and direct-
buried wire and cable in accordance with Section 10400.
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]6135 ~ 5
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15. Placement of conduits stubbing into handholes shall be located to allow for proper bending
radiuses of the cables.
B. Concrete Encased Ductbank:
l. Ductbank system consists of conduits completely encased in minimum 2 IN of concrete and
with separations between different cabling types as required in Section 16130 or as detailed
on the Drawings.
2. Install so that top of concrete encased duct, at any point:
a. Is not less than 24 IN below grade.
b. Is below pavement sub-grading.
3. Where identified and for a distance 10FT either side of the area, the concrete shall be
a. The reinforcement shall consist of#4 bars and #4 ties placed 12 IN on center, in
accordance with Section 03002 or as detailed on the Drawings.
4. Conduit supports shall provide a uniform minimum clearance of2 IN between the bottom of
the trench and the bottom row of conduit.
5. Conduit separators shall provide a uniform minimum clearance of') IN between conduits or
as required in Section 16130 for different cabling types.
C. Direct-Buried Conduit(s):
I. Install so that the top of the uppermost conduit, at any point:
a. Is not less than 30 IN below grade.
b. Is below pavement sub-grading.
7. Provide a uniform minimum clearance of2 IN between conduits or as required in Section
J 6130 for different cabling types.
a. Maintain the separation of multiple planes of conduits by one of the following methods:
1) Install multilevel conduits with the use of conduit supports and separators to
maintain the required separations, and backfill with flowable fill (100 PSI) or
2) Install the multilevel conduits one level at a time.
a) Each level is backfilled with the appropriate amount of soil and compaction, to
maintain the required separations.
D. Conduits embedded in concrete structure (e.g., sidewalks, bridge decks) where shown on the
Contract Drawings:
1. Shall not be considered to replace structurally the displaced concrete except as indicated in
the following:
2. Shall not be larger in outside diameter than one-third the thickness of concrete.
3. Shall have a minimum spacing of 3 DIA Oc.
4. In reinforced concrete construction:
a. Place conduit atter reinforcing steel has been laid.
b. The reinforcement steel shall not be displaced by the conduit.
c. Provide a minimum of 1-1/2 IN of cover over conduit.
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]6]35 - 6
, ~
, >1
A. Section Includes:
I. Material and installation requirements for:
a. Receptacles.
b. Device wallplates and coverplates.
B. Related Sections include but are not necessarily limited to:
I. Division 0 - Bidding Requirements, Contract Forms, and Conditions of the Contract.
2. Division 1 - General Requirements.
3. Section 16010 - Electrical: Basic Requirements.
4. Section 16130 - Raceways and Boxes.
5. Section 16442 - Motor Control Equipment.
A. Referenced Standards:
I. National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA):
a. 250, Enclosures for Electrical Equipment (1000 Volts Maximum).
b. WD I, General Color Requirements for Wiring Devices.
c. WD 6, Wiring Devices - Dimensional Requirements.
2. Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. (UL):
a. 20, Standard for Safety General Use Snap Switches.
b. 498, Standard for Safety Attachment Plugs and Receptacles.
c. 514A, Standard for Safety Metallic Outlet Boxes.
d. 943, Standard for Safety Ground-Fault Circuit-Interrupters.
A. Shop Drawings:
I. See Section 01340 for requirement for the mechanics and administration of the submittal
2. Product technical data:
a. Provide submittal data for all products specified in PART 2 of this Specification.
b. See Section 16010 for additional requirements.
A. Subject to compliance with the Contract Documents, the following manufacturers are
I. Receptacles:
a. Bryant.
b. Cooper Wiring Devices.
c. Hubbell.
d. Leviton.
e. Pass & Seymour.
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NCRWTP Degasifier & Odor Control Expansion
16t40 - t
f. Crouse-Hinds.
g. Appleton Electric Co.
h. Killark.
B. Submit request for substitution in accordance with Specification Section 01640.
A. General requirements unless modified in specific requirements paragraph of receptacles per
designated areas:
I. Straight blade, Industrial Specification Grade.
7 Brass triple wipe line contacts.
3. One-piece grounding system with double wipe brass grounding contacts and self grounding
4. Back and side wired.
5. Rated 20 A, I J5 Vac.
6. High impact nylon body.
7. Receptacle body color:
a. Normal power: White.
8. Types as indicated on the Drawings:
a. Normal: Self grounding with grounding terminal.
b. Ground fault circuit interrupter: Feed-through type with test and reset buttons.
9. Duplex or simplex as indicated on the Drawings.
10. Configuration: NEMA 5-20R.
II. Standards: lJL 498, UL 514A, UL 943, NEMA WD I, NEMA WD 6.
B. Dry Non-architecturally Finished Areas:
I. Coverplate:
a. Zinc plated malleable iron or galvanized steel.
b. Single or multiple gang as required.
C. Wet Non-architecturally Finished Areas:
I. Coverplate: Weatherproof(NEMA 3R) while in use. gasketed, copper-free aluminum, 2.5
IN minimum cover depth.
D. Exterior Locations:
I. Coverplate: Weatherproof(NEMA 3R) while in use, gasketed, copper-tree aluminum, 2.5
IN minimum cover depth.
E. Corrosive Areas:
1. Corrosion resistant nickel plated metal parts.
J. Receptacle body color: Yellow.
3. Coverplate:
a. Zinc plated malleable iron or galvanized steel.
b. Single or multiple gang as required.
F. Special Purpose Receptacles:
1. NEMA configuration as indicated on the Drawings.
2. Coverplate: See requirements per area designations herein.
A. Install products in accordance with manufacturer's instructions.
B. Mount devices where indicated on the Drawings and as scheduled in Section 160 I O.
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NCR WTP Dcgasifier & Odor Control Expansion
16]40 - 2
C. See Section 16130 for device outlet box requirements.
D. Where more than one (I) receptacle is installed in a room, they shall be symmetrically arranged.
E. Provide blank plates for empty outlets.
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NCRWTP Dcgasifier & Odor Control Expansion
16t40 - 3
A. Section Includes:
I. Safety switches.
B. Related Sections include but are not necessarily limited to:
1. Division 0 - Bidding Requirements, Contract Forms, and Conditions of the Contract.
2. Division I - General Requirements.
3. Section 16010 - Electrical: Basic Requirements.
4. Section 16490 - Overcurrent and Short Circuit Protective Devices.
A. Referenced Standards:
I. National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA):
a. 250, Enclosures for Electrical Equipment (1000 Volts Maximum).
b. KS I, Enclosed and Miscellaneous Distribution Equipment Switches (600 Volts
2. Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. (UL):
a. 98, Standard for Safetv Enclosed and Dead-Front Switches.
A. Shop Drawings:
I. See Section 01340 tor requirements for the mechanics and administration of the submittal
2. Product technical data:
a. Provide submittal data for all products specified in PART 2 of this Specification.
b. Provide a table that associates safety switch model number with connected equipment
tag number.
c. See Section 16010 lor additional requirements.
B. Operation and Maintenance Manuals:
1. See Section 01340 for requirements for:
a. The mechanics and administration of the submittal process.
b. The content of Operation and Maintenance Manuals.
A. Subject to compliance with the Contract Documents, the following safety switch manufacturers
are acceptable:
I. Cutler-Hammer.
2. General Electric Company.
3. Square 0 Company.
4. Siemens.
5. Appleton Electric Company.
6. Crouse- Hinds.
7. Killark.
Collier County. Florida
NCRWTI' Degasifier & Odor Control Expansion
B. Submit request for substitution in accordance with Specification Section 01640.
A. General:
I. Non-fusible or as indicated on the Drawings.
2. Suitable for service entrance when required.
3. NEMA Type HD heavy-duty construction.
4. Switch blades will be fully visible in the OFF position with the enclosure door open.
5. Quick-make/quick-break operating mechanism.
6. Deionizating arc chutes.
7. Double-break rotary action shall and switchblade shall be manufactured as one (I) common
8. Clear line shields to prevent accidental contact with line terminals.
9. Operating handle:
a. Red and easily recognizable.
b. Padlockable in the OFF position
c. Interlocked to prevent door from opening when the switch is in the ON position with a
defeater mechanism.
B. Ratings:
I. Horsepower rated of connected motor.
2. Voltage and amperage: As indicated on Drawings.
3. Short circuit withstand:
a. Non-fused: 10,OOOA.
C. Accessories, when indicated in PART 3 or on the Drawings:
I. Neutral kits.
2. Ground lug kits.
3. Auxiliary contact kits with I N.O. and I N.C. contact.
D. Enclosures:
I. NEMA 4X rated (metallic):
a. Body and cover: Type 304 or 316 stainless steel.
b. No knockouts, external mounting flanges, hinged and gasketed door.
2. NEMA 4X rated (non-metallic):
a. Body and cover: Ultraviolet light protected fiberglass-reinforced polyester boxes.
b. No knockouts, external mounting flanges, hinged, gasketed and lockable door.
3. NEMA 12 rated:
a. Body and cover: Sheet steel finished with rust inhibiting primer and manufacturers
standard paint inside and out.
b. No knockouts, external mounting flanges, hinged and gasketed door.
E. Standards: NEMA KS I, UL 98.
A. Install as indicated and in accordance with manufacturer's instructions and recommendations.
B. Switches shall be installed adjacent to the equipment they are intended to serve unless otherwise
indicated on the Drawings.
C. Provide auxiliary contact kit on local safety switches for motors being controlled by a variable
frequency drive.
I. The VFD is to be disabled with the switch is in the open position.
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NCRWTP Degasifier & Odor Control Expansion
16410 - 2
D. Permitted uses ofNEMA 4X metallic enclosure:
1. Surface mounted in areas designated as wet and/or corrosive.
E. Permitted uses ofNEMA 4X non-metallic enclosure:
1. Pull Of junction box surfaced mounted in areas designated as highly corrosive.
Permitted lIses ofNEMA I 0 enclosure:
1. Surface mounted in areas designated as dI)' in non-architecturally finished areas.
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NCRWTP Dcgasificr & Odor Control Exransion
[6410 - 3
A. Section Includes:
I. Lighting and appliance panelboards.
2. Power distribution panelboards.
B. Related Sections include but are not necessarily limited to:
I. Division 0 - Bidding Requirements, Contract Forms, and Conditions of the Contract.
2. Division I - General Requirements.
3. Section 16010 - Electrical: Basic Requirements.
4. Section 16442 - Motor Control Equipment.
5. Section 16490 - Overcurrent and Short Circuit Protective Devices.
A. Referenced Standards:
I. National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA):
a. 250, Enclosures for Electrical Equipment (1000 Volts Maximum).
b. PB I, Panelboards.
2. National Fire Protection Association (NFPA):
a. 70, National Electrical Code (NEe).
3. Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. (UL):
a. 50, Standard for Safety Cabinets and Boxes.
b. 67, Standard for Safety Panelboards.
A. Shop Drawings:
I. See Section 01340 for requirements for the mechanics and administration of the submittal
2. Product technical data.
a. Provide submittal data for all products specified in PART 2 ofthis Specification:
b. See Section 160 I 0 for additional requirements.
3. Fabrication and/or layout drawings:
a. Panelboard layout with alphanumeric designation, branch circuit breakers size and type,
as indicated in the panelboard schedules.
B. Operation and Maintenance Manuals:
I. See Section 01340 for requirements for:
a. The mechanics and administration ofthe submittal process.
b. The content of Operations and Maintenance Manuals.
A. Subject to compliance with the Contract Documents, the following manufacturers are
I. Cutler-Hammer.
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t644t - 1
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2. General Electric Company.
3. Square 0 Company.
4. Siemens.
B. Submit request for substitution in accordance with Specification Section 01640.
A. Standards: NEMA PB I. NFPA 70. Ul 50. UL 67.
B. Ratings:
1. Current, voltage. number of phases, number of wires as indicated on the Drawings.
2. Panelboards rated 240 Vac or less: 10.000 amp minimum short circuit rating or as indicated
in the schedule.
3. Panelboards rated 480 Vac: 14,000 amp minimum short circuit rating or as indicated in the
4. Service Entrance Equipment rated when indicated on the Drawings.
C. Construction:
1. Interiors factol)' assembled and designed such that switching and protective devices can be
replaced without disturbing adjacent units and without removing the main bus connectors.
2. Multi-section panelboards: Feed-through or sub-feed lugs.
3. Main lugs: Solderless type approved for copper and aluminum wire.
D. Bus Bars:
I. Main bus bars:
a. Plated aluminum or copper sized to limit temperature rise to a maximum of65 DegC
above an ambient of40 Dege.
b. Drilled and tapped and arranged for sequence phasing ofthe branch circuit devices.
2. Ground bus and isolated ground bus, when indicated on Drawings: Solderless mechanical
type connectors.
3. Neutral bus bars: Insulated 100 percent rated or 200 percent rated, when indicated on the
Drawings and with solderless mechanical type connectors.
E. Enclosure:
1. Boxes: Code gage galvanized steeL furnish without knockouts.
2. Trim assembly: Code gage steel finished with rust inhibited primer and manufacturers
standard paint inside and out.
3. lighting and appliance panel board:
a. Trims supplied with hinged door over all circuit breaker handles.
b. Trims for surface mounted panelboards. same size as box.
c. Doors lockable with corrosion resistant chrome-plated combination lock and catch. all
locks keved al ike.
d. Nominal JO IN wide and 5-3/4 IN deep with gutter space in accordance with NEe.
e. Clear plastic cover for directory card mounted on the inside of each door.
f. NEMA 3R rated: Door gasketed.
4. Power distribution panclboard:
a. Trims cover all live parts with switching device handles accessible.
b. less than or equal to 12 I N deep with gutter space in accordance with NEe.
c. Clear plastic cover for directoI)' card mounted front of enclosure.
d. NEMA 3R rated: Doors gasketed and lockable with corrosion resistant chrome-plated
combination lock and catch, all locks keyed alike.
F. Overcurrent and Short Circuit Protective Devices:
1. Main overcurrent protective device:
a. Molded case circuit breaker.
2. Branch overcurrent protective devices:
a. Mounted molded case circuit breaker.
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16441 - 2
, \..,
3. See Section 16490 for overcurrent and short circuit protective device requirements.
4. Factory installed.
A. Install as indicated on Drawings, in accordance with the NEe, and in accordance with
manufacturer's instructions.
B. Support panelboard enclosures from modular channels support structure, per Section 16010.
C. Provide NEMA 3R rated enclosure or as indicated on the Drawings.
D. Provide each panelboard with a typed directory:
I. IdentifY all circuit locations in each panel board with the load type and location served.
2. Mechanical equipment shall be identified by Owner-furnished designation if different than
designation indicated on Drawings.
3. Room names and numbers shall be final building room names and numbers as identified by
the Owner if different than designation indicated on Drawings.
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16441 - 3
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A. Section Includes:
I. Separately mounted motor starters (including those supplied with equipment).
B. Related Sections include but are not necessarily limited to:
I. Division 0 - Bidding Requirements, Contract Forms. and Conditions of the Contract.
2. Division 1 - General Requirements.
3. Section 160 I 0 - Electrical: Basic Requirements.
4. Section 16080 - Acceptance Testing.
5. Section 16493 - Control Equipment Accessories.
A. Referenced Standards:
I. International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC).
2. National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA):
a. J50, Enclosures for Electrical Equipment (1000 Volt Maximum).
b. ICS 2, Industrial Control Devices, Controllers, and Assemblies.
c. ICS 3, Industrial Systems.
3. Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. (UL):
a. 508, Standard for Safety Industrial Control Equipment.
b. 845, Standard for Safety Electric Motor Control Centers.
B. Miscellaneous:
I. Verity motor horsepower loads, other equipment loads, and controls from approved shop
drawings and nOlit), Engineer of any discrepancies.
2. VerifY the required instrumentation and control wiring for a complete system and notifY
Engineer of any discrepancies.
A. Shop Drawings:
1. See Section 01340 for requirements for the mechanics and administration of the submittal
2. Product technical data:
a. Provide submittal data for all products specified in PART 2 of this Specification.
b. See Section 16010 for additional requirements.
3. Fabrication and/or layout drawings:
a. Separately mounted combination starters:
1) Unit ladder logic wiring for each unit depicting electrical wiring and identification
oftenninals where field devices or remote control signals are to be terminated as
indicated on the drawings and/or loop descriptions.
B. Operation and Maintenance Manuals:
I. See Section 01340 for requirements for:
a. The mechanics and administration of the submittal process.
b. The content of Operation and Maintenance Manuals.
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NCRWTP Degaslfier & Odor Control Expansion
16442 - ]
A. Subject to compliance with the Contract Documents, the following manufacturers are
I. Allen-Bradley.
2. Cutler Hammer.
3. General Electric Company.
4. Square 0 Company.
5. Siemens.
B. Submit request for substitution in accordance with Specification Section 01640.
A. Standards:
I. NEMA 250, NEMA ICS 2.
2. UL 508.
B. Enclosure:
I. NEMA 12 rated:
a. Body and cover: Sheet steel finished with rust inhibiting primer and manufacturer's
standard paint inside and out.
b. No knockouts, external mounting flanges, hinged and gasketed door.
C. Operating Handle:
I. With the door closed the handle mechanism allows complete ON/OFF control of the unit
disconnect and clear indication of the disconnect status.
2. Circuit breaker and MCP operators includes a separate TRIPPED position.
3. Mechanical interlock to prevent to prevent the opening of the door when the disconnect is in
the ON position with a defeater mechanism for use by authorized personnel.
4. Mechanical interlock to prevent the placement of the disconnect in the ON position with the
door open with a defeater mechanism for use by authorized personnel.
5. Padlockable in the OFF position.
D. External mounted overload relay pushbutton.
E. Control Devices:
I. Provide control devices as indicated on the Drawings per Section 16493.
2. Devices will be accessible with the door closed.
F. Control Power Transformer:
1. 120V secondary.
2. Fused on primary and secondary side.
3. Sized for 140 percent of required load.
G. Fault Current Withstand Rating: Equal to the rating of the electrical gear from which it is fed.
H. Motor Starters: See requirements within this Section.
I. Disconnect Switch, Overcurrent and Short Circuit Protective Devices:
I. Motor circuit protector.
2. See Section 16490 for overcurrent and short circuit protective device requirements.
3. Factory installed.
A. Standards:
2. UL 508.
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t6442 - 2
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B. Full Voltage Non-Reversing (FVNR) Magnetic Starters:
I. NEMA full size rated contactor.
a. NEMA half sizes and IEC contactors are not permitted.
2. Double-break silver alloy contacts.
3. Overload relays:
a. Ambient compensated, bimetallic type with interchangeable heaters, 24 percent
adjustability, single phase sensitivity, an isolated arm contact and manual reset.
b. Ambient insensitive, adjustable solid state type with phase loss protection, phase
imbalance protection and manual reset.
4. Interlock and auxiliarv contacts, \vired to terminal blocks:
a. Holding circuit contact, nomlally' open.
b. Overload alarm contact, normally open.
c. Normally open auxiliary contact, for remote run status.
d. Additional field replaceable auxiliary contacts as required per the Sequence of
e. Two (2) additional nonllally open spare field replaceable auxiliary contacts.
A. Install as indicated on the Drawings and in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations
and instructions.
B. Mounting height for surface mounted equipment; See Section 16010.
C. Overload Heaters:
1. Size for actual motor full load current ofthe connected motor.
2. For motors with power factor correction capacitors, size to compensate for the capacitors
effect on load current.
D. Combination Starter Enclosures:
I. Permitted uses ofNEMA 12 enclosure:
a. Surface mounted in areas designated as dry.
A. Acceptance Testing: See Section 16080.
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NCR WTP Dcgasifier & Odor Control Expansion
]6442 - 3
A. Section Includes:
I. Dry-type transformers, 1000 k V A and less.
B. Related Sections include but are not necessarily limited to:
I. Division 0 - Bidding Requirements, Contract Forms, and Conditions of the Contract.
2. Division I - General Requirements.
3. Section 16010 - Electrical: Basic Requirements.
4. Section 16060 - Grounding.
A. Referenced Standards:
I. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc./American National Standards Institute
a. C57.96, Guide for Loading Dry- Type Distribution and Power Transformers.
2. National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA):
a. 250, Enclosures for Electrical Equipment (1000 Volts Maximum).
b. ST 20, Dry-Type Transformers for General Applications.
c. TP I, Guide for Determining Energy Efficiency for Distribution Transformers.
3. Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. (UL):
a. 506, Standard for Safety Specialty Transformers.
b. 1561, Standard for Safety Dry-Type General Purpose and Power Transformers.
A. Shop Drawings:
I. See Section 01340 for requirements for the mechanics and administration of the submittal
2. Product technical data:
a. Provide submittal data for all products specified in PART 2 ofthis Specification:
b. See Section 16010 for additional requirements.
3. Fabrication and/or layout drawings.
a. Nameplate drawing.
4. Certifications:
a. Sound level certifications.
B. Operation and Maintenance Manuals:
I. See Section 01340 for:
a. The mechanics and administration of the submittal process.
b. The content of Operation and Maintenance Manuals.
A. Subject to compliance with the Contract Documents, the following manufacturers are
I. Cutler-Hammer.
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]6460 - 1
--, ...,,,,..,,-,,,,,--~_.._...--
2. General Electric Company.
3. Square 0 Company.
4. Siemens.
5. SolalHevi-Duty.
B. Submit request for substitution in accordance with Specification Section 01640.
A. Ventilated or non-ventilated, air cooled. two (2) winding type.
B. Cores:
1. High grade, non-aging silicon steel with high magnetic permeability, and low hysteresis and
eddy current losses.
2. Magnetic flux densities are to be kept well below the saturation point.
C. Coils: Continuous wound with electrical grade aluminum.
o . Venti lated Units:
1. Core and coils assembly impregnated with non-hygroscopic, thennosetting varnish and
cured to reduce hot spots and seal out moisture and completely isolated from the enclosure
by means of vibration dampening pads.
? Dripproof, NEMA I, steel enclosure finished with a weather-resistant enamel and
ventilation openings protected from falling dirt.
E. Furnish Taps for Transformers as follows:
1. I PH,3 to 25 kV A: Two (2) 5 percent FCBN.
2. 1 PH, 25 kV A and above: Two (2) 7.5 percent FCAN and four (4) 2.5 percent FCBN.
F. Sound Levels:
1. Manufacturer shall guarantee nol to exceed the following:
a. 10 to SO kV A: 45 dB.
G. Efficiency:
I. Ventilated, 15 kVA and larger: Energy efficient meeting NEMA TP I requirements.
H. Insulating Material (600 V and below):
1. 15 kVA and above units: 270 DegC insulation system with a ISO DegC rise.
I. Ratings: 60 Hz, voltage, K V A and phase, as indicated on the Drawings.
J. Finish: Rust inhibited primer and manufacturers standard paint inside and out.
K. Standards: IEEE/ANSI C57.96, NEMA ST "0, NEMA TP 1. lJL 506, lIL 1561.
A. Install products in accordance with manufacturer's instructions.
B. Indoor Locations:
1. Provide ventilated type for 15 kVA units and above.
2. Mount 15 kV A units and above on chamfered 4 IN high concrete housekeeping pad or from
wall and/or ceiling, at 7 FT above finished floor. using equipment support brackets per
Section 16010.
3. Provide rubber vibrations isolation pads.
C. Enclosures: Painted steel in all areas except stainless steel in highly corrosive areas.
D. Ground in accordance with Section 16060.
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NCRIJ.'TP Degasifier & ()dor Colltrol E'\pansion
16460 - 2
A. Section Includes:
1. Low voltage circuit breakers.
B. Related Sections include but are not necessarily limited to:
I. Division 0 - Bidding Requirements, Contract Forms, and Conditions of the Contract.
2. Division I - General Requirements.
3. Section 16010 - Electrical: Basic Requirements.
4. Section 16080 - Acceptance Testing.
A. Referenced Standards:
I. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc. (IEEE):
a. 242, Recommended Practice for Protection and Coordination of Industrial and
Commercial Power Systems (Buff Book).
b. 399, Recommended Practice for Industrial and Commercial Power Systems Analysis
(Brown Book).
2. National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA):
a. AB I, Molded-Case Circuit Breakers, Molded Case Switches, and Circuit-Breaker
3. National Fire Protection Association (NFPA):
a. 70, National Electrical Code (NEe).
4. Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. (UL):
a. 489, Standard for Safely Molded-Case Circuit Breakers, Molded-Case Switches, and
Circuit-Breaker Enclosures.
b. 943, Standard for Safety for Ground-Fault Circuit-Interrupters.
A. Shop Drawings:
I. See Section 01340 for requirements for the mechanics and administration of the submittal
2. Product technical data including:
a. Provide submittal data for all products specified in PART 2 of this Specification:
b. See Section 160 I 0 for additional requirements.
B. Operation and Maintenance Manual:
I. See Section 01340 for requirements for:
a. The mechanics and administration of the submittal process.
b. The content of Operation and Maintenance Manuals.
C. Miscellaneous:
I. See Section 01340 for requirements for the mechanics and administration of the submittal
2. Reports:
a. Short circuit study report.
b. Protective coordination study report.
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. ..
A. Subject to compliance with the Contract Documents. the following manufacturers are
1. Circuit breakers:
3. Cutler-Hammer.
b. General Electric Company.
c. Square 0 Company.
d. Siemens.
B. Submit request for substitution in accordance with Specification Section 01640.
A. Molded Case Type:
I. General:
a. Standards: NEMA AB I, UL 489.
b. Unit construction.
c. Over-center, toggle handle operated.
d. Quick-make, quick-break, independent oftoggle handle operation.
c. Manual and automatic operation.
f. All poles open and close simultaneously.
g. Three (3) position handle: On, off and tripped.
h. Molded-in ON and OFF markings on breaker cover.
i. One-, two- or three-pole as indicated on the Drawings.
j. Current and interrupting ratings as indicated on the Drawings.
k. Bolt on type.
2. Thermal magnetic type:
3. Inverse time overload and instantaneous short circuit protection by means of a thermal
magnetic element.
b. Frame size 150 amp and below:
1) Non-interchangeable, non-adjustable thennal magnetic trip units.
F . OJ) J-O
c. fame sizes ___ to _) amp:
]) Interchangeable and adjustable instantaneous thennal magnetic trip units.
d. Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter (GFCI) Listed:
I) Standard: UL 943.
7) One- or two-pole as indicated on the Drawings.
3) Class A ground limit circuit.
4) Trip on 5 mA ground fault (4-6 mA range).
3. Solid state trip type:
a. Inverse time overload, instantaneous short circuit and ground fault protection by means
of a solid state trip elemenL associated current monitors and flux shunt trip mechanism.
b. Frame size 400 amp to 1200 amp:
I) Standard rating,
2) Interchangeable current sensor or rating plug.
3) Adjustable long time pick-up setting.
a) Adjustable from 50 to 100 percent of the current sensor or rating plug.
4) Adjustable short time pick-up setting.
5) Adjustable instantaneous pick-up.
6) Fixed ground fault pick-up, when indicated on the Drawings,
4. Motor circuit protector:
a. Adjustable instantaneous short circuit protection by means ofa magnetic or solid state
trip element.
b. Sized for the connected motor.
Col]ier County. F]orida
l\,JCR WIT Degasifier & Odor Cuntro] Expansion
f. <.ol
A. Current and interrupting ratings as indicated on the Drawings.
B. Series rated systems not acceptable.
C. Devices shall be ambient temperature compensated.
D. Circuit Breakers:
1. Molded case circuit breakers shall incorporate the following, unless indicated otherwise on
the Drawings:
a. Frame sizes 250 amp and less shall be thermal magnetic type.
b. Frame sizes 400 amp and larger shall be solid state trip type.
c. Frame sizes 1000 amp and above shall include integral ground fault protection, when
indicated on the Drawings.
d. Motor circuit protectors sized for the connected motor.
A. Coordinated Power System Protection:
I. A study shall be prepared to demonstrate that the equipment and system constructed within
the scope of these Contract Documents, meet the specified requirements for equipment
ratings, coordination and protection.
2. The studies shall be performed in accordance with IEEE 242 and IEEE 399.
3. Computer generated studies shall include the information about the software: name of the
developer and software package and version number.
4. System short circuit study report:
a. The study shall begin at the connection point of the new equipment to the existing
equipment and extend down the system through all huses.
I) A balanced three-phase fault, bolted line-to-line fault and line-to-ground fault study
shall be performed.
b. A one-line diagram shall be prepared to show the electrical system huses, transformers
and all sources of fault current including generators and motors.
c. Manufacturer's data for the actual proposed equipment shall be utilized (e.g.,
transformer impedance).
d. The available utility fault current shall be coordinated with the power utility company.
e. Input data shall be shown in tabular form in the report and/or on the one-line diagram.
J) Input data shall include but is not limited to:
a) Utility fault current or MY A and X/R ratio.
b) Bus voltages.
c) Conductor sizes and type of conduit.
d) Generator and motor sizes and contributions.
e) Transformer sizes and impedances.
f. Available fault current at each bus shall be shown in tabular form in the report and/or
on the one-line diagram.
g. Perform studies for both normal power and emergency/standby power scenarios.
5. System protective coordination study report:
a. The study shall begin at the protective device upstream of the connection point of the
new equipment and extend down the system through all buses as required to ensure a
coordinated power system.
b. The study shall demonstrate that the maximum possible degree of selectivity has been
obtained between devices specified for the protection of equipment and conductors
from damage rrom overloads and fault conditions.
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'_."" ,'""'-
1) Where necessary an appropriate compromise shall be made between system
protection and service continuity. .
2) System protection and service continuity shall be considered to be of equal
c. A one-line diagram shall be prepared to show the electrical system buses, transformers
and protective devices.
d. Manufacturer's data for the actual proposed protective devices shall be utilized.
e. Summarize the coordination study, conclusions and recommendations.
1) As a minimum. include the foIlO\
a) The manufacturer's information used to prepare the study.
b) Assumptions made during the study.
c) Recommended taps and settings of all adjustable devices in tabulated form.
d) Composite coordination time-current curves on log-log paper showing:
(I) That the settings for each protective device will provide protection and
(1) Identify each curve.
(3) Cable and equipment damage points.
(4) Circuit interrupting device operating and interrupting times.
(5) One-line sketch of the part of the system being investigated.
(6) Include as mall)' curves as possible on a graph while maintaining
e) Position time-current curves for each device to provide for maximum
selectivity to minimize system disturbances during fault clearing.
f) Advise the Engineer of potential coordination problems discovered during the
study and include recommendations to resolve the problem.
(1) For upgrade/retrofit projects, time-current curves shall be provided for the
"as found"' and "proposed" conditions.
g) Submit the report for approval 90 days prior to equipment energization.
B. Adjustable Circuit Breakers:
I. Set all circuit breaker adjustable taps as defined on the Drawings, except motor circuit
protectors shall be adjusted per the motor nameplate and NFPA 70 requirements.
C. Ground Fault Protection System:
I. Single source system:
a. Main breaker using the residual sensing method system coordinated with individual
feeder breakers using the residual sensing method.
b. The main and feeder breakers shall utilize four (4) individual current sensors, the phase
sensors are integral to the circuit breaker and the neutral sensor is external to the circuit
D. Testing:
I. Acceptance testing: See Section 16080.
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16490 - 4
A. Section Includes:
I. Operator control devices (selector switches, pushbuttons, indicator lights, etc.).
2. Control devices (timers, relays, contactors, etc.).
3. Control panels and operator stations.
B. Related Sections include but are not necessarily limited to:
I. Division 0 - Bidding Requirements, Contract Forms, and Conditions of the Contract.
2. Division 1 - General Requirements.
3. Section 16010 - Electrical: Basic Requirements.
A. Referenced Standards:
I. National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA):
a. 250, Enclosures for Electrical Equipment (1000 Volts Maximum).
b. ICS 2, Industrial Control and System Controllers, Contactors and Overload Relays
Rated 600 Volts.
2. Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. (UL):
a. 508, Standard for Safety Industrial Control Equipment.
b. 508A, Standard for Safety Industrial Control Panels.
B. Miscellaneous:
I. Supplier oflndustrial Control Panels shall build control panel under the provisions of
UL 508A.
a. Entire assembly shall be affixed with a UL 508A label "Listed Enclosed Industrial
Control Panel" prior to shipment to the jobsite.
A. Shop Drawings:
I. See Section 01340 for requirements for the mechanics and administration of the submittal
2. Product technical data:
a. Provide submittal data for all products specified in PART 2 ofthis Specification:
b. Control panel bill of material.
c. See Section 16010 for additional requirements.
3. Fabrication and/or layout drawings.
a. Control panel interior and exterior layout.
b. Control panel wiring diagrams.
B. Operation and Maintenance Manuals:
I. See Section 01340 for requirements for:
a. The mechanics and administration of submittal process.
b. The content of Operation and Maintenance Manuals.
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16493 - 1
A. Subject to compliance with the Contract Documents, the following manufacturers are
I. Pilot devices and relays:
a. Idee.
b. Potter & Brumsfield.
c. Time Mark.
d. A TC Diversified Electronics.
2. Terminal blocks:
a. Phoenix Contact.
b. Allen-Bradley.
3. Enclosures:
a. Hoffman Engineering Co.
b. Wiegmann.
c. B-Line Circle A W.
d. Adalet.
B. Submit request for substitution in accordance with Specification Section 01640.
A. General Requirements:
I. Standards: NEMA ICS 2, UL 508.
2. Heavy-duty NEMA 4/13 watertight/oiltight.
3. Heavy-duty NEMA 4/4X corrosion resistant.
4. Heavy-duly factory sealed, explosion-proof and dust ignilion-proof(Class I and II).
5. Mounting hole: 30.5 mm.
6. Contact blocks: 10 amp, NEMA A600 rated, number as required to fulfill functions shown
or specified.
7. Legend plate marked as indicated on Drawings or specified.
B. Selector Switches:
1. Two, three- or four-position rotaI)1 sw'itch as required to fulfill functions shown or specified.
2. Maintained contact type.
3. Knob or lever type operators.
C. Pushbuttons:
I. Non-illuminated type:
a. Protective boot.
b. Momentary contact.
c. Standard flush and mushroom operators.
d. Red colored buttons for START or ON and green color for STOP or OFF.
e. Emergency' stop pushbuttons: Mushroom head operator and maintained contact.
D. Indicating Lights:
1. Allowing replacement of bulb without removal from control panel.
2. Lamp: LED. 120 V or 74 V as required.
3. Full voltage type.
4. Push-to-test indicating lights.
5. Glass lens.
6. Color code lights as follows:
a. Green: OFF or stopped: valve closed.
b. Amber: Standby: aulo mode: ready.
c. Red: ON or running~ valve open.
Collier County, rlorida
NCRWTP Degasillcr &.: Odor Control ExpanslOn
A. General Requirements:
]. Standards: NEMA ICS 2, UL 508.
B. Control Relays:
I. General purpose (ice cube) type:
a. Plug-in housing.
b. Clear polycarbonate dust cover with clip fastener.
c. Coil voltage: 120 Vac or as required.
d. Contacts:
I) 10 amp continuous.
2) Silver cadmium oxide.
3) Minimum of3 SPOT contacts.
e. Sockets: DIN rail mounted.
f. Internal neon or LED indicator is lit when coil is energized.
g. Manual operator switch.
2. Industrial type:
a. Coil voltage: 120 Vac or as required.
b. Contacts:
I) 10 amp, NEMA A600 rated.
2) Double break, silver alloy.
3) Convertible from normally open to normally closed or vice versa, without
. ..
removmg any wifing.
4) Expandable from 2 poles to 12 poles.
c. Provide contacts for all required control plus two spares.
A. Run Time Meters:
I. Six-digit wheels including a III 0 digit.
2. Non-reset type.
3. Time range in hours.
4. Automatic recycle at zero.
5. Accuracy: I percent.
6. Sealed against dirt and moisture.
7. Tamperproof.
A. General Requirements:
1. Modular type with screw compression clamp.
2. Screws: Stainless steel.
3. Current bar: Nickel-plated copper alloy.
4. Thermoplastic insulation rated for -40 to +90 DegC.
5. Wire insertion area: Funnel-shaped to guide all conductor strands into terminal.
6. End sections and end stops at each end of terminal strip.
7. Machine-printed terminal markers on both sides of block.
8. Spacing: 6 mm.
9. Wiresize: 22-12 AWG.
10. Rated voltage: 600 V.
11. DIN rail mounting.
B. Standard-type block:
I. Rated current: 30 A.
2. Color: Gray body.
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- '_'__'_'.'__~_'__ __ n" _______,...
C. Bladed-type disconnect block:
1. Terminal block with knite blade disconnect which connects or isolated the two sides of the
2. Rated current: lOA.
3. Color:
a. Panel control voltage leaves enclosure - normal: Gray body, orange switch.
b. Foreign voltage entering enclosure: Orange body, orange switch.
D. Grounded-type block:
I. Electrically grounded to mounting rail.
2. Tenninal ground wires and analog cable shields.
3. Color: Green and vellow bodv.
" .
E. Fuse Holders:
I. Blocks can be ganged for multi-pole operation.
2. Spacing: 9.1 mm.
3. Wire size: 30- J7 A WG.
4. Rated voltage: 300 V.
5. Rated current: 17 A.
6. Fuse size: 1/4x 1-1/4.
7. Blown fuse indication.
8. DIN rail mounting.
A. Control Panels:
I. NEMA 4 rated:
a. Seams continuously welded and ground smooth.
b. No knockouts.
c. External mounting flanges.
d. Hinged or non-hinged cover held closed with stainless steel screws and clamps.
e. Cover with oil resistant gasket.
2. NEMA 4X rated:
a. Body and cover: 14 GA Type 304 or 316 stainless steel.
b. Seams continuously welded and ground smooth.
c. No knockouts.
d. External mounting flanges.
e. Hinged door and stainless steel screws and clamps.
f. Door with oil-resistant gasket.
3. NEMA 12 enclosure:
a. Body and cover: 14 GA steel finished with rust inhibiting primer and manufacturers
standard paint inside and out.
b. No knockouts.
c. External mounting flanges.
d. Non-hinged stainless steel cover held closed with captivated cover screws threaded into
sealed wells or hinged cover held closed with stainless steel screws and clamps.
e. Flat door with oil resistant gasket.
4. Control panel miscellaneous accessories:
a. Back plane mounting panels: Steel with \vhite enamel finish or Type 304 stainless
b. Interiors shall be white or light gray in color.
c. Wire management duct:
I) Bodies: PVC with side holes.
2) Cover: PVC snap-on.
3) Size as required.
d. Rigid handles for covers larger than 9 SF or l1eavier tl1an 25 LBS.
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NCRVvTP Degasitler & Odor Control E'\pansion
10493 -4
e. Split covers when heavier than 25 LBS.
f. Floor stand kits made of same material as the enclosure.
g. Weldnuts for mounting optional panels and terminal kits.
h. Ground bonding jumper rrom door, across hinge, to enclosure body.
5. Standards: NEMA 250, UL 508.
B. Operator Control Stations:
1. NEMA 4/13 rated:
a. Die cast aluminum body with manufacturers standard finish.
b. Gasketed die cast aluminum cover with manufacturers standard finish.
c. Number of device mounting holes as required.
2. NEMA 4X rated:
a. Type 304 or 316 stainless steel body.
b. Gasketed Type 304 or 316 stainless steel cover.
c. Number of device mounting holes as required.
A. Provide 100 percent replacement lamps for indicating lights.
B. Provide 10 percent replacement caps for indicating lights.
r ..,"
A. Install as indicated and in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations and instructions.
B. Control Panels:
1. Size as required to mount the equipment.
2. Permitted uses ofNEMA 4 enclosure:
a. Surface mounted in areas designated as wet.
3. Permitted uses ofNEMA 4X enclosure:
a. Surface mounted in areas designated as wet and/or corrosive or highly corrosive.
4. Permitted uses ofNEMA 12 enclosure:
a. Surface mounted in areas designated as dry and/or dusty architecturally or non-
architecturally finished areas.
C. Operator Control Stations:
1. Permitted uses ofNEMA 4/13 enclosure:
a. Surface mounted in areas designated as dry and/or dusty architecturally or non-
architecturally finished areas and wet.
2. Permitted uses ofNEMA 4X enclosure:
a. Surface mounted in areas designated as wet and/or corrosive or highly corrosive.
A. See Section 16010.
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NCRWTP Degasificr & Odor Control Expansion
]6493 - 5
A. Section Includes:
I. Material and installation requirements for:
a. Interior building lighting fixtures.
b. Exterior building and site lighting fixtures.
c. Lamps.
d. Ballasts.
B. Related Sections include but are not necessarily limited to:
I. Division 0 - Bidding Requirements, Contract Forms. and Conditions of the Contract.
2. Division I - General Requirements.
3. Section 03002 - Concrete.
4. Section 16010 - Electrical: Basic Requirements.
5. Section 16120 - Wire and Cable - 600 Volt and Below.
A. Referenced Standards:
I. Certified Ballast Manufacturers (CBM).
2. Federal Communications Commission (FCC):
a. Rules and Regulations, Part 18:
I) Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), 47 CFR 18, Industrial, Scientific and Medical
3. Institute of Elcctrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc. (IEEE):
a. C62.4I, Recommended Practice on Surge Voltages in Low-Voltage AC Power Circuits.
4. National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA):
a. 250. Enclosures for Electrical Equipment (IOOOVolts Maximum).
b. LE 4, Recessed Luminaires, Ceiling Compatibility.
5. National Electrical Manufacturers Association/American National Standards Institute
a. C82.1. For Lamp Ballast - Line Frequency Fluorescent Lamp Ballast.
b. C8;A, Ballasts for High-Intensity Discharge and Lovv-Pressure Sodium Lamps
(Multiple-Supply Type).
c. e82.II, High Frequency Fluorescent Lamp Ballast - Supplements.
6. National Fire Protection Association (NFPA):
a. 70. National Electrical Code (NEC).
b. 101. Life Safety Code.
7. Underwriters Laboratories. Inc. (UL):
a. 248-4, LO\v-Voltage Fuses - Pat14: Class CC Fuses.
b. 974, Standard for Safety Emergency Lighting and Power Equipment.
c. 935, Standard for Safety Fluorescent Lamp Ballasts.
d. 1029, Standard for Safety High-Intensity-Discharge Lamp Ballasts.
e. 1598, Standard for Safety for Luminaires.
8. United States Department of Energy (USDOE):
a. EPAct. the National Energy Policy Act.
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· 100
A. Shop Drawings:
I. See Section 01340 for requirements for the mechanics and administration of the submittal
2. Product technical data:
a. Provide submittal data for all products specified in PART 2 of this Specification:
b. IdentifY fixtures by Fixture Schedule number.
c. Fixture data sheet including:
I) Photometric performance data including candlepower distribution and coefficient
of utilization (CU) table.
d. UL nameplate data for fixtures used in Class I Division J and 2 areas.
e. See Section 160 I 0 for additional requirements.
A. Subject to compliance with the Contract Documents, the following manufacturers are
I. Lighting fixtures: See Fixture Schedule.
2. Lamps:
a. Osram/Sylvania.
b. General Electric.
c. Philips.
d. Venture.
3. Ballasts: Fixture manufacturer's standard.
4. Emergency ballasts: Bodine.
B. Submit request for substitution in accordance with Specification Section 01640.
A. All lighting fixtures and electrical components:
I. UL labeled.
2. Fixtures complete with lamps and ballasts.
3. Rated for area classification as indicated on Drawings.
B. Provide all recessed fixtures with gaskets of rubber, fiberglass, or equivalent material to prevent
light leaks around flush trim.
1. Provide recessed fixtures with trim gaskets cemented in proper position.
C. Provide standard plaster frame for all recessed lighting fixtures installed in plaster walls or
1. Design, finish and fabricate material to preclude possibility of rust stain in plaster.
D. No live parts normally exposed to contact.
E. When intended for use in wet areas: Mark fixtures "Suitable for wet locations."
F. When intended for use in damp areas: Mark fixtures "Suitable for damp locations" or "Suitable
for wet locations. II
A. Fluorescent;
1. UL 1598.
2. NEMA LE 4 for recessed locations.
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~-,,"'~----"-'-"'-"-'---"'--' .-,
3. Lenses: As indicated in Fixture Schedule, with the following minimums:
a. Troffer: 100 percent virgin acrylic. conical shaped. female 0.1875 IN, square based
prisms, aligned 45 degrees to the length and width. 0.125 IN nominal thickness.
4. Finish:
a. Manufacturer's standard polyester, acrylic enamel or epoxy powder coating applied
after fabrication.
b. Manufacturer's standard color or special color specified in Fixture Schedule.
5. Prewired and provided with lamps that are properly mated to the ballast operating
B. High Intensity Discharge:
1. UL 1598.
2. Finish:
a. Manufacturer's standard polyester, acrylic enamel or epoxy powder coating applied
after fabrication.
b. Manufacturer's standard color or special color specified in Fixture Schedule.
3. Prewired and provided with lamps that are properly mated to the ballast operating
4. Provided with safety chain.
A. Fluorescent:
I. TI2 (430 mAl instant or rapid-start medium bipin lamps.
a. Correlated color temperature of3500 degrees Kelvin.
b. Minimum color rendering index (CRI) of70.
c. Minimum initial lumen ratings for each lamp type shall be:
I) 2750 lumens for 48 IN, 34 watt F40T121amp.
2. T8 (265 mAl instant or rapid-start medium bipin lamps.
a. Correlated color temperature of 3500 degrees Kelvin.
b. Minimum color rendering index (CRI) of70.
c. Minimum initial lumen ratings for each lamp type shall be:
1) )800 lumens for 48 IN. 32 watt F32T8 lamp.
B. High Intensity Discharge (HID) Lamps:
1. High pressure sodium lamps:
a. Correlated color temperature of 21 00 degrees Kelvin.
b. Minimum color rendering index (CRI) of21.
c. High pressure sodium lamps are designated on the lighting Fixture Schedule by the
prefix H PS.
2. Uncoated (clear) unless identified as coated in the fixture schedule.
3. The specified fixture in the fixture schedule shall dictate the required lamp operating
position and base type.
4. Provide lamps that have the correct bulb shape for the lixture specified.
A. Fluorescent Electromagnetic Ballasts:
I. UL 935.
2. High-efficiency energy saving electromagnetic core and coil design.
3. CBM certification for full light output.
4. Operate lamps at a frequency of 60 Hz.
5. Power factor: Greater than 90 percent.
6. Input current with Total Harmonic Distortion (THO) of less than 32 percent.
7. Lamp current crest factor: Less than 1.7, in accordance with lamp manufacturer's
recommendations and NEMA/ ANSI C82.1.
8. Ballast factor: Greater than the following per NEMA/ANSI C8J.1;
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NCf{WTP Degasificr & Odor Control Expansion
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a. 0.925 for rapid start 265 mA (T8) and 430 mA (T12) ballasts.
9. Audible noise rating: Greater than or equal to the following:
a. Class A for rapid start J65 mA (T8) and 430 mA (TI2) ballasts.
10. Coil temperature not to exceed 65 DegC (150 DegF) temperature rise over 40 DegC (105
DegF) ambient.
a. Maximum case temperature not to exceed 90 DegC (195 DegF).
II. Meet the requirements of the FCC Rules and Regulations, Part 18 (47 CFR 18), for non-
consumer equipment for EMI and RFI.
12. Meet all applicable ANSI and IEEE standards regarding harmonic distortion and transient
protection such as IEEE C62.4I, Cat. A, for transient protection.
] 3. UL listed, Class P.
14. Fully encapsulated (potted) to ensure maximum thermal and structural integrity.
15. Contain no polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB's).
B. Fluorescent High Frequency Electronic Ballasts:
I. UL 935.
2. "High Frequency" electronic operating lamps at a frequency of20 KHz or higher without
visible flicker.
3. Power factor: Greater than 90 percent.
4. Input current total harmonic distortion (THO) ofless than 20 percent.
5. Lamp current crest factor: Less than 1.7, in accordance with lamp manufacturer's
recommendations and NEMA/ANSI C82.11.
6. Instant start with lamps wired in parallel.
7. Support a sustained short to ground or open circuit of any output leads without damage to
the ballast.
8. Ballast Factor: Greater than 0.85 per NEMA/ANSI C82.11.
9. Audible noise rating: Class A or better.
10. Operation in ambient temperatures up to 40 DegC (105 DegF) without damage.
II. Light output to remain constant for a line voltage fluctuation of +5 percent.
12. Meet the requirements of the FCC Rules and Regulations, Part 18 (47 CFR 18), for non-
consumer equipment for EMI and RFI.
13. Meet NEMA/ANSI C82.11 standards regarding harmonic distortion.
14. Meet IEEE C6J.4l Cat. A for transient protection.
15. Comply with all applicable state and federal efficiency standards.
16. UL listed, Class P.
17. Contain no Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCB's).
C. Fluorescent Emergency Ballasts:
1. UL924,NFPA 101.
2. High temperature, 24 Watt-hour, maintenance-free nickel cadmium battery with charger.
3. Charging indicator light (LED) to monitor the charger and battery.
4. Double-pole test switch.
5. Light one (I) lamp for 90 minutes in 1,2 and 3-lamp fixtures.
a. Light two (2) lamps for 90 minutes in 4-lamp fixtures.
6. Dual input voltage (120/277V), 4 Watts input.
7. Compatible with the install lamp type.
8. ]nitiallumen output: 975 to 1400.
9. Contain no Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCB's).
D. High Intensity Discharge Ballasts:
I. NEMNANSI C82.4, UL 1029.
2. High pressure sodium:
a. Input voltage variation: +10 percent.
b. Maximum lamp regulation spread: 30 percent.
c. Minimum power factor: 90 percent.
d. Starting current: Not greater than operating current.
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e. Maximum input voltage dip: JO percent.
f. Crest factor: 1.6 to 1.8.
g. The Volts-Watts trace shall be within the lamp manufacturer's trapezoid.
h. Types:
I) Lead-type regulators: Constant wattage autotransformer (CW A).
2) Lag-type regulators: Magnetic regulator and regulated lag.
i. Ballast shall not contain Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCB's).
3. Ballasts for exterior use:
a. Starting temperature: - JO DegF.
A. Furnish a minimum of2 or 10 percent oftota] of each type and wattage oflamps. whichever is
B. Furnish a minimum of 10 percent of total of each type and amperage offuses for fixtures
indicated to be fused.
C. Spare parts are to be stored in a box clearly labeled as to its contents.
A. Coordinate fixture types with ceiling construction.
1. Provide mounting hardware for the ceiling system in which the fixture is to be installed.
B. Fasten lighting fixtures supported by suspended ceiling systems to ceiling framing system with
hold down clips.
C. Provide mounting brackets and/or structural mounting support for wall-mounted fixtures.
t. Do not support fixture from conduit system.
2. When fixtures are supported from outlet boxes. install per NFPA 70.
3. Supports for fixtures mounted on exterior walls shall not be attached to exterior face of the
D. Provide pendant incandescent. compact fluorescent. and/or HID fixtures with swivel hangers
which will allo\\' fixture to swing in any direction but will not penn it stem to rotate.
I. Provide hangers with enclosure rating (NEMA 1.4, or 7) equal to enclosure requirements of
area in which they are installed.
2. Swivel hangers for fixtures in mechanical equipment areas: Shock absorbing type.
3. Secure HID fixtures with satety chain.
E. Pendant mounted, open. industrial fluorescent fixtures:
1. Not in continuous rows, shall be supported by conduit or by approved chains:
a. Hardwired to ceiling mounted junction box.
2. In continuous rows. shall be rigidly supported \\lith conduit and fasten fixtures to each other
or mount on continuous metal channel per Section 160 I O.
a. Hardwired to ceiling mounted junction box.
b. Provide reflector alignment clips.
F. Locate fixtures in accordance with reflected ceiling plans.
G. Locate in exact center of tile when indicated.
1. Relocate misplaced fixtures and replace damaged ceiling materials.
H. Mount lighting fixtures at heights indicated in Section 160 I 0 or per fixture schedule or as
indicted on Drawings.
Colltcr County. Florida
NCR'vVTP Degasificr & Odor Control Expansion
16500 - 5
I. Install exterior fixtures so that water can not enter or accumulate in the wiring compartment.
J. Where indicated provide two-level control of three (3) and/or four (4) lamp fluorescent fixtures.
I. Provide two (2) ballasts per fixture and control inside lamp(s) in each fixture by one (I)
switch or set of switches and the outside two (2) lamps by a second switch or group of
K. Ground fixtures and ballasts.
A. See Section 16493for lighting control equipment.
B. Exterior wall mounted fixtures controlled as detailed on Drawings.
A. See Section 01710.
B. Replace all inoperable lamps with new lamps prior to final acceptance.
C. Aim all emergency lighting units, so that, the path of egress is illuminated.
Collier County, Florida
NCRWTP Degasifier & Odor Control Expansion
16500 - 6
See Separate Downloadable file
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