Agenda 10/23/2018 Item #16C 110/23/2018
Recommendation to approve a First Amendment to Lease Agreement with Kraft Office Center,
LLC, to extend the lease term for the temporary office space utilized by the University Extension
OBJECTIVE: To allow for the University Extension Office’s continued occupancy of the temporary
office space at the Kraft Center.
CONSIDERATIONS: On December 12, 2017, Item 16.D.4, the Board approved a Lease Agreement
(Lease) with Kraft Office Center, LLC, for the temporary relocation of the University Extension Office
(Extension) due to damage caused by Hurricane Irma. The office is located at the Kraft Center location on
Pine Ridge Road west of Interstate 75.
The Board-approved Lease provides for a one-year term that is scheduled to expire on December 14,
2018. The landlord has offered to extend the term of the Lease for two additional months, should the
repairs at the Extension not be completed prior to the expiration date. At this time, staff has confirmed
that the completion date for the repairs will not be met by the expiration of the Lease term, therefore, the
extension will be required. All terms contained in the Lease shall remain the same with the exception of
the County being allowed to terminate at any time by providing a fifteen-day written notice.
FISCAL IMPACT: The rent shall remain the same as in the original lease ($4,336.67 per month) and
continue to be withdrawn from the Hurricane Irma Recovery cost center for University of Florida
Extension in the Countywide Capital Improvement Fund (301-157112-649990) project number 50154,
and reimbursed through County property insurance funds.
GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: There is no impact to the Growth Management Plan.
LEGAL CONSIDERATIONS: This item is approved as to form and legality and requires majority vote
for Board action. - JAB
RECOMMENDATION: To approve and authorize the Chairman to execute the Amendment to Lease
Agreement with Kraft Office Center, LLC.
Prepared By: Michael Dowling, Sr. Property Management Specialist, Facilities Management Division
1. Kraft Center First Amendment 2018 (PDF)
Packet Pg. 605
Board of County Commissioners
Item Number: 16.C.1
Doc ID: 6397
Item Summary: Recommendation to approve a First Amendment to Lease Agreement with Kraft
Office Center, LLC, to extend the lease term for the temporary office space utilized by the University
Extension Office.
Meeting Date: 10/23/2018
Prepared by:
Title: Property Management Specialist, Senior – Facilities Management
Name: Michael Dowling
08/10/2018 1:01 PM
Submitted by:
Title: Deputy Department Head – Public Utilities Department
Name: Dan Rodriguez
08/10/2018 1:01 PM
Approved By:
County Attorney's Office Emily Pepin CAO Preview Completed 09/18/2018 10:00 AM
Facilities Management Toni Mott Additional Reviewer Completed 08/10/2018 1:15 PM
University Extension Services Twyla Leigh Additional Reviewer Completed 08/10/2018 4:21 PM
Public Utilities Department Dan Rodriguez Additional Reviewer Completed 08/13/2018 11:31 AM
Public Services Department Steve Carnell Additional Reviewer Completed 08/23/2018 4:55 PM
Public Utilities Department Sarah Hamilton Level 1 Division Reviewer Completed 09/02/2018 9:09 PM
Public Utilities Department George Yilmaz Level 2 Division Administrator Review Completed 09/04/2018 9:38 AM
County Attorney's Office Jennifer Belpedio Level 2 Attorney of Record Review Completed 09/14/2018 8:42 AM
County Attorney's Office Jeffrey A. Klatzkow Level 3 County Attorney's Office Review Completed 09/14/2018 10:15 AM
Office of Management and Budget Valerie Fleming Level 3 OMB Gatekeeper Review Completed 09/14/2018 11:13 AM
Office of Management and Budget Susan Usher Additional Reviewer Completed 09/17/2018 4:16 PM
County Manager's Office Geoffrey Willig Level 4 County Manager Review Completed 10/15/2018 11:59 AM
Board of County Commissioners MaryJo Brock Meeting Pending 10/23/2018 9:00 AM
Packet Pg. 606
THIS FIR.ST AMENDMENT TO LEASE AGREEMENT ('Am.ndm.or"} ontrEd tob lnrs _ dry of
201t, by ud bc(\lsr KRAFT OFFICE CENTE& LLC,. flaidr limitcd lirbility compmy,
who.c mrilinS .ddrcai i3 1500 Jrh Avcnrr Sorrh tlll, Nrpt6, Flcid. l4llD, hrGriodfcr rrfc."Gd ro rs
'LESSO&" and Collicr County, r poliric.l 3$divbir of thc Sr c o,f Flaidl, wtor mriliru ddrrrs is c/o Rrd
Propcr9 Mtnr8?mcot, 3335 E.3I T.nLmi Tnil, SulE l0l, N+|G., Florld. 3,ll12, hc.!ilndlcr rcftrrlod b r!
WHEREAS, thc LESSEE lrd I.ESIX)R hrvc prwiourly catlcd hb r l,t!. Agw'lcnl drlld DccGmhr
12, 2017, hcrcinrftcr Efcrrld to 13 fic 'Ir.rc, .!.ohcd hctrcao .r Bxhibh "A";
WHEREAq rhc LESSEE rod LESSOR .r! do.iro$ of acodiry lho io lxtad dE tcrn ud to
nodiS thc tcrminrthn Fovkioq rnd
NOW, TIIEREFORI, ir cooddcrrhn of thc co E:r.rtt rnd .grlcm t paoviH wilfiin thc Las?, rttd
Tcn Dollur (t10.00) rd othcs vllutblc cqltHcrrtiotl thG P.rti6 lirc. r! fullow':
Thc forcgoing Rccitels rr! tn5 rad cercsl ud rrc incorpcrtcd by rcfutrn hcrtinl
Aniclc 2, Tonrl of t uc, k rmdcd ro cf,Gd lhc lc!$ lctrt lo Fcbaryy 14, 2019, lrd thc rcond
prngnpb is rmadcd rs followr:
LESSEE en*I#tse* rcrcrvGt thc righr to rk laro, rt rtry dmG, vifh a wlihout c.[rc, by pmvidlnt
i*S.d.'.(60) fifrlGndqv {l5l prlo wrlocn rctkr of &Eh bnnin lim lo ltc dGFr} LEssoR.l thc ddlra
sd fonh in Arriclc l3 of this Lcrro. LESSEE shdt bc rcrpootibh lo mly pry fio pmrrlld rmount fa llpl should
thc LESEEE not ccllpy tho Dcmird ft,cmha for el cmirt mmtL
3. Ercopt u crprcrrly Fovifcd hgcit\ UlG Lc.t h ftll fttoc lrd ftct Esdiry b tbc tstrtt .nd
oonditimr c trircd th€rcftr, rd Lrrr rtd coditinr ue mlicrDlc cilo.Fa r ctF!$ly PEYldod
odslbc hstin.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, lt. LESSEE .trd LEIISOR hew trsoro crcltlod dfr Atmdnclr drc dry rnd
,tar firl rborc *rlnar
r Floridr limitod lirbility
I t .iofzn
Pdnt Nrm.
(pnnt )
I.ESSEE's lign ur! rppcrrs an thc following prgc'
Pd Tillc
Packet Pg. 607 Attachment: Kraft Center First Amendment 2018 (6397 : First Amendment to Lease Agreement with Kraft Office Center, LLC)
Cryrtrl K, KinzE l, Clcrl of $s Cirruit C.oun
rnd ComFrcll€r
Approvcd !s to form .0d letrlitla
Jcnnifcr A. Bchodio, Assiglnt County
Packet Pg. 608 Attachment: Kraft Center First Amendment 2018 (6397 : First Amendment to Lease Agreement with Kraft Office Center, LLC)
Lease #
THIS LEASE AGREEIVfENT entered into this l2th day of December, 2U17, between KRAFT
OFFICE CENTER, LLC, a Florida limited liability company, wirose mailing address is 1500 5th Avenue
South #1 I I, Naples, Ftorida 34102, hereinafter referred to as "LESSOR", and COLLIER COLJNTY' a
political subdivision of the State of Fiorida, whose mailing address is 3335 Esst Tamiami Trail, Naples, Suite
l0l , Ftorida 341 I 2, hereinaffer referred as "LES SEE".
ln consideration ol the mutual covenaots contained herein, and other valuable consideration, the
parties agree as follows:
ARTICLE I Demis cd Premiscs
LESSOR hereby leases to LESSEE and LESSEE hereby leases tiom LESsU-t(- approximately 2,602
square feet of office space locatcd at 3530 Kraft Road, Naples, Florida 34105, Suite 201, as seen on Exhibit
.A' which is attached hereto and made a part of this Lease, for the sole purpose of operating a govemrnenl
office, together with employee parking, orimight p*king for three County vehicles and Parking for a fwenty-
foot-lonitrailer. LESSfE ittuli tuu" Ir.d acceis or another form of entry to the building and to thc Demised
Premises at all times, seven days, twenty-four hours'
LESSIIE covena3ts and agrees not to us€, occupy, suffer or perrnit said Demised Premises or any part
thereof to be used or occupied io, *y pu.poaa contrary to law or the rules or regulations of any public
ARTICLE 2.f LeaseTcrm o
LESSEE shall have and hold the Demised Premises for a term of one (1) year ('Initial Term')
commencing on December 15, 2017 and ending December 14' 2018'
LESSEE and LESSSOR reserve the riSht to terminate this Lease, at any time, with or without cause'
by providing sixty-day (60) <lays prior written notice of such termination to the other party at the address set
forth in ARTICLE 13 of this trase.
LESSEE shall not bc required to providc LESSOR with any advanced rent such as security deposit or
holding rent. LESSEE is tax exempt a.rd shall provide LBSSOR with its Tax certificate showing its exempt
LESSEE hereby coveuants and agrees to Pay as base renr for the Demised Premises the sum of Fifty-
f*o ffrour-a forty Iiott-s tSiZ,OaO.O6l for thi f:[st year's rent 10 be paid in equal monthly installments of
Four Thousand Three Hundred Thirty-Six Dollars and Sixty-Seven cents ($4'336'67).
All rental payments shall be due and payable in advance on the first day of every calendar month
during the term hireot If the tenns of this Liaie shall commence on a day other than the first day of the
Packet Pg. 609 Attachment: Kraft Center First Amendment 2018 (6397 : First Amendment to Lease Agreement with Kraft Office Center, LLC)
monrlL LESSEE shalt pay rental equal to onc thinieth (y30th) ofthe monthly renal muhiptied by the number
ofrental days ofsuch fractional month.
ARTiCLE 4. l,eft blank inrentionally.
ARTICLE 5. Other Expenses and Charces
Hun&eJ Forty-Four Dollars and Fotty-Eigh, C"ott ($2,144.q8). per montl for Corruron Ares Mainlcnansc
fees, which intludes electricity, watcr, Irash removal, and janitorial service'
LESSOR shall be responsiblc for all elements ofthe maintenaoc€ and repair of the bui]diag, exterior
landscaping and irrigation, .o.ior p.* control, plumbing and eleckical systems, air<onditioning rcpair'
maintenance and replacernent, -i
1,"-. within the Dc;ised Prcmises not statcd above' LESSOR shall
provide and pay fol water/sewer monthly charges at the Domised Premises'
ARTICLE 6 Modilt ml ls
LESSEE will provide to LESSoX-i'fi propoJs and plans for alterations, improvements, changes or additions
to the Dernised premises ro, r,ei36ns p;o. *ritr"o approval, spccifying in writing the nature and extent of
rhe dcsir.d alreration, i-p,o""-"n,,- Jh*g", o, *iditioo, aLng
'wirh the contemplated, sta'ting ard
completion time for such proj""r i*son-o, its designee will rhin have sixty (60) days within which to
approve or deny in writing saiO requesr for chaoges, imfrovements, alteralions or additions' LESSOR shall
,'"i ,*"*.r"tfy wi*rfroia ir, .o*.ttt to ,"quittd or aPproPriate alterations, improvcrnents, changcs or
additions proposcd by LESSEE. If after ti*t, tOOl aayt if,ete has beeu no written rejection delivered by
LESSOR ro LESSEE regardingr*Jpr"p"J' i";h",;h* such silence shall be deemed as en APPROVAL
to such rcquest ofLESSEE.
LESSEE covenants and agrees in corurcction with any maintcDAnce, -r€pair
work, crectioo,
gonstruction, impro.,,cmenl, adoition or alterarion of any authorized modificationq additiors or
improvements to the Demised pr.iir"t,l to obcrve and comit"."ith all rhen and fthuc applicable laws'
ordinances, nrtes, rcsulatioq J;;;;;;J oi the united dtatcs of Anerica, srarc ofrlorids' countv of
Collicr, and any and aI govemn.rai agencies having jurisdiction over thc Dcmised Premises'
installed, be deemed "" "ou"n"a
-to ,t. fteohold and to havc becornc property of LESSOR ?rior to the
terminsrion of this L*sse ,. *;;;";;r- thr"or, pr within thirty
'(30) &ys thereafter, if LESSoR so
dirccts, LESSEE ,tal pro.pltf',ilw" "u "t* liaip*' impio"tents' 4J"1t':::'iot** *d
installarions which were ptacca il - or upon tt "
O".ised Prcmiscs iy or on bchalf of LESSEE and whicb
are dcsignated in said notice, *a *"u uly aalouga occasioned to thc Demised Prrmiscs by zuch rcmoval
La in alfarrtr Oo"of, LESSOR may comptirc said.rcmovals and rqnirs at LESSEE S expenso,
ARTICLE 7. Access to Demised Premises
LESSO& its duly authorized agents' rcprcs€ntativcs ,and employeeg shatl bave thc right after
reasonable oral norice ro LESS;;;; ;;r iia ila upon thc oi-i."d Piemiscs or EDv Pan thcreof at all
Packet Pg. 610 Attachment: Kraft Center First Amendment 2018 (6397 : First Amendment to Lease Agreement with Kraft Office Center, LLC)
reasonable hours for the purposc of examining sane and making repairs or janioria.l servioc therein' and for
rhe purposes of inspection for compliance with provisions of this Lcase Agrcemcnt'
ARTICLE 8. Assiqnment and Subl€ttins
LESSEE covenants and agrees not to assiSn lhis Lease or ro sublcl the whole or any pan of the
Demised premises, or to permit ;y other persons, othcr than anothcr county ageDsy, to occupy same
,"i f,ort O. prio, "*p.e.."d
written consent oi LgSSOn, Any such assignmcnt or subletting, cven with the
consent of LESSOR, shall not relieve LESSEE liom liability for paymenl of rcnt or other sgms herein
piovideA or from the obligatio. io t<c"p and be bound by the tirms, ionditions and covenanls oflhis Lease'
The scceptance ofrent from -y'ot", p"..oo shal'l nor be decmcd to be a waivcr of any of the provisions of
this Lcase or to be a consent to tbe assigrrment ofthis lcasc or subletting ofthe Demised Premises'
ARTICLE 9. lndemnitv and lrsuiance
Subject ro the limitations of Section 768.28, Florida statucs, LESSEE sball indemniff and save
harmlcss the LESSOR torn *a .gui*i *V *a "ff
.hioo, u"tion, and suits, and from and sgal4st eny and
alt losses, damages, *.t., .i,*gJ., r*iable anomeys' feeg Payments' exper,* and liabilities which
LESSOR may sustain o, ir,our to"the extent arising tom ttre ncgligent &ct or negliSe omission of I'ESSEE
or its agents, contractors or employces.
and suits, and from and against any aod all losses, daDsges' costs, chalg€s, rcasonable attorneys' fees,
;;;;";a; "*p"*", ana tia'bi;ries *t i"t tpsser may suslain or incur due to the sole negligent ,ct or
negigcnt omission of LESSOR.
g"rrefut ti"Uitity coverage including uJaity i"1"ty and -property
damage' premises and operations coverage'
;;;; il ;r,,pf"ruf, operurioii *r.."g", Umaa forn prip.rty auorg" covcrage., .automobile lisbilitv
cove'r'e including o,,r.r"a urto-.obitr, n-oo-rrrr"a automobies' and hired automobiles' and contractusl
liability coveruge in - r-ou.rt oiooi less than one Million and 00/100 Doltars ($1,000,000 00) combined
single limits.
If LESSEE falls under ths Stetp of Florida Worke/s Compensation Law, ooverag€ shall .be
for dl employees. Tt e cor"r"g; .iuli bc for starutory limits in complianc" yth 9j applicable State and
Fcderal taws. The policy must ;l;de Employe/s l-iaUitity wittr a iimit of Onc Hun&cd Thousaod and
00/100 Dollan ($100,000.00) cach accident
insruer, waive all claims "g*nrr l""t oo"., including atl righF of subrogalion, fo-r loss or damage to thcir
;;;ii"" property (includlng, Uri r", limiiea to, thc-Oemised Prsr.ises) arising tom firc, smoke darnage'
windstorm, hail, vandalism, thcft, malicious mischief and Eny of the other pcrils normally ioswed against in
an ..all risk , of physical fo., p"ii"l,, r"Jrrafess of whether ln.u.o,"" ugni*t fhosc pcrils is in effect with
respocr to such party's prop".ty u"i'rig"iaf*s of tho.ncgligence of cither party. If either party so requests, the
other party shall obtain from its insuri a written waiver o1 utl tigt a of subrogation- that il. may havc against
d*;fi iurty. I-essEr.uI *". notic_e rc LESSOR in casc of fire or accidcnrs in thc Prcmiscs or
in tbe Building or of defects tfi*ii o. in the fixturcs or cquipmcnt. I,FSSEE heroby lcknowledges that
LESS6R shall not be liable ro, -i i"t"r*prion to LESSEEi. Lusiness for any causc whatsocver, and thal
Packet Pg. 611 Attachment: Kraft Center First Amendment 2018 (6397 : First Amendment to Lease Agreement with Kraft Office Center, LLC)
for such risk.
LESSOR shatl provide janitorial scrvice to lhe Demiscd Prcmis€s on a weekly basis'
ARTICLE I l. Default bv LESSEE
rcquired to correct such default)'
ARTICLE 12. Detault bv I'ESSOR
required to correct suoh dcfault)'
ARTICLE 13. Notices
Any notice wbich LESSoR or I,ESSEE may bc requircd to givB to the othcr party shall be in writing
to the othci party at the following addresses:
LESSoR: arur+-! llaregarrra# esnp,tlL
1500 5t Avenue South, Suilc t l1
Naples, Flori& 34JJ4' ltDL
LESSEE'S control excePted.
ARTICLE 15, General Provisions
!'ailure of LESSEE to comply with any provision or covelumr of tbis Lesse shall const ute a defsult
and LESSOR -ay, ut lrsso#5";ili'#il;-iiir r.*r" affer thirtv (30) days written noticc to
LESSEE, wrlcss the a"rurrt u"
,.,1". paoj-1o. tr"t, ad'ditional timc as is reasonablv
and LESSEE m8y. at LEssE;:"d'il;;;"il;aic ois Lease aier rhirry (30) devs written notice to
LESS.R. unlcss rhe a"rrut u. J,#'*irf"'ii" *r* p"foJ tot ,u"h aidiional timc as is rcasonably
Board of County Commi ssionoe
c./o Real ProP€rtY Management
333 5 Tsmiarni Trail East
Naplcs, Florida 341 12
ARTICLE 14. Surrcnder of Premises
enforcemenr agencies to ttrc oernil-ciFr".i-J, i, riorlt"a to a"t pi"ia.d to ooy otLi u*i,ess or agcncy situatcd
in Collier County, and lrssdn- a"L"o"ledcs llrat 'ly #;1:;;ty'tt*""t deerned ococssarv for
additional protection of tn u"iir"i-irJ#rJ.f,"U t ,it";i. t tpdJUflitv and cost of LESSEE aad shall
involve noiost or exPense to LESSOR'
LESSEE oovc[8nB 8nd agrees !o dclivcr up and zunender to LESSOR posscssion of lhe Demised
premises upon expirarion of ,hi, I:;;;;;;;;t'r"tt"r,-;o-rnclean a,d in as good condition and repair
as rhe sarne sbau be a t" *r;;"r-J.*;;,h. tcrm of ttris trase ot may hsvc bcar -put by LESSOR ot
LEssEE d.ring the "o",i"u** J"*or-".ar"-y wear snd ,";;-d-"d by fire or the clements bcyond
Packet Pg. 612 Attachment: Kraft Center First Amendment 2018 (6397 : First Amendment to Lease Agreement with Kraft Office Center, LLC)
LESSEE expressly agrces for itself, its succ€ssor 8nd assigns, to refrain &om aly use-of the Demised
Premiscs which would intcrferc with or a&ersely affect thc oPeration or mainteDance of LESSOR'S sUndard
h compliance with section 404.056, Plorida stBtutcs, all partics arc hereby made aware ofthe following:
Radon is a nahralty occunfurg mdioactive g8s thar, whcn it has accumulatcd in a building in sufrcienr
quantities, may present health risks io p".** who are exposcd to i1 ovel time. Levels of radon that cxcecd
fldcral and state'guidelincs have been found in buildiags in l'torida. Additional information regarding radon and
radon testing may be obtained from your County Public Health Department'
ARTICLE 16 Radon Gas
ARTICLE 17, Effectivc Date
This Lease Agreement shall become effectivc upon cxecution by both LESSOR and LESSEE
ARTICLE I E. Govcming Law
This Lease Agrecment shall be govemed and construEd iu accordance with the laws of the State of
IN WITNESS WHEREoF, 1he panies hereto have hereunder set forth their hands and seals
DnrED: l2'tq't
prinl name
S (signature)
LESSEE's signa re appcars on the following page'
,Jrra,,e-rrr- r.l, $ra,rrrr-s
print nrune
Packet Pg. 613 Attachment: Kraft Center First Amendment 2018 (6397 : First Amendment to Lease Agreement with Kraft Office Center, LLC)
H.TEB Clerk
as to form and lcgality:
Couory Aftomey
tt4 . $l!
Packet Pg. 614 Attachment: Kraft Center First Amendment 2018 (6397 : First Amendment to Lease Agreement with Kraft Office Center, LLC)
Suite 201
3530 Kraft Road
Naples, Florida 34105
.ft! I
iltlL- j j-
Packet Pg. 615 Attachment: Kraft Center First Amendment 2018 (6397 : First Amendment to Lease Agreement with Kraft Office Center, LLC)