Backup Documents 01/12/2010 Item #16B7 MEMORANDUM Date: January 14,2010 To: Robert Tipton Traffic Operations Manager From: Teresa Polaski, Deputy Clerk Minutes & Records Department Re: Resolution 20 I 0-0 I: Traffic Signal Maintenance and Compensation Agreement w/FDOT Please find enclosed a certified copy of Resolution 2010-01 and two original agreements, approved by the Board on Tuesday, January 12, 2010. (Agenda Items #16B7). The Minutes and Records has retained the Original Resolution for the Board's Official Records, If you should have any questions, please contact me at: 252-841 L Thank you, Enclosures 1687 168? RESOLUTION NO. 2010- 01 A Resolution by the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida, authorizing an Amendment to the Traffic Signal Maintenance And Compensation Agreement between the Florida Department of Transportation and Collier County. WHEREAS, on July 29, 2003, the Board of County Commissioners (BCC) approved Resolution 2003-237 authorizing the Execution of a Traffic Signal Maintenance And Compensation Agreement between the State of Florida Department of Transportation and Collier County to partially compensate the County for maintaining traffic signals on the State Roadways within unincorporated Collier County; and WHEREAS, on September 2, 2003, such an Agreement was executed by the Florida Department of Transportation and Collier County; and WHEREAS, Collier County also currently maintains Intersection Control Beacons (flashing lights) at five intersections on the State Roadways without compensation; and WHEREAS, The Florida Department of Transportation has proposed an Amendment to the mentioned Agreement in order to partially compensate Collier County for the maintenance of Intersection Control Beacons located on the State Roadways within unincorporated Collier County, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, that: I. The Board hereby approves the provisions and stipulations of the attached Amendment entitled Traffic Signal Maintenance and Compensation Agreement Amendment # I allowing additional compensation to the County for the maintenance of Intersection Control Beacons located on the State Roadways within unincorporated Collier County; and 2. The Board authorizes its Chairman to execute the Amendment to the Agreement. 1687 This Resolution adopted after motion, second, and majority vote favoring same this ~th day of January, 2010. -~ BOARD O~21UNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER YjYNTY, FLORIDA / ! I . BY: f\ {ft->>..;p-y,^., r:':>" ,- .)f._ " Dortna Fiala, Chairman '-,,' AttestDf~~ ,t'glttturt OIl i'~;'" rlll4n , ::ro?;7?2:~.;OO'Y Scott R. Teach Deputy County Attorney Item # I /p B4- Agenda ~l \2-1,0 Dale ~ Deputy Clerk 1687 STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION TRAFFIC SIGNAL MAINTENANCE AND COMPENSATION AGREEMENT Amendment #1 , , '" '~-:';'1" : C (~;' "f'l"." (: I..; S ";"]', ,'1'''''-'','''-'''11 1,>",'1-' ,- CONTRACT NO FINANCIAL PROJECT NO F.E.I.D. NO. ANB45 _._--~~_._-- 412666-1 F59600055803 Purpose: Amend the original TRAFFIC SIGNAL MAINTENANCE AND COMPENSATION AGREEMENT previously entered into by both parties. Amendment #1 adds payment for maintenance and operation of intersection control beacons, beginning with the Department's fiscal year 2010-2011. Currently, traffic signals are compensated for and intersection control beacons are not. This Amendment provides that intersection control beacons will be paid for by the Department to the Maintaining Agency at the rate of 25% of that for full traffic signals. A modified Exhibit B is part of this Amendment and provides the Unit Rates for traffic signals (unchanged) and for intersection eontrol beacons (new). All other provisions of the original Agreement remain unchanged. Section 1 shall be removed and replaced in its entirety by the Section 1 provided below: 1. The Maintaining Agency shall be responsible for the maintenance and continuous operation of the traffic signals, traffic signal systems (central computer, cameras, message signs, modems, and communications interconnect), flashing school zone traffic control devices, intersection eontrol beacons, warning beacons, illuminated street name signs, and the payment of electricity and electrical charges incurred in connection with operation of such traffic signals and signal systems upon eompletion of their installation. The Department agrees to pay to the Maintaining Agency, an annual compensation based on Department's fiscal year for the cost of the maintenance and continuous operation of full traffic signal locations and intersection control beacons as identified in Exhibit A. Warning beacons, emergency signals, and flashing school zone signals are not included. Payments will be made in accordance with Exhibit B. Should the Maintaining Ageney withdraw from the compensation portion of this Agreement; the Maintaining Agency will still be responsible for the maintenance and continuous operation of the above items. In the ease of construction contracts, the Maintaining Agency shall be responsible for the payment of electricity and electrical charges incurred in connection with the operation of the traffic signals and signal systems, and shall undertake the maintenance and continuous operation of said traffic signals and signal systems upon final acceptance of the installation by the Department. Prior to any acceptance by the Department, the Maintaining Agency shall have the opportunity to inspeet and request modifications/corrections to the installation(s) and Department agrees to undertake those prior to acceptance so long as the modifications/corrections comply with the contract and specifications previously approved by both the Department and Maintaining Agency. Repair or replacement and other responsibilities of the installation contractor and the Department, during construction, are contained in the Department's Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction. Section 6 shall be removed and replaced in its entirety by the Seetion 6 provided below: 6. The Maintaining Agency and the Department will develop annually the Exhibit A which by this reference is made a part of this Agreement as though fully set forth herein. Exhibit A shall contain all existing traffic signals and intersection control beacons on the State Highway System, applicable to the jurisdiction of the Maintaining Entity, those that are maintained by the Maintaining Agency and those that are maintained but not included for compensation. No changes or modifications will be made to Exhibit A during the year for compensation. New signals and intersection control beacons added by the Department during the fiscal year shall be maintained and operated by the Maintaining Agency upon final acceptance as stated in paragraph 1. The Maintaining Agency and the Department, preceding each fiscal year, shall develop and execute a new Exhibit A, which shall include all new Department signals and intersection control beacons added during the previous fiscal year and delete those removed. The Maintaining Agency shall begin receiving compensation for new Department's signals and intersection control beacons in the next fiscal year. In the event that no change has been made to the previous year's Exhibit A, a statement to this effect should be included. The annual compensation will be a lump sum payment detailed in Exhibit B. Future payments will be based on the 1687 750.{!1Q-22A TRAFFIC OPERATIONS 07/09 Amemlmenl1 Page 2 of 5 information provided in Exhibit A. in accordance with the provisions as detailed in Exhibit B, attached and made a part hereof. a) Payment shall be made only after receipt and approval of service. b) Payment shall be made in accordance with Section 215.422. Florida Statutes. c) Bills for fees or other compensation for services or expenses shall be submitted in detail sufficient for a proper pre-audit and post-audit thereof. d) Record of costs incurred under terms of this Agreement shall be maintained and made available upon request to the Department at all times during the period of this Agreement and for three (3) years after final payment for the work pursuant to this Agreement is made. Copies of these documents and records shall be furnished to the Department upon request. Record of eosts incurred include the Maintaining Agency's general accounting records, together with supporting documents and records of the Maintaining Agency and all subcontractors performing work, and all other records of the Maintaining Agency and subcontractors considered neeessary by the Department for proper audit of costs. Seetion 14 shall be removed and replaeed in its entirety by the Seetion 14 provided below: 14 The Maintaining Agency may be subject to inspections of traffie signals and traffic signal systems by the Department. Such findings will be shared with the Maintaining Agency and shall be the basis of all decisions regarding payment reduction, reworking, Agreement termination, or renewal. If at any time the Maintaining Agency has not performed the maintenance responsibility on the locations specified in the Exhibit A, the Department shall have the option of (a) notifying the Maintaining Agency of the deficiency with a requirement that it be corrected within a specified time, otherwise the Department shall deduct payment for any deficient traffic signal(s) or intersection control beacon(s) maintenance not corrected at the end of such time, or (b) take whatever action is deemed appropriate by the Department. Any suspension or termination of funds does not relieve any obligation of the Maintaining Agency under the terms and conditions of this Agreement. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have caused these presents to be executed, the day and year first above written. j Collier County ; I , Florida STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION (M,liintalning Agency) By __ By PrinVType Name Title: Attest: (Authorized Signature) Donna Fial" ,__.__,~_ Chairman .. (Authorized Signature) PrinVType Name: L. K. Nandam '_... ___ Hie: Traffic Operations_Eflgi,,-e~ _.___~____ (Sealif/i."plicable) R~vie:ed~ Jll1b~L Attorney Attest: 1..)lI/",..5.. Date Approved as to form A ....,.JrI I J ATTEST DWIG E~ BROCK,' LER. K \ L f:-r ~ ttst IS to 1),,, lM!1" , ~10"atur~ on" , EXHISYfAi6foi-i011 ------.'-.--.---~-------- 'RAFFle SIGNAL INI...E.~~~_r;;_~T6Ns-r;lA'i'NTAINED AND OPERATED FOq FY 2010720-1~"'- Effe(:~ilJe Date From 7Ii/20~O To: 6/3012011 _~~~r.r~a_Lr-i!'9 AgC!ncY COllier County Imersectlon Locations SR 84! DAVIS BLVD SR 84 / DAV'S AL VO SR 84/ DAVIS BU/D SF 84 / DAV'S B:~\IC SF: 34/ DAVIS Bl\/O SR 84/ DAVIS BLVQ SR, 134! JAVIS BLVD SR 84 / DAVIS GL VO ~,R 84/ DAVIS BLVD US 41iTAMIAMl TRAiL us 4; fT.A.MIAMI TRAil i~S 4~trAMI^"J! TRAIL :",$ 41iTA:>AIArv~1 TRAIL us 41/TAMIAMI TRAIL .Js 4"/TAMIAM: TR.A.lL i..JS 41iTAMIAMl fRAIL us 4irfArA1J\MI TR,A,k. 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"=~.___.rs ==:~l "I!$ IMPERIA.L COLF BLVD Yeo TS CR 846111 ~ fJ-V[ilMMOKALEE Yes TS PEL ICAN MARSHi99 A\/E N Ye, TS 91STAVE y€~ TS : V,ANOFRBII_ T BCHICR 1:l62 PELICAN SAY BL VO N Yes TS Yt'S TS PEL ICAN SAY oL ve Yes r- 4. S2,62}.oo .__~.c!:9~~~__$_~.Jl1 51,311 Cf~RE9iPINE ROG/SEA,GlnE COMMERCIAL. DR/PALM ST RA YSHOREJSHADO\NLA\/';~ Yes T$ Yes T5 '(<'i TS ;\IRPOR'-PUt-LNGiCR 31 Ye, TS 1'::::JURTt--<OUSEiSHAOOWS Ye~ TS us 41/TAMIAMI TRAil. PALM OR us 41/TAMIAMI TRAi:_ US 41/TAMIAMI TRAIL LS 41iTflMIAM! 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A 2010 12011 TRAFFIC SIGNAL INT~E'RSE(:Ti6NS-MAIN-TAINED AND r)DFRAtEOF6RF-T2ci't~li2o'-- .-..------ ..--.. _~~I;;!.f\rY~ Dale From 7/112010 To: 6f30gQ.!.1~_______ r...~dill\ainmfl AaRllc.Y.:....C_olllt.!r COLntv ; In~ersectlOl1 LeGations iU~) 41iTAMIAMi TRAIL : rame Signal (TS) 0' Cornpensation (Yes or NO'i intersection Control FOOT FY Beacen Unit Rate _._J..!.~~!._._~ S26?_2.0C__ PORT 0;': SLANJS I~r::: Yes =h 52,62:.00 12,50% $492 us 4~iTM,'IAMI TRAI~ 18.75'1, SR. 901fCOLLlC:R SLVQ SR 951iC:Jl_L1E? BLVD 2R 9!j1;'COLL!L~ BLVD SP 951!COL_,F:R BLVD SR 9511G'JLUr:::R BLVO iSR 82 ::OR 29 '3R 29 ;' E MAIN ST SR 291 W MAIN 51 SR 29 \IV MAIN ST SR 29 'IN ~,\/\IN 51 SR 29! 1/''- r,lAIN 81 ;R 93 1-7.5 \it OFr: SR 93 i ,-75 Sf OFF SR g~-j i 175 Nl: O!-F SR 93 i 1-75 SB OFr SR 93 i 1-75 S8 OFF SR 9311.75 I'J8 OFF SP 93; 1-70 38 OFF SR 93 ')-7~ r-.J8 Qf"F CR 29 $2,622.00 1687 l' T 01:11 Amount :Unlt Rate x P~rcenn Yes leB CR 952lCAPRl BLVD Yes $).622.00 666n-';, $2.62~.OO __. 6667% $2.622.00 0 CO% .'i< S1.748 LI.AAJNS/\;L DR TS $1,748 SO Yp~ iFlP.EiRESC'JE STI\T ON '0 iMANATEE RD 52,62.2.00 52,622.00 66.67% (6.67% $, 748 _._,--_._~.~..._- $69,l:,-.') 'h3Jto. OCJtf: -bistrlct TraffiC Ope~i1t;onsEI19111eer-- Donna Fiala, Chairman Yes TS ;WAL MART/.TRAIL R!DGE Y(~S $1748 $656 S'1.:\11 FARM \1^.ORKERS VILLAGt: 50.00% 5000"/0 $1,311 -.----~-_.,._._,. '1 S1311 5328 ICB T\ 33.33% $2.Gn.UO 3333% $374 --~.~~--._------_._- $874 ,I 'SR 29 $2.622.00 Yes 'CB 2500% CR 896/PINE RIDGE P:C Yes 3333% $874 Yes TS $2,622.00 33.33% $874 Yes TI $2,622.00 33.33"'/', $874 ---_._~-_._---~.. , ---~--_..~_..- -.---- -- YP-5 TI $2.522.00 33,33% $874 --.-,--. ------ '-'---..-.'. Yes is $2,622.00 10000% S2,b22 Ye:-; TS $2,622.00 100 00% $2.622 -::';MpenS;-]!;ct1 A'Jreerren! i ,:erllly thiJl The above lratrlc: ~~ qnal5 wi:j tp mall,laln'ld and operated in ,lCcoraanr,e \'Jilh ~ne requirements oj Ire TrCifflf: Sign~1 Mollolen<lnce and SG8099 For SaasfClctory cOTip:et'on 01 all :;eIvi,:cs Cet3il+2d f1 th's .~,grf,€n'enl for thiS time penod. the S'eparfmer.! '11I11 D.)Y :h-~ M;'Jl1tdil1ll1g Agency d Tutal Lump Sun') (;f Collier County ro...lad;.'aillir19 Agwlr;y $2.622.00 Ye:; _..~".---_.- CR 846,' S 1 ST 5T Yes TS $2,62200 N 9TH ST Yes TS S:?,~22,OO_.. $~,E22.00 50,00% IMMOKP-lEE OR CR o90fTRAFrORo RO Yes TS 50 OC~/" _~_Y~~~__.~~___$_2.622.0~_... 50.00% : NEW MAHKET RD Vv' $2.622.00 Yes 1250% CR 896rPINE RIDGE RC YP.S I $7,522.00. CR846/1MMOKALEE RD Yes ._"_,_~~_._$2,6~?OO CR846/IMMOKAU::[C f"-l.f.) GOLDEN GATE Pi<INY GOLDEN Gt... TE PK\NY SP 95~"COLLlER 8l.\/O SP 9511COL~ IfR !jL',D Totall urno Sum Approved as to Cor.. &: lepl sumeleney ;;~!I f?j~L .,., Co_y Attoraey ATTj:ST DW.IQ.~T.E.~R. 6~. .e~R.K. \' ~~~lL~~. Q~1? ('~_ -- ,.;,." 4" ,. .1. .- ~, ... J ;' ';- : I is , ~, ,'I '':< ,q t" ,,,.'~ .'"}. J I 1687 750-Q1Q-22A TRAFFIC OPERATIONS 07/09 Amendment 1 Page5of5 EXHIBIT B TRAFFIC SIGNAL MAINTENANCE AND COMPENSATION AGREEMENT 1 0 PURPOSE This exhibit defines the method and limits of compensation to be made to the Maintaining Agency for the services described in this Agreement and in Exhibit A and Method by which payments will be made. 2.0 COMPENSATION For the satisfactory completion of all services detailed in this Agreement and Exhibit A of this Agreement. the Department will pay the Maintaining Agency the Total Lump Sum in Exhibit A The Maintaining Agency will receive one lump sum payment at the end of each fiscal year for satisfactory completion of service. Total Lump Sum Amount for each fiscal year is calculated by adding all of the individual intersection amounts. The individual Intersection amounts are calculated by taking the FY Unit Rate times the percent of State Road Approaches to Total Approaches. Intersection Control Beacons are paid at 25% of the Unit Rate for full traffic signal. Example 1: For a traffie signal intersection with 4 approaches with 2 approaches (50%) being state roads, the intersection amount for FY 10-11 will be: $2,622 x (2/4) = $1,311 Example 2: For an intersection control beacon with 3 approaches, with 2 approaches being state roads, the intersection amount for FY 11-12 will be $675 x (2/3) = $450 Unit Rates per 100% State Intersections Traffic Signals: FY 07-08 $2,400 08-09 $2,472 09-10 $2,546 10-11 $2,622 11-12 $2,701 12-13 $2,782 Intersection Control Beacons: $0 $0 $0 0.25 x $2,622 = $656 0.25 x $2,701 = $675 0.25 x $2,782 = $696 Beginning with FY 07-08, the Unit Rate for each fiscal year is 3% more than the Unit Rate for the previous fiscal year, unless otherwise specified in an amendment to this Agreement 30 PAYMENT PROCESSING The Maintaining Agency shall invoice the Department yearly in a format acceptable to the Department