CAC Minutes 10/13/2005 R
October 13,2005
Naples, Florida, October 13,2005
LET IT BE REMEMBERED, that the Collier County Coastal Advisory
Committee in and for the County of Collier, having conducted business
herein, met on this date at 1 :00 p.m., in REGULAR SESSION in City
Council Chambers, Naples City Hall, 735 Eighth Street, South, Naples,
Florida, with the following members present:
Ron Pennington
Gerald Camiener (Excused)
Murray Hendel (Excused)
John Arceri (Absent)
Heidi Kulpa
Ronald Minarcini
Tony Pires
John Sorey, III (Excused)
Paul Sullivan
ALSO PRESENT: Gary McAlpin - Coastal Proj ects Manager
Coleen Greene, Assistant County Attorney
Gail Hambright, Administrative Assistant
10-13-05 Regular Meeting
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THURSDAY, OCTOBER 13, 2005 -1 :00 P.M.
Naples City Hall, Council Chambers, 735 Eighth Street, South, Naples
I. Call to Order
II. Roll Call
III. Changes and Approval of Agenda
IV. Public Comments
V. Approval of CAC Minutes
1. August 11, 2005 - Inlet Sub-Committee Workshop
2. September 8,2005 - Regular Meeting
3. September 8, 2005 FDEP Workshop
VI. Staff Reports
1. Revenue Report
2. Project Status Report
VII. New Business
1. MMS Lease for Outer Continental Shelf Sand
2. FDEP Cost Share Contract
3. Contract with PBS&J - Gabrielle Support
4. Collier County Biological Survey Results/Presentation
5. Consulting Support Solicitation Proposal
6. Construction Management Approach on Beach Renourishment
7. 10 Year Plan with Parks & Recreation Removed
VIII. Old Business
1. Vanderbilt Parking Garage Update
2. Marco South/Caxambas Pass Project Update
3. Clam Pass Study Update
4. City/County Beach Renourishment Update
5. Hideaway Beach Renourishment Update
IX. Public Comments
X. Announcements
XI. Committee Member Discussion
XII. Next Meeting Date/Location
1. November 10, 2005 - 1:00 p.m. - Government Center, Administration Bldg. F, 3rd Floor
XIII. Adjournment
All interested parties are invited to attend, and to register to speak and to submit their objections, if any, in writing, to the board prior to
the meeting if applicable.
10/7 /2005
October 13,2005
I. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Ron Pennington at 1 :00 p.m.
II. Roll Call- A quorum was established with Mr. Sorey, Mr. Hendel and
Mr. Camiener being excused, and Mr. Arceri being absent.
III. Changes and Approval of Agenda - No changes.
Mr. Pires moved to approve the Agenda. Second by Mr. Sullivan. Carried
unanimously 5-0.
IV. Public Comments - None.
V. Approval of CAC Minutes
1. Inlet Subcommittee Workshop minutes of August 11, 2005 - Mr. Sullivan
moved to approve the minutes of the subcommittee of August 11,2005 with the
following change: Under Old Business, first bullet point, Item 1, change "Mr.
Sorey stated" to read "Mr. Sorey had previously stated".
Second by Ms. Kulpa. Carried unanimously2-0.
2. CAC Minutes of Regular Meeting of September 8, 2005 - Mr. Pires moved
to approve the minutes of September 8, 2005 with the following changes: Page
3, change "Councilman" to "Mr."; on first page under "Also Present", add
with FDEP to three visitors title; Page 2, under "Roll Call" add "Mr. Pires was
absent at roll call; Page 3, under "Open Discussion" add "concerning Clam
Pass". Second by Mr. Sullivan. Carried unanimously 5-0.
3. CAC FDEP Workshop Minutes of September 8,2005 - Mr. Sullivan moved
to accept the minutes of Workshop Session of September 8, 2005 with the
following changes: Page 1, change "regular session" to read "workshop
session" and on Page 1, change from "Government Complex" address" to
"Naples City Hall" address; add to titles under "Also Present" FDEP for
visitors; Page 2, Item 4, add 'jrom FDEP"; Page 3, middle of page, spell
"Keehn" with title "Coastal Planning and Engineering"; Page 4, after
"Martha Dykman" change to" resident of Seagate" rather than "Clam Bay
system." Second by Mr. Minarcini. Carried unanimously 5-0.
VI. Staff Reports
1. Revenue Report - Gary McAlpin - Year closed out, collected $10,484,000,
approximately $1,000,000 over the budget for TDC funds.
· Revenue for month of September was down 33% relative to where
we stood last year.
· Revenue sources for Category A TDC funding: apartments not
quite $30,000; condominiums, about $600,000; camp grounds
$100,000; hotels and motels, $7.8 million; single family homes,
$127,000; realtors, $1.7 million.
· Budget for year, tied into ten year plan, will be present at next
October 13,2005
2. Project Status Report - Gary McAlpin
. In period of transition re report, did not generate report this month.
3. County Attorney Report
. Use of tourist development taxes to dredge non-beach compatible
material from passes and inlets discussion has been postponed.
VII. New Business
1. MMS Lease for Outer Continental Shelf Sand. Lease to be executed with
US Government for our sand source for major beach renourishment. Lease is in
review by County attorney office, is standard lease.
Mr. Sullivan moved to authorize and approve lease subject to a favorable ruling
by the County Attorney. Second by Mr. Pires. Carried unanimously 5-0.
2. FDEP Cost Share Contract.
Mr. Pires moved to approve FDEP Cost Share Contract subject to approval by
County Attorney. Second by Mr. Sullivan. Carried unanimously 5-0.
3. Contract with PBS&J - Gabrielle Support.
Mr. Pires moved to authorize and approve contract with PBS&J - Gabrielle
Support, time-and-material- not- to- exceed purchase order to PBS&J to
provide FEMA support relative to Tropical Storm Gabrielle. Second by
Mr. Sullivan. Carried unanimously 5-0.
4. Consulting Support Solicitation Proposal - Gary McAlpin.
Moving forward.
5. Construction Management Approach on Beach Renourishment.
Mr. Pires moved to approve and authorize moving forward with Coastal
Planning and Engineering to provide construction phase administration survey
and engineering support for time and material unit price not to exceed
$225,000. Second by Mr. Sullivan. Carried unanimously 5-0.
6. Ten Year Plan with Parks and Recreation Removed.
Mr. Pires moved to approve removal of parks and recreation from ten year plan.
Second by Mr. Sullivan. Carried unanimously 5-0.
VIII. Old Business
1. Clam Pass Study Update. Gary McAlpin discussed progress of Clam Pass
· There is some sand bypassing. Has not gotten to Clam Pass Beach
Park yet.
· 30,000 cubic yards of sand is target amount needed to renourish
· Recommended we move forward, take money and spend about one
third on CP&E work to develop plan with Seagate and Pelican Bay
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October 13, 2005
people to do engineering with regard to getting commitment from
state and DEP on permitting.
· Mr. Sullivan moved to approve change of scope of task to be more
effective. Second by Ms. Kulpa. Carried unanimously 5-0.
VII. New Business (Continued)
1. Collier County Biological Survey Results/Presentation by Mr. McKowski,
Marine Biologist, Head of Diving Group for Coastal Planning and
· Discussed 500 acres of hard bottom reef formation off shore.
· BEAMER - Better Ecological Assessment for Marginal Reefs
· Standard video
· 2003 Near shore investigation
· Macro algae
· Stony coral
· Stony coral and disturbances
· 2003 Marine Resources Investigation - Larger resource than ever
· Corridor Investigations - pipeline corridor habitat extends five
miles off shore
· Opportunity exists for development of eco-tourism in Collier
County, diving and snorkeling.
· Requested discussion re next correct steps to manage new resource
VIII. Old Business (Continued)
1. Vanderbilt Parking Garage Update - Gary McAlpin gave update.
· Four to five months construction activity originally
· Sought financing last year will allow progress to continue
· Funding is in place to complete project
2. Marco South/Caxambas Pass Project Update - Gary McAlpin
· Project will go out for bid with proposals due in November.
· Pre-construction survey will take place this month.
· Two month construction schedule anticipated, latest February or
march 2006.
· Need permits by January 1,2006 or will be delayed for an entire
3. City/county Beach Renourishment Update - Gary McAlpin
· Contract approved by BCC to Great Lakes Dredging
· Insurance being prepared
· Holding conference calls, coordinating meetings
· US ACE permit still outstanding but working
· Draft lease with MMS prepared
· Draft contract with FDEP to find cost share
October 13, 2005
· Pelican Bay sand decision by 11/1/05
· FDEP NIP tentative by 11/1/05
· 12/1/05 start date at Vanderbilt
4. Hideaway Beach Renourishment - Gary McAlpin
· In final stages and is being closed down
· Rock quality resolution
· Removal of sand bags from north end
· Excess sand on Tee-Groin face
· Beach cleanup
· Preparation of back charges to Weeks Marine
IX. Public Comments
Dr. Mike Bower, City of Naples, spoke regarding Doctors Pass.
X. Announcements - None.
XI. Committee Member Discussion - Concluded.
XII. Next Meeting Date - November 10,2005 at Collier County Government
There being no further business for the good of the County, the meeting was
adjourned by order of the Chair at 2:40 p.m.
Ron Pennington, Chairman