Minutes 07/19/2018 PELICAN BAY SERVICES DIVISION LANDSCAPE & SAFETY COMMITTEE MEETING JULY 19,2018 The Landscape & Safety Committee of the Pelican Bay Services Division met on Thursday, July 19 at 1:00 p.m. at the Community Center at Pelican Bay, located at 8960 Hammock Oak Drive, Naples, Florida 34108. The following members attended. Landscape & Safety Committee Nick Fabregas Joe Chicurel, Chairman Pete Griffith Tom Cravens Mike Shepherd Pelican Bay Services Division Staff Mary McCaughtry, Operations Analyst Neil Dorrill,Administrator (absent) Lisa Jacob, Associate Project Manager Marion Bolick, Operations Manager Barbara Shea, Recording Secretary Also Present Robert Sanchez, PBPOA Ken Dawson, PBSD Board Trent Waterhouse, Pelican Bay Foundation Susan O'Brien, PBSD Board APPROVED AGENDA (AS AMENDED) 1. Call to order 2. Pledge of allegiance 3. Agenda approval 4. Approval of 05/17/18 meeting minutes 5. Audience comments 6. *Sharrow re-application discussion 7. US 41 berm restoration presentation and discussion 8. *Pelican Bay sidewalk project timeline discussion 9. *US 41/Gulf Park Dr. fatal accident discussion a. Gulf Park Dr. cut-through (add-on) 10. Light pole rejuvenation 11. Walkway sealcoating 12. Committee member comments 13. Adjournment ROLL CALL All members were present and a quorum was established AGENDA APPROVAL 1 Pelican Bay Services Division Landscape& Safety Committee Meeting July 19, 2018 Mr. Cravens motioned,Mr. Griffith seconded to approve the agenda as amended, with the addition of agenda item#9a. The motion carried unanimously. APPROVAL OF 05/17/18 MEETING MINUTES Mr. Cravens motioned, Mr. Griffith seconded to approve the 05/17/18 meeting minutes as presented. The motion carried unanimously. AUDIENCE COMMENTS Ms. Susan O'Brien, PBSD Board, requested an update on the delivery of mulch or pine straw for North Pointe Drive. Mr. Bolick responded that pine straw has been ordered,and delivery is expected in two to three weeks. SHARROW RE-APPLICATION Dr.Chicurel commented on the three photos exhibiting a chronology of PB sharrow history included in the agenda packet: (1) an original application — worn down, (2) an "improper" re- application, applied immediately after Hurricane Irma, and (3) an application of a thin thermo- plastic sharrow after removing the prior worn sharrow. The agenda packet also included a bid of $33,959 to replace all existing sharrows on PB Blvd., and Gulf Park Dr. with thermoplastic sharrows. Dr. Chicurel commented that the committee and PBSD Board have approved re- applying paint to our sharrow markings. He suggested that the committee consider the thermo- plastic sharrow application which has a life expectancy of five years and does not require any annual maintenance. Ms. McCaughtry commented that the annual maintenance cost to paint the existing sharrows has been approximately $4-6,000 in recent years. Ms.Jacob commented that the five-year life expectancy is a standard,not a guarantee. She commented that a meeting has been scheduled with County Procurement staff and our sharrow contractor(McShea)to discuss his unpaid invoice for unsatisfactory work completed on our 2017 sharrow re-application project. Mr. Shepherd commented on the thickness of the thermoplastic material. Ms. O'Brien commented that she notices a"bump" when riding over the thermoplastic sharrow and that other bikers have commented on the difficulty of navigating over this type of sharrow. After committee discussion, the committee directed Ms. Jacob to obtain a quote for a "white painted sharrow on a black painted background"project to replace all existing PB sharrows. Mr. Shepherd suggested that an example of this method of sharrow application be placed on PB Blvd. next to the thermoplastic sharrow example, for committee review. US 41 BERM RESTORATION PRESENTATION As background, Dr. Chicurel commented that by ordinance, the PBSD is responsible to fund the landscaping on the US 41 berm. At our August L&S Committee meeting, our landscape architect, Ms. Ellin Goetz, will provide complete diagrams and suggestions for our US 41 berm restoration project. Dr. Chicurel emphasized that this project should include elements of psychology,visual integrity,noise abatement,low maintenance,and drought tolerance,using plant species which are dense,fast-growing,and low maintenance. Mr. Cravens stressed the importance of incorporating"security" as an element. Dr. Chicurel commented that the PBF and the PBSD formed a subcommittee to study the US 41 restoration; members include Mr. Trent Waterhouse, PBF, as the Chair, and Mr. Tom 2 Pelican Bay Services Division Landscape& Safety Committee Meeting July 19,2018 Cravens,PBSD. Mr. Waterhouse provided a presentation on the US 41 berm,including historical data and a wide variety of information. He commented that the summary recommendation of the committee is that at this point, landscaping and reconstruction of the existing landscape infrastructure is the most effective way to address (1) noise concerns, (2) pollution concerns, (3) security concerns, and(4)the visibility and aesthetics of the "look of Pelican Bay." Highlights of his presentation included: • The science of walls shows that sound bounces over walls and pushes the sound further inland. • An acoustic noise absorbing wall is extremely costly- $14.75 million for the length of the US 41 berm was quoted by a contractor. • Of 259 residences adjacent to US 41, only 13% purchased their residence prior to the widening of US 41 to six lanes. • The PBF will discuss the possibility of four HOAs, who own land abutting US 41, ceding their strip of land to the PBF (for community uniformity)—at their August board meeting. • The PBF will discuss a possible moratorium on new fence approvals — at their August board meeting. • If any area of the berm is increased by more than six inches,then the existing landscaping would need to be replaced, and therefore, the option of increasing the height of the berm would be extremely costly. Mr. Shepherd commented on $400,000 allocated for the US 41 landscaping restoration project included in PBSD's proposed FY19 budget, awaiting approval by the BCC in September. Mr. Robert Sanchez commented on his preference of a natural landscaping barrier on the berm, and the unacceptable aesthetics of a wall. PELICAN BAY SIDEWALK PROJECT TIMELINE Dr. Chicurel commented that although the PBSD would like to facilitate new sidewalks in Pelican Bay,there is no current working estimate of total project cost. Dr. Chicurel expressed his preference for a six-foot concrete sidewalk system. Mr. Shepherd commented that a cost estimate for a sidewalk project must be obtained in order to secure long-term financing. Ms. O'Brien suggested that the PBSD consider how many trees would be lost and how many replanted, as a result of this project. She also suggested the need to discuss other possible sidewalk materials other than concrete. After discussion,the committee directed Ms.Jacob to obtain a quote from ABB to develop an estimate for the entire sidewalk replacement project, including all costs. US 41/GULF PARK DR. FATAL ACCIDENT Mr. Cravens commented on a recent automobile accident at the intersection of US 41 and Gulf Park Dr. with two fatalities. Mr. Dawson suggested the need for a"right turn only" sign at this intersection. Dr. Chicurel commented that he has asked the Collier County Sheriffs Dept. to provide accident documentation on this intersection. Mr. Brian Flaherty commented on accidents that have occurred at the corner of Vanderbilt Beach Dr. and US 41 where there is a traffic light. The committee consensus was for this issue to be placed on a future PBSD Board agenda where the full board could decide whether this issue should be pursued. GULF PARK DR. CUT-THROUGH (ADD-ON) 3 Pelican Bay Services Division Landscape & Safety Committee Meeting July 19,2018 Dr. Chicurel commented that bids have been received for the Gulf Park Dr. cut-through project, with a low bid of$73,416 by Bonness. However, the PBSD Board had passed a motion to approve this project with a maximum allocation of$40,000. Mr. Cravens motioned, Mr. Shepherd seconded to recommend to the full board that the bid for cutting the cut-through on Gulf Park Drive be awarded to the firm that gave the lowest bid at a cost not to exceed $75,000. The motion carried unanimously. LIGHT POLE REJUVENATION Mr. Shepherd commented on the aesthetic conditions of our street light poles. Many of our poles are stained from irrigation water(up to a level of six feet), and many of our light fixtures are showing signs of oxidization. He has obtained a proposal from a company to stain the post concrete color and paint the fixture for $500 on a test sample. Mr. Shepherd suggested that the committee could assess the results from this sample to determine the value of staining all PB lamp posts at a lower cost. He commented that this process would seal the surface of the concrete poles and reduce the likelihood of spalling. He commented that the life span of the staining process is unknown. Ms. Jacob commented that our street light poles (total of 475) are 18 years old and she has only observed deterioration consisting of irrigation water stains. After committee discussion, Mr. Shepherd agreed to explore the cost per pole if all 475 PB poles were "rejuvenated," and would bring back the information to the committee. WALKWAY SEALCOATING Mr. Shepherd commented on the benefits of sealcoating PB asphalt pathways. Mr. Trent Waterhouse commented that sealcoating preserves the life of asphalt. By consensus, the committee directed Ms. Jacob to obtain a quote for sealcoating PB pathways. COMMITTEE MEMBER COMMENTS Mr. Griffith commented on landscaping materials recommended by Ms. Ellin Goetz for the US 41 berm project, which are not included on the PBSD approved list. Mr. Griffith questioned what entity makes the tree replacement decision when a tree dies in Pelican Bay. Mr. Shepherd commented that the PBF decides what tree species is replanted, and Mr. Cravens commented that any change in tree species would also require County approval. Mr. Griffith suggested a moratorium on planting new palm trees. Mr. Cravens suggested that this could be a topic for a future committee meeting. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 2:50 p.m. I r / o= Chicurel, Chairman Minutes approved [ /as presented OR [ ] as amended ON I 1/46/1( ] date 4