Backup Documents 12/13-14/2011 Item # 6A6� mr. . Rom TERMINATION PACKAGE Letter Description Pages A Cover Letter 1 B Items Dated Post - Termination Date 14 C Termination Letter 1 D Behavior Action Plan for Termination 2 E Transcript of Oct. 31, 2011 interview of Chief by Dan Summers and Amy Lyberg re Bank Acct 16 F Summaries of Oct.4, 2011 meeting with Chief, Dan Summers and Amy Lyberg 3 G Dan Summers' memo re Coffee Shop Meeting and Attachments (Sept. 27, 2011) 17 H July 23, 2010 Letter of Concern 4 I Volunteer Bank Account Statements 2005-2011 20 IlovenAw L 1, 201 i.. Im- COUier C014ftty i &weau of SeMoes r6 A p Fmm Mon F.Su Pao,"' onw Pont 90 Ott t aNdvmbe 10,1 bmi9a �maoio * "bost Or sw ft blot of coi Boat, rwaammood s'�ty�ot�dti�►tl��sardsrc�.�m�u � c L=*P*Ud bftm =&Awmt mfftbtbd*an offtv* ;r s oft OWIM tea. �aaa�►► jot mobWar e bpi sad manr add wave t ie€Mai i% t ► lid> aaa mod`" aj► Vft ahna s ba=W Or, boat ram and Uomd . to ftnp&4ftf*firms toboa=U TW*vQ avamou awtho X"icft Vbtt%a PM*6 D"ftm t at su*m$ftAstlwbm maw ' Or ism off :�ecoit► a gam ToWs xe ? r g s mftd abova. Theo ps e a e it t ou m ee rwft a cog o#`S l" ft fw See rapau: �tat�cgiir�t� Sa�'vb�b � �Ats apbaa�r c� wivedon a6e iat tt� der, ashes at s BratT. s�ndoarwes tea 16"1°x, � b�e1 �uEiv�a met C�oltiea ;and is a+e ttaaic'� bit opt afs�rwsi� �iy; 8o�t�..iu�t sar !� ttt stogy o+t�ear plc ash► �e�t anro I Chi. 6A A MR "U To: SmDidMxWMIW From: AmLybmWDvmW.IbImAmROsovmW Debe: Nbv=jw 17, 2012 PMmU Pmestat Ida of Capri Fire Dgwt mmt During tweating betwma Lean Summers, MdA an McLaughlin, David hbl nam and me on Thursday, November 17, 2011, Wor?onation was brcu Othmard rqprdiqS pv or campy of the Ialis of Capi Fire $ adon, C6W L euOb offereci he had dis�ts with fire Adni�ve Assistaet,,who had std that of de saes which she was dreced by Chief Rodripm to follow ware outxide of Cow CMAs m to way bat mployeas.A uld bb compe nsato& Sb a iudtcatnd that d * guidance fhm UR on how to: mad time, the Cbief had told hsr to igaocc ft-directives and follow his 4ftection in pa*& dw std As it ;rests t of #utc lmowledM M will work dirty with to depertsmen.t to gather time sheets, ldave slips . sad so that an audit ma be cczndWW to SO if theme is fte owed to m►' f the Co Summers, ia}i vmor, Blis M File E odri CoderCOMM Bureau of Eaergerxy services Dan summers, ` W14/2011 ; Vlrector Sureaa of Emergency Slices , Mr. Swinrnwst T fbilaw kV is an informal intrestiaation to a report that I was given on U41 -2019 On Tea ii -8-200 I was in t conference with Lt Perry ftom.the Isles of Capri Rre per; I was mak -hig vistts°to each ii utenant and wmeying the directive and r easwft the support f0the *"rtment. Dwicg this t sattion.,i t. r told me he had soroe thing he wated to sha about past a upracteices. he infrtttae4 me approxim' the former dM come out of J* of ke and Megan to verimly berate and r tastiss Tom pattaiton Captain.. tie hen slapped Toro on the aide of his bead. He infonmd me the WIWA to his ancf had tears in his eyes. Sim PUMOU the taptaln tuned and fln' fedr esday 1 tia Ca e, 29 0 s i %tttlt'rried hlm I was o nducdng in otmat ah kwettigation sttrrcounding Information that 1 vuas told, I told him thee' st*narld t was tWd by Lt. Perry and aske d'hi" it It happened as started. 0a tamed his hegd and nodded sing y 6A November 17, 201 , Chief Mc Laughlin, With reference to the conversation that l had with you a couple of days agcy.. I would like to Info rrn you of the folk ►ing t►cic nts that I have personally witnessed here at Station 90. I have on numgrous v slors �nessec insult, belittle , and hu ►lllate•Capta n %m Pur Il. These marts were not only` -drone In iron f me but also many her members of staff. On one or more occasions l have witnessed Chief Rodriguez physically Strike , Captain Purcell wtthaan open hand upon the h+ d like a n ughtY school child. An ongoccaslon these actions resulted 1n CaptainPurcoll,becoming emotionally upset- behind dosed' doors, l wormed hW that fhb behavlorwmas totally una cceptaMe and tit Ira my opanl+�n he should cooicvnt the Chief and eOxess ills dislike of such actions. lam not aware of any actions that Captain Purcilt has taken. I am not sure if any dither members of staff # have witnessed the "hitting" incidents that would have to asked. The only of ious WAnjdss to this was Captain +Purcell himself. t Chief, 4 do not have e Problem sundering this reps rt. However, sullen � preaches Its accuser l do not expect to come to the wrack place and feel harassed and threatened on °hearsay'" and village gossip and any 01ber false accusations to disc reditTo �s a p fessi6,hef eimoloyee of Collier County ve -1 ha worked Chief Rodriguez for-nearly C1 years and 1 am well averse of what happens if ye�u �cra`Ct �t� °ne rsn:� #��t hi�:rire�rsre E��s 1 6A I Fit wbfo, *k lftw cacmfirms 69 t% C*UMY s pliod with a:mw of the Behavi Acdon Platt and sing Ba ton on Nov=ber 4,201, e await Your rte'. S�aow*y 14 , i ICI ma mw, r4 • 1 i Novaudw 4, 2011 I c�ed.t tt Ya,= euoiome vftcolhcr Coatp N imma" ly umbdo& lille ti for is,yow tum to bdogvm ka& =* of We* ofd fta l3epaft=t to as a xcpftbk Laved ofp &x as ou&m& it ft aftcbed Debt" Aaron ft►n. You wW be aapm*p4 at of the md oftba tom, Nov=bw 4 2011. Alljmvt Luau to W you= entiW WM be paid b you'tbo cbwk of Novmabw23,201 1, You Vie, xeorata ', iaad� abort s�laABRA;cQ�aga. You w111 r► with= in g a aria WMAd tot+ -� P�Y� % co�eo�a8 your �� items f tts� Isles � tali Fu+a Scat�c�.. t* OANO PA*W, SUb445 • #mss,.FbW 3,4113+ MO- 2i2-MM -FAX 2 700 *w+�wc�lia�m 4 id3b VP � i E 6A M CHIEF RODRIGUEZ Bureau of Emergency Operas `October 31, 2011 DAN SUMMERS This Is an audio recording. This !$,a formal inquiry discussion dated October 31, 200. I'm Dan Summers, Director f'Bureau a►f Emergency Services; Chief Rod d Rodd, gu z from the Isle of Capri; anti Anly lyberg„ our Director of Human Resources. Ies October 31, 2011 and it's approximately 11:45 a.m. Amy, do you want to go ahead and ask the Chief some questions? AMY LYBERG - Chiet.. 9n October 4, 3411, we: met withyou at the Isle of Capri mire Station to ask you some questions reprding the volultteeerbankaccount that had come to,theattention•of .the County. OWngthat discussion,. you Indicated you had no knnowle of any bank accounts, and when the Volunteers separated their of Chia tiomwith.the isles of Capri, they took all of their ants with them. We have s+everaf douupients we n for-you to +view at this time. Theyare bank statements fifth- 'Third Bank fox rafiendar yeors 2020 and 2011. They are addressed to 175 Capri Boulevard, which is the address of the Fire Station. CMEF RODRIGUEZ 'And wham does this mean? I've never seers °these. .... . ........ AMY LYIRG They were addressed � to the Isle of C They were addressed to 17S ate Hof Capri Botfleva . Cm youvonfirm that is the address-of the Eire Stadon? CHIfF Ri DRIGUEZ.— `That Is the add' yew AMY'LYBM,--F Who would be getting the mailat that address if it wsszomI0g to.,* . .. . CHIEF RODRIGUEZ — Everybod y does, Eito;rybodY Checks the: mail,every day. We get tans of junk mail. I check the mall sometimes; the Administrative Assistant checks k; ,the Firefighter's check it. They, bring In the stack of mail and lay it on the table. ,We get tons and tors of malt from banks and credit cards, and we just thrQw,their everywhere. P499 1of 16 6A ` n I've never seen this. This Is the first time t've ever seen this. I know the volunteers have an ac tt► t, I don't know Itowtf ended up �B d butthey opened up it own 5910 that I was aware of, and nwntf and Alin. I -till have the paperwbrl sayinS that they were emitting for their 501 and they took.their atcount,,# this:v .; the ; account; 1,guais-this must belt but I've never seen any of those statements. I've never opened anyof tltose.staterr ents- and I've never been °aware ofa0yof-those statemerft. AAMY LY13ERG -- This is for 2010 And dcalendar yeaar2011 thru April; it refers through A 29, 2011 are the Mates on these statements, And I'm.sure the account thterehas been opened for what eight yeam maybe even more? Wont k w how long the brunt has been open; but 11m w .It's Derr qut 'O few years because that was -one of the, accounts, Ujust didn't know which banl ; it was one ofthe accounts the Clerk cote not shut down bemuse of these volunteers submitting theeir, SM.9t,whatever, you call it. They tcp'ok heir books stralgh#, and my, witnen was Alan Ivlctaughdn at the. time, V*1ch was my, Assistant Chief witness' Andy Schwartz come in, take his bank becks -and ov�fng that'd with that acacowu d out of the station, AMY ty ma Why would the account statement then continue to, come? if they were doing theiro n thing, why do y ct super that the amount statemeift continued tobe Wilt ssed tc ttre sution? 01 MPRODRIQUEZI_ I have no'knowlWge of why? ARMY i K116 our understanding is that would have 6eeniar a, peel of five to ix years, corrects at least'; CNlEF R l *UtZ- Absoiutely; .at lit. I donut know the acit Hrould sftl show the statements coming in. I have no control over that.account I have no Idea, and hn the past Wunteers have, always had all their mad comes to the Isle's of Caprifire station. TbOe is nothing Ill there Is thing In the CMA that state that they, could not have correspondence come into IsIO,of C4W. AMY MERG —` 1Ailfo,wou d.li picfding it up then? gage Iz of to I ' 6A M CHIEF RODRiGVEZ - tt would be either the Volunteer president if it eras addressed to them at that tlm±� when we had accounts they wpuid pick up that type of mall 1ve never seen: that, 5o who is the current president? is there a.Preildent CHIEF RADRIGM11 Not we no Hvnger have that type of afflllation since the HnO dent with the Court Reports. We disbanded. l don't want o say We disbanded, but we ended up revamping but volunteers and now we OR them Reservists. 1N"e no, longer have a Volunteet Cote where Oey are allowed to hold 1W raise -and donations. � slit a the Clerk of try Ind dent t stopped doing that but - r many yearrs that's what they did. so *4w WW ape O rnall was addressed and it cane into the isle ref C4pri Volunteer Fire vepbr ent? Wt t would UkOy hppp en to staten ents that wouldcotrae 10? CtJEF WOR_i EZ- probably guys would see It and thaw it away because we'don't have avolunteer oa nizatiOn saymore, l get a lot ofsiatarnerats, $tatema�cats ,'but alit of u»aall addressee tea isle pri oluritee stilt to this -iay. gaa,k when we were.ail V00hWO ts, stIR departments sent rand - addressed to Isle of Capri Volunteer, Weld sotigtations from banks, from SA cards, all'sorts of stf E H Jon't even open them. *,te your ernpioy a "s are empower to throwaway the mail. They don'ttake that ""ugh ? CHIEF RODRIGUFZ -- Hf Ht's addressed to the We of Caapri Amounts Payable sr tht hlef; Ifthey-see:arrvthing thstuys,valm, teer they usualgr do because, are don't °haw a Volunteer with us 'anymore. I throw it away when ! receive it, bemuse we don't have volur ere anymoarc.but we st ( to this day, ntlnue to get so olutions because we were ar Volunteer Department since 1M Thus how people $till see our Department, as ,a Volunteer. Fine beppartment. if o still get.a.lot of oorxesporudence;from banks, from,crredit eardtAf H was to open cep +every, piece of mail !get; it's like the junk°mall you getat home. We get tons of junk ua�a 1, tons bf% and i sift through them My Satre" hands... ...when she OkU up the P p3of16 6 A mill, she hands it over to me, but on the weekends whem there Is no-administratfork there the guys pickup the Mail, !,personalty 0 not open bank accounts that doWt pain is us,r I throw It ww, W don't -have bank accounts any more. -AMY LYSERG - W hav ariy other question ton this item, Dan? DAMN SU M Noy AMY LYBERG Rods we haves staltet ent from ©eborah;,Haraoock: that you 6tacted h+ In Ap t 2t 11 retarding this aunt. .CHIEFROVAIGUk2 I. v+rhat She stated that you,*cootac d" her regarding tw account, aM thot-prior to this dente ,she-was +unawar,e that any accounts were still in existence. CHIEF RODRIGUJEZ — I ntacted ail rby pr rous lunteers this while post when I received a letter from Dwight Brodd attorney saying to i"uish attv apcounuthat ecurre vemI ew that we had,one smunt out there, t didn't Wow ors the account was at, artd so dh1 the Clerk and so 0, fd1hetoubty Attorney's- Cffiee. Me not haves arty of those Volunteer`s anyt ore,,t started to make prone calls. Vou.gv *ere ont board;, the ON ps i ►td nvr as Amy Schwartz , but i reached,everybody else that was at one poirht anot#ret par# o€ the Volunteer D"artment and had arxessto a bank account; either a Board member or whatever you want #malt them back;then. I said; "if you guys ;know of ear acco that is oppen, because 1, know that there is e6 amount opals, guys need# close it-and-sub titit mceneyjto the isle of Capri Flr$ Department so 1 -could deposit $6 money ba+dt i the rejulatat4otlot :" AMY LYBOAG — Oes des Deborah Hancock, who.etse did, you contact? l contacted„ Ed D'Atessandro I have a list if just our old Volunteers that I knew' were on the Board that at one point or another they had to signatory mAhor5ttes and alt of the aox,;urrts''that we had In the past t. was just hoping that somebody would know that you Page 4 of 16 , ameither on that account still or you're not. I had no control over Ow'a not dose ony accounts. I .could not ego anything at arry of the+ ban%, The bank that I .dried to so to was our old ons, which is now Wells Par " Waohovia 'That's -tha bank we had most of our accounts on But :thy ►ntting:anymore. ANDY L SMG illy wereA the accounts td hack 02002 pr ? 'CHIE ROOPUGUEZ Thi was the only account that we could not close bee use Qf the volunt 6A ►unt. ,I could t it was have SdiCand said.it ±ras their account, Aso we had no authg6ty to shut them do, wn, We had tto ►t rigid. hasic lty, sO don't even see where we would have a I l r*t to Rave volonteem close down any #hunts. AMY LYBERG -� 'you Just told us that you directed them to dose any accounts and give tht mom to:Isle frpr# how sold y ou do that If youdoWt,haveluthority at? �F,EtiICaUE.� -- Scosuse i figured if the; Clerk wants them :dared <�l jus didn't waritthe h"dat he a y pore. it was' headache. Those volunteers sa If# t It," but I said; *well). don't want to fight It boo usd.i don It want, that headache." Thais why we MIM Qued 4 ,tlte Paidonhii away ftotn arsy arutt and lefi: tlaos+aee that court beMsO,we had ho authority. AMY LYIERG -- so wbo out of hose Individuals n you. contmted co wW told you that t* had In ormatlon about socaunW, Did anybody come back and say; `yeah, I %end � ac�oElttt, hers ft-Ur �I I�tICUE� --w I don't think ►y c* canon back. AMY .YUBG You-contacted all ofthem and asked there spedfIcilirl,know there is an account out tai @re " t AMY LYSERG wyou steed to close lt.and get that M eyt pus. , CHIEF AODRIGUEZ- awhatever money Is-In.-that account needs to come back to the County,# AMY EYgG -- And who did You hear back fsom About that? CHIEF RODRIGUIZ s. The only pws©nthat t heard backftom,was Q , hr .AMY LYRE - And what-414 she "V? CH1Ef RODRIC3UEZ- She contacted the ban% and,she found out that she was on that-actpunt,Once she went to the bank; C Sum they weren't going to let her, have the mom? I don't :know what transpired, but then she called me,and sold; 1 lam g i„ have a cst ier' sent.* Thisawas awhl� a uk wasn't; it just,wasn't sorne#ting I had on my priority list at the to when the check carne in 1 didn't even put two and two together; I s id ° We just a d tton." It just was�t on my pr'lorhy 11sL C didn't think anything of It l didn''t tll(W there was anything egA about us receiving a check. l AIdn' . �i� anything was WOcng1 o we subtr►itied a cheek to the County, >£' i felt here wonet#inM u� g o hoe sold a ins but l dldril think ate+ ltirt� was ddras illy tl�r They closed down the a bwunt and she sent the ,check-to V County. Won`t even know if tM was.legal for us to do being that the money ready doesn't b lord tsir, It .belonged -tothose-valunteets. AMY LYE a littls V ant the County Atl You sold that you callod them tstrtivns to make suns that ng whether or tultthat was s 6010e110 nd out IfI t '6A � CHIEF RODRIGUEZ'- I have asked f rom day one with the County Attorneys tike, "what is the legality hers Ow h states that my Departmertt a nrm have art account?" Nobody can answer that There Is not hing Hlegai sere in the plorltta Statue or in the County, policy that states, VOlunfeers cannot, hold ar fundraiser and have their own account," out because the Clerk sand:, "you need to dose there down and you need to turn the money bark into the Caunty.'o -1 was following that direction knowing that I have noticing in wrung that state we have the legal tip to do that; which I still, to this clay,, I do'* feel we'have that lal rlghtto keap vcyltrnteers: from holding a fundraiser and keepingthat money. ! mean can you show me somethft? The CourntyAttorney couldn'tshow, +me anything. !Ue Clerk couldn't show nm anything. , Iwasiust doing what l was getting directed by the County to do. Ifthere are apeou nts putathere, tie them. down, The only entity that gave us hard time was that 111ttle gaup that said; "np, that money is.ours, and we are forming a 50xv and here is =our paperwork" They showed it to myseff-and Alan and said; "heWs our Sti1C. " Now, was rt submitted to-the State- or tot.. I don't know? 1 no, ver saw that, .AMY LYBERG So,the document that -yo 're tagdng,aboutthat prompted youto Make these phone colts was vVhat CNIO RODRIGUEZ -4 It was the.subpoen that I ecel red from :Dwight Stock's office stating "to tutu In aFll of ycxur records; all of your bank records that you have in any accounts that are out there." So I pulled up my box. I calf. the County Attorneys Office, spoke I to Marian; and spoke to Jackie Hubbard. 1. said; "l haueone box loft ypu have the rest,' l said; 'I found.12 boa dated from, with bank accounts here. What do you want Me to dQ with It' oo 1 take It thstrattofftr "s: office, or do I bring1t over to you? ' She said, *brins it here and ell have 0++V ftW-s office come over." That's when ! said, *We# t know there's an account out there: Ws never been shut as far as 1 know, and t know there'd got tp be sortie money lry there." AMY LYSERG — So did you fact rile Count AUor`n s t► aigaitt'vvhe peb�trah Artie Ira acrd said that she found an account CITE,ROORIGU> Z- Mo, I d1410 I did not. That %the part that 1 did not do, t eontactedthe County Aporney's Offilm once i met with you all and lsaid; "Are you aware I spoke to Marion. said, "Are you aware of the derk- fieding another account opened?' She said; %, I`m not await �df it;" i said,'oWell they-did because there is that volonteor acoourttthat 1s still open, or was opem'Y She said; "well, I haven't heard anything about W so`l said• fto 7 Of 26 6A 1 0." That was dw is t conversation I had with the County AttonttVs,office about that account.' AMY LYBERG And how recent wasthat? CHIEF RODRIGLIIZ— Right after I met with you all. AMY LYS — ©k. 014 you also .contact Deborah tight after you talked to us?' .A►1!1A� LYBEt t men I was going through ,my, ZHIEFjRaJPRIGUEZ- 1 might haver1 might hays asWherd' I Kn w i sporce to peboran one time, ant' Vw$ W*s awhile W. AMY 1.Y8 That was thee. were calling afid con. R the rest-ofthe volrnteer? CHIEF RODRIGUEZ -- Te� a cofaa w quKe a mW U14L I WUIQ j,nO avctsqW. If1a ani othereraan that I dldre't torct than I tan+ew► can the Board at oaelaoint, was Bruin 600 nea0. He was on one of the volunteer boards as well. He was a signature authority on +one of the accounts. I don't know If he was a signature authority for'this acx unt or not, but he was the only otherperso that l dldWt got a chance to talk to. AMYTYBEIiIG . JA+nd why didn't you cell Bruce? CH EF�ROPRIG i got busy, onthe —.The main: person 1 wanted to speak to was Andy 5+chwartz,. becaRuse w was the Presiderit, Me was the one that started the amount. He was the one that Ned the paperwork out. He wasthe one that ceme`into the station and removed the entire account in #ront.Of myself and Alan McUughM and said;'you guys aren't touching this," and he took iverything with hire. 'Page a of 10 6A AMY t,Y 1tG­ And were you successful Ih .r"_d0hg Andy or no? 041EF'R DRIGUEZ -- No, no; I gins hes na In trams anymore. I've contacted his business,1 don't know where Andy fiat any longer; Ws been seven (7) years I thlnknow ince he's been.gone "m the DeO trnent. AMY LYBEAG -- OL According to Flea DePartmentState Division of Corporations, which isSUNBrz they have I$le oftaprl'Volunteer Fire Deparrtraent listed as FWda blon »Pr6fIC CorpcaratioM and sin �� re�pords A does state that the statuslofth.e Corporation Is In Active.. vAth the-last event being minlstrartlue 0 in :2005. Yotire listed as the Roared Agent f+ar that? CHIEF 90DRIOLIF2- No I don`t, t tfon�t know that. AM Y LY tG - 01 they have you ted ;ass the Registered Agent. Mod back aware Of CHIEF RODRIGUE2'u- 1 don't even kaw whet that means, to tall you the truth. Yoh* d(*s that mean? AW LYIRG They oaf the rim end,address of you as the Agent €or t Corporation. Now theydo other officers # tedd; Andy Sc#trea' lithe Fre resident, B Vice- , t�� wth ail sf *hM dent and +#n a as 7 reaarer Are y ou Irxdi rI + Ia CHIEF R DRIGU -- Y , yes' -Bruce works for EMS, Kevin Bee row works for elthor East r r Porth 'Naples.. AMY LYBERG Did you swn#act him as vwW1 when you were reaching out abet orevious accounts? Cf F RODR,IGUEZ:" No, no So they did forma 5010 Ally` LYBERG — It aprpeara that ttayy fii d that in 2002, acct►rdins to State re nds, and ha ve been Ire motive since September 2005. - 6A + C141EF RODRIGUEZ- Tt afs,the flat One I've seen that�:but t knowth" #fled the paperwork because l saw the paperwork and Alai saw the paperwork since of this has �... that w" the 1W time we ,saw that' paperwork We didn't see ny of our nam' a on it. AMY LYSt G Did you do an R.L.S. {Request for Legal SwWw4 wft the Cour►ty Attorney's tfice regarding their Arttdes of Incorporation? CHIEF R0,61UGUEZ 1 don't, know, t doWt think so; -t don't, know? AMY,LYBtR4G don't have thein with tree. We actually have the document that we found back In when they originally were goon tb Mathose. CHIEF RODRtQUEZ- e mW, ,,bath done. an R.1-S, to if they were leget, but l don't re bar? Jntess<t hed4t kn €tnt of me, I doiel know if an R.L.S. donel We-might have dorms ee -t* see If they v re allowed P do what they were Ong? Th y kind of ticked all of us off when they mama lfi'ta take that book of records, and we had no authariQatio�n whop it. s l k at the tirrte -we prpbably did do arr lt.t,sY,. but 1 dQn't re a -Mber doing ones AMYLYSERG PAN do u have any ques DAN St3t AERS. -= Rod, when 0 fo a C orporation, they ha'veta do 8y -L#,M;, tbeV ham to 003,,Aaws °or Arts - les of incor wa►tion with the ;Mate. DW ey copy yon on ony of that? CHIEF fiObAIGUEZ- Nq no i'cn not aware ofhow anon -pmt arg izatfgn mss, meter men i kno �r tat they are supp ed to fitl out State park anew mit 04 Out 1 per stw anV by -laws of all `hit l can re tlr Ve would ha a ccpya H. we have Tall -the 7WI. we have e1i our rn #r�e�tes, t. 't rem or sing any ....... ►. . ,A ties -of hkorpb otion! CHIEF 80bMUEZ The on by- laws.we have ate far the Advisory Board, and those --are the only by -laws aware of since I've been there. they might have had by4awsfbofere me, because tfwy have always had volunteers, and they have always had volunteer-accounts; since 1977; I meaty this isn't new. PW 10 ,of 36 6A DAfit SUMMERS -- let m fast show yon, *Is, there istjpage herefirom SUNRI2, that does list Articles of InzDrporaO* and they, have you listed as an Agent with your s rE on It, and this goes bark t6'Q2 CHIEI: RODRIGUM- OR. WOUMMERS - . Thaes your signature, right? CHIEF RWUEZ — Yes, absolut r, t d'on "t know what hat can Agene means? I doWt 1�nqw if that was giving ra the authority, to, show ",they are volunteers for the isle Capri? Which l think that probably shows that Bey are volunteers at the. Isle of Capd? DAN 041EF ROQMGM o SUMMERS til t, and then of +course, your name im RegIstered Agent shawing 175 Capri Boulevard, back ln'OZ OcWber 29,. 2002. CHIEF RODRIGUEZ- C art °l get a: copy of all that? DAN SUMMERS — Ca�tainty. CHIE `I ORIPUEZ — 1What vOwre $01 waiting On that wt Still haven't received to date. Is, rte is the telplit .h erelft Pro is the illegal; I mean, l havre never Witten an answer whether it Was the or the Cow CowitV Attorney's offic .Where Is it illegal for volunte to have an I account? 1 sal get wed to this dad wit b the resoNisifs that wehaye,and even vm softeofthe fwJdenes that warm to donate to the volunteers that we have, tom suite arnd all that. The only thing that t ran tell them is, np, we ain't do that" i�tgs t.1 e�f 38 ': 6A I We have nothing In writing, We have nothing In writing from the'County. We have noting In wring from the County Attomey's Ofte where It shows that it is Illegal or .agar County Pricy for volunteers of the fire Department to have their own: accounts, . Here, we arain 2011 and we still haven't resotved that That's what t think", need to rive. Something In writing that states that "you cannot have thls,* and we don't have that" AW V1315 tG — I doWt have an answer for you. CHIEF RODRIGUi = l spoke to my attorney about It as well, and he feels the exact earns v* Give me st methingth shows what you and your department did is illegal. I sold; 1 ain't* bemuse i have nothing that we did against County Policy i have oothing that we did ost ounty'CMA.'' "Ms.has been a practice since 1977 and it's never been, queIored tA ....f..,... don`t remember when the G+k's tie started? I think stud in t don't kn v.lt's b so tong. l ddon t remember the ;year, but thees tho onty time i - s bees Wout to question.. Even #henv nothing ha over come out in writing from the County stating that; 'you cannot have voluraers °hold fundraisers or hate titer own acxwuW I'm list We. 1% lost. SiRta d ever 8 that the Clerk and the County asked us to do. Did we do 0egolty? 4c3ri't °7 have neVor been questioned y ;any of those rs fir that we offtimandate them. to do its They 4W what they were told to 4 Q, Even to this day, l ham nosh -to back- If the curmat reservists, or whatever you.-want to 408 tom»; . they ,are scut volunteers anyway you Wimt to took at IL chase individuals are volunteerin 4IMir time. if they 4ecide to come .tome today and !0 ef, we are going to=hold a tar wash in the corner thereto case funds tm bud bunker sear for- our six 6 volueit �v rid we are going toputthavooticy In the batik urai l we ral W enough, Money" "hat am, l suppose to-say; No, thet's Ologat r ell, can °,Yo4 how me something in vuriting in the, County Policy th s -jes "Igdon`t have ahyth but the: ark says you're,not supposed to have It are ' WO supped 0,90 WO that? l haven't been abed yet, but the Isgoing to come, because we -have a tot of people that want to braid fund - raisers for our voluntaeers #,They see how our eepartment has always had a bank account for volunteers, So1ow dry we tesolve that issue? I'm lost. AMY LYBERG l .think that's a question that, we can ask, but we don't have an answer for yott today Page 12 016 r6 A 2 CHIEF RODRIGUE I personally don't feel that myself or any of nay members of the department have done anything-illegal .,e ty of the money that was ever gl rt to the departments "ihts lost deck that-was delivered, it was retctrned, which ready doesn't belong to. the Clerk. It belonged to those volunt rs. AMY LYSERG- You said It was returned, returned to whom t;:HIFF 90t)RIGl1 - Well, we deposited It through the County so it carne back to our department, but it went through' the Cork. l AMY L-YSERG- Ok. .CHIEF RODPJGUEZ: if they wanted to-question that and fighx that; if those Individuals that were cut that Board or on that account; if they want to fight `it and say,• "no that money doesn't bel or toxthe County" that belongs;tothe vvlunteem It was raised for the vol- On#eers.l* we have no leg to stand on at that Point. DAN 1MMEn — How many peoplo do you h or your roster today hin are, pall 141kkne emplaye , t hose that you call au iary, and these t t t you t Stl vatunte ' 4EF RODRIGUEZ We have ;si*(6) volunteer DAN SUMMERS- Are they volunteers; or. are they auxiliary? CHIEF I lr*tfgZ- Well, we, call them reserVJs% brit they don't get paid at all. They are rot job - barriers and they, are buee volunteers, but. a Just changed the name to rese . ' hopir that it would actually.keep them from holding afund raiseratd stuff likethat Vve air�ra been asked; "h+a , I have the opportunity to raise money for our reserve program here," and rm constarntly shutting thear down. Nobody has ever really challenged Me +yet but Ws Ong to coma a time when one of these guys is goin to challenge me.and sAy; "No ;1 couldihold a fund raiser ' and `i;have nothin to bad crp. I have no, CMA to bark it.uo. - Tbert is nothing *egai that a oybody calf see tha# twve dome? PAP 13 of 1-fi r 6 A pnn ill stuck on how ym tan call these foftthat use to be part of the groin, and ask then to find any ouOts and debit any ropney? Could they have not beorr kaho same sttuation that they were Ina number of years aSO and say; IvNo', this is our money?" CHIEF RO IGUEZ- Absolutely,: You ate Ate"LYOERG- Then how could you assert that the money beloolmd to Isle of Capri? CHIEF RODRIGUEZ Seca that is what i was ah ys told by t he Clerk and the CounttyAti accounts that are, out Owe, shut them down an d roturn the money to of this ie+w suit that occurred five, si k seven years ago; "Shut down evv how and return the brads thro th the irk." Even to dame the C.vunty same things O accou►nits most be shut,dowwq, Wool know.#tWs a i I'm doing and rvo done what the County has asked me out there that so tale of CaW + .#%ugh icy are Capri. Ttafs- another thim these'trtd vtduais have never used County, which Immer C.ou"ty Munticow Fine Rescue. , tat lesalwaysbeen n>ameilIsle ofCapti Vo nteer. So County-04" Volunteers. Y LYBER = 4114110on't'I s Offlca, 'Any Wn±ty. from day I lWaccount: that you ,law cave t o Dvsir+t aut , to d€t, but every ao�runt that not utfllztng the legal name of ,W of the legal name established by Coder 1Wft District. It's rw4er been named .'i•ttey are not utilift the `ft6l amity. They ore utilizing lsie of Capri k the a volwnteerargardation could go and set up.a bank aunt for youl l itthey would have- to be ft=rponftd or have some otber °wayvf dointg that. up a bank accopat for is% of Capri AMY LYBEk- l rafft answwthatE l don't know whether xhey would or not They may ask one for sore+ document that sags t# tat l have the autfro ky tb do this. CHIEF acRt - E-z- No„ t mean]Wseewftbecausothey howl had it sWm 1977. They,have had mutt K.t6Wtiple Grunts through9r of tpri, and'the same way with Oche. The same way with all.af these .Pap 14 fifes 6A � .departments throughout the County that were volunteer at oft tine, T'lte}r've all had behk accounts; When you .go to a bank:to open up an OCODUM theyareWtsoing,to say; "Do you have authorization to open this a+ccowt7" I've never seen that.1 started as a vohatteer there- n the Ws, and I've witnessed them-open up multiple accounts. You;dotet have to have any 'documentation other than if Voltte Ong a, Wt Am* like The Municipal Collier County; tai' they avant to seilthat but at no time any,of the atcounts, that we had have everhard the legal name of Comer County Isle of Capri I1llcar pa# ere Ta i ce. Eor ♦brat you need author yc to do that it you look at all of our accounts, and they ate all sitting at the County AVIDMOr's Off; 0" account that i found or-sftting at the AttQmey's Officer none ofthon had the legal derseripdon ofhow We of Capri was established. AMY M G put you've saying'that these are accounts in the 70's and the OWs7 CREE IODROSUEZ: Sewehties ('0's),rielgtrtlees1(Ws), and all the way to when t was part of the-account in 2002; myself and Alan till the Clerk said we couldn't do It anymore. Scar these are all °of the accounts ughout tWyeam Thor isn't new. it's something that has been in plain. The County bas . ah"" known. TheCounty has plwaol kwwn that we -have= had accounts.' Alf my bosses ar knew we had amounts; Torn Stork ♦dart -AaM Ken Pineau etveryrbody-that t worked under even as,* voluntw, Jay Reardon. Everybody. always. know that we had voWnteer bar*,a�aurr<ts: it was, not hidden. it wasn't aoyrthirgthat.was done lender wraps.The Cwnty always knew that the tsle:of Cad and Och6pee, had uohmteer accowlft tF tt wasn't a problem untg then Cterk said It was a prO i�t, wei were never given any direction + tt►erwtse >.. That lS thea prcoblerr�'tW.v e,$tiil have 'to phis day; there Is,00 ekeWon thact =states, oft is "ill al to oave.* There is oothit4l" writing that says.l's. illega l'to halve. I�AMSd9MMlltk5- 1' drd't have s"Ing else. AMY I.YBER I don't either. [ AA1 S 11 MERS- t'really a►ppredatec caming in. let me lust say also.-we gave you Oetter,-dated-October,2$, that we aid try toget out to you r"tti ted Moll, tjust-wa #ed to males sere that you knew. 041EF RODRIGiJEZ- '!'hat's no problem. I mean, I gent to help In every which way I can, but I need som- ethl6g in return that states from this day.ok if volunteers aslc, ,1T%s ;isVw CM& or this #s the Cou*- Poky," but" have never gotten anythriog We nee4so as Managers other tit to say; "lea, you can'thave that," anysood a xney would tear that up. I want tat help. Tell me WWI near! to do. I re followed all of the dlr ♦ions froth the AttQmey's vfiica to shut down any known accounts that we've had, Was it done . filly? 1 don't know. I don *t know. I dent ' Paige s:S, of 26 & I j 6A I know If l had that right to shut down all of those accounts, , but I did what the County told me to do. DAN SUMMERS:- ifsat concludes our recording. It Is roughly 12:25, and I have 11 pages that came off of the Florida SUNBIZ website, and I'll make a copy fur Chief Rod. That concludes our meeting; Thank You. END OF STATEMENT Pop 16 of 16 6A 0 o presented a finance Mint -" of the DepartmerWs line Itern,accounts showing the Bona contribution Urae item to see If had any mare MformaWo with respeata,the lids amt troroaetion he oft-red as I recall, Owt what -ow was receMmiwps .Immediately deposited aodtbe print out aged to be a chart of theIr county budget account. The Chief ltd add that he did call-around, as a result of the memo from the County AttomWs ofte to sea what elm may need to be reported but he found nothing when maft Oxoe calls mprdl any , utIts. We asked If Deborah County EW -- are# a former volunteer and Capri employee had been communicated to wing this mattes and he stoW *not as F racer. We concluded the discussion within apprWmatoly 20aP minims. This is a summary of my recollec#on Of the Inquiry. ry: 6A � Amy fibers, Human Resources Director 8arkg wnd* on September 271 2D11, 1 rereinred a telohorne calt In the morning From Dan '5ummer%, Director Bureau of wergency Seryidces. He stated that he bod met with three employees of the isles of Capri rim Department nt previous weekend. 150th emcee brougb t forward serlous concerns regarding occurring at the ,station. W bad, memorialized the discussions In a memo, which included back up documentation, and dellvered. this to the A in reviewing the documentation, there was a bank statement addressed to the isles of Capri Volunteer Aire oepartmgnt which bore the address of 175 Cadprl >3ou%►ard, This is the same, address as the parecn. There was a statement for 2010es well as =1. The.20U statementaalsr► lncluded a record that ft account had# been 4osed on 4/22A1 by a current employee-of Collier- CD40ty S. 1118 concern inter that dsyr ,fdllowlnt d1souWons, it wad decided that Clan and I would meet iriftema lly with Chlef Ro tgue t tc determine his knowledge of the bank_ statement(s) and account in the nadtrrre of the isles of Capri Vah teter Fire Department d?n1 'O ft on 1#itiqjA0 &Jftm* Dan Summers and l met at the IOC .pima gtati+on around 4:2Sam and proceeded to the Chlef'sofgae. The Chief had been In and out o€"the office due to a family amergenct, so the first part of the convematlon war, centered around that Issue` Following that, Dan Summers opened the diseussbh saying that scrdtne Infirmation had co .to, light regarding another bank a tt,underthe ICM . Dan fed Chief if,be;could tell vr►04 If atntthl ' he knew about additional accounts that were in. a *tence- Ode Rod sued Oat he knew nothing abut any accounts that might stir' be m e*tence, and tfiat-altbanking records were taken: at the print that the volunteers formed their `awn tc)(3) oorporation, so It there was, an account he didn't knowanything about It. tit went into great, detail about ow the Volunteer Presldept, Andy Schwartz, had rlted the records aver 3+p4 car and that ht Rttd knew nothing altt the act+itiesftec dal time. He also stated be aldret know anoing abCHA thlc status of the Volunteer organization and where Andy S t rtt w attire present drne, Ian also aske'd'about donations that came In to the stadom, Chief Rodriguezystated that they would not permit •donartions, and someone came in wti#ta donation, they would thank them, but turn thrmt away. ""the only time Vvy would not do so is it the unds icame in anonymously and they had noway to return them: In ttIlt case, they would phut the money into t he department's donations fund. Chief was asked about a recent d1onation, and he stated he, did mall that ves a t heck chat otme In, and he directed the Administrative Assistant to-, send It to trance to be handledappropriately. Me.was unable to tell us wutrat the amount was of the check, or when It had been receiVed. We finalized the meting by asking If there was any outer information that rnight be relevant to the ,matter of 'the ammt» He indicated that he -W, recently found a box ref old rawrdst but that they ha o Derr tarned over to tie County Altorrre/s =dam. 'Mile corrciuded the meeting In 2d.to 25 minutes. 6r r 16A u Off MINORANDUM Array Lybe% Director �- Numa� Resources i:KOMO- pan E. Summers, Director -emu ofEMM61ncY Sery DATE: septembet 27, 2011 isles of�opriTtrer—',Emptpyee4 cem During the week of Sep"bet i"; a Lieutenant Michaels from the.:tsies oft Fire Department made contact with me and nested a meeting to sham wilous +core OMS about the n at Isles of Capri Fira ©eparrlment. _I invited him to meet w#h trey an& Dave Molinaro from Human .Resources at Mott anytime at the E ncy Services Center. Lt. Michaels' s oted ,r atediy that he was fearful of °illation by Chief RodrigueZ and was uncomfortable with Mr. l+ linaro's presence and meeting at the Emerge my Services Center, on,,Saturday mornfh' & "5�eptembet 20 1 agreed, with ;same hesitation, w thhµt'H.R. preserce, to ;meet with l t.''Mi aeis AdmInbtreti t Assistant, Barbara Shea And Firelighter Chris Tani and did so at a North Napies coffee shop. This men ndurn is ray recollection of tfi� "serious concerns they presented to me. First the erttitic ye expre d a high ie +ei +errs fri it retatia n lay their Ch%f o: t ! n gait bait urgent meeting1was being comuctod at their request outside" the,chain, of command. They expressed' concern thatthey had attempted to resolve a myried of moues with their Chief and their cwe" re being igrnored. Their second concern was the.c ontistent romo-ocallingv,by the Chief to various Em*yees and orthe way crtticLgn was delivered: This Included the use of profanity coin birted With V&- nameswhen ailtiressing em- ptoyees:on a dai1Y 'f i , the way 1n which. employees wer* "%ailed -dove afid the' on-, going name calli by-1he hlef to the p►i d oar of Em+ rgency Vices, pr Wously tefereoced as the° bo iW and now being,called the Ii*boy'� The employees conveyed to me that 0* behavlor had t",out of Oontfol and set the stage far a very uncomfortable wo *erttrironmeent. It showed a coosistaent.level of disrespect to li" members of the Bureaux of Emergency Services. The ernpoyeestpresented with more documaratidan and ea�me concern aboutthe ongoing CPR titiort issctes. E -Malls were. pr rrtaeci to aw, be hot � with me, thot'in tad than rags and `training class a rV�ts ciid' rtc f match with those +erns naportedly crere 0 wen not n attehdopce. This absence of valldotioh or reasonarbieness of th+ ' cias t" rosters Indicated that the 'baO pa ge of the attendance f6m associated with the respective classes had burs edited by Chief Rodriguez as 6e � Discussion, ontinued at length regarding the Chiefs approach to what could be claa0fred as favoritism toward certaInfy employees. Tuts ImIuded harboriji; emplqym Who my oat have the nee awry training and skills for certain special assignments or c ortMoations or additional levels of, ce�plwrts�il3iy. Thes.employeegs Holed that the. Chief�,►aes av�t'�r'rnix7t� It e�'� with the! ernpkryee� to maintain a level of discontent between personnol on -shift anus working reiationships between sh . ThWfelt that this WnStant ~ to create a;diVIOve fidam O"VIrd"Ment eras most hanr", goat arid" Dive team operatlm "were a signWicant concern -as k related to incx nslstertc with related tra#ning, cmpensatofy tltne for trams, and .excessive compensatory time for mandates to train external agencies, . n' ,,­re-assigned leadership within the marine and dive program gave tohcert as to-the leader of thmteams twtqg adeggste eVedente and qualffications. StafF presentod concerns abwt the expert: imitation reportedly given to Advisory Board Mernbers,by Chief lolrlguez to respond err -met of Ore, and medical omergendgs to view they work .being 40he at the patient's side They felt this,was a<" disitran to their care and operations and had concerns, regarding prlvacyltsuos and ,ft managem cor ogms. Training reewrds wltbin Depart mbentire malntalned by then various shirk nzants, Concerns wom expressed,that the tr4ikft records were 3 consi t. Ttue em _ployfts were rnremed that training effwU "§ettveen the various shftweralb9W upon asWorkism bythe Chief of canee shift oyerranother. The.emp"ees preseaud eoncaerns that on move than one own,, Chief Itordriguez ught assistance fro* an owduty l re,figh er to, came to tds nearby,home to look.at a home repair or pJymbing issue. The onAmy employee "would d6ve hb,persoral vehicle and leave his poser un-a sei ed the +emet" cy. veF de on4uttlon. earn" a nne spouc oconlon the apparatus was d4patchtd for *Medical call Wftut the benefit of a" full complement of personnel who was an officer on the appar►i s and rt e* at the Chiefs nearby reWertoe, The exact4atecould not be recalled. The a *ll Am handled reponedly The firofthteyrs present and the, Administrative Assistant iepnr l final the.CW was dnfa* atidating lmplementdd. P the tlurrrate gesm "over-NIP40f by tl up from; the Mum be led J*thel C r in which =mponsatory tWo overtime and s"m leave bras being. recorded and Administrative Assistant reported that she had researched and had opinions from *s Okvctor,as, to how a certain ftekeONXIng turd to be handled. 'She was Chief ton more than one: oomsloh with regent to her recommendations aced bllow- Res rtes "t , poftme nt. ?l`i►is a usesd fret ! .s nc rn about retdfiatipn that may nt, valth over twenty Yeara:ofiinancial'ezpenene a rep o she thought It th her many: years of service at Capri, she was never allowed, to rec*"- and repw when she dirt have an opportunity to ,intercept they daily, rail,, acre" the `. Third bank addressed to they Wes c Capri,fire.Department This a anything outside of county financial work that 'he had" seta regarding a Notin-SIbb as highly unusual to recetve a rna�lar ga" "fihird itan that was, she opehed the acwu6t, and assumod teat ihls,toust bo 0 %ai*c %ccarant of 6 A ilf��11 irrte est to 'this Clerk of Court and , t Inq irle icy krt ai atto,rneys. She recounted her understanding of this account in question likely > e1ng relating to a conversation she had teritnewd Some tame prev%t*, a heatedEtelephone discussion between a t ier'County Paramedic and Chief Rodriquez aboiA the need to dose the account and donate the funds monft prior to �seeft this bank statement The Administrative distant also recalled that the Chief had directed her to make a deposit to, the `off within the isles of Capri County bctdget Donatl4n line h6m for a dor ated sum of money that was a bw* check fra m,e Third Bank with an odd amount of dollars at>rd cents. The Administrative Assistant had ew cane that she was reporting this donationoutside of her chain -o Ommand and expecle 0 sous "llaVon from the Chief, should It be reported to him. she was concerned'' that this wAs an mount turaler investigation and this. W;s het first knowledge. of such account. She provided a copy of thet 6ank'sdstatement }t question. At tt e.discussion came to a close, the employees remained quite fearful of retaliatoty afforts that may be placed against: them �l lef Ptoddo , ' They explained that they were most fearful for coming fomard bmtz thatzthe risk of reporting outside the :thaln of command was warranted to help keep the Department aptrating properly, (paraphrasing): with mutual respect, and,molotalti a high deoMe of salter arid competero'. I, stated to- map that 1 wanted, and expected nothing less t� total t n*patervy on all financial opera ` well dctcthtoented a44 prOficieht levels of " riltag, operations abdalresPedful and soompr'ia,Wwork-plate, I am re la± to questing the Hureart itescwrrss Department tent further lztu t to the claims, made by ft employeas and hrtmedlately, notify the Courtly, ttonW affim . oaf attached financial iocrrta#ipn ,pMkW by the, miolWattve Assistant tegardir the .,Third Rank« f,-do :not have files non timelines assciciated with. previous, #perk investi bons or current clerk lmre ans wgh respec tto this a ged Isles.of C" unt notad In the ittadhed dooctrnehts. These concems may wish to be reviewed bythe County Atter ney'Z OMM as soon as poowe. i wtll be happy W tVaeet wlth you air tale re iding this trig- 1 rnttirltain a NO teVei of trust and confidence in the isles of Capri, ffre personnel and belleate OW continue td de e*m&,Mt service today,aW In the f are. 1 am of the opinion that the Chief hak placed the ivunty and the Isles of Capri oronization lrt a posture that Is Irrepa-POW Pending fug - investigation or direction ,by County Attorney and your riarf e 1 awa'lt your rem ndations. 'i'haittlC you. Arta hrtaents: 13 papi-,00g:ltjaIs,as,M0JdecL 'fib A F4 OFFICE OF THE COIIN.I'YATTORNEP I. &I%-- authorize and request any and all financial hWWombanks and *Wk anions to: 1. rweae,, pmvide ard, give ft.folloWnq Infwmfion to the Office of ft- CW* of douft, CoW -a- r.Co6nty,-FI6*&: 4k all oca6urit records, Wt *e my name appe4rs, named, t1dedi,assoclated with or ro", I td, TAI)IWI,Cou '06"' Islas Of qqfr, Isla 6f c4if" W, vdvp �. or OF and an 0-mm oftMIS at ts. Qtre i.by any$Wf taw _W* 10 PCIB -4- %ft- 6r rekftv to "Cbvler of cow" nra" ;`!Vb arot kII FTbrfda'i& 446 Albal*p -W an -.0t -pefW.- .00 p, Tbw Stdo of Florida County of aOLLI'&e, Swom to and subwfted before me on khtel Notory Public My Commission Expires: 0/11 cam" Pon no glows MMI r � a a: r6A wIZ`O NHYS AT LAIN &r August 22, 2DI M"tWO ; !►M7icJt!149 fit _ Mr. Emilio Rodriguez Ito rd &�dG St'eueN -� BIgUN'C ,: �, .� v:ord,of couhty Commission et at. Case No 04- 941.40A *L Flo #742O.i 3 � ,tiimaryourseVonse to oursubpoem, Duces r � ; C u / 28, 2Q't 1 Yves dU$ ort 4r at3QUtLaugust d � ti9,' �r as tray good, Ut th of rt to ottiin » rCcnr UesM tg:to prepare. tie d in", .pi! sa let a* heard m Rio tl0) =derxdar days this �' Q i left; t MI0- pr e i on To impel. �xa .. as r�.r Ski n R.• # '. fR PCY A . PlaiM ,jr , Este. � , e � 92�1ti'�+tiy4tA:Ai T�Att N. t ,etas, AI'' PA9 ydspbw OWE, MAAW ''- $"Waft umma 6 r# $013 ' oRds I'll of 1m Faer od 365 11 Wtt*wg* 10 ks :bOj kft%t Awlad YM $0,93 U popoftilowb $U3 MVB ffi I !�q "too* pp 1a a .. 17AQ -VA owa 04112- iTA4 JMCHARW CH 0 1 1740 SMIMC 17" itt5t=1 d1 RM 1 17'.00 QiAR 1 #7.00 sw=ow4z fl913 I.tW 10,x` li'i0 vowo DOkkm ; WID 17.Q� C,L i il0 MOO tl*ln E•flvAtiC,"E , 04006ft f 12 awn Ubdkv Q.93 Eft foe apt` t# 08 11+13T (!:#t6 lPlfi' oom Q00�lT 1 0,A 3 Q.07 SN'�t�3i' � 08 I�V't�ST w _ P"4104 6A I'Mzt, tie; tlu�ois s ��zi Twc ax Adw Nt 1= 5�1�'M � �Ktt �� lit« 51$64457 IBS OF com VOURCM �� 17�°CAPR18t.Vi Nous �t 3411 -" ?241 5arddn5 : t4nrt7D 7StatW "..N wwws3=n airs 1 hdraw,4la o EE -#C M V) I bn*A di $tom 4 1 O' 4. Prioriptu wit 0439 +vsO.QO h ats j boW s $VVI to 4 1 1i AG S@tV. tZ44 Oo ovis -u oo -savim ovjti�e 1T.00 4ib Date l 24TMV.ST 9 OV2Z 445 Date Bsiat�e �utnnu i1 2,749:94 VYU` 3,733,08 v4f2 . 1,699�i O!# 1 1,75= OVi5 1,716A 04M OD Ei 4 WWI om 1,218.15 w. Pi ".1 0 4 im: .o. .►��r�.ul�lttl��q�u���1�lt���lr f iK iM $A � 11 4/22f'2fi1i o N 1 1 Er eow Oft. 11= X4/29/ Qii € . P4w x* Type; ft A& la +king 6A �tqur�tfrN�; 51869457 tq CxXtaer:.�!4�0'I� land C Banking cor4w Ptm - 389 -18W caffe rcw Ckm5erwm 1"4- 569 -5355 2241 www:sicom 301t6Y2t1 r ' 1 r ,.4 W.4 ifli[N'.! to k���. • . `� Ott . y ,i I } z I M i i. x. .r e r. ■ + r s 0 f..' '3.4°3... v.. -°%1 �' ..L.1' �. 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"ANNUCH/ RAM= Yto: / 7 1t Nilf " At$M�t.Ox�iip(fs Aid P#Adyi% D Comer Owk,C"mis4 Ju doc 4ad Civg InfiTicOc in Caw �: !� 11�entsl � Norp�i EAths s I Qf .too. �Con�+us Canal ustoe sid Ctd tntadon Caste _ Casa D* m tion rtl�fa� tom. s 04124nM FN*& IM1992 Daft ftmm Inc, IV `fir: KAM - JU$TfCE 8UI11lING ACX* Nm: Vi=i 1351 KW Aa P"Iwoew cow ju i� � � Hta�tbMt; i 1 8Q941M IAOW camty, Jagri4a zat OV20 2011 6 A et€egr f4 AQ4 ±tsiidam 7tort 16 €37446 ad" UAW 2021, �1i�at 306 sloe 0, 4a 13 evlkm ata41'=e ar z ad 1 #4 tax 0t 1! tv I= or wi rm T" ap tam in", ati Cdntsor ► ft%U C +er �itr rsst 4"A our a saes a w"WO, td *d PAOQV" * 4o 7 4** 09"d fttmt�Wgg 124029 Y ". ► p14Nyi:_ C41It2116 � Ir1�r20i1.Q0- 1,129,200.66- Sf6h71,9l3.91• II4,Z94�0!• 95.2 3111!16' Cb111119`W1LflN10! 1r1#tdr60Q:09- 1,122;606.00- 1fSti4.li3'''3S- #l't�3 9.4 311200 DtiX11U%UQ1401 i' "060.60- 1; 0,OG. 11:&4- 9811 1E -.2 442300 ' RA61MC tv>4 I1l6 If00 60= 300.;04- 3i4 %aw 1r 9A3.4S *".7 361170 2TITA " cJ# 2QQY.00- 200.00^ 309..31- 18A,3i *94.7'' 3611K19'. i1iVlFilt : 7t,�6#r00 3,660.46? 5.632.96- 2,43246 194.4 341320 116;;21- 115.31 30409 I 6a s 14669.33 349130 i-M 06 iirtw* 2,401.44- x,441.44 364620 MOCUMUNM x.91 ;00- 1z 06.oa- 1{146;06, 46;04* r 91XMa iy611cM„4!J- 641f6i10:00 34,921.72- 350,676.$! -- 1.4 A6I348' � "o.04 3 , l 1, 7 - sf�7r 1- �� 4s14l0 490'> �z664.Q0t 3,000.00 3,06b.00- 1 # #„0 o6ao0 ' 4 46670{! 94ri�M€6 iAa13 fit' t,s0or00- a,9Qa.QO' t,s00,6o- 460000 Y 1+®� 393,400.W 0030700;00- 393r760r91 499900 no -W "I 564 364.09 06 �7i 11103 '!r' ?! r __ 1fY3tfA20'0�0 Iz6 " Oa.Od 9!2r1A4.3Z 194,970." 4f.1 ; sin" WARI 6z9.o6. 544,8a2.4Z 41,$66.119 92.6 319600' 1 3071 °.0D' l"304.04, 1,416,60 94'ki t 44.4 i 'l1.mQ' C'6Y& pma, Xfr1. 34:611 84 3p- Si3100 Qil' a alt wxff 4lrl#14 *017 6 .711Q.8q 340 97.4♦S 27r$42.05 ASA s%Aft' OVWUA J r .90 a'Ii r3QQ.00 4A,866.62 17,613 ;1VR 71'•7 b19100 ftmnw=cu ft "Z W*.42 r1`M M- 1x19100 �, tm * 17.06 33.0c1 S3.§* 14411$0: B0=" # t2' r '1 #,300.00 34t; .41b', 44r26C:39 01239»6I 14..0'> no Or,Q9> < 'ip09,A.00. 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Page 4 of 4 6A N K .�� ll W .� UJ -Mv Dew MOMAYD . phonor � 3wlsw . slow a 611,01 + +" a stow" z�� Oaft �or n s w�, WotmtkrodyTo j o"iftj- 17.E ��, v.� w o ml ow BOOM A D .7�i9.9�i 1,733.08 OV12 116MIS, pot I«71,0:1 ovis 1,716.96 om x.130 OII# a ow iofI i 6 A Petition to Reinstate Chief Emilio Rodriguez as Chief of Isles of Capri Fire & Rescue Department 900�` We, the residents and businesses of the Isles of Capri Fire District, hereby demand immediate reinstatement of Chief Emilio "Rod" Rodriguez to his rightful position as Chief of the Isles of Capri Fire and Rescue Department. Our demand is based upon a review of the facts, circumstances, and available documentation surrounding his November, 2011 termination. Our conclusion is that his termination was orchestrated on a baseless and improper foundation, without sufficient process or justification. Signature Printed name Address ?33G k4ti,rL -r- 4,4ce� &4( -10 r �/! (fi e �/ �i� %► S G` rii 4�(� cA i ! I v �-S G coon. N v � L- C-�Ck �;(D I U 5 5c, t3 f-, V n Z Petition to Reinstate Chief Emilio Rodriguez as Chief of Isles of Capri Fire & Rescue Department We, the residents and businesses of the Isles of Capri Fire District, hereby demand immediate reinstatement of Chief Emilio "Rod" Rodriguez to his rightful position as Chief of the Isles of Capri Fire and Rescue Department. Our demand is based upon a review of the facts, circumstances, and available documentation surrounding his November, 2011 termination. Our conclusion is that his termination was orchestrated on a baseless and improper foundation, without sufficient process or justification. Printed name Address Lr) ,�?r Petition to Reinstate Chief Emilio Rodriguez as Chle o sles of Capri Fire & Rescue Department We, the residents and businesses of the Isles of Capri Fire District, hereby demand immediate reinstatement of Chief Emilio "Rod" Rodriguez to his rightful position as Chief of the Isles of Capri Fire and Rescue Department. Our demand is based upon a review of the facts, circumstances, and available documentation surrounding his November, 2011 termination. Our conclusion is that his termination was orchestrated on a baseless and improper foundation, without sufficient process or justification. Signature Printed name Address G Petition to Rei Fire & Rescue We, the residents and Chief Emilio "Rod" R Department. Our dem, surrounding his Nover baseless and improper Signature '6A � Chief Emilio Rodriguez as Chief of Isles of Capri epartment ;finesses of the Isles of Capri Fire District, hereby demand immediate reinstatement of -iguez to his rightful position as Chief of the Isles of Capri Fire and Rescue is based upon a review of the facts, circumstances, and available documentation :r, 2011 termination. Our conclusion is that his termination was orchestrated on a zndation, without sufficient process or justification. Printed name Address 60� C-rcncd"aV.-, 0A C -I 1 ef k Ole, Q1 0 Petition to Rei Fire & Rescue We, the residents and Chief Emilio "Rod" R Department. Our dems surrounding his Nover baseless and improper Signature �6A �1 Chief Emilio Rodriguez as Chief of Isles of Capri Iment nesses of the Isles of Capri Fire District, hereby demand immediate reinstatement of guez to his rightful position as Chief of the Isles of Capri Dire and Rescue is based upon a review of the facts, circumstances, and available documentation r, 2011 termination. Our conclusion is that his termination was orchestrated on a ndation, without sufficient process or justification. Printed name Re"6't') � �) C\ �vl I �D4P6A) nit u �lz 5 ,r 4J CoL�N✓� L w2rL - n( r-V- Dave rnan-erre- Address i3 ?616o 2 "Z6' CAnlLI �L ✓� l0 7r-14�rrii C'�2 101� Sa,�'S lvJC or 621q [, -521a l LC 3�cc3 Ft 3tfii3_ EEL- 1 i 0 MA rA � �) C\ �vl I �D4P6A) nit u �lz 5 ,r 4J CoL�N✓� L w2rL - n( r-V- Dave rnan-erre- Address i3 ?616o 2 "Z6' CAnlLI �L ✓� l0 7r-14�rrii C'�2 101� Sa,�'S lvJC or 621q [, -521a l LC 3�cc3 Ft 3tfii3_ Petition to Reinstate Chief Emilio Rodriguez as Chief Fire & Rescue Department 6 r 41 of Isles of Capri We the people hereby demand immediate reinstatement of Chief Emilio "Rod" Rodriguez to his rightful position as Chief of the Isles of Capri Fire and Rescue Department. Our demand is based upon a review of the facts, circumstances, and available documentation surrounding his November, 2011 termination. Our conclusion is that his termination was orchestrated on a baseless and improper foundation, without sufficient process or justification. Signature Printed Name Ct-�i�QCy] �rUN oxv 5VuA101Y FAA'C1,L Jo 4*1 E Vo5;k4, Address C�o �� du 664- , T, C) y riww PGr/xl 6 ,2 3 l - % -7su��z. �6A il (I Petition to Reinstate Chief Emilio Rodriguez as Chief of Isles of Capri Fire & Rescue Department We, the residents and businesses of the Isles of Capri Fire District, hereby demand immediate reinstatement of Chief Emilio "Rod" Rodriguez to his rightful position as Chief of the Isles of Capri Fire and Rescue Department. Our demand is based upon a review of the facts, circumstances, and available documentation surrounding his November, 2011 termination. Our conclusion is that his termination was orchestrated on a baseless and improper foundation, without sufficient process or justification. Signature Printed name Address �j W I, LI,Y t'— ;51 J W � � _ Cox LUAA 11 Uo4 Diu k11;1-Ak- r t 3 q e=- �t2c) 9*7-0� _Pet, Ron �J rl C_ In L lap/;� /sz, 7!L I'6 A P� Petition to Reinstate Chief Emilio Rodriguez as Chief of Isles of Capri Fire & Rescue Department We the people hereby demand immediate reinstatement of Chief Emilio "Rod" Rodriguez to his rightful position as Chief of the Isles of Capri Fire and Rescue Department. Our demand is based upon a review of the facts, circumstances, and available documentation surrounding his November, 2011 termination. Our conclusion is that his termination was orchestrated on a baseless and improper foundation, without sufficient process or justification. Signature 4 Printed Name Address 0 12C-- " i L iU ! 1A-b ref ii4PC < r 1 � SYN SgI v(, l c) S z- l 6 A w� ? Petition to Reinstate Chief Emilio Rodriguez as Chief of Isles of Capri Fire & Rescue Department We, the residents and businesses of the Isles of Capri Fire District, hereby demand immediate reinstatement of Chief Emilio "Rod" Rodriguez to his rightful position as Chief of the Isles of Capri Fire and Rescue Department. Our demand is based upon a review of the facts, circumstances, and available documentation . surrounding his November, 2011 termination. Our conclusion is that his termination was orchestrated on a baseless and improper foundation, without sufficient process or justification. Signature i 07, Printed name Address 336) /CW i�i� l Q ` Y L0 ,r s! g. e�sldE,5'ff 5-3V1-(�6,VTt,::-f V(a e- �'6� �C�ScM �pdCi�rS�L� I eLI' Zw) 3 3 ate-, K CU �i 266 Sc I-, n e, I lu cA LO - 961 c a el 4,4 ri7e VL-0 �- b tOCi.(s (-C ( (C L _I CAS 6A Petition to Reinstate Chief Emilio Rodriguez as Chief of Isles of Capri Fire & Rescue Department We the people hereby demand immediate reinstatement of Chief Emilio "Rod" Rodriguez to his rightful position as Chief of the Isles of Capri Fire and Rescue Department. Our demand is based upon a review of the facts, circumstances, and available documentation surrounding his November, 2011 termination. Our conclusion is that his termination was orchestrated on a baseless and improper foundation, without sufficient process or justification. `Z Signature Printed Name Address k6A Petition to Reinstate Chief Emilio Rodriguez as Chief of Isles of Capri Fire & Rescue Department We, the residents and businesses of the Isles of Capri Fire District, hereby demand immediate reinstatement of Chief Emilio "Rod" Rodriguez to his rightful position as Chief of the Isles of Capri Fire and Rescue Department. Our demand is based upon a review of the facts, circumstances, and available documentation surrounding his November, 2011 termination. Our conclusion is that his termination was orchestrated on a baseless and improper foundation, without sufficient process or justification. Signature F ! S^ Printed name P I- Address l /V` ri1 L4 r f' %, Y ti� ��-= c l�" L C, C/ er, f Z ' fi MPJ1A) 5Fi 1. ' r! . 16A W Petition to Reinstate Chief Emilio Rodriguez as Chief of Isles of Capri Fire & Rescue Department We, the residents and businesses of the Isles of Capri Fire District, hereby demand immediate reinstatement of Chief Emilio "Rod" Rodriguez to his rightful position as Chief of the Isles of Capri Fire and Rescue Department. Our demand is based upon a review of the facts, circumstances, and available documentation surrounding his November, 2011 termination. Our conclusion is that his termination was orchestrated on a baseless and improper foundation, without sufficient process or justification. Signature Printed name Address ��I�ac i0 S 1035 Nonsol ( br. X-) h MCI )A -LA, kZ C�- ZA If R VL 71x' i 6A W Petition to Reinstate Chief Emilio Rodriguez as Chief of Isles of Capri Fire & Rescue Department We the people hereby demand immediate reinstatement of Chief Emilio "Rod" Rodriguez to his rightful position as Chief of the Isles of Capri Fire and Rescue Department. Our demand is based upon a review of the facts, circumstances, and available documentation surrounding his November, 2011 termination. Our conclusion is that his termination was orchestrated on a baseless and improper foundation, without sufficient process or justification. Signature is Printed Name IJI' /A� q1117 F0 /a Address l 6 13- /it 5 Ibis (��vti # zll �Lt,4rL-es 11 /VPtsc� / _ 13D� Wa iv Y.,(,:7 'l 1� rrna.��1 �� why (0aL t6A 4 Petition to Reinstate Chief Emilio Rodriguez as Chief of Isles of Capri Fire & Rescue Department We the people hereby demand immediate reinstatement of Chief Emilio "Rod" Rodriguez to his rightful position as Chief of the Isles of Capri Fire and Rescue Department. Our demand is based upon a review of the facts, circumstances, and available documentation surrounding his November, 2011 termination. Our conclusion is that his termination was orchestrated on a baseless and improper foundation, without sufficient process or justification. Signature r' Printed Name Z/1 r=-y- C� x ti Address I y (3 ftALJ\Sf}T-( , (44,P- O� VA(a lan I ('6 A Petition to Reinstate Chief Emilio rodriguez as Chief of Isles of Capri Fire & Rescue Department We, the residents and businesses of the isles of Capri Fire District, hereby demand immediate reinstatement of Chief Emilio "rod"Rodriguez to his rightful position as Chief of the isles of Capri fire and Rescue Department. Our demand is based upon a review of the facts, circumstances, and available documentation surrounding his November, 2011 termination. Our conclusion is that his termination was orchestrated on a baseless and improper foundation, without sufficient process or justification. Signature Printed name T •d to Address ,P 'V4,w% Old. ,7O9 4- 4wws t4 �C�D p�A �' 0 (4) 1� -tq I / 0 , ZI o L,ef Oeo'hlr�4� ?Yl>3 L17 CA oOA 4 3q113 BSGTSBGBOST jaTpaij auilanboer dST =ZT 11 6T AON Petition to Rei Fire & Rescue We, the residents and bu Chief Emilio "Rod"Rodr Department. Our demand surrounding his Novembe baseless and improper f u 16 h� ite Chief Emilio Rodriguez as Chief of Isles of Capri partment finesses of the Isles of Capri Fire District, hereby demand immediate reinstatement of tguez to his rightful position as Chief of the Isles of Capri Fire and Rescue is based upon a review of the facts, circumstances, and available documentation r, 2011 termination. Our conclusion is that his termination was orchestrated on a ndation, without sufficient process or justification. Printed name Address ?Vt'I^s'd-7-1jr 0 crcW /3 T yr7-1 57- s� 'iU r `f� a ' J k6A r� Petition to Reinstate Chief Emilio Rodriguez as Chief of Isles of Capri Fire & Rescue Department We, the residents and businesses of the Isles of Capri Fire District, hereby demand immediate reinstatement of Chief Emilio "Rod" Rodriguez to his rightful position as Chief of the Isles of Capri Fire and Rescue Department. Our demand is based upon a review of the facts, circumstances, and available documentation surrounding his November, 2011 termination. Our conclusion is that his termination was orchestrated on a baseless and improper foundation, without sufficient process or justification. Signature Printed name C I x-- A k Address M Z- 2 � U a� Aed 1V2,o R /1,i46i /dot �f J (f alzv AJ ecs� Y E C'A 111 f? Z E S 1 ,S/L/i —/-/ /-3-2 54 k l Yt40C�q 1S'4 [ b A C� Petition to Reinstate Chief Emilio Rodriguez as Chief of Isles of Capri Fire & Rescue Department We, the residents and businesses of the Isles of Capri Fire District, hereby demand immediate reinstatement of Chief Emilio "Rod" Rodriguez to his rightful position as Chief of the Isles of Capri Fire and Rescue Department. Our demand is based upon a review of the facts, circumstances, and available documentation surrounding his November, 2011 termination. Our conclusion is that his termination was orchestrated on a baseless and improper foundation, without sufficient process or justification. Signature Printed name PAP Address r,a toy; C; A C . CEO ,y kA, '<4 -t- lg� 7 -SA S A L r/ A f'77- De-&) N� s D(A'9P, ; CK L.),V J 9aL—,)ANR5Y- riot► w -Zo-* /a3 &4l � � VA-CO k_ la3 S�G� Sz gg"(, S� . �t`tJ9 `�'`Sc�•r Jo�v��14`� S�' 27 S)9�v s ,*z v*T-!* S-7- cn- / &7 5�k) -vqLY)qm2 �T, 6k 4ko Petition to Reinstate Chief Emilio Rodriguez as Chief of Isles of Capri f Fire & Rescue Department We, the residents and businesses of the Isles of Capri Fire District, hereby demand immediate reinstatement of Chief Emilio "Rod" Rodriguez to his rightful position as Chief of the Isles of Capri Fire and Rescue Department. Our demand is based upon a review of the facts, circumstances, and available documentation surrounding his November, 2011 termination. Our conclusion is that his termination was orchestrated on a baseless and improper foundation, without sufficient process or justification. Signature Printed name Address JA 11\ PA 4u 330 /�l � �W � A 2 sr � ,D C5,--Jl� a�SC,Q 09 Z usoLk t-� ---R 1 Y► a nn vk s � C— � �.c -c � 6Vt,040 P c,,-Iw 0 el-k I urt 3 3 .o Vo (�-w t<1 �\% N ,Nees Al Cvr)" A/VJ 42 5 S%rvJvom Alc N or, ltg I v Y ��lq 12Z pro ,6A q Petition to Reinstate Chief Emilio Rodriguez as Chief of Isles of Capri Fire & Rescue Department We the people hereby demand immediate reinstatement of Chief Emilio "Rod" Rodriguez to his rightful position as Chief of the Isles of Capri Fire and Rescue Department. Our demand is based upon a review of the facts, circumstances, and available documentation surrounding his November, 2011 termination. Our conclusion is that his termination was orchestrated on a baseless and improper foundation, without sufficient process or justification. Signature Printed Name Charm %s di��PL Address �, 5:�,4 JV "I -510107A,0- 4,.Ie Al JC, i 1(2 Tg-k 4, Go -Jc Petition to Reinstate Chief Emilio Rodriguez as Chief of Isles of Capri Fire & Rescue Department We, the residents and businesses of the Isles of Capri Fire District, hereby demand immediate reinstatement of Chief Emilio "Rod" Rodriguez to his rightful position as Chief of the Isles of Capri Fire and Rescue Department. Our demand is based upon a review of the facts, circumstances, and available documentation surrounding his November, 2011 termination. Our conclusion is that his termination was orchestrated on a baseless and improper foundation, without sufficient process or justification. Signature • Printed name Address Q l ct Saws ,u, '8e. )J4Q kJ- 106Et�. 4.24150gff)A)� AVE _ ��•�•� C� 2 U � E L uc,4 S 4// S*m sq R 4V& es V 0 V _,;�,*J -e �- A 1" C, lg� Lt ev ACT 011cZAH q/S 5Ato -r2 40Uc JYIL-� 4(LZ t 6 A 0 1' Petition to Reinstate Chief Emilio Rodriguez as Chief of Isles of Capri Fire & Rescue Department We, the residents and businesses of the Isles of Capri Fire District, hereby demand immediate reinstatement of Chief Emilio "Rod" Rodriguez to his rightful position as Chief of the Isles of Capri Fire and Rescue Department. Our demand is based upon a review of the facts, circumstances, and available documentation surrounding his November, 2011 termination. Our conclusion is that his termination was orchestrated on a baseless and improper foundation, without sufficient process or justification. Signature Printed name Address i / 110Y��) en h & /O C, I vv A ? ? Tj" Stu abbe logoCsn1r aLO La P(!ni`AALJA 497v90 S� i /- /� C o6,g- rr /9 3o �Z� ID&h 1nsu.11rt /34/0/1 12 r J co - V0 V1 ) ch 332 AVv- J 06, Inc Jat tksdn /0? XgPnin'su�� q. SJUCILAUV 11/23/2011 18:52 16109339794 RICHDOWNS F0 01 �f�, � 7 Z �, 1,A Petition to Reinstate Chief Emilio rodriguez as Chief of Isles of Capri Fire & Rescue Department We, the residents and businesses of the Isles of Capri Fire District, hereby demand immediate reinstatement of Chief Emilio "rod "Rodriguez to his rightful position as Chief of the Isles of Capri Fire and Rescue Department. Our demand is based upon a review of the facts, circumstances, and available documentation surrounding his November, 2011 termination. our conclusion is that his termination was orchestrated on a baseless and improper foundation, without sufficient process or justification. T f... °: -Sign re ` Printed name Address ^r &4-11W � /11/�1' 1J FROM : CARTER SMITH PHONE NO. : 215 947 3874 6 A Dec. 05 11 12:51AM P1 Petition to Reinstate Chief Emilio rodriguez as Chief of Isles of Capri Fire & Rescue Department We, the residents and businesses of the Isles of Capri Fire District, hereby demand immediate reinstatement of Chief Emilio "rod "Rodriguez to his rightful position as Chief of the Isles of Capri Fire and Rescue Department. Our demand is based upon a review of the facts, circumstances, and available documentation surrounding his November, 2011 termination. Our conclusion is that his termination was orchestrated on a baseless and improper foundation, without sufficient process or justification. Signature Printed name Address �c� S T7>r 3Ll It--3 U T - :R , ,MCC . i w. �-IILA5 5 r ��>�s a� c�g�x� NRPLE$', FL 3ip 113 6 A i . i.. 9 Y Petition to Reinstate Chief Emilio Rodriguez as Chief of Isles of Capri Fire & Rescue Department We, the residents and businesses of the Isles of Capri Fire District, hereby demand immediate reinstatement of Chief Emilio "Rod" Rodriguez to his rightful position as Chief of the Isles of Capri Fire and Rescue Department. Our demand is based upon a review of the facts, circumstances, and available documentation surrounding his November, 2011 termination. Our conclusion is that his termination was orchestrated on a baseless and improper foundation, without sufficient process or justification. Signature Printed name Address RkM-, Z L 11 0 z J Q w W J Z 00 0 d k r- 0 C— i G7 C-4 Cpl C> Z � o I 0 M �sC 6 Y I I cr .g L w M v7J L\ A `I a G i� ''6A 1 � Petition to Reinstate Chief Emilio Rodriguez as Chief of Isles of Capri Fire & Rescue Department We, the residents and businesses of the Isles of Capri Fire District, hereby demand immediate reinstatement of Chief Emilio "Rod" Rodriguez to his rightful position as Chief of the Isles of Capri Fire and Rescue Department. Our demand is based upon a review of the facts, circumstances, and available documentation surrounding his November, 2011 termination. Our conclusion is that his termination was orchestrated on a baseless and improper foundation, without sufficient process or justification. Siana Printed name Address 13 ` (1 s (Rk t 4T TO-W ► to, -5 / t�t A r FL �- llnt %A, A �+U� %V #J 9&,Z- 11! 1LL (,9,1 z7e,/7r Tt 15a �W �IiS��V thl L 1 h L3� �3 jZg 7)41#17/ sr A64/tors F/ 131 7 -4 iiTl �6 X41 sf l lei 5-4- l / q 7a t u-7 � IJ b tT1 C I IQ 1 0 %C TA i+ , 'r; 5-i-A4,)f, p 6A M Petition to Reinstate Chief Emilio Rodriguez as Chief of Isles of Capri Fire & Rescue Department We, the residents and businesses of the Isles of Capri Fire District, hereby demand immediate reinstatement of Chief Emilio "Rod" Rodriguez to his rightful position as Chief of the Isles of Capri Fire and Rescue Department. Our demand is based upon a review of the facts, circumstances, and available documentation surrounding his November, 2011 termination. Our conclusion is that his termination was orchestrated on a baseless and improper foundation, without sufficient process or justification. Signature Printed name Address 16A d Petition to Reinstate Chief Emilio Rodriguez as Chief of Isles of Capri Fire & Rescue Department We, the residents and businesses of the Isles of Capri Fire District, hereby demand immediate reinstatement of Chief Emilio "Rod" Rodriguez to his rightful position as Chief of the Isles of Capri Fire and Rescue Department. Our demand is based upon a review of the facts, circumstances, and available documentation surrounding his November, 2011 termination. Our conclusion is that his termination was orchestrated on a baseless and improper foundation, without sufficient process or justification. Signature Printed name Address a P -1 l 257fZ 3� -L Vq, C7� C(- /:?-"�h IVC 42/�C�A 4�� Z Malk 'T�1-00e� 4e a coca is �: 6A I Petition to Reinstate Chief Emilio Rodriguez as Chief of Isles of Capri Fire & Rescue Department We, the residents and businesses of the Isles of Capri Fire District, hereby demand immediate reinstatement of Chief Emilio "Rod" Rodriguez to his rightful position as Chief of the Isles of Capri Fire and Rescue Department. Our demand is based upon a review of the facts, circumstances, and available documentation surrounding his November, 2011 termination. Our conclusion is that his termination was orchestrated on a baseless and improper foundation, without sufficient process or justification. Signature Printed name n � I ay ��ei Address Nip tes A-,341(3 Pao 4C.10 .-�. bif V/ 0 e.,R),qW&-r-r 176 10 , �&-def y' �o � k. z 7?o m A 1yo w. P,ae a P,►oa �r —1?o M &V A0,49r4-rx ► a' laa Ira 4?0 Is C-:k W. Re � a 01-'Ci A s rTZS /m m /✓���� �TS;,�nNS ism �. ��f�d�� 16A "•a 13 Petition to Reinstate Chief Emilio Rodriguez as Chief of Isles of Capri Fire & Rescue Department We, the residents and businesses of the Isles of Capri Fire District, hereby demand immediate reinstatement of Chief Emilio "Rod" Rodriguez to his rightful position as Chief of the Isles of Capri Fire and Rescue Department. Our demand is based upon a review of the facts, circumstances, and available documentation surrounding his November, 2011 termination. Our conclusion is that his termination was orchestrated on a baseless and improper foundation, without sufficient process or justification. Signature ' 1 Printed name NP-M zH J)FCk —f-P, Address .�-' 12- s sm, J c-1 6, m A v L�: �/G/'►� /%ck 1 chi ✓u-�•C ! � ��h ✓CfCr� �V� J- ,gfj It 7- >— SMJ JdA-� I� - i r► � r �. W17.4 IR W7 C-- ZA C e- VELD YO � eat] Petition to Reinstate Chief Emilio Rodriguez as Chief of Isles of Capri Fire & Rescue Department We, the residents and businesses of the Isles of Capri Fire District, hereby demand immediate reinstatement of Chief Emilio "Rod" Rodriguez to his rightful position as Chief of the Isles of Capri Fire and Rescue Department. Our demand is based upon a review of the facts, circumstances, and available documentation surrounding his November, 2011 termination. Our conclusion is that his termination was orchestrated on a baseless and improper foundation, without sufficient process or justification. Signature Printed name Address TAULA sTF L 420 5/4-ki �W Afi ffA y nom_ - 16A 0 Petition to Reinstate Chief Emilio Rodriguez as Chief of Isles of Capri Fire & Rescue Department We, the residents and businesses of the Isles of Capri Fire District, hereby demand immediate reinstatement of Chief Emilio "Rod" Rodriguez to his rightful position as Chief of the Isles of Capri Fire and Rescue Department. Our demand is based upon a review of the facts, circumstances, and available documentation surrounding his November, 2011 termination. Our conclusion is that his termination was orchestrated on a baseless and improper foundation, without sufficient process or justification. Signature Printed name n We- v Address T h,'& C'ir L7 �t Usti, l- L v t 2L 1 rol- bc, r, 13 F46 A I ,3 Petition to Reinstate Chief Emilio Rodriguez as Chief of Isles of Capri Fire & Rescue Department We, the residents and businesses of the Isles of Capri Fire District, hereby demand immediate reinstatement of Chief Emilio "Rod" Rodriguez to his rightful position as Chief of the Isles of Capri Fire and Rescue Department. Our demand is based upon a review of the facts, circumstances, and available documentation surrounding his November, 2011 termination. Our conclusion is that his termination was orchestrated on a baseless and improper foundation, without sufficient process or justification. Signature Printed name Address -J i! �csA/ 611 !4i" .- 6a Z_Aii 7-,, r-'ziec) -P , , F�im t9A u i (.y :Era I' t, /may / t (q 9v 1111117-1 C,e< l36-�p / T I. ? <� C-�' AVZAnne Gtecnc2q H area A, q;& Gu 04 elL�>%4E ue� u e- - l f Zc � LA� 6A „1 3 Petition to Reinstate Chief Emilio Rodriguez as Chief of Isles of Capri Fire & Rescue Department We, the residents and businesses of the Isles of Capri Fire District, hereby demand immediate reinstatement of Chief Emilio "Rod" Rodriguez to his rightful position as Chief of the Isles of Capri Fire and Rescue Department. Our demand is based upon a review of the facts, circumstances, and available documentation surrounding his November, 2011 termination. Our conclusion is that his termination was orchestrated on a baseless and improper foundation, without sufficient process or justification. Signature Printed name Address 1'c qe ( Qo N ar.' X l v'(l Petition to Reinstate Chief Emilio Rodriguez as Chief of Isles of Capri. Fire & Rescue Department We, the residents and businesses of the Isles of Capri Fire District, hereby demand immediate reinstatement of Chief Emilio "Rod" Rodriguez to his rightful position as Chief of the Isles of Capri Fire and Rescue Department. Our demand is based upon a review of the facts, circumstances, and available documentation surrounding his November, 2011 termination. Our conclusion is that his termination was orchestrated on a baseless and improper foundation, without sufficient process or justification. Signature r Printed name Address k, 13 AY 411/J kA dSJ< r ego IfoN T YV Je'- 4)Y,'fe 11-1. -1 e'Ry ,4r-A 33a A--#h/ Ti 'l,-,' Ae9- `+ �T 3-?0 x� J3 ® A � ' A-$ `rat 1' -f 0 --1 Z':' 411' /-Y, 6A 0 J� Petition to Reinstate Chief Emilio Rodriguez as Chief of Isles of Capri Fire & Rescue Department We, the residents and businesses of the Isles of Capri Fire District, hereby demand immediate reinstatement of Chief Emilio "Rod" Rodriguez to his rightful position as Chief of the Isles of Capri Fire and Rescue Department. Our demand is based upon a review of the facts, circumstances, and available documentation surrounding his November, 2011 termination. Our conclusion is that his termination was orchestrated on a baseless and improper foundation, without sufficient process or justification. Signature Printed name Address �wmn Susan w6y)Ste. To,j HE-,gC s 22 Z Pa4co", St. AL 7",E Id ff6ff r s9 o E goOl-Fil a �M : 41i, - , jez-=1-71 �C-��� -- T t �c `6A kA Petition to Reinstate Chief Emilio Rodriguez as Chief of Isles of Capri Fire & Rescue Department We, the residents and businesses of the Isles of Capri Fire District, hereby demand immediate reinstatement of Chief Emilio "Rod" Rodriguez to his rightful position as Chief of the Isles of Capri Fire and Rescue Department. Our demand is based upon a review of the facts, circumstances, and available documentation surrounding his November, 2011 termination. Our conclusion is that his tennination was orchestrated on a baseless and improper foundation, without sufficient process or justification. Signature Printed name Address t i � �r�i l (fit_ , tits ,:_► �� � I't:� ? ,—I I,( C(r� '4 Petition to Reinstate Chief Emilio Rodriguez as Chief of Isles of Capri Fire & Rescue Department We, the residents and businesses of the Isles of Capri Fire District, hereby demand immediate reinstatement of Chief Emilio "Rod" Rodriguez to his rightful position as Chief of the Isles of Capri Fire and Rescue Department. Our demand is based upon a review of the facts, circumstances, and available documentation surrounding his November, 2011 termination. Our conclusion is that his termination was orchestrated on a baseless and improper foundation, without sufficient process or justification. Sigmature i� Printed name Address A13 1 L. G ( C4 -FTKA �� N�� I 2-3 TANIT) c 112 Y6 A " �1 Petition to Reinstate Chief Emilio Rodriguez as Chief of Isles of Capri Fire & Rescue Department We, the residents and businesses of the Isles of Capri Fire District, hereby demand immediate reinstatement of Chief Emilio "Rod" Rodriguez to his rightful position as Chief of the Isles of Capri Fire and Rescue Department. Our demand is based upon a review of the facts, circumstances, and available documentation surrounding his November, 2011 termination. Our conclusion is that his termination was orchestrated on a baseless and improper foundation, without sufficient process or justification. Signature Printed name Address �10,B�/2'T T 1maz e y ®c /- 1i zap✓ P4-TTI qO�) Lozo� ME Mxn r/, �, tv J�,Itl F_r �O V(-,u a(oflc �q Ve Li r/ D L v.Z 0;_7 AV c t� d 4e�vz,l d '� Z-U &m RUB - - v r I 1/ L ✓R5 �k o L cx\ Ave- 13 6 a PO 3 Petition to Reinstate Chief Emilio Rodriguez as Chief of Isles of Capri Fire & Rescue Department We, the residents and businesses of the Isles of Capri Fire District, hereby demand immediate reinstatement of Chief Emilio "Rod" Rodriguez to his rightful position as Chief of the Isles of Capri Fire and Rescue Department. Our demand is based upon a review of the facts, circumstances, and available documentation . surrounding his November, 2011 termination. Our conclusion is that his termination was orchestrated on a baseless and improper foundation, without sufficient process or justification. Signature Printed name Address "leo CA Petition to Reinstate Chief Emilio Rodriguez as Chief of Isles of Capri Fire & Rescue Department We, the residents and businesses of the Isles of Capri Fire District, hereby demand immediate reinstatement of Chief Emilio "Rod" Rodriguez to his rightful position as Chief of the Isles of Capri Fire and Rescue Department. Our demand is based upon a review of the facts, circumstances, and available documentation surrounding his November, 2011 termination. Our conclusion is that his termination was orchestrated on a baseless and improper foundation, without sufficient process or justification. Signature Printed name Address �xj AJ oz ["al I�7 �}�1/J b /V /V 9�J �DU 49&111,4 54 a CL, C- 4-og eS & *4 4E, e -TV- 11 '-Es,-, Ub�D---c4 L,,� o 4b� 6 Petition to Reinstate Chief Emilio Rodriguez as Chief of sles of apri Fire & Rescue Department We, the residents and businesses of the Isles of Capri Fire District, hereby demand immediate reinstatement of Chief Emilio "Rod" Rodriguez to his rightful position as Chief of the Isles of Capri Fire and Rescue Department. Our demand is based upon a review of the facts, circumstances, and available documentation surrounding his November, 2011 termination. Our conclusion is that his termination was orchestrated on a baseless and improper foundation, without sufficient process or justification. Signature Printed name Address Pd60 'AO S Da /,f:;, C.�% d (may L ED 4 N. Sri h 0c) Leg, ii C oar e- Le �A -' ArrAd 1 -�5, C A o A 6A Petition to Reinstate Chief Emilio Rodriguez as Chief of Isles of Capri Fire & Rescue Department We, the residents and businesses of the Isles of Capri Fire District, hereby demand immediate reinstatement of Chief Emilio "Rod" Rodriguez to his rightful position as Chief of the Isles of Capri Fire and Rescue Department. Our demand is based upon a review of the facts, circumstances, and available documentation surrounding his November, 2011 termination. Our conclusion is that his termination was orchestrated on a baseless and improper foundation, without sufficient process or justification. Signature Printed name Address -7'T (,ti. PHr,o, �Oljvlk LM50y\ � q � , . < i/� A '� i, .��60h H" i.1✓o 41 IV, ) chev ? w FO 11 vn ty0a� DKD5 Zg Lo P 12/1' 17iffiff,. wnit�LA-- Printed name Address -7'T (,ti. PHr,o, �Oljvlk LM50y\ � q � , . < i/� A '� i, .��60h H" i.1✓o 41 IV, ) chev ? w FO 11 vn ty0a� DKD5 Zg Lo P Petition to Reinstate Chief Emilio Rodriguez as Chief of Isles of Capri Fire & Rescue Department We, the residents and businesses of the Isles of Capri Fire District, hereby demand immediate reinstatement of Chief Emilio "Rod" Rodriguez to his rightful position as Chief of the Isles of Capri Fire and Rescue Department. Our demand is based upon a review of the facts, circumstances, and available documentation surrounding his November, 2011 termination. Our conclusion is that his termination was orchestrated on a baseless and improper foundation, without sufficient process or justification. Signature W ►r. L--14- vi.. W S � h.w Printed name /4 e- G J /JoL,;AL Address o L� 14 L'� �w• �4��s��i,J t e,q-rl4-"f GCS! =crc S 6XA- #l.0 PeN1N5cm-141 P.4LJL- -� ,bEz sL Q Z U �, � Ls, t HE VIVA l r �� r1bro-,ce �L4% 1,31U- 14, to � /p / V �IaffV%A 415 E5444- ILio E. 14, L . \A jA Petition to Reinstate Chief Emilio Rodriguez as Chief of Isles of Capri Fire & Rescue epartment We, the residents and businesses of the Isles of Capri Fire District, hereby demand immediate reinstatement of Chief Emilio "Rod" Rodriguez to his rightful position as Chief of the Isles of Capri Fire and Rescue Department. Our demand is based upon a review of the facts, circumstances, and available documentation surrounding his November, 2011 termination. Our conclusion is that his termination was orchestrated on a baseless and improper f undation, without sufficient process or justification. Printed name Address 0�s r40z ,52 "c LA--Y, F Petition to Reinstate Chief Emilio Rodriguez as Chienor rsles of Capri /0 Fire & Rescue Department We, the residents and businesses of the Isles of Capri Fire District, hereby demand immediate reinstatement of Chief Emilio "Rod" Rodriguez to his rightful position as Chief of the Isles of Capri Fire and Rescue Department. Our demand is based upon a review of the facts, circumstances, and available documentation surrounding his November, 2011 termination. Our conclusion is that his termination was orchestrated on a baseless and improper foundation, without sufficient process or justification. Signature _ Printed name Address TA400 ►J LTV P Or i k- ��'� Q sv LJ C&,4 (r 4AIMEL A. 4LMA291V La 2 CARS.•• NA%ks ��_sl.� f �O►�s� =Sla,) eV Yn4,-te� 30-6 Cam; C4,0R, FIS�FR�Es k0N r(Kt ?)R. oft -410T s % A Petition to Reinstate Chief Emilio Rodriguez as Chief of Isles of Capri Fire & Rescue Department We, the residents and businesses of the Isles of Capri Fire District, hereby demand immediate reinstatement of Chief Emilio "Rod" Rodriguez to his rightful position as Chief of the Isles of Capri Fire and Rescue Department. Our demand is based upon a review of the facts, circumstances, and available documentation surrounding his November, 2011 termination. Our conclusion is that his termination was orchestrated on a baseless and improper foundation, without sufficient process or justification. Signature Printed name Address to Petition to Reinstate Chief Emilio Rodriguez as Chief of Isles of Capri Fire & Rescue Department We, the residents and businesses of the Isles of Capri Fire District, hereby demand immediate reinstatement of Chief Emilio "Rod" Rodriguez to his rightful position as Chief of the Isles of Capri Fire and Rescue Department. Our demand is based upon a review of the facts, circumstances, and available documentation . surrounding his November, 2011 termination. Our conclusion is that his termination was orchestrated on a baseless and improper foundation, without sufficient process or justification. gnature Printed name Address At, W t Lsoyt 121111 A1J 5 �r fi, IL �? /,u C- / y o- 1 /(0 t) P.)�c Po f � e r� > M '-/ 69 ( (-'10i-. 7-0)3,/- 3 1�� 4 1C101 $7 ! �(S 20,W,0-r Avz� 1J ? 6s FL 3g1t 3 II Al pLr, t'- 3yio 6a-v� /YP��S 1 all6e7" i 11. 204 V jS 13 UR ,)aE Ss: Petition to Reinstate Chief Emilio Rodriguez as Chief of of Capri �3 Fire & Rescue Department We, the residents and businesses of the Isles of Capri Fire District, hereby demand immediate reinstatement of Chief Emilio "Rod" Rodriguez to his rightful position as Chief of the Isles of Capri Fire and Rescue Department. Our demand is based upon a review of the facts, circumstances, and available documentation surrounding his November, 2011 termination. Our conclusion is that his termination was orchestrated on a baseless and improper foundation, without sufficient process or justification. Signature Printed name r��&z« Iklu.r C Address Q tL . � I yr a �, L5 k C ZI-S S -AONC4,06 NL.40,414) CI . '7 -S t CAN Ste, 6A Petition to Reinstate Chief Emilio Rodriguez as Chief of Isles of Capri Fire & Rescue Department We, the residents and businesses of the Isles of Capri Fire District, hereby demand immediate reinstatement of Chief Emilio "Rod" Rodriguez to his rightful position as Chief of the Isles of Capri Fire and Rescue Department. Our demand is based upon a review of the facts, circumstances, and available documentation surrounding his November, 2011 termination. Our conclusion is that his termination was orchestrated on a baseless and improper foundation, without sufficient process or justification. c� %et pelkfc �5,-J L 8 / V 6A 0q 13 Petition to Reinstate Chief Emilio Rodriguez as Chief of Isles of Capri Fire & Rescue Department We, the residents and businesses of the Isles of Capri Fire District, hereby demand immediate reinstatement of Chief Emilio "Rod" Rodriguez to his rightful position as Chief of the Isles of Capri Fire and Rescue Department. Our demand is based upon a review of the facts, circumstances, and available documentation surrounding his November, 2011 termination. Our conclusion is that his termination was orchestrated on a baseless and improper foundation, without sufficient process or justification. Signature D� I, Printed name -eh� se C . 0LAR>< 6 Address PEL.I CAJ,) 8 —1. uucp�3 a�E� cj e - P- u CA O i . l 00-t-T tA w Z. Oi-rla PreA)/ SS ien/ ,Lr,, - 1Y E 16E�41,�Kxl 1 6R g Petition to Reinstate Chief Emilio Rodriguez as Chief of Isles of Capri Fire & Rescue Department We, the residents and businesses of the Isles of Capri Fire District, hereby demand immediate reinstatement of Chief Emilio "Rod' Rodriguez to his rightful position as Chief of the Isles of Capri Fire and Rescue Department. Our demand is based upon a review of the facts, circumstances, and available documentation surrounding his November, 2011 termination. Our conclusion is that his termination was orchestrated on a baseless and improper foundation, without sufficient process or justification. Signature Printed name Address 6L y�)-\ ot,�,LK. g�� Q4 e, X0400 *11-) all- J) h Z-r-l---. G :C. 14CI &�-r& G- 4 0,( -0 �', C',, / .UG( JyII- Cl A2 c 4� 6 A rl. Petition to Reinstate Chief Emilio Rodriguez as Chief of Isles of Capri 13 Fire & Rescue Department We, the residents and businesses of the Isles of Capri Fire District, hereby demand immediate reinstatement of Chief Emilio "Rod" Rodriguez to his rightful position as Chief of the Isles of Capri Fire and Rescue Department. Our demand is based upon a review of the facts, circumstances, and available documentation surrounding his November, 2011 termination. Our conclusion is that his termination Nvas orchestrated on a baseless and improper foundation, without sufficient process or justification. Printed name An n Oo-t FAMWAMMMM . /1/11C�6,e/ Address Paw Y4.0 , d l0.3 W. pcL(�ro �QGc�� r 0 V �Vl Pk ei L) ec-) V V 4 P4, J/vi - C � �/ �re os � Jj��✓ tA) So- ��R��SM�► 0 t 6A 's Petition to Reinstate Chief Emilio rodriguez as Chief of Isles of Capri Fire & Rescue Department We, the residents and businesses of the Isles of Capri Fire District, hereby demand immediate reinstatement of Chief Emilio "rod "Rodriguez to his rightful position as Chief of the Isles of Capri Fire and Rescue Department. Our demand is based upon a review of the facts, circumstances, and available documentation surrounding his November, 2011 termination. Our conclusion is that his termination was orchestrated on a baseless and improper foundation, without sufficient process or justification. ft Printed name Address J i15 7% III - WAVY E 16A Petition to Reinstate Chief Emilio Rodriguez as Chief of Isles of Capri Fire & Rescue Department We, the residents and businesses of the Isles of Capri Fire District, hereby demand immediate reinstatement of Chief Emilio "Rod" Rodriguez to his rightful position as Chief of the Isles of Capri Fire and Rescue Department. Our demand is based upon a review of the facts, circumstances, and available documentation surrounding his November, 2011 termination. Our conclusion is that his termination was orchestrated on a baseless and improper foundation, without sufficient process or justification. Signature Printed name Address c 1 p 1 y a K 1� r Z Q- •1LiAyrra- �t DIN c� k Q--.-w\15 61�-J �(�3�`63 i � � ��o �s 1'a j%(� -� �i T'�'� S �'� x 2 .-� •vat' 6A Petition to Reinstate Chief Emilio Rodriguez as Chief of Isles of Capri Fire & Rescue Department We, the residents and businesses of the Isles of Capri Fire District, hereby demand immediate reinstatement of Chief Emilio "Rod" Rodriguez to his rightful position as Chief of the Isles of Capri Fire and Rescue Department. Our demand is based upon a review of the facts, circumstances, and available documentation surrounding his November, 2011 termination. Our conclusion is that his termination was orchestrated on a baseless and improper foundation, without sufficient process or justification. Signature Printed name Address Wall Petition to Reinstate Chief Emilio Rodriguez as Chief of Isles of Capri Fire & Rescue Department We the people hereby demand immediate reinstatement of Chief Emilio "Rod" Rodriguez to his rightful position as Chief of the Isles of Capri Fire and Rescue Department. Our demand is based upon a review of the facts, circumstances, and available documentation surrounding his November, 2011 termination. Our conclusion is that his termination was orchestrated on a baseless and improper foundation, without sufficient process or justification. Signature Printed Name fiw, Address ydi cvl"Y�0b41