CAC Minutes 08/08/2005 R
September 8, 2005
Naples, Florida, September 8, 2005
LET IT BE REMEMBERED, that the Collier County Coastal Advisory Committee in
and for the County of Collier, having conducted business herein, met on this date at
1 :00 p.m., in REGULAR SESSION in City Council Chambers, Naples City Hall,
735 Eighth Street, South, Naples, Florida, with the following members present:
CHAIRMAN: Ron Pennington
John Arceri
Gerald Camiener
Murray Hendel
Heidi Kulpa
Ronald Minarcini (Excused)
Tony Pires
John Sorey, III
Paul Sullivan
ALSO PRESENT: Gary McAlpin - Coastal Projects Manager
Gail Hambright - Administrative Assistant
Robert Brantley, Coastal Engineering Administrator
Lanie Edwards - Permit Processor for Southwest Florida
Becky Roland - Beach Manager
Gail Hambright, Administrative Assistant
September 8, 2005
I. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Ron Pennington at 1 :00 p.m.
II. Roll Call - A quorum was established with Mr. Minarcini being excused.
III. Changes and Approval of Agenda - No changes.
Mr. Arceri moved to approve the Agenda. Second by Mr. Sorey. Carried
unanimously 7-0.
IV. Public Comments -None.
V. Approval of CAC Minutes
1. August 11, 2005-Mr. Hendel moved to approve the minutes of
August 11, 2005. Second by Mr. Camiener. Carried unanimously 7-0.
VI. Staff Reports
1. Revenue Report - Gary McAlpin - Revenue was good in August: $540,000,
collected over budget.
· Forecast for year are $10.5 million. Revenue projections are
holding firm.
· Will work to streamline document.
· Breakdown of where funds come from has been included.
2. Status Report - Gary McAlpin
a. Project Summary - Closed out 16 projects and returned $1.2 million
to reserves. Will be reflected in Ten Year Plan.
VII. New Business
1. Discussion and Conclusions of Meeting with FDEP Representatives
Gary McAlpin - Gave briefing on workshop meeting this morning of
CAC and FDEP representatives.
· Wiggins Pass: Boating safety issues are of concern; erosion on
north side of pass; schedule of dredging every other year is
expensive; sought State's point of view as to a permanent solution.
· Clam Pass: Clam Pass County Park has eroded significantly; ebb
tide shoal for Clam Pass Inlet has grown; discussed solutions from
both a technical point of view and a permitting point of view.
· Ten Year Plan and projects we plan to do from County point of
Bob Brantly - Gave further briefing on points covered at workshop.
· Wiggins Pass alternatives that need to be considered were looked
September 8, 2005
· Discussed fact that structural solutions have high threshold to get
· It was suggested that numerical models could be used to determine
coastal hydraulics.
· Clam Pass: need to address beach erosion was discussed as well as
preservation of Mangroves.
· Discussed issue Clam Pass is already tremendously manipulated
· Clam Pass is stable and is providing good flushing of Mangrove
· Ten Year Plan, contingency line is good, foresight exhibited.
Councilman Pires arrived at 1:15 p.m.
Open Discussion:
Points covered included the following:
· Makeup and function of CAC.
· Littoral direction change.
· Erosion on south side.
· Accretion on north beach needs to be determined, numbers are
only an estimate.
· 3-D map of Clam Pass and sediment budget will give better view.
· A "what-if' model could be helpful, put on agenda.
2. FDEP Funding Update
Becky Roland discussed FDEP funding.
· September 16 is submittal date for annual funding request.
· Maximum amount is 50%.
· Can be increased by increasing public access and number of
metered parking spaces.
· Cost share only on designated sections.
· Must be deemed critically eroded and then only 50% funding from
VIII. Old Business
1. Proposed amendment to Tourist Development Tax Category" A"
Funding Policy
A. Discussion regarding proposed amendment to Tourist Development
Tax Category "A" Funding Policy, document attached.
Mr. Arceri moved to continue the matter until the next meeting. Second by
Mr. Pires. Motion failed 4-4.
Public Speakers:
September 8, 2005
Doug Fee, Wiggins Pass resident, spoke regarding his concern over the
wording of the amendment, suggested if the word "no" was changed to
"some", that would solve the problem.
Mr. Sorey moved to approve the policy as presented. Second by Mr. Camiener.
Motion carried 6-2 with Mr. Pires and Mr. Arceri voting no.
2. Hideaway Beach Cost Apportionment
· Mr. McAlpin gave a review ofrenourishment costs for Hideaway
· Costs have been presented to Hideaway Beach Homeowners
· Maura Krause, Environmental Services, stated there have been no
turtles because of beach renourishment project ongoing.
3. City/County Beach Renourishment BCC Funding Packet
. Packet is going for approval. Packet is attached.
4. City/County Beach Renourishment Permit Update - Packet Attached
. Mr. McAlpin stated all outstanding easements are complete,
discussed similarities between Collier County job and Sanibel
situation, mobilization can occur at the time the contract is
X. Public Comments:
· None.
XI. Committee Member Discussion
· August 11, 2005 minutes were requested.
· Permits are in for Doctors Pass
XIII. Next Meeting Date/Location
· Oct. 13,2005, at 1 :00 p.m. at Naples City Hall, Council
There being no further business for the good of the County, the meeting adjourned by
order of the Chair at 3:36 p.m.
Ron Pennington, Chairman