2014/2015 Collier County Clerk of Courts Expires LU(J 3299 Tamiami Trail E. (Clerk's ffice only) Suite 401, Bldg. F, 4th Floor Naples, Florida 34112 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS LOBBYIST REGISTRATION FORM Name Robert D. Pritt Date Business Name Roetzel &Andress Business Address 850 Park Shore Drive, Third Floor City Naples State FL Zip Code 34103 Business Telephone (2391 649-2714 Contact Person Robert Pritt Lobbyist E-mail rpritt(&,,ralaw.com Notice for Lobbyists:, The annual registration fee is S25.00 per Lobbyist, per Collier County Ordinance No. 2003-53, and amended by Ordinance 2004-05 and Ordinance 2007-24. Payments made out to: Collier County Clerk of Courts or Dwight E. Brock, Clerk of Courts (ADDRESS LISTED ABOVE) NAME AND ADDRESS OF EACH CLIENT/ENTITY REPRESENTED: 1. Name: City of Naples 2. Name Address: 735 8th Street South Address City: Naples, FL Zip Code 34102 City Zip Code 3. Name 4. Name Address Address City Zip Code City Zip pode (ATTACH ADDITIONAL CLIENT SHEETS,IF NECESSARY) F 1 Lobbyist Signature State of Florida County of Collier This registration was sworn (or affirmed) and subscribed before me this c 74A- day of, August, 2014, by ROBERT D. PRITT. L.kp����� � 41 X Personally Known �� coMM�ssip•.•9 rr BY: �}n�Z� ,�:'`t�ovembeiy?,Fto°`nom - ;. - I otary Public Produced ID =:• .•` Y Type of ID Produced �§i , y• Fie 8562482_1 PERSON.156 ;,( • y �;Q` • %.,/C .tii •"ns.0 Revised:08/2011 ///44 rA1 j�� *N--," ROETZEL 850 Park Shore Drive Trianon Centre 3rd Floor Naples, FL 34103 DIRECT DIAL 239.649.2708 PHONE 239.649.6200 FAX 239.261.3659 banderson @ralaw.com WWW.RALAW.COM August 29, 2014 VIA COASTAL COURIER Collier County Board of County Commissioners Minutes and Records Department 3299 E. Tamiami Trail, 4th Floor Naples, Florida 34112 Re: Lobbyist Registration 2014-2015 Dear Sir/Madam: Attached is the Lobbyist Registration Form to renew the Collier County Lobbyist registration for Robert D. Pritt, Esq. Also,enclosed is a firm check to cover the registration fee for the above. Thank you for your assistance. Very truly yours, ROETZEL &ANDRESS Diane L. Komoroski Secretary to Robert D. Pritt \dk Enclosures 8562632_1 PERSON.156 ROETZEL&ANDRESS CHICAGO WASHINGTON,D.C. CLEVELAND.TOLEDO AKRON COLUMBUS CINCINNATI A LEGAL PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATION ORLANDO'FORT MYERS'NAPLES'FORT LAUDERDALE TALLAHASSEE'NEW YORK Receipt# 007482223 9/3/2014 10:19:48 AM /,,,K<<,,^,T Dwight E. Brock Clerk of the Circuit Court o o o '''ii-ii,ieY 7TD 0. M L-)q--°-)C-CM-, ° ) :CA Customer Deputy Clerk Clerk Office Location ROBERT D. PRITT BMR CASHIER Collier County Govt. Center ROETZEL & ANDRESS MinutesandRecords @CollierClerk.co Building F, 4th Floor 850 PARK SHORE DR m 3299 Tamiami Trail East, Suite NAPLES, FL 34103-3587 239-252-2646 401 P.O. Box 413044 Naples, Florida 34101-3044 1 Product QUANTITY DESCRIPTION UNIT COST AMOUNT 1 BMR Lobbyist Registration $25.00 $25.00 TOTAL AMOUNT DUE $25.00 Check# 995089 ($25.00) BALANCE DUE $0.00 Note: Disclaimer: All transactions are subject to review/verification. The Clerk reserves the right to correct for clerical errors and to assess or refund charges as needed. ©00011®T0® ❑gQrga Page 1 of 1 d w U , iw } Martha S. Vergara From: Komoroski, Diane <dkomoroski @ralaw.com> Sent: Wednesday, April 22, 2015 9:13 AM To: Martha S. Vergara Subject: RE: Lobbyists Just thinking about you as I am updating Bob Pritt's list and getting ready to email it to you! Bob Menzies is still with R&A. I will check with his assistant and ask her for any updates Kurt Scrudato is not with R&A but is the representative for Highview Homes, one of our clients that Bob Pritt is lobbyist for. He should still be listed as lobbyist, no changes. From: Martha S. Vergara [mailto:Martha.Vergara @collierclerk.com] Sent: Wednesday, April 22, 2015 9:05 AM To: Komoroski, Diane Subject: Lobbyists Morning Diane, Just checking, are the following still lobbyists with your firm? Robert Menzies Robert Pritt Kurt Scrudato I hadn't received an e-mail update for them and as a reminder so that no extra fees are paid.. The annual fees and quarterly updates are due as follows: Renewal Due Quarterly Update Due Quarterly Update Due Quarterly Update Due Oct.1 - registration January (e-mail) April (e- mail) July (e-mail) form & fee Thanks, Martha Vergara, BMR Senior Clerk Minutes and Records Dept. Clerk of the Circuit Court & Value Adjustment Board Office: (239) 252-7240 Fax: (239) 252-8408 E-mail: martha.vergara(a collierclerk.com 1 Martha S. Vergara From: Komoroski, Diane <dkomoroski @ralaw.com> Sent: Wednesday, April 22, 2015 9:21 AM To: Martha S. Vergara Subject: Lobbyist Robert D. Pritt The following should be added as new entities represented: PL MHP, LLC 3131 Tamiami Trail E. Naples, Florida Highview Homes, LLC 280 Highway 35 South, Suite 150 Red Bank, NJ 07707 Ralph &Shelly Stayer P. O. Box 906 Sheboygan Falls, WI 53085-0906 91-cula L. Komrockv Secretary to Paul K. Heuerman, Esq. and Robert D. Pritt, Esq. RUETZEL 850 Park Shore Drive Trianon Center-3rd Floor Naples, FL 34103 Direct Phone No.: 239.213.3885 Main Phone No.: 239.649.6200 Fax No.: 239.261.3659 Email: dkomoroski @ralaw.com www.ralaw.com Roetzel&Andress,a legal professional association Both Diane L. Komoroski and Roetzel &Andress intend that this message be used exclusively by the addressee(s). This message may contain information that is privileged, confidential and exempt from disclosure under applicable law. Unauthorized disclosure or use of this information is strictly prohibited. If you have received this communication in error, please permanently dispose of the original message and notify Diane L. Komoroski immediately at (239) 213- 3885. Thank you. 1 U ' • , . , . _ q , ei,....s ,. t, Martha S. Vergara From: Komoroski, Diane <dkomoroski @ralaw.com> Sent: Monday, June 29, 2015 2:45 PM To: Martha S. Vergara Subject: Lobbyist Robert D. Pritt The following should be added as a new entity represented by Robert Pritt: American Commercial Realty Company George W. Kleier, Ill, VP 324 Datura Street, Suite 102 West Palm Beach, FL 33401 Via i L. Xonnoro Secretary to Paul K. Heuerman, Esq. and Robert D. Pritt, Esq. ROETZEL 850 Park Shore Drive Trianon Center-3rd Floor Naples, FL 34103 Direct Phone No.: 239.213.3885 Main Phone No.: 239.649.6200 Fax No.: 239.261.3659 Email: dkomoroski @ralaw.com www.ra law.corn Roetzel &Andress, a legal professional association Both Diane L. Komoroski and Roetzel &Andress intend that this message be used exclusively by the addressee(s). This message may contain information that is privileged, confidential and exempt from disclosure under applicable law. Unauthorized disclosure or use of this information is strictly prohibited. If you have received this communication in error, please permanently dispose of the original message and notify Diane L. Komoroski immediately at (239) 213- 3885. Thank you. 1