Agenda 10/09/2018 Item #16D 410/09/2018 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Recommendation to approve two (2) after-the-fact grant requests to the Florida Communities Trust Grant from the Florida Department of Environmental Protection; one (1) application in the amount of $163,642 is to enhance recreational amenities available at Isles of Capri Neighborhood Park, and the other application in the amount of $735,000 is to purchase the Gore property which is designated as Strategic Habitat Conservation Area for Conservation Collier. OBJECTIVE: To enhance recreational amenities available at Isles of Capri Neighborhood Park and acquire land designated in the Strategic Habitat Conservation Area for Conservation Collier. CONSIDERATIONS: The Florida Department of Environmental Protection’s Florida Communities Trust Grant is a competitive program that provides grants for acquisition or development of land for public outdoor recreation use. The FY18-19 funding cycle is focused on the acquisition of neighborhood parks and allows for projects to be considered after they have been acquired and allows for funding up to 75% of the appraised value of the parcel. On July 10, 2018, The Board authorized the purchase of land at 135 Capri Blvd on July 16, 2018 to increase the scope of Isles of Capri Neighborhood Park, and now is seeking this grant to enhance support facilities and recreational opportunities at the park. Conservation Collier has entered into an agreement to acquire 168.8 acres of the Gore property located in Central Collier County along I-75, situated between Picayune Strand State Forest and Florida Panther National Wildlife Refuge, and is now seeking this grant to offset 60% of the cost of acquiring the land. Securing the Gore property will enable the County to develop a management plan that consists of conserving and protecting the natural communities including vegetation and wildlife and provide passive recreation in a unique natural setting. The Division determined it was a benefit to apply for this grant in mid-August. With the application due September 17, 2018, there was not sufficient time to prepare the application and seek Board approval before the grant was due. Collier County CMA #5330 authorizes the County Manager to approve the submittal of grant applications with subsequent Board of County Commissioners (Board) action at the next available Board meeting to ratify the approval as “after-the-fact.” FISCAL IMPACT: No Fiscal impact is associated with applying for the Isles of Capri grant. The Division purchased property at Isles of Capri for a total cost of $163,642 with Parks Capital Fund (306) and is applying for the maximum reimbursement of 75% of the land acquisition cost allowed per grant match funding. The Division’s 25% local match is $40,491.50. The grant allows land acquired in the previous twenty-four (24) months to be used as local match, the local match requirement was met by purchasing the property on July 16, 2018, using the Park’s Capital Fund (306), Project 80380. The total cost of acquiring the Gore property is $735,000. The grant allows funding up to 75% of the total purchase cost. In order to be more competitive, the Division is applying for 60% of the total cost, $441,000, and will provide 40% in local match, which is $294,000. The purchase of the property and funding for the acquisition has been approved by the Board. Funds are in currently available in Conservation Collier’s Fund (172), Cost Center 178986, Land Acquisition. GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: The Growth Management Plan will inventory the developed facilities. 16.D.4 Packet Pg. 724 10/09/2018 LEGAL CONSIDERATIONS: The Board will have the opportunity to accept or reject the funds if the grant applications are approved. Accordingly, this Office has no issue with respect to the legality of this request, which is appropriate for Board action and requires a majority vote for Board action. -JAB RECOMMENDATION: To approve two (2) after-the-fact grant requests to the Florida Communities Trust Grant from the Florida Department of Environmental Protection; one (1) application in the amount of $163,642 to enhance recreational amenities available at Isles of Capri Neighborhood Park, and the other application in the amount of $735,000 to purchase the Gore property which is designated as Strategic Habitat Conservation Area for Conservation Collier. Prepared By: Carrie Drew, Operations Analyst, Parks and Recreation Division ATTACHMENT(S) 1. CM MEMO - Approval to submit FY 118-045 18-046 2018 09-12 FDEP FCT (PDF) 2. (linked) APP FDEP FCT Capri Property (PDF) 3. (linked) APP FDEP FCT Gore Property (PDF) 16.D.4 Packet Pg. 725 10/09/2018 COLLIER COUNTY Board of County Commissioners Item Number: 16.D.4 Doc ID: 6735 Item Summary: Recommendation to approve two (2) after-the-fact grant requests to the Florida Communities Trust Grant from the Florida Department of Environmental Protection; one (1) application in the amount of $163,642 is to enhance recreational amenities available at Isles of Capri Neighborhood Park, and the other application in the amount of $735,000 is to purchase the Gore property which is designated as Strategic Habitat Conservation Area for Conservation Collier. Meeting Date: 10/09/2018 Prepared by: Title: Operations Analyst – Parks & Recreation Name: Matthew Catoe 09/14/2018 10:17 AM Submitted by: Title: Division Director - Parks & Recreation – Parks & Recreation Name: Barry Williams 09/14/2018 10:17 AM Approved By: Review: Parks & Recreation Ilonka Washburn Additional Reviewer Completed 09/14/2018 3:08 PM Parks & Recreation Barry Williams Additional Reviewer Completed 09/17/2018 8:21 AM Public Services Department Kimberley Grant Additional Reviewer Completed 09/24/2018 3:19 PM Public Services Department Todd Henry Level 1 Division Reviewer Completed 09/25/2018 9:26 AM Public Services Department Steve Carnell Level 2 Division Administrator Review Completed 09/25/2018 10:46 AM Grants Erica Robinson Level 2 Grants Review Completed 09/25/2018 11:39 AM County Attorney's Office Jennifer Belpedio Level 2 Attorney of Record Review Completed 09/28/2018 8:14 AM County Attorney's Office Debbie Allen CAO Preview Skipped 09/27/2018 11:52 AM Office of Management and Budget Valerie Fleming Level 3 OMB Gatekeeper Review Completed 09/28/2018 8:56 AM County Attorney's Office Jeffrey A. Klatzkow Level 3 County Attorney's Office Review Completed 09/28/2018 11:15 AM Grants Therese Stanley Additional Reviewer Completed 09/28/2018 3:15 PM Budget and Management Office Ed Finn Additional Reviewer Completed 10/01/2018 10:22 AM County Manager's Office Nick Casalanguida Level 4 County Manager Review Completed 10/02/2018 8:05 AM Board of County Commissioners MaryJo Brock Meeting Pending 10/09/2018 9:00 AM 16.D.4 Packet Pg. 726 16.D.4.a Packet Pg. 727 Attachment: CM MEMO - Approval to submit FY 118-045 18-046 2018 09-12 FDEP FCT (6735 : Florida Communities Trust Grant) &$35,3523(5 7 < &2//,(5&2817< )/25,'$ 6HSWHPEHU )/25,'$)25(9($5 *5$17352*5$0 Form FCT-5 (Effective02-08-10)Page 1 Florida Communities Trust Application FormFCT-5 Florida Forever Program Incorporated byreference in Rule 62-818.003(1) Parks and Open Space 1.PROJECT NAME Capri Property (Descriptive projectname) 2.APPLICANT NAME Collier County (Name of Local Government or Nonprofit Environmental Organization) If Nonprofit Environmental Organization, also provide the required information requested on Exhibits A, B1 and B2. 3.PARTNERSHIPAPPLICATION Is this a Partnership Application between two or more Local Governments or Nonprofit Environmental Organizations? YES NO X If yes, provide the name(s) of the Local Government(s) or Nonprofit Environmental Organization(s). Also, provide an application transmittal letter from the partnering agency. 4.KEY CONTACT PERSON Note:The key contact is required to be an employee of the Local Government or designated representative of the Nonprofit Environmental Organization. Identify only one key contactperson. Key Contact Name Barry Williams First Middle Initial Last Title Director Department/NonprofitEnvironmentalOrganization Parks and Recreation Department MailingAddress 15000 Livingston City Naples , FL Zip Code 34109-3808 Phone Number 239-252-4000 E-mail Address Barry.Williams@colliercountyfl.gov Chief Administrator for the LocalGovernment: Name Leo E. Ochs Jr. Phone Number 239-252-8383 Note:If the Applicant’s principal office address is a post office box, a delivery address is also required. DeliveryAddress City , FL Zip Code 5.PROJECT SITE LOCATION County Collier Section 32 Township 51S Range 26E Note: Cite only one Section, Township and Range to indicate where all or most of the project acreage is located. Include all directional designations (Township either North or South – Range either East or West). 6.TOTAL PROJECT ACREAGE Indicate the approximate acreage of theProject Site Acres .2 Form FCT-5 (Effective02-08-10)Page 2 7.ACQUISITION TYPE The Applicant must fill out one or more of the following acquisition types, as appropriate. X PRE-ACQUIRED The entire Project Site has been Pre-acquired by the Applicant through a Voluntarily-Negotiated Transaction within 24 months prior to the application deadline. PARTIAL PRE-ACQUIRED A portion of the Project Site has been Pre-acquired by the Applicant through a Voluntarily-Negotiated Transaction within 24 months prior to the application deadline. REIMBURSEMENT ACQUISITION The entire Project Site or the remaining un-acquired parcel(s) in the Project Site will be acquired by the Applicant through a Voluntarily-Negotiated Transaction and will be reimbursed byFCT after the Acquisition is completed. JOINT ACQUISITION The entire Project Site or remaining un-acquired parcel(s) will be a Joint Acquisition with both FCT and the Applicant participating in the Acquisitionprocess. 1 Number of separate ownerships to be acquired within the Project Site. Note:For a Project Site that consists of eleven or more ownerships, the Applicant will be required to act as the lead party responsible for the Acquisitionactivities. 8.ESTIMATED PROJECT COSTS Enter an amount on each line and round to the nearest hundred dollars. a.Land purchase price (estimatedor actual) $153,00 b.Acquisition costs (estimated oractual) Cost of certified survey(s), appraisal(s), appraisal review(s), title report(s), $ 10,642 title insurance premium(s), environmental audit(s), and Applicant’s acquisition agent(s) fees orcommission(s). c.Total Project Costs [Add a.and b.] $163,642 9.AWARD AMOUNT AND MATCH Dollar Amount Percentage of Award a.FCT grant award amount (1)$ 122,731.50 75 %(2 decimalplaces) b.Match amount (2)$ 40,910.50 25 %(2 decimalplaces) c.Total Project Costs [Add a. and b.]$163,642 100% (Should equal 8.cabove) (1)The total amount of any Award or combination of Awards applied for by any Local Government(s) or Nonprofit Environmental Organization(s) under any Application(s) or Partnership Application(s) for any project(s) shall not exceed five million dollars ($5,000,000.00) during any one cycle. (2)A 25% minimum Match is required except for Awards to counties with a population of 75,000 or fewer, municipalities with a population of 10,000 or fewer, and qualified Nonprofit Environmental Organizations. Florida Forever Funds cannot be used as Match. The use of condemnation or the threat of condemnation is not considered a Voluntarily-Negotiated Transaction. Parcels acquired under these conditions do not qualify for Acquisition or Reimbursement under the FCT program. Form FCT-5 (Effective02-08-10)Page 3 10.SOURCE OF MATCH Check the appropriate response(s) below to indicate eligible source(s) ofMatch: Existing or future cash from theApplicant. X Value of real property owned by the Applicant in a qualified pre-acquisition. Note: Include lands within the Project Site that were Pre-acquired within 24 months prior to the application deadline that are to be used as part of the Match. Cash or grant from federal, state, regional, county, municipal, or other agency. Cash from a privateDonation. Value of real property donated by the landowner in a documented bargain sale or Donation agreement. Note:If the source of the Match is from a third party, provide documentation indicating source and amount. Label Exhibit C1 11.OTHER FUNDING SOURCES Have you applied for funding or received other grant funding for Acquisition for this project through another federal, state, regional, county, municipal, or other land acquisition program(s) or agency(s)? YES NO X If yes, provide the name(s) of the agency(s) or land acquisition program(s) to which you have applied or received funding.Label Exhibit C2 If you have or will receive other grant funds for the Acquisition of the Project Site, please provide a table listing the: Acquisition cost for the ProjectSite; Funds the Applicant provided towards the acquisition costs; Funds from other sources used in the Acquisition;and The appraised value of the ProjectSite. Form FCT-5 (Effective02-08-10)Page 4 OWNERSHIP AND ACQUISITIONPLAN List all property owners and parcel tax identification numbers for all parcels. If the project has been Pre-acquired, provide the closing date and a copy of the signed closing statement on Exhibit E1. An Acquisition Plan is required for project sites with multiple parcels or owners to identify the priority parcel(s) and the general acquisition order of other parcels to ensure that, in the event that all parcels cannot be acquired, the purposes of the project can beachieved. List the specific order in which the parcels in the project will be acquired. Acquisition of the Project Site will begin with the priority 1 parcel(s). Parcels may be grouped by priority and more than one parcel may be categorized as priority 1, 2, 3, etc. Requirement:Provideawilling owner letter for all parcels listed below (Exhibit D). Priority Owner’s Name Parcel Tax ID Number Date of Closing 1 Charles Rock & Anne Gendregske ______ ______________________________________________ ___52398080007______ __07-16-18______ Owner’s Mailing Address Phone ____645 Hughes Point, Harrison, MO 48265 _____________________________ _________________ Priority Owner’s Name Parcel Tax ID Number Date of Closing ______ ______________________________________________ ____________________ _________________ Owner’s Mailing Address Phone _____________________________________________________________________ _________________ Priority Owner’s Name Parcel Tax ID Number Date of Closing ______ ______________________________________________ ____________________ _________________ Owner’s Mailing Address Phone _____________________________________________________________________ _________________ Priority Owner’s Name Parcel Tax ID Number Date of Closing ______ ______________________________________________ ____________________ _________________ Owner’s Mailing Address Phone _____________________________________________________________________ _________________ Use additional pages ifneeded The use of condemnation or the threat of condemnation is not considered a Voluntarily-Negotiated Transaction. Parcels acquired under these conditions do not qualify for Acquisition or Reimbursement under the FCT program. Form FCT-5 (Effective02-08-10)Page 5 PROJECT SUMMARY In the space below: Provide a discussion of the purposes of the project, existing and future uses, existing and proposed physical improvements, natural and historic resources, and resource protection and enhancement activities. Include the size and proposed use of any existing or proposed buildings. Indicate if any easements, concessions, or leases exist or areproposed. The project summary is to be no more than onepage. In July 2017 Collier County Parks and Recreation completed the acquisition of 135 Capri Blvd. The .20-acre vacant residential lot was purchased for $169,900 and is located within the Isle of Capri neighborhood. The waterfront community is situated to the northwest of Marco Island and surrounded by the Rookery Bay Aquatic Preserve. The series of islands is primarily residential however the commercial business such as retail, restaurants and marinas are located within .30 miles of the project site. The purchase of the undeveloped site will allow the County to expand the existing Isle of Capri Park and provide additional recreational facilities for users. The project site is currently 100% disturbed with small areas of vegetation and grasses. The site is within the County’s Urban Service Area and has utility/electric connections. Currently zoned residential, the property which is less than 100 feet from the water will be rezoned to an open space/recreation designation. The entire property is within the Coastal High Hazard Area. Once developed, the site will become part of the existing Isle of Capri Park situated directly north of the project site. The existing neighborhood park has bocce ball courts, playgrounds and other support facilities. The park’s heavy use is one of the main reasons for the acquisition and development of 135 Capri Blvd. The proposed development of the site into a public neighborhood park will consist of the addition of two recreational elements and several support facilities. The two recreational elements to be constructed include a picnic shelter and SOD\JURXQG. In addition, an interpretive kiosk will be installed on the site and all elements will be accessible via the existing sidewalk. Other improvements to the property will include parking, stormwater facilities and landscaping. The parking will support both the existing park site and the expansion property. With its proximity to the water and environmental significance of Rookery Bay the ability to develop stormwater facilities will further the County’s efforts to improve the quality of water entering the Bay. The natural stormwater treatment areas will be swales landscaped with native vegetation. These swales will collect water from the surrounding areas and provide treatment of the run-off before it enters the Bay. The stormwater elements will also provide needed drainage providing flood protection to the nearby residences. Native landscaping will be installed throughout the site including the swales and on the southern boundary to provide separation from the adjacent single-family home. The acquisition and development of the site furthers many of the policies from the County’s adopted Comprehensive Plan. These policies include meeting the County’s LOS for park acreage, continuing land acquisition to improve open space access and opportunities, protection of habitats for listed animal species and significant environmental areas, water quality enhancement and drainage. The County is requesting reimbursement in the amount of $122,731.50 which represents 75% of the land acquisition cost. The County will provide a local match of $40,491.50 or 25% of the eligible acquisition costs. These costs are based off the appraised value of the property and expended acquisition costs for due diligence products. Form FCT-5 (Effective02-08-10)Page 6 PROJECT EVALUATIONCRITERIA Answer the following questions, as applicable to the proposed project. Where requested, provide references to the Local Comprehensive Plan, support documentation or attached Exhibits. Note: Provide a response to each of the following criteria, either yes or no. If the answer to a criterion is checked no, move to the next question. If the answer to a criterion is checked yes, provide a response as appropriate and limit your response to no more than ½ page. Any criterion that is not addressed or is left blank will not be evaluated and no points will beawarded. Documentation Provided:The Applicant shall check either Yes or No to whether the required documentation is provided. If Yes, the Applicant shall identify in which Exhibit the documentation is located. If documentation is not provided, no points shall beawarded. (1)GENERAL CRITERIASECTION (a)Pre-acquired project: Has the entire Project Site been Pre-acquired by the Applicant within 24 months prior to the application deadline? (10points); YES X NO If yes, provide a copy of the closing statement in Exhibit E1. Was the documentation provided in the grant application? YES X Documented in Exhibit E1 NO If a copy of the closing statement is not provided, no points will be awarded (b)The Project Site has not been the subject of a land use or zoning change that would allow an increase of either allowable density or intensity within the last three (3) years prior to the application deadline. (5 points) YES X NO If yes, provide a letter from the local government planning department stating that the Project Site has not been the subject of a land use or zoning change that would allow an increase of either allowable density or intensity within the last three (3) years prior to the application deadline Exhibit F1 and F2. Was the documentation provided in the grant application? YES _X Documented in Exhibit F1 and F2 NO If a copy of the required letter from the planning department is not provided, no points will be awarded (c)Is the Project Site part of a Phased Project and is adjacent (or adjacent through public ownership) to a park or conservation lands that were previously acquired with FCT funds? (5points) YES NO X If yes, identify the project number of the previously funded FCT project and describe the phased nature of the project Exhibit F3. Provide an exhibit that shows the Project Site and the parcel(s) that were previously acquired with FCT funds in Exhibit G Was the documentation provided in the grant application? YES _Documented in Exhibit G and Exhibit F3 NO If a copy of the map showing the Project Site and the previously acquired FCT parcel is not provided, no points will beawarded (d)The Applicant is committed toproviding: Check yes to only one of the following, if applicable. (1)Local Government (medium tolarge): Counties with a population of more than 75,000, municipalities with a population of more than 10,000. a.A Match of 40 to 49% of the total Project Costs. (10 points) YES NO X Form FCT-5 (Effective02-08-10)Page 7 b.A Match of 50 to 59% of the total Project Costs. (20 points) YES NO X (2)Small Local Government or Nonprofit Environmental Organization: Counties with a population of 75,000 or less, municipalities with a population of 10,000 or less. a.A Match of 10 to 19% of the total Project Costs. (10 points) YES NO X b.A Match of 20 to 29% of the total Project Costs. (20 points) YES NO X (e)The grant award amount requested is within the following thresholds Check yes to only one of the following, if applicable. (1)The Applicant is requesting a grant award amount that does not exceed $1,500,000.00 (8 points); YES X NO (2)The Applicant is requesting a grant award amount that does not exceed $2,500,000.00 (4 points); YES NO X (3)The Applicant is requesting a grant award amount that does not exceed $3,500,000.00 (2 points). YES NO X Note:FCT will not participate in project costs that exceed the grant award amount. (f)Is this the Applicant’s first Application to FCT, or has the Applicant previously submitted an Application that was either not funded or was funded but not acquired? (5 points) Note:In the case of a partnership application, if any of the partners have received funding and the Project Site was acquired, then no points will be awarded. YES NO X (g)Will the Project Site provide an alternative to the fee simple acquisition of land by acquiring a conservation easement over at least 25 percent of the Project Site, with a minimum of at least five acres placed in a conservation easement? (5 points). YES NO X If yes, locate the proposed area to be acquired in less than fee on Exhibit G, discuss the purpose of the conservation easement, and provide a letter in Exhibit D from the owner expressing their willingness to sell a conservation easement over thatparcel. Was documentation provided in the grant application? YES Documented in Exhibit G and D NO _If the required willing seller letter and a map showing the proposed conservation easement area(s) are not provided, no points will be awarded. Form FCT-5 (Effective02-08-10)Page 8 (2)OUTDOOR RECREATION, NATURAL AND CULTURAL RESOURCES SECTION This section identifies whether Acquisition of the Project Site furthers the provision of Outdoor Recreation facilities and open space and the preservation of natural and cultural resources. All proposed recreation facilities are required to be designed with as minimal disturbance as possible to natural resources on the Project Site. D Providing Outdoor Recreation or OpenSpace The Project Site provides functional land-based walking, nature, bike, equestrian or multi-use trails: DWill the Project Site contain a functional walking, nature, bike, equestrian or multi-use trail? (2 points) YES NO X If yes, show the proposed trail on the conceptual site plan,Exhibit G. Was documentation provided in the grant application? YES Documented in Exhibit G. NO X If the proposed trail is not shown on the conceptual site plan, no points will be awarded. EWill the Project Site contain a functional trail that is at least one-half mile in length? (5 points) YES NO X If yes, show the proposed trail on the conceptual site plan,Exhibit G. Provide a scale that clearly shows that the trail is at least one-half mile inlength. Was documentation provided in the grant application? YES Documented in Exhibit G. NO If the proposed trail is not shown on the conceptual site plan to be at least one-half mile long, no points will be awarded. FWill benches be provided along the trail? (2 points) YES NO X GWill a water fountain be provided at the trailhead or along the trail? (1 point) YES NO X The Project Site provides Outdoor Recreation Facilities such as a picnic pavilion, fishing pier, boat ramp,wildlife observation platform, playground, basketball courts, or volleyball courts. Check yes to only one of the following, if applicable. DWill the Project Site provide two different types of recreational facilities? (7 points) YES X NO If yes, describe what facilities will be provided. Show the proposed facilities on the conceptual site plan, Exhibit G. The project site will contain a picnic shelter and SOD\JURXQG. These elements are shown on the conceptual site plan provided in Exhibit G. Was documentation provided in the grant application?YES Documented in Exhibit G. NO If the proposed facilities are not shown on the conceptual site plan, no points will be awarded. EWill the Project Site provide three different types of recreational facilities? (8 points) YES NO X If yes, describe what facilities will be provided. Show the proposed facilities on the conceptual site plan, Exhibit G. Was documentation provided in the grant application? YES X Documented in Exhibit G. NO If the proposed facilities are not shown on the conceptual site plan, no points will be awarded. c.Will the Project Site provide four or more different types of recreational facilities? (9 points) YES NO X If yes, describe what facilities will be provided. Show the proposed facilities on the conceptual site plan,Exhibit Form FCT-5 (Effective02-08-10)Page 9 G. Was documentation provided in the grant application? YES Documented in Exhibit G. NO If the proposed facilities are not shown on the conceptual site plan, no points will be awarded. 3.Will the Project Site provide public access facilities to an existing open water shoreline or beach, such as a fishing pier, boat ramp, canoe/kayak launching facility, observation platform, dock or dune walkover? (10 points) YES NO X If yes, describe what shoreline access facility will be provided. Show the proposed facility on the conceptual site plan, Exhibit G. YES Documented in Exhibit G. NO If the proposed water access facility is not shown on the conceptual site plan, no points will be awarded. 4.Furthers Outdoor Recreation, public water access or open space within an Urban Area. Points may be awarded based on the followingcriteria: a.Is the Project Site located within an Urban Service Area? (5 points) YES X NO If yes, describe the existing Urban Service Area. Provide a copy of the future land use map Exhibit H1 and an aerial photograph that clearly identifies the Project Site Exhibit J (Label as Exhibit H1)and the surrounding area. The project is located within an existing urban service area. The site has access to roads and utilities and is zoned as an urban residential subdistrict. A copy of the FLUM map is provided in Exhibit H. Was documentation provided in the grant application? YES X Documented in Exhibit H1 and Exhibit J NO If the required future land use map and aerial photograph identifying the Project Site and the surrounding area are not provided, no points will be awarded. b.Is the Project Site located within an Urban Service Area and also within one-half mile of a built-up commercial or industrial Urban Area? (5points) YES X NO If yes, describe the existing Urban Service Area. Provide a copy of the future land use map Exhibit H2 that clearly identifies the Project Site, an aerial photograph of the Project Site and the surrounding area, and photographs of the surrounding built- up commercial or industrial area. On either the future land use map or the aerial photograph, include a scale that clearly shows that the Project Site is within one half mile of built-up commercial or industrial Urban Area Exhibit J (Label as Exhibit H2). The project is located within an existing urban service area and within ½ mile of a built up commercial area. The project site is approximately .20 -.30 miles from business including marina’s, retail and offices. An aerial photograph with scale is provided in Exhibit H and J showing the relationship of the site to these areas. Was documentation provided in the grant application? YES X Documented in Exhibit H2 and Exhibit J NO If the required future land use map, aerial photograph that identify the Project Site and surrounding area and photographs of the surrounding built-up commercial or industrial area are not provided, no points will be awarded. (b)Connectivity 1.Will the Project Site be connected to adjacent neighborhoods by an existing sidewalk(s) or a proposed sidewalk(s) that is within an existing right-of-way? (5 points) YES X NO If yes, show the existing sidewalk on the connectivity map,Exhibit I1, and provide photographs of the sidewalk, Form FCT-5 (Effective02-08-10)Page 10 Exhibit J (Label as I1). If the sidewalk is proposed: provide a right-of-way map that documents that sufficient public right-of-way exists to accommodate the future sidewalk, provide a letter from the Public Works Director that a sidewalk can be constructed within the existing road right-of-way Exhibit I1, a letter from the Local Government that the proposed sidewalk will be constructed within five years of the acquisition of the Project Site Exhibit I1 and a map showing the connection to a sidewalk network in the area Exhibit I1. Was documentation provided in the grant application? YES X Documented in Exhibits I1 and J NO If pictures of the existing sidewalk or documentation for the proposed sidewalk, including right-of-way map of the existing right-of-way, letter from the Public Works Director, a commitment letter from the Local Government, and a map showing the connection to a sidewalk network in the area are not provided, no points will be awarded. 2.Provides Outdoor Recreation areas or open space adjacent to other publicly-owned upland areas: a.Is the Project Site adjacent to an existing publicly-owned infrastructure facility, such as a fire station, police station, museum, school or library? (3points) YES NO X If yes, show the existing publicly-owned infrastructure facility and its relationship to the Project Site on connectivity map or aerial photograph Exhibit I2. Provide photographs of the publicly-owned infrastructure facility Exhibit J (Label as Exhibit I2). Was documentation provided in the grant application? YES Documented in Exhibit I2 and J NO If the required map or aerial photograph showing the publicly-owned facility’s relationship to the Project Site and photographs are not provided, no points will be awarded. b.Is the Project Site adjacent to existing publicly-owned conservation or recreation lands? (5 points) YES X NO If yes, show the existing publicly-owned open space, such as a park, nature preserve, or conservation land in relationship to the Project Site on Exhibit I3 and an aerial photograph. The project site is adjacent and will become part of an existing county recreational facility, Capri Park. The acquisition will be used to expand the park and provide enhanced recreational opportunities. The existing park is shown on the Parks and Conservation Lands Map provided in Exhibit G. An aerial photograph is also provided with the park’s relationship to the project site identified. Was documentation provided in the grant application? YES X Documented in Exhibit I3 NO If the required map and aerial photograph showing the Project Site’s relationship to the adjacent publicly-owned conservation or recreation lands are not provided, no points will be awarded. 3.Is the Project Site adjacent to publicly-owned lands, excluding road right-of-ways, that contain a RecreationalTrail that connects to an existing local, regional or statewide land-based Recreational Trail System or lands that are located within the Preferred Routing Corridor of the Florida National Scenic Trail? (5points) YES NO X If yes, identify the local, regional or statewide trail system and discuss how the project will enhance the system. Provide a map of the adjacent publicly-owned lands,Exhibit I4, and the trail system on those lands and identify the location of the Project Site. Note: A Recreational Trail does not include canoe trails, sidewalks, or bike lanes on the road. Was the documentation provided in the grant application? YES Documented in Exhibit I4 NO If the trail system map identifying the adjacent publicly-owned lands, the trail system, and Project Site is not provided, no points will be awarded. 4.Is the Project Site adjacent to publicly-owned lands that expand a local, regional or statewide Ecological Corridor? (5 points) YES X NO If yes, show the local, regional or statewide Ecological Corridor and its relationship to the Project Site on Exhibit I5. Discuss how the Project Site will expand the Ecological Corridor. Form FCT-5 (Effective02-08-10)Page 11 The project is located within the Rookery Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve. These 110,000 acres of pristine mangrove forest, uplands and protected waters of Rookery Bay. Where rivers and streams meet the sea, a unique habitat is formed. A myriad of wildlife, including 150 species of birds and many threatened and endangered animals, thrive in the estuarine environment and surrounding upland hammocks and scrub found within the Reserve. A map of the Reserve and project site’s location within is provided in Exhibit I. Was documentation provided in the grant application? YES X Documented in Exhibit I5 NO If the required Ecological Corridor map that includes the adjacent publicly-owned lands and the Project Site is not provided, no points will be awarded. 5.Does the Project Site enhance a State Designated Paddling Trail by providing facilities, including a paddling trail sign, canoe/kayak launch, and restrooms? (5points) YES NO X If yes, include a commitment to provide paddling trail sign, canoe/kayak launch, and restrooms on the Project Site and show the facilities on Exhibit I6. Provide a map of the State Designated Paddling Trail and identify the location of the Project Site. Provide documentation that the trail has been designated by the Office of Greenways and Trails Exhibit I6. Was documentation provided in the grant application? YES Documented in Exhibit I6 NO If the required paddling trail map and letter from the Office of Greenways and Trails and the conceptual site plan are not provided, no points will be awarded. (c)EducationalOpportunities 1.Will the Project Site include an interpretive kiosk intended to educate visitors about the natural environment or unique history of the area? (5points) YES X NO If yes, describe the interpretive educational kiosk to be provided. An interpretive kiosk will be installed on the site. The element will educate visitors to the unique environmental aspects of the area and include information on two access new information. The kiosk will blend into the park like setting and enhance visitor’s awareness of the importance of preserving open space within significant natural habitats as Rookery Bay. 2.Will the Applicant provide at least six (6) environmental or historical education classes or programs per year at the Project Site conducted by trained educator(s) or resource professional(s)? (3 points) YES X NO If yes, identify who will be conducting the classes or programs; describe the classes or programs to be provided, and the frequency of the plannedprograms. The County will conduct at least six environmental and/or historic educational programs each year at the site. The programs will focus on the surrounding environment including Rookery Bay, Ten Thousand Islands and the Gulf of Mexico. Additional programming will include historic education about the Southwest Florida region and the island communities. The Collier County Parks and Recreation will coordinate the programming with it’s staff, local educators and other community organizations. 3.Will the Project Site include a staffed Neighborhood Recreation Center, nature center or museum building that provides year-round educational classes or programming? Check yes to only one of the following, if applicable. Note:The building should be a minimum of 1,000 square feet and no larger than 15,000 square feet. a.Will the Applicant construct a new building of at least 1,000 square feet to house a staffed Neighborhood Recreation Center, nature center or museum that provides year-round educational classes or programming? (2points) YES NO X If yes, describe the proposed building, the size of the proposed building, what type of programs will be conducted and who will provide the programming. Locate the proposed new building on Exhibit G, the Form FCT-5 (Effective02-08-10)Page 12 conceptual site plan. Provide a letter from the Applicant’s senior administrator committing to the construction of the building Exhibit K1. Was the documentation provided in the grant application? YES Documented in Exhibit G and K1. NO If the proposed building is not located on the conceptual site plan and the commitment letter is not provided, no points will beawarded. b.Will the Applicant construct a new building of at least 1,000 square feet designed and constructed to meet the U.S. Green Building Council’s (USGBC) Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEEDTM) Green Building Rating System for New Construction and Major Renovations Version 2.2, to house a staffed Neighborhood Recreation Center, nature center or museum building that provides year-round educational classes or programming? (3points) YES NO X If yes, describe the proposed facility, the size of the proposed facility, what type of programs will be conducted and who will provide the programming. Locate the proposed new building on Exhibit G, the conceptual site plan. Provide a letter from the Applicant’s senior administrator committing to construct the building to meet the U.S. Green Building Council’s (USGBC) Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED TM)Green Building Rating System for New Construction and Major Renovations Version2.2 Exhibit K2. Was documentation provided in the grant application? YES Documented in Exhibit G and K2. NO If the proposed building is not located on the conceptual site plan and the commitment letter is not provided, no points will beawarded. c.Will the Applicant use an existing building, that contains at least 1,000 square feet of enclosed area, for a staffed Neighborhood Recreation Center, nature center or museum building that provides year-round educational classes or programming? (6 points) YES NO X If yes, describe the existing facility, the size of the facility, what type of programs will be conducted and who will provide the programming. Locate the existing building on the conceptual site plan Exhibit G. Provide photographs of the building Exhibit J (Label as K3).Discuss any needed repairs or renovations. Provide a letter from the Applicant’s senior administrator committing to the needed repairs orrenovations Exhibit K3. Was documentation provided in the grant application? YES Documented in Exhibit G, J, and K3. NO If the existing structure is not shown on the conceptual site plan, photographs (Label K3) of the existing building, and commitment letter (if required) are not provided, no points will be awarded. d.The Applicant will use of an existing building, that contains at least 1,000 square feet of enclosed area, for a staffed Neighborhood Recreation Center, nature center or museum building that provides year-round educational classes or programming and will retrofit the building to meet the U.S. Green Building Council’s (USGBC) Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED TM) Green Building Rating System for New Construction and Major Renovations Version 2.2. (7 points) YES NO X If yes, describe the existing facility, the size of the facility, what type of programs will be conducted and who will provide the programming. Provide a letter from the Applicant’s senior administrator committing to retrofit the building to meet the U.S. Green Building Council’s (USGBC) Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEEDTM) Green Building Rating System for New Construction and Major Renovations Version 2.2 Exhibit K4. Locate the building on the conceptual site plan Exhibit G. Discuss any needed repairs or renovations. Provide photographs of the building Exhibit J (Label as K4). Was the documentation provided in the grant application? YES Documented in Exhibit G, J, and K4. NO If the proposed building is not located on the conceptual site plan, photographs (label K4) of the existing building and the commitment letter are not provided, no points will be awarded. (d)Natural and BiologicalResources 1.Does seventy percent of the Project Site contain predominantly Natural Communities that have not been impacted by human disturbance or alteration? (5points) Form FCT-5 (Effective02-08-10)Page 13 YES NO X If yes, describe the various Natural Communities on the Project Site, including the quality of the communities, and the approximate acreage of each community. Describe the extent and acreage of the disturbances or alterations on the Project Site. Show the natural communities and disturbed areas on Exhibit L1. Provide photographs Exhibit J (Label as L1)of the natural communities. Discuss how the project site will be developed with minimal impact to the Natural Communities on the site. Was documentation provided in the grant application? YES Documented in Exhibit L1 and J. NO If documentation that the Project Site contains at least seventy percent Natural Communities and photographs of the Natural Communities area not provided, no points will be awarded. 2.Does the Project Site contain Habitat recognized as typically suitable for one or more Listed Animal Species? (5 points) YES X NO If yes, describe the Habitat on the Project Site, including the size in acres and the present condition of the Habitat. Identify any listed species that may use the site as Habitat. Discuss how the listed species Habitat will be protected and managed. Show the listed species habitat on Exhibit L2. Provide photos Exhibit J (Label as L2)of the listed species habitat. Records from The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission’s database indicate that listed species occurrence data are located within the project area. Records of the gopher tortoise, loggerhead sea turtle, least turn, and ruddy turnstone are suitable for the project site and surrounding habitat. Was documentation provided in the grant application? YES X Documented in Exhibit L2 and J. NO If documentation that the Project Site contains Habitat recognized as typically suitable for one of more Listed Animal Species is not provided, no points will be awarded. 3.Does the Project Site contain a Locally Significant Natural Area as identified by the Florida Natural Areas Inventory? (3 points) YES NO X If yes, provide a map and letter from the Florida Natural Areas Inventory that the Project Site contains a Locally Significant Natural Area Exhibit L3. Was documentation provided in the grant application? YES X Documented in Exhibit L3 NO If the required letter and map from the Florida Natural Areas Inventory stating that the Project Site contains a Locally Significant Natural Area are not provided, no points will be awarded. 4.Does the Project Site contain critical habitat typically suitable for one or more Listed Animal Species and is the site located in a Strategic Habitat Conservation Area, as identified by the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission? Check yes to only one of the following, if applicable. a.The Project Site contains Habitat recognized as typically suitable for one or more Listed Animal Species and less than twenty-five percent of the Project Site is currently located in, or was located in at the time of acquisition, a Strategic Habitat Conservation Area, as identified by the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission. (2 points) YES X NO If yes, provide a map and letter from the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission stating that the Project Site contains a Strategic Habitat Conservation Area Exhibit L4. Was documentation provided in the grant application? YES X Documented in Exhibit L4 NO If the required letter and map from the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission stating that the Project Site contains a Strategic Habitat Conservation Area is not provided, no points will be awarded. b.The Project Site contains Habitat recognized as typically suitable for one or more Listed Animal Species and twenty-five to forty-nine percent of the Project Site is currently located in, or was located in at the time of acquisition, a Strategic Habitat Conservation Area, as identified by the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Form FCT-5 (Effective02-08-10)Page 14 Commission. (4 points) YES NO X If yes, provide a map and letter from the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission stating that the Project Site contains a Strategic Habitat Conservation Area Exhibit L4. Was documentation provided in the grant application? YES Documented in Exhibit L4 NO If the required letter and map from the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission stating that the Project Site contains a Strategic Habitat Conservation Area is not provided, no points will be awarded. c.The Project Site contains Habitat recognized as typically suitable for one or more Listed Animal Species and fifty percent or more of the Project Site is currently located in, or was located in at the time of acquisition, a Strategic Habitat Conservation Area, as identified by the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission. (7points). YES NO X If yes, provide a map and letter from the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission stating that the Project Site contains a Strategic Habitat Conservation Area Exhibit L4. Was documentation provided in the grant application? YES Documented in Exhibit L4 NO If the required letter and map from the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission stating that the Project Site contains a Strategic Habitat Conservation Area is not provided, no points will be awarded. 5.Does the Project Site contain land that will be managed in cooperation with Florida Forest Service’s Forest Stewardship Program? (3points) YES NO X If yes, provide a letter from the Florida Forest Service that the Project Site will be managed in cooperation with the Forest StewardshipProgram Exhibit L5. Was the documentation provided in the grant application? YES ___Documented in Exhibit L5 NO _______If the required letter from the Florida Forest Service stating that the Project Site will be managed in cooperation with the Forest Stewardship Program is not provided, no pointswillbeawarded. 6.Does the Project Site contain priority habitat as identified by the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWCC) and managed in cooperation with FWCC’s Landowner Assistance Program? (5 points) YES NO X If yes, provide a letter from the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission stating that the Project Site contains priority habitat and will be managed in cooperation with the Landowner Assistance Program Exhibit L6. Was the documentation provided in the grant application? YES _Documented in Exhibit L6 NO If the required letter from the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission stating that the Project Site contains priority habitat and will be managed in cooperation with the Landowner Assistance Program is not provided, no points will beawarded. (e)VegetativeEnhancement 1.Planting disturbed uplands with native vegetation. Check yes to only one of the following, if applicable. a.At least 1 acre of the disturbed upland area on the Project Site will be planted with native vegetation. (2 points) YES NO X If yes, discuss that at least one (1) acre of disturbed uplands on the Project Site will be planted and discuss the types of native plants and the approximate number to be planted. Show the approximate area to be planted on the conceptual site plan,Exhibit G. Provide photos Exhibit J (Label Native Vegetation area)of the disturbed area to be planted. Was documentation provided in the grant application? YES Documented in Exhibit G and J NO If the proposed planting area is not shown on the conceptual site plan and photos of the disturbed area are not provided, no points will be awarded. Form FCT-5 (Effective02-08-10)Page 15 b.At least 5 acres of the disturbed upland area on the Project Site will be planted with native vegetation. (5 points) YES NO X If yes, state that at least five (5) acres of disturbed uplands on the Project Site will be planted and discuss the types of native plants and the approximate number to be planted. Show the approximate area to be planted on the conceptual site plan,Exhibit G. Provide photos Exhibit J (Label Native Vegetation area)of the disturbed area to be planted. Was documentation provided in the grant application? YES Documented in Exhibit G and J NO If the proposed planting area is not shown on the conceptual site plan and photos of the disturbed area are not provided, no points will be awarded. c.At least 10 acres of the disturbed upland area on the Project Site will be planted with native vegetation. (7 points) YES NO X If yes,state that at least ten (10) acres of disturbed uplands on the Project Site will be planted and discuss the types of native plants and the approximate number to be planted. Show the approximate area to be planted on the conceptual site plan,Exhibit G.Provide photos Exhibit J (Label Native Vegetation area) of the disturbed area to be planted. Was documentation provided in the grant application? YES Documented in Exhibit G and J NO If the proposed planting area is not shown on the conceptual site plan and photos of the disturbed area are not provided, no points will be awarded. 2.Planting disturbed shorelines with native vegetation. Check yes to only one of the following, if applicable. a.At least 150 linear feet of the disturbed shoreline on the Project Site will be planted with native vegetation. (1 point) YES NO X If yes, state that at least 150 linear feet of disturbed shoreline on the Project Site will be planted and discuss the types of native plants and the approximate number to be planted. Show the approximate area that will be planted on the conceptual site plan,Exhibit G. Provide photos Exhibit J (Label Native Vegetation area)of the disturbed area to be planted. Was documentation provided in the grant application? YES Documented in Exhibit G and J NO If the proposed planting area is not shown on the conceptual site plan and photos of the disturbed area are not provided, no points will be awarded. b.At least 300 linear feet of the disturbed shoreline on the Project Site will be planted with native vegetation. (2 points) YES NO X If yes, state that at least 300 linear feet of disturbed shoreline on the Project Site will be planted and discuss the types of native plants and the approximate number to be planted. Show the approximate area that will be planted on the conceptual site plan,Exhibit G. Provide photos Exhibit J (Label Native Vegetation area)of the disturbed area to be planted. Was documentation provided in the grant application? YES Documented in Exhibit G and J NO If the proposed planting area is not shown on the conceptual site plan and photos of the disturbed area are not provided, no points will be awarded. c.At least 600 linear feet of the disturbed shoreline on the Project Site will be planted with native vegetation. (4 points) YES NO X If yes, state that at least 600 linear feet of disturbed shoreline on the Project Site will be planted and discuss the types of native plants and the approximate number to be planted. Show the approximate area that will be planted on the conceptual site plan,Exhibit G. Provide photos Exhibit J (Label Native Vegetation area)of the Form FCT-5 (Effective02-08-10)Page 16 disturbed area to be planted. Was documentation provided in the grant application? YES Documented in Exhibit G and J NO If the proposed planting area is not shown on the conceptual site plan and photos of the disturbed area are not provided, no points will be awarded. (f)Water Quality 1.Will the Project Site improve the quality of surface waters or address current flooding problems occurring on, adjacent or in close proximity to the Project Site in a park-like or natural setting? (3 points) YES X NO If yes, discuss existing water quality or flooding problems. Describe what activities on the Project Site will significantly improve surface water quality or address current flooding problems in a park-like or natural setting. Identify the proposed improvements or activity on the conceptual site plan,Exhibit G. The acquisition of the project site will allow for the development of a new stormwater feature on the undeveloped parcel. The element will include a swale comprised of native vegetation running along the boundaries of the site. The swale will provide treatment of the stormwater run-off as it moves across the adjacent roads and built up properties. The rest of the site will also be designed to convey surface water into these features for treatment. A portion of the pollutants for the run-off will then be naturally filtered out before entering the waterbody. The acquisition of the site will also help reduce potential flooding in the area. By purchasing the land the County has prevented further private development and created a new stormwater facility where none existed. Was documentation provided in the grant application? YES X Documented in Exhibit G NO If the proposed improvements or activity area is not shown on the conceptual site plan, no points will be awarded. 2.Will acquiring the Project Site protect an adjacent Outstanding Florida W ater, as designated by the Department of Environmental Protection? (5points) YES X NO If yes, provide a map showing that the boundary of the Project Site is located adjacent to an Outstanding Florida Water. Provide a letter from the Department of Environmental Protection verifying that the project is located adjacent to an Outstanding FloridaWater Exhibit M2. The project site is adjacent to an Outstanding Florida Water, Rookery Bay Aquatic Preserve. The project will prevent further development adjacent to the water and improve water quality entering the Preserve through new stormwater treatment elements on the site. Documentation from FDEP is included in Attachment M. Was documentation provided in the grant application? YES X Documented in Exhibit M2 NO If the required letter from the Department of Environmental Protection and map showing that the boundary of the Project Site is located adjacent to an Outstanding Florida Water are not provided, no points will be awarded. 3.Will acquiring the Project Site protect adjacent Class I Waters, as identified by the Department of Environmental Protection? (3points) YES NO X If yes, provide a map showing that the boundary of the Project Site is located adjacent to a Class I Water. Provide a letter from the Department of Environmental Protection verifying that the project is located adjacent to an Outstanding Florida Water Exhibit M3. Was documentation provided in the grant application? YES Documented in Exhibit M3. NO If the required letter from the Department of Environmental Protection and map showing that the boundary of the Project Site is located adjacent to a Class I Water are not provided, no points will be awarded. Form FCT-5 (Effective02-08-10)Page 17 (g)HistoricResources 1.Does the Project Site contain a site listed in the Florida Master Site File maintained by the Division of Historical Resources? (2 points) YES NO X If yes, identify the resource, provide a map showing its location on the Project Site Exhibit G,andprovide documentation from the Division of Historical Resources verifying that the resource is listed in the Florida Master Site File Exhibit N1. Was documentation provided in the grant application? YES Documented in Exhibits G and N1 NO If the required map showing the resource on the Project Site and documentation from the Division of Historical Resources are not provided, no points will be awarded. 2.Does the Project Site contain a resource that is listed in the Florida Master Site File and has been evaluated by the Division of Historical Resources as meeting the criteria for listing in the National Register of Historic Places? (5 points) YES NO X If yes, identify the resource, provide a map showing its location on the Project Site Exhibit G,and provide documentation from the Division of Historical Resources verifying that the resource meets the criteria for listing in the National Register of Historic Places Exhibit N2. Was documentation provided in the grant application? YES Documented in Exhibits G and N2 NO If the required map showing the resource on the Project Site and documentation from the Division of Historical Resources that the Project Site contains a resource that meets the criteria for listing in the National Register of Historic Places are not provided, no points will be awarded. 3.Will acquiring the Project Site protect a resource that is listed on the National Register of Historic Places by the National Park Service? (7points) YES NO X If yes, identify the resource, provide a map showing its location on the Project Site Exhibit G, and provide documentation from the Division of Historical Resources verifying that the resource is listed on the National Register of Historic Places Exhibit N3. Was the documentation provided in the grant application? YES Documented in Exhibits G and N3 NO If the required map showing the resource on the Project Site and documentation from the Division of Historical Resources verifying that the Project Site contains a resource that is listed on the National Register of Historic Places are not provided, no points will be awarded. (3)COMMUNITY PLANNING SECTION (a)Comprehensive PlanImplementation For each of the following criteria that are furthered by the Local Comprehensive Plan, cite no more than five (5) relevant objectives or policies in eachresponse. If the response to a criterion is no, move to the next question. If the response to a criterion is yes, cite the objective or policy number and paraphrase the plan directive, provide a brief discussion of how acquiring the site will further the cited objective or policy, and include a copy of the objective or policy in Exhibit O or the proposed objectives or polices in Exhibit O. If a criterion addresses specific resources (they must be present on the site) or facilities (they must be existing or proposed for the site) in order for points to be awarded. If the Project Site is located entirely in one Local Government jurisdiction, the Local Comprehensive Plan of the jurisdiction within which the Project Site is located shall be evaluated for scoring purposes. If the Project Site is located in two or more jurisdictions, the Local Comprehensive Plan of either jurisdiction shall be compared for compatibility and evaluated for scoring purposes. If either jurisdiction’s Local Comprehensive Plan is furthered then points will be awarded. Form FCT-5 (Effective02-08-10)Page 18 1.Will the project provide acreage or outdoor recreational facilities necessary to maintain or improve adopted levels of service standards established in the comprehensive plan for recreation or open space? (5points) YES X NO Numeric citation and summary of objectives or policies: (REC)Policy 1.1.1: The standards for levels of service (LOS) of County parks and recreation facilities appear in Policy 1.5.G in the Capital Improvement Element and shall be used as the basis for determining the availability of facility capacity and the demand generated by a development. (CAP) 1.5 G . County Parks and Recreation Facilities: (VIII)(X)(XV) 1. Regional Park land = 2.7 acres per 1,000/pop. (VIII)(X) 2. Community Park land = 1.2 acres per 1,000/pop. (unincorporated) Summaryof how the project furthers the objectives or policies: The acquisition of the project site will further the adopted LOS and allow the County to meet the needs of its growing population. In 2017 the County’s population was 357,470. At the current population the County needs 429 acres of community parks. By 2020 that number will rise to 456 acres for a population of 379,900 and grow even more with 532 acres need to meet the LOS for a population of 443,600. The population figures are derived from the UF Population Estimates. Please see Exhibit O. Was documentation provided in the grant application? YES _X Documented in Exhibit O1 NO If copies of the required objectives and policies are not provided, no points will be awarded. 2.Will the project further comprehensive plan directives that promote public Acquisition of natural areas or open space? (5 points) YES X NO Numeric citation and summary of objectives or policies: (REC) Policy 1.1.4 Acquire suitable lands for new park sites in areas where major population growth is expected. (REC) Policy 1.1.5: The County shall continue to establish and implement a program with appropriate criteria to designate or acquire open space areas and natural reservations. (REC) Policy 2.1.1: The Parks and Recreation Department will acquire land to meet the needs of the Community and Regional Park Plan, including sufficient land to allow for a portion of these sites to remain in passive open space. Summaryof how the project furthers the objectives or policies: The acquisition of the project site will further the policies by identifying, evaluating and completing acquisition of open space for recreational facilities. The County followed its established land acquisition guidelines to locate available open space, evaluate its value compared to cost and complete the acquisition process. Please see Exhibit O. Was the documentation provided in the grant application? YES X Documented in Exhibit O2 NO If copies of the required objectives and policies are not provided, no points will be awarded. 3.Will the project further comprehensive plan directives to provide new or enhanced public access to existing water bodies or saltwater beaches? (5points) Form FCT-5 (Effective02-08-10)Page 19 YES NO X Numeric citation and summaryof objectives or policies: Summaryof how the project furthers the objectives or policies, show the location of the new or enhanced public access to existing water bodies or saltwater beaches on Exhibit G: Was the documentation provided in the grant application? YES______Documented in Exhibits G and O3 NO If the proposed facilities are not shown on the conceptual site plan and copies of the required objectives and policies are not provided, no points will be awarded. 4.Will the project further comprehensive plan directives that provide for creating new or enhanced Greenways, Ecological Corridors or Recreational Trail Systems, including but not limited to the Florida National Scenic Trail system? (5 points) YES NO X Numeric citation and summaryof objectives or policies: Summaryof how the project furthers the objectives or policies, show the location of the Greenways, Ecological Corridors or Recreational Trail Systems on ExhibitO4 Was the documentation provided in the grant application? YES _Documented in Exhibit O4 NO X If the required Ecological Corridor, Recreation Trail System, or Greenway map and copies of the required objectives and policies are not provided, no points will be awarded. 5.Will the project further comprehensive plan directives that ensure the preservation of Natural Communities or Listed Animal Species Habitat? (5points) YES X NO Numeric citation and summaryof objectives or policies: (CON) OBJECTIVE 1.1: Maintain a comprehensive environmental management and conservation program to ensure that natural resources, including State and Federally listed animal species within the County are properly, appropriately, and effectively identified, managed, and protected. (CON) GOAL 7: TO PROTECT AND CONSERVE THE COUNTY’S FISHERIES AND WILDLIFE. (CON) OBJECTIVE 7.1: Direct incompatible land uses away from listed animal species and their habitats. (The County relies on the listing process of State and Federal agencies to identify species that require special protection because of their endangered, threatened, or species of special concern status. Listed animal species are those species that the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission has designated as endangered, threatened, or species of special concern, in accordance with Rules 68A-27.003, 68A-27.004, and 68A- 27.005, F.A.C. and those species designated by various federal agencies as Endangered and Threatened species published in 50 CFR 17.) (CON) Policy 7.1.1: Incompatible land uses are directed away from listed species and their habitats by the following mechanisms: (1) Conservation Designation on the Future Land Use Map The overall purpose of the Conservation Designation is to conserve and maintain the natural resources of Collier County and their associated environmental, recreational and economic benefits. These areas have been demonstrated to have high wildlife value. The allowed land uses specified in the FLUE’s Conservation Designation will accommodate limited residential development and future non-residential Form FCT-5 (Effective02-08-10)Page 20 development. These limitations help direct many incompatible land uses away from listed species and their habitats contained in this Future Land Use Designation. (Reference FLUE: Future Land Use Designation, Description Section.) Summaryof how the project furthers the objectives or policies, show the location of the Natural Communities or Listed Animal Species Habitat on ExhibitG: The acquisition of the project site will further the adopted policies of directing development away from areas that are suitable for listed animal species. According to FWC the site is a suitable habitat for several significant animal species. These species are both land and water based. Through purchase of the site and re-zoning into a conservation/recreation use, the policies identified will be furthered and the protection of habitat for listed species increased. Was documentation provided in the grant application? YES __ X _Documented in Exhibits G and O5 NO If the required Natural Communities Map and copies of the required objectives and policies are not provided, no points will beawarded. 6.Will the project further comprehensive plan directives that provide for restoring or enhancing degraded natural areas such as restoration of Natural Communities, restoration of natural hydrologyor removal of non-native vegetation? (5 points) YES NO X Numeric citation and summaryof objectives or policies: Summaryof how the project furthers the objectives or policies, show the location of the degraded natural area on the Natural Communities Map, ExhibitG: Was documentation provided in the grant application? YES Documented in Exhibits G and O6 NO X If the required Natural Communities Map and copies of the required objectives and policies are not provided, no points will beawarded. 7.Will the project further comprehensive plan directives that ensure the protection or enhancement of surface water quality? (5points) YES X NO Numeric citation and summary of objectives or policies: (STORM) II. GOAL, OBJECTIVES AND POLICIES (II) (III) GOAL: TO PROVIDE STORMWATER MANAGEMENT FACILITIES AND SERVICES FOR DRAINAGE AND FLOOD PROTECTION FOR EXISTING AND FUTURE DEVELOPMENT, MINIMIZE THE DEGRADATION OF QUALITY OF RECEIVING WATERS AND SURROUNDING NATURAL AREAS AND PROTECT THE FUNCTIONS OF NATURAL GROUNDWATER AQUIFER RECHARGE AREAS. (CON) GOAL 2: TO PROTECT THE COUNTY’S SURFACE AND ESTUARINE WATER RESOURCES. (CON) Policy 2.2.2: In order to limit the specific and cumulative impacts of stormwater run-off, stormwater systems shall be designed in such a way that discharged water does not degrade receiving waters and an attempt is made to enhance the timing, quantity and quality of fresh water to the estuarine system. Non-structural methods such as discharge and storage into wetlands are encouraged. (CON) Objective 2.1 directs the County to develop watershed management plans that protect Form FCT-5 (Effective02-08-10)Page 21 estuarine and wetland resources. Summaryof how the project furthers the objectives or policies: The project will further the goals of protecting the County’s surface and estuary waters by developing stormwater features that provide natural treatment of run-off before it enters Rookery Bay Aquatic Preserve. The removal of pollutants from the surrounding areas will improve the water quality and enhance the surrounding natural resources. Was documentation provided in the grant application? YES X Documented in Exhibit O7 NO If copies of the required objectives and policies are not provided, no points will be awarded. 8.Will the project further comprehensive plan directives that ensure the preservation of historical, cultural or archaeological features? (5points) Note: The site must contain a feature or have a high probability that a feature is present on the site. YES NO X Numeric citation and summaryof objectives or policies: Summaryof how the project furthers the objectives or policies, provide documentation that site contains a feature or has a high probability that a feature is present on the site: Was the documentation provided in the grant application? YES _Documented in Exhibit O8 NO If documentation of historical features and copies of the required objectives and policies are not provided, no points will beawarded. 9.Is the Project Site located in an area that has been identified for redevelopment in the comprehensive plan and has been locally designated as an urban infill, urban redevelopment or downtown revitalization area as defined in Section 163.3164, F.S.? (5points) YES NO X Numeric citation and summaryof objectives or policies: Summaryof how the project furthers the objectives or policies, provide an exhibit map showing the boundary of the locally designated as an urban infill, urban redevelopment or downtown revitalization area: Was documentation provided in the grant application? YES ______ Documented in Exhibits G and O9 NO If the required map showing the boundary of the locally designated as an urban infill, urban redevelopment or downtown revitalization area and copies of the required objectives and policies are not provided, no points will be awarded. (b)Hazard Mitigation 1.Is all or portion of the Project Site located in a Coastal High Hazard Area or a 100-year flood plain Check yes to only one of the following, if applicable. a.Up to 25 percent of the Project Site is located in a 100-year flood plain or a Coastal High Hazard Area. (2 points) YES NO If yes,provideamapinExhibit P1 verifying that up to 25 percent of the Project Site is located in the 100-year flood plain or Coastal High HazardArea. Was documentation provided in the grant application? YES Documented in Exhibit P1. NO If the required map verifying that up to 25 percent of the Project Site is located in the 100-year flood plain or Coastal High Hazard Area is not provided, no points will be awarded. b.At least 25 percent but less than 50 percent of the Project Site is located in a 100-year flood plain or a Coastal High Hazard Area. (3points) YES NO If yes,provideamapinExhibit P1 verifying that at least 25 percent but less than 50 percent of the Project Site is located in the 100-year flood plain or Coastal High Hazard Area. Form FCT-5 (Effective02-08-10)Page 22 Was documentation provided in the grant application? YES Documented in Exhibit P1. NO If the required map verifying that at least 25 percent but less than 50 percent of the Project Site is located in the 100-year flood plain or Coastal High Hazard Area is not provided, no points will be awarded. c.At least 50 percent but less than 75 percent of the Project Site is located in a 100-year flood plain or a Coastal High Hazard Area. (4points) YES NO If yes,provideamapinExhibit P1 verifying that at least 50 percent but less than 75 percent of the Project Site is located in the 100-year flood plain or Coastal High Hazard Area. Was documentation provided in the grant application? YES Documented in Exhibit P1. NO If the required map verifying that at least 50 percent but less than 75 percent of the Project Site is located in the 100-year flood plain or Coastal High Hazard Area is not provided, no points will be awarded. d.Over 75 percent of the Project Site is located in a 100-year flood plain or a Coastal High Hazard Area. (5 points) YES X NO If yes,provideamapinExhibit P1 verifying that over 75 percent of the Project Site is located in the 100-year flood plain or Coastal High HazardArea. Was documentation provided in the grant application? YES X Documented in Exhibit P1. NO If the required map verifying that over 75 percent of the Project Site is located in the 100-year flood plain or Coastal High Hazard Area is not provided, no points will be awarded. 2.Designated Brownfield Area: Will the Project Site provide recreational opportunities or open space within a state designated brownfield area? (5 points) YES NO X If yes, provide a map from the Department of Environmental Protection showing the designated brownfield area and locate the Project Site in relationship to the designated area. If the Project Site has known contaminants, discuss how site contamination will be remediated to allow for the provision of open space or Outdoor Recreation activities Exhibit P2. Was the documentation provided in the grant application? YES Documented in Exhibit P2 NO If the required map showing the Project Site’s located within a designated brownfield area is not provided, no points will beawarded. 3.Military Base Buffering: Will the Project Site buffer a Major Military Installation while providing land-use compatible recreational and open space opportunity to the public? Check yes to only one of the following, if applicable. a.The Project Site is adjacent to a Major Military Installation (12 points). YES NO X If yes, provide a map showing the Project Site in relationship to the Major Military Installation and a letter from the base commander stating that the Project Site is located adjacent to the Major Military Installation and the proposed conceptual site plan is an acceptable land use to buffer the base Exhibit P3. Was documentation provided in the grant application? YES _Documented in Exhibit P3 NO If the required map and letter from the base commander are not provided, no points will be awarded. b.Is the Project Site located within one mile of a Major Military Installation? (7points) YES NO X If yes, provide a map showing the Project Site in relationship to the Major Military Installation and a letter from the base commander stating that the Project Site is located within 1 mile of the Major Military Installation and the proposed conceptual site plan is an acceptable land use to buffer the base Exhibit P3. Form FCT-5 (Effective02-08-10)Page 23 Was documentation provided in the grant application? YES Documented in Exhibit P3 NO If the required map and letter from the base commander are not provided, no points will be awarded. c.Is the Project Site is located within two miles of a Major Military Installation? (2points) YES NO X If yes, provide a map showing the Project Site in relationship to the Major Military Installation and a letter from the base commander stating that the Project Site is located within 2 miles of the Major Military Installation and the proposed conceptual site plan is an acceptable land use to buffer the base Exhibit P3. Was documentation provided in the grant application? YES Documented in Exhibit P3 NO If the required map and letter from the base commander are not provided, no points will be awarded. (c)Priority Investment Areas Will the Project Site provide new or enhanced Outdoor Recreation or open space within one or more the following areas? 1.Front Porch Community: Is the Project Site located within a designated Front Porch Community? (10 points) YES NO If yes, provide a map that locates the Project Site within the boundary of the designated Front Porch Community Exhibit Q1. Were the documents provided in the grant application? YES _Documented in Exhibit Q1 NO If the required map locating the Project Site within the boundary of a designated Front Porch Community is not provided, no points will be awarded. 2.Florida Main Street Community: Is the Project Site located within an active Florida Main Street Community? (5 points) YES NO X If yes, provide a map that locates the Project Site within the boundary of the designated Florida Main Street Community. Provide a letter from the Department of State verifying that the project is located in an active Florida Main Street Community Exhibit Q2. Were the documents provided in the grant application? YES _Documented in Exhibit Q2 NO If the required letter from the Department of State and map locating the Project Site within the boundary of an active Florida Main Street Community are not provided, no points will be awarded. 3.Waterfront Florida Community: Is the Project Site located within a current or previously designated Waterfront Florida Community? (5points) YES NO X If yes, provide a map that locates the Project Site within the boundary of the designated Waterfront Florida Community. Provide a letter from the Department of Economic Opportunity, Waterfronts Florida Partnership Program verifying that the Project Site is located within a “Waterfronts Florida Partnership Community”Exhibit Q3. Were the documents provided in the grant application? YES Documented in Exhibit Q3 NO If the required letter from the Department of Economic Opportunity, Waterfronts Florida Partnership Program and map locating the Project Site within the boundary of a Waterfront Florida Partnership Community are not provided, no points will beawarded. 4.Low-income Community: Is the Project Site located within a designated Low-income Community? (10points) YES NO X If yes, provide a map that locates the Project Site within the boundary of a U.S. Census tract in which the median family income is less than half that of the state median family income. Provide documentation that locates the Project Site is within the boundary of a U.S. Census tract in which the median family income is less than half that of the state median family income Exhibit Q4. Form FCT-5 (Effective02-08-10)Page 24 Were the documents provided in the grant application? YES _Documented in Exhibit Q4 NO If the required low-income documentation and map locating the Project Site within the boundary of a low-income census tract are not provided, no points will be awarded. 5.Rural Area of Critical Economic Concern: Is the Project Site located within a designated Rural Area of Critical Economic Concern? (10points) YES NO X If yes, provide a map that locates the Project Site within the boundary of the designated area Exhibit Q5. Were the documents provided in the grant application? YES _Documented in Exhibit Q5 NO If the required map locating the Project Site within the boundary of a designated Rural Area of Critical Economic Concern is not provided, no points will be awarded. 6.Urban Redevelopment: Is the Project Site located within a locally designated Community Redevelopment Area, as defined in Section 163.340, F.S., and furthers the adopted redevelopment plan? (5points) YES NO X If yes, provide a map that locates the Project Site within the boundary of the designated Community Redevelopment Area. Provide a copy of the adopted community redevelopment plan. Discuss how the acquisition of the Project Site will further the adopted community redevelopment plan Exhibit Q6. Were the documents provided in the grant application? YES Documented in Exhibit Q6 NO If the required map locating the Project Site within a locally designated Community Redevelopment Area, a copy of the adopted community redevelopment plan and documentation that the Project Site furthers an adopted redevelopment plan are not provided, no points will be awarded. 7.Area of Critical State Concern: Is the Project Site located within a current or previously designated Area of Critical State Concern, pursuant to Section 380.05, F.S.? (5 points) YES NO X If yes, provide a map that locates the Project Site within the boundary of the designated area Exhibit Q7. Were the documents provided in the grant application? YES Documented in Exhibit Q7 NO If the required map locating the Project Site within the boundary of a designated Area of Critical State Concern is not provided, no points will be awarded. (4)PROJECT EXCELLENCE SECTION Does the proposed project exemplify project excellence based on issues not adequately addressed by the evaluation criteria, such as whether the proposed project exhibits strong community-based support, possesses exemplary characteristics, highlights regional coordination in the protection of natural resources, assists an otherwise disadvantaged community, or voluntarily helps resolve land use conflicts? (Up to 10points) YES X NO If yes, describe how the project provides for other community needs in a manner that was not adequately evaluated by the criteria established elsewhere in this Application. Include documentation, if needed. Label Exhibit R The development of the new park site will include all facilities being constructed to meet universal accessibility standards. The recreational elements such as the picnic shelter and kiosk will be constructed to provide access and use for all users. The parking area and connections to the existing sidewalk and adjacent park will also be constructed to meet established accessibility standards. The County is committed to providing access to all residents regardless of ability. 7DEOHRI&RQWHQWVBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB ([KLELW$ 1RQSURILW2UJDQL]DWLRQ6WDWXV ([KLELW% 1RQSURILW0DQDJHPHQW ([KLELW& /RFDO0DWFK ([KLELW' :LOOLQJ2ZQHU/HWWHU ([KLELW( 'XH'LOLJHQFH3URGXFWV ([KLELW) *HQHUDO&ULWHULD /DQG8VH=RQH  ([KLELW* &RQFHSWXDO6LWH3ODQ ([KLELW+ )XWXUH/DQG8VH ([KLELW, &RQQHFWLYLW\ ([KLELW- 3KRWRJUDSKV ([KLELW. 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It is believed to be an accurate and true depiction for the stated purpose, but Collier County and its employees make no guarantees, implied or otherwise, as to the accuracy of completeness. We therefore do not accept any responsibilities as to its use. This is not a survey, nor is it to be used for design. 0225112.5 Feet FCT Project Site Existing Isle of Capri Park Tigertail Beach Park (TTBP) Isles of Capri Paddlecraft Park (ICPP) Collier Blvd Boating Park (951)Collier BLVDSan Marco RD N B a rfie l d D RBald Eag le DRN Collier BLVDCapri BLVD K e n d a l l D R Winterberr y DR Mainsail DR T a hit i RDLandmark STS Collier BLVDS Heathwood DRSand Hill STSheffield AVE S Barfield DR6th AVE Borghese LN Ti g e r t a i l C T Jamai c a R DYellowbird STBermuda RD Dogwo o d D R Spi n n a k e r D R W Elkcam CIRNassau CTLamplighter DRRoyal Marco WAYRose CTCo p p e r f i e l d CTGranada DRIn le t DR Leland WAY Gulfport CTN a s s a u R D Mulberry CT Balfour DRElm CT Ed g ew a t e r C T H onduras A VE Giralda CT R o c k h i l l C T Pelican ST W Villa CT Sti l lw a t e r C T P o l y nes i a C T F a i rl aw n C T Worthington STEdington PLGreenbrier STW Flam ingo CIRElk CIRJa m a i c a CTShadowridge CTWa t e r l e a f CTTri n i d ad S T Tallwood STColonial AVE S Beach DR Woodbine CTStarfish CTOrange CTRia l t o WAY So c i e t y C T Milan C T Bonita CT Rai n b o w C TGayer WAY Ta h i t i ST R o c k p o r t C T B u t t e r f i e l d C TE E l kcam C IR Ap p l e CT Capt Horr W A Y Clifton CT Barcelona CTSolana CT Gray CT Twin Oak CT Seahor se CTChannel CTIsles of Capri Park O Drawn By: Gus Vega Department: SHWMD-TSL Date: 09/07/2018 Public Utilities Department Disclaimer: This map is a representation of compiled public information. It is believed to be an accurate and true depiction for the stated purpose, but Collier County and its employees make no guarantees, implied or otherwise, as to the accuracy of completeness. We therefore do not accept any responsibilities as to its use. This is not a survey, nor is it to be used for design. 01,600800 Feet FCT Project Site &PO &PO ^ ^ɽn ɽnɽn F F F 25 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 55 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 10 10 10 252525252525 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 55 10 10 Marco Island Airport BORGH E S E L N SCOTT DRSWALLOW AV E LUDLOW R D CAXA M B A S C TPARTRIDGE CT B L U E H I L L C REEK DR ¬«951 E INLET DRCOLLIER CTAMBERDRCAXAM BASDRSEAGRAPEDR WAT S O N R D WHISKEYCREEKDRPO L Y N E S I A C T ANGLER DRBAHAM A A V E N GOODL A N D D R ¬«951 SHEFFIELD AVE MEADO WLARK CT WOOD B INECTIN L E T D RGULFPORT CTDANRI VERCTROCKHILL CT SBAHAMAAVEVI NTAGEBAYDRHUMMINGBIRD C T DOGWOODDRC O R D 9 2 C ORD92STILLWATER CT HONDURA S A V E CO RD 92COLLIER BLVDGRANADADRSBARFIELDDRGRAPEW OOD CT C O P P E R F I E L D C THIDEAWAYCIRN B A Y PO RTAVENBARFI ELDDRSB EA CH D R WINTERBERRY D R LELAND WAY S E A V I EW C T WA T E R L E A F C T CO RD 92 WORTHINGTON STEDINGTON PLEDG EW A T E R C THIDEAWAYCIRE NASSAUCTHYACINTHCTCENTURY DREELKCAMCIRSANDHILLSTMARQU E S A S C T LAMPLIGHTERDRSCOLLI ERBLVDBLUEBIR D AVE MARCO LAKE DRTI G E R T A I L C T FIELDSTONE DR HONEYSUCKLE AVE PEPPERW O O D C TCOLLIER BLVDW PELICAN ST WE L K C AMCI RCOLUMBUS WAYW FLAMINGO CIRHERNANDODRCOLLIN G S W O O D A V E TAHITI CIR R O S E C T N COLLIER BLVDWATERSIDEDRBALD EAGLE DRCAPRIBLV D SHADOWRIDGECTBUCCA N EERCTGALLEON AVENAS S AUR DN KENDALL DRGIRALDA CT HARTLEYA V E JAMAICARD S HEATHWOOD DRKE N D A L L D R W H IT E H E A R T A V E ¬«951 M A R T IN IQ U E C T NCOLLIERBLVDSPIN N A K E R D R ¬«951 BISCAYNE WAY LANDMARKSTYELLOWBIRD STROYALMARCOW AYC A P I S TRANOCTMULBE R R Y C T DELBROOK WAYGREENBRIERST BALFOURDR6TH AVE JAMAICA CTJohnson Snapper Hole One Island Bay Bear Point Cove Big Marco River Whiskey Creek Marco Bay McIlvane Bay Three Island Cove Capri Pass Sanctuary Sound East Marco Bay Addison Bay Unknown Bay The Muddies Collier Bay Factory Bay Johnson Bay Big Marco Pass Upper Addison Bay Smokehouse Bay Tarpon Bay Cannon Channel Lighter Bay Sugar Bay Northwest Gate Hells Gate Palm Bay Little Grassy Bay Coon Key Pass Goodland Bay Caxambas Bay Smokehouse Creek Caxambas Pass Roberts Bay Barfield Bay Snook Hole Channel Blue Hill Creek Blind Pass Blue Hill Bay Grassy Bay Morgan River GULF OF MEXICO SMars h CrStantonCrG eorgiaFruitFarm C reekFlotilla PassagePink Curlew Flats Albert Island Big Key Railroad Islet Stingaree Island Charity Island MARCO ISLAND Turtle Island Railroad Shoals Coconut Island Marco Bear Point Marco Island Bob Everett Point North Point Johnson Island Sea Oat Island Cannon Island Isles of Capri Dickmans Point Beta Key Neal Key Fred Key Ramsey Key Highland Point Alpha Key Margaret Key Rookery Island Marco Beach Pass Key David Key Dickmans Island Horrs Island Little Tide Key Pig Key Henry Key Currys Island Clam Factory Shoal Sunfish Flat Goodland Helen Key Kice Island Blue Hill Coon Key Tripod Key 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 63 2875000mN 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 2862000mN 75 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 3625 437000mE 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 425000mE 37 25.8750° 26.0000° -81.7500°-81.6250° 26.0000° 25.8750°-81.6250°-81.7500° QUADRANGLE LOCATION MARCO ISLAND QUADRANGLE FLORIDA - COLLIER COUNTY 7.5-MINUTE SERIES MARCO ISLAND, FL 2018 Expressway Local Connector ROAD CLASSIFICATION Ramp 4WD Secondary Hwy Local Road Interstate Route State RouteUS RouteWX./H U.S. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY This map was produced to conform with the National Geospatial Program US Topo Product Standard, 2011. A metadata file associated with this product is draft version 0.6.18 CONTOUR INTERVAL 5 FEET NORTH AMERICAN VERTICAL DATUM OF 1988 SCALE 1:24 000 1000 500 0 METERS 1000 2000 21KILOMETERS00.51 10.50 MILES 1 1000 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 10000 FEET × Ø GN MN 0°18´ 5 MILS 5°45´ 102 MILS UTM GRID AND 2017 MAGNETIC NORTH DECLINATION AT CENTER OF SHEET MJ Grid Zone Designation17R U.S. National Grid 100,000 - m Square ID FLORIDA 1 Naples South 2 Belle Meade 3 Belle Meade SE 4 Marco Island OE W 5 Royal Palm Hammock 6 Cape Romano 7 Panther Key ADJOINING QUADRANGLES 54 67 231 Imagery.....................................................NAIP, April 2015 - February 2016 Roads......................................... U.S. Census Bureau, 2016 Names............................................................................GNIS, 1979 - 2018 Hydrography...............................National Hydrography Dataset, 2002 - 2017 Contours............................................National Elevation Dataset, 2012 Boundaries..............Multiple sources; see metadata file 2014 - 2016 Public Land Survey System................................................BLM, 2017 Wetlands.................FWS National Wetlands Inventory 1999 - 2009 North American Datum of 1983 (NAD83) World Geodetic System of 1984 (WGS84). Projection and 1 000-meter grid:Universal Transverse Mercator, Zone 17R Produced by the United States Geological Survey This map is not a legal document. Boundaries may be generalized for this map scale. Private lands within government reservations may not be shown. Obtain permission before entering private lands.*7643016360830*NSN.7643016360830NGA REF NO.USGSX24K708113URMHFW 6LWH 29 COLLIER BLVDTURNER RIVER ROADSR 29INTERSTATE 75IMMOKALEE RDOIL WELL RDCOLLIER BLVDTAMIAMI TRL ECR 846SR 82LIVINGSTON RDSR 29 NSAN MARCO RDTAMIAMI TRL NDAVIS BLVDGOODLETTE RD NPINE RIDGE RDEVERGLADES BLVD NRADIO RDGOLDEN GATE PKYDESOTO BLVD SLOGAN BLVD NSANTA BARBARA BLVDDESOTO BLVD NVANDERBILT BEACH RDGOLDEN GATE BLVD EVANDERBILT DREVERGLADES BLVD SAIRPORT PULLING RD CORKSCREW RDGOLDEN GATE BLVD WCOPELAND AVE S9TH ST NS 1ST STN 15TH STB A LD EA GLE DRN BARFIELD DRGREEN BLVDOLD US 41LAKE TRAFFORD RDRATTLESNAKE HAMMOCK RDWILSON BLVD NN COLLIER BLVDS BARFIELD DRCOUNTY BARN RDS C O L L I ER BLVD BONITA BEACH RD111TH AVE NCOLLIER AVENEW M ARKET RD W WILSON BLVD SW MAIN STWIGGINS PASS RD9TH ST S SEAGATE DR°HENDRY COUNTYBROWARD COUNTYDADE COUNTYMONROE COUNTYLEE COUNTYHENDRY COUNTY2012-2025FUTURE LAND USE MAPCollier County FloridaDETAILS OF THE RLSA OVERLAY AREA ARE SHOWNON THE FUTURE LAND USE MAP TITLED:"COLLIER COUNTY RURAL & AGRICULTURAL AREA ASSESSMENT STEWARDSHIP OVERLAY MAP"BAREFOOT BEACH PRESERVECOUNTY PARKDELNOR- WIGGINS STATE PARKCLAM PASSCOUNTY PARKCLAMBAYNRPAROOKERY BAYNATIONAL ESTUARINERESEARCH RESERVECITYOFNAPLESTIGERTAIL BEACHCOUNTY PARKCITY OF MARCO ISLANDCOLLIER-SEMINOLE STATE PARKCAPE ROMANOPORTOF THEISLANDSCAPE ROMANO - TEN THOUSAND ISLANDSAQUATIC PRESERVEEVERGLADES NATIONAL PARKCHOKOLOSKEEPLANTATIONISLANDEVERGLADESCITYCOPELANDBIG CYPRESSNATIONALPRESERVEFAKAHATCHEE STRANDPRESERVESTATE PARKFLORIDA PANTHERNATIONAL WILDLIFEREFUGESOUTH GOLDENGATE ESTATESNRPABELLEMEADENRPANORTHBELLEMEADENRPAIMMOKALEECORKSCREWSWAMPSANCTUARYCREWNRPALAKETRAFFORDR 25 ER 26 ER 27 ER 28 ER 29 ER 30 ER 31 ER 32 ER 33 ER 34 ET 46 S T 47 S T 48 S T 49 S T 50 S T 51 S T 52 S T 53 S R 25 ER 26 ER 27 ER 28 ER 29 ER 30 ER 31 ER 32 ER 33 ER 34 ET 46 S T 47 S T 48 S T 49 S T 50 S T 51 S T 52 S T 53 S!"#$75!"#$75!"#$75!"#$75!"#$75!"#$75!"#$75Æþ41Æþ41Æþ41Æþ41Æþ41Æþ41Æþ41Æþ41GOODLANDG u l f o f M e x ic o 0123450.5MilesJL 2 8 IN T E R C E P T O R C A N A L ?EXEMPTAREAPREPARED BY: BETH YANG, AICPGIS/CAD MAPPING SECTIONGROWTH MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENTFILE: FLU_2018_061218.mxdDATE: 6/12/2018URBAN DESIGNATION(1) THIS MAP CAN NOT BE INTERPRETED WITHOUT THE GOALS, OBJECTIVES AND POLICIES OF THE COLLIER COUNTY GROWITH MANAGEMENT PLAN.(2) THE FUTURE LAND USE MAP SERIES INCLUDES NUMEROUS MAPS IN ADDITION TO THIS COUNTYWIDE FUTURE LAND USE MAP. THESE MAPS ARE LISTED AND LOCATED AT THE END OF THE FUTURE LAND USE ELEMENT TEXT.(3) MOST SUBDISTRICTS AS DEPICTED MAY NOT BE TO SCALE. THE FUTURE LAND USE MAP SERIES DEPICTS THESE SUBDISTRICTS TO SCALE.(4) THE CONSERVATION DESIGNATION IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE AS AREAS ARE ACQUIRED AND MAY INCLUDE OUTPARCELS. (5) REFER TO THE GOLDEN GATE AREA MASTER PLAN AND THE IMMOKALEE ARE MASTER PLAN FOR FUTURE LAND USE MAPS OF THOSE COMMUNITIES.NOTE : COMMERCIAL DISTRICTBUSINESS PARK SUBDISTRICTRESEARCH AND TECHNOLOGY PARK SUBDISTRICTMixed Use Activity Center SubdistrictInterchange Activity Center SubdistrictLivingston / Pine Ridge Commercial Infill SubdistrictCOMMERCIAL MIXED USE SUBDISTRICTLivingston Road / Eatonwood Lane Commercial Infill SubdistrictLivingston Road Commercial Infill SubdistrictLivingston Road / Veteran's Memorial Blvd. Commercial Infill SubdistrictGoodlette / Pine Ridge Commercial Infill SubdistrictOrange Blossom / Airport CrossroadsCommercial SubdistrictMIXED USE DISTRICTBUSINESS PARK SUBDISTRICTOFFICE AND INFILL COMMERCIAL SUBDISTRICTPUD NEIGHBORHOOD VILLAGE CENTER SUBDISTRICTRESIDENTIAL MIXED USE NEIGHBORHOOD SUBDISTRICTOrange Blossom Mixed Use SubdistrictVanderbilt Beach / Coller Blvd. Commercial SubdistrictHenderson Creek Mixed Use SubdistrictRESEARCH AND TECHNOLOGY PARK SUBDISTRICTCOMMERCIAL MIXED USE SUBDISTRICTHibiscus Residential Infill SubdistrictLivingston Road / Radio Road Commercial Infill SubdistrictVanderbilt Beach Road Neighborhood Commercial SubdistrictCollier Blvd Community Facility SubdistrictIndustrial DistrictBUSINESS PARK SUBDISTRICTRESEARCH AND TECHNOLOGY PARK SUBDISTRICTUrban Residential SubdistrictResidential Density BandsUrban Coastal Fringe SubdistrictUrban Residential Fringe SubdistrictBuckley Mixed Use SubdistrictConservation DesignationEstates DesignationRural Industrial DistrictRural Settlement Area DistrictArea of Critical State Concern OverlayAirport Noise Area OverlayNatural Resource Protection Area (NRPA) OverlayBayshore/Gateway Triangle Redevelopment OverlayRural Lands Stewardship Area OverlayUrban-Rural Fringe Transition Area OverlayNorth Belle Meade OverlayOVERLAYS ANDSPECIAL FEATURESIncorporated AreasCoastal High Hazard AreaVincentian Mixed Use SubdistrictDavis-Radio Commercial SubdistrictRURAL COMMERCIAL SUBDISTRICTCorkscrew Island Neighborhood Commercial SubdistrictRURAL FRINGEMIXED USE DISTRICTNeutral LandsSending LandsReceiving LandsAGRICULTURAL / RURAL DESIGNATIONAGRICULTURAL/RURAL MIXED USE DISTRICTLogan Blvd./Immokalee Rd. Commercial Infill SubdistrictGOLDEN GATEFUTURE LAND USE MAPADOPTED - JANUARY, 1989AMENDED - JANUARY, 1990AMENDED - FEBRUARY, 1991AMENDED - MAY, 1992AMENDED - MAY, 1993AMENDED - APRIL, 1994AMENDED - OCTOBER, 1997AMENDED - JANUARY, 1998AMENDED - FEBRUARY, 1999AMENDED - FEBRUARY, 2000AMENDED - MAY, 2000AMENDED - DECEMBER, 2000AMENDED - MARCH, 2001AMENDED - MAY 14, 2002(Ord. No. 2002-24)AMENDED - JUNE 19, 2002(Ord. No. 2002-32)AMENDED - OCTOBER 22, 2002(Ord. No. 2002-54)AMENDED - FEBRUARY 11, 2003(Ord. No. 2003-7)AMENDED - SEPTEMBER 9, 2003(Ord. No. 2003-43)AMENDED - SEPTEMBER 10, 2003(Ord. No. 2003-44)AMENDED - DECEMBER 16, 2003(Ord. No. 2003-67)AMENDED - OCTOBER 26, 2004(Ord. No. 2004-71)AMENDED - JUNE 7, 2005(Ord. No. 2005-25)AMENDED - JANUARY 25, 2007(Ord. No. 2007-18)AMENDED - DECEMBER 4, 2007(Ord. No. 2007-78,79,81)AMENDED - OCTOBER 14, 2008(Ord. No. 2008-57,58,59)AMENDED - SEPTEMBER 13, 2011(Ord. No. 2011-26)AMENDED - SEPTEMBER 13, 2011(Ord. No. 2011-27)AMENDED - JANUARY 8, 2013(Ord. No. 2013-14)AMENDED - MAY 28, 2013(Ord. No. 2013-41)AMENDED - JUNE 10, 2014(Ord. No. 2014-20)AMENDED - FEBRUARY 10, 2015(Ord. No. 2015-13)AMENDED - APRIL 14, 2015(Ord. No. 2015-26)AMENDED - JUNE 9, 2015(Ord. No. 2015-32)AMENDED - JULY 7, 2015(Ord. No. 2015-42)AMENDED - MAY 24, 2016(Ord. No. 2016-15)AMENDED - JUNE 13, 2017(Ord. No. 2017-22)AMENDED - DECEMBER 12, 2017(Ord. No. 2017-46)AMENDED - MAY 8, 2018(Ord. No. 2018-23)Mini Triangle Mixed Use SubdistrictFCT Project Site COLLIER BLVDSAN MARCO RDBALD E A G L E D RN BARFIELD DRN COLLIER BLVDS BARFIELD DRS COLLI E R B L V D ROOKERY BAYNATIONAL ESTUARINERESEARCH RESERVETIGERTAIL BEACHCOUNTY PARKCITY OF MARCO ISLANDCOLLIER-SEMINOLE STATE PARKCAPE ROMANO TEN THOUSA T 51 S T 52 SÆþ41Æþ41GOODLANDfMexicoFCT Project Site RBAN 3ERVICEººººººººº!REAº#OMMERCIAL)NDUSTRIALº!REAº#OMMERCIAL)NDUSTRIALº!REAºFCT Project Site .20 -.30 from Commercial/Industrials Areas ([LVWLQJ6LGHZDON([LVWLQJ&RXQW\3DUNExisting Sidewalk Map COLLIER CNTY COLLIER COUNTY Capri BLVDTri n i d a d S T E H i l o S T Ta h i t i S T Tahiti CIR Pelican S T E Pago P a g o DR W Pelican ST W Sa n S a l v a d o r S T W H i l o S T Jamaica DRPa g o P a g o D R E Cristobal ST Hawk ST Capri BLVDIsles of Capri Park O Drawn By: Gus Vega Department: SHWMD-TSL Date: 09/07/2018 Public Utilities Department Disclaimer: This map is a representation of compiled public information. It is believed to be an accurate and true depiction for the stated purpose, but Collier County and its employees make no guarantees, implied or otherwise, as to the accuracy of completeness. We therefore do not accept any responsibilities as to its use. This is not a survey, nor is it to be used for design. 0225112.5 Feet FCT Project Site Existing Isle of Capri Park FCT Project Site - within Rookery Bay Aquatic Preserve Ecological Corridor Connectivity                                    !"  #       $%            &                        $   $      '           !$(!"                 )   !$(!"      "             *                   &!" #             +               ,   -   *    .                   &'/&.!" #  $ !" #      3URMHFW6LWH3KRWRJUDSKVBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB 'LVWXUEHG:DWHUERG\Natural Communities Map Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission Commissioners Bo Rivard Chairman Panama City Robert A. Spottswood Vice Chairman Key West Joshua Kellam Palm Beach Gardens Gary Lester Oxford Gary Nicklaus Jupiter Sonya Rood St. Augustine Michael W. Sole Tequesta Office of the Executive Director Eric Sutton Executive Director Thomas H. Eason, Ph.D. Assistant Executive Director Jennifer Fitzwater Chief of Staff 850-487-3796 850-921-5786 FAX Managing fish and wildlife resources for their long-term well-being and the benefit of people. 620 South Meridian Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1600 Voice: 850-488-4676 Hearing/speech-impaired: 800-955-8771 (T) 800 955-8770 (V) MyFWC.com August 28, 2018 Director Barry Williams Collier County Recreation and Parks Naples, FL 34109 Dear Barry Williams: This letter is in response to your request for listed species occurrence records and critical habitats for your project (Capri Property) located in Collier County, Florida. Records from The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission’s database indicate that listed species occurrence data are located within the project area. Records of the gopher tortoise, loggerhead sea turtle, least turn, and ruddy turnstone were found on, or within a 1-mile distance of, the property. The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission’s database indicates that no SHCA’s (Strategic Habitat Conservation Areas) occur within a reasonable distance of the property. Enclosed are 8.5 x 11 maps showing, species richness, priority wetlands for listed species, and land cover for the project site and surrounding area. This letter and attachments should not be considered as a review or an assessment of the impact upon threatened or endangered species of the project site. It provides FWC’s most current data regarding the location of listed species and their associated habitats. Our SHCA recommendations are intended to be used as a guide. Land development and ownership in Florida is ever-changing and priority areas identified as SHCA might already have been significantly altered due to development or acquired into public ownership. Onsite surveys, literature reviews, and coordination with FWC biologists remain essential steps in documenting the presence or absence of rare and imperiled species and habitats within the project area. Our fish and wildlife location data represents only those occurrences recorded by FWC staff and other affiliated researchers. It is important to understand that our database does not necessarily contain records of all listed species that may occur in a given area. Also, data on certain species, such as gopher tortoises, are not entered into our database on a site-specific basis. Therefore, one should not assume that an absence of occurrences in our database indicates that species of significance do not occur in the area. The Florida Natural Areas Inventory (FNAI) maintains a separate database of listed plant and wildlife species, please contact FNAI directly for specific information on the location of element occurrences within the project area. Because FNAI is funded to provide information to public agencies only, you may be required to pay a fee for this information. County-wide listed species information can be located at their website (http://www.fnai.org). Please credit the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission in any publication or presentation of these data. If you have any questions or further requests, please contact me at (850) 488-0588 or gisrequests@myfwc.com. Sincerely, Eva Salinas Research Assistant ES 2018_6310 Enclosures Source: Esri, DigitalGlobe, GeoEye, Earthstar Geographics, CNES/AirbusDS, USDA, USGS, AeroGRID, IGN, and the GIS User Community FWC ID: 2018_6310 August 28, 2018 0 0.06 0.12 0.18 0.24 Miles Species Richness 1-34-67-910 - 13 Approximate site boundary Capri Property Source: Esri, DigitalGlobe, GeoEye, Earthstar Geographics, CNES/AirbusDS, USDA, USGS, AeroGRID, IGN, and the GIS User Community FWC ID: 2018_6310 August 28, 2018 0 0.06 0.12 0.18 0.24 Miles Priority Wetlands 1-3 Species, Wetlands habitat 10-11 Species, Wetlands habitat 4-6 Species, Wetlands habitat 7-9 Species, Wetlands habitat Approximate site boundary Capri Property FWC ID: 2018_6310 August 28, 2018 0 0.06 0.12 0.18 0.24 Miles Cooperative Land Cover -- State Classes Approximate site boundary Maritime Hammock Low Intensity Urban High Intensity Urban Transportation Estuarine Tidal Flat Mangrove Swamp Exotic Plants Capri Property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this “parent” Element of origin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lan Amendment by Ordinance No. 2015-10 on January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ounty recreational programs at Collier County Public Schools’ facilities. (I)(II)(IV) 3ROLF\ 7KH&RXQW\VKDOOFRQWLQXHWRXSGDWHSDUNVDQGUHFUHDWLRQLPSDFWIHHVWRDSSURSULDWHO\UHIOHFW ODQGDFTXLVLWLRQDQGGHYHORSPHQWFRVWVIRUWKHHVWDEOLVKPHQWRIFRPPXQLW\DQGUHJLRQDOSDUNV (I)(II)(IV) 3ROLF\ 7KH &RXQW\ VKDOO LQYHVWLJDWH WKH XWLOL]DWLRQ RI WD[ FUHGLWV RURWKHU LQFHQWLYHV WR HQFRXUDJH SURSHUW\RZQHUVWRGHGLFDWHODQGWRWKH&RXQW\WRPHHWWKHUHFUHDWLRQDOQHHGVRIFRPPXQLW\ DQGUHJLRQDOSDUNV (V) = Plan Amendment by Ordinance No. 2015-10 on January 27, 2015 4 ) 3ROLF\ 4 Capital Improvement Element as of Ordinance No. 2017-21 adopted June 13,2017 (XX) = Plan Amendment by Ordinance No. 2017-21 on June 13, 2017 7 (I)(III)(IV)(VIII)(X)(XV)(XX) E.County Sanitary Sewer ‒ Wastewater Treatment Systems: North Wastewater Treatment Service Area = 100 gallons per capita per day (gpcd) South Wastewater Treatment Service Area = 100 gallons per capita per day (gpcd) (II)(VIII) F. County Solid Waste Disposal Facilities: (VIII)(XV) 1. Two (2) years of constructed lined cell capacity at the average disposal rate for the previous three (3) years. (VIII)(XV) 2. Ten (10) years of permittable capacity at the average disposal rate for the previous three (3) years. (III)(VIII)(XV) G. County Parks and Recreation Facilities: (VIII)(X)(XV) 1. Regional Park land =2.7 acres per 1,000/pop. (VIII)(X) 2. Community Park land =1.2 acres per 1,000/pop. (unincorporated) H. Public School Facilities: (XVII)Level of Service (LOS) standards for CSAs shall be based upon permanent FISH capacity: (IX)1. Elementary schools = 95 percent (0.95) of CSA Enrollment / FISH Capacity (IX)2. Middle schools = 95 percent (0.95) of CSA Enrollment / FISH Capacity (IX)3. High schools = 100 percent (1.00) of CSA Enrollment / FISHCapacity [Note: Portions of the above Policy 1.5 were revised as part of 2011 EAR-based amendments, removed from their “parent”Element or Sub-Element of origin and relocated into the CIE. Certain parenthesized Roman numeral symbols remain at this location as historical reference, but may no longer apply to each entry as it now appears. It may be necessary to refer to the parent Element or Sub-Element for the specific facility or service for additionalreference.] (VIII)(IX)(X) OBJECTIVE 2: (FINANCIALFEASIBILITY) Provide public facilities, as described in Policy 1.1 above, in order to maintain adopted level of service standards that are within the ability of the County to fund, within the County's authority to require others to provide, or as provided by the School District within their financially feasible Five- Year Capital Improvement Plan, formally adopted by the School Board between July 1 and October 1 each year. With the exception of public school facilities, existing public facility deficiencies measured against the adopted level of service standards will be eliminated with revenues generated by ad valorem taxes and other intergovernmental revenues received based on economic activity. Future development will bear a proportionate cost of facility improvements necessitated by growth. Future development's payments may take the form of, but are not limited to, voluntary contributions for the benefit of any public facility, impact fees, dedications of land, provision of public facilities, and future payments of user fees, special assessments andtaxes. (VIII)(X) Policy 2.1: The estimated capital expenditures for all needed public facilities shall not exceed conservative estimates of revenues from sources that are available to the County pursuant to currentlaw. 4G.County Parks and Recreation Facilities:4         COLLIER COUNTY GROWTH MANAGEMENT PLAN    CONSERVATION AND COASTAL MANAGEMENT ELEMENT   Prepared by Collier County Planning and Zoning Department Comprehensive Planning Section  Prepared for COLLIER COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Adopted October, 1997    &RQVHUYDWLRQDQG&RDVWDO0DQDJHPHQW(OHPHQWDVRI2UGLQDQFH1RDGRSWHG-XQH  II. GOALS, OBJECTIVES & POLICIES GOAL 1: (IX)TO PLAN FOR THE PROTECTION, CONSERVATION, MANAGEMENT AND APPROPRIATE USE OF THE COUNTY’S NATURAL RESOURCES. (VI)(IX)(XI) OBJECTIVE 1.1: Maintain a comprehensive environmental management and conservation program to ensure that natural resources, including State and Federally listed animal species within the County are properly, appropriately, and effectively identified, managed, and protected.  (VI)(XI)Policy 1.1.1: Collier County has established and will maintain an Environmental Advisory Council (EAC), which advises and assists the appropriate County agencies, the Collier County Planning Commission (CCPC) and the Board of County Commissioners (BCC) in implementing the County’s environmental resources management programs. (VI)(XI)Policy 1.1.2: Collier County has incorporated the Goals, Objectives and Policies of this Conservation and Coastal Management Element into the Collier County Land Development Code as the County’s standards for environmental resources protection and management . The Land Development Code shall be revised, to reflect the adoption of new and/or revised natural resources management and environmental protection standards and criteria. (VI)Policy 1.1.3: Collier County shall continue to support established environmental policies by maintaining an appropriately administered and professionally staffed governmental unit capable of developing, administering, and providing long-term direction for the protection and management of the County’s environmental resources. (VI)Policy 1.1.4: The appropriate County agencies shall continue cooperation with private natural resource conservation and management organizations, as well as Regional, State, and Federal environmental agencies and will work with other local governments to identify and manage shared natural resources. (VI)Policy 1.1.5: Collier County shall maintain a conservation program, which attempts to equitably balance the relationship between the benefits derived from, and the costs incurred by such a program to both the public and private sectors. (XI) = Plan Amendment by Ordinance No. 2017-20 on June 13, 2017 OBJECTIVE 1.1: 22 &RQVHUYDWLRQDQG&RDVWDO0DQDJHPHQW(OHPHQW DVRI2UGLQDQFH1RDGRSWHG-XQH  (IX)GOAL 2: TO PROTECT THE COUNTY’S SURFACE AND ESTUARINE WATER RESOURCES. (VI)(IX)OBJECTIVE 2.1: Prepare Watershed Management Plans, which contain appropriate mechanisms to protect the County’s estuarine and wetland systems. Until the Watershed Management Plans are completed, the County shall apply the following as interim standards for development: (IX)(X)(XI)a. All new development and re-development projects shall meet 150% of the water quality volumetric requirements of Section 4.2.1(a) of the Environmental Resource Permit Applicant’s Handbook Volume II for use within the Geographic Limits of the South Florida Water Management District (2014), and the retention and detention requirements, and the allowable off-site discharge rates provided in the Code of Laws and Ordinances; b. Loss of storage or conveyance volume resulting from direct impacts to wetlands shall be compensated for by providing an equal amount of storage or conveyance capacity on site and within or adjacent to the impacted wetland. (IX)c. Floodplain storage compensation shall be evaluated for developments within the designated Flood Hazard Area (flood zones starting with the letter “V” or “A”) as depicted on the Flood Insurance Rate Maps published by the Federal Emergency Management Agency with an effective date of May 16, 2012. Floodplain storage compensation shall also be evaluated for areas known to be periodically inundated by intense rainfall or sheetflow conditions. (XI)d. All development located within areas identified on Figure 1 shall be evaluated to determine impacts to natural wetlands, flowways, or sloughs. For this particular evaluation, natural wetlands, flowways, or sloughs shall be tentatively identified as contiguous lands having a continual preponderance of wetland or wet facultative plant species and a ground elevation through the major portion of the natural wetland, flowway, or slough at least one (1)foot lower than the ground at the edge of the natural wetland, flowway, or slough. The edge of the natural wetlands, flowways, or sloughs shall be identified by field determination and based upon vegetation and elevation differences from the adjacent uplands or transitional wetlands. The County shall require the applicant to avoid direct impacts to these natural wetlands, flowways, or sloughs or, when not possible, to ensure any direct impact is minimized and compensated for by providing the same conveyance capacity lost by the direct impact. The County shall adhere to the limiting discharge rates of each basin as provided in the Code of Laws and Ordinances. e. All new development and re-development projects shall ensure surrounding properties will not be adversely impacted from the project’s influence on stormwater sheet flow. (IX)f. Prior to commencement of development, the applicants of a development project shall obtain any necessary state and federal environmental permits. g. Within one year of the effective date of these amendments, the County shall adopt land development regulations to require Best Management Practices of future development or re-development projects. Best Management Practices means structural and non- structural facilities or practices intended to reduce pollution either through source control or treatment of stormwater. (XI) = Plan Amendment by Ordinance No. 2017-20 on June 13, 2017 GOAL 2 : TO PROTECT THE COUNTY’S SURFACE AND ESTUARINE WATER RESOURCES. OBJECTIVE 2.1: 22 &RQVHUYDWLRQDQG&RDVWDO0DQDJHPHQW(OHPHQW DVRI2UGLQDQFH1RDGRSWHG-XQH  (VI)(IX)Policy 2.1.7: The County shall lead and promote coordination between other governmental agencies involved with watershed planning, including, but not limited to, the municipalities of Marco Island, Naples and Everglades City, the Florida Department of Environmental Protection, the South Florida Water Management District, the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and other governmental agencies. The County shall continue to lead and oversee the preparation of the necessary watershed management plans, and include in their review the work performed and/or data collected by other agencies, to the extent that these agencies have data and/or experience, which may be useful within the watershed basin planning and management process. (IX)OBJECTIVE 2.2: Require all canals, rivers, and flow ways discharging into estuaries to meet all applicable Federal, State, or local water quality standards (VI)Policy 2.2.1: Wastewater treatment plants shall not be allowed to discharge directly to rivers, canals or jurisdictional wetlands unless they meet Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) regulations and are not in violation of other Goals, Objectives and Policies of this Element. (IX)Policy 2.2.2: In order to limit the specific and cumulative impacts of stormwater run-off, stormwater systems shall be designed in such a way that discharged water does not degrade receiving waters and an attempt is made to enhance the timing, quantity and quality of fresh water to the estuarine system. Non-structural methods such as discharge and storage into wetlands are encouraged. Policy 2.2.3: Chemical spraying for aquatic weed control should be conducted with extreme caution. The use of appropriate biological and mechanical (use of harvesting equipment to remove vegetation) controls in both the canal system and stormwater detention ponds is encouraged. Manufacturers and EPA guidelines for chemical use in aquatic habitat will be followed. Policy 2.2.4: Continue and expand when needed the existing water quality monitoring program for sampling canals and rivers and assess the data annually. (VI)(IX)Policy 2.2.5: The County will seek technical assistance from the South Florida Water Management District, and coordinate with the Florida Department of Environmental Protection, to develop and implement a plan to encourage stormwater management systems be periodically inspected, if feasible, by an appropriate professional for compliance with their approved design, and any deficiencies be corrected. (IX)OBJECTIVE 2.3: Develop and implement a plan, in coordination with the Florida Department of Environmental Protection, to ensure all estuaries meet all applicable federal, state and local water quality standards. (IX) = Plan Amendment by Ordinance No. 2013-12 on January 8, 2013 Policy 2.2.2:22 &RQVHUYDWLRQDQG&RDVWDO0DQDJHPHQW(OHPHQW DVRI2UGLQDQFH1RDGRSWHG-XQH  (IX)GOAL 7: TO PROTECT AND CONSERVE THE COUNTY’S FISHERIES AND WILDLIFE. (II)(III)(VI)(IX) OBJECTIVE 7.1: Direct incompatible land uses away from listed animal species and their habitats. (The County relies on the listing process of State and Federal agencies to identify species that require special protection because of their endangered, threatened, or species of special concern status. Listed animal species are those species that the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission has designated as endangered, threatened, or species of special concern, in accordance with Rules 68A-27.003, 68A-27.004, and 68A-27.005, F.A.C. and those species designated by various federal agencies as Endangered and Threatened species published in 50 CFR 17.) (II)(III)(XI)Policy 7.1.1: Incompatible land uses are directed away from listed species and their habitats by the following mechanisms: (1) Conservation Designation on the Future Land Use Map The overall purpose of the Conservation Designation is to conserve and maintain the natural resources of Collier County and their associated environmental, recreational and economic benefits. These areas have been demonstrated to have high wildlife value. The allowed land uses specified in the FLUE’s Conservation Designation will accommodate limited residential development and future non-residential development. These limitations help direct many incompatible land uses away from listed species and their habitats contained in this Future Land Use Designation. (Reference FLUE: Future Land Use Designation, Description Section.) (2)Big Cypress Area of Critical State Concern Overlay (ACSC) The land development regulations contained in the ACSC Overlay district provide standards that facilitate the goal of directing incompatible land uses away from listed species and their habitats. (Reference FLUE: Future Land Use Designation, Description Section.) (3) Natural Resource Protection Areas (NRPAs) The purpose of Natural Resource Protection Areas (NRPAs) is to support State and Federal agencies’ efforts to protect endangered or potentially endangered species and their habitats. (Reference CCME: Objective 1.3.) These areas describe large, intact and relatively unfragmented habitats important for many listed species. Allowable land uses, vegetation preservation standards, development standards, and listed species protection criteria within NRPAs are specified in the FLUE. (Reference the FLUE for the specific requirements.) The NRPA Overlay is intended to direct incompatible land uses away from listed species and their habitats. (4) Sending Lands (Transfer of Development Rights): Sending Lands are those lands that have a high degree of environmental value and sensitivity and generally include wetlands, uplands, and habitat for listed species. Due to their high environmental value, Sending Lands are targeted for preservation and conservation either through acquisition or through incentives for private property owners. Privately owned lands within the Rural Fringe Mixed Use District that have a Natural Resource Protection Area (NRPA) Overlay are considered to be Sending Lands. Allowable land uses within Sending Lands are specified in the FLUE: Future Land Use Designation, Description Section, B, Rural Fringe Mixed Use District. These limitations help direct many incompatible land uses away from listed species and their habitats. (XI) = Plan Amendment by Ordinance No. 2017-20 on June 13, 2017 OBJECTIVE 7.1: Policy 7.1.1: 2 2 2 2 2 GOAL 7: TO PROTECT AND CONSERVE THE COUNTY’S FISHERIES AND WILDLIFE.2 Stormwater Management Sub-Element as of Ordinance No. 2017-24 adopted June 13, 2017 2 (IV)II. GOAL, OBJECTIVES AND POLICIES (II)(III)GOAL: TO PROVIDE STORMWATER MANAGEMENT FACILITIES AND SERVICES FOR DRAINAGE AND FLOOD PROTECTION FOR EXISTING AND FUTURE DEVELOPMENT, MINIMIZE THE DEGRADATION OF QUALITY OF RECEIVING WATERS AND SURROUNDING NATURAL AREAS AND PROTECT THE FUNCTIONS OF NATURAL GROUNDWATER AQUIFER RECHARGE AREAS. (II)(III)OBJECTIVE 1 (CAPITAL FACILITY PLANNING FOR DRAINAGE SYSTEMS): Utilize the Annual Update and Inventory Report on Public Facilities (AUIR) process to update the County Geographic Information System and Channel/Structure Inventory components of the adopted Water Management Master Plan and to verify the existing watershed basin boundaries within Collier County. The County will also verify the design storm capacity of the drainage facilities within each basin, and determine the costs necessary to maintain the facility capacities to selected design storm standards. This information shall be used to program operational funds in the Annual County Budget and to identify necessary capital projects and basin studies in the Annual Capital Improvement Element Update and Amendment. (II)Policy 1.1: The County shall update and revise stormwater management maintenance procedures and capital projects based on continual facilities performance monitoring activities. Consideration will be given to natural systems as identified in Policy 2.1.4 of the Conservation and Coastal Management Element, existing developments and proposed developments. (II)(III)Policy 1.2: County drainage system and stormwater management network capital facility planning shall be designed to implement procedures and projects in a manner to ensure that adequate stormwater management facility capacity is available at the time a development permit is issued, or that such capacity will be available when needed to serve the development. (II)(III)Policy 1.3: The County shall continue to develop public drainage facilities and stormwater management network, which maintain the groundwater table as a source of recharge for the County’s potable water aquifers, provide a source of irrigation water for agricultural, horticultural and golf course operations and provide water to native vegetation. (II)Policy 1.4: The County shall continue to evaluate structural and non-structural measures for restoring historical hydroperiods in impacted watersheds where possible and for reducing the impacts of canal and stormwater discharges to estuaries. Selected measures will be implemented through the watershed management planning process identified within Goal 2 of the Conservation and Coastal Management Element of the Growth Management Plan. (II)Policy 1.5: Watershed Management Plans will be undertaken as set forth in Objective 2.1 of the Conservation and Coastal Management Element (CCME). After each plan is completed, the results will be made available to the property owners located within the basin’s boundaries for their use in petitioning the Board of County Commissioners to create a taxing/assessment unit to fund the (IV) = Plan Amendment by Ordinance No. 2015-09 on January 27, 2015 44 GOAL: 3URMHFW 6LWH SR 29INTERSTATE 75 IMMOKALEE RD OIL WELL RD COLLIER BLVDCR 846 TAMIAMI TRL E SR 82 LIVINGSTON RDTAMIAMI TRL NSR 29 NSAN MARCO RDDAVIS BLVDGOODLETTE RD NPINE RIDGE RD EVERGLADES BLVD NRADIO RD DESOTO BLVD SLOGAN BLVD NDESOTO BLVD NVA NDERBILT BEACH RD GOLDEN GATE BLVD EVANDERBILT DRAIRPORT PULLING RD NEVERGLADES BLVD SCO R KSC R EW R D GOLDEN GATE BLVD W 9TH ST NWILSON BLVD NS 1ST STBALD EAGLE DRN 15TH STGREEN BLVDOLD US 41RATTLESNAKE HAMMOCK RD S BARFIELD DRS COLLIER BLVDBONITA BEACH RD COLLIER AVE111TH AVE N AIRPORT PULLING RD SLegendOLD (EXISTING) CHHANEW CHHA ON FLUMTRAFFIC CONGESTION AREA (TO BE DELETED) NEW CHHACOASTAL HIGH HAZARD AREA COMPARISON MAP R26 E R27 E R28 E R29 E R30 ER25 E T53 ST52 ST51 ST50 ST49 ST48 ST47 ST46 S 02461 Miles ® GIS MAPPING: BETH Y, AICP TECHNOLOGY & GIS SUPPORT FILE; G:\GIS\DATAREQUEST\CHHA.MXD January 2013 CHHA MAP ADOPTED - JANUARY 8, 2013 (Ord. No. 2013-14) FCT Project Site *25(3523(5 7 < &2//,(5&2817< )/25,'$ 6HSWHPEHU )/25,'$)25(9($5 *5$17352*5$0 Form FCT-5 (Effective02-08-10)Page 1 Florida Communities Trust Application FormFCT-5 Florida Forever Program Incorporated byreference in Rule 62-818.003(1) Parks and Open Space 1.PROJECT NAME Gore Property (Descriptive projectname) 2.APPLICANT NAME Collier County (Name of Local Government or Nonprofit Environmental Organization) If Nonprofit Environmental Organization, also provide the required information requested on Exhibits A, B1 and B2. 3.PARTNERSHIPAPPLICATION Is this a Partnership Application between two or more Local Governments or Nonprofit Environmental Organizations? YES NO X If yes, provide the name(s) of the Local Government(s) or Nonprofit Environmental Organization(s). Also, provide an application transmittal letter from the partnering agency. 4.KEY CONTACT PERSON Note:The key contact is required to be an employee of the Local Government or designated representative of the Nonprofit Environmental Organization. Identify only one key contactperson. Key Contact Name Barry Williams First Middle Initial Last Title Director Department/NonprofitEnvironmentalOrganization Parks and Recreation Department MailingAddress 15000 Livingston City Naples , FL Zip Code 34109-3808 Phone Number 239-252-4000 E-mail Address Barry.Williams@colliercountyfl.gov Chief Administrator for the LocalGovernment: Name Leo E. Ochs Jr. Phone Number 239-252-8383 Note:If the Applicant’s principal office address is a post office box, a delivery address is also required. DeliveryAddress City , FL Zip Code 5.PROJECT SITE LOCATION County Collier Section 33 Township 49S Range 28E Note: Cite only one Section, Township and Range to indicate where all or most of the project acreage is located. Include all directional designations (Township either North or South – Range either East or West). 6.TOTAL PROJECT ACREAGE Indicate the approximate acreage of theProject Site Acres 168.87 Form FCT-5 (Effective02-08-10)Page 2 7.ACQUISITION TYPE The Applicant must fill out one or more of the following acquisition types, as appropriate. PRE-ACQUIRED The entire Project Site has been Pre-acquired by the Applicant through a Voluntarily-Negotiated Transaction within 24 months prior to the application deadline. PARTIAL PRE-ACQUIRED A portion of the Project Site has been Pre-acquired by the Applicant through a Voluntarily-Negotiated Transaction within 24 months prior to the application deadline. X REIMBURSEMENT ACQUISITION The entire Project Site or the remaining un-acquired parcel(s) in the Project Site will be acquired by the Applicant through a Voluntarily-Negotiated Transaction and will be reimbursed byFCT after the Acquisition is completed. JOINT ACQUISITION The entire Project Site or remaining un-acquired parcel(s) will be a Joint Acquisition with both FCT and the Applicant participating in the Acquisitionprocess. Number of separate ownerships to be acquired within the Project Site. Note:For a Project Site that consists of eleven or more ownerships, the Applicant will be required to act as the lead party responsible for the Acquisitionactivities. 8.ESTIMATED PROJECT COSTS Enter an amount on each line and round to the nearest hundred dollars. a.Land purchase price (estimatedor actual) $720,000 b.Acquisition costs (estimated oractual) Cost of certified survey(s), appraisal(s), appraisal review(s), title report(s), $ 15,000 title insurance premium(s), environmental audit(s), and Applicant’s acquisition agent(s) fees orcommission(s). c.Total Project Costs [Add a.and b.] $735,000 9.AWARD AMOUNT AND MATCH Dollar Amount Percentage of Award a.FCT grant award amount (1)$ 441,000 60 %(2 decimalplaces) b.Match amount (2)$294,000 40 %(2 decimalplaces) c.Total Project Costs [Add a. and b.]$735,000 100% (Should equal 8.cabove) (1)The total amount of any Award or combination of Awards applied for by any Local Government(s) or Nonprofit Environmental Organization(s) under any Application(s) or Partnership Application(s) for any project(s) shall not exceed five million dollars ($5,000,000.00) during any one cycle. (2)A 25% minimum Match is required except for Awards to counties with a population of 75,000 or fewer, municipalities with a population of 10,000 or fewer, and qualified Nonprofit Environmental Organizations. Florida Forever Funds cannot be used as Match. The use of condemnation or the threat of condemnation is not considered a Voluntarily-Negotiated Transaction. Parcels acquired under these conditions do not qualify for Acquisition or Reimbursement under the FCT program. Form FCT-5 (Effective02-08-10)Page 3 10.SOURCE OF MATCH Check the appropriate response(s) below to indicate eligible source(s) ofMatch: X Existing or future cash from theApplicant. Value of real property owned by the Applicant in a qualified pre-acquisition. Note: Include lands within the Project Site that were Pre-acquired within 24 months prior to the application deadline that are to be used as part of the Match. Cash or grant from federal, state, regional, county, municipal, or other agency. Cash from a privateDonation. Value of real property donated by the landowner in a documented bargain sale or Donation agreement. Note:If the source of the Match is from a third party, provide documentation indicating source and amount. Label Exhibit C1 11.OTHER FUNDING SOURCES Have you applied for funding or received other grant funding for Acquisition for this project through another federal, state, regional, county, municipal, or other land acquisition program(s) or agency(s)? YES NO X If yes, provide the name(s) of the agency(s) or land acquisition program(s) to which you have applied or received funding.Label Exhibit C2 If you have or will receive other grant funds for the Acquisition of the Project Site, please provide a table listing the: Acquisition cost for the ProjectSite; Funds the Applicant provided towards the acquisition costs; Funds from other sources used in the Acquisition;and The appraised value of the ProjectSite. Form FCT-5 (Effective02-08-10)Page 4 OWNERSHIP AND ACQUISITIONPLAN List all property owners and parcel tax identification numbers for all parcels. If the project has been Pre-acquired, provide the closing date and a copy of the signed closing statement on Exhibit E1. An Acquisition Plan is required for project sites with multiple parcels or owners to identify the priority parcel(s) and the general acquisition order of other parcels to ensure that, in the event that all parcels cannot be acquired, the purposes of the project can beachieved. List the specific order in which the parcels in the project will be acquired. Acquisition of the Project Site will begin with the priority 1 parcel(s). Parcels may be grouped by priority and more than one parcel may be categorized as priority 1, 2, 3, etc. Requirement:Provideawilling owner letter for all parcels listed below (Exhibit D). Priority Owner’s Name Parcel Tax ID Number Date of Closing __1___ ___RH Gore III Inter Vivos Trust____________________ __(see attached list)____ __November 2018_ Owner’s Mailing Address Phone 1627 W. Main Street, Ste. #311 Bozeman, MT 59715 ___________ ______________ _________________ Priority Owner’s Name Parcel Tax ID Number Date of Closing ______ ______________________________________________ ____________________ _________________ Owner’s Mailing Address Phone _____________________________________________________________________ _________________ Priority Owner’s Name Parcel Tax ID Number Date of Closing ______ ______________________________________________ ____________________ _________________ Owner’s Mailing Address Phone _____________________________________________________________________ _________________ Priority Owner’s Name Parcel Tax ID Number Date of Closing ______ ______________________________________________ ____________________ _________________ Owner’s Mailing Address Phone _____________________________________________________________________ _________________ Use additional pages ifneeded The use of condemnation or the threat of condemnation is not considered a Voluntarily-Negotiated Transaction. Parcels acquired under these conditions do not qualify for Acquisition or Reimbursement under the FCT program. Form FCT-5 (Effective02-08-10)Page 5 PROJECT SUMMARY In the space below: Provide a discussion of the purposes of the project, existing and future uses, existing and proposed physical improvements, natural and historic resources, and resource protection and enhancement activities. Include the size and proposed use of any existing or proposed buildings. Indicate if any easements, concessions, or leases exist or areproposed. The project summary is to be no more than onepage. Collier County Board of County Commissioners working alongside it’s conservation land acquisition group “Conservation Collier “ has entered into an agreement to purchase 168.8 acres of the Gore Property. The property is located in central Collier County along I-75 and situated between Picayune Strand State Forest and Florida Panther National Wildlife Refuge. The entire project site is within the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) Primary Panther habitat zone and designated Strategic Habitat Conservation Area. In addition to the Florida Panther the property provides a habitat for numerous listed animal and plant species. The project site contains areas of intact native plant communities, including mixed wetland hardwoods, cypress, and hardwood hammocks scattered within. In 1996 the property was designated as a Stewardship Forest by the Florida Forest Service. This is a program that works with private landowners to assess timber, wildlife, soil and water, recreation, aesthetics and forest resources, and collaborates to plan stewardship of natural lands. The Gore properties were one of the first Stewardship Forests in the local area and they remained in the program between 1996 and 2011, until approval from the landowner could no longer be obtained. The project area is approximately 75% wetlands, with the remaining 25% a seasonal wetland. Significant areas of invasive vegetation exist along the roadways with up to 35% of the interior areas containing exotic species. The acquisition of the project site will enable the County to develop a management plan that consists of conserving and protecting the natural communities including vegetation and wildlife. Once acquired the site will further an ecological corridor through connecting a historic wetland area on the east with the Florida Panther National Wildlife Refuge (FPNWR) via the old Ford Test Track. The Gore properties would enhance the FPNWR by acting as a buffer and providing a reasonably large sized wild land addition north of I-75. There are wildlife underpasses at the adjacent Faka Union and nearby Miller canals creating an ecological link south under I-75 to the Picayune Strand State Forest. In addition, the North Belle Meade sending lands are approximately 2 miles to the west. While the main objective of the project is to protect and conserve a significant natural habitat, the County will use the acquisition of the property to provide passive recreation in a unique natural setting. Conceptual plans for the project site consist of leaving most of the property undisturbed but utilizing a small portion along 40 th Ave SE as entrance for trail users, nature observers and educational programming. At this location a permeable parking lot will be constructed along with a picnic shelter and interpretive kiosk. Visitors will be able to access the trail system and connect to the 10-acre Cypress Cove Conservancy site in the middle of the property. Through partnering with the non-profit Conservancy in management of the entire 178-acre site, users will be able to visit the Nature Center and the existing trails situated in the middle of the property. The County also anticipated coordinating environmental education programming with the group using the entire project site. The City is requesting financial assistance from Florida Communities Trust in the amount of $441,000 or 60% of the total cost of acquiring the property. The County will provide a 40% cash match in the amount of $294,000. The purchase of the property and funding for the acquisition has been approved by the Collier County Board of County Commissioners. The County has entered into a purchase agreement for the property and expects to close on the site by the end of 2018. Form FCT-5 (Effective02-08-10)Page 6 PROJECT EVALUATIONCRITERIA Answer the following questions, as applicable to the proposed project. Where requested, provide references to the Local Comprehensive Plan, support documentation or attached Exhibits. Note: Provide a response to each of the following criteria, either yes or no. If the answer to a criterion is checked no, move to the next question. If the answer to a criterion is checked yes, provide a response as appropriate and limit your response to no more than ½ page. Any criterion that is not addressed or is left blank will not be evaluated and no points will beawarded. Documentation Provided:The Applicant shall check either Yes or No to whether the required documentation is provided. If Yes, the Applicant shall identify in which Exhibit the documentation is located. If documentation is not provided, no points shall beawarded. (1)GENERAL CRITERIASECTION (a)Pre-acquired project: Has the entire Project Site been Pre-acquired by the Applicant within 24 months prior to the application deadline? (10points); YES NO X If yes, provide a copy of the closing statement in Exhibit E1. Was the documentation provided in the grant application? YES Documented in Exhibit E1 NO If a copy of the closing statement is not provided, no points will be awarded (b)The Project Site has not been the subject of a land use or zoning change that would allow an increase of either allowable density or intensity within the last three (3) years prior to the application deadline. (5 points) YES X NO If yes, provide a letter from the local government planning department stating that the Project Site has not been the subject of a land use or zoning change that would allow an increase of either allowable density or intensity within the last three (3) years prior to the application deadline Exhibit F1 and F2. Was the documentation provided in the grant application? YES _X Documented in Exhibit F1 and F2 NO If a copy of the required letter from the planning department is not provided, no points will be awarded (c)Is the Project Site part of a Phased Project and is adjacent (or adjacent through public ownership) to a park or conservation lands that were previously acquired with FCT funds? (5points) YES NO X If yes, identify the project number of the previously funded FCT project and describe the phased nature of the project Exhibit F3. Provide an exhibit that shows the Project Site and the parcel(s) that were previously acquired with FCT funds in Exhibit G Was the documentation provided in the grant application? YES _Documented in Exhibit G and Exhibit F3 NO If a copy of the map showing the Project Site and the previously acquired FCT parcel is not provided, no points will beawarded (d)The Applicant is committed toproviding: Check yes to only one of the following, if applicable. (1)Local Government (medium tolarge): Counties with a population of more than 75,000, municipalities with a population of more than 10,000. a.A Match of 40 to 49% of the total Project Costs. (10 points) YES X NO Form FCT-5 (Effective02-08-10)Page 7 b.A Match of 50 to 59% of the total Project Costs. (20 points) YES NO X c.A Match of 60% or more of the total Project Costs. (25 points) YES NO X (2)Small Local Government or Nonprofit Environmental Organization: Counties with a population of 75,000 or less, municipalities with a population of 10,000 or less. a.A Match of 10 to 19% of the total Project Costs. (10 points) YES NO b.A Match of 20 to 29% of the total Project Costs. (20 points) YES NO c.A Match of 30% or more of the total Project Costs. (25 points) YES NO (e)The grant award amount requested is within the following thresholds Check yes to only one of the following, if applicable. (1)The Applicant is requesting a grant award amount that does not exceed $1,500,000.00 (8 points); YES X NO (2)The Applicant is requesting a grant award amount that does not exceed $2,500,000.00 (4 points); YES NO X (3)The Applicant is requesting a grant award amount that does not exceed $3,500,000.00 (2 points). YES NO X Note:FCT will not participate in project costs that exceed the grant award amount. (f)Is this the Applicant’s first Application to FCT, or has the Applicant previously submitted an Application that was either not funded or was funded but not acquired? (5 points) Note:In the case of a partnership application, if any of the partners have received funding and the Project Site was acquired, then no points will be awarded. YES NO X (g)Will the Project Site provide an alternative to the fee simple acquisition of land by acquiring a conservation easement over at least 25 percent of the Project Site, with a minimum of at least five acres placed in a conservation easement? (5 points). YES NO X If yes, locate the proposed area to be acquired in less than fee on Exhibit G, discuss the purpose of the conservation easement, and provide a letter in Exhibit D from the owner expressing their willingness to sell a conservation easement over thatparcel. Was documentation provided in the grant application? YES Documented in Exhibit G and D NO _If the required willing seller letter and a map showing the proposed conservation easement area(s) are not provided, no points will be awarded. Form FCT-5 (Effective02-08-10)Page 8 (2)OUTDOOR RECREATION, NATURAL AND CULTURAL RESOURCES SECTION This section identifies whether Acquisition of the Project Site furthers the provision of Outdoor Recreation facilities and open space and the preservation of natural and cultural resources. All proposed recreation facilities are required to be designed with as minimal disturbance as possible to natural resources on the Project Site. (a)Providing Outdoor Recreation or OpenSpace 1.The Project Site provides functional land-based walking, nature, bike, equestrian or multi-use trails: a.Will the Project Site contain a functional walking, nature, bike, equestrian or multi-use trail? (2 points) YES X NO If yes, show the proposed trail on the conceptual site plan,Exhibit G. Was documentation provided in the grant application? YES X Documented in Exhibit G. NO If the proposed trail is not shown on the conceptual site plan, no points will be awarded. b.Will the Project Site contain a functional trail that is at least one-half mile in length? (5 points) YES X NO If yes, show the proposed trail on the conceptual site plan,Exhibit G. Provide a scale that clearly shows that the trail is at least one-half mile inlength. Was documentation provided in the grant application? YES X Documented in Exhibit G. NO If the proposed trail is not shown on the conceptual site plan to be at least one-half mile long, no points will be awarded. c.Will benches be provided along the trail? (2 points) YES X NO d.Will a water fountain be provided at the trailhead or along the trail? (1 point) YES NO X 2.The Project Site provides Outdoor Recreation Facilities such as a picnic pavilion, fishing pier, boat ramp, wildlife observation platform, playground, basketball courts, or volleyball courts. Check yes to only one of the following, if applicable. a.Will the Project Site provide two different types of recreational facilities? (7 points) YES X NO If yes, describe what facilities will be provided. Show the proposed facilities on the conceptual site plan, Exhibit G. The project site will include two recreational facilities. These facilities will consist of a picnic shelter and nature observation platform. The facilities are shown on the conceptual site plan provided in Exhibit G. Was documentation provided in the grant application? YES X Documented in Exhibit G. NO If the proposed facilities are not shown on the conceptual site plan, no points will be awarded. b.Will the Project Site provide three different types of recreational facilities? (8 points) YES NO X If yes, describe what facilities will be provided. Show the proposed facilities on the conceptual site plan, Exhibit G. Was documentation provided in the grant application? YES X Documented in Exhibit G. NO If the proposed facilities are not shown on the conceptual site plan, no points will be awarded. c.Will the Project Site provide four or more different types of recreational facilities? (9 points) YES NO X Form FCT-5 (Effective02-08-10)Page 9 If yes, describe what facilities will be provided. Show the proposed facilities on the conceptual site plan,Exhibit G. Was documentation provided in the grant application? YES Documented in Exhibit G. NO If the proposed facilities are not shown on the conceptual site plan, no points will be awarded. 3.Will the Project Site provide public access facilities to an existing open water shoreline or beach, such as a fishing pier, boat ramp, canoe/kayak launching facility, observation platform, dock or dune walkover? (10 points) YES NO X If yes, describe what shoreline access facility will be provided. Show the proposed facility on the conceptual site plan, Exhibit G. YES Documented in Exhibit G. NO If the proposed water access facility is not shown on the conceptual site plan, no points will be awarded. 4.Furthers Outdoor Recreation, public water access or open space within an Urban Area. Points may be awarded based on the followingcriteria: a.Is the Project Site located within an Urban Service Area? (5 points) YES X NO If yes, describe the existing Urban Service Area. Provide a copy of the future land use map Exhibit H1 and an aerial photograph that clearly identifies the Project Site Exhibit J (Label as Exhibit H1)and the surrounding area. The project site is located within an urban service area. All the parcels are located within the Northern Golden Gate Estates. This area is predominantly single- family homes with paved roads and electric, internet, and phone service. The area also has several commercial use properties within ½ mile of the site. Was documentation provided in the grant application? YES X Documented in Exhibit H1 and Exhibit J NO If the required future land use map and aerial photograph identifying the Project Site and the surrounding area are not provided, no points will be awarded. b.Is the Project Site located within an Urban Service Area and also within one-half mile of a built-up commercial or industrial Urban Area? (5points) YES X NO If yes, describe the existing Urban Service Area. Provide a copy of the future land use map Exhibit H2 that clearly identifies the Project Site, an aerial photograph of the Project Site and the surrounding area, and photographs of the surrounding built- up commercial or industrial area. On either the future land use map or the aerial photograph, include a scale that clearly shows that the Project Site is within one half mile of built-up commercial or industrial Urban Area Exhibit J (Label as Exhibit H2). The project site is located within an urban service area. All the parcels are located within the Northern Golden Gate Estates. This area is predominantly single- family homes with paved roads and electric, internet, and phone service. The area also has several commercial use properties within ½ mile of the site. Was documentation provided in the grant application? YES X Documented in Exhibit H2 and Exhibit J NO If the required future land use map, aerial photograph that identify the Project Site and surrounding area and photographs of the surrounding built-up commercial or industrial area are not provided, no points will be awarded. (b)Connectivity 1.Will the Project Site be connected to adjacent neighborhoods by an existing sidewalk(s) or a proposed sidewalk(s) that is within an existing right-of-way? (5 points) YES NO X Form FCT-5 (Effective02-08-10)Page 10 If yes, show the existing sidewalk on the connectivity map,Exhibit I1, and provide photographs of the sidewalk, Exhibit J (Label as I1). If the sidewalk is proposed: provide a right-of-way map that documents that sufficient public right-of-way exists to accommodate the future sidewalk, provide a letter from the Public Works Director that a sidewalk can be constructed within the existing road right-of-way Exhibit I1, a letter from the Local Government that the proposed sidewalk will be constructed within five years of the acquisition of the Project Site Exhibit I1 and a map showing the connection to a sidewalk network in the area Exhibit I1. Was documentation provided in the grant application? YES Documented in Exhibits I1 and J NO If pictures of the existing sidewalk or documentation for the proposed sidewalk, including right-of-way map of the existing right-of-way, letter from the Public Works Director, a commitment letter from the Local Government, and a map showing the connection to a sidewalk network in the area are not provided, no points will be awarded. 2.Provides Outdoor Recreation areas or open space adjacent to other publicly-owned upland areas: a.Is the Project Site adjacent to an existing publicly-owned infrastructure facility, such as a fire station, police station, museum, school or library? (3points) YES NO X If yes, show the existing publicly-owned infrastructure facility and its relationship to the Project Site on connectivity map or aerial photograph Exhibit I2. Provide photographs of the publicly-owned infrastructure facility Exhibit J (Label as Exhibit I2). Was documentation provided in the grant application? YES Documented in Exhibit I2 and J NO If the required map or aerial photograph showing the publicly-owned facility’s relationship to the Project Site and photographs are not provided, no points will be awarded. b.Is the Project Site adjacent to existing publicly-owned conservation or recreation lands? (5 points) YES X NO If yes, show the existing publicly-owned open space, such as a park, nature preserve, or conservation land in relationship to the Project Site on Exhibit I3 and an aerial photograph. The project site will become part of ecological corridor as it is adjacent to the Picayune Strand State Forest and will be connected by an existing wildlife underpass. In addition, the site will provide a buffer for the Florida Panther National Wildlife Refuge (FPNWR)which is located directly east. The project site will surround a 10-acre parcel which will become a nature center and additional conservation land. This property will be owned and managed by the non-profit environmental group, the Cypress Cove Conservancy. The Cypress Cove Conservancy will acquire and maintain Dr. Gore’s home as a Nature Center and offer environmental education, while Conservation Collier will maintain the remainder of the project area, including existing and future trails. The County will partner with the Conservancy to connect the properties via trails and allow for access to the Center for those visiting the larger Gore property. A map showing the project’s connection to these areas is provided in Exhibit I. Was documentation provided in the grant application? YES X Documented in Exhibit I3 NO If the required map and aerial photograph showing the Project Site’s relationship to the adjacent publicly-owned conservation or recreation lands are not provided, no points will be awarded. 3.Is the Project Site adjacent to publicly-owned lands, excluding road right-of-ways, that contain a RecreationalTrail that connects to an existing local, regional or statewide land-based Recreational Trail System or lands that are located within the Preferred Routing Corridor of the Florida National Scenic Trail? (5points) YES X NO If yes, identify the local, regional or statewide trail system and discuss how the project will enhance the system. Provide a map of the adjacent publicly-owned lands,Exhibit I4, and the trail system on those lands and identify the location of the Project Site. Note: A Recreational Trail does not include canoe trails, sidewalks, or bike lanes on the road. The acquisition of the project site will allow the County to develop new recreational trails that connect and enhance the existing trail system on the 10-acre Cypress Cove Conservancy site located in the center of the Form FCT-5 (Effective02-08-10)Page 11 Gore Property. The existing trail system will connect to the new trails being developed by the County once the property is acquired. Once complete the recreational trail system will allow users to explore a large portion of the of the almost 170-acre site. A map showing the location of the existing trail system and the future connection made possible from the land acquisition is provided in both Exhibit G and I. Was the documentation provided in the grant application? YES X Documented in Exhibit I4 NO If the trail system map identifying the adjacent publicly-owned lands, the trail system, and Project Site is not provided, no points will be awarded. 4.Is the Project Site adjacent to publicly-owned lands that expand a local, regional or statewide Ecological Corridor? (5 points) YES X NO If yes, show the local, regional or statewide Ecological Corridor and its relationship to the Project Site on Exhibit I5. Discuss how the Project Site will expand the Ecological Corridor. The project site will expand become part of existing ecological corridor. The Gore properties would enhance the FPNWR by acting as a buffer and providing a reasonably large sized wild land addition north of I-75. There are wildlife underpasses at the adjacent Faka Union and nearby Miller canals creating an ecological link south under I-75 to the Picayune Strand State Forest and the FPNWR. The Gore project also is within the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) Primary Panther habitat zone. A map of the corridor is provided in Exhibit I. Was documentation provided in the grant application? YES X Documented in Exhibit I5 NO If the required Ecological Corridor map that includes the adjacent publicly-owned lands and the Project Site is not provided, no points will be awarded. 5.Does the Project Site enhance a State Designated Paddling Trail by providing facilities, including a paddling trail sign, canoe/kayak launch, and restrooms? (5points) YES NO X If yes, include a commitment to provide paddling trail sign, canoe/kayak launch, and restrooms on the Project Site and show the facilities on Exhibit I6. Provide a map of the State Designated Paddling Trail and identify the location of the Project Site. Provide documentation that the trail has been designated by the Office of Greenways and Trails Exhibit I6. Was documentation provided in the grant application? YES Documented in Exhibit I6 NO If the required paddling trail map and letter from the Office of Greenways and Trails and the conceptual site plan are not provided, no points will be awarded. (c)EducationalOpportunities 1.Will the Project Site include an interpretive kiosk intended to educate visitors about the natural environment or unique history of the area? (5points) YES X NO If yes, describe the interpretive educational kiosk to be provided. An interpretive kiosk will be installed at the main entrance to the site adjacent to the parking and entrance to the trail system. The kiosk will be near the picnic shelter and provide a variety of information. The sign will highlight the properties environmental significance by educating visitors as to the animal and plant species that can be found on the site. The kiosk will also show the property’s relation to the adjacent conservation lands such as Picayune Strand State Forest and the Florida Panther National Wildlife Refuge. In addition to information on the site natural attributes the sign will provide a map of the trail system and how users can access the Nature Center located in the middle of the property. The sign will be designed and constructed to blend in to the surrounding area and be installed in an area that is being disturbed for the parking and picnic facilities. 2.Will the Applicant provide at least six (6) environmental or historical education classes or programs per year at the Project Site conducted by trained educator(s) or resource professional(s)? (3 points) Form FCT-5 (Effective02-08-10)Page 12 YES X NO If yes, identify who will be conducting the classes or programs; describe the classes or programs to be provided, and the frequency of the plannedprograms. One of the objectives of the acquiring the site is to further the County’s ability to provide environmental education. The location of the site, adjacent to existing conservation lands and the significant natural attributes of the property will greatly further this goal. Once acquired the County will begin incorporating the site into its environmental programming. A partnership with Cypress Cove Conservancy will provide the most immediate programming on the site. Working with the Conversancy and other local environmental groups at least 6 classes will be conducted each year on the property. The programming will take advantage of the trail systems, observation areas and centrally located Nature Center to provide both interesting and educational classes to all ages. 3.Will the Project Site include a staffed Neighborhood Recreation Center, nature center or museum building that provides year-round educational classes or programming? Check yes to only one of the following, if applicable. Note:The building should be a minimum of 1,000 square feet and no larger than 15,000 square feet. a.Will the Applicant construct a new building of at least 1,000 square feet to house a staffed Neighborhood Recreation Center, nature center or museum that provides year-round educational classes or programming? (2points) YES NO X If yes, describe the proposed building, the size of the proposed building, what type of programs will be conducted and who will provide the programming. Locate the proposed new building on Exhibit G, the conceptual site plan. Provide a letter from the Applicant’s senior administrator committing to the construction of the building Exhibit K1. Was the documentation provided in the grant application? YES Documented in Exhibit G and K1. NO If the proposed building is not located on the conceptual site plan and the commitment letter is not provided, no points will beawarded. b.Will the Applicant construct a new building of at least 1,000 square feet designed and constructed to meet the U.S. Green Building Council’s (USGBC) Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEEDTM) Green Building Rating System for New Construction and Major Renovations Version 2.2, to house a staffed Neighborhood Recreation Center, nature center or museum building that provides year-round educational classes or programming? (3points) YES NO X If yes, describe the proposed facility, the size of the proposed facility, what type of programs will be conducted and who will provide the programming. Locate the proposed new building on Exhibit G, the conceptual site plan. Provide a letter from the Applicant’s senior administrator committing to construct the building to meet the U.S. Green Building Council’s (USGBC) Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED TM)Green Building Rating System for New Construction and Major Renovations Version2.2 Exhibit K2. Was documentation provided in the grant application? YES Documented in Exhibit G and K2. NO If the proposed building is not located on the conceptual site plan and the commitment letter is not provided, no points will beawarded. c.Will the Applicant use an existing building, that contains at least 1,000 square feet of enclosed area, for a staffed Neighborhood Recreation Center, nature center or museum building that provides year-round educational classes or programming? (6 points) YES NO X If yes, describe the existing facility, the size of the facility, what type of programs will be conducted and who will provide the programming. Locate the existing building on the conceptual site plan Exhibit G. Provide photographs of the building Exhibit J (Label as K3).Discuss any needed repairs or renovations. Provide a letter from the Applicant’s senior administrator committing to the needed repairs orrenovations Exhibit K3. Was documentation provided in the grant application? YES Documented in Exhibit G, J, and K3. NO If the existing structure is not shown on the conceptual site plan, photographs (Label K3) of Form FCT-5 (Effective02-08-10)Page 13 the existing building, and commitment letter (if required) are not provided, no points will be awarded. d.The Applicant will use of an existing building, that contains at least 1,000 square feet of enclosed area, for a staffed Neighborhood Recreation Center, nature center or museum building that provides year-round educational classes or programming and will retrofit the building to meet the U.S. Green Building Council’s (USGBC) Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED TM) Green Building Rating System for New Construction and Major Renovations Version 2.2. (7 points) YES NO X If yes, describe the existing facility, the size of the facility, what type of programs will be conducted and who will provide the programming. Provide a letter from the Applicant’s senior administrator committing to retrofit the building to meet the U.S. Green Building Council’s (USGBC) Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEEDTM) Green Building Rating System for New Construction and Major Renovations Version 2.2 Exhibit K4. Locate the building on the conceptual site plan Exhibit G. Discuss any needed repairs or renovations. Provide photographs of the building Exhibit J (Label as K4). Was the documentation provided in the grant application? YES Documented in Exhibit G, J, and K4. NO If the proposed building is not located on the conceptual site plan, photographs (label K4) of the existing building and the commitment letter are not provided, no points will be awarded. (d)Natural and BiologicalResources 1.Does seventy percent of the Project Site contain predominantly Natural Communities that have not been impacted by human disturbance or alteration? (5points) YES X NO If yes, describe the various Natural Communities on the Project Site, including the quality of the communities, and the approximate acreage of each community. Describe the extent and acreage of the disturbances or alterations on the Project Site. Show the natural communities and disturbed areas on Exhibit L1. Provide photographs Exhibit J (Label as L1)of the natural communities. Discuss how the project site will be developed with minimal impact to the Natural Communities on the site. The Gore Project contains areas of intact native plant communities, including mixed wetland hardwoods, cypress, and hardwood hammocks scattered throughout. The project area is approximately 75% wetlands, with the remaining 25% a seasonal wetland. Significant areas of karst have been observed on the property. Karst is an area of limestone terrain characterized by sinkholes, caverns and underground streams, and is a wetland indicator. Plant communities found on the property are consistent with mapped soils and provide habitat for wetland dependent species. The area of these properties is mapped by the South Florida Water Management District as contributing 43” to 56” annually of water to the Surficial Aquifer System, and can be expected to contribute to the attenuation of area flood waters. Hydrologic indicators such as karst topography, cypress knees, and water marks on buttressed cypress trees provide evidence of seasonal flooding. The many mature cypress trees found on the property indicate that the area has historically contained wetlands. Invasive exotic plant species are present in significant amounts, up to 95% along roadsides and at the homesite parcel. Interior areas appear to be infested at approximately 15% to 35%. The primary invasive exotic plant is Brazilian pepper (Schinus terebinthifolius), but other species are also present, including air potato (Dioscorea bulbifera), lantana (Lantana camara), arrowhead (Syngonium podophyllum), and balsam apple (Momordica chantaria). Others are likely also present. The property contains protected species of plants, including giant sword fern (Nephrolepis biserrata) and several listed bromeliads in the Tillandsia genus. An environmental professional who is familiar with the property reported 5 native orchid species present. Was documentation provided in the grant application? YES X Documented in Exhibit L1 and J. NO If documentation that the Project Site contains at least seventy percent Natural Communities and photographs of the Natural Communities area not provided, no points will be awarded. 2.Does the Project Site contain Habitat recognized as typically suitable for one or more Listed Animal Species? (5 points) YES X NO Form FCT-5 (Effective02-08-10)Page 14 If yes, describe the Habitat on the Project Site, including the size in acres and the present condition of the Habitat. Identify any listed species that may use the site as Habitat. Discuss how the listed species Habitat will be protected and managed. Show the listed species habitat on Exhibit L2. Provide photos Exhibit J (Label as L2)of the listed species habitat. The project site is recognized as a suitable habitat for several listed animal species. The entire site is a Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) Primary Panther habitat zone. There have been 5 sightings of Florida panthers on the property that have been reported since 2014, including a panther with kittens, dozens of Florida black bears, including females with cubs, and numerous other wildlife. The observed habitat and location would support the presence of the Everglades mink (Neovison vison evergladensis), Florida brown snake, (Storeria victa), tricolor heron (Egretta tricolor), and little blue heron (Egretta caerulea), which are all state-protected species. Documentation from FNAI and FWC both confirm the habitat’s suitability for these listed species. Documentation including maps is provided in Exhibit L and J. Was documentation provided in the grant application? YES X Documented in Exhibit L2 and J. NO If documentation that the Project Site contains Habitat recognized as typically suitable for one of more Listed Animal Species is not provided, no points will be awarded. 3.Does the Project Site contain a Locally Significant Natural Area as identified by the Florida Natural Areas Inventory? (3 points) YES X NO If yes, provide a map and letter from the Florida Natural Areas Inventory that the Project Site contains a Locally Significant Natural Area Exhibit L3. The site has been identified as Locally Significant Natural Area by FNAI. Documentation is provided in Exhibit L. Was documentation provided in the grant application? YES X Documented in Exhibit L3 NO If the required letter and map from the Florida Natural Areas Inventory stating that the Project Site contains a Locally Significant Natural Area are not provided, no points will be awarded. 4.Does the Project Site contain critical habitat typically suitable for one or more Listed Animal Species and is the site located in a Strategic Habitat Conservation Area, as identified by the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission? Check yes to only one of the following, if applicable. a.The Project Site contains Habitat recognized as typically suitable for one or more Listed Animal Species and less than twenty-five percent of the Project Site is currently located in, or was located in at the time of acquisition, a Strategic Habitat Conservation Area, as identified by the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission. (2 points) YES NO X If yes, provide a map and letter from the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission stating that the Project Site contains a Strategic Habitat Conservation Area Exhibit L4. Was documentation provided in the grant application? YES Documented in Exhibit L4 NO If the required letter and map from the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission stating that the Project Site contains a Strategic Habitat Conservation Area is not provided, no points will be awarded. b.The Project Site contains Habitat recognized as typically suitable for one or more Listed Animal Species and fifty percent or more of the Project Site is currently located in, or was located in at the time of acquisition, a Strategic Habitat Conservation Area, as identified by the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission. (7points). YES X NO If yes, provide a map and letter from the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission stating that the Project Site contains a Strategic Habitat Conservation Area Exhibit L4. Form FCT-5 (Effective02-08-10)Page 15 The entire property has been identified as suitable for more than one animal species and is located within SHCA. Documentation from FWC is provided in Exhibit L. Was documentation provided in the grant application? YES X Documented in Exhibit L4 NO If the required letter and map from the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission stating that the Project Site contains a Strategic Habitat Conservation Area is not provided, no points will be awarded. 5.Does the Project Site contain land that will be managed in cooperation with Florida Forest Service’s Forest Stewardship Program? (3points) YES NO X If yes, provide a letter from the Florida Forest Service that the Project Site will be managed in cooperation with the Forest StewardshipProgram Exhibit L5. Was the documentation provided in the grant application? YES ___Documented in Exhibit L5 NO _______If the required letter from the Florida Forest Service stating that the Project Site will be managed in cooperation with the Forest Stewardship Program is not provided, no pointswillbeawarded. 6.Does the Project Site contain priority habitat as identified by the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWCC) and managed in cooperation with FWCC’s Landowner Assistance Program? (5 points) YES NO X If yes, provide a letter from the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission stating that the Project Site contains priority habitat and will be managed in cooperation with the Landowner Assistance Program Exhibit L6. Was the documentation provided in the grant application? YES _Documented in Exhibit L6 NO If the required letter from the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission stating that the Project Site contains priority habitat and will be managed in cooperation with the Landowner Assistance Program is not provided, no points will beawarded. (e)VegetativeEnhancement 1.Planting disturbed uplands with native vegetation. Check yes to only one of the following, if applicable. a.At least 1 acre of the disturbed upland area on the Project Site will be planted with native vegetation. (2 points) YES NO X If yes, discuss that at least one (1) acre of disturbed uplands on the Project Site will be planted and discuss the types of native plants and the approximate number to be planted. Show the approximate area to be planted on the conceptual site plan,Exhibit G. Provide photos Exhibit J (Label Native Vegetation area)of the disturbed area to be planted. Was documentation provided in the grant application? YES Documented in Exhibit G and J NO If the proposed planting area is not shown on the conceptual site plan and photos of the disturbed area are not provided, no points will be awarded. b.At least 5 acres of the disturbed upland area on the Project Site will be planted with native vegetation. (5 points) YES NO X If yes, state that at least five (5) acres of disturbed uplands on the Project Site will be planted and discuss the types of native plants and the approximate number to be planted. Show the approximate area to be planted on the conceptual site plan,Exhibit G. Provide photos Exhibit J (Label Native Vegetation area)of the disturbed area to be planted. Was documentation provided in the grant application? YES Documented in Exhibit G and J NO If the proposed planting area is not shown on the conceptual site plan and photos of the disturbed area are not provided, no points will be awarded. c.At least 10 acres of the disturbed upland area on the Project Site will be planted with native vegetation. Form FCT-5 (Effective02-08-10)Page 16 (7 points) YES NO X If yes,state that at least ten (10) acres of disturbed uplands on the Project Site will be planted and discuss the types of native plants and the approximate number to be planted. Show the approximate area to be planted on the conceptual site plan,Exhibit G.Provide photos Exhibit J (Label Native Vegetation area) of the disturbed area to be planted. Was documentation provided in the grant application? YES Documented in Exhibit G and J NO If the proposed planting area is not shown on the conceptual site plan and photos of the disturbed area are not provided, no points will be awarded. 2.Planting disturbed shorelines with native vegetation. Check yes to only one of the following, if applicable. a.At least 150 linear feet of the disturbed shoreline on the Project Site will be planted with native vegetation. (1 point) YES NO X If yes, state that at least 150 linear feet of disturbed shoreline on the Project Site will be planted and discuss the types of native plants and the approximate number to be planted. Show the approximate area that will be planted on the conceptual site plan,Exhibit G. Provide photos Exhibit J (Label Native Vegetation area)of the disturbed area to be planted. Was documentation provided in the grant application? YES Documented in Exhibit G and J NO If the proposed planting area is not shown on the conceptual site plan and photos of the disturbed area are not provided, no points will be awarded. b.At least 300 linear feet of the disturbed shoreline on the Project Site will be planted with native vegetation. (2 points) YES NO X If yes, state that at least 300 linear feet of disturbed shoreline on the Project Site will be planted and discuss the types of native plants and the approximate number to be planted. Show the approximate area that will be planted on the conceptual site plan,Exhibit G. Provide photos Exhibit J (Label Native Vegetation area)of the disturbed area to be planted. Was documentation provided in the grant application? YES Documented in Exhibit G and J NO If the proposed planting area is not shown on the conceptual site plan and photos of the disturbed area are not provided, no points will be awarded. c.At least 600 linear feet of the disturbed shoreline on the Project Site will be planted with native vegetation. (4 points) YES NO X If yes, state that at least 600 linear feet of disturbed shoreline on the Project Site will be planted and discuss the types of native plants and the approximate number to be planted. Show the approximate area that will be planted on the conceptual site plan,Exhibit G. Provide photos Exhibit J (Label Native Vegetation area)of the disturbed area to be planted. Was documentation provided in the grant application? YES Documented in Exhibit G and J NO If the proposed planting area is not shown on the conceptual site plan and photos of the disturbed area are not provided, no points will be awarded. (f)Water Quality 1.Will the Project Site improve the quality of surface waters or address current flooding problems occurring on, adjacent or in close proximity to the Project Site in a park-lik e or natural setting? (3 points) YES X NO If yes, discuss existing water quality or flooding problems. Describe what activities on the Project Site will Form FCT-5 (Effective02-08-10)Page 17 significantly improve surface water quality or address current flooding problems in a park-like or natural setting. Identify the proposed improvements or activity on the conceptual site plan,Exhibit G. The acquisition of the property will further the efforts of the County to reduce potential flooding of the surrounding residential areas. The site has always served as a destination for stormwater from the area as the wetlands act as a natural storage and treatment area for run-off. The area of these properties is mapped by the South Florida Water Management District as contributing 43” to 56” annually of water to the Surficial Aquifer System, and with proper management can be expected to contribute to the attenuation of area flood waters. Was documentation provided in the grant application? YES X Documented in Exhibit G NO If the proposed improvements or activity area is not shown on the conceptual site plan, no points will be awarded. 2.Will acquiring the Project Site protect an adjacent Outstanding Florida W ater, as designated by the Department of Environmental Protection? (5points) YES NO X If yes, provide a map showing that the boundary of the Project Site is located adjacent to an Outstanding Florida Water. Provide a letter from the Department of Environmental Protection verifying that the project is located adjacent to an Outstanding FloridaWater Exhibit M2. Was documentation provided in the grant application? YES Documented in Exhibit M2 NO If the required letter from the Department of Environmental Protection and map showing that the boundary of the Project Site is located adjacent to an Outstanding Florida Water are not provided, no points will be awarded. 3.Will acquiring the Project Site protect adjacent Class I Waters, as identified by the Department of Environmental Protection? (3points) YES NO X If yes, provide a map showing that the boundary of the Project Site is located adjacent to a Class I Water. Provide a letter from the Department of Environmental Protection verifying that the project is located adjacent to an Outstanding Florida Water Exhibit M3. Was documentation provided in the grant application? YES Documented in Exhibit M3. NO If the required letter from the Department of Environmental Protection and map showing that the boundary of the Project Site is located adjacent to a Class I Water are not provided, no points will be awarded. (g)HistoricResources 1.Does the Project Site contain a site listed in the Florida Master Site File maintained by the Division of Historical Resources? (2 points) YES NO X If yes, identify the resource, provide a map showing its location on the Project Site Exhibit G,andprovide documentation from the Division of Historical Resources verifying that the resource is listed in the Florida Master Site File Exhibit N1. The Florida Master Site File lists one archaeological site and one resource group within the vicinity of the project site. The resource group (CR01104- Alligator Alley/Everglades Parkway) is located on along the Southern Boundary of the site. Documentation from the Division of Historical Resources is provided in Exhibit N. Was documentation provided in the grant application? YES X Documented in Exhibits G and N1 NO If the required map showing the resource on the Project Site and documentation from the Division of Historical Resources are not provided, no points will be awarded. 2.Does the Project Site contain a resource that is listed in the Florida Master Site File and has been evaluated by the Division of Historical Resources as meeting the criteria for listing in the National Register of Historic Places? Form FCT-5 (Effective02-08-10)Page 18 (5 points) YES X NO If yes, identify the resource, provide a map showing its location on the Project Site Exhibit G,and provide documentation from the Division of Historical Resources verifying that the resource meets the criteria for listing in the National Register of Historic Places Exhibit N2. The resource group (CR01104- Alligator Alley/Everglades Parkway) makes up the Southern Boundary of the project site. The historical resource has been determined to be eligible for listing on the National Register. Documentation from the Division of Historic Resources is provided in Exhibit N. Was documentation provided in the grant application? YES Documented in Exhibits G and N2 NO If the required map showing the resource on the Project Site and documentation from the Division of Historical Resources that the Project Site contains a resource that meets the criteria for listing in the National Register of Historic Places are not provided, no points will be awarded. 3.Will acquiring the Project Site protect a resource that is listed on the National Register of Historic Places by the National Park Service? (7points) YES NO X If yes, identify the resource, provide a map showing its location on the Project Site Exhibit G, and provide documentation from the Division of Historical Resources verifying that the resource is listed on the National Register of Historic Places Exhibit N3. Was the documentation provided in the grant application? YES Documented in Exhibits G and N3 NO If the required map showing the resource on the Project Site and documentation from the Division of Historical Resources verifying that the Project Site contains a resource that is listed on the National Register of Historic Places are not provided, no points will be awarded. (3)COMMUNITY PLANNING SECTION (a)Comprehensive PlanImplementation For each of the following criteria that are furthered by the Local Comprehensive Plan, cite no more than five (5) relevant objectives or policies in eachresponse. If the response to a criterion is no, move to the next question. If the response to a criterion is yes, cite the objective or policy number and paraphrase the plan directive, provide a brief discussion of how acquiring the site will further the cited objective or policy, and include a copy of the objective or policy in Exhibit O or the proposed objectives or polices in Exhibit O. If a criterion addresses specific resources (they must be present on the site) or facilities (they must be existing or proposed for the site) in order for points to be awarded. If the Project Site is located entirely in one Local Government jurisdiction, the Local Comprehensive Plan of the jurisdiction within which the Project Site is located shall be evaluated for scoring purposes. If the Project Site is located in two or more jurisdictions, the Local Comprehensive Plan of either jurisdiction shall be compared for compatibility and evaluated for scoring purposes. If either jurisdiction’s Local Comprehensive Plan is furthered then points will be awarded. 1.Will the project provide acreage or outdoor recreational facilities necessary to maintain or improve adopted levels of service standards established in the comprehensive plan for recreation or open space? (5points) YES X NO Numeric citation and summary of objectives or policies: (REC)Policy 1.1.1: The standards for levels of service (LOS) of County parks and recreation facilities appear in Policy 1.5.G in the Capital Improvement Element and shall be used as the basis for determining the availability of facility capacity and the demand generated by a development. (CAP) 1.5 G . County Parks and Recreation Facilities: (VIII)(X)(XV) 1. Regional Park land = 2.7 acres per 1,000/pop. Form FCT-5 (Effective02-08-10)Page 19 (VIII)(X) 2. Community Park land = 1.2 acres per 1,000/pop. (unincorporated) Summaryof how the project furthers the objectives or policies: The acquisition of the project site as regional recreational facility will further the adopted LOS and allow the County to meet the needs of its growing population. In 2017 the County’s population was 357,470. At the current population the County needs 964 acres of community parks. By 2020 that number will rise to 1026 acres for a population of 379,900 and grow even more with 1,198 acres need to meet the LOS for a population of 443,600. The population figures are derived from the UF Population Estimates. Please see Exhibit O. Was documentation provided in the grant application? YES _X Documented in Exhibit O1 NO If copies of the required objectives and policies are not provided, no points will be awarded. 2.Will the project further comprehensive plan directives that promote public Acquisition of natural areas or open space? (5 points) YES X NO Numeric citation and summary of objectives or policies: (REC) Policy 1.1.5: The County shall continue to establish and implement a program with appropriate criteria to designate or acquire open space areas and natural reservations. (REC) Policy 2.1.1: The Parks and Recreation Department will acquire land to meet the needs of the Community and Regional Park Plan, including sufficient land to allow for a portion of these sites to remain in passive open space. Summaryof how the project furthers the objectives or policies: The acquisition of the project site will further the policies by identifying, evaluating and completing acquisition of open space for recreational facilities specifically for passive uses. The County followed its established land acquisition guidelines to locate available open space, evaluate its value compared to cost and complete the acquisition process. Please see Exhibit O. Was the documentation provided in the grant application? YES X Documented in Exhibit O2 NO If copies of the required objectives and policies are not provided, no points will be awarded. 3.Will the project further comprehensive plan directives to provide new or enhanced public access to existing water bodies or saltwater beaches? (5points) YES NO X Numeric citation and summaryof objectives or policies: Summaryof how the project furthers the objectives or policies, show the location of the new or enhanced public access to existing water bodies or saltwater beaches on Exhibit G: Was the documentation provided in the grant application? YES______Documented in Exhibits G and O3 NO If the proposed facilities are not shown on the conceptual site plan and copies of the required objectives and policies are not provided, no points will be awarded. 4.Will the project further comprehensive plan directives that provide for creating new or enhanced Greenways, Ecological Corridors or Recreational Trail Systems, including but not limited to the Florida National Scenic Trail system? (5 points) YES X NO Form FCT-5 (Effective02-08-10)Page 20 Numeric citation and summaryof objectives or policies: (CON) OBJECTIVE 6.4: Protect, conserve and appropriately use ecological communities shared with or tangential to State and Federal lands and other local governments. (CON) Policy 6.4.3: Collier County shall continue to coordinate with adjacent governmental jurisdictions when making management decisions regarding ecological communities shared by Collier County and one or more adjacent jurisdictions. Summaryof how the project furthers the objectives or policies, show the location of the Greenways, Ecological Corridors or Recreational Trail Systems on ExhibitO4 The acquisition of the project and expansion of an ecological corridor from Picayune Strand State Forest and the Florida Panther National Wildlife Refuge will further the objectives to protect and conserve the connected or shared ecological communities with other governmental entities. The project will further the policy to coordinate management of ecological corridors shared by the County and other governmental entities. Was the documentation provided in the grant application? YES _X Documented in Exhibit O4 NO If the required Ecological Corridor, Recreation Trail System, or Greenway map and copies of the required objectives and policies are not provided, no points will be awarded. 5.Will the project further comprehensive plan directives that ensure the preservation of Natural Communities or Listed Animal Species Habitat? (5points) YES X NO Numeric citation and summaryof objectives or policies: (CON) OBJECTIVE 1.1: Maintain a comprehensive environmental management and conservation program to ensure that natural resources, including State and Federally listed animal species within the County are properly, appropriately, and effectively identified, managed, and protected. (CON) GOAL 6: TO IDENTIFY, PROTECT, CONSERVE AND APPROPRIATELY USE NATIVE VEGETATIVE COMMUNITIES AND WILDLIFE HABITAT. (CON) OBJECTIVE 6.2: Protect and conserve wetlands and the natural functions of wetlands pursuant to the appropriate Policies under Goal 6. OBJECTIVE 7.1: Direct incompatible land uses away from listed animal species and their habitats. (The County relies on the listing process of State and Federal agencies to identify species that require special protection because of their endangered, threatened, or species of special concern status. Listed animal species are those species that the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission has designated as endangered, threatened, or species of special concern, in accordance with Rules 68A-27.003, 68A-27.004, and 68A- 27.005, F.A.C. and those species designated by various federal agencies as Endangered and Threatened species published in 50 CFR 17.) (CON) Policy 7.1.2: (g) For projects located in Priority I and Priority II Panther Habitat areas, management plans are required and shall discourage the destruction of undisturbed, native habitats that are preferred by the Florida panther (Felis concolor coryi) by directing intensive land uses to currently disturbed areas. Preferred habitats include pine flatwoods and hardwood hammocks. In turn, these areas shall be buffered from the most intense land uses of the project by using low intensity land uses (e.g., parks, passive recreational areas, golf courses). Golf courses within the Rural Fringe Mixed Use District shall be designed and Form FCT-5 (Effective02-08-10)Page 21 managed using standards found in that district. The management plans shall identify appropriate lighting controls for these permitted uses and shall also address the opportunity to utilize prescribed burning to maintain fire-adapted preserved vegetative communities and provide browse for white-tailed deer. Summaryof how the project furthers the objectives or policies, show the location of the Natural Communities or Listed Animal Species Habitat on ExhibitG: The acquisition of the project site will further the goals, objectives and policies by protecting a suitable habitat for many listed animal and plant species determined by FNAI and FWC. This includes the endangered Florida Panther. In addition to preserving the habitats through public acquisition the County will develop a management plan for the site to ensure the protection of all the significant wildlife and natural communities. Was documentation provided in the grant application? YES __ X _Documented in Exhibits G and O5 NO If the required Natural Communities Map and copies of the required objectives and policies are not provided, no points will beawarded. 6.Will the project further comprehensive plan directives that provide for restoring or enhancing degraded natural areas such as restoration of Natural Communities, restoration of natural hydrologyor removal of non-native vegetation? (5 points) YES X NO Numeric citation and summaryof objectives or policies: (CON) GOAL 6: TO IDENTIFY, PROTECT, CONSERVE AND APPROPRIATELY USE NATIVE VEGETATIVE COMMUNITIES AND WILDLIFE HABITAT. (CON)OBJECTIVE 6.1: Protect native vegetative communities through the application of minimum preservation requirements. (CON) Policy 6.1.1: 6) A management plan shall be submitted for preserve areas identified by specific criteria in the land development regulations to identify actions that must be taken to ensure that the preserved areas will maintain natural diversity and will function as proposed. The plan shall include methods to address control and treatment of invasive exotic species, fire management, stormwater management (if applicable), and maintenance of permitted facilities. If applicable, a listed species monitoring program shall be submitted pursuant to Policy 7.1.2 (2)(i). State and federal management plans consistent with the requirements of the LDC will be accepted. Summaryof how the project furthers the objectives or policies, show the location of the degraded natural area on the Natural Communities Map, ExhibitG: The project will further the goal of protecting and conserving native vegetative communities by removing exotics from the site. Invasive exotic plant species are present in significant amounts, up to 95% along roadsides and at the homesite parcel. Interior areas appear to be infested at approximately 15% to 35%. To best remove the invasive species and protect the native communities the County will develop a management plan for the site that includes an invasive species control and treatment plan. Once the property is acquired the County will develop and implement a plan to remove the large amounts of exotics on the property. Was documentation provided in the grant application? YES X Documented in Exhibits G and O6 NO If the required Natural Communities Map and copies of the required objectives and policies are not provided, no points will beawarded. 7.Will the project further comprehensive plan directives that ensure the protection or enhancement of surface water quality? (5points) YES X NO Form FCT-5 (Effective02-08-10)Page 22 Numeric citation and summary of objectives or policies: (CON) GOAL 2: TO PROTECT THE COUNTY’S SURFACE AND ESTUARINE WATER RESOURCES. (CON) Policy 2.2.2: In order to limit the specific and cumulative impacts of stormwater run-off, stormwater systems shall be designed in such a way that discharged water does not degrade receiving waters and an attempt is made to enhance the timing, quantity and quality of fresh water to the estuarine system. Non-structural methods such as discharge and storage into wetlands are encouraged. (STORM) II. GOAL, OBJECTIVES AND POLICIES GOAL: TO PROVIDE STORMWATER MANAGEMENT FACILITIES AND SERVICES FOR DRAINAGE AND FLOOD PROTECTION FOR EXISTING AND FUTURE DEVELOPMENT, MINIMIZE THE DEGRADATION OF QUALITY OF RECEIVING WATERS AND SURROUNDING NATURAL AREAS AND PROTECT THE FUNCTIONS OF NATURAL GROUNDWATER AQUIFER RECHARGE AREAS. (STORM) OBJECTIVE 6: Protect the functions of natural drainage features through the application of standards that address the quality and quantity of discharge from stormwater management systems. Summaryof how the project furthers the objectives or policies: The acquisition and management of the project site will enhance the natural communities located on the site. The property has a significant number of wetlands that serve as a natural stormwater treatment facility and destination for waters from the surrounding residential areas. Through public protection and enhancement of the wetlands the ability of the site to better filter run-off and hold water from rain events will further the adopted policies identified above. Was documentation provided in the grant application? YES X Documented in Exhibit O7 NO If copies of the required objectives and policies are not provided, no points will be awarded. 8.Will the project further comprehensive plan directives that ensure the preservation of historical, cultural or archaeological features? (5points) Note: The site must contain a feature or have a high probability that a feature is present on the site. YES NO X Numeric citation and summaryof objectives or policies: (CON) GOAL 11: TO PROVIDE FOR THE PROTECTION, RESERVATION, AND SENSITIVE RE-USE OF HISTORIC RESOURCES. (CON) OBJECTIVE 11.1: Protect historic and archaeological resources in Collier County. (CON) Policy 11.1.2: There shall be no loss of historic or archaeological resources on County-owned property and historic resources on private property shall be protected, preserved or utilized in a manner that will allow their continued existence. Summaryof how the project furthers the objectives or policies, provide documentation that site contains a feature or has a high probability that a feature is present on the site: The project site has a significant historic resource group on its southern border. The group is listed on the Florida Master Site File as “CR01104- Alligator Alley/Everglades Parkway” and is considered eligible by DHR as a potential listing of the National Register. The acquisition of the project site will further the goals Form FCT-5 (Effective02-08-10)Page 23 and objectives by providing enhanced protection through effective management of the land and directing private development away form the historic feature. Was the documentation provided in the grant application? YES _X Documented in Exhibit O8 NO If documentation of historical features and copies of the required objectives and policies are not provided, no points will beawarded. 9.Is the Project Site located in an area that has been identified for redevelopment in the comprehensive plan and has been locally designated as an urban infill, urban redevelopment or downtown revitalization area as defined in Section 163.3164, F.S.? (5points) YES NO X Numeric citation and summaryof objectives or policies: Summaryof how the project furthers the objectives or policies, provide an exhibit map showing the boundary of the locally designated as an urban infill, urban redevelopment or downtown revitalization area: Was documentation provided in the grant application? YES ______ Documented in Exhibits G and O9 NO If the required map showing the boundary of the locally designated as an urban infill, urban redevelopment or downtown revitalization area and copies of the required objectives and policies are not provided, no points will be awarded. (b)Hazard Mitigation 1.Is all or portion of the Project Site located in a Coastal High Hazard Area or a 100-year flood plain Check yes to only one of the following, if applicable. a.Up to 25 percent of the Project Site is located in a 100-year flood plain or a Coastal High Hazard Area. (2 points) YES NO If yes,provideamapinExhibit P1 verifying that up to 25 percent of the Project Site is located in the 100-year flood plain or Coastal High HazardArea. Was documentation provided in the grant application? YES Documented in Exhibit P1. NO If the required map verifying that up to 25 percent of the Project Site is located in the 100-year flood plain or Coastal High Hazard Area is not provided, no points will be awarded. b.At least 25 percent but less than 50 percent of the Project Site is located in a 100-year flood plain or a Coastal High Hazard Area. (3points) YES NO If yes,provideamapinExhibit P1 verifying that at least 25 percent but less than 50 percent of the Project Site is located in the 100-year flood plain or Coastal High Hazard Area. Was documentation provided in the grant application? YES Documented in Exhibit P1. NO If the required map verifying that at least 25 percent but less than 50 percent of the Project Site is located in the 100-year flood plain or Coastal High Hazard Area is not provided, no points will be awarded. c.At least 50 percent but less than 75 percent of the Project Site is located in a 100-year flood plain or a Coastal High Hazard Area. (4points) YES NO If yes,provideamapinExhibit P1 verifying that at least 50 percent but less than 75 percent of the Project Site is located in the 100-year flood plain or Coastal High Hazard Area. Was documentation provided in the grant application? YES Documented in Exhibit P1. NO If the required map verifying that at least 50 percent but less than 75 percent of the Project Site is located in the 100-year flood plain or Coastal High Hazard Area is not provided, no points will be awarded. Form FCT-5 (Effective02-08-10)Page 24 d.Over 75 percent of the Project Site is located in a 100-year flood plain or a Coastal High Hazard Area. (5 points) YES X NO If yes,provideamapinExhibit P1 verifying that over 75 percent of the Project Site is located in the 100-year flood plain or Coastal High HazardArea. The subject is located in FEMA flood zones zones AE and AH, which is classified as a flood hazard area. The FEMA Flood Map is provided in Exhibit P. Was documentation provided in the grant application? YES X Documented in Exhibit P1. NO If the required map verifying that over 75 percent of the Project Site is located in the 100-year flood plain or Coastal High Hazard Area is not provided, no points will be awarded. 2.Designated Brownfield Area: Will the Project Site provide recreational opportunities or open space within a state designated brownfield area? (5 points) YES NO X If yes, provide a map from the Department of Environmental Protection showing the designated brownfield area and locate the Project Site in relationship to the designated area. If the Project Site has known contaminants, discuss how site contamination will be remediated to allow for the provision of open space or Outdoor Recreation activities Exhibit P2. Was the documentation provided in the grant application? YES Documented in Exhibit P2 NO If the required map showing the Project Site’s located within a designated brownfield area is not provided, no points will beawarded. 3.Military Base Buffering: Will the Project Site buffer a Major Military Installation while providing land-use compatible recreational and open space opportunity to the public? Check yes to only one of the following, if applicable. a.The Project Site is adjacent to a Major Military Installation (12 points). YES NO X If yes, provide a map showing the Project Site in relationship to the Major Military Installation and a letter from the base commander stating that the Project Site is located adjacent to the Major Military Installation and the proposed conceptual site plan is an acceptable land use to buffer the base Exhibit P3. Was documentation provided in the grant application? YES _Documented in Exhibit P3 NO If the required map and letter from the base commander are not provided, no points will be awarded. b.Is the Project Site located within one mile of a Major Military Installation? (7points) YES NO X If yes, provide a map showing the Project Site in relationship to the Major Military Installation and a letter from the base commander stating that the Project Site is located within 1 mile of the Major Military Installation and the proposed conceptual site plan is an acceptable land use to buffer the base Exhibit P3. Was documentation provided in the grant application? YES Documented in Exhibit P3 NO If the required map and letter from the base commander are not provided, no points will be awarded. c.Is the Project Site is located within two miles of a Major Military Installation? (2points) YES NO X If yes, provide a map showing the Project Site in relationship to the Major Military Installation and a letter from the base commander stating that the Project Site is located within 2 miles of the Major Military Installation and the proposed conceptual site plan is an acceptable land use to buffer the base Exhibit P3. Was documentation provided in the grant application? YES Documented in Exhibit P3 Form FCT-5 (Effective02-08-10)Page 25 NO If the required map and letter from the base commander are not provided, no points will be awarded. (c)Priority Investment Areas Will the Project Site provide new or enhanced Outdoor Recreation or open space within one or more the following areas? 1.Front Porch Community: Is the Project Site located within a designated Front Porch Community? (10 points) YES NO If yes, provide a map that locates the Project Site within the boundary of the designated Front Porch Community Exhibit Q1. Were the documents provided in the grant application? YES _Documented in Exhibit Q1 NO If the required map locating the Project Site within the boundary of a designated Front Porch Community is not provided, no points will be awarded. 2.Florida Main Street Community: Is the Project Site located within an active Florida Main Street Community? (5 points) YES NO X If yes, provide a map that locates the Project Site within the boundary of the designated Florida Main Street Community. Provide a letter from the Department of State verifying that the project is located in an active Florida Main Street Community Exhibit Q2. Were the documents provided in the grant application? YES _Documented in Exhibit Q2 NO If the required letter from the Department of State and map locating the Project Site within the boundary of an active Florida Main Street Community are not provided, no points will be awarded. 3.Waterfront Florida Community: Is the Project Site located within a current or previously designated Waterfront Florida Community? (5points) YES NO X If yes, provide a map that locates the Project Site within the boundary of the designated Waterfront Florida Community. Provide a letter from the Department of Economic Opportunity, Waterfronts Florida Partnership Program verifying that the Project Site is located within a “Waterfronts Florida Partnership Community”Exhibit Q3. Were the documents provided in the grant application? YES Documented in Exhibit Q3 NO If the required letter from the Department of Economic Opportunity, Waterfronts Florida Partnership Program and map locating the Project Site within the boundary of a Waterfront Florida Partnership Community are not provided, no points will beawarded. 4.Low-income Community: Is the Project Site located within a designated Low-income Community? (10points) YES NO X If yes, provide a map that locates the Project Site within the boundary of a U.S. Census tract in which the median family income is less than half that of the state median family income. Provide documentation that locates the Project Site is within the boundary of a U.S. Census tract in which the median family income is less than half that of the state median family income Exhibit Q4. Were the documents provided in the grant application? YES _Documented in Exhibit Q4 NO If the required low-income documentation and map locating the Project Site within the boundary of a low-income census tract are not provided, no points will be awarded. 5.Rural Area of Critical Economic Concern: Is the Project Site located within a designated Rural Area of Critical Economic Concern? (10points) YES NO X If yes, provide a map that locates the Project Site within the boundary of the designated area Exhibit Q5. Were the documents provided in the grant application? YES _Documented in Exhibit Q5 NO If the required map locating the Project Site within the boundary of a designated Rural Form FCT-5 (Effective02-08-10)Page 26 Area of Critical Economic Concern is not provided, no points will be awarded. 6.Urban Redevelopment: Is the Project Site located within a locally designated Community Redevelopment Area, as defined in Section 163.340, F.S., and furthers the adopted redevelopment plan? (5points) YES NO X If yes, provide a map that locates the Project Site within the boundary of the designated Community Redevelopment Area. Provide a copy of the adopted community redevelopment plan. Discuss how the acquisition of the Project Site will further the adopted community redevelopment plan Exhibit Q6. Were the documents provided in the grant application? YES Documented in Exhibit Q6 NO If the required map locating the Project Site within a locally designated Community Redevelopment Area, a copy of the adopted community redevelopment plan and documentation that the Project Site furthers an adopted redevelopment plan are not provided, no points will be awarded. 7.Area of Critical State Concern: Is the Project Site located within a current or previously designated Area of Critical State Concern, pursuant to Section 380.05, F.S.? (5 points) YES X NO X If yes, provide a map that locates the Project Site within the boundary of the designated area Exhibit Q7. Were the documents provided in the grant application? YES X Documented in Exhibit Q7 NO If the required map locating the Project Site within the boundary of a designated Area of Critical State Concern is not provided, no points will be awarded. (4)PROJECT EXCELLENCE SECTION Does the proposed project exemplify project excellence based on issues not adequately addressed by the evaluation criteria, such as whether the proposed project exhibits strong community-based support, possesses exemplary characteristics, highlights regional coordination in the protection of natural resources, assists an otherwise disadvantaged community, or voluntarily helps resolve land use conflicts? (Up to 10points) YES X NO If yes, describe how the project provides for other community needs in a manner that was not adequately evaluated by the criteria established elsewhere in this Application. Include documentation, if needed. Label Exhibit R The project will represent a partnership between the County, Conservation Collier and a non-profit environment group to acquire the entire 178-acre Gore property. The County and its land conservation arm, Conservation Collier will acquire 168 acres of the site to be preserved and used for passive recreation such as trails and environmental education. During previous decades, rapid development of Collier County presented challenges in balancing and maintaining a high quality of life for its citizens. While much of eastern and southern Collier County (specifically, Big Cypress National Preserve, Fakahatchee Strand Preserve State Park, Florida Panther and 10,000 Island National Wildlife Refuges, and Everglades National Park) provided ecosystem protection, there remained a need to preserve rare habitats and public open space in the rapidly developing western portions of the county between Immokalee and the coastal areas in order to preserve those qualities that make Collier County the exceptional and distinctive place that it is today. A series of community planning initiatives, begun in the late 1980s, culminated in 2001 with the Community Character and Design visioning process. This process identified the need for a greenspace acquisition program. The resulting initiative, “Vote Conservation 2002” placed a referendum question on the November 2002 ballot, asking voters whether they would be willing to tax themselves one quarter mill for 10 years to buy conservation lands and greenspace and to approve a $75 million limited tax general obligation bond. Nearly sixty percent of Collier County voters responded with a resounding YES! As a result, the Conservation Collier was formed using citizen input and County Commission approval, to make conservation and protection of environmental resources into a real plan for the future. In 2003, the Conservation Collier Program was initiated. Form FCT-5 (Effective02-08-10)Page 27 In November 2006 Voters were again asked in a referendum question whether they understood and approved that the Conservation Collier Program would be funded by a quarter mill ad valorem property tax for a period of ten (10) years, until 2013. At that time, the Program was expected to raise approximately $189 million as opposed to limiting it to a $75 million program. Eighty-two percent (82%) of voters approved! Active acquisition proceeded through 2010. At that point, reduced revenues resulting from economic conditions created uncertainty about future revenues. As of January 25, 2011, available acquisition funds were committed, and future acquisition cycles suspended, and the Program entered the management phase. In 2017 and 2018 as economic conditions improved the Program began identifying and acquiring conservation land. The 168-acre Gore Property was identified, evaluated and recommended for purchase. Furthering the community involvement and engagement of local environmental groups, the County is working alongside Cypress Cove Conservancy to acquire and manage the entire 178-acre property. The remaining 10 acres located in the center of the site will be home of nature center and existing trails that will connect to the County’s lands. The 10-acre parcel which will be owned and managed by the Cypress Cove Conservancy with Dr. Gore’s existing home turned into a Nature Center and offer environmental education, while Conservation Collier will maintain the remainder of the project area, including existing and future trails. Through this partnership the full benefits of the property will be able to be realized. 7DEOHRI&RQWHQWVBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB ([KLELW$  1RQSURILW2UJDQL]DWLRQ6WDWXV ([KLELW%  1RQSURILW0DQDJHPHQW ([KLELW&  /RFDO0DWFK ([KLELW'  :LOOLQJ2ZQHU/HWWHU ([KLELW(  'XH'LOLJHQFH3URGXFWV ([KLELW)  *HQHUDO&ULWHULD /DQG8VH=RQH  ([KLELW*  &RQFHSWXDO6LWH3ODQ ([KLELW+  )XWXUH/DQG8VH ([KLELW,  &RQQHFWLYLW\ ([KLELW-  3KRWRJUDSKV ([KLELW.  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SE FRANGIPANI AVE IVY WAYWILSON BLVD SALMARAL RD3RD ST SW6TH ST SEWOODLAND GRADE RD22ND ST SE1ST ST SW7TH ST SW2ND ST SE10TH ST SE4TH ST SE4TH AVE SE 6TH AVE SE14TH ST SESUGARBERRY STPIONEER TRL 8TH AVE SE DOVE TREE ST14TH AVE SE 58TH AVE SE 60TH AVE SE 50TH AVE SE 56TH AVE SECANALRDNAOMI ST54TH AVE SE54TH AVE SE SNAKE RD 58TH AVE SE ¬«84 93 60TH AVE SE 56TH AVE SEMILLER BLVD58TH AVE SEGOSHEN ST48TH AVE SE EVERGLADES BLVD SLEE WILLIAMS RDStumpy Strand Big Corkscrew Island Curry Island 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 00 01 02 90 2903000mN 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 00 01 02 2890000mN 03 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 4938 450000mE 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49438000mE 50 MK MK MJ MJ 26.1250° 26.2500° -81.6250°-81.5000° 26.2500° 26.1250°-81.5000°-81.6250° QUADRANGLE LOCATION BELLE MEADE NE QUADRANGLE FLORIDA - COLLIER COUNTY 7.5-MINUTE SERIES BELLE MEADE NE, FL 2018 Expressway Local Connector ROAD CLASSIFICATION Ramp 4WD Secondary Hwy Local Road Interstate Route State RouteUS RouteWX./H U.S. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY  This map was produced to conform with the National Geospatial Program US Topo Product Standard, 2011. A metadata file associated with this product is draft version 0.6.18 CONTOUR INTERVAL 5 FEET NORTH AMERICAN VERTICAL DATUM OF 1988 SCALE 1:24 000 1000 500 0 METERS 1000 2000 21KILOMETERS00.51 10.50 MILES 1 1000 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 10000 FEET × Ø GN MN 0°15´ 4 MILS 5°52´ 104 MILS UTM GRID AND 2017 MAGNETIC NORTH DECLINATION AT CENTER OF SHEET 2900 MK MJ Grid Zone Designation17R U.S. National Grid 100,000 - m Square ID FLORIDA 1 Corkscrew SW 8 Deep Lake SW 2 Corkscrew SE 3 Immokalee SW 4 Belle Meade NW 5 Catherine Island 6 Belle Meade 7 Belle Meade SE ADJOINING QUADRANGLES 213 5 6 4 78 Imagery.....................................................NAIP, April 2015 - February 2016 Roads......................................... U.S. Census Bureau, 2016 Names............................................................................GNIS, Not Available Hydrography...............................National Hydrography Dataset, 2003 - 2017 Contours............................................National Elevation Dataset, 2012 Boundaries..............Multiple sources; see metadata file 2014 - 2016 Public Land Survey System................................................BLM, 2017 Wetlands.................FWS National Wetlands Inventory 1984 - 2010 North American Datum of 1983 (NAD83) World Geodetic System of 1984 (WGS84). Projection and 1 000-meter grid:Universal Transverse Mercator, Zone 17R Produced by the United States Geological Survey This map is not a legal document. Boundaries may be generalized for this map scale. Private lands within government reservations may not be shown. Obtain permission before entering private lands.*7643016360286*NSN.7643016360286NGA REF NO.USGSX24K693093URMHFW 6LWH CollierCountyParksandRecreationMasterPlanTindaleͲOliver&Associates,Inc.3Ͳ10CollierCountyParksandRecreation10ͲYearMasterPlanSeptember2011Map 3-2FCT Project Site Parks and Conservation Land Map Board of County Commissioners Conservation Collier Property Summary Cycle 9Robert H. Gore EstateApril 24, 20182xHighlighted parcels are not contiguous to the grouping.Folio Legal Desc Acres 2017 Assessed Value2009 Assessed Value1 41500040008 NGGE Unit 91 W 105 Ft of Tr 1 1.59 $2,814 $13,9922 41500080000 NGGEUNit 91 E 75 Ft of W 180 Ft Tr 1 1.14 $2,018 $10,0323 41500120009 NGGE Unit 91 E 150 Ft of Tr 1 2.27 $4,018 $19,9764 41500160001 NGGE Unit 91 E 75 Ft Tr 2 1.14 $2,018 $10,0325 41500200000 NGGE Unit 91 W 105 Ft of Tr 2 1.59 $2,814 $34,9806 41500240002 NGGE Unit 91 W 75 Ft of E 150 Ft of Tr 2 1.14 $2,018 $10,0327 41500280004 NGGE Unit 91 E 75 Ft of W 180 Ft of Tr 2 1.14 $2,018 $10,0328 41500320003 NGGE Unit 91 E 75 Ft of Tr 3 1.14 $2,018 $10,0329 41500360005 NGGE Unit 91 W 75 Ft of E 150 Ft of Tr 3 1.14 $2,018 $10,03210 41500400004 NGGE Unit 91 W 180 Ft of Tr 3 2.73 $4,832 $24,02411 41501320002 NGGE Unit 91 W 75 Ft of E 180 Ft of Tr 14 1.14 $2,018 $10,03212 41501360004 NGGE Unit 91 E 105 Ft of Tr 14 1.14 $2,018 $10,03213 41501400003 NGGE Unit 91 W 150 Ft of Tr 14 2.27 $4,018 $19,97615 41501480007 NGGE Unit 91 Tr 16 5.00 $8,850 $44,00016 41501520006 NGGE Unit 91 Tr 17 5.00 $8,850 $44,00017 41501600007 NGGE Unit 91 W 75 Ft of E 150 Ft of Tr 19 1.14 $2,018 $10,03218 41501640009 NGGE Unit 91 E 75 Ft of Tr 19 1.14 $2,018 $10,03219 41501680001 NGGE Unit 91 W 105 Ft of Tr 19 1.59 $2,814 $13,99220 41501720000 NGGE Unit 91 E 75 Ft of W 180 Ft of Tr 19 1.14 $2,018 $10,03221 41501840003 NGGE Unit 91 E 75 Ft of Tr 20 1.14 $5,045 $45,60022 41502680000 NGGE Unit 91 E 180 Ft of Tr 31 5.00 $22,125 $200,00023 41502720009 NGGE Unit 91 Tr 30 5.00 $8,850 $44,00024 41502760001 NGGE Unit 91 W 150 Ft of Tr 31 2.28 $4,036 $20,06425 41502800000 NGGE Unit 91 E 180 Ft of Tr 31 2.73 $4,832 $24,02426 41502840002 NGGE Unit 91 Tr 32 5.00 $8,850 $44,00027 41502880004 NGGE Unit 91 E 150 Ft of Tr 33 2.27 $4,018 $19,97628 41502920003 NGGE Unit 91 W 180 Ft of Tr 33 2.73 $4,832 $24,02429 41502960005 NGGE Unit 91 E 75 Ft of Tr 34 1.14 $2,018 $10,03230 41503000003 NGGE Unit 91 W 180 Ft of Tr 34 2.73 $4,832 $24,02431 41503080007 NGGE Unit 91 W 105 Ft of Tr 35 1.59 $2,814 $13,99232 41504080006 NGGE Unit 91 W 75 Ft of E 180 Ft of Tr 46 1.14 $2,018 $10,03233 41504120005 NGGE Unit 91 E 75 Ft of W 150 Ft of Tr 46 1.14 $2,018 $10,03234 41504200006 NGGE Unit 91 E 105 Ft Tr 46 1.59 $2,814 $13,99235 41504240008 NGGE Unit 91 E 180 Ft of Tr 47 2.74 $4,850 $24,11236 41504280000 NGGE Unit 91 W 150 Ft of Tr 47 2.27 $4,018 $19,97637 41504400000 NGGE Unit 91 W 416 Ft of Tr 50 3.15 $5,576 $27,72038 41504440002 NGGE Unit 91 E 264 Ft of Tr 50 2.00 $3,540 $17,60039 41504520003 NGGE Unit 91 N 75 Ft of Tr 51 1.17 $2,071 $10,29640 41504560005 NGGE Unit 91 S 180 Ft of Tr 51 2.81 $4,974 $24,72841 41504600004 NGGE Unit 91 Tr 52 5.15 $9,116 $45,32042 41504680008 NGGE Unit 91 N 150 Ft of Tr 53 2.34 $4,142 $20,59243 41504720007 NGGE Unit 91 Tr 54 5.15 $9,116 $45,32044 41506600002 NGGE Unit 91 N 150 Ft Tr 74 2.34 $10,355 $93,60045 41507160004 NGGE Unit 91 N 180 Ft of Tr 79 2.81 $4,974 $24,72846 41507200003 NGGE Unit 91 S 150 Ft of Tr 79 2.27 $4,018 $19,97648 41510120002 NGGE Unit 91 Tr 109 5.00 $22,125 $200,00049 41510640003 NGGE Unit 91 Tr 116 6.39 $28,276 $255,00050 41560120007 NGGE Unit 91A E 180 Ft of Tr 122 3.81 $6,744 $33,52851 41560160009 NGGE Unit 91A W 159 Ft of Tr 122 3.15 $5,576 $27,72052 41560200008 NGGE Replat 91A Tr 123 6.99 $12,372 $61,51253 41560320001 NGGE Unit 91A W 180 Ft ofTr 125 3.83 $6,779 $33,70454 41616920009 NGGE Unit 92 Tr 84 5.68 $10,054 $90,88055 41616960001 NGGE Unit 92 E 75 Ft of Tr 85 1.14 $2,018 $18,24056 41617120002 NGGEUnit 92 W 180 Ft of Tr 86 2.73 $4,832 $43,68057 41617960000 NGGE Unit 92 W 150 Ft of Tr 97 2.27 $4,018 $36,32058 41618000008 NGGE Unit 92 W 75 Ft of E 180 Ft of Tr 97 1.14 $2,018 $18,24059 41618080002 NGGE Unit 92 E 180 Ft of Tr 98 2.73 $4,832 $43,68060 41618200002 NGGE Unit 92 W 180 Ft of Tr 99 2.73 $4,832 $43,68061 41618240004 NGGE Unit 92 E 150 Ft of Tr 99 2.27 $4,018 $36,32062 41618280006 NGGE Unit 92 W 180 Ft of Tr 100 2.73 $4,832 $43,68063 41618320005 NGGE Unit 92 E 150 Ft of Tr 100 2.27 $4,018 $36,32064 41619200001 NGGE Unit 92 W 75 Ft of Tr 111 1.14 $2,018 $18,24065 41619320004 NGGE Unit 92 E 180 Ft of Tr 112 2.73 $4,832 $43,68066 41619360006 NGGE Unit 92 W 150 Ft of Tr 112 2.27 $4,018 $36,32067 41661640004 NGGE Unit 92A Tr 138 5.00 $8,850 $44,00068 41661680006 NGGE Unit 92A Tr 139 5.00 $8,850$44,00069 41661800006 NGGE Unit 92A Tr 142 5.00$8,850$44,000TOTAL 180.26 $371,822 $2,455,796 COLLIER BLVDTURNER RIVER ROADSR 29INTERSTATE 75IMMOKALEE RDOIL WELL RDCOLLIER BLVDTAMIAMI TRL ECR 846SR 82LIVINGSTON RDSR 29 NSAN MARCO RDTAMIAMI TRL NDAVIS BLVDGOODLETTE RD NPINE RIDGE RDEVERGLADES BLVD NRADIO RDGOLDEN GATE PKYDESOTO BLVD SLOGAN BLVD NSANTA BARBARA BLVDDESOTO BLVD NVANDERBILT BEACH RDGOLDEN GATE BLVD EVANDERBILT DREVERGLADES BLVD SAIRPORT PULLING RD CORKSCREW RDGOLDEN GATE BLVD WCOPELAND AVE S9TH ST NS 1ST STN 15TH STB A LD EA GLE DRN BARFIELD DRGREEN BLVDOLD US 41LAKE TRAFFORD RDRATTLESNAKE HAMMOCK RDWILSON BLVD NN COLLIER BLVDS BARFIELD DRCOUNTY BARN RDS C O L L I ER BLVD BONITA BEACH RD111TH AVE NCOLLIER AVENEW M ARKET RD W WILSON BLVD SW MAIN STWIGGINS PASS RD9TH ST S SEAGATE DR°HENDRY COUNTYBROWARD COUNTYDADE COUNTYMONROE COUNTYLEE COUNTYHENDRY COUNTY2012-2025FUTURE LAND USE MAPCollier County FloridaDETAILS OF THE RLSA OVERLAY AREA ARE SHOWNON THE FUTURE LAND USE MAP TITLED:"COLLIER COUNTY RURAL & AGRICULTURAL AREA ASSESSMENT STEWARDSHIP OVERLAY MAP"BAREFOOT BEACH PRESERVECOUNTY PARKDELNOR- WIGGINS STATE PARKCLAM PASSCOUNTY PARKCLAMBAYNRPAROOKERY BAYNATIONAL ESTUARINERESEARCH RESERVECITYOFNAPLESTIGERTAIL BEACHCOUNTY PARKCITY OF MARCO ISLANDCOLLIER-SEMINOLE STATE PARKCAPE ROMANOPORTOF THEISLANDSCAPE ROMANO - TEN THOUSAND ISLANDSAQUATIC PRESERVEEVERGLADES NATIONAL PARKCHOKOLOSKEEPLANTATIONISLANDEVERGLADESCITYCOPELANDBIG CYPRESSNATIONALPRESERVEFAKAHATCHEE STRANDPRESERVESTATE PARKFLORIDA PANTHERNATIONAL WILDLIFEREFUGESOUTH GOLDENGATE ESTATESNRPABELLEMEADENRPANORTHBELLEMEADENRPAIMMOKALEECORKSCREWSWAMPSANCTUARYCREWNRPALAKETRAFFORDR 25 ER 26 ER 27 ER 28 ER 29 ER 30 ER 31 ER 32 ER 33 ER 34 ET 46 S T 47 S T 48 S T 49 S T 50 S T 51 S T 52 S T 53 S R 25 ER 26 ER 27 ER 28 ER 29 ER 30 ER 31 ER 32 ER 33 ER 34 ET 46 S T 47 S T 48 S T 49 S T 50 S T 51 S T 52 S T 53 S!"#$75!"#$75!"#$75!"#$75!"#$75!"#$75!"#$75Æþ41Æþ41Æþ41Æþ41Æþ41Æþ41Æþ41Æþ41GOODLANDG u l f o f M e x ic o 0123450.5MilesJL 2 8 IN T E R C E P T O R C A N A L ?EXEMPTAREAPREPARED BY: BETH YANG, AICPGIS/CAD MAPPING SECTIONGROWTH MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENTFILE: FLU_2018_061218.mxdDATE: 6/12/2018URBAN DESIGNATION(1) THIS MAP CAN NOT BE INTERPRETED WITHOUT THE GOALS, OBJECTIVES AND POLICIES OF THE COLLIER COUNTY GROWITH MANAGEMENT PLAN.(2) THE FUTURE LAND USE MAP SERIES INCLUDES NUMEROUS MAPS IN ADDITION TO THIS COUNTYWIDE FUTURE LAND USE MAP. THESE MAPS ARE LISTED AND LOCATED AT THE END OF THE FUTURE LAND USE ELEMENT TEXT.(3) MOST SUBDISTRICTS AS DEPICTED MAY NOT BE TO SCALE. THE FUTURE LAND USE MAP SERIES DEPICTS THESE SUBDISTRICTS TO SCALE.(4) THE CONSERVATION DESIGNATION IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE AS AREAS ARE ACQUIRED AND MAY INCLUDE OUTPARCELS. (5) REFER TO THE GOLDEN GATE AREA MASTER PLAN AND THE IMMOKALEE ARE MASTER PLAN FOR FUTURE LAND USE MAPS OF THOSE COMMUNITIES.NOTE : COMMERCIAL DISTRICTBUSINESS PARK SUBDISTRICTRESEARCH AND TECHNOLOGY PARK SUBDISTRICTMixed Use Activity Center SubdistrictInterchange Activity Center SubdistrictLivingston / Pine Ridge Commercial Infill SubdistrictCOMMERCIAL MIXED USE SUBDISTRICTLivingston Road / Eatonwood Lane Commercial Infill SubdistrictLivingston Road Commercial Infill SubdistrictLivingston Road / Veteran's Memorial Blvd. Commercial Infill SubdistrictGoodlette / Pine Ridge Commercial Infill SubdistrictOrange Blossom / Airport CrossroadsCommercial SubdistrictMIXED USE DISTRICTBUSINESS PARK SUBDISTRICTOFFICE AND INFILL COMMERCIAL SUBDISTRICTPUD NEIGHBORHOOD VILLAGE CENTER SUBDISTRICTRESIDENTIAL MIXED USE NEIGHBORHOOD SUBDISTRICTOrange Blossom Mixed Use SubdistrictVanderbilt Beach / Coller Blvd. Commercial SubdistrictHenderson Creek Mixed Use SubdistrictRESEARCH AND TECHNOLOGY PARK SUBDISTRICTCOMMERCIAL MIXED USE SUBDISTRICTHibiscus Residential Infill SubdistrictLivingston Road / Radio Road Commercial Infill SubdistrictVanderbilt Beach Road Neighborhood Commercial SubdistrictCollier Blvd Community Facility SubdistrictIndustrial DistrictBUSINESS PARK SUBDISTRICTRESEARCH AND TECHNOLOGY PARK SUBDISTRICTUrban Residential SubdistrictResidential Density BandsUrban Coastal Fringe SubdistrictUrban Residential Fringe SubdistrictBuckley Mixed Use SubdistrictConservation DesignationEstates DesignationRural Industrial DistrictRural Settlement Area DistrictArea of Critical State Concern OverlayAirport Noise Area OverlayNatural Resource Protection Area (NRPA) OverlayBayshore/Gateway Triangle Redevelopment OverlayRural Lands Stewardship Area OverlayUrban-Rural Fringe Transition Area OverlayNorth Belle Meade OverlayOVERLAYS ANDSPECIAL FEATURESIncorporated AreasCoastal High Hazard AreaVincentian Mixed Use SubdistrictDavis-Radio Commercial SubdistrictRURAL COMMERCIAL SUBDISTRICTCorkscrew Island Neighborhood Commercial SubdistrictRURAL FRINGEMIXED USE DISTRICTNeutral LandsSending LandsReceiving LandsAGRICULTURAL / RURAL DESIGNATIONAGRICULTURAL/RURAL MIXED USE DISTRICTLogan Blvd./Immokalee Rd. Commercial Infill SubdistrictGOLDEN GATEFUTURE LAND USE MAPADOPTED - JANUARY, 1989AMENDED - JANUARY, 1990AMENDED - FEBRUARY, 1991AMENDED - MAY, 1992AMENDED - MAY, 1993AMENDED - APRIL, 1994AMENDED - OCTOBER, 1997AMENDED - JANUARY, 1998AMENDED - FEBRUARY, 1999AMENDED - FEBRUARY, 2000AMENDED - MAY, 2000AMENDED - DECEMBER, 2000AMENDED - MARCH, 2001AMENDED - MAY 14, 2002(Ord. No. 2002-24)AMENDED - JUNE 19, 2002(Ord. No. 2002-32)AMENDED - OCTOBER 22, 2002(Ord. No. 2002-54)AMENDED - FEBRUARY 11, 2003(Ord. No. 2003-7)AMENDED - SEPTEMBER 9, 2003(Ord. No. 2003-43)AMENDED - SEPTEMBER 10, 2003(Ord. No. 2003-44)AMENDED - DECEMBER 16, 2003(Ord. No. 2003-67)AMENDED - OCTOBER 26, 2004(Ord. No. 2004-71)AMENDED - JUNE 7, 2005(Ord. No. 2005-25)AMENDED - JANUARY 25, 2007(Ord. No. 2007-18)AMENDED - DECEMBER 4, 2007(Ord. No. 2007-78,79,81)AMENDED - OCTOBER 14, 2008(Ord. No. 2008-57,58,59)AMENDED - SEPTEMBER 13, 2011(Ord. No. 2011-26)AMENDED - SEPTEMBER 13, 2011(Ord. No. 2011-27)AMENDED - JANUARY 8, 2013(Ord. No. 2013-14)AMENDED - MAY 28, 2013(Ord. No. 2013-41)AMENDED - JUNE 10, 2014(Ord. No. 2014-20)AMENDED - FEBRUARY 10, 2015(Ord. No. 2015-13)AMENDED - APRIL 14, 2015(Ord. No. 2015-26)AMENDED - JUNE 9, 2015(Ord. No. 2015-32)AMENDED - JULY 7, 2015(Ord. No. 2015-42)AMENDED - MAY 24, 2016(Ord. No. 2016-15)AMENDED - JUNE 13, 2017(Ord. No. 2017-22)AMENDED - DECEMBER 12, 2017(Ord. No. 2017-46)AMENDED - MAY 8, 2018(Ord. No. 2018-23)Mini Triangle Mixed Use SubdistrictFCT Project Site DESOTO BLVD SGOLDEN GATE BLVD EEVERGLADES BLVD SWIWILSON BLVD SFAKAHATCHEE STRANDFLORIDA PANTHERNATIONAL WILDLIFEREFUGESOUTH GOLDENGATE ESTATESNRPAELLEEADERPANORTHBELLEMEADENRPA!"#$75!"#$75FCT Project Site 5HVLGHQWLDO&RPPHUFLDO)&73URMHFW6LWH)ORULGD3DQWKHU1DWLRQDO:LOGOLIH5HIXJH *N*Z ARF,1ZA;;41FZAR=NVZFAD1JQVZDDG*4L1FZ Z1G4*:LZF1*N1/Z+VZB=ZM1Z$Z*NZ5B>ZB;;61F%ZZB=ZM1Z$Z*NZ4B=ZBZ::51G&*ZDM)-ESZ4F1Z.FCZD1ZKO41M'ZBF1(!F*5:M%UMN5=2Z*=.ZFCDBM1/<0Z8D2Z 1DNZ ZA=Z,1ZDNR*Z Z?5O6*Z"ZF*5:LZZZB=Z-1ZDNR*ZZRNTG1Z"G*4;MZZWXZYZB=Z-1ZDNR*ZZ*G94=3ZZ3LFQLF6KHOWHU   #7M7PBHZ1@P1I         .LRVN CollierCountyParksandRecreationMasterPlanTindaleͲOliver&Associates,Inc.3Ͳ10CollierCountyParksandRecreation10ͲYearMasterPlanSeptember2011Map 3-2FCT Project Site Ecological Corridor with Picayune Strand State Forest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roject Site is undisturbed The site contains areas of intact native plant communities, including mixed wetland hardwoods, cypress, and hardwood hammocks scattered within. 75% wetlands, with the remaining 25% a seasonal wetland. Listed Animal and Plant Species are found throughout the entire 168 acre project site Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission Commissioners Bo Rivard Chairman Panama City Robert A. Spottswood Vice Chairman Key West Joshua Kellam Palm Beach Gardens Gary Lester Oxford Gary Nicklaus Jupiter Sonya Rood St. Augustine Michael W. Sole Tequesta Office of the Executive Director Eric Sutton Executive Director Thomas H. Eason, Ph.D. Assistant Executive Director Jennifer Fitzwater Chief of Staff 850-487-3796 850-921-5786 FAX Managing fish and wildlife resources for their long-term well-being and the benefit of people. 620 South Meridian Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1600 Voice: 850-488-4676 Hearing/speech-impaired: 800-955-8771 (T) 800 955-8770 (V) MyFWC.com September 7, 2018 Barry Williams Collier County, Director Recreation and Parks 15000 Livingston Rd Naples, FL 34109 Dear Mr. Barry Williams: This letter is in response to your request for listed species occurrence records and critical habitats for the South Dade Wetlands Preserve Acquisition Project located in Miami-Dade County, Florida. Records from The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission’s database indicate that listed species occurrence data (Black bear locations, panther locations,) and critical habitats are located within the project area. SHCAs were found on, or within a 1-mile distance of, the property. Enclosed are 8.5 x 11 maps showing Strategic Habitat Conservation Areas (SHCA), prioritized SHCA’s, species richness, priority wetlands for listed species, and land cover for the project site and surrounding area. This letter and attachments should not be considered as a review or an assessment of the impact upon threatened or endangered species of the project site. It provides FWC’s most current data regarding the location of listed species and their associated habitats. Our SHCA recommendations are intended to be used as a guide. Land development and ownership in Florida is ever-changing and priority areas identified as SHCA might already have been significantly altered due to development or acquired into public ownership. Onsite surveys, literature reviews, and coordination with FWC biologists remain essential steps in documenting the presence or absence of rare and imperiled species and habitats within the project area. Our fish and wildlife location data represents only those occurrences recorded by FWC staff and other affiliated researchers. It is important to understand that our database does not necessarily contain records of all listed species that may occur in a given area. Also, data on certain species, such as gopher tortoises, are not entered into our database on a site-specific basis. Therefore, one should not assume that an absence of occurrences in our database indicates that species of significance do not occur in the area. The Florida Natural Areas Inventory (FNAI) maintains a separate database of listed plant and wildlife species, please contact FNAI directly for specific information on the location of element occurrences within the project area. Because FNAI is funded to provide information to public agencies only, you may be required to pay a fee for this information. County-wide listed species information can be located at their website (http://www.fnai.org). Please credit the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission in any publication or presentation of these data. If you have any questions or further requests, please contact me gisrequests@myfwc.com. Sincerely, Brian Beneke Brian Beneke Research Associate BB 2018_6314 Enclosures ALLIGATOR ALLEY,I-75 Source: Esri, DigitalGlobe, GeoEye, Earthstar Geographics, CNES/Airbus DS, USDA, USGS, AEX, Getmapping, Aerogrid, IGN, IGP, swisstopo, and the GIS User Community FWC ID: 2018_6314 September 07, 2018 Miles ± Species Richness 1 - 34 - 67 - 910 - 13Gore Properties Approximate site boundary ALLIGATOR ALLEY,I-75 Source: Esri, DigitalGlobe, GeoEye, Earthstar Geographics, CNES/Airbus DS, USDA, USGS, AEX, Getmapping, Aerogrid, IGN, IGP, swisstopo, and the GIS User Community FWC ID: 2018_6314 September 07, 2018 Miles ± Prioritized SHCA's Priority 1Priority 2Priority 3Priority 4Priority 5The prioritized SHCA map identifies 5 classes of SHCA based upon Heritage ranking criteria developed by The Nature Conservancy, the Natural Heritage Program Network, and the Florida Natural Areas Inventory. There are 2 possible ranks used to prioritize a species’ SHCA: 1) the global rank based on a species worldwide status, and 2) the state rank based upon the species status in Florida. The state and global ranks are based upon many factors such as known occurrence locations, estimated abundance, range, amount of habitat currently protected, perceived levels of threats towards the species, and ecological fragility. Gore Properties Approximate site boundary ALLIGATOR ALLEY,I-75 Source: Esri, DigitalGlobe, GeoEye, Earthstar Geographics, CNES/Airbus DS, USDA, USGS, AEX, Getmapping, Aerogrid, IGN, IGP, swisstopo, and the GIS User Community FWC ID: 2018_6314 September 07, 2018 Miles ± Priority Wetlands 1-3 Species, Wetlands habitat 10-11 Species, Wetlands habitat 4-6 Species, Wetlands habitat 7-9 Species, Wetlands habitat Gore Properties Approximate site boundary ALLIGATOR ALLEY,I-75 Source: Esri, DigitalGlobe, GeoEye, Earthstar Geographics, CNES/Airbus DS, USDA, USGS, AEX, Getmapping, Aerogrid, IGN, IGP, swisstopo, and the GIS User Community FWC ID: 2018_6314 September 07, 2018 Miles ± Cooperative Land Cover -- State Classes Gore Properties Approximate site boundary Mesic Hammock High Intensity Urban Rural Transportation Utilities Prairies and Bogs Marshes Freshwater Forested Wetlands Cypress/Tupelo(incl Cy/Tu mixed) Cypress Other Hardwood Wetlands Cultural - Riverine Source: Esri, DigitalGlobe, GeoEye, Earthstar Geographics, CNES/Airbus DS, USDA, USGS, AEX, Getmapping, Aerogrid, IGN, IGP, swisstopo, and the GIS User Community FWC ID: 2018_6314 September 07, 20180 0.09 0.18 0.27 0.36 Miles ± Gore Properties Approximate site boundary Strategic Habitat Conservation Areas 500 South Bronough Street • Tallahassee, FL 32399-0250 • www.flheritage.com/preservation/sitefile 850.245.6440 ph | 850.245.6439 fax | SiteFile@dos.state.fl.us This record search is for informational purposes only and does NOT constitute a project review. This search only identifies resources recorded at the Florida Master Site File and does NOT provide project approval from the Division of Historical Resources. Contact the Compliance and Review Section of the Division of Historical Resources at 850-245-6333 for project review information. August 29, 2018 Barry Williams Collier County | Director Recreation and Parks 15000 Livingston Rd Naples, FL 34109 Phone: 239.252.4000 Fax: N/A Barry.Williams@colliercountyfl.gov In response to your inquiry of August 28th, the Florida Master Site File lists one archaeological site and one resource group within the following parcels of Collier County: T 49S R 28E Sections 32, 33, 34; shown within the outlined area on the corresponding map. When interpreting the results of our search, please consider the following information: x This search area may contain unrecorded archaeological sites, historical structures or other resources even if previously surveyed for cultural resources. x Because vandalism and looting are common at Florida sites, we ask that you limit the distribution of location information on archaeological sites. x While many of our records document historically significant resources, the documentation of a resource at the Florida Master Site File does not necessarily mean the resource is historically significant. x Federal, state and local laws require formal environmental review for most projects. This search DOES NOT constitute such a review. If your project falls under these laws, you should contact the Compliance and Review Section of the Division of Historical Resources at 850-245-6333. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions regarding the results of this search. Sincerely, Kelly Ledford Archaeological Data Analyst Florida Master Site File Kelly.Ledford @dos.myflorida.com 33 28 -4932 28 -4934 28 -49Alligator Alley/Everglades ParkwayCR00185 Source: Esri, DigitalGlobe, GeoEye, Earthstar Geographics, CNES/Airbus DS, USDA, USGS, AeroGRID, IGN, and the GIS User CommunityLegendApproximate Parcel Boundaries")FloridaStructuresFloridaSitesHistoricalBridgesHistoricalCemeteriesResourceGroupsNationalRegister0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.80.1Miles OBJECTID SiteID SiteName RgType NRCategory City ContribCR NonContrib TimeSig1 TimeSig2 TimeSig3 Narrative HistAssc1 HistAssc2468 CR01104 Alligator Alley/Everglades Parkway Linear Resource STRUNaples/Andytown 1 0 1969-1992 Resource is a four lane divided highway that is carried by numerous bridges. Engineering Social/humanitarian HistAssc3 HistAssc4 HistAssc5 HistAssc6 SurveyNum Evaluationd_NRlisted ShpoEval Shape_Leng Shape_AreaTransportation The corridor was built as the premier envirmentally-sensitive transportation facility of its time. Its design includes features....(see attached sheet) Eligible for NRHP 1.62104057011 0.00013388370        &2//,(5&2817< *52:7+0$1$*(0(173/$1   5(&5($7,21$1'23(163$&((/(0(17   3UHSDUHGE\ &ROOLHU&RXQW\3ODQQLQJDQG=RQLQJ'HSDUWPHQW &RPSUHKHQVLYH3ODQQLQJ6HFWLRQ  3UHSDUHGIRU &2//,(5&2817<%2$5'2)&2817<&200,66,21(56 $GRSWHG2FWREHU     5HFUHDWLRQDQG2SHQ6SDFH (OHPHQWDVRI2UGLQDQFH1RDGRSWHG-DQXDU\  (V),, *2$/62%-(&7,9(6$1'32/,&,(6 *2$/ 3529,'(68)),&,(173$5.65(&5($7,21)$&,/,7,(6$1'23(163$&($5($672 0((77+(1(('62)5(6,'(176$1'9,6,72562)&2//,(5&2817< 2%-(&7,9( &RQWLQXHWRHQVXUHWKDWDFRPSUHKHQVLYHV\VWHPRISDUNVDQGUHFUHDWLRQIDFLOLWLHVLVDYDLODEOH IURP DPRQJ IDFLOLWLHV SURYLGHG E\ WKH &RXQW\ RWKHU JRYHUQPHQWDO ERGLHV DQG WKH SULYDWH VHFWRU (II)(IV)(V)3ROLF\ 7KHVWDQGDUGVIRUOHYHOVRIVHUYLFH /26 RI&RXQW\SDUNVDQGUHFUHDWLRQIDFLOLWLHVDSSHDULQ 3ROLF\*LQWKH&DSLWDO,PSURYHPHQW(OHPHQWDQGVKDOOEHXVHGDVWKHEDVLVIRUGHWHUPLQLQJ WKHDYDLODELOLW\RIIDFLOLW\FDSDFLW\DQGWKHGHPDQGJHQHUDWHGE\DGHYHORSPHQW >1RWH7KHDERYH 3ROLF\ZDVUHYLVHGDVSDUWRI($5EDVHGDPHQGPHQWVUHPRYHGIURP this “parent” Element of origin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lan Amendment by Ordinance No. 2015-10 on January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ounty recreational programs at Collier County Public Schools’ facilities. (I)(II)(IV) 3ROLF\ 7KH&RXQW\VKDOOFRQWLQXHWRXSGDWHSDUNVDQGUHFUHDWLRQLPSDFWIHHVWRDSSURSULDWHO\UHIOHFW ODQGDFTXLVLWLRQDQGGHYHORSPHQWFRVWVIRUWKHHVWDEOLVKPHQWRIFRPPXQLW\DQGUHJLRQDOSDUNV (I)(II)(IV) 3ROLF\ 7KH &RXQW\ VKDOO LQYHVWLJDWH WKH XWLOL]DWLRQ RI WD[ FUHGLWV RURWKHU LQFHQWLYHV WR HQFRXUDJH SURSHUW\RZQHUVWRGHGLFDWHODQGWRWKH&RXQW\WRPHHWWKHUHFUHDWLRQDOQHHGVRIFRPPXQLW\ DQGUHJLRQDOSDUNV (V) = Plan Amendment by Ordinance No. 2015-10 on January 27, 2015 4 ) 3ROLF\ 4 Capital Improvement Element as of Ordinance No. 2017-21 adopted June 13,2017 (XX) = Plan Amendment by Ordinance No. 2017-21 on June 13, 2017 7 (I)(III)(IV)(VIII)(X)(XV)(XX) E.County Sanitary Sewer ‒ Wastewater Treatment Systems: North Wastewater Treatment Service Area = 100 gallons per capita per day (gpcd) South Wastewater Treatment Service Area = 100 gallons per capita per day (gpcd) (II)(VIII) F. County Solid Waste Disposal Facilities: (VIII)(XV) 1. Two (2) years of constructed lined cell capacity at the average disposal rate for the previous three (3) years. (VIII)(XV) 2. Ten (10) years of permittable capacity at the average disposal rate for the previous three (3) years. (III)(VIII)(XV) G. County Parks and Recreation Facilities: (VIII)(X)(XV) 1. Regional Park land =2.7 acres per 1,000/pop. (VIII)(X) 2. Community Park land =1.2 acres per 1,000/pop. (unincorporated) H. Public School Facilities: (XVII)Level of Service (LOS) standards for CSAs shall be based upon permanent FISH capacity: (IX)1. Elementary schools = 95 percent (0.95) of CSA Enrollment / FISH Capacity (IX)2. Middle schools = 95 percent (0.95) of CSA Enrollment / FISH Capacity (IX)3. High schools = 100 percent (1.00) of CSA Enrollment / FISHCapacity [Note: Portions of the above Policy 1.5 were revised as part of 2011 EAR-based amendments, removed from their “parent”Element or Sub-Element of origin and relocated into the CIE. Certain parenthesized Roman numeral symbols remain at this location as historical reference, but may no longer apply to each entry as it now appears. It may be necessary to refer to the parent Element or Sub-Element for the specific facility or service for additionalreference.] (VIII)(IX)(X) OBJECTIVE 2: (FINANCIALFEASIBILITY) Provide public facilities, as described in Policy 1.1 above, in order to maintain adopted level of service standards that are within the ability of the County to fund, within the County's authority to require others to provide, or as provided by the School District within their financially feasible Five- Year Capital Improvement Plan, formally adopted by the School Board between July 1 and October 1 each year. With the exception of public school facilities, existing public facility deficiencies measured against the adopted level of service standards will be eliminated with revenues generated by ad valorem taxes and other intergovernmental revenues received based on economic activity. Future development will bear a proportionate cost of facility improvements necessitated by growth. Future development's payments may take the form of, but are not limited to, voluntary contributions for the benefit of any public facility, impact fees, dedications of land, provision of public facilities, and future payments of user fees, special assessments andtaxes. (VIII)(X) Policy 2.1: The estimated capital expenditures for all needed public facilities shall not exceed conservative estimates of revenues from sources that are available to the County pursuant to currentlaw. 4G.County Parks and Recreation Facilities:4         COLLIER COUNTY GROWTH MANAGEMENT PLAN    CONSERVATION AND COASTAL MANAGEMENT ELEMENT   Prepared by Collier County Planning and Zoning Department Comprehensive Planning Section  Prepared for COLLIER COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Adopted October, 1997    &RQVHUYDWLRQDQG&RDVWDO0DQDJHPHQW(OHPHQWDVRI2UGLQDQFH1RDGRSWHG-XQH  II. GOALS, OBJECTIVES & POLICIES GOAL 1: (IX)TO PLAN FOR THE PROTECTION, CONSERVATION, MANAGEMENT AND APPROPRIATE USE OF THE COUNTY’S NATURAL RESOURCES. (VI)(IX)(XI) OBJECTIVE 1.1: Maintain a comprehensive environmental management and conservation program to ensure that natural resources, including State and Federally listed animal species within the County are properly, appropriately, and effectively identified, managed, and protected. (VI)(XI)Policy 1.1.1: Collier County has established and will maintain an Environmental Advisory Council (EAC), which advises and assists the appropriate County agencies, the Collier County Planning Commission (CCPC) and the Board of County Commissioners (BCC) in implementing the County’s environmental resources management programs. (VI)(XI)Policy 1.1.2: Collier County has incorporated the Goals, Objectives and Policies of this Conservation and Coastal Management Element into the Collier County Land Development Code as the County’s standards for environmental resources protection and management . The Land Development Code shall be revised, to reflect the adoption of new and/or revised natural resources management and environmental protection standards and criteria. (VI)Policy 1.1.3: Collier County shall continue to support established environmental policies by maintaining an appropriately administered and professionally staffed governmental unit capable of developing, administering, and providing long-term direction for the protection and management of the County’s environmental resources. (VI)Policy 1.1.4: The appropriate County agencies shall continue cooperation with private natural resource conservation and management organizations, as well as Regional, State, and Federal environmental agencies and will work with other local governments to identify and manage shared natural resources. (VI)Policy 1.1.5: Collier County shall maintain a conservation program, which attempts to equitably balance the relationship between the benefits derived from, and the costs incurred by such a program to both the public and private sectors. (XI) = Plan Amendment by Ordinance No. 2017-20 on June 13, 2017 OBJECTIVE 1.1: 22 &RQVHUYDWLRQDQG&RDVWDO0DQDJHPHQW(OHPHQWDVRI2UGLQDQFH1RDGRSWHG-XQH  (IX)GOAL 2: TO PROTECT THE COUNTY’S SURFACE AND ESTUARINE WATER RESOURCES. (VI)(IX)OBJECTIVE 2.1: Prepare Watershed Management Plans, which contain appropriate mechanisms to protect the County’s estuarine and wetland systems. Until the Watershed Management Plans are completed, the County shall apply the following as interim standards for development: (IX)(X)(XI)a.All new development and re-development projects shall meet 150% of the water quality volumetric requirements of Section 4.2.1(a) of the Environmental Resource Permit Applicant’s Handbook Volume II for use within the Geographic Limits of the South Florida Water Management District (2014), and the retention and detention requirements, and the allowable off-site discharge rates provided in the Code of Laws and Ordinances; b. Loss of storage or conveyance volume resulting from direct impacts to wetlands shall be compensated for by providing an equal amount of storage or conveyance capacity on site and within or adjacent to the impacted wetland. (IX)c.Floodplain storage compensation shall be evaluated for developments within the designated Flood Hazard Area (flood zones starting with the letter “V” or “A”) as depicted on the Flood Insurance Rate Maps published by the Federal Emergency Management Agency with an effective date of May 16, 2012. Floodplain storage compensation shall also be evaluated for areas known to be periodically inundated by intense rainfall or sheetflow conditions. (XI)d.All development located within areas identified on Figure 1 shall be evaluated to determine impacts to natural wetlands, flowways, or sloughs. For this particular evaluation, natural wetlands, flowways, or sloughs shall be tentatively identified as contiguous lands having a continual preponderance of wetland or wet facultative plant species and a ground elevation through the major portion of the natural wetland, flowway, or slough at least one (1)foot lower than the ground at the edge of the natural wetland, flowway, or slough. The edge of the natural wetlands, flowways, or sloughs shall be identified by field determination and based upon vegetation and elevation differences from the adjacent uplands or transitional wetlands. The County shall require the applicant to avoid direct impacts to these natural wetlands, flowways, or sloughs or, when not possible, to ensure any direct impact is minimized and compensated for by providing the same conveyance capacity lost by the direct impact. The County shall adhere to the limiting discharge rates of each basin as provided in the Code of Laws and Ordinances. e. All new development and re-development projects shall ensure surrounding properties will not be adversely impacted from the project’s influence on stormwater sheet flow. (IX)f.Prior to commencement of development, the applicants of a development project shall obtain any necessary state and federal environmental permits. g. Within one year of the effective date of these amendments, the County shall adopt land development regulations to require Best Management Practices of future development or re-development projects. Best Management Practices means structural and non- structural facilities or practices intended to reduce pollution either through source control or treatment of stormwater. (XI) = Plan Amendment by Ordinance No. 2017-20 on June 13, 2017 GOAL 2 : TO PROTECT THE COUNTY’SSURFACE AND ESTUARINE WATER RESOURCES.22 &RQVHUYDWLRQDQG&RDVWDO0DQDJHPHQW(OHPHQWDVRI2UGLQDQFH1RDGRSWHG-XQH  (VI)(IX)Policy 2.1.7: The County shall lead and promote coordination between other governmental agencies involved with watershed planning, including, but not limited to, the municipalities of Marco Island, Naples and Everglades City, the Florida Department of Environmental Protection, the South Florida Water Management District, the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and other governmental agencies. The County shall continue to lead and oversee the preparation of the necessary watershed management plans, and include in their review the work performed and/or data collected by other agencies, to the extent that these agencies have data and/or experience, which may be useful within the watershed basin planning and management process. (IX)OBJECTIVE 2.2: Require all canals, rivers, and flow ways discharging into estuaries to meet all applicable Federal, State, or local water quality standards (VI)Policy 2.2.1: Wastewater treatment plants shall not be allowed to discharge directly to rivers, canals or jurisdictional wetlands unless they meet Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) regulations and are not in violation of other Goals, Objectives and Policies of this Element. (IX)Policy 2.2.2: In order to limit the specific and cumulative impacts of stormwater run-off, stormwater systems shall be designed in such a way that discharged water does not degrade receiving waters and an attempt is made to enhance the timing, quantity and quality of fresh water to the estuarine system. Non-structural methods such as discharge and storage into wetlands are encouraged. Policy 2.2.3: Chemical spraying for aquatic weed control should be conducted with extreme caution. The use of appropriate biological and mechanical (use of harvesting equipment to remove vegetation) controls in both the canal system and stormwater detention ponds is encouraged. Manufacturers and EPA guidelines for chemical use in aquatic habitat will be followed. Policy 2.2.4: Continue and expand when needed the existing water quality monitoring program for sampling canals and rivers and assess the data annually. (VI)(IX)Policy 2.2.5: The County will seek technical assistance from the South Florida Water Management District, and coordinate with the Florida Department of Environmental Protection, to develop and implement a plan to encourage stormwater management systems be periodically inspected, if feasible, by an appropriate professional for compliance with their approved design, and any deficiencies be corrected. (IX)OBJECTIVE 2.3: Develop and implement a plan, in coordination with the Florida Department of Environmental Protection, to ensure all estuaries meet all applicable federal, state and local water quality standards. (IX) = Plan Amendment by Ordinance No. 2013-12 on January 8, 2013 Policy 2.2.2: 22 &RQVHUYDWLRQDQG&RDVWDO0DQDJHPHQW(OHPHQWDVRI2UGLQDQFH1RDGRSWHG-XQH  (VI)(IX)OBJECTIVE 5.3: Periodically assess the types, quantities and location of minable mineral resources within the County. (VI)(IX)Policy 5.3.1: The County’s Engineering Review Services Section shall work with the Florida Department of Environmental Protection, the Florida Geological Survey and local mining industry officials to inventory and assess the existing mineral reserves in Collier County. The inventory and assessment shall incorporate use of a GIS-based database of all areas within the County that are permitted, either by right, or through a conditional use permit, to conduct mineral extraction operations as well as the volume of fill that is permitted to be removed for each such active mineral extraction operation. (XI)OBJECTIVE 5.4: Maintain the County’s program to control soil erosion through its regulations identifying criteria to control and reduce soil erosion and sediment transport from construction and other nonagricultural land disturbing activities. Policy 5.4.1: Rely on the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service to provide the County with appropriate soil conservation guidelines for agriculture. (IX)(X)GOAL 6: TO IDENTIFY, PROTECT, CONSERVE AND APPROPRIATELY USE NATIVE VEGETATIVE COMMUNITIES AND WILDLIFE HABITAT. (II)(III)(VI)(IX)(XI) OBJECTIVE 6.1: Protect native vegetative communities through the application of minimum preservation requirements. (The Policies under this Objective apply to all of Collier County except for that portion of the County which is identified on the Countywide Future Land Use Map (FLUM) as the Rural Lands Stewardship Area Overlay.) (II)(III)(VI)(IX)(X)(XI) Policy 6.1.1: For the County’s Urban Designated Area, Estates Designated Area, Conservation Designated Area, and Agricultural/Rural Mixed Use District, Rural-Industrial District and Rural-Settlement Area District as designated on the FLUM, native vegetation shall be preserved through the application of the following minimum preservation and vegetation retention standards and criteria, unless the development occurs within the Area of Critical State Concern (ACSC) where the ACSC standards referenced in the Future Land Use Element shall apply. Notwithstanding the ACSC requirements, this Policy shall apply to all non-agricultural development except for single-family dwelling units situated on individual parcels that are not located within a watershed management conservation area identified in a Watershed Management Plan developed pursuant to Policies supporting Objective 2.1 of this Element. For properties not previously within the Coastal High Hazard Area but now within the Coastal High Hazard Area due to adoption of a revised Coastal High Hazard Area boundary in 2013, the native vegetation preservation and retention standards of the Non-Coastal High Hazard Area shall continue to apply. (Reference the Coastal High Hazard Area Comparison Map in the Future Land Use Element.) (XI) = Plan Amendment by Ordinance No. 2017-20 on June 13, 2017 GOAL 6 : TO IDENTIFY, PROTECT, CONSERVE AND APPROPRIATELY USE NATIVE VEGETATIVE COMMUNITIES AND WILDLIFE HABITAT. Policy 6.1.1: 2 2 &RQVHUYDWLRQDQG&RDVWDO0DQDJHPHQW(OHPHQWDVRI2UGLQDQFH1RDGRSWHG-XQH  (V)a.Wetland or upland areas known to be utilized by listed species or that serve as corridors for the movement of wildlife shall be preserved and protected in order to facilitate the continued use of the site by listed species or the movement through the site, consistent with the requirements of Policy 7.1.1 and 7.1.2 of this Element. b. Xeric Scrub, Dune and Strand, Hardwood Hammocks. (V)c.Onsite wetlands having functionality scores of at least 0.65 WRAP or 0.7 UMAM, un- less permitted for impact pursuant to Policy 6.2.4 of this Element. WRAP means South Florida Water Management District’s Wetland Rapid Assessment Procedures as described in Technical Publication Reg 001 (September 1997, as updated August 1999). UMAM means Uniform Wetland Mitigation Assessment Method as described in Chapter 62-345, F.A.C. d. Any upland habitat that serves as a buffer to a wetland area as identified in Paragraph (4)c. above, e. Dry Prairie, Pine Flatwoods, and f. All other native habitats. (IX)(5)The uses allowable within preserve areas are limited to: a. Passive recreational uses that do not impact the minimum required vegetation or cause a loss of function to the preserve area. Loss of function to the preserve area includes a reduction or a change in vegetation within the preserve and harming any listed species present in the preserve. More specific standards that implement this Policy shall be set forth in the land development regulations and will address various types of construction that are compatible with the function of the preserve. The land development regulations will also provide criteria to define appropriate passive recreational uses. The criteria will be established to allow for passive recreational uses such as trails or boardwalks that provide for access within the preserves, providing the uses do not reduce the minimum required vegetation or cause harm to listed species. b. Receipt of treated stormwater discharge where such use, including conveyance, treatment and discharge structures, does not result in adverse impacts the naturally occurring, native vegetation, to include the loss of the minimum required vegetation acreage and the harm to any listed species according to the Policies associated with Objective 7.1, as determined by criteria set forth in land development regulations. Discharge to preserves having wetlands requires treatment that will meet water quality standards as set forth in Chapter 62-302, F.A.C. and will conform to the water quality criteria requirements set forth by the South Florida Water Management District. (6) A management plan shall be submitted for preserve areas identified by specific criteria in the land development regulations to identify actions that must be taken to ensure that the preserved areas will maintain natural diversity and will function as proposed. The plan shall include methods to address control and treatment of invasive exotic species, fire management, stormwater management (if applicable), and maintenance of permitted facilities.If applicable, a listed species monitoring program shall be submitted pursuant to Policy 7.1.2 (2)(i). State and federal management plans consistent with the requirements of the LDC will be accepted. (XI) = Plan Amendment by Ordinance No. 2017-20 on June 13, 2017 (6)A mana gement plan shall be submitted for preserve areas identified by specific criteria in the land development regulations to identify actions that must be taken toensure that the preserved areas will maintain natural diversity and will function as proposed. The plan shall include methods to address control and treatment of invasive exotic species, fire management, stormwater management (if applicable), and maintenance of permitted facilities.If applicable, a listed species monitoring program shall be submitted pursuant to Policy 7.1.2 (2)(i).State and federal management plans consistent with the 22 &RQVHUYDWLRQDQG&RDVWDO0DQDJHPHQW(OHPHQW DVRI2UGLQDQFH1RDGRSWHG-XQH  (II)(III)(VI)(IX)(XI) OBJECTIVE 6.2: Protect and conserve wetlands and the natural functions of wetlands pursuant to the appropriate Policies under Goal 6. (The County’s wetland protection policies and strategies are coordinated with the Watershed Management Plans as required by Objective 2.1 of this Element.) (II)(III)(IX) Policy 6.2.1: Wetlands identified by the current SFWMD land use and land cover inventory are mapped on the Future Land Use Map series. For a proposed project identified on this map series, the exact location of jurisdictional wetland boundaries shall be verified by a jurisdictional field delineation, subject to Policy 6.2.2 of this Element, at the time of Environmental Resource Permitting. (II)(III)Policy 6.2.2: Wetlands shall be defined pursuant to Section 373.019 Florida Statutes. The location of jurisdictional wetland boundaries are further described by the delineation methodology in Section 373.421 Florida Statutes. (II)(III)(VI)(XI) Policy 6.2.3: Collier County shall implement a comprehensive process to ensure wetlands and the natural functions of wetlands are protected and conserved. This wetland preservation and conservation process shall be coordinated with the Watershed Management Plan process, as referenced in Objective 2.1 of this Element. However, the process outlined within this Policy is primarily based on directing concentrated population growth and intensive development away from large interconnected wetland systems. These wetland systems have been identified based on their type, values, functions, sizes, conditions and locations within Collier County. These systems predominantly occur east of the County’s Urban boundary, as delineated on the Countywide Future Land Use Map (FLUM), within the Future Land Use Element (FLUE). Many of these wetlands fall within public lands or land targeted for acquisition. High quality wetlands systems located on private property are primarily protected through native vegetation preservation requirements, or through existing PUD commitments, conservation easements, or Stewardship Sending Area Designations, or via the NRPA or Sending designations within the Rural Fringe Mixed Use District or land/easement acquisition, or innovative landowner incentives. Protection measures for wetlands and wetland systems located within the northeastern portion of Collier County, excluding the community of Immokalee, are contained in the Rural Lands Stewardship Area Overlay (RLSA Overlay) of the FLUE (and as depicted on the FLUM). Protection measures for wetlands and wetland systems located within the Urban and Estates designated areas of the County shall be based upon the jurisdictional determinations made by the applicable state or federal agency. Where permits issued by such state or federal agencies allow for impacts to wetlands within Urban and Estates designated areas and require mitigation for such impacts, the permitting agency’s mitigation requirements shall be deemed to preserve and protect wetlands and their functions, except for wetlands that are part of a Watershed Management Plan preserve area. The County shall direct impacts away from such wetlands. The large connected wetland systems that exist at the landscape scale in Collier County shall be protected through various Land Use Designations and Overlays that restrict higher intensity land uses and require specific land development standards for the remaining allowable land uses. Collier County shall direct incompatible land uses away from these large landscape scale wetland systems through implementation of the following protection and conservation mechanisms: (XI) = Plan Amendment by Ordinance No. 2017-20 on June 13, 2017 OBJECTIVE 6.2:E 22 &RQVHUYDWLRQDQG&RDVWDO0DQDJHPHQW(OHPHQWDVRI2UGLQDQFH1RDGRSWHG-XQH  (IX)GOAL 7: TO PROTECT AND CONSERVE THE COUNTY’S FISHERIES AND WILDLIFE. (II)(III)(VI)(IX) OBJECTIVE 7.1: Direct incompatible land uses away from listed animal species and their habitats. (The County relies on the listing process of State and Federal agencies to identify species that require special protection because of their endangered, threatened, or species of special concern status. Listed animal species are those species that the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission has designated as endangered, threatened, or species of special concern, in accordance with Rules 68A-27.003, 68A-27.004, and 68A-27.005, F.A.C. and those species designated by various federal agencies as Endangered and Threatened species published in 50 CFR 17.) (II)(III)(XI)Policy 7.1.1: Incompatible land uses are directed away from listed species and their habitats by the following mechanisms: (1) Conservation Designation on the Future Land Use Map The overall purpose of the Conservation Designation is to conserve and maintain the natural resources of Collier County and their associated environmental, recreational and economic benefits. These areas have been demonstrated to have high wildlife value. The allowed land uses specified in the FLUE’s Conservation Designation will accommodate limited residential development and future non-residential development. These limitations help direct many incompatible land uses away from listed species and their habitats contained in this Future Land Use Designation. (Reference FLUE: Future Land Use Designation, Description Section.) (2)Big Cypress Area of Critical State Concern Overlay (ACSC) The land development regulations contained in the ACSC Overlay district provide standards that facilitate the goal of directing incompatible land uses away from listed species and their habitats. (Reference FLUE: Future Land Use Designation, Description Section.) (3) Natural Resource Protection Areas (NRPAs) The purpose of Natural Resource Protection Areas (NRPAs) is to support State and Federal agencies’ efforts to protect endangered or potentially endangered species and their habitats. (Reference CCME: Objective 1.3.) These areas describe large, intact and relatively unfragmented habitats important for many listed species. Allowable land uses, vegetation preservation standards, development standards, and listed species protection criteria within NRPAs are specified in the FLUE. (Reference the FLUE for the specific requirements.) The NRPA Overlay is intended to direct incompatible land uses away from listed species and their habitats. (4) Sending Lands (Transfer of Development Rights): Sending Lands are those lands that have a high degree of environmental value and sensitivity and generally include wetlands, uplands, and habitat for listed species. Due to their high environmental value, Sending Lands are targeted for preservation and conservation either through acquisition or through incentives for private property owners. Privately owned lands within the Rural Fringe Mixed Use District that have a Natural Resource Protection Area (NRPA) Overlay are considered to be Sending Lands. Allowable land uses within Sending Lands are specified in the FLUE: Future Land Use Designation, Description Section, B, Rural Fringe Mixed Use District. These limitations help direct many incompatible land uses away from listed species and their habitats. (XI) = Plan Amendment by Ordinance No. 2017-20 on June 13, 2017 GOAL 7: TO PROTECT AND CONSERVE THE COUNTY’S FISHERIES AND WILDLIFE. OBJECTIVE 7.1: 2 2 2 2 &RQVHUYDWLRQDQG&RDVWDO0DQDJHPHQW(OHPHQW DVRI2UGLQDQFH1RDGRSWHG-XQH  (5) Habitat Stewardship Areas (HSAs) [re-numbered to reflect merger of Ordinance No. 2002-32 and 2002-54] Listed animal and plant species and their habitats shall also be protected through the establishment of Habitat Stewardship Areas (HSAs) within the RLSA Overlay. HSAs are privately owned agricultural areas, which include areas with natural characteristics that make them suitable habitat for listed species and areas without these characteristics. These latter areas are included because they are located contiguous to habitat and help form a continuum of landscape that can augment habitat values. The Overlay provides an incentive to permanently protect HSAs by the creation and transfer of Credits resulting in the elimination of incompatible uses and the establishment of protection measures. (Reference FLUE: RLSA Overlay.) (6) All other policies supporting Objective 7.1 of this Element. [re-numbered to reflect merger of Ordinance No. 2002-32 and 2002-54] (II)(III)(XI)Policy 7.1.2: [this Policy reflects merger of Ordinance No. 2002-32 and 2002-54] Within areas of Collier County, excluding the lands contained in the RLSA Overlay, non- agricultural development, excluding individual single family residences, shall be directed away from listed species and their habitats by complying with the following guidelines and standards: (1) A wildlife survey shall be required for all parcels when listed species are known to inhabit biological communities similar to those existing on site or where listed species are directly observed on the site. The survey shall be conducted in accordance with the requirements of the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FFWCC) and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) guidelines. The County shall notify the FFWCC and USFWS of the existence of any listed species that may be discovered. (IX)(2) Wildlife habitat management plans for listed species and for those protected species identified below shall be submitted for County approval. A plan shall be required for all projects where the wildlife survey indicates listed species or the protected species identified below are utilizing the site, or the site contains potential habitat for listed species. These plans shall describe how the project directs incompatible land uses away from listed species and their habitats. Management plans for new preserves shall also outline a public awareness program to educate residents about the on-site preserve and the need to maintain habitat within the preserve for listed species and those protected species identified below. (a) Management plans for new preserves shall incorporate proper techniques to protect listed species, and those protected species identified below, and their habitat from the negative impacts of proposed development. Developments shall be clustered to discourage impacts to listed species habitats. Open space and vegetation preservation requirements shall be used to establish buffer areas between wildlife habitat areas and areas dominated by human activities. Provisions such as fencing, walls, or other obstructions shall be provided to minimize development impacts to the wildlife and to facilitate and encourage wildlife to use wildlife corridors. Appropriate roadway crossings, underpasses, and signage shall be used where roads must cross wildlife corridors. 1. Management guidelines contained in publications utilized by the FFWCC and USFWS as their technical assistance shall be used for developing required management plans. 2. The County shall consider any other techniques recommended by the USFWS and the FFWCC, subject to the provisions of paragraph (3) of this Policy. (XI) = Plan Amendment by Ordinance No. 2017-20 on June 13, 2017 Policy 7.1.2: 22 &RQVHUYDWLRQDQG&RDVWDO0DQDJHPHQW(OHPHQWDVRI2UGLQDQFH1RDGRSWHG-XQH  3. When listed species are directly observed on site or indicated by evidence, such as denning, foraging or other indications, priority shall be given to preserving the listed species habitats first, as a part of the retained native vegetation requirement contained in Policy 6.1.1 and Policy 6.1.2 of this Element. The County shall also consider the recommendations of other agencies, subject to the provisions of paragraph (3) of this Policy. (b) For parcels containing gopher tortoises (Gopherus polyphemus), habitat management plans are required and shall give priority to protecting the largest most contiguous gopher tortoise habitat with the greatest number of active burrows, and for providing a connection to off site adjacent gopher tortoise preserves. F Habitat preservation plans for the Florida scrub jay (Aphelocoma coerulescens) are required and shall provide for a maintenance program and specify appropriate fire or mechanical protocols to maintain the natural scrub community. (d) For the bald eagle (Haliaeetus leucocephalus), habitat management plans are required and shall establish protective zones around the eagle nest restricting certain activities. The plans shall also address restricting certain types of activities during the nesting season. (e) For the red-cockaded woodpecker (Picoides borealis), habitat protection plans are required and shall outline measures to avoid adverse impacts to active clusters and to minimize impacts to foraging habitat. Where adverse effects cannot be avoided, measures shall be taken to minimize on-site disturbance and compensate or mitigate for impacts that remain. (IX)(f)In areas where the Florida black bear (Ursus americanus floridanus) may be present, management plans are required and shall require that garbage be placed in bear-resistant containers where such containers are available and accepted for use by Collier County, or containers stored in locations not easily accessible to bears. The management plan shall also identify methods to inform local residents of the concerns related to interaction between black bears and humans. (g) For projects located in Priority I and Priority II Panther Habitat areas, management plans are required and shall discourage the destruction of undisturbed, native habitats that are preferred by the Florida panther (Felis concolor coryi) by directing intensive land uses to currently disturbed areas. Preferred habitats include pine flatwoods and hardwood hammocks. In turn, these areas shall be buffered from the most intense land uses of the project by using low intensity land uses (e.g., parks, passive recreational areas, golf courses). Golf courses within the Rural Fringe Mixed Use District shall be designed and managed using standards found in that district. The management plans shall identify appropriate lighting controls for these permitted uses and shall also address the opportunity to utilize prescribed burning to maintain fire-adapted preserved vegetative communities and provide browse for white-tailed deer. (IV)(h)In order to protect loggerhead (Caretta caretta) and other listed sea turtles that nest along Collier County beaches, projects within 300 feet of the MHW line shall limit outdoor lighting to that necessary for security and safety. Floodlights and landscape or accent lighting shall be prohibited. L The Management Plans shall contain a monitoring program for developments greater than 10 acres. (XI) = Plan Amendment by Ordinance No. 2017-20 on June 13, 2017 (g)For projects located in Priority I and Priority II Panther Habitat areas,management plans are required and shall discourage the destruction of undisturbed, native habitats that are preferred by the Florida panther (Felisconcolor coryi) by directing intensive land uses to currently disturbed areas. Preferred habitats include pine flatwoods and hardwood hammocks. In turn, these areas shall be buffered from the most intense land uses of the project by using low intensity land uses (e.g., parks, passive recreational areas, golf courses).Golf courses within the Rural Fringe Mixed Use District shall be designed and managed using standards found in that district. The management plans shall identify appropriate lighting controls for these permitted uses and shall also address the opportunity to utilize prescribed burning to maintain fire-adapted preserved vegetative communities and provide browse for white-tailed deer. 22 &RQVHUYDWLRQDQG&RDVWDO0DQDJHPHQW(OHPHQWDVRI2UGLQDQFH1RDGRSWHG-XQH  (I)(VI)(XI)Policy 10.6.1: In addition to those applicable Policies supporting Objectives 10.1, 10.2, 10.3, 10.4, and 10.5 above, development within the County’s coastal zone shall also meet the following criteria: Densities on the following undeveloped coastal barriers shall not exceed 1 unit per 5 acres; DWiggins Pass Unit FL-65P, EClam Pass Unit FL-64P, FKeywaydin Island Unit P-16, d. Cape Romano Unit P-15. Site alterations shall be concentrated in disturbed habitats thus avoiding undisturbed pristine habitats (Reference Policy 10.1.4). Beachfront developments shall restore dune vegetation. Projects on coastal barriers shall be landscaped with native Southern Floridian species. Boathouses, boat shelters and dock facilities shall be located and aligned to stay at least 10 feet from any existing seagrass beds except where a continuous bed of seagrass exists off of the shore of the property, in which case facility heights shall be at least 3.5 feet NGVD, terminal platforms shall be less than 160 square feet and access docks shall not exceed a width of four (4) feet. 6. The requirements of this Policy identify the guidelines and performance standards for undeveloped coastal barriers and estuarine areas that are contained within the County’s coastal barrier and estuarine area Natural Resource Protection Area (NRPA – reference CCME Policy 1.3.1). These guidelines and standards therefore satisfy the requirements of CCME Policy 1.3.1. (I)(VI)(IX) Policy 10.6.2: The owners of shoreline development projects that require an EIS shall provide an analysis that demonstrates the project will remain fully functional for its intended use after a six-inch rise in sea level. (I)Policy 10.6.3: Collier County supports federal and state agency efforts to deny permits and establish a permanent moratorium on the offshore oil and gas exploration and drilling along the west coast of Florida, and to the extent allowed by law, shall take appropriate actions to oppose any offshore oil and gas exploration and drilling projects in this sensitive area. (X)GOAL 11: TO PROVIDE FOR THE PROTECTION, RESERVATION, AND SENSITIVE RE-USE OF HISTORIC RESOURCES. (X)OBJECTIVE 11.1: Protect historic and archaeological resources in Collier County. (XI)Policy 11.1.1: Regulations regarding development and other land alteration activities shall continue to ensure the conservation, sensitive re-use, preservation of significant historic and archaeological resources, or appropriate mitigation in accordance with State standards. (XI) = Plan Amendment by Ordinance No. 2017-20 on June 13, 2017 GOAL 11: TO PROVIDE FOR THE PROTECTION, RESERVATION, AND SENSITIVE RE-USE OF HISTORIC RESOURCES. OBJECTIVE 11.1: 2 2 2 22 &RQVHUYDWLRQDQG&RDVWDO0DQDJHPHQW(OHPHQWDVRI2UGLQDQFH1RDGRSWHG-XQH  Policy 11.1.2: There shall be no loss of historic or archaeological resources on County-owned property and historic resources on private property shall be protected, preserved or utilized in a manner that will allow their continued existence. Conservation techniques shall include at a minimum: a. During the development permit review process, historic or archaeological sites shall be identified and shown on the site plans; b. The County shall establish waivers for non-safety related set back requirements and site planning requirements in order to accommodate historic structures or historic sites within a proposed development; c. As an alternative to preserving archaeological sites, the Owner may allow excavation of the site by the State of Florida Division of Historic Resources or the approved alternate prior to development. Should a site be scientifically excavated, then development may proceed without preserving the site; d. The County shall accept donations of historic or archaeological sites; e. Archaeological sites that are to be preserved may be utilized to satisfy required setbacks, buffer strips or open space up to the maximum area required by development regulations. Conservation of such historic or archaeological sites shall qualify for any open space requirements mandated by development regulations. Policy 11.1.3: If, during the course of site clearing, excavation, or other constructional activities, an archaeological or historical site, artifact, or other indicator is discovered, development activities at that specific archaeological site shall be immediately stopped and the appropriate agency notified. Development will be suspended for a sufficient length of time to enable the County or a designated consultant to assess the find and determine the proper course of action in regard to its salvageability. The County will respond to any such notification in a timely and efficient manner so as to provide only a minimal interruption to any constructional activity. (IX)GOAL 12: TO MAKE EVERY REASONABLE EFFORT TO ENSURE THE PUBLIC SAFETY, HEALTH AN D WELFARE OF PEOPLE AND PROPERTY FROM THE EFFECTS OF HURRICANE STORM DAMAGE. (I)(VI)(IX)(XI) OBJECTIVE 12.1: Maintain hurricane evacuation clearance times as required by state law. An evacuation clearance time is defined as having residents and visitors in an appropriate refuge away from storm surge prior to the arrival of sustained Tropical Storm force winds, i.e., winds equal to or greater than 39 mph. To further this Objective, for future mobile home developments located outside of the storm surge zone, such development is to include on-site sheltering or retro-fitting of an adjacent facility. The Collier County Bureau of Emergency Services continues to seek opportunities to increase shelter facilities and associated capacities under the direction of the Florida Division of Emergency Management. (XI) = Plan Amendment by Ordinance No. 2017-20 on June 13, 2017 Policy 11.1.2:22         COLLIER COUNTY GROWTH MANAGEMENT PLAN   PUBLIC FACILITIES ELEMENT Stormwater Management Sub-Element   Prepared by Collier County Planning and Zoning Department Comprehensive Planning Section  Prepared for COLLIER COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Adopted October, 1997    6WRUPZDWHU0DQDJHPHQW6XE(OHPHQWDVRI2UGLQDQFH1RDGRSWHG-XQH  (IV)II.GOAL, OBJECTIVES AND POLICIES (II)(III)GOAL: TO PROVIDE STORMWATER MANAGEMENT FACILITIES AND SERVICES FOR DRAINAGE AND FLOOD PROTECTION FOR EXISTING AND FUTURE DEVELOPMENT, MINIMIZE THE DEGRADATION OF QUALITY OF RECEIVING WATERS AND SURROUNDING NATURAL AREAS AND PROTECT THE FUNCTIONS OF NATURAL GROUNDWATER AQUIFER RECHARGE AREAS. (II)(III)OBJECTIVE 1 (CAPITAL FACILITY PLANNING FOR DRAINAGE SYSTEMS): Utilize the Annual Update and Inventory Report on Public Facilities (AUIR) process to update the County Geographic Information System and Channel/Structure Inventory components of the adopted Water Management Master Plan and to verify the existing watershed basin boundaries within Collier County. The County will also verify the design storm capacity of the drainage facilities within each basin, and determine the costs necessary to maintain the facility capacities to selected design storm standards. This information shall be used to program operational funds in the Annual County Budget and to identify necessary capital projects and basin studies in the Annual Capital Improvement Element Update and Amendment. (II)Policy 1.1: The County shall update and revise stormwater management maintenance procedures and capital projects based on continual facilities performance monitoring activities. Consideration will be given to natural systems as identified in Policy 2.1.4 of the Conse rvation and Coastal Management Element, existing developments and proposed developments. (II)(III)Policy 1.2: County drainage system and stormwater management network capital facility planning shall be designed to implement procedures and projects in a manner to ensure that adequate stormwater management facility capacity is available at the time a development permit is issued, or that such capacity will be available when needed to serve the development. (II)(III)Policy 1.3: The County shall continue to develop public drainage facilities and stormwater management network, which maintain the groundwater table as a source of recharge for the County’s potable water aquifers, provide a source of irrigation water for agricultural, horticultural and golf cou rse operations and provide water to native vegetation. (II)Policy 1.4: The County shall continue to evaluate structural and non -structural measures for restoring historical hydroperiods in impacted watersheds where possible and for reducing the impacts of canal and stormwater discharges to estuaries. Selected measures will be implemented through the watershed management planning process identified within Goal 2 of the Conservation and Coastal Management Element of the Growth Management Plan. (II)Policy 1.5: Watershed Management Plans will be undertaken as set forth in Objective 2.1 of the Conservation and Coastal Management Element (CCME). After each plan is completed, the results will be made available to the property owners located within the basin’s boundaries for their use in petitioning the Board of County Commissioners to create a taxing/assessment unit to fund the (IV) = Plan Amendment by Ordinance No. 2015-09 on January 27, 2015 GOAL: 22 6WRUPZDWHU0DQDJHPHQW6XE(OHPHQWDVRI2UGLQDQFH1RDGRSWHG-XQH  (II)(III)OBJECTIVE 4: Develop and maintain policies and programs to correct existing deficiencies and to provide for future facility needs in accordance with the annual work program referenced in the adopted Water Management Master Plan. (II)(III)Policy 4.1: County capital stormwater management projects shall be undertaken in accordance with the schedule provided in the Capital Improvement Element of this Plan. These projects shall be undertaken in coordination with the Big Cypress Basin Strategic Plan. (II)(III)Policy 4.2: Collier County shall correct existing deficiencies and provide for future water management facility needs through the formulation and implementation of an annual work program. In order to implement the annual work program, the County shall encourage the use of innovative funding mechanisms including, but not limited to special taxing or assessment districts. (II)(III)Policy 4.3: The County shall develop and maintain a stormwater management public awareness program, which will include, but not necessarily be limited to, a Collier County Stormwater Management website. The primary purpose of this program shall be to provide information regarding the County’s stormwater management programs to the general public including, but not limited to, the environmental enhancements that will result from the use of total water management concepts within the existing drainage and stormwater management network. (II)(III)OBJECTIVE 5: Regulate land use and development in a manner that protects the functions of natural drainage features, the stormwater management network and natural groundwater aquifer recharge areas. Implementation of this Objective will be consistent with the Watershed Management Planning process identified within Goal 2 of the Conservation and Coastal Management Element of the Growth Management Plan, and with relevant provisions contained within the adopted Land Development Code (Ordinance Number 2004-41, as amended). (II)Policy 5.1: Collier County shall periodically review all appropriate Water Management Ordinances and regulations to determine their effectiveness in protecting the functions of natural drainage features and natural groundwater aquifer recharge areas. (II)(III)Policy 5.2: Based upon the periodic review described in Policy 5.1, the County shall develop any appropriate new ordinances and regulations that are necessary to ensure protection of the functions of natural drainage features, the stormwater management network and natural groundwater aquifer recharge areas. (I)(II)(III)(V) OBJECTIVE 6: Protect the functions of natural drainage features through the application of standards that address the quality and quantity of discharge from stormwater management systems. (V) = Plan Amendment by Ordinance No. 2017-24 on June 13, 2017 OBJECTIVE 6: 22 6WRUPZDWHU0DQDJHPHQW6XE(OHPHQWDVRI2UGLQDQFH1RDGRSWHG-XQH    (I)(II)Policy 6.1: Projects shall be designed and operated so that off-site discharges will meet State water quality standards, as set forth in Chapter 62-302.300, F.A.C., as it existed at the date of project approval.  (I)(II)(III)(IV)(V) Policy 6.2: Collier County’s retention and detention criteria shall be one hundred and fifty percent (150%) of the water quality volumetric requirements provided in the Environmental Resource Permit Applicant’s Handbook Volume II for use within the Geographic Limits of the South Florida Water Management District (2014).  (I)(II)(IV)(V) Policy 6.3: Allowable off-site discharge rates shall be computed using a storm event of 3 day duration and 25 year return frequency. The Code of Laws and Ordinances includes a list of off-site discharge rates by basin.                                   (V) = Plan Amendment by Ordinance No. 2017-24 on June 13, 2017 3URMHFW 6LWH COLLIERLEEBROWARDHENDRYMIAMI-DADEPALMBEACHMONROEI-75TAMIAMI TRAILSR 29U S 27 H.E.F.T.CR 839ALLIGATOR ALLEY,I-75SR 93/I-75US 27/SR 25SR 82CR-835CR 833/JOSIE BILLIEEVERGLADES BLVDIMMOCKALEE RD/CR 846SR 93 / I-75 KROME AVECR 92S TAMIAMI TRAIL CR858/OIL WELL RDSNAKE RDCR-850CR-858CR-94ES T ERO BL VD SW 72 STCR-2 9 SW 107 AVEDAVIS BLVDN COLLIER BLVDCOLLIER BLVD.CHURCH ROADSW 168 STS POST R D IMMOKALEE RD/CR 846THRE E OAKS PKWY.LOOP RDGLADIOLUS DRSW 184 STREETSW 128 STCR 830-AN 15TH STCRAYTON RDCAPE CORAL PKWY.DYKES RDSW 132 AVESW 136 STSW 160 STNW 196 AVESR 29Note: This product has been compiled from the most accurate dataavailable to the Department of Economic Opportunity. This productis for reference purposes only and is not to be construed as a legaldocument or survey instrument. Please refer to Section 380.055 (3),Florida Statutes and Rule 28-25.001, Florida Administrative Code forthe precise boundary.Big Cypress Area of Critical State Concern®LegendBig Cypress ACSC0255012.5 MilesFCT Project Site