Backup Documents 04/26/2011 Item # 4C WHEREAS, WHEREAS, WHEREAS, WHEREAS, WHEREAS, WHEREAS, WHEREAS, WHEREAS, WHEREAS, WHEREAS, PROCLAMA rION . 4C National Volunteer Week is a commemoration "Celebrating People in Action': a signature week honoring the individuals who dedicate themselves to taking action and helping their community indicative of the culture of service that has shaped America,' and, volunteers ore an integral port of Collier County,' and, volunteers have shown that they truly care and share the generosity of themselves,' and, volunteers reflect the power to 'inspire by example':' and, volunteers both encourage those they help and motivate others to serve,' and, Collier County offers many opportunities for citizens who wish to volunteer in a variety of different service areas,' and, Collier County is the proud sponsor of the Retired and Senior Volunteer Program,' and, Collier County utilizes volunteers ,n Domestic Animal Services, Public Libraries, 011 Museums, Parks and RecreatiD/1, Housing, Human and Veteran Services, and University of Extension Services through the 4-H and Moster GardeMrs programs,' and, Collier County has 3,363 volunteers who help the County further its mission and contribute 183,518 hours of service annually, representing more than $3,407, 929 in savings for Collier County government and local organizations,' and, we wish to honor and thank the dedicated citizens of Collier County, Florida, who give so freely of their valuable time, energy, and abilities. NOW THEREFORE, be it proclaimed by the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida, that the week of April 10 through April 16, 2011 be designated as NATIONAL VOLUNTEER WEEK IN COLLIER COUNTY And, in doing so, we call on all citizens to help renew and sustain the spirit and vitality of this great nation by committing a portion of their time in addressing the needs of their community through voluntary action. DONE AND ORDERED THIS 26th Day of April, 2011. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA