AHAC Minutes 05/07/2018MINUTES OF THE COLLIER COUNTY AFFORDABLE HOUSING ADVISORY COMMITTEE May 7,2018 8:00 A.M. Naples, Florida tET lT BE REMEMBERED that the Collier County Affordable Housing Advisory Committee met on this date at 8:00 A.M. in a WOR(,N6 SESS,ON at 3299 Tamiami Trail East, Building F, 3'd, Board Room, Naples, Florida, with the following Members present: Sheryl Soukup John Cowan Mary Waller Litha Berger Carlos Portu (arrived late) Christina Apostolidis Scott Kish Denise Murphy Excused Steve Hruby, Chair Taylor Mclaughlin, Vice-Chair Joseph Schmitt ALSO PRESENT:Kim Grant - Director, Community and Human Services Cormac Giblin - Housing & Grants Development Manager lason Rummer - Operations Analyst - Public Services Hilary Halford, Sr. Grants Coordinator - CHS Barbetta Hutchinson - CHS OTHERS PRESENTT Sally Snyder; Patricia Young, George Danz; Barbara Melvin, FFIB; Gabriela Molina, Clerk of Courtsj Jackie Mortman; Ellen Penufold; Suzanne Obchell; Commissioner Taylor and 1 illegible signature CALL To ORDER ln absence of the Chair and Vice-Chair, the group appointed Carlos Portu to Chair the meeting. He called the meeting to order at 8:04 A.M. and read the procedures to be observed during the meeting. He led in the Pledge of Allegiance. 2. Rou CA[r - CoMMtrrEE MEMBERSAND STAFF Seven members were in attendance; therefore, a quorum was established 3. APPRoVAI- of AGEI,IDAAND MINUTE A motion was made to approve the agenda by Mary Waller and was seconded by Litha Berger, The motion passed by a vote of 7-0. b. John Cowan made a motion to approve the minutes from the meeting ofApril 2,2018, and Denise Murphy seconded. The motion passed by a vote of 7-0. I a Present: 1.A.4 Packet Pg. 25 Attachment: AHAC Meeting Minutes - May 7, 2018 (6548 : Affordable Housing Advisory Committee - August 6, 2018) 4. II{FoRMATIoNALITEMS a Cormac told the grou p that work on the trienn ial housing incentive review is coming up. Theywill use the information and research that was done for the community housing plan to complete the report. Four members have terms expiring on October 1, 2018 - Scott Kish, Joe Schmitt, 0enise Murphy and Taylor Mclaughlin. Cormac asked the members to submit their applications to Wanda Rodriguez in the County Attorney's Office as soon as possible. Cormac reviewed the new income limits for 2018. This includes the lar8est one-year shift in as long as we can remember. Hewill contactTaylor McLaughlin to ask her to revisit the affordability calculations. 6. DtscusstoN trEMs aND PRESENTAT|oNS Housing Plan Update on Phase ll - results from the BCC meeting a b c 5. Pus[c CoMMErr THERE WERE t{o GETERATGoMMENTS AND CoMMENTS WERE AccEprED ByrHE puBuc DURI{G Dtscusstot{ oF EAGH trEM. Cormac Giblin gave an overview of the Housing Plan lmplementation Phase 2 items that were broughttothe Board of Cou nty Comm ission ers on April 24,2018. The Board approved all items except funding a study to explore a possible linkage fee amount. b. Update on the Community Housing Plan Cormac Giblin gave an overview of the overall CHP and BCC actions to date. Hetoldthegroup that 61.4% of the population make less than S33,250 per year and that rental rates have risen by 29% in the past 2 years, making finding a rental property that is affordable very difficult. He reiterated that the definition of affordable housing is that not more than 30% of the gross income should be spent on housing. Hesaid thatweneed affordable housing everywhere - in all districts and that 1,665 units are needed annually to keep up with growth and demand. Public Speaker Suzanne Obchell stated her objection to affordable housing being built on either of the suggested sites in East or South Naples - Bembridge or Manatee Park. She suggested we relook at the iist of school properties to find another site. Public Speaker Pat Young also spoke against building affordable housing in East Naples. She suggested we look at school populations and change our focus to the children and away from the teachers. Carlos Portu said he is concerned about neighborhood issues if we continue to build more affordable homes in the same areas. Commissioner Taylor said that we must take inclusionary zoning into account. She said we should look at the mixed income housing ordinance. She suggested that we have a talk with the Superintendent of Schools to ask questions about the schools as she feels they are improving. Sheryl Soukup said she was concerned about the linkage fee denial by the Commissioners leaving affordable housing with no funding. 2 1.A.4 Packet Pg. 26 Attachment: AHAC Meeting Minutes - May 7, 2018 (6548 : Affordable Housing Advisory Committee - August 6, 2018) c Kim Grant suggested that the group keep focus on their priorities to setting the policies. She said the objective from a staff perspective is to forward the goals of the BCC. Staff has spoken to builders and not gotten much feedback on the specifics of the policy recommendations. lfthere is a real-life barrier we would love to know what it is. lf the p rogra ms that are suggested won't work - why not? Update on Public Meetings regarding the Manatee site. A presentation was provided by Cormac Giblin. Highlights: The Housing stakeholder group identified 16 parcels, then narrowed it down to 9, then to 2. Both the Bembridge site and the Manatee site were recommended to the BCC as suitable for housing. The Manatee site is much larger and has the potential for a greater number of homes. Since our last meetang, there have been 8 public meetings regarding these 2 sites. Please remember that the BCC has put this subject on hold until later this year, and nothing specific has been planned or proposed at this point. Public Speaker George Danz said that he attended 4 or 5 of these forums and there has been a lot of discussion regarding housing. Maybe we should be building towards Lee County since that's where the jobs are. Public Speaker Pat Young said that we should eliminate all park land as a potential housing site There has been an issue in the past regarding putting cultural items on public park land. Carlos Portu passed out marked up copies of slides that Cormac had presented at the meeting and went throuBh them adding comments and questions. He asked questions regarding what criteria was used to determine "excellent" in relation to the county owned locations and exactly where the statistics came from that were used on the reports. He motioned that the committee send a recommendation to the BCC in opposition to using the Bembridge and Manatee parcels for affordable housingj motion failed for lack of second. Mary Waller motioned that we should table this discussion until the future when the chair and vice-chair are present, John Cowan seconded her motion and the group voted 7-0. There being no further business for the good of the County, the meeting was adjourned at approximately 10:15 a.m. after being motioned by John Cowan, seconded by Mary Waller and having a final vote of 7-0. 7. ADJOURN Nrxr MEEfl 6: Jul,lE 4,2018 Ar8:00 A.M. l-ocationi 5th FloorTraining Room, Administration (Building F) located at 3299 TamiamiTrail East. AFFoRDABI.E HoUSI G ADVISoRY MITfEE Hrub% Ch a The foregoing Minutes were approved by Committee Chair on OR "os omended" I*1, ,2078, "os subnitted" VQ 1.A.4 Packet Pg. 27 Attachment: AHAC Meeting Minutes - May 7, 2018 (6548 : Affordable Housing Advisory Committee - August 6, 2018)