June 4, 2018
8:00 A.M.
Naples, Florida
tET lT BE REMEMBERED that the Collier County Affordable Housing Advisory Committee met on this date at 8:00
A.M. in a WOR NG SEss/ON at 3299 Tamiami Trail East, Building F, 3'd, Board Room, Naples, Florida, with the
following Members present:
Present:Sheryl Soukup
John Cowan
Mary Waller
Litha Berger
Carlos Portu
Denise Murphy
Excused:Steve Hruby, Chair
Taylor McLaughlin, Vice-chair
.Joseph Schmitt
Scott Kish
Christina Apostolidis
ALso PRESENT:(im Grant - Director, Community and Human Services
Jason Rummer - Operations Analyst - Public Services
Hilary Halford, Sr. Grants Coordinator - CHS
Barbetta Hutchinson - CHS
OTHERS PRESENT: Patricia Young, George Danz; Barbara Melvin, FFIB; Jackie Mortman; Ellen Pennfold; Suzanne
Orschell; Alison Thom; Debrah Forester, CRA; Bernie Harris.
Six members were in attendance; therefore, a quorum was established
A motion was made to approve the agenda by carlos Portu and was seconded by sheryl soukup. The
motion passed by a vote of 6-0.
ln absence of the Chair and Vice.Chair, the group appointed Mary Waller to Chair the meeting. Shecalledthe
meeting to order at 8:05 A.M., read the procedures to be observed during the meeting and led the group in
the Pledge of Allegiance.
Packet Pg. 22 Attachment: AHAC Meeting Minutes - June 4, 2018 (6548 : Affordable Housing Advisory Committee - August 6, 2018)
b. Denise Murphy made a motion to approve the minutes from the meeting of May 7, 2018 and Litha
Berger seconded. The motion passed by a vote of 6-0.
Jason Rummer reviewed the 1st quarter housing opportunity index with the group. During the past 3
years, home prices increased 28.3% and affordability decreased by 4.1%. Housing prices are going u p,
but wages are staying relatively the same. Jason explained that a score of 50 for the housing index
would mean that a median earning family would be able to afford a median priced home. The numbers
Jason used represent 90% of the jobs in the entire state. ln the next report, Jason will include the
numbers for all government workers,
b. Kim gave an update on the county owned properties. There have been many public meetings and we
have gotten great input from the public. She reminded the committee that no further action will be
taken with respect to the properties at the BCC level until this fall. The Parks and Recreation Advisory
Board is interested in the possibility of having a joint meeting with the AHAC, or possibly a
subcommittee with members of both committees to discuss the Manatee Site, before anything is taken
back to the Bcc. Kim informed the committee that based on feedback from the public, there will be
an approximately 60 day study performed by a contracted company to inform us on roads/traffic,
environmental review and school and other impacts for both parcels. The results should be released
in August at which time they will be shared via joint or subcommittee meetings as noted above.
Pat Young stated that affordable housing does not come in a vacuum. She said there have been several
articles in the Naples Daily News about affordable housing. She feels we need jobs and good schools in
Collier County. She stated that a feasibility study has been done regarding schools and it was determined
that teachers need to be paid more to keep them in Collier county. She also stated there will be a meeting
at the First Haitian Baptist Church at 14600 Tamiami Trail on June 4th at 5:30 p.m. to discuss the Habitat
project at Regal Arms.
Carlos Portu asked if we could notice public meetings that are related to affordable housing on our website.
Kim agreed to do this, as long as we are aware of them.
5. Dlscussro rEMSAND PREsErrAno s
Housing Plan Update on Phase lll - Kim presented slides covering the next set of items slated for Board of County
Commissioners review on lune 26, 2018, She went over the incentives, the purpose of each incentive and the
recommendations. Committee members made a few suggestions that will be incorporated or were noted for future
reference, if the recommendations move forward.
Debrah Forester asked about the land trust and if there would there be a way to make sure the mixed income units
would remain in perpetuity. Kim said that there would be a land use restriction. Susanne Orschell asked if a
developer could buy land and use it solely for affordable housing. The answer is yes. Jackie Mortman was concerned
that someone could buy an affordable home and flip it. Kim said that is could not happen with the land use
restrictions that would be in place. Bernie Harris asked if the county could purchase more land for affordable
housing. Kim said that they could through using the Affordable Housing Trust Fund if there were ever funds
designated. There are no plans at this time for such purchases.
Packet Pg. 23 Attachment: AHAC Meeting Minutes - June 4, 2018 (6548 : Affordable Housing Advisory Committee - August 6, 2018)
a There being no further business for the good of the County, the meeting was adjourned at
approximately 10:02 a.m. afte. being motioned byJohn Cowan, seconded by SherylSoukup and having
a final vote of 6-0.
NExr MEETTN6: JurY 2,2018AT 8:00 A.M.
Location: sth Floor Training Room, Administration (Building F) located at 3299 Tamiami Trail East.
The foregoing Minutes were approved by Committee Chair on
OR "os omended' L).
2018. "os submitted' lVl' :A'
Packet Pg. 24 Attachment: AHAC Meeting Minutes - June 4, 2018 (6548 : Affordable Housing Advisory Committee - August 6, 2018)