Backup Documents 02/22/2011 Item #10E
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I.Frank Ramsey HHVS 11-. 2/23/2011
2. Jennifer B. White CAO ')~vJ 2- \?'3 \\ \
3. Chairman Fred W. Coyle Board of County Commissioners
5. Ian Mitchell, Executive Manager Board of County Commissioners ~ <'{Z-s (I(
6. Minutes and Records Clerk ofCOllrt's Office
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Name of Primary Staff Frank Ramsey, Housing Manager Phone Number 252-2336 --
Agenda Date Item was 2/22/20 II Agenda Item Number 10E
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I: Forms! County Formsl Bee Fonus/ Original DUCllments Routing Slip WWS Original 9,03.04. Rcvised 1.26.05. Rcvised 2.24.05
10 E ~I
February 23, 2011
Frank Ramsey, Housing Manager
Housing & Human Services Department
Martha Vergara, Deputy Clerk
Minutes & Records Department
Enclosed please find one (1) originals of the document, referenced
above (Agenda Item #lOE), which were approved by the Board of
County Commissioners on Tuesday, February 22, 2011.
Please forward for additional signatures and return an original back
to the Minutes & Records Department to be kept in the Board's
Official Records.
If you should have any questions, please contact me at 252-7240.
Thank you
1 0 E 'I
1. NSP3 Grantee Information
NSP3 Program Administrator Contact Information
Name (last, First) Krumbine, Marcy
Email Address marcykrum
Phone Number 239-252-4663
Mailing Address 3339 Tamiami Trail E., Suite 211, Naples, Florida 34112-5361
2. Areas of Greatest Need
Map Submission
The map generated at the HUD NSP3 Mapping Tool for Preparing Action Plan website is included as an
Data Sources Used to Determine Areas of Greatest Need
Describe the data sources used to determine the areas of greatest need.
Collier County consulted local, state, and nationai data sources in determining the areas of greatest
need. The use of myriad data sources allowed both a macro and micro and analysis of the areas of
critical concern, local and national trends, forecasting future demand, and leveraging of existing
resources. The goal of Collier County when determining the areas of greatest need was to stabilize
neighborhoods, arrest decline, and produce a more sustainable, inclusive, and integrated community.
local Data
Source: Naples Area Board of Realtors Multiple Listing Service (MLS).
Qualifiers: Excluded Marco Island, vacant land, commercial property, multi-family, and time-shares.
Included mobile homes, manufactured homes, short sales, and foreclosures. All properties must have a
minimum of 350 square feet.
Data Used: Median sales price, median list price, number of listings, and number of sales from January
2010 to October 2010.
The data provided a macro analysis of patterns and trends in the countywide residential real estate
market. There continues to be a significant delta between the number of listings ver.;us number of
sales, and the median listing price versus the median sales price. For example, in October 2010 there
were 434 sales compared to 7,966 properties listed; only 5.45% of properties listed for sale in October
2010 sold. Likewise, the median listing price in October 2010 was $324,000 compared to a median sales
price in the same month of $165,000; the median sales price was approximately half of the median list
It may be true that until these deltas display an extended decrease in severity, the local housing market
will continue to struggle. However, the dichotomy between the rural housing market and the coastal
housing market may distort the median data figures; thus, drawing conclusions at this level of analysis
may be problematic. For example, the December 2010 sale of a home in the prestigious Port Royal
community for $14.55 million dollars will likely distort the countywide median sales price data for that
NSP3 Action Plan
Collier County, Florida
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Source: Various; complied and reported in the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development's
(HUD) NSP3 Downloadable Data Files.
Qualifiers: Data reflects market conditions for the second quarter of 2010. For further details, consult
the "Data Dictionary" prepared by HUD and available at
Data Used: Collier County was divided into 223 distinct areas by HUD when preparing data to assist in
calculating the formula allocations amounts for NSP3. All data were used by HUD to calculate a NSP3
foreclosure need score ranging from one to twenty, with twenty being the worst. Locally, particular
attention was paid to the following factors: foreclosure need score, percent low-moderate households,
USPS vacancy rates, percentage of high-cost mortgages, and the estimate number of properties needed
to make an impact.
In order to be eligible for participation in NSP3, an area must have a foreclosure need score of at least
seventeen on the scale of twenty. Of the 223 areas HUD divided Collier County into, 206 have a
foreclosure need score of at least 17 (92.38 percent). However, many ofthe areas would require
expenditures in excess of the available NSP3 funding. Collier County must seek to deeply target funding
into those areas where HUD believes we can make an impact based upon current market conditions and
projections for future decline or instability.
Source: Collier County NSPl experiences
Qualifiers: Collier County was allocated $7,306,750 and successfully obligated 100 percent of the funds
within 18 months. The program design generates program income upon sale to an income-qualified
person or family. As such, activities are ongoing.
Data Used: Acquisition locations, average acquisition cost, average rehabilitation cost, and return of
program income.
Collier County's NSPl program has been successful in acquiring properties in focused geographical areas
most adversely affected by the foreclosure crisis. When determining areas of greatest need for NSP3,
consideration was given to properties approved using NSPl funds. Furthermore, having already
acquired over 70 properties with NSP1, Collier County has a considerable amount of data on costs. As
such, we sought areas for NSP3 funding that we have adequate funding to make a real impact.
State Data
Source: Shim berg Center for Housing Studies, University of Florida.
Qualifiers: Data projects affordable housing needs based upon the 2000 Census. While this data is
dated, the Center was established in 1988 by the Florida legislature (Section 240.5111, Florida Statutes)
as the State's source of research relating to the problems and solutions associated with the availability
of affordable housing in Florida. As such, one must consider the data in any analysis of affordable
housing needs.
Data Used: Collier County used cost burdened household data, divided by home ownership and rental,
to assess the types of housing units projected to meet an unmet need in the community. Cost
burdened is defined as a household spending greater than 30 percent of household income on housing
related expenses.
Analyzing data from the Shimberg Center, Collier County is projected to have an average annual increase
of 739.55 cost burdened household units between 2010 and 2030. The data shows the increase by
NSP3 Action Plan
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income range and housing type (home ownership versus rental) and may prove a valuable tool in the
long range planning and implementation of the NSP3 program.
National Data
Source: Neighborhood Stabilization Program Resource Exchange and other sources
Qualifiers: Information was assembled to ensure Collier County's NSP3 areas of greatest need could be
effectively served with the resources available using best practices, toolkits, and examples of successful
implementations in NSP1 and NSP2. Finally, national media coverage on housing related issues was
used to provide context within the broader economic crisis. Much of this data is not quantitative, but
remains valuable when selecting target areas.
Data Used: Two toolkits available on the Neighborhood Stabilization Program Resource Exchange were
of particular benefit when determining areas of greatest need: Instructions for Completing the NSP3
Substontial Amendment or Abbreviated Action Plan and the NSP3 Program Design Guidebook. Figure 1-2
in the NSP3 Program Design Guidebook was used to consider market types and the implications for
program design. For example, in an area with low demand and high supply of eligible properties, Collier
County may undertake demolition of blighted structures and land bank for future redevelopment.
National media coverage was used to provide a context within the broader economic crisis when
planning activities and selecting areas of greatest need. Topics considered included, but were not
limited to: the growth in families "doubling up" due to loss of income or foreclosure; decreasing local
government budgets resulting in, among other things, fewer funds for maintaining abandoned houses
and funding social service initiatives; challenges in providing effective homeless prevention; uncertainty
surrounding certain documents used by banks during foreclosure proceedings; presence of "Chinese
Drywall" in homes and the adverse effects on owners; the state of housing and the uncertainties
surround future prices; Florida Economic Outlook: July 2010 (Wells Fargo).
Determination of Areas of Greatest Need and Applicable Tiers
Describe how the areas of greatest need were established and whether a tiered approach is being
utilized to determine the distribution of funding.
It is not proper, nor is it the intent, for the Collier County NSP3 to compete with the private market; the
private market will take care of the private market. Rather, the Collier County NSP3 should deeply
target those areas that are not attractive to private investors and homebuyers, and which are causing
instability, deterioration, blight, and unstable conditions in the community.
For purposes of NSP3, HUD divided Collier County into 223 unique target areas. Providing this number
of small target areas will permit Collier County to deeply target areas adversely impacted by the
foreclosure crisis. However, the County's success will depend on the availability of eligible properties.
As such, Collier County will employ a tiered approach.
Based upon data collected from NSP1, Collier County NSP3 allocation will fund activities on
approximately twenty-four (24) units. A tiered approach will further define within the general target
area, sub-areas (or tiers), to ensure that the County is able to meet the impact criteria provided by HUD.
Where funds are insufficient to meet the impact criteria, the County will seek other tiers in which funds
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may be deeply targeted and produce the results expected by HUD, the Housing and Economic Recovery
Act of 2008, and the Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act of 2010 (Dodd-Frank Act).
Finally, when assessing tiers to target with NSP3, the County will consider properties assisted with NSP1.
For example, the County has made great efforts to stabilize an area loosely defined as Golden Gate City.
Further investment in this area and the associated tiers will maximum the effects of both NSP1 and
NSP3. Additionally, the past and future use of NSP1 in conjunction with NSP3 may assist the County in
meeting the impact criteria.
The following have been selected as the target areas for Collier County's NSP3:
Tar~et Area One - Golden Gate Citv (HUD Nei~hborhood 10 11087641
. Tier One - Census Tract 0104.10
o GeoiD 12021923012630001041OU1
o GeoiD 12021923012630001041OU2
o GeoiD 12021923012630001041OU3
. Tier Two - Census Tract 0104.09
o GeoiD 120219230126300010409U1
o GeoiD 120219230126300010409U2
o GeoiD 120219230126300010409U3
o GeoiD 120219230126300010409U4
o GeolD120219230126300010409U5
. Tier Three - Census Tract 0104.11
o GeoiD 12021923012630001041lU1
o GeoiD 12021923012630001041lU2
o GeoiD 12021923012630001041lU3
o GeoiD 120219230126300010411R3
o GeoiD 120219230126300010411R1
Tar~et Area Two - NaDles Park (HUD Nei~hborhood 10 18275451
. Tier One - Census Tract 0101.04
o GeoiD 120219230199999010104U8
Tar~et Area Three - East NaDles Bavshore Gatewav CRA (HUD Nei~hborhood 10 39811401
. Tier One - Census Tract 0107.01
o GeoiD 12021923019999901070lU4
o GeoiD 12021923019999901070lU1
o GeoiD 12021923019999901070lU2
o GeoiD 12021923019999901070lU3
o GeoiD 120219230199999010701R2
Please note that the above data is presented and identified as contained in HUD's NSP3 Mapping Tool.
Copies of the reports are attached to this application.
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3. Definitions and Descriptions
Term Definition
Blighted Structure In conformance with Section 163.340, Florida Statutes, a "blighted structure"
means a structure that is deteriorated, or deteriorating, in which conditions,
as indicated by government-maintained statistics or other studies, are
leading to economic distress or endangering life or property, and in which
two or more of the following factors are present;
a) Predominance of defective or inadequate street layout, parking
facilities, roadways, bridges, or public transportation facilities;
b) Aggregate assessed value of real property in the area for ad valorem
tax purposes have failed to show any appreciable increase over the 5
years prior to the finding of such condition;
c) Faulty lot layout in relation to size, adequacy, accessibility, or
d) Unsanitary or unsafe conditions;
e) Deterioration of site or other improvements;
f) Inadequate and outdated building density patterns;
g) Falling lease rates per square foot of office, commercial, or industrial
space compared to the remainder of the county or municipality;
h) Tax or special assessment delinquency exceeding the fair value of
the land;
i) Residential and commercial vacancy rates higher in the area than in
the remainder of the county or municipality;
j) Incidence of crime in the area higher than in the remainder of the
county or municipality;
k) Fire and emergency medical service calls to the area proportionately
higher than in the remainder of the county or municipality;
I) A greater number of violations of the Florida Building Code in the
area than the number of violations recorded in the remainder of the
county or municipality;
m) Diversity of ownership or defective or unusual conditions of title
which prevent the free alienability of land within the deteriorated or
hazardous area; or
n) Governmentally owned property with adverse environmental
conditions caused by a public or private entity.
However, the term "blighted structure" or "blighted area" also means any
structure or area in which at least one of the factors identified in paragraphs
(a) through (n) are present and all taxing authorities subject to s.
163.387(2)(a) agree, either by interlocal agreement or agreements with the
agency or by resolution, that the structure or area is blighted.
Affordable Rents 24 CFR ~ 92.252
Rents shall not exceed the Fair Market Rents (FMR) as published annually by
HUD for the Naples - Marco Island Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA).
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Furthermore, the maximum rent are the lesser of:
1) The fair market rent for existing housing for comparable units in the
area as established by HUD under 24 CFR 888.111; or
2) A rent that does not exceed 30 percent of the adjusted income of a
family whose annual income equals 65 percent of the median
income for the area, as determined by HUD, with adjustments for
number of bedrooms in the unit.
Furthermore, when the N5P3 assisted unit is occupied by very low-income
families the rent requirements are:
1) The rent does not exceed 30 percent of the annual income of a
family whose income equals 50 percent of the median income for
the area, as determined by HUD, with adjustments for smaller and
larger families. However, if the rent determined under this
paragraph is higher than the applicable rent under paragraph (1) or
(2) of this section, then the maximum rent for units under this
paragraph is that calculated under paragraph (1) or (2) of this
section; and
2) The rent does not exceed 30 percent of the family's adjusted
income. If the unit receives Federal or State project-based rental
subsidy and the very low-income family pays as a contribution
toward rent not more than 30 percent of the family's adjusted
income, then the maximum rent (i.e., tenant contribution plus
project-based rental subsidy) is the rent allowable under the Federal
or State project-based rental subsidy program.
Term Definition
Long-Term Affordability 24 CFR 92.252(a), (c), (e), and (f), and 92.254
Rental: Lonl!-Term Affordabilitv
The NSP3-assisted units must meet the affordability requirements for not
less than the applicable period specified below, beginning after project
completion. The affordability requirements for NSP3-assisted rental units
apply without regard to the term of any loan or mortgage or the transfer of
ownership, except that the affordability restrictions may terminate upon
foreclosure or transfer in lieu of foreclosure. Collier County will enforce
long-term affordability through the use of a recorded lien, covenant, or deed
restriction against the assisted property.
Rental housing activity Minimum period of affordability in years
Rehabilitation or acquisition of existing
housing per unit amount of NSP3 funds: 5
Under $15.000. ....... .......................................
$15.000 to $40.000. ............................... ....... 10
Over $40,000 or rehabilitation involving 15
refinancing.... ........................... ..........
New construction or aCQuisition of newly 20
NSP3 Action Plan
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I constructed housing. ........ ........................ .....1 I
Subsequent rents during the affordability period will be calculated and
applied in conformance with 24 CFR 92.2S2(f).
Homeownershio: lonl[- Term Affordabilitv
The NSP3-assisted housing must meet the affordability requirements for not
less than the applicable period specified in the following table, beginning
after project completion. These restrictions are a minimum and Collier
County may elect to impose longer affordability periods. The per unit
amount of NSP3 funds and the affordability period that they trigger are
described more fully below under "Homeownership: Recapture Provisions."
Homeownership assistance NSP3 amount Minimum period of affordability in years
Under $15,000.. ............................................ 5
$15.000 to $40,000....... ..... ............ ....0....... 10
Over $40.000....... ........ ......... ........................ 15
Homeownershio: Recaoture Provisions
The recapture provisions will ensure that Collier County recoups all or a
portion of the NSP3 assistance benefiting the homebuyer, if the housing
does not continue to be the principal residence of the family for the duration
of the period of affordability. The period of affordability is based upon the
total amount of NSP3 funds subject to recapture described above.
Collier County may choose to recapture the entire amount of NSP3
assistance or a reduced amount on a pro rata basis for the time the
homeowner has owned and occupied the housing measured against the
required affordability period. The net proceeds may be divided
proportionally as set forth in the following mathematical formulas:
NSP3 investment X Net proceeds = NSP3 amount to County
NSP3 investment + homeowner investment
homeowner investment X Net proceeds = amount to homeowner
NSP3 investment + homeowner investment
Collier County may permit the home buyer to recover the home buyer's entire
investment (downpayment and capital improvements made by the owner
since purchase) before recapturing the NSP3 investment.
Housing Rehabilitation
Standards General Standards
All NSP3-assisted housing will be required to meet or exceed local and state
building codes. All units that require rehabilitation must meet or exceed the
current Florida Building Code (FBC). The current code applied in Collier
County is 2007 FBC.
Collier County will incorporate energy-efficient, sustainable building
NSP3 Action Plan
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practices, including the use of green building to provide long-term
affordability and attractiveness within the community. Furthermore, Collier
County encompasses a large coastal area that subjects the residents to the
risk of hurricanes and severe flooding. As such, all NSP3-assisted housing will
undergo hurricane hardening and damage mitigation, when feasible.
Reauired HUD Standards
In compliance with the requirements of HUD, the following standards will
apply to gut rehabilitation and new construction projects. Gut rehabilitation
is defined as the general replacement of the interior of a building that mayor
may not include changes to structural elements such as flooring systems,
columns or load bearing interior or exterior walls.
a) Residential buildings up to three stories must be designed to meet
the standard for Energy Star Qualified New Homes;
b) Mid- or high-rise multifamily housing must be designed to meet
American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, Air-Conditioning
Engineers (ASHRAE) Standard 90.1-2004, Appendix G plus 20 percent
(which is the Energy Star standard for multifamily buildings piloted
by the Environmental Protection Agency and the Department of
In further compliance with the requirements of HUD, the following standards
will apply to all NSP3-assisted housing units.
a) All rehabilitated units must meet the following standards to the
extent applicable to the work undertaken:
i. Older obsolete products and appliances (such as
windows, doors, lighting, hot water heaters,
furnaces, boilers, air conditioning units,
refrigerators, clothes washers and dishwashers)
must be replaced with Energy Star-46 labeled
ii. Water efficient toilets, showers, and faucets, such as
those with the WaterSense label must be installed;
iii. Housing must be improved to mitigate the impact of
disasters (e.g. hurricane, flooding, and fire)
HUD also encourages the adoption of energy efficient and environmentally-
friendly green elements. Collier County will seek to incorporate the
standards and policies of the Florida Green Building Coalition. A copy of the
standards and policies is attached to this Action Plan.
4. Low-Income Targeting
Low-Income Set-Aside Amount
NSP3 Action Plan
Collier County, Florida
10 E II
Identify the estimated amount of funds appropriated or otherwise made available under the N5P3 to
be used to provide housing for individuals or families whose incomes do not exceed 50 percent of
area median income.
Collier County will set-aside 25 percent of funds appropriated to the County to provide housing for
individuals or families whose incomes do not exceed 50 percent of the area median income, adjusted for
household size. The final dollar amount is 25 percent of the County's appropriation, rounded up to the
nearest thousand. Please note that activities funded with program income are not subject to the 25
percent set-aside requirement, however they may be used to meet the regulatory requirement.
Total low-income set-aside percentage (must be no less than 25 percent): 25.00%
Total funds set aside for low-income individuals = $972,000.00
Meeting Low-Income Target
Provide a summary that describes the manner in which the low-income targeting goals will be met.
Affordable rental housing will provide the best opportunity for success in producing housing units with
costs that do not exceed 30 percent of the annual income of a family whose income equals 50 percent
of the median income for the area, adjusted for household size.
Collier County will seek to acquire, rehabilitate, or redevelop multi-family housing units. Experiences
from NSP1 have shown that Collier County lacks mid-sized N5P eligible rental properties; more typical
are scattered-site duplexes and triplexes. Several large rental communities have become available, but
the size of the developments drives the price well above the available financial resources of the
Despite the aforementioned challenge, it is important to produce additional rental units affordable to
households earning not greater than SO percent of the area median income. Several income restricted
affordable rental communities in Collier County have been foreclosed on by the first mortgage lender or
other agency during the past 12 months. When these units are sold at foreclosure auction the
affordability restrictions are lost. Given current credit markets, unemployment and underemployment,
and number of persons experience foreclosure, the need for affordable rental housing is rising.
While rental housing will be the primary focus of the low-income targeting, there are local non-profit
agencies that have been successful in providing homeownership to households earning less than SO
percent of the area median income. As such, Collier County may employ homeowners hip activities,
either internally or through outside partnerships, to meet the low-income targeting requirement.
5. Acquisition and Relocation
Demolition or Conversion of LMI Units
Does the grantee intend to demolish or convert any low- and moderate-income
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dwelling units (i.e., S 80% of area median income)?
If yes, fill in the table below.
Question Number of Units
The number of low- and moderate-income dwelling units-i.e., S 80% of area
median income-reasonably expected to be demolished or converted as a direct
result of N5P-assisted activities. 3 units
The number of N5P affordable housing units made available to low- , moderate-,
and middle-income households-i.e., S 120% of area median income-reasonably
expected to be produced by activity and income level as provided for in DRGR, by
each N5P activity providing such housing (including a proposed time schedule for
commencement and completion). All activities have
an estimated
date of March 1,
2011 and
completion date
of February 28,
Activity 1 LMMH
-12 units
Activity 2 LH25-
4 units
Activity 5 LMMH
- 1 unit
Activity 6 LH25 -
1 unit
The number of dwelling units reasonably expected to be made available for
households whose income does not exceed 50 percent of area median income. 6 units
6. Public Comment
Citizen Participation Plan
Briefly describe how the grantee followed its citizen participation plan regarding this proposed
substantial amendment or abbreviated plan.
The Collier County Citizen Participation Plan was adopted January 9, 2001. The following steps were
taken in preparation of this N5P3 substantial amendment:
1. Technical Assistance -In addition to providing public access to the draft and development
document used in the preparation of this substantial amendment, Collier County was available
to provide technical assistance to citizens, citizen groups, nonprofit organizations and agencies
NSP3 Action Plan
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that requested assistance in understanding the NSP3.
2. Public HearinRs/MeetinRs - The development of the Collier County NSP3 substantial
amendment was contemplated in regular, publicly advertised meeting(s) of the Affordable
Housing Advisory Committee, the Board of County Commissioners, and advertised in a
newspaper of general circulation.
3. Fifteen-Dav Public Comment Period - The County published notice of the availability of the
proposed NSP3 substantial amendment in a newspaper of general circulation and posted it on
the County's website. The publication described, among other items, the total County
appropriation, target areas, and proposed activities.
4. Countv Commission - Citizen partiCipation requirements shall not be construed to restrict the
responsibility or authority of the County for the development and execution of the NSP3
program activities. The County Commission remains the sole approving authority for the
program and any amendments.
Summary of Public Comments Received.
No public comments were received.
7. NSP Information by Activity
ActIvity Number 1
ActIvity Name Acquisition and Rehabilitation (LMMH)
Select all that apply:
Eligible Use A: Financing Mechanisms
Uses c; Eligible Use B: Acquisition and Rehabilitation
Eligible Use C: Land Banking
Eligible Use D: Demolition
Eligible Use E: Redevelopment
24 CFR S70.201(a) Acquisition, (b) Disposition, (i) Relocation, and (n) Direct
CDBG ActIvIty or homeowners hip assistance (as modified below); 24 CFR 570.202 eligible
rehabilitation and preservation activities for homes and other residential
ActIvItIes properties. HUD notes that any of the activities listed above may include
required homebuyer counseling as an activity delivery cost.
National Objective Low Moderate Middle Income Housing (LMMH)
Activity Number 1 will provide funding to acquire and rehabilitate properties
that have been abandoned or foreclosed upon. Once rehabilitation is
complete, the home will be sold to persons or households earning not greater
than 120 percent area median income, adjusted for household size.
The activity will attempt to stabilize neighborhoods, arrest decline, and create
ActIvity Description a more sustainable, integrated, and affordable community. The local housing
market conditions in the target areas generally consists of elevated vacancy
rates, greater percentage of homes financed with a high cost loan, a large
number of mortgages seriously delinquent (90+ or more delinquent or in
foreclosure), and a significant percentage decline in home values since the
peak value. For example, since the peak value, home values in the target
areas have fallen 48.4 percent.
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Collier County will seek to purchase homes and residential properties that
have been abandoned or foreclosed upon, in order to sell, rent or redevelop
such homes and properties. When selecting target areas for this activity,
Collier County paid close attention to the impact score assigned by HUD. The
impact score is the estimated number of properties needed to make an
impact in the identified target area.
Consideration of the impact score is especially important because, as HUD
states, "nationwide there have been over 1.9 million foreclosure completions
in the past two years. NSP 1, 2, and 3 combined are estimated to only be able
to address 100,000 to 120,000 foreclosures. To stabilize a neighborhood
requires focused investment." Therefore, target areas were selected in which
Collier County would be able to make the impact recommended by HUD.
When providing assistance to persons, families, non-profit agencies, or other
organizations, the following general terms will apply:
. Range of interest rates: 0 percent to 5 percent
. Term of assistance: 5 years to 30 years
. Tenure of beneficiaries: homeowners and/or renters
The activity is expected to benefit income-qualified persons or households by
producing safe, decent, and affordable housing. Additionally, the County will
seek to incorporate energy efficient and environmentally-friendly green
elements in each project.
One of the major obstacles to affordable homeownership is saving for a down
payment. Oftentimes the low- and very-low income residents of Collier
County are struggling to pay a monthly rent payment, as well as other
household expenses. This activity will benefit income-qualified persons or
households by offering a newly rehabilitated property with a principal buy-
down to increase affordability and reduce the heavy burden of saving a
sizable down payment.
Another factor affecting residents within the target areas is reduced
employment opportunities. Collier County has long relied on industries fueled
by population growth to provide employment opportunities for residents.
According to the Collier County Economic Development Council's 2009
Market Facts report, construction, retail trade and accommodations, and food
service employ the largest number of Collier County residents. All three
industries have an average wage well below the area median income
($44,592, $29,120, and $22.683 respectively) thereby making any disruption
in income potentially devastating. This activity will benefit income-qualified
persons or households be providing affordable housing that is integrated and,
whenever possible, located near employment centers and public
NSP3 Action Plan
Collier County, Florida
Pace 12
10 E i";"
This activity will produce housing that is intended to remain affordable. In
compliance with N5P3 regulations, Collier County has adopted as a safe
harbor the affordability standards of the HOME program at 24 CFR 92.252(a),
(c). (e), and (f), and 92.254.
Collier County will seek, to the maximum extent possible, to hire or cause to
be hired employees who reside in the vicinity of N5P3 projects or contract
with small businesses that are owned and operated by persons residing in the
vicinity of the project. For the purposes of N5P3, HUD defines "vicinity" as
each neighborhood identified within this document as being the areas of
greatest need.
The following are examples of activities that may be used to accomplish this
. Outreach to local area residents and businesses;
. Inclusion of Section 3 and other relevant language in all applicable
. Advertising of economic opportunities to local area residents and
The procedures used to create preferences for the development of affordable
rental housing is detailed in Activity 2 and Activity 6.
Neighborhood 10 1108764: Golden Gate City
. Tier One - Census Tract 0104.10
. Tier Two - Census Tract 0104.09
. Tier Three - Census Tract 0104.11
location DescrIption Neighborhood 10 1827545: Naples Park
. Tier One - Census Tract 0104.08
Neighborhood 10 3981140: East Naples Bayshore Gateway CRA
. Tier One - Census Tract 0107.01
Source of Fundi", Dollar Amount
Budget N5P3 $2,100,000.00
Total Budaet for Activity $2,100,000.00
Perform.nce Measures Acquire and rehabilitate twelve (12) units of housing for LMMH.
Projected Start Date March 1, 2011
Projected End Date February 28, 2014
Name Collier County Department of Housing,
Human, and Veteran Services
Responsible location 3339 Tamiami Trail E., Suite 211,
O....nlzatlon Naples, Florida 34112
Administrator Contact Info 239-252-4663
NSP3 Action Plan
Colller County, Florida
pa.e 13
ActIvity Number 2
ActIvIty Name Acquisition and Rehabilitation (LH25)
5elect all that apply:
Eligible Use A: Financing Mechanisms
Use i;>.<: Eligible Use B: Acquisition and Rehabilitation
Eligible Use C: Land Banking
Eligible Use D: Demolition
Eligible Use E; Redevelopment
24 CFR 570.201(a) Acquisition, (b) Disposition, (i) Relocation, and (n) Direct
CDBG ActIvIty or homeowners hip assistance (as modified below); 24 CFR 570.202 eligible
rehabilitation and preservation activities for homes and other residential
ActIvities properties. HUD notes that any of the activities listed above may include
required homebuyer counseling as an activity delivery cost.
National Objective Low-Income Housing to Meet 25% Set-Aside (LH2S)
Activity Number 2 will provide funding to acquire and rehabilitate properties
that have been abandoned or foreclosed upon. Once rehabilitation is
complete, the home will be rented to persons or households earning not
greater than SO percent area median income, adjusted for household size.
The County will favor the end-use of rental housing to provide affordable
housing to this income population.
The activity will attempt to stabilize neighborhoods, arrest decline, and create
a more sustainable, integrated, and affordable community. The local housing
market conditions in the target areas generally consists of elevated vacancy
rates, greater percentage of homes financed with a high cost loan, a large
number of mortgages seriously delinquent (90+ or more delinquent or in
foreclosure), and a significant percentage decline in home values since the
peak value. For example, since the peak value, home values in the target
areas have fallen 48.4 percent.
ActIvity Description
Collier County will seek to purchase homes and residential properties that
have been abandoned or foreclosed upon, in order to, rent or redevelop such
homes and properties. When selecting target areas for this activity, Collier
County paid close attention to the impact score assigned by HUD. The impact
score is the estimated number of properties needed to make an impact in the
identified target area.
Consideration of the impact score is especially important because, as HUD
states, "nationwide there have been over 1.9 million foreclosure completions
in the past two years. NSP 1, 2, and 3 combined are estimated to only be able
to address 100,000 to 120,000 foreclosures. To stabilize a neighborhood
requires focused investment." Therefore, target areas were selected in which
Collier County would be able to make the impact recommended by HUD.
When providing assistance to persons, families, non-profit agencies, or other
NSP3 Action Plan
Collier County, FlorIda
Pale 14
10 Ell
organizations, the following general terms will apply:
. Range of interest rates: 0 percent to 5 percent
. Term of assistance: 5 years to 30 years
· Tenure of beneficiaries: homeowners and/or renters
The activity is expected to benefit persons or households with incomes at or
below 50 percent of the area median income ("lH25.) by producing safe,
decent, and affordable housing. Additionally, the County will seek to
incorporate energy efficient and environmentally-friendly green elements in
each project.
Another factor affecting residents within the target areas is reduced
employment opportunities. Collier County has long relied on industries fueled
by population growth to provide employment opportunities for residents.
According to the Collier County Economic Development Council's 2009
Market Facts report, construction, retail trade and accommodations, and food
service employ the largest number of Collier County residents. All three
industries have an average wage well below the area median income
($44,592, $29,120, and $22,683 respectively) thereby making any disruption
in income potentially devastating. This activity will benefit lH25 persons or
households be providing affordable housing that is integrated and, whenever
possible, located near employment centers and public transportation.
This activity will produce housing that is intended to remain affordable. In
compliance with NSP3 regulations, Collier County has adopted as a safe
harbor the affordability standards of the HOME program at 24 CFR 92.252(a),
(c), (e), and (f), and 92.254. It is expected that much of the housing created
under this activity will be rental housing units.
Collier County will seek, to the maximum extent possible, to hire or cause to
be hired employees who reside in the vicinity of NSP3 projects or contract
with small businesses that are owned and operated by persons residing in the
vicinity of the project. For the purposes of NSP3, HUD defines "vicinity. as
each neighborhood identified within this document as being the areas of
greatest need.
The following are examples of activities that may be used to accomplish this
. Outreach to local area residents and businesses;
. Inclusion of Section 3 and other relevant language in all applicable
. Advertising of economic opportunities to local area residents and
Collier County will seek to implement procedures to create preferences for
NSP3 Action Pion
Collier County, Fiorillo
Pile 15
10 E h~1
the development of affordable rental housing developed with NSP3 funds.
For example, the County will solicit proposals from non-profit providers of
affordable housing to specifically operate rental housing acquired and
rehabilitated under NSP3. Additionally, the County will monitor the local
housing market for eligible multi-family properties that come to market for
acquisition and development as rental housing; ideally a contiguous collection
of at least four (4) units will become available. This initiative will be especially
important when serving the LH2S population under this activity.
Neighborhood ID 1108764: Golden Gate City
. Tier One - Census Tract 0104.10
. Tier Two - Census Tract 0104.09
. Tier Three - Census Tract 0104.11
Locatlon Description Neighborhood ID 1827S4S: Naples Park
. Tier One - Census Tract 0104.08
Neighborhood ID 3981140: East Naples Bayshore Gateway CRA
Tier One - Census Tract 0107.01
Source of Funding Dollar Amount
Budget NSP3 $772,000.00
Tota' Budlet for Activity $772.000.00
Performance Measures Acquire and rehabilitate four (4) units of housing for LH2S.
Projected Start Date March 1, 2011
Projected End Date February 28, 2014
Name Collier County Department of Housing,
Human, and Veteran Services
Responsible location 3339 Tamiami Trail E., Suite 211,
Naples, Florida 34112
Organization Administrator Contact Info 239-2S2-4663
marcykru m
ActIvIty Number 3
ActIvity Name Land Bank (LMMH)
Select all that apply:
Eligible Use A: Financing Mechanisms
Use Eligible Use B: Acquisition and Rehabilitation
~ Eligible Use C: Land Banking
Eligible Use D: Demolition
Eligible Use E: Redevelopment
CDBG ActIvity or 24 CFR S70.201(a) Acquisition and (b) Disposition. HUD notes that any of the
activities listed above may include required home buyer counseling as an
ActIvIties activity delivery cost.
National Objective Low Moderate Middle Income Housing (LMMH)
ActIvity Description Activity Number 3 will provide funding to purchase and operate a land bank.
As detailed below, the high cost of land was a major contributor to the lack of
NSP3 Action Plan
Collier County, Florida
Pa,. 16
10 E _I
affordable housing during the height of the local housing market.
Redevelopment may be funded under Activity 5 or Activity 6 of this
application. If inadequate NSP3 funds are available, the County may seek to
identify additional resources to complete the redevelopment of land bank
The activity will attempt to stabilize neighborhoods, arrest decline, and create
a more sustainable, integrated, and affordable community. The local housing
market conditions in the target areas generally consists a high supply of
eligible properties, low demand for housing, or high levels of vacancy.
Furthermore, the target areas are suffering from, or are at risk for blighted
conditions. NSP3 provides a unique opportunity to improve a community be
permitting land banking.
At the peak of the housing market in Collier County (4th quarter 2005), only
16.3% of homes sold were affordable to a household earning the area median
income (source: National Association of Home Builders/Wells Fargo Housing
Opportunity Index). The cost of land was a major contributor to the lack of
affordable housing during the housing market boom. Use funds under this
activity, Collier County will prepare for the increase in vacant land costs by
seeking to acquire properties at low cost.
The Land Bank activity will not produce a range of interest rates, terms of
assistance, or tenure of beneficiaries. Rather, those elements will present
themselves upon redevelopment of the subject property within ten (10) years
as required by HUO.
This activity will not produce housing, rather it will fund the acquisition of
properties for land banking. Additionally, land banking will not create hiring
opportunities for citizens or small businesses residing in the vicinity of the
Neighborhood ID 1108764: Golden Gate City
. Tier One - Census Tract 0104.10
. Tier Two - Census Tract 0104.09
. Tier Three - Census Tract 0104.11
location Description Neighborhood 10 1827545: Naples Park
. Tier One - Census Tract 0104.08
Neighborhood 10 3981140: East Naples Bayshore Gateway CRA
Tier One - Census Tract 0107.01
Source of Fundll1l Dollar Amount
Budget NSP3 $150,000.00
Total for ActIvIty $150,000.00
Performance Measures Acquire three (3) land bank properties.
Projected Start Date March 1,2011
Projected End Date February 28, 2014
NSP3 Action Plan
Collier County, Florida
Pale 17
10 E ~W
Name Collier County Department of Housing,
Human, and Veteran Services
Responsible location 3339 Tamiami Trail E., Suite 211,
Naples, Florida 34112
OfJanlzatlon Administrator Contact Info 239-252-4663
m arcykrum bi
ActIvIty Number 4
ActIvity Name Demolition (lMMH)
Select all that apply:
Eligible Use A: Financing Mechanisms
Use Eligible Use B: Acquisition and Rehabilitation
Eligible Use C: land Banking
)< Eligible Use D: Demolition
Eligible Use E: Redevelopment
CDBG Ac:tIvlty or 24 CFR 570.201(d) Clearance for blighted structures only.
National Objective low Moderate Middle Income Housing (lMMH)
Activity Number 4 will provide funding to demolish blighted or unsafe
structures in the target areas indentified within this application. If a target
area contains a high supply but low current demand for housing, demolition
will provide an appropriate and responsible use of NSP3 funds.
The activity will attempt to stabilize neighborhoods, arrest decline, and create
a more sustainable, integrated, and affordable community. The local housing
market conditions in the target areas generally consists high levels of vacancy,
greater percentage of homes financed with a high cost loan, and a large
number of mortgages seriously delinquent (90+ or more delinquent or in
foreclosure). Furthermore, the target areas are suffering from, or are at risk
for blighted conditions.
ActIvity Description Collier County will seek to demolish eligible properties that are suffering from
blight as described in Section 3, Definitions ond Descriptions, of this Action
Plan. Blighted properties create an unsafe and unstable neighborhood.
Where these conditions are present in the target areas, funds will be used to
demolish the structures to assist in stabilizing the local housing market
conditions. Vacant properties may then be place in the NSP3 land bank for
redevelopment within ten (10) years.
The Demolition activity will not produce a range of interest rates, terms of
assistance, or tenure of beneficiaries. Rather, those elements will present
themselves upon redevelopment of the subject property.
This activity will not produce housing, rather it will fund the demolition of
eligible blighted properties.
NSP3 Action Plan
COllier County, Florida
pa.e I.
10 E JI
Collier County will seek, to the maximum extent possible, to hire or cause to
be hired employees who reside in the vicinity of NSP3 projects or contract
with small businesses that are owned and operated by persons residing in the
vicinity of the project. For the purposes of NSP3, HUD defines "vicinity" as
each neighborhood identified within this document as being the areas of
greatest need.
The following are examples of activities that may be used to accomplish this
. Outreach to local area residents and businesses;
. Inclusion of Section 3 and other relevant language in all applicable
. Advertising of economic opportunities to local area residents and
Neighborhood ID 1108764: Golden Gate City
. Tier One - Census Tract 0104.10
. Tier Two - Census Tract 0104.09
. Tier Three - Census Tract 0104.11
location Description Neighborhood ID 1827545: Naples Park
. Tier One - Census Tract 0104.08
Neighborhood ID 3981140: East Naples Bayshore Gateway CRA
Tier One - Census Tract 0107.01
Source of Fundlna Dollar Amount
Budaet NSP3 $50,000.00
Total Budget for Actlvlty $50,000.00
Performance Measures Demolish three (3) blighted properties.
Projected Start Dne March 1, 2011
Projected End Date February 28, 2014
Name Collier County Department of Housing,
Human, and Veteran Services
Responsible location 3339 Tamiami Trail E., Suite 211,
Naples, Florida 34112
O'llanlznlon Administrator Contact Info 239-252-4663
ma rcykru m bi
ActIvIty Number 5
Actlvlty Name Redevelop Properties as Housing (LMMH)
Select all that apply:
Use Eligible Use A: Financing Mechanisms
Eligible Use B: Acquisition and Rehabilitation
Eligible Use C: Land Banking
NSP3 Action Plan
Collier County, Florida
Pale 19
CDIG ActIvIty or
National Objective
ActIvity Description
NSP3 Action Plan
Collier County, Florida
10 E _I
L II Eligible Use D: Demolition
~ I Eligible Use E: Redevelopment
24 CFR 570.201(a) Acquisition, (b) Disposition, (c) Public facilities and
improvements, (e) Public services for housing counseling, but only to the
extent that counseling beneficiaries are limited to prospective purchasers or
tenants for the redeveloped properties, (i) Relocation, and (n) Direct
homeownership assistance (as modified below).
24 CFR 570.202 Eligible rehabilitation and preservation activities for
demolished or vacant properties.
24 CFR 570.204 Community based development organizations.
HUD notes that any of the activities listed above may include required
homebuyer education counseling as an activity delivery cost.
New construction of housing is eligible as part of the redevelopment of
demolished or vacant properties.
low Moderate Middle Income Housing (lMMH)
Activity Number 5 will provide funding to redevelop, construct, or rehabilitate
eligible housing units. Eligible Use E provides grantees the most flexibility in
expending NSP3 funds. As such, it has been included in this application and
may be partnered with the land bank to produce housing.
The activity will attempt to stabilize neighborhoods, arrest decline, and create
a more sustainable, integrated, and affordable community. The local housing
market conditions in the target areas generally consists of elevated vacancy
rates, greater percentage of homes financed with a high cost loan, a large
number of mortgages seriously delinquent (90+ or more delinquent or in
foreclosure), and a significant percentage decline in home values since the
peak value. For example, since the peak value, home values in the target
areas have fallen 48.4 percent.
When selecting target areas for this activity, Collier County paid close
attention to the impact score assigned by HUD. The impact score is the
estimated number of properties needed to make an impact in the identified
target area.
Consideration of the impact score is especially important because, as HUD
states, "nationwide there have been over 1.9 million foreclosure completions
in the past two years. NSP 1, 2, and 3 combined are estimated to only be able
to address 100,000 to 120,000 foreclosures. To stabilize a neighborhood
requires focused investment." Therefore, target areas were selected in which
Collier County would be able to make the impact recommended by HUD.
When providing assistance to persons, families, non-profit agencies, or other
organizations, the following general terms will apply:
Pa.. 20
10 E \'1'
. Range of interest rates: 0 percent to 5 percent
. Term of assistance: 5 years to 30 years
. Tenure of beneficiaries: homeowners and/or renters
The activity is expected to benefit income-qualified persons or households by
producing safe, decent, and affordable housing. Additionally, the County will
seek to incorporate energy efficient and environmentally-friendly green
elements in each project.
This activity will produce housing that is intended to remain affordable. In
compliance with N5P3 regulations, Collier County has adopted as a safe
harbor the affordability standards of the HOME program at 24 CFR 92.252(a),
(c), (e), and (f), and 92.254.
Collier County will seek, to the maximum extent possible, to hire or cause to
be hired employees who reside in the vicinity of N5P3 projects or contract
with small businesses that are owned and operated by persons residing in the
vicinity of the project. For the purposes of N5P3, HUO defines "vicinity" as
each neighborhood identified within this document as being the areas of
greatest need.
The following are examples of activities that may be used to accomplish this
. Outreach to local area residents and businesses;
. Inclusion of Section 3 and other relevant language in all applicable
. Advertising of economic opportunities to local area residents and
The procedures used to create preferences for the development of affordable
rental housing is detailed in Activity 2 and Activity 6.
Neighborhood 10 1108764: Golden Gate City
. Tier One - Census Tract 0104.10
. Tier Two - Census Tract 0104.09
location Description . Tier Three - Census Tract 0104.11
Neighborhood 10 1827545: Naples Park
. Tier One - Census Tract 0104.08
Neighborhood 10 3981140: East Naples Bayshore Gateway CRA
Tier One - Census Tract 0107.01
Source of Fundi", Dollar Amount
Budset N5P3 $223,750.00
Total Budset for Actfvtty $223,750.00
NSP3 Action Plan
Colller County, Florida
Pa,. Z1
Performance Measures Develop one (1) property.
Projected Start Date March 1,2011
Projected End Date February 28, 2014
Name Collier County Department of Housing,
Human, and Veteran Services
Responsible location 3339 Tamiami Trail E., Suite 211,
Naples, Florida 34112
Oflanlzatlon Administrator Contact Info 239-252-4663
ma rcykrum
Activity Number 6
ActIvity Name Redevelop Properties as Housing (lH25)
Select all that apply;
Eligible Use A; Financing Mechanisms
Use Eligible Use B; Acquisition and Rehabilitation
Eligible Use C: land Banking
Eligible Use D; Demolition
[X Eligible Use E: Redevelopment
24 CFR 570.201(a) Acquisition, (b) Disposition, (c) Public facilities and
improvements, (e) Public services for housing counseling, but only to the
extent that counseling beneficiaries are limited to prospective purchasers or
tenants for the redeveloped properties, (i) Relocation, and (n) Direct
homeownership assistance (as modified below).
24 CFR 570.202 Eligible rehabilitation and preservation activities for
CDBG ActIvIty or demolished or vacant properties.
24 CFR 570.204 Community based development organizations.
HUD notes that any of the activities listed above may include required
homebuyer education counseling as an activity delivery cost.
New construction of housing is eligible as part of the redevelopment of
demolished or vacant properties.
National Objective low-Income Housing to Meet 25% Set-Aside (lH25)
Activity Number 6 will provide funding to redevelop, construct, or rehabilitate
eligible housing units. Eligible Use E provides grantees the most flexibility in
expending NSP3 funds. As such, it has been included in this application and
may be partnered with the land bank to produce housing. This activity will
ActIvity Description serve persons or households earning not greater than 50 percent area median
income, adjusted for household size.
The activity will attempt to stabilize neighborhoods, arrest decline, and create
a more sustainable, integrated, and affordable community. The local housing
market conditions in the target areas generally consists of elevated vacancy
NSP3 Action Plan
Collier County, Florida
Pale 22
10 E 1'__
rates, greater percentage of homes financed with a high cost loan, a large
number of mortgages seriously delinquent (90+ or more delinquent or in
foreclosure), and a significant percentage decline in home values since the
peak value. For example, since the peak value, home values in the target
areas have fallen 48.4 percent.
Collier County will seek to purchase homes and residential properties that
have been abandoned or foreclosed upon, in order to redevelop such homes
and properties. When selecting target areas for this activity, Collier County
paid close attention to the impact score assigned by HUD. The impact score is
the estimated number of properties needed to make an impact in the
identified target area.
Consideration of the impact score is especially important because, as HUD
states, "nationwide there have been over 1.9 million foreclosure completions
in the past two years. N5P 1, 2, and 3 combined are estimated to only be able
to address 100,000 to 120,000 foreclosures. To stabilize a neighborhood
requires focused investment." Therefore, target areas were selected in which
Collier County would be able to make the impact recommended by HUD.
When providing assistance to persons, families, non-profit agencies, or other
organizations, the following general terms will apply:
. Range of interest rates: 0 percent to 5 percent
. Term of assistance: 5 years to 30 years
. Tenure of beneficiaries: homeowners and/or renters
The activity is expected to benefit persons or households with incomes at or
below 50 percent of the area median income ("LH25") by producing safe,
decent, and affordable housing. Additionally, the County will seek to
incorporate energy efficient and environmentally-friendly green elements in
each project.
This activity will produce housing that is intended to remain affordable. In
compliance with N5P3 regulations, Collier County has adopted as a safe
harbor the affordability standards of the HOME program at 24 CFR 92.252(a),
(c), (e), and (f), and 92.254.
Collier County will seek, to the maximum extent possible, to hire or cause to
be hired employees who reside in the vicinity of N5P3 projects or contract
with small businesses that are owned and operated by persons residing in the
vicinity of the project. For the purposes of N5P3, HUD defines "vicinity" as
each neighborhood identified within this document as being the areas of
greatest need.
The following are examples of activities that may be used to accomplish this
NSP3 Action Plan
Collier County, Florida
Pa,. 23
10 E ~I
. Outreach to local area residents and businesses;
. Inclusion of Section 3 and other relevant language in all applicable
. Advertising of economic opportunities to local area residents and
Collier County will seek to implement procedures to create preferences for
the development of affordable rental housing developed with NSP3 funds.
For example, the County will solicit proposals from non-profit providers of
affordable housing to specifically operate rental housing acquired and
rehabilitated under NSP3. Additionally, the County will monitor the local
housing market for eligible multi-family properties that come to market for
acquisition and development as rental housing. This initiative will be
especially important when serving the lH25 population under this activity.
Neighborhood ID 1108764; Golden Gate City
. Tier One - Census Tract 0104.10
. Tier Two - Census Tract 0104.09
. Tier Three - Census Tract 0104.11
location Description Neighborhood ID 1827545; Naples Park
. Tier One - Census Tract 0104.08
Neighborhood ID 3981140; East Naples Bayshore Gateway CRA
Tier One - Census Tract 0107.01
Source of Fundlnl Dollar Amount
Budget NSP3 $200,000.00
Totallludlet for Activity $200,000.00
Performance Measures Redevelop one (1) property.
Projected Start Date March 1, 2011
Projected End Date February 28, 2014
Name Collier County Department of Housing,
Human, and Veteran Services
Responsible location 3339 Tamiami Trail E., Suite 211,
Organization Naples, Florida 34112
Administrator Contact Info 239-252-4663
ma rcykrum
fra nkra
ActIvity Number 7
Activity Name Administration
Select all that apply;
Use ~ Eligible Use A; Financing Mechanisms
I,?:<: Eligible Use B; Acquisition and Rehabilitation
IX Eligible Use C; land Banking
NSP3 Action Plan
Collier County, Florida
Pace 24
10 E ~I
1i:X Eligible Use D: Demolition
I~ Eligible Use E: Redevelopment
24 CFR 570.205 and 206, as amended to provide an alternative that an
CDBG AdIv1ty or amount of up to ten (10) percent of an N5P grant provided to a jurisdiction
ActIvIties and of up to ten (10) percent of program income earned may be used for
general administration and planning activities.
National Objective N/A Administration
ActIvity DescrIption This activity will fund the cost of administering the NSP3.
location Description N/A - Administration
Source of Fundi... Dollar Amount
Budget NSP3 $388,415.00
Total Budget for Activity $388,415.00
Performance Measures N/A Administration
Projected Start Date March 1, 2011
Projected End Date February 28, 2014
Name Collier County Department of Housing,
Human, and Veteran Services
Responsible location 3339 Tamiami Trail E., Suite 211,
Naples, Florida 34112
Organization Administrator Contact Info 239-252-4663
ma rcykrum
fra n kra
8. Certifications
Certifications for State and Entitlement Communities
(1) Affirmatively furthering fair housing. The jurisdiction certifies that it will affirmatively further fair
housing, which means that it will conduct an analysis to identify impediments to fair housing choice
within the jurisdiction, take appropriate actions to overcome the effects of any impediments identified
through that analysis, and maintain records reflecting the analysis and actions in this regard.
(2) Anti-displacement and relocation plan. The applicant certifies that it has in effect and is following a
residential anti.displacement and relocation assistance plan.
(3) Anti-lobbying. The jurisdiction must submit a certification with regard to compliance with
restrictions on lobbying required by 24 CFR part 87, together with disclosure forms, if required by that
(4) Authority of jurisdiction. The jurisdiction certifies that the consolidated plan or abbreviated plan, as
applicable, is authorized under state and local law (as applicable) and that the jurisdiction possesses the
legal authority to carry out the programs for which it is seeking funding, in accordance with applicable
HUD regulations and other program requirements.
NSP3 Action Plan
Collier County, Florida
Pace 25
10 E ~I
(5) Consistency with plan. The jurisdiction certifies that the housing activities to be undertaken with NSP
funds are consistent with its consolidated plan or abbreviated plan, as applicable.
(6) Acquisition and relocation. The jurisdiction certifies that it will comply with the acquisition and
relocation requirements of the Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Policies Act
of 1970, as amended (42 U.S.c. 4601), and implementing regulations at 49 CFR part 24, except as those
provisions are modified by the notice for the NSP program published by HUD.
(7) Section 3. The jurisdiction certifies that it will comply with section 3 of the Housing and Urban
Development Act of 1968 (12 U.S.c. 1701u), and implementing regulations at 24 CFR part 13S.
(8) Citizen participation. The jurisdiction certifies that it is in full compliance and following a detailed
citizen participation plan that satisfies the requirements of Sections 24 CFR 91.105 or 91.115, as
modified by NSP requirements.
(9) Following a plan. The jurisdiction certifies it is following a current consolidated plan (or
Comprehensive Housing Affordability Strategy) that has been approved by HUD. [Only States and
entitlement jurisdictions use this certification.]
(10) Use of funds. The jurisdiction certifies that it will comply with the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform
and Consumer Protection Act and Title XII of Division A of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act
of 2009 by spending 50 percent of its grant funds within 2 years, and spending 100 percent within 3
years, of receipt ofthe grant.
(11) The jurisdiction certifies:
a. that all of the NSP funds made available to it will be used with respect to individuals and families
whose incomes do not exceed 120 percent of area median income; and
b. The jurisdiction will not attempt to recover any capital costs of public improvements assisted
with CDBG funds, including Section 108 loan guaranteed funds, by assessing any amount against
properties owned and occupied by persons of low- and moderate-income, including any fee
charged or assessment made as a condition of obtaining access to such public improvements.
However, if NSP funds are used to pay the proportion of a fee or assessment attributable to the
capital costs of public improvements (assisted in part with NSP funds) financed from other
revenue sources, an assessment or charge may be made against the property with respect to
the public improvements financed by a source other than CDBG funds. In addition, with respect
to properties owned and occupied by moderate-income (but not low-income) families, an
assessment or charge may be made against the property with respect to the public
improvements financed by a source other than NSP funds if the jurisdiction certifies that it lacks
NSP or CDBG funds to cover the assessment.
(12) Excessive force. The jurisdiction certifies that it has adopted and is enforCing:
a. A policy prohibiting the use of excessive force by law enforcement agencies within its
jurisdiction against any individuals engaged in nonviolent civil rights demonstrations; and
b. A policy of enforcing applicable state and local Jaws against physically barring entrance to, or
exit from, a facility or location that is the subject of such nonviolent civil rights demonstrations
within its jurisdiction.
NSP3 Action Plan
Collier County, Florida
Pac. 26
10 E _I
(13) Compliance with anti-discrlmination laws. The jurisdiction certifies that the N5P grant will be
conducted and administered in conformity with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (42 U.5.e. 2000d),
the Fair Housing Act (42 U.s.e. 3601-3619), and implementing regulations.
(14) Compliance with lead-based paint procedures. The jurisdiction certifies that its activities
concerning lead-based paint will comply with the requirements of part 35, subparts A, e, J, K, and R of
this title.
(15) Compliance with laws. The jurisdiction certifies that it will comply with applicable laws.
(16) Vicinity hiring. The jurisdiction certifies that it will, to the maximum extent feasible, provide for
hiring of employees that reside in the vicinity of N5P3 funded projects or contract with small businesses
that are owned and operated by persons residing in the vicinity of N5P3 projects.
(17) Development of affordable rental housing. The jurisdiction certifies that it will be abide by the
procedures described in its N5P3 Abbreviated Plan to create preferences for the development of
affordable rental housing for properties assisted with N5P3 funds.
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NSP3 Action Plan
Collier County I Florida
PI'. 27
Appendix: NSP3 Action Plan Contents Checklist
The checklist below is an optional tool for NSP3 grantees to help to ensure that all required elements of
the NSP3 Substantial Amendment or the Abbreviated Plan are submitted to HUD. This checklist only
includes the minimum required elements that must be included in the NSP3 Action Plan and grantees
may want to add additional details. This document must be protected, as described above, in order to
use the check boxes in this checklist.
1. NSP3 Grantee Information
Did you include the Program Administrator's name, address, phone,
and email address?
2. Areas of Greatest Need
Does the narrative description describe how funds will give priority [i]
em hasis to areas of reatest need?
Does the narrative description specifically address how the funds will
give priority emphasis to those areas:
. With the highest percentage of home foreclosures?
. With the highest percentage of homes financed by subprlme
mortgage related loan?; and
. Identified by the grantee as likely to face a significant rise in
the rate of home foreclosures?
Old you create the area of greatest needs map at
Old you include the map as an attachment to your Action Plan?
ONL Y Applicable for States: Did you include the needs of all
entitlement communities in the State?
3. Definitions and Descriptions
Are the following definitions and topics included in your substantial
. Blighted structure In context of state or local law,
. Affordable rents, [iJ
. Ensuring long term affordability for all N5P funded housing
projects, [i]
. Applicable housing rehabilitation standards for N5P funded [iJ
4. Low-Income Targeting
Did you Identify the estimated amount of funds appropriated to [i]
provide housing that meets the low-Income set aside target?
Did you provide a summary describing how your jurisdiction will meet [i]
its low-income set aside goals?
5. Acquisition & Relocation
For all acquisitions that will result in displacement did you specify:
. The planned activity,
. The number of units that will result in displacement,
. The manner in which the grantee will comply with URA for
those residents?
6. Public Comment
Old you provide your draft of the N5P3 substantial amendment for a [i]
minimum of 15 days for public comment?
Did you Include the public comments you received on the N5P3 [i]
substantial amendment In your plan?
7. NSP Information by Activity
I Old you Include a description of all eI'slble N5P3 activities you plan to
, Implement with your N5P3 award?
For each eligible N5P3 activity you plan to Implement did you Include:
10 E ~I
. Elillble use or uses?
. Correlated elillble CDBG activity or activities?
· Associated national obJective?
. How the activity will address local market conditions?
. Ranle of interest rates (If any)?
. Duration or term of assistance?
. Tenure of beneficiaries (e.l. rental or homeowner)?
. If the activity produces housinl, how the deslln of the activity W
will ensure continued affordability?
· How you will, to the maximum extent possible, provide for [i]
vicinity hlrlnl?
. Procedures used to create affordable rental houslnl I!J
· Areas of Ireatest need addressed by the activity or activities? [i]
. Amount of funds budleted for the activity? W
. Appropriate performance measures for the activity (e.l. units
of houslnl to be acquired, rehabilitated, or demolished for the W
Income levels represented In DRGR) ?
. Expected start and end dates of the activity? W
. Name and location of the entity that will carry out the activity? W
8. Certifications
Old you siln and submit the certification form applicable to your
9. Additional Documentation
Neighborhood 10: 1108764
NSP3 Planning Data
Grantee 10: 1202100C
Grantee State: FL
Grantee Address: 3339 Tamiami Trail E, Suite 211 Naples Florida 34112
Grantee Email:
Neighborhood Name: Golden Gate City
Oate:2011-01-25 00:00:00
NSP3 Score
The neighborhoods identified by the NSP3 grantee as being the areas of greatest need must have an
individual or average combined index score for the grantee's identified target geography that is not less than
the lesser of 17 or the twentieth percentile most needy score in an individual state. For example, if a state's
twentieth percentile most needy census tract is 18. the requirement will be a minimum need of 17. If,
however, a state's twentieth percentile most needy census tract is 15, the requirement will be a minimum
need of 15. If more than one neighborhood is identified in the Action Plan, HUO will average the
Neighborhood Scores, weighting the scores by the estimated number of housing units in each identified
Neighborhood NSP3 Score: 20
State Minimum Threshold NSP3 Score: 17
Total Housing Units in Neighborhood: 7712
Area Benefit Eliaibilitv
Percent Persons Less than 120% AMI: 77.79
Percent Persons Less than 80% AMI: 52.99
Neiahborhood Attributes (Estimates)
Vacancy Estimate
USPS data on addresses not receiving mail in the last 90 days or "NoStat" can be a useful measure of
whether or not a target area has a serious vacancy problem. For urban neighborhoods, HUO has found that
neighborhoods with a very high number vacant addresses relative to the total addresses in an area to be a
very good indicator of a current for potentially serious blight problem.
The USPS "NoStat" indicator can mean different things. In rural areas, it is an indicator of vacancy. However,
it can also be an address that has been issued but not ever used, it can indicate units under development,
and it can be a very distressed property (most of the still flood damaged properties in New Orleans are
NoStat). When using this variable, users need to understand the target area identified.
In addition, the housing unit counts HUO gets from the US Census indicated above are usually close to the
residential address counts from the USPS below. However, if the Census and USPS counts are substantially
different for your identified target area, users are advised to use the information below with caution. For
example if there are many NoStats in an area for units never built. the USPS residential address count may
be larger than the Census number; if the area is a rural area largely served by PO boxes it may have fewer
addresses than housing units.
USPS Residential Addresses in Neighborhood: 8385
Residential Addresses Vacant 90 or more days (USPS, March 2010): 248
Residential Addresses NoStat (USPS, March 2010): 63
10 E'~
Foreclosure Estimates
HUD has developed a model for predicting where foreclosures are likely. That model estimates serious
delinquency rates using data on the leading causes of foreclosures - subprime loans (HMDA Census Tract
data on high cost and highly leveraged loans), increasing unemployment (BLS data on unemployment rate
change), and fall in home values (FHF A data on house price change). The predicted serious delinquency rate
is then used to apportion the state total counts of foreclosure starts (from the Mortgage Bankers Association)
and REOs (from RealtyTrac) to individual block groups.
T otai Housing Units to receive a mortgage between 2004 and 2007: 4467
Percent of Housing Units with a high cost mortgage between 2004 and 2007: 40.96
Percent of Housing Units 90 or more days delinquent or in foreclosure: 25.93
Number of Foreclosure Starts in past year: 716
Number of Housing Units Real Estate Owned July 2009 to June 2010: 214
HUD is encouraging grantees to have small enough target areas for NSP 3 such that their dollars will have a
visible impact on the neighborhood. Nationwide there have been over 1.9 million foreclosure completions in
the past two years. NSP 1, 2, and 3 combined are estimated to only be able to address 100,000 to 120,000
foreclosures. To stabilize a neighborhood requires focused investment.
Estimated number of properties needed to make an impact in identified target area (20% of REO in past
year): 143
SUDDortina Data
Metropolitan Area (or non-metropolitan area balance) percent fall in home value since peak value (Federal
Housing Finance Agency Home Price Index through June 2010): -48.4
Place (if place over 20,000) or county unemployment rate June 2005': 3
Place (if place over 20,000) or county unemployment rate June 2010': 11.3
'Bureau of Labor Statistics Local Area Unemployment Statistics
Market Analvsis:
HUD is providing the data above as a tool for both neighborhood targeting and to help inform the strategy
development. Some things to consider:
1. Persistent Unemployment. Is this an area with persistently high unemployment? Serious consideration
should be given to a rental strategy rather than a homeownership strategy.
2. Home Value Change and Vacancy. Is this an area where foreclosures are largely due to a combination of
falling home values, a recent spike in unemployment, and a relatively low vacancy rate? A down payment
assistance program may be an effective strategy.
3. Persistently High Vacancy. Are there a high number of substandard vacant addresses in the target area of
a community with persistently high unemployment? A demolition/land bank strategy with selected acquisition
rehab for rental or lease-purchase might be considered.
4. Historically low vacancy that is now rising. A targeted strategy of acquisition for homeownership and rental
to retain or regain neighborhood stability might be considered.
5. Historically high cost rental market. Does this market historically have very high rents with low vacancies?
A strategy of acquiring properties and developing them as long-term affordable rental might be considered.
Latitude and Lonaitude of corner Doints
-81.71939826.199344 -81.687212 26.199652 -81.686783 26.170152 -81.719313 26.168688
Blocks Comonsina Tarae! Neiahborhood
120210104091000, 120210104091001, 120210104091002, 120210104092000, 120210104092006,
120210104092008, 120210104092010, 120210104092018, 120210104092017, 120210104092016,
120210104092015,120210104092014, 120210104092013, 120210104092012, 120210104092011,
120210104092009, 120210104092007, 120210104092005, 120210104092002, 120210104092003,
120210104092004, 120210104092001, 120210104093000, 120210104093024, 120210104093023,
120210104093022,120210104093021, 120210104093020, 120210104093019, 120210104093018,
120210104093017, 120210104093016, 120210104093028, 120210104093027, 120210104093026,
120210104093025, 120210104093015, 120210104093014, 120210104093013, 120210104093012,
120210104093011,120210104093010, 120210104093009, 120210104093008, 120210104093003,
120210104093004, 120210104093005, 120210104093007, 120210104093006, 120210104093002,
120210104093001, 120210104094000, 120210104094014, 120210104094013, 120210104094012,
120210104094011,120210104094010, 120210104094009, 120210104094008, 120210104094003,
120210104094004, 120210104094005, 120210104094007, 120210104094006, 120210104094002,
120210104094001, 120210104095000, 120210104095008, 120210104095016, 120210104095015,
120210104095014,120210104095013, 120210104095012, 120210104095011, 120210104095010,
120210104095009, 120210104095007, 120210104095002, 120210104095004, 120210104095005,
120210104095006,120210104095003, 120210104095001, 120210104101000, 120210104101016,
120210104101015,120210104101014, 120210104101013, 120210104101012, 120210104101011,
120210104101010,120210104101009, 120210104101008, 120210104101022, 120210104101021,
120210104101020, 120210104101019, 120210104101018, 120210104101017, 120210104101003,
120210104101004, 120210104101005, 120210104101007, 120210104101006, 120210104101002,
120210104101001,120210104102000, 120210104102007, 120210104102009, 120210104102016,
120210104102015,120210104102014, 120210104102013, 120210104102012, 120210104102011,
120210104102010, 120210104102008, 120210104102006, 120210104102002, 120210104102003,
120210104102005, 120210104102004, 120210104102001, 120210104103000, 120210104103008,
120210104103019,120210104103018, 120210104103017, 120210104103016, 120210104103015,
120210104103014, 120210104103013, 120210104103012, 120210104103011, 120210104103010,
120210104103009, 120210104103007, 120210104103002, 120210104103004, 120210104103005,
120210104103006, 120210104103003, 120210104103001, 120210104111000, 120210104111016,
120210104111015, 120210104111014, 120210104111013, 120210104111012, 120210104111011,
120210104111010, 120210104111009, 120210104111008, 120210104111025, 120210104111024,
120210104111023, 120210104111022, 120210104111021, 120210104111020, 120210104111019,
120210104111018, 120210104111017, 120210104111999, 120210104111026, 120210104111003,
120210104111004, 120210104111005, 120210104111007, 120210104111006, 120210104111002,
120210104111001,120210104112000, 120210104112003, 120210104112005, 120210104112007,
120210104112009, 120210104112011, 120210104112013,120210104112022, 120210104112021,
120210104112020, 120210104112019, 120210104112018, 120210104112017, 120210104112016,
120210104112015, 120210104112014, 120210104112026, 120210104112025, 120210104112024,
120210104112023, 120210104112012, 120210104112010, 120210104112008, 120210104112006,
120210104112004,120210104112001, 120210104112002, 120210104113000, 120210104113005,
120210104113007, 120210104113009,120210104113011,120210104113013, 120210104113012,
120210104113010, 120210104113008, 120210104113006, 120210104113004, 120210104113001,
120210104113003, 120210104113002, 120210105033997,w
10 E _I
Neighborhood 10: 3981140
10 E ~;~~.q
NSP3 Planning Data
Grantee 10: 1202100C
Grantee State: FL
Grantee Address: 3339 Tamiami Trail E, Suite 211 Naples Florida 34112
Grantee Email:
Neighborhood Name: East Naples
Oate:2011-01-25 00:00:00
NSP3 Score
The neighborhoods identified by the NSP3 grantee as being the areas of greatest need must have an
individual or average combined index score for the grantee's identified target geography that is not less than
the lesser of 17 or the twentieth percentile most needy score in an individual state. For example, if a state's
twentieth percentile most needy census tract is 18, the requirement will be a minimum need of 17. If,
however, a state's twentieth percentile most needy census tract is 15, the requirement will be a minimum
need of 15. If more than one neighborhood is identified in the Action Plan, HUO will average the
Neighborhood Scores, weighting the scores by the estimated number of housing units in each identified
Neighborhood NSP3 Score: 19
State Minimum Threshold NSP3 Score: 17
Total Housing Units in Neighborhood: 1359
Area Benefit Elioibilitv
Percent Persons Less than 120% AMI: 89.7
Percent Persons Less than 80% AMI: 66.91
Neiohborhood Attributes (Estimates)
Vacancy Estimate
USPS data on addresses not receiving mail in the last 90 days or 'NoStat' can be a useful measure of
whether or not a target area has a serious vacancy problem. For urban neighborhoods, HUO has found that
neighborhoods with a very high number vacant addresses relative to the total addresses in an area to be a
very good indicator of a current for potentially serious blight problem.
The USPS "NoStat' indicator can mean different things. In rural areas, it is an indicator of vacancy. However,
it can also be an address that has been issued but not ever used, it can indicate units under development,
and it can be a very distressed property (most of the still flood damaged properties in New Oneans are
NoStat). When using this variable, users need to understand the target area identified.
In addition. the housing unit counts HUO gets from the US Census indicated above are usually close to the
residential address counts from the USPS below. However, if the Census and USPS counts are substantially
different for your identified target area, users are advised to use the information below with caution. For
example if there are many NoStats in an area for units never built, the USPS residential address count may
be larger than the Census number; if the area is a rural area largely served by PO boxes it may have fewer
addresses than housing units.
USPS Residential Addresses in Neighborhood: 1519
Residential Addresses Vacant 90 or more days (USPS, March 2010): 31
Residential Addresses NoStat (USPS, March 2010): 40
Foreclosure Estimates
I iUD has developed a model for predicting where foreclosures are likely. That model estimates serious
delinquency rates using data on the leading causes of foreclosures - subprime loans (HMDA Census Tract
data on high cost and highly leveraged loans). increasing unemployment (BLS data on unemployment rate
change). and fall in home values (FHFA data on house price change). The predicted serious delinquency rate
is then used to apportion the state total counts of foreclosure starts (from the Mortgage Bankers Association)
and REOs (from RealtyTrac) to individual block groups.
Total Housing Units to receive a mortgage between 2004 and 2007: 278
Percent of Housing Units with a high cost mortgage between 2004 and 2007: 22.1
Percent of Housing Units 90 or more days delinquent or in foreclosure: 18.1
Number of Foreclosure Starts in past year: 31
Number of Housing Units Real Estate Owned July 2009 to June 2010: 9
HUD is encouraging grantees to have small enough target areas for NSP 3 such that their dollars will have a
visible impact on the neighborhood. Nationwide there have been over 1.9 million foreclosure completions in
the past two years. NSP 1. 2. and 3 combined are estimated to only be able to address 100.000 to 120.000
foreclosures. To stabilize a neighborhood requires focused investment.
Estimated number of properties needed to make an impact in identified target area (20% of REO in past
year): 7
SUDDortina Data
Metropolitan Area (or non-metropolitan area balance) percent fall in home value since peak value (Federal
Housing Finance Agency Home Price Index through June 2010): -48.4
Place (if place over 20.000) or county unemployment rate June 2005': 3
Place (if place over 20.000) or county unemployment rate June 2010': 11.3
'Bureau of Labor Statistics Local Area Unemployment Statistics
Market Analvsis:
HUD is providing the data above as a tool for both neighborhood targeting and to help inform the strategy
development. Some things to consider:
1. Persistent Unemployment. Is this an area with persistently high unemployment? Serious consideration
should be given to a rental strategy rather than a homeownership strategy.
2. Home Value Change and Vacancy. Is this an area where foreclosures are largely due to a combination of
falling home values. a recent spike in unemployment. and a relatively low vacancy rate? A down payment
assistance program may be an effective strategy.
3. Persistently High Vacancy. Are there a high number of substandard vacant addresses in the target area of
a community with persistently high unemployment? A demolition/land bank strategy with selected acquisition
rehab for rental or lease-purchase might be considered.
4. Historically low vacancy that is now rising. A targeted strategy of acquisition for homeownership and rental
to retain or regain neighborhood stability might be considered.
5. Historically high cost rental market. Does this market historically have very high rents with low vacancies?
A strategy of acquiring properties and developing them as long-term affordable rental might be considered.
Latitude and Lonaitude of comer Doints
-81.77046826.129626 -81.764932 26.125773 -81.755619 26.115524 -81.756606 26.114406 -81.758194
26.114021 -81.76012526.111516 -81.760039 26.109127 -81.770425 26.109165
Blocks ComDrisina Tarae! Neiahborhood
120210107013000, 120210107013001, 120210107013002, 120210107013003, 120210107013004,
120210107013005, 120210107013006, 120210107013007, 120210107013008, 120210107013009,
120210107013010, 120210107013011,120210107013012,120210107013013, 120210107013014,
120210107013015,120210107013016, 120210107013017, 120210107013018, 120210107013019,
120210107013020,120210107013999, 120210107014000, 120210107014001,
10 E ~I
Neighborhood 10: 1827545
NSP3 Planning Data
Grantee 10: 1202100C
Grantee State: FL
Grantee Address: 3339 Tamiami Trail E, Suite 211 Naples Florida 34112
Grantee Email:
Neighborhood Name: Naples Park
Oate:2011-01-25 00:00:00
NSP3 Score
The neighborhoods identified by the NSP3 grantee as being the areas of greatest need must have an
individual or average combined index score for the grantee's identified target geography that is not less than
the lesser of 17 or the twentieth percentile most needy score in an individual state. For example, if a state's
twentieth percentile most needy census tract is 18, the requirement will be a minimum need of 17. If,
however, a state's twentieth percentile most needy census tract is 15, the requirement will be a minimum
need of 15. If more than one neighborhood is identified in the Action Plan, HUO will average the
Neighborhood Scores, weighting the scores by the estimated number of housing units in each identified
Neighborhood NSP3 Score: 18
State Minimum Threshold NSP3 Score: 17
Total Housing Units in Neighborhood: 3348
Area Benefit Eliaibilitv
Percent Persons Less than 120% AMI: 73.71
Percent Persons Less than 80% AMI: 46.81
Neiahborhood Attributes {Estimates}
Vacancy Estimate
USPS data on addresses not receiving mail in the last 90 days or "NoStat" can be a useful measure of
whether or not a target area has a serious vacancy problem. For urban neighborhoods, HUO has found that
neighborhoods with a very high number vacant addresses relative to the total addresses in an area to be a
very good indicator of a current for potentially serious blight problem.
The USPS "NoStat" indicator can mean different things. In rural areas, it is an indicator of vacancy. However,
it can also be an address that has been issued but not ever used, it can indicate units under development,
and it can be a very distressed property (most of the still flood damaged properties in New Orleans are
NoStat). When using this variable, users need to understand the target area identified.
In addition, the housing unit counts HUO gets from the US Census indicated above are usually close to the
residential address counts from the USPS below. However, if the Census and USPS counts are substantially
different for your identified target area, users are advised to use the information below with caution. For
example if there are many NoStats in an area for units never built, the USPS residential address count may
be larger than the Census number; if the area is a rural area largely served by PO boxes it may have fewer
addresses than housing units.
USPS Residential Addresses in Neighborhood: 3426
Residential Addresses Vacant 90 or more days (USPS. March 2010): 3
Residential Addresses NoStat (USPS. March 2010): 88
10 E II
Foreclosure Estimates
HUD has developed a model tor predicting where foreclosures are likely. That model estimates serious
delinquency rates using data on the leading causes of foreclosures - subprime loans (HMDA Census Tract
data on high cost and highly leveraged loans). increasing unemployment (BLS data on unemployment rate
change), and tall in home values (FHFA data on house price change). The predicted serious delinquency rate
is then used to apportion the state total counts of foreclosure starts (from the Mortgage Bankers Association)
and REOs (from RealtyTrac) to individual block groups.
Total Housing Units to receive a mortgage between 2004 and 2007: 1228
Percent of Housing Units with a high cost mortgage between 2004 and 2007: 14.2
Percent of Housing Units 90 or more days delinquent or in foreclosure: 14.7
Number ot Foreclosure Starts in past year: 111
Number of Housing Units Real Estate Owned July 2009 to June 2010: 33
HUD is encouraging grantees to have small enough target areas for NSP 3 such that their dollars will have a
visible impact on the neighborhood. Nationwide there have been over 1.9 million foreclosure completions in
the past two years. NSP 1, 2, and 3 combined are estimated to only be able to address 100,000 to 120,000
foreclosures. To stabilize a neighborhood requires focused investment.
Estimated number of properties needed to make an impact in identified target area (20% of REO in past
year): 23
Suooortina Data
Metropolitan Area (or non-metropolitan area balance) percent fall in home value since peak value (Federal
Housing Finance Agency Home Price Index through June 2010): -48.4
Place (if place over 20,000) or county unemployment rate June 2005': 3
Place (if place over 20,000) or county unemployment rate June 2010': 11.3
'Bureau of Labor Statistics Local Area Unemployment Statistics
Market Analvsis:
HUD is providing the data above as a tool for both neighborhood targeting and to help inform the strategy
development. Some things to consider:
1. Persistent Unemployment. Is this an area with persistently high unemployment? Serious consideration
should be given to a rental strategy rather than a homeownership strategy.
2. Home Value Change and Vacancy. Is this an area where foreclosures are largely due to a combination of
falling home values, a recent spike in unemployment, and a relatively low vacancy rate? A down payment
assistance program may be an effective strategy.
3. Persistently High Vacancy. Are there a high number of substandard vacant addresses in the target area of
a community with persistently high unemployment? A demolition/land bank strategy with selected acquisition
rehab for rental or lease-purchase might be considered.
4. Historically low vacancy that is now rising. A targeted strategy of acquisition for homeownership and rental
to retain or regain neighborhood stability might be considered.
5. Historically high cost rental market. Does this market historically have very high rents with low vacancies?
A strategy of acquiring properties and developing them as long-term affordable rental might be considered.
Latitude and Lonaitude of corner ooints
-81.81780326.272329 -81.801581 26.272329 -81.801238 26.254279 -81.817203 26.254279
Blocks ComDrisina Tamel Neiahborhood
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Florida Green Home Designation Standard
Standards & Policies
Version 7.0
Effective July 1, 2010
Revised 10/8/10
Purpose. The provisions of this document are intended to establish a voluntary, state-wide standard
for Green Home Certification. This enhances the goal of achieving uniform and meaningful green
building designations for residential buildings in Florida.
Scope. These standards apply to single-family residential units, three-stories or under, built within
a. Qualification shall be achieved by attaining at least 100 Credit Points, gained through
incorporating green construction techniques and products into the home so that it benefits the
environment and supports a more sustainable Florida.
b. A list of qualifYing improvement features and their respective Credit Points (referred to a the
"Checklist") shall be maintained by the Florida Green Building Coalition such that the Credit
Point list may be modified, to include advancements in technologies, through a regular
technical and public review and acceptance process that is defined by this Standard.
c. The Checklist shall be organized into categories, such as energy, water, site, health,
materials, disaster mitigation, etc. Each category has both a minimum Credit Point
requirement and a maximum number of allowable Credit Points to increase diversity.
d. Certification of NEW homes
I. Each home must comply with the prerequisites in order to be eligible for certification.
2. Each home must select items from the Checklist to obtain the minimum number of points
listed for each category (category minimum), the sum of which is 80 points.
3. Each home must accumulate at least an additional 20 points to obtain the required 100
points to qualify for certification.
4. If any category minimums cannot be achieved, point deficiencies may be added to the
total minimum required score of 100, creating an "adjusted minimum required points."
e. Certification of EXISTING Homes
I. Existing homes are exempt from the three prerequisites.
2. Existing homes are exempt from the category minimums.
3. Each home must accumulate a total of 100 points to achieve certification.
4. Each existing home MUST achieve the required Remodel points in Category 8-General
within the Checklist.
5. The remaining points required for certification may be earned using any combination of
6. Category maximums cannot be exceeded at any time.
7. The minimum HERS Index to qualifY for the FGBC Green Remodel Designation is 85.
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f. For each home that qualifies for the Green Home Designation, written certification, fully
disclosing all the features that qualify the home, shall be provided to home owners and
g. Wherever possible, this Standard will promote the market value of improvements through
economic analysis (e.g. there is economic benefit to be gained through improvements that
reduce energy use beyond minimum code requirements).
h. All documentation must be submitted within 120 days of the Certificate of Occupancy for
new home construction or the home will be required to submit under the Standard version in
effect at the point of submittal.
Credit Points - Qualification points assigned to features that improve the environmental, ecological and
sustainability impacts of a building.
Florida Green Building Coalition - A non-profit corporation with open membership whose primary
mission is to lead and promote sustainability with environmental, economic, and social benefits through
regional education and certification programs.
Green Home - A high-performing home that is energy and water efficient, has good indoor air quality,
utilizes environmentally sustainable materials, and uses the building site in a sustainable manner.
CertifYing Agent - An individual who is a member of and accredited by the Florida Green Building
Coalition to evaluate a home with respect to the criteria contained in the FGBC Green Home
Designation Standard for the purposes of certifying that the qualifications for a Florida Green Home
Certification have been achieved. A Certifying Agent must be an independent, third party verifier and
cannot be on the payroll of any company that is responsible for construction of the home, nor can the
Certifying Agent stand to profit from the certification of the project. The Certifying Agent is entitled to
compensation for verification and consulting services they perform that comply with the "Certifying
Agent Financial Disclosure Form."
Certifying Agent Active Status - indicates full compliance has been achieved in regard to the annual
registration requirements for FGBC Certifying Agents as contained in the FGBC Green Home
Designation Standard. Only Certifying Agents who have an "active status" designation are allowed to
submit a project for FGBC Certification.
Certifying Agent in Good Standing - indicates that all applicable membership dues and registration fees
have been paid by a Certifying Agent. Does not reflect status in regard to compliance with other
registration requirements.
Certifying Agent -In-Active Status - indicates that all applicable membership dues and registration fees
have been paid and the Certifying Agent is in "good standing," but compliance with the annual Activity
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Verification Form has not been achieved. An "in-active" account is eligible for "Active Status" once
compliance with the Activity Verification Form has been achieved.
Certifying Agent - Suspended - indicates non-payment of applicable membership dues and registration
fees by the Certifying Agent within the 90-day grace period of the annual renewal cycle. Results in the
suspension of all membership and Certifying Agent privileges until all dues, fees and penalties are paid.
Certifying Agent - Revoked - indicates loss of all membership and Certifying Agent privileges. To be
reinstated the Certifying Agent must retake the Certifying Agent qualifying course and exam, and
comply with all registration policies in effect at that time.
a. To differentiate certification performances, the Florida Green Building Coalition has
implemented a tiered rating system as follows:
I. Bronze
ii. Silver
III. Gold
IV. Platinum
0-30 points over the minimum point threshold
31-60 points over the minimum point threshold
= 61-90 points over the minimum point threshold
= 91 points over minimum point threshold
b. Certification of a Florida Green Home Designation shall be accomplished through an FGBC
Certifying Agent( s) who has been accredited by the Florida Green Building Coalition to
evaluate a home with respect to the criteria contained in this Standard.
c. Certification of a Florida Green Home Designation shall be provided in writing and
accomplished in accordance with the provisions of this Standard.
d. Each Florida Green Home Designation certificate shall include the following:
I. The seal of the Florida Green Building Coalition
II. The signature and typed or printed name of the Certifying Agent providing the
certification services
III. The date the certification was completed
IV. The certificate number: and
v. The statement: .'This certification is provided by an individual who has been accredited
by the Florida Green Building Coalition to perform Green Home certification
evaluations. Any questions, comments, or complaints regarding the individual
performing this service may be directed to the Florida Green Building Coalition."
e. Each Florida Green Home Designation certification shall include a disclosure stating the
financial interest of the Certifying Agent in the results of the certification.
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Florida Green Home Designation Standard
Standards & Policies
a. Each new home qualifying for the Florida Green Home Designation shall meet or exceed the
prevailing minimum standards of the Florida Energy Code.
b. Each existing home qualifying for the standard shall achieve a confirmed Home Energy
Rating System index not to exceed 85.
c. Each home qualifying for the Florida Green Home Designation shall achieve at least 100
Credit Points in accordance with the Checklist of this Standard.
d. Each home qualifying for the Florida Green Home Designation shall be certified by a Florida
Green Building Coalition accredited Certifying Agent who holds an "active-status"
registration at the time of submitting the certification application.
The official documents of the Florida Green Home Designation Standard shall be made available to
the public as downloadable electronic files from the Florida Green Building Coalition website, and
a. The "Checklist" shall assign Credit Points for green criteria of this Standard and shall be the
official application for certification.
b. The "Reference Guide" shall provide information on green home practices, details on how to
earn points for complying with the Florida Green Home Designation Standard, and required
submittal documentation for Credit Points.
c. The "Standards" document shall describe the policies of the Florida Green Home Designation
a. Accreditation of Certifying Agents shall include full registration and disclosure on file with
the Florida Green Building Coalition.
b. At a minimum, the following information shall be required of, and kept on file for, each
applicant for accreditation as a Certifying Agent:
I. Full name of applicant
ii. Applicant's permanent mailing address, phone number and, if applicable, e-mail and
website URL
iii. Signed affidavit indicating the applicant has read the prevailing version of the FGBC
Green Home Designation Standard, Checklist and Reference Guide.
iv. Signed agreement to report each certified Green Home to the Florida Green Building
Coalition and to uphold the provisions of this Standard.
v. Signed acceptance to comply with the FGBC "Certifying Agent Code of Professional
c. Certifying Agent Qualification Requirements
In order to improve overall quality of Certifying Agents, the Agent must complete the
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following minimum requirements:
I. One year experience in the home building industry.
Verification of experience will require written references to such activity in at least one
of the below listed professions:
( I) Residential trade contractor or builder experience either on the jobsite or in
(2) Superintendent or other jobsite supervisor;
(3) Licensed or qualified home inspector or certified energy rater;
(4) Residential design or architectural work;
(5) Residential land development management;
(6) Green building verification for another green certification program;
(7) Construction consulting or training.
II. 14 hours of green building education within the immediate two (2) years prior to the
Certifying Agent registration application date. Submitted course work is subject to the
Florida Green Building Coalition's approval and must comply with the following:
(I) Courses must specifically emphasize green residential construction techniques and
concepts for hot humid climates;
(2) Course description/syllabus must be submitted with Certifying Agent Application;
(3) Instructors may receive education credits one time for teaching an approved course.
III. Successful completion of the FGBC Green Home Designation Course and exam.
(I) In order to certify points in a particular category of the Standard, the Certifying
Agent must achieve a passing score on the FGBC-approved exam designed to test their
knowledge of the category. In lieu of receiving a passing score in each section of the
exam, another Certifying Agent qualified in that category may be used to certify points.
d. Certifying Agent Code of Professional Conduct
i. A "Certifying Agent Code of Professional Conduct" shall be maintained by the Florida
Green Building Coalition
II. Anyone making application to be accredited as an FGBC Certifying Agent agrees to
comply with the "FGBC Certifying Agent Code of Professional Conduct" and must
submit a signed affidavit indicating acceptance of the policy.
e. Certifying Agent Annual Registration Requirements
I. Annual registration and payment offees to the Florida Green Building Coalition is
required for all Certifying Agents.
II. Annual membership and payment of dues to the Florida Green Building Coalition is
required for all Certifying Agents
iii. Annual compliance with and submission ofa completed Activity Verification Form
(A VF), along with its supporting documentation. is required for all Certifying Agents.
(I) The Activity Verification process is to ensure that Certifying Agents are actively
participating in green education and staying informed on modifications to the Florida
Green Building Coalition's Green Home Standard.
(2) Failure to meet the minimum requirements outlined on the Activity Verification
Form will result in the Certifying Agent being placed on "In-Active" status. The
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Certifying Agent will remain in good standing and retain member privileges provided
all applicable fees have been paid. but will not be able to certify any projects until
compliance with the A VF has been met.
(3) All credits on the Activity Verification Form must have been achieved within 12
months of the A VF submittal date..
IV. Any Certifying Agent who fails to submit all applicable fees within 90 days of their
renewal date shall be considered not in good standing, resulting in "suspension" of both
Certifying Agent and member privileges. Once an account is suspended, the Certifying
Agent will be required to pay a $100 penalty fee in addition to the annual fees before
privileges are restored.
v. Ifan account remains unpaid for 12 months from renewal date, the Certifying Agent's
registration and all privileges shall be "revoked." To be reinstated the Agent must
retake the Certifying Agent qualifYing course and exam, and comply with all
registration policies in effect at that time.
a. Filing A Complaint
Alleged violations of the Code of Professional Conduct by a Florida Green Building
Coalition Certifying Agent should be reported to the Florida Green Building Coalition, in
writing, for review and possible remedial action.
i. Any individual or entity (the "Complainant") who believes himselV'herself/itselfto be
aggrieved by any action or omission by an FGBC CertifYing Agent that violates the
Code of Professional Conduct may file a complaint with the Florida Green Building
II. The complaint shall:
(I) be submitted in writing to the Executive Director at the Florida Green Building
(2) be signed by the Complainant and include the Complainant's address, phone
number, and email address. If the Complainant is an entity, the Complainant shall
designate one spokesperson or designated contact.
(3) include a concise statement of the complaint, the name of the FGBC Certifying
Agent allegedly responsible for conduct causing the complaint (the "Adverse Party"),
and names of all persons related directly to the occurrence. Include contact information,
if known, for all parties involved.
(4) state the relief sought.
b. Discipline
All complaints will be reviewed and proper disciplinary measures will be determined by the
FGBC Board of Directors or its designee. Depending on the circumstances of the individual
complaint, the decision may be to impose no disciplinary measures or to impose one or more
of the following disciplinary measures:
i. Written reprimand
The Board may direct that the reprimand be private or public. The reprimand will serve
as documentation for any further disciplinary action if further violations are reported.
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Standards & Policies
II. Probation
An FGBC Certifying Agent may be placed into a probationary period that has been
defined for a specific amount of time. Also, the specific conditions of the probation
shall be described, as shall the consequences of failing to meet them. Some or all of the
FGBC Certifying Agent's privileges may be suspended during the probationary period.
The Board may direct that the probation be private or public.
iii. Suspension
A ruling of suspension prohibits the FGBC Certifying Agent from participating in
FGBC activities, programs, and any other privileges of accreditation or membership.
The Board may limit the effect of a suspension to certain benefits or programs, and may
establish conditions that, if satisfied, will result in the lifting of a suspension. The Board
may direct that the suspension be private or public.
IV. Revocation
A ruling that, either permanently or pending reinstatement, revokes the individual's
accreditation and membership with FGBC. The Board may establish conditions that, if
satisfied, will result in reinstatement. If Certifying Agent accreditation is terminated,
FGBC shall not be required to refund or reimburse registration or membership fees.
The Board may direct that the revocation be private or public.
c. It is the intent of the enforcement procedures that the range of disciplinary measures is as
broad and flexible as possible so that disciplinary measures can be appropriately applied to
remedy and redress the violation that has been committed.
a. For Failure to Correct Deficiencies.
If the Florida Green Building Coalition determines at any time that a Certifying Agent has failed
to adhere to the accreditation requirements, the accreditation body shall notify the Certifying
Agent, in writing, via e-mail, or by phone of the specified deficiencies and shall require that
specific corrective action, set forth in the notification, be taken not later than 30 calendar days
after the date set forth in such notification.
I. In the event that the deficiencies have not been remedied, the Florida Green Building
Coalition shall have the authority to immediately begin the process of suspension by
issuance of a Notice of Suspension Proceedings. Such Suspension Proceedings shall follow
the due process procedures contained in Section 9.c below. The notice may be appealed in
accordance with procedures set forth in Section 10.
II. In the event that the specified deficiencies are not corrected within the application period
set forth in the Notice of Suspension, a Notice of Revocation Proceeding shall be issued by
the Florida Green Building Coalition. Such Revocation Proceeding shall follow the due
process procedures contained in Section 9.c below. The Notice of Revocation may be
appealed in accordance with the procedures set forth in Section 10.
b. For Cause.
Any Certifying Agent accredited by the Florida Green Building Coalition may have their
accreditation revoked in any of the following circumstances:
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Florida Green Home Designation Standard
Standards & Policies
i. Failure to comply with the FGBC "Certifying Agent Code of Professional Conduct."
II. Upon determination by the Florida Green Building Coalition that a Certifying Agent has
acted in such a manner as to impair the objectivity or integrity of the accrediting program
or harm the reputation of the Florida Green Building Coalition including, but not limited to
submission offalse information to the Florida Green Building Coalition, or failure to
submit to the Florida Green Building Coalition any material information required to be
submitted by the Certifying Agent, in connection with obtaining or maintaining
accreditation; knowingly or negligently issuing certifications that fail to meet all of the
certification criteria; or misrepresentation by the Certifying Agent in advertising or
promotional materials of its accreditation status in general or with respect to any service
provided by the Certifying Agent.
iii. Pursuant to any of the expressed provisions of Section 7 or any of the expressed provisions
of the accreditation application, including but not limited to the following:
(1) Certifying Agent does not re-apply at the end of existing accreditation period;
(2) Failure to satisfy accreditation requirements on renewal;
(3) Investigated and validated consumer complaints;
(4) Willful misconduct;
(5) Failure to disclose a self-serving interest;
(6) Upon expiration of a Certifying Agent's right to appeal, a suspension of accreditation
pursuant to Section S.c.
iv. Failure to comply with the FGBC Certifying Agent Code of Professional Conduct.
c. Suspension/Revocation Due Process
The Florida Green Building Coalition shall comply with the following due process procedures in
considering any suspension or revocation actions against an accredited Certifying Agent.
1. Notice
The Florida Green Building Coalition may, at its discretion, initiate a proposed suspension
or revocation action against an accredited Certifying Agent by providing the Certifying
Agent written notice of the proposed action sent by certified mail, return receipt requested,
to the last known address of the Certifying Agent. Such notice shall inform the Certifying
Agent of the entire basis and justification for the proposed action.
II. Contest of Proposed Suspension/Revocation
A respondent may contest a proposed suspension/revocation by filing a response with the
Florida Green Building Coalition within 30 days of receipt of the notice. The response shall
contain all pertinent and substantive information and argument that is in contradiction to
the proposed suspension/revocation, including identification of all disputed materials and
facts. If the respondent fails to file said response within the allotted time, the Florida Green
Building Coalition may, at its discretion, suspend/revoke the accreditation of the
respondent effective immediately upon written notification to the respondent.
iii. Hearing
If the respondent files a timely response contesting the proposed suspension/revocation and
requests a hearing, the Florida Green Building Coalition will appoint an independent,
unbiased, and qualified hearing officer and issue a decision on the proposed
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Standards & Policies
suspension/revocation. The hearing officer will review the notice of suspension/revocation
and the respondent's contest. If the hearing officer finds that the respondent's contest has
raised substantiated and valid factual argument to the contrary of the proposed
suspension/revocation, the respondent shall be afforded an opportunity to participate in an
open and public hearing, and to submit additional documentary evidence, and rebuttal
argument to any material contained in the original notice of suspension/revocation or
developed during the course of the hearing officer's investigation. The notice shall be
provided to the respondent by written notice by certified mail, return receipt requested, to
the last known address of the respondent at a minimum of 60 days before the scheduled
IV. Hearing Officer's Decision
The hearing officer shall issue a written decision on the proposed suspension/revocation
that is based on all the information contained in the hearing record including statements of
the factual and legal basis of the decision. If the hearing officer decides to impose
suspension or revocation, the decision must include findings regarding all disputed
materials, and justification for all findings. A suspension/revocation decision by the hearing
officer shall take effect upon the issuance of the hearing officer's decision and the written
notification of such decision to the respondent.
v. No Ex Parte Communication
No ex parte communication between the parties and the hearing officer shall be allowed.
a. Notification The Florida Green Building Coalition shall notifY the CertifYing Agent of any
and all disciplinary actions. Additionally, the Florida Green Building Coalition shall clearly
notifY the Certifying Agent of all procedures and rights to remedy.
b. Appeal
i. In the event that an accreditation application was not approved or the accreditation has
been suspended, the Certifying Agent shall have the right, for a period of 30 calendar days
after the date of notice, to appeal to the Florida Green Building Coalition.
II. In the event that a CertifYing Agent's accreditation is suspended following the expiration of
the period to appeal a suspension, in the absence of an appeal having been taken, the
CertifYing Agent shall have the right to appeal to the Florida Green Building Coalition for a
period of 30 calendar days after the date of issue of a Notice of Suspension.
Ill. An appeal shall be in writing, specify the basis for the appeal, and be sent by certified mail
or other method that provides evidence of delivery to the Executive Director of the Florida
Green Building Coalition.
IV. The appellant Certifying Agent may, at the time of noticing the appeal, request in writing, a
hearing. In such an event, the Florida Green Building Coalition shall, not laterthan 10
calendar days after the filing of the notice of appeal, appoint a hearing officer and notify
the appellant Certifying Agent of the date of the hearing, which shall be held as
expeditiously as possible. but not later than 30 calendar days after the receipt of the notice
of appeal.
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Standards & Policies
a. Periodic review. At least triennially, the provisions set forth in these Green Home
Designation Standards shall be reviewed by the Standards Committee of the Florida Green
Building Coalition in collaboration with other stakeholders. At a minimum, this review shall
include consideration and evaluation of changes in the law, technological innovations, and
comments and requests received from interested parties.
b. Annual Revision Cycle
I. The Board of Directors of the Florida Green Building Coalition may revise the FGBC
Green Home Designation Standard at any time according to Section II.c.
II. All modification requests shall be disposed of on an annual cycle such that modification
requests received on or before the last working day of December are included in the
revision cycle that concludes no later than the last working day of May.
III. The annual revision cycle is:
(1) Dee 31 - Last date to accept public modification requests for review
(2) Feb 28 - Last date for review and approval by the FGBC Green Home Standard
Committee of all modification requests
(3) April I - Last date for posting revised proposed standards on website for 30-day
public comment period.
(3) June I - Effective date of revised standard
c. Revision Procedures
I. Submit a modification request to Florida Green Building Coalition on the official
"Modification Request Form" available from the FGBC website.
ii. Modification Requests shall be reviewed by the FGBC Green Home Standard Committee
for consensus recommendation.
III. The proposed revised standard documents shall be posted on the FGBC website for a 30-
day public comment period with notification to the general membership.
IV. Following the public comment period, each public comment received shall be reviewed
by the Florida Green Building Coalition Green Home Standard Committee for consensus
v. The FGBC Green Home Standard Committee shall be responsible for conducting the
periodic evaluation through a consensus process, whereby both consenting and the non-
consenting opinions are documented and incorporated as comments into each report or
proposal to change.
VI. Public comment proposals for change receiving two-thirds majority support from the
FGBC Green Home Standard Committee shall be incorporated into a set of revised
Florida Green Home Designation Standard documents.
vii. The proposed final version of the revised Standard documents shall be submitted to the
FGBC Board of Directors for review.
VIII. The Board of Directors of the Florida Green Building Coalition shall adopt, adopt with
modification, or reject the proposed revised Standard.
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d. Procedure for Submission of Modification Requests
I. Proposals to change the Florida Green Home Designation Standards may be submitted to
the Florida Green Building Coalition in writing, at any time, using the official
"Modification Request Form" posted on the FGBC website.
ii. All proposals to change the Florida Green Home Designation Standard that meet the
criteria set forth in this section of these Standards shall be accepted for consideration and
iii. At a minimum the modification request shall include the following
(I) Identification of submitter, including:
(a) Name, address, contact information and affiliation of submitter
(b) Full description of criteria seeking placement or modification
(c) Technical basis for placing or modifying criteria within the Standard
(d) Recommended number of credit points
(e) Justification for recommended number of credit points
(t) Signature of submitter
(g) Date Modification Request Form is submitted to the Florida Green Building
(2) Specific revisions in a format that clearly identifies the manner in which the Florida
Green Home Designation Standards are to be altered (i.e. underline/strikeout format or
equivalent). Any proposal to change the Florida Green Home Designation Standards that
does not include proposed alteration(s) shall be rejected and returned to the submitter.
(3) Substantive reason(s) or justification for each proposed change. The lack of substantive
justification for a proposed change may result in the rejection of the proposal and return to
the submitter.
(4) Supporting documentation that may be needed for the reasoned evaluation of the
FGBC Green Home Designation Standard Policies
Version 7. Rev. fOIBlfO
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Application for Federal Assistance SF-424 Version 02
'1 Type of Submission: '2 Type of Application ' If Revision, select appropnate letter(s)
0 Preapplication ~ New
~ Application 0 Continuation 'Other (Specify)
0 Changed/Corrected Application o Revision
3. Date Received 4. Applicant Identifier'
5a. Federal Entity Identifier: '5b. Federal Award Identifier
State Use Only:
6. Date Received by State: I 7. State Application Identifier
'a. Legal Name Collier County Board of County Commissioners
'b. Employer/Taxpayer Identification Number (EINfTlN) 'c. Organizational DUNS:
59-6000558 076997790
d. Address:
'Street l' 3299 Tamiami Trail E.
Street 2: Suite 303
'City: Naeles
County. Collier
'State: Florida
'Country USA
'Zip / Postal Code 34112
e. Organizational Unit:
Department Name: Division Name:
Housing, Human & Veteran Services PubliC Services
f. Name and contact Information of person to be contacted on matters Involving this appllcatlon:
Prefix: Ms. -First Name" Marcv
Middle Name
-Last Name: Krumbine
Title: Director - Housing, Human & Veteran Services
Organizational Affiliation:
OMS Number: 4040-0004
Expiration Date: 0 ]/31/2009
10 E \'1
'Telephone Number: 239-252-8442
Fax Number: 239-252-2638
.Email marcykrumbine@colliergov net
Application for Federal Assistance SF-424 Version 02
"9. Type of Applicant 1: Select Applicant Type:
B County Government
Type of Applicant 2 Select Applicant Type:
Type of Applicant 3: Select Applicant Type:
"Other (Specify)
"10 Name of Federal Agency:
US Department of Housing and Urban Development
11. Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance Number:
CFDA Title'
Community Develooment Block Grants/Entitlement Grants
"12 Funding Opportunity Number:
13. Competition Identification Number:
14. Areas Affected by Project (Cities, Counties, States, etc.):
Collier County
OM8 Number: 4040-0004
ExpIration Dale: 01/31/2009
IOE t '.
"15. De.crlptlve Title of Applicant'. Project
Neighborhood Stabilization Program 3
Application for Federal Assistance SF-424 Version 02
16. Congre..ional DI.trlcts Of:
'a Applicant: 14/25 'b. Program/Project: 14/25
17. Propo.ed Project
"a. Start Date 03/01/2011 'b. End Date: 02/28/2014
18. E.tlmated Funding ($):
"a. Federal $3,884,16500
"b. Applicant
"c. State
'd. Local
"e Other
of. Program Income
'g. TOTAL $3,884.16500
"19. I. Application Subject to Review By State Under Executive Order 12372 Proce..?
o a. ThiS application was made available to the State under the Executive Order 12372 Process for review an_
0 b. Program IS subject to E.O. 12372 but has not been selected by the State for review.
181 c. Program is not covered by E O. 12372
"20. I. the Applicant Delinquent On Any Fed.ral Debt? (If ..V...., provide explanation.)
0 Ves 181 No
21. "By signing this application. I certify (1) to the statements contained in the list of. certifications" and (2) that the statements
herein are true, complete and accurate to the best of my knowledge I also provide the required assurances.. and agree to comply
with any resulting terms if I accept an award. I am aware that any false, fictitious, or fraudulent statements or claims may subject
me to criminal, civil, or administrative penalties (U S Code, Title 218, Section 1001)
181 .. I AGREE
U The list of certifications and assurances, or an internet site where you may obtam this list, is contained in the announcement or
agency specific instructions
Authorized Representative:
Prefix: Mr. .First Name: Fred
Middle Name W
"Last Name: Covle
OMS Number: 4040-0004
Expiration Date 01/31/2009
'Title Chairman
'Telephone Number: 239-252-8097
'Emall. fredcoyle@collier9ovnet
*Signature of Authorized Representative.
Authorized for Local Reproduction
Attest ~ ... 0..1,.... ,
10 E !:~.
Fax Number:
'Date Signed: 0222.2011
Standard Form 424 (Rc\dsed 10/2005)
Prescribed by OMB Circular A-I 02
Approved as '0 form & legal SuffIciency
A~istant County Attorney
IOE ltl
OMB Number: 4040-0004
Expiration Date. 01/31/2009
Application for Federal Assistance SF424
Version 02
'Applicant Federal Debt Delinquency Explanation
The following should contain an explanation if the Applicant organization is delinquent of any Federal Debt
;-"bh:: reporting burden for this 00' ection of inft-.;rM.11ion is esllmatEO :0 Iver;JQw eo '" nutes poet ,'e-spctlw lnduding t",e for re...iew"'-g ..'s:ruciions, ~.3rd1 no
UiStlng data sourcu. gatr\lfftng MId maintaining the d.1ta n~d. Jnd e~p.ting and tevew'll"g l:l'1@ccl!.ctICI" of informatQl, Send ce:mments r~ardlng t!"e
e.....r:it-n U!;lMate or any ONr aspect of this e;o;lf'Ctlon of inforM,J,ion I~duding suggntlcns fcr reducing .hls t:-..,"e'Hl. tc me ::;~~:e of Man3gem.n~ aM BudQe1
P;J.Pf'I'work Reo'.,Iction ProjeC110l48-C00t3\ Washington DC .20e03
Tbs is I s:andud:orm (md'Jd..i%l.: ':b.:o!J!1D'Jlnoc .h'-tt) r.:;wnd for u.. 3S 3 CO\"! .heer for sub:uimoD. ofp:-upptclr.oD111!ld lppL~=aaoI:.s 1:ul
re-urfd .ofonnarion 'lU:.der dU-::O-fttO:Ury' pro,r31lls l)CIn-t of':ht Hems lre !tqUlrtd a.r.d SOWi art oprioul at the discretion olo. lppbcl!lf or ria Federal
l~ec.C)' (aleacy) Reqwred af:US la leier-cited WLTh;it; utewJ. 0& :he (onn ;led a:e \pecified m :!:l.e i:mrucriolJ.~ below ::1 ad.diriolJ. to the :'OHru,.;:noo'j
pro\idotd below. appJ::lotS mus.t CDDSUl: l~er:'y l:1,t:'l:CricIl.; ~o dfTtn:ui:l.e ..p..::.:fic :equirtmttm
IteM Entrv: "'" ::n-:rv:
1- TyPl' Ot ~ubmisslon: iR~qu ~): S~I'itCl one t,'pe of S-t~1'S5or1 in 10 Hime lJ1' F..ral A~ncy: I~+qulr~d: En~r ~hi' "'aMe o'~he
.Jccordance with 3gef'CY I"s:rudons. =.deral agency froM 'N'" d, assistance s being f(!oquesl~ with
. :JnapphC3ticn :hrs appJicatfon
. Appoication
. Changec1!Corrected App11catOf'l - If ~"=Iues~ed by the- ~~cy, en,,::, 11 C~t~log Of Ft>dfofal Domestic A.ssi~bnce Num~r1Title
I' :his submission s to c."Iange or correct a prtvo..sly subm~td :mer !he C.aUJeQ e~ t"edera C'OMoi'St~ Assis1.lnce nUMter af'I(J
app~ca~lon "mien rtqueste-: by ~h. agt'ncy apchca't~s may no! ~rtle ot!~ ~?am une... wt'liCFl .1ssstanu is ~'..u~td. 3'S
use :hls 10 submit change'S aft.e.r the closing date. ~O\,.jnd!n -:ht ~rogram J"'..ounct-Mt.,t, If a~ cab..
". Typ" of Applic~tion: IR~i.uredl Select one ~pe ,:>1 applicaticn in 12 Funding Opportunity NumbforlTitll': Ent&r ti'I4-
J.ccordancif Wit;' 39'1"oc')' 't1truc.~ions. r: u!"lding Opportunity N ..mber and t ~if of tt!~ cpPOl"1uni'ly und.r
. I\ew - An JC:'p~iC31jcn e"at rS being S'..IC'MI:t.w ~o a/1 age'1'::y .or ~he whl':i" aUlst3f'ce is rllKluflted, as 'ound 10 the program
"irsttime. Jnno..ncement.
. Cont nuatOf'l - An ex~enson for an JodltOf",1.1 funding.'Dudgt~ p.eflOO 13. Comp.tition ldentific~tion NumHrfTitl.: E",er tl'te
'or J prc:,'iCt wrth a projected COMp .!Icn date. -." c.l~ inClude COlY'(:'E-trtion Iden-:ik,.1-:ion Number and title of the ooMpeution
ft"t'''''.Jls, und..- whl~ ass 'SUn::. is req....ofsted, if app<:ab.
. ~ev1icn - Any ::I"3"Qe ,. !n. Fede~a' Gcvemment's t,"-1nc.
cb g.ati~ or CO/"t~ingen'iability frcm an exisllng obllga~ion fa
f9viso:.n, ent.,;,. appropriate fl':tns). More en. ",,31 be 14. Arus Affectl'd By Project Lisl the areas or emities USing
Hleeted, If '0':h.,. IS selecte.:. ~ltaH ~cfy ,n ted box prO'VCf-d.
A IncreaH Award a. D~rease AI'i.l"d :he ca:eooories (t.g. cdes, cc..nties. states. etc.) 5pl'cfied in
C Increase Duratoo D Decrease C-uraton age~y instr'..ctoons. Use -:he continur.ion Si'Mt to .nter
E. O~er !sPEC~;';:' .1dd ~tonal arelS, it nH<"'Ad.
;. Date Ree.ind: LUlie t'1is f +-: bla)"I~ This da~e will M an.gned by N 15. OMcriptiw Title of AppIicnt's Pro;.ct::Rtq\,l,rt-dj Enter it.
Fed<f(3 age1'CY. brief <tescriptive ttle of ltlif pro,ifCt 'f appropiaie. at".acn;J
map shewing projee110catJen (eg,. constroiCtion Of rea
4. Applie.anl Identifier: Enter :he entl1y identifEf assgnf'd by the Fe-de-ral pre::..,.,. projKtS}. Fer preappca~ions. atach a s'Jl""lmary
~noy, I' 3I'!y_ or appl'canfs CO"'ItrcJ nUlY',o.r. it apr;:': c.ab e. desCt'ptJCO 0' ':he Dt'oje-ct
5a Federal Entity kJtntifitor: Enter the ~'..mber aSS!~ed to your 16 O;stricts Of: l.Required: 16a Enter the
organization by:he Fflleral Agtflcy, it any. .JPpcant's Cong, Ois-:net ~ lee. El'lter all D-strlCt(S:'
Sb. Ft.r~ Aw~rd Idf.ntifi....: :'or "'eW applioatQts !uv\i' blaf'(. ;:or 3. a~,:te-d by the program or pro,e-::!:. Ent... in ltle format. 2
continuation or ri...;sion 10 an existJn.; award. en'ltf the previous y Ch3r.lcters S~ate .Abbrtv 3ticn - 3 charactef'5 Oistrct NUl'l"t-er,
3sSlgned Ft<:.erai 3ward identif~ number t a ':;',]1'oed,ocerrectec t g, ::A.CC~ ~ California S" d,st1"ct. CA-Q12 for Ca forn;a 12"
applicaten. !"Iter N ~edf.rallc.entJfier in acocrdance wrltl age"-:y drsh:t. NC.l03 feM" Nort>" Carolina's 'C3"" 0 strict
nrJUCtlcns. . I' 3 oongressOI"al dlstr.:ts 10 :1 state lfe affected. enter
6. Date Rectoived by State: Luv~ -:hrs f elcl t> ank_ Th:s date iI! b. 'all" fcrl"'E dtst1"r.t number eg, MD-all tor all
.assigned by t":e State, it annilcable :':-'lqr'fUion.Ji distn~ts 11'1 Mary and.
7. Sut. Application Id..,tififl': LU.....1hiS "ie-Id biank, n s d~t'lier it,j . l~ .,a!lcnwide_ e_ .11 distr,:ts wl:hin all st3-1eS are a"fe<:te-d,
:.-e .1Ssgr'led ty t... S!3te. If applicable enter '_'$-all
. J~ ~he program:pr:Ojt-ct s outside the US, ent.r CO-O:>o.
s. Applicant Information :::"ter tr'e lollow'flgt1 acccrcance wth age-noy
r-- nS~C:lcns:
a. Lr-g.;al Name (~equlr~;: Ent~ -:he E-gal"3Me ot Jpp <:.1nt ':hat will 17 Prop05Ht Pro,.ct Surt and End Dolt..,: I R~ulr.d: Enbtf' ~t
",Merta);. "... .)ustanet actvity_ TMis IS:h. ~iI""I. tl'lilt tr.e e~lu-:jon pre~ed s':a~ d3te ar'ld +nd eate of the P'O. Kt.
!'1J5 regrs~ wrth tn. :.ntral Ccn-:raetcr Re-gIUry, In'ofl'l''iltion on
re-arst_r;no wfh Cr::R mJlV be Obbin_d hlf ,.1inif\!'! -:he Grantsaov websiw
b_ Employ<<(Tupolytf NumlMf (EINrTlN): I:Requil't'd} E~tfr tt1...
EMp.:.~r or Taxpaye-r .demrfieaton ~~umbf.r :~IN fY TIN) J5 assigned by 10 Estimoltfll Funding: ,:::(equlrt<:) :nter the amount requHtl<l
:he I."!ema Rt'v.!""..... Se'Vice. If your Cf'oanizatofl is net.. :l'\e US e"-:er or to b. cCMnbu1.d juring the trst funding,'budge! p.eI'lod !:iy
44-4444444 tach contributor. Value 0' In....ind COf''lnbu1ions s.hould be
c. Or,9'1nizational DUNS: (~tquiredl En~er:he organizaton's C:UNS or 'neluded on a.ppropn.1'Ce nes. as applicable trn. act()l'\ will
J"N.=+4 ~jJMb~ received from Dun and ~ad5tInt. In'orMa!icn on resutt :n a c~lIar changE to an .)Iisting Jwara. ndiC3!1' only the
,:-bl.a" .";1 a C'UI\S "UMC.., may be :>buln.d ty 1/ '!inn;;! -:he GrJnts lPv Imoun~ of -:h. d1angt. For decreases, fonC'OW t:!'le amounts In
d Addre-ss Em~r the cO'npl.,e 31ojress;n fo!~_ S~rut address :_I"'t
~ re~'.. "~'I. City : Requ f't-:'I, COUr'lty. $!ate .R.~uirecl f ccumry is _S). 1. Is Applic~tion SubJKt to Review by State Under EXKUti....
~rCJV(\.:e, Coun:ry IRe-qUlted:_ Zip:Pos-:.1l COOt (=i:equlrec. If :'::>..flUy s Order 12372 ProcHs? .App, .;:ants srould contact the State
JS: S'ng-t ~cmt of CC~Jct :SPOC) for Fc-::.,al E..:ecutn Order
... Org~njZ,Jtional Unit: En~er -:h.. narre of -:h. prir-,ary org"n .:atlOOal 12372 :0 ,:r.ermine ,Y"oi-:;,er t"~ .1pphC.1~ion II s,,~..::t:o -:he
..rill land depar.rrent Of ':11/1sion i' a:<ilcat- el :t\at Wtlt u..,:e-rta.. th4!
3.5si5~anCt .JC-!IVl .fa licable. 3t.Jt& intltrgovfornmenu. revIew precess S...c: the
f. Noll""' .It'd contiet informiltion of Pf'l'5on to be contKtf'd on app.wr:ate be._ I~ ".1,'" seotCtt'd. entftr!M date tM
matters involving this ~pliutjon En1erthot name IF rst and Int name app',c~tion was submrted to tn.e State
~Pquired:' organiZJ1lCf1a, affili.r.ion Ilf affiliated wi~ an Of'~nL:a'ion otr~r
than J:N. .1pp'l<:.1I'lt OI'ganiZ3tJonl. tejephone "\.Imber (R~ujred:_ fax 20 Is the Applicilnt Oe-linquent on any Fed..-,)l
"'iUMW, and ."'.;1-)) addre-ss (Requiri-Oi of ~he pt~n to eonta~ on '~equiredi Select Ire .l~~ropri,]t. box This queston aoplies to
'Tlattvs rel;Jwd :0 ~hls awhc.1tion Tt& 'PP"'!1 organ.::atO'1. not the p.trson who signs as 1he
.Juthonzed ","~Sofrl'ta;ive. Categcr6 of, Include
delrv.::ui'nt audit ~ rS.1owances, loans Jnd
f yes. Include an ~J(cla!'atlon on tfl.e oontJ'l'JJ.UOO S.~Ht.
~. Type of Ape-cam: lRfloquiredi 21 Authoriud Rlpr~nntilti~1 : ~&qu o\"1!'d) To ee ~ignt<l and
S.leet '.;p to ~hru. .1ppiicam 1'p<t:s: In ..::cor~ance w~ age"'>:)' da:.d by tnoi .1uthof'1;::ed r&preseou1in cf The applicant
nstruc'bcns crgar z.atlon. Enter the nam& ; First and last r"aME: requt'tc)
A. State.u~\Iemment M Nonprof1 nith ~':'Cj iHS ~itJe tRflo'='L.lired: leleph~ nU''llber I,Re-quired), fa) number
B. County Govemmem SUtus :Ct"'t. tylan In5n:"tCw"l and er"1aiJ ~drf!oss IRec\.ilre-dl of the person a~nze(l to sign
C City or TO\V!'1:shlp Gcvernment of -IttJh... E:::IuC31iOf') ~:>r ~he 3ppliC3nt
:J SC+Clal D s:n~~ GOilem-ntm N Ncnprof1 Mthou: ~C'C3 IRS A cOfJy of l1'E- gc...em,".; bcoy's au:honzatOl" ~()( you to 59"
_. ~egional Organ .zattQn Status :Cthe,- ~an In5ti~utOl'1 :t'iIS applicaton n the ::lffieial ~tpr.S~1atlVt must l:>t en f'.e in
F ..;,S_ -e,.,..1ory Cf PCsSESSfon of "'iigher EOVC3iiOl") 1"1E> 3;:.pfi~ar:'s eff.:. <'Certain Fedt!"]. agen.:1es'Tlay rtC'"d~
G ndepena.ent SC"ool :)ismct 0 Pri...ate i....strt~1ion of H tJher ~"at l1' IS aut">onz.3~icn be Sub"lit:ed as part of the app ,:atoo.:'
H = ..e.c:St3'!.e Ccnvcllea Educaton
nS1it..llcn of ....ightr Education 0 i:"<JlVle',u1
I ndian,'N3!illt' A....,erican T,.,ba Q For.Prott Organl::.JtOt'1
Govemmen: (:'edliray IO,h~r!hJn SIr3l112..sini'ssl
qecogni.Z~ I 'I Sma!1 9'~5iOe-SS
J ndian:Na~ive A:"lencan Tnba S H spa.... <:-5erv,.,~ ns~bJt.i-:4'1
Govemment (O~er tn3f' T. H s-<oricalty Black C-:>ewe5
~eder.JHy Reeognize-d-I and U", \lerUM lHBCUs;
K. ndian/Na,1ive A'Tltriean ,. T ~ bal!y Cont"O Ia-d:::olleges
Tribalt~' Du-gnat.d and U,. v."ites I-CCUsi
C~nlU1ion V AJ.Jsk3 Native 3no l'Il.]t..,.
_. :J..oc.' "'OUSI"lg Hail,]1 M': Se:'Ving '"stiMions
A u~hori 'Y W Non-domE>s~ic l'ncn-JS;
X Ot"leor ;specityl
OMS Approved No 3076-0006
Version 7 to 3
1. TYPE OF SUBMISSION: 3. DATE RECEIVED BY STATE State Application Identifier
Application Pre-application
IiC Construction kJ Construction 4. DATE RECEIVED BY FEDERAL AGENC.:J Federal Identifier I
r:1 Nnn-t:nn.tructlon o Non.Constructl-n
Legal Name: Oraanlzatlonal Unit:
Collier County Board of County Commissioners Department:
Housing, Human and Veteran Services
Or%anizational DUNS: Division:
07 997790 Public Services
Address: Name and telephone number (If person to be contacted on matters
Street: Involvlna this 8Dpllcatlon (give area code)
3299 Tamiaml Trail E.. Suite 303 Prefix: First Namo:
Ms. Marcy
City: Middle Name
Naples --~_._._-~ -~--_..- ~_._---~_._--- . - ~~~--
I.couniy:------- -- Last Name
Collier Krumbine
State. Zip Code Suffix:
Florida 34112
Country: Email:
USA marcykrumbine@coUlergov,net
6. EMPLOYER IDENTIFICATION NUMBER (EIN): Phone Number (give area code) I Fax Number (give area code)
@]~-@J~~@J[5J[5J@J 239-252~8442 239-252.2638 I
8. TYPE OF APPLICATION: 7. TYPE OF APPLICANT: (See back of form for Application Types)
~ New rrJ Continuation L' RevIsion 8. County
If Revision, enter appropriate letter(s) in box(es)
See back of form for description of letters.) fJ LJ Other (specify)
Other (specify) 9. NAME OF FEDERAL AGENCY:
Housing and Urban Devetopme'1l
[iJ~-i2]1Ji8] Collier County Neighborhood Stabilizatlon Program 3
TITLE (Name of Program;
Community Developmen Block Grants/Entitlement Grants
12. AREAS AFFECTED BY PROJECT (Cities, Counties, States, etc.)'
Collier County
Start Date: I Ending Date: a. Applicant -h ~ Project
March 1, 2011 February 28, 2014 14/25 4125
c. Slate DATE
d. Local uu PROGRAM IS NOT COVERED BY E. O. 12372
. b. No. I.lI
g. TOTAL 3,884.165 o Ves If "Yes" attach an explanation. ~ No
ri ad R r nt
M';efix First Name Middle Name
r. Fred W.
Last Name lSuffix
Ib.:.. Title k;. Telephone Number (give area code)
Chairman, Board of County Commission~ 239.252.8709
d. Signature of Authorized Representative -.Jl.ll Cd r. O. ~. Date Sirned
0212Z120, 1 '
Previous Edition Usable n '" . -,,",",--' ~-'-Standard Form 424 (Rev.9w2003)
Authorized for La al Reoroduc ion 'r. ' scribed bv OMS Circular A.102
Assistant County Attorney
~. ."
~ as to form & legal SuffiCiency'