CAC Minutes 05/12/2005 R May 12, 2005 TRANSCRIPT OF THE MEETING OF THE COLLIER COUNTY COASTAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE Naples, Florida, May 12,2005 LET IT BE REMEMBERED, that the Collier County Coastal Advisory Committee in and for the County of Collier, having conducted business herein, met on this date at 1 :00 PM in REGULAR SESSION in Building "F of the Government Complex, East Naples, Florida, with the following members present: CHAIRMAN: Ron Pennington John Arceri Gerald Camiener Murray Hendel Heidi Kulpa Tony Pires James Snediker (Excused) John Sorey III Paul Sullivan ALSO PRESENT: Gary McAlpin, Coastal Projects Mgr. Maria Bernal, Tourist Tax Coordinator Dr. Mike Bauer, City of Naples Maura Krause, Environmental Services 1 <___"_'~_k'_h'_"_ __".,__,,"",.,.'0'.,.-_ 5-12-05 Regular Meeting Page 1 of2 MEETING AGENDA & NOTICE COASTAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE (CAC) THURSDAY, MAY 12, 2005 -1:00 P.M. W. HARMON TURNER BUILDING (Administrative Building F; 3rd Floor) Collier County Government Center, 3301 E. Tamiami Trail, Naples I. Call to Order II. Roll Call III. Changes and Approval of Agenda IV. Public Comments V. Approval of CAC Minutes 1. April 15, 2005 VI. Staff Reports 1. Revenue Report 2. Monthly Project Status Report VII. New Business 1. Change Order request for $42,300 for T -Groin and Jetty Construction 2. Hideaway Beach Additional Sand Change Order 3. Review of Contract Documents and Specifications for the Major Renourishment - Scheduled November 2005 VIII. Old Business 1. Inlet Subcommittee Report 2. County/City of Naples Beach Renourishment Update 3. Hideaway Beach Renourishment Update 4. Marco South Beach RenourishmentlCaxambas Pass Dredging Update 5. Wiggins Pass Dredging Update 6. Doctors Pass Renourishment Update IX. Public Comments X. Announcements XI. Committee Member Discussion XII. Next Meeting Date/Location 1. June 9, 2005 - 1 :00 p.m. - BCC Board Room XIII. Adjournment All interested parties are invited to attend, and to register to speak and to submit their objections, if any, in writing, to the board prior to the meeting if applicable. For more information, please contact Maria Bernal at (239) 213-2966. If you are a person with a disability who needs any accommodation in order to participate in this proceeding, you are entitled, at no cost http://www.colliergov.netltdc/cac/5-12-05RegularMeeting.htm 5/9/2005 5-12-05 Regular Meeting Page 2 of2 to you, to the provision of certain assistance. Please contact the Collier County Facilities Management Department located at 3301 East Tamiami Trail, Naples, FL 34112, (239) 774-8380. Public comments will be limited to 5 minutes unless the.Chairman grants permission for additional time. Collier County Ordinance No. 99-22 requires that all lobbyists shall, before engaging in any lobbying activities (including, but not limited to, addressing the Board of County Commissioners) before the Board of County Commissioners and its advisory boards, register with the Clerk to the Board at the Board Minutes and Records Department. http://www.colliergov.net/tdc/cac/5-12-05RegularMeeting.htm 5/9/2005 -_._~,..._._,.~'~.,~~- ..,~~,--~',... May 12, 2005 1. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Ron Pennington at 1 :00 PM. II. Roll Call - Mr. Snediker was excused. This was his last meeting. III. Changes & Approval of Agenda - None - Mr. Arceri moved to approve the Agenda as submitted. Second by Mr. Sorey. Carried unanimously 8-0. IV. Public Comments - None V. Approval of CAC Minutes - April 15, 2005 Mr. Hendel moved to approve the minutes of April 15, 2005. Second by Mr. Pires. Carried unanimously 8-0. VI. Staff Reports - Gary McAlpin 1. Revenue Report - (Attached) · Good month for collections · Budget $6,571,000 - collected $7,390,000 · Still on track for Budget and Category "A" funds 2. Monthly Project Status Report (Attached) · Working on closing projects and continue to work with Dr. Bauer · The TDC Emergency Fund 194 is different than the CAC's 195 fund · CAC acquires 2/3 of the Bed Tax VII. New Business 1. Change Order request for $42,300 for T -Groin & Jetty Construction - Gary McAlpin Was late in getting the Biological opinion which stated they are not allowed to store equipment on the beach. Worked with the Contractor and Fish and Wildlife. A plan was suggested to provide a backhoe that's mobile and can be stored off the beach and not delay the schedule. Discussed clarification of equipment and problems encountered. The cost of the Change Order is $42,300 for a time and material basis. Mr. Arceri moved to approve the $42,300 Change Order request to allow the removal of the equipment on the Beach. Second by Mr. Sullivan. Carried unanimously 8-0. 2. Hideaway Beach Additional Sand Change Order - Gary McAlpin Explained where more sand is needed in different areas. Hideaway Beach Association has the ability to fund an additional $185,000 for additional 40,000 cubic yards of sand. The Budget needs to be revised for additional revenues of $185,000 and to allow Weeks Marines' Contract to be increased by adding the 40,000 cubic yards of sand. Mr. Sorey moved approval of the Hideaway Beach Additional Sand Change Order. Second by Mr. Arceri. Carried unanimously 8-0. 2 May 12,2005 3. Review of Contract Documents and Specifications for the Major Renourishment - Scheduled November 2005 - Gary McAlpin The specifications prepared by Coastal Planning & Engineering are typical and complete. The report had been emailed to all Committee members. Called to the Committees attention: . Liquated damages and obligations - firm given 151 days after Notice to Proceed or may be assessed $1,800 per day thereafter until completion. Discussion followed on various items on the downloaded document. Need to go out for bid by June 1st, pre-bid on June 7th and award on June 26th. A Special meeting may be needed. VIII. Old Business 2. County/City of Naples Beach Renourishment Update - Gary McAlpin No additional information to give - but going out for bid. Discussed the 20 year easements Mr. McAlpin can provide a list to the committee of those that have and have not signed the agreements. 3. Hideaway Beach Renourishment Update - Gary McAlpin · Completed sand survey · Relocated position of jetty · Weeks Marine on site 5/23-5/28. Will be placing sand on beach in June. · Delays due to weather and contractor not demobilizing from a past proj ect. · Committee concerned of delays of the project by contractor and being in turtle season Maura Krause - Environmental Services - had first turtle nest on Mother's Day - also mentioned they are not happy with the delays and all the equipment on the beach etc. as they are going into peak nesting season. Members discussed further their dissatisfaction and frustration of the delays. Discussed the contract, penalty clauses and future contracts concerning scheduling. 4. Marco South Beach Renourishment/Caxambas Pass Dredging Update- Gary McAlpin · Received RAI from DEP for clarification which is being done · Met with MI Waterways Committee for reviewing proposed location of Caxambas Pass dredge area. 5. Wiggins Pass Dredging Update - Gary McAlpin · Comments from public on depth of dredge · Have dredged 38,000 cubic yards to date · May not be as deep, but will be navigable and useable for a couple of years. 6. Doctors Pass Renourishment Update - Ron Pennington · Did Sea grass survey and no problems 3 May 12, 2005 · Bid letters sent - Pre-bid May 11 · Will have special meeting to look at bids · End of July is anticipated start date BREAK - 2:32 PM RECONVENED - 2:44 PM The new member, Mr. Gerald Camiener was introduced and welcomed. Mr. Pires and Mr. Sorey were reappointed and a new applicant should be at the next meeting taking Mr. Snediker's position. 1. Inlet Subcommittee Report - Mr. Sullivan The boat trip was a success with 20 persons and a tram ride through Clam Pass followed. Gave excerpts of past meetings and some of the Committees findings and decisions: · Keep it simple and all encompassing and an overview of Inlet Management Plans · Started with Wiggins Pass and would attach a schematic · Focus had been beach renourishment - and dredging passes to accomplish that. · Referred to Draft (Attached) - keeping the inlets navigable for commercial and recreational boating in addition to beach renourishment. · Passes filling in with sand too fine for beach use and what do they do with it. · Plan was to keep it simple, use any engineering drawings and going back in June. · In previous sub-committee meeting, Mr. Pennington was asking to look at addressing just "beach quality sand" only. This would limit the role of the sub-committee. Discussion took place with some of the following remarks: o Beach quality sand is required by the permitting agencies for grain size to match what is on that beach. o Inlets and beach renourishment o Interlocal Agreements - dredging & navigational passes Mr. Pennington mentioned there are a lot of questions - all being relevant and pertinent, but none with what the Sub-committees task was. The Sub-committee dug into many issues and exceeded far beyond his expectations. He gave a synopsis on the appointment of a sub-committee and its purpose. Also gave a history of category "A" funds and beach improvement and maintenance which included the inlet maintenance. Read part of the State Statutes concerning putting sand on the beaches. What they are doing has to be consistent with the policy adopted by the Board of County Commissioners. Mr. Pennington read the policy relating to the inlet and 4 -"'--''"~'''-'~"-''''~ ,-".,.....__.......,_.~"'_.,.._._..._-_._'".~.,_..-._._..- May 12, 2005 beach quality sand. When requests are made to fund certain activities in inlets and the boundaries aren't defined, not sure they can fund it out of Tourist Tax or not. He stated nothing defines the particular parameters. What can be funded by Tourist Tax money is the question. He recommended defining the other passes in the County other than Doctors Pass. After he met with the Commissioners, they agreed Mr. Pennington was to bring back the portion of each pass that would be funded by Tourist Tax monies. That's when the Sub-committee was appointed. He wants to go back to the Commissioners with recommendations of what should be funded for each pass. Mr. Pennington discussed the different aspects ofthe different passes. The parameters need to be defined. (Boundaries - not specifics) Stated an Interlocal Agreement between Marco Island and the County should be done. More explanation of what should be taken back to the Commissioners was given. Comments and rebuttal: · Name of sub-committee not appropriate · Thought was not to do agreement in piecemeal · Surprised Gordon Pass not included · There is a problem with not having "specifics" · 2 Dimensional Chart - stating an area of responsibility but not what the responsibility is - was Mr. Sullivan's summary. · Felt having a plan for Gordon Pass is essential (Mr. Pires left at 3:40 PM) · Didn't want to limit recommendations to BCC · Committee could make a recommendation on a change in the inlet funding policy · Add suggested policy changes on inlets that should be taken into consideration · Changes need to go to the TDC · Present a Phase I and Phase II recommendation (with separate entities) · Coordination with County and City After additional discussion, Mr. Hendel moved the Sub-committee proceed in 2 phases. Second by Mr. Sorey. Carried unanimously 8-0. IX. Public Comments - None X. Announcements - May be a Special Meeting in June. XI. Committee Member Discussion - Mr. Arceri asked about delays on Hideaway Beach. If there are delays, Mr. McAlpin responded a Special Meeting may be called 5 May 12, 2005 and options be given. XII. Next Meeting Date/Location 1. June 9, 2005 - 1 :00 PM - BCC Board Room ***** There being no further business for the good of the County, the meeting adjourned by order of the chair at 4:09 PM. COLLIER COUNTY COASTAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE Ron Pennington, Chairman 6 -_._,._.-.-....._......--~."