Ex-parte - Fiala 03/27/2018 Ex parte Items - Commissioner Donna Fiala COLLIER COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AGENDA March 27, 2019 COLLIER COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AGENDA ADVERTISED PUBLIC HEARINGS 9A. This item requires that all participants be sworn in and ex-parte disclosure be provided by Commission members. Recommendation to affirm the decision of the Collier County Planning Commission and approve a Resolution amending Development Order 88-02,as amended,the City Gate Commerce Park Development of Regional Impact, providing for Section One: amendments restoring language from the original Development Order 88-02 and provide traffic conversions,without increasing the overall buildout traffic; amendment to regulations pertaining to vegetation and wildlife/wetlands to remove the 2.47 acre wetland "preserve" requirement; amendment to remove phasing schedule and obsolete development restrictions; amendment to master development plan; extension of termination date; and amendment to allow for biennial reporting; Section Two:findings of fact including revised legal description and correction of acreage; Section Three:conclusions of law; Section Four: effect of previously issued development order,transmittal to the Department of Economic Opportunity and providing an effective date. [PL20170002634] (This is a companion item to Planned Unit Development Amendment Petition PUDA-PL20170002330, Companion to Agenda Item 9.B.and Agenda Item 11.F) 9B. This item requires that all participants be sworn in and ex-parte disclosure be provided by Commission members. Recommendation to approve an Ordinance amending Ordinance No. 88-93, the City Gate Commerce Park Planned Unit Development,to revise the legal description and correct the acreage of the MPUD;to update the master development plan including designating a Lake/Recreational Area, adding external access points along the eastern MPUD boundary and adding the '::oilier County Sports Complex;to provide conversions to allow additional hotels and motel units and the development of the Collier County Sports Complex, without increasing the overall originally approved buildout traffic;to provide deviations for signage,flagpoles, parking areas, landscape areas and buffers, architectural review standards, native vegetation and water management;to clarify permitted uses and add development standards for the Sports Complex, including building heights;to update building heights elsewhere in the MPUD;to remove outdated commitments;to add exhibits including exhibit A-3 permitted uses by SIC codes, Exhibit A-4 cross sections-north buffer, Exhibit A-5 sign deviation exhibit,and Exhibit A-6 required yard plan; providing for conflict and severability; and providing an effective date. [PL20170002330] Companion item to Development Order Amendment Petition DOA-PL20170002634,Agenda Item 9.A. and Agenda Item 11.F NO DISCLOSURE FOR THIS ITEM SEE FILE Ff Meetings Correspondence e-mails FICalls Meetings/Discussions with Nick Casalanguida, Leo Ochs & Ron Rice