Agenda 05/03/2005 W yo· COLLIER COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Affordable Housing Workshop May 3, 2005 Agenda 9:00-9:05 1. Welcome and Pledge of Allegiance Backf!round: 9:05 - 9:20 2. Tab #1 Overview of Current State of Affordable Housing in Collier County- Definition, Current Availability and Shortage with Introduction Video (staff) 9:20 - 9:35 3. Tab #2 The Economics of Building Affordable Housing in Collier County (Russ Weyer, Fishkind and Associates) 9:35 - 9:55 4. Tab #3 Update on the Collier County Housing Development Corporation- (Joe Foster, President CCHDC) 9:55 - 10:15 Tab #4 5. Creating Inclusive Communities in Florida - An Overview of Florida Trends (Wight Gregor, Senior Technical Advisor-Florida Housing Coalition) 10:15 -10:30 Break Solutions: 10:30 -11:00 Tab #5 6. County-Wide Impact Fee Deferral Program (outside counsel Tyson Smith) 11 :00 - 11 :45 Tab #6 7. Commissioner Requested Topics (staff) A. Density Issues - Tab#7 1. Density Bonuses 2. Income & Rent limits 3. Enforcement & Restrictions 4. Coastal High Hazard Area 5. Concurrency 6. Density by Right Zoning 7. Balanced Housing 8. Moderately Priced Housing B. Land Trust Tab#8 C. Interlocal Agreements Tab #9 11 :45-12:30 8. Public Speakers Tab #10 12:30-1:00 9. Board Direction- Action Items 10. Adjourn ~ Çounty - - - C- o ..c: fJ) .:::£ >- L.. ..¡...I 0 c: ::J S 0 u en \.I-U') o L. Lr) c: -cQ) 0 -- L. c: 0 fJ) CO .Q N :::J o U') ..... 0 CC.~ (V') I ~E >- c: E co Q) :E ::J 0 ..c ou u ro L. -C Q) .- L.. - - ~ 0 u <C C .... ._ C en CD C E .- Q. U) ° ::s - o CD E ::I: en> C CD ftS ~ .ii) 0 ~ .Q ::::I en 0 ftS 0 C a.. CD ~ ::I:.ii) A- u 0 cu::S iã U) ¡ ~ 2 :E ª g} t: .~ .- ....... -a ftS ~ ~ Q. ~ '0 >: ~ ~ .- CD 0 =CDCoc sot- e( .....- U:::S E cu -a 'OBEc(8 Ecu,5 U)Mena.. O~!R CD.... c #11 ..... '" (J) en c.c .-.: U U ::::I -i-J -c CD~:2= CD œ c:r ffi CD a.. ~ .- 0 >.... CD E - a.. ... ::::I U E ~ ... a. ::s I -" .- Wi. W '16 C ~.... CD U).... a.. 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Collier County Housing Development Corporation 5801 Pelican Bay Blvd., Suite 300 Naples, Florida 34108 Telephone: 239-593-2965 Facsimile: 239-593-2990 Email: jfoster@porterwright.com BACKGROUND: We are a Florida non-profit corporation organized in the Fall of 2003 as a result of a recommendation made by the Workforce Housing Task-Force created by the Collier County Board of County Commissioners. 2005 BOARD OF DIRECTORS: Joe Foster, Porter, Wright, Morris and Arthur, LLP - President David Ellis, Collier Building Industry Association - Vice-President Jeff Cecil, Porter, Wright, Morris and Arthur, LLP - Treasurer Tom Tatro, Fifth Third Bank - Secretary Chris Chesser, St. Vincent DePaul Society Anthony Denson, Comcast Cable Mary Ann Durso, Habitat for Humanity Frank Rodriguez, Fifth Third Bank Mary Tarnowski, Collier County Supervisor of Elections Office MISSION STATEMENT: The Collier County Housing Development Corporation exists to ensure that all residents of Collier County have a decent affordable home in a safe neighborhood. TARGET AREAS: 1. Develop More Affordable Housing Units 2. Assist in the Development of More Affordable Housing Units 3. County-wide Resource Center for Affordable Housing GOALS BY TARGET AREA: 1. Develop More Affordable Housing Units A. Identify/acquire vacant lots for possible development as affordable housing units B. Identify/acquire existing homes for possible rehabilitation/redevelopment as affordable housing units C. Identify for-profit developers to partner with in new developments to create affordable housing units in new market rate developments D. Identify/acquire newly constructed market rate units to be converted into affordable housing units 2. Assist in the Development of More Affordable Housing Units A. Advocate for fee relief for new affordable housing units in Collier County B. Advocate for planning incentives for new affordable housing units in Collier County C. Promote and advocate for new affordable housing developments m Collier County D. Identify potential qualified homeowners for new units 3. County-wide Resource Center for Mfordab1e Housing A. Conduct research and gather data and information regarding affordability issues and lack of affordable housing units in Collier County B. Educate residents and organizations in Collier County regarding the growmg affordability crisis facing the county and ways to improve the situation C. Support the Collier County Housing Fair and other similar programs to match residents with affordable housing options and providers D. Gather data and information regarding "Best Practices" around the country and suggest improvements to Collier County practices and solutions to problems E. Partner with local residents and organizations to improve affordable housing options in Collier County 2 NAPLES/278040 v.Ol 01 c: -- (/) ::J 0 Q) ::r: > CO -- ""0 en -- :J !.... fJ) 0 Q) - U LL c: -- +-' ..... !.... ....... -- 0 c: 01 C1 :J OJ c: E !.... c: 19 -- 0 -0 E ..¡...I:¡::; ..c: :.= -- 01 CO :J 0 -- 0 CC U $U --"----_._---------.---- ~-- ------- \þ-- Q) Q) LL I - +-' (]J U (/) ro c: ::J Q.E 0 u E ro (]J ....... i- -0 Q) C) -- l!3QJ -c 0 :::J..¡...I i- -- o:C Sa.. .....s I ro (]J ~-o ~L.. ..c: c: c: i- SCO :J~ ~£ o Q) ¡... - - co E UQ :;EU1 ",._....,,-.,,~.... , . (]) (]) u.. .µ u ro c..E E ro 1--1 ~ Q)en -cO -- ~ sa.. I ro ~~ c L.. :J~ o Q) uo ~ i ~--"--,-~" C .- Q) Q) E E o 0 £ £ ro - ro '+- .- 0+J C Q) Q) u+J .- 0 Cia. Q),..-I £,..-1 ~(V) C (/) -. ._ Q) +J Q) +-' Q) (/)ro.::¿, C L- ro.- ro ~ª E C Q) Q) . - £ a ~+J aCE a::Jo ,..-I'" 0 L- -tA-u'+- L- (/) ~.~ (¡j Q) = >- >O::J wu..c Q) Q) u.. .µ u ro Q.E E ro ....... 1- Q)en -cO _ _ 1- sa.. 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Mark White and E. Tyson Smith Date: April 12. 2005 Re: Legal Opinion on Impact Fee Deferral Concept Contents Introduction .............................................................................................................................. . . . . . ..... . .. . . .. ..... . ... . Issue.................................................................................................................................................................... Brief Answer.......................................................................................................................... .............................. Discussion..................................................................................................................... ...................................... Equal Protection...................................................................................................................... ........................ Rational Nexus Test......................................................................................................................... ............... Uniformity....................................................................................................................... ................................. Conclusion..................................................................................................................... ..................................... Introduction Pursuant to the Scope of Services in our March 18. 2005 purchase order. this memorandum consti1utes our legal opinion as to an impact-fee deferral program for first-time homebuyers of affordable homes. Collier County currently administers an impact fee deferral and waiver program for very-low, low and moderate income households. The deferral program is established in the impact fee ordinance. Collier County Code §§ 74-401 and 74-402. Under this program. impact fees are deferred or waived if the homebuyer or renter demonstrates that they qualify for the income levels described the program. Until July 1.2004 Collier County funded the program by paying those fees using grant sources. However. the County is discontinuing the program funding due to increases in the fees. The County is proposing to revise the program by limiting the aggregate amount of deferred fees per fiscal year to 1 % of the total impact fee collections of the previous fiscal year. This limitation ensures that the amount of fees deferred in any fiscal year is de minimus. The County eSTImates that deferrals for 100 homes per year would fall within the 1% of year impact fee collection cap. This memorandum addresses the legality of an impact fee deferral program for low-income first-TIme buyers of affordable homes. After this memorandum is released, a detailed program will be prepared to administer impact fee deferrals, along with an accompanying legal opinion. Issue Is an impact-fee program for low income first-TIme buyers of affordable housing legally supportable? Brief Answer Impact fee reductions for affordable housing, including exemp1ions, waivers, and deferrals, are constitu1ionally permissible and within the authority of coun1ies in the state of Rorida. However, any revenue shortfall created by the impact fee reducTIons cannot be passed onto other fee payers. Because neither the existing nor the proposed program pass funding shortfalls onto other fee payers, the program is legally permissible. Discussion The legality and consTItutionality of impact fee exemptions and similar public policy based exemptions for impact fees has long been established. In a 1990 article published in the Florida State University Joumal of Land Use and Environmental Law. I addressed this topic specifically and summarized the case law involving this issue. 1 I concluded that fee exemptions were permissible, but that revenue shortfalls created by the fees cannot be passed on to other fee payers. At the time the article was published, there was one case (from the state of Oregon) that upheld a program for fee exemp1ions involving affordable housing. Since that time, no cases have con1radicted that opinion or the conclusions of the Exemptions Article. In addi1ion, at least 14 state impact-fee enabling statutes, now specifically authorize exemptions for affordable housing,2 Several of these statutes parrot the conclusions reached in the Exemptions Article, by authorizing exemptions where: 1 S. Mark White, "Development Fees and Exemptions For Affordable Housing: Tailoring Regulations To Achieve Multiple Public Objectives," 6 J. LAND USE & ENVTL. L. 25 (Winter 1990){hereinafter "Exemptions Article"). 2 These include: Georgia (Ga.Stat. § § 36-71-4 - exempts economic development as well as affordable housing); Idaho (Idaho Code § 67-8204(10»; Indiana (Indiana Code § 36-7-4-1326); New Mexico (NMSA § 5-8-3); Pennsylvania (53 P.S. § 10503-A(a)(5)(affordable housing and overriding public interest); South Carolina (S.C. Code § 6-1-970(7) - mandatory exemption for affordable housing); Texas (V.T.CA, Local Govemment Code § 395.016(g»; Utah (U.CA 1953 § 11-36-202(3)(a)- affordable housing and development with "broad public interest"); Vermont (24 V.SA § 5205 - affordable housing and employment); Washington (RONA 82.02.060(2) - affordable housing and" broad public purposes"); and Wisconsin (W. S. A. 66.0617(7». New Jersey prohibits the assessment of impact fees against affordable housing in inclusionary subdivisions. NJSA § 13:20-13.m(5). West Virginia authorizes funding from general or other nonimpact fee funding sources for capital . Page 2 · the projects are determined to create affordable housing; and · the public policy which supports the exemption is contained in the comprehensive plan; and · the exempt development's proportionate share of system improvements is funded through a revenue source other than development impact fees.3 Florida expressly authorizes impact fee exemptions. The Florida State Housing Initiatives Partnership (SHIP) legislation requires local incentives to encourage the production of affordable housing (Fla.Stat. § 420.9076). M advisory committee must be appointed to examine the effects of local land use regulations on affordable housing. The legislation provides: "At a minimum, each advisory committee shall make recommendations on affordable housing incentives in the following areas: ... . (b) The modification of impact-fee requirements, including reduction or waiver of fees and altemative methods of fee payment for affordable housing." Fla. stat. § 42O.9076(4)(b); see also Fla. Stat. § 163.2517(3)0)( urban infill and redevelopment area plan to include an incentives package that includes "waiver of license and permit fees". Despite the lack of any specific legal authority, some commentators question whether impact-fee exemptions for affordable housing are legally permissible. For example, because courts require that impact fees calculations relate to the impact of development on public facilities, there is a misconception that no new development can be exempted from impact fee obligations. Other commentators argue that fee regulations that depart from the nature and purpose of the fee, and that are based on unrelated public policies, could violate equal protection.4 These commentators, however, assume a stricter test for exemptions than the actual legal standard. This memorandum will discuss the potential challenges to an impact fee deferral system for affordable housing. The memorandum concludes that the exemptions are legally defensible. Equal Protection Because impact fee deferrals create a separate classification for purposes of impact fee assessment they create potential equal protection challenges. The fourteenth amendment to the United States Constitution states that "(n)o State shall . . . deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws." U.S. CaNST. amend. XIV, § 1. Similarly, the Florida Constitution, M. 1 § 2, provides that "all natural persons ... are equal before the law..." Equal protection applies to legislative classifications and requires that persons similarly situated be treated alike. Generally, legislative classifications, including exemptions, will be sustained when they are rationally related to a legitimate state interest. The "rational basis" or "minimal scrutiny" test requires 2 elements: improvements affordable housing and other development with broad public purposes. W. Va. Code, § 7-20-7(c). 3 See Georgia and Idaho statutes, cited above. 4 McCrory, Do Fee Waivers, Exemptions And Other Classifications Satisfy Equal Protection Of The Law? (2004). . Page 3 1, The classification must appearto be based at a minimum on a rational dis1inc1ion.5 2. The classifica1ion must have a just and reasonable rela1ion to a legi1imate state objective. Shriners Hospitals for Crippled Children v. Zrillic, 563 So.2d 64, 69 (Fla. 1990)(ci1ing In re Greenberg's Estate, 390 So.2d 40 (Ra.1980), appeal dismissed sub nom. Pincus v. Estate of Greenberg, 450 U.S. 961, 10l S.Ct. 1475,67 L.Ed.2d 610 (1981); Graham v. Ramani, 383 So,2d 634 (Fla.1980); Department of Health & Rehabilitative Services v. Heffler, 382 So.2d 301 (Fla.1980); Palm Harbor Special Fire Control Dist. v. Kelly. 516 So.2d 249, 251 (Fla.1987)); City of New Orleans v. Dukes. 427 U.S. 297 (1976) (sustaining exemp1ion of vendors who had been in business for more than eight years from prohibi1ion of vending opera1ions in New Orleans French Quarter). This "ra1ional basis" standard applies unless the classification affects a "suspect class," such as race, or a "fundamental right" such as the right to vote. WCI Communities. Inc., supra; Greenberg's Estate, supra, 390 So.2d at 45. Mathematical precision is not required in the drawing of classifica1ions. This "rationality" review is extremely deferential: When social or economic legislation is at issue, the Equal Protec1ion Clause allows the States wide latitude, and the Cons1itu1ion presumes that even improvident decisions will eventually be rectified by the democra1ic processes. City of Clebume v. Clebume Uving Center, 473 U.S. 432, 440 (1985) (citations omitted); WCI Communities. supra, 885 So.2d at 914 (the ra1ional basis test "gives great deference to economic and sociallegisla1ion," citing Gary v. City of Wamer Robins. Ga., 311 F.3d 1334, 1339 (11 th Cir. 2002)), Thus, classifications may produce incidental inequality or be drawn without mathematical precision. The classification is unconstitutional only if it causes different treatments so disparate that the difference in classification is wholly arbitrary, Greenberg's Estate, supra (citing Dandridge v. Williams, 397 U.S. 471. 90 S.Ct. 1153, 25 L.Ed.2d 491 (1970); Walters v. City of St. Louis, 347 U.S. 231, 74 S.Ct, 505, 98 L.Ed. éi:iJ (1954)). Developers often raise equal protection challenges because impact fees only apply to new development. See, e.g.. South Shell Inv. v. TO\l\l1l of Wrightsville Beach, 703 F. Supp. 1192, 1200- 04 (E.DN.C. 1988); J.w. Jones Co. v, City of San Diego, 157 Cal. App. 3d 745, 203 Cal. Rptr. 580 (Ct. App, 1984) (upholding "facilities benefit assessmenf' levied only against owners of undeveloped property); Loup-Miller Constr. Co. v, City of Denver, 676 P.2d 1170 (Colo, 1984) (sustaining ''facilities development fees" applicable only to new development against equal protection challenge). Since developers are not a suspect class and land development is not a fundamental interest courts apply the lenient rational relation standard. Russ Bldg. Partnership v. City of San Francisco, 199 Col. App. 3d 1496, 1507-08, 246 Cal. Rptr. 21, 25-26 5 Contrary to much of the commentary, the courts do not require that the distinction be articulated in a comprehensive plan or an ordinance. WCI Communities, Inc. v. City of Coral Springs, 885 SO.2d 912, 914 (Fla.App. 2004)('The proper inquiry is concerned with the existence of a conceivably rational basis, not whether that basis is actually considered by the legislative body."); Haves v. City of Miami, 52 F.3d 918,922 (11th Cir. 1995)("[t]he actual motivations of the enacting governmental body are entirely irrelevant. ... .... the Equal Protection Clause does not require government decisionmakers to articulate any reason for their actions. . . "). However, it is advisable to articulate the reasons for the dassification, as these are often relied on by the courts in discussing equal protection daims. See WCI Communities, supra. Courts are deferential to legislative findings. Boschen v. City of Clearwater, 777 SO.2d 958, 967 (Fla. 2001). . Page 4 (Ct. App,), appeal dismissed, 484 U.S. 9(F). modified. 737 P.2d 359, 237 Col. Rptr. 456 (1987), aff'd in part and rev'd in part; 44 Cal. 3d 839. 7ffJ P.2d 324, 244 Cal. Rp1r. 682 (1988); Loup- Miller Constr. Co. v. City of Denver, 676 P.2d 1170, 1173 (Colo. 1984)(neither an ordinance providing for separate calculation of sewer bills for apartment residents nor an ordinance imposing "facilities development fee" on new customers implicated suspect class or fundamental rights). Thus, equal protection is a weak challenge to the validi1y of impact fees when used by developers to object to exemptions granted for other projects. Under the rational basis test. legislative dassifications may serve multiple public objectives, Park Corp. v. Brook Park. 102 Ohio St.3d 166,807 N.E.2d 913,918 (Ohio 2(04)(citing Rtzgerald v. Racing Assn. of Cent. Iowa, 539 U.S. 103, 123 S.Ct, 2156, 2159, 156 L.Ed.2d 97 (2003)). Exemptions need not relate to the principal purpose of an ordinance, but may also serve other, legitimate public goals. In light of a rational basis analysis, classification of new housing projects according to affordabili1y would seem virtually unassailable. The legitimacy of affordable housing as a regulatory goal is beyond dispute, Providing housing for moderate, middle, and lesser income households serves a public purpose. State v, Housing Rnance Authority of Pinel/as County, 506 So.2d 397, 399 (Fla. 1987)(citing State v. City of Pensacola, 397 So.2d 922 (Fla,1981); State v, Housing Finance Authori1y. 376 So.2d 1158 (Fla.1979)). The lifting of a regulatory impediment to the production of affordable housing would easily provide a rational basis for the distinction, Loxahatchee River Envtt. Control Dist. v. School Bd.. 496 So. 2d 930, 938 (Fla, 4th DCA 1986), approved. 515 So. 2d 217 (Fla. 1987) (state-imposed exemption from impact fees for schools did not violate equal protection rights of publicly- chartered utilities because of legitimate legislative goal to limit construction costs for schools); Colchester Rre Dist. No. 2 v. Sha"ow, 485 A.2d 134 (Vt. 1984). The underpinnings of the impact fee deferral program are strengthened by the SHIP legislation and the Coun1y's own affordable housing task force process. AA equal protection challenge to an impact fee classification system based on housing affordabili1y was expressly rejected in Oregon State Homebuilders Ass'n v. City of Tigard, 43 Or.App. 791, 604 P.2d 886 (Or.App. 1979) (NO. 37-834, 12304). rev. denied, 288 Or. 527 (1980). In that case, the Ci1y adopted a reduced fee schedule for affordable housing projects, as follows: "3) Discretionary Exemptions "A. In accordance with the ci1y's adopted Housing Policies and Housing Assistance Plan which generally seeks to encourage the provision of a range of housing 1ypes and costs. the Ci1y Council hereby determines that it is in the interest of the Ci1y to assist and encourage the development of reasonably priced single family housing and that to this end the systems development charge fee is to be modified as follows: "1. For single family dwellings having a purchase price of $36,CXXJ to $39,999 the fee shall be $225 per unit. "2. For single family dwellings having a purchase price less than $36,CXXJ the fee shall be $1 ffJ per unit. ''The above housing unit purchase prices will be reviewed by the Council annually using information supplied by the Oregon State Housing Division to ascertain that they adequately address the Ci1y's established housing policy regarding the provision of adequate . Page 5 amounts and types of housing to meet the needs of low and moderate income persons." In addition, the fee schedule for market rate developments was graduated according to the pnce of the homes. The Tigard fee was challenged as unlawful discrimination under the Equal Protection guarantees of the federal and state constitutions. The trial court invalidated the fee, on the grounds that there is no relationship between the purchase price of a single family home and the burden which the construction of that home has on arterial or collector streets. The court expressly rejected the argument that the fee schedule "unfairly required one group of persons to pay for the benefit and exempted another group who also receive some benefit." The court found that no system of municipal finance is free of discrimination, relying on the rational basis for the link between new development and traffic. Significantiy, the court upheld the vaned rate struc1ure for single family residences, noting that "O)egislation may have more than one purpose." The court found that the fees had the dual purpose of raising revenues for infrastruc1ure and in encouraging reasonably pnced single family housing. These purposes were stated explicitiy in the text of the ordinance itself. The Collier County impact fee deferral program seNes multiple, legitimate public purposes. Impact fees are not solely a revenue raising device. Instead, they are part of a comprehensive, con1inuous planning program that addresses not only the availability and capacity of public facilities, but also other public purposes such as the availability of affordable housing. The Local Govemment Comprehensive Planning and Land Development Regula1ion Act (Fla. stat. § 163,3161 et seq.) requires that counties adapt and implement a comprehensive plan that addresses multiple objec1ives - including public facilities and housing, Fla. stat. § 163.3177 (required and optional elements of comprehensive plan). Once the plan is adopted, land development regulations must be adopted that implement the plan. Impact fees are a form of "innovative" land development regula1ion expressly authorized by the Act. Fla. stat. § 163.3202(3). ~ such, impact fees must be consistent with all of the objectives of the comprehensive plan. This includes not only ensuring that new development is seNed by adequate infrastruc1ure capacity, but also that there are adequate provisions for affordable housing. Impact fees that have reasonable modifications that relate to multiple Comprehensive Plan objectives are consistent with the purposes enunciated in the Comprehensive Plan, Impact fee deferrals are expressly authonzed by the Collier County Growth Management Plan, Housing Element Policy 1 .4: Affordable housing will be distributed equitably throughout the County using strategies which include, but are not limited to, density bonus agreements, and impact fee waivers or deferrals. In addition, affordable housing will be located where adequate infrastructure and services are available. The impact fee deferral program implements an express mandate of the Comprehensive Plan. Rational Nexus Test When considering the validity of exactions such as impact fees, Flonda courts apply the "rational nexus" test. This standard imposes two major condi1ions on impact fee requirements: . Page 6 (1) A reasonable connection between the population growth represented by the new development and the need for addi1ional public facilities. and (2) a "reasonable connection . . . between the expenditures of the funds collected under the ordinance and the benefits accruing to the subdivision." Hollywood Inc. v. Broward County. 431 So, 2d tIJ6. 612 (Fla. 4th DCA). rev. denied. 440 So. 2d 352 (Fla. 1983). See also Home Builders & Contractors Ass'n v. Boord of County Comm'rs, 446 So.2d 140 (Fla, 4th DCA 1983). cert. denied. 451 So.2d 848 (Fla.). appeal dismissed. 469 U.S. 976 (1984). The benefit requirement requires earmarking of the funds and is generally satisfied in three ways: (1) dividing the jurisdic1ion into geographic zones and Iimi1ing expenditures to those zones. (2) placing a 1ime limit on the expenditure of the funds. and (3) placing the funds into a separate trust fund to guard against commingling impact fee revenues with general revenues. Exemp1ions Article. at 31 n, 26. With regard to infrastructure exactions. the United States Supreme Court requires that local govemments demonstrate a "rough proportionaHfy" between the impacts of development and the amount of the exaction. Dolan v. City of Tigard. 512 U.S. 374. 391. 114 S,Ct. 2309. 129 L.Ed.2d 304 (1994). Several courts have ruled that this standard applies only to project specific development exactions. and not to legisla1ively adopted fee schedules. Krupp v. Breckenridge Sanitation District. 19 P,3d 687 (Colo. 2(01); Home Builders Ass'n of Cent. Arizona v. City of Scottsdale. 187 Þ.riz. 479. 930 P .2d 993. m-1 (XX) (1997); McCarthy v. City of Lea\lVOod 894 P.2d 836 (Kan. 1995); Ehrlich v. City of Culver City. 12 Cal.4th 854. 50 Cal.Rptr.2d 242, 911 P.2d 429 (1996). cert. denied. 519 U.S. 929. 117 S,Ct. 299. 136 L.Ed.2d 218 (1996)(Dolan applied to exac1ion of fees. but not to a fee schedule). Some commentators argue that waivers and exemptions for individual cases may trigger greater scrutiny under the Nollan and Dolan cases. Nollan requires that the govemment exaction be related to the purpose of the regulation as opposed to promoting an unrelated govemmental purpose, Dolan requires that the exaction be "roughly proportion a " to the actual impact of the development. However. this analysis applies only to project-specific exemptions. not to uniform. legislatively adopted criteria, Further. even for project specific exemptions. the Nollan-Dolan criteria would not apply to projects that are not affected by the exemption unless the exemp1ion caused their exactions to exceed constitutional proportions. That is not the case with the Collier County impact fee deferral program. The rational nexus test is not an obstacle to the legal validify of the impact fee deferral program. The rational nexus test is a ceiling on the impact fee. not a limit on policy-based classifications. The ra1ional nexus test does require that revenue shortfalls created by the exemptions "will not be absorbed by other developers who remain subject to the fee," Exemp1ions Article (citing Larsen & Zimet. "Impact Fees: Et Tu. Illinois?" 21 J. MARSHALL L. REV. 489.510 (1988)). This result is a common sense application of the ra1ional nexus test because any marginal deficit caused by the affordable housing deferral program is unrelated to the need for infrastructure caused by market-rate developments. Policy-based fee exemp1ions or deferrals could also be challenged on the basis that affordable dwelling units receive the benefits of the fee. but are not charged in the same manner. In St. Johns County v. Northeast Florida Builders Ass'n, Inc., 583 So.2d 635 (Fla. 1991). the Florida Supreme Court struck down a county school impact fee that excluded municipali1ies that had not entered interlocal agreements to collect the impact fees. Applying the rational nexus test. the court found that the fee failed the benefits prong of the test because there were no restrictions on spending impact fees on schools that . Page 7 accommodated new development in non-par1icipating municipalities. The court prohibited the collection of school impact fees "until such time as substantial/vall of the DOoulation of St. Johns County is subject to the ordinance." (emphasis added) 583 So.2d at 639. The court continued: 'We do not foreclose the possibility that the ordinance could also meet the second prong of the dual rational nexus test by a showing, based on land use plans and demographic and other statistics, that substantially all of the projected development for the county falls within those areas which are subject to the impact fee." Id., 583 So.2d at 639 n. 5. The rationale of the St. Johns County case could be used against fee exemptions or modifications. This is because most impact fee exemption and deferral programs do not restrict the fee expenditures so as to exclude affordable housing. This would be difficult as affordable housing is not limited to a specific geographic area of the county, as are incorporated municipalities. Accordingly, if a substantial amount of new housing was affordable, and was excused from paying impact fees, the St. John:S County rationale arguably requires fee expenditures to be used only for those facilities that serve market rate housing and non-residential development.6 The Sf. Johns County holding would not apply if affordable housing were an insubstantial amount of new development. In Collier County, as in most communities, most new housing does not qualify as affordable to low or very-low income persons, and is not restricted to these income categories. The proposed impact fee deferral program adds a further protection by limiting the aggregate amount of deferred fees per fiscal year to no more than 1 % of the total impact fee collections of the previous fiscal year. According to County staff, this translates to approximately 100 homes per year. In 2003, the County issued building permits for 3,376 single family residential units, and a total of 3,700 residential units (U.S. Bureau of the Census, Monthly New Privately- Owned Residential Building Permits, Collier County, Florida (021), at http://censtats.census.gov/cgi-bin/bldgprmt /bldgdisp.pl). Thus, affordable dwelling unit deferrals would represent approximately 2.96% of single-family units and 2.7% of all residential units. My number below 5% would be considered statistically insignificant.? Accordingly. the deferrals would not reflect a significant propor1ion of impact fee collections, and substantially all development remains subject to normal impact fee collections. In addition, the Florida Supreme Court's opinion in Dunedin, as well as cases involving more traditional exactions, do not require mathematical exactitude in fee calculations or the equilibrium between fee collections and expenditures. Contractors and Builders Ass'n of Pinel/asCountyv. City of Dunedin, 329 So.2d 314, 318 (Fla. 1976)C'Justasa modest surplus over costs of regulation does not invalidate regulatory fees. . .., so a modest profit from operation of a public utility does not transform user charges into taxes." (citation omitted); Dolan v. City of Tigard 512 U.S. 374, 391, 114S.Ct. 2309,129 L.Ed.2d 304 (1994Xonly rough proportionality, not mathematical certainty, is required in assessing development exactions). Thus, the County's de minimus deferral limitations appear to comport with the holdings in rational nexus cases. Uniformity Impact fees for IIclosed-ended" facilities operated under a County's proprietary powers can be classified as user fees rather than regulatory fees. Collier County charges impact fees for such facilities, including water and sewer. User fees are often subject to a distinct uniformity 6 Of course, such limitations could create constitutional and statutory legal issues of their own. 7 In a normal probability distribution, 95% of the means resulting from an infinite number of repeated random samples fall between 1.96 standard errors above and below the midpoint of the distribution, which represents the true population mean. Only 5% will fall beyond the midpoint, or 2.5% in each tail of the distribution). See http://www.acastat.com/Handbook/9.html. . Page 8 requirement that does not apply to pure regulatory fees. Courts have recognized that differential user charges may be established when they are "just and equitable," Contractors & Builders Ass'n v. City of Dunedin. 329 So. 2d 314,320 (Fla. 1976), cert. denied, 444 U.S. 867 (1979). Generally, classifications between users must be based on their relative burdens on the system and on the benefits received. Exemptions Article, at 36 n. 52. User classifications are accorded a great deal of deference and are stricken only when patently arbitrary or discriminatory. Exemptions Article, at 36 n. 50. A governing body may apply different methods of calculation to different customers, such as a flat rate for some customers and consumption-based methods or charges, based on the number of connections, to others. Exemptions Article, at 36 n. 51 (citing Dunedin supra). Courts have had no trouble upholding differential rates or outright exemptions for low income or elderly residents. Exemptions Article, at 37 nn. 52-55. Conclusion The Collier County impact fee deferral program is legally sound. The program: · Is authorized by law. Not only are impact fee exemptions authorized by the Florida Statutes, but they are actively encouraged as a way to facilitate the development of affordable housing. · Meets equal protection standards. The program is related to the production of affordable housing. Affordable housing is a legi1imate government interest, and the program removes a potential impediment to the production of housing. · Is consistent with constitutional and judicial limits on impact fees. The program results in no fee increase to other classifications of development that are subject to impact fees. While affordable housing benefits from the payment of impact fees, it is not a significant popula1ion of fee payers. Further, payment is typically deferred rather than waived or exempted. This removes any objection that capital facility programs that rely on impact fees will be jeopardized by a reduction in available fee revenues. The Collier County impact fee program is a legally valid approach to the regula1ion of land use and the production of affordable housing. . Page 9 '----,.,...,.. ._~-,.~<._, Içact Fee Deferral Program Collier County, Florida Contents Sec. 74-401. Impact fee ,.'.:¡iyer or deferral. ...........................4 (a) Applicability. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 4 (b) Qualifying Owner-Occupied Dwelling...... ..... .................5 (CÐ) Qualifying Rental Dwellings............................ . . . . . .. 6 (de) Repayment on Sale to Non-Qualified Purchasers................. 7 (eè) Repayment for Rental Dwelling Units........................... 7 (f) Repayment Obligations......................................... 9 (1) Generally. .................................................. 9 (2§') Rentals and O".Jrler occupied ct.lelling unite. .................. 9 (3~) Owner-Occupied Dwelling Units.......... .....................9 (gà) Deferral Agreements..................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 10 (hi) Ceiling on Deferrals... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 13 ( i:j- ) Amendmen t s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 14 (j*) Eligible Dwelling Unit Categories............ ................14 (k~) Apartment Complexes/Multi-Family Dwelling Units.............. 15 (1) Single Family, Detached Residences and Duplexes.............. 15 (m) Timing of Payment............................................ 16 (n) Certificates of Adequate Public Facilities. ..................16 (Qi?) Violations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 17 (p) Transitional Provisions...................................... 17 Sec. 74-402. Affordable housing definitions, benefit standards and 1 imi ta t i ens. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1 7 (a)ir.- "Very, very low income families".... ...... ...............17 (b) iT.- "Very low income families" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 18 (c)€7 "Low income families".................................... 18 - 1 - Words underlined are added; words struc], through are deleted. Ordinance 2005- AN ORDXNANCE OF COLLXER COUNTY, FLORXDA, AMENDXNG CHAPTER 74 OF THE CODE OF LAW AND ORDXNANCES, AS AMENDED BY ORDXNANCE NO. 2001-13 (THE COLLXER COUNTY CONSOLXDATED XMPACT FEE ORDXNANCE, AS AMENDED), BY AMENDXNG THE AFFORDABLE BOOSXNG PROVXSXONS BY ELXMXNATXNG THE PROVXSXONS FOR WAXVER OF XMPACT FEES; ESTABLXSBXNG A CEXLXNG ON THE AMOUNT OF XMPACT FEE DEFERRALS; REORGANXZXNG PROVXSXONS RELAT:ING TO AFFORDABLE BOOSXNG FOR CLARXTY; PROVXDXNG FOR CON'FLXCT AND SEVERABXLXTY; PROVXDXNG FOR XNCLUSXON XN THE CODE OF LAWS AND ORDXNANCES; AND PROVXDXNG FOR AN EFFECTXVE DATE. WHEREAS, on March 13, 2001, the Board of County Commissioners adopted Ordinance No. 01-13, the "Consolidated Impact Fee Ordinance, ", which is Chapter 74 of the County's Code of Laws and Ordinances¡ and WHEREAS, Ordinance No. 01-13 established an Affordable Housing Impact Fee Waiver and Deferral Program (hereinafter the "Program")¡ and WHEREAS, the Program is designed to encourage the production of housing for low and moderate income persons in Collier County¡ and WHEREAS, the Program implements goals established in the County Comprehensive Plan to encourage the production of affordable housing and to minimize housing costs where possible¡ and WHEREAS, until July 1, 2004, the cost of impact fee deferrals and waivers under the Program were subsidized by the Florida State Housing Initiatives Partnership (SHIP) program established by §§ 420.907- 420.9079, Florida Statutes¡ and WHEREAS, increases in impact fees have outpaced increases in grant funding received the County, to the extent that the County can no longer afford to fund the Program through SHIP monies¡ and WHEREAS, impact fee waivers and deferrals have historically comprised a very small, de minimus proportion of the County's total impact fee revenue collections¡ and WHEREAS, the County has projected that impact fee deferrals under the Program in future years will not rise above historic levels¡ and - 2 - Words underlined are added¡ words otruck through are deleted. WHEREAS, the County desires to establish a cap on impact fee deferrals in order to ensure that they do not rise above de minimus levels¡ and WHEREAS, the County Department of Financial Administration and Housing provides periodic reporting to ensure that the de minimus caps are not exceeded¡ and WHEREAS, the County desires to discontinue the impact fee waiver program because SHIP funding is insufficient to ensure the repayment of impact fees that are deferred¡ and WHEREAS, the impact fee deferrals provided under the Program do not result in the expenditure of fees for public facilities that benefit parties that do not pay impact fees¡ and WHEREAS, impact fees deferred under the Program are not subsidized by persons who pay impact fees when they are normally assessed and collected¡ and WHEREAS, a professional consultant team has conducted a survey of impact fee caselaw in Florida and nationally, and has determined that impact fee deferrals for affordable housing are constitutionally valid and do not violate any standards for nexus and proportionality¡ and WHEREAS, impact fee adjustments for affordable housing are required by state law as a means to encourage affordable housing, including "alternative methods of fee payment for affordable housing" ((Florida Statutes § 420.9076) ¡ and WHEREAS, the Local Government Comprehensive Planning and Land Development Regulation Act (Fla. Stat. § 163.3161 et seq.) requires that counties adopt and implement a comprehensive plan that addresses multiple objectives, including public facilities and housing (Florida Statutes § 163.3177; and WHEREAS, when a comprehensive plan is adopted, Florida law requires that land development regulations must be adopted that implement the plan (Florida Statutes §§ 163.3202(1); see also 16 3 . 316 7 ( 1) (c); 163. 31 7 4 (4) (c); 163. 319 4 (1) (b) ); and - 3 - Words underlined are added; words struck through are deleted. WHEREAS, and impact fees are a form of "innovative" land development regulation expressly authorized by Florida law (Florida Statutes § 163.3202(3»; and WHEREAS, impact fee deferrals are expressly required and authorized by the Collier County Growth Management Plan, Housing Element Policy 1.4, which provides in pertinent part: "[a]ffordable housing will be distributed equitably throughout the County using strategies which include, but are not limited to ... impact fee waivers or deferrals..."; and WHEREAS, the proposed amendments were reviewed by the Collier County Affordable Housing Commission; NOW, THEREFORE, BE :IT ORDA:INED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMM:ISS:IONERS OF COLL:IER COUNTY, FLORIDA, that: SECT:ION ONE. Article II, Subsection E in Section 74-201 of the Collier County Code of Laws and Ordinances is hereby repealed. SECT:ION TWO. Article IV of Chapter 74 of the Collier County Code of Laws and Ordinances is hereby amended to read as follows: ARTICLE IV. AFFORDABLE HOUSING IMPACT FEE WAIVER OR DEFERRAL Sec. 74-401. Impact fee wai70r or deferral. (a) APplicabilitv (1) Pursuant to the reauirements established in this section and article IV. the countv shall defer the payment of the impact fee for anv new owner-occupied or rental development which aualifies as affordable housinq under this Article. (2) Anv person seekinq an affordable housinq deferral for proposed development shall file with the countv manaqer an application for deferral, prior to receivinq a buildinq permit for the proposed development. The application for deferral shall contain the followinq: a. The name and address of the owner: - 4 - Words underlined are added; words otruc]t through are deleted. b. An UP to date. complete leaal description of the site upon which the development is proposed to be located; c. The maximum income level of the owner. or if the owner is a developer or builder. the income level of the household to which the dwellina unit it to be sold or provided for occupancy; d. The number of bedrooms in each dwellina unit of the development. (3) If the proposed development meets the reauirements for an affordable housina deferral as set forth in this Article, the county manaaer should enter into an impact fee deferral aareement and is authorized to execute such deferral aareements alona with any correspondina tri-partv aareement intended to further define re-pavrnent obliaations. as may be applicable. with the owner or applicant. The impact fee deferral aareement shall be accepted by the county in lieu of prompt pavrnent of the impact fee that would otherwise then be due and payable but for the aareement. (b) Oualifyina Ow.Der-OccuDied Dwellina To qualify for an affordable housing impact fee ·..·ai vcr or deferral, an owner-occupied dwelling unit must meet all of the following criteria: (1) The owner(s) or anticipated owner(s) of dwelling unit must have a very low, or moderate income level, at the time of final execution by the county of ª ,wi ',Tcr or deferral agreement as those income level terms are defined in section 74-402~ (2) ,and tThe monthly payment to purchase the unit must be ;¡ithin the affordable houoing guidclinco cotabliohed in ocction 7q ~not exceed the rental limits established by the Florida Housina Finance Corporation for rents adlusted to bedroom size in prolects assisted under the, Florida Housina Finance Corporation or any other local. state, or federal aaencv. based on unit size. (3) A dwelling unit shall qualify as "owner-occupied" if..:.. a. a written affirmation from the developer to the - 5 - Words underlined are added; words struc]r through are deleted. county guarantees that the requisite affordable housing units will be constructed, and b. the affirmation is in effect at the date of execution of the impact fee ~~ai7cr or deferral agreement by the county~ and c. within 24 months from the date of issuance of the certificate of occupancy or the execution of the affirmation~ whichever is later, any option to purchase is exercised and the purchaser takes ownership of the Dwelling Unit. (4) If the purchaser fails to purchase the dwelling unit within the 24-month period, then the ~;aivcd or deferred impact fee must be immediately paid unless the dwelling unit is sold to another qualifying owner. (á~) The owner, or if there is more than one owner, both of the owners, must be a first-time home buyer. To qualify as a first-time home buyer, the owner must not have had an ownership interest in his/her primary residence in the past three years. (Q~) The dwelling unit must be the homestead of the owner (s) . (14) The dwelling unit must remain affordable housing for 15 years from the date a certificate of occupancy is issued for the dwelling unit, unless the impact fee is paid in full to the county. (Rb) Oualiryina Rental Dwellinas To qualify for an impact fee deferral, a dwelling unit offered for rent must meet all of the following criteria: (1) The household renting the dwelling unit, including any multi-family dwelling unit, must have a very low or low income level, at the commencement of the leasehold and during the duration thereof, as those terms are defined in section 74-402 and the amount of rent must be within the affordable housing guidelines established in section 74-402. (2) The dwelling unit must be the household's permanent residence. - 6 - Words underlined are added; words otrucJt through are deleted. "-- (3) In no instance shall rental limits exceed the rental limits established by the Florida Housinq Finance Corporation for rents adlusted to bedroom size in prolects assisted under the, Florida Housinq Finance Corporation or any other local. state. or federal aqency, based on unit size. (~) ReDav.me.nt em Sale to Non-Qualified Purchasers All impact fees deferred for owner-occupied dwelling unit at the time the building permit was issued shall become due and payable and shall be immediately paid in full to the county upon the sale of the dwelling unit to a non-qualified purchaser, provided, ho~¡e~er, if the impact fee deferral ·...0.0 paid '..ìi th Ctate IIouoing Ini tiati '.'eo I"artnerohip (CIIII") I"rograf!\ funds, paYf!\ent ',dll be made to the county affordable houoing truDt fund. For purposes of this article, a non-qualified purchaser is a person who does not satisfy the affordable housing criteria set forth in subsection lQla above or a person who does not agree to the terms of the ~mi~er or deferral of impact fees agreement. (§fJ) ReDaY2Dent for Rental Dwellina units Deferred impact fees for rental dwelling units, including any multi-family dwelling units, single-family detached houses, modular homes (also known as residential manufactured buildings) and mobile homes (also known as manufactured homes) as defined in section 74-108 of this chapter, shall in all events be due and payable not later than six years and nine months after the execution of the impact fee deferral agreement by the county. Such fees shall be accelerated and automatically be due and payable prior to that time period if there is any breach of the subject impact fee deferral agreement by the non- county party. (1) To be eligible for impact fee deferral, a rental modular home ohall meet, as Q f!\iniffiUffi, the then current otandarda of Chapter 553, Florida Ctatutea for hOf!\eo~fflership or rental, and DhQll bear the department of community affairo inoignia Deal certifyin§ that - 7 - Words underlined are added; words otruch: through are deleted. thc structurc is in compliance '.lÌ th the Florida U::mufactured Buildingo ~ct of 1979, aD amended or ouperoeded, (2) To be eli~ible for impact fee deferral, a rental mobile home shall be eonotructed to then applicable otandardo promulgated by the United £tateo Department of IIousin~ and Urban De7elop:œcnt (mID) and ohall bear a t'.lO inch by four inch metal, rectangular red and oilver certification label on each oection of the home certifying that the home haa been inopected in accordance IIUD require:œcnto and haa been conatructed in conformance ,:ith federal manufactured hOffie conatruction and oafety otandardo in effect on the date of manufacture, (e) Any impact feeD .:aived for an miner occupied œ.lClling unit at the time a buildin~ permit ,¡aD iaoued ohall become due and payable and ahall be immediately paid to the county if the d;~elling unit io aold or tranaferred to a non qualified purchaoer during the 15 year period after the certificate of occupancy ..'ao iooued for the d-,lelling unit. If the impact fee ",:ai7er ",JUO paid ì.dth State IIouoing Initiati';eo I'artnerohip (£IIII') I'ro!1Jram funda, paj:'ffient '.Jill be made to the county affordable houoing truot fund. If the dì.lelling unit io uoed aD affordable houoin~ in compliance ;¡ith thia article for 15 yearo after the date the certificate of occupancy ',laD iooued for the œ,lCllin~ unit, the impact feeD arc no lon!1Jer due and the lien on the aubject property ohall be releaoed. (f) The percentage of the total impact fee ;:hich ohall be ì.roived or deferred purouant to thia oection for an o,mer occupied or rental affordable houoing &#elling unit, including any multi family d;;elling unit, ahall be the percentage oct forth be 1 0-.: , - 8 - Words underlined are added; words otruc]( through are deleted. (f) ReDavment Obl:J..aat:J..ons (1) Generallv. The impact fees ,roived or deferred shall be a lien on the property until all requirements under this article and the agreement have been satisfied. {.étr> Rentals &ft. 8\l'&e.. eee'llp!.. .well!BII' 'IIBise. ~+±+ Annually, the owner (i.e., lessor) of a rental dwelling unit, including any multi-family dwelling unit, shall provide to the county manager an affidavit of compliance with the criteria set forth in this section. The affidavit must be filed within 30 days of the anniversary date of the issuance of a certificate of occupancy. If the affidavit is not filed on time the affiant shall pay to the county a $50.00 late fee. b. If the income of any unit renter which originally qualified as very low or low income level as defined in section 74-402 below exceeds the affordable houoing benefit standards set forth in subsection l£l74 402 by more than 40 percent, then the deferred impact fee shall become immediately due and payable by the owner or, in the alternative, the owner shall have 90 days to comply with the affordable housing standards set forth in this section 7~ 402 belo\;. Developments which are then monitored by the Florida Housing Finance Corporation, or any other state or federal agency, will not be required to file this separate affidavit of compliance with the county manager. (3_> Owner-OccuÐied Dwelling Units If the household income of the qualified owner-occupied dwelling unit rises above the benefit standards for ,Jai~ero and deferrals set forth in subsection 7~ 402 belo.¡(b) of this Section, the owner shall maintain the ,¡aiver and/or deferral. Notwithstanding the foregoing, all outstanding impact fees .;ai~ed or deferred shall be paid - 9 - Words underlined are added; words otrucJt through are deleted. in full upon sale or transfer of the dwelling unit to a non-qualified purchaser, eneept for "...aived iHlpact feeD ",;here the O".Hler haD complied ,lith the ,miver or deferral a.greeæent and the affordable houoing criteria set forth in thio article for IS yearo after ioouance of the certificate of occupancy. (gå) Deferral Aareements The owner receiving an impact fee 'la.i·:er or deferral shall enter into a ,¡aiver or deferral agreement of impact fee agreement with the county which agreement shall provide for, at a minimum, the following and shall further include such provisions deemed necessary by the board to effectuate the provisions of this article: (1) The legal description of the dwelling unit. (2) Where an impact fee ,miver or deferral is given to an owner who will be selling or renting the dwelling unit to a subsequent purchaser or renter, the development must be sold or rented to households meeting the criteria set forth in this article in order to maintain the waiver or deferral. IHlpact fee \mi ':ero or deferralo paid for ".lith 8tate IIouoing Initiativco I'artnerohip umII') I'rograffi funéls l.Jill only be granted directly to buyero mooting oection 74 402'0 qualifieationo and approval prior to building peræit ioouance. h d".lelling unit ohall qualify aD "owner occupied" if a ".;ritten affiræation by the developer to the county guaranteeD the requioite affordable houoing unito l.lill be conotructed, and the affirmation io in effect at the date of eJrecution by the county of the iffipact fee ".;ai ver or éleferral ag-ree'fflent and ".lithin 24 æontho from the date of ioouanco of the certificate of occupancy or the execution of the affirffiation, ".michever io later, any option to purchaso io m[Crcioed and the purchaoer takeo o,~erohip of the d,;elling unit. If the purchaoer failo to purchaDe the œ.ielling unit l.lithin the 24 ffionth period, then the l.mi·:ed or deferred impact fee ffiUot be paid iffiffiediately unleoD the Dubjoct property io oold to another qualifying O'.ffier. - 10 - Words underlined are added; words otruek through are deleted. (3) For each such owner-occupied dwelling unit, the amount of impact fees deferred shall be paid to the county in full upon the sale or transfer to a non-qualified purchaser. If impact feeD .lere paid ',lith Ctate HouDing Initiati"Jeo part:aerohip (CHIP) Program fu:ado, paYffient in full ,:ill be made to the county affordable houoing truot fund. For rental units, including any multi-family dwelling unit, the impact fees deferred shall in all events be due and payable no later than six years and nine months after the execution by the county of the impact fee deferral agreement. Such fees shall be accelerated and thereby be automatically due and payable prior to that time period if there is any breach in the subject impact fee deferral agreement by the non-county party. ( 4) For o·.mer occupied Et.;elli:ag uni to ,mere i:æpaet feeD hœ..e been ,lai ved, the d·.:elling unito muot be utilized ay the original qualifying O'í.ffier, or Duboequent qualifyi:ag purchaser, as 3ffordable houDing in compliance ,lith thio article for a 15 year period after the certificate of occupanc)' io iooued and if the Œlelling unit io oold to a non qualifying purchaoer, the impact feeD ohall be paid in full to the county before the clooing becoffieB final. If not so paid, the obli~atian ohall be a lien on the œ..'elling unit under the follo·.ling ouboectian. If impact feeD ·.:ere paid '.:ith Ct3te IIouoing Initiativeo Partnerohip (CHIP) Program fundo, repaYffient ,;ill be made to the county affordable houoing truot fund. (~~) The deferred and/or 'í.mi·v·ed impact fees shall be a lien on the property, The .mich lien may be foreclosed upon in the event of non-compliance with the requirements of the agreement. The agreement described herein shall operate as a lien against the dwelling unit. The lien shall terminate upon the recording of a release or satisfaction of lien in the public records of the county. In the case of a ,:aiver, Buch releaoe or oatiofaetion ohall be filed 1§ yearo after the iODuance of the certificate of occì:li3ancy provided o·.mcr acteà in eoml"liancc ',:ith the agrecfficnt or upon payment in full, In the 030C of a deferral, B~uch - 11 - Words underlined are added; words otruc]( through are deleted. --~- release shall be recorded upon payment in full. Neither the deferred and/or ',¡ai-:ed impact fees nor the agreement providing for the ·.¡ai-Jer and/or deferral of impact fees shall be transferred, assigned, credited or otherwise conveyed from the dwelling unit. The deferrals ~nd/or .¡aivers of impact fees and the agreement thereto shall run with the land. (6) .'\nnually, the O',ffier of a rental d·..·ellin!i!" unit, includin~ any multi family œ,:elling unit, ohall provide to the county manager an affidavit of coæpliance .:ith the criteria oet forth in thio articlc. ~he affidavit muot be filed ;:ithin 30 dayo of the anniveroary date of the ioouance of a certificatc of occupancy. If the affid~vit io not filed on timc the affiant ohall pay to the county a $50.00 late fee. If the income of any home renter or duplex unit renter ',,"hich ori~inally qualificd aD 7ery 1m; or 10',: income level aD defined in ocction 74 402 belo',¡ cJrceedo thc affordable houoin~ benefit otandardo oct forth in oection 74 402 by more than 40 percent, then the deferred iæpact fee ohall become immediately due and payable by the o;mer or, in the alternati-:e, the mmer ohall have 90 dayo to coæply ',;ith the affordable IIouoing otanàardo oct forth in oeetion 74 402 belm;. DeveloPffientB ·.mieh are monitored by the Florida nouoing Finance Corporation or oimilarly monitored by any other otate, or federal agency .¡ill not be required to file thio oeparate affida7it of compli~nce ;¡ith the county Ft1.~nager. (7) (5 ) Upon satisfactory completion of the agreement's requirements, the county shall record any necessary documentation evidencing same, including, but not limited to, a release of lien. (Q~) In the event the owner is in default under the agreement, and the default is not cured within 30 days after written notice is provided to the owner, the board may at it§ sole option collect the impact fee amounts in default as set forth by article V, section 74-501, or bring a civil action to enforce the agreement or declare that the ;;aived or deferred impact fees are then immediately due and payable. The board shall be entitled to recover all fees and costs, - 12 - Words underlined are added; words otruck through are deleted. including attorney's fees and costs, incurred by the county in enforcing the agreement, plus interest at the then maximum statutory rate for judgments calculated on a calendar day basis until paid. (2~) The agreement shall be binding upon the owner's successors and assigns. (~~) The agreement shall be recorded in the official records of the county at no cost to the county. (h-iJ Ceilina 0J2 Deferrals (1) The aaareaate amount of impact fee ·.J1li vers and deferrals granted pursuant to this article shall be limited, in total, to an~ amount appropriated by the board at ita final public hearing regarding tho adoption of the annual county budget and the affiount allocated to iæpact fee ·.Ii'ai vers or deferralo in the county houoing aooiotance plan, aD eota.bliohed by chapter 114, article III of this Code. Feeo '.Jai '.ed or deferred ohall be paid by the board into the appropriate iHlpact fee truot account ·.Jithin oiJC yearo a.nd nine Hlontho from the date of the CI.".Jard of a waiver and/or deferra.l aD provided herein, but in no cvent, later than that tiHle ;ffien that amount io needed for a project funded by those impact feeo ;Jai~ed or deferred. ~he board ohall pay into the appropriate impact fee truot account ouch amounto equal to any impact feeo pre'..iouoly ·..'ai'..ed or deferred by the board, ',;i thin oiJ[ yearo and nine Hlontho from the date of ouch '.;ai '..er , or deferral, but in no even t , later than the tiHle \men that amount io needed for a project funded by thooe impact fees \Jai~ed or deferred. The boa.rd ohall pay into the appropriate impact fee trust account ouch aHlounto equal to any impact feeo previouoly ;~aived or deferred by the board, ·.¡ithin oiJ[ ycaro and nine months from the date of ouch ·.;aivcr, or deferral, but in no event, later than the tiHle ouch amounts are needed for a project funded by thooe iæpact feeo ;mived or deferred. Waivero and deferralo ohall be iooued in the order that completed qualifying a.pplica.tiono are recei~ed by the county manager. ~t leaot ~o percent of the affiount budgeted for i~act fee ;mivero and/or deferralo ffiUOt be - 13 - Words underlined are added¡ words otrucJe through are deleted. 1:ltilized to fund impact fee \.'é1i·...ere and/or deferralo for Dingle f()ffiily O'.H1ar ecc1:lpiad &.'elling unite Garvin§" tho very lou and 10·... income levelo. not exceedinq the followinq: a. one percent (1%) of the estimated impact fee collections for the current fiscal Year, as estimated by the County Manaqer; or b. if the County Manaqer does not prepare an estimate as provided in subsection (1), one percent (1%) of the previous years' total impact fee collections. (2) Deferrals shall be available on a first-come. first- served basis. (3) The County Manaqer shall maintain a trackinq system to ensure that the aqqreqate amount of impact fee deferrals do not exceed the deferral ceilinqs established in this subsection. (1:.-5) Amendments Any changes or amendments to this article or the minimum funding requirements adopted in this article must occur as an ordinance amendment at a public hearing of the board of county commissioners. (ik) Eligible Dwelling unit Categories Agreements for the \.uiver or deferral of impact fees for affordable housing may only be approved for the following types of dwelling units: (1) Single family residences that are fully detached, and either owner-occupied or rental dwelling units, or (2) Owner-occupied or rental dwelling units in a residential condominium, townhouse or duplex structure, or (3) Rental (leased) multi-family dwelling units. (4) Rental modular homes that meet, as a minimum, the then current standards of Chapter 553, Florida Statutes for homeownership or rental, and that bear the department of community affairs insiqnia seal - 14 - Words underlined are added; words otruc]t through are deleted. certifyinq that the structure is in compliance with the Florida Manufactured Buildinqs Act of 1979. as amended or superseded. (5) Rental mobile homes that are constructed to then applicable standards promulqated by the United States Department of Housinq and Urban Development (HUD) and that bear a two inch by four inch metal. rectanqular red and silver certification label on each section of the home certifyinq that the home has been inspected in accordance HUD requirements. and that have been constructed in conformance with federal manufactured home construction and safety standards in effect on the date of manufacture. (~~) ADartment Complexes/MUlti-Family Dwelling units Notwithstanding any provisions elsewhere in this chapter to the contrary, any owner that develops an affordable housing rental apartment complex consisting in whole or part of multi-family dwelling units serving very low and/or low income levels and meeting all requirements, and subject to all conditions, of this article shall be entitled to defer 100 percent of the impact fees applicable only to such rental multi-family dwelling units serving very low and/or low income levels if: (i) all such deferred impact Fees are paid on or before the end of six years and nine months from the date such impact fees are deferred; and (ii) the rental apartment development shall remain affordable housing qualified (under this article) for a minimum of 15 years. (1) Single Familv, Detached Residences and DuDlexes Impact fee .~aivcro or deferrals for only single family, detached residences, or duplexes, as owner occupied dwelling units, will automatically be subordinate to the owner's first mortgage and/or any government funded affordable housing loan such as SAIL or HOME loan. Impact fee .:aivcro or deferrals may also be similarly subordinated in the case of rental dwelling units, including any multi-family dwelling units, but only if the owner provides additional security satisfactory to the county such as additional or substitute collateral in the form of - 15 - Words underlined are added; words otruc], through are deleted. cash or cash equivalent financial instruments which will yield the full amount of the deferred impact fees when they may become due and payable. (m) 'l'imiz1Cl of PaYDIØZ1t Any units meeting the requirements of this subsection that are sold below the maximum home sales price in Collier County for Florida Housing Finance Corporation Programs, or qualify for and enter into an approved .mi~er or deferral agreement shall not be required to pay the impact fees applicable for the unit or building any sooner than issuance of the building permit for construction or as may otherwise be set forth in such ·,J.Ü'Jer or deferral agreement. (n) Certificates of Adeauate Public 7acilities (l) In order to obtain a certificate of adequate public facilities concurrently with the issuance of the final site development plan or plat.L. the applicant shall first enter into an approved ·..'ai·.·cr or deferral agreement with Collier County or provide a notarized affidavit to the county manager, which must include the following: ~~ Name of project, legal description and number assigned by Collier County to the development order; ~~ Name of applicant and owner, if different; ~~ Number of dwelling units; ~+4+ Statement of intent that the subject dwelling unit sales price will meet the affordability guidelines of the Florida ¡Ioueing Finance Corporation for Collier County established in this Article. ~ J..il Certificate of Occupancy Reauirements on Filinq of Affidavit Prior to the issuance of a certificate of occupancy for individual dwelling units which have provided the foregoing affidavit instead of entering into a ,;aiver or deferral agreement with Collier County, the applicant must also provide a copy of the executed sales contract to the county manager demonstrating a qualifying sales price. A copy of the - 16 - Words underlined are added; words etruc]( through are deleted. closing statement demonstrating a qualifying sales price will be provided to the county manager within ten days of the closing of the sale of each qualifying dwelling unit. (gp) violations Failure to adhere to the requirements set forth by this section may result in the impact fees becoming immediately due and payable and payment being considered delinquent from the date of the notarized affidavit and then becoming subject to the collection provisions provided for in article V, section 74-501, including payment of delinquency fees and interest. (D) Transitional provisions The followina provisions apply to anv impact fee deferrals or reimbursements that were aranted prior to . 2005: (1) Anv deferral aareement that was executed prior to 2005. shall continue in effect in accordance with its terms consistent with the reQUirements in effect at the time that the deferral aareement was executed. (2) If reimbursement is reQUired pursuant to an impact fee deferral or waiver that was paid with State Housina Initiatives Partnership (SHIP) Proaram funds. payment will be made to the countv affordable housina trust fund. Sec. 74-402. Affordable housing definitions, BOBefi~ s~andardB and limitations. (a) The following sets forth the applicable definitions afiè benefit otandardB for affordable housing dwelling units for the purpooe of detcræining eligibility for impact feeo ,.~ivero and deferralo (herein referred to ao "bcnefito"). (1) Definitions of affordable housing income groupo. 1Al6T ·Very, very low income families· means families whose incomes do not exceed ~35+ percent of the median income for the area - 17 - Words underlined are added¡ words otrucJt through are deleted. as determined by the Secretary of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. ~bT "Very low income families" means families whose incomes do not exceed 50 percent of the median income for the area as determined by the Secretary of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. l2lØT "Low income families" means families whose incomes are more than 50 percent but do not exceed 80 percent of the median income for the area as determined by the Secretary of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. In no inotance ohall rental limito exceed the rental limito eotabliohed by the Florida Rouoing Finance Corporation for rento adjuoted to bedroom oiBe in projecto aooioted under the, Florida nouoing Finance Corporation or any other local, otatc, or federal a§ency, baoed on unit oize. (2) Benefit standardo. a. .".ffordable houoing mmer occupied d',li'Clling unito ·.mich excluoi';ely ocrve very, very 1m. and very 1m; income familieo and ·.mich arc the o~mer'o homeotead ohall have 100 percent of the applicable impact fee '..ai ved purouant to the termo hereof. b. .".ffordable houoing rental d·..·elling unito \lhich excluoively oer.re ':cry, very 1m., very 1m; or 1m; income familieo ohall have 100 perccnt of the applicable impact fee deferred purouant to the termo hereof, e. .".ffordable hoticing o·.mer occupied d·.,ellin!3 uni to '.¡hich excluoively oerve 1m. income familieo and ',¡hich are the o'.ffl.er' 0 homestead ohall have 100 percent of the applicable impact fee deferred purouant to the termo hereof. d. Developmcnt ..~ich meeto the criteria oct forth in oubsectiono 7~ ~Ol(a) and (b) conotructed by an agency of Collier County or by an independent governmental agency purouant to an interlocal agreeHlent ·.;ith Collier County and '..~ich conotruction io 100 percent government funded ohall have 100 percent of the impact feeD for that conotruction '.¡ai·.rcd, pursuant to the termo hereof. - 18 - Words underlined are added¡ words otrucJc through are deleted. SECT¿ON THREE: CONPL¿CT AND SEVERAB¿L¿TY. In the event this ordinance conflicts with any other ordinance of Collier County or other applicable law, the more restrictive shall apply. If any phrase or portion of this ordinance is held invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, such portion shall be deemed a separate, distinct, and independent provision and such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion. SECT¿ON FOUR: ¿NCLUS¿ON ¿N THE CODE OF LAWS AND ORD¿NANCES. The provisions of this Ordinance shall become and be made a part of the Code of Laws and Ordinances of Collier County, Florida. The sections of the Ordinance may be renumbered or relettered to accomplish such, and the word "ordinance" may be changed to "section", "article", or any other appropriate word. SECT¿ON F¿VE: EFFECT¿VE DATE. This Ordinance shall become effective upon filing with the Florida Department of State. PASSED AND DULY ADOPTED by a vote of a majority plus one of the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida, this day of _____, 2005. ATTEST: DWIGHT E. BROCK, CLERK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA By: Deputy Clerk FRED W. COYLE, Chairman Approved as to form and Heidi F. Ashton Assistant County Attorney - 19 - Words underlined are added; words otruck through are deleted. (/) E 0) .µ ....... "tJ 0) .µ (/) 0) ::J c- O) ~ ~ 0) c: o -- (/) (/) -- E E o u E :ê ~ E en::J o +-I 1- c: a.. 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U) +-I -- c: -0 :J c: ~en~ roC: c:-- o~ :PO :a.J:: \:J(J) ro]5 C:ro ro\:J 01- +-lIP Cl.~ :J1- ID~ \:J U) -- ::J >c: eo a.. ..c + rnl!} 0 c: -- 0 -- c: ~ c: :J 2 Q) -0 _ . ~ c: '-I- ..c U) ro o ro1-.~ c:\:JroU) o 1- (J) 1- __ ~ >- ro :!: '-I- 0 ~ -0 ro -r-I ,,-. c: 3: +-I M >- 0 Q) U) +-I +-I U ro U) c: G Q) c: c.. ro ðO]5oQ)Cl. u¿ ro ~.J:: Q) (J) 'IJ +-I ..c Q) Q) U oo~ c: +-I :5 -0 1- 1- -- c: o ~ Q) .Ç¡'- -~ u c: > c: 0 -0"""" Q) 0 :J 0 Q) c: c: \:J 0 o~ _~ Q) ro 2 U N o ~ U) nJ !o.... en!o.... .c 0 Q) ~ -~ _~ ro +-1- E u=-oQ) :JQ) 0 O:J>- ro > u U) U - ......., U)Q) Q) ro UU) ....... 0 cc I _~ _~ .!2 + ++ E ro L- en o L- Q.. fJ) :::J c: o cc ~ -- fJ) c: OJ Q " \--- COLLIER COUNTY AFFORDABLE HOUSING INVENTORY * approved in the past three years Name District Tenure Number of Affordable Units College Park Apt. I Rental 210 Heron Park Apts. I Rental 248 Victoria Falls I Owner Occupied 110 Whistler's Cove Apts. I Rental 240 Wild Pines Apts. I Rental 200 Total District I 1008 Arbor View Apts. Rental 168 Arbor Walk Apts. Rental 404 Bear Creek Apts. Rental 120 * Bosley Apts. Rental 303 * Buckley Mixed Use Owner Occupied 22 * Cypress Glen Owner Occupied 10 Summer Lakes Apts. Rental 368 Turtle Creek Apts. Rental 268 Windsong Club Apts. Rental 120 Total District II 1783 Brittany Bay Apts. III Rental 478 Laurel Ridge Apts. III Rental 78 Leawood Lakes III Owner Occupied 60 Osprey's Landing Apts. III Rental 176 Saddlebrook Village Apts. III Rental 140 Saxon Manor Isles Apts. III Rental 252 * Tuscan Isle Apts. III Rental 298 Villas of Capri Apts. III Rental 235 Whistler's Green Apts. III Rental 168 Total District III 1885 Bay Point South IV Rental 161 * Botanical Place IV Owner Occupied 64 Cricket Lake IV Rental 188 George Washington Carver Apts. IV Rental 70 Goodlette Arms Apts. IV Rental 250 Jasmine Cay Apts. IV Rental 72 Total District IV 805 Revised 2/18/05 Name * Arrowhead PUD * Artesia Point * Bristol Pines Buck's Run Bullard Carson Lakes * Charlee Estates Coral Pines Apts. Farmworker Village Garden Lake Apts. * Heritage Bay DRI Heritage Villas Apts Hope Circle Immokalee Apts. Immokalee Habitat * Immokalee Senior Housing * Independence PUD Jubilation King David Apts. Little League * Mainstreet Village Apts. Oakhaven Apts. * Regal Sander Pines Apts. Southern Villas Summer Glenn Apts. Timber Ridge Timber Ridge Apts. Trafford Pines Apts. Willowbrook Place Apts. * W oodcrest District V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V Total District V Tenure Rental Owner Occupied Owner Occupied Rental Owner Occupied Owner Occupied Owner Occupied Rental Rental Rental Owner Occupied Rental Owner Occupied Rental Owner Occupied Rental Owner Occupied Owner Occupied Rental Owner Occupied Rental Rental Owner Occupied Rental Rental Rental Owner Occupied Rental Rental Rental Owner Occupied Number of Affordable Units 186 280 16 348 40 84 124 28 541 65 168 41 50 100 40 119 155 110 10 10 78 160 110 40 35 46 16 34 20 42 66 3162 Total Affordable Housing Units in Collier County Total Number of Residential Units in Collier County Percentage 8,643 173,807 5% Total Affordable Housing Units Approved in 2004 Total Number of Residential Units Approved in 2004 Percentage 403 6,406 6.3% Total Affordable Housing Units Approved in Past 3 Years Total Number of Residential Units Approved in Past 3 Years Percentage 1,999 19,761 10% Total Collier County Households in Need of Affordable Housing (2005) 30,949 Revised 2/18/05 ~~ fJ) E:±= ro E i- - - CJ)....J O+-' i- c: Q..Q) U)~ :J-c c: c: Sro ~Q) ._ E U) 0 c: u Q) c: o t-t~ -c Q) L. >-UO ..¡...I - - ..... __ L. 0 (/) (J')... ..Jè)'''''O L. _(J') - >- -(])oo - (]) L. ,''''' _ 0 o ---Qj ~ (]) (]) 0'" (J) .. u1 ..c:Eè)':JVL/') ... ..Joooo~ ..c:uoo..c:>-.--... r-t'\ C:. = >- ..." ,_ _ (]) E C O:J(])~E.œ° L...¡...IO -c L. 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Ü..c: '" ~I + + + + L....I '-' I 1t--- Q) ;..... u < rJJ rJJ o rJJ ;..... ;:Su ~ ;..... o Q) ~~ rJJ ~ ~ ....-1 ...... rJJ $:: ~;:J Q) Q ~ . ...-I ~= ....-1 Q) rJJ :s 50 ~ Q) Q)~ ~~ .~ := "'C ro ;..... :> ~< ~~ < ro . ~ < .8 ~ ~;.a ..D "'C ~< ~ = = = SI ::1 ~I ~ ~ = = SI ::1 0\ 0\1 ~ - ~ rJ:¡ ~ = 0 = SI QO 001 0\1 (1) ro ~ = $-¡ = 0 I"- £'"-1 001 0\1 rJ:¡ ~ ro = = (1) '= \01 r-I 001 ro § ~ - = rJ:¡ = (1) '11 V') 1 \01 r-I ~ ~ (1) = § = ~ ~I lr) \01 0 (1) ~I ;> (1) ~I ~I lr)1 0 ~ = ~ = (1) N NI MI ~I u $-¡ (1) ~ = = ~ ~I NI MI -JC ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ = = = = = = ·",m..,.' QO \C '11 ,-" ~ - J:; ~ æ < ~ ~ Q ~ - Q ~ ~ ~ .~^""'''-';"''.'-- ~>..,..~- '-"""~""_~''''''''"".;._;"._.,..''.. ~ ~ o "'C Q) . ...-I ;:s u u o I ;..... Q) ~ :s o * Q) ~ ~ "'C ;..... sB ~ < + ~ . ...-I rJJ ~ Q) o Q) rJJ ro ~ II ~ . ...-I rJJ rJJ ~ ;:s Q) ~ o 0 ~ Q) ~~ ..D ....-1 ro rJJ :s ~ o Q) ~o < ~ . ...-I ~ rJJ ro ;::::s ~ 0 ~~ "'C Q) Q) u >< Q) "'C Q) :s o ~ ~ ro ~ . ...-I rJJ ~ Q) "'C rJJ rJJ o s S . ...-I >< ro S Q) ..d ~ ~ . ~ Q) ro ;..... ..d u rJJ ro ~ ;..... ~ Q) Q) :> rJJ Q) ~ . ...-I o ~ ~ ;:s ~\O ~ ~ Affordable Housing in Rural Villages There a four areas in Collier County currently eligible for development as Rural Villages. Immokalee Rd and Wilson Blvd. = 300 acres Immokalee Rd. North of Golden Gate Estates = 900 acres North Belle Mead = 900 acres North of US41 East = 1 ,400 acres Total Lands Eligible for Rural Villages = 3,500 acres Rural Villages must be developed at a density of between 2 and 3 units per acre. A minimum of 0.2 units per acre in a Rural Village must be developed as affordable housing, of which at least 0.1 unit per acres must be workforce housing. The following table details the potential build out of each village along with the required number of affordable units in each. Number of Residential Units Built at Allowable Densities Wilson Blvd Estates Belle Mead US41 East Affordable Units 60 180 180 280 2u/a (% affordable) 600 (10%) 1800 (10%) 1800 (10%) 2,800 (10%) 2.5u/a (% affordable) 750 (8%) 2,250 (8%) 2,250 (8%) 3500 (8%) 3u/a (% affordable) 900 (6.6%) 2,700 (6.6%) 2,700 (6.6%) 4,200 (6.6%) ~ (/) Q) .- .¡.....I 'c :J E E o U "'C Q) E~ rom L-CC en~ Op i-æ c..ò fJ)cX5 :::J.:E: CJ') c:~ 0:>- ca~ :J ~Sl fJ) .c;- I c: '(ñ Q) c: I Q)I 01 Q '-"~ -~ '=+;- I co 0 o:t q- C) co C) N C) (j) C") r--. C) I.() C) N r--. co N I.() C) ,.... C) N Il') C") .... o:t C) ,.... C) en N ~ .... .- r--. C) C o:t C) ::) r--. C) N - N «S .... en .- C) en ~ o:t en C .... (þ N .... co "'C C") (j) .- co (j) en .... C") (þ co ,.... ~ co (j) co (j) "'C .... .... (þ co <Ø ~ C) en .- Il') en E .... C"') I- (j) It) (þ (j) en C"') en Q. .... co ,.... ~ o:t en q- en .... Il') o:t C") co en C"') (j) .... r--. q- N .... en o:t en .... C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) Q C) C) C) C) Q C) C) C) C) co ,.... co It) o:t C") N .... -- .-..--.--_._..-~----,-,--",_.,,,----~--- fJ) +-' fJ) ::J i- t- -c c: ro ...J ~ -- c: ::J E E o u .!:!2 Q.) (/) o E ~ ......., '- 0 c:'- ë ° - Q) ~ c: o g e :2......., _ Q () - - ......., en c: ......., '- c: Q.) Q) () "'0 Q) 0 I... E CO 5 ~ () Q)......., >. "V 0 "'C '- en :!:: Q) en :J CD c: (/)+J '- æ ~ > :J :J ~ 0 ~ c:......., E "'0 (,) '; >- .9- o'ü '$ E c: ~ +J..c: ~ -- 0 \"J c: -- (/) - c: ~ c: -- c: '- Q.)..o CD () - ro ~ :J Q) ..o-:J..c '- eo - O....J E c: c.. 0 ()~ ~ ro >.~ o ° ..c: E -e b:!:: Q) -c: Q.)O 0 0 Q)C: en '-o:cuë ~:J:J ro ~:¡:¡ ro Q) Q) ro - E ..c o - ~ "'C..c::2 C') ~ E C') U '-+J (/) c: 0 c: e ~ s _~ CD -- Q.) () 0 '+- '- en..c: '- ë c.. ro en :J ......., E êi) o c.. Q.) -:= CD C') 0 CD '- V; () ro "'C Q.)~ Õ c: ..c: '- Q.) ro I J ~ E - - c.. :J ......., := c: \"J I - 5= "'C en ......., I "'C '"'-(J) - - c: 0 - - 0 :J CD c.. C') == eo -00 '- en '- 0 Q.) eo c: :J ffi CD - ¡: a.. ~ a....c: ~ Ü -º cc lce+ + + ++ + ,{) I U) +-' c: Q) E Q) Q) i- C1 <C ro u 01 i- ! Q) +-' c: 1--1 --~- -o~ CD Q) Q) .c: -~ (J) +-' - c: ro ""Cc:0'} _COc: CO CO -- -- u en 0'} U) o (]) Q) :J - ~o Q;c.ro..c +-'CO'-l-Q) Czo- -- ..c en\f-+J1T"f '" 0 1- '\.I ~u ro -0 ~~Cl.o ~.- U) ~ +-,()IT"f~ C 1\.1 ro CD(])-C1- t: :5 C IP ::J ro ü.c:-Q) ~!!2-o ~::> -- +-'>0> C en (.) 0 ::J+-,S-1- Ocroo. ()CD~O S-E,+-+-I (]) CD 0+-1 =(])~O OS-+-,~ ()g>Ü't . a.. ....... I If) U) ... .Ç¡ -- u Q) .J:: +-I ~ 1- >- ~ O~ OQ) o +-I ~ ro f'..- +-I \.D(f) ....--IQ) -(;A-..c II +-I U) E Q) 0 - 1- 0. '-I- ro c: Zo -- '-&- +-I o ro >-u +-I-º Om . '"'- o ~ o o ,.-I ~ ~ >- .......--... o o~ aU) o~ Q) O~ ,.-1+-1 -(;A- -- II E -oQ) c:Cl. roO'} (j)C: ....... - - -0 0== U :J 1-..c ro ~ ....U) '-I-.Ç¡ 0-- U .Ç¡Q) - - ..c: U+-I . Exhibit H. Collier County Local Housing Assistance Plan FY 2005, 2006, and 2007 INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT THIS INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT made and entered into this ~ JS'" day of April, 2004 by and between Collier County, a political subdivision of the State of Florida, acting by and through its Board of County Commissioners (the "County") and the City of -Naples, a municipal corporation created and existing under the laws of the State of Florida, acting by and through its City Council ("City"): WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, Section 420.9072 (4), Florida Statutes, (the "State Housing Initiatives Partnership Act" "SHIP"), authorizes monies in the Local Government Housing Trust Fund (the "Fund") to be distributed to the County and eligible municipalities within the County pursuant to an interlocal agreement; and WHEREAS, Collier County is an approved County and the City of Naples is an eligible municipality within the County; and WHEREAS, the County and City desire to distribute SHIP allocations pursuant to this Interlocal Agreement; and WHEREAS, the County and the City have determined the SHIP funds can be more effectively and efficiently utilized and managed when the County and City work cooperatively to address the community's affordable housing needs. NOW, THEREFORE, FOR AND IN CONSIDERATION of the mutual covenants and agreements hereinafter set forth, the parties hereto agree as follows: 1. The City and the County do hereby agree that the monies in the Fund which are to be distributed to the County as provided in 420.9073, Florida Statutes, shall be allocated between the County and City as follows: City County 9.28% 90.72% For Fiscal Year, 2004-05 the State allocated 9.28% of the SHIP funds to the City and 90.72% to the County. Therefore, no less than 9.28% of the total allocation will be earmarked for the City of Naples in any given fiscal year. These percentages are based upon the March 2004 SHIP program allocation distribution schedule. The City of Naples may distribute a portion of its allocation to housing activities within the Urban Housing Assistance Area as defined in the July 1994 Interlocal Agreement adopted by Collier County and the City of Naples. 2. Unless earlier terminated pursuant to other provisions of this Interlocal Agreement, the term of this Agreement shall run concurrent with the distribution of monies in the Fund which are to be allocated between the County and the City. This Interlocal Agreement entered into this ~ 1st" day of April, 2004 shall expire on the 30th day of June, 2007, unless at such time the City and the County mutually agree to extend this Agreement or terminate said Agreement under the provisions of Section 8. 2 3. The City and the County direct the Florida Housing Finance Corporation (the "Corporation") to distribute and allocate the monies in the Fund in accordance with this Inter10cal Agreement and authorize the Corporation to rely on their stated intent and their authority to execute this Interlocal Agreement. 4. Provided this Interlocal Agreement remain effective between the City and the County, both partfesagree that they will not do anything to jeopardize~the other party's right to receive its allocation from the Fund. 5. The parties to this Agreement understand that the statute requires an incentive plan for providing affordable housing and they agree to cooperate in ensuring that the requirements and spirit of the statute are satisfied. 6. The parties to this Agreement recognize the contributions of the joint City/ County Affordable Housing Commission (ABC) and agree to appoint ABC members to the Affordable Housing Advisory Committee. The County's Financial Administration and Housing office will be responsible for the overall administration of the programs assisted with SHIP funds and shall receive administration monies from the SHIP allocation. Said administration allocation shall not exceed 10% of the total SHIP allocation in accordance with 420.9075 (6) and County Resolution 2004- . The County will establish, administer, and audit a Local Housing Assistance Trust Fund in accordance with Ordinance No. 93-19, as amended and SHIP requirements. In addition, the County will submit the required annual report on behalf of the interlocal entities. 3 7. If at any time during the term of this Inter10cal Agreement, the City or the County which are parties to this Inter10cal Agreement believe that the intent of the parties as set forth herein is not being accomplished, or that the terms of the Inter10cal Agreement are not fair, such entity may, upon the giving of ninety days written notice, renegotiate the terms and provisions of this Inter10cal Agreement to be effective on the first dilyd of the next fiscal year. If the parties are unable to-so renegotiate the terms and provisions of this Interlocal Agreement prior to the commencement of the next fiscal year, the noticing party shall cease to be party to this Interlocal Agreement and this Interlocal Agreement shall terminate and be of no further force or effect as to such party and the funds shall be allocated according to population pursuant to Section 420.9072 (9) and Section 420.9073, Florida Statues. 8. If either party shall cease to be eligible for allocation and distribution, such party's allocation of the funds shall remain in the Fund to be used by the Corporation. 9. For all purposes of this Interlocal Agreement, the term "Interlocal Agreement" shall mean this Interlocal Agreement. 10. Both parties acknowledge the SHIP enabling legislation, the rules promulgated to implement same, and that the Statute and the rules are incorporated herein as if they were reprinted. 4 IN WITNESS THEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed by their duly authorized officials. DATE~::~~J9'D4 . ." ..(,t'\~ \4;1.,. "",,, to e.... ,zF..¿'iJ.') 'I Æ:T~in:: '>"~... Q" "I .:- ~i"o' . ;..~~; ;~':;"~:,.~~'" ~ '~'7 \, :.~ t..::; : .~.; \ I '1 ~ f !_' :,':i;!~ .. ~_ pi , ,ð <Õ": "\' ":"(:~~ ~ f: 'f ~D~J'~::D1;rGHl"~ \'i:,<. .' ~LERK .L ~ " m~i a' '!." :-': 'S ~!. R-. ... ~ - s 1 gW'at Jt,e::oo 1J..; ."APPRO.V.. E. 'bcfJYc AS, TO. FORM AND LEGAL \SÙFHCIA1'.kc : ". \t~.. ¡ ..p \ (7~/ I}JI J, <. " ìì '>',-,Y' ¡ vÚJJ> 'If v ... 1 ~ 'I! PATRICK G. WHITE ASSISTANT COUNTY A TrORNEY DATED: '1-.;]3 -ðJ.¡. A TrEST: ~:!:1~ APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGAL SUFFICIENCY: 'ilir Ç) ,.?~ ROBERT D. PRITT, CITY ATTORNEY .-"--- BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY FLORIDA ~y: ¡¿~ d~~ DONNA FI~ A, CHAIRMAN CITY OF NAPLES, a municipal corporation By BILL BARNETT, MAYOR 5 Retn: CLBRK TO THB BOARD INTBROFFICB 4TH FLOOR BIT 7240 2655402 OR: 2692 PG: 0211 RBCORDBD in the OFFICIAL RBCORDS of COLLIBR COUNTY, FL 06/28/2000 at 12:18PM DWIGHT B. BROCK, CLERK 16A 1 RBC PBB 28.50 COPIBS 6.00 INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT THIS INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT (the" Agreement") is entered into this ~ day of ~' 2000, by and between THE CITY OF MARCO ISLAND, FLO DA, hereinafter called the "City", and the BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, hereinafter called the "County". The City and the County are sometimes collectively referred to herein as the "parties" or individually as the "party". WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the City was incorporated by special act of the Florida Legislature that was approved on August 28, 1997 and by referendum; and WHEREAS, Chapter 163, Florida Statutes, requires all municipal governments to prepare and adopt a Comprehensive Plan, including a Housing Element, within three years of incorporation; and WHEREAS, the City is located within Collier County, Florida; and WHEREAS, the County has successfully implemented a Housing Program pursuant to the Housing Element contained in the County's Growth Management Plan to address affordable housing needs and issues; and WHEREAS, Section 163.01 (2), Florida Statutes, permits local governmental units to make the most efficient use of their resources by enabling them to cooperate with each other to provide services in a manner that will accord best with geographic, economic, population and other factors influencing the needs and development of local communities; and WHEREAS, the parties recognize that affordable housing is not only a county-wide concern but also a regional concern and that a consolidated approach presents a rational means to effectively address affordable housing needs both on Marco Island and throughout unincorporated Collier County; and WHEREAS, the County desires to assist the City and serve all of the citizens of Collier County by expanding the County's Housing Program, including but not limited to all operational, managerial and programmatic services, to encompass the City; and ._.~_._- OR: 2692 PG: 0212 16 A J WHEREAS, by inclusion of the City in the County's Housing Program, such program shall serve as the primary source for affordable housing programs and services to address moderate, low and very low income household needs and opportunities both on and off Marco Island; and WHEREAS, the City has requested that the County provide assistance to the City by including the City in the County's Housing Program to address affordable housing issues both on and off Marco Island. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants contained herein, the parties hereby agree as follows: 1 . The County will provide the services of the County Housing and Urban Improvement staff ("County Staff") to incorporate the City into the County's Housing Program, and to provide the citizens of Marco Island all the services, programs, and other benefits available to all other persons served by the Housing Program. 2. The City will provide adequate space for the public display of housing information and materials, and further will devote nominal staff time to assist in the dissemination of information related to the Housing Program. 3. The geographical boundaries of the City of Marco Island shall be included as part of the County's Urban Area Boundary (map attached) I and such housing programs and activities contemplated by this agreement shall occur within such Urban Area Boundary. 4. That upon incorporation of the City into the County's Housing Program, all current and future estimates of affordable housing needs shall be calculated utilizing population data and economic conditions/factors that encompass the Urban Area Boundary covered by the Housing Program. Any future affordable housing needs or obligations that may be attributable to the City shall not be calculated independently, but rather shall be included in overall Housing Program area calculations. 5. The City shall defer to the County all decisions regarding the allocation and use of all sources of Housing Program funding. In return the County shall provide the City with monthly reports in a format mutually agreed upon. OR: 2692 PG: 0213A Ib 1 6. That the County shall be able to utilize and include demographic figures for the City of Marco Island for any future funding or grant proposals prepared by County staff or designee to advance programs and/or services under the Housing Program. 7. That the expansion of the County's Housing Program to incorporate the City shall make the County's program the primary source for housing programs and opportunities, including affordable housing, on and off Marco Island. 8. TERMS OF AGREEMENT. This Agreement shall be for an initial term of thirty-six (36) months beginning October 1, 2000, and ending September 30, 2003. This initial term shall be automatically renewed for additional three-year terms commencing October 1 of the applicable year and terminating September 30 three years thereafter unless one party delivers a written notice of termination to the other party prior to April 1 of the applicable termination year. The parties further agree that this Agreement may be terminated upon a finding by the Florida Department of Community Affairs, in writing, of one or more of the following: (i) that the Agreement is contrary to the intent of Chapter 163, Florida. Statutes, (ii) that the agreement is contrary to policies contained in the Southwest Regional Policy Plan, (iii) the agreement is not in the best interest of the County, City, and affected residents of Collier County. 9. NOTICES. All notices that are required hereunder, or which either party may desire to serve upon the other party, including but not limited to a change of address for either party, shall be in writing and shall be presumed served when delivered personally, or when deposited in the United States mail, postage prepaid, addressed in accordance with each party's current address of record. The initial address of record for each party is: Chairman, Marco Island City Council 950 N. Collier Boulevard, Suite 308 Marco Island, FL 34145 Chairman, Board of County Commissions 3301 East Tamiami Trail Naples, FL 34112 OR: 2692 PG: 0214 16 A ] 10. COMPENSATION. For the services rendered by the County pursuant to this Agreement the City shall provide compensation which the County must allocate to affordable housing activities. The compensation paid by the City will equal 10% of annual building permit fees collected by the City, or $50,000.00, whichever is greater. Calculation of annual City building permit fees collected shall nÇ>t include any required impact fees or state mandated fees. Further, for any qualified project within the City which is eligible for building fee reduction or waiver, the amount of building fee reduction, waiver or deferment shall be deducted from the total amount of annual compensation. Said payments from the City to the County shall be made to the Board of County Commissioners. The payments by the City shall be paid in quarterly installments beginning January 1, 2001 or as governed by Chapter 21 8, Florida Statutes (The Florida Prompt Payment Act). 11. INSURANCE. The County's liability coverages will extend to both the County and County's staff for this Agreement subject to normal exclusions. 12. RECORDING. This Agreement shall be recorded in the Official Recor~s of Collier County, Florida. CITY OF MARCO ISLAND, FLORIDA BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY By: I'¡'~ Harry Co In, Chairman By: , Cht:ï:;ïø Ti Attest: A-AJ~ A. William Moss, City Manager -, . '. ' . . t ,: ~:) : J:.·-~¥j:~í-.:f~:~;'.' '-: ~ \ wig E. Brock, Att ¡'t - : ~~::'6.;;;:";.',' '~~:"':,:';'::";"':,: II. : e. ;gs. ~ "",Mí} . ;..... i ' ,- . Clerk of Courts Si9AitJÚ",:·ori']'\~~:··,,~hs...>; 'f , . .1 "'. ... '.. ~ \' ¡.. .........'O ,,' ~ , .. .. '. ~..~,.' -'" :"1 \~. ,.' ", ~,lÙ...~\· ..,' ·"I"..,llt,.",,\' Approved as to form and legal Sufficiency for the City of Marco Island, Florida: ~..,;f ð.-ft/ ~ Kenneth B. Cuyler, q. City Attorney ---,-.,-~..-.. OR: 2692 PG: 0215 16A 1 Approved as to form and legal sufficiency for Collier County: tic~.J~ DA v to WttCsJ £L, Esq. ~tL County Attorney ... 'It .. .. ... .. .. .. ... .. .. .. ... J: J... .. ... J~ J~ - i ! J- ... - .. J- l~ .. 1- .1= 1... 1ft ... r~ J ttt OR: 2692 PG: 0216 ttt T 41 S T 41 S T 41 I T 41 S T 11 S T ID S T 12 S ......,- !I!! I II !, i It ¡ ; ~ 5 iHi ï! I Dølil~O ¡ I I i I )! I ! i .. ¡ I~ II ; ~!II i I )!!,i ~ ! Is Is t I ihl·ï' ,r; IJ I l i I ¡ Jg I øl11ilti i P I!·n r Is 3 _, )I; , H i h II , u di i~ , U; II ¡f ~ ; Is hi :11 I! ill!!!!!j III .. .. .. 'Ii II ì ¡i ì I I~ I.i II Ii 1.11 o 4 0.0 . III .. .. II: 1M ... .. ... ii' !/I.lnn 1/ O~~ Ij II i! I. U Iii II . ë Iltl-' ~I §! ~ ~ ;u III 1.1 J I 11 ... I 1M I ¡; II: 1M .. .. II: III - .. II: ... - .. II: A. C 2 ... ... .. II: w en :::I ~ .. ~ .., 3: 't: ,: 0 : &: " >. : .. = ~ ¡ 8 ; ! 4 Õ : (.) 1M . ... !Ii ... II I!~ n ~ i ;" øl, íh~ I~... I I , I ~ III .. I II II !I~ : , .. 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