CAC Minutes 04/05/2005 W April 5,2005 TRANSCRIPT OF THE MEETING OF THE COASTAL ADVISORY INLET SUB-COMMITTEE FIELDTRIP AND WORKSHOP Naples, Florida, April 5, 2005 LET IT BE REMEMBERED, that the Coastal Advisory Inlet Sub- Committee Field trip and Workshop in and for the County of Collier, having conducted a field trip and workshop herein, met on this date at 8:00 AM at the Pelican Isle Yacht Club with the Workshop in Building "F of the Government Complex, East Naples, Florida, at 1 :00 PM with the following members present: CHAIRMAN: Paul Sullivan Heidi Kulpa John Sorey III ALSO PRESENT: Ron Pennington, Coastal Advisory Committee Chairman Maria Bernal, Tourist Tax Coordinator, Tourism Allen Madsen, Tourism Gary McAlpin, Coastal Projects Manager Heidi Ashton, Assistant County Attorney 1 . ···_m·._~"__ 04-05-05 Inlet Subcommittee Agenda Page 1 of2 MEETING AGENDA & NOTICE COASTAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE INLET SUB-COMMITTEE FIELDTRIP AND WORKSHOP TUESDAY, APRIL 5, 2005 FIELDTRIP 8:00 A.M. - Pelican Isle Yacht Club, 410 Dockside Drive, Naples, Florida 34110, WORKSHOP 1 :00 P.M. I. CALL TO ORDER II. ROLL CALL III. BRIEFING - COUNTY ATTORNEY'S OFFICE IV. MEETING ADJOURNMENT V. FIELDTRIP 1. Boat Tour - Wiggins Pass 2. Tram - Clam Pass VI. CALL TO ORDER - 1 :00 P.M. - W. HARMON TURNER BUILDING (Administration Building F) Collier County Government Center, 3301 E. Tamiami Trail, Naples) VII. ROLL CALL VIII. PUBLIC COMMENTS IX. REVIEW AND DISCUSSION OF FIELDTRIP OBSERVATIONS X. PLANNING AND PROCEDURES FOR DEVELOPMENT OF FUNDING PARAMETERS FOR INLETS 1. Wiggins Pass 2. Clam Pass 3. Set a timeline and individual responsibilities for the other four passes XI. PUBLIC COMMENTS XII. SUB-COMMITTEE DISCUSSION XIII. NEXT MEETING DA TE/LOCA TION 1. April 14, 2005 - 1 :00 p.m. - Regular Meeting - Board of County Commissioner's Boardroom XIV. ADJOURNMENT All interested parties are invited to attend, and to register to speak and to submit their objections, if any, in writing, to the board prior to the meeting if applicable. For more information, please contact Maria Bernal at (239) 213-2966. If you are a person with a disability who needs any accommodation in order to participate in this proceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assistance. Please contact the Collier County Facilities Management Department located at 3301 East Tamiami Trail, Naples, FL 34112, (239) 774-8380. http://www.colliergov.net/tdc/cac/04-05-05InletSubcommitteeAgenda.htm 4/4/2005 04-05-05 Inlet Subcommittee Agenda Page 2 of2 Public comments will be limited to 5 minutes unless the Chairman grants permission for additional time. Collier County Ordinance No. 99-22 requires that all lobbyists shall, before engaging in any lobbying activities (including, but not limited to, addressing the Board of County Commissioners) before the Board of County Commissioners and its advisory boards, register with the Clerk to the Board at the Board Minutes and Records Department. http://www.colliergov.net/tdc/cac/04-05-05InletSubcommitteeAgenda.htm 4/412005 April 5, 2005 COAST AL ADVISORY INLET SUB-COMMITTEE FIELD TRIP I. Call to Order - 8:00 AM II. Roll Call - The Sub-committee including staff were in attendance as per cover sheet. Others in attendance were: Dick Lydon, Ken Humiston, Susan Stiefel, BJ Savard-Boyer, Michael Poff, David Roellig, Bruce Burkhard Susan Burkhard, John Findley and Joe Moreland. III. Briefing - County Attorney's Office - Heidi Ashton - gave a brief statement concerning the Sunshine Laws. She reminded all those on the Coastal Advisory Committee and the sub-committee to refrain from discussing among themselves anything concerning Wiggins Pass, Clam Pass or any other subject or issues to come before the Board. The boat trip is not a public meeting and minutes will be taken. The public in attendance will be joining the sub-committee on the boat. Staff cannot be used to communicate with other members. Gary McAlpin and Ken Humiston from Coastal Engineering will be a source of information with the accompanying charts available. IV. Meeting Adjournment - the meeting was adjourned to the pontoon boat with a total of 19 passengers. V. Fieldtrip: 1. Boat Tour - Wiggins Pass Gary McAlpin explained the area and showed it on the map. Discussed the hard bottom, coral reef and the dredging at work. (Schneider Dredging) · Dredging boundaries · Cleaning out channel · Sand being pumped up and deposited towards monuments near shore and drifting down towards the beach. · Showed the different channels on the map · Erosion due to increased tidal action Mike Poff - Coastal Engineering hired by some boaters in the area to look at the interior channel. Focusing on the North Channel towards Lee County. Has not been dredged since the 60's. Have had meetings with Commissioner Halas, County Manager Mudd and county staff who are supportive of the project. He mentioned the possibility of establishing an MSBU. Working with the ECA and other interested parties. Need to have a public meeting concerning cost estimates and setting up and the funding of an MSBU. 50 plus 1 is necessary to establish an MSBU. Remarks and questions: . Working with Lee County - they're more pro-active about dredging their waterways 2 '- April 5, 2005 . County-wide permit application - DEP (could be county-wide master program for thru WCID Taxing Authority) John Findley showed photos taken February 22,2005 ofthe area. Another photo taken on March 25th - showed photos of the cliffs in 2003 from the heavy rains- erosion was blamed on the dredging. Discussed straightening out the channel and a study through CAC being dropped. Current assessments are being done to help the estuary and the water quality. Discussed: · Tidal flows · Cliffs forming · Channel washing away · Different opinions and suggestions Ken Humiston - Humiston & Moore Engineering - gave a bit of history of a feasibility study done a year ago. Talked about: · Maintenance dredging to design depth · 8 to 13 feet · Lot of erosion in the feasibility study Discussed addressing the erosion, which was included in the feasibility study, straightening the channel and the mangroves. The different areas were shown on the map. Approached the dredge - discharge pipe shown and explained - 26,000 cubic yards dredged - will dredge a minimum of 45,000 cubic yards. They are half done and the permit has been extended to May 31 st. More questions were asked concerning: · Models and technology · Markers, permits, Safe Harbor and NOA · The BCC maintaining navigational waters and no funding · Taxing district · County has no funds to maintain markers in the channels · Economic impacts · Property values & benefits · Taxing the boaters · Proposed boardwalk - showed area in Wiggins Pass · Possible shuttling people to the boardwalk · Protecting the mangroves · Removing exotic vegetation · Mitigation The group moved onto Clam Pass at approximately 9:40 AM. 3 AprilS, 2005 Maps were taken to Clam Pass and explained as they viewed the area. Ken Humiston and David Roellig explained the different areas of past dredging. Discussed the future aspects of the whole pass. Walked to the end of the Pass. Gary McAlpin gave a summary of the Clam Pass tour as follows: · Discussed the Clam Pass Estuary · 1999 dredging for tidal flow · 2002 subsequent dredging · Discussed the pass itself and excretion of approx. 50,000 cubic yards of sand on the north end of the pass · Erosion of23,000 yards south of the pass · Discussed the ebb tide and flood shoals of the Pass and how sand is eroded and deposited inside the Pass · Goal is a comprehensive inlet policy for the county. The field trip ended at 11:30 AM with the Workshop to continue at the Government Center at 1 :00 PM. CAC INLET SUB-COMMITTEE WORKSHOP VI. Call to Order - 1 :00 PM VII. Roll Call: Mr. Sullivan, Mr. Sorey III and Ms. Kulpa were in attendance; members of the sub-committee. Before getting started - Mr. Sullivan had a few remarks. The purpose of the sub-committee was explained by Mr. Pennington with retaining their focus on what is to be funded by tourist tax funds on each of the inlets. They will all be different - but with the same objective. They should have some guidance, parameters and policy established. Come up with a basic policy of what is to be funded by tourist tax funds is their charge. Mr. Sullivan had some ideas he shared with the sub-committee members: . Develop and complete inlet management interlocal agreement with the appropriate municipalities. (5 major passes) . Then what information is to be contained in the interlocal agreements Gary McAlpin suggested an inlet master plan drafted with final approval by the BCC with sub-sections with each pass; and then deal with specifics. Need overall structure rather than dealing with a lot of details. Mr. Sorey agreed with starting with a master plan with the interlocal agreements being a sub-section of the master plan. Discussed objectives: 4 AprilS, 2005 · Needing consistency with standards. · Different usages · Water quality and focusing on the beaches surrounding each pass · Inlets being a part of the beach system · Technical details · Beach renourishment purposes · Dredging for navigation (safety) · Not eligible ifnot beach quality sand · Need to focus on something solid · Clear understanding of overall management plan · Erosion prevention - study Gary McAlpin suggested the discussion of straightening out the Pass (Wiggins)- engineering studies need to be done for each pass for a plan. Discussed the Wiggins Inlet Management Plan. Suggested a past draft of a plan be followed. Gary McAlpin suggested involving the stakeholders - they need to be part of the plan and included in the process. Meetings are public and others are encouraged to attend with ideas and input. If a study is needed or being done, Mr. Sullivan wishes to still continue and move on with their meetings on policies and decisions and not wait for particular studies to be finished. VIII. Public Comments - None IX. Review and Discussion of Field Trip Observations: · Lee County being more proactive than Collier County · Helpful for committee to have copies as a model of Lee Counties ideas · MSBU - (MSTU)? Municipal Special Taxing District · Environmental Services responsible for maintaining the county owned markings and navigational aids - no authority for funding - not through Tourist Tax funds- responsibility uncertain · Estuary concerns not their purview · S-Curve was of interest · Deeper dredging can cause faster beach erosion X. Planning and Procedures for Development of Funding Parameters for Inlets 1. Wiggins Pass - Mr. Sorey suggested to provide a completed plan to BCC- get approval or modification and then move on to the others. Mr. Pennington suggested sending a "total" package to the BCC. Would like to ask the County Manager ifhe thinks they should piecemeal it or have all the recommendations together. 5 -..."""....-.--- April 5, 2005 Discussion on the process had advantages and disadvantages. Doing it all together (6 plans) may not get any of them approved. Would rather see if one is approved first, then proceed further. Ken Humiston stated there have been inlet studies done on many of the passes. The State of Florida funded some of it and was done under the States Beach Management's Program. Their purpose was: what impacts adjacent beaches, quantify them and make recommendations on mitigating the impacts. Gary will get copies of all the plans to the committee. Funding is a major concern if they are going to work with any engineering firms. 2. Clam Pass 3. Set A Timeline and Individual Responsibilities For the Other Four Passes: . The dates for the BCC meetings were discussed going into the summer . Decided to focus on Wiggins Pass first as a prototype being the first step within the master plan Setting up the Master Plan should include: mission/issues to consider/objectives/guidelines and funding. Not detailed but more details in the sub-sections. Details will be in the inlet management plan. A lengthy discussion was held on funding, studies, possible sponsors and asking the County Manager on the funding aspects. Heidi Ashton recommended a dollar value be put on the description of the work they are looking for. This needs to go to the CAC, TDC and Board of County Commissioners before any funds are used. Summary of an "Action Plan" before next meeting: · Master Plan - not detailed · Approach Lee County for management plans · Approach County Manager - Gary McAlpin · Look at Inlet Management Plans- Ken Humiston to make available · Look at Wiggins Pass Plan for expanding upon · Next meeting date to be decided · Goal- present to the BCC for July meeting · Concern of navigational/but need environmental also XI. Public Comments - None XII. Sub-committee Discussion 6 .- ~ ...._,.._,.._--_...-,-,~^._, -,,, April 5,2005 XIII. Next Meeting Date/Location 1. April 14, 2005 -1:00 PM - Regular Meeting - BCC Boardroom There being no further business for the good of the County, the workshop was adjourned at 2:35 PM. ******** COAST AL ADVISORY INLET MANAGEMENT SUB-COMMITTEE Paul Sullivan, sub-committee chairman 7