Ordinance 2005-16
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__ WH EREAS, Collier County desires to make aVaI ab e to Its cItIzens sa e, pro eSSlOna
emergency health care transportation services for the transfer of patients between and among
local hospitall'acilities; and
ORDINANCE NO. 2005 - ~
WHEREAS, Collier County desires to facilitate the provision of such services and has the
necessary equipment, training, expertise, professional certifications and licenses to do so; and
WHEREAS, the amendment to Ordinance Number 04-12 results in a benefit to Collier
County by reducing response times for certain transports and providing for the availability of
more transport vehicles.
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This ordinance is adopted pursuant to Chapters 125 and 40 I, Florida ~te~'?
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purpose of this ordinance is to provide better protection for the health, safety and ~ên'ar~)r the
Section 1: Purpose
residents of Collier County, in ambulance and ALS matters, by establishing uniform county-wide
standards for certification of ambulance or advanced life support or services, or operations by
promulgating complete and clear rules and regulations for operation of all ambulance or rescue
companies or services in Collier County.
Section 2: Definitions
A. Advanced Life Support (ALS) shall mean procedures conducted as defined in applicable
Florida Statutes and Florida Administrative Code, Section 64E.
B. Administrator shall mean the County Manager or his designee.
C. Ambulance means any privately or publicly owned land, air, or water vehicle that is
designed, constructed, reconstructed, maintained, equipped or operated, and is used for or
intended to be used for air, land, or water transportation of persons, who are sick, injured,
or otherwise helpless.
D. Board shall mean the Collier County Board of County Commissioners.
E. Certificate means a certificate of convenience and necessity as authorized in Section
401.25 (2)( d), Florida Statutes.
F. Emergency Call shall mean the transit of an ambulance under conditions which warrants
travel with flashing lights and siren operating.
G. Operator shall mean any person, organization or governmental entity providing
ambulance or ALS services.
H. Paticnt shall mean an individual who IS ill, sick, injured, wounded, or otherwisc
incapacitated or helpless.
\. Routine Call or Routine Transfer shall mean the transportation of a patient under non-
emergency call conditions.
J. Rescue Service shall mean first response treatment of patients but does not includc
Advanccd Li fe Support (A LS) or transport.
Section 3: Requirements For Certificate
It shall be unlawful for any person, firm, agency, or any other entity, including
governmental units, to provide an ambulance service or provide advanced life support without
tirst obtaining a certi ficate therefore from the Board of County Commissioners of Collier
Section 4: Exemptions and Exclusions From Certificate Requirement
Certificates shall not be required for:
A. Rescue Services.
B. The use of a non-ambulance for any transport of a patient pursuant to the Good Samaritan
Act, Section 768.13, Florida Statues.
C. Vehicles rendering ambulance-type services when requested to do so by the Board of
County Commissioners or County Manager in the event of a major catastrophe or other
such emergency which requires more ambulances that are available in the county.
D. Ambulances based outside the county which pick up a patient in the county and transport
him out of the county, or which pick up a patient out of the county and transport him into
the county.
E. Vehicles used to transport persons for routine scheduled medical treatments. Vehicles
transporting persons who require services en route or whe fmist Be earried OR a stretøher
are not covered by this exemption.
Section 5: Procedure For Obtaining Certificate
An applicant for a certificate shall obtain forms from the department to be completed and
returned to the Division Administrator. Each application shall contain:
A. The name, age, and address of the owner of the ambulance or ALS provider, or if the
owner is a corporation, then of the directors of the corporation and of all the stockholders
Words underlined added and words stmcl( thrOMgh are deleted.
For governmental units, this
. that 25% of the outstanding shares.
ho\dmg more
. r d for members ofthe governing body.
informatlon shaH be supp Ie
The boundaries of the territory desired to be served. .
h I . -I the applicant w¡\l
. _ .. I' the ambulances or ot er ve 11C es
The number and bnet descnptlon 0
have available.
The address of the intended headquarters and any sub-stations.
The training and experience of the applicant.
The names and addresses of three (3) Collier County residents who will act as references
for the applicant.
A schedule of rates which the service intends to charge.
Such other pertinent information as the administrator may reqUIre.
An application or renewal fee of two hundred tifty doHars ($250.00). (Exception Collier
County EMS.)
J. Financial data including assets and liabilities of the operator. A schedule of all debts
encumbering any equipment shall be included.
Section 6: Review of Application
The Administrator shall review each application and shall investigate the applicant's
reputation, competence, financial responsibility, and any other relevant factors. The
Administrator shall also make an investigation as to the public necessity for an ambulance or
ALS operation in the territory requested, and shall then make a report to the Board containing his
recommendation whether to grant a certificate to the applicant within sixty (60) days of the time
the Administrator determines the application is complete.
Section 7: Requirement For Board Approval In Granting Certificate
The Board of County Commissioners shall not grant a certificate unless it shall find, after
public hearing and based on competent evidence that each of the following standards has been
A. That there is a public necessity for the service. In making such determination, the Board
of County Commission shall consider, as a minimum, the following factors:
(1 ) The extent to which the proposed service is needed to improve the overall
Emergency Medical Services (EMS) capabilities of the County.
(2) The effect of the proposed service on existing services with respect to quality of
service and cost of service.
Words underlined added and words struck through are deleted.
(3) The effect of the proposed service on the overall cost of EMS servIce JI1 the
(4) The effect of the proposed service on existing hospitals and other health care
faci I ¡ties.
(5) The effect of the proposed servIce on personnel of existing servIces and the
availability of sufficient qualified personnel in the local area to adequately staff
all existing services.
B. That the applicant has sufficient knowledge and expenence to properly operate the
proposed service.
C. That, if applicable, there is an adequate revenue base for the proposed service.
D. That the proposed service will have sufficient personnel and equipment to adequately
cover the proposed serv ice area.
Section 8: Appointmcnt of Hearing Officer
In making the determinations provided for in Section 7 above, the Board may, in its sole
discretion, appoint a Hearing Officer to hold a public hearing and to make factual findings and
conclusions as a result of the hearing. Should a Hearing Officer be appointed, said i-tearing
Officer shall render a written report to the Board within 30 days of the hearing, which report
shall contain the officer's findings and conclusions of fact, and a recommended order. The
findings and conclusions of fact shall be binding upon the Board, but the recommended order
shall be advisory only.
Section 9: Rights and Duties Granted By Certificate
The certificate granted by the Board shall be valid for one calendar year and shall be
personal to the applicant and not transferable. In the case of a corporation, if there occurs such a
transfer of stock or other incidents of ownership as to change the majority or largest stockholder,
a new certificate must be applied for. Changes in the officers of the corporation will not require
a new certificate.
Acceptance of the certificate by the applicant shall obligate the applicant to:
A. Service the entire zone granted to the applicant.
B. Provide coverage to adjoining zones, when requested to do so by Emergency Control for
emergency calls when the certificate holder for that zone is unable to respond.
C. Keep posted at his place of business a copy of the fee schedule, which must be filed with
the Administrator (If applicable).
Words underlined added and words strode through are deleted.
D. Operate in accordance with the rules and regulations adopted pursuant to this Ordinance
and any applicable County Ordinances, and Chapter 40 I Florida Statutes, and any
administrative regulations adopted pursuant thcreto.
E. Employ at all tin1es sufticient personnel experienced in operation and management of
emergency medical services to ensure proper and efficient operation.
Scction to: Rencwal of Certificate
Each certiticate holder shall tile within ninety (90) days of expiration, an application for
renewal of his certificate. Renewals shall be based upon the same standards, as the granting of
the original certificate along with such other factors as may be relevant. The renewal application
shall be accompanied by a two hundred and fifty dollar ($250.00) renewal fee.
The renewal certificate may be approved routinely by the Board, upon advice of the
Administrator, or the Board may hold a hcaring on samc.
Section 11: Emergency Provisions
The Board may modify, suspend or revoke a certificate in the interest of the public
health, safety and welfare, only at public hearing and after reasonable notice has been given to
the certificate holder affected. However, if a situation exists which poses a serious thrcat that
ambulance or rescue service will not be available to any certain area of Collier County, the
Administrator shall have such temporary emergency powers as are necessary to provide that
service. These temporary powers are intended to provide interim protection until such time as
the Board meets to resolve the emergency.
Section 12: Classifications of Certificates
There shall be two (2) classifications of service in Collier County, as follows:
A. Class I: Collier County EMS:
ALS Rescue: An EMS provider with the capability of rendering on the scene
prehospital ALS services and who mayor may not elect to transport patients. An
EMS provider rendering this level of service for a governmental entity shall be
deemed to be operating under the Class I - ALS rescue certificate of public
convenience and necessity held by the governmental entity. An EMS provider
holding a Class 1 - ALS rescue certificate may provide post-hospital interfacility
medical transfer services and routine ALS and BLS calls within the County. A
Certificate Of Public Convenience and Necessity must be obtained rrom the
County before engaging in this level of medical service.
Words underlined added and words struek throtigh are deleted.
B. Class 2: Collier County Hospitals:
I. ALS Transfer: An EMS provider who renders ALS interfacility medical
transfer services. An EMS provider who is awarded a Class 2 ~. ALS transfer
certificate and does not possess a Class 1- ALS rescue certiticate shall not
respond to an emergency call and provide ALS rescue services unless called upon
by the appropriate Class 1- ALS rescue provider to provide emergency backup
service. In these instances, it shall be deemed to be operating undcr thc Class t
ALS rescue certificate of the governmental entity requesting such emergency
backup service.
2. Class 2 - ALS transfer certificate holders may provide post-hospital
interfacility medical transfer services and routine ALS and BLS calls within the
County but only to hospitals owned by the certificate holder, however, the Class 2
certificate holder may provide out-of-County transports. Unless an EMS provider
possesses a Class I - ALS Rescue certificate issued by the County, a Certificate
Of Public Convenience and Necessity must be obtained from the County before
engaging in this level of medical service.
3. Class-2 transfer certificate holders shall contract with the Class . I rescue
certificate holder's Medical Director for the performance of services set forth in
Florida Statutes. Section 401.265 and as specifically set forth herein as follows:
a. He shall supervise and accept direct responsibility for the medical
performance of the paramedics and Emergency Medical Technicians (hereinafter
b. He shall develop medically correct standing orders or protocols
relating to life support system procedures when communication cannot be
established with a supervising physician or when any delay in patient care would
potentially threaten the life or health of the patient.
c. He shall issue standing orders and protocols to ensure that the
Class-2 transfer certificate holder transports each of its patients to facilities that
offer a type and level of care appropriate to the patient's medical condition.
d. He or his appointee shall provide continuous 24-hour-per-day,
7-day-per-week medical direction which shall include, in addition to the
development of protocols and standing orders, direction to the Class-2 transfer
Words underlined added and words struek thrø1;lgh are deleted.
certificate holder's personnel as to the availability of "off-line" service to resolve
problems, system conflicts, and provide services in an emergency as that term is
detined by section 252.34(3), Florida Statutes.
e. He shall establish a quality assurance committee to provide for
quality assurance review of all EMTs and paramedics operating under his
f. He shall audit the performance of system personnel by use of a
quality assurance program that includes but is not limited to a prompt review of
patient care records, direct observation, and comparison of performance standards
for drugs, equipment, system protocols and procedures. He shall be responsible
for participating in quality assurance programs developed by the Class-2 transfer
certi ticate holder.
g. He shall ensure and certify that security procedures of the Class-2
transfer certificate holder for medications, fluids and controlled substances are in
compliance with chapters 401,499 and 893, Florida Statutes, and chapter lOD-45
of the Florida Administrative Code.
h. He shall create, authorize and ensure adherence to, detailed written
operating procedures regarding all aspects of the handling of medications, fluids
and controlled substances by the EMS personnel and comply with all requirements
of chapters 401,499 and 893, Florida Statutes.
1. He shall notify the Florida Department of Health, (hereinafter the
"Department") in writing when the use of telemetry is not necessary.
J. He shall notify the department in writing of each substitution of
equipment or medication.
k. He shall assume direct responsibility for the use by an EMT of an
automatic or semi-automatic defibrillator; the perfonnance of esophageal intubation
by an EMT; and on routine interfacility transports, the monitoring and maintenance
of non-medicated LV.s by an EMT. He shall ensure that the EMT is trained to
perfonn these procedures; shall establish written protocols for the perfonnance of
these procedures; and shall provide written evidence to the Florida Department of
Health documenting compliance with the provisions of this paragraph.
Words underlined added and words stmøk through are deleted.
1. He shall ensure that 2111 EMTs and paramedics are trained in the use
of the trauma scorecard methodologies as provided in sections 64E-2.0 17 of the
F.A.C., for adult trauma patients and 64E-2.0 175, F.A.C., for pediatric trauma
m. He shall participate as a crewmember on an EMS vehicle for a
minimum of 10 hours per year and complete a minimum of 10 hours per year of
continuing medical education related to pre-hospital carc or teaching or a
combination of both.
n. He shall ensure that all of the Class-2 transfer certificate holder's
EMTs and paramedics have all proper certifications and receive all training
necessary to maintain their certification.
Section 13: Transfer Or Assignment of Certificates
No certificate issued under this Ordinance shall be assignable or transferable by the
person to whom issued except unless approval is obtained from the Board in the same manner
and subject to the same application, investigation, fees and public hearing as original
applications for certificates. Any majority transfer of shares or stock or interest of any pcrson or
operator so as to cause a change in the directors, officers, majority stockholders or managers of
such person or operator shall be deemed a transfer or assignment as contemplated in this
Ordinance and subject to the same rules and regulations as any other transfer or assignment.
Section 14: Revocation, Alteration Or Suspension Grounds
A. Every certificate issued under this Ordinance shall be subject to revocation, alteration
and/or suspension of operation, by the Board, for a period of up to one year, where it
shall appear that:
1. The operator has failed or neglected for a period of thirty (30) days during any
calendar year to render all services authorized by his certificate.
2. The operator has been convicted of a felony or any criminal offense involving
moral turpitude.
3. The certificate was obtained by an application in which any material fact was
omitted or falsely stated.
4. The operator has knowingly permitted any of its motor vehicles to be operated in
violation the laws which result in conviction of the driver or operator of a
Words underlined added and words struck tkroHgh are deleted.
misdemeanor in the second degree or greater, or has knowingly permitted a driver
with more than two previous convictions to operate emergency vehicles.
5. The operator has failed to comply with any of the provisions of this Ordinance.
6. The public interest will best be served by revocation, alteration, or suspension of
any certificate upon good cause shown.
7. The operator or his agent has demanded money or compensation other that that
established and prescribed under this ordinance. (I f applicable).
8. The operator has without sumcient justification failed or refused to furnish
emergency care and/or transportation promptly for a sick or injured person.
9. The operator or his agent has been found guilty of malpractice or willful and
wanton misconduct in the operation of its service.
B. All complaints shall be investigated and a report thereon made to the Board, together
with findings and recommendations, within fifteen (15) days. If revocation, suspension
or alteration of any certificate appears warranted, the Board shall give notice to the
operator holding the certificate that the same will be considered at a speci tic commission
meeting, provided the date of such meeting shall not be less than five (5) days from the
date of the notice. The Board shall thereupon consider the complaint and either revoke,
suspend or alter the certificate or dismiss the complaint.
Section 15: General Operating Regulations
All certificate holders, operators, and drivers shall comply with all state statutes and
administrative regulations as following regulations:
A. Twenty-four Hour Service. Every certificate holder shall be required to operate
sufficient ambulances, as stated on the certificate of operation and determined by the
Board, on immediate call at all times.
B. Prompt Service Required. Every call for ambulance service shall be answered promptly.
Patients shall be loaded and transported without being subject to unreasonable delays..
All calls for emergency assistance requiring over twenty (20) minutes from time of
notification to arrival on scene shall be reported to the Administrator with complete
documentation of the circumstances, which delayed the response. Those instances where
more that three (3) minutes elapse between receipt of an emergency call and dispatch of
an ambulance shall also be reported to the Administrator with documentation of
Words underlined added and words struek tkroMgh are deleted.
C. Bed Linens. Clean and sanitary bed linens shall be provided for each patient carried and
shall be changed as soon as practicable after the discharge of the patient.
D. Daily Log. Every operator shall maintain in a daily log upon which shall be recorded the
place or origin, time of call, time of dispatch, time of arrival at scene, time left for
hospital, time of arrival at hospital, and charges for each trip made and such other
operating and patient information as may be required by Ordinance. Every operator shall
retain and preserve all daily logs for at least two (2) years, and such logs shall be
available for inspection by the Administrator.
E. Communications. Each ambulance shall maintain two-way radio communication with the
location of primary dispatch from which it operates, as well as any additional
communication capabilities required by Ordinance or state law.
F. Vehicles and Equipment. Each vehicle shall be equipped with the proper medical and
emergency equipment as required by the laws of the State of Florida and shall be
subjected to inspection from time to time to insure compliance with the laws of Florida
and this Ordinance.
G. Certification. In addition to the State of Florida Department of Health, Bureau of
Emergency Medical Services requirements for certification, each paramedic must be
certified by the County Medical Director. Each paramedic must work with a Collier
County EMS ambulance for a sufficient length of time for the ambulance service medical
director to properly judge his capability. At minimum, the paramedic must work in that
capacity not less than one full month's work shift annually. Salaries of other than Collier
County EMS paramedics will be paid by the agency seeking the Medical Director
H. Application. Each ambulance or ALS service shall be subject to those rules and
regulation as promulgated by Ordinances of the Board for the purpose of carrying out
this ordinance.
Section 16: Central Place of Business
Each operator shall maintain a central place of business which shall be entirely within his
designated operating zone, at which place he shall provide two-way radio communication with
his vehicles, the County Emergency Control Communications Center, and his place of business,
a properly listed telephone for receiving all calls for service and at which central place of
business he shall keep such business records and daily logs available for inspection or audit by
Words underlined added and words struck through are deleted.
the Administrator. Every operator shall keep on file with the Administrator and the County
Emergency Control Communications Center a business address and telephone number at which
the operator may be reached at all times. This information will be maintained at the Emergency
Control Center.
Section 17: Records To Be Kept
Every operator shall keep accurate records of receipts from operations, operating and
other expenses, capital expenditure and such other operating and patient information as may be
required by the Board.
Section 18: Rates
Every operator shall file with the Board a schedule of the rates. Such rates shall be t1Ied as
a part of each new or renewal application, and a rate schedule shall also be filed when
changes in rates are proposed. All such rates shall be subject to review and approval by the
Section 19: Operator's Insurance
Every ambulance operator shall carry bodily injury and property damage insurance with
solvent and responsible insurers authorized to transact business in the State of Florida to securc
payment for any loss or damage resulting from any occurrence arising out of or caused by the
operation or use of any of the operator's motor vehicles. Each vehicle shall be insured for the
sum of at least one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000.00) for injuries to or death of anyone
person arising out of anyone accident and the sum of at least three hundred thousand dollars
($300,000.00) for injuries to or death or more than one person in anyone accident and for the
sum of at least fifty thousand dollars ($50,000.00) for damage to property arising from anyone
accident. They shall also have malpractice insurance. Every insurance policy or contract for
such insurance shall provide for the payment and satisfaction of any financial judgment entered
against the operator and present insured or any person driving the insured vehicle. Such
insurance shall be obtained and certificates or certified copies of such policies shall be filed with
the Board. All such insurance policies, certificates thereof or certified copies of such insurance
policies shall provide for a thirty (30) day cancellation notice to the Board.
Section 20: Conduct of Drivers And Attendants
All drivers, EMT's and paramedics shall comply with the laws of the State of Florida, in
order to meet the requirements set out in this Ordinance and no driver, EMT or paramedic
registered hereunder shall:
Words underlined added and words struok throügh are deleted.
1 I
A. Failor refuse to promptly transport, if applicable, or attend any sick or injured person
after responding to a call.
B. Demand or receive compensation other that that established and approved JI1
accordance with this ordinance or fail to give a receipt for moneys received. (If
applicable ).
C. Give or allow rebate, commISSIon, discount or any reduced rate not provided III the
established rate. (If applicable.)
D. At any time induce or seek to induce any person engaging an ambulance or ALS service
to patronize or retain the services of any hospital, convalescent home, mortuary,
cemetery, attorney, accident investigator, nurse, medical doctor or other service
occupation or profession.
E. At any time release his patient from his care until he is assured that some responsible
person is available to receive such patient.
F. At any time use a siren or flashing red light unless on an emergency call.
G. Disobey the lawful orders of the law enforcement officer at the scene of an accident, or
other similar such emergency or at a fire scene, the fire officer in charge.
H. Smoke while within the confines of an ambulance.
1. Operate or ride in an ambulance without using seatbelts. (Personnel attending patients
are exempt).
Section 2 t: Passengers
No person shall be aboard ambulances when engaged in emergency or routine medical calls
except the following:
A. Driver, attendants and fire or law enforcement personnel;
8. Patients;
C. Not more that one relative or close friertd of the patient, or if the situation warrants, the
paramedic in charge may authorize more than one passenger.
D. Physicians and nurses;
E. Personnel in an observing capacity that are being trained for ambulance or ALS service.
F. Operator's supervisory personnel.
Section 22: Obedience to Traffic Laws, Ordinances or Regulations.
A. The driver of an ambulance or ALS vehicle when responding to an emergency call or while
transporting a patient may exercise the following privileges when such driver has
Words underlined added and words stmek tflrO\:lgh are deleted.
reasonable grounds to believe that an emergency in fact exists requiring the exercise of
such privileges:
I. Park or stand, irrespective of the otherwise applicable provisions of law, ordinance
or regulations.
2. Proceed past a red light or stop signal or stop sign, but only after slowing down as
may be necessary for safe operations.
3. Exceed the maximum speed limits permitted by law so long as he does not
endanger life or property.
4. Disregard laws, ordinances or regulations governing direction or movement or
turning in specified directions so long as he does not endanger life or property.
B. The exemptions herein granted shall apply only when such vehicle is making use of
audible and/or visible signals meeting the requirements ofthis Ordinance.
C. The foregoing provisions shall not relieve the driver of a vehicle from the duty to drive
with due regard for the safety of all persons, nor sha1l such provisions protect the driver
from the consequences of his reckless disregard for the safety of others.
Section 23: Violations
In addition to the remedies provided herein, a violation of any provision of this ordinance
sha1l be punishable as provided by law for the violation of County ordinances.
Section 24: Uniformity of Application
The Ordinance shall constitute a uniform law applicable in all of Co1lier County.
Section 25: Authority To Enforce
It is hereby declared to be the duty of the Board of County Commissioners of Còllier
County, its officers, agents, employees and other governmental agencies, the sheriffs
department of Collier County, its deputies and agents, fire departments, as well as the police
departments of the various municipalities falling under the provisions of this Ordinance to
strictly enforce the provisions of this Ordinance.
Section 26: Repeal and Codification
Ordinance 75-50 is hereby repealed. This Ordinance shall be codified in the Collier
County Code as Chapter 4 of said Code, and said Code is hereby amended accordingly.
Section 27: Conflict and Severability
In the event this Ordinance should ever conflict with any other ordinance of Collier
County, or applicable ordinance of any municipality, or other applicable law, rule or regulation,
Words underlined added and words stmek tllf"Ol:lgh are deleted.
the more restrictive shall apply. If any section, sub-section, sentence, clause, phrase or portion of
this Ordinance is for any reason held invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent
jurisdiction, such portion shall be deemed a separate, distinct and independent provision and such
holding shall not affect the validity of the remainder of the Ordinance.
Section 28: Effective Date
This Ordinance shall become effective upon receipt of notice that it has been filed with
the Secretary of State.
PASSED AND DULY ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Collier
County, Florida, this ;J. 3 day of -¡';'JM æ Y; ,2005.
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Fred W. Coyle, Chairman
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I, DWIGHT E. BROCK, Clerk of Courts in and for the
Twentieth Judicial Circuit, Collier County, Florida, do
hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct
copy of:
Which was adopted by the Board of County Commissioners
on the 23nd day of March 2005, during Regular Session.
WITNESS my hand and the official seal of the Board of
County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida, this 28th
day of March, 2005.
",' II ....., "
DWIGHT E. BROC~.,.···· \\~n'~\·'~~'r,.
Clerk ~f, cour~.s4~1iQ·-0~~~ "
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By: Linda A. Hou~t·.,\~"":(:;,,-,,
Deputy Clerk·'····,,·..·..··~:;~/'·
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