Senior Advisory Committee Agenda 05/17/2018May 17, 2018 10:00 AM Senior Advisory Committee Meeting 3299 Tamiami Trl E Naples FL, 34112 Fifth Floor Training Room 1. Call to Order 2. Pledge of Allegiance 3. Roll Call 4. Adoption of the Agenda 5. Public Comment 6. Adoption of Minutes from Previous Meeting 6.1. May 3, 2018 7. Staff Reports 7.1. Senior Programs and Social Services – Louise Pelletier 7.2. County Communications – Mike Sheffield 8. New Business 8.1. Adoption of Advisory Committee Procedures 9. Old Business 10. Announcements 11. Committee Member Discussion 12. Next Meeting Time, Date and Location 12.1. Next Meeting May 17, 2018 from 10-12AM in the Fifth Floor Training Room Bldg. F 13. Adjournment Collier Cou 2010 Male Percent Male Female Percent Female 0-4 8491 7.9%7.9%8,491 8345 7.9%8%8345 0-4 5.24%100.00% 5-9 8871 8.2%8.2%8,871 8406 7.9%8%8406 5-9 10.61%94.76% 10-14 9003 8.4%8.4%9,003 8448 8.0%8%8448 10-14 16.04%89.39% 15-19 9218 8.6%8.6%9,218 8395 7.9%8%8395 15-19 21.52%83.96% 20-24 8380 7.8%7.8%8,380 7136 6.7%7%7136 20-24 26.34%78.48% 25-29 8626 8.0%8.0%8,626 7878 7.4%7%7878 25-29 31.47%73.66% 30-34 8308 7.7%7.7%8,308 7738 7.3%7%7738 30-34 36.47%68.53% 35-39 8440 7.8%7.8%8,440 8452 8.0%8%8452 35-39 41.72%63.53% 40-44 9345 8.7%8.7%9,345 9320 8.8%9%9320 40-44 47.52%58.28% 45-49 10249 9.5%9.5%10,249 10514 9.9%10%10514 45-49 53.98%52.48% 50-54 9564 8.9%8.9%9,564 10502 9.9%10%10502 50-54 60.22%46.02% 55-59 9042 8.4%8.4%9,042 10815 10.2%10%10815 55-59 66.40%39.78% 60-64 10369 9.6%9.6%10,369 12714 12.0%12%12714 60-64 73.58%33.60% 65-69 11495 10.7%10.7%11,495 13206 12.5%12%13206 65-69 81.26%26.42% 70-74 10500 9.8%9.8%10,500 10953 10.3%10%10953 70-74 87.93%18.74% 75-79 8405 7.8%7.8%8,405 8452 8.0%8%8452 75-79 93.18%12.07% 80-84 6085 5.7%5.7%6,085 6348 6.0%6%6348 80-84 97.04%6.82% 85+4103 3.8%3.8%4,103 5404 5.1%5%5404 85+100.00%2.96% 8,491 8,871 9,003 9,218 8,380 8,626 8,308 8,440 9,345 10,249 9,564 9,042 10,369 11,495 10,500 8,405 6,085 4,103 8,345 8,406 8,448 8,395 7,136 7,878 7,738 8,452 9,320 10,514 10,502 10,815 12,714 13,206 10,953 8,452 6,348 5,404 30,000 20,000 10,000 0 10,000 20,000 30,000 0-4 5-9 10-14 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59 60-64 65-69 70-74 75-79 80-84 85+ Collier County Population Distribution by Age and Gender -2010 Female Male 7.9% 8.2% 8.4% 8.6% 7.8% 8.0% 7.7% 7.8% 8.7% 9.5% 8.9% 8.4% 9.6% 10.7% 9.8% 7.8% 5.7% 3.8% 8% 8% 8% 8% 7% 7% 7% 8% 9% 10% 10% 10% 12% 12% 10% 8% 6% 5% 20%15%10%5%0%5%10%15%20% 0-4 5-9 10-14 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59 60-64 65-69 70-74 75-79 80-84 85+ Collier County Population Distribution by Age and Gender -2010 Female Male Collier Cou 2015 Male Percent Male Female Percent Female 0-4 7983 7.1%7.1%7,983 8599 7.6%8%8599 0-4 4.64%100.00% 5-9 9341 8.3%8.3%9,341 8175 7.2%7%8175 5-9 9.54%95.36% 10-14 9328 8.3%8.3%9,328 9396 8.3%8%9396 10-14 14.78%90.46% 15-19 9106 8.1%8.1%9,106 9182 8.1%8%9182 15-19 19.90%85.22% 20-24 9920 8.8%8.8%9,920 8025 7.1%7%8025 20-24 24.92%80.10% 25-29 9156 8.1%8.1%9,156 8046 7.1%7%8046 25-29 29.74%75.08% 30-34 8449 7.5%7.5%8,449 9338 8.2%8%9338 30-34 34.72%70.26% 35-39 8980 8.0%8.0%8,980 7766 6.8%7%7766 35-39 39.40%65.28% 40-44 8873 7.9%7.9%8,873 9251 8.1%8%9251 40-44 44.48%60.60% 45-49 10340 9.2%9.2%10,340 10189 9.0%9%10189 45-49 50.22%55.52% 50-54 10851 9.6%9.6%10,851 12027 10.6%11%12027 50-54 56.62%49.78% 55-59 10288 9.1%9.1%10,288 13637 12.0%12%13637 55-59 63.32%43.38% 60-64 11605 10.3%10.3%11,605 11898 10.5%10%11898 60-64 69.90%36.68% 65-69 13239 11.8%11.8%13,239 16671 14.7%15%16671 65-69 78.27%30.10% 70-74 12576 11.2%11.2%12,576 13162 11.6%12%13162 70-74 85.47%21.73% 75-79 13124 11.7%11.7%13,124 10445 9.2%9%10445 75-79 92.07%14.53% 80-84 7370 6.5%6.5%7,370 8366 7.4%7%8366 80-84 96.47%7.93% 85+4780 4.2%4.2%4,780 7823 6.9%7%7823 85+100.00%3.53% 7,983 9,341 9,328 9,106 9,920 9,156 8,449 8,980 8,873 10,340 10,851 10,288 11,605 13,239 12,576 13,124 7,370 4,780 8,599 8,175 9,396 9,182 8,025 8,046 9,338 7,766 9,251 10,189 12,027 13,637 11,898 16,671 13,162 10,445 8,366 7,823 30,000 20,000 10,000 0 10,000 20,000 30,000 0-4 5-9 10-14 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59 60-64 65-69 70-74 75-79 80-84 85+ Collier County Population Distribution by Age and Gender -2015 Female Male 7.1% 8.3% 8.3% 8.1% 8.8% 8.1% 7.5% 8.0% 7.9% 9.2% 9.6% 9.1% 10.3% 11.8% 11.2% 11.7% 6.5% 4.2% 8% 7% 8% 8% 7% 7% 8% 7% 8% 9% 11% 12% 10% 15% 12% 9% 7% 7% 20%15%10%5%0%5%10%15%20% 0-4 5-9 10-14 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59 60-64 65-69 70-74 75-79 80-84 85+ Collier County Population Distribution by Age and Gender -2015 Female Male COLLIER COUNTY Senior Advisory Committee PROCEDURES FOR SENIOR ADVISORY COMMITTEE May 3, 2018 A. General: 1. Meetings. Regular meetings of the advisory committee shall be held on such day, time and place as may be determined by the advisory committee, and at a minimum of once a month, except for one month in the summer. 2. Quorum and Voting. At all regular or special meetings of the advisory committee, a majority of the membership of the advisory committee shall constitute a quorum. Voting shall be by voice unless a member of the advisory committee requests a roll call. The roll shall be in alphabetical order with the first name called rotating with each motion upon which the vote is called. The Chairman shall always vote last. A record of the roll call shall be kept as part of the minutes. 3. Special Meetings. Special meetings may be called by the Chairman at any time provided adequate notice is given pursuant to Paragraph 4 below. The Chairman may also call a special meeting when requested to do so in writing by a majority of the members of the advisory committee or by a County staff member. The notice of such a meeting shall specify the purpose of such a meeting and no other business may be considered except by unanimous consent of the advisory committee. All members of the advisory committee shall be notified in advance of such special meetings by the staff liaison. 4. Notice and Publication. The staff liaison shall give notice and keep record of such notice of its meetings and the meeting of the subcommittees including the date, time, and location of each regular and special meeting. Notice shall be posted in the county administration building and other appropriate locations as recommended by the advisory committee and to the County Public Information Department for further distribution. 5. Open Meetings. All meetings of the advisory committee or its subcommittees shall be open to the public and governed by the provisions of Florida's Government in the Sunshine Law. 6. Minutes. The minutes of all meetings shall be promptly recorded, and such records shall be open to public inspection, in accordance with applicable law. 2 7. Location. Meetings of the advisory committee, or any of its subcommittees, shall be held in a location accessible to the public. 8. Meeting Agenda. There shall be an agenda for each meeting of the advisory committee which shall determine the order of business conducted. The committee shall not take action on any matter, proposal, report or item of business not listed upon the official agenda unless a majority of the committee present consents. Any advisory committee member, in the case of an advisory committee or a subcommittee member in the case of a subcommittee, may place an item on the agenda by submitting it to the Chairman for forwarding to the staff liaison prior to the deadline for publishing the notice of such meeting. The Chairman shall determine whether the item submitted by the committee member is relevant to the purposes of the advisory committee. Upon his/her finding that the item is relevant, it shall be included in the agenda. Staff-initiated agenda items are not subject to prior review by the Chairman. 9. Order of Business. The order of business at regular meetings shall be: (a) Call to Order (b) Pledge of Allegiance (c) Roll Call (d) Adoption of the Agenda (e) Public Comment (f) Adoption of Minutes from Previous Meeting (g) Staff Reports (h) New Business (i) Old Business (j) Announcements (k) Committee Member Discussion (l) Next Meeting Time, Date and Location (m) Adjournment B. Agenda Items Requiring Action (Old Business and New Business): 1. General. All members of the public who address the committee shall utilize the speaker's podium to allow their comments to be recorded, and shall identify themselves by name and local addresses, if applicable. Further, any speaker speaking on behalf of an organization or group of individuals (exceeding five) shall indicate such and shall cite the source of such authority whether by request, petition, vote, or otherwise. 2. Speaker Registration. Persons, other than staff wishing to speak on an agenda item shall, prior to the item being heard, register with the staff liaison on the forms provided. Five (5) or more persons deemed by the committee to be associated together or otherwise represent a common point of view, as proponents or opponents on any item may be requested 3 to select a spokesperson. All persons may speak for a maximum of three (3) minutes each. 3. Restrictions on Comments Deemed Not Germane to the Item. Notwithstanding any provisions herein, any committee member may interrupt and/or stop any presentation that discusses matters that need not be considered in deciding the matter then before the committee for consideration. At any committee proceeding, the Chairman, unless overruled by majority of the committee members present, may restrict or terminate presentations which in the Chairman's judgment are frivolous, unduly repetitive or out of order. C. Order and Subject of Appearance: To the extent possible, the following shall be the order of the proceeding: 1. Preliminary Statement. The Chairman shall read the title of the agenda item. 2. Initial Presentation by Staff. County staff shall make the initial presentation to the committee regarding any item under consideration. After completion of the staff presentation, the committee may make inquiries of staff at this time. 3. Initial Presentation by Petitioner or Proposer. Petitioner or Proposer shall make the initial presentation to the committee regarding any item under consideration. After completion of the presentation by the Petitioner or Proposer, the committee may make inquiries of the Petitioner or Proposer at this time. 4. Speakers. After committee inquiry, speakers shall be allowed to speak based on the time limitation guidelines outlined in the preceding subsection B above. During and after a speaker's presentation, the committee shall have an opportunity to comment or ask questions of or seek clarification from such speaker. The committee may also allow staff to comment, ask questions of or seek clarification from speakers. 5. Restrictions on Testimony or Presentation of Evidence. Notwithstanding any provisions herein, any committee member may interrupt any presentation that contains matters which need not be considered in deciding the matter then before the committee for consideration. At any committee proceeding, the Chairman, unless overruled by majority of the committee members present, may restrict or terminate presentations which in the Chairman's judgment are frivolous, unduly repetitive or out of order. D. Rules of Debate: The following rules of debate shall be observed by the committee. Except as herein provided questions of order and the conduct of business shall be governed by Robert's Rules of Order. 4 1. Motion under consideration. When a motion is presented and seconded, it is under consideration and no other motion shall be received thereafter, except to adjourn, to lay on the table, to postpone, or to amend until the question is decided. These countermotions shall have preference in the order in which they are mentioned, and the first two shall be decided without debate. Final action upon a pending motion may be deferred until the next meeting by majority of the members present. 2. Chairman participation. The presiding chairman may move, second and debate from the chair, and shall not be deprived of any of the rights and privileges of a committee member by reason of being the presiding chairman. 3. Form of address. Each member shall address only the presiding officer for recognition, shall confine himself to the question under debate, and shall avoid personalities and indecorous language. 4. Interruption. A member, once recognized, shall not be interrupted except by the Chairman if the Chairman determines that the member's participation is irrelevant, frivolous or out of order. Any member may appeal the decision of the Chairman to the committee for decision by majority vote. 5. The question. Upon the closing of debate, any member may require a roll call vote. Any member may give a brief statement or file a written explanation of his vote. E. Public Comment on General Topics: Members of the public may register to speak on general topics under the Public Comment portion of the agenda. The number of speakers permitted to register under public comment on any given agenda shall be limited to a maximum of five, unless the Chairman recognizes additional speakers. 1. Speaker Registration. Individuals wishing to speak to the committee under public comment at any regularly scheduled meeting of the committee shall register to speak in writing on the form provided by the County prior to the public comment portion of the agenda being called by the Chairman. F Reconsideration: There shall be no reconsideration of items before the committee. G. Conflicts of Interest: Any member having a potential voting conflict shall publicly state the nature of the conflict at the committee meeting and complete Form 8B [Memorandum of Voting Conflict for County, Municipal and Other Local Public Officers] within 15 days of the scheduled meeting. 5 ____________________ Charles “Doug” Hartman Chairman MINUTES OF THE REGLAR MEETING OF THE COLLIER COUNTY SENIOR ADVISORY COMMITTEE May 3, 2018 Naples, Florida LET IT BE REMEMBERED that the Collier County Senior Advisory Board and Productivity Committee met on this date at 10:00 A.M. at 3299 Tamiami Trail East, Building F, 5th Floor, Training Room, Naples, Florida with the following Members Present: Senior Advisory Committee Present: Charles “Doug” Hartman Jacquelyn Pierce Joel Kessler Thomas Lansen Larry Magel Litha Berger Victoria Tracy Excused: Absent: Murray Hendel Also Present: Geoff Willig – Operations Analyst County Manager’s Office Public Present: Shelley Perry – Lasting Links Solutions 1. Call to Order Doug Hartman called the meeting to order at 10:00 A.M. and led the Pledge of Allegiance. 2. Roll Call – Committee Members Seven members were in attendance for the Senior Advisory Committee, therefore a quorum was established. 3. Approval of Agenda The agenda was distributed to all present and approved 7. New Business In the handouts Geoff Willig provided was a copy of the Committee Procedures adopted from the document provided by the County Attorney’s Office. Since the online Box folder had been unavailable preceding the meeting some of the members had not had an opportunity to review the document in its entirety. A few changes were proposed and consensus of the group was to hold off on adoption until the committee had had an opportunity to review. Geoff Willig would seek guidance from the County Attorney’s Office and present at the next meeting. 5. Public Comment Shelley Perry was asked to introduce herself as the member of the public present. She was representing the Senior Leadership Council on Aging (SLCA). She expressed the interest that SLCA has in what this committee is doing and looks forward to coordinating efforts. Ms. Perry shared that they hold public meetings the first Friday of every month at Avow Hospice, and invited anyone to join them. The Committee asked about a list of available services and asked Geoff Willig to see if he could locate this list. 7. Staff Report Geoff Willig presented some slides with the group regarding the demographic makeup of Collier County and the Population Growth. The Committee asked for clarification regarding the figure of 26.4% of the population being seniors for the next meeting. Geoff Willig shared that unfortunately Louise Pelletier, Manager for Senior Programs and Social Services, was unavailable for this meeting but would be at the next committee meeting. 8. New Business The Committee discussed Chairman Hartman’s Letter. The Chairman asked the group for their thoughts. The Committee went around the table and consensus was that Communication was a very important issue to address, ensuring that seniors were aware of what services were available was important. The Committee asked Geoff Willig to invite Mike Sheffield and Chief Spell to a future meeting to learn about their activities. The Committee also felt that isolation was another important issue to consider. The Committee also chose to explore what other communities are doing regarding communications. 13. Adjournment The meeting was adjourned at 11:57 with nothing further to discuss. 14. Next Meeting Jacquelyn Pierce and Victoria Tracy informed the group that they would not be at the next meeting. The next meeting of the Senior Advisory Committee will be on May 3, 2018 at 10 AM in the Fifth Floor Training Room located at 3299 Tamiami Trl E, Naples FL 34112 Collier County Senior Advisory Committee __________________________________ Charles Hartman - Chairman The foregoing Minutes were approved by Committee Chair on June 4, 2018 , “as submitted” [ ] or “as amended” [ ]