EPTAB Minutes 08/08/1994 DRAFT: Auyust 9 , 1994
MINUTES OF August 8, 1994
PRESENT: Gary Beardsley Nancy Payton Dave Addison
Robert Duane Dorothea Zysko Derek Hodgin
Steve Means
NOTIFIED Chuck Ray Gary Wilson Jack Baxter
STAFF: Bill Lorenz Marjorie Student Kevin Dugan
I . Meeting called to order at 4 : 08 PM.
II. Roll was called by Dorothea Zysko.
III. Gary Beardsley questioned why the MPP Recommendations (see
attached) to the BCC was not signed, and pointed out that
the minutes did not have the date of the meeting. The
minutes of the July 11, 1994 were approved.
a. Standing Committee Reports
1. Steering Committee
Steve Means reported that no chairperson had been
selected. Items discussed at the meeting were the County
Work Plan, NRPAs, the BCC workshop in August, Aquifer
recharge, EAR, Environmental Problems, and Policy
workshop. The committee is waiting on input from the
other standing committees. Members were to meet
following the EPTAB meeting to schedule the next meeting.
2 . Natural Resources Protection Area
Chuck Ray had called in to report he was the only member
in attendance along with Gary Beardsley. He was brought
up to date on the Clam Bay NRPA by Dick Hartwell.
Dorothea stated that meeting attendance is critical and that the
schedule is the second Monday of each month. All members should
make an earnest effort to shcedule their time to allow attendance
at both monthly and standing committee meetings.
3 . Growth Management
Robert Duane addressed action items; GMPs from Regional
and State, Document reflecting updated GMP, Agree to a
checklist Lo evaluate policy, and Public Participation.
Marjorie Student stated the state plan is contained in
F. S. 201, and Bill Lorenz will try to provide other plans
b. Environmental Services Department Work Plan Update
Bill Lorenz reported that the staff was working on the
plans and that they should be completed in September.
c. The North Golden Gate Estates issue was referred to the
NRPA Standing Committee.
d. New Members terms were selected by Lottery
Sept. 1995 Gary Wilson
Sept. 1996 Chuck Ray
Sept. 1997 Jack Baxter
a. EPTAB Annual Report
Discussion centered on what annual cycle to report on and
what report would consist of. Gary mentioned that the
EAR process is a report. The item was referred to the
Steering Committee.
b. Invited Guests
Derek Hodgin suggested that guests be invited to
subcommittee meetings, e.g. Jon Staiger Clam Bay NRPA.
Dorothea stated it is appropriate if actions will affect
certain members of the public, e.g. Ag people and the
Camp Kaeis NRPA. Virginia Corkran mentioned that Mike
Slayton was supposed to report from the Big Cypress Basin
Board. Dorothea stated she would write a letter to
invite Mr. Slayton to address the EPTAB.
c. Viable Native Habitat Definition
Gary said there were conflicting definitions within the
GMP. Should be an EAR problem. The item was referred to
the GMP committee.
d. Recommendation for New Members
Discussion centered on that the 2 new applicants and
the 2 reappointments. Dave Addison made the Motion that
applicants be voted on individually. At this point Derek
Hodgin left the room for the vote on his reappointment.
The motion was made that Derek Hodgin be reappointed to a
4 year term and was passed unanimously. Derek returned
to the room. The motion was made to recommend Thomas
Ciranna to fill Chris Hagen's position and failed 6 to 1.
The motion was made to recommend Michael Taranto to fill
Chris Hagen's position and failed 7 to 0. Gary left the
room for the vote on his reappointment. The motion was
made to reappoint Gary Beardsley to a 4 year term and
failed 4 to 2 . Gary returned to the room. These
recommendations will be transmitted to the BCC along eht
the terms for the three new members.
e. Meeting Location
Discussion was on should meetings be held in a more
formal setting. It was decided that public workshops
should be held in a more formal setting when public input
is required.
VII . Meeting adjourned at 5: 58 PM