PRESENT: Gary Beardsley Nancy Payton David Addison
Robert Duane Dorothea Zysko Derek Hodgin
Steve Means Gary Wilson
Notified Chuck Ray
Absences: Jack Baxter
Staff: Richard Hartwell Marjorie Student
Bill Lorenz Kimberly Polen
Public: Brad Cornell Virginia Corkran Emma Ross
I. Meeting called to order at 4 : 15 p.m.
II. Roll was called by Dorothea Zysko. Dorothea announced that
Derek Hodgin was reappointed to EPTAB and that Thomas
Ceranna and Michael Taranto were appointed to EPTAB by the
III. Gary Beardsley recommended that Item C (August 9, 1994)
minutes) includes Collier County Land Development Code
along with GMP. The minutes of July 11, 1994 were
Nancy Payton stated that a workshop on Land Clearing and
Filling would be held at Development Services on Horseshoe
Drive, Conference Room C, at 4 : 00 p.m. October 5, 1994 .
a. Standing Committee Reports
1. Steering Committee
Steve Means reported that they are waiting for
reports from other standing committee meetings.
Steve said that he was elected Chairperson for the
Steering Committee. The next Steering Committee
meeting will be at 10: 30 a.m. , Conference Room C,
September 22, 1994 .
2 . Natural Resources Protection Area
Derek Hodgin stated that he was elected Chairperson
of the NRPA Standing Committee. He said that members
are now reviewing the Clam Bay NRPA Technical Report
and will report back to EPTAB after the review. Next
NRPA Committee meeting will be at 4 : 00 p.m. ,
Conference Room B, September 26, 1994 .
3 . Natural Resources Protection Area:
Robert Duane gave a report on items that were
discussed at last meeting. A copy of the Growth
Management Plan Evaluation and Appraisal Report (EAR)
was distributed and discussed at length. Bill Lorenz
reported that the GMP Committee will review different
series of objectives and policies each month and
report back to the full EPTAB membership. Next GMP
Committee meeting to be held at 4 : 00 p.m. , Conference
room B on September 19, 1994 .
b. Invited Guests: Dorothea has not heard from Valerie Boyd,
but will follow up on her request to have someone from
Big Cypress Basin Board attend EPTAB meetings. Gary
Beardsley suggested that EPTAB try and contact Gary
Slayton before he leaves for his new position. Gary also
mentioned that Mike Slayton could inform EPTAB on the
lower West Coast Plan which is being formalized now.
c. Listed Species Management Plan Update: Kimberly Polen
gave a report on how she was gathering information on
listed species from the U. S. Fish & Wildlife Services as
well as the Florida Game & Fresh Water Fish Commission.
Kimberly passed out a format as an example of her report
on listed species.
d. Viable Native Habitat Update: Bill Lorenz gave a brief
report on this subject.
e. Environmental Department Work Plan: Bill Lorenz reports
that the Steering Committee was still working on this
a. BCC Strategic Planning Meeting Report: Bill Lorenz gave
a summary on the problems discussed at the Strategic
Planning Meeting. Briefly, they are:
(1) Complete Clam Bay NRPA by January, 1995. Begin work
on new NRPAs.
(2) Air and Water Quality: EAR process will identify more
comprehensive programs. Staff will investigate a
monitoring program over and above what the State is
(3) Complete 5-year Water Quality Plan.
(4) Goal for FY 95/96 to complete NRPAs.
(5) Neil Dorrill to set up workshop with District to
brief Board on water quality problems.
Nancy Payton stated that she found the Strategic
Planning Meeting very frustrating. She felt that staff
did not inform the BCC properly about air quality or the
NRPA program. At this point, a lengthy discussion about
EPTAB's role with the BCC was debated by several members
of EPTAB. It was agreed that EPTAB should act in its
own behalf, instead of staff, when addressing concerns
to the BCC.
b. Sunshine Law Review: Attorney Marjorie Student
gave a brief review, but will wait until the new members
are seated at the next EPTAB meeting.
c. EPTAB Procedural Matters: Dorothea gave a brief report on
this subject. This will be presented in more detail at
the next EPTAB meeting.
d. Wiggins Pass OFW Update: Derek Hodgin outlined
information he had gathered on this subject. He
explained the dredging procedures involved in OFW areas.
e. Wiggins Pass Inlet Management Plan: Derek Hodgin gave a
brief account on the difference between natural pass
movement versus a pass that has been stabilized by
dredging activities.
VII: Meeting adjourned at 6: 15 p.m.
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