EPTAB Minutes 10/10/1994 DRAFT: 10/10/94
October 10, 1994 MINUTES
PRESENT: Dorothea Zysko Derek Hodgin Chuck Ray
Gary Wilson Nancy Payton Robert Duane
David Addison Mike Taranto
NOTIFIED: Steve Means Jack Baxter Tom Ciranna
STAFF: Bill Lorenz Marjorie Student Mac Hatcher
PUBLIC: Virginia Corkran Mary Chenery Brad Cornell
I• Meeting called to order.
II. Introduction of Mike Taranto.
III• Roll was called by Dorothea Zysko.
IV. The minutes from the September 12, 1994 meeting were
approved unanimously with some amendments.
a. Marjorie Student mentioned that there is a Sunshine
Law manual in the County Attorneys office if anyone
needs to review something. Some pertinent
considerations are listed below. If an EPTAB member
suspects they may have a conflict regarding the
Sunshine Law please contact Marjorie prior to the
All meetings are "Public" with public input allowed.
No discussion of EPTAB business with other members
outside of meetings.
"Conflict of interest" includes items to your or your
employer's benefit
Civil and criminal penalties can result from
violations of the Sunshine Laws.
b. Discussions regarding EPTAB procedures resulted in
the following recommendations.
The sign in sheet will include space for the public to
indicate if (and an address) they would like to
receive a copy of the minutes. A motion to send
minutes to requesting public and all EPTAB members was
approved unanimously.
Mailing lists (all lists) will include a title and
Items for distribution should be received by Bill 5
days prior to next scheduled meeting.
Members should notify Natural Resources or the
Chairman and state reason for absence. Staff shall
forward absence reasons to Chairman prior to the
meeting. EPTAB ordinance (91-26 & 91-33)provides for
removal of members missing 2 consecutive meetings
without a satisfactory excuse or 1/4 of the meetings
in a fiscal year.
c. Standing Committee Reports:
1. Steering Committee: Dorothea said they received
Work Plan and EAR schedule. Bill indicated that
staff would go to BCC the end of November with the
NRPA priority list(Dorothea did not think it needed
to be prioritized again) . The EAR schedule will be
sent to EPTAB members.
2 . NRPA: Derek indicated meetings were held Sept.
26 & Oct. 6. Members received the Draft Clam Bay
Report and the Draft Management Plan for review.
Additional meetings had been held to keep with
schedule to take to BCC in Jan. 95. Tentative date
of Dec. 8 1994 6: 30 PM for presentation to EPTAB of
Clam Bay NRPA.
3. Growth Management: Robert said they had received
the schedule for the EAR and expressed some concern
that staff would not be able to provide sufficient
data to support changing policies. Bill indicated
that he would get Stan Litsinger to meet with
committee and discuss scope needed for EAR. Robert
said he wanted to best serve the community and
wanted the best data available. Dorothea requested
that Robert inform EPTAB when data is needed.
d. Wiggins Pass Inlet Management Plan: Derek has final
document and has begun review. Primary concerns
include proposal to widen and deepen the mouth of
the pass, and remove rock. Derek will meet with
Jerry Neal and prepare a presentation and
recommendations. Bill will call Jerry to schedule
a presentation at the next meeting.
e. Lower West Coast Water Supply Plan Report
The motion to adjourn was approved unanimous.