EPTAB Minutes 04/25/1994 ^, DRAFT: A it 25, 1994
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MINUTES OF April 25, 1994
PRESENT: Christopher Hagan Gary Beardsley Nancy Payton
Derek Hodgin Robert Duane Dorothea Zysko
Mike Davis
NOTIFIED: David Maehr
ABSENT: Steve Means
STAFF: Bill Lorenz Dick Hartwell David Weigel
I. Meeting called to order.
II. Roll was called by Dorothea Zysko who chaired the meeting.
III. Approval of minutes.
1. Minutes from the April 11, 1994 meeting were approved as
amended. Gary Beardsley asked that the minutes be amended
to substitute the word 'subcommittee' to ad hoc committee.
Derek Hodgin did not receive his copy of the minutes again.
Staff will check his address on the EPTAB mailing lists.
2 . Announcements: Mike Davis resigned from EPTAB. Bill
Lorenz announced that David Land also resigned.
3 . A brief discussion followed about EPTAB replacements.
Bill Lorenz stated that replacements are handled at the
Board office. Gary Beardsley suggested that a new
chairperson be elected at the May 9 , 1994 EPTAB meeting.
IV. Old Business.
1. Robert Duane gave a brief presentation on the April 12,
1994 BCC meeting about "clustering" .
2 . Gary Beardsley requested that Dave Maehr time away from
EPTAB to attend grad school be a topic of discussion at the
next EPTAB meeting.
EPTAB MINUTES, t. ,IL 25, 1994 PAGE -2-
3 . Chris Hagan gave a brief presentation on the NGGE Ad Hoc
Committee meeting and Kimberly Polen's memorandum. The next
ad hoc meeting will be held on May 6, 1994 , 7 : 30 a.m. , at
the same place.
4 . LDC shortcomings: Barbara Burgeson is still unavailable
to meet with EPTAB. EPTAB requested Bill Lorenz to contact
Dick Clark and request that she attend the next EPTAB
5. Revisit NRPAs (priority list) .
Bill Lorenz stated that Board gave direction to staff only
for Clam Bay. Clam Bay would only become a NRPA when a
management plan would be completed and presented to EPTAB
for review and then to the BCC.
Gary Beardsley requested that copies of the project plan
flow chart be given to EPTAB members. Bill Lorenz stated
that EPTAB would come back to the Board for authorization on
a new NRPA. However, Bill Lorenz stated that Tim
Constantine said that he did not want staff working on any
NRPAs without the Board's approval. Bill Lorenz suggested
that EPTAB could write a letter to the Board about starting
a new NRPA. The priority list will be discussed at the next
EPTAB meeting.
6. Inlet Management Plan: Derek Hodgin gave a presentation
on who is involved in putting together an Inlet Management
Plan. Gary Beardsley would like EPTAB to review at least
one Inlet Plan and then decide if they need to review others
when they become available. Bill Lorenz explained that the
Beach Renourishment Committee controls the Inlet Management
Plans and Maura Kraus represents staff in attending their
Gary Beardsley gave a motion to have EPTAB review one plan.
Derek Hodgin will write a letter to the Board's chairman
asking Capital Projects to present a Inlet Management Plan
to EPTAB. David Weigel, County Attorney, suggested that
EPTAB address this request in a BCC public meeting. Gary
Beardsley's motion was amended to send a letter to the Board
with justification for wanting to review the Inlet
Management Plan. Motion passed.
EPTAB MINUTES, 1. IL 25, 1994 PAGE -3-
V. New Business
Gary Beardsley requested that EPTAB see the NRPA program
budget for FY 94/95. Bill Lorenz said he would give EPTAB
the program package for the budget.
Robert Duane requested that generic language is needed in
the LDC addressing the clustering issue. Mr. Duane said
that he would help Barbara Cacchione by drafting this
language in order to get this into the current cycle.
Gary Beardsley requested that EPTAB be involved with the
process concerning the updating of the Growth Management
Bill Lorenz will ask Barbara Cacchione to make a
presentation to EPTAB involving the ELM III Act.
VI. Adjournment: This meeting was adjourned at the end of
Bill Lorenz to give EPTAB program package for budget.
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