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than Monday preceding the Board meeting.
Route to Addressees (List in routing order)
Assistant Co ' Attorney
Agenda Item Number
16 -D -1
3. Colleen M. Greene, ACA
County Attorney Office
Type of Document
4. BCC Office
Board of County
6 3 0
5. Minutes and Records
Clerk of Court's Office
PO number or account
Normally the primary contact is the person who created/prepared the Executive Summary. Primary contact information is needed in the event one of the
addressees ahnve_ may need to contact staff for additional or missing information.
Name of Primary Staff
Colleen M. Greene
Phone Number
252 -8400
Contact / Department
Assistant Co ' Attorney
Agenda Date Item was
Agenda Item Number
16 -D -1
Approved by the BCC
Does the document need to be sent to another agency for additional signatures? If yes,
Type of Document
Agreements — Z S
Number of Original
6 3 0
document has been signed/initialed for legal sufficiency. (All documents to be
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PO number or account
number if document is
by the Office of the County Attorney.
to be recorded
All handwritten strike - through and revisions have been initialed by the County Attorney's
I: Forms/ County Forms/ BCC Forms/ Original Documents Routing Slip WWS Original 9.03.04, Revised 1.26.05, Revised,2,?8. ; Revised 11/30/12
Initial the Yes column or mark "N /A" in the Not Applicable column, whichever is
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Does the document require the chairman's original signature?
Does the document need to be sent to another agency for additional signatures? If yes,
provide the Contact Information (Name; Agency; Address; Phone on an attached sheet.
document has been signed/initialed for legal sufficiency. (All documents to be
signed by the Chairman, with the exception of most letters, must be reviewed and signed
by the Office of the County Attorney.
All handwritten strike - through and revisions have been initialed by the County Attorney's
Office and all other parties except the BCC Chairman and the Clerk to the Board
The Chairman's signature line date has been entered as the date of BCC approval of the
document or the final negotiated contract date whichever is applicable.
"Sign here" tabs are placed on the appropriate pages indicating where the Chairman's
signature and initials are required.
In most cases (some contracts are an exception), the original d ument and this routing slip
should be provided to the County Attorney Office at the time a item is input into SIRE.
Some documents are time sensitive and require forwarding t allahassee within a certain
time frame or the BCC's actions are nullified. Be aware of our deadlines!
The document was approved by the BCC on 3/26/13 and all changes made
during the meeting have been incorporated in the attached document. The County
Attorney's Office has reviewed the changes, if applicable.
Initials of attorney verifying that the attached document is the version approved by the
BCC, all changes directed by the BCC have been made, and the document is ready for the
Chairman's signature.
I: Forms/ County Forms/ BCC Forms/ Original Documents Routing Slip WWS Original 9.03.04, Revised 1.26.05, Revised,2,?8. ; Revised 11/30/12
Date: April 3, 2013
To: Colleen Greene, Assistant County Attorney
County Attorney's Office
From: Ann Jennejohn, Deputy Clerk
Minutes & Records Department
Re: Parks and Rec Agreement with the School Board to sponsor
and operate the Summer Food Service Program in 2013
Attached for further processing are three (3) original copies of the agreement referenced
above, (Item #16D1) approved by the Board of County Commissioners March 26, 2013.
After the documents have been forwarded for signature and upon subsequent
return, please furnish one of the executed original copies of the agreement to the
Minutes & Records Department for the Board's Official Record.
If you have any questions, please contact me at 252 -8406.
Thank you.
Attachments (3)
Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services
Division of Food, Nutrition and Wellness
THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into between Collier County School Board
and Collier County
WHEREAS the- Collier County School Board agrees to supply unitized meals
(EE exclusive) of milk and juice to Collier Count
location sites listed on the attached form with and for the rates herein listed:
Breakfast ....... $ 1.90 each Lunch .......... $ 3.33 each
Snacks ........... $ each Supper ......... $ each
It is further agreed that Collier County School Board , pursuant to the provisions of the
Summer Food Service Program regulations, attached copy of which is part of this agreement,
will assure that said meals meet the minimum meal pattern requirements as to components and
portion sizes, and will maintain full and accurate records that the
Collier County will need to meet its responsibility including menu
records containing the amount of food prepared and daily number of meals delivered by type.
These records must be reported to the Colli -r counly r promptly
at the end of the month. Collier County School Board agrees also to retain records
Sc i
required under the preceding clause for a period of 3 years from the date of receipt of final
payment under this agreement (or longer, if an audit is in progress); and upon request, to make
all accounts and records pertaining to the Program available to representatives of the U.S.
Department of Agriculture and the General Accounting Office for audit or administrative review
at a reasonable time and place.
This agreement shall be effective as of June 1,2013 It may be terminated by notice in
writing given by either party hereto to the other, at least 30 days prior to Oe date of termination.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have e eciV lttl�s Igmement as of the dates
indicated below: II I
School Official
Item #
orgia A. Hiller, Esq.
Chairwoman, Collier County
Boards- of .County Commissioners
Date Date
SEE rm & legal sufficiency
ATTEST 4'J. tiiti71ri DWIGHT E. BROOK' ..141414 A
r� _"f\- as t0.�ilal n sane, 31uo1�
Assistant County
Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services
Division of Food, Nutrition and Wellness
AGREEMENT NO.: 04 -0804 SPONSOR: Collier County Parks and Recreation Dept
This document constitutes the permanent agreement between the Sponsor and the Florida
Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (DACS) for the Summer Food Service
Program (SFSP).
INSTRUCTIONS: (1) AGREEMENT: Three originals of this Agreement must be signed in
ink and submitted to the Florida DACS as part of the application process. (2) SPONSOR'S
COPY: When this Agreement is approved, one original will be returned for the files of the
No monies or other benefits may be paid out under this program unless this agreement is
completed, approved, and filed as required by (7 CFR Parts 225, 3015, 3016, 3019, and 3052).
These general applicable terns and conditions are hereby incorporated into the Agreement
between the Sponsor and the DACS. For purposes of this agreement, a public or private
nonprofit school food authority, a public or private nonprofit residential summer camp, a unit of
local, municipal, county, or state government, a public or private nonprofit college or university
currently participating in the National Youth Sports Program, or a private nonprofit organization
that develops a special summer or other school vacation program providing food service similar
to that made available to children during the school year under the National School Lunch
Program (NSLP) and School Breakfast Program (SBP) and that is approved to participate in the f
program. is referred to as the "Sponsor." A physical location at which a Sponsor provides a food
service for children and at which children consume meals in a supervised setting is referred to as
a "site." Offer Vs. Serve (OVS) refers to a particular type of meal service in which children may
select components to make up a reimbursable meal rather than taking all components of a
unitized meal.
The Sponsor has agreed to participate in the SFSP and accepts responsibility for supervision and
control over the program and final financial and administrative responsibility for the program.
The Sponsor will:
A. Operate a nonprofit food service from May through September for children on school
vacation; at any time of the year, in the case of sponsors administering the program under a
continuous school calendar system; or during the period of October through April, if it serves
an area affected by a unanticipated school closure due to a natural disaster, major building
repairs, court orders relating to school safety or other issues, labor- management disputes, or
DACS -01715 01112
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other similar cause as approved by the DACS.
B. Submit an agreement to the DACS where sites are located in accordance with the Food and
Nutrition Service (FNS) Instruction 794-5, Agreements with Entities Which Operate
Interstate Schools and Facilities.
C. The Sponsor may operate with DACS approval, meal service sites which are not identified as
non - profit locations, if the sites meet all of the following criteria:
1. Sites must be operated under the sponsorship of an eligible public or private non -profit
service instruction;
2. Sites must operate as open sites or restricted open sites;
3. Sites must be located in an area in which at least 50 percent of the children are from
households that are eligible for free or reduced priced school meals;
4. Sites must make meals available to all children in the area and must serve meals to
children on a first come, first served basis;
5. Sites must serve all meals at no charge;
6. Sites are not for - profit or for -profit camps;
7. Meals must only be distributed by the Sponsor's trained staff and volunteers and sponsor
trained site staff serving as volunteers; and
8. The Sponsor must ensure no SFSP funds are provided to the for -profit site.
D. Serve meals that meet the requirements and provisions during times designated as the meal
service periods by the Sponsor and serve the same meals to all children. No permanent
changes may be made in the serving time of any meal unless the changes are approved by the
E. Serve meals without cost to all children, except that camps may charge for meals served to
children who are not eligible for free or reduced -price school meals.
F. Issue a free meal policy statement in accordance with 7 CFR 225.6 (c).
G. Meet the training requirements for its administrative and site personnel, as required under 7
CFR 225:
I. The Sponsor must receive DACS training annually.
2. The Sponsor must train all administrative staff and site staff before they undertake their
3. The Sponsor shall not allow a site to operate until personnel at the site have attended at
least one of the Sponsor's trainings.
4. The Sponsor must document the attendance at site trainings and schedule additional
sessions for those staff that are absent.
5. The Sponsor must record for each training session offered the training dates, names of
attendees, and documentation of the topics covered.
6. The Sponsor will ensure that at least one person who has been trained by the Sponsor be
present at each of the Sponsor's sites during the time of the meal service.
7. Training for administrative staff should cover the following topics:
a. Purpose of the program
b. Site eligibility
c. Recordkeeping requirements
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d. Organized site activity
e. Meal requirements
f Nondiscrimination compliance
g. How meals will be delivered
h. The delivery schedule (if applicable)
i. What records are kept and what forms are used
j. Monitor's responsibilities
8. Training for monitors should cover the following topics:
a. Site for which they will be responsible
b. Introduce themselves to site supervisors
c. .Duties of authority
d. Conducting site visit/reviews
e. Monitoring schedule
f. Reporting/recordkeeping procedures
g. Follow -up procedures
h. Office procedures
i. Local sanitation and health laws
j. Civil rights
k. Reporting for ethnic /racial data
1. Considerations for personal safety, if necessary
9. Training for site staff should cover the following topics:
a. Purpose of the program
b, Site eligibility
c. Necessity for accurate records
d. Importance of organized activities at sites
e. For sites obtaining meals from food service management companies /commercial
meal vendors, school food authorities, or the Sponsor's central kitchen:
i. Meal pattern requirements and types of meal service offered. (use planned
ii. Delivery schedules (exact times)
iii. Adjustments in the delivery amount
iv. Facilities available for storing meals
v. Who to contact about problems (provide Sponsor's name and telephone
vi. Approved level of meal service
f. For sites where meals are prepared at the site:
i. Meal pattern requirements
ii. Inventory (use inventory forms)
iii. Meal adjustments (use production records)
iv. Meal preparation adjustments
g. Explain recordkeeping requirements:
i. Daily recordkeeping requirements
ii. Delivery receipts (sample forms)
iii. Seconds, leftovers, and spoiled meals
iv. Daily labor — actual time spent on food service and time and attendance
v. Collection of daily record forms
vi. Maintain copies of meal service forms
h. Civil rights requirements (use Site Supervisor's Guide)
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i. Explain other miscellaneous policy, such as:
i. Problems with inclement weather and alternate service areas
ii. Problems with unauthorized adults eating program meals
iii. Problems with discipline
iv. Review of equipment, facilities, and materials available for organized
recreational activities
v. Review of trash removal system
vi. Corrective action
vii. Nutrition education
10. The Sponsor will ensure that site personnel and monitors understand the importance of
accurate point -of- service meal counts. Meals counts should represent only the number of
meals actually served to children. Only complete meals served to eligible children can be
claimed for reimbursement. Meals must be counted at the actual point of service.
11. If the Sponsor plans to implement OVS at sites under its Sponsorship, it must follow
OVS guidelines as outlined in 7 CFR 225.16(f)(ii). OVS permits children to decline
food; a certain number of menu items they do not intend to eat. The Sponsor must ensure
that all sites' staff is adequately trained on the guidelines and procedures of OVS and that
choosing OVS does not preclude the Sponsor from maintaining a nonprofit operation.
12. Sponsors not implementing the OVS provision will ensure that unitized meals are served
to each eligible child at the point of service in order to be claimed for reimbursement.
13. The Sponsor will notify the public through a media release with the dates, locations, and
serving times for each site serving meals.
14. The Sponsor will notify the local health department with the dates, locations, and times of
H. In the storage, preparation and service of food, the Sponsor will maintain proper sanitation
and health standards in conformance with all applicable state and local laws and regulations.
I. The Sponsor will accept and use, in quantities that may be efficiently utilized in the SFSP,
such foods as may be offered as a donation by the DACS.
J. The Sponsor will have access to facilities necessary for storing, preparing, and serving food.
K. The Sponsor will maintain a financial management system as prescribed by the DACS.
L. The Sponsor. will maintain on file documentation of site visits and reviews in accordance
with 7 CFR 225.15(d) (2) and (3).
M. The Sponsor will conduct a preoperational visit for all new and problem sites before they
begin operations.
N. The Sponsor will conduct a site visit at all new sites and any site that experienced
operational deficiencies during the previous summer at least once during the first week of
operation to ensure that the food service is operating smoothly and that any apparent
problems are immediately resolved. In cases where a site, whether new or returning, will
operate for only one week, the site visit must be conducted in that week.
O. The Sponsor will conduct a site review at all sites at least once during the first four weeks of
program operations. The review requires the monitor to observe a complete meal service
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from beginning to end including delivery or preparation of meals, the meal service, and the
clean up after meals.
P. The Sponsor will ensure that if a site operates less than four weeks, the Sponsor must still
conduct a review.
Q. The Sponsor must continue monitoring throughout the duration of the program at a level
sufficient to ensure that sites comply with program regulations.
R. The Sponsor must take prompt action to correct problems at the sites found from previous
reviews and inspections by the health department and document the corrections taken.
S. The Sponsor must maintain children on site while meals are consumed.
T. The Sponsor must retain financial and administrative responsibility for their SFSP.
U. The Sponsor must submit to the DACS a copy of the letter notifying the local health
department of its intention to provide a food service at specific times at planned sites. This
must be provided to the DACS before program operation begins.
V. The Sponsor will meet the civil rights requirements, as required under 7 CFR 225.7(g) and
FNS Instruction 113 -1:
1. The Sponsor must inform potential participants of the availability of SFSP.
2. The Sponsor must display in a prominent place at the site and in the Sponsor's office the
nondiscrimination poster developed by the United States Department of Agriculture
(USDA) or approved by FNS.
3. The Sponsor must make reasonable efforts to provide information in the appropriate
translation concerning the availability and nutritional benefits of the program.
4. The Sponsor must include the nondiscrimination statement and instructions for filing a
complaint in the public release and in any program information directed to parents of
participants and potential participants.
5. The Sponsor must ensure that meals are served to all attending children, regardless of
their race, color, national origin, sex, age, or disability.
6. The Sponsor must ensure that all children have equal access to services and facilities at
the site regardless of race, color, national origin, sex, age, or disability.
7. Each year, the Sponsor must determine the number of potentially eligible participants by
ethnic /racial category for the area served.
8. Each year, the Sponsor must collect ethnic /racial category data for each site under the
Sponsor's jurisdiction. Sponsors of residential camps must collect and maintain the
information separately for each session of the camp. For all other sites, the Sponsor must
count the participating children at least once during the site's operation. The Sponsor
may use visual identification to determine a participant's ethnic /racial category. .
9. The Sponsor must use separate categories when collecting and reporting ethnicity and
race. Ethnicity must be collected first. Respondents must be offered the option of
selecting one or more racial designations. The minimum designations for collection are:
a. Ethnicity:
L Hispanic or Latino
ii. Not Hispanic or Latino
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b. Race:
L American Indian or Alaskan Native
ii. Asian
iii. Black or African American
iv. Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander
v. White
W. The Sponsor may request advance payment for total program costs. The Sponsor's request
must be separated into operating costs and administrative costs. Advance requests must be
submitted at least 30 days before the payment date of June 1 or by the established DACS
deadline. The DACS must receive certification that a Sponsor (except for school Sponsors)
has held training sessions on program requirements for site and Sponsor personnel before
release of the second month's operating advance to the Sponsor.
X. The Sponsor must submit claims for reimbursement on the form and in accordance with
procedures provided by the DACS.
Y. The Sponsor must submit claims for reimbursement via the Internet in accordance with
procedures established by the DACS. Claims for reimbursement not filed within 30 days
following the month for which the claim is made may be disallowed. Any exception to this
requirement will be made at the discretion of the USDA, FNS. A one -time exception for late
claim submission may be made at the discretion of the DACS.
Z. Reimbursements are based on the number of reimbursable meals served multiplied by the
sum of the administrative and operational rates. Sponsors must maintain complete records to
document all costs and meals they claim for reimbursement. Sponsors are not eligible for
reimbursement unless they have signed an agreement with the DACS.
AA. Camp reimbursements are based on the number of children served who are eligible for free
or reduced -price meals according to the income guidelines for NSLP or SBP. With DACS
approval, camps may claim reimbursement for serving up to three meals or two meals and
one snack to eligible children each day. Sponsors of camps must maintain the documentation
that demonstrates the free or reduced -price eligibility of the children they claim
reimbursement for and must make it available for review by the DACS. Sponsors of camps
may charge noneligible children a separate fee for meals.
BB. Sponsors must document funds accruing to the Sponsor's program. Accruing funds will not
be deducted from the Sponsor's reimbursement. Sources of funds considered program
income include:
1. Cash donations specifically identified for use in the program.
2. Any federal, state, or local funds specifically provided to the program.
CC. Sponsors must use reimbursement or funds that exceed the Sponsor's expenditures in a
way that benefits SFSP services to children. The Sponsor should use funds remaining at the
end of the program year as start -up funds or for improving SFSP services in the following
DD. If the Sponsor will not participate in the SFSP the next year, funds may be used towards
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the Sponsor's provision of other child nutrition programs. If the Sponsor does not provide
any other program, the excess funds must be remitted to the DACS. Sponsors may not
transfer excess funds to nonprogram operations or to increase salary or fringe benefit costs
when the sole purpose of the increase is to reduce the food service program balance.
EE.Unallowable costs are costs for which program funds may not be used. They include, but are
not limited to:
1. The cost for excess meals ordered or prepared but not served to eligible children, i.e.,
meals in excess of legitimate program adult meals and reimbursement meals, unless
specifically approved by the DACS.
2. Meals served in violation of program requirements, e.g., meals served outside of the
approved serving time, meals or components consumed away from the site, and second
meals in excess of the two percent tolerance.
3. Rental costs for periods beyond the close -out date for program operation.
4. Any other costs incurred that the DACS determine to be in violation of applicable laws or
5. The cost to purchase food (including coffee, etc.) for use outside of the SFSP.
6. The cost of meals served to administrative adult personnel or any other adults who are
not part of the food service operation.
7. The cost of spoiled or damaged meals.
8. For vended Sponsors, the cost of meals delivered by a food service management
company to an unapproved site or for meals not delivered within the agreed -upon
delivery time, meals served in excess of the approved capacity, spoiled or unwholesome
meals, or meals that do not meet meal requirements or quality standards.
9. Bad debts, which are any losses arising from noneollect'ble accounts and other claims
and related costs.
10. Repayment of overclaims and other federal debts.
11. Contributions or donations including contingency reserves, USDA - donated commodities
and other donated food, labor, and supplies.
12. Fines or penalties resulting from violations of or failure to comply with federal, state, or
local laws and regulations.
13. Entertainment and fundraising costs.
14. Interest on loans, bond discounts, costs of financing and refinancing operations, and legal
and professional fees paid in connection therewith.
15. Costs resulting from an under- recovery of costs under other grant agreements.
16. Direct capital expenditures or option to purchase rental costs for acquisition of land or
any interest in land; acquisition or construction of buildings or facilities or the alteration
of existing buildings or facilities; nonexpendable equipment of any kind; repairs that
materially increase the value or useful life of buildings, facilities, or nonexpendable
equipment; and other capital assets, including vehicles.
FF. Sponsors, upon request, must make all accounts and records pertaining to the program
available to state, federal, or other authorized officials for audit or administrative review at a
reasonable time and place. The records shall be retained for a period of three years after the
end of the fiscal year to which they pertain, unless audit or investigative findings have not
been resolved, in which case the records shall be retained until all issues raised by the audit
or investigation have been resolved.
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1. A review at the Sponsor level should involve a review of how the claim for
reimbursement is assembled and a review of the records maintained by the Sponsor.
Regardless of the specific administrative review procedures, all Sponsors must make their
records available for review by the DACS and must implement all corrective actions
recommended by the DACS. The results of an administrative review may affect the
amount of reimbursement a Sponsor will receive.
2. Violations of program requirements may result in withholding or recovery of
reimbursements, temporary suspension, or termination and exclusion from future
program participation.
3. When the DACS finds violations during a site review, it will require the Sponsor to
correct the problems found. If the DACS finds a high level of meal service violations at a
site, it will immediately require the Sponsor to follow a specific corrective action plan.
The DACS will initiate a follow -up system to ensure that Sponsors take the specific
action (as outlined in the plan) for convecting site violations.
4. Failure to submit an acceptable corrective action plan may affect your future participation
in the program.
FFATA REQUIREMENTS. Congress passed the FFATA in 2005 with the objective to
promote open government by enhancing the federal government's accountability for its
stewardship of public resources. This will be accomplished by making government
information — particularly information on federal spending-accessible to the general public.
Such information will be displayed in a single, searchable database entitled
While will be populated from existing federal government databases to the
maximum extent possible, some of the required information can be developed only by
establishing additional reporting requirements. This includes certain information on federal
assistance programs.
Under FFATA, the DACS is required to include additional requirements in the terms and
conditions of its grants to first -tier subgrantees. As a primary grantee, the DACS must report
certain information on itself and on federal financial assistance provided to first -tier subgrantees.
The Sponsor must obtain a Dun and Bradstreet Data Universal Numbering System number,
register with the federal government's Central Contractor Registration System, and take other
specified actions.
AUDIT REQUIREMENTS. The DACS provides federal financial assistance to a variety of
entities that must comply with all federal and state audit requirements including: the Single
Audit Act of 1984, as amended, (31 U.S.C. 7501 et. seq.); Office of Management and Budget
(OMB) Circular A -133; Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA); Audits of State, Local
Governmental Units, and Non - Profit Organizations, as amended; and any other applicable law or
regulation and any amendment to such other applicable law or regulation that may be enacted or
promulgated by the federal government. If the Sponsor is a local government or nonprofit
organization and expends total federal awards of $500,000 or more during its fiscal year,
received either directly from the federal government or indirectly from a recipient of federal
funds, the Sponsor shall have an audit made in accordance with the provisions of OMB Circular
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A -133.
If the nonprofit Sponsor expends less than $500,000 of federal financial assistance during its
fiscal year, the Sponsor is exempt from these audit requirements but is required to maintain
records of federal financial assistance and to provide access to such records by federal and state
agencies or their designees.
If the Sponsor is a nonprofit institution not subject to the provisions of the OMB Circular A -133,
or is a for - profit organization, the Sponsor shall be subject to the audit requirements of the laws
and regulations governing the program(s) in which it participates.
specific audit made in accordance with OMB Circular A- 133 shall encompass the fiscal period of
the Sponsor and shall be performed on an annual basis.
SUBNIISSION OF AUDIT REPORT TO THE STATE. If a single audit, organization -wide,
or a program - specific audit is made in accordance with the provisions of OMB Circular A -133,
the Sponsor must submit the audit report within 30 days after the audit has been issued. The
audit shall be completed and the report submitted no later than nine months after the end of the
Sponsor's fiscal year. The Sponsor shall submit three copies of the audit report to:
Division of Food, Nutrition and Wellness
Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services
600 S. Calhoun Street, Suite 120
Tallahassee, Florida 32399
All auditees shall submit a copy of the audit report to the Federal Auditing Clearinghouse in
accordance with OMB Circular A -] 33, Section 320(d). The address for the currently designated
clearinghouse is:
Financial Standards and Reporting Branch
Office of Federal Financial Management
Office of Management and Budget
Washington, D.C. 20503
Phone — (202) 345 -3993
GENERAL AUDIT PROVISIONS. The Sponsor is responsible for obtaining the necessary
audit in accordance with audit requirements of OMB Circular A -133.
The DACS reserves the right for federal and state agencies or their authorized representatives to
perform additional audits of a financial or performance nature, if deemed necessary by the
DACS or federal agencies. Any such additional audit work will rely on work already performed
by the Sponsor's auditor and the costs for any additional work performed by the federal or DACS
will be borne by those agencies at no additional expense to the Sponsor. Audit working papers
and audit reports shall be ictained by the Sponsor's auditor for a minimum of three years from
the date of the audit report, unless the Sponsor's auditor is notified in writing by the DACS or the
appropriate federal agency to extend the retention period. Audit working papers shall be made
available upon request to authorized representatives of the DACS, the federal agency, or the
General Accounting Office.
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CFDA reporting numbers are as follows:
Program I Federal Code
FSP NSLA (42 USC 1751-69h 7 C-Pu 775 i In cco
SIGNA ON BEHALF OF SPONSOR: I certify, as a Sponsor of the SFSP, that our
pro (s) I o rat ccording to our current Application/Site Information and Agreement.
ATTI -4T;-
Georgia A. Hiller, Esq. p? SlROi KCI6rk
Collier County Board of County Commissioners
Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services
Mike Gresham, Director of Administration
For agreement inquiries, contact:
Program Administrator
Division of Food, Nutrition and Wellness
Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services
600 S. Calhoun Street, Suite 120
Tallahassee, Florida 32399
A .1t a%,,,
4:499; ncy
DACS -01715 01/12
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(o f 3
Assistant County Attorney
Ann P. Jenneiohn
From: BetancurNatali <NataliBetancur>
Sent: Friday, May 17, 2013 4:08 PM
To: Ann P. Jennejohn
Subject: RE: Summer Food Service Program Agreement (Item #16D1 3- 26 -13)
Attachments: FW: Summer Food Program Agreement - please call Natali Betancur x4059; FW: 04 -0804
Collier Co. Parks and Rec.: SFSP Agreement
gui 1�
No problem ... let me explain. There are two separate agreements. One is between us and the
School Board and the other is between us and the FDA. The agreement with the School Board
has all signatures and it's good to go. The agreement with FDA, they will not be signing because
according to them the one they signed last year will be good for every year until something
changes or the program is cancelled.
I have attached a -mails that will help clarify and will provide back -up documentation shall
anyone else have questions.
Thank you,
From: Ann P. Jennejohn [ mailto: Ann.Jennejohn]
Sent: Friday, May 17, 2013 3:43 PM
To: BetancurNatali
Subject: Summer Food Service Program Agreement (Item #16D1 3- 26 -13)
Hi Natoli,
When you stopped by our office earlier I should've looked at what you were dropping off
a little more closely (my fault). Anyway, I've attached the last page of that Summer Food Service
Program Agreement and my question is; doesn't Mr. Gresham with the FDA need to sign this also?
Can you fill me in on what I'm missing?
Ann Jennejohn, Deputy Clerk
Clerk of the Circuit Court
Clerk of the Value Adjustment Board
Collier County Minutes & Records Dept.
239 - 252 -8406
239 - 252 -8408 (Fax)
Please visit us on the web at
This electronic communication is confidential and may contain privileged information intended solely for the named addressee(s). It may not
be used or disclosed except for the purpose for which it has been sent. If you are not the intended recipient, you must not copy, distribute or
take any action induced by or in reliance on information contained in this message.
160t A
Ann P. Jennejohn
From: KlatzkowJeff <Jeff>
Sent: Friday, May 17, 2013 10:37 AM
To: Betancur, Natali
Cc: Greene, Colleen
Subject: FW: Summer Food Program Agreement - please call Natali Betancur x4059
As discussed, not sure why they wouldn't sign it. My primary concern is our not getting reimbursed. I would
ask that they send us written confirmation as to this position. When you receive it, please forward to me. If they
refuse, please let me know.
Jeffrey A. Klatzkow
County Attorney
(239) 252-2614
From: AlthouseTammy
Sent: Friday, May 17, 2013 9:32 AM
To: Klatzkow3eff
Subject: Summer Food Program Agreement - please call Natali Betancur x4059
She has a question regarding the agreement with the Deparfment of Agriculture. They say
they do not need to sign the agreement but the one she has from last year is signed. Can
they begin the program without the signature from the Department • Agriculture?
Law, e rvaP addresses afi3 OU"NIC nacoids, if m dG, iICt vant VOU.r e mail a,,ddress re'eased in respons to a m1blic re,--,,rds requ�,�st, Co not send
v, n!sii,ad, oantact this office by telephone or in vvhting
SFSP Thursday Update
3 -15 -2012
Good Morning and Happy Thursday!
Quick Tips 2012 and Reminders:
• Attached is the 2012 quick tips sheet for your use.
• Please include your agreement number in correspondence.
• Outreach materials: Complete and send the Outreach Form ( #01818) located in
"Download Forms" in the CNP system.
• Use the new 2012 Summer Food Service Program (SFSP) Department of
Agriculture and Consumer Services Food, Nutrition and Wellness (FNW) forms
from "Download Forms" in the CNP system to prevent delays in your
sponsorship's approval process.
• Notify your program representative (PR) of any days the site will not operate so
the PR will count the same number of days for question #17 on the site
• Menus (except school districts and sponsors vending with school districts) must
be submitted as soon as possible to avoid delays in approval.
• If you are requesting a June advance, all required paperwork, including a menu
and the online application packet, must be received by May 2, 2012. All required
documents and the online application packet must be error -free before they can
be approved.
• If you are not requesting a June advance, all required paperwork, including a
menu and the online application packet, is due on May 14, 2012. All required
documents and the online application packet must be error -free before they can
be approved.
Site Visits:
A sponsor is required to conduct a site visit during the first week of operation for new
sites and sites that had deficiencies in the previous summer. The United States
Department of Agriculture (USDA) states that it is reasonable that all first -week visits
occur within seven calendar days from the site's first day of operation.
1601 "
2012 Nutrition Guide Book:
We informed USDA that the 2012 nutrition guide book appears to be missing pages. It
jumps from page 116 to page 124. USDA looked into it and informed us that there is no
missing content; however, the page numbers are incorrect. Page 122 should be 117,
etc. They should be issuing a new guide book.
Department of Health Letters:
Attached is the contact information for the local Health Departments. There is a generic
address for locations that have experienced staff changes. Make sure your
sponsorship's Health Department Letter is sent to the correct address.
SFSP Menus:
School districts are now exempt from the menu approval requirement. All other
sponsors may now submit menus to FNW for approval. Reminder: Sponsors must
have their menus approved prior to going out for bid.
Approved Food Service Management Companies and Caterers:
Attached is the list of food service management companies and caterers that are
authorized with the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services for the
National School Lunch Program and the SFSP.
SFSP Outreach Toolkit:
The USDA SFSP Outreach Toolkit will help sponsors and sites create outreach
materials such as fliers, letters to parents and press releases that will help the
community learn about the program. Many of the materials included on the website
listed below are designed to be customized. You can download PowerPoint files,
information sheets, letters and marketing materials and modify them to suit your specific
needs. Please click on the link to access the SFSP Outreach Toolkit.
Toolkit: http: / / /library /toolkit.pdf
Website: http: / /
Have a great weekend!
State Directors
Child Nutrition Programs
All States
The Healthy, Hunger -Free Kids Act of 2010 (the Act), Public Law 111 -296, was signed
into law by the President on December 13, 2010. The Act modifies requirements for
permanent agreements in the Summer Food Service Program (SFSP) and the Child and
Adult Care Food Program (CACFP). The purpose of this memorandum is to implement
these modifications to the SFSP and CACFP.
Section 321 of the Act amends section 13(b) of the Richard B. Russell National School
Lunch Act (42 U.S.C. 1761(b)) to require permanent operating agreements between the
State agency and SFSP sponsors. Previously, under 7 CFR 225.6(e), permanent
agreements were required only for school food authority (SFA) sponsors. In
February 2007, FNS memo SFSP 03 -2007 granted State agencies the authority to extend
permanent agreements to any SFSP sponsor.
Section 331(a) of the Act amends section 17(d)(1) of the Richard B. Russell National
School Lunch Act (42 U.S.C. 1766(d)(1)) to require permanent operating agreements
between the State agency and institutions participating in the CACFP. Previously, under
7 CFR 226.6(b)(4), permanent agreements were required for SFA sponsors and were
optional and granted solely at the discretion of the State for other sponsors.
It is important to understand that describing the agreement as "permanent" is intended
solely to convey that the agreement has no predetermined expiration date and does not
need to be renewed. Such agreements may be amended as necessary to ensure compliance
with all federal requirements. Such agreements may be terminated for convenience, in
accordance with Program regulations, by the institution or State agency that is a party to
the permanent agreement. Permanent agreements shall be terminated for cause by the
State agency if the institution fails to adhere to program requirements.
United States
Department of
January 14, 2011
Food and
CACFP 07 -2011, SFSP 03 -2011
Child Nutrition Reauthorization 2010:
Permanent Agreements in the Summer Food Service Program and
3101 Park
Center Drive
the Child and Adult Care Food Program
Alexandria, VA
22302 -1500
Regional Directors
Special Nutrition Programs
All Regions
State Directors
Child Nutrition Programs
All States
The Healthy, Hunger -Free Kids Act of 2010 (the Act), Public Law 111 -296, was signed
into law by the President on December 13, 2010. The Act modifies requirements for
permanent agreements in the Summer Food Service Program (SFSP) and the Child and
Adult Care Food Program (CACFP). The purpose of this memorandum is to implement
these modifications to the SFSP and CACFP.
Section 321 of the Act amends section 13(b) of the Richard B. Russell National School
Lunch Act (42 U.S.C. 1761(b)) to require permanent operating agreements between the
State agency and SFSP sponsors. Previously, under 7 CFR 225.6(e), permanent
agreements were required only for school food authority (SFA) sponsors. In
February 2007, FNS memo SFSP 03 -2007 granted State agencies the authority to extend
permanent agreements to any SFSP sponsor.
Section 331(a) of the Act amends section 17(d)(1) of the Richard B. Russell National
School Lunch Act (42 U.S.C. 1766(d)(1)) to require permanent operating agreements
between the State agency and institutions participating in the CACFP. Previously, under
7 CFR 226.6(b)(4), permanent agreements were required for SFA sponsors and were
optional and granted solely at the discretion of the State for other sponsors.
It is important to understand that describing the agreement as "permanent" is intended
solely to convey that the agreement has no predetermined expiration date and does not
need to be renewed. Such agreements may be amended as necessary to ensure compliance
with all federal requirements. Such agreements may be terminated for convenience, in
accordance with Program regulations, by the institution or State agency that is a party to
the permanent agreement. Permanent agreements shall be terminated for cause by the
State agency if the institution fails to adhere to program requirements.
16D1 1
Regional Directors
State Directors
Page 2
The provisions requiring permanent agreements for the SFSP and CACFP are retroactive to
October 1, 2010. Therefore, all new SFSP agreements between State agencies and sponsors and
new CACFP agreements between State agencies and institutions entered into on or after
October 1, 2010, must be permanent. Additionally, all current annual agreements must be
converted to permanent agreements as soon as possible. State agencies may simply notify
institutions that existing agreements are now permanent and will not need to be renewed or may
issue new permanent agreements.
Please note that section 321 of the Act makes clear that SFSP sponsors now operating under a
permanent agreement must submit an annual budget for administrative costs that must be
approved by the State agency. Institutions that participate in the CACFP must continue to
submit budgets as required under 7 CFR 226.7(g).
Additional provisions in sections 331(b) and (c) of the Act relating to CACFP applications,
reviews, and agreements between sponsors and facilities will be addressed in future guidance.
State agencies should direct any questions concerning this guidance to the appropriate FNS
Regional Office. Regional Offices with questions should contact the Child Nutrition Division.
Cynthia Long
Child Nutrition Division
CCPS Contract 13- 2345
Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services
Division of Food, Nutrition and Wellness
THIS AGREEMENT is made and .entered into between Collier County School Board
and Col HeI r County
WHEREAS the Collier County School Board _ agrees to supply unitized meals
mclusiv exclusive) of milk and juice to Collier County.'
location sites listed on the attached form with and for the rates herein listed:
Breakfast ....... $ 1.90 each Lunch .......... $.3.33 each
Snacks ........... $ each Supper ......... $ each
It is further agreed that Collier County School Board , pursuant to the provisions of the
Summer Food Service Program regulations, attached copy of which is part of this agreement,
will assure that said meals meet the minimum meal pattern requirements as to components and
portion sizes, and will maintain full and accurate records that the
Collier County will need to meet its responsibility including menu
records containing the amount of food prepared and daily number of meals delivered by type.
These records must be reported to the Collier County promptly
at the end of the month. Collier County School Board agrees also to retain records
required under the preceding clause for a period of 3 years from the date of receipt of final
payment under this agreement (or longer, if an audit is in progress); and upon request, to make
all accounts and records pertaining to the Program available to representatives of the U.S.
Department of Agriculture and the General Accounting Office for audit or administrative review
at a reasonable time and place.
This agreement shall be effective as of June 1, 2013 It may be terminated by notice in
writing given by either party hereto to the other, at least 30 days prior to�e date of termination.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have
ind ed bel
ft.. Pod
Sch of Official
Title Date
as of the dates
Spohsoi- Georgia A. Hiller, Esq.
Chairwoman, Collier County
Board of County Commissioners
Title Date 3 mk- �
_ Aeproved ep �o form & 19py sufficiency
Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services
Division of Food, Nutrition and Wellness
AGREEMENT NO.: 04 -0804 SPONSOR: Collier County Parks and Recreation Dept
This document constitutes the permanent agreement between the Sponsor and the Florida
Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (DACS) for the Summer Food Service
Program (SFSP).
INSTRUCTIONS: (l) AGREEMENT: Three originals of this Agreement must be signed in
ink and submitted to the Florida DACS as part of the application process, (2) SPONSOR'S
COPY: When this Agreement is approved, one original will be returned for the files of the
No monies or other benefits may be paid out under this program unless this agreement is
completed, approved, and filed as required by (7 CFR Parts 225, 3015, 3016, 3019, and 3052).
These general applicable terms and conditions are hereby incorporated into the Agreement
between the Sponsor and the DACS. For purposes of this agreement, a public or private
nonprofit school food authority, a public or private nonprofit residential summer camp, a unit of
local, municipal, county, or state government, a public or private nonprofit college or university
currently participating in the National Youth Sports Program, or a private nonprofit organization
that develops a special summer or other school vacation program providing food service similar
to that made available to children during the school year under the National School Lunch
Program (NSLP) and School Breakfast Program (SBP) and that is approved to participate in the
program is referred to as the "Sponsor." A physical location at which a Sponsor provides a food
service for children and at which children consume meals in a supervised setting is referred to as
a "site." Offer Vs. Serve (OVS) refers to a particular type of meal service in which children may
select components to make up a reimbursable meal rather than taking all components of a
unitized meal.
The Sponsor has agreed to participate in the SFSP and accepts responsibility for supervision and
control over the program and final financial and administrative responsibility for the program.
The Sponsor will:
A. Operate a nonprofit food service from May through September for children on school
vacation; at any time of the year, in the case of sponsors administering the program under a
continuous school calendar system; or during the period of October through April, if it serves
an area affected by a unanticipated school closure due to a natural disaster, major building
repairs, court orders relating to school safety or other issues, labor- management disputes, or
DACS -01715 01/12
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other similar cause as approved by the DACS.
B. Submit an agreement to the DACS where sites are located in accordance with the Food and
Nutrition Service (FNS) Instruction 794-5, Agreements with Entities Which Operate
Interstate Schools and Facilities.
C. The Sponsor may operate with DACS approval, meal service sites which are not identified as
non -profit locations, if the sites meet all of the following criteria:
1. Sites must be operated under the sponsorship of an eligible public or private non - profit
service instruction;
2. Sites must operate as open sites or restricted open sites;
3. Sites must be located in an area in which at least 50 percent of the children are from
households that are eligible for free or reduced priced school meals;
4. Sites must make meals available to all children in the area and must serve meals to
children on a first come, first served basis;
5. Sites must serve all meals at no charge;
6. Sites are not for -profit or for - profit camps;
7. Meals must only be distributed by the Sponsor's trained staff and volunteers and sponsor
trained site staff serving as volunteers; and
8. The Sponsor must ensure no SFSP funds are provided to the for -profit site.
D. Serve meals that meet the requirements and provisions during times designated as the meal
service periods by the Sponsor and serve the same meals to all children. No permanent
changes may be made in the serving time of any meal unless the changes are approved by the
E. Serve meals without cost to all children, except that camps may charge for meals served to
children who are not eligible for free or reduced -price school meals.
F. Issue a free meal policy statement in accordance with 7 CFR 225.6 ( c).
G. Meet the training requirements for its administrative and site personnel, as required under 7
CFR 225:
1. The Sponsor must receive DACS training annually.
2. The Sponsor must train all administrative staff and site staff before they undertake their
3. The Sponsor shall not allow a site to operate until personnel at the site have attended at
least one of the Sponsor's trainings.
4. The Sponsor must document the attendance at site trainings and schedule additional
sessions for those staff that are absent.
5. The Sponsor must record for each training session offered the training dates, names of
attendees, and documentation of the topics covered.
6. The Sponsor will ensure that at least one person who has been trained by the Sponsor be
present at each of the Sponsor's sites during the time of the meal service.
7. Training for administrative staff should cover the following topics:
a. Purpose of the program
b. Site eligibility
c. Recordkeeping requirements
DACS -01715 01112
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d. Organized site activity
e. Meal requirements
f. Nondiscrimination compliance
g. How meals will be delivered
h. The delivery schedule (if applicable)
i, What records are kept and what forms are used
j. Monitor's responsibilities
8. Training for monitors should cover the following topics:
a. Site for which they will be responsible
b. Introduce themselves to site supervisors
c. Duties of authority
d. Conducting site visit/reviews
e. Monitoring schedule
f. Reporting/recordkeeping procedures
g. Follow -up procedures
h. Office procedures
i. Local sanitation and health laws
j. Civil rights
k. Reporting for ethnic /racial data
1. Considerations for personal safety, if necessary
9. Training for site staff should cover the following topics:
a. Purpose of the program
b. Site eligibility
c. Necessity for accurate records
d. Importance of organized activities at sites
e. For sites obtaining meals from food service management companies/commercial
meal vendors, school food authorities, or the Sponsor's central kitchen:
i. Meal pattern requirements and types of meal service offered (use planned
ii. Delivery schedules (exact times)
iii. Adjustments in the delivery amount
iv. Facilities available for storing meals
v. Who to contact about problems (provide Sponsor's name and telephone
vi. Approved level of meal service
f. For sites where meals are prepared at the site:
i. Meal pattern requirements
ii. Inventory (use inventory forms)
iii. Meal adjustments (use production records)
iv. Meal preparation adjustments
g. Explain recordkeeping requirements:
i. Daily recordkeeping requirements
ii. Delivery receipts (sample forms)
iii. Seconds, leftovers, and spoiled meals
iv. Daily labor — actual time spent on food service and time and attendance
v. Collection of daily record forms
vi. Maintain copies of meal service forms
h. Civil rights requirements (use Site Supervisor's Guide)
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L Explain other miscellaneous policy, such as:
i. Problems with inclement weather and alternate service areas
ii. Problems with unauthorized adults eating program meals
iii. Problems with discipline
iv. Review of equipment, facilities, and materials available for organized
recreational activities
v. Review of trash removal system
vi. Corrective action
vii. Nutrition education
10. The Sponsor will ensure that site personnel and monitors understand the importance of
accurate point -of- service meal counts. Meals counts should represent only the number of
meals actually served to children. Only complete meals served to eligible children can be
claimed for reimbursement. Meals must be counted at the actual point of service.
11. If the Sponsor plans to implement OVS at sites under its Sponsorship, it must follow
OVS guidelines as outlined in 7 CFR 225.16(f)(ii). OVS permits children to decline
food; a certain number of menu items they do not intend to eat. The Sponsor must ensure
that all sites' staff is adequately trained on the guidelines and procedures of OVS and that
choosing OVS does not preclude the Sponsor from maintaining a nonprofit operation.
12. Sponsors not implementing the OVS provision will ensure that unitized meals are served
to each eligible child at the point of service in order to be claimed for reimbursement.
13. The Sponsor will notify the public through a media release with the dates, locations, and
serving times for each site serving meals.
14. The Sponsor will notify the local health department with the dates, locations, and times of
H. in the storage, preparation and service of food, the Sponsor will maintain proper sanitation
and health standards in conformance with all applicable state and local laws and regulations.
I. The Sponsor will accept and use, in quantities that may be efficiently utilized in the SFSP,
such foods as may be offered as a donation by the DACS.
J. The Sponsor will have access to facilities necessary for storing, preparing, and serving food.
K. The Sponsor will maintain a financial management system as prescribed by the .DACS.
L. The Sponsor will maintain on file documentation of site visits and reviews in accordance
with 7 CFR 225.15(d) (2) and (3).
M. The Sponsor will conduct a preoperational visit for all new and problem sites before they
begin operations.
N. The Sponsor will conduct a site visit at all new sites and any site that experienced
operational deficiencies during the previous summer at least once during the first week of
operation to ensure that the food service is operating smoothly and that any apparent
problems are immediately resolved. In cases where a site, whether new or returning, will
operate for only one week, the site visit must be conducted in that week.
O. The Sponsor will conduct a site review at all sites at least once during the first four weeks of
program operations. The review requires the monitor to observe a complete meal service
DACS -01715 01112
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from beginning to end including delivery or preparation of meals, the meal service, and the
clean up after meals.
P. The Sponsor will ensure that if a site operates less than four weeks, the Sponsor must still
conduct a review.
Q. The Sponsor must continue monitoring throughout the duration of the program at a level
sufficient to ensure that sites comply with program regulations.
R. The Sponsor must take prompt action to correct problems at the sites found from previous
reviews and inspections by the health department and document the corrections taken.
S. The Sponsor must maintain children on site while meals are consumed.
T. The Sponsor must retain financial and administrative responsibility for their SFSP.
U. The Sponsor must submit to the DACS a copy of the letter notifying the local health
department of its intention to provide a food service at specific times at planned sites. This
must be provided to the DACS before program operation begins.
V. The Sponsor will meet the civil rights requirements, as required under 7 CFR 225.7(g) and
FNS Instruction 113 -1:
1. The Sponsor must inform potential participants of the availability of SFSP.
2. The Sponsor must display in a prominent place at the site and in the Sponsor's office the
nondiscrimination poster developed by the United States Department of Agriculture
(USDA) or approved by FNS.
3. The Sponsor must make reasonable efforts to provide information in the appropriate
translation concerning the availability and nutritional benefits of the program.
4. The Sponsor must include the nondiscrimination statement and instructions for filing a
complaint in the public release and in any program information directed to parents of
participants and potential participants.
5. The Sponsor must ensure that meals are served to all attending children, regardless of
their race, color, national origin, sex, age, or disability.
6. The Sponsor must ensure that all children have equal access to services and facilities at
the site regardless of race, color, national origin, sex, age, or disability.
7. Each year, the Sponsor must determine the number of potentially eligible participants by
ethnic /racial category for the area served.
8. Each year, the Sponsor must collect ethnic /racial category data for each site under the
Sponsor's jurisdiction. Sponsors of residential camps must collect and maintain the
information separately for each session of the camp. For all other sites, the Sponsor must
count the participating children at least once during the site's operation. The Sponsor
may use visual identification to determine a participant's ethnic /racial category.
9. The Sponsor must use separate categories when collecting and reporting ethnicity and
race. Ethnicity must be collected first. Respondents must be offered the option of
selecting one or more racial designations. The minimum designations for collection are:
a. Ethnicity:
i. Hispanic or Latino
ii. Not Hispanic or Latino
DACS-01715 01112
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b. Race:
American .Indian or Alaskan Native
Black or African American
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander
W. The Sponsor may request advance payment for total program costs. The Sponsor's request
must be separated into operating costs and administrative costs. Advance requests must be
submitted at least 30 days before the payment date of June 1 or by the established DACS
deadline. The DACS must receive certification that a Sponsor (except for school Sponsors)
has held training sessions on program requirements for site and Sponsor personnel before
release of the second month's operating advance to the Sponsor.
X. The Sponsor must submit claims for reimbursement on the form and in accordance with
procedures provided by the DACS.
Y. The Sponsor must submit claims for reimbursement via the Internet in accordance with
procedures established by the DACS. Claims for reimbursement not filed within 30 days
following the month for which the claim is made may be disallowed. Any exception to this
requirement will be made at the discretion of the USDA, FNS. A one -time exception for late
claim submission may be made at the discretion of the DACS.
Z. Reimbursements are based on the number of reimbursable meals served multiplied by the
sum of the administrative and operational rates. Sponsors must maintain complete records to
document all costs and meals they claim for reimbursement. Sponsors are not eligible for
reimbursement unless they have signed an agreement with the DACS.
AA. Camp reimbursements are based on the number of children served who are eligible for free
or reduced -price meals according to the income guidelines for NSLP or SBP. With DACS
approval, camps may claim reimbursement for serving up to three meals or two meals and
one snack to eligible children each day. Sponsors of camps must maintain the documentation
that demonstrates the free or reduced -price eligibility of the children they claim
reimbursement for and must make it available for review by the DACS. Sponsors of camps
may charge noneligible children a separate fee for meals.
BB. Sponsors must document funds accruing to the Sponsor's program. Accruing funds will not
be deducted from the Sponsor's reimbursement. Sources of funds considered program
income include:
1. Cash donations specifically identified for use in the program.
2. Any federal, state, or local funds specifically provided to the program.
CC. Sponsors must use reimbursement or funds that exceed the Sponsor's expenditures in a
way that benefits SFSP services to children. The Sponsor should use funds remaining at the
end of the program year as start -up funds or for improving SFSP services in the following
DD. If the Sponsor will not participate in the SFSP the next year, funds may be used towards
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the Sponsor's provision of other child nutrition programs. If the Sponsor does not provide
any other program, the excess funds must be remitted to the DACS. Sponsors may not
transfer excess funds to nonprogram operations or to increase salary or fringe benefit costs
when the sole purpose of the increase is to reduce the food service program balance.
EE.Unallowable costs are costs for which program funds may not be used. They include, but are
not limited to:
1. The cost for excess meals ordered or prepared but not served to eligible children, i.e.,
meals in excess of legitimate program adult meals and reimbursement meals, unless
specifically approved by the DACS.
2. Meals served in violation of program requirements, e.g., meals served outside of the
approved serving time, meals or components consumed away from the site, and second
meals in excess of the two percent tolerance.
3. Rental costs for periods beyond the close- out date for program operation.
4. Any other costs incurred that the DACS determine to be in violation of applicable laws or
5. The cost to purchase food (including coffee, etc.) for use outside of the SFSP.
6. The cost of meals served to administrative adult personnel or any other adults who are
not part of the food service operation.
7. The cost of spoiled or damaged meals.
8.. For vended Sponsors, the cost of meals delivered by a food service management
company to an unapproved site or for meals not delivered within the agreed -upon
delivery time, meals served in excess of the approved capacity, spoiled or unwholesome
meals, or meals that do not meet meal requirements or quality standards.
9. Bad debts, which are any losses arising from noncollectible accounts and other claims
and related costs.
10. Repayment of overclaims and other federal debts.
11. Contributions or donations including contingency reserves, USDA - donated commodities
and other donated food, labor, and supplies.
12. Fines or penalties resulting from violations of or failure to comply with federal, state, or
local laws and regulations.
13. Entertainment and fundraising costs.
14. Interest on loans, bond discounts, costs of financing and refinancing operations, and legal
and professional fees paid in connection therewith.
15. Costs resulting from an under- recovery of costs under other grant agreements.
16. Direct capital expenditures or option to purchase rental costs for acquisition of land or
any interest in land; acquisition or construction of buildings or facilities or the alteration
of existing buildings or facilities; nonexpendable equipment of any kind; repairs that
materially increase the value or useful life of buildings, facilities, or nonexpendable
equipment; and other capital assets, including vehicles.
FF. Sponsors, upon request, must make all accounts and records pertaining to the program
available to state, federal, or other authorized officials for audit or administrative review at a
reasonable time and place. The records shall be retained for a period of three years after the
end of the fiscal year to which they pertain, unless audit or investigative findings have not
been resolved, in which case the records shall be retained until all issues raised by the audit
or investigation have been resolved.
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1. A review at the Sponsor level should involve a review of how the claim for
reimbursement is assembled and a review of the records maintained by the Sponsor.
Regardless of the specific administrative review procedures, all Sponsors must make their
records available for review by the DACS and must implement all corrective actions
recommended by the DACS. The results of an administrative review may affect the
amount of reimbursement a Sponsor will receive.
2. Violations of program requirements may result in withholding or recovery of
reimbursements, temporary suspension, or termination and exclusion from future
program participation.
3. When the DACS finds violations during a site review, it will require the Sponsor to
correct the problems found. If the DACS finds a high level of meal service violations at a
site, it will immediately require the Sponsor to follow a specific corrective action plan.
The DACS will initiate a follow -up system to ensure that Sponsors take the specific
action (as outlined in the plan) for correcting site violations.
4. Failure to submit an acceptable corrective action plan may affect your future participation
in the program.
FFATA REQUIREMENTS. Congress passed the FFATA in 2006 with the objective to
promote open government by enhancing the federal government's accountability for its
stewardship of public resources. This will be accomplished by making government
information -- particularly information on federal spending — accessible to the general public.
Such information will be displayed in a single, searchable database entitled
While will be populated from existing federal government databases to the
maximum extent possible, some of the required information can be developed only by
establishing additional reporting requirements. This includes certain information on federal
assistance programs.
Under FFATA, the DACS is required to include additional requirements in the terms and
conditions of its grants to first -tier subgrantees. As a primary grantee, the DACS must report
certain information on itself and on federal financial assistance provided to first -tier subgrantees.
The Sponsor must obtain a Dun and Bradstreet Data Universal Numbering System number,
register with the federal government's Central Contractor Registration System, and take other
specified actions.
AUDIT REQUIREMENTS. The DACS provides federal financial assistance to a variety of
entities that must comply with all federal and state audit requirements including: the Single
Audit Act of 1984, as amended, (31 U.S.C. 7501 et. seq.); Office of Management and Budget
(OMB) Circular A -133; Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA); Audits of State, Local
Governmental Units, and Non -Profit Organizations, as amended; and any other applicable law or
regulation and any amendment to such other applicable law or regulation that may be enacted or
promulgated by the federal government. If the Sponsor is a local government or nonprofit
organization and expends total federal awards of $500,000 or more during its fiscal year,
received either directly from the federal government or indirectly from a recipient of federal
funds, the Sponsor shall have an audit made in accordance with the provisions of OMB Circular
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A -133.
If the nonprofit Sponsor expends less than $500,000 of federal financial assistance during its
fiscal year, the Sponsor is exempt from these audit requirements but is required to maintain
records of federal financial assistance and to provide access to such records by federal and state
agencies or their designees.
If the Sponsor is a nonprofit institution not subject to the provisions of the OMB Circular A -133,
or is a for - profit organization, the Sponsor shall be subject to the audit requirements of the laws
and regulations governing the program(s) in which it participates.
specific audit made in accordance with OMB Circular A -133 shall encompass the fiscal period of
the Sponsor and shall be performed on an annual basis.
SUBMISSION OF AUDIT REPORT TO THE STATE. If a single audit, organization -wide,
or a program - specific audit is made in accordance with the provisions of OMB Circular A -133,
the Sponsor must submit the audit report within 30 days after the audit has been issued. The
audit shall be completed and the report submitted no later than nine months after the end of the
Sponsor's fiscal year. The Sponsor shall submit three copies of the audit report to:
Division of Food, Nutrition and Wellness
Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services
600 S. Calhoun Street, Suite 120
Tallahassee, Florida 32399
All auditees shall submit a copy of the audit report to the Federal Auditing Clearinghouse in
accordance with OMB Circular A -133, Section 320(d). The address for the currently designated
clearinghouse is:
Financial Standards and Reporting Branch
Office of Federal Financial Management
Office of Management and Budget
Washington, D.C. 20503
Phone — (202) 345 -3993
GENERAL AUDIT PROVISIONS. The Sponsor is responsible for obtaining the necessary
audit in accordance with audit requirements of OMB Circular A -133.
The DACS reserves the right for federal and state agencies or their authorized representatives to
perform additional audits of a financial or performance nature, if deemed necessary by the
DACS or federal agencies. Any such additional audit work will rely on work already performed
by the Sponsor's auditor and the costs for any additional work performed by the federal or DACS
will be borne by those agencies at no additional expense to the Sponsor. Audit working papers
and audit reports shall be retained by the Sponsor's auditor for a minimum of three years from
the date of the audit report, unless the Sponsor's auditor is notified in writing by the DACS or the
appropriate federal agency to extend the retention period. Audit working papers shall be made
available upon request to authorized representatives of the DACS, the federal agency, or the
General Accounting Office.
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CFDA reporting numbers are as follows:
Federal Code
Re ulation
NSLA 42 USC 1751 -69h
7 CFR 225
ON BEHALF OF SPONSOR: I certify, as a Sponsor of the SFSP, that our
operate ac96rding to our current Application/Site Information and Agreement.
3\Z 6
AM St. Clerk .
eorgia A. Hiller, Esq. D1�(IIR li;..K+
Collier County Board of County Commissioners 2StatOC
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Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services
Mike Gresham, Director of Administration
For agreement inquiries, contact:
Program Administrator
Division of Food, Nutrition and Wellness
Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services
600 S. Calhoun Street, Suite 120
Tallahassee, Florida 32399
DACS -01715 01/12
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Assistant County Attorney