EPTAB Minutes 02/24/1994 DRAFT: February 14, 1994
MINUTES OF February 24, 1994
PRESENT: David Maehr Dave Addison David Land
Nancy Payton Mike Davis Steve Means
Christopher Hagan Robert Duane Dorothea Zysko
Gary Beardsley
STAFF: Bill Lorenz Kevin Dugan Martha Nebelsiek
Dick Hartwell Kimberly Polen
PUBLIC: Emma Ross Judy Haner Barabara Cawley
Fran Stallings Chris Straton Virginia Corkran
I. Meeting called to order
II. Roll call
III. Approval of Minutes:
1. The minutes of the January 24, 1994 were approved
2 . Mike Davis asked if there are any requested changes to the
agenda. Gary Beardsley motioned that EPTAB re-discuss the
proposed ACOE General Permit (SAJ-48) . David Maehr seconded
the motion and mentioned that he would appreciate a five
minute overview explaining some of the details. Gary
questioned the reasons for not addressing all the
subcommittee's recommendations during the previous meeting.
Several members discussed their opinions as to why the
recommendations were not forwarded, then Mike called for a
vote to the motion. The vote passed with Chris Hagan and Bob
Duane opposed.
IV. Old Business:
1. EPTAB members discussed their recommendations to the BCC
regarding the guidelines/criteria to establishing a NRPA.
It was recommended by most members that the list be pared
down to minimum criteria.
2 . Dorothea Zysko recommended that the GMP policies be cited.
Bill Lorenz responded by stating the Executive Summary can
include the GMP goals, objectives and policies.
3 . Nancy Payton made a comment about the third objective under
guideline #10. She stated that the sentence seems to have a
negative appeal; therefore we might want to eliminate it or
re-word its intent.
4 . Mike mentioned that he liked David Land's written
recommendations. David questioned the word "reservoirs"
that is noted in the first objective under guideline #5.
Staff replied by stating that "reservoirs" referred to
"water bodies" .
5. Gary said it is important to emphasis the functions of the
NRPAs. He suggested that "watershed" considerations be
added to the guidelines.
6. Virginia Corkran recommended the following three
characteristics: (1) the guidelines should be simple and
direct (to clarify) ; (2) they should tie into specific GMP
mandates; and (3) they should consider the "ecosystem
approach" by relating one area to another.
7 . Barbara Cawley recommends that the guidelines are too
general and yet they should not be a wish list. She said
rather they should be narrowed down to a broad NRPA [e.g.
what happens after a NRPA is adopted? (financial
commitments) and what lands are to be affected?] . David
Land responded by stating that
8 . Gary Beardsley made a motion to adopt the general guidelines
of the NRPA.
9 . Mike Davis called for a vote, motion was approved with
modifications which included recommendations by the various
changes that the EPTAB members made.
V. New Business:
1. Gary Beardsley summarized some of the information presented
at the EPTAB Subcommittee meeting on January 21, 1994 and
included the most current events relating to the issue.
2 . After several discussions from various EPTAB members, a
brief discussion of the Sunshine Law was discussed. Mike
Davis said he is going to seek answers to the questions
regarding the informational exchange between members with
the County Attorney, Martha Nebelsiek.
3 . David Land concluded the available options: (1) do nothing;
(2) support the ACOE revised SAJ-48 proposal; and (3) wait
for study results until EPTAB considers any recommendations.
4 . Bob Duane made a motion not to change the motion from the
last meeting regarding this issue. Mike Davis called for a
vote to the motion. Bob Duane and Chris Hagan where the
only members in favor of this motion.
5. In response to a question regarding the timeliness that the
ACOE issue will be addressed by the BCC, Bill Lorenz
mentioned that staff was working with Development Services
Staff in a joint effort to provide information relating to
this matter to the Board of County Commissioners on February
22 , 1994 .
6. David Land made a motion to create a North Golden Gate
Subcommittee to discuss issues of environmental importance.
7 . Prior to a vote being taken the question came up how will
the EPTAB committee provide input to the Commissioners
relating to there position on this issue. David Land
recommended that EPTAB respond by stating, "we feel there
are issues of environmental importance within N. Golden Gate
Estates however, due to the complexity of the issue we are
not ready to make our final recommendations at this time. "
Mike called for a vote to the motion which was approved and
opposed by Mike Davis.
8 . Mike Davis appointed Chris Hagan as Subcommittee Chairman of
the N. Golden Gate Estates Subcommittee.
VI. No Public Comments.
VII. Meeting adjourned at 5: 48 p.m.