EPTAB Minutes 08/02/1993 DRAFT: 8/03/93
Present: Gary Beardsley Steve Means Nancy Payton
Larry Richardson Bob Duane Mike Davis
Absence: Dave Maehr David Land Dave Addison
Staff: Fran Stallings Mac Hatcher Kevin Dugan
Maura Kraus Dick Hartwell Martha Howell
Public: Stewart Swanson Emma Ross Tony Pelizos
Chris Straton Barbara Cawley
I. Meeting called to order tt., V 2_ct�5�
II. Roll callsLoov
III.Approval of Minutes:
The minutes of the Jun 21, 1993 and July 28, 1993 were
approved. Gary added "Action Item" that he wanted minutes
from the 13 July 1993 , BCC meeting. Mike Davis provided
IV. Old Business:
General discussion of Fran Stallings revised "Memorandum of
Habitat Protection Ordinance/Natural Resources Protection
Ordinance" (28 July 1993) :
Lorenz: September NRPA workshop with BCC to get direction on
concept prior to bringhhem HPO.
Davis: CCPC had concerns with HPO; recommended to go forward
with NRPA.
Lorenz: Wants to see HPO integrated with NRPA; need of greater
protection of upland.
Specific discussion of "Memorandum of Habitat Protection
Ordinance/Natural Resources Protection Ordinance" (28 July
1993) :
Means: motioned to revisit; ordinance should require
preservation of 25% native habitat on site regardless of the
mix (wetlands can be all or a portion) .
Duane: 2nd motion
Note: no further vote; went up for discussion
- NRD is confusing developers using the 25%
- comprehensive plan needs to be amended; specifically
6.4 . 6, needs to be included in discussion; look back on GMP
Howell: GMP policies are the minimum standards & 25% satisfies
GMP (this is consensus of the CAO & GMP)
Cawley: Language as to specific habitat type is required in
Pelizos: no provisions for portecting areas from adverse water
quality entering the area (overland flows)
1. Means: motioned to require preservation of 25% of native
habitat on site regardless of the mix (so wetland can be all
or a portion of the mix) including other valuable habitat
VOTE: 3-3
2 . Means: amended motion & reverted to original language as
follows: A maximum of 25% preservation of native habitat
regardless of mix, unless dune and strand, xeric scrub,
tropical hardwood hammock, hardwood hammock exist onsite.
VOTE: 6-0
3 . Duane: motioned where no native habitat exists, there will be
no preservation requirement
VOTE: 6-0
4 . Means: motioned that a transfer of preservation rights to
offsite to x% of dune and strand, xeric scrub, tropical
hardwood hammock, hardwood hammock and 100% of wetlands, pine
and dry prairie can be transferred offsite.
VOTE: 6-0
5. Percent of what can be transferred off site will be decided
after Dugan gives EPTAB information on rarity of habitats.
VII. Meeting Adjourned