EPTAB Minutes 09/13/1993 DRAFT: Ser..ember 27 , 1993 APPROVED: September 28, 1993 ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY TECHNICAL ADVISORY BOARD MINUTES OF SEPTEMBER 13 , 1993 PRESENT: David Maehr Dave Addison Robert Duane Mike Davis David Land Nancy Payton Steve Means Gary Beardsley Chris Hagan ABSENT: Larry Richardson (excused) Tony Pires STAFF: Bill Lorenz Fran Stallings Kevin Dugan Dick Hartwell Martha Howell PUBLIC: Chris Straton Judy Haner Tony Polizos 1. Meeting commenced at 4: 10 and roll was called. 2 . Nancy Payton questioned item 8 of the minutes of 9/30. 3 . Item 8 was amended to read: Robert Duane made the motion to accept the staff recommendations as written in the Aug 30 memo. 4 . A motion was passed to append attachments to the official minutes and kept in a permanent file. 5. Robert Duane was requested to ask Bill Lorenz about having members phoned concerning meeting times. 6. A discussion ensued around the upcoming BCC work shop. Topics included Emphasis on natural systems in the County. Need for managing these systems into the future, and the concept of NRPAs. 7. Gary Beardsley brought up 3 additional topics for discussion; projected population growth, need to identify critical areas, and the GMP. 8 . The discussion then centered around what visuals would be presented. David Land made a presentation with example maps. 9 . A vote was ca-led for the 3 map concept passed 8 - 1 with Gary Beardsley opposed. 11. The Committee of Daves will meet at 0800 on Tues. Sept. 21 at the Collier Building. 12 . Public Comment was addressed to the lack of information being mailed to the public. 13 . Mike Davis made the motion: to establish meeting dates as the 2nd and 4th Mondays at 4: 00 PM. Robert Duane second the motion and it was passed unanimously. 14 . Meeting adjourned at 5:45. ACTION ITEM(S) : Make recommended changes to the Camp Keais NRPA.