EPTAB Minutes 10/25/1993 DRAFT: 10/27/93
APPROVED: 11/8/93
MINUTES OF October 25, 1993
Present: Gary Beardsley Larry Richardson Dave Maehr
Steve Means Bob Duane Nancy Payton
Mike Davis Christopher Hagan
David Addison Dorothea Zysko
Absent David Land
Staff: Bill Lorenz Martha Howell Fran Stallings
Mac Hatcher Maura Kraus Dick Hartwell
Kimberly Polen
Public: Stewart Swanson Emma Ross Judy Haner
Tony Polizos
I. Meeting called to order
II. Roll call
III. Approval of Minutes:
Larry Richardson, Nancy Payton and Dorothea Zysko had not
received minutes from the October 11, 1993 meeting. No
indication from other members that anyone else had not
received minutes therefore, October 11, 1993 minutes will be
re-mailed with the October 25, 1993 package.
Gary motioned to approve the minutes of the October 11,
1993 , approved unanimously.
IV. Old Business
Dry run of October 26, 1993 NRPA workshop.
Mike Davis- Introduction
David Land- Discussion
Dave Maehr- NRPA example; Camp Keasis along with narration
of video of area
David Land is currently out of town and should he not arrive
at the workshop in time for the presentation it was decided
by the group that the chairman, Mike Davis would present
Davids portion of the program.
Fran expressed concern over 2 of the 3 major landowners in
Camp Keasis providing objections (Barron Collier & Pacific
Land Co. )
Bill Lorenz reminded everyone Camp Keasis is a generic model
and not to lose site of this; think of a fall back position;
to welcome debate but put in the context that this is a
model only!
Mike Davis stated that everyone should answer questions
within their expertise.
Kimberly Polen provided an additional handout regarding
approximate acreages of conservation lands in Collier
County. EPTAB decided it should be part of the NRPA packet.
Mike Davis proceeded to give NRPA presentation (introduction
and David Lands sections)
Dave Maehr went over Camp Keasis aerial overflight.
Steve Means suggested that Dave point out areas on the map
as part of the narration of the video and to give
information on the benefits of the area so people know why
it should be protected.
Bill Lorenz pointed out that this area has also been
identified as a "capture zone" for recharge and that this
was pointed out in the County's Ground Water Protection
Ordinance. This is the area where the City of Naples has
its wellfields.
Discussions continued on how the boundaries were set for the
Camp Keasis area. Dorothea questioned whether or not the
boundaries splintered ownership. Dick Hartwell explained
the boundaries were actually more conservative than they
originally had been. Dave Maehr explained that were still
evolving and were not set in stone.
Bill Lorenz stated that the official motion from the BCC was
to integrate NRPA and HPO. The GMP set the date of August
1994 , for the NRPA program to be in place and put together a
framework for the NRPA as an overlay to the Future Land Use
Maps. Dorothea mentioned that a timetable up front from the
commissioners was necessary to be in place early on.
Gary questioned the status of the HPO. Bill explained
breaking it down and showing it as amendments to the LDC; a
series of code amendments. Martha Howell said it would
have to wait till the July 1994 amendment cycle, which would
not be adopted until October 1994 .
V. New Business:
Gary said the Army Corps of Engineers is looking at a
General Permit for Golden Gate Estates. This would lead to
destruction effecting over 100 square miles. Gary will keep
EPTAB posted on this subject.
VI. Public Comments:
1. None
VII. Meeting Adjourned:
The motion to adjourn was approved unanimously.