EPTAB Minutes 11/08/1993 DRAFT: 11/17/93
MINUTES OF November 8, 1993
Present: Mike Davis Nancy Payton Robert Duane
Christopher Hagan David Addison Larry Richardson
David Maehr
Notified David Land
Absence: Gary Beardsley
Absent: Steve Means Dorethea Zysko
Staff: Bill Lorenz Fran Stallings Mac Hatcher
Maura Kraus Dick Hartwell Kevin Dugan
Kimberly Polen
Public: Stewart Swanson Judy Haner Virginia Corkran
Chris Ramsey
I. Meeting called to order
II. Roll call
III. Approval of Minutes:
Bob Duane motioned to approve the minutes of October 25,
1993 , approved unanimously.
IV. Old Business
1. Dave Maehr reported the outcome of the EPTAB subcommittee
meeting that was held one hour prior to the meeting. He
stated that the two major landholders representing Barron
Collier and Pacific Land Company were dissatisfied with the
Camp Keais NRPA model. Their basic questions evolved around
the identification of specific boundaries within the Camp
Keais NRPA model. They wanted to know how the boundaries
were established and what were the justifications for their
Larry Richardson mentioned that the three major landholders
initiated discussions with Mike Slayton, SFWMD Big Cypress
Basin Administrator, regarding a long term water management
permit proposal within the Camp Keais area. The proposal
is based on the identification and set aside of USCOE
jurisdictional wetland areas within Camp Keais.
Chris Ramsey stated that a map of the jurisdictional
wetlands has been created and distributed to the landholders
and SFWMD Big Cypress Basin staff.
Dave Maehr expressed concern over scientifically justifying
the Camp Keais NRPA model's boundaries. He would have no
problem substantiating the wetlands, it's the uplands that
may be more difficult. He noted that without the upland
buffers there won't be any healthy wetlands.
Bob Duane pointed out that maybe the landholders do not
understand the possible regulations or benefits involved in
the model.
Nancy Payton suggested that EPTAB send a letter to the
landholders in appreciation for their attendance and ask
them to articulate their concerns in writing.
Dick Hartwell said after the subcommittee meeting was
finished he had a discussion with the landholders. They
mentioned that they would be willing to talk and possibly
make some negotiations.
Mike Davis stated that we have so much work into the
project. We need to salvage our Camp Keais NRPA `example' .
Dave Maehr suggested that EPTAB should attempt to interact
with the coalition (landholders and Mike Slayton) .
Fran Stallings asked if any of the members had any doubts
that the landholders won't support the examples?
Dave Addison expressed an overall feeling of concern that
EPTAB should consider the landholders negotiations prior to
going forward with the NRPA presentation to the BCC.
Fran Stallings explained to EPTAB that if the landholders
don't agree with the presentation it will most likely be
based on their personal principles.
Discussions continued on the deadline, date and timing of
the NRPA presentation. Mike Davis will visit Commissioner
Saunders and ask him to schedule the NRPA Workshop on an
evening when the BCC is not meeting for any other public
hearings the same day.
Bill Lorenz mentioned when EPTAB makes their presentation to
the BCC members they' ll probably ask ETPAB why aren't
existing regulations enough to protect the area?
Fran Stallings explained the landholders will probably not
be in favor of the model.
Chris Hagen reminded EPTAB that if a mitigation bank were
established, the landholders should be aware of the
increased values and opportunities of their properties.
Discussions continued regarding alternatives protections if
the BCC does not favor EPTAB's proposal. Larry Richardson
pointed out that SFWMD sets aside land by volunteer basis as
a condition of Surface Water Management Permits. Chris
Hagan stated that in certain circumstances the SFWMD has
been willing to accept upland compensation as wetland
mitigation. Fran Stallings expressed some concern since the
SFWMD Lower West Coast Water Supply Plan has not really
considered upland protection. Dick Hartwell mentioned that
the landholders want long term water use permits and the
SFWMD permitting staff is not in favor of long term
Bob Duane suggested that EPTAB should go forward with the
concepts (positive or negative) and let the chips fall. How
much more can you simplify the concepts? It might be
appropriate during the presentation to have staff available
to substantiate why regulations are necessary.
Mike Davis asked Dave Maehr to set up subcommittee meeting.
Virginia Cockran suggested that in order to demonstrate the
environmental considerations of the Camp Keais area an
overlay of all the jurisdictional agencies delineations and
findings should be provided.
Dave Maehr explained that this model should not be this
Fran Stallings stated that the commissioners are going to
base their decisions on the fact that there is either enough
regulation or not enough regulation to protect the area.
Bill Lorenz said he thought the best and honest answer to
the question why the area should be protected is
`fragmentation' . The County Government has the local
control as to how the land uses will be `driven' in the
remaining undeveloped portions of the county.
Bob Duane pointed out that in a portion of California
agricultural lands have minimum size thresholds. One
particular area has been set at 200 acres.
V. New Business:
1. Mike Davis mentioned since Gary Beardsley is not present
that EPTAB would not review his memo at this time.
2 . Mike Davis asked staff what other deadlines do we have
to meet as part of the GMP?
Bill Lorenz responded by stating several requirements (e.g.
Habitat Protection Plan, Manatee Protection Plan, etc. ) .
Bob Duane and Chris Hagen requested to know staff's course
of actions and deadline dates.
VI. Action Item:
Mike Davis and Bill Lorenz are to meet to create a drop
deadline list and key work items.
VII. Meeting Adjourned:
The motion to adjourn was approved unanimously.
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