EPTAB Minutes 11/22/1993 DRAFT: No. _mber 23, 1993 APPROVED: ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY TECHNICAL ADVISORY BOARD MINUTES OF November 22, 1993 PRESENT: David Maehr Dave Addison David Land Nancy Payton Larry Richardson Gary Beardsley Christopher Hagan Dorethea Zysko ABSENT: Robert Duane (excused) Mike Davis Steve Means STAFF: Bill Lorenz Fran Stallings Kevin Dugan Dick Hartwell Maura Kraus Mac Hatcher I. Meeting called to order II. Roll call III. Approval of Minutes: A motion was made to approve the minutes of November 8, 1993 , with amendments by Chris Hagan to change the previous minutes in that he intended preservation as opposed to compensation. IV. Old Business: 1. David Land discussed the meeting with Pacific Lands and Barron Collier. They had agreed to limiting the east and west boundaries of the NRPA to the slough, and eliminated three areas that are currently permitted or being used as reservoirs. They had expressed fears of future regulation, eg. no use of pesticides. 2 . Gary Beardsley brought up flexibility vs certainty and felt more discussion with the land owners was needed. 3 . A discussion ensued around the upcoming BCC workshop. It was pointed out that the meeting is to present the concept of NRPAs 4 . David Land amended a motion first raised by Beardsley: to limit the east west boundaries of the NRPA to the slough, and exclude the Baucom slough and two reservoir areas. Dorethea Zysko second the motion and it passed unanimously. 5. Attention was then focused on item b. EP±,IB's Goals, Purpose, and Future Direction. Since Mike Davis raised the subject and he was absent the consensus was to postpone the discussion. V. New Business: 1. A memo by Gary Beardsley was discussed in regards to HPO/NRPA integration and lapsed deadlines for GMP implementation. VI. Public Comments: 1. Virginia Corkran asked about the time and date of the workshop. It is scheduled for Tuesday December 7, 1993 , 1: 00. 2 . Chris Straton asked that the "Drop Dead" list be placed on the agenda as an Action Item. She also recommended that the question of how the NRPAs relate to CREW and conservation easements be researched and be discussed at the workshop. 3 . The Sand Dollar Island issues were discussed. 4 . An Ad Hoc committee of Nancy Payton, Dorethea Zysko and Gary Beardsley was named to research the issues involved with the Sand Dollar Island CWA, and be prepared to make recommendations at the Dec. 13th meeting with Commissioner Norris. 5. A trip was scheduled to Sand Dollar Island Monday, November 29, 1993 at 3 : 00. VII. Meeting adjourned 6: 06 LDC and GMP Amendment Cycle Dates and NRPA Considerations 1. The Land Development Code can be amended in Jan. and July. 2 . The Growth Management Plan can be amended in August. 3 . All NRPA's will require changes to the Future Land Use Map in the FLUE. Preparation of the map should be coordinated with Tom McDaniel and completed by August to be considered with the GMP amendments. 4 . Any NRPA that includes any "Special Treatment" (ST) areas, changes in allowable densities, or additional project review would have to amend the Land Development Code (LDC) in addition to the GMP. The LDC can be amended in January or July. The January date would be preferred so that the LDC process could be completed prior to the proposing the GMP amendments. However, it is not necessary to complete the LDC amendment prior to initiating the amendment to the GMP. The only NRPA's likely to avoid going through the LDC amendment cycle would be ones where the land ownership or control is with a conservation organization. 5. To have the BCC approve any NRPA's prior to the July and August deadlines will require coordination and make deadlines critical. 6. A potential schedule is presented below: EPTAB ranks NRPA by priority 12/13/93 Work schedule for prioritized NRPA's 12/27/93 Draft NRPA presentation to EPTAB 3/14/93 Final NRPA workshop for EPTAB 4/25/94 BCC NRPA Workshop 6/ 7/94 BCC NRPA hearing 6/21/94 LDC Amendments for NRPA to County Attorney 7/ 5/94 NRPA map to Tom McDaniel for GMP 7/ 5/94 GMP amendment of FLU map to Growth Management 8/ 1/94 ANTICIPATED EPTAB REVIEW DATES FOR NRD PROGRAM REVIEW PERIOD DEADLINE Manatee Prot. Plan 1st Draft 11/22/93 Final Draft 12/31/93 Habitat Protection Ordinance 12/13/93 12/31/93 NRPA Recommendations for 93-94 12/13/93 Manatee Prot. Plan FDEP Draft 2/28/94 3/1/94 NRD Budget 3/14/94 3/28/94 Draft NRPA Workshop Final NRPA Workshop 4/11/94 5/1/94 Final NRPA to BCC(2 workshops) 5/9/94 6/13/94 NRPA LDC Amendments 6/27/94 7/1/94 NRPA GMP Amendments 7/25/94 8/1/94 NRD Work Plan 9/26/94