EPTAB Minutes 01/25/1993 DRAFT: 1/26/93 APPROVED: 2/8/93 ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY TECHNICAL ADVISORY BOARD MINUTES OF JANUARY 25, 1993 Present: David Maehr David Land Larry Richardson Glenn Simpson Steve Means Tony Pires Robert Duane Nancy Payton Mike Davis Gary Beardsley Excused Absent: David Addison Staff: Bill Lorenz Mac Hatcher George Yilmaz Fran Stallings Martha Howell Jennifer Staiger Dick Hartwell Doug Suitor Mercedes McCallen Public: James Olsen Chris Straton Christine Ramsey Ben Vanderford Bill Branan Virginia Corkran 1. The minutes from the December 21, 1992 and the January 13 , 1993 meeting were approved as submitted unanimously. 2 . Old Business: David Maehr indicated he had agreed to make a presentation to the League of Women Voters on February 15, 1993 at 11: 30 a.m. regarding the make up of EPTAB and the NRPA Program. All EPTAB members were invited by the League of Women Voters to attend. David also indicated he had been contacted by the Naples Daily News about EPTAB. David Maehr discussed the Board of County Commissioners decision at the Board meeting on January 19, 1993 not to continue developing the NRPA program however, they would be open to a workshop. Glenn Simpson suggested that a small group of EPTAB members make preliminary contact with the individual Commissioners; develop a polished presentation for the workshop; and develop broad based public support through the League of Women Voters presentation and newspaper article. Martha Howell, Assistant County Attorney, indicated that no more than one EPTAB member or one Commissioner could meet to discuss the NRPA program under the "Sunshine Laws" . Bill Lorenz has requested Neil Dorrill to discuss the NRPA workshop idea with the Commissioners. Gary Beardsley indicated that he thought the NRPA program was required to satisfy the Growth Management Plan. David Land suggested the reasons for developing the NRPA program, and the Growth Management Plan dates should be included in the workshop. A motion to form a subcommittee to approach the Commissioners individually prior to the workshop was passed with one dissenting vote. A motion to have Dave Maehr appoint the subcommittee, and direct them to develop a strategy to approach the individual Commissioners and report to EPTAB at the February 8, 1993 EPTAB meeting was approved with one dissenting vote. Dave Maehr appointed Mike Davis, Steve Means, David Land, Larry Richardson to the subcommittee. Dates for the EPTAB meetings were set for February 8 and 22 , 1993 . The subcommittee will meet at 4 : 00 p.m. Friday, January 29, 1993 at Wilson, Miller, Barton and Peek Office, 3200 Bailey Lane to discuss meetings with the Commissioners. 4 . The meeting was adjourned. l - p 7 6 14/Deli C S LiAMaS C 1- Et' 1,4aSTSN.C114.0u5 a • Y 5 'rafidvl c)hj/ c� �EN VA( fo — 5.er cf .t C) n s�i r\e, earns - 1h e Cirnset-ucukx..,,es iteka../ (Z.- L);), wo_JAi,n /417 641/,c_z_ v c A-1 ,601., CizAns.e.A.v-arxt man 5 PrAi3 akt_g_e_.; lef)7ie4,4, 6 otoi Irk TbAt1/.c 7-0-'0N/ �i��s ,607-4 016E4