EPTAB Minutes 05/03/1993 DRAFT: 5/04/93 APPROVED: 5/24/93 ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY TECHNICAL ADVISORY BOARD MINUTES OF MAY 3, 1993 Present: David Maehr Nancy Payton Gary Beardsley Dave Addison Steve Means Tony Pires Larry Richardson Bob Duane Excused Absence: Mike Davis Glenn Simpson Staff: Bill Lorenz Mac Hatcher Martha Howell Fran Stallings Kim Polen Public: Chris Straton Stuart Swanson Bill Neron 1. The minutes of the April 26, 1993 meeting were amended as follows and approved unanimously. 2 a) No date for Board Workshop is set. 4 . The May 3 , 1993 meeting is to vote for or against the HPO. 2 . Old Business: a) David Maehr discussed the combining of the Environmental Advisory Board and EPTAB. This is planned for discussion at the May 18 , 1993 BCC Meeting. b) Discussion regarding the Habitat Protection Ordinance (HPO) : The Equivalent Substitution provisions versus mitigation and off-site mitigation were discussed. Simplification of the point rating system and alteration to allow performance standards was requested by Bob Duane. A motion to exclude the point system was made and seconded Public comment that the point system is unworkable fiscal impacts were not considered, and correspondence from the Economic Development Council stating opposition to the proposed HPO was presented to EPTAB. The vote was three for the motion and five against. Martha Howell pointed out that the requirements for environmental evaluation, with the exception of the ranking system, are already required in the existing LDC. Fran Stallings added that the Development Services Staff Review indicated it would take a minimal amount of time. Tony Pires and Bob Duane discussed the lack of flexibility with existing set backs and requested some flexibility be mentioned in the discussion. Dave Maehr discussed the letter he drafted and several members suggested changes to the letter. Steve Means and Tony Pires indicated they liked the "itemized" form of Steve's April 12, 1993 letter. A motion was made to state support for the HPO in a simple letter. It was seconded and passed by a vote of five for and three against. All are to consider the letter which will be discussed at the next meeting May 10, 1993 . Chris Straton asked how much of an improvement over the existing LDC the HPO is. 3 . New Business: 4 . The next meeting is scheduled for May 10, 1993 , at 4 : 00 p.m. 5. Adjournment motion was approved unanimously. Action Items 1. Aquifer Recharge Subcommittee Report - May 10, 1993 .