EPTAB Minutes 06/14/1993 DRAFT: 6/14/93 APPROVED: ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY TECHNICAL ADVISORY BOARD MINUTES OF JUNE 14, 1993 Present: David Maehr David Addison Nancy Payton Gary Beardsley David Land Tony Pires Mike Davis Excused Absence: Bob Duane Staff: Fran Stallings Mac Hatcher Kim Polen Martha Howell Dick Hartwell Public: Chris Straton Charlotte Westman Bob Krasouski 1. The minutes of the May 24 , 1993 , meeting was approved unanimously. 2 . Old Business: A. Dave Maehr handed out his letter to Commissioner Burt L. Saunders to EPTAB members for discussion. A lengthy discussion took place about the potential merger of EAB and EPTAB Advisory Boards. B. David Land expressed his concern whether EPTAB is functioning properly with an eleven member board as compared to a seven member board. He also asked the members if they felt the County would be better served having environmental ad hoc working groups established to address specific environmental policy issues as they arise, instead of a standing advisory committee. He also questioned whether EPTAB was utilizing staff time efficiently. C. Gary Beardsley explained that EPTAB's role was to provide technical expertise to the Board and that EPTAB should spell out to the Board what the Growth Management Plan lists as the County's responsibilities in protecting the natural resources within Collier County. D. David Maehr suggested that Gary Beardsley put together a list of deficiencies involving the Growth Management Plan and be signed by the EPTAB Advisory Board, to be distributed to County Commission Board Members. E. David Maehr suggested that EPTAB produce a newsletter to inform the Commissioners of EPTAB role and responsibilities, as well as updates involving EPTAB meetings. F. Mike Davis stated that EPTAB needed a two way communication network with the Board, and EPTAB should keep ongoing communication dialogue with the Commissioners. 3 . New Business: June 16, 1993 BCC meeting on HPO and LDC. Dave Maehr to represent EPTAB and present their recommendations on HPO and LDC. 4 . Action Items: A. Dave Maehr presentation on HPO and LDC at BCC meeting, June 16, 1993 . B. Explanation of where NRPA and HPO fit together within the Comp Plan. 5. Motion to adjourn meeting was unanimous.