EPTAB Minutes 08/17/1992 ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY TECHNICAL ADVISORY BOARD Minutes of August 17 , 1992 Present: Gary Beardsley Mike Davis Dave Maehr David Land Absent: Glenn Simpson Michael Saadeh Larry Richardson Steve Means Dave Addison Tony Pires David Wilkison Staff: Bill Lorenz Fran Stallings Maura Kraus Jerry Neal Kevin Dugan Mac Hatcher Mercedes McCallen Dick Hartwell No Quorum. Coastal Zone Management Plan Public Hearing. Protocol on attachment I . BL-Discussed the status of the CZMP' s proposed implementation schedule. A breakdown was provided of staff time, costs and schedule for the various Ordinances, LDC amendments and related programs. GB-Questioned the time and priorities assigned to the Manatee Protection Plan as weighed against other projects and priorities. FS+BL responded by indicating that the BCC directed that a high priority be assigned and provided funding in order to meet the FDNR requirements for an approved MPP. GB-Cited a delay in the Collier County deadline of requirements for the MPP and questioned the delay. DL-Inquired as to how the MPP would be funded and whether or not grant funds were available. BL-Discussed the cost estimates and responded to a question by DL as to the adequacy of these estimates and whether or not additional funds may be required. JN-Questioned the LDC' s such as Wiggins Pass, Coastal Barriers, Sea Turtle Natural Resource protection policies due date for Sept. 1 and the estimated costs to pursue the development ordinance quorum for inlet management. DL-How will the Inlet Management Study effect CZMP cost assessment mechanisms for dredging maintenance, operations guidelines, beach renourishment? BL-Explained the costs may involve uncertain market values which are extremely difficult to assess undetermined developers/consultants costs projections. FS-Interjects that the process for implementation economic Mr. Fran Stallings, Ph.D. Natural Resources feasibility can't predict the potential costs, however the cost would eventually escalate in time, therefore it would be prudent to plan to implement timely cost benefits. JN-Expressed interest in the staff time cost of implementation and how changes could be imparted on the cost. JN-Wildlife, beach nourishment, are gray areas in the Coastal Element whereas, parking spaces is an area which can be clearly identified for implementation. GB-Sees a need to depict a 'big picture ' plan for Collier County Comp Plan and move readily on implementation. JN-BCC appreciates realistic costs associated with the breakdown of the development costs and anticipate any amendments to the Comp Plan to be justified. Public-MPP has been received well but the allocation of staff time for this particular project may be at the expense of other areas of concern. BL-Also included in the MPP boat survey are other concerns such as sea grass, manatee habitat protection-as in a manatee refuge per se, and marina site locations. All of which dovetail in with the MPP. DL-Suggested a computer model to synthesize the variables of monitoring, enforcement management, private, public costs should be considered in the implementation of the MPP. JN-Questions the County' s role in the 'No Wake ' designation for waters of the state. Public Eileen Arsenault-Asked if volunteers could be utilized for some tasks related to the CZMP. BL-Agreed that the volunteer program works well and is gathering momentum especially in assistance preparing several amendments for NRPA designations (eagle habitat, and MPP) . BL-Collier County is providing important resource related information to the public, including new residents through the telego survey which identifies issues such as property rights, water management, any changes to the Comprehensive Growth Management Plan and effects to the public and private sector. DM-Finished business, end public hearing.