Minutes of 13 July 1992
Present: Larry Richardson Glenn Simpson
David Wilkison Mike Davis
David Maehr Gary Beardsley
Steve Means Tony Pires
Absent: David Land Michael Saadeh
David Addison
Staff: Fran Stallings, Maura Kraus, Kevin Dugan, Kim
Public: Nancy Paton, Chris Straten, Bill Brannon, Chris
1. Meeting was call to order at 1612 by Chairman Simpson.
2 . Under Old Business, Fran Stallings reiterated the date
for the final draft of the HPO as being in the County
Attorney' s Office by 31 July 1992 . He stated that the
EPTAB members would be sent copies by 17 July 1992.
3 . Under New Business, David Maehr handed out a Memo
concerning the the recommendations of the NGGE NRPA sub
committee. The discussion concerning this memo took up
the bulk of the meeting.
The point was raised that the state and federal
regulators should have more input into the NRPA concept.
The NRPAs should be explained to them and would they be
willing to accept them. It was pointed out that more
information was required about specifications before
calling in the regulators.
The issue was brought up that the hand out should act as
the foundation and a beginning for adopting the specific
area as a NRPA.
Steve Means recommended a fifth item be added and
proposed the Motion: Implement a stormwater utility for
the NGGE for the funding of a program to increase the
hydro-period, enhance ground water recharge and provide
adequate flood control. Tony Pires seconded the motion
and it was passed unanimously.
4. The subcommittee was then directed to map the specific
area for the NRPA. The meeting was scheduled for 0800
Wens. 15 July 1992 , at the offices of the Fish and
Wildlife Services.
5. Steve Means asked about the definition of
"viable, functioning habitat" in relation to the proposed
6. Tony Pires raised the question about members faxing
material to each other as a possible violation of the
sunshine law.
7 . The meeting was then opened to the public. Nancy Paton
inquired if the faxes were available to the public, and
if so where could they be obtained. Fran Stallings
replied that as long as the ESD was copied, they were
available at Bldg. H.
8 . The agenda for the 27 July meeting was set for
A. NRPA map
B. Proposed draft HPO
9. Meeting was adjourned at 1855.