EPTAB Minutes 06/15/1992 ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY TECHNICAL ADVISORY BOARD Minutes of 15 June 1992 Meeting Present: David Addison Gary Beardsley Mike Davis David Land Steven Means Tony Pires David Wilkison Absent: David Maehr Larry Richardson Michael Saadeh Glenn Simpson Observers: Kevin Dugan, Cathy Owen & Fran Stallings (Collier Co. NRD) , Kim Polen & Fred Reischl (Collier Co. Project Review) ; Nancy Payton, Barbara Cawley, John Lee, Sam Holland. 1. At 4 : 15, there was no quorum; it was decided to begin the meeting. Mr. Davis called the roll - members Beardsley, Davis, Means and Pires were present. Dr. Stallings reviewed staff HPO concerns and Steve Means' fax re: HPO. By 4 : 30, members Addison, Land and Wilkison had arrived; a quorum was reached. Mr. Beardsley had a concern re: what if there are valuable corridor or RUE areas within designated activity centers? Ms. Cawley raised the issue of cost - staff would need to address this prior to HPO implementation. 2 . Dr. Stallings gave a brief overview of the CZMP status. Mr. Beardsley was concerned re: dates of coastal zone ordinances. He requested a GMP monitoring/update report as received previously. Motion made: Staff is to present to EPTAB what they want to accomplish during the next budget cycle; motion passed unanimously. 3 . Dr. Stallings then gave a brief review of the Manatee Protection Plan' s status and timeframe; he estimated 2 years to completion. The MPP is required by DNR. 4 . The HPO Checklist (compiled by Mr. Dugan) was discussed; the purpose of such a checklist is for a property owner to know if the HPO applies to him. Mr. Land noted the following: - rural/AG carried brunt of environmental preservation; he suggested not exempting individual lots in the urban area. - either have no one exempt, or have measures such as purchase of development rights, acquisition program, or outright purchase. - there should be equitability throughout the County. - if approved land uses can be realized on property within HPO restrictions, then no mitigation banking option; if they can't be realized, then have option of mitigation banking or County buys development rights. 5. The issue of NRPA' s, when and how, was raised; staff feels that the HPO shouldn't be delayed. Mr. Land suggested that by 7/31, focus on coastal scrub; Mr. Addison noted most if not all unprotected coastal scrub was gone. Mr. Land suggested the modification of the LDC's vegetation protection section for this purpose. 6. Mr. Land' s motion: recommend to Bill Lorenz, the County Manager and the BCC, that in the interim, the LDC would still be used for environmental review; do not try to submit HPO in current form to the County Attorney' s Office by 7/31; EPTAB will develop a time schedule for how to proceed for the comprehensive management NRPA/HPO program. EPTAB will develop and follow this schedule, unless they hear otherwise from the BCC, County Manager, or staff. Motion passed unanimously. Mr. Land requested that Mr. Beardsley review the comp plan, check dates, etc. ; also outline management plans. Mr. Land also requested that the EPTAB officers develop this schedule/time frame. 7 . Meeting was adjourned at 5: 55 p.m.