EPTAB Minutes 04/06/1992 0‘. // g
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Present: David Addison Gary Beardsley Mike Davis
David Land Steve Means Larry Richardson
Michael Saadeh Glenn Simpson
Absent: David Wilkison(called in)
David Maehr
Tony Pires
Observers: David Bishof, Kevin Dugan, & Maura Kraus (CCNRD) ;
Barbara Prynoski (Collier Co. Project Review) ;
Clifford Fort
1. Meeting was called to order at 4 : 16 p.m. In the absence
of Chairman Simpson (was late) and Vice-Chairman Maehr,
Larry Richardson presided.
2 . Roll Call
3 . Minutes of the 23 March 1992 meeting were approved.
4 . Gary Beardsley brought up concerns about the definition
of wetlands in the CCME. A discussion ensued as to what
the SFWMD and the DER definitions were and what was the
best for the County. Steve Means made the motion to
have the County Attorney' s Office review the definition
of a wetland in the CCME and determine if it needs
revision, and if such a revision will protect the current
regulations on wetlands. David Land seconded the motion
and it was passed unanimously.
► Further discussion occurred concerning the definition
of uplands. Although NRD staff pointed out that the HPO
would define uplands, Gary Beardsley made a motion to
have staff define viable functioning natural uplands, and
incorporate it in the HPO. David Land seconded the
motion and it passed unanimously.
5. Martha Howell of the County Attorney' s Office made a
statement supporting the NRD's formulation of the HPO.
She further stated that any legal problems be brought up
with the County Attorney's Office and that any legal
inconsistencies in the HPO would be handled by them.
6. Discussion was opened on the North Golden Gate Estates on
how to best protect the corridors. Chairman Simpson
called for the NRPA subcommittee to address the issue at
a meeting to be held April 13 , 1992 .
7 . The Coastal Zone subcommittee made their recommendation
that the EPTAB support the CZMP with the appropriate
changes in the Policy section, and state for the record
that one policy had been too complicated to deal with
during the allotted time. Gary Beardsley made a motion
to support the Plan as such, Michael Saadeh seconded.
The motion passed 4 to 3 .
For Opposed
Gary Beardsley David Land
David Addison Larry Richardson
Michael Saadeh Steve Means
Glenn Simpson
Mike Davis was absent
8 . Clifford Fort spoke on the benefits of private
stewardship in the South Estates.
9 . Meeting was adjourned at 6: 15.