EPTAB Minutes 01/06/1992 e ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY TECHNICAL ADVISORYIV6A4p: Minutes of 6 JanuaryMeeting 1992 3 :�,� . • Present: Gary Beardsley Mike Davis David Land"-,ii,7,:a`r David Maehr Steve Means Tony Pires Glenn Simpson David Wilkison Absent: David Addison Larry Richardson (excused) Michael Saadeh Observers: Ilene Barnett, Natural Resources Department Virginia B. Corkran, League of Women Voters of Collier County Tony Polizos, Soil Conservation Service Larry Banwart, Soil Conservation Service. 1. Meeting called to order at 4 : 17 P.M. by Chairman Simpson; however, a quorum was not present. 2 . Minutes of the 14 December 1991 meeting were discussed. At that time, a quorum was achieved and the minutes were approved. 3 . Chairman Simpson requested that two items be added to the agenda: 1) Brief report by Tony Polizos on Soil Conservation Service (SCS) activities; 2) two subcommittee reports by G. Beardsley. Both items were approved by EPTAB for inclusion on the agenda. 4 . Ilene Barnett presented a brief overview of the Monroe County Habitat Protection Ordinance and compared and contrasted it to the NRD Proposal . A brief discussion ensued and the need for the Inland Habitat Protection Ordinance subcommittee to work closely with staff was reiterated. A meeting of the IHPO Subcommittee was scheduled for 14 January 1992 at 3 : 00 P.M. on the first floor of Building F, Room 112 . 5. Simpson led a discussion on member attendance and criteria for dismissal because of lack of attendance. EPTAB determined that Simpson, as Chair, would counsel any member whose attendance becomes a problem. If the counseling does not resolve the problem, the issue will be brought before EPTAB for them to make a recommendation to the BCC. 6. Tony Polizos gave a brief presentation/overview of SCS capabilities and service to anyone in Collier County who requests them. 7 . G. Beardsley presented two subcommittee reports: 1) Inland Habitat Protection and 2) Utilization of early EPTAB efforts of identifying lands for acquisition for satisfying NRPA GMP requirements. During discussion, it was decided that the subcommittee on Inland Habitat Protection Ordinance should also advise on the Coastal Habitat Protection Ordinance.