EPTAB Minutes 11/25/1991 ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY TECHNICAL ADVISORY BOARD Minutes of 25 November 1991 Meeting Present: David Addison Gary Beardsley Mike Davis David Land David Maehr Glenn Simpson David Wilkison Absent: Steve Means Tony Pires Larry Richardson Michael Saadeh Observers: I. Barnett, CCNRD; B. Burgeson, CCPRS ; E. Carlson, Natl . Audubon; V. Corkran, CCLWV & The Conservancy; G. Lytton, FDNR; C. Owen, CCNRD; K. Polen, CCPRS; B. Prynoski, CCPRS; F. Reischl, CCPRS. 1. As of 4 : 20, there was no quorum, but Vice Chairman Maehr called the meeting to order, and asked Dave. Addison to give a recap of last week's BCC meeting regarding the land acquisition presentation. Dave. Addison's discussion included the general sentiment of the BCC (i.e. , they were uncomfortable with the idea, the whole thing had been done too fast, they did little/no review and/or were largely uninformed) , and errors/discrepancies the BCC noted in acreages of target areas for acquisition. David Maehr noted that the BCC encouraged the continued effort of the acquisition goal/process. At 4 : 35, Chairman Simpson arrived, a quorum was reached, and the Vice-Chairman turned the meeting over to the Chairman. 2 . The minutes of 18 November 1991 were approved, with the following amendments: (a) the addition of M. Saadeh's name to the "absent" list; and (b) the addition of " (2 : 1) " after " 'good majority' " in paragraph "4. " 3 . Chairman Simpson stated that board members M. Davis and L. Richardson had contacted him, stating that they were unable to attend today's meeting. (Note: Davis later arrived at 5: 30) . 4 . Chairman Simpson informed EPTAB that he had spoken to the County Manager and Commissioners Volpe and Saunders today, and would be speaking to Commissioner Shanahan tomorrow, regarding their feelings concerning acquisition. He said that the BCC's motion was not to stop the acquisition program, but to go forth; also, a response from EPTAB was needed. Chairman Simpson also stated the need to place this item on the appropriate ballot, where it would have the best chance of being passed. He also stated the need to revise information regarding the acquisition program, in order to -1- • present it in a persuasive format, not purely informative (i.e. , the public should be able to decide "why should I spend $$ to protect these areas?") . David Land stated at this point that he thought the intent was to educate the public prior to the March referendum, but that now it would be necessary to educate them before acquisition could even get onto a future ballot. Chairman Simpson said that his feeling (from talking to the BCC) was that the BCC, by placing this item on the March ballot, would be perceived as supporting the referendum (even if it was to let the people decide) ; they would thus be viewed by the public as being "pro tax" . 5. A discussion ensued regarding CREW, primarily regarding if it should it be split off from the rest of the acquisition effort. Gary Beardsley pointed out that we need the "overall package" (i.e. , how to deal with the habitats in Collier County. David Maehr was concerned that if CREW was separated and acquired, then the voters would then think they had done enough. David Land said we should go with a comprehensive approach, "win or lose" (he felt that CREW was not as important as some of the other lands targeted for acquisition) ; only if we lost, would we then make the determination to go with CREW alone. 6. Glenn Simpson said he had a call in to Carol Browner (FDER) regarding the intent of her comments from a previous discussion (if the County was saying they didn't support the program) ; he wants to assure her that Collier County is not shirking its responsibilities. David Addison stated at this point that her (Browner's) intent had been that if there were no matching funds from Collier County, the state wouldn't provide money for CREW. Gary Beardsley said that many perceive the BCC as not committing the money needed for CREW. Ed Carlson stated that CREW definitely had the name recognition, but not to take the "CREW or nothing" approach unless absolutely desperate. 7 . A motion was made by David Land: "with respect to a referendum for purchases of environmentally important lands in County, we move forward, CREW jointly with other properties or not at all" (don't split off CREW & then later have another referendum for the other lands) ; Glenn Simpson then stated "for purposes of going to referendum, this board supports maintaining same properties as a whole, and is not in favor of splitting off any parcels" . This motion was seconded and unanimously approved. 8. David Maehr read a draft letter to the BCC that he had composed, regarding their decision and motion made at last -2- week's hearing, which was slightly amended by David Land and Gary Beardsley re: "On behalf of EPTAB, we appreciate the BCC' s support for the proposed Collier County Land Acquisition Program we look forward to providing you with a detailed plan for land acquisition as well as other ordinances etc. David Land warned not to convey to the BCC the vote that they just passed (that this would be a county-wide program, not just CREW) . Glenn Simpson didn't think CREW would be split off. He thought that this letter to the BCC was a good idea, to thank the BCC for their vote and support, and to let them know that EPTAB wishes to proceed and go forth, etc. Gary Beardsley stated the need to include in this letter that EPTAB will continue to move forward on the GOP's, and everyone agreed. 9. Chairman Simpson then stated that there were 3 things that EPTAB needed to do: (a) clarify lands and reasoning (salesmanship, be persuasive, include "why" , not just "what" , be the wordsmiths for the general public) ; David Addison suggested informational brochures; (b) despite all the work done to come up with map of proposed acquisition areas, the project is perceived as a "wish list" (we need to come up with " it was X%, it is now X%, and we propose to protect X%" type of information) ; and (c) need to clarify acquisition procedures, provide detailed information, clarify intent. Gary Beardsley gave his opinion that EPTAB's focus was too narrow and should be focused on the comp plan; a discussion ensued. 10. Bill Lorenz gave a summary of the overall concept and strategy behind the habitat protection ordinance (see attached diagram) . An important aspect of this would be that the County would meet with the applicant, prior to any development activity, and would then specify the desired preservation area(s) and percentages. A general discussion of the "criteria for inland habitat evaluation" ensued; highlights included: - we can't go by % alone; we have to consider function; - it was noted that landscaping is commonly used as all or part of the 25% preservation requirement (CCME) ; - the need to clarify that we're not saying no development, or demanding a very large % (taking) ; we're simply saying where we want the preserve to be; - different % preservation in different areas of County may be appropriate (wilderness, urban, ag, etc. ) ; - input from Fred Reischl on pre-development procedures; -3- - idea for dividing County into zones, with some overlap, e.g. corridor, aesthetic, critical wildlife, water protection, water management, landscape, existing habitat (David Land) ; - the need to connect urban preserve areas; - general review and comments on different criteria (for ranking different habitats on a site) ; - how much is too much? what should we base our X% preservation requirement on? - at what point does X% become a taking? - this X% will be recommended by NRD and approved by EPTAB; - the need to incorporate the 60% open space requirement (discuss with Long Range Planning) . 12 . Chairman Simpson reminded everyone that the next meeting of EPTAB will be held on 9 December at 1: 00 P.M. at the Vineyards; Wayne Daltry will be speaking. 13 . David Land asked that everyone get their comments on "criteria for inland habitat evaluation" to NRD ASAP. 14 . A motion was made (Land) to approve David Maehr's letter to the BCC (see "8. " above) , as modified by EPTAB members, to be signed by Chairman Simpson; this was seconded and approved unanimously. 15. EPTAB will be meeting on 16 December, during which time staff will walk through development scenarios, using evaluation criteria on projects involving 25% and 50% preservation of total project area. 16. The meeting was adjourned at 6:30 P.M. -4- --.:::- _ ---_--- Z / 2 D Q �A J 09 50 1" Pc4.- 4 a. 0 r ,.. -- \7_44' 2 1fl (5 ,. i 2 J c*, cl , 0 (4,-7 , i-----„, 'D ________ 1 LI) ,_,) _0 -----------7 Pli: d 09. A- Pg 7 Y ‹ I c