Minutes of 28 October 1991 Meeting
Present: David Addison Gary Beardsley Mike Davis OCT tU 191
David Land David Maehr Tony Pire r,, _ n,i S "17-S
Larry Richardson Michael Saadeh Glenn S iod.06 J L
David Wilkison ^�"C,.'3''Na
Absent: Steve Means
Observers: Andrew Eller, USFWS
1. Meeting called to order at 4 : 11 P.M. by Chairman Simpson.
2 . Minutes of October 7, 14, & 16 , 1991 were approved; minutes
of the 16th will be amended by the addition of an asterisk or
other such notation to show who among the attendees are EPTAB
3 . Glenn Simpson asked to bring up and add to Old business a
discussion of the American Farmland Trust (AFT) meeting and
recent workshop in Dade County. EPTAB approved the addition.
During discussion, it was revealed that AFT estimated that
for every dollar of taxes received from agricultural lands,
government must spend from $0. 11 to $0. 36 to service those
lands; for every dollar of taxes received from residential
developed lands, government must spend $1.26 to $1. 36 to
service those lands.
A suggestion to contact Wayne Daltry of the RPC to request
hard figures on the added cost which growth imposes on
government. Also a suggestion to invite Daltry to address
the EPTAB, preferably during the middle of November.
Simpson noted the differences in intent of agricultural
interests in Dade, Lee, and Collier Counties. He stated that
much of the activity in Dade and Lee are performed by
lessees, with ownership of the land being held by absentee
landlords who are likely biding time until they develop the
land. In Collier, by contrast, much of the land is "farmed"
by owners, who intend to continue "farming" .
Simpson read a letter from AFT concerning the meeting of 16
October 1991 which also included a request asking him to ,
write AFT requesting their assistance in Collier County.
After much discussion, Mr. Pires moved that a letter be sent
to AFT with copies to the BCC, which suggested that AFT was
an important presence in Florida and could be of help in
Collier County. Mr. Wilkison seconded the motion. The
letter will be drafted and brought back to EPTAB for their
review before it is transmitted.
4 . Any EPTAB members who had comments on the Habitat Protection
Ordinance Draft handed them in. Mr. Simpson noted that in
reviewing the area map, he had noticed several omissions in
the draft and he would elaborate after the map was completed.
5. Mr. Lorenz circulated a notebook which contained a
compilation of related rules and regulations of other Florida
6. Mr. Lorenz then began a review of the draft Land Acquisition
Ordinance. He suggested that it be examined page by page and
line by line and that EPTAB should suggest changes as they go
along. Changes were suggested through page 5. It was
decided that EPTAB would continue with the review on 11/1/91,
4 : 00 p.m. at the Vineyards Conference Room.
7 . Future meetings were as established as follows:
November 1, 1991, 4 : 00 p.m.
Vineyards Conference Room
(Land Acquisition Ordinance with presentation of maps)
November 12, 1991, 4 : 00 p.m.
Development Services Conference Room C
(Land Acquisition Ordinance with approval of maps)
November 18, 1991, 4 : 00 p.m.
Development Services Conference Room C
(Pre-BCC meeting for Land Acquisition Program)
November 25, 1991, 4 : 00 p.m.
Development Services Conference Room C
(Habitat Protection Ordinance)