EPTAB Minutes 10/07/1991 ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY TECHNICAL ADVISORY BOARD Minutes of 07 October 1991 Meeting Present: Addison, Beardsley, Davis, Land, Maehr, Pires, Richardson, Saadeh, Simpson, Wilkison Absent: Means (sick) 1. Meeting called to order at 4: 12 P.M. by Chairman Simpson. 2 . Minutes of 23 September 1991 were approved. Minutes of 30 September 1991 were tabled until a time later in the meeting. Mr. Simpson conveyed that he thought that Mr. Addison had a correction and the Chair would like to await Mr. Addison's arrival before taking action. The Board concurred. 3 . Majorie Student, Assistant County Attorney, presented an overview of the County' s legal position on the DCA and the inability of the County to meet all of the stipulated deadlines in the Conservation and Coastal Management Element (CCME) of the Growth Management Plan. A discussion followed. 4 . Based on the above discussion David Land suggested that a letter be sent to the BCC requesting that BCC staff provide a schedule for completing the mandates in the CCME under the following conditions: (1) utilizing current in-house resources; (2) having access to unlimited resources. The EPTAB recommended that the letter also suggest that the County meet with DCA to gather information on County options and liabilities in light of the potential lawsuit which may be brought against the County by the DCA. Mike Saadeh moved that the letter be forwarded to the BCC. The motion was seconded by Mike Davis. During further discussion, Mr. Beardsley proposed an amendment to the original motion. The amendment did not receive a second and the original motion passed by a vote of 9-1 with Mr. Beardsley dissenting. 5. Mike Davis brought up the issue of the frequency of the EPTAB meetings. He stated that he was having trouble balancing all of his responsibilities. Other members agreed that the frequency was having a deleterious effect on their operations also. Glenn Simpson stated that after the BCC meeting of 8 October 1991, the land acquisition issue should be clearer and he hoped that the frequency of meetings could be lessened. NEXT MEETING IS SCHEDULED FOR 14 OCTOBER 1991 IN CONFERENCE ROOMS A + B AT THE DEVELOPMENT SERVICES COMPLEX ON HORSESHOE DRIVE. SLS LEFT THE MEETING AT 5:20 P. M.