12 AUGUST 1991
Members present:
Dave Addison Gary Beardsley
Mike Davis David Land
David Maehr Steve Means
Tony Pires Larry Richardson
Glenn Simpson David Wilkison
Members absent:
Michael Saadeh
1. Meeting called to order at 4 : 06 P.M. by Glenn Simpson.
2 . Minutes of 5 August 1991 meeting were approved.
3 . The Chairman explained a few housekeeping changes and asked
that the meetings start and stop on time. He also requested
that minutes be more detailed and asked Bill Lorenz to see
if arrangements could be made. A general discussion was
held concerning the meeting room and the formal nature of
meeting in the board room.
4 . The Chairman explained how the County had been divided into
the separate areas. He stated that it had been done based
on what influences the habitat. The boundary lines
represent a transition from one influence type to another
and could range in width from one to ten miles.
5. Barbara Prynowski, Project Review Services, presented an
overview of mechanisms used by the County for environmental
protection and some of the problems associated with the
current methodologies.
6. Gary Beardsley proposed that EPTAB needs to formulate a
position on what the County should look like in the next
10-25 years. David Land stated that a part of the "picture"
however it may be proposed, should take cumulative effects
of many small projects into consideration. There may be
more impacts from many small projects than from one large
project. Glen Simpson discussed a need for all to live
within the resources rather than trying to conquer them.
7 . David Land handed out and explained the thinking behind a
list of Environmental Planning objectives for the County as
a whole and for the agricultural area more specifically. He
felt that this could be a starting point or touchstone for
further objectives. Gary Beardsley stated that the
objectives found in the Growth Management Plan, especially
the Conservation and Coastal Management Element, should also
be viewed as a very important touchstone that has already
received BCC endorsement.
8 . Bill Lorenz discussed an Action Plan for going before the
BCC with a Land Acquisition question to be placed on the
March 92 ballot.
9 . Chairman Simpson asked that all subcommittees consider
"earmarking" important areas within their respective
purviews for presentation to the Board at the next regularly
scheduled meeting.
10. Chairman Simpson created a subcommittee to deal with an
"Environmental Protection Acquisition Program" and appointed
Mike Davis, David Land and Tony Pires to that subcommittee.
11. The next meeting was scheduled for 26 August 1991 at 4 : 00
P.M. in Building H, Room 215, Courthouse Complex.
12 . Meeting was adjourned by Chairman Simpson at 6: 06 P.M.