ARTICLE I. IN GENERAL agement and protection of air, land, and
water resources and environmental quality
Secs. 54-1-54-25. Reserved. in the county.
(2) Assist the board to establish goals and ob-
jectives for the county's environmental con-
ARTICLE II.ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY servation and management programs.
TECHNICAL ADVISORY BOARD' (3) Assist the board in developing and revising,
as appropriate,local rules, ordinances,reg-
Sec. 54-26. Establishment. ulations,programs and other initiatives ad-
dressing the use, conservation and preser-
There is hereby established the environmental vation of the county's natural resources.
policy technical advisory board,which shall herein
be referred to as the EPTAB. (4) Assist in the implementation and develop-
(Ord. No. 91-26, § 1) ment of the growth management plan re-
garding environmental and natural re•
Sec. 54-27. Authority; functions;powers and squrce issues.
duties. (5) Assist the board in identifying and recom-
mending solutions to existing and future
(a) The environmental policy technical advi- environmental issues.
sory board obtains its jurisdiction, powers, and
limits of authority from the board of county corn- (6) Serve as the technical advisory committee
missioners and, pursuant to this article, shall act to advise and assist the county in the ac-
in an advisory capacity to the board in matters tivities involved in the development and im-
dealing with the regulation,control,management, plementation of the county environmental
use or exploitation of any or all natural resources resources management program as stated
of or within the county. in Policy 1.1.1 of the conservation and
coastal management element of the growth
(b) The advisory board will function to: management plan.
(1) Advise on the preservation, conservation, (7) Implement the water policy pursuant to
protection, management and beneficial use chapter 90, article II of this Code.
of the physical and biological natural re-
sources (atmospheric, terrestrial, aquatic (8) Provide an opportunity for public comment
and hydrologic) of the county in regard to on environmental issues, ordinances and
the safety,health and general well-being of programs.
the public; (Ord. No. 91-26, § 2)
(2) Advise and assist the county staff and board Sec. 54.28. Membership.
toward developing the purpose, intent and
criteria of all county ordinances, policies, (a) The environmental policy technical advi-
programs and other initiatives dealing with sory board shall be composed of 11 members who
natural resources. shall be appointed by and serve at the pleasure of
the board.Appointment to the advisory board shall
(c) The powers and duties of the advisory board be by resolution of the board and shall set forth
are as follows: the date of appointment and the term of office.
Cl) Identify, study, evaluate, and provide tech (b) Vacancies on the advisory board shall be
nical recommendations to the board on pro- publicized in a publication of general circulation
grams necessary for the conservation,man- within the county, and vacancy notices shall be
'Cross reference—Boards,commissions and authorities,§ posted in the county libraries and county court-
2.816 et seq. house. Along with the applicant responses the
• board's staff shall provide the board with a list (f) For the full term of the initial appointments,
outlining the qualifications and demographic back- the three members serving until September 30,
ground of each candidate, including the.present 1994 and the two members serving until Sep-
members seeking reappointment. tember 30, 1995 shall have demonstrated exper-
tise in biology(including any of the subdisciplines
(c) Members shall be permanent residents and such as botany, ecology,zoology,etc.)and/or wild-
electors of the county and should be reputable and life management. After the expiration of these
active in community service. initial terms of appointment, the vacancies may
(d) The primary consideration in appointing the be filled by members demonstrating expertise in
advisory board members shall be to provide the
any of the abovementioned areas related to envi-
board with technical expertise necessary to effec ronmental protection and natural resources man-
tively accomplish the advisory board's purpose. agement.
Members shall demonstrate evidence of expertise (g) Any member of the advisory board may be
in one or more of the following areas related to removed from office by a majority vote of the board.
environmental protection and natural resources
management: air quality, biology (including any (h) Members shall be automatically removed if
of the subdisciplines such as a botany, ecology, they are absent from two consecutive meetings
zoology, etc.), coastal processes, estuarine pro- without a satisfactory excuse or if they are absent
cesses,hazardous waste,hydrogeology,hydrology, from more than one-fourth of the meetings in a
hydraulics, land use law, land use planning, pol given fiscal year. Members shall be deemed ab-
lution control, solid waste, stormwater manage sent from a meeting when they are not present
ment, water resources, wildlife management, or during at least 75 percent of the meeting.
other representative areas deemed appropriate by (Ord. No. 91-26, § 3; Ord.No. 9148, § 1)
the board such as, but not limited to, a represen-
tative of the development community. Sec. 54-29. Officers and support staff.
(e) The initial terms of office of the members of (a) The officers of the environmental policy
nical advisory board shall be a chairman and a
the advisory board shall be as follows: vice-chairman. Officers' terms shall be for one
(1) Three members will serve until September year,with eligibility for reelection.The chairman
30, 1992; and vice-chairman shall be elected by a majority
vote at the organizational meeting and thereafter
(2) Three members will serve until September at the first regular meeting of the advisory board
30, 1993; in October of each year.
(3) Three members will serve until September (b) The chairman shall preside at all meetings
30, 1994; of the advisory board.The vice-chairman shall per-
form the duties of the chairman in the absence or
(4) Two members will serve until September incapacity of the chairman. In case of the re-
30, 1995. moval, resignation or death of the chairman, the
After the initial term of appointment, each ap-
vice-chairman shall perform such duties as are
pointment or reappointment shall be for a term of imposed on the chairman until such time as the
four years. All terms of office shall expire on Sep advisory board shall elect a new chairman.Should
30. Terms of office shall be limited to two the offices of chairman and/or vice-chairman be-
temberconsecutive terms unless waived by the board by come vacant, the advisory board shall elect a sur
a unanimous vote.A member may be reappointed cessor from its membership at the next regular
by the board for only one successive term and shall meeting. Such election shall be for the unexpired
apply with other applicants. Terms shall be stag term of said office.
gered so that no more than a minority of such (c) Professional support staff for the advisory
members' appointments will expire in any one board shall be provided by the environmental ser-
year. vices division and such other county staff from
Tibor (Ty) Agoston Maureen McCarthy
360 - 10th Avenue, N.W. The Dorchester - #501
Naples, Florida 34120 6075 Pelican Bay Blvd.
Home: 455-8400 Naples, Florida 34108
Work: None Home: 598-3857
Fax: 455-4310 Fax: 566-2483
Steven H. Bigelow William E.J. McKinney
1937 Empress Court 1898 Mission Drive
Naples, Florida 34110 Naples, Florida 34109
Home: 514-0833 Home: 592-7124
Work: 455-8062 Work: 261-2244/114
Fax: 455-0853 Fax: 263-4218
Bradley Cornell Monty Robinson
556 - 109th Avenue, North 2 Tina Lane, Lot 242
Naples, Florida 34108 Naples, Florida 34104
Home: 592-7805 Home: 643-6320
Work: 597-0653 Work: 649-1551
Fax: 597-6683 Fax: 649-7112
Michael J. Delate Michael Simonik
3700 - 27th Avenue, S.W. 1450 Merrihue Drive
Naples, Florida 34117 Naples, Florida 34102
Home: 455-5319 Home: 434-9736
Work: 262-4617 Work: 403-4222
Fax: 262-3074 Fax: 262-5872
Brenda C. Fogel Jan M. Stevens
1019 Broad Avenue, North 604 Crossfield Circle
Naples, Florida 34102 Naples, Florida 34104
Home: 403-0412 (unlisted) Home: 403-9223
Work: 262-8800 x162 Work: 403-8811
Fax: 262-4276 Fax:
Allen Morgan Kratz
10 Sabre Cay
Naples, Florida 34102-7937
Home: 649-7697
Work: 643-4636
Fax: 649-7689
DATE: December 22, 1995
TO: Staff Liaisons to all County Commission Advisory
Boards, Committees, Authorities and Task Force(s)
FROM: David C. Weigel, County Attorney L -44:71___.
SUBJECT: Distribution of Information Memo - Florid
Governnment-In-The-Sunshine Law
Provided herewith is a memorandum dated December 22, 1995
from the County Attorney to all staff liaisons for copying and
distribution to all members of all advisory boards, committees,
authorities and task force(s) established by the Collier County
Board of County Commissioners.
I hope this memorandum, covering some of the more
practical and problematic aspects of the Florida
Government-In-The-Sunshine Law applicable to public board or
committee meetings, is helpful to the County staff and all
board/committee members. Please make copies and distribute
accordingly, and thanks for your help in this regard.
dcwhw/I soon
; ..A)
r r
GIc?. fi MEN-TT Ct$
DATE: December 22, 1995
TO: All Members of All Boards Established by the Board of
County Commissioners (including Advisory Boards,
Quasi-Judicial Boards and Ad Hoc Committees)
FROM: David C. Weigel, County Attorney 4-, 4.4, 4e___
RE: Government-In-The-Sunshine Law
(Section 286.011, Florida Statutes)
As a result of several questions that our office has
received from both advisory board members, staff members and
members of the public attending meetings, I believe it would be
helpful to summarize and clarify the Government-In-The-Sunshine
Law to assure that advisory board members (including
quasi-judicial board members and ad hoc committee members) are
aware of the basic compliance requirements of that law.
The Florida Government-In-The-Sunshine Law, Section
286.011, Florida Statutes, commonly referred to as the
"Sunshine Law, " is a state statute which guarantees a public
right of access to governmental proceedings and is equally
applicable to elected and appointed boards. There are a few
exceptions to the Sunshine Law, but for your purposes the
Sunshine Law will almost always be applicable to you and your
proceedings and, unless otherwise advised by this office, it is
critical that you conduct your activities and proceedings with
the understanding that the Sunshine Law is applicable to you in
all situations. There are other requirements of_the Law that
are usually addressed by County staff (e.g. , notice and
minutes) , however this memo is intended only to address the
Sunshine Law as it is applicable to the various board and
committee members. This memorandum is not intended to be
all-inclusive but rather only to remind you of the basic
requirements of the law based on questions that I have recently
The Sunshine Law prohibits the discussion by two or more
members of the same board of any matter which is before that
board or will foreseeablv come before that board for discussion
or action, except at a properly noticed meeting of that board
(staff handles the notice requirements) . In other words, if
two or more board members are talking about county business
which is handled by their board, the Sunshine Law considers
such activity to be a "meeting" and reasonable notice must be
given to the public of any meeting. The reason for this is to
provide an opportunity for the public to be present at the
board's decision-making process and to assure that the public
All Members of All Boards Established by the
Board of County Commissioners
December 22, 1995
Page 2
is aware of how decisions are made. Below are some commonly
asked questions and the answers which may clarify this issue
for you.
1. Question: If I have a question about an issue which I
know will be discussed at an upcoming meeting,
can I communicate with another board member
regarding the issue either in person or through
the use of a telephone, a fax machine, a
computer, letters or memos?
Answer: It is a violation of the Sunshine Law to
discuss the County business matter which you
know will come before your board or which will
foreseeably come before your board except at a
properly noticed meeting. Although nothing
prohibits you from calling another member to
ask the time or location of a meeting, any
discussion or communication. in person. by
telephone or otherwise, of the substance,
merits or issues of any County business matter
before your board or which foreseeably will
come before your board, is a violation of the
Sunshine Law.
2. Question: If I am at a meeting of my board and we are on
a "break, " can I discuss issues before the
board with another member during that recess?
Answer: It is a violation of the Sunshine Law to
discuss matters which are before your board or
which foreseeably could come before your board
except while you're in session at a properly
noticed meeting. Discussion in the hallway or
on the way to the meeting or after the meeting
are "outside of the sunshine" and are
prohibited by the statute.
3. Question: If I am at a breakfast function with six people
in attendance and one of them is also an
advisory board member (same Board) for the
County, is it a violation of the Sunshine Law
if an issue to be considered by the advisory
board is discussed and, if so, what if I
consider it rude to leave the breakfast meeting
to avoid being present during such discussion?
Answer: I can only advise you on the law and the
Sunshine Law requires that you and any other
board member present refrain from discussing
All Members of All Boards Established by the
Board of County Commissioners
December 22, 1995
Page 3
matters on which foreseeable action may be
taken. The practical answer is to ask that the
matter not be discussed or, at the very least,
do not participate in the discussion at all
(although some Attorney General Opinions do
recommend that you actually leave the function,
at least during the discussion of such
matters) .
4. Question: A friend and I, prior to our appointment to an
advisory board, always discussed matters that
our board now addresses and the only reason we
both joined the advisory board was to
participate in the process and assist the
County. Since we have always discussed these
matters, can't we still do so even though we
now belong to the same advisory board?
Answer: There is no exception in the Sunshine Law for
prior interest in the subject matter of the
board or prior mutual interests of members of
the board. Once you become a member of a
county advisory board, the Sunshine Law is
applicable and any such discussion of any
matter which is scheduled to come before that
board or which may foreseeably come before that
board is a violation of the Sunshine Law.
5. Question: Can another member of my advisory board and I
schedule a meeting with a prominent local
businessman, or a local public official or the
president of a civic group or any other person
to discuss matters which are pending before our
advisory board or which may foreseeably come
before our advisory board, for example to
solicit help or support?
Answer: There is no exception to the Sunshine Law for
this type of situation and it would be
prohibited by the statute. There is no
prohibition, however, if only one member of the
advisory board is present at a private meeting.
6. Question: My advisory board has a membership of fifteen
persons and there are five subcommittees of
three members each. Are the subcommittees
subject to the Sunshine Law?
Answer: There is no exception to the Sunshine Law for
subcommittees and all subcommittee meetings
All Members of All Boards Established by the
Board of Cot.nty Commissioners
December 22, 1995
Page 4
should be noticed and the public have the
opportunity to attend just as if it were a
meeting of your full board. This matter will
be discussed with the various staff liaisons to
the advisory boards and, if it is not being
done in every case, it will be done in the
7. Question: Can my advisory board adopt rules and policies
for the conduct of the board's public meeting?
And what about audio or video type recordings
of meetings by members of the public?
Answer: Reasonable rules and policies which ensure the
orderly conduct of a public meeting and which
require orderly behavior on the part of those
persons attending a public meeting may be
adopted by the board. A rule or policy which
prohibits the use of nondisruptive or silent
audio or video type recording devices or
cameras by the media or others, however, is
unreasonable and arbitrary and is, therefore,
8. Question: Are there any penalties for violation of the
Sunshine Law?
Answer: Any member of a board or commission of any
state agency or authority of a county,
municipal corporation or political subdivision
(which includes all advisory boards) who
knowingly violates the Sunshine Law is guilty
of a misdemeanor of the second degree. The
statutes also impose non-criminal penalties for
violation of the Sunshine Law by providing that
any public official violating the provisions of
the Sunshine Law is guilty of a non-criminal
infraction, punishable by a fine not exceeding
five hundred dollars.
It should be noted that the above situations would be
prohibited by the Sunshine Law because they are defined as
meetings (two or more advisory board members present) without
reasonable public notice. The Sunshine Law does not prohibit
members of the same board from socializing, attending functions
together, golfing or any other activity as long as matters
which are pending before their board or which may foreseeably
come before their board are not discussed.
All Members of All Boards Established by the
Board of County Commissioners
December 22, 1995
Page 5
If after reading this memo you have come to the conclusion
that the Sunshine Law is construed very strictly and that it
places a strict prohibition on your ability to discuss your
board's issues with other board members outside of a public
meeting, you are absolutely correct. The courts do construe
the Sunshine Law very strictly, and I'm sure they will continue
to do so. I know that the Board of County Commissioners has
always been very appreciative of the work that is done by the
members of its various boards and committees and neither the
Board of County Commissioners nor this office would want any
advisory board member to run into a problem in the course of
your assistance to the County. Therefore, my advice would be
to approach this issue cautiously and, when in doubt, assume
the Sunshine Law applies.
If you would like additional information regarding this
matter or if I can provide further details regarding any issue
addressed in this memo, please let me know. My office also has
copies of the Government-In-The-Sunshine Manual, which is a
very comprehensive and well written book prepared by the
Attorney General's office, and we can provide that book to you
on a loan basis or for review in our office.
cc: Board of County Commissioners
Staff Liaisons to Advisory and Quasi-Judicial
Boards and Committees
elsewhere within the county government as may, Items shall come before the advisory board as
from time to time, be requested by the advisory scheduled on the printed agenda unless a specific
board and deemed necessary by the county admin- request arises which justifies deviation by the ad-
istrator. visory board.
(Ord. No. 91-26, § 4) (Ord. No. 91.26, § 5; Ord. No. 91-48, § 2)
Sec. 54-30. Meetings;quorum;rules of proce-
dure. Sec. 54-31. Review process.
(a) Regular meetings of the environmental The environmental policy technical advisory
policy technical advisory board shall be held on board shall be reviewed for major accomplish-
the second Wednesday of each month at 9:00 a.m., ments and whether the board is serving the pur-
or as otherwise determined by the advisory board, pose for which it was created once every four years
in the commissioner's meeting room,Third Floor, commencing with 1994, in accordance with the
Building "F," Collier County Government Com- procedures contained in chapter 2, article VIII,
plex, Naples, Collier County, Florida. Special division 2 of this Code.
meetings of the advisory board may be called by (Ord. No. 91-26, § 9)
the chairman or by a majority of the membership.
Such meetings may be called subject to public no-
Sec. 54.32. Reimbursement of expenses.
tice to reduce an overloaded agenda or to consider
a specific topic. Members of the environmental policy technical
(b) A simple majority of the appointed mem- advisory board shall serve without compensation,
bers of the advisory board shall constitute a but shall be entitled to receive reimbursement for
quorum for the purpose of conducting business. expenses reasonably incurred in the performance
An affirmative vote of six or more members shall of their duties upon prior approval of the board of
be necessary in order to take official action, re- county commissioners.
gardless of whether six or more members of the (Ord. No. 91-26, § 8)
advisory board are present at a meeting.
(c) The advisory board shall, by majority vote Secs. 54.33-54.55. Reserved.
of the entire membership, adopt rules of proce-
dure for the transaction of business and shall keep
a record of meetings, resolutions,findings and de-
terminations. The advisory board may establish ARTICLE III.WATER POLLUTION
subcommittees comprised solely of its member- CONTROL PROGRAM
ship to facilitate its functions. Meetings of the
subcommittees shall conform to the same public
notice requirements as that of the advisory board. Sec. 54-56. Title and citation.
(d) At the regular meetings of the advisory This article shall be known and may be cited as
board,the following shall be the order of business: the "Collier County Water Pollution Control
(1) Roll call. Ordinance."
(Ord. No. 89-20, § 1)
(2) Approval of the minutes of previous
Sec. 54.57. Applicability.
31 Old business.
(41 New business. This article shall apply county-wide.
(Ord. No. 89-20, § 2)
'5' comments. State law reference—Conflicts between ordinances of non-
charted counties and municipal ordinances, Fla. Const. art.
(6) Adjournment. VIII, §cfl.
1-1C 0(
ARTICLE I. IN GENERAL agement and protection of air, land, and
water resources and environmental quality
Secs. 54-1-54-25. Reserved. in the county.
(2) Assist the board to establish goals and ob-
jectives for the county's environmental con-
ARTICLE II.ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY servation and management programs.
TECHNICAL ADVISORY BOARD* (3) Assist the board in developing and revising,
as appropriate,local rules, ordinances,reg-
Sec. 54.26. Establishment. ulations,programs and other initiatives ad-
dressing the use, conservation and preser-
There is hereby established the environmental vation of the county's natural resources.
policy technical advisory board,which shall herein
be referred to as the EPTAB. (4) Assist in the implementation and develop-
(Ord. No. 91-26, § 1) ment of the growth management plan re-
garding environmental and natural re-
Sec. 54.27. Authority; functions;powers and source issues.
duties. (5) Assist the board in identifying and recom-
(a) The environmental policy technical advi-
sory board obtains its jurisdiction, powers, and environmental issues.
limits of authority from the board of county corn- (6) Serve as the technical advisory committee
missioners and, pursuant to this article, shall act to advise and assist the county in the ac-
in an advisory capacity to the board in matters tivities involved in the development and im-
dealing with the regulation,control,management, plementation of the county environmental
use or exploitation of any or all natural resources resources management program as stated
of or within the county. in Policy 1.1.1 of the conservation and
(b) The advisory board will function to: coastal management element of the growth
management plan.
(1) Advise on the preservation, conservation, (7) Implement the water policy pursuant to
protection, management and beneficial use chapter 90, article II of this Code.
of the physical and biological natural re-
sources (atmospheric, terrestrial, aquatic (8) Provide an opportunity for public comment
and hydrologic) of the county in regard to on environmental issues, ordinances and
the safety,health and general well-being of programs.
the public; (Ord. No. 91-26, § 2)
(2) Advise and assist the county staff and board Sec. 54.28. Membership.
toward developing the purpose, intent and
criteria of all county ordinances, policies, (a) The environmental policy technical advi-
programs and other initiatives dealing with sory board shall be composed of 11 members who
natural resources. shall be appointed by and serve at the pleasure of
(c) The powers and duties of the advisory board the board.Appointment to the advisory board shall
are as follows: be by resolution of the board and shall set forth
the date of appointment and the term of office.
(1) Identify, study, evaluate, and provide tech (b) Vacancies on the advisory board shall be
nical recommendations to the board on pro- publicized in a publication of general circulation
grams necessary for the conservation,man within the county, and vacancy notices shall be
*Cross reference—Boards,commissions and authorities,§ posted in the county libraries and county court-
2-816 et seq. house. Along with the applicant responses the
board's staff shall provide the board with a list (1) For the full term of the initial appointments,
outlining the qualifications and demographic back- the three members serving until September 30,
ground of each candidate, including the.present 1994 and the two members serving until Sep-
members seeking reappointment. tember 30, 1995 shall have demonstrated exper-
tise in biology(including any of the subdisciplines
(c) Members shall be permanent residents and such as botany, ecology, zoology, etc.)and/or wild-
electors of the county and should be reputable and life management. After the expiration of these
active in community service. initial terms of appointment, the vacancies may
(d) The primary consideration in appointing the be filled by members demonstrating expertise in
advisory board members shall be to provide the any of the abovementioned areas related to envi
board with technical expertise necessary to effec ronmental protection and natural resources man-
tively accomplish the advisory board's purpose. agement.
Members shall demonstrate evidence of expertise (g) Any member of the advisory board may be
in one or more of the following areas related to removed from office by a majority vote of the board.
environmental protection and natural resources
management: air quality, biology (including any (h) Members shall be automatically removed if
of the subdisciplines such as a botany, ecology, they are absent from two consecutive meetings
zoology, etc.), coastal processes, estuarine pro- without a satisfactory excuse or if they are absent
cesses,hazardous waste,hydrogeology,hydrology, from more than one-fourth of the meetings in a
hydraulics, land use law, land use planning, pol given fiscal year. Members shall be deemed ab-
lution control, solid waste, stormwater manage- sent from a meeting when they are not present
ment, water resources, wildlife management, or during at least 75 percent of the meeting.
other representative areas deemed appropriate by (Ord. No. 91-26, § 3; Ord.No. 91-48, § 1)
the board such as, but not limited to, a represen-
tative of the development community. Sec. 54-29. Officers and support staff.
(e) The initial terms of office of the members of (a) The officers of the environmental policy
the advisory board shall be as follows: nical advisory board shall be a chairman and a
vice-chairman. Officers' terms shall be for one
(1) Three members will serve until September year,with eligibility for reelection. The chairman
30, 1992; and vice-chairman shall be elected by a majority
vote at the organizational meeting and thereafter
(2) Three members will serve until September at the first regular meeting of the advisory board
30, 1993; in October of each year.
(3) Three members will serve until September (b) The chairman shall preside at all meetings
30, 1994; of the advisory board.The vice-chairman shall per-
form the duties of the chairman in the absence or
(4) Two members will serve until September incapacity of the chairman. In case of the re-
30, 1995. moval, resignation or death of the chairman, the
After the initial term of appointment, each ap-
pointment or reappointment shall be for a term of imposed on the chairman until such time as the
four years. All terms of office shall expire on Sep advisory board shall elect a new chairman.Should
tember 30. Terms of office shall be limited to two the offices of chairman and/or vice-chairman consecutive terms unless waived by the board by come vacant, the advisory board shall elect a suc
a unanimous vote.A member may be reappointed cessor from its membership at the next regular
by the board for only one successive term and shall meeting. Such election shall be for the unexpired
apply with other applicants. Terms shall be stag term of said office.
gered so that no more than a minority of such (c) Professional support staff for the advisory
members' appointments will expire in any one board shall be provided by the environmental ser-
year. vices division and such other county staff from
elsewhere within the county government as may, Items shall come before the advisory board as
from time to time, be requested by the advisory scheduled on the printed agenda unless a specific
board and deemed necessary by the county admin- request arises which justifies deviation by the ad-
istrator. visory board.
(Ord. No. 91-26, § 4) (Ord. No. 91-26, § 5; Ord. No. 91-48, § 2)
Sec. 54-30. Meetings;quorum;rules of proce-
dure. Sec. 54-31. Review process.
(a) Regular meetings of the environmental The environmental policy technical advisory
policy technical advisory board shall be held on board shall be reviewed for major accomplish-
the second Wednesday of each month at 9:00 a.m., ments and whether the board is serving the pur-
or as otherwise determined by the advisory board, pose for which it was created once every four years
in the commissioner's meeting room, Third Floor, commencing with 1994, in accordance with the
Building "F," Collier County Government Corn- procedures contained in chapter 2, article VIII,
plex, Naples, Collier County, Florida. Special division 2 of this Code.
meetings of the advisory board may be called by (Ord. No. 91-26, § 9)
the chairman or by a majority of the membership. -
Such meetings may be called subject to public no Sec. 54-32. Reimbursement of expenses.
tice to reduce an overloaded agenda or to consider
a specific topic. Members of the environmental policy technical
(b) A simple majority of the appointed mem- advisory board shall serve without compensation,
hers of the advisory board shall constitute a but shall be entitled to receive reimbursement for
quorum for the purpose of conducting business. expenses reasonably incurred in the performance
An affirmative vote of six or more members shall of their duties upon prior approval of the board of
be necessary in order to take official action, re- county commissioners.
gardless of whether six or more members of the (Ord. No. 91-26, § 8)
advisory board are present at a meeting.
(c) The advisory board shall, by majority vote Secs. 54.33-54.55. Reserved.
of the entire membership, adopt rules of proce-
dure for the transaction of business and shall keep
a record of meetings, resolutions, findings and de-
terminations. The advisory board may establish ARTICLE III.WATER POLLUTION
subcommittees comprised solely of its member- CONTROL PROGRAM
ship to facilitate its functions. Meetings of the
subcommittees shall conform to the same public
notice requirements as that of the advisory board. Sec. 54-56. Title and citation.
(d) At the regular meetings of the advisory This article shall be known and may be cited as
board,the following shall be the order of business: the "Collier County Water Pollution Control
(1) Roll call. Ordinance."
(Ord. No. 89-20, § 1)
(2) Approval of the minutes of previous
Sec. 54-57. Applicability.
3) Old business.
This article shall apply county-wide.
(4) New business.
(Ord. No. 89-20, § 2)
5' Public comments. State law reference—Conflicts between ordinances of non-
charted counties and municipal ordinances, Fla. Const. art.
(6) Adjournment. VIII, § (f).
Tibor (Ty) Agoston Maureen McCarthy
360 - 10th Avenue, N.W. The Dorchester - #501
Naples, Florida 34120 6075 Pelican Bay Blvd.
Home: 455-8400 Naples, Florida 34108
Work: None Home: 598-3857
Fax: 455-4310 Fax: 566-2483
Steven H. Bigelow William E.J. McKinney
1937 Empress Court 1898 Mission Drive
Naples, Florida 34110 Naples, Florida 34109
Home: 514-0833 Home: 592-7124
Work: 455-8062 Work: 261-2244/114
Fax: 455-0853 Fax: 263-4218
Bradley Cornell Monty Robinson
556 - 109th Avenue, North 2 Tina Lane, Lot 242
Naples, Florida 34108 Naples, Florida 34104
Home: 592-7805 Home: 643-6320
Work: 597-0653 Work: 649-1551
Fax: 597-6683 Fax: 649-7112
Michael J. Delate Michael Simonik
3700 - 27th Avenue, S.W. 1450 Merrihue Drive
Naples, Florida 34117 Naples, Florida 34102
Home: 455-5319 Home: 434-9736
Work: 262-4617 Work: 403-4222
Fax: 262-3074 Fax: 262-5872
Brenda C. Fogel Jan M. Stevens
1019 Broad Avenue, North 604 Crossfield Circle
Naples, Florida 34102 Naples, Florida 34104
Home: 403-0412 (unlisted) Home: 403-9223
Work: 262-8800 x162 Work: 403-8811
Fax: 262-4276 Fax:
Allen Morgan Kratz
10 Sabre Cay
Naples, Florida 34102-7937
Home: 649-7697
Work: 643-4636
Fax: 649-7689
DATE: December 22, 1995
TO: Staff Liaisons to all County Commission Advisory
Boards, Committees, Authorities and Task Force(s)
FROM: David C. Weigel, County Attorney .-4-427)€--
SUBJECT: Distribution of Information Memo - Florid
Governnment-In-The-Sunshine Law
Provided herewith is a memorandum dated December 22, 1995
from the County Attorney to all staff liaisons for copying and
distribution to all members of all advisory boards, committees,
authorities and task force(s) established by the Collier County
Board of County Commissioners.
I hope this memorandum, covering some of the more
practical and problematic aspects of the Florida
Government-In-The-Sunshine Law applicable to public board or
committee meetings, is helpful to the County staff and all
board/committee members. Please make copies and distribute
accordingly, and thanks for your help in this regard.
` C i !x`95
DATE: December 22 , 1995
TO: All Members of All Boards Established by the Board of
County Commissioners (including Advisory Boards,
Quasi-Judicial Boards and Ad Hoc Committees)
FROM: David C. Weigel, County Attorney AL, 4.4:0),,j___
RE: Government-In-The-Sunshine Law
(Section 286.011, Florida Statutes)
As a result of several questions that our office has
received from both advisory board members, staff members and
members of the public attending meetings, I believe it would be
helpful to summarize and clarify the Government-In-The-Sunshine
Law to assure that advisory board members (including
quasi-judicial board members and ad hoc committee members) are
aware of the basic compliance requirements of that law.
The Florida Government-In-The-Sunshine Law, Section
286. 011, Florida Statutes, commonly referred to as the
"Sunshine Law, " is a state statute which guarantees a public
right of access to governmental proceedings and is equally
applicable to elected and appointed boards. There are a few
exceptions to the Sunshine Law, but for your purposes the
Sunshine Law will almost always be applicable to you and your
proceedings and, unless otherwise advised by this office, it is
critical that you conduct your activities and proceedings with
the understanding that the Sunshine Law is applicable to you in
all situations. There are other requirements of_the Law that
are usually addressed by County staff (e.g. , notice and
minutes) , however this memo is intended only to address the
Sunshine Law as it is applicable to the various board and
committee members. This memorandum is not intended to be
all-inclusive but rather only to remind you of the basic
requirements of the law based on questions that I have recently
The Sunshine Law prohibits the discussion by two or more
members of the same board of any matter which is before that
board or will foreseeably come before that board for discussion
or action, except at a properly noticed meeting of that board
(staff handles the notice requirements) . In other words, if
two or more board members are talking about county business
which is handled by their board, the Sunshine Law considers
such activity to be a "meeting" and reasonable notice must be
given to the public of any meeting. The reason for this is to
provide an opportunity for the public to be present at the
board's decision-making process and to assure that the public
All Members of All Boards Established by the
Board of County Commissioners
December 22, 1995
Page 2
is aware of how decisions are made. Below are some commonly
asked questions and the answers which may clarify this issue
for you.
1. Question: If I have a question about an issue which I
know will be discussed at an upcoming meeting,
can I communicate with another board member
regarding the issue either in person or through
the use of a telephone, a fax machine, a
computer, letters or memos?
Answer: It is a violation of the Sunshine Law to
discuss the County business matter which you
know will come before your board or which will
foreseeably come before your board except at a
properly noticed meeting. Although nothing
prohibits you from calling another member to
ask the time or location of a meeting, any
discussion or communication, in person, by_
telephone or otherwise, of the substance,
merits or issues of any County business matter
before your board or which foreseeably will
come before your board, is a violation of the
Sunshine Law.
2. Question: If I am at a meeting of my board and we are on
a "break, " can I discuss issues before the
board with another member during that recess?
Answer: It is a violation of the Sunshine Law to
discuss matters which are before your board or
which foreseeably could come before your board
except while you're in session at a properly
noticed meeting. Discussion in the hallway or
on the way to the meeting or after the meeting
are "outside of the sunshine" and are
prohibited by the statute.
3. Question: If I am at a breakfast function with six people
in attendance and one of them is also an
advisory board member (same Board) for the
County, is it a violation of the Sunshine Law
if an issue to be considered by the advisory
board is discussed and, if so, what if I
consider it rude to leave the breakfast meeting
to avoid being present during such discussion?
Answer: I can only advise you on the law and the
Sunshine Law requires that you and any other
board member present refrain from discussing
All Members of All Boards Established by the
Board of County Commissioners
December 22, 1995
Page 3
matters on which foreseeable action may be
taken. The practical answer is to ask that the
matter not be discussed or, at the very least,
do not participate in the discussion at all
(although some Attorney General Opinions do
recommend that you actually leave the function,
at least during the discussion of such
matters) .
4. Question: A friend and I, prior to our appointment to an
advisory board, always discussed matters that
our board now addresses and the only reason we
both joined the advisory board was to
participate in the process and assist the
County. Since we have always discussed these
matters, can't we still do so even though we
now belong to the same advisory board?
Answer: There is no exception in the Sunshine Law for
prior interest in the subject matter of the
board or prior mutual interests of members of
the board. Once you become a member of a
county advisory board, the Sunshine Law is
applicable and any such discussion of any
matter which is scheduled to come before that
board or which may foreseeably come before that
board is a violation of the Sunshine Law.
5. Question: Can another member of my advisory board and I
schedule a meeting with a prominent local
businessman, or a local public official or the
president of a civic group or any other person
to discuss matters which are pending before our
advisory board or which may foreseeably come
before our advisory board, for example to
solicit help or support?
Answer: There is no exception to the Sunshine Law for
this type of situation and it would be
prohibited by the statute. There is no
prohibition, however, if only one member of the
advisory board is present at a private meeting.
6. Question: My advisory board has a membership of fifteen
persons and there are five subcommittees of
three members each. Are the subcommittees
subject to the Sunshine Law?
Answer: There is no exception to the Sunshine Law for
subcommittees and all subcommittee meetings
All Members of All Boards Established by the
Board of County Commissioners
December 22, 1995
Page 4
should be noticed and the public have the
opportunity to attend just as if it were a
meeting of your full board. This matter will
be discussed with the various staff liaisons to
the advisory boards and, if it is not being
done in every case, it will be done in the
7. Question: Can my advisory board adopt rules and policies
for the conduct of the board's public meeting?
And what about audio or video type recordings
of meetings by members of the public?
Answer: Reasonable rules and policies which ensure the
orderly conduct of a public meeting and which
require orderly behavior on the part of those
persons attending a public meeting may be
adopted by the board. A rule or policy which
prohibits the use of nondisruptive or silent
audio or video type recording devices or
cameras by the media or others, however, is
unreasonable and arbitrary and is, therefore,
8. Question: Are there any penalties for violation of the
Sunshine Law?
Answer: Any member of a board or commission of any
state agency or authority of a county,
municipal corporation or political subdivision
(which includes all advisory boards) who
knowingly violates the Sunshine Law is guilty
of a misdemeanor of the second degree. The
statutes also impose non-criminal penalties for
violation of the Sunshine Law by providing that
any public official violating the provisions of
the Sunshine Law is guilty of a non-criminal
infraction, punishable by a fine not exceeding
five hundred dollars.
It should be noted that the above situations would be
prohibited by the Sunshine Law because they are defined as
meetings (two or more advisory board members present) without
reasonable public notice. The Sunshine Law does not prohibit
members of the same board from socializing, attending functions
together, golfing or any other activity as long as matters
which are pending before their board or which may foreseeably
come before their board are not discussed.
All Members of All Boards Established by the
Board of County Commissioners
December 22, 1995
Page 5
If after reading this memo you have come to the conclusion
that the Sunshine Law is construed very strictly and that it
places a strict prohibition on your ability to discuss your
board's issues with other board members outside of a public
meeting, you are absolutely correct. The courts do construe
the Sunshine Law very strictly, and I'm sure they will continue
to do so. I know that the Board of County Commissioners has
always been very appreciative of the work that is done by the
members of its various boards and committees and neither the
Board of County Commissioners nor this office would want any
advisory board member to run into a problem in the course of
your assistance to the County. Therefore, my advice would be
to approach this issue cautiously and, when in doubt, assume
the Sunshine Law applies.
If you would like additional information regarding this
matter or if I can provide further details regarding any issue
addressed in this memo, please let me know. My office also has
copies of the Government-In-The-Sunshine Manual, which is a
very comprehensive and well written book prepared by the
Attorney General's office, and we can provide that book to you
on a loan basis or for review in our office.
cc: Board of County Commissioners
Staff Liaisons to Advisory and Quasi-Judicial
Boards and Committees
ARTICLE I. IN GENERAL agement and protection of air, land, and
water resources and environmental quality
Secs. 54.1-54.25. Reserved. in the county.
(2) Assist the board to establish goals and ob-
jectives for the county's environmental con-
ARTICLE II. ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY servation and management programs.
TECHNICAL ADVISORY BOARD' (3) Assist the board in developing and revising,
as appropriate,local rules, ordinances,reg-
Sec. 54.26. Establishment. ulations,programs and other initiatives ad-
dressing the use, conservation and preser-
There is hereby established the environmental vation of the county's natural resources.
policy technical advisory board,which shall herein
be referred to as the EPTAB. (4) Assist in the implementation and develop-
(Ord. No. 91-26, § 1) ment of the growth management plan re-
garding environmental and natural re-
Sec. 54-27. Authority; functions;powers and source issues.
duties. (5) Assist the board in identifying and recom-
(a) The environmental policy technical advi- mending solutions to existing and future
sory board obtains its jurisdiction, powers, and environmental issues.
limits of authority from the board of county corn- (6) Serve as the technical advisory committee
missioners and, pursuant to this article, shall act to advise and assist the county in the ac-
in an advisory capacity to the board in matters tivities involved in the development and im-
dealing with the regulation,control,management, plementation of the county environmental
use or exploitation of any or all natural resources resources management program as stated
of or within the county. in Policy 1.1.1 of the conservation and
(b) The advisory board will function to: coastal management element of the growth
management plan.
(1) Advise on the preservation, conservation, (7) Implement the water policy pursuant to
protection, management and beneficial use chapter 90, article II of this Code.
of the physical and biological natural re-
sources (atmospheric, terrestrial, aquatic (8) Provide an opportunity for public comment
and hydrologic) of the county in regard to on environmental issues, ordinances and
the safety,health and general well-being of programs.
the public; (Ord. No. 91.26, § 2)
(2) Advise and assist the county staff and board Sec. 54.28. Membership.
toward developing the purpose, intent and
criteria of all county ordinances, policies, (a) The environmental policy technical advi-
programs and other initiatives dealing with sory board shall be composed of 11 members who
natural resources. shall be appointed by and serve at the pleasure of
(c) The powers and duties of the advisory board the board.Appointment to the advisory board shall
be by resolution of the board and shall set forth
are as follows: the date of appointment and the term of office.
1) Identify, study, evaluate, and provide tech (b) Vacancies on the advisory board shall be
nical recommendations to the board on pro- publicized in a publication of general circulation
grams necessary for the conservation,man- within the county, and vacancy notices shall be
'Cross reference—Boards,commissions and authorities,§ posted in the county libraries and county court-
2.816 et seq. house. Along with the applicant responses the
• board's staff shall provide the board with a list (1) For the full term of the initial appointments,
outlining the qualifications and demographic back- the three members serving until September 30,
ground of each candidate, including the.present 1994 and the two members serving until Sep-
members seeking reappointment. tember 30, 1995 shall have demonstrated exper-
tise in biology(including any of the subdisciplines
(c) Members shall be permanent residents and such as botany,ecology, zoology, etc.)and/or wild-
electors of the county and should be reputable and life management. After the expiration of these
active in community service. initial terms of appointment, the vacancies may
(d) The primary consideration in appointing the be filled by members demonstrating expertise in
advisory board members shall be to provide the any of the abovementioned areas related to envi
board with technical expertise necessary to effec ronmental protection and natural resources man-
tively accomplish the advisory board's purpose. agement.
Members shall demonstrate evidence of expertise (g) Any member of the advisory board may be
in one or more of the following areas related to removed from office by a majority vote of the board.
environmental protection and natural resources
management: air quality, biology (including any (h) Members shall be automatically removed if
of the subdisciplines such as a botany, ecology, they are absent from two consecutive meetings
zoology, etc.), coastal processes, estuarine pro- without a satisfactory excuse or if they are absent
cesses,hazardous waste,hydrogeology,hydrology, from more than one-fourth of the meetings in a
hydraulics, land use law, land use planning, pol given fiscal year. Members shall be deemed ab-
lution control, solid waste, stormwater manage- sent from a meeting when they are not present
ment, water resources, wildlife management, or during at least 75 percent of the meeting.
other representative areas deemed appropriate by (Ord. No. 91-26, § 3; Ord.No. 91-48, § 1)
the board such as, but not limited to, a represen-
tative of the development community. Sec. 54-29. Officers and support staff.
(e) The initial terms of office of the members of (a) The officers of the environmental policy tech-
nicalthe advisory board shall be as follows: advisory board shall be a chairman and a
vice-chairman. Officers' terms shall be for one
(1) Three members will serve until September year,with eligibility for reelection.The chairman
30, 1992; and vice-chairman shall be elected by a majority
vote at the organizational meeting and thereafter
(2) Three members will serve until September at the first regular meeting of the advisory board
30, 1993; in October of each year.
(3) Three members will serve until September (b) The chairman shall preside at all meetings
30, 1994; of the advisory board.The vice-chairman shall per-
form the duties of the chairman in the absence or
(4) Two members will serve until September incapacity of the chairman. In case of the re-
30, 1995. moval, resignation or death of the chairman, the
After the initial term of appointment, each ap- vice-chairman shall perform such duties as are
pointment or reappointment shall be for a term of imposed on the chairman until such time as the
four years. All terms of office shall expire on Sep- advisory board shall elect a new chairman.Should
tember 30. Terms of office shall be limited to two the offices of chairman and/or vice-chairman be-
consecutive terms unless waived by the board by come vacant, the advisory board shall elect a suc
a unanimous vote.A member may be reappointed cessor from its membership at the next regular
by the board for only one successive term and shall meeting. Such election shall be for the unexpired
apply with other applicants. Terms shall be stag term of said office.
gered so that no more than a minority of such (c) Professional support staff for the advisory
members' appointments will expire in any one board shall be provided by the environmental ser-
year. vices division and such other county staff from
elsewhere within the county government as may, Items shall come before the advisory board as
from time to time, be requested by the advisory scheduled on the printed agenda unless a specific
board and deemed necessary by the county admin- request arises which justifies deviation by the ad-
istrator. visory board.
(Ord. No. 91-26, § 4) (Ord. No. 91-26, § 5; Ord. No. 91-48, § 2)
Sec. 54-30. Meetings;quorum;rules of proce-
Sec. 54-31. Review process.
(a) Regular meetings of the environmental The environmental policy technical advisory
policy technical advisory board shall be held on board shall be reviewed for major accomplish-
the second Wednesday of each month at 9:00 a.m., ments and whether the board is serving the pur-
or as otherwise determined by the advisory board, pose for which it was created once every four years
in the commissioner's meeting room,Third Floor, commencing with 1994, in accordance with the
Building "F," Collier County Government Corn- procedures contained in chapter 2, article VIII,
plex, Naples, Collier County, Florida. Special division 2 of this Code.
meetings of the advisory board may be called by (Ord. No. 91.26, § 9)
the chairman or by a majority of the membership.
Such meetings may be called subject to public no- Sec. 54.32. Reimbursement of expenses.
tice to reduce an overloaded agenda or to consider
a specific topic. Members of the environmental policy technical
(b) A simple majority of the appointed mem- advisory board shall serve without compensation,
bers of the advisory board shall constitute a but shall be entitled to receive reimbursement for
quorum for the purpose of conducting business. expenses reasonably incurred in the performance
An affirmative vote of six or more members shall of their duties upon prior approval of the board of
be necessary in order to take official action, re- county commissioners.
gardless of whether six or more members of the (Ord. No. 91-26, § 8)
advisory board are present at a meeting.
(c) The advisory board shall, by majority vote Secs. 54-33-54-55. Reserved.
of the entire membership, adopt rules of proce-
dure for the transaction of business and shall keep
a record of meetings, resolutions, findings and de-
terminations. The advisory board may establish ARTICLE III.WATER POLLUTION
subcommittees comprised solely of its member- CONTROL PROGRAM
ship to facilitate its functions. Meetings of the
subcommittees shall conform to the same public
notice requirements as that of the advisory board. Sec. 54-56. Title and citation.
(d) At the regular meetings of the advisory This article shall be known and may be cited as
board,the following shall be the order of business: the "Collier County Water Pollution Control
(1) Roll call. Ordinance."
(Ord. No. 89-20, § 1)
(2) Approval of the minutes of previous
Sec. 54-57. Applicability.
3) Old business.
(4) New business. This article shall apply county-wide.
(Ord. No. 89-20, § 2)
5' Public comments. State law reference—Conflicts between ordinances of non-
charted counties and municipal ordinances, Fla. Const. art.
(6) Adjournment. VIII, 4 (f).
Tibor (Ty) Agoston Maureen McCarthy
360 - 10th Avenue, N.W. The Dorchester - #501
Naples, Florida 34120 6075 Pelican Bay Blvd.
Home: 455-8400 Naples, Florida 34108
Work: None Home: 598-3857
Fax: 455-4310 Fax: 566-2483
Steven H. Bigelow William E.J. McKinney
1937 Empress Court 1898 Mission Drive
Naples, Florida 34110 Naples, Florida 34109
Home: 514-0833 Home: 592-7124
Work: 455-8062 Work: 261-2244/114
Fax: 455-0853 Fax: 263-4218
Bradley Cornell Monty Robinson
556 - 109th Avenue, North 2 Tina Lane, Lot 242
Naples, Florida 34108 Naples, Florida 34104
Home: 592-7805 Home: 643-6320
Work: 597-0653 Work: 649-1551
Fax: 597-6683 Fax: 649-7112
Michael J. Delate Michael Simonik
3700 - 27th Avenue, S.W. 1450 Merrihue Drive
Naples, Florida 34117 Naples, Florida 34102
Home: 455-5319 Home: 434-9736
Work: 262-4617 Work: 403-4222
Fax: 262-3074 Fax: 262-5872
Brenda C. Fogel Jan M. Stevens
1019 Broad Avenue, North 604 Crossfield Circle
Naples, Florida 34102 Naples, Florida 34104
Home: 403-0412 (unlisted) Home: 403-9223
Work: 262-8800 x162 Work: 403-8811
Fax: 262-4276 Fax:
Allen Morgan Kratz
10 Sabre Cay
Naples, Florida 34102-7937
Home: 649-7697
Work: 643-4636
Fax: 649-7689
DATE: December 22, 1995
TO: Staff Liaisons to all County Commission Advisory
Boards, Committees, Authorities and Task Force(s)
FROM: David C. Weigel, County Attorney L,
SUBJECT: Distribution of Information Memo - Florid
Governnment-In-The-Sunshine Law
Provided herewith is a memorandum dated December 22, 1995
from the County Attorney to all staff liaisons for copying and
distribution to all members of all advisory boards, committees,
authorities and task force(s) established by the Collier County
Board of County Commissioners.
I hope this memorandum, covering some of the more
practical and problematic aspects of the Florida
Government-In-The-Sunshine Law applicable to public board or
committee meetings, is helpful to the County staff and all
board/committee members. Please make copies and distribute
accordingly, and thanks for your help in this regard.
t.'f-rL-V 2 ,1 f-r-
G= -;h t IENT CES
DATE: December 22, 1995
TO: All Members of All Boards Established by the Board of
County Commissioners (including Advisory Boards,
Quasi-Judicial Boards and Ad Hoc Committees)
FROM: David C. Weigel, County Attorney /L, 4.44e___
RE: Government-In-The-Sunshine Law
(Section 286. 011, Florida Statutes)
As a result of several questions that our office has
received from both advisory board members, staff members and
members of the public attending meetings, I believe it would be
helpful to summarize and clarify the Government-In-The-Sunshine
Law to assure that advisory board members (including
quasi-judicial board members and ad hoc committee members) are
aware of the basic compliance requirements of that law.
The Florida Government-In-The-Sunshine Law, Section
286. 011, Florida Statutes, commonly referred to as the
"Sunshine Law, " is a state statute which guarantees a public
right of access to governmental proceedings and is equally
applicable to elected and appointed boards. There are a few
exceptions to the Sunshine Law, but for your purposes the
Sunshine Law will almost always be applicable to you and your
proceedings and, unless otherwise advised by this office, it is
critical that you conduct your activities and proceedings with
the understanding that the Sunshine Law is applicable to you in
all situations. There are other requirements of.the Law that
are usually addressed by County staff (e.g. , notice and
minutes) , however this memo is intended only to address the
Sunshine Law as it is applicable to the various board and
committee members. This memorandum is not intended to be
all-inclusive but rather only to remind you of the basic
requirements of the law based on questions that I have recently
The Sunshine Law prohibits the discussion by two or more
members of the same board of any matter which is before that
board or will foreseeably come before that board for discussion
or action, except at a properly noticed meeting of that board
(staff handles the notice requirements) . In other words, if
two or more board members are talking about county business
which is handled by their board, the Sunshine Law considers
such activity to be a "meeting" and reasonable notice must be
given to the public of any meeting. The reason for this is to
provide an opportunity for the public to be present at the
board's decision-making process and to assure that the public
All Members of All Boards Established by the
Board of County Commissioners
December 22, 1995
Page 2
is aware of how decisions are made. Below are some commonly
asked questions and the answers which may clarify this issue
for you.
1. Question: If I have a question about an issue which I
know will be discussed at an upcoming meeting,
can I communicate with another board member
regarding the issue either in person or through
the use of a telephone, a fax machine, a
computer, letters or memos?
Answer: It is a violation of the Sunshine Law to
discuss the County business matter which you
know will come before your board or which will
foreseeably come before your board except at a
properly noticed meeting. Although nothing
prohibits you from calling another member to
ask the time or location of a meeting, any
discussion or communication, in person, by_
telephone or otherwise, of the substance,
merits or issues of any County business matter
before your board or which foreseeably will
come before your board, is a violation of the
Sunshine Law.
2. Question: If I am at a meeting of my board and we are on
a "break, " can I discuss issues before the
board with another member during that recess?
Answer: It is a violation of the Sunshine Law to
discuss matters which are before your board or
which foreseeably could come before your board
except while you're in session at a properly
noticed meeting. Discussion in the hallway or
on the way to the meeting or after the meeting
are "outside of the sunshine" and are
prohibited by the statute.
3. Question: If I am at a breakfast function with six people
in attendance and one of them is also an
advisory board member (same Board) for the
County, is it a violation of the Sunshine Law
if an issue to be considered by the advisory
board is discussed and, if so, what if I
consider it rude to leave the breakfast meeting
to avoid being present during such discussion?
Answer: I can only advise you on the law and the
Sunshine Law requires that you and any other
board member present refrain from discussing
All Members of All Boards Established by the
Board of County Commissioners
December 22, 1995
Page 3
matters on which foreseeable action may be
taken. The practical answer is to ask that the
matter not be discussed or, at the very least,
do not participate in the discussion at all
(although some Attorney General Opinions do
recommend that you actually leave the function,
at least during the discussion of such
matters) .
4. Question: A friend and I, prior to our appointment to an
advisory board, always discussed matters that
our board now addresses and the only reason we
both joined the advisory board was to
participate in the process and assist the
County. Since we have always discussed these
matters, can't we still do so even though we
now belong to the same advisory board?
Answer: There is no exception in the Sunshine Law for
prior interest in the subject matter of the
board or prior mutual interests of members of
the board. Once you become a member of a
county advisory board, the Sunshine Law is
applicable and any such discussion of any
matter which is scheduled to come before that
board or which may foreseeably come before that
board is a violation of the Sunshine Law.
5. Question: Can another member of my advisory board and I
schedule a meeting with a prominent local
businessman, or a local public official or the
president of a civic group or any other person
to discuss matters which are pending before our
advisory board or which may foreseeably come
before our advisory board, for example to
solicit help or support?
Answer: There is no exception to the Sunshine Law for
this type of situation and it would be
prohibited by the statute. There is no
prohibition, however, if only one member of the
advisory board is present at a private meeting.
6. Question: My advisory board has a membership of fifteen
persons and there are five subcommittees of
three members each. Are the subcommittees
subject to the Sunshine Law?
Answer: There is no exception to the Sunshine Law for
subcommittees and all subcommittee meetings
All Members of All Boards Established by the
Board of County Commissioners
December 22, 1995
Page 4
should be noticed and the public have the
opportunity to attend just as if it were a
meeting of your full board. This matter will
be discussed with the various staff liaisons to
the advisory boards and, if it is not being
done in every case, it will be done in the
7. Question: Can my advisory board adopt rules and policies
for the conduct of the board's public meeting?
And what about audio or video type recordings
of meetings by members of the public?
Answer: Reasonable rules and policies which ensure the
orderly conduct of a public meeting and which
require orderly behavior on the part of those
persons attending a public meeting may be
adopted by the board. A rule or policy which
prohibits the use of nondisruptive or silent
audio or video type recording devices or
cameras by the media or others, however, is
unreasonable and arbitrary and is, therefore,
8. Question: Are there any penalties for violation of the
Sunshine Law?
Answer: Any member of a board or commission of any
state agency or authority of a county,
municipal corporation or political subdivision
(which includes all advisory boards) who
knowingly violates the Sunshine Law is guilty
of a misdemeanor of the second degree. The
statutes also impose non-criminal penalties for
violation of the Sunshine Law by providing that
any public official violating the provisions of
the Sunshine Law is guilty of a non-criminal
infraction, punishable by a fine not exceeding
five hundred dollars.
It should be noted that the above situations would be
prohibited by the Sunshine Law because they are defined as
meetings (two or more advisory board members present) without
reasonable public notice. The Sunshine Law does not prohibit
members of the same board from socializing, attending functions
together, golfing or any other activity as long as matters
which are pending before their board or which may foreseeably
come before their board are not discussed.
All Members of All Boards Established by the
Board of County Commissioners
December 22, 1995
Page 5
If after reading this memo you have come to the conclusion
that the Sunshine Law is construed very strictly and that it
places a strict prohibition on your ability to discuss your
board's issues with other board members outside of a public
meeting, you are absolutely correct. The courts do construe
the Sunshine Law very strictly, and I'm sure they will continue
to do so. I know that the Board of County Commissioners has
always been very appreciative of the work that is done by the
members of its various boards and committees and neither the
Board of County Commissioners nor this office would want any
advisory board member to run into a problem in the course of
your assistance to the County. Therefore, my advice would be
to approach this issue cautiously and, when in doubt, assume
the Sunshine Law applies.
If you would like additional information regarding this
matter or if I can provide further details regarding any issue
addressed in this memo, please let me know. My office also has
copies of the Government-In-The-Sunshine Manual, which is a
very comprehensive and well written book prepared by the
Attorney General's office, and we can provide that book to you
on a loan basis or for review in our office.
cc: Board of County Commissioners
Staff Liaisons to Advisory and Quasi-Judicial
Boards and Committees
• ARTICLE I. IN GENERAL agement and protection of air, land, and
water resources and environmental quality
Secs. 54.1-54.25. Reserved. in the county.
(2) Assist the board to establish goals and ob-
jectives for the county's environmental con-
ARTICLE H.ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY servation and management programs.
TECHNICAL ADVISORY BOARD' (3) Assist the board in developing and revising,
as appropriate,local rules, ordinances,reg-
Sec. 54-26. Establishment. ulations,programs and other initiatives ad-
dressing the use, conservation and preser-
There is hereby established the environmental vation of the county's natural resources.
policy technical advisory board,which shall herein
be referred to as the EPTAB. (4) Assist in the implementation and develop-
(Ord. No. 91-26, § 1) ment of the growth management plan re-
garding environmental and natural re-
Sec. 54.27. Authority; functions;powers and source issues.
duties. (5) Assist the board in identifying and recom-
(a) The environmental policy technical advi-
sory board obtains its jurisdiction, powers, and environmental issues.
limits of authority from the board of county com- (6) Serve as the technical advisory committee
missioners and, pursuant to this article, shall act to advise and assist the county in the ac-
in an advisory capacity to the board in matters tivities involved in the development and im-
dealing with the regulation,control,management, plementation of the county environmental
use or exploitation of any or all natural resources resources management program as stated
of or within the county. in Policy 1.1.1 of the conservation and
(b) The advisory board will function to: coastal management element of the growth
management plan.
(1) Advise on the preservation, conservation, (7) Implement the water policy pursuant to
protection, management and beneficial use chapter 90, article II of this Code.
of the physical and biological natural re-
sources (atmospheric, terrestrial, aquatic (8 Provide an opportunity for public comment
and hydrologic) of the county in regard to on environmental issues, ordinances and
the safety,health and general well-being of programs.
the public; (Ord. No. 91-26, § 2)
12) Advise and assist the county staff and board Sec. 54-28. Membership.
toward developing the purpose, intent and
criteria of all county ordinances, policies, (a; The environmental policy technical advi-
programs and other initiatives dealing with sory board shall be composed of 11 members who
natural resources. shall be appointed by and serve at the pleasure of
(c) The powers and duties of the advisory board the board.Appointment to the advisory board shall
be by resolution of the board and shall set forth
are as follows: the date of appointment and the term of office.
1) Identify,study, evaluate,and provide tech- (b; Vacancies on the advisory board shall be
nical recommendations to the board on pro- publicized in a publication of general circulation
grams necessary for the conservation,man- within the county, and vacancy notices shall be
*Cross reference—Boards,commissions and authorities,§ posted in the county libraries and county court-
2.816 et seq. house. Along with the applicant responses the
o, board's staff shall provide the board with a list (f) For the full term of the initial appointments,
outlining the qualifications and demographic back- the three members serving until September 30,
ground of each candidate, including the.present 1994 and the two members serving until Sep-
members seeking reappointment. tember 30, 1995 shall have demonstrated exper-
tise in biology(including any of the subdisciplines
(c) Members shall be permanent residents and such as botany,ecology, zoology,
electors of the county and should be reputable and After etc.)raand/orofthese life management. the expiration of these
active in community service. initial terms of appointment, the vacancies may
(d) The primary consideration in appointing the be filled by members demonstrating expertise in
advisory board members shall be to provide the any of the abovementioned areas related to envi•
board with technical expertise necessary to effec ronmental protection and natural resources man-
tively accomplish the advisory board's purpose. agement.
Members shall demonstrate evidence of expertise (g) Any member of the advisory board may be
in one or more of the following areas related to removed from office by a majority vote of the board.
environmental protection and natural resources
management: air quality, biology (including any (h) Members shall be automatically removed if
of the subdisciplines such as a botany, ecology, they are absent from two consecutive meetings
zoology, etc.), coastal processes, estuarine pro- without a satisfactory excuse or if they are absent
cesses,hazardous waste,hydrogeology,hydrology, from more than one-fourth of the meetings in a
hydraulics, land use law, land use planning, pol given fiscal year. Members shall be deemed ab-
lution control, solid waste, stormwater manage sent from a meeting when they are not present
ment, water resources, wildlife management, or during at least 75 percent of the meeting.
other representative areas deemed appropriate by (Ord. No. 91-26, § 3; Ord.No. 91-48, § 1)
the board such as, but not limited to, a represen-
Sec. 54.28. Officers and support staff.
tative of the development community.
le) The initial terms of office of the members of (a) The officers of the environmental policy tech
nical advisory board shall be a chairman and a
the advisory board shall be as follows: vice-chairman. Officers' terms shall be for one
(1) Three members will serve until September year,with eligibility for reelection.The chairman
30, 1992; and vice-chairman shall be elected by a majority
vote at the organizational meeting and thereafter
(2) Three members will serve until September at the first regular meeting of the advisory board
30, 1993; in October of each year.
(3) Three members will serve until September (b) The chairman shall preside at all meetings
30, 1994; of the advisory board.The vice-chairman shall per-
form the duties of the chairman in the absence or
(4) Two members will serve until September incapacity of the chairman. In case of the re-
30, 1995. moval, resignation or death of the chairman, the
After the initial term of appointment, each ap- vice-chairman shall perform such duties as are
pointment or reappointment shall be for a term of imposed on the chairman until such time as the
four years. All terms of office shall expire on Sep-
board shall elect a new chairman.Should
tember 30. Terms of office shall be limited to two the offices of chairman and/or vice-chairman consecutive terms unless waived by the board by come vacant, the advisory board shall elect a sua
a unanimous vote.A member may be reappointed cessor from its membership at the next regular
by the board for only one successive term and shall meeting. Such election shall be for the unexpired
apply with other applicants. Terms shall be stag term of said office.
gered so that no more than a minority of such (c) Professional support staff for the advisory
members' appointments will expire in any one board shall be provided by the environmental ser-
year. vices division and such other county staff from
elsewhere within the county government as may, Items shall come before the advisory board as
from time to time, be requested by the advisory scheduled on the printed agenda unless a specific
board and deemed necessary by the county admin- request arises which justifies deviation by the ad-
istrator. visory board.
(Ord. No. 91-26, § 4) (Ord. No. 91-26, § 5; Ord. No. 91-48, § 2)
Sec. 54.30. Meetings;quorum;rules of proce-
dure. Sec. 54-31. Review process.
(a) Regular meetings of the environmental The environmental policy technical advisory
policy technical advisory board shall be held on board shall be reviewed for major accomplish-
the second Wednesday of each month at 9:00 a.m., ments and whether the board is serving the pur-
or as otherwise determined by the advisory board, pose for which it was created once every four years
in the commissioner's meeting room,Third Floor, commencing with 1994, in accordance with the
Building "F," Collier County Government Com- procedures contained in chapter 2, article VIII,
plex, Naples, Collier County, Florida. Special division 2 of this Code.
meetings of the advisory board may be called by (Ord. No. 91.26, § 9)
the chairman or by a majority of the membership.
Such meetings may be called subject to public no-
Sec. 54-32. Reimbursement of expenses.
tice to reduce an overloaded agenda or to consider
a specific topic. Members of the environmental policy technical
(b) A simple majority of the appointed mem- advisory board shall serve without compensation,
bers of the advisory board shall constitute a but shall be entitled to receive reimbursement for
quorum for the purpose of conducting business. expenses reasonably incurred in the performance
An affirmative vote of six or more members shall of their duties upon prior approval of the board of
be necessary in order to take official action, re- county commissioners.
gardless of whether six or more members of the (Ord. No. 91-26, § 8)
advisory board are present at a meeting.
(c) The advisory board shall, by majority vote Secs. 54.33-54.55. Reserved.
of the entire membership, adopt rules of proce-
dure for the transaction of business and shall keep
a record of meetings, resolutions, findings and de-
terminations. The advisory board may establish ARTICLE III.WATER POLLUTION
subcommittees comprised solely of its member- CONTROL PROGRAM
ship to facilitate its functions. Meetings of the
subcommittees shall conform to the same public
notice requirements as that of the advisory board. Sec. 54-56. Title and citation.
(d) At the regular meetings of the advisory This article shall be known and may be cited as
board,the following shall be the order of business: the "Collier County Water Pollution Control
(1) Roll call. Ordinance."
(Ord. No. 89.20, § 1)
(2) Approval of the minutes of previous
Sec. 54.57. Applicability.
3) Old business.
'4) New business. This article shall apply county-wide.
(Ord. No. 89.20, § 2)
5. Public comments. State law reference—Conflicts between ordinances of non-
charted counties and municipal ordinances, Fla. Const. art.
(6) Adjournment. VIII, §(n•
Tibor (Ty) Agoston Maureen McCarthy
360 - 10th Avenue, N.W. The Dorchester - #501
Naples, Florida 34120 6075 Pelican Bay Blvd.
Home: 455-8400 Naples, Florida 34108
Work: None Home: 598-3857
Fax: 455-4310 Fax: 566-2483
Steven H. Bigelow William E.J. McKinney
1937 Empress Court 1898 Mission Drive
Naples, Florida 34110 Naples, Florida 34109
Home: 514-0833 Home: 592-7124
Work: 455-8062 Work: 261-2244/114
Fax: 455-0853 Fax: 263-4218
Bradley Cornell Monty Robinson
556 - 109th Avenue, North 2 Tina Lane, Lot 242
Naples, Florida 34108 Naples, Florida 34104
Home: 592-7805 Home: 643-6320
Work: 597-0653 Work: 649-1551
Fax: 597-6683 Fax: 649-7112
Michael J. Delate Michael Simonik
3700 - 27th Avenue, S.W. 1450 Merrihue Drive
Naples, Florida 34117 Naples, Florida 34102
Home: 455-5319 Home: 434-9736
Work: 262-4617 Work: 403-4222
Fax: 262-3074 Fax: 262-5872
Brenda C. Fogel Jan M. Stevens
1019 Broad Avenue, North 604 Crossfield Circle
Naples, Florida 34102 Naples, Florida 34104
Home: 403-0412 (unlisted) Home: 403-9223
Work: 262-8800 x162 Work: 403-8811
Fax: 262-4276 Fax:
Allen Morgan Kratz
10 Sabre Cay
Naples, Florida 34102-7937
Home: 649-7697
Work: 643-4636
Fax: 649-7689
DATE: December 22, 1995
TO: Staff Liaisons to all County Commission Advisory
Boards, Committees, Authorities and Task Force(s)
FROM: David C. Weigel, County Attorney L '71/4„:71._,
SUBJECT: Distribution of Information Memo - Florid
Governnment-In-The-Sunshine Law
Provided herewith is a memorandum dated December 22, 1995
from the County Attorney to all staff liaisons for copying and
distribution to all members of all advisory boards, committees,
authorities and task force(s) established by the Collier County
Board of County Commissioners.
I hope this memorandum, covering some of the more
practical and problematic aspects of the Florida
Government-In-The-Sunshine Law applicable to public board or
committee meetings, is helpful to the County staff and all
board/committee members. Please make copies and distribute
accordingly, and thanks for your help in this regard.
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DATE: December 22, 1995
TO: All Members of All Boards Established by the Board of
County Commissioners (including Advisory Boards,
Quasi-Judicial Boards and Ad Hoc Committees)
FROM: David C. Weigel, County Attorney /4..., i4AL,
RE: Government-In-The-Sunshine Law
(Section 286.011, Florida Statutes)
As a result of several questions that our office has
received from both advisory board members, staff members and
members of the public attending meetings, I believe it would be
helpful to summarize and clarify the Government-In-The-Sunshine
Law to assure that advisory board members (including
quasi-judicial board members and ad hoc committee members) are
aware of the basic compliance requirements of that law.
The Florida Government-In-The-Sunshine Law, Section
286. 011, Florida Statutes, commonly referred to as the
"Sunshine Law, " is a state statute which guarantees a public
right of access to governmental proceedings and is equally
applicable to elected and appointed boards. There are a few
exceptions to the Sunshine Law, but for your purposes the
Sunshine Law will almost always be applicable to you and your
proceedings and, unless otherwise advised by this office, it is
critical that you conduct your activities and proceedings with
the understanding that the Sunshine Law is applicable to you in
all situations. There are other requirements of.the Law that
are usually addressed by County staff (e.g. , notice and
minutes) , however this memo is intended only to address the
Sunshine Law as it is applicable to the various board and
committee members. This memorandum is not intended to be
all-inclusive but rather only to remind you of the basic
requirements of the law based on questions that I have recently
The Sunshine Law prohibits the discussion by two or more
members of the same board of any matter which is before that
board or will foreseeably come before that board for discussion
or action, except at a properly noticed meeting of that board
(staff handles the notice requirements) . In other words, if
two or more board members are talking about county business
which is handled by their board, the Sunshine Law considers
such activity to be a "meeting" and reasonable notice must be
given to the public of any meeting. The reason for this is to
provide an opportunity for the public to be present at the
board's decision-making process and to assure that the public
All Members of All Boards Established by the
Board of County Commissioners
December 22, 1995
Page 2
is aware of how decisions are made. Below are some commonly
asked questions and the answers which may clarify this issue
for you.
1. Question: If I have a question about an issue which I
know will be discussed at an upcoming meeting,
can I communicate with another board member
regarding the issue either in person or through
the use of a telephone, a fax machine, a
computer, letters or memos?
Answer: It is a violation of the Sunshine Law to
discuss the County business matter which you
know will come before your board or which will
foreseeably come before your board except at a
properly noticed meeting. Although nothing
prohibits you from calling another member to
ask the time or location of a meeting, any
discussion or communication, in person, by_
telephone or otherwise, of the substance,
merits or issues of any County business matter
before your board or which foreseeably will
come before your board, is a violation of the
Sunshine Law.
2. Question: If I am at a meeting of my board and we are on
a "break, " can I discuss issues before the
board with another member during that recess?
Answer: It is a violation of the Sunshine Law to
discuss matters which are before your board or
which foreseeably could come before your board
except while you're in session at a properly
noticed meeting. Discussion in the hallway or
on the way to the meeting or after the meeting
are "outside of the sunshine" and are
prohibited by the statute.
3. Question: If I am at a breakfast function with six people
in attendance and one of them is also an
advisory board member (same Board) for the
County, is it a violation of the Sunshine Law
if an issue to be considered by the advisory
board is discussed and, if so, what if I
consider it rude to leave the breakfast meeting
to avoid being present during such discussion?
Answer: I can only advise you on the law and the
Sunshine Law requires that you and any other
board member present refrain from discussing
All Members of All Boards Established by the
Board of County Commissioners
December 22, 1995
Page 3
matters on which foreseeable action may be
taken. The practical answer is to ask that the
matter not be discussed or, at the very least,
do not participate in the discussion at all
(although some Attorney General Opinions do
recommend that you actually leave the function,
at least during the discussion of such
matters) .
4. Question: A friend and I, prior to our appointment to an
advisory board, always discussed matters that
our board now addresses and the only reason we
both joined the advisory board was to
participate in the process and assist the
County. Since we have always discussed these
matters, can't we still do so even though we
now belong to the same advisory board?
Answer: There is no exception in the Sunshine Law for
prior interest in the subject matter of the
board or prior mutual interests of members of
the board. Once you become a member of a
county advisory board, the Sunshine Law is
applicable and any such discussion of any
matter which is scheduled to come before that
board or which may foreseeably come before that
board is a violation of the Sunshine Law.
5. Question: Can another member of my advisory board and I
schedule a meeting with a prominent local
businessman, or a local public official or the
president of a civic group or any other person
to discuss matters which are pending before our
advisory board or which may foreseeably come
before our advisory board, for example to
solicit help or support?
Answer: There is no exception to the Sunshine Law for
this type of situation and it would be
prohibited by the statute. There is no
prohibition, however, if only one member of the
advisory board is present at a private meeting.
6. Question: My advisory board has a membership of fifteen
persons and there are five subcommittees of
three members each. Are the subcommittees
subject to the Sunshine Law?
Answer: There is no exception to the Sunshine Law for
subcommittees and all subcommittee meetings
All Members of All Boards Established by the
Board of Cot.nty Commissioners
December 22, 1995
Page 4
should be noticed and the public have the
opportunity to attend just as if it were a
meeting of your full board. This matter will
be discussed with the various staff liaisons to
the advisory boards and, if it is not being
done in every case, it will be done in the
7. Question: Can my advisory board adopt rules and policies
for the conduct of the board's public meeting?
And what about audio or video type recordings
of meetings by members of the public?
Answer: Reasonable rules and policies which ensure the
orderly conduct of a public meeting and which
require orderly behavior on the part of those
persons attending a public meeting may be
adopted by the board. A rule or policy which
prohibits the use of nondisruptive or silent
audio or video type recording devices or
cameras by the media or others, however, is
unreasonable and arbitrary and is, therefore,
8. Question: Are there any penalties for violation of the
Sunshine Law?
Answer: Any member of a board or commission of any
state agency or authority of a county,
municipal corporation or political subdivision
(which includes all advisory boards) who
knowingly violates the Sunshine Law is guilty
of a misdemeanor of the second degree. The
statutes also impose non-criminal penalties for
violation of the Sunshine Law by providing that
any public official violating the provisions of
the Sunshine Law is guilty of a non-criminal
infraction, punishable by a fine not exceeding
five hundred dollars.
It should be noted that the above situations would be
prohibited by the Sunshine Law because they are defined as
meetings (two or more advisory board members present) without
reasonable public notice. The Sunshine Law does not prohibit
members of the same board from socializing, attending functions
together, golfing or any other activity as long as matters
which are pending before their board or which may foreseeably
come before their board are not discussed.
All Members of All Boards Established by the
Board of County Commissioners
December 22, 1995
Page 5
If after reading this memo you have come to the conclusion
that the Sunshine Law is construed very strictly and that it
places a strict prohibition on your ability to discuss your
board's issues with other board members outside of a public
meeting, you are absolutely correct. The courts do construe
the Sunshine Law very strictly, and I'm sure they will continue
to do so. I know that the Board of County Commissioners has
always been very appreciative of the work that is done by the
members of its various boards and committees and neither the
Board of County Commissioners nor this office would want any
advisory board member to run into a problem in the course of
your assistance to the County. Therefore, my advice would be
to approach this issue cautiously and, when in doubt, assume
the Sunshine Law applies.
If you would like additional information regarding this
matter or if I can provide further details regarding any issue
addressed in this memo, please let me know. My office also has
copies of the Government-In-The-Sunshine Manual, which is a
very comprehensive and well written book prepared by the
Attorney General's office, and we can provide that book to you
on a loan basis or for review in our office.
cc: Board of County Commissioners
Staff Liaisons to Advisory and Quasi-Judicial
Boards and Committees
• ARTICLE I. IN GENERAL agement and protection of air, land, and
water resources and environmental quality
Secs. 54-1-54-25. Reserved. in the county.
(2) Assist the board to establish goals and ob-
jectives for the county's environmental con-
ARTICLE IL ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY servation and management programs.
TECHNICAL ADVISORY BOARD' (3) Assist the board in developing and revising,
as appropriate,local rules,ordinances,reg-
Sec. 54-26. Establishment. ulations,programs and other initiatives ad.
There is herebyestablished the environmental dressing the use, conservation and vation of the county's natural resources.
policy technical advisory board,which shall herein
be referred to as the EPTAB. (4) Assist in the implementation and develop-
Ord. No. 91-26, § 1) ment of the growth management plan re-
garding environmental and natural re-
Sec. 54.27. Authority;functions; powers and squrce issues.
duties. (5) Assist the board in identifying and recom-
(a) The environmental policy technical advi-
sory board obtains its jurisdiction, powers, and environmental issues.
limits of authority from the board of county corn- (6) Serve as the technical advisory committee
missioners and, pursuant to this article, shall act to advise and assist the county in the ac-
in an advisory capacity to the board in matters tivities involved in the development and im-
dealing with the regulation,control,management, plementation of the county environmental
use or exploitation of any or all natural resources resources management program as stated
of or within the county. in Policy 1.1.1 of the conservation and
(b) The advisory board will function to: coastal management element of the growth
management plan.
(1) Advise on the preservation, conservation, (7) Implement the water policy pursuant to
protection, management and beneficial use chapter 90, article II of this Code.
of the physical and biological natural re-
sources (atmospheric, terrestrial, aquatic (8) Provide an opportunity for public comment
and hydrologic) of the county in regard to on environmental issues, ordinances and
the safety,health and general well-being of programs.
the public; (Ord. No. 91-26, § 2)
12) Advise and assist the county staff and board Sec. 54-28. Membership.
toward developing the purpose, intent and
criteria of all county ordinances, policies, (a) The environmental policy technical advi-
programs and other initiatives dealing with sory board shall be composed of 11 members who
natural resources. shall be appointed by and serve at the pleasure of
the board.Appointment to the advisory board shall
(c) The powers and duties of the advisory board
be by resolution of the board and shall set forth
are as follows: the date of appointment and the term of office.
1) Identify, study, evaluate, and provide tech- (b) Vacancies on the advisory board shall be
nical recommendations to the board on pro- publicized in a publication of general circulation
grams necessary for the conservation,manwithin the county, and vacancy notices shall be
*Cross reference—Boards,commissions and authorities,§ posted in the county libraries and county court-
2-816 et seq. house. Along with the applicant responses the
• board's staff shall provide the board with a list (1) For the full term of the initial appointments,
outlining the qualifications and demographic back- the three members serving until September 30,
ground of each candidate, including the.present 1994 and the two members serving until Sep-
members seeking reappointment. tember 30, 1995 shall have demonstrated exper-
tise in biology(including any of the subdisciplines
(c) Members shall be permanent residents and such as botany,ecology,
electors of the county and should be reputable and After zoology, etc.)and/or hwese
life management. the expiration of these
active in community service. initial terms of appointment, the vacancies may
(d) The primary consideration in appointing the be filled by members demonstrating expertise in
advisory board members shall be to provide the any of the abovementioned areas related to envi-
board with technical expertise necessary to effec-
tively accomplish the advisory board's purpose. agement.
Members shall demonstrate evidence of expertise (g) Any member of the advisory board may be
in one or more of the following areas related to removed from office by a majority vote of the board.
environmental protection and natural resources
management: air quality, biology (including any (h) Members shall be automatically removed if
of the subdisciplines such as a botany, ecology, they are absent from two consecutive meetings
zoology, etc.), coastal processes, estuarine pro- without a satisfactory excuse or if they are absent
cesses,hazardous waste,hydrogeology,hydrology, from more than one-fourth of the meetings in a
hydraulics, land use law, land use planning, pol given fiscal year. Members shall be deemed ab-
lution control, solid waste, stormwater manage- sent from a meeting when they are not present
ment, water resources, wildlife management, or during at least 75 percent of the meeting.
other representative areas deemed appropriate by (Ord. No. 91-26, § 3; Ord.No. 91-48, § 1)
the board such as, but not limited to, a represen-
Sec. 54-29. Officers and support staff.
tative of the development community. PP
el The initial terms of office of the members of (a) The officers of the environmental policy
the advisory board shall be as follows: nical advisory board shall be a chairman and a
vice-chairman. Officers' terms shall be for one
(1) Three members will serve until September year,with eligibility for reelection. The chairman
30, 1992; and vice-chairman shall be elected by a majority
vote at the organizational meeting and thereafter
(2) Three members will serve until September at the first regular meeting of the advisory board
30, 1993; in October of each year.
(3) Three members will serve until September (b) The chairman shall preside at all meetings
30, 1994; of the advisory board.The vice-chairman shall per-
form the duties of the chairman in the absence or
(4) Two members will serve until September incapacity of the chairman. In case of the re-
30, 1995. moval, resignation or death of the chairman, the
After the initial term of appointment, each ap-
vice-chairman shall perform such duties as are
pointment or reappointment shall be for a term of imposed on the chairman until such time as the
four years. All terms of office shall expire on Sep advisory board shall elect a new chairman.Should
tember 30. Terms of office shall be limited to two the offices of chairman and/or vice-chairman
consecutive terms unless waived by the board by come vacant, the advisory board shall elect a suc
a unanimous vote.A member may be reappointed cessor from its membership at the next regular
by the board for only one successive term and shall meeting. Such election shall be for the unexpired
apply with other applicants. Terms shall be stag term of said office.
gered so that no more than a minority of such (c) Professional support staff for the advisory
members' appointments will expire in any one board shall be provided by the environmental ser-
year. vices division and such other county staff from
elsewhere within the county government as may, Items shall come before the advisory board as
from time to time, be requested by the advisory scheduled on the printed agenda unless a specific
board and deemed necessary by the county admin- request arises which justifies deviation by the ad-
istrator. visory board.
(Ord. No. 91-26, § 4) (Ord. No. 91-26, § 5; Ord. No. 91-48, § 2)
Sec. 54-30. Meetings;quorum;rules of proce- Sec. 54-31. Review process.
(a) Regular meetings of the environmental The environmental policy technical advisory
policy technical advisory board shall be held on board shall be reviewed for major accomplish-
the second Wednesday of each month at 9:00 a.m., ments and whether the board is serving the pur-
or as otherwise determined by the advisory board, pose for which it was created once every four years
in the commissioner's meeting room,Third Floor, commencing with 1994, in accordance with the
Building "F," Collier County Government Corn- procedures contained in chapter 2, article VIII,
plex, Naples, Collier County, Florida. Special division 2 of this Code.
meetings of the advisory board may be called by (Ord. No. 91.26, § 9)
the chairman or by a majority of the membership.
Such meetings may be called subject to public no-
tice to reduce an overloaded agenda or to consider Sec. 54-32. Reimbursement of expenses.
a specific topic. Members of the environmental policy technical
(b) A simple majority of the appointed mem- advisory board shall serve without compensation,
bers of the advisory board shall constitute a but shall be entitled to receive reimbursement for
quorum for the purpose of conducting business. expenses reasonably incurred in the performance
An affirmative vote of six or more members shall of their duties upon prior approval of the board of
be necessary in order to take official action, re- county commissioners.
gardless of whether six or more members of the (Ord. No. 91.26, § 8)
advisory board are present at a meeting.
(c) The advisory board shall, by majority vote Secs. 54-33-54-55. Reserved.
of the entire membership, adopt rules of proce-
dure for the transaction of business and shall keep
a record of meetings, resolutions, findings and de-
terminations. The advisory board may establish ARTICLE III.WATER POLLUTION
subcommittees comprised solely of its member- CONTROL PROGRAM
ship to facilitate its functions. Meetings of the
subcommittees shall conform to the same public
notice requirements as that of the advisory board. Sec. 54-56. Title and citation.
(d) At the regular meetings of the advisory This article shall be known and may be cited as
board,the following shall be the order of business: the "Collier County Water Pollution Control
(1) Roll call. Ordinance."
(Ord. No. 89-20, § 1)
(2) Approval of the minutes of previous
Sec. 54-57. Applicability.
,3) Old business.
New article shall apply county-wide.
(4? \ew business.
,Ord. No. 89.20, § 2)
5.' Public comments. State law reference—Conflicts between ordinances of non-
charted counties and municipal ordinances, Fla. Const. art.
(6) Adjournment. VIII, § (f).
Tibor (Ty) Agoston Maureen McCarthy
360 - 10th Avenue, N.W. The Dorchester - #501
Naples, Florida 34120 6075 Pelican Bay Blvd.
Home: 455-8400 Naples, Florida 34108
Work: None Home: 598-3857
Fax: 455-4310 Fax: 566-2483
Steven H. Bigelow William E.J. McKinney
1937 Empress Court 1898 Mission Drive
Naples, Florida 34110 Naples, Florida 34109
Home: 514-0833 Home: 592-7124
Work: 455-8062 Work: 261-2244/114
Fax: 455-0853 Fax: 263-4218
Bradley Cornell Monty Robinson
556 - 109th Avenue, North 2 Tina Lane, Lot 242
Naples, Florida 34108 Naples, Florida 34104
Home: 592-7805 Home: 643-6320
Work: 597-0653 Work: 649-1551
Fax: 597-6683 Fax: 649-7112
Michael J. Delate Michael Simonik
3700 - 27th Avenue, S.W. 1450 Merrihue Drive
Naples, Florida 34117 Naples, Florida 34102
Home: 455-5319 Home: 434-9736
Work: 262-4617 Work: 403-4222
Fax: 262-3074 Fax: 262-5872
Brenda C. Fogel Jan M. Stevens
1019 Broad Avenue, North 604 Crossfield Circle
Naples, Florida 34102 Naples, Florida 34104
Home: 403-0412 (unlisted) Home: 403-9223
Work: 262-8800 x162 Work: 403-8811
Fax: 262-4276 Fax:
Allen Morgan Kratz
10 Sabre Cay
Naples, Florida 34102-7937
Home: 649-7697
Work: 643-4636
Fax: 649-7689
DATE: December 22, 1995
TO: Staff Liaisons to all County Commission Advisory
Boards, Committees, Authorities and Task Force(s)
FROM: David C. Weigel, County Attorney �.
SUBJECT: Distribution of Information Memo - Florid
Governnment-In-The-Sunshine Law
Provided herewith is a memorandum dated December 22, 1995
from the County Attorney to all staff liaisons for copying and
distribution to all members of all advisory boards, committees,
authorities and task force(s) established by the Collier County
Board of County Commissioners.
I hope this memorandum, covering some of the more
practical and problematic aspects of the Florida
Government-In-The-Sunshine Law applicable to public board or
committee meetings, is helpful to the County staff and all
board/committee members. Please make copies and distribute
accordingly, and thanks for your help in this regard.
( r
y �JJ
DATE: December 22, 1995
TO: All Members of All Boards Established by the Board of
County Commissioners (including Advisory Boards,
Quasi-Judicial Boards and Ad Hoc Committees)
FROM: David C. Weigel, County Attorney AQ., 14,4, j___
RE: Government-In-The-Sunshine Law
(Section 286.011, Florida Statutes)
As a result of several questions that our office has
received from both advisory board members, staff members and
members of the public attending meetings, I believe it would be
helpful to summarize and clarify the Government-In-The-Sunshine
Law to assure that advisory board members (including
quasi-judicial board members and ad hoc committee members) are
aware of the basic compliance requirements of that law.
The Florida Government-In-The-Sunshine Law, Section
286. 011, Florida Statutes, commonly referred to as the
"Sunshine Law, " is a state statute which guarantees a public
right of access to governmental proceedings and is equally
applicable to elected and appointed boards. There are a few
exceptions to the Sunshine Law, but for your purposes the
Sunshine Law will almost always be applicable to you and your
proceedings and, unless otherwise advised by this office, it is
critical that you conduct your activities and proceedings with
the understanding that the Sunshine Law is applicable to you in
all situations. There are other requirements of_the Law that
are usually addressed by County staff (e.g. , notice and
minutes) , however this memo is intended only to address the
Sunshine Law as it is applicable to the various board and
committee members. This memorandum is not intended to be
all-inclusive but rather only to remind you of the basic
requirements of the law based on questions that I have recently
The Sunshine Law prohibits the discussion by two or more
members of the same board of any matter which is before that
board or will foreseeably come before that board for discussion
or action, except at a properly noticed meeting of that board
(staff handles the notice requirements) . In other words, if
two or more board members are talking about county business
which is handled by their board, the Sunshine Law considers
such activity to be a "meeting" and reasonable notice must be
given to the public of any meeting. The reason for this is to
provide an opportunity for the public to be present at the
board's decision-making process and to assure that the public
All Members of All Boards Established by the
Board of County Commissioners
December 22, 1995
Page 2
is aware of how decisions are made. Below are some commonly
asked questions and the answers which may clarify this issue
for you.
1. Question: If I have a question about an issue which I
know will be discussed at an upcoming meeting,
can I communicate with another board member
regarding the issue either in person or through
the use of a telephone, a fax machine, a
computer, letters or memos?
Answer: It is a violation of the Sunshine Law to
discuss the County business matter which you
know will come before your board or which will
foreseeably come before your board except at a
properly noticed meeting. Although nothing
prohibits you from calling another member to
ask the time or location of a meeting, any
discussion or communication. in person. by
telephone or otherwisg, of the substance,
merits or issues of any County business matter
before your board or which foreseeably will
come before your board, is a violation of the
Sunshine Law.
2. Question: If I am at a meeting of my board and we are on
a "break, " can I discuss issues before the
board with another member during that recess?
Answer: It is a violation of the Sunshine Law to
discuss matters which are before your board or
which foreseeably could come before your board
except while you're in session at a properly
noticed meeting. Discussion in the hallway or
on the way to the meeting or after the meeting
are "outside of the sunshine" and are
prohibited by the statute.
3. Question: If I am at a breakfast function with six people
in attendance and one of them is also an
advisory board member (same Board) for the
County, is it a violation of the Sunshine Law
if an issue to be considered by the advisory
board is discussed and, if so, what if I
consider it rude to leave the breakfast meeting
to avoid being present during such discussion?
Answer: I can only advise you on the law and the
Sunshine Law requires that you and any other
board member present refrain from discussing
All Members of All Boards Established by the
Board of County Commissioners
December 22, 1995
Page 3
matters on which foreseeable action may be
taken. The practical answer is to ask that the
matter not be discussed or, at the very least,
do not participate in the discussion at all
(although some Attorney General Opinions do
recommend that you actually leave the function,
at least during the discussion of such
matters) .
4. Question: A friend and I, prior to our appointment to an
advisory board, always discussed matters that
our board now addresses and the only reason we
both joined the advisory board was to
participate in the process and assist the
County. Since we have always discussed these
matters, can't we still do so even though we
now belong to the same advisory board?
Answer: There is no exception in the Sunshine Law for
prior interest in the subject matter of the
board or prior mutual interests of members of
the board. Once you become a member of a
county advisory board, the Sunshine Law is
applicable and any such discussion of any
matter which is scheduled to come before that
board or which may foreseeably come before that
board is a violation of the Sunshine Law.
5. Question: Can another member of my advisory board and I
schedule a meeting with a prominent local
businessman, or a local public official or the
president of a civic group or any other person
to discuss matters which are pending before our
advisory board or which may foreseeably come
before our advisory board, for example to
solicit help or support?
Answer: There is no exception to the Sunshine Law for
this type of situation and it would be
prohibited by the statute. There is no
prohibition, however, if only one member of the
advisory board is present at a private meeting.
6. Question: My advisory board has a membership of fifteen
persons and there are five subcommittees of
three members each. Are the subcommittees
subject to the Sunshine Law?
Answer: There is no exception to the Sunshine Law for
subcommittees and all subcommittee meetings
All Members of All Boards Established by the
Board of County Commissioners
December 22, 1995
Page 4
should be noticed and the public have the
opportunity to attend just as if it were a
meeting of your full board. This matter will
be discussed with the various staff liaisons to
the advisory boards and, if it is not being
done in every case, it will be done in the
7. Question: Can my advisory board adopt rules and policies
for the conduct of the board's public meeting?
And what about audio or video type recordings
of meetings by members of the public?
Answer: Reasonable rules and policies which ensure the
orderly conduct of a public meeting and which
require orderly behavior on the part of those
persons attending a public meeting may be
adopted by the board. A rule or policy which
prohibits the use of nondisruptive or silent
audio or video type recording devices or
cameras by the media or others, however, is
unreasonable and arbitrary and is, therefore,
8. Question: Are there any penalties for violation of the
Sunshine Law?
Answer: Any member of a board or commission of any
state agency or authority of a county,
municipal corporation or political subdivision
(which includes all advisory boards) who
knowingly violates the Sunshine Law is guilty
of a misdemeanor of the second degree. The
statutes also impose non-criminal penalties for
violation of the Sunshine Law by providing that
any public official violating the provisions of
the Sunshine Law is guilty of a non-criminal
infraction, punishable by a fine not exceeding
five hundred dollars.
It should be noted that the above situations would be
prohibited by the Sunshine Law because they are defined as
meetings (two or more advisory board members present) without
reasonable public notice. The Sunshine Law does not prohibit
members of the same board from socializing, attending functions
together, golfing or any other activity as long as matters
which are pending before their board or which may foreseeably
come before their board are not discussed.
All Members of All Boards Established by the
Board of County Commissioners
December 22, 1995
Page 5
If after reading this memo you have come to the conclusion
that the Sunshine Law is construed very strictly and that it
places a strict prohibition on your ability to discuss your
board's issues with other board members outside of a public
meeting, you are absolutely correct. The courts do construe
the Sunshine Law very strictly, and I'm sure they will continue
to do so. I know that the Board of County Commissioners has
always been very appreciative of the work that is done by the
members of its various boards and committees and neither the
Board of County Commissioners nor this office would want any
advisory board member to run into a problem in the course of
your assistance to the County. Therefore, my advice would be
to approach this issue cautiously and, when in doubt, assume
the Sunshine Law applies.
If you would like additional information regarding this
matter or if I can provide further details regarding any issue
addressed in this memo, please let me know. My office also has
copies of the Government-In-The-Sunshine Manual, which is a
very comprehensive and well written book prepared by the
Attorney General's office, and we can provide that book to you
on a loan basis or for review in our office.
cc: Board of County Commissioners
Staff Liaisons to Advisory and Quasi-Judicial
Boards and Committees
DATE: December 22, 1995
TO: Staff Liaisons to all County Commission Advisory
Boards, Committees, Authorities and Task Force(s)
FROM: David C. Weigel, County Attorney L -44:71___,
SUBJECT: Distribution of Information Memo - Florid
Governnment-In-The-Sunshine Law
Provided herewith is a memorandum dated December 22, 1995
from the County Attorney to all staff liaisons for copying and
distribution to all members of all advisory boards, committees,
authorities and task force(s) established by the Collier County
Board of County Commissioners.
I hope this memorandum, covering some of the more
practical and problematic aspects of the Florida
Government-In-The-Sunshine Law applicable to public board or
committee meetings, is helpful to the County staff and all
board/committee members. Please make copies and distribute
accordingly, and thanks for your help in this regard.
LEC 2 r;";35
DATE: December 22, 1995
TO: All Members of All Boards Established by the Board of
County Commissioners (including Advisory Boards,
Quasi-Judicial Boards and Ad Hoc Committees)
FROM: David C. Weigel, County Attorney IlL
RE: Government-In-The-Sunshine Law
(Section 286.011, Florida Statutes)
As a result of several questions that our office has
received from both advisory board members, staff members and
members of the public attending meetings, I believe it would be
helpful to summarize and clarify the Government-In-The-Sunshine
Law to assure that advisory board members (including
quasi-judicial board members and ad hoc committee members) are
aware of the basic compliance requirements of that law.
The Florida Government-In-The-Sunshine Law, Section
286. 011, Florida Statutes, commonly referred to as the
"Sunshine Law, " is a state statute which guarantees a public
right of access to governmental proceedings and is equally
applicable to elected and appointed boards. There are a few
exceptions to the Sunshine Law, but for your purposes the
Sunshine Law will almost always be applicable to you and your
proceedings and, unless otherwise advised by this office, it is
critical that you conduct your activities and proceedings with
the understanding that the Sunshine Law is applicable to you in
all situations. There are other requirements of.the Law that
are usually addressed by County staff (e.g. , notice and
minutes) , however this memo is intended only to address the
Sunshine Law as it is applicable to the various board and
committee members. This memorandum is not intended to be
all-inclusive but rather only to remind you of the basic
requirements of the law based on questions that I have recently
The Sunshine Law prohibits the discussion by two or more
members of the same board of any matter which is before that
board or will foreseeably come before that board for discussion
or action, except at a properly noticed meeting of that board
(staff handles the notice requirements) . In other words, if
two or more board members are talking about county business
which is handled by their board, the Sunshine Law considers
such activity to be a "meeting" and reasonable notice must be
given to the public of any meeting. The reason for this is to
provide an opportunity for the public to be present at the
board's decision-making process and to assure that the public
All Members of All Boards Established by the
Board of County Commissioners
December 22, 1995
Page 2
is aware of how decisions are made. Below are some commonly
asked questions and the answers which may clarify this issue
for you.
1. Question: If I have a question about an issue which I
know will be discussed at an upcoming meeting,
can I communicate with another board member
regarding the issue either in person or through
the use of a telephone, a fax machine, a
computer, letters or memos?
Answer: It is a violation of the Sunshine Law to
discuss the County business matter which you
know will come before your board or which will
foreseeably come before your board except at a
properly noticed meeting. Although nothing
prohibits you from calling another member to
ask the time or location of a meeting, any
discussion or communication. in person, by
telephone or otherwise, of the substance,
merits or issues of any County business matter
before your board or which foreseeably will
come before your board, is a violation of the
Sunshine Law.
2. Question: If I am at a meeting of my board and we are on
a "break, " can I discuss issues before the
board with another member during that recess?
Answer: It is a violation of the Sunshine Law to
discuss matters which are before your board or
which foreseeably could come before your board
except while you're in session at a properly
noticed meeting. Discussion in the hallway or
on the way to the meeting or after the meeting
are "outside of the sunshine" and are
prohibited by the statute.
3. Question: If I am at a breakfast function with six people
in attendance and one of them is also an
advisory board member (same Board) for the
County, is it a violation of the Sunshine Law
if an issue to be considered by the advisory
board is discussed and, if so, what if I
consider it rude to leave the breakfast meeting
to avoid being present during such discussion?
Answer: I can only advise you on the law and the
Sunshine Law requires that you and any other
board member present refrain from discussing
R11 Members of All Boards Established by the
Board of County Commissioners
December 22, 1995
Page 3
matters on which foreseeable action may be
taken. The practical answer is to ask that the
matter not be discussed or, at the very least,
do not participate in the discussion at all
(although some Attorney General Opinions do
recommend that you actually leave the function,
at least during the discussion of such
matters) .
4. Question: A friend and I, prior to our appointment to an
advisory board, always discussed matters that
our board now addresses and the only reason we
both joined the advisory board was to
participate in the process and assist the
County. Since we have always discussed these
matters, can't we still do so even though we
now belong to the same advisory board?
Answer: There is no exception in the Sunshine Law for
prior interest in the subject matter of the
board or prior mutual interests of members of
the board. Once you become a member of a
county advisory board, the Sunshine Law is
applicable and any such discussion of any
matter which is scheduled to come before that
board or which may foreseeably come before that
board is a violation of the Sunshine Law.
5. Question: Can another member of my advisory board and I
schedule a meeting with a prominent local
businessman, or a local public official or the
president of a civic group or any other person
to discuss matters which are pending before our
advisory board or which may foreseeably come
before our advisory board, for example to
solicit help or support?
Answer: There is no exception to the Sunshine Law for
this type of situation and it would be
prohibited by the statute. There is no
prohibition, however, if only one member of the
advisory board is present at a private meeting.
6. Question: My advisory board has a membership of fifteen
persons and there are five subcommittees of
three members each. Are the subcommittees
subject to the Sunshine Law?
Answer: There is no exception to the Sunshine Law for
subcommittees and all subcommittee meetings
All Members of All Boards Established by the
Board of County Commissioners
December 22, 1995
Page 4
should be noticed and the public have the
opportunity to attend just as if it were a
meeting of your full board. This matter will
be discussed with the various staff liaisons to
the advisory boards and, if it is not being
done in every case, it will be done in the
7. Question: Can my advisory board adopt rules and policies
for the conduct of the board's public meeting?
And what about audio or video type recordings
of meetings by members of the public?
Answer: Reasonable rules and policies which ensure the
orderly conduct of a public meeting and which
require orderly behavior on the part of those
persons attending a public meeting may be
adopted by the board. A rule or policy which
prohibits the use of nondisruptive or silent
audio or video type recording devices or
cameras by the media or others, however, is
unreasonable and arbitrary and is, therefore,
8. Question: Are there any penalties for violation of the
Sunshine Law?
Answer: Any member of a board or commission of any
state agency or authority of a county,
municipal corporation or political subdivision
(which includes all advisory boards) who
knowingly violates the Sunshine Law is guilty
of a misdemeanor of the second degree. The
statutes also impose non-criminal penalties for
violation of the Sunshine Law by providing that
any public official violating the provisions of
the Sunshine Law is guilty of a non-criminal
infraction, punishable by a fine not exceeding
five hundred dollars.
It should be noted that the above situations would be
prohibited by the Sunshine Law because they are defined as
meetings (two or more advisory board members present) without
reasonable public notice. The Sunshine Law does not prohibit
members of the same board from socializing, attending functions
together, golfing or any other activity as long as matters
which are pending before their board or which may foreseeably
come before their board are not discussed.
All Members of All Boards Established by the
Board of County Commissioners
December 22, 1995
Page 5
If after reading this memo you have come to the conclusion
that the Sunshine Law is construed very strictly and that it
places a strict prohibition on your ability to discuss your
board's issues with other board members outside of a public
meeting, you are absolutely correct. The courts do construe
the Sunshine Law very strictly, and I'm sure they will continue
to do so. I know that the Board of County Commissioners has
always been very appreciative of the work that is done by the
members of its various boards and committees and neither the
Board of County Commissioners nor this office would want any
advisory board member to run into a problem in the course of
your assistance to the County. Therefore, my advice would be
to approach this issue cautiously and, when in doubt, assume
the Sunshine Law applies.
If you would like additional information regarding this
matter or if I can provide further details regarding any issue
addressed in this memo, please let me know. My office also has
copies of the Government-In-The-Sunshine Manual, which is a
very comprehensive and well written book prepared by the
Attorney General's office, and we can provide that book to you
on a loan basis or for review in our office.
cc: Board of County Commissioners
Staff Liaisons to Advisory and Quasi-Judicial
Boards and Committees