Agenda 12/14/2010 Item #16B 1
Agenda Item No 1681
December 14, 2010
Page 1 of 88
Recommendation that the Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA) and Board of County
Commissioners (BCC) approve a joint CRA/BCC Walkable Community Study, and jointly
submit the study to the Collicr Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) for inclusion
into the Collier County MPO Pathways Master Plan.
OBJECTIYE: For the Board of County Commissioners and the Community Redevelopment
Agency Board to approve a joint Walkable Community Study, and for the Boards to submit the
study to the Collier MPO for inclusion into the Collier County MPO Pathways Master Plan.
BACKGROUND: A walkable neighborhood is a compact residential development, a mix of
land uses, and a wcll connectcd street nctwork with bus stops, sidewalks, bicycle lanes, and
mixed usc trails. It is a place where one can safely and efficiently get to the store, school, park,
or other destination within the neighborhood without an automobile.
CONSIDERATIONS: At the request of the Bayshore Beautification Municipal Service Taxing
Unit (MSTU) and Bayshore Gateway Triangle Rcdevelopment Agency (CRA), the CRA staff
cxplored bicycle and pedestrian mobility issues and ovcrall walkable conditions in both
jurisdictions, hcrcafter refcrred to as the "Area". This includcd a desk audit of the Area, and a
complete field study of the Area. As a rcsult of the ficld study, staff scparated the Area into two
distinct ncighborhoods, thc Bayshorc MSTU neighborhood and thc Gateway Triangle CRA
neighborhood. This created a more efficient evaluation of walkability in each neighborhood.
This study, titled "Connectini! Our Neii!hborhoods", will help in the enhancement of bicycle and
pedestrian programs by creating an inventory of all of the bicyclc and pedestrian facilities in each
neighborhood. This study analyzed the layout and design of cach neighborhood for walkability,
and provides a priority list for thc MSTU and CRA to use in futurc project planning and program
implementation. The results will also be incorporated into thc Metropolitan Planning
Organization's (MPO) Comprehensivc Pathways Plan to ultimately assist the Pathways Advisory
Committee (PAC) in detennining priori tics fi)r pathway funding.
FISCAL IMPACT: Thcre is no fiscal impact associated with this Executive Summary. The
study was completed in-house and consisted only of staff time.
LEGAL CONSIDERATIONS: This itcm has been reviewed and approved by the County
Attorney's Office and is legally sufficicnt for Board action. (STW)
GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: Thcre is no Growth Management Impact.
RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of County Commissioners and the Community
Redevelopment Agency Board approves the "Connecting Our Neighborhoods" Walkable
Community Study, and jointly submits the study to the Collier Metropolitan Planning
Organization (MPO) for inclusion into thc Collier County MPO Pathways Master Plan.
Prepared by: David Buchheit, Project Manager, Bayshore Beautification MSTU/CRA
Aqenda Item No. 1681
'December 14,2010
Page 2 of 88
Item Number:
Item Summary:
Meeting Date:
Recommendation that the ComlTlunity Redevelopment Agency (eRA) and Board of County
COl11l1l1Ssiollers (BCC) approve a joint CRA/BCC Walkable COl11munity Study. and jointly
submit tile study to the Collier Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) for inclusion into
the Collier County MPO Pathways Mastel" Plall.
12/14/2010 f) O[) 00 I\M
Prepared By
David Buchheit
Project Malla~Jel
Transportation Division
Transportation Planning
11118120103:28:34 PM
Approved By
David Jackson
Executive Director, eRA
11118120103:29 PM
Approved By
Steven Williams
Assistant County Attorney
County Attorney
County Attorney
11/191201010:54 AM
Approved By
OMS Coordinato!
County Manager's Office
Office of Management & Budget
11119/20103:34 PM
Approved By
Jeff Klatzkow
County Attorney
12111201010:15 AM
Approved By
Therese Stanley
Office of Management &
Manager" Operations Support. Trans
Office of Management & Budget
12/2120101:54 PM
Approved By
Mark Isackson
ManagementfBudget Analyst, Senior
Office of Management &
Office of Management & Budget
12/312010 5: 34 PM
Connecting Our Neighborhoods
Walk:able Community Study
Prepared for:
Metropolitan Planning OrganlzatM:m
Collier Metropolitan
Planning Organization
, GAT E W ". Y
I!.. JiLr.... TRIANGLE
B:J83[}ft,<;~~ .. ..
Bayshore Gateway
Triangle Community
Redevelopment Agency
Bayshore Beautification
Municipal Service Taxing
Prepared by:
David Buchheit
Bayshore Beautification MSTU Project Manager
August 2010
Executive Summary
At the request of the Bayshore Beautification Municipal Service Taxing Unit
(MSTU) and Bayshore Gateway Triangle Redevelopment Agency (CRA), staff
explored bicycle and pedestrian mobility issues and overall walkability of both
jurisdictions, hereafter referred to as the area. This included a desk audit of the
area, and a complete field study of the area. As a result of the field study stafT
separated the area into two distinct neighborhoods, the Bayshore neighborhood
and the Gateway Triangle neighborhood. This created a more efficient evalua-
tion of walk ability in each neighborhood.
A walkable neighborhood is defined as a neighborhood that has compact reside"-
tial development, a mix of land uses, and a well connected street network. It hau
bus stops, sidewalks, bicycle lanes, and mixed use trails. It is a place where one
can safely and efficiently get to the store, school, park, or other destination
within the neighborhood without the use of an automobile.
This study will help in the enhancement of our bicycle and pedestrian programs
by creating an inventory of all of the bicycle and pedestrian facilities in each
neighborhood. This study analyzed the layout and design of each neighborhood
for walkability. The purpose of this Walkable Communities Study is to provide
a priority list to the MSTU and CR A for use in future planning, project, and pro-
gram implementation. The results will also be incorporated into the Metropoli-
tan Planning Organization's (MPO) Comprehensive Pathways Plan and to ulti-
mately assist the Pathways Advisory Committee (PAC) in determining priorities
for pathway funding.
Executive Summarv
Studv Context
The walkable community study results are intended to be a tiered and phased
system based on the neighborhood needs. There are three priority tiers with Tier
One being the highest priority and Tier Three being the lowest priority. These
tiers were determined by evaluating the location of the proposed pedestrian fa-
cilities and the impact those locations would have on the neighborhood. Each lo-
cation will have phases to allow f1exibility for construction, where phase one is
the highest priority and phase three is the lowest priority.
Study Results By Nei2:hborhood
The Bayshore neighborhood has an overall level of service, as defined by the re-
port, of D. The highest priorities in need of bicycle and pedestrian facilities are
Bayshore Drive and Thomasson Drive. This is due to the amount of bicycle and
pedestrian use.
The Gateway Triangle neighborhood has an overall level of service, as defined
by the report, of C. The highest priorities in need of bicycle and pedestrian fa-
cilities are Shadowlawn Drive and Linwood Avenue. This is due to the amount
of bicycle and pedestrian use.
Study Results Overall
The area level of service, as defined by the report, is C. This level of service is
determined by the overall lack of a pedestrian network on side streets in the area.
Overall, The highest priorities in need of bicycle and pedestrian facilities are
Shadowlawn Drive, and Thomasson Drive. This is due to their close proximity
to Elementary Schools.
Table of Content
Introduction.....................................,.................................................................................. 5
Purpose............................................................................................................................ 6
Methodology Overvicw .................................................................................................. 7
Di rectness................................................................................................................... 8
Continuity.................................................................................................................. 9
Street Crossings .............. .................. ............... ................ ....... ........... ...................... 10
Visuallntcrest and Amenilics .................................................................................. 10
Sccurity ....................................................,.............................................................. I 1
Study Area Description....... ......... ........... ................. .................... .................................... 12
Arca Ovcrall Scorc ........... ..... ..... ........... ................ ......, ......... ........................................13
Study Area Map ............................................................................................................14
Bayshore Neighborhood ......... ......... ...... ... .............. .....................................,................... 15
Ncighborhood Scorc .............. ..... ............... ........... ..... ...................................................16
Study Area Map ...........................................................................................,.................17
Existing Strcet Conditions ............................................................................................18
Ticrs .............................................................,........................................................... 21
Tier 2 ............. .............. .... ..... ... ... ... ... .... ........ ............... ... ... ................................... 32
Tier 3 .................................................................................................................... 54
Ovcrall Ncighborhood Rccommendations ...... ...... ...................... ............................. 55
Gateway Triangle Neighborhood ..... ..... ... ... ... .......... .......... .............................................. 57
Neighborhood Scorc ..................................................................................................... 58
Study Area Map ......... ... ........... ....... ...... ... ............. ...... ...... ................... ......................... 59
Ex isting Street Condi tions ............................................................................................ 60
Tiers................,........................................................................................................ 61
Tier I .................................................................................................................... 62
Tier::' ....... .......................... ........ ......... .... ..... ......................................................... 76
Overall Neighborhood Rccommendations..... ...... .......... ... ...................................... 84
Glossary of Terms and Agencies .....................................................................................85
This report has been developed to address the needs defined in the Metropolitan
Planning Organization's (MPO) 2010/11-20] 1/12 Unified Planning Work Pro-
gram (UPWP) sub-task 4.7. The objective of the UPWP subtask is to conduct
an assessment of pedestrian needs of local roads in neighborhood communities.
The results of the study will ultimately be incorporated into the Comprehensive
Pathways Plan. The Comprehensive Pathways Plan is a tool the MPO and the
Pathways Advisory Committee (PAC) use to evaluate bicycle, pedestrian and
pathways improvements within Collier County. One ofthe goals of the Compre-
hensive Pathways Plan is to provide a safe, connected and convenient on-road
network throughout Collier County which accommodates bicyclists and pedestri-
ans. The PAC of the Collier MPO advises the MPO Board on issues relating to
bicycle and pedestrian mobility within Collier County and participates in priori-
tizing projects designed to further the goals of the Comprehensive Pathways
Plan. Completing this walkable communities study will allow the MPO, through
the PAC, to begin the process of prioritizing walkab]e community needs with
other pathways projects and improve the walkable communities within Collier
CRA and MSTU Staff have worked with the MPO, PAC and residents of the area
to explore bicycle and pedestrian mobility issues and overall walkability of our
communities. This study will help in the enhancement of our bicycle and pedes-
trian programs throughout Collier County. This study is an attempt to under-
stand how the layout and design of our neighborhoods is associated with the
walkabi]ity of the community. A walkable neighborhood is defined as a
neighborhood that has compact residential development, a mix of land uses, and
a well connected street network. A wa]kable community is a place where one
can get to the store, school, park, or other destination within the neighborhood
without a car.
Many people are too young to drive, have a permanent or temporary disability
which prevents their driving, have no access to a car, or choose not to drive.
Many others are pedestrians at some point during their daily routine. According
to the 2000 census 25 percent of the workers in Collier County get to work via
other means than driving a car alone. These include carpools, public transit,
walking, and riding a bicycle. Most of these means requires that the user become
a pedestrian at some point during the trip. For example a citizen who utilizes
public transportation would still be required to get to the bus stop, and to get from
the bus stop to their desired destination. And many people who carpool meet at a
set location and carpool from that point. Many of these individuals walk or ride a
bicycle to the desired location.
Approximately 40 percent of all trips are less than two miles in distance, which
could be an easy walk or bike ride in an area with safe pedestrian and bicycling
facilities. There are other benefits to living in a walkable community aside from
the direct benefits to those who use the facilities. More people walking and bicy-
cling can help reduce overall levels of congestion, air pollution, and walkable
communities maintain higher property values and greater sales in commercial ar-
The study's primary purpose is to improve the bicycle and pedestrian plans/
programs that are developed by the MPO, Collier County Growth Management
Division, Bayshore Gateway Triangle eRA, Bayshore Beautification MSTU, and
PAC and ultimately used by the residents of Collier County. The purpose of this
walkable community study is to incorporate the results of the study into the Com-
prehensive Pathways Plan and to ultimately assist the PAC when they make pri-
orities for pathway funding. The outcome of this walkable community study in
conjunction with other walkable community studies currently underway will help
create pedestrian friendly, usable and connected pathways within Collier County.
In order to determine the current walkability and which pedestrian improvements
might be needed to improve walkability for the area, it becomes necessary to rec-
ognize methods for evaluating both the current pedestrian facilities and the de-
mand for an improved pedestrian network.
Methods for determining walkability are varied. Some methods could include
safety of the streets, crossings and intersections, such as considerations of the
posted speed limit compared to actual vehicle speeds, lane widths and road char-
acteristics, conditions of crosswalks, pedestrian related signage and signals, in-
tersection traffic controls, and geometry of the intersections. Other considera-
tions are the comfort of the area such as the lighting, maintenance of the side-
walk surface, and vegetation; convenience of the facilities such as the availability
of benches, bike racks, transit stops and signs; and access and design of the facil-
ity such as compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act and timing of
the pedestrian phases of the traffic lights.
The method for determining walkability in this report considered a basic pedes-
trian levels of service (LOS) measurements. LOS is a measurement used in
transportation to depict how well the transportation mode operates. Convention-
ally, vehicular LOS is a measurement of volume to capacity and delay ranging
from A to F where A is excellent and F is failure. The five pedestrian LOS meas-
ures, as determined by evaluating various walkability guides, that are most appli-
cable when evaluating a neighborhood are as follows:
. Directness
. Visual interests and amenities
. Continuity
. Security.
. Street crossings
Directness -
This is measured by determining how well the network provides sidewalks,
bike lanes, or pathways along the shortest distances between destinations.
This method for the level of service is used to encourage trips on foot or bicy-
cle along marked paths, sidewalks or bike lanes. Travelers are not as likely to
travel on a pathway if it takes them far away from their desired destination or
does not directly connect to the desired destination. Therefore, if the area is
well linked, travelers are encouraged to and generally stay on the sidewalks,
bike lanes, and pathways.
Continuity -
The community continuity LOS is measured by determining the amount of
continuous and uniform sidewalks, bike lanes, or pathways in the network.
This LOS is measured by two aspects. First, that the maintenance, quality and
uniformity of the sidewalk surface such as that the individual sidewalks are
free from gaps, barriers, obstructions as well as the texture of the surface such
as asphalt, concrete, or lime rock. Second, that all the sidewalks in the com-
munity are uninterrupted and continue as the road does.
Continuous Sidewalk on
.Il:YShore Drive
Continuity LOS A
Sidewalk to nowhere on
Van Buren Avenue
Continuity LOS F
Street Crossings -
This is measured by the amount of correctly marked crosswalks (this includes
ADA compliance, curb cuts, vehicle speed, and signage).
Street Crossing LOS A
Street Crossing LOS F
Visual Interest and Amenities -
This is measured by the amount of street furniture that make the environment
attractive and comfortable to walle Well designed pedestrian space encourages
more walking in the area. Generally, landscaping, garbage removal and street
furniture (such as benches, signs, and various other aesthetic items) are consid-
ered part of this LOS measurement.
,..._ ~ . ;, l~,1 - ,-
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~- ,"
Amenities LOS A
Amenities LOS F
Security -
This is measured by the level of actual or perceived safety in the
neighborhood, the amount oflighting, amount of clear zone (area beyond
the edge of the traveled way), and a good line of sight for the pedestrian
and for the vehicles to see the pedestrian.
For this study, a neighborhood level assessment for evaluating the five pedes-
trian levels of service elements was established. Every neighborhood has dif-
ferent characteristics that lead to specific needs for walkability. This study area
has two schools, three parks, and various commercial activity centers. All of
these facilities and input from the people including their day to day needs and
desires come into play.
A desk audit of the area was completed by reviewing recent maps of the area,
focusing on walkable destinations (libraries, schools, shopping, employment
centers, parks, churches, and transit stops). A walking audit was conducted of
all roads and points of interest in the study area. The field data was collected
from June 20 I 0 to July 2010. Specific problem areas as well as pedestrian
friendly areas were determined. The data was reviewed to determine the walk-
ability of the roadways, and the neighborhood.
Study Area Description
Bayshore Gateway Triangle CRA and Bayshore Beautification MSTU neighbor-
hoods were selected for the 20 I 0 Walkable Community Study. The area contains
two distinct neighborhoods:
. The Bayshore neighborhood
. The Gateway Triangle neighborhood
Each neighborhood was studied as an integral part of the area, and also as a stand
alone neighborhood.
Long-Range Strategic Goals
1. Actively market development and redevelopment sites to potential investors.
2. Facilitate new development on vacant land sites.
3. Facilitate redevelopment of old or previously developed sites.
4. Provide incentives to achieve thc type and style of growth that supports the
CRA Master Plan and Bayshore MSTU Master Plan.
5. Pm1ner with investors, builders and developers to improve or upgrade adja-
cent public right-of-way and infrastructure.
Overall Score for the Area
Directness Continuity Street
Visual Interest Security
and Amenities
. LOS-C- This score is a composite of all five criteria, which are weighted
equally. There are substantial problems that prohibit or limit the walkability
of the area. There is a lack of a grid, and a lack of an overall sidewalk net-
. Directness - C - There is no grid provided. This allows limited opportunities
for different and direct routes.
. Continuity - F - There are sidewalks in the area, but they are not in any way
uniform in their design, type, or location. Sidewalks range in size from 5 feet
to 7 feet. Sidewalks are made of brick, concrete, and asphalt. Clear zones
range from 1 foot to 20 feet.
. Street Crossings - C - There is a large distance between crossings. There are
streets in the area ranging in size from 17 feet to 24 feet. The street crossings
are not uniform and are showing signs of wear, however, there are street signs
and flashing beacons for the school zones. There are also enhanced cross-
. Visual Interest and Amenities - C - There is landscape associated with the
main roads in this neighborhood. There are few benches, trash cans, or other
pedestrian features in the neighborhood, outside of the main roadways.
. Security - D - The pedestrian does not have adequate space between the
walking facility and the vehicular traffic on most streets. There are not
enough street lights for this area.
) R ~ "\J~.'
Bayshore Neighborhood
Wall(able Community Study
Overall Score for Bavshore Neil!hbo.rhood
Directness Continuity Street
Visual Interest Security
and Amenities
. LOS-D- This score is a composite of all five criteria, which are weighted
equally. There are substantial problems that prohibit or limit the walkability
of the Bayshore Neighborhood. There is a lack of a grid, and a lack of an
overall sidewalk network.
. Directness - C - There is no grid provided. This allows limited opportunities
for different and direct routes.
. Continuity - F - There are sidewalks in the community, but they are not in
any way uniform in their design, type, or location. Sidewalks range in size
from 5 feet to 7 feet. Sidewalks are made of brick, concrete, and asphalt.
Clear zones range from I foot to 20 feet.
. Street Crossings - D - There is a large distance between crossings. There are
streets in the Bayshorc area ranging in size from 17 feet to 24 feet. The street
crossings are not uniform and are showing signs of wear, however, there are
street signs and t1ashing beacons for the school zones. There are also en-
hanced crosswalks.
. Visual Interest and Amenities - C - There is landscape associated with the
main roads in this neighborhood. There are very few amenities in the
neighborhood, outside of the main roadways.
. Security - D - The pedestrian does not have adequate space between the
walking facility and the vehicular traffic on most streets. There are not
enough street lights for this area.
Bavshore Neiehborhood Study Area
Existinl!: Street Conditions
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~' Street
No bicycle or pedestrian
Shoulder on one side of the road
Bike Lanes or Shoulder on both sides
Sidewalk on one side of the road
Sidewalks on both sides of the road
Existinl!: Street Conditions
II rrelt Ave
Uti Ul'ell AVe
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, eepets )t
f 11'
No bicycle or pedestrian facilities '~'~,~'::1
Shoulder on one side of the road
Bike Lanes or Shoulder on both sides
Sidewalk on one side of the road
Sidewalks on both sides of the road
Existinl!: Street Conditions
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No bicycle or pedestrian facilities>
Shoulder on one side of the road
Bike Lanes or Shoulder on both sides
Sidewalk on one side of the road
Sidewalks on both sides of the road
Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3
Areca Avenue Andrews Avenue Antique Court
Barrett Avenue E Arbutus Street Basin Street
Bayshore Drive S Barrett Avenue W Bay Street
Karen Drive Bayview Drive Canal Street
Lunar Street Captain's Cove
Peters Street Becca Avenue Coco Avenue
Pine Street Colonial Drive Collee Court
Thomasson Drive Constitution Drive Cypress Street
Van Buren Avenue W Cottage Grove Avenue Danford Street
Florida Avenue
Gulfview Drive Fullmoon Court
Holly Avenue Gordon Street
Jeepers Drive Hamilton Avenue
Lakeview Drive Harvest Court
Pine Tree Drive Lake Avenue
Linda Drive
Republic Drive New Moon Court
Shoreview Drive , Orange Street
Storter Avenue Pine Street
Van Buren Avenue E Poplar Street
Sabal Court
Weeks Avenue Sunset Avenue
Woodside Avenue
Tier 1 ~habetical sort)
Areca Avenue
Barrett Avenue E
Bayshore Drive S
Karen Drive
Lunar Street
Peters Street
Pine Street (Thomasson Drive to Sunset Ave)
Thomasson Drive
Van Buren Avenue W
Tier I is the highest priority. Each location will have phases to allow flexibility
for construction, where phase one is the highest priority and phase three is the
lowest priority.
Areca Avenue
Directness Continuity Street
Visual Interest Security
and Amenities
Existing Condition: This road is 18 feet wide, There are no bicycle or pedes-
trian facilities on the road.
Recommendation: Add five foot wide sidewalks to both sides of the road, pro-
vide street lighting, and add street furniture,
Phase]: Build a five foot sidewalk on one side of the road
Phase 2: Build a five foot sidewalk on the remaining side of the road
Phase 3: Add street furniture and street lighting
Barrett Avenue East
Directness Continuity Street
Crossin s
Visual Interest Security
and Amenities
Existing Condition: This road is 19 feet wide and has no pedestrian facilities,
no street lights, or landscaping.
Recommendation: Add five foot wide sidewalks to both sides of the road, pro-
vide street lighting, and add street furniture.
Phase I: Build a five foot sidewalk on one side of the road
Phase 2: Build a five foot sidewalk on the remaining side of the road
Phase 3: Add street furniture and street lighting
Bayshore Drive - South of Thomasson Drive
Directness Continuity Street
Crossin s
Visual Interest Security
and Amenities
Existing Condition: This road is 20 feet wide and has shoulder on the west
side. The road also has a five foot concrete sidewalk in front of the Garden with
a crosswalk at Republic Drive.
Recommendation: Add a shared use path to the east side of the road, provide
street lighting, and add street furniture.
Phase I: Add a shared use path on east side of road
Phase 2: Add street furniture and street lighting
Karen Drive
Directness Continuity Street
Crossin s
Visual Interest Security
and Amenities
Existing Condition: This road is 20 feet wide and has no bicycle or pedestrian
facilities, Street ends at possible future connection to greenway.
Recommendation: Add five foot wide sidewalks to both sides of the road, pro-
vide street lighting, and add street furniture.
Phase 1: Build a five foot sidewalk on one side of the road
Phase 2: Build a five foot sidewalk on the remaining side of the road
Phase 3: Add street furniture and street lighting
Lunar Street
Directness Continuity Street
Crossin s
Visual Interest Security
and Amenities
Existing Condition: This road is 18 feet wide and has no bicycle or pedestrian
Recommendation: Add five foot wide sidewalks to both sides of the road, pro-
vide street lighting, and add street furniture.
Phase I: Build a five foot sidewalk on one side of the road
Phase 2: Build a five foot sidewalk on the remaining side of the road
Phase 3: Add street furniture and street lighting
rr "'1""" ~1'"
Peters Street
Directness Continuity Street
Crossin s
Visual Interest Security
and Amenities
Existing Condition: This road is 20 feet wide and has no bicycle or pedestrian
Recommendation: Add five foot wide sidewalks to both sides of the road, pro-
vide street lighting, and add street furniture.
Phase I: Build a five foot sidewalk on one side of the road
Phase 2: Build a five foot sidewalk on the remaining side of the road
Phase 3: Add street furniture and street lighting
Pine Street-Thomasson Drive to Sunset Avenue
Directness Continuity Street
Crossin s
Visual Interest Security
and Amenities
Existing Condition: This road is 20 feet wide and has no bicycle or pedestrian
Recommendation: Add five foot wide sidewalks to both sides of the road, pro-
vide street lighting, and add street furniture.
Phase I: Build a five foot sidewalk on one side of the road
Phase 2: Build a five foot sidewalk on the remaining side of the road
Phase 3: Add street furniture and street lighting
Thomasson Drive
Directness Continuity Street
Crossin s
Visual Interest Security
and Amenities
Existing Condition: This road is 22 feet wide and has pedestrian facilities on
both sides of the road.
Recommendation: Add enhanced pedestrian crosswalks, provide street light-
ing, and add street furniture.
Phase I: Add enhanced pedestrian crosswalks for school crossings
Phase 2: Add street furniture and street lighting
Van Buren Avenue West
Directness Continuity Street
Crossin s
Visual Interest Security
and Amenities
Existing Condition: This road is 19 feet wide and has no pedestrian facilities,
no street lights, or landscaping.
Recommendation: Add five foot wide sidewalks to both sides of the road, pro-
vide street lighting, and add street furniture.
Phase I: Build a five foot sidewalk on one side of the road
Phase 2: Build a five foot sidewalk on the remaining side ofthe road
Phase 3: Add street furniture and street lighting
Tier 2 (alphabetical sort)
Andrews Avenue
Jeepers Drive
Lakeview Drive
Arbutus Street
Barrett Avenue W
Pine Street (BeccaAve to US 41)
Bayview Drive
Becca Avenue
Pine Tree Drive
Colonial Drive
Republic Drive
Riverview Drive
Constitution Drive
Shoreview Drive
Storter Avenue
Cottage Grove Avenue
Gulfview Drive
Holly Avenue
Van Buren Avenue E
Weeks Avenue
Woodside Avenue
Tier 2 is the mid level priority. Each location will have phases to allow flexibil-
ity for construction, where phase one is the highest priority and phase three is tJ-
lowest priority,
Andrews Avenue
Directness Continuity Street
Crossin s
Visual Interest Security
and Amenities
Existing Condition: This is a local road and has no pedbstrian amenities.
Recommendation: Add five foot wide sidewalks to both sides of the road, pro-
vide street lighting, and add street furniture.
Phase I: Build a five foot sidewalk on one side of the road
Phase 2: Build a five foot sidewalk 011 the remaining side of the road
Phase 3: Add street furniture and street lighting
Arbutus Street
Directness Continuity Street
Crossin s
Visual Interest Security
and Amenities
Existing Condition: This is a local road and has no pedestrian amenities.
Recommendation: Add five foot wide sidewalks to both sides of the road, pro-
vide street lighting, and add street furniture.
Phase I: Build a five foot sidewalk on one side of the road
Phase 2: Build a five foot sidewalk on the remaining side of the road
Phase 3: Add street furniture and street lighting
Barrett Avenue West
Directness Continuity
Visual Interest Security
and Amenities
Existing Condition: This is a local road and has no pedestrian amenities.
Recommendation: Add five foot wide sidewalks to both sides of the road, pro-
vide street lighting, and add street furniture.
Phase I: Build a five foot sidewalk on one side of the road
Phase 2: Build a five foot sidewalk on the remaining side of the road
Phase 3: Add street furniture and street lighting
Bayview Drive
Directness Continuity Street
Crossin s
Visual Interest Security
and Amenities
Existing Condition: This is a local road and has no pedestrian amenities.
Recommendation: Add five foot wide sidewalks to both sides of the road, pro-
vide street lighting, and add street furniture,
Phase I: Build a five foot sidewalk on one side of the road
Phase 2: Build a five foot sidewalk on the remaining side of the road
Phase 3: Add street furniture and street lighting
Becca Avenue
Directness Continuity Street
Crossin s
Visual Interest Security
and Amenities
LOS ..
Existing Condition: This is a local road and has a seven foot asphalt sidewalk
on the south side of the road.
Recommendation: Study the intersection of Becca Avenue and Pine Street for
pedestrian improvements, Add five foot wide sidewalks to the north side of the
road, provide street lighting, and add street furniture.
Phase I: Study intersection of Becca Avenue and Pine Street for pedestrian im-
Phase 2: Build a five foot sidewalk on north side of the road
Phase 3: Add street furniture and street lighting
Colonial Drive
Directness Continuity Street
Crossin s
Visual Interest Security
and Amenities
Existing Condition: This is a local road and has no pedestrian amenities.
Recommendation: Add five foot wide sidewalks to both sides of the road, pro-
vide street lighting, and add street furniture.
Phase I: Build a five foot sidewalk on one side of the road
Phase 2: Build a five foot sidewalk on the remaining side of the road
Phase 3: Add street furniture and street lighting
Constitution Drive
Directness Continuity
Visual Interest Security
and Amenities
Existing Condition: This is a local road and has no pedestrian amenities.
Recommendation: Add five foot wide sidewalks to both sides of the road, pro-
vide street lighting, and add street furniture.
Phase 1: Build a five foot sidewalk on one side of the road
Phase 2: Build a five foot sidewalk on the remaining side of the road
Phase 3: Add street furniture and street lighting
Cottage Grove Avenue
Directness Continuity Street
Crossin s
Visual Interest Security
and Amenities
Existing Condition: This is a local road and has a five foot concrete sidewalk
leading to the entrance of the elementary schooL
Recommendation: Add five foot wide sidewalks to south side ofthe road, pro-
vide street lighting, and add street furniture.
Phase I: Build a five foot sidewalk on south side of the road
Phase 2: Add street furniture and street lighting
Gulfview Drive
Directness Continuity
Visual Interest Security
and Amenities
Existing Condition: This is a local road and has no pedestrian amenities.
Recommendation: Add five foot wide sidewalks to both sides of the road, pro-
vide street lighting, and add street furniture.
Phase 1: Build a five foot sidewalk on one side of the road
Phase 2: Build a five foot sidewalk on the remaining side of the road
Phase 3: Add street furniture and street lighting
Holly Avenue
Directness Continuity Street
Crossin s
Visual Interest Security
and Amenities
Existing Condition: This is a local road and has no pedestrian amenities.
Recommendation: Add five foot wide sidewalks to both sides ofthe road, pro-
vide street lighting, and add street furniture,
Phase I: Build a five foot sidewalk on one side of the road
Phase 2: Build a five foot sidewalk on the remaining side ofthe road
Phase 3: Add street furniture and street lighting
Jeepers Drive
Directness Continuity Street
Crossin s
Visual Interest Security
and Amenities
Existing Condition: This is a local road and has a five foot concrete sidewalk in
front of the fire station, no or bicycle or pedestrian amenities.
Recommendation: Add five foot wide sidewalks to both sides of the road, pro-
vide street lighting, and add street furniture.
Phase 1: Build a five foot sidewalk on one side of the road
Phase 2: Build a five foot sidewalk on the remaining side of the road
Phase 3: Add street furniture and street lighting
Lakeview Drive
Directness Continuity Street
Crossin s
Visual Interest Security
and Amenities
Existing Condition: This is a local road and has no pedestrian amenities.
Recommendation: Add five foot wide sidewalks to both sides of the road, pro-
vide street lighting, and add street furniture.
Phase I: Build a five foot sidewalk on one side of the road
Phase 2: Build a five foot sidewalk on the remaining side of the road
Phase 3: Add street furniture and street lighting
Pine Street-Becca Street to US 41
Visual Interest Security
and Amenities
Directness Continuity
Existing Condition: This is a local road and has a five foot asphalt sidewalk on
one side of the road.
Recommendation: Study the intersection of Becca Ave and Pine Street for pe-
destrian improvements. Re-install the crosswalk on US 41 at Pine Street. Build
a five foot sidewalk on the east side of the street.
Phase I: Study intersection of Becca Avenue and Pine Street for pedestrian im-
Phase 2: Build a five foot sidewalk on east side of the road
Phase 3: Add street furniture and street lighting
Pine Tree Drive
Continuity Street
Crossin s
Visual Interest Security
and Amenities
Existing Condition: This is a local road and has no pedestrian amenities.
Recommendation: Add five foot wide sidewalks to both sides of the road, pro-
vide street lighting, and add street furniture.
Phase I: Build a five foot sidewalk on one side of the road
Phase 2: Build a five foot sidewalk on the remaining side of the road
Phase 3: Add street furniture and street lighting
Republic Drive
Directness Continuity Street
Crossin s
Visual Interest Security
and Amenities
Existing Condition: This is a local road and has a five foot concretes sidewalk
on the north side with a pedestrian bridge connecting it to the parks greenway.
Recommendation: Add five foot wide sidewalks to south side of the road, pro-
vide street lighting, and add street furniture.
Phase 1: Build a five foot sidewalk on south side of the road
Phase 2: Add street furniture and street lighting
Riverview Drive
Directness Continuity Street
Crossin s
Visual Interest Security
and Amenities
Existing Condition: This is a local road and has no pedestrian amenities.
Recommendation: Add five foot wide sidewalks to both sides of the road, pro-
vide street lighting, and add street furniture.
Phase 1: Build a five loot sidewalk on one side of the road
Phase 2: Build a five foot sidewalk on the remaining side of the road
Phase 3: Add street furniture and street lighting
Shoreview Drive
Visual Interest Security
and Amenities
Directness Continuity
Existing Condition: This is a local road and has no pedestrian amenities.
Recommendation: Add five foot wide sidewalks to both sides of the road, pro-
vide street lighting, and add street furniture.
Phase 1: Build a five foot sidewalk on one side of the road
Phase 2: Build a five foot sidewalk on the remaining side of the road
Phase 3: Add street furniture and street lighting
Storter Avenue
Directness Continuity Street
Crossin s
Visual Interest Security
and Amenities
Existing Condition: This is a local road and has no pedestrian amenities.
Recommendation: Add five foot wide sidewalks to both sides of the road, pro-
vide street lighting, and add street furniture,
Phase I: Build a five foot sidewalk on one side of the road
Phase 2: Build a five foot sidewalk on the remaining side of the road
Phase 3: Add street furniture and street lighting
Van Buren Avenue East
Directness Continuity Street
Crossin s
Visual Interest Security
and Amenities
Existing Condition: This is a local road and has no pedestrian amenities.
Recommendation: Add five foot wide sidewalks to both sides of the road, pro-
vide street lighting, and add street furniture.
Phase I: Build a five foot sidewalk on one side of the road
Phase 2: Build a five foot sidewalk on the remaining side of the road
Phase 3: Add street furniture and street lighting
Weeks Avenue
Directness Continuity Street
Crossin s
Visual Interest Security
and Amenities
Existing Condition: This is a local road and has no pedestrian amenities.
Recommendation: Add five foot wide sidewalks to both sides of the road, pro-
vide street lighting, and add street furniture.
Phase I: Build a five foot sidewalk on one side of the road
Phase 2: Build a five foot sidewalk on the remaining side of the road
Phase 3: Add street furniture and street lighting
Woodside Avenue
Directness Continuity Street
Crossin s
Visual Interest Security
and Amenities
Existing Condition: This is a local road and has no pedestrian amenities.
Recommendation: Add five foot wide sidewalks to both sides of the road, pro-
vide street lighting, and add street furniture.
Phase I: Build a five foot sidewalk on one side of the road
Phase 2: Build a five foot sidewalk on the remaining side of the road
Phase 3: Add street furniture and street lighting
Tier 3 (alphabetical sort)
Antique Court
Basin Street
Bay Street
Canal Street
Captain's Cove
Coco Avenue
Collee Court
Cypress Street
Danford Street
Florida Avenue
Full Moon Court
Gordon Street
Hamilton Avenue
Harvest Court
Lake Avenue
Linda Drive
New Moon Court
Orange Street
Palmetto Court
Poplar Street
Sabal Court
Spruce Street
Tier 3 is the lowest priority. These sidewalks should be built only after all other
pedestrian facilities are completed. Each location will have phases to allow
flexibility for construction, where phase one is the highest priority and phase
three is the lowest priority. This tier will be evaluated in detail as projects are
Overall Neil!hborhood Recommendations
. Bayshore Drive should have at least three additional East/West pedestrian
crossing locations added. The actual locations will be determined based on
need at the time of project inception. Crossings should be high visibility and
include in-road and/or pole mounted warning lights, These locations would
increase driver awareness, and allow greater pedestrian access to the
. A pedestrian connection to Sugden Park should be added. This would in-
crease the number of bicycle and pedestrian users to that facility. It would
provide families with a safe alternative to driving to the Park.
. Wayfinding pedestrian signage should be added to Bayshore Drive and
Thomasson, These signs would provide the pedestrian with information about
park locations, business locations, and mile markers for fitness.
. A Fitness activity, such as a 5K, should be held to raise awareness of the bicy-
cle and pedestrian friendly atmosphere that Bayshore Drive has.
. Bus stops should have shelters.
. Conduct a residential lighting study to determine the streets and intersections
where lighting improvements should be made.
. Create an intra-park pathway network, linking Sugden regional park, East
Naples community park, Bayview Park, and future CRA 17 acre site.
Overall Nei!!hborhood Recommendations
. Conduct a study to evaluate the function of the bridge in relation to the trans-
portation corridor for future multimodal improvements,
. Pedestrian improvements are needed at the intersection of Bayshore Drive and
Thomasson Drive, to include enhanced crosswalks. This location is erossed
by a large number of elementary school children,
. A crosswalk should be added to the west side at the intersection Bayshore
Drive and US 41.
. Bicycle lanes should be colorized with a skid resistant material to enhance
visibility, safety, and awareness for all roadway users,
. lnstall school bus stop environmental shelters to protect the children from the
sun and rain while waiting for the bus.
. Build a greenway on Thomasson Drive and Hamilton Avenue. This would
provide greater bicycle and pedestrian access to three County parks, an ele-
mentary school, existing and future shopping facilities, and the Naples Botani-
cal Garden,
. Pedestrian crossing at Thomasson Drive and Hamilton Avenue should be
evaluated due to the blind curve.
. Work with Avalon Elementary school to determine pedestrian improvements
that could be made at or near the school.
_,~'G< '
Gateway Triangle Neighborhood
Wallcable Community Study
Overall Score for Gatewav Trianl!le Neil!hborhood
Directness Continuity Street
Visual Interest Security
and Amenities
. LOS-C- This score is a composite of all five criteria, which are weighted
equally. There are problems that prohibit or limit the walkability ofthe Gate-
way Triangle Neighborhood. There is a lack ofa grid, and a lack of an overall
sidewalk network,
. Directness - A - There is a grid provided. This allows opportunities for dif-
ferent and direct routes.
. Continuity - D - There are sidewalks in this neighborhood, but they are not
in any way uniform in their design, type, or location. Sidewalks range in size
from 5 feet to 7 feet. Sidewalks are made of both concrete and asphalt. Clear
zones range from I foot to 20 feet.
. Street Crossings - D - There is a large distance between crossings. There are
streets in the Gateway Triangle Neighborhood ranging in size from 17 feet to
24 feeL The street crossings are not uniform and are showing signs of wear,
however, there are street signs and flashing beacons for the school zone.
. Visual Interest and Amenities - C - There is very little landscape associated
with the main roads in this neighborhood. There are few benches, trash cans,
or other pedestrian features in the neighborhood, outside of the main road-
. Security - B - The pedestrian does have adequate space between the walking
facility and the vehicular traffic on streets where sidewalks are present. There
are not enough street lights for this area.
Gatewav Trian21e Nei2hborhood Study Area Map
Gatewav Trianl!:le Neil!:hborhood Existinl!: Street Conditions
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No bicycle or pedestrian facilities
Shoulder on one side of the road
Bike Lanes or Shoulder on both sides
Sidewalk on one side of the road
Sidewalks on both sides of the road
I Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3
Andrew Drive Avondale Street Airport Road
Bayside Street Kirkwood Avenue ~atherine Street
Caldonia Avenue Lee Street Davis Blvd
Calusa Avenue Lois Street Florence Court
Commercial Drive Manorca Avenue Linwood Way
Connecticut Avenue US 41
Francis Avenue Pelton Avenue Walker Lane
Linwood Avenue Winifred Avenue
Palm Street
Pineland Street
Shadowlawn Drive
Spruce Street
Washington Avenue
Tier 1 ~habetical sort)
Andrew Drive
Bayside Street
Caldonia Avenue
Calusa Avenue
Commercial Drive
Connecticut Avenue
Francis Avenue
Linwood Avenue
Palm Street
Pinel and Street
Shadowlawn Drive
Spruce Street
Washington Avenue
Tier I is the highest priority, Each location will have phases to allow f1exibility
for construction, where phase one is the highest priority and phase three is the
lowest priority.
Andrew Drive
Directness Continuity Street
Visual Interest Security
and Amenities
Existing Condition: This road is 18 feet wide, and has no bicycle or pedestrian
facilities. This road has a sidewalk entrance to the Shadow lawn elementary
Recommendation: Add five foot wide sidewalks to both sides ofthe road, pro-
vide street lighting, and add street furniture.
Phase 1 : Build a five foot sidewalk on one side of the road
Phase 2: Build a five foot sidewalk on the remaining side of the road
Phase 3: Provide street lighting and street furniture
Bayside Street
Directness Continuity Street
Crossin s
Visual Interest Security
and Amenities
Existing Condition: This road is 20 feet wide and has shoulder a 5 foot con-
crete sidewalk 1/2 way down the west side. Shadowlawn Elementary School has
a sidewalk entrance to this street
Recommendation: Add five foot wide sidewalks to both sides ofthe road, pro-
vide street lighting, and add street furniture.
Phase 1: Build a five foot sidewalk 011 one side of the road
Phase 2: Build a five foot sidewalk 011 the remaining side of the road
Phase 3: Add street furniture and street lighting
Caldonia Avenue
Directness Continuity
Visual Interest Security
and Amenities
Existing Condition: This road is 18 feet wide and has no bicycle or pedestrian
Recommendation: Add five foot wide sidewalks to both sides of the road, pro-
vide street lighting, and add street furniture.
Phase I: Build a five foot sidewalk on one side of the road
Phase 2: Build a five foot sidewalk on the remaining side of the road
Phase 3: Add street furniture and street lighting
Calusa Avenue
Directness Continuity Street
Crossin s
Visual Interest Security
and Amenities
Existing Condition: This road is 18 feet wide and has no bicycle or pedestrian
Recommendation: Add five foot wide sidewalks to both sides of the road, pro-
vide street lighting, and add street furniture.
Phase I: Build a five foot sidewalk on one side of the road
Phase 2: Build a five foot sidewalk on the remaining side of the road
Phase 3: Add street furniture and street lighting
Commercial Drive
Visual Interest Security
and Amenities
Directness Continuity Street
Crossin s
Existing Condition: This road is 24 feet wide and has no bicycle or pedestrian
facil ities.
Recommendation: Add five foot wide sidewalks to both sides of the road, pro-
vide street lighting, and add street furniture,
Phase 1: Build a five foot sidewalk on one side of the road
Phase 2: Build a five foot sidewalk on the remaining side of the road
Phase 3: Add street furniture and street lighting
Connecticut Avenue
Directness Continuity Street
Crossin s
Visual Interest Security
and Amenities
Existing Condition: This road is 20 feet wide and has no bicycle or pedestrian
Recommendation: Add five foot wide sidewalks to both sides of the road, pro-
vide street lighting, and add street furniture.
Phase I: Build a five foot sidewalk on one side of the road
Phase 2: Build a five foot sidewalk on the remaining si~e ofthe road
Phase 3: Add street furniture and street lighting
Francis Avenue
Directness Continuity Street
Crossin s
Visual Interest Security
and Amenities
Existing Condition: This road is 20 feet wide and has five foot concrete side-
walk on the south side with only a one to two foot clear zone.
Recommendation: Add five foot wide sidewalks to north side of the road, pro-
vide street lighting, and add street furniture.
Phase 1: Build a five foot sidewalk on the remaining side of the road
Phase 2: Add street furniture and street lighting
Linwood Avenue
Directness Continuity Street
Crossin s
Visual Interest Security
and Amenities
Existing Condition: This road is 20 feet wide and has no bicycle or pedestrian
Recommendation: Add five foot wide sidewalks to both sides of the road, pro-
vide street lighting, and add street furniture.
Phase I: Build a five foot sidewalk on one side of the road
Phase 2: Build a five foot sidewalk on the remaining side of the road
Phase 3: Add street furniture and street lighting
Palm Street
Visual Interest Security
and Amenities
Directness Continuity
Existing Condition: This road is 20 feet wide and has shoulder on the east side.
Recommendation: Add five foot wide sidewalks to both sides ofthe road, pro-
vide street lighting, and add street furniture.
Phase 1: Build a five foot sidewalk on one side of the road
Phase 2: Build a five foot sidewalk on the remaining side of the road
Phase 3: Add street furniture and street lighting
Pineland Street
Directness Continuity Street
Crossin s
Visual Interest Security
and Amenities
Existing Condition: This road is 18 feet wide and has no bicycle or pedestrian
Recommendation: Add five foot wide sidewalks to both sides of the road, pro-
vide street lighting, and add street furniture.
Phase 1: Build a five foot sidewalk on one side of the road
Phase 2: Build a five foot sidewalk on the remaining side ofthe road
Phase 3: Add street furniture and street lighting
Shadowlawn Drive
Directness Continuity Street
Crossin s
Visual Interest Security
and Amenities
Existing Condition: This road is 22 feet wide and has pedestrian facilities on
both sides of the road,
Recommendation: Add enhanced pedestrian crosswalks, provide street light-
ing, and add street furniture,
Phase I: Add enhanced pedestrian crosswalks for school crossings
Phase 2: Add street furniture and street lighting
Spruce Street
Directness Continuity Street
Crossin s
Visual Interest Security
and Amenities
Existing Condition: This road is 19 feet wide and has no pedestrian facilities,
no street lights, or landscaping.
Recommendation: Add five foot wide sidewalks to both sides of the road, pro-
vide street lighting, and add street furniture.
Phase I: Build a five foot sidewalk on one side of the road
Phase 2: Build a five foot sidewalk on the remaining side of the road
Phase 3: Add street furniture and street lighting
Washington Avenue
Directness Continuity Street
Crossin s
Visual Interest Security
and Amenities
Existing Condition: This road is 19 feet wide and has no pedestrian facilities,
no street lights, or landscaping.
Recommendation: Add five foot wide sidewalks to both sides of the road, pro-
vide street lighting, and add street furniture.
Phase]: Build a five foot sidewalk on one side of the road
Phase 2: Build a five foot sidewalk on the remaining side of the road
Phase 3: Add street furniture and street lighting
~. , '~""~,
Tier 2 (@lhabetical sort)
Avondale Street
Kirkwood Avenue
Lee Street
Lois Street
Manorca Avenue
Pelton Avenue
Tier 2 is the mid level priority. Each location will have phases to allow flexibil-
ity for construction, where phase one is the highest priority and phase three is t1
lowest priority.
Avondale Avenue
Directness Continuity Street
Crossin s
Visual Interest Security
and Amenities
Existing Condition: This is a local road and has no pedestrian amenities.
Recommendation: Add five foot wide sidewalks to both sides of the road, pro-
vide street lighting, and add street furniture,
Phase I: Build a five foot sidewalk on one side ofthe road
Phase 2: Build a five foot sidewalk on the remaining side ofthe road
Phase 3: Add street furniture and street lighting
Kirkwood Avenue
Directness Continuity Street
Crossin s
Visual Interest Security
and Amenities
Existing Condition: This is a local road and has no pedestrian amenities.
Recommendation: Add five foot wide sidewalks to both sides of the road, pro-
vide street lighting, and add street furniture.
Phase I: Build a five foot sidewalk on one side of the road
Phase 2: Build a five foot sidewalk on the remaining side of the road
Phase 3: Add street furniture and street lighting
Lee Street
Visual Interest Security
and Amenities
Directness Continuity Street
Crossin s
Existing Condition: This is a local road and has no pedestrian amenities.
Recommendation: Add five foot wide sidewalks to both sides of the road, pro-
vide street lighting, and add street furniture.
Phase I: Build a five foot sidewalk on one side of the road
Phase 2: Build a five foot sidewalk on the remaining side of the road
Phase 3: Add street furniture and street lighting
Lois Street
Directness Continuity Street
Crossin s
Visual Interest Security
and Amenities
Existing Condition: This is a local road and has no pedestrian amenities.
Recommendation: Add five foot wide sidewalks to both sides of the road, pro-
vide street lighting, and add street furniture.
Phase I: Build a five foot sidewalk on one side of the road
Phase 2: Build a five foot sidewalk on the remaining side of the road
Phase 3: Add street furniture and street lighting
c ':
Manorca Avenue
Visual Interest Security
and Amenities
Directness Continuity Street
Crossin s
Existing Condition: This is a local road and has no pedestrian amenities.
Recommendation: Add five foot wide sidewalks to both sides of the road, pro-
vide street lighting, and add street furniture.
Phase I: Build a five foot sidewalk on one side ofthe road
Phase 2: Build a five foot sidewalk on the remaining side ofthe road
Phase 3: Add street furniture and street lighting
R 1
Pelton Avenue
Directness Continuity Street
Crossin s
Visual Interest Security
and Amenities
Existing Condition: This is a local road and has no pedestrian amenities.
Recommendation: Add five foot wide sidewalks to both sides of the road, pro-
vide street lighting, and add street furniture.
Phase I: Build a five foot sidewalk on one side of the road
Phase 2: Build a five foot sidewalk on the remaining side of the road
Phase 3: Add street furniture and street lighting
Tier 3 ~habetical sort)
Airport Road
Catherine Street
Davis Blvd
Florence Court
Linwood Way
US 41
Walker Lane
Winifred Avenue
Tier 3 is the lowest priority. These sidewalks should be built only after all other
pedestrian facilities are completed. Each location will have phases to allow
flexibility for construction, where phase one is the highest priority and phase
three is the lowest priority, This tier will be evaluated in detail as projects are
Overall Neil!hborhood Recommendations
. Install "Bayshore Drive" type lighted crosswalk at the intersection of Shadow-
lawn Drive and Francis Avenue
. Install a crosswalk on US 41 from the NW side of Shadowlawn Drive to the
SW side of Bayshore Drive,
. Install neighborhood traffic calming features at Linwood Avenue and Lin-
wood way to separate the residential from commercial sections.
. Install thermoplastic, high visibility cross walks at street locations when side-
walks are installed.
. Create a Gateway Triangle logo (similar to Bayshore MSTU logo) and inset
into crosswalks,
. Install speed limit and pedestrian caution signage as part of roadwork installa-
. Conduct a residential lighting survey to determine streets and intersections for
lighting improvements.
. Investigate potential for future CAT bus routes.
. Install bus shelters and signagc.
. Install Gateway Triangle Pathway around the storm water pond that provides a
pedestrian connection between Linwood Way and Francis Avenue/Lee Street
. Provide a link to Bayshore Drive pathway network and the Gorden River
Greenway project from the proposed Gateway Triangle Pathway.
Glossary of terms and Agencies
. Clear zone-is an area beyond the edge of the traveled way that allows a
driver to stop safely or regain control of a vehicle that leaves the traveled way.
. Street furniture-is a collective term for objects and pieces of equipment in-
stalled on streets and roads for various purposes, including traffic barrier,
benches, bollards, post boxes, streetlamps, street lighting, traffic lights, traffic
signs, bus stops, fountains, and various other items.
. Directness-the walking distance to and between key destinations such as tran-
sit stops, schools, parks, commercial areas or activity areas.
. Continuity- the bicycle and pedestrian paths are continuous in both quality
and material.
. Street Crossings- the correct layout of pedestrian elements including infonna-
tion (signs, accessible pedestrian /traffic signals, markings), turning radius,
visible crosswalks, adequate crossing time, medians, curb ramps with detect-
able warnings, and other amenities.
. Visual Interest and Amenity-any thing that would rnake the environment a
more pleasant place to walk such as street furniture, store fronts, well main-
tained sidewalks, parks, etc.
. Security-the level of personal or public perceived safety on a street or road
based on the current roadway conditions. i.e. a road with no street lighting
would not have a high security rating because people are less likely to use it as
a preferred route at night.
. Pathways Advisory Committee (PAC)-is a citizen based MPO committee focused on
creating pedestrian friendly, usable and connected pathways within Collier County
. Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) - is an agency created under Federal law to
direct urban transportation planning and the allocation of federal and state funds for ur-
banized areas of 50,000 or more people,
. Bayshore Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA) - was established in March of2000
to alleviate slum and blight in The Bayshore Gateway Triangle Redevelopment area,
CRA refers to a public entity created by Collier County to implement the community re-
development activities outlined under Chapter 163, Florida Statutes.
. Bayshore Beautification Municipal Service Taxing Unit (MSTU) - is a funding mecha
nism community members created, through approval of the Board of County Commis-
sioners, a special taxing district to make improvements to the Bayshore neighborhood,
Providing additional services based on community desires.