Agenda 11/09/2010 Item #16D 4
. "1604
" 1"
~tion for approval and authorization for the chairmain to sign . Coastal Partnership
'.Iff.'" (01) grant application to the Department of Environmental Protection for a Dune
Resto......;bOject in the Clam Bay Park area.
. - ,
OBJECllY.Ii. To submit a Coastal Partnership Initiative grant application to the Department of
Environmental ProtectiOn to fUnd a Dune Restoration Project in the Clam Bay Park area.
CONSID~1l0NS: Coastal Zone Management staff is applying for a FIorida:iDepartment of
Environmental Protection, Coastal Partnership Initiative grant. This grant will allow-staff to remove
exotic plants from the dune line landWard 150 feet throughout the Clam Pass Pirk ."..'
The proposed Dune Restoration Project is a twofold project. This project will enhance and restore the
beach dune system by first removing all no&-native invasive plant species and, ~ly, by planting
native species after the invasive plant species have been removed.. Non-native plant species such as
Scaevola (Scaellf1l1l taccada), Australian Pine(Casuarina equisetifolia) and Brazilian Pepper (Schinus
terebinthifoliustl) are enaoaching upon and' smothering the native plant species within the Clam Pass
Park area. shallow rootsfroin non-native plants do not allow for chmes to beoomc stable and cause
sand loss, ~'Ioss and beach erosion. Once the existing invasive plant specicshave been removed,
native plants such as Sea Oats, Beach Elder and Beach Morning Glory will be planted along the beach
front landward 15 feet. Areas behind the 15 foot planted zone will allow for natural recruitment of
native plant species.
FISCAL IMPACT: The total amount requested is $53,000, if awarded, Collier ColDlty will provide
$38,000 in cash match and $15,000 in non-cash match for a total project cost of $106,000. The
$38,000 cash match will be provided from the $75,000 annual Exotic RemovallDube Restoration
Grant from me Fund 195.
GROWTH MANAGEMEN{ ~ACT: The grant money will support the Conservation and
Coastal Management Element of the County Growth Management Plan. '
LEGAL CONSIDEIL\TIONS: This item has been. reviewed by the County's Attorney's Office and
is legally sufficient for Board action. -CMG
RECOMMENDATION: Recommendation for approval and authorization for the chairmain wsign a
Coastal Partnership Initiative (CPI) grant application to the Department of Environmental Pn>tection
for a Dune Restoration Project in the Clam Bay Park area.
PREPARED BY: Pamela Keyes, EnVironmental Specialist, Coastal Zone Management Department
Agenda Item No. 1604
November 9, 2010
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Item Number:
Item Summary:
Recommendation for approval for a Coastal Partnership Initiative (CPI) grant application to
the Department of Environmental Protection for a Dune Restoration Project in the Clam Bay
Park area.
Meeting Date:
11/9/2010 9:00:00 AM
Prepared By
Pamela Keyes Environmental Specialist Date
Public Services Division Coastal Zone Management 10/25/20102:36:44 PM
Approved By
Marla Ramsey Administrator - Public Services Date
Public Services Division Public Services Division 10/26/2010 1 :00 PM
Approved By
Kathy Carpenter Executive Secretary Date
Public Services Public Services Admin. 10/26/20103:00 PM
Approved By
. Gary McAlpin Director - Coastal Management
Programs Date
Public Services Division Coastal Zone Management 10/27/201012:49 PM
Approved By
Colleen Greene Assistant County Attorney Date
County Attorney County Attorney 10/29/201010:00 AM
Approved By
OMB Coordinator Date
County Manager's Office Office of Management & Budget 10/29/2010 2:01 PM
Approved By
Sherry Pryor Management! Budget Analyst, Senior Date
Office of Management & Office of Management & Budget
Budget 10/29/20102:46 PM
Approved By
Jeff Klatzkow County Attorney Date
11/1/20104:01 PM
. Approved By
Leo E. Ochs, Jr. County Manager Date
County Managers Office County Managers Office 11/2/20103:33 PM
Agenda Item No. 1604
November 9.2010
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Refer to Rule Chapter 62S-4, Florida Administrative Code, available at for information on funding requirements and
evaluation criteria.
Eligible applicants for the Coastal Partnership Initiative are local governments of the 35 coastal
counties and all municipalities within their boundaries required to include a coastal element in the
local comprehensive plan. Florida colleges, community colleges, state universities, regional planning
councils, national estuary programs and non-profit groups may also apply, as long as an eligible local
government agrees to participate as a partner.
Submittal Requirements
1. One application per applicant may be submitted per grant cycle (i.e., one application per
county, city, or other eligible applicant.)
2. Applicants may request:
a) no more than $30,000 and no less than $10,000 for planning, design and coordination .
activities; and
b) no more than $60,000 and no less than $10,000 for construction projects, habitat restoration,
invasive exotic plant removal, and land acquisition. These projects cannot involve
planning/coordination tasks or components.
3. Non-profit groups are not eligible to receive funds for construction projects, invasive exotic
plant removal, habitat restoration, or land acquisition. Applications submitted by non-profit
groups that propose these activities (as listed in 62S-4.004(2)(c)) will be disqualified.
4. Funding is available only for project work initiated and completed during a l2-month period
beginning July 1 and ending June 30.
5. One original, signed application must be submitted along with four copies of the application
and one CD/DVD copy of the application.
6. All applications must be submitted on the CPI Application Form.
7. Applications must be submitted in person, by certified or registered mail or by courier service
by 4:00 p.m. on the date identified in the notice of availability of funds to:
Department of Environmental Protection
Florida Coastal Management Program, MS 47
ATTN: cpr Applications
3900 Commonwealth Blvd., Tallahassee, FL 32399-3000
Faxed. electronic. or late applications will not be considered and will be disqualified.
Form 62S-4.004(5)
Effective 9/2/10
Agenda Item No. 1604
Project Title: Collier County Dune Restoration Proiect
CPI Initiative Priority Area(s): Coastal Dune
Applicant Name and Name of Partner Entity (if applicable):
Collier County Board of County Commissioners
Official Contact Name: Pamela Keyes
Title: Environmental Specialist
Phone/Fax: 239-252-2980/239-3532950
Postal Address: 3301 East Tamiami Trail
W. I-Iarmon Turner Bld~. Suite 103
Naples. FL 34113
Applicant DUNS Number: 076997790.
Proposed Project Manager Name: Pamela Keves
Certification Statement
"By signing this title page, the undersigned certifies that:
a. This application is in all respects fair and submitted in good faith without collusion or fraud;
b. If selected through this application process, the recipient will work in good faith and in partnership with
the Florida Coastal Management Program to manage its subgrant in a timely and accurate manner;
c. Any funds awarded as a result of this application process will not be used to supplant or replace any state
or local funds;
d. Any funds awarded as a result of this application process will not be used as matching funds to apply for
or receive other federal funds;
e. No federal funds will be used as match for funds awarded as a result of this application process;
f. The applicant local government's adopted comprehensive plan has been found to be in compliance with
Chapter 163, Part II, F.S.;
g. [If construction is proposed) The applicant has conducted preliminary consultation with appropriate
federal, state, regional and local regulatory agencies regarding any construction proposed in the
application and has documented the results of the consultation in the Permitting Requirements section of
the Work Plan;
h. [If construction projects, habitat restoration or invasive species removal are proposed] The property on
which these activities will take place is owned or leased by the applicant or the applicant holds a
sufficient easement; and
i. The undersigned has full authority to bind the applicant."
Name & Title
If applicant is a Florida college, community college, state university, regional planning council, national
estuary program or non-profit group, include the signature, name, and title of contact for partnering entity;
the name of the eligible county or city partner; and the date.
Signature of Partner
&~~~it'1i9 P~~~ Date
Form 62S-4.004, FAC, Effective 9/2/10
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Agenda Item No. 16D4
November 9.2010
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Include a project location map no larger than 8W' x 11".
(10 pts.)*
Collier County Dune Restoration Project
Native PIcr1tings will occur along
the entire 11.000 feet of Dune Habitat
D Clam_Pass_Park_Area
. NOTE: The maximum number of points for scored application components is indicated in each section.
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c. WORK PLAN (Expand text boxes as needed, keeping within the 10-page Work Plan limit)
. This section describes the project and cannot exceed 10 single sided pages or 5 double sided pages. If letters of
support or other materials are submitted to address the Work Plan components below, these items will count
toward the maximum 10 pages of the application Work Plan; any additional pages or Appendices will be
discarded and not considered in the evaluation of the application. The Title Page, Location Map, Budget and
Budget Narrative do not count toward the lO-page limit of the Work Plan.
a. Describe in detail the activi or work to be conducted; include ro'ect location information. (15 ts.)
Collier County, located in southwest Florida, has over 40 miles of coastal beaches and coastal dune
habitats. The Proposed Dune Restoration project is located in the Clam Pass Park area in northern Collier
Clam Pass Park is one of Collier County's most heavily visited parks. Over 115,000 visitors per year
enjoy the park, amenities, scenic beaches andClam Pass. The Park is separated by Clam Pass, an extremely
narrow, shallow pass that can be walked across. The proposed project encompasses over 27.55 acres or
8,000 linear feet of exotic plant removal and 11,000 feet of native plant restoration.
Collier's coastal dune habitats are vital not only for
keystone species such as the gopher tortoise (Gopherus
polyphemus), but also for loggerhead sea turtles (Caretta
caretta), and shore birds such as the piping plover
(Charadrius melodus) and least tern (Stemula antillarum).
Native plant species such as railroad vine (Ipomoea pes-
caprae), sea oats (Uniola paniculata), and beach elder (Iva
imbricate) are also found in the project area and are critical
for stabilizing and building the dune system. Currently,
these native species are being crowded out and overrun by
the exotic invasive species.
The proposed Dune Restoration Project is a twofold project. This project will enhance and restore the
beach dune system by fIrst removing all non-native invasive plant species and, secondly, by planting native
species after the invasives have been removed. Non-native plant species such as Scaevola (Scaevola
taccada), Australian Pine (Casuarina equisetifolia) and Brazilian Pepper (Schinus terebinthifoliusa) are
encroaching upon and smothering the native plant species within the Clam Pass Park area.
Shallow roots from non-native plants do not allow for dunes to become stable and cause sand loss, habitat
loss and beach erosion. Once the existing invasive species have been removed, native plants such as Sea
Oats, Beach Elder and Beach Morning Glory will be planted along the beach front landward 15 feet. Areas
behind the 15 foot planted zone will allow for natural recruitment of native plant species.
Two types of monitoring will occur after the native plants are planted. First, County Staff will monitor the
beaches and dunes for any exotic plant re-growth. If any invasive species are found to be reseeding and
growing, County Staff will immediately remove these plants. Second, County Staff will also monitor the
new native plantings to ensure their healthy growth. Once the native species are planted, the root systems
from these native plants will immediately begin to help stabilize and build the dune system.
b. Describe specific project objectives, tasks, and deliverables and related timelines for each. Objectives
and tasks should clearly relate to the project description.
Form 62S-4.004, F AC, Effective 9/2/10
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(20 ots.)
Collier County staff has received a quote from Earth Balance, a company that specializes in ecosystem
restoration, for the removal of all species listed on the 2009 Florida Exotic Pest Plant Council's "List of
Invasive Plant Species." The invasive plants species found throughout the 27.55 acres include Brazilian
Pepper (Schinus terebinthifoliusa), Scavola (Scaevola taccada) and Australian Pine (Casuarina
equisetifolia). The quote from Earth Balance is for $53,000 to remove all exotic plants within the 27.55
acres. Collier County will provide the dollar and in-kind match through native plantings, staff time and
vehicle on-the-beach permit costs.
The treatment and removal of invasive plant species will begin on the westernmost dune vegetation and
will go landward 150 feet. All woody species and shrubs within the 50 to 75 feet of the beach will be cut
into 4-foot to 6-foot pieces and scattered or piled inside the thicker vegetation out of sight of the beach. All
remaining targeted invasive species landward and not visible from the beach will be killed-in-place with an
approved herbicide.
Immediately after the invasive species are removed, Collier County staff will begin to replant native
plants such as Sea Oats, Railroad vine, and Beach Elder along the front of!he beach dune and back 15 feet.
This will encompass a total of 7,000 feet of planted area along the beach dune system. Plants will be planted
on I-foot centers, using a hydro gel to ensure survival throughout the winter. Collier County will plant a
total of 69,000 plants in the Clam Pass Park area. Collier County has Earth Balance on contract to complete
this work for .55 a plant for a total of $38,000 in plants. In addition, to the proposed project Collier County
will also supply the ropes, posts and educational signs to keep people off the newly planted plants as in-kind
Although Earth Balance will be hired to plant the majority of the plants, a volunteer day will be conducted to
assist planting the plants around the Park boardwalk. Collier County staff has led very successful volunteer .
projects before in partner with the Collier County Sea Grant Agent. Education about beaches, dunes,
erosion, exotic plants and invasive species will also be provided to all volunteers.
Please see the timeline below;
Vehide Permits
Bidding! Award
Exotic Removal
Native Planting
Volunteer Project
Exotic Monitoring
July Aug. Sept. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. March April May June
Final Report
a. Ex lain the demonstrated need, which the ro'ect addresses.
(25 ts.
Exotic invasive plants thrive in their new location because without factors such as severe seasonal weather,
disease or insect pests that keep them under control in their native range, the plants will keep reproducing
and growing, displacing and out-competing the native plants species. This leads to a reduction in
This reduction adversely impacts wildlife and alters natural processes. The Clam Pass area is a place where
exotic invasive plants are adversely impacting native plant species by choking the native plant growth. This,
Form 625-4.004, FAC, Effective 9/2/10
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in turn, prevents stable dune growth.
The proposed Dune Restoration Project will remove the invasive exotic plants from 27.55 acres. This
removal will occur from the dune line landward 150 feet. Once the exotic invasive plants are removed,
Collier County will provide the match to replant the front of the dune system. Each year Collier County is
allocated $75,000 for planting native plants throughout the entire County beach dune system. This has
greatly improved the health of Collier County's beach dune systems. Unfortunately, the funding allocated
each year by Collier County is not sufficient to fully restore the extensive beaches and dunes in the County.
The proposed Dune Restoration Project within the Clam Pass Park area has never been planted nor had any
exotic removal completed. Collier County has not had the funding available to remove the exotic plants
from the Clam Pass Park area. County Staff feels that removal of the invasive exotic plants needs to occur
fIrst in order to remove the continual "seed source and provide room for native plants.
ose of at least one CPI
(10 ts.)
The proposed Dune Restoration Project will meet Coastal Resource Stewardship CPI area. This will be a
community-based project that will involve Collier County staff working together with volunteers'and
community organizations interested in restoring and preserving our beaches. The Coastal Zone Management
of Collier County will oversee this project and ensure that the community and all volunteers are integral part
of this project.
Collier County staff knows the importance of educating the public about the signifIcance of dune habitat.
County staff will coordinate and lead, with the help of the Collier County Sea Grant Agent a "dune planting
day." This day will be publicly advertised at the County's coastal parks, Collier County's website and local
news stations.
Staff will educate the volunteers on dune systems and how to create a healthy dune as well as preserve one.
Volunteers, along with County staff, will plant sea oats around the Park's most heavily populated areas.
Involving the local community through volunteers helps educate the public, create more awareness and
provides for more public "buy in" to restoring our dunes.
c. Discuss the extent to which the project will improve the management and protection of coastal resources.
(25 ts.
The proposed Dune Restoration Project will greatly improve management of the Clam Pass Park area's
dune system. Currently, invasive exotic plants are overwhelming native plants in the Clam Pass Park area.
These exotics do not create the necessary biodiversity to support a healthy dune system. If allowed to
continue, the invasive exotic species will completely overwhelm the native plants. Once removed, native
plant species will be able to thrive which will allow for a more diverse plant and wildlife environment.
Clam Pass Park has over 115,000 visitors yearly and was voted one of the top 20 beaches in the United
States. The park offers a %-mile long boardwalk through the mangroves and Clam Bay estuary. The park
also provides visitor amenities such as restrooms and a concession stand. Planting native plants in and
around the Parks amenities will help protect the County's and the Public's assets as well as educate the
public on the importance of a healthy dune system.
A healthy dune system is an important fIrst barrier against the influence of storm systems, winds, waves
and tides. Removing exotic invasive plants and replacing them with native vegetation will greatly increase
the chances of not only creating a more diverse habitat, but also protect Clam Pass Park area from severe
erosion and loss of more beaches and dunes.
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d. Discuss how project is feasible and can be completed within one year.
(10 Pts.)
Removal of the exotic species within the 27.55 acre site will be completed within one year. Once the grant is
awarded, Collier County will move quickly to bid the project and apply for vehicle on-the-beach permits.
Both these items will take one month to complete.
Once the funding is obtained, the Contractor will be able to commence with the exotic removal. This
removal should be completed in one month. As soon as the removal has been completed, planting can occur.
In this way the proposed project will be completed well prior to the grant allotted time limit.
Type dollar amounts only in applicable categories (round to nearest dollar; no cents) and leave other
categories blank. A recipient will be required to provide 100% (1: 1) matching funds, cash or in-kind.
No more than one-half (50%) of match can be provided by a third party.
Budeet Cateeorv
1. Salaries
2. Fringe Benefits
3. Travel
4. Equipment
5. Supplies
6. Contractual Services
FCMP Funds
7. Other Expenses
$3,000 .
$53,000 $38,000
8. Indirect Charges
FCMP Total
Match Total
Total FCMP & Match Funds
Ifbudget exceeds the amount shown on the "Total" line above, indicate the total project cost: $
BUDGET NARRATIVE: Describe line items for each applicable budget category shown above. Provide
sufficient detail to show cost relationship to project activities for both FCMP and match items. Indirect
costs are not allowed as match.
Total FCMP Funds Requested $53,000
Form 62S-4.004, FAC, Effective 9/2/10
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Fringe Benefits:
Contractual Services: The FCMP funding will fund for the hiring of a contractor, in the amount of $53,000
to remove the invasive exotic plants.
Other Expenses:
Indirect Charges:
Total Match Funds:
Salaries: County staff will need to be on-site supervising both the exotic plant removal and native planting,
supervising volunteers as well as assisting the contractor in getting vehicle on-the-beach permits.
Staff needs to ensure the correct tools, herbicides etc, are being used. Currently, staffs time
including benefits is 33.60. At times multiple staff will need to be on-site.
Fringe Benefits:
Equipment: County staff will need to use County equipment such as trucks and gators to access the beach.
. Equipment costs will include the cost of gas.
Supplies: County staff will need to purchase the ropes, posts, and educational signage to keep the public off
the newly planted dunes
Contractual Services: Collier County has Earth Balance on contract to plant the native plants. This contract
allows for plants to be purchased at a base rate of 55 cents a plant.
Other Expenses: Vehicle on the beach permits will need to be acquired through the County Growth
Management Department. The County will pay for the permits at a cost of $250 per vehicle.
NOTE: Project costs will be evaluated for reasonability, and the application is eligible for up to 10
points based on the evaluation of costs.
Form 62S-4.004, FAC, Effective 9/2/10