Agenda 09/14/2010 Item # 9G
, Agenda Item No. 9G
September 14, 2010
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~~. ~. ~49 CRC
Collier County Tax Collector,
September 1; 2010
. .
Ha~orablt~Fr~d Cayle
CallieI: County Cammissianers
330 IE TamiamiTrail,Adm. Bldg
Naples, FL 34112
Dear Caminissiarier Coyie:
I respectfully request that consideratian be given to. design8:ting the Driver License Building; 72~ Airpart
Road South as the Guy L. Carlton Diiver License Building. This will pravide proper recagnition to Mr.
Guy Carlton, who served the citizens of Collier County for twenty eight years as their Tax Collector. H~
waS the longest serving tax collector in the county;s history. _
DUring this long ~d distinguished tenure,.Mr. Carlton witnessed Collier Cauntygraw from a papulatian
of 86,000 to. 319,000.. He managed the transitian fram a cauple of affices handling vehicle and vessel
registratians, hunting and fishing licenses, and a property tax raIl of $55,000,000 to. the fully aut9mated,
campilter linked netwark af tax collectar offices that serve the citizens of Callie~ County taday; Taday's
operatians cantinuetGlprovide the 'traditional registration and sparting license services but have added .
... Tourist pevelapment Tax and drivers licensing to the mixaf servicespravided. The property tax roll has
grawn to. over $900,000,000. Mr. Carlton's gift was his ability to. handle the transitian to a large camplex'
aperation while still maintairiirig 0e feel and friendliness af the small tax callector affice where he began. .
I believe that it was the addition of driver licensing services that best illustrates Mr.. Carlton's vision and
dedicatian tapravidiIlg service to. the citizens afCallier Caunty. Priar to Mr. . Carlton volunteering to take
. aver driver licensing, there were two state affices in the caunty and the average .wait time was 3 .ta4 .
hours. Mr. Carlton realized the need fOr change and set abaut makirig it happen. . He built a first class
!estiJ:ig facility'an Airport Raad and teamed 'with the Sheriffs office and the Clerk ofCaUrts to. provide a'
"one stop shap" far all driver licens~- related activities. He later added licensing renewal services at tax
cOllectar affices throughout the caunty, cutting the average wait time far driver license services
throughaut the County to 15 minutes or less. .
It is Guy L. C3.rton'sseIfless dedicatian to serving the citizens afeallier Cauntyand specifically his _
visian in providing unparalleled driver license services to those citizens that warrants the naming of the
Drivers License Building in his honor. Lask your support in making this a reality.
CoUrthouse Compiex-Bldg. C-1-Naples, Florida 34112-4997
,- Agenda Item No. 9G
, September 14, 2010
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cc: Coriunissioner Frank Halas .
Coininissioner Donna Fiala
Commissioner rom Henni.Iig _
Commissioner Jim Colletta
Leo Oehs, Cowity Manager
'. :i