Agenda 06/22/2010 Item #16G 1 Agenda Item No. 16G1 June 22, 2010 Page 1 of 7 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Recommendation that the Board of County Commissioners, acting as the Airport Authority, approve and authorize the Chairman to execute Change Order No. 1 to Passarella & Associates, Inc. Work Order Number 4500116918 in the amount of $13,600, and authorize associated Budget Amendment. OBJECTIVE: That the Board of County Commissioners (BCC), acting as the Airport Authority, approve and authorize the Chairman to execute Change Order No. 1 to the PassarBlla & Associates, Inc. Work Order Number 4500116918 in the amount of $13,600, and authorize associated Budget Amendment. CONSIDERATIONS: The Airport Authority approved Passarella & Associates, Inc., Work Order Number 4500116918 in the amount of $78,700 to permit Phase 2 development at the Immokalee Regional Airport on February 8,2010. The BCC approved the necessary Budget Amendments to allocate funds in Immokalee Infrastructure Fund 497 to the perrnitting line item for the next phase of development at the Immokalee Airport on March 23, 2010, Agenda Item No. 16(G)4. Other permitting costs, specifically the Site Development Plan submittal costs ($6,300), the required Gopher Tortoise Survey (7,100), and miscellaneous reimbursable costs ($200) were not included in the approved Work Order. A Change Order in the amount of $13,600 is needed to finalize the Phase 2 permitting requirements. - FISCAL IMPACT: A Budget Amendment is needed to allocate $13,600 in lmmokalee Infrastructure Fund 497 to permitting for the next phase of development at the Immokalee Regional Airport. CONSISTENCY WITH GROWTH MANAGEMENT PLAN: There is no Growth Management Impact associated with this Executive Summary. LEGAL CONSIDERATIONS: This item has been approved for form and legal sufficiency.- JBW ADVISORY BOARD RECOMMENDATION: At the June 14, 2010 meeting, the Airport Advisory Board voted unanimously to recommend to the BCC approval of Change Order No.1 in the amount of $13,600 to the Passarella & Associates, Inc. Work Order Number 4500116918 and any necessary Budget Amendments. RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of County Commissioners (BCC), acting as the Airport Authority, approve and authorize the Chairman to execute Change Order NO.1 to the Pascrell & Associates, Inc., Work Order # 4500116918, in the amount of $13,600, and authorize associated Budget Amendment. - PREPARED BY: Debbie Brueggeman, Operations Coordinator, Airport Authority Item Number: Item Summary: Meeting Date: Agenda Item No. 16G1 June 22, 2010 Page 2 of 7 COLLIER COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS 16G1 Recommendation that the Board of County Commissioners, acting as the Airport Authority, approve and authorize the Chairman to execute Change Order NO.1 to Passarella & Associates, Inc Work Order Number 4500116918 In the amount of $13.600. and authOrize the associated budget amendment 6122/20109:0000 AM Prepared By Debra Brueggeman Airport Authority Operations Coordinator Date Airport Authority 61101201012:29:39 PM Approved By Lyn Wood Administrative Services Division Contracts Specialist Date Purchasing & General Services 61111201012:03 PM Approved By Penny Phillippi Immokaiee County Redevelopment Agency Executive Director, Immokalee eRA Immokalee County Redevelopment Agency Date 6114120109:26 AM Approved By Jennifer White County Attorney Assistant County Attorney Date County Attorney 61141201011:04 AM Approved By OMS Coordinator County Manager's Office Date Office of Management & Budget 61141201011:31 AM Approved By Jeff Klatzkow County Attorney Date Approved By 6114120103:24 PM Susan Usher Office of Management & Budget Management/Budget Analyst, Senior Date Office of Management & Budget 6/15120108:52 AM Approved By Steve Carnell Administrative Services Division Director. PurchasingfGeneral Services Date Purchasing & General Services 6115120103:17 PM Approved By Leo E. Ochs, Jr. County Managers Office County Manager Date County Managers Office 6115120105:56 PM Agenda Item No. 16G1 June 22. 2010 Page 3 of 7 t=: c" .,~ +0 (3CL CONTRACTIWORK ORDER MODIFICATION CHECKLIST FORM PROJECT NAME: Ph_ II Envlmn....ntallMM _lon.1 AllDort PROJECT #: AlIl!U.PROJECT MANAGER:P.nnv Phllliool CONTRACTt: 07_ '//I..f? MODt: ---3-Pot: _111811 WORK ORDER It: PASofT"'181-1~3 DEPARTMENT: AlnlOl't AuthOl'tlY CONTRACTORIFIRM NAME: P_....I. & _1_. Inc. Ongln.1 Contract Amount: $ 78.700 (Starllng Point) $ 71.700 (L.ot Total Amount Approved by the BCC) S 78 700 (Including All Changes Pr10t To This Modfflcatlon) $ 13.100 Cu....nt BCC ApproV8d Amount: Curr.nt Contnct Amount: Change Amount: RevI_ Conlrac:llWorlt 0rcI..- Amount: $ 92.300 (Including This Change Order) Cumulldtv. Dollar Value of Changes to thle Conlrac:llWorlt DreIer: S 13.800 Dille of Laet BCC Appl'OVlll March 23 2010 Agenda Ilam '" 16G4 Percentage of the change over/under cu....nt contnIct ........nt Fonnula: (Revised Amount / Last BCC epproved amount)-1 CURRENT COMPLETION DATE (5): ORIGINAL: 4/1/2011 17.3 % CURRENT: 4/112011 Thle change o.....r will: [gJ Add. n_ Tak for '_8300_ x Incraue T_ Number _99_ by 1200.00_ Other_Add _ Tuk for '7100 Oeacrlba . the ch.nga(e): Clulna. the .~... to .dd the foll_lna task.: 13 Collier County SIla O~~llIIliiiHenti (SOP) ADDrov.1 for Phese II. 14 Go""... Tortoise Survey for PIuI.. II. . !!!!!!L!!!!._ R.imburaeabl... Spaclfy the ..eeons for the chenga(s) r.:. 1. PI.nned or Elective r 2. Unfore_n Conclltlons 0 3. Quantlty AdJustmenta 4. COl1'llCUon of Errors (Plens. Speclflc:lltlons or S~pe of Work) 0 S. Vslue Added r 6. Schedule Adjustments Note: One or mo.. may be checked. depending on the natu.. of the chenga(s). Identify all negative Impeeta to the proJact If thla chenge order we.. not proceaaed: Immokalee RealoneJ A1roort will not be able to comDIete Ih8 n.:a_rv aermlttlna In order to continue develooment of the alruorL This cheng. wea requ.sted by: LContrector/Conauitent x Owner [J Using Department 0 CDES COesign Prof..lonal DIReguletory Agency (Specify) DOther (Specify) IJ No CONTRACT SPECIALIST PARTICIPATION IN NEGOTlAnONS: x Yes This form Is to be signed end deted. APPROVED BY: ~<r"~ ~ Penny Phillippi, p~-Man,er /- REVIEWED BY: ~'.h~ );} 7(. tl1!4- L ( ~ontract Specialist Revised 4.10 Dete: .;;:.~/h?> t,/, /10 I / Date: Agenda Item No. 16G1 June 22, 2010 Page 4 of 7 CHANGE ORDER *1 TO WORKORDER * 4500116918 TO: Passarella & Associates, Inc. 13620 Metropolis Avenue, Suite 200 Fort Myen, FL 33912 FROM. Collier County Airport Authority 2005 Mainsail Drive, Suilll ] Naples, FL 34145 Prolect Name: Phase II EnvirOlllJ1eJrtal lmmokalcc Regional Airport Prolect Number: 50073 Work Order Dates: February 8. 2010 Changc Ordcr No: 1 ceAA Tracking No: PAS-FT-4168-10.03 Work Order No: 4500116918 Date: September 14, 2009 Chuge Order PlIrpGae: This Changc Order is to amend the ~, and!!KI as follows. Original agreement amount ......................................._....................... $78,700 This Change Order No. I Amount (add) ........................................... $13,600 Re.ised Ag,umellt AmOIlIlt..............................................................$92,300 S~ODe of Servleea Work Order is amended to add the followin& tasks as specified bclow and in thc attached proposal dated May 25. 20 I 0: 13.0 Collicr County Site Development (SDP) Approval for Phase II 14.0 Gopher Tortoise Survey for Phase II 99.0 Additional Reimburseables Comoen..tloD Pursuant to Article Five of the Agreement. OWNER will eompCl18ate CONSULTANT in accordance with the following method: NCl!otiated Lumn Sum. as provided in the attached proposal. TIIll D. . tion o 13.0 14.0 99.0 roval $6.300 $7 100 $200 TOTAL FEES S 13 600 C:~u",d Scl/~U:rl~ S4rt".,IT."'P01"/Jf)I JlfUI'N/ FlI.TOLXJ6C1lPAS WO If)..()J JAOi p,",- n ERP co M1 (June 2OIO).docx Agenda Item No. 16G1 June 22. 2010 Page 5 of 7 O1_OnlerNo. 210 WorkOrder_4~OOI03994(PAS-IT-416~2) """'201'2 Your acceptance of this change order shall constitute a modification to our Agreement and will be performed subject to all the same terms and conditions as contained in said Agreement indicated above, as fully as if the same were repeated in this acceptance. The adjustment, to this Agreement shall constitute a full and fmal settlement of any and all claims arising out of, or related to, the change set forth herein, including claims for impact and delay costs. ATTEST: OWNER COLUER COUNTY AIRPORT AurHORITY Signature Fred W. Coyle, Chairman A'ITEST: ~- 51 .;ln~fll- h.t.-?4.I()A.A Print Name CONSULTANT: PASSAREL~.& &..~.. TItS W~ Kith C, Passarella, President Approved as to form and legal sufficiency ~-81J Jennifer ; White, Aalstant County Attorney Agenda Item No. 16G1 June 22. 2010 Page 6 of 7 _ r 1{~~~:;'~i~ May 25,2010 Ms. Debbie Brueggeman Collier County Airport Authority 2003 Main Sail Drive Naples, FL 34114 RE: Immokalee Regional Airport P.O. 4500116918 Project No. 99HMA448 Dear Debbie: Per your recent conversation with Shane Jolmson, Passarella & Associates, Inc. (Consultant) is pleased, to offer the following continuing services to assist Collie.r County Airport Authority (Authority) with the SDP for Phase II at the Immokalee Regional Airport (project) located in Sections 25, 26, 27, 34, 35, and 36, Township 46 South, Range 29 East; and Sections 2 and 3, Township 47 South, Range 29 East, Collier County. Task Descrintion Cost 13.0 Collier County Site Development Plan (SDP) Approval for Phase II 13.1 Prepare environmental documents for Authority's SDP submittal to county. 13.2 Attend one meeting with Collier County Environmental Services staff. 13.3 Prepare one response to request for additional information from the county's environmental staff. 13.4 Attend one meeting with Project. $6,300.00 14.0 Gopher Tortoise Survey for Phase II 14.1 Conduct gopher tortoise survey per county's requirement. 14.2 Prepare report outlining results of survey. $7,100.00 99.0 Reimbursables $ 200.00 The total lump sum wnount for Tasks 13.0 through 14.0 and 99.0 is thirteen thousand six hundred dollars ($13,600.00). Invoicing will be monthly per the rates outlined in Contract #07- 4168 "Fixed Tenn Professional Environmental Consulting Services." Offices in Florida alld Sou,h Carolina 136Z0 Metropolis Avenue. Suite ZOO. Fort Myers, Flo,id. 33912. Phone: (239) 274.0067. Fax: (239) Z74-0069. www.Passa,.Il..n.' Agenda Item No. 16G1 June 22. 2010 Page 7 of 7 Ms. Debbie Brueggeman May 25, 2010 Page 2 The following assumptions were used for the development of Consultant's work scope and costs: . Work scope does not include additional field work and wildlife surveys (beyond those specifically identified in the work scope) that may be required by Collier County Environmental Services staff. . Relocation services/take permits for gopher tortoises and burrowing owls, etc. are not part of this work scope. . Collier County will not require an updated Environmental Impact Statement (EIS). Preparation of an EIS is not part of this work scope. All other terms and conditions of our contract dated January 26, 2010 will remain in effect. In witness whereof the parties hereto have made and executed this contract as of the day and year above written. Debbie Brueggeman Consultant: Passarella & Associates, Inc. /W~ KJnneth C. Passarella, President Authority: Collier County Airport Authority "S 1~'5 I/o Date Date SJ/kf