Agenda 06/22/2010 Item #16A 9 Agenda Item No. 16A9 June 22, 2010 Page 1 of 24 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Recommendation to accept a Pedestrian Signal Warrant Report and approve the installation and operation of a Pedestrian Traffic Signal at the intersection of Radio Road (CR 856) at San Marcos Boulevard, at an annual maintenance cost of approximately $1,500.00. OBJECTIVE: To request the Board to accept a Pedestrian Signal Warrant Study Report and approve a pedestrian traffic si!,'Ilal be constructed, activated and maintained at the intersection of Radio Road and San Marcos Boulevard with any and all applicable Federal, State, and County standards and specifications governing such traffic control devices. CONSIDERATIONS: Florida Statute !)316.130(7) (b) requircs that vehicles come to a stop and remain stopped to allow a pedestrian to cross a roadway when a pedestrian is in the crosswalk and signage is provided. If signage is not provided, motorists are required to yield the right-of- way, but are not required to stop if it is not needed. The 2009 Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) contains provisions to enhance pedestrian crossing safety by utilizing "Stop Here for Pedestrians" signs (RI-5c) within Section 2B.I1. The purpose of the signs defined by the MUTCD is to enhance the safety of the pedestrians by giving the motorist increased notification that pedestrians may be using the crosswalk. In March 2010, Stop Here for Pedestrian signs and pavement markings were installed to supplement the existing Pedestrian Crossing signs (WI 1-2) in accordance with Section 2B.12, Section 2C.50 and Section 38.18 of the MUTCD. During a two week period, motorists were not complying with the state law and it was reported by many that the signs and their respective meaning was confusing. A number of rear end collisions occurred during this time. On April 13,2010, the Stop Here for Pedestrians signs were removed. The Pedestrian Crossing signs were left in place. Following the removal of thc Stop Here for Pedestrian signs, it was determined that a signal warrant analysis should be performed to see if a pcdestrian traffic signal is warranted at this location. Florida Statute 93 16Jl06 provides that the County "may place and maintain such traffic control devices which conform to the manual and specifications of the Department of Transportation upon all streets and highways under their original jurisdiction as they shall deem necessary to regulate, warn or guide traffic." A traffic engineering study (attached). performed and approved by a Professional Engineer registered to practice i.n the State of Florida. has concluded with the determination that the subject intersection meets the minimum warrants for signalization, as set forth in the MUTCD. Specifically, Warrant 4, Condition A of the MUTCD was found to be satisfied. Staff of the County's Traffic Opcrations Section concurs with that determination and installation of a traffic signal at this location is within Collier County Access Management Guidelines. Collier County Traffic Operations will be providing the design, most materials (mast arms, controller cabinet, etc.) and inspection of the work. A signal contractor under an Annual Contract will be providing labor and installation of the signal. Agenda Item No. 16A9 June 22, 2010 Page 2 of 24 Lighting within the crosswalk area will also be improved with the addition of the traffic signal. Currently arterial street lighting exists only on the north side of Radio Road. We have requested that Florida Power and Light install two additional street lights on the south side of Radio Road to provide better illumination of the crosswalk. This issue becomes more critical with the completion of the landscaping beautification project along this section of Radio Road. FISCAL IMPACT: Work for the sil,'Ilal installation has already been budgeted and will done using one of the County's annual contracts. Costs for this work will be approximately $55,000. Collier County Traffic Operations will supply most materials for the installation using parts and equipment already in stock. Costs for those parts and equipment are estimated at approximately $21,000, resulting in a total cost for the signal to be $76,000. Upon inspection and acceptance, Collier County will assume responsibility for the operation and maintenance of the signal, including electricity billing, at an average annual maintenance cost of approximately $] ,500 for this signal location, paid for through the nonnal Traffic Signal Maintenance, electricity, and Signal Section personnel funds in the annual Traffic Operations 101 Funds budget. The operating and maintenance costs for this signal are far less than it would be for a regular signal as only one roadway, Radio Road, is signalized. There is far less equipment in the field to maintain and operate and, thus, costs are considerably less. LEGAL CONSIDERATIONS: This item has been reviewed and approved by the County Attorney's Office and is legally sufficient for Board action....SRT. GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: ThIS action will result in no growth management impact. RECOMMENDATION: That thc Board of County Commissioners accept a Pedestrian Signal Warrant Study Report and approve that a pedestrian traffic signal be constructed, activated and maintained at the intersection of Radio Road and San Marcos Boulevard in accordance with any and all applicable Federal, State, and County standards and specifications governing such traffic control devices. Prepared By: Dale A. Bathon, P.E., Principal Project Manager, Traffic Engineering Department, Growth Managcment Division -- Capital Construction and Maintenance Attachment: Pedestrian Signal Warrant Study Report Agenda Item No. 16A9 June 22, 2010 Page 3 of 24 COLLIER COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Meeting Date: 16A9 Recommendation to accept a Pedestrian Signal Warrant Report and approve the installation and operation of a Pedestrian Traffic Signal at the intersection of Radio Road (CR 856) at San Marcos Boulevard, at an annual maintenance cost of approximately $1.500. 6/22/20109:00:00 AM Item Number: Item Summary: Approved By Eugene Calvert Project Manager, Principal Date Transportation Division Traffic Operations 6/4/201011:30 AM Approved By Barbara LaPierre Management/Budget Analyst Date Transportation Division Transportation Administration 6/4/20103:43 PM Approved By Norm E. Feder, Alep Administrator - Transportation Date Transportation Division Transportation Administration 6/8/20109:35 AM Approved By Najeh Ahmad Director - Transportation Engineering Transportation Engineering & Construction Management Date Transportation Division 5/8/201010:30 AM Approved By Scott R. Teach Deputy County Attorney Date County Attorney County Attorney 6/6/20103:09 PM Approved By Nick Casalanguida Director - Transportation Planning Date Transportation Division Transportation Planning 6/912010 11:09AM Approved By Lisa Taylor ManagementlBudget Analyst Date Transportation Division Transportation Administration 6/9/20101 :28 PM Approved By Natali Betancur Administrative Assistant Date Transportation Division Transportation Road Maintenance 5/9/20101:31 PM Approved By Jeff Klatzkow County Attorney Date 6/10/201011 :49 AM Approved By OMS Coordinator County Manager's Office Agenda Item No. 16A9 June 22, 2010 Page 4 of 24 Date Office of Management & Budget 6/11/20101:53 PM Approved By Leo E. Ochs, Jr. County Managers Office County Manager Date County Managers Office 6/11/20105:42 PM Agenda Item No. 16A9 June 22, 2010 Page 5 of 24 c o L L .1 E R PEDESTRIAN SIGNAL WARRANT STUDY REPORT Radio Road, CR 856 At San Marcos Boulevard c o IV T Y Al'provcd Hy: Eugene Calvert, PE, .'TOE TRAFFIC OPERATIONS DEPARTMENT COLLIER COUNTY. FLORII)A May 26. 2010 "d ,. .,~:~-, ~ Agenda Item No. 16A9 Jl:lp,e; 22, 2010 Page 6 of 24 PEDESTRIAN SIGNAL WARRANT STUDY Radio Road, CR 856 at San Marcos Boulevard EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This rcport presents the findings of aT raftic Signal Warrant Study for the pedestrian crosswalk on Radio Road, CR 856 at San 1\1areos Boulevard in Collier County, Florida. The study was initiated in response to a request to enhance Ihe safety of the existing crossvvalk due to the large number of area rcsidems that use the crosswalk to access the shopping center on the south side of Radio Road and the Collier Area Transit (CAT) bus SlOps on both side ofthe roadway The existing crosswalk is located approximately 75 iCet cast of the Radio Road intersection \vith San Marcos Boulevard. Radio KomI is an eas!~west. four-lane divided roadway that is functionally classified as an I !rban Collector providing a major connection netween Airport-Puiling Road to the west and to Davis Boulevard/Collier Boulevard to the cast. The Average Daily Traffic (ADT) on Radio Road was measured to be 20.757 vehicles pcr day wllh" peal; bourly traf1ic of 1.419 vehicles per hOllr. The posted spcecllimit on P..adiu Road ~ ---+S ~v!PH. San J'vlarcos Boulevard is a t\VO"-l:Hk~ ]0C~11 n):;H.iv,'<J)' that prc}\'idcs access to a residential neighborhood to the north of Radio Road. The majorilY dfpedeslrians that utilize this crosswalk are residents of the area north of Radio Road. Peak htHJrly pedestrian traffic was found to be 88 pedestrians per hour, with a pcak IS.minute volume of 28 pedeslrians The crosswalk is cLHTently marked with high visihiJity pavement markings and pedestrian v\'aming signs. There is a general trend of' rear-end and siue s\.vlpe vehicular crashes :lssOclatl'd \vilh v~hjcles responding to 1he pedestrian crosswalk. O:1ly seven crashes occurred at the crosswalk durin~ the 4 vears (2(l(l{)-200'Jj for which crash data is avuiiat"'.dc. two or which mh}i\'~J p~'d(~strLm/bii..'>'ck in,iur} crashes. The pedestrian crossing failed cU meetlhc Warrant 4. whieh is the Pedestrian Signal V/arTant. hy' approximate];' 5~";) (.'1 pt..->(h.::striaw;) orthe l\::(juired numhcr ofpedestrians during the peak I hour period. The cro~swa[k ovcf\vhdrnlng!)' meets the signa! warrant for a pedestrian hybrid trafIic signal. Ho\vc\'cr, a pedestnan hyhrid trafiic signai was only recemly approved under the 200Q rvfl n CD and such 8 signal has not yet been installed in Collier Counly. There is concern that since the hy'bricl traffie signal is ne-w, drl\crs nBY he confused and \vill not kno\';' what is required of them. Therefore, it is recommended that d regular traffic signal he installed at the crosswalk. And because the median wil! provide a refuge to pedestrians, each crossing of the directional lanes on Radio (Cl6tbollnd and westbound) should be provided with sepamte pedestrian call buttons, AIl I~lCilitics should he brought into compliance with ADA requirements. I SECTION Agenda Item No. 16A9 JUI ,e 22, 2010 Page 7 of 24 TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE I. Background ........ ...... .......... ... .... ........... ...... .... ..... . .... ..... ... 4 2. Existing Conditions........... ........................................................ 4 3. Alternative Trials ... ......................... .............. ............ ... . .... .... .... 7 4. Traffic/Pedestrian Counts ............. ......................................... 8 5. Access Management ... ..... ....... ........ 6. Crash Analysis .......... .................................10 .... 10 7. TratficSignal Warrant Analysis ........................ 8. Recommendations and Conclusions................. Appendix A: Crash Diagrams.. ..........10 ........... 13 .................. 14 [ jst of Figures nnd Exhibits Figure 1 Figure 2 Figure J Figure 4- Figure 5 Figure 6 Exhibit 1 Exhibit 2 Exhi bit 3 Exhibit 4 Exhibit 5 Site Lo,oation Map.. ... ......... ........ ......... ......... ..... ....... 5 Pedestrian V"fume ADT Summary... Tmffic Volume ADT Summary... MUTCD Figure 4C-6 . MUTCD Figure 4C-1\ MUTeD Figure 4F-2 ... .....8 ...9 " . " .... ]2 ............................... 13 Site Condition ............. ............5 . ...6 ...... 6 CAr Bust Stop in Background ........................ Advance Pedestrian Crossing Signs................. Radio Road. Eastbound Approach ~ '.. I Drivers Were ConfJsed by RI-5c Signs..... ......8 Agenda Item No. 16A9 dtH,(. 22, 2810 Page 8 of 24 PEDESTRIAN SIGNAL WARRANT STUDY Radio Road, CR 856 at San Marcos Boulevard 1. BACKGROUND Collier County Traffic Operations has conducted a pedestrian signal warrant study at the existing pedestrian crosswalk located cast of San Marcos Roulevard on Radio Road, CR 856. The purpose of the study is to ascertain that if the referenced pedestrian crossing meets minimum warrant requirements f{Jr a tralTic signal installation which are set forth in Section 4C.05 of the Manual on Unifom1.j raiile Control Devices (MUTCD) and in Section 3.8.6 of the Traffic Engineering Manual (Topic No. 750-000-(05) by the florida Department of Transportation (FDOT): and to determine if the intersection meets mlnimum requirement for signali;:ation set forth in the County's Policy for Access rv1anagcrnent. The MlleD, 2009 Edition prepared by the rcderallJighway Administration (FIIW A), has neen designated by Florida Statutes w govern placement and design oCtratllc signals. signs and pavement markings on public and private ruads \vithin the Stale of Florida. fhc MeTCD providcs guidelines in Section 4C05 Warrant 4. Pedestrian Volume and in Chapter 4F Pedestrian I Iybricl B~acons for signalization of pedestrian cross"\valks. The MUTeD states that a tranle control signal should not be installed unless it will improve the overall safety' and/or operation of [he- inters('('tlcH"cro:;;sv.'ulk. 2, l';,}(-,STlNG CONDITION The study crosswalk is mid-block crossing located on Radio Road approximately 7S feet east of the intersection with San ~1arcos Boulevard. /\ .15-t()Ol v.'ide median in Radio Road rrovides a pedestrian refuge Co:' the crosswalk. Radio Road is an east-west four-lane divided roadway" that lS functionally classified as an llrban Collector providing a maior connection belween Airport-Pulling Road to the west and to Davis Boulevard/Collier Boulevard to the cast. The posted speed limit on Radio Road is 45 MPH. The Radio Road i San [..'larCl:);'; Boulevard intersection is a "'T'- intersection with San Marcos Boulevard intersecting with Radio Road from the north. The median of Radio Road prohibits Ictl tum movement from San Marcos Boulevard, but allows cast bound direcl1onal1cft turns onto San Marcos r1oul~vard. Sll1ce south hound 1en turn movements from San Marcos Boulevard un: restricted. south bound traffic from San tv1arcos Boulevard does not impact the redestrian crl)ssing on Radio Road. San Ivlarcos f~Olde'vard is a two-lane local roadway' rrovidin~; access 10 the residential area to the north of Radio Road. Roadway lighting is provided on the north side of Radio Road. The location map and site condition phlltographs arc shown on the following page: J Agenda Item No. 16A9 June 22, 2010 Page 9 of 24 f ~', . . " ;. 2.1 ~ " i ~I i' 0 " Ii. ~ ': "~'---"'.'-'-'7"":-~"'- "-,d,""", .",1 Figun' J SITE LOCATION MAP There arc two Collier Area Transit (CAT) bus SlOps located in the vicinity of the pedestrian crosswalk providing transit connection both to the case and to the west. Both CAT hus stops arc located west of the croc;swalk. one on each side of Radio Road. ,/ ~l 1--'--1 \ \ I 11;ll'. ~">l\'p ~ ----.- I "\it\' -. 1 ..-/1 ( (,l':~.,\\:tlL ; "cdl ill:1 ...---..-- .~. ~li'if'~.4i;"ii-.:;:L ' - ...... ";;;.; ,,> "... ~ , Wi, .-. * Exhibit 1 SITE CONnITION Agenda Item No. 16A9 June 22. 2010 Page 10 of 24 J'I , '1:,Jl 'I. -,. '.;' '.....".......IilI..-.... - I' ..' ~""';!l..~....f:j -. iI.~-.JI!I!Ir. ',,_,' .".l..l.J.,.... ,"~ ,AM-, n,' _'.... - .',.,_ -._'tj.!lt.,.~~:'- . - -"".~_ ":':"/ '~:..:4~~.~-~.'_ .,,~~.Jw__,.;,.i., ':i.. - - - - - " "'",,' ~(rI:_,....tf'T-,i -1:',. ~'I_'" ...".. Exhibit 2 CAT Bus Stop in Background Exhihit 3 Advance Pedestrian Crossing Signs - Westbound Approach Agenda Item No. 16A9 June 22. 2010------ Page 11 of24 F;xhibil 4 Radio Road, Easthound Approach The existing crosswalk has advance pcodcstrian warning signs (\\i11-2) installcd prior to the crossing. In addition, post-mllunled warning signs (WII-2) with supplemental downward pointing arrow plaques ha\'c been placed at the Joca.lion of the': crossing pint \-vhere pt'dcstricms cross the roao\.\'ay. Crosswalk pavement markings with white longitudinal lines parallel to tranic flow have been provided for the cross\valk. 3. ALTERNATIVE TRIALS Florida StaTlltc ~ 316.130(6) (b) requires that vebicles come to it stop and remain Slopped to allow a pedestrian to cross a roadway wben a pedestrian is in tbe crosswalk and slgnagc is provided. I r signage is not rrovidcd. motorists are requircd to yield thc right- of~way. but arc not required to stop if it is not needed. The 2009 MUTeD contains provisions to enhance pedestrian crossing safety by utilizing "Stop Here for Pedestrians" signs IRI-Sc) within Section 2B.11. Ihe purpo:,e olthe signs delined by the MUTCD jo to enhance the safety of the pedestrians hy glying the motorist increased notification that pedestrians may be using till: crossvvalk. In March 20 I O. SlOp [icre for Pedestrian signs and pavement markings were install to $uppk'ment the existing Pl:ucstrian Crossing signs (\\.,' 11-2) in accordance with Section 2n. t2_ Section 2C.SO and Section 3B.18 01 the MUTeD. During a two weck period, motorists \verc not complying w-ith the Slate law anti it was reported by m311j' that the signs and lhcir respective meaning \\-as confusing. A number of rear end collisions occurred during this time. On April 13, 2010 the Stop Here for Pedestrians signs were removed. The Pedestrian Crossing signs were left in place. (1 Agenda Item No. 16A9 Ju"" :2::2:, :2:010 Page 12 of 24 Exhihit 5 Drivcrs Wcre Confused fly R] -5e Signs 4. TRAFFIC 1 PE/)ESTHIAN COL1\'TS Pedestrian volume counts \Vert' lah.t:Tl (j!1 April :,:t), 20] O. lhc pedl.'strial1 volumes \-vere abstracted and arc shown in the Figure :2 j(lr the highest 4-hour time period. TIME (Datc 04128/1 0) 15:45 - 16:00 16:00 - 16:15 16: 15 - 16:30 16:30 -- 16:45 16:45 - 17:00 "--_.."--"----- -----.. 17:00- 17:i5 17:!5 - 17:30 17:30 -17:45 Pedestrian Count 9 8 15 17 20 lfl 19 13 TIME matc 4129/1 0) , If :45 - 12:00 - - -...---------- 12:00 - 12: 15 12:!5 - 12:30 12:30 -12:45 12:45 - 13:00 P:OO - U: 15 U: [5- 13:30 13:30 - 13:45 13:45 - ]4:00 Fi~un' 2 Pedestrian Count SumnuuJ' Pcdestrian Count 28 28 18 14 20 8 7 iO iO Agenda Item No. 16A9 June 22, 2010- Page 13 of 24 Mechanical traffic counts were collected on Radio Road for each direction of travel for a 24-hollf period on Wednesday. February 10,2010. Detailed reslills orth" mechanical trallie counts are presented in Figure 3. Radio Road (CR 856) east of Livingston Road (CR 881) Station 688 2010 -I 1st Quarter Annual HOUR Daily ENDING E/B W/B TOTAL Average 0100 35 20 55 0200 22 11 33 0300 32 30 62 0400 42 44 H6 o [)()O 95 llO 205 0500 384 i ~8.s 772 i muo 776 l(Vl 1.480 0800 877 771 1,6'18 0901.1 -'-H: r: J ~ L,,2b6 '...1..1 ,),_.... 1000 7..' S73 1,335 D.', 1100 8/1 IJL:" LAH4 1200 894 ~;5S 1,4!~12 i 1300 810 :>4'::; L4i9 1400 ~)6t; ").:15 1,;)'.1 1 1500 1,113 ::),:i8 1,G51 16()O I.LJ9 ~-, 76 l,/lS 1 JOO 1.100 .:158 i.Sr;h 1800 7iO ~',71 t.1O] 1900 5D8 2119 7\; 7 200(1 4.' -; 181:, 603 " , 2100 301 106 407 2200 198 103 301 2300 g4 46 13(1 2400 66 2H SL1- TOTAL 1.3,017 S,W8 21,125 Dt,TE 2/1 0 Figun: J Traffk V..IIIRlC AnT Sllmmll~. s Agenda Item No. 16A9 June 22, 2010 Page 14 of 24 5. ACCESS MANGEMENT Access Management is intended to protect public satety and general wclfare, and to preserve the functional integrity and capacitv or the arterial roadway. Radio Road has been designated as an Access Class 5 roachvay in the County's Access Management System. The Access Management System was approved through Resolution 0] -247. Co!lector and arterial road\vay facilities have been assigned an a.ccess classification and access standard in order 10 provide the basis for management of the roadways so that the sakty', cap8city and operating conditions of the rowjvv'ays will not be adversely impacted. -"'.n Access Class 5 roadway requires median restrictions and provides the minimum signal spacIng to be 0.5 mi]c~. The nearest slgnaiizcd intcrsection on Radio Road to the west, approximately 0.6 miles at the intersection with 1 ,ivingston Road: to the east the nearest sipmli/eu intersection is approx1matcly I, I mi!c~ at Devonshire Boulcvardi(\nlntry;,;ide Drive. The l5 I()()t wide median or Radio Road is landscaped and channc,:i/cd to I'('strict left turn 1ll0Venlcnts ill compiiancc with the ('tWill) Access Manag('ment Policy. Linder the A(;ccss iv1anagemcnt Polic~ ~~ si,~naii7.cd pC'destrian crosswalk \vould be "1I<",,,e1. 6. CRA.SH ANALSIS The crash histoI)' of the intt'fsc:c1ion for the past ti\'e :"(~ars bas bet'o 1\'''\ ic\vc(L The record ",hows that there were 16 crashes bet\.\'cen 1005 and 2009. According, to the j\/f{}TCU. an intersection must have':3 (If more crashes in 2 l~~month period that are stlsceptibk (() correction by traffic comrol signal to justll)- the installation of a traffic signal. 'rne cr::::sht's during thi:-; )-year period included ()jdy s('\.cn IT) crashl:s thal may be susceptible to correction hy a traffic comro! :-;1!!.naJ with three in ?L 1 :-l11onth period. /\s a L~'suIL the c;-ash hislUry dues llO! nH.'ct the \\arrant requirement. C:rash diagrams 3re attached to this report in /\ppcndix A. 7. TRAFFIC SIGI\AL ,"ARRANT AN\!oiSIS A signal VI'srrant analysis \\'<.1:" pcrfonllcd for the redesrr!un crosswalk on Radio Road. The analysis \Va" conducted follov,nog lhe signa! \A;1!Tanls outlined in th(~ tv1liTCL), 200Q r~dition. Three signal \varrants were c\:aluatt."d. i'he warranh t"\'aluated \',:ere: \Varrant 4. Pedestrian Volume: \\"arrant 7. C['~~sh !-fistOf.'': ilnd Pedestrian Hybrid Beacons under Chapter 41.. \\-'urrant 4+ Condition A: For CJch or an) 4 hours of an average day:, the plotted points representing the: vehicks per h(wr on the major Slr:.:i.::t and the corresponding pedestrians rer hour crossing the nu~,or street all i"ail aDove the curve tl1 Figure 4C-6: The existing speed limit is 45 r-..'lPH on RaJio Roau. 'The \'H ~.TCD provides a 7W% tactor fiJr required pedestrians when 85lh-percentaik on the majnr ~,trcc[ exceeds 35 mph. Agenda Item No 16.A.9 June 22, 2010 Page 15 of24 During the first quarter of 20 I O. the traffic volume for both directions on Radio Road was 2L125 vehicles per day. The traffic volume data including pedestrian tramc were evaluated for the highest 4 hour time period. The traffic volume of the major-street (Radio Road) averaged t ,397 vehicles per hour for both directions i(l[ a four hour period when the peak 4-hour pedestrian traffic averaged ill pedestrians per hour. The graph in Figure 4C-6 of the MlrI CD requires that the pedestrians crossing the major stred to be at least 75 pedestrians per hour when the vehicular volumes arc greater than 800 vehicles per hour. Signal Warrant 4 was NOT mel for Condition A. Figure: 4C-5. Warrant 4, Pedestrian Four-Hour Volume (70~/O Factor) ::):: L,_ ~)=DESTRV4h::: ;::~'>'::S;H-~' ~;..j~:,~ 3' ~E~ ,:J ::C;::~~','~-i:1L.':tr'!:' j:-~ '+_-),.J~- "i"r;'~j i,f;:,J >'H<T( ,,; A 1,r:"VJ ;-. ,-i':; ;:1[;;::>- Figure 4 MUTCH Figure 4C-6 Warrant 4, Condition B: For I hour (any consecutive IS-minute periods) of an average day, the plotted point representing the vehicles per hour on the major streel (total of both approaches) and the corresponding pedestrians per hour crossing the major street should fal] above the curve in Figure 4C.8. .Che tramc volume of the major-street (Radio Road) exceeded].4 t 9 vehicles per hour for the CO!Tcsponding highest hourly pedestrian volume of 88 pedestrians per hour During the first quarter 01'2010, the traflie volume for both directions on Radio Road was 2 t, 125 vehicles per day. The peak I hour pedestrian volume is 8,8. pedestrians per hour with the corresponding 1. hour vehicular volume of 1..419 vehicles per hour when the peak hourly pedestrian trame 10 Agenda Item No. 16A9 JUllv 22, 2010 Page 16 of 24 was 88 pedestrians per hour. The graph in Figure 4C-8 of the MUTeD requires that the pedestrians crossing the major strecl to he at least 9 J pedestrians per hour when the vehicular volumes are greater than J 100 vchicles pcr hour. Signal Warrant 4 was :"lOT met for Condition B. ::!;.f'..1c'0 4t. V\.;;ir~;}n! 4, Pe.destrian PP,H, 40ur {fO';'", "L'i '~ . ~ .~ .,--,~......., - --------- 4(", c.,. or ALL i'ED~STRIANS CH(JSSJf\JC kIAJ()R ST~EET- PC O!:SlPI i\N~ PER H.:X.JP ;r-PH' :Tf! i I L Figure :; MllTCD Fi~urc 4('-8 \V'arrant 71 Crash EXfJ(>ri('IH.'C: j'hi.:~' \i...'arralH i:, lnt~m.hxl for application \\'her~ the severity and Irequency of crashes an: tt1\..' principal rcason::: to consider installing a traffic control signal. To flIed \\'arram 7 il must bc" hlund that all oC the fbJlo\ving criteria are met: L\. Adequate trial of altemati\.'es i.vith satisfactory observance and enfOrCl.:'nlent has tailed to reduce Hk' crash Crequency. and B. Five or more reponed crash::~;. of types susceptible to correctiun by a traftic control signa), h<J\l' (lce-LIlTed within a 12-mornh rk~riod, and C. The \.--olurnc ()fr{~&:strian traffic i:.;. )"1(1: kss than SO percent of the n..:quircrne:Hs sre~ined [n the Pedestrian Yolu!11e: \\J,r;Hlt. During the past 4-ycar time periud 20()6.2009. tv,'che (12) crash..::::; occurr~d '-it or nt:arthc crosswalk location. The CI"(jshcs included:; rear ends. 1 fixed object, 2 side sv,..ipes. 3 angle crashes, and 2 pedestrian cra:;hes. Only ~~l'ven (7) or the foregoing crashes for the 4-year period may have been correctable !( 0. pedestrian traffic signa! would have been in place. The crash history of the intersection does N(}J meet the crash requirements set forth by the 11 Agenda Item No. 161'.9 June 22, 2010 Page 17 of 24 MUTCD. Si~nal Warrant 7 requirement was NOT met. Pedestrian Hybrid Beacons, Section 4F.OI: Pedestrian hybrid beacon should be considered if it is found that the traffic volume and pedestrian volumes exceed the limits as indicalcd in Figure 4F-2 of the MUTCD and the location docs not mect traffic signal warrants under Scction 4C.05 (Trank Signal Warrants). Figure 4F-2. Guidelines for the Installation of Pedestrian Hybrid Beacons on High-Speed Roadways SP'-":{,"i ~r <',,::rt:' L1"r; ',F)'.,SW,;..', .HI{];" M T()fi\l OF ALL AlO PEDESTRIANS CROSSING THE MAJOR STREET - PEDESTRIANS PER HOUR (PPHl 20\") '>..,"','0 ., < I' ~~ L Figure (, 'vWTCD Fi~ure 41'-2 Guidelincs for the installation of Pedestrian Ilybrid Beacons on high-speed roadways (Section 4F.0 I) stipulatc that at least 20 pedestrians per hour cross the major strccl while the total of both approaches should be at least 1.250 vehicles per hour. At the Radio Road crosswalk. the peak hour tranic is 88 pedestrians per hour and the ]()Dr-holtr average or pedestrians is 61 pedestrians per hour. Si~llal Warrant for Pedestrian Hybrid Beacons is MET. 8. RECOMMK'IDA nONS ANn CONCkUSIONS In order to be signalized. an intersection should meet at least one of the warrants listed in the MUTeD and alsc> meet the minimum spacing warrant identitied in the Policy for Aeecss Management. At this location however. Radio Road traffic volumes arc 21.] 25 ADT, approximately double the volume shown on the Ml 'TCD graphs and the posted speed limit is 45 mph in this seclion of Radio Road offering limited gaps for pedestrians to sakly cross. Agenda Item No. 16A9 Ju"" 22, 2010 Page 18 of 24 The pedestrian crossing failed to meet the MUTeD Pedestrian Signal Warrant 4 by only 5 pedestrians (5%) of the required nwnber of pedestrians during the peak I hour period. The crosswalk overwhelmingly meets the signal warrant for a pedestrian hybrid traffic signal. However, a pedestrian hybrid traffic signa! was only recently approved under the 2009 MUTeD guidelines and such a signal has not yet been installed in Collier County. There is concern that since the hybrid tramc signal is new. drivers may be confused and will not know what is required of them. Radio Road is functionally classified as a Class 5 Urban Collector under thc Collier County Access Management Policy and a traffic signal at the crosswalk location meets the requirements for a traffic signal as set tanh by the Policy. It is recommended however that a regular traffic signal be installed at the referenced crosswalk on Radio Road. It is further recommended that the median in Radio Road be utilized as a pedestrian refuge and that each crossing ofthc directional lanes on Radio [eastbound and westbound be prm.ided with separated pedestrian call huttons. All f.~lcjljtie~. including detectable warning strips should be brought into compliance with currenl .'\DA n:quiremems. in addition. it is recommended that roadway lighting he provided on the south side of' the roadw3:' at the crosswalk location and at the C.>\I bus stop location Agenda Item No 16A9 June 22, 2010 Page 19 of 24 i\ppcmJi, i\ ('rash I)iag,rams 1.1 N' l.{)! C"l' C"l1 C"ll 0, wi 0:1 ~!I 0' > ...J. 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