Agenda 06/22/2010 Item # 9B
Agenda Item No. 98
June 22, 2010
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JUNE 15, 2010
Public Opinion Strategies is pleased to present tbese key findings from a statistically valid
telephone survey of300 voters throughout Collier County on June 7-9, 2010. The margin of
error associated with a sample of this type is + 5.66%. Intervicws were distributed proportionally
throughout the county and arc demographically representative of the electorate.
Overall, the survey found that a majority of Collier County residents express a willingness to
increase taxes in order to fund the purchase of 22 acres of land to allow for the expansion of the
Naples Zoo. Fifty-five percent (55%) say that ifthe election were being held today they would
support such a $30 million bond proposal, while 41% would be opposed. Voters point to
personal and community connections to the Zoo as thc main rationale in support of this proposal,
while opposition is mostly focused on whether or not this is an appropriate time for such an
invcstment given the state ofthe economy. After simulating some of thc give and take which
could occur on this issue, votcrs become even more supportive with 64% indicating they would
vote Yes in favor of the zoo expansion bond proposaL
Among the specific key J1ndings of the survey are:
. Voters are very positive about how things are going in Collier County. Nearly two-thirds
(64%) say that things in Collier County are headed in the right direction, while only 21 %
say they are off on the wrong track. This positive assessment is sharcd across the county
and with most key sub-groups,
. A majority of 55% indicate support for a bond proposal to acquire land foe the Naples
Zoo to expand. Respondents were read the following proposal and asked whether they
would vote Yes in favor or No against it:
"Shall Collier County be authori=ed to acquire approximately 22 acres olland adjacent
to the Naples Zoo for new natural. humane habilatsfor animals and 10 expand exhibit
areas, by issuing bonds up to thirty million dol/aI'S payable Ii-om ad valorem taxes not
exceeding .1 (zero point one) mil/for a per;od of5 years, and bearing interest at a rate
not exceeding the maximum law/it! rate, Wilh annual public audits (!( how thefunds are
Again, 55% indicate support while 41 % voice opposition. The intensity of these
sentiments is evenly divided between those "deJ1nitely" voting Yes (24%) and those
"definitely" voting No (22%).
Agenda Item No. 9B
June 22. 2010
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. When asked about their reasons for the response, residents who indicate support for the
proposal explain that they see this measure as a way to...
o Improve a community attraction for a better experience, a good place for
families, and as a tourist attraction that creates revenue;
o Allow for larger habitats for the zoo animals;
o Preserve this land from housing and commercial development; and
o Benefit them personally or other residents who visit the zoo
. Conversely, respondents who initially say "No" tell us a number of reasons with the main
ones being that. . .
o They do not want a new tax or think it is a good time to increase taxes;
o There are other things to spend taxes on;
o The zoo is fine as it is; and
o The zoo should finance an expansion not county government.
. Notably, county residents are overwhelmingly positive in their view of the Naples Zoo.
More than four-in-five say they have a favorable impression of the Zoo, with 58% very
favorable. A mere 7% say they hold an unfavorable impression of the Zoo. Among the
44% who have visited the Zoo in the last year, they are even more positive (89%
favorable, 6% unfavorable).
. Support for the bond proposal to expand the Naples Zoo remains solid once voters hear
how this tax increase would affect them. When respondents are informed that this would
increase taxes by $11 .25 per year for each one hundrcd thousand dollars in assessed
home value for five years, 55% indicate they would vote Yes in favor of the proposal,
while 41 % oppose it.
. Moreover. after hearing a number of rationales both for and against this proposal. support
increases significantlv. Fnlly 64% indicate support after hearing a number of pro- and
eon- statements and then being asked to consider the proposal once more, Just 35%
oppose the proposal after hearing more. Importantly. the intensity of support is much
stronger by the end of the survey, as 38% say they would "definitely" vote Yes while
24% say they would "detinitely" vote No.
In Conclusion
Collier County residents express a willingness to increase taxes in order to acquire land to allow
for an expansion of the Naples Zoo. That support remains solid after hearing the personal
financial impact it wonld have on property owners, and increases sib'11ificantly after hearing a
number ofrationales for and against the proposal.
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Agenda Item No, 96
June 22,2010
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Item Number:
Item Summary:
Update from the Trusl for Public Land regarding the results of their poll to determine the level
of support for a ballot measure in November for expansion of the Naples Zoo, (Commissioner
6/22/20109:00:00 AM
Meeting Date:
Approved By
Michael Sheffield
Assistant to the County Manager
County Managers Office
6/14/20103:49 PM
Agenda Item No, 98
June 22, 2010
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Board of Collier County Commissioners
Donna Fiala
District 1
Frank Halas
District 2
Tom Henning
District 3
Fred W. Coyle
District 4
Jim Coletta
District 5
May 27, 2010
Mr. Will Abberger
Conservation Finance
The Trust for Public land
306 North Monroe
Tallahassee, Florida 32301
Dear Mr. Abberger:
At our May 25, 2010 meeting, the Collier County Board of County Commissioners (BCC) gave its consent
to a request by the Trust for Public Land (TPL) to conduct informal polling of our local residents to
determine their level of interest regarding the Naples Zoo's proposal to expand by acquiring additional
land north of the current zoo property.
The Board's approval does not in any way signify that Collier County government is committed to
providing funds to assist TPL in acquiring additional land for the zoo. Nor does it suggest any
commitment by the BCC to place this question on an election ballot in the future, should that request be
Although TPL did not need "permission" from the BCC to conduct this polling, the Board certainiy
appreciates your willingness to keep us informed of your activities on behalf of the zoo.
I wish you well as you conduct your public outreach efforts and will look forward to hearing the opinions
of our residents on this question.
Fred W. Coyle
Board of County Commissioners
W. Harmon Tumer Building' 3301 East Tamiaml Traii ' Naples, Florida 34112. 239-252-8097' FAX 239-252-3602